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Towards a functional classification of the
freshwater phytoplankton



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This paper considers the structure of freshwater phytoplankton assemblages and promotes a scheme
of ‘vegetation recognition’, based upon the functional associations of species represented in the plank-
ton. These groups are often polyphyletic, recognizing commonly shared adaptive features, rather than
common phylogeny, to be the key ecological driver. Thirty-one such associations are outlined and the
basic pattern of their distinctive ecologies is outlined. An invitation to other plankton scientists to
assist in the development of this scheme is issued.

I N T RO D U C T I O N distinguish the differences in energy flow through the

community structures of old meadow or arable cropland,
No less than other scientific disciplines, biology is founded various types of forest or coral reefs, ecologists will soon
on a vast amount of verified but miscellaneous infor- resort to additional schemes of classification (Lavorel et al.,
mation that, necessarily, must be classified and ordered. 1997). These will be concerned with the functional roles
Linnaeus may not have been the first to name and group and structural adaptations of the main species, whether
organisms together but the essence of his binomial system they are producers or consumers, whether they are
of species names, strictly within higher hierarchical invasive or tolerant of site maturation, whether they share
groupings based upon morphological affinities, has sur- tolerances to acidity or waterlogging or other environ-
vived intact through over two centuries of continuous mental constraints, and so on. Terrestrial ecologists recog-
expansion and refinement. The new age of molecular nize types of system and predominant pathways of energy
biology and genetic verification has not made Linnaean flow based wholly on their ability to distinguish (say) sandy
taxonomy redundant but, rather, has greatly enriched it, heath from ombrogenous bog, or Carex paniculata swamp
at once furnishing an independent test of suspected evol- from Salix carr or from Quercus woodland, simply on the
utionary affinities and a means of verifying the mechan- grounds of which kinds of species are present. Com-
isms of gene expression. Modern molecular techniques munities are better, more reliable indicators of habitat
consolidate the strength of a sound phylogenetic base to conditions than are the presence or absence of com-
taxonomy and, more often than not, lend weight to many ponent species. The work of the great phytosociologists
past judgements about the interrelationships of individual [(Tansley, 1935; Tüxen, 1955; Braun-Blanquet, 1964); see
species. also (Shimwell, 1971)] has bequeathed a system of diag-
Ecology is a predominantly biological discipline con- nosing and naming the very distinct associations of plant
cerned with the distributions of organisms and their inter- species that constitute vegetation. In essence, the associ-
relationships with each other and their environments. ations are the basic functional units. Each is named after
Ecologists also recognize that unless they can name one or two species that are characteristically represented
species or, at least, have a close idea of their affinities, the in that particular community-type, using a distinctive
point of their work is very largely lost. At the same time, binomial construction based on the name of one of them:
however, whether they are trying to work out how a system Lemnetum minoris is the association of free-floating mats of
is organized and its functions are allocated, or to duckweed, typically including Lemna minor (Haslam et al.,

© Oxford University Press 2002

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1975). The system works because the overlapping require- representation in conditions they had found favourable,
ments of individual species can often be satisfied simul- others will have been in decline because the same con-
taneously in particular locations, so long as the ditions were not altogether suitable for them. Our scheme
adaptations of each allow them to tolerate the conditions seeks to distinguish these behaviours, at least among the
obtaining. Most interestingly, such tolerances may require relatively more numerous species.
behavioural or physiological adaptations that are not ‘Associations’ is the word used by terrestrial plant ecol-
necessarily constrained by phylogenetic affinity: plant ogists. It has the merit of conveying the notion of a group
associations can be polyphyletic. of species responding similarly to a single set of environ-
When it comes to describing the structure of pelagic mental conditions, even when the positions in a fluid
communities however, most aquatic ecologists might be environment are more difficult to deal with. Yet this too
content to know that phytoplankton was present suffers a drawback in failing to acknowledge the fact that
(perhaps judged by its content of extractable chloro- some species may show analogous adaptations to similar
phyll). In contrast, specialists may well delight in being conditions but have yet to be found simultaneously ‘in
able to provide a full list of species, perhaps separated association’ at the same localities—thus, Cylindrospermopsis
according to criteria distinguishable only with an elec- and Anabaena minutissima show similar antennal properties
tron microscope or verifiable using polymerase chain and nitrogen-fixation capacities that suit them to turbid,

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reaction. At a more general level, the distinction of a nitrogen-deficient water columns but, to our knowledge,
diatom- or flagellate- or even a Cyanoprokaryote- they have never been found in mutual association in the
dominated phytoplankton may convey a suitable same location.
summary of what is there. Yet the question as to why one The collective term closest to encompassing our pro-
phylogenetic category of organisms does better than posal to bracket together species with similar morpho-
another under sketchily defined environmental con- logical and physiological traits and with similar ecologies
ditions remains largely unanswered, while the ability to is perhaps, ‘narrowly defined functional groups’. Accept-
explain, much less predict, which species dominate con- ing that the expression ‘functional group’ does not have a
tinues to puzzle (Huisman and Weissing, 2001). unique or universal interpretation either, we emphasize
In this paper, we seek to consolidate a view that plank- that the terminology seeks to differentiate among phyto-
ton ecology will benefit from the adoption of an alterna- plankton on the basis of specialist adaptations and
tive scheme of ‘vegetation recognition’, based upon the requirements (such as having a high affinity for phospho-
representation of functional associations of species. These rus or carbon dioxide at low external concentrations, or of
may be selected or excluded on the basis of major requiring skeletal silicon, or of being a good light
adaptive features but which are not specific to one or a few antenna). The separation then permits two useful deduc-
phylogenetic groups. Similarly, selection or exclusion of tions to be made. One is that a functionally well-adapted
these very features by the conditions obtaining in given alga will be likely to tolerate the constraining conditions of
systems will not predict species dominance but they may factor deficiency more successfully than individuals of a
well narrow down the probabilities to a particular func- less well-adapted species. The other is that a habitat
tional group well-represented in a given habitat or some shown typically to be constrained by light, or C or N or
given variation in the conditions. whatever, is more likely to be populated by species with the
Before elaborating the notion that microscopic algae appropriate adaptations to be able to function there (but
might form sociological groupings much as do terrestrial NOT that they WILL be there). Thus, our application of
plants, it is necessary to say a word about our choice of the term ‘functional group’ is sensitive to the sets of appro-
group terms, none of which has universal understanding priate adaptive specialisms and the clusters of species that
or acceptance. ‘Communities’ is rejected for, however for- have them. Until such time as it is possible to forecast the
tuitous is their composition, the species present interact presence of individual species in given locations, this
and some may perhaps benefit each other in some way. scheme seems to us to offer the clearest way into under-
We should also recognize the community role of het- standing and predicting the distributions and dynamics of
erotrophs and phagotrophs, but this is not a feature of the natural populations of phytoplankton.
scheme we describe here. ‘Assemblages’ is better in recog- Adopting this concept of ‘associations’ and of ‘func-
nizing the fortuity of species presence. However, material tional groups’, we set out here to demonstrate from our
collected in a single sample of plankton may well com- individual experiences the measure of consensus we have
prise several dozens of taxa, few of them numerous, some attained about the general applicability of the model. We
being there only because they have been introduced by seek to encourage others to use it and, because the method
advection or entrainment (for example) from the benthos is in its infancy, we invite them to share in the means of its
or littoral. Some species will have been increasing in development.

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T H E VA L I D I T Y O F T H E statistical variation. Analogous findings have been

reported by Fabbro and Duivenvoorden (Fabbro and
F U N C T I O N A L G RO U P I N G Duivenvoorden, 2000), although they used a different
The idea of developing ecological categories of phyto- sorting method.
plankton and the desire to be able to use them to describe The second enhancement comes from the finding that
variations in composition among the natural lakes has a algae forming a single functional group also have similar
long history (Hutchinson, 1967). The inspiration for morphologies, as quantified by the dimensions of the algal
Reynolds’ first attempt (Reynolds, 1980) to devise a system ‘units’ (cells or colonies, as appropriate, together with any
of classification of planktonic algae to be sensitive to peripheral mucilage): surface area (s), volume (v) and
environmental change (essentially to eutrophication but maximum linear dimension (m) are powerful predictors of
also to shorter seasonal fluctuations in stratification and in optimum dynamic performance (Reynolds and Irish,
the accessibility of adequate nutrient supplies) came from 1997). Typical representatives of each main association
the sorting methods of Tüxen and Braun-Blanquet strike mutually similar co-ordinates on a plot of ms/v
(Tüxen, 1955; Braun-Blanquet, 1964): the relevé, the against sv. The plot pulls apart rounded and stout cylin-
small arbitrary unit of vegetation in which plant presence drical units of differing sizes but separates those larger
is scored for abundance, was substituted by a list of the units that preserve a high s/v by being attenuated in one

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species counted (in excess of a cut-off point) in a particu- plane (sometimes two, but not three). Separation of the
lar sample from a particular lake on a particular date. algae on the basis of their morphologies coincides sub-
Species frequently found to co-exist and to increase or stantially with the distributions of the same species among
decrease in number simultaneously were delimited and different types of habitat distinguished on the basis of
given association identities. Although these were claimed accessibility to light and all nutrient resources (Reynolds,
to be analogous to plant associations, to accord them 1984, 1997).
formal phytosociological names seemed premature and The converse of this is that it is now easier to fit hitherto
the alphanumeric devices have been retained provision- functionally unclassified species into existing functional
ally. categories, at least on a provisional basis. What to do
Fourteen groups of phytoplankton were identified in about those that do not readily fit the classification is to
Reynolds’s original study (Reynolds, 1980). Some have become one of the recommendations of our essay.
been subdivided since, although the biggest change has
been to re-label them (Reynolds, 1984). Such validity as
the sorting method carries continues to underpin these THE RECOGNITION AND
associations. Today, the list of associations (Table I) has N O M E N C L AT U R E O F T H E
more than doubled, with most of the later groups having
been added, as it were, ‘by eye’. Whilst still retaining the
ideal that the subdivisions reflect the simultaneity of The latest list of trait-differentiated functional groups
responses of individual species to environmental variabil- (Table I) has 31 entries. Alphanumeric terms are retained
ity, it has to be emphasized that the new groupings have but some groups that have stood robustly for the last 20
been accommodated on intuitive grounds, without the years are named provisionally for the first time. In this
benefit of even the sociological separation. This does not section, their distinguishing properties and ecologies are
make them wrong but an invalid principle gives no briefly reviewed. At the beginning, the alphanumeric coda
grounding for robust advocacy of the functional grouping. were allocated in blocks to reflect seasonal shifts (A–D for
However, two developments enhance the validity of the vernal blooms, E–H for associations at the start of
functional grouping. In the analysis of the phytoplankton summer stratification, and so on) and within each block,
in a small urban lake in Montevideo, Kruk et al. (Kruk et the trophic ‘preferences’ were also distinguished (so B →
al., 2002), applied canonical variate analysis (ter’Braak E → L → N might represent the seasonal progression in
and Smilauer, 1998) to discriminate phases of differing a mesotrophic temperate lake and C → G → M → P
species composition with several classification approaches. would summarize a more eutrophic system). As the system
They found that the eigenvalue for the first CCA axis for has become adapted to accommodate other types of
the associations was over 0.7: 78% of the cumulative vari- water and especially waters at other, non-temperate, lati-
ance was explained by the scheme as it had evolved by tudes, so the intrinsic significance has been lost. In the text
1997, despite having been designed primarily for Euro- below and in the Tables, we have found it unhelpful to run
pean lakes. This was a statistically better performance through the coda in alphabetical order, preferring instead
than any of the other schemes considered. The func- to develop the distinctions among near-related functional
tional-group classification seems to capture much of the groups.

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Table I: Trait-separated functional groups of phytoplankton (updated from Reynolds, 1997)

Codon Habitat Typical representatives Tolerances Sensitivities

A Clear, often well-mixed, Urosolenia, Nutrient pH rise

base poor, lakes Cyclotella comensis deficiency
B Vertically mixed, mesotrophic Aulacoseira subarctica Light pH rise,
small-medium lakes Aulacoseira islandica deficiency Si depletion
C Mixed, eutrophic small- Asterionella formosa Light, C Si exhaustion
medium lakes Aulacoseira ambigua deficiencies stratification
Stephanodiscus rotula
D Shallow, enriched turbid Synedra acus Flushing nutrient
waters, including rivers Nitzschia spp depletion
Stephanodiscus hantzschii
N mesotrophic epilimnia Tabellaria Nutrient stratification

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Cosmarium deficiency pH rise
P eutrophic epilimnia Fragilaria crotonensis Mild light and stratification
Aulacoseira granulata C deficiency Si depletion
Closterium aciculare
Staurastrum pingue
T deep, well-mixed epilimnia Geminella Light deficiency Nutrient
Mougeotia deficiency
S1 turbid mixed layers Planktothrix agardhii highly light flushing
Limnothrix redekei deficient
Pseudanabaena conditions
S2 shallow, turbid mixed layers Spirulina light flushing
Arthrospira deficient
Raphidiopsis conditions
SN warm mixed layers Cylindrospermopsis light-,nitrogen- flushing
Anabaena minutissima deficient
Z clear, mixed layers Synechococcus low nutrient light deficiency
prokaryote picoplankton grazing
X3 shallow, clear, mixed Koliella low base mixing,
layers Chrysococcus status grazing
eukaryote picoplankton
X2 shallow, clear mixed layers Plagioselmis stratification mixing,
in meso-eutrophic lakes Chrysochromulina filter feeding
X1 shallow mixed layers in Chlorella, Ankyra stratification nutrient deficiency
enriched conditions Monoraphidium filter feeding
Y usually, small, enriched Cryptomonas low light phagotrophs!
E usually small, oligotrophic, Dinobryon low nutrients CO2 deficiency
base poor lakes or Mallomonas (resort to
heterotrophic ponds (Synura) mixotrophy)
F Clear epilimnia colonial Chlorophytes low nutrients ?CO2 deficiency
e.g. Botryococcus high turbidity
Oocystis lacustris

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Table I: continued

Codon Habitat Typical representatives Tolerances Sensitivities

G Short, nutrient- Eudorina high light nutrient deficiency

rich water columns Volvox
J shallow, enriched lakes Pediastrum, Coelastrum settling into low
ponds and rivers Scenedesmus light
K short, nutrient-rich Aphanothece deep mixing
columns Aphanocapsa
H1 dinitrogen-fixing Anabaena flos-aquae low nitrogen mixing, poor light,
Nostocaleans Aphanizomenon low carbon, low phosphorus
H2 dinitrogen-fixing Anabaena lemmermanni low nitrogen mixing, poor light,
Nostocaleans of Gloeotrichia echinulata
larger mesotrophic lakes

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U summer epilimnia Uroglena low nutrients CO2 deficiency
LO summer epilimnia in Peridinium segregated prolonged or deep
mesotrophic lakes Woronichinia nutrients mixing
LM summer epilimnia in Ceratium very low C, mixing, poor
eutrophic lakes Microcystis stratification light
M dielly mixed layers of small Microcystis high insolation flushing, low total
eutrophic, low latitude lakes Sphaerocavum light
R metalimnia of mesotrophic P. rubescens low light, strong instability
stratified lakes P. mougeotii segregation
V metalimnia of eutrophic Chromatium, very low light, instability
stratified lakes Chlorobium strong
W1 small organic ponds Euglenoids, Synura high BOD grazing
W2 shallow mesotrophic lakes bottom-dwelling ? ?
Q small humic lakes Gonyostomum high colour ?

As indicated, the groups A to C were devised originally with Merismopedia and Peridinium umbonatum (Group LO,
to apply to the vernally growing diatoms in temperate q.v.) during the filling and high-water stages (Melo and
lakes of differing trophic levels. Group A is characterized Huszar, 2000). Group B diatoms belong to more enriched
by a number of centric diatoms of the genus Cyclotella lakes, merging into Group C without precise boundaries.
(C. glomerata, C. comensis) and, especially, of Urosolenia (for- The large-celled Stephanodiscus (rotula, neoastraea) are indica-
merly Rhizosolenia) that are prominent in the plankton of tive of calcareous, often very phosphorus-rich, systems
many medium-to-large high-latitude lakes that are typi- where they may co-dominate with Asterionella and such
cally clear, dilute in solutes and deficient in phosphorus. species of Aulacoseira as A. ambigua. Asterionella and other
The algae in this group are mostly unicellular (103–104 Aulacoseira spp. (A. subarctica, A. islandica) and Cyclotella (C.
µm3 in volume), apparently have high affinity for nutri- meneghiniana, C. stelligera) co-exist in softer-water lakes.
ents, though not, apparently, for carbon. Its distinctiveness Diatoms of groups B and C form larger units (104–105
may earn the title ‘Urosolenietum’. The A association is also µm3 in volume) but shape contributes to the maintenance
represented in the clear, low-phosphorus Amazonian of high s/v and efficient light-harvesting. Population
flood-plain lake, Lago Batata, where it occurs together development is often subject to the availability of silicon

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and dependence upon turbulence for suspension leaves genera, Spirulina, Arthrospira and Raphidiopsis that inhabit
them relatively sensitive to mixed depth and the seasonal warm, shallow and often very alkaline waters, was pro-
onset of near-surface density stratification. posed by Reynolds (Reynolds, 2000). The solitary habits of
Diatoms of Group D are mostly found in shallow, nutri- Cylindrospermopsis and Anabaena minutissima often in rela-
ent-enriched, well-ventilated waters, liable to be turbid. tively phosphorus-rich lakes and their tolerance of vertical
Small-celled (≤ 103 µm3 in volume) and fast growing, such mixing set them apart from other dinitrogen-fixing
diatoms include planktonic Nitzschia spp., Synedra acus, members of the Nostocales. They had been allocated
Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Cyclotella ocellata and, possibly, earlier to Group SN (Padisák and Reynolds, 1998).
Cyclotella pseudostelligera. At the other extreme of warm-water systems are the
Groups N and P also involve diatoms but both are clear, low-biomass oligotrophic and ultra-oligotrophic
associated either with lower latitudes or with the summer water columns in which relatively the largest biomass
period in temperate lakes. The dependence upon physical resides in the picophytoplankton. Group Z was an ad hoc
mixing is strongly apparent, requiring a continuous or creation to accommodate the organisms and what, at first,
semi-continuous mixed layer of 2–3 m in thickness. Both seemed to be their habitats. The significance of
associations can be represented in shallow lakes where the autotrophic picoplankton [photoautotrophs in the size
mean depth is of this order or greater, as well as in the range 0.2–2 µm: (Sieburth et al., 1979)] to the carbon flow

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epilimnia of stratified lakes when the mixing criterion is in the sea and in large lakes has been recognized for some
satisfied. Species of Group P (which include Aulacoseira time (Fogg, 1986; Stockner, 1988; Pick, 2000). Picophyto-
granulata and Fragilaria crotonensis) are apparently more tol- plankton were originally understood to include single-
erant of carbon dioxide depletion than those of Group N celled synechococcoid and Cyanobacteria and, certainly
(Tabellaria spp.) and tend to be present in the more in lakes, a number of chlorococcal species of Chlorella and
eutrophic waters, subject to their other requirements Choricystis. Prochlorophyte Cyanobacteria also figure in
being satisfied. Both groups are characteristically associ- the oceanic picoplankton (Chisholm et al., 1988). The
ated with a presence of desmids, though these associations emphasis in the designation is the small unit sizes (unicells,
have still to be investigated in detail. Some of the slender- < 10 µm3 in volume), which have a tendency not to sink
celled Closterium spp. and hard-water desmids (Staurastum out rapidly but to be persistent, at least for so long as they
pingue) are P members, whereas the affinities of some remain substantially ungrazed. Colonies comprising small
common planktonic Cosmarium, Staurodesmus, Pleurotaenium cells of Cyanobacteria (such as Aphanocapsa) or of chloro-
and Xanthidium spp. are with N. Desmids may be more or phytes (such as Dictyosphaerium or Coenochloris) belong in
less abundant than diatoms in established assemblages other groups (K and F respectively). Neither is it the case
dominated by Groups N or P. Strong dominance by that picophytoplankton is confined to oligotrophic
desmids has also been noted in some tropical lakes as a systems. The high biomasses of Synechocystis aquatalis,
consequence of atelomixis, where the surface mixed layer Synechococcus and Chlorella minutissima observed by Huszar et
is alternately attenuated and deepened on a diel basis al. in certain coastal lagoons suggested to them a more
(Barbosa and Padisák, 2002). eutrophic assignation (X1) than is implied by the use of Z
In more persistently mixed layers, in which light is for the synechococcoid picoplankton (Huszar et al., 2000).
increasingly the limiting constraint, filamentous algae Provided that the energy-, carbon- and nutrient-require-
show preferential adaptations. Some of these (Binuclearia, ments of these algae can be met, they are not obliged to
Geminella, Mougeotia, Tribonema) were grouped relatively live at low population densities (Vörös et al., 1991). Some
recently (Reynolds, 1997), in spite of their disparate phylo- of the highest recorded densities of synechococcoid
genetic affinities, into Association T. This is one of the picoplankton come from shallow, eutrophic ponds in
groups that merges into another, the S group of photoad- Antarctica where grazing on the autotrophs was also
apting solitary filamentous Cyanoprokaryotes (Cyanobac- apparently restricted (Izaguirre et al., 2001). In addition,
teria). The most familiar of these is Planktothrix agardhii, there is now recognized a functional difference between
which is common among enriched, exposed and generally the deep-water prokaryotes that contain phycoerythrin
shallow lakes at most latitudes, where it can aspire to pigment and those living in surface waters and do not (or
monocultural populations persisting throughout the year, contain rather less; Padisák et al., 1997). Pending further
constituting ‘the third stable state’ to which shallow lakes investigation, this distinction has not been formalized.
may gravitate (Scheffer, 1998). Other potentially dominant It is apparent that the Z association requires further
species from the group include Limnothrix redekei, Pseudan- consideration. Huszar et al. ((Huszar et al., 2000) have gone
abaena limnetica and Planktolyngbya contorta. The original, as far as a proposal to transfer all eukaryotic members
temperate-lake Group (S1) reasonably aspires to a ‘Plank- (such as Chloromonas and Chlorella minutissima) to X, on the
totrichetum’. The subdivision S2, comprising the group of grounds that, functionally, these are simply the smallest

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members of the nanoplankton. For the present, we retain Close to J is another group of (mostly) shallow-water
the Z category to refer to the picocyanobacteria that small-celled colonial Cyanoprokaryotes of the genera
dominate in the photic layers of oligotrophic lakes, either Aphanocapsa, Aphanothece and other non-vacuolate types.
in the upper mixed layers or forming deep chlorophyll We are uncertain of the precise significance of abundant
maxima in the upper hypolimnion, as they do in the populations of these Group-K species, save that they seem
Stechlinsee (Padisák et al., 1997). Elsewhere, Olrik’s (Olrik, to survive high pH particularly well and may thus repre-
1997) discrimination among the smaller nanoplankters sent an association in transition towards LM or M.
(mostly unicells, < 103 µm3 in volume) is sufficient to justify The Group H is another of long standing, having been
the ascription of oligotrophic (X3), meso-eutrophic (X2) created originally for dinitrogen-fixing Cyanobacteria of
and eutrophic-hypertrophic (X1) associations. the bloom-forming Order Nostocales. However, the
The Y association was set aside for larger nanoplanktic group has been subject to recent reviews: the solitary
flagellates (103–104 µm3 in volume), although it has been forms were recognized to be more Oscillatoria-like than the
used more or less synonymously with the larger Crypto- buoyancy-regulating types in their ecology (Padisák and
monad species. Well-adapted to live in a wide-range of Reynolds, 1998; Huszar et al., 2000) and were distin-
habitats, their dynamics are, nevertheless, vulnerable to guished as SN (for nitrogen-fixing S types). Now, we feel
the feeding activities of a wide range of crustacean zoo- moved to separate the classical eutrophic, low nitrogen

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plankton and even of some rotifers and protistans. group (H1), built around Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Anabaena
In the earliest attempt to separate phytoplankton flos-aquae, An. circinalis and An. spiroides, from the group of
associations, the sparse, oligotrophic–mesotrophic early species (H2), such as An. lemmermanni, An. solitaria and
summer plankton, often dominated by chrysophytes and Gloeotrichia echinulata, that are tolerant of mixing conditions
mucilaginous colonial green algae, provided difficulties. in rather larger but typically less eutrophic (hence, clearer)
With more information, however, the groups E and F are lakes (Reynolds and Lund, 1988; Garcia de Emiliani,
known to be represented in the plankton of a wide spec- 1993).
trum of lakes but not for the same reasons. Some of the Among well-stratified lakes, the activities of planktonic
chrysophyte genera are demonstrably capable of strong primary producers leads to further differentiation of the
growth in the well-insolated water, where they can sup- habitat, so that the upper waters, though well-insolated,
plement nutrient uptake from dilute solution by the become severely deficient, either or severally, in phos-
phagotrophic ingestion of bacteria. They are, however, phorus or nitrogen or carbon, whereas beneath them is
obligate consumers of carbon dioxide gas (i.e. they cannot water where nutrients are less depleted, or may even
resort to bicarbonate as many eutrophic algae do). The accumulate through biological transport, but where there
non-motile but near-neutrally-buoyant colonial green is too little light for massive photoautotrophic exploitation
algae of Group F seem to have an elevated light thresh- (Margalef, 1978). In this situation, one of the more advan-
old: they function best in clear water and are otherwise tageous adaptive strategies is to be able to make substan-
tolerant of deep mixing. Thus, algae of both groups E and tial vertical migrations between the two compartments.
F have a strong representation among mesotrophic lakes The essential adaptation is the combination of efficient
but both are sensitive to nutrient enrichment and the motility with large size: this is evident among the algae of
additional demands that high biomass may place on the the next four categories, all of which generate unit sizes
carbon and light fluxes. that approach 105 µm3 or are rather greater. U is for
In contrast, the strongly motile colonies of Volvox, Eudo- Uroglena, possibly the unique member of the group of
rina and their allies are able to regulate their position in large, motile, colony-forming chrysophytes that may be
relation to the light field. They respond to nutrient-rich observed in stratifying oligotrophic and mesotrophic
conditions in stagnating water columns and are, therefore, lakes. LO refers originally to the Peridinium–Woronichinia
most familiar in small eutrophic lakes and during very association of stratified mesotrophic lakes, though some
stable phases in larger river-fed basins and storage reser- usage has tried to accommodate more acidic assemblages
voirs. The distinctive Group G could be proposed as a involving P. inconspicuum and such Cyanoprokaryotes as
‘Volvocetum’. Merismopedia. Ceratium hirundinella and similar species are
Another distinctive group ( J) of mainly non-gelatinous, actually rather eurytrophic and may be associated equally
non-motile Chlorococcales is prominent in shallow, highly with Cyanoprokaryote associations based on Microcystis
enriched systems (including many low-gradient rivers), aeruginosa as easily as with Woronichinia; indeed, all three
represented by Scenedesmus, Pediastrum and Coelastrum. At may co-exist within the confines of LM.
one end, that of barely colonial, mucilage-free chlorococ- While the L assemblages may need careful review and
cals (such as Golenkinia, Treubaria), it merges into X1; at the recasting, the near-relative M seems better characterized,
other, where light becomes critical, it merges into S. referring to the almost monocultures of large colonies of

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such as Microcystis aeruginosa, with many of its overlapping mostly at high latitudes, usually having a low calcium
subspecies and ecotypes, Microcystis wesenbergii and Sphaero- content and a pH on the acid side of neutrality [see
cavum brasiliensis. Each may be well over 106 µm3 in volume especially (Korneva, 2001)].
and its buoyancy control copes not just with segregation
per se but accommodates quite striking diel fluctuations in T H E A P P L I C AT I O N O F
stratification and mixing in low-latitude lakes.
In many of the deep, clear alpine lakes, the metalimnia
are sufficiently stable to become populated by plate-like In this section, we seek to show some of the uses of the
developments of photoautotrophs that remain centred functional-group model. These include the aid to under-
within narrow depth ranges for weeks to months on end, standing why certain species of phytoplankton should be
moving upwards or downwards in response to small more favoured than others in the assembly of communi-
changes in the light field or in the availability of other ties and why planktic species composition should vary in
essential resources. The behaviour is typified by that of the space and time. Conversely, the similarity in plankton
Cyanoprokaryote, Planktothrix (formerly Oscillatoria) assemblages in similar lakes and at similar times becomes
rubescens [(Zimmermann, 1969); see also (Bright and easier to explain, as do the differences in assemblage struc-
Walsby, 2000)] which is recognized in the group R. ture represented in lakes of different types. Such under-

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Besides having a remarkable capacity for sensitive buoy- standing is the basis of making valid predictions or, at
ancy regulation, the species has a powerful facility for least, of extrapolating probabilities, about the structure of
chromatic adaptation during stratification deep in the the phytoplankton. This must be of value to managers
light gradient. However, the alga also tolerates holomictic who now, more than ever, require decision support in
entrainment and may even grow under these circum- determining their policies, priorities and reactions to
stances. In smaller stratifying lakes, other species of Plank- developing situations.
tothrix (P. limosa, P. mougeotii) and Planktolyngbya (P. subtilis) Typical problems for managers are to do with the
showing analogous physiological and behavioural adapta- capacities of the waters in their charge to support phyto-
tions, may dominate. These are also understood to fit in plankton and, once certain conditions are triggered, how
Group R. However, dominance of the stable, optically quickly the capacity may be filled. These are not questions
deep-water layers in the stable gradients of small, density- that the functional classification is designed to meet,
stratified lakes at all latitudes (tropical forest lakes, ice- although appropriate simple models are now available
covered polar lakes, solution hollows) may be equally open (Reynolds, 1992, 2002; Reynolds and Maberly, 2002).
to dominance by chrysophyte (E) or cryptomonad (Y) However, the next question is about the identity of the
flagellates (Reynolds, 1997). Where there is also a pro- dominant algae and whether it is likely to cause nuisance
nounced gradient in redox, the key autotrophs may be because of its latent toxicity, taste/odour implications, or
species of the purple and green sulphur bacteria that the ease of treatment for potable supplies (taken to be the
make up Group V. converse of any propensity to block filters or to penetrate
Small ponds, well supplied by organic matter (either floc blankets). In the case of storage reservoirs, helixors,
from farm stock or vegetal decomposition, including leaf circulating pumps, multiple depth inflows and draw-off
fall), support algal flora which have not been well charac- points might be operated in different ways to deliver a
terized. There may well be present elements of the more favourable raw water for treatment.
D–J–X1 group of shallow enriched systems, possibly also Limnologically and hydraulically, reservoirs differ
Y-type cryptomonads, though one or several of the extensively from lakes but there is no difference in the
following components may also be represented: eugle- principles that eventually influence the composition of the
noids (e.g. Euglena, Phacus, Lepocinclis), small colonial phytoplankton (Reynolds, 1999). In reservoirs, as in lakes,
volvocines (Gonium), some chrysophytes, provided the pH predicting dominant species, peak populations and their
is not too high (Synura spp.), and the smaller dinoflagellates dates is almost impossible. Even with the benefit of hind-
of the genera Peridinium and Glenodinium. Grouping these sight, to recount the forces, their intensities and duration,
in a single association (W, now W1) is provisional and to say nothing of the stochasticity of the contributory
open to further separation. Euglenoids, represented events, that led precisely to the observed condition, is
particularly by Trachelomonas, are also found in the distinc- defied by the chaotic nature of variability.
tive bottom-dwelling community of shallow, aerated lakes Yet, as has often been pointed out, certain aspects of
which appears in open water on occasions. It is tentatively plankton dynamics are broadly predictable. As an
distinguished as W2. Finally, a new codon is introduced example, spring blooms in temperate lakes, in response to
here, Q, to refer to the populations of Gonyostomum that lengthening days more than warming waters, may be pre-
dominate in humic but generally productive forest lakes, dicted with confidence. The dominant species may also be

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predicted on the basis of standing inocula furnished by in a particular functional group because it is in a particu-
past spring blooms, while the alternative dominants will lar kind of lake, or it is in a particular kind of lake because
come from a robustly predictable group of species. These of its functional affinity. A much more pragmatic view is
groups correspond to the functional associations: there is that most species have a cosmopolitan or even ubiquitous
merit in being able to describe in these terms the sequence distribution but they may be more sensitive to certain
of phytoplankton dominance across temporal and spatial properties and environmental circumstances that weaken
sequences of water bodies. One of the most comprehen- their dynamic performances in comparison with those
sive of such comparisons was that of the phytoplankton of that are less sensitive or positively tolerant of the same
deep alpine lakes made by Sommer (Sommer, 1986): he properties or circumstances. The longer the conditions
demonstrated a similarity of year-to-year behaviours in obtain, the poorer is the survival of the first and the rela-
individual lakes, sequential stages (spring bloom, summer tively better is the survival of the second. In this way the
stratification, the summer–autumn phase of mixed-layer standing stock becomes biased towards the survivorship of
deepening) common to all of them, and of different kinds the tolerant species. In less exacting environments, more
of dominant association reflecting trophic status and species will, potentially operate successfully, but as the
limiting nutrient availability. However, the patterns are limiting conditions become more severe and the opera-
reported in terms of a few key dominants and of the tional criteria discount against less tolerant species, the

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phylogenetic groupings of the main species. Setting the survivors become more predictable. This is the principle
same information in terms of the functional associations of community assembly and it underpins the generalized
provides a striking summary of the patterns detected application of the original model concept that we advo-
(Table II). The classification also holds for the large lakes cate. In this way, we are able to assert that we have deter-
south of the Alps (Salmaso, 2000). Huszar and Caraco mined a system that is sensitive across latitudes,
have made similarly convincing deductions on the basis of morphometries and trophic states, by virtue only of the
their study of a series of lakes in the northeastern United algal preferences and sensitivities and not because of
States (Huszar and Caraco, 1998). In the meantime, the where and when the algae are found. Thus, we can antici-
temporal and spatial variabilities in phytoplankton com- pate, for example, that Group S1 is not excluded from
position of several tropical and sub-tropical systems have tropical lakes (correctly so) but the warm-water preference
been readily described in terms of association represen- of Group S2 means that we should not expect it to be rep-
tation (Huszar et al., 2000). resented at high latitude (hypothesis not disproved). Simi-
In order to apply the approach to the prediction of the larly, tolerance of nutrient deficiency or an inability to
consequences of changed management practices—such operate at low concentrations of available carbon does not
as the occurrence of toxic Cyanoprokaryota—it is helpful prevent populations of species from the E, LO, X3 or Z
to carry forward an understanding of the concepts of categories from attaining high concentrations in eutrophic
tolerance and sensitivity shown in Table I and which environments, provided that their light and carbon
underpin the ‘+’ and ‘–’ response signs in Table III. requirements can be met (all are verifiable phenomena).
Without this, it is difficult to determine whether an alga is Hence, there is no longer any paradox about whether

Table II: Sommer’s summary of the seasonality of dominant algae in nine central European lakes re-
rendered in terms of functional-group representation (Sommer, 1986)

Spring Clear Summer Summer Summer Summer–

bloom water P↑ Si↑ P↓ Si↑ P↓ Si↓ Autumn

Köningsee A N/Y A
Attersee N Y B
Walensee N N/Y
V’wldst’see B/Y N N H R
L.Maggiore C/R P L/R H L/R
Ammersee C/R Y R/P/Y P L H R/P
Zürichsee D/Y Y Y/H P/Y R/P
Lac Léman D/Y Y Y/G P L H T/P
Bodensee D/Y Y Y/G P L /H/ E T/P

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Table III: Responses to habitat properties of functional groups of phytoplankton [updated from
(Reynolds, 2000)]

hm I*  [P] [N] [Si] [CO2] f
Codon <3 < 1.5 <8 < 10–7 < 10–6 < 10–5 < 10–5 > 0.4

A – ? + + + + – –
B – + + + – – – –
C – + + – – – ? –
D + + + – – – + –
N – – – + – +/– – ?
P – – – – – +/– + +
T – ? – +/– – + ? +
S1 + + + – – + + +
S2 + + – – – + + +

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SN + + – – + + + +
Z + – + + + + ? –
X3 + – + + – + – –
X2 + – + ? – + ? –
X1 + – + – – + + –
Y + + + – – + ? –
E + + + + – + – –
F + – + + – + – –
G + – + – – + + +
J + ? + – – + ? –
K + ? – – – + + ?
H1, H2 + – – – + + + +
U + – ? + – + – +
LO + – – + – + – +
LM + – – – – + + +
M + – – – – + + +
R + + – – – + ? +
V + + – – – + – –
W1 + + + – – + ? –
W2 + + + – – + ? ?
Q + +? +? ? ? + ? ?

Entries in Table are to denote tolerance (+) or no positive benefit (–) of the environmental condition set.; ‘+/–’ is used to denote that some species in
the association are tolerant; ‘?’ denotes that tolerance is suspected but not proven.
a Variables signified are: depth of surface mixed layer (h , in m from surface); mean daily irradiance levels experienced (I*, in mol photons m–2 day–1);
water temperature (, in °C); the concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus ([P], in mol l–1); the concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen ([N], in
mol l–1); the concentration of soluble reactive silicon ([Si], in mol l–1); the concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide ([CO2], in mol l–1); and the proportion
of the water processed each day by rotiferan and crustacean zooplankton (f ).
b Some representative genera or species only are listed.

the algal assemblage or the kind of lake determines the sensitivities of the various functional groups of
floristic group that may be favoured. Indeed, the supposed Cyanoprokaryota to the depth, stability and nutrient-
circularity of the argument becomes a positive strength content of water columns, shown in a small number of
when algae from the same functional association are studies (Padisák and Reynolds, 1998; Beyruth, 2000;
found under analogous conditions in different lakes of Huszar et al., 2000). Thus, it should be possible to decide
similar types, as in Table II. Other examples include the the best way of managing a lake or reservoir to make it less

01reynolds (58J)(ds) 29/4/02 10:15 am Page 427


suitable for the growth of toxic Cyanoprokaryotes (reduce AC K N O W L E D G E M E N T S

nutrients? destratify? biomanipulate?). The existing know-
ledge to be able to do this is summarized in the semi- We are extremely grateful for the perceptive comments
quantitative check-list (albeit, still lacking in some details) and helpful suggestions of the referees and the improve-
presented in Table III. ments they enabled us to make to our original manuscript.

Colin S. Reynolds:
Vera L. de M. Huszar:
The remaining objective of this presentation is to advo- Carla Kruk:
cate its wider adoption and to secure a wider constituency Luigi Naselli-Flores:
for its development. We are certain that not all valid Sergio Melo:
groupings have been described, while the functional
significance of many algal species has not been accorded
to functional groups and it is not clear that it will be simple REFERENCES

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