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Short-term Auditory Memory

1) Metode Fernald.
Fernald telah mengembangkan suatu metode pengajaran membaca
multisensoris yang sering pula dikenal dengan metode VAKT (visual,
auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile). Metode ini menggunakan materi bacaan
yang dipilih dari kata – kata yang diucapkan oleh anak, dan tiap kata
diajarkan secara utuh. Fernald (Yusuf, 2003, h. 95), beranggapan bahwa
anak yang mempelajari kata sebagai pola utuh akan dapat memperkuat
ingatan dan visualisasi.

Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa ada

pengaruh dari metode multisensori dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca
permulaan pada anak – anak di TK ABA 52 Semarang. Ditunjukkan dengan
adanya peningkatan skor membaca permulaan yang signifikan pada kelompok
eksperimen antara sebelum dan sesudah diberi perlakuan berupa metode
multisensori. Analisis data menggunakan teknik statistik nonparametrik Wilcoxon
Signed Ranks Test. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rata – rata
skor membaca permulaan pada kelompok eksperimen sebelum dan sesudah diberi
perlakuan. Perbedaan rata – rata sebesar 31,9 menunjukkan terjadinya
peningkatan skor kemampuan membaca permulaan pada kelompok eksperimen.

Teaching spelling and sight vocabulary

Adolescents with behavior disorders and development disabilities

Three experimental conditions (i.e. cover write, write, and oral) were presented in
an alternating treatments design. No-training control words were tested throughout
the study.
Cover Write Method: the following 10 steps were presented in written and oral
form and then modeled with a practice word.

1. Look at word, say it

2. Print the word two times

3. Cover, print one time

4. Check your word

5. Print the word two times

6. Cover, print one time

7. Check your word

8. Print the word three times

9. Cover, print one time

10. Check your work

Write Method: the write method was similar to the cover write method except the
write method left out steps 3,6, and 9.

Oral Method: words were presented on the top line on the paper. Students were
asked to say the word and spell the letters of the word aloud 10 times. Errors were
corrected immediately, and praise was presented at the end of each trial.

The results showed that the cover procedure generally did not enhance
performance over and above that procedure by practice alone and written practice
was not superior to oral practice.

Ashley, K., Cuvo, A., Fry, T., Marso, K., & Zhany, B. (1995). Effect of response
practice variables on learning spelling and sight vocabulary. Journal of Applied
Behavior Analysis, 28, 155-173.


Chris A. Godsey, ETSU

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