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/* $Header: AFCINFOS.pls 120.1.12000000.3 2007/04/17 14:05:14 pdeluna ship $ */
-- This package-level pragma means that the initialization section of this

-- package cannot write any DB or package status

-- Currently, this package has no initialization section
pragma restrict_references (fnd_client_info, WNPS, WNDS);
-- Name
-- setup_client_info
-- Purpose
-- Sets up the operating unit context and the Multi-Currency context
-- in the client info area based on the current application,
-- responsibility, user, security group and organization.

-- Arguments
-- application_id
-- responsibility_id
-- user_id
-- security_group_id

-- org_id
procedure setup_client_info(application_id in number,
responsibility_id in number,
user_id in number,
security_group_id in number,
org_id in number);

-- Name
-- setup_client_info
-- Purpose
-- Sets up the operating unit context and the Multi-Currency context
-- in the client info area based on the current application,
-- responsibility, user, and security_group.

-- This is an overloaded version for backwards compatibility.

-- Arguments
-- application_id
-- responsibility_id
-- user_id

-- security_group_id
procedure setup_client_info(application_id in number,
responsibility_id in number,
user_id in number,
security_group_id in number);
-- Name
-- set_org_context
-- Purpose
-- Sets up the operating unit context in the client info area
-- Arguments

-- context - org_id for the operating unit; can be up to 10

-- bytes long
procedure set_org_context (context in varchar2);

-- Name
-- set_currency_context
-- Purpose
-- Sets up the client info area for Multi-Currency reporting
-- Arguments
-- context - context information up to 10 bytes

procedure set_currency_context (context in varchar2);
-- Name
-- set_security_group_context
-- Purpose

-- Sets up the the security group context in the client info area
-- Arguments
-- context - security_group_id; can be up to 10 bytes long
procedure set_security_group_context (context in varchar2);
-- Name
-- org_security
-- Purpose
-- Called by oracle server during parsing sql statment

-- Arguments
-- obj_schema - schema of the object
-- obj_name - name of the object
FUNCTION org_security(
obj_schema VARCHAR2

, obj_name VARCHAR2
end fnd_client_info;
/* $Header: AFCINFOB.pls 120.2.12000000.6 2007/12/06 01:59:49 pdeluna ship $ */
-- Private Functions and Procedures

procedure generic_error(routine in varchar2,
errcode in number,
errmsg in varchar2) is
fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SQL_PLSQL_ERROR');
fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', routine);

fnd_message.set_token('ERRNO', errcode);
fnd_message.set_token('REASON', dbms_utility.format_error_stack);
-- dbms_output.put_line(fnd_message.get);
-- Public Functions and Procedures
-- Name
-- setup_client_info

-- Purpose
-- Sets up the operating unit context and the Multi-Currency context
-- in the client info area based on the current application,
-- responsibility, user, security_group and organization.
-- Arguments
-- application_id

-- responsibility_id
-- user_id
-- security_group_id
-- org_id
procedure setup_client_info(application_id in number,

responsibility_id in number,
user_id in number,
security_group_id in number,
org_id in number) is
org_id_char varchar2(240);
org_id_defined boolean;
sp_id_char varchar2(240);

sp_id_defined boolean;
is_multi_org varchar2(1);
no_morg_profile_value exception;
reporting_sob_id_char varchar2(240);
reporting_sob_id_defined boolean;
is_multi_currency varchar2(1);
no_mcur_profile_value exception;

security_profile_id_char varchar2(240);
-- security_profile_id_defined boolean;
l_security_profile_id NUMBER;
l_morg_profile_name varchar2(240);
FND_GLOBAL will now pass in the org_id context, i.e. FND_GLOBAL.org_id.
There is no need for setup_client_info to get the ORG_ID value again.

-- Set MultiOrg Context

-- Check if org_id is NULL or -1. It is likely that org_id = -1, not NULL since
-- fnd_global is passing it in. When fnd_global calls fnd_profile to get the
-- org_id value and the value returned is NULL, fnd_global does not set org_id
-- to NULL. It just leaves the default value of -1. So, org_id = -1 means there
-- was no value returned by fnd_profile. A benefit of calling fnd_profile in

-- setup_client_info was that it did not check the value, but rather whether a
-- value was defined.
if (org_id is NULL) or (org_id = -1) then
-- If not R12, then check if the instance is multiorg-enabled.
if fnd_release.major_version < 12 then
-- Check FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS for multi-org/currency flags

select nvl(multi_org_flag, 'N'), nvl(multi_currency_flag, 'N')

into is_multi_org, is_multi_currency
from fnd_product_groups;
-- If multiorg-enabled, raise an error since org_id should not be NULL.
-- FND_GLOBAL.org_id should not be NULL if instance is multiorg-enabled.
if is_multi_org = 'Y' then
/* Bug 6637377: This fnd_profile.get_specific call is a LAST CHECK to

make sure that org_id is, indeed, not set. Need to make sure before
the error is raised. This should not undo the fix for 5646892
completely and is needed.
fnd_profile.get_specific('ORG_ID', user_id, responsibility_id,
application_id, org_id_char, org_id_defined);
-- If org_id is really not defined, then raise the exception, as
-- planned.
if (not org_id_defined) then
select user_profile_option_name
into l_morg_profile_name

from fnd_profile_options_vl
where profile_option_name = 'ORG_ID';
raise no_morg_profile_value;
end if;
end if;

-- Bug 2852842: Due to MOAC re-architecture for R12, a default org_id

-- is no longer required. If ORG_ID is not set, then default the org
-- client_info area to null. No need to raise an error in R12.
org_id_char := '';
end if;
-- If org_id is NOT NULL, convert to string.

org_id_char := to_char(org_id);
end if;

-- Set MultiCurrency Context.

-- This applies to releases before R12.
if fnd_release.major_version < 12 then
if is_multi_currency = 'Y' then
-- Get MRC_REPORTING_SOB_ID profile option value

user_id, responsibility_id, application_id,
reporting_sob_id_char, reporting_sob_id_defined
-- If MRC_REPORTING_SOB_ID profile option defined for this responsibility,

-- set the currency context = MRC_REPORTING_SOB_ID for this resp

if reporting_sob_id_defined then
raise no_mcur_profile_value;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Set Security Group Context

when no_morg_profile_value then
fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'FND-ORG_ID PROFILE CANNOT READ');
fnd_message.set_token('OPTION', l_morg_profile_name);

-- dbms_output.put_line(fnd_message.get);
-- generic_error('FND_CLIENT_INFO.SETUP_CLIENT_INFO', -20000,
-- 'MultiOrg enabled but ORG_ID profile not defined');
when no_mcur_profile_value then
generic_error('FND_CLIENT_INFO.SETUP_CLIENT_INFO', -20000,
'MultiCurrency enabled but MRC_REPORTING_SOB_ID profile not defined');

when others then

generic_error('FND_CLIENT_INFO.SETUP_CLIENT_INFO', sqlcode, sqlerrm);
end setup_client_info;
-- Name

-- setup_client_info
-- Purpose
-- Sets up the operating unit context and the Multi-Currency context
-- in the client info area based on the current application,
-- responsibility, user, and security_group.
-- This is an overloaded version for backwards compatibility.

-- Arguments
-- application_id
-- responsibility_id
-- user_id
-- security_group_id

procedure setup_client_info(application_id in number,

responsibility_id in number,
user_id in number,
security_group_id in number) is
-- Call setup_client_info and pass in fnd_global.org_id for

-- org argument.
setup_client_info(application_id, responsibility_id, user_id,
security_group_id, fnd_global.org_id);
end setup_client_info;
-- Name
-- set_org_context
-- Purpose
-- Sets up the operating unit context in the client info area
-- Arguments

-- context - org_id for the operating unit; can be up to 10

-- bytes long
procedure set_org_context (context in varchar2) is
context_area varchar2(64);
context_too_long exception;
bad_characters exception;

local_context varchar2(30);
-- check for multibyte characters
if length(context) <> lengthb(context) then

raise bad_characters;
end if;
-- check for input string too long
if lengthb(context) > 10 then
raise context_too_long;

end if;
-- set local_context to first ten chars of context
-- set to a single space if context was null
local_context := substrb(nvl(context,' '),1,10);
-- pad local_context on the right with blanks to exactly 10 bytes
-- Do not use RPAD(), because it may not work as expected with a
-- MultiByte character set
while lengthb(local_context) < 10 loop
local_context := local_context || ' ';

end loop;
-- Get current CLIENT_INFO value in context_area variable
-- pad context_area on the right with blanks to exactly 64 bytes

-- Do not use RPAD(), because it may not work as expected with a

-- MultiByte character set
context_area := nvl(context_area,' ');
while lengthb(context_area) < 64 loop
context_area := context_area || ' ';

end loop;
-- load new value into context_area
context_area := local_context ||
-- save context_area variable to CLIENT_INFO
when context_too_long then

fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CLIENT_INFO_ARG_TOO_LONG');
fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'SET_ORG_CONTEXT');
fnd_message.set_token('BAD_ARG', context);
-- dbms_output.put_line(fnd_message.get);
when bad_characters then
generic_error('FND_CLIENT_INFO.SET_ORG_CONTEXT', -20000,

'Only single-byte characters are valid input');

when others then
generic_error('FND_CLIENT_INFO.SET_ORG_CONTEXT', sqlcode, sqlerrm);
end set_org_context;
-- Name
-- set_currency_context
-- Purpose
-- Sets up the client info area for Multi-Currency reporting
-- Arguments

-- context - context information up to 10 bytes

procedure set_currency_context (context in varchar2) is
context_area varchar2(64);
context_too_long exception;
bad_characters exception;
local_context varchar2(30);

-- check for multibyte characters
if length(context) <> lengthb(context) then
raise bad_characters;

end if;
-- check for input string too long
if lengthb(context) > 10 then
raise context_too_long;
end if;
-- set local_context to first ten chars of context
-- set to a single space if context was null
local_context := substrb(nvl(context,' '),1,10);
-- pad local_context on the right with blanks to exactly 10 bytes

-- Do not use RPAD(), because it may not work as expected with a

-- MultiByte character set
while lengthb(local_context) < 10 loop
local_context := local_context || ' ';
end loop;
-- Get current CLIENT_INFO value in context_area variable
-- pad context_area on the right with blanks to exactly 64 bytes
-- Do not use RPAD(), because it may not work as expected with a

-- MultiByte character set

context_area := nvl(context_area,' ');
while lengthb(context_area) < 64 loop
context_area := context_area || ' ';
end loop;
-- load new value into context_area
context_area := substrb(context_area,1,44) ||
local_context ||
-- save context_area variable to CLIENT_INFO
when context_too_long then

fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CLIENT_INFO_ARG_TOO_LONG');
fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'SET_CURRENCY_CONTEXT');
fnd_message.set_token('BAD_ARG', context);
-- dbms_output.put_line(fnd_message.get);
when bad_characters then

'Only single-byte characters are valid input');

when others then
generic_error('FND_CLIENT_INFO.SET_CURRENCY_CONTEXT', sqlcode, sqlerrm);
end set_currency_context;
-- Name
-- set_security_group_context
-- Purpose
-- Sets up the the security group context in the client info area
-- Arguments

-- context - security_group_id; can be up to 10 bytes long

procedure set_security_group_context (context in varchar2) is
context_area varchar2(64);
context_too_long exception;
bad_characters exception;
local_context varchar2(30);

-- check for multibyte characters
if length(context) <> lengthb(context) then
raise bad_characters;

end if;
-- check for input string too long
if lengthb(context) > 10 then
raise context_too_long;
end if;
-- set local_context to first ten chars of context
-- set to a single space if context was null
local_context := substrb(nvl(context,' '),1,10);
-- pad local_context on the right with blanks to exactly 10 bytes

-- Do not use RPAD(), because it may not work as expected with a

-- MultiByte character set
while lengthb(local_context) < 10 loop
local_context := local_context || ' ';
end loop;
-- Get current CLIENT_INFO value in context_area variable
-- pad context_area on the right with blanks to exactly 64 bytes
-- Do not use RPAD(), because it may not work as expected with a

-- MultiByte character set

context_area := nvl(context_area,' ');
while lengthb(context_area) < 64 loop
context_area := context_area || ' ';
end loop;
-- load new value into context_area
context_area := substrb(context_area,1,54) ||
-- save context_area variable to CLIENT_INFO
when context_too_long then
fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'CLIENT_INFO_ARG_TOO_LONG');
fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'SET_SECURITY_GROUP_CONTEXT');

fnd_message.set_token('BAD_ARG', context);
-- dbms_output.put_line(fnd_message.get);
when bad_characters then
'Only single-byte characters are valid input');
when others then

sqlcode, sqlerrm);
end set_security_group_context;
-- Name

-- org_security
-- Purpose
-- Called by oracle server during parsing sql statment
-- Arguments
-- obj_schema - schema of the object
-- obj_name - name of the object

FUNCTION org_security(
obj_schema VARCHAR2
, obj_name VARCHAR2
-- AOL suggested that all product-specific logic should be moved to
-- product-specific packages. Hence, the org_security logic is moved
-- to the new package MO_GLOBAL.
-- However, FND_CLIENT_INFO.org_security is referenced in many CRM

-- views. Removing it from this package is out of the question since

-- all CRM code would break.
-- So, only option is to keep it as a wrapper function for
-- MO_GLOBAL.org_security
l_sql_stmt VARCHAR2(1000);

l_predicate VARCHAR2(2000) := '';

-- For backward compatible purpose
l_sql_stmt := 'select mo_global.org_security(:1, :2) from dual';

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql_stmt INTO l_predicate USING

IN obj_schema,
IN obj_name;
RETURN l_predicate;
-- Alternatively, we could have avoided the dynamic SQL by simply
-- returning MO_GLOBAL.org_security(obj_schema, obj_name) but we don't
-- want this package to have dependencies on other packages during
-- compilation.

fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SQL_PLSQL_ERROR');
fnd_message.set_token('ERRNO', to_char(sqlcode));
fnd_message.set_token('REASON', dbms_utility.format_error_stack);
fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'ORG_SECURITY');
END org_security;
end fnd_client_info;

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