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Supply Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous forms:

1. We (garden) and we are quite exhausted.
2. Look at the beautiful flowers that John just (bring).
3. You (run)? You seem quite out of breath.
4. What you (do) with the map? It (disappear) from the usual place.
5. What the children (do)? Their room is in a frightful mess!
6. Somebody (use) my fountain-pen again.
7. I (not have) time to work at my translation yet.
8. Someone (smoke) my last cigarette.
II. Translate into English:
1. Sunt moartă de oboseală. Am alergat toată ziua.
2. Prânzul nu e încă gata deşi gătesc de dimineaţă.
3. Tocmai mi-am amintit că nu am plătit încă chiria. Sunt surprins că propreitarul încă nu mi-a telefonat să-mi
reamintească asta. E prima dată în 5 ani că am întârziat plata chiriei.
4. M-am uitat prin albumul de fotografii. E plin de fotografii de oameni cărora le-am uitat complet numele. Mă întreb ce
s-o fi ales de ei.
5. Ce-ai făcut cu foarfeca? E îndoită.
Am folosit-o să fac găuri în cutia asta de tablă.
6. Deseori m-am întrebat de ce a plecat Bill pe neaşteptate de la petrecere.
De fapt, eu tocmai am aflat aşa că îţi pot spune secretul.
7. Tom se uită la TV de când a venit de la şcoală. Cred că ar trebui să-i spui să înceteze cu asta deoarece n-a învăţat
nimic luna aceasta.
8. Sunt foarte supărată pe ei. Au sosit de o săptămână din străinătate şi încă nu ne-au telefonat.
9. Ce i-ai făcut surorii tale de ai făcut-o să plângă?
10. Cineva a fumat în camera aceasta. Este scrum pe podea.
III. Supply the Simple Past or Past Perfect Simple:
1. She said she (finish) her work.
2. He suddenly (realize) that he (leave) his wallet in the train.
3. The following Friday he (go) to pay the money he (borrow).
4. I (not wave) back at him until he (wave) at me several times.
5. I told James that he (have) no chance of catching that train.
6. When I (enter) the room, I (notice) that somebody was there.
7. When they (look) everywhere for the missing screw, Joe (find) it in the turn-ups of his trousers.
8. After he (explain) the situation there (be) a long silence.
9. The suspect declared that he (be) asleep in bed at the time when the bank (be robbed).
10. He (forget) to buy petrol, although his wife (remind) him to do so just before he (leave) the house.
11. When he (tell) them the extraordinary story, they (be) sceptical at first, but gradually (become) more interested.
IV. Supply Past Perfect Simple or Continuos forms:
1. He (hope) to find John and was very disappointed when he didn’t.
2. We (cook) all day for the party and by 8 o’clock we still weren’t ready.
3. He (wait) for that letter for weeks when at last it arrived.
4. I (work) for about two hours when John came with a letter.
5. Mary looked at his watch. It was twenty minutes to three and he (wait) since two o’clock.
6. Their hands were quite numb because they (make) a snowman.
7. Everyone (pack) until the last minute and no time (be left) to take the dog round to their neighbours.
8. They all (look forward) to the excursion and we were disappointed to hear it (be cancelled).
9. She (be) up for three hours when the rest of the household awoke.
V. Put in since or for as appropriate. Use since to indicate the beginning of the period of time and for to indicate the
total period up to now:
1. The baby has been asleep ….two hours/…..eight o’clock.
2. I haven’t had a headache……I changed my glasses/…….about half a year.
3. Mr. Taylor had worked in the same office ……1960/……..he was 30 years old.
4. Mr. Barton hasn’t traveled by train……..three weeks/…….he bought a car.

5. Helen has written to us regularly…………a long time/………….six years.
6. She hasn’t said anything about it……….lunch/…….two hours.
7. I’ve tried to phone him………..the last twenty minutes/………I came home.
8. The children haven’t had a swim………last summer/…………almost a year.
9. It has been very cold……..I went out/………..early morning.
10. I’ve known that……….ages/………..the last years.
VI. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Tense Simple or the Present Perfect Simple:
1. I (live) in his city all my life. My parents (come) here when they were very young.
2. It (rain) very much in this region in the spring, but it (not rain) much ever since.
3. We (see) the famous Heroes’ Monument several times so far. The last time we (see) it was two weeks ago.
4. Mr. Martin (teach) English from three o’clock to six o’clock. He’s not longer in the school. He (leave) half an hour
5. We (have) a test almost every day this week. We (have) the first test on Monday morning.
6. The weather (be) terrible ever since last Sunday. It (rain) every day this week!
7. The plumber (be) here for the past two weeks. He (repair) the radiators in all the rooms.
8. We (learn) a great deal of English since we (come) to this school.
9. Our grandmother (be) with us for the last three months. She (go) away this morning. Mother (help) her with her
packing before she left.
10. I (read) many books on cooking and now I can cook a lot of dishes.
11. Mr. Grant (have) a car for years but he (never drive) at night.
12. Mary (make) a lot of friends recently.
13. Tom always (play) in the park in front of his house when he was young.
14. Mr. Plumb (have) a lot of trouble with his car lately. He (repair) it twice so far.
VII. Translate into English:
1. În ultima vreme am fost atât de ocupat cu alte treburi, încât am uitat complet ce m-ai rugat.
2. Am fost colegi de şcoală, aşa că sunt mai bine de 10 ani de când îl cunosc, dar nu mi-a plăcut niciodată.
3. Lucrează în această fabrică de mai bine de 20 de ani şi toată lumea până acum n-a avut decât vorbe de laudă
pentru el.
4. Ce face Ioana? Învaţă de la 8 dimineaţa.
5. De vreo 2 ani îl tot rog să încerce să lucreze mai ordonat şi să aibă mai multă voinţă, dar în zadar.
6. Vrei să mergi la cinema? Îţi pot oferi biletul meu. Eu am mai văzut acest film.
7. În câte filme aţi jucat de când sunteţi actriţă?
8. Ai trecut s-o vezi pe Ileana săptămâna asta? Eu i-am făcut o vizită acum câteva zile şi era încă în pat.
9. Se face acum aproape un an de când au terminat şcoala şi au plecat la Oradea.
10. Verişorul meu a crescut foarte mult de când nu l-am mai văzut.
11. Până acum n-am avut nici un fel de greutăţi de întâmpinat. Să vedem ce-o fi de acum înainte.
12. De când a avut accidentul de maşină, stă întins în pat şi nu vorbeşte cu nimeni.
13. Am avut întotdeauna unele rezerve în ceea ce-l priveşte, dar de data asta reţinerile mele au fost confirmate.
14. De când înveţi engleza? De când aveam 7 ani.
VIII. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous:
Jake and Michael, two friends, are talking:
J: Hello, I (not see) you for ages.
M: No, it must be about two years since we last (meet). What you (do) with yourself?
J: I (do) all sorts of things. Life (be) very busy lately. I (start) a new job at the sailing centre.
M: Really! Doing what?
J: Well, I (teach) beginners’ courses to school groups this term but when those (finish), I’ll be teaching more advanced
groups on holiday courses.
M: That sounds great. What about your old job at the tourist office then?
J: Well, I (work) there for ten years and I (enjoy) the job but I (want) to do something different. I always (enjoy) sailing
in my spare time so I (think) it would be nice to do it for a job.
M: So how long you (be) at the sailing centre?
J: For about two months now. I’m sure I (do) the right thing. It’s a really enjoyable job. And what about you?

M: Well, I’m still at the Rembrandt Hotel. I (work) there for fifteen years now. But I (have) a promotion so that’s good.
They (give) me the job of head receptionist.
J: Oh, that’s good news.
M: Yes, it (make) me feel much better about work. I mean, I (do) a lot of different jobs at the hotel but I never (have) a
job with this much responsibility before. I (work) on the reception desk for four years when I (start) at the hotel – that
was before they (move) me into the office – but I (be) only a junior receptionist then so I just (do) what I (be told) to
J: So when you (get) the new job?
M: A month ago, after I (pass) my intermediate exams in Spanish and German at the college. Did you know I (do)
language evening classes at the college for a while now?
J: NO, I didn’t realize.
M: Yes, I (decide) that I (cannot get) any further at work without learning some languages.
J: And so you did! What a good idea!

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