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Thin Solid Films 511 – 512 (2006) 60 – 65

Band-gap engineering in CIGS solar cells using Nelder–Mead simplex

optimization algorithm
G. Černivec *, J. Krč, F. Smole, M. Topič
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Tržaxka 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Available online 18 January 2006


Band-gap grading in a CIGS absorber and a conduction band offset at n/p hetero-interface are two important parameters of band-gap
engineering aiming at high efficient CIGS solar cells. To obtain optimal CIGS absorber’s band-gap grading profile an automatic optimization loop
based on Nelder – Mead simplex optimization algorithm has been implemented. The optimization problem is described with an objective function,
which—by varying the input parameters—is minimized or maximized. In our study two types of objective functions are used; optical and
electrical. As the most optimal profile a parabolic, double graded band-gap profile with a positive or nearly zero conduction band offset at n/p
hetero-interface is calculated. Structures with different CIGS absorber thicknesses and bulk and/or hetero-interface recombination lifetimes are
examined and their optimized parameters are discussed in the light of experimental achievements.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: CIGS solar cell; Graded absorber; Window/absorber hetero-interface; Optimization algorithm

1. Introduction electrostatic fluctuations eventually result in increased recom-

bination, which can be modeled as decreased bulk and/or
Minority carrier lifetime of a CIGS absorber, quality of an n- hetero-interface recombination lifetime.
type window layer/p-type absorber layer hetero-interface and We developed a numerical procedure for the automatic
the CIGS absorber’s band-gap profile are parameters that have optimization, which is explained in Section 2. Several
major influence on the performance of the CIGS solar cell. objective functions, needed in the automatic optimization
Both, analytical [1] and numerical [2] approaches are used to process were implemented to optimize the band-gap profile of
analyze the influence of the CIGS absorber and hetero-interface Cu(In1x Gax )Se2 absorber. Firstly, the minimization of the
as limiting factors of the conversion efficiency. The band-gap thermalization power loss and the heat power loss is
profiles of the CIGS absorber can be realized with the spatial investigated in graded band-gap profile optimization process,
variation of gallium (Ga) in the co-evaporation process [3]. In in order to obtain solar cell with the overall maximum open-
band-gap engineering [4,5] main focus is on the effect of the circuit voltage and/or maximum output power. Secondly, the
CIGS grading (normal, reverse, double), while keeping the CIGS absorbers with non-graded or graded band-gap profiles
absorber’s and hetero-interface’s quality at best known of different thicknesses are optimized for the overall
experimentally determined values. maximum output power and conversion efficiency limitations
In our work we investigate the effect of the minority carrier are discussed.
recombination lifetime in the CIGS absorber and the hetero-
interface recombination velocity on the optimal band-gap 2. Optimization procedure
engineered CIGS absorber under standard test conditions—
STC (AM1.5, 1000 W/m2, 25 -C). Local fluctuations in To describe an optimization problem an objective function,
polycrystalline CIGS absorber [1] affect the transport proper- i.e. functional, has to be constructed. It takes a vector input and
ties. In our numerical modeling approach band-gap and returns a scalar value. A Nelder –Mead simplex optimization
algorithm [6] is used in order to optimize the objective
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +386 1 4768 848; fax: +386 1 4264 630. function. The simplex algorithm does not need a derivative;
E-mail address: (G. Černivec). only a numerical evaluation of the objective function is
0040-6090/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Černivec et al. / Thin Solid Films 511 – 512 (2006) 60 – 65 61

x2 interface (xV = 0) and the DE cn/p; since the band-gap is

F3 changed on the account of the electron affinity (Dv n/
F2 =  DE cn/p) [9]. The values of the band-gap and the electron
affinity of the n-type window layer are kept fixed in our
Fnew study.
Optical simulator SunShine [10] is used to calculate
F2 > F1, F3 optical objective functions. Two optical objective functions
F1 are defined; the absorbed power and the thermalization
power loss:
x1 X Z Wcell hIc
Pabs ¼ GL ð x; kÞI dx; ð2Þ
Fig. 1. Geometrical interpretation of Nelder – Mead optimization algorithm in k 0 k
two parameter optimization space. F 1, F 2, and F 3 are functional evaluations of
original simplex. F 1, F 3 and F new are functional evaluations of new simplex. XZ Wcell  
New simplex and old simplex are generally non-symmetrical. hIc
Pth ¼ GL ð x; kÞI  Eg ð xÞ dx; ð3Þ
k 0 k

required. The basis for the simplex algorithm comes from where h is the Planck’s constant, c is the speed of light, W cell
geometry as shown in Fig. 1. In two dimensional parameter is the solar cell’s thickness, E g is spatially dependent solar
space simplex is a triangle, determined by three points cell’s band-gap profile and G L is wavelength dependent
(vertices) and their interconnecting line segments [7]. At every generation rate profile. The simulator uses one dimensional
point the objective function is evaluated. The point with the optical model for multilayer structures with flat and/or rough
highest numerical value of all three points is perpendicularly interfaces. Optical properties of the layers are defined with
mirrored against the opposite line segment. This is called a wavelength dependent refractive index—n(k) and extinction
reflection. The reflection can be accompanied with an coefficient—k(k). In our optimizations both parameters are
expansion to take larger steps or with a contraction to shrink determined based on the experimental results for the different
the simplex where an optimization valley floor is reached. The Cu(In1x Gax )Se2 alloys [11]. The extinction coefficients of
optimization procedure continues until the termination criteria the sub-layers are modified during the optimization process
are met. The termination criterion is usually the maximum by shifting their energy (wavelength) axis, according to the
number of reflections with contractions or the volume (area) of differences in the band-gaps [12]. The refractive index is
the simplex. The algorithm is generally implemented in N kept unchanged. Grading of optical band-gap is accomplished
dimensions, where simplex is a hypercube with N + 1 vertex by dividing the absorber into several discrete sub-layers (20
points. to 30), with constant but different optical band-gaps,
The automatic optimization loop consists of the Nelder – determined from the band-gap profile. In the optimization
Mead optimization algorithm, implemented in Mathematica 5.1 procedure the AM1.5g spectrum is used.
[8] and the objective functions. The objective function is Semiconductor simulator ASPIN [4] is used to calculate the
optimized by varying the input parameters. In order to electrical objective functions. From the drift-diffusion semi-
converge to the physically reasonable optimal solutions of conductor model [13] the following objective functions are
the parameter space, the objective function is weighted by the defined; the transport power ( P tsp) [14], the heat power loss
penalty function. If the objective function or the input ( P q) [15] and the recombination power loss ( P rec) [16] as
parameters exhibit non-physical values, the penalty function given by Eqs. (4) – (6):
is set to the value, which turns the optimization path in the Z Z
1 Wcell 1 Wcell
opposite direction. Ptsp ¼ lEfn ð xÞJn ð xÞdx þ lEfp ð xÞJp ð xÞdx;
In the optimization process the input parameters are the q 0 q 0
coefficients of the 2nd order polynomial, which describes the ð4Þ
band-gap profile of the CIGS absorber and the conduction
where E fn(x), E fp(x) are the electron and hole quasi-Fermi
band offset (DE cn/p) at the n/p hetero-interface, according to
energies, respectively, J n(x), J p(x) are the electron and hole
Eq. (1):
electrical current densities, respectively, q is the electron charge
"   #
  xV xV 2 and W cell is the thickness of the solar cell.
Eg xV; Eg0 ; k1 ; k2 ¼ qI Eg0 þ k1 I þ k2 I : ð1Þ Z Wcell
Wabs Wabs  
Pq ¼ GL ð xÞI Eg ð xÞ  leh ð xÞ dx; ð5Þ
Variable xV is a spatial variable, relative to the n/p hetero-
interface position, E g0, k 1, k 2 are the constant, linear and Z Wcell
quadratic polynomial coefficient, respectively, and Wabs is the Prec ¼ Rð xÞIleh ð xÞdx: ð6Þ
absorber’s thickness. The band-gap grading parameters k 1
and k 2 determine the shape of the band-gap profile, while The symbols G L(x) and R(x) correspond to the volume
parameter E g0 determines the band-gap at the n/p hetero- generation and recombination rate profile, respectively, and
62 G. Černivec et al. / Thin Solid Films 511 – 512 (2006) 60 – 65

l eh(x) is a difference of the quasi-Fermi energies, i.e. the 600
electro-chemical energy per electron-hole pair. The P out 500
electrical objective function is defined as maximum power 0.75
220 Ptsp+Prec
point on the current– voltage (J –V) characteristic of a solar Pq
cell: 200 Pth 0.70

P [W/m2]
- Voc

-Voc [V]
Pout ¼ f JV Eg0 ; k1 ; k2 : ð7Þ Pout
The quality of the CIGS absorber layer and the hetero-
interface is modeled with the recombination lifetime for the 0.60
minority carriers (s bulk) [17] and surface recombination 120

velocity for the majority carriers (S int) [18], respectively. 100 0.55
The back contact is modeled with surface recombination 80
velocity equal for majority and minority carriers (S back). The 0.50
230 250 270 290 310 330 350
s bulk, S int, S back and the effective density of states (N c, N v)
are in our study modeled as independent of E g(xV). JSC [A/m2 ]

Fig. 3. Power-balance of the CIGS solar cell as a generator under STC. The
3. Band-gap optimization of the Cu(In1x Gax )Se2 absorber absorbed power ( P abs), reduced for the thermalization power loss ( P th) and the
heat power loss ( P q) produces the electro-chemical power. The electro-
In our optimization study a ZnO:Al/ZnO/CdS/CIGS/Mo chemical power is in the process of carrier transport and recombination reduced
for the internal transport power ( P tsp) and the recombination power loss ( P rec),
structure is chosen. The semiconductor properties of the
which results in output power ( P out). Since the J sc is targeted with the penalty
layers are taken from the literature [19]. No electrostatic function, the band-gap grading profile is optimized in a way to produce the
fluctuations [1] are assumed; the conduction and the valence overall maximum Voc and maximum P out. The absorber’s thickness is Wabs =
band are smooth and continuous. In the optimization process 1 Am; s bulk = 1 ns; S int = 10 2 v th, where v th is thermal velocity.
the minority carrier lifetime (s bulk) in the CIGS absorber and
the interface recombination velocity (S int) at the CdS/CIGS
hetero-interface are set as independent parameters. The s bulk carried out for a graded absorber, the optimization parameter
values in the range from 1 to 10 ns are assumed as typical for space consists of E g0, k 1 and k 2.
the CIGS absorber [17], while larger s bulk values are used in
order to explore the efficiency limits and improvement 3.1. Minimization of the thermalization and heat power losses
possibilities. The S int values in the range from 5 I 10 4 v th
to 5 I 10 2 v th are assumed as physically reasonable [2,18], Two objective functions are used in this optimization
where v th is a thermal velocity. S int below this range is used process; optical—the thermalization power loss ( P th) and
with the same purpose as an overestimated s bulk. A constant electrical—the heat power loss ( P q). Sum of both objective
recombination velocity (S back) of 105 m s 1 is assumed at the functions represents a coupled objective function to be
back contact. When the CIGS absorber is optimized as non- minimized. Since ( P th + P q) minimum would be obtained at
graded, the optimization parameter space consists of E g0, no absorption and to consider the collection of carriers, a
while k 1 and k 2 are set to zero. When the optimization is short-circuit current ( J sc) is included into the optimization
as the penalty function. A simple penalty function is used,
which abruptly increases the sum of both objective
J sc = 230 A/m2 functions, if the desired J sc is not reached. Fig. 2 shows
J sc = 250 A/m2 the optimized band-gap profiles for targeted J sc in 1 Am
2.0 J sc = 270 A/m2 CIGS/Mo
J sc = 290 A/m2 back thick CIGS absorber. In a desire to improve the collection
J sc = 310 A/m2 contact
J sc = 330 A/m2 efficiency all profiles exhibit the band-gap increment
1.8 J sc = 350 A/m2
towards the back contact. When increasing the targeted
Eg [eV]

J sc, the band-gap lowering can be observed, mainly at the

hetero-interface. All of these profiles produce minimums of
the ( P th + P q), but only one ( J sc = 290 A/m2) produces
maximum of P out as can be seen in Fig. 3. With this type
of the optimization local Voc or P out maximums are found—
determined by the targeted J sc. In order to find the overall
X' maximum Voc and/or P out maximum, range of the attainable
1.0 J sc values has to be searched. For the analyzed solar cell
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
x [μm] with Wabs = 1 Am, the overall maximum Voc is obtained with
the band-gap grading profile that produces 250 A/m2 of J sc.
Fig. 2. Band-gap profiles which produce minimum sum of the thermalization
( P th) and heat ( P q) power losses in the absorption process. The J sc is targeted Since the minimization of ( P th + P q) tries to maximize E g
with the penalty function. The absorber’s thickness is Wabs = 1 Am; s bulk = 1 ns; and l eh, as seen from the Eqs. (3) and (5), this type of
S int = 10 2 v th, where v th is a thermal velocity. optimization is more appropriate when searching for the
G. Černivec et al. / Thin Solid Films 511 – 512 (2006) 60 – 65 63

band-gap profile which will produce the overall maximum

3.2. Maximization of output power


The minimization of the ( P th + P q) does not consider the
transport power. By maximizing the P out electrical objective 0.10

function the transport power loss is implicitly considered and
band-gap profile with the overall maximum output power is 0.08
Following optimizations were done: (1) Optimization of back contact bulk recombination
0.06 recombination
1 Am thick, non-graded absorber. To obtain an overall
E g0  (s bulk,, S int) dependence, the s bulk and S int were varied 220 (b)
from 1 ns to 50 As and from 10 2 v th to 10 12 v th, respectively.
(2) Optimization of non-graded absorbers of different thick-
nesses with S int set to 10 2 v th and s bulk varied from 1 to 200 180

Pout [W/m2 ]
ns. (3) Optimization of 1 and 3 Am thick graded absorbers for
two S int values; 10 2 v th and 10 4 v th. The s bulk was varied 160

from 1 to 200 ns. 140 τ bulk = 200 ns

Contour plot of optimized E g0 as a function of S int and τ bulk = 50 ns
s bulk is shown in Fig. 4a. When lowering s bulk, the 120
τ bulk = 10 ns
optimized E g0 increases, reducing the bulk recombination. 100 τ bulk = 1 ns
On the other hand the increased S int (S int > 10 6 v th) starts
limiting the Voc [2,18]. The optimized E g0 is lowered to 80
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2 .5 3.0
increase the absorption and maintain the efficiency. The Wabs [μm]
lowest output power (Fig. 4b) is determined by finite
minority carrier mobility, while the highest output power is Fig. 5. Conduction band offset at the CdS/CIGS hetero-interface (a) and output
power of structures with optimized non-graded CIGS absorber (b). Positive
limited by the absorption properties of the CIGS absorber
values of the conduction band offset indicate the ‘‘spike-like’’ offset [2]. Wabs is
[1]. the thickness of the CIGS absorber layer; S int = 10 2 v th, where v th is thermal
velocity. Parameter optimization space: E g0.

(a) Eg0 [eV] 1.40 1.35 When optimizing non-graded absorbers of different thick-
10 -5
1.30 nesses, the conduction band offset (DE cCdS/CIGS) gives the
information about the CdS/CIGS hetero-interface:
10 -6
τ bulk [s]

1.40 1.35 DEcCdS=CIGS ¼ EgCdS  DEvCdS=CIGS  Eg0 ; ð8Þ

10 -7 1.45
1.50 1.45
1.50 1.45
where E gCdS is the band-gap of the CdS window layer,
1.55 1.50
1.55 1.35 DE vCdS/CIGS is the valence band offset at the CdS/CIGS
10 -8 1.60 hetero-interface and E g0 is the absorber’s band-gap at the
1.60 1.45
1.60 1.50
1.55 1.40 hetero-interface. DE cCdS/CIGS changes only on the account of
the E g0, since the valence band edge is not affected by gallium
(b) 2
Pout [W/m ] (Ga) addition [9]. At s bulk > 1 ns the DE cCdS/CIGS exhibits the
10 -5 200
210 190
absorber thickness dependence, shown in Fig. 5a. With
decreasing CIGS absorber’s thickness (Wabs < 0.7 Am), the
10 -6 DE cCdS/CIGS decreases, i.e. optimized E g0 increases. The
τ bulk [s]

minority carrier (electron) concentration at the back contact
10 -7
210 190 is lowered and the back-contact recombination is reduced [3].
In thick (Wabs > 0.7 Am) CIGS absorbers this effect is less
210 210
210 pronounced. Major efficiency improvement is observed when
10 -8 200 changing the absorber’s quality to s bulk = 10 ns (Fig. 5b). At
200 200 200 190 180
higher s bulk the efficiency improvement saturates. The
190 190 190
10 -9 180 170 thickness dependent P out saturates due the absorption proper-
10 -12 10 -10 10 -8 10 -6 10 -4 10 -2
ties of the CIGS absorber.
Sint [vth]
Optimized band-gap profiles of 1 Am thick CIGS absorber
Fig. 4. Optimized E g0 (a) and P out contours (b) of 1 Am thick, non-graded CIGS exhibit double grading (Fig. 6a). With improved hetero-
absorber under STC. Parameter optimization space: E g0. interface quality (S int = 10 4 v th) the Voc increase from 60 to
64 G. Černivec et al. / Thin Solid Films 511 – 512 (2006) 60 – 65

(a) τbulk = 1ns (c) τbulk = 1ns CIGS/Mo
τbulk = 10ns CIGS/Mo τbulk = 10ns
τbulk = 50ns τbulk == 200ns

1.6 τbulk = 200ns τbulk > 1μs

τbulk > 1μs
Eg [eV]

Sint= 10 vth

1.2 Sint = 10-2 vth

(b) ∇
Voc = 60 mV (d)

Voc = 130 mV

CdS/CIGS ∇ Voc = 140 mV
1.6 Voc = 150 mV

Voc < 240 mV
Eg [eV]

Sint = 10-4 vth


Sint = 10-4 vth Voc
∇ = 110 mV
∇ = 125 mV
1.2 CdS/CIGS Voc
∇ = 115 mV
∇ = 123 mV
Voc < 150 mV

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
x [μm] x [μm]

Fig. 6. Optimized graded 1 Am thick CIGS absorber with S int = 10 2 v th (a), S int = 10 4 v th (b) and optimized graded Wabs = 3 Am thick CIGS absorber with S int = 10 2
v th (c) and S int = 10 4 v th (d), where v th is thermal velocity. Band-gap profiles are optimized for different absorber qualities. Parameter optimization space: E g0, k 1, k 2.

150 mV can be observed (Fig. 6b). 3 Am thick CIGS absorber opposes the electric field in the space charge region (SCR) and
with s bulk > 1 ns is optimized with double graded band-gap decreases the collection efficiency. In order to minimize bulk
profiles (Fig. 6c). The s bulk = 1 ns band-gap profile is optimized recombination, band-gap profiles of CIGS absorbers with low
in single grading in order to minimize the bulk recombination. s bulk are overall optimized to higher values irrespective to the
The Voc increase due the hetero-interface improvement ranges S int.
from 110 to 120 mV (Fig. 6d). Normal grading, i.e. band-gap Optimized band-gap graded profiles improve the efficiency
increase towards the back contact, increases the collection for all CIGS absorber thicknesses (Fig. 7). Maximum
efficiency due to the effective field, which repels the electrons efficiency improvements, reaching 15% to 23 % relative,
from the back contact. Reverse grading, i.e. band gap increase are achieved in 0.5 Am thick band-gap graded CIGS absorber.
towards the CdS/CIGS hetero-interface, increases the Voc, but
3.3. Discussion
τ bulk > 1 μs From Fig. 4 we can observe that maximal output power
τ bulk = 200 ns under STC of a CIGS solar cell with 1 Am thick, non-graded
1.20 τ bulk = 50 ns absorber (for given realistic absorption and transport proper-
τ bulk = 10 ns ties) is 210 W/m2, resulting in 21% conversion efficiency.
τ bulk = 1 ns With optimal band-gap grading the output power can be
P norm

improved up to 19% relatively, as shown in Fig. 7. This
would result in band-gap graded solar cell with 25%
conversion efficiency. The fundamental mechanisms that
limit CIGS solar cell’s efficiency to 25% are the transport
power and the recombination power losses. The sum of both
1.05 ( P tsp + P rec) varies under STC from 70 to 90 W/m2— as
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 plotted in Fig. 3. This loss accounts for a decrease of
Wabs [μm] theoretical limit of 33% conversion efficiency ranging from
Fig. 7. Optimized graded absorber’s P out normalized with the optimized non- 7% to 9% absolutely.
graded absorber’s P out for various absorber qualities. Wabs is the thickness of With realistic bulk and hetero-interface recombination
the CIGS absorber layer; S int = 10 2 v th, where v th is thermal velocity. properties (s bulk = 10 ns, S int = 10 2 v th) the conversion
G. Černivec et al. / Thin Solid Films 511 – 512 (2006) 60 – 65 65

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