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November 18, 2009

 Grup interministerial 200

Raport Anual 2003-2004


R A P O R T    A N U A L
2003 – 2004

Traficul de fiinte umane este acum afacerea criminala cu cea mai mare rata de crestere.
Conform unor estimari recente, mai mult de 700.000 de fiinte umane sunt traficate anual
in lume, pentru motive de exploatare sexuala si munca fortata. Aceste persoane sunt
transportate peste granita si vanduti ca sclavi.
Din Himalaya pana in orasele din Estul Europei, oamenii, in special femeile si fetele, sunt
atrase de perspectiva unui loc de munca, peste granita, bine platit, ca chelnerite,
servitoare sau lucratori in fabrica. Traficantii recruteaza victimele prin reclame false, prin
anunturi publicitare,  sau prin intermediul unor cunostinte intamplatoare. Dupa ajungerea
victimelor la destinatie, documentele acestora sunt de obicei luate, victimele ajungand sa
fie exploatate, fortate sa plateasca datorii sub teroarea violentei. Majoritatea victimelor
sunt apoi fortate sa munceasca, in majoritatea cazurilor incluzand exploatarea sexuala.
Traficul de fiinte umane nu se limiteaza numai la industria sexului. Copii sunt traficati
pentru a munci fortat, iar adultii pentru munca “3D” – (dirty, difficult and dangerous)
murdara, dificila si periculoasa.
In ultima perioada, traficantii de droguri s-au “convertit profesional” indreptand-usi
atentia spre traficul de fiinte umane acesta fiind mult mai sigur si mult mai benefic pentru
buzunarele proprii.
Chiar daca retelele de traficanti sunt dezmembrate prin eforturile agentiilor de aplicare a
legii, este foarte dificil sa convingi victimele sa depuna marturie impotriva traficantilor.
Acestea sunt de-a dreptul ingrozite la gandul ca cei de acasa pot suferi consecintele
denuntului, aceasta pe langa rusinea de a se inapoia in conditiile absentei unor programe
reale de protectie a martorilor.

Desi cifrele sunt seci, trebuie totusi sa prezentam o imagine generala privind traficul de
persoane in Romania.
Anul 2003 a insemnat in primul rand o activitate sustinuta din partea organelor de
aplicarea legii , reusindu-se destructurarea a peste 300 grupuri si retele de trafic de
persoane, inculparea a 318 persoane si condamnarea a 50 de persoane pentru trafic de
persoane sau infractiuni conexe. Au fost  asistate aproximativ 500 victime, dintre care
peste 200 au depus marturie in instanta.
In noiembrie 2000, Adunarea Generala a Natiunilor Unite a luat initiativa in coordonarea
raspunsului international impotriva traficului de fiinte umane si a adoptat Conventia
impotriva crimei organizate trans-nationale impreuna cu Protocoalele aditionale ONU.
De la 1 Ianuarie 2002, Conventia Natiunilor Unite in problema Crimei Organizate
Transnationale a fost semnata de 140 de state. 101 state au semnat si Protocolul aditional
de prevenire, suprimare si pedepsire a traficului de persoane, in special femei si copii.
Aceste instrumente juridice internationale au intrat in vigoare  la nivel international, de
abia in luna decembrie 2003, dar ele  au fost semnate si ratificate, avand putere de lege
pe teritoriul Romaniei, prin  Legea 565/2002 .
Articolul 3 al Protocolului da o definitie a infractiunii de trafic:
3(A) „Traficul cu persoane” inseamna recrutarea, transportul, transferul, ascunderea si
primirea de persoane, prin amenintarea sau folosirea fortei ori altor forme de coercitie,
prin deturnare, frauda, deceptie, abuz de putere sau de o pozitie vulnerabila, prin darea
sau primirea de plati sau beneficii in vederea obtinerii consimtamantului unei persoane ce
detine controlul asupra unei alte persoane, in scopul exploatarii.„Exploatarea” va include
cel putin exploatarea prostitutiei altora sau alte forme de exploatare sexuala, munca
fortata, sclavia sau practicile similare sclaviei, servitutea sau prelevarea de organe.
3(B) Consimtamantul victimei traficului cu persoane in vederea exploatarii intentionate,
conform subparagrafului 3A al acestui articol, nu va avea relevanta acolo unde se folosesc
mijloacele mentionate in subparagraful 3A.
3(C) Recrutarea, transportul, transferul, adapostirea sau primirea uni copil in scopul
exploatarii va fi considerat „trafic cu persoane”, chiar daca acesta nu include nici unul din
mijloacele de la subparagraful 3A al acestui articol.
3(D) Prin „copil” se intelege orice persoana care are varsta sub 18 ani.
Faptul ca Romania nu a asteptat reactia internationala pentru a-si adapta legislatia
nationala, rezulta din adoptarea Legii 678/2001 privind prevenirea si combaterea traficului
de persoane, inainte de ratificarea Conventiei ONU si a Protocoalelor aditionale, fapt
sustinut si prin pozitia de co-autor al Conventiei.
Adaptarea legislatiei nationale a presupus insa un intreg pachet legislativ, care in perioada
2001-2003 a intrat in vigoare, dand posibilitatea organelor de aplicare a legii sa actioneze
pentru diminuarea acestui fenomen si aliniind in acelasi timp Romania la standarde
internationale in domeniu.

 - Legea nr. 678/2001 privind prevenirea si combaterea traficului de persoane;

 - H.G. nr. 1216/2001 pentru aprobarea Planului national de actiune pentru prevenirea si
combaterea traficului cu fiinte umane;
 - Legea nr. 682/2002 privind protectia martorului;
 - Legea nr. 565/2002 privind ratificarea Conventiei ONU  impotriva crimei organizat si a
Protocoalelor aditionale;
 - Legea nr. 39/2003 privind prevenirea si combaterea criminalitatii organizate;
 - H.G. nr. 299/2003 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului de aplicarea a dispozitiilor Legii
 - Legea nr.656/2002  privind spalarea banilor;
Proiectul Planului de prevenire si combatere a traficului de minori este insa in totalitate
un produs  al Grupului Interministerial, care s-a bucurat de expertiza unor organizatii cu
experienta in domeniul prevenirii sau combaterii traficului de minori, respectiv UNICEF, 
Organizatia Internationala a Muncii, Organizatia Internationala pentru Migratie, Programul
Natiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare, organizatia neguvernamentala Salvati Copii, aceasta
din urma gazduind impreuna cu D.G.C.C.O.A., in luna martie 2004,  o dezbatere privind
proiectul Planului de prevenire si combatere a traficului de minori, la care au participat
aproape 50 de specialisti din domeniu.

La un an de activitate, putem spune ca Grupul Interministerial de lucru a actionat in mod

consecvent pentru monitorizarea activitatilor desfasurate de institutiile statului in
conformitate cu Planul National de actiune pentru prevenirea si combaterea traficului cu
fiinte umane.
In primavara anului 2001, la initiativa Ministerului de Interne, Ministerului Afacerilor
Externe si Ministerului Justitiei specialisti din ministerele mentionate, dar si din Ministerul
Educatiei si Cercetarii, Ministerul Muncii si Solidaritǎtii Sociale, Ministerul Tineretului,
Ministerului Culturii, au elaborat Proiectul Planului National de Actiune pentru Combaterea
Traficului de Persoane.
Constituiti intr-o comisie ad-hoc, specialistii din cadrul organizatiilor guvernamentale,
nonguvernamentale si internationale au redactat forma finala a acestui Plan care a fost
adoptat ca Hotarare de Guvern in anul 2001  (HG 1216/2001).
Planul stabilea obiective concrete pe trei directii strategice de actiune, respectiv :
prevenire, urmarire in justitie si protectie a victimelor traficului de persoane, fiind in
concordanta cu recomandarile reprezentantilor Pactului de Stabilitate pentru sud-estul
Europei, care si-au asumat la acea data responsabilitatea unui raspuns consistent in
implementarea Conventiei Natiunilor privind crima organizata si a  Protocoalele aditionale.

Desi Grupul interministerial nu a avut putere de decizie asupra organismelor

guvernamentale stabilite prin H.G. nr.1216/2001, membrii acestuia s-au straduit sa
institutionalizeze un forum de dezbatere libera a problematicilor cu care societatea
romaneasca se confrunta pe linia traficului de fiinte umane, nu numai pentru a monitoriza
implementarea Planului, dar si pentru a facilita indeplinirea sarcinilor prevazute de
La 3 ani de la aprobarea acestui Plan, putem face o analiza pertinenta privind aspectele
pozitive si negative ce se desprind  in legatura cu valoarea de intrebuintare a Planului
National. Acestea sunt:
 - existenta Planului National care demonstreaza preocuparea guvernului pentru a limita
dezvoltarea acestui fenomen;
 - A permis dezvoltarea cooperarii intre agentiile guvernamentale si societatea civila;
 - A creat posibilitatea folosirii experientei organelor de aplicare a legii in campaniile de
 - A permis dezvoltarea cooperarii intre Romania si partenerii internationali;
 - A trasat sarcini tuturor institutiilor guvernamentale/ neguvernamentale implicate;

 - Nu a prevazut un buget specific alocat atat la nivel guvernamental , cat si la nivel de
 - Nu a fost posibila crearea unui  cadru permanent de desfasurare a activitatilor de
 - Nu s-a putut dezvolta un sistem propriu de comunicare intre diversii actori implicati;
 - Unele activitati au fost definite prea general si , in consecinta , greu de urmarit
realizarea lor;
 - Nedelimitarea componentei de combatere a traficului de persoane de componenta de
prevenire si de protectie a victimelor. Mai mult decat atat, centrul de greutate a fost lasat
in grija componentei de combatere.

In conformitate cu dispozitiile art. 5, al.2 din HG 299/2003, Grupul Interministerial este

competent :
 - Sa analizeze cauzele traficului de persoane si conditiile care favorizeaza fenomenul
traficului de persoane, precum si structura, starea si dinamica acestuia, pe baza datelor
oferite de institutiile abilitate;
Angajamentul Romaniei de a adera la structurile europene si euro-atlantice a determinat o
atenta monitorizare din partea organizatiilor internationale asupra problemelor cu care se
confrunta Romania.
Considerat alaturi de traficul de droguri si traficul de arme o amenintare la adresa
umanitatii, traficul de persoane a fost atent monitorizat, incepand cu anul 2001, odata cu
aparitia Legii 678/2001 privind prevenirea si combaterea traficului de persoane. Astfel,
prevenirea si combaterea traficul de persoane a devenit prioritate pe agenda  guvernului
roman care a instituit Grupul Interministerial tocmai in acest sens.
 - evalueaza efectele masurilor legislative si ale altor masuri luate in domeniul prevenirii si
combaterii traficului de persoane;
 - analizeaza datele si informatiile in domeniu pe baza carora formuleaza propuneri pentru
modificarea si completarea legislatiei, precum si propuneri pentru elaborarea de noi acte
normative in domeniul prevenirii si combaterii traficului de persoane;
Grupul Interministerial  a propus in urma sedintei din noiembrie 2003 ministerelor si
institutiilor centrale responsabile, constituirea unui subgrup de lucru pentru monitorizarea
activitatilor de prevenire si combatere a traficului de minori care sa cuprinda specialisti
din cadrul autoritatilor si institutiilor  centrale responsabile  care sa gestioneze exclusiv
problematica prevenirii si combaterii traficului de minori si a asistentei victimelor
traficului. Astfel, la 25 noiembrie 2003  s-a constituit  Subgrupul de lucru pentru
monitorizarea activitatilor de prevenire si combatere a traficului de minori,  al carui
principal obiectiv a fost elaborarea unui Plan National Unic de prevenire si combatere a
traficului de minori, aflat in prezent in faza avizarii la ministere.
Sedinta de constituire a subgrupului de lucru s-a bucurat de prezenta  d-nei Helga Konrad,
coordonatorul Pactului de Stabilitate.
 - elaboreaza strategii de prevenire impreuna cu institutiile implicate si cu reprezentantii
organizatiilor neguvernamentale care desfasoara activitati in domeniu;
 - sprijina programele locale de prevenire si combatere a traficului de persoane;
Neavand un buget propriu, Grupul Interministerial a indeplinit aceasta sarcina cu
dificultate si a pus in contact organizatii locale cu organizatii nationale sau internationale,
constituind liantul de care era nevoie pentru derularea respectivelor programe de
prevenire. Un exemplu elocvent este crearea Centrul national de tranzit pentru primirea
minorilor-victime ale traficului de persoane, cunoscut sub numele de Centrul Gavroche. 
Astfel, Primaria sectorului 2 Bucuresti care administreaza acest centru si Primaria din
Viena au convenit pentru derularea unui schimb de experienta si chiar in aceste zile,
reprezentanti ai Centrului de primire minori din Viena se afla la Bucuresti pentru
acordarea asistentei de specialitate in domeniu.
 - urmareste indeplinirea atributiilor stabilite in Planul National de actiune pentru lupta
impotriva tarficului de fiinte umane si formuleaza propuneri pentru indeplinirea acestor
Aceasta a fost una din sarcinile permanente ale Grupului Interministerial, sarcina dusa la
indeplinire de catre membrii Grupului. Ceea ce insa a lipsit a fost existenta unor parghii de
control si tragere la raspundere a agentiilor guvernamentale care nu au indeplinit sau au
indeplinit cu intarziere sarcinile ce le reveneau, conform H.G. 1216/2001;
 - intocmeste materialul de informare care urmeaza sa fie pus, de catre misiunile
diplomatice si consulare ale Romaniei in strainatate, la dispozitia victimelor traficului de
Materialele puse la dispozitie pentru cetatenii romani aflati in strainatate victime ale 
traficului de persoane au fost intocmite de catre reprezentantii Ministerului Afacerilor
Externe, iar ajutorul oferit victimelor s-a facut si prin intermediul atasatilor de afaceri
interne trimisi de Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor in principalele tari de destinatie
pentru victimele traficului de persoane;
 - intocmeste materiale de informare cuprinzand drepturile victimelor traficului de
persoane, care urmeaza sa fie puse la dispozitie acestora de autoritatile cu atributii in
acest sens;
 - elaboreaza trimestrial rapoarte de activitate pe care le supune atentiei institutiilor
 - realizeaza trimestrial evaluari ale activitatii de prevenire si combatere a traficului de
persoane, pe baza datelor puse la dispozitie de institutiile implicate si de asociatiile si
fundatiile ce desfasoara activitati in domeniu;
Aceste doua activitati  au fost duse la indeplinire cu dificultate. Lipsa informatiilor privind
activitatea  ministerelor, dar si a organizatiilor neguvernamentale care nu sunt unite la
nivel national, lipsa unor indicatori comuni de referinta intre aceste institutii ( lipsa unei
definitii comune a victimei traficului de persoane), au facut  dificila  ajungerea la un
numitor comun.
S-a intocmit Raportul anual pentru Departamentul de Stat, in urma caruia se realizeaza
clasamentul tarilor care indeplinesc/nu indeplinesc standardele minime pentru eliminarea
traficului de persoane.
Au fost intocmite analize trimestriale, semestriale si note de caz, ce au fost puse la
dispozitia  mass-mediei si a factorilor de conducere, fiind aduse la cunostinta opiniei
 - asigura o buna colaborare intre institutiile statului si asociatiile si fundatiile cu activitate
in domeniu;
Participarea organizatiilor nonguvernamentale si internationale in cadrul programelor si
activitatilor derulate la nivel national sau local,  a fost permanent in atentia
reprezentantilor Grupului Interministerial.
Conform dispozitiilor Planului National si a HG 299/2003, pentru asistarea si reintegrarea
victimelor traficului de persoane, Ministerul Administratiei si Internelor a infiintat o linie
telefonica de urgenta cu apeluri gratuite pentru victimele traficului de persoane.
Lipsa unor prevederi bugetare atit in 2002, 2003, cat si in 2004 a facut aproape imposibila
punerea  in functiune a acestei linii telefonice de urgenta. Cu toate acestea, in prezent,
prin eforturile sustinute ale Grupului Interministerial aceasta linie este functionala la
dispeceratul D.G.C.C.O.A.
Totusi, functionarea unei astfel de linii telefonice presupune in primul personal
specializat, instruit in acest sens, lucru care nu este de competenta  D.G.C.C.O.A.
Astfel, in vara anului 2003, Grupul Interministerial a  asigurat punerea in contact a
reprezentantilor Ministerului Administratiei si Internelor, ai Federatiei FAMNET a
organizatiilor nonguvernamentale si ai Programului Natiunilor Unite pentru dezvoltare care
au elaborat  o propunere de proiect de finantare pentru aceasta linie telefonica, proiect
care a fost inaintat donorilor sub semnatura comuna a celor trei institutii, constituind o
dovada clara a cooperarii  intre agentiile guvernamentale si nonguvernamentale.

Putem concluziona afirmand faptul ca prin activitatea Grupului Interministerial s-a reusit :
Elemente pozitive:
 - Contributie directa si nemijlocita la mentinerea Romaniei in Grupa a 2-a
(Departamentului de Stat SUA)
 - Obtinerea pozitiei de lider regional in combaterea traficului de fiinte umane;
 - Instituire unui mecanism real de cooperare intre agentiile guvernamentale si societatea
 - Elaborarea planului  national pentru prevenirea si combaterea traficului de minori – cel
mai bun in regiune;
 - Dezvoltarea cooperarii intre Romania si partenerii internationali, inclusiv prin atragerea
de proiecte/programe;

Aspecte negative:
 - Suficienta in mobilizarea agentiilor implicate;
 - Insuficienta in mobilizarea unor resurse materiale la nivel central si local;
 - Mai putin interes  din partea unor Ministere cu atributii importante;
 - Ramane modesta implicarea in problema asigurarii adaposturilor si a ansamblului
masurilor de protectie acordate victimelor;
 - Lipsa de echilibru intre latura de combatere si cea de prevenire;
 - Nedelimitarea laturii de prevenire de cea de combatere;
 - Lipsa de echilibru intre international si national;

Apreciem ca activitatile prioritare pentru perioada imediat urmatoare sunt:

 - Actualizarea Planului National de Actiune;
 - Infiintarea unei Agentii Nationale pentru prevenirea traficului de persoane si protectia
victimelor. In acest sens, Grupul Interministerial a dezbatut la Intalnirea din data de
09.07.04 in prezenta domnului Marian Florian Saniuta ministru de stat, ministrul
administratiei si internelor, a doamnei ambasador Soknan Han Jung, Coordonator Rezident
al Natiunilor Unite, Reprezentant Rezident al Programului Natiunilor Unite in Romania si a
domnului Stephan Dahlgren, Responsabil de Programe in domeniul Justitie si Afaceri
Interne din cadrul Delegatiei Comisiei Europene la Bucuresti posibilitatea infiintarii acestei
Agentii si a elaborat proiectul de act normativ, ce va fi inaintat Guvernului spre adoptare.
Ca o etapa intermediara, in subordinea MAI se va infiinta Oficiul National de Prevenire a
Traficului de Fiinte Umane si Monitorizare a Protectiei Victimelor Traficului, care va
functiona incepand cu luna septembrie a.c. in cadrul Institutului de Cercetare si Prevenire
a Criminalitatii din Inspectoratul General al Politiei Romane. Totodata, acesta va asigura
Secretariatul Grupului Interministerial pana la infiintarea Agentiei.

Preluarea activitatilor specifice Grupului de lucru de catre aceasta agentie;

Coordonator national,
Chestor de politie,
                         Dr. Damian Miclea

(ESTABLISH ON 13 JUNE 2003)    

    At present, human trafficking is the criminal activity with the highest rate of growth.
According to recent evaluations, more than 700.000 human beings are trafficked annually
in the world for sexual exploitation and forced labor. Those persons are crossed over the
border and sold as slaves.

From Himalaya to the East Europe, people, especially women and girls, are attracted by
the promise of a job abroad, better paid as waitresses, house maids or factory workers.
Traffickers recruit their victims by false adverts, publicity or the intermediation of random
acquaintances. After victims reach the destination, their documents are often taken from
them and victims are subjected to exploitation, forced to pay debts under the terror of
violence. Then, the majority of victims are force to work, including for sexual

Human trafficking is not limited to sex industry. Children are trafficked for forced labor
and adults for “3D” (Dirty, Difficult and Dangerous) work.

Recently, drug traffickers have changed interest toward human trafficking as being safer
and more profitable for their own pockets.

Even if the trafficking networks have been dismantled due to the efforts of law
enforcement agencies it is difficult to convince the victims to testify as a witness against
their traffickers. Victims are terrified at the thought that loved ones back home could
suffer the consequences of their declaration on top of the shame they have to endure after
coming back in the absence of a real witness protection program.
Although figures don’t say much, we have to present a general picture regarding human
trafficking in Romania.
The year 2003 meant first of all an intense activity of the law enforcement agencies
succeeding to dismantle more than 300 criminal groups and human trafficking networks, to
prosecute 318 individuals and convict 50 individuals for human trafficking or associated
crimes. A number of circa 500 victims were given assistance out of which 200 testified as
witness in the court.
In November 2000, the UN General Assembly took the initiative to coordinate the
international community’s response against human trafficking and approved The
Convention against Transnational Organized Crime together with UN Additional Protocols.
As of 1st January, 2002, The Convention against Transnational Organized Crime was signed
by 140 states. 101 states also signed the Additional Protocol for Prevention, Suppression
and Punishment of Human Trafficking, Especially Women and Children.
These international legal instruments are in force from December 2003 but Romania signed
and ratified them by the Law no 565/2002 being in force on its territory from that time.
Article 3 of that Protocol gives the following definition of human trafficking:
3(A) Human trafficking means recruitment, transportation, transfer, hiding and receiving
persons by threats and use of force or other forms of coercion, by abduction, fraud,
deception, abuse of power or of a vulnerable position by giving and receiving payments or
benefits to get the consent of a person having the control over another person for
exploitation. “Exploitation” includes at least exploitation of others prostitution or other
forms of sexual exploitation, force labor, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude
or removal of organs.
3(B) The approval of trafficked victims for intended exploitation, according to
subparagraph 3A of this article, shall have no relevance where the means mentioned in
subparagraph 3A are used.
3(C) Recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receiving of a child for sexual
exploitation shall be considered “human trafficking” even if that includes neither of the
means mentioned under the subparagraph 3A of this article.
3(D) A child is any person under 18 years old.
The fact that Romania did not wait for the international reaction in order to adapt its
national legislation is proved by the adoption of the Law 678/2001 regarding prevention
and countering human trafficking  before ratifying UN Convention and the Additional
Protocols, Romania being a co-author of the Convention.
The adoption of the national legislation meant a whole package of legislation, which came
into force in 2001-2003 enabling the law enforcement agencies to take action for
diminishing this phenomenon, at the same time aligning Romania with the international
standards in the field.
 - Law no. 678/2001 regarding prevention and countering human trafficking;
 - G.D. no. 1216/2001 for the approval of National Action Plan for prevention and
countering human trafficking;
 - Law no.682/2002 regarding witness protection;
 - Law no. 565/2002 regarding ratifying UN Convention against Transnational Organized
Crime and Additional Protocols;
 - Law no. 39/2003 regarding prevention and countering organized crime;
 - G.D. no. 299/2003 regarding approval of the Regulation for implementation of the Law
 - Law no. 656/2002 regarding money laundering.
The project of the Plan for prevention and countering child trafficking is entirely a product
of the Inter-ministerial Group that benefited from the expertise of experienced
organizations in the field of prevention and countering child trafficking, i.e. UNICEF,
International Labor Organization (ILO), International Organization for Migration (IOM),
UNDP, Save the Children, the last one together with DGCCOA hosted, in March 2004, a
debate on the project of the Plan for Prevention and Countering Child Trafficking with the
participation of more than 50 specialists.

Having one year of activity, the  Inter-ministerial Group has worked constantly for
monitoring activities carried out by the state agencies according to the National Action
Plan for Prevention and Countering Human Trafficking.
In spring 2001, following an initiative of Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Ministry of Justice, the experts have drafted the National Action Plan for combating
trafficking of persons, in a joint effort with Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor,
Ministry of Youth and Ministry 0f Culture.
Joining an ad-hoc framework, the specialists of the governmental, non-governmental and
international organizations elaborated the final form of the Plan, which afterward was
adopted as a Government Decision in 2001 (G.D. 1216/2001).
The Plan establishes pragmatic objectives on three strategic directions of actions:
prevention, prosecution and protection of trafficked victims in accordance with the
Stability Pact for South East Europe‘s recommendations after this organization has
assumed the responsibility to implement the UN Convention on Organized Crime and the
Additional Protocols.
Although the Inter-ministerial Group has no power of decision-making over the
governmental organizations set up by G.D no. 1216/2001, its members have made efforts
to establish a forum in which significant issues of fighting human trafficking are discussed
freely. The forum is also a valuable tool for monitoring the Plan implementation as well as
facilitating the achievement of its tasks.

At three year after the Plan was approved we can make a relevant analysis on the positive
and negative issues related with its pragmatic value. These are:
 - The elaboration of the National Plan proves the government concern to limit this
 - It enables the development of cooperation between government agencies and civil
 - It has created the possibility to use the experience of law enforcement agencies within
the prevention campaigns;
 - It allowed the improvement of cooperation between Romania and the international
 - It set up tasks for all the concerned governmental/nongovernmental institutions;

 - It did not provide a specific budget, neither at the governmental nor at the agency level;
 - It wasn’t possible to establish a permanent framework for cooperation;
 - It wasn’t possible to develop an adequate communication system between the different
actors involved;
 - Some activities were defined too generally and, as a consequence, it was difficult to
follow up their accomplishment;
 - The activity of countering human trafficking from the prevention and victim protection
activities was also not clearly defined. Moreover, the heavy weight rests on countering

According to the provisions set by art. 5 para. 2 of GD no. 299/2003, the Inter-ministerial
Working Group is competent:
 - To analyze the causes of human trafficking and the conditions which favor both the
human trafficking phenomena as well as its structure, state and dynamics, on the basis of
information offered by the concerned institutions.

Romania's commitment regarding the accession to the European and Euro- Atlantic
structures has determined a careful monitoring from the international organizations on the
issues it has been confronted with.
Seen as a threat against humanity, human trafficking alongside drugs and weapons
trafficking was careful supervised, since 2001 when the Law no. 678/2001 on preventing
and combating the trafficking in persons was issued.
Thus, prevention and countering human trafficking became a priority on the Romanian
government Agenda, the Inter-ministerial Working Group being set up in this respect.
 - to evaluate the consequences of the legislative and other measures taken in the field of
prevention and countering human trafficking,
 - to analyze the relevant data and information, on the basis of which it formulates
proposals for modification and completion of legislation, and also for elaborating new
legislative acts in the field;
The Inter-ministerial Working Group, after meeting in November 2003, proposed to the
responsible ministries and central institutions the establishment of a sub-working group for
monitoring the prevention and countering child trafficking, which include experts of these
authorities to manage exclusively this issue. Thus, on November 25, 2003, it was
established the Sub-working group for monitoring the prevention and countering child
trafficking. This subgroup has as principal objective drafting a Unique National Plan for
prevention and countering child trafficking, document that presently is under notification
proceedings, at the concerned ministries.
Mrs. Helga Konrad, the SPSEE coordinator, participated at the meeting for establishing the
mentioned sub-group.
 - to elaborate prevention strategies, together with the involved institutions and the
representatives of nongovernmental institutions in this field;
 - to support local programs on prevention and countering human trafficking;
Without having its own budget, the Inter-ministerial Working Group has accomplished this
task with difficulty. It facilitated the contact between the local and national/international
organizations, for developing relevant prevention programs.

The establishment of the National transit Center for minors – victims of trafficking named
the Gavroche Center is a relevant example.
In this way, the Bucharest’s 2nd District Town-hall that administrates the Center and the
Vienna Town-hall have established an exchange of information, and the representatives of
the Minors Centre from Vienna came to Bucharest to assist their Romanian partners.
 - to follow up the accomplishment of the attributions established by the National Action
Plan for countering human trafficking and make proposals to accomplish these attributions;
It was one of the Inter-ministerial Group’s permanent tasks accomplished. What has been
lacking is a control mechanism and one able to make accountable the governmental
agencies that fail to accomplish in due time the afferent tasks, according to the GD
 - to elaborate the report made available for the victims of trafficking by the Romania's
diplomatic and consular missions abroad;
These reports available abroad for the Romanian citizens who are victims of trafficking
were elaborated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs representatives and, in addition, victims
receive support through the attachés of internal affairs, send by the Ministry of
Administration and Interior in the countries of destination.
 - to elaborate training materials on the victim’s rights in order to be disseminated by the
relevant authorities;
 - to elaborate, quarterly, activity reports on the rights of the trafficked victims, which are
presented to interested institutions;
 - to make quarterly evaluations of activities in the field of prevention and countering
human trafficking, on the basis of data made available by the concerned institutions and
by the associations and foundations active in this field.
These two activities were accomplished with difficulty. The lack of information concerning
the ministries activities, but also of the nongovernmental organizations which are not
coordinated at national level, the lack of common indicators used for reference by these
institutions (the absence of a common definition of the human trafficking ‘victim) made it
difficult to come to a common denominator.
The Annual Report for the USA Department of State emphasized the countries that
meet/don’t meet the minim standards to eradicate human trafficking.
There were prepared quarterly and half year analysis and case studies, offered to the
mass-media and to the institutions’ management, the public opinion being also informed.
 - to provide a good cooperation between state institutions and associations and
foundations concerned in the field;
The participation of the non-governmental and international organization, within the
programs and activities at the national or local level, was permanently in the attention of
the representatives of the Inter-ministerial Working Group.
According to the provisions of the National Plan and the GD 299/2003, to assist and
reintegrate the victims of trafficking, the Ministry of Administration and Interior created
an emergency phone line, free of charge, for trafficked victims.
The lack of the budgetary provisions in 2002, 2003 and 2004 made almost impossible the
emergency phone line to become functional. However, presently, by the consolidated
efforts of the Inter-ministerial Group, this emergency phone line is functional within the
General Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Antidrug/GDCOCA, within the
General Inspectorate of The Romanian Police. 
Nevertheless, this emergency phone line needs specialized personnel and trained in this
way, element not under the competence of GDCOCA.
Thus, in the summer of 2003,  the Inter-ministerial Group assured the
communication/contact between the representatives of the Ministry of Administration and
Interior, FAMNET Federation, nongovernmental organizations and PNUD, which elaborated
a draft of financing project for this help line, project submitted to the donors, under
common signature of the three institutions. This aspect it’s a clear prove of the
cooperation between governmental and nongovernmental agencies.

In conclusion, the Inter-ministerial Group activity, has succeeded the following:

Positive elements
 - Direct contribution to keep Romania in the 2nd Group (US Department of State),
 - Granting to Romania the regional leader position for combating human trafficking,
 - Implementation of a real cooperation mechanism between governmental agencies and
civil society,
 - Elaborating the National Plan for Prevention and Countering the Human Trafficking in
minors – the best in the region,
 - Improvement of the cooperation between Romania and international partners, including
by developing programs/projects,

Negative elements
 - Sufficiency in mobilizing the involved agencies,
 - Insufficiency in mobilizing of some material resources at the central and local level,
 - Insignificant interest of some important concerned Ministries
 - A modest involving in the issue concerning shelters provided and protection measures for
the victims,
 - Lack of  balance between prevention and countering sides of human trafficking ,
 - Lack of a clear cut line between prevention and countering activities,
 - Lack of balance between the international and national level.

We appreciate that the priorities for the next period are:

 - To up date the National Action Plan,
 - To create a National Agency for Prevention and Countering Human Trafficking and Victim
Protection. In this sense, the Interministerial Working Group at the meeting held on
09.07.04, debated the possibility of setting up this Agency and elaborated the draft of the
Normative Act, which should be forwarded to the Government for approval. At the above
mentioned meeting participated Mr. Marian Florian Saniuta, Deputy Prime-minister,
Romanian Minister of Administration and Interior, Mrs. Soknan Han Jung, UN Resident
Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative and Mr. Stephan Dahlgren, Program
Responsible in the field of JAI within the European Commission Delegation in Bucharest. As
an intermediate step, a National Office for Preventing Trafficking in Human Beings and
Monitoring the Trafficked Victim’s Protection, shall be established and subordinated to the
Ministry of Administration and Interior. The National Office shall start its activity in
September 2004 within the Institute for Crime Research and Prevention/General
Inspectorate of Romanian Police. At the same time, the Office shall ensure the
Interministerial Working Group Secretariat until the setting-up of the Agency.

To take over the specific activities of the Inter-ministerial Working Group by the Agency.

National coordinator,
Police quaestor,
                             Ph.d. Damian Miclea 

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