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In the mucosa of the oral cavity there are special formations called taste buds,

representing specific terminal apparatus that perceive gustatory excitation. In the

adult, buds are placed mainly at the tip of the tongue, on her lateral and dorsal
faces(except for the middle portion of the dorsal surface), as well as on the anterior
and posterior of the epiglottis, on the posterior wall of the pharynx, on the anterior
palatine arch and on the soft palate. In the child, taste buds are much more widely
distributed then in the adult. At elderness their amount decreases. Taste buds from
different parts of the oral mucosa receive nerve fibres from four different nerves:
glossopharyngeal, vagus, facial, and trigeminal nerve.

În mucoasa cavităţii bucale există formaţiuni speciale numite bulbi gustativi,
reprezentînd aparatele terminale specifice care percep excitaţiile gustative. La
omul adult, bulbii se află situaţi pe vîrful limbii, pe feţele ei laterală şi dorsală (cu
excepţia porţiunii mijlocii a suprafeţei dorsale), precum şi pe feţele anterioară şi
posterioară a epiglotei, pe peretele posterior al faringelui, pe valul palatin anterior
şi pe palatul moale. La copii, bulbii gustativi sunt repartizaţi pe o regiune mult mai
întinsă decît la adulţi. La bătrîneţe, numărul lor scade. Bulbii gustativi din diferite
regiuni ale mucoasei bucale primesc fibre nervoase de la patru nervi diferiţi :
nervul gloso-faringian, nervul vag, nervul facial ţi nervul trigeme.

In the mucosa of the oral cavity there are special formations called taste buds,
representing specific terminal apparatus that perceive gustatory excitation. In the
adult, buds are placed mainly at the tip of the tongue, on her lateral and dorsal
faces(except for the middle portion of the dorsal surface), as well as on the anterior
and posterior of the epiglottis, on the posterior wall of the pharynx, on the anterior
palatine arch and on the soft palate. In the child, taste buds are much more widely
distributed then in the adult. At elderness their amount decreases. Taste buds from
different parts of the oral mucosa receive nerve fibres from four different nerves:
glossopharyngeal, vagus, facial, and trigeminal nerve.

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