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Fig.G.G E-plane Tee.

When TEIOmode is made to propagate into port ti),the two outputs

at port ~ and $ will have a phase shift of 180. as shown in Fig. 6.7.
Since the electric field lines change their direction when they come out
of port ~ and $, it is called a E-plane Tee. E-plane Tee is a voltage or
series junction symmetrical about the central arm. Hence any signals
that is to be split or any two signal that are to be combined will be fed
from the E arm. .

\ - ./
<D @

Fig. G.7
The scattering matrix of an E-plane Tee can be used to describe its
properties. In general, the power out of port ti) (side or E arm) is
proportional to the difference between instantaneous powers entering
from ports (i)and 0.
Also, the effective value of the power leaving the E arm is
proportional to the phasor difference between the powers entering ports
(i)and @. When powers entering the main arms (ports (i)and @are in
phase opposition, maximum energy comes out of port @ or E-arm.
Since it is a three port junction the scattering matrix can be derived
as follows. .
1. (8) is a 3 X3 matrix since there are 3 ports:
81i 812 813
(8) = 821 822 823

[ 831 832 833 ]

2~ The Scattering coefficient
823 =- 813 ...(6.20)
Since outputs at ports (i)and e are out of ph~se by 180. with
an input at port 6).
- 3. If port 6)is perfectly matched to the junction.
833 = 0 ...(6.21)
4. From symmetric property 8u = 8jj

:. 812 = 821
813 = 831
823 = 832 ...(6.22)
With the above properties (Eq. 6.21 and 6.22), (8) becomes,
811 \ 812 813
[8J = 812 822 -813 ...(6.23)
[813 -813' 0]
-5. From unitary property, [8].[8J*= [n
811 812 813 - l 0 0
i.e., 812 822 813
-- 0 1 0
* *
[813 813 0] [813 813 0,] [0 0 1]
R1C1 : 181112+ 181212+ 181312 =1 ...(6.24)
R2C2: 181212+ 182212+181312 =1 ...(6.25)
R3C3: 181312+ 181312 =1 ...(6.26)
* *
R3 C1 : 813.811 - 813 812 =0 ...(6.27)
Equating Eqs. 6.24 and 6.25we get
811 = 822 ...(6.28)
From Eq. 6.26, 813 = ~ ...(6.29)
* *
From Eq. 6.27,813 (811- 812) = 0 or 811 = 812,=.822 ...(6.30)
Using these values (Eqs. 6.28 to 6.30) in Eq. 6.24

181112+ ISl112~l =1
1 - 1
2181112::::- ...(6.31)
2 or 811::::- 2
Substituting the values from Eq. 6.29 to 6.31, the [8] matrix ofEq.
6.23 becomes,
-1 -1 1
2 2
1 1 -1
[8] = 1-2 2
1 -1

We know, (from Eq. 6.3)

[b] = [8] [a]

bl ~ ~ i al
1 1 -1
.. ...(6.33)
b2 = "2 "2 ~ a2

[ ba] i ~ 0 [aal
.. bl = -21 al 1 1
+ - a2 + - aa
2 ...f2

1 1 1
b2 = -al+-a2--aa ...(6.35)
2 2 ...f2

ba = ~al-~a2 ...(6.36)
...f2 ...f2
Case 1 : al = a2 = 0, aa "# 0
1 1
bl =~ aa ; b2 =-~ aa ; ba =0
i.e., An input at port EDequally divides between (i),and @but introduces
a phase shift of 180. between the two outputs. Hence E-plane Tee also
acts as a 3 dB splitter.
Case 2 : al = a2 = a,aa = 0
Substituting again in Eqs. 6.34 to 6.36, we get
a a a a 1 1
/' bl = "2+"2 ; b2 = "2+"2 ; ba = 12 a - ~ a = 0
i.e., equalinputs at port (i) and port ~ result in no output at port G>
Case 3 : al "# 0, a2 = 0, aa = 0
Hence b - al. b - al . b -~ .{, ...
, I - 2 ' 2 - 2' a - ...f2/~
Similarly we can have all combinations ofinputs and outputs.
6.3.3 E-H Plane {Hybrid or Magic} Tee
Here rectangular slots are cut both along the width and breadth of a
long waveguide and side arms are attached as 5hown in Fig. 6.8a. Ports
~ and @are collinear arms, port @is the H-arm, and port @is the E-arm.
Such a device became necessary because ofthe difficulty ofobtaining
a completely matched three port Tee junction. This four port hybrid Tee
junction combines the power dividing properties of both H-plane Tee
and E-plane Tee as shown in Fig. 6.8b and has the advantage of being
completely matched at all its ports. This has several useful applications
as will be seen later. Using the properties of E-H plane Tee, its
scattering matrix can be obtained as follows.


--- Signal into

. l E-arm
port 4

f f ~ort


~. 1
Port 3
E Po~:

Signal into

Fig. 6.8
J.~O lVUL~VVV.M. Vr. .M.I'\lLJIV\.LJ.M.~ r.1'\l\.JU'\Ir.r.NI'\l\.J

1.. lS1 is a 4 x 4 matrix since tnere are 4 ports

811 812 813 814

i.e., [8] = 821

[ 841 842 843 844
2. Because ofH-plane Tee section
823 = 813 ...(6.38)
3. Because of E-plane Tee section
824 = -814 ...(6.39)
4. Because of geometry of the junction an input at port @cannot
come out of port ~ since they are isolated ports and vice versa
:. 834 = 843 = 0 ...(6.40)
5. From symmetricproperty, 8ij = 8ji

812 = 821 ; 813 = 831 ; 823 = 832;

834 = 843; 824 = 842; 841 = 814 ...(6.41)
6. If ports Ci)and ~ are perfectly matched to the junction.
833 = 844 = 0 ...(6.42)
Substituting the above properties from Eqs. 6.38 to 6.42 in Eq.
6.37, we get
811 812 813 814
[8] = 812 822 813 ...(6.43)
813 813 0
[ 814 -814 0 -S~
7. From unitary property, [8)[8]* = [1]
,* * * *
811 812 813 814 811 812 813 814 100 0
* * * *
813 -814 812 822 813 -814 1= 0 100
..e.;. 1812 822
813 813 0 0 813 813 0 0 0 0 1 0
814 -S14 0 0 814 -S14 0 0 000 1
RICI: I81112+ I81212 + 1 81312 + I81412= 1 ...(6.44)
R2C2: 181212+ 182212+ 181312+ 181412 = 1 ...(6.45)
R3C3: 18131'2+ 181312 = 1 ...(6.46)
R4C. : 181412+ I81412 = 1 ...(6.47)
From Eq. 6.46 andEq. 6.47,
813 = ~ ...(6.48)
814 = ,-:;J2 ...(6.49)
1. [8] is a 4 x 4 matrix since there are 4 ports
811 812 813 814

i.e., [8] = 821


[ 841 842 843 844

2. Because of H-plane Tee section
823 = 813 ...(6.38)
3. Because of E-plane Tee section
824 = -814 ...(6.39)
4. Because of geometry of the junction an input at port @cannot
come out of port ~ since they are isolated ports and vice versa
:. 834 = 843 = 0 ...(6.40)
5. From symmetric property, 8ij = 8ji
812 = 821; 813 = 831; 823 = 832;
834 = 843; 824 = 842; 841 = 814 ...(6.41)
6. Ifports<@ and ~ are perfectly matched to thejunction~
833 = 844 =0 ...(6.42)
Substituting the above properties from Eqs. 6.38 to 6.42 in Eq.
6.37, we get
811 812 813 814
[8] = 812
0 0 ...(6.43)
[ 814 -814 0 ]
7. From unitary property, [8][8]. = [n
<.. . *
1 000
811 812 813 814 811 812 813 814
* * * *
813 -814 812 822 813 -814 = 0 100
J.e.; 1 812 822 <

813 813 0 0 813 813 0 0 0 0 1 0

814 -814 0 0 814 -814 0 0 000 1.J

RICI : I81112+ 1 81212 + 1 81312 + I81412 = 1 ...(6.44)

R2C2: 181212+ 182212+ 181312+ 181412 =1 ...(6.45)
RaG3: 181312+ 181312 =1 ...(6.46)
B4C4: I81412+ I81412 = 1 ...(6.4 7)
From Eq. 6.46 and Eq. 6.47,
813 = ~
814 =~ <
pomparing Eqs. 6.44 and 6.45, we get
811 = 822 (- ...(6.50)
Using these values from Eqs. 6.48 and 6.49 in Eq. 6.44 we get,

181112+ 181212+~+~ = 1
.. 181112+ 181212= 0
i.e., 811 = 812 = 0 ...(6.51)
:. From Eq. 6.45, 822 =:=0 ...(6.52)
This means ports (i)and @are also perfectly matched to the junction".
Hence in any four port junction, if any two ports are perfectly matched
to the junction, then the remaining two ports are automatically matched
to the junction. Such ajunction where in all the four ports are perfectly
matched to the junction is called a Magic Tee.
The [8] of Magic Tee is obtained by substituting the scattering
parameters from Eqs. 6.48 to 6.52 in Eq. 6.43.
0 0
1 1
~ ~
0 0
1 1
[8] = 12 -~ ...(6.53)
1 1
0 0
1 1 0
~ -~ 0
We knowthat, [b] = [8] [a] (from Eq. 6.3)
r 1 1
b1 0 0
12 12" al
0 0 1 1
1= :J2 - \72" a2
i.e., I
1 1
b3 0 01la3
1 1
b4 0 01la4
12 - \72
1 1
.. b1 = ~(a3+a4); b3 = ::J2(al +a2)
1 1
b2 =~ -
(a3 a4); b4 = :.r2 (al - a2) } ...(6.54) .
Using Eq. 6.54, we look at the properties of Magic Tee for some
important cases.
Case 1 : a3 'fI:0, al = a2 = a4 = 0
Substituting these in Eq. 6.54, we get,
a3 a3
bl = "::]2; b2 = ~; b3 = b4 = 0
This is the property ofH-plane Tee.
Case 2 : a4 :F-0, al = a2 ::;:a3 = 0
a4 a4
.. bl = ~; b2 = -12; b3 = b4 = 0
This is the property of E-plane Tee.
Case 3 : al :F-0 , a2 = a3 = a4 = 0
al al
:. bl = 0; b2 = 0; b3 = ~; b4 = :J2
i.e., when power is fed into port (i), nothing comes out of port @ even
though they are collinear ports (Magic!!). Hence ports (i) and (2)are
called isolated ports. Similarly an input at port @ cannot come out at
port (i). Similarly E and H ports are isolated ports.
Case 4 : a3 = a4, al = a2 = 0
Then bl = ~ (2 a3) ; b2 = 0; b3 = b4 = 0
This is nothing but the additive property. Equal inputs at ports 6)
and (4)result in an output at port (i)(in phase and equal in amplitude).
Case 5 : ' al = a2, a3 = a4 = 0 ;
.. 1
bl = 0 = b2 = b4; b3 = ~ (2al)
that is equal inputs at ports (i) and ~ results in an output at port 6)
(additive property) and no outputs at ports (i), @ and~. This is similar
to case 4.

6.3.4 Applications of Magic Tee

A magic Tee has several applications. A few of them have been
discussed here.
(a) Measurement ofImpedance : A Magic Tee has been used in the
form of a bridge, as shown in Fig. 6.9 for measuring impedance.
Microwave source is connected in arm G>and a null detector in arm
~. The unknown impedance is connected in arm (2)and a standard
variable known impedance in arm (i). Using the properties of Magic Tee,
the power from microwave source (a3) gets divided equally between arms

(i) and (2) (~) (to the unknown impedance and standard variable
impedances). These impedances are not equal to char~cteristic
impedance Zo and hence there will be reflections from arms (i) and (2). If

Pl and P2are the reflection coefficients, powers P~3 and P~ enter the

@03Pj j2,j2
P1 - refl coeff I Z,

j2 L j21 p,'efl
°3PZ - coeff 01 Z,
Standard variable
known impedance
~0 \\ .1 03 Unknown
j2 \\ j2

Fig. 6.9 Magic Tee for measurement of impedances.

Magic Tee junction from arms CDan~ as shown in Fig. 6.9. The
resultant wave into arm @ i.e., the null detector can be calculated as
follows: -
The net wave reaching the mill detector (Refer Fig. 6.9)
1 1 1 1 1
= ~ (/-12.~aplJ -:v2 ( 12 aapz) = 2' aa (pl - pz)
For perfect balancing of the bridge (null detection) Eq. 6.55 is
equated t6-~ro. .
2' aa (pl - pz) = 0
or Pl - pz = 0 or Pl = pz
or Zl - Zz - Zz - Zz
Zl +Zz - Zz+Zz
.. Zl = Zz
i.e., Rl + j Xl = Rz + j Xz
or Rl = Rz and Xl = Xz.
Thus the unknown impedance can be measured by adjusting the
standard variable impedance till the bridge is balanced and both
impedances become equal.
(b) Magic Tee as a Duplexer : The transmitter and receiver are
connected in ports @ and CDrespectively, antenna in the E-arm or port

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