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Disruptive Technologies

That Are Entering The Marketplace

The Next Generation Of Electronics Manufacturing

Printed Electronics


The Next Generation Of Energy Storage

Ultra-High Energy Capacitors


Universal Personal Electronic Devices

The technology as presented is purposely made to appear as simple. However, critical information
about the dielectric composition and fabrication process has been purposely omitted, as it would represent
highly confidential trade secrets. Any company or technical team believing they can make the technology work
without knowing these trade secrets will find out after great expense they are wrong. Information about the
dielectric's composition or detailed fabrication process has not been given in any pending patent or in any
public disclosure. Without this information a technical team is wasting its time and their employer's money.
Only companies that are in partnership with 1st Lighten The Load Inc. are granted access to trade secrets. In
spite of this warning a few companies and organizations known to us have unsuccessfully, after great expense,
tried to manufacture their own samples.

Date: 13 March 2009

By: Mr. David Kelly
CTO of 1st Lighten The Load Inc.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

Table Of Contents

Description Page

1. Technology Overview 3

2. Market Approach 4

3. Licensing Options 5

4. New Products Using The Technology

i. UPED 7

ii. Electronics Manufacturing 11

iii. Energy Storage 12

5. Technology Development

i. Risk & Time To Market 15

ii. Development Steps 15

iii. Technical Support 16

6. Other Technologies Under Development 17

7. Other Information Including Contact 17


A Diagram Views Of The New Manufacturing Process 18

Special Note:
This document is for information purposes only and the receipt of it does not grant any
rights to use or license for the technologies described herein.

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

1. Technology Overview
A new electronics fabrication technology was developed by 1st Lighten The Load Inc. as an
offshoot of 2 1/2 years of research into a new capacitor design and method of fabrication. The new
technology is disruptive to current high volume electronics manufacture in that it eliminates the need
for 95% of passive components. The new technology opens up a whole new range of products that can
be inexpensively manufactured. With all passive components fully integrated into the body of the
electronics assembly about ¼ the size of an equivalent PCB, no longer having a separate structure of
their own. The process is fully automated, eliminating almost all the labor, with high speed of
fabrication up to 3 square meters of finished electronics produced per minute, representing for example
100s of cellular phone assemblies per minute. The fabrication process is capable of making a 20-layer
circuit board with a total thickness of only 0.025mm (25 micron) with interlayer working voltages of
greater than 15 volts DC. The electronic assemblies of your cellular phones or other electronic
equipment will be reduced to the volume required by 2 times the area of paper (about the thickness of
the final PCB) that is required to mount the unpackaged integrated circuits used in your cellular phone.
The new fabrication technology was originally designed to manufacture ultra high energy
density capacitors. The energy density of these capacitors is able to approach that of current batteries
but at a fraction of the cost. Capacitors used as primary energy storage have many advantages such as
unlimited life, fast recharge (seconds), are self-healing (cannot catch fire), and most important can be
integrated as part of a portable electronics device. Ultra high energy density capacitors can be made in
any form or shape and even as part of the outer case of a portable electronics device. A large market for
the ultra high energy density capacitors is for storing electric power by directly connecting them to DC
Transmission Lines. They can be used as primary energy storage for electric trains, ships, heavy
industrial equipment and eventually electric cars. The estimated cost of the ultra-high density capacitors
is projected to be about 50 to 100 dollars US per kilo-watt-hour, far less than the cost of current battery
technology. A different document is available, on request, that goes into detail about the new ultra high
energy density capacitor technology.
The technology has been protected by a number of pending patents and a number of critical
trade secrets. Key trade secrets have been withheld and have been purposely selected to maximize the
expense of any corporation attempting to complete the technology without a license or co-operation
from 1st Lighten The Load Inc. The pending patent portfolio represents the degree that our technology
FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

is ahead of current capacitor research and establishes a very low probability that any University or
Government lab would complete the technology inexpensively and in a timely manner.
2. Market Approach

The overall market for the different technologies is very large the smallest being the capacitor
industry which is $12.9 Billion US per year, the electronics fabrication industry is far greater and last
the future energy storage for renewable energy and automobiles eventually expected to exceed $100
Billion annually. Electric cars are soon to become a reality and with them a need for fast recharge
electric stations, the same as gasoline stations today. The market for electric car fast recharge stations in
the USA alone is expected to exceed $100 Billion US. Though market potential from each of these
markets is very large the need is to establish revenue from the technology as soon as possible.

The markets initially to be targeted will be the capacitor industry and high volume
electronics fabrication. For the capacitor market the technology is used to make lower cost and more
compact direct replacements for double layer capacitors (in working voltages greater than 15 volts),
metal film, electrolytic; and the manufacture of self-healing multi-layer ceramic capacitors. The market
for the capacitor production machines would be initially very large as the new high energy density
capacitors will quickly dominate most of the $12.9 Billion US capacitor market with devices ½ to 1/10 th
the size and cost of manufacture. However, it must be remembered that the demand for discrete
capacitors will rapidly fall as this new electronics fabrication technology moves to dominate the market,
greatly reducing their use in electronic equipment. With this in mind within 10 years the $12.9 Billion
US capacitor market could easily drop below $2 Billion. The electronics fabrication industry would, for
the same reasons, be quickly dominated by this new technology as it represents an overall
manufacturing cost savings of about 30% for consumer electronics. Both these markets will typically
accept a new technology within 2 years of its introduction and have well accepted/established
accelerated life testing for new products.

After the fabrication equipment is in operation for these two markets, attention will turn to the
ultra-high energy density capacitor technology. The customers for this type of product are very
conservative and entry could take 2 to 4 years for full acceptance. The lowest cost market to enter
would be the electric grid storage where the energy is stored in environmentally controlled warehouse
sized facilities and their primary concern is cost per kilo-watt-hour of storage, operating life and energy

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

loss in both the storing and discharging process. The industrial, train and marine applications can be
targeted at the same time. Their primary concerns is cost and they are not very concerned about size or

The last market to enter would be the automotive where cost, size and weight are all of high
importance. This means that after satisfying the electric grid storage market, research will turn to
weight and size reduction with the goal of dominating the automotive market. For Asian countries small
vehicles such as electric bikes and scooters would be a very large market with cost, not size the main
concern. For this reason the electric bike and scooter market could be used as a reliable testing ground
for the ultra-high energy storage capacitors that are eventually to be used in the automotive market.

At the same time the electronics fabrication can be used for the next generation of electronic
components. These devices would be high density and high values such as the UPED (see later) or solid
state hard drive replacement devices, miniature cellular phones etc..

3. Licensing Options

There are the usual questions such as why your company would benefit by licensing? First, the
IP owned by 1st Lighten The Load Inc. contains a number of primarily or top patents. This means the
small set of pending patents will eventually control the market place and companies who hold
secondary licenses can not with hold licenses to your company. New developments in the technology
will almost always be secondary patents so your company will remain in control of the technology.
Eventually a patent pool could be established where an organization holds or is able to grant a single
license to a company for the technology. This would be much more practical than having to negotiate
licenses with 10 or 30 individual companies.

Optionally your company is offered the opportunity to own the new technology so you can put
your competition out of business before they do it to you or to be used as a barging tool for cross
licensing of key technology that your competition owns. Your company can introduce the disruptive
technology in a controlled manner that fits your firms’ ability to transition into the new technology.
You would control the speed of the progression of the new technology rather than your competition.
Control of the new technology ensures your company has the latest and greatest miniature electronic
products, capturing the more profitable portion of the business. Without access to the disruptive

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

technology your competition will not be able to match your company’s new products in cost of
manufacture, size and features. Alternately your company may elect to purchase the technology then
license your competition, so you receive a portion of the proceeds from all products made etc.

Your company needs to take control of the IP to prevent chaos in the electronics fabrication
market that would result if the core IP is allowed to go free. Unless the IP is acquired there is a strong
probability that a substantial portion of the market place will go free. The worse case scenario is for the
top pending patents to be allowed to go free for the world or large portions of the market place. In such
a situation there would be a mad frenzy rather than controlled introduction to the market place. The
whole electronics industry would be disrupted with a rate of change that could cause severe economic
hardship. In addition new start up companies may emerge that don’t have to convert existing fabrication
facilities or find jobs for personnel made redundant by the conversion to the new technology, causing
great financial strain and hardship for well established and mature manufacturers. The passive
component manufacturers would collapse prematurely obsolescing components while demand still is
high. Instead of an orderly transition of the industry to a new technology over 3 to 7 years period a
collapse of the electronics industry could occur in as little as 3 years.

There are many licensing options available for companies to consider. All licenses or full
purchase of the IP including staged payments (with performance clauses) that may be all cash or a
combination of cash and stock are available. If a company elects to pay with stock (or even stock
options) sale restrictions would be considered by 1st Lighten The Load Inc. such as shares not being
sold for a predetermined period of time or until a specific time after the new technology went into
production etc.

The purchase of the IP is available because at this time there are no licenses or other
encumbrances on the technology. Alternately a license exclusive or otherwise is available for a specific
technology, such as the manufacturing equipment/fabrication process, UPED (see later), capacitor
technology for electronics, ultra-high energy density capacitors for energy storage for a specific market
etc. Selected markets may be a country, continent etc. A unique offer that is available is a first right of
refusal of any new technologies developed by the technical principles of 1st Lighten The Load Inc.
There are a number of new technologies under development for example an advanced form of e-paper

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

above that currently manufactured, that retains its display statically and has a much faster rate of
writing so it supports low video in its active mode.

The purchaser or licensor of the manufacturing technology will get full technical support and
transfer of trade secrets as required until the process is up and operating. The technical team is available
for relocation either temporarily or on a permanent basis.

4. New Products Using The Technology

i. UPED stands for Universal Personal Electronic Device

1st Lighten The Load Inc offers cellular/ phone; LCD/OLED display; e-paper; electronic device
manufacturers a unique opportunity to acquire this technology that will be capable of miniaturizing
your products to ¼ their current size well beyond that of your competition. If your are in the cellular
phone market, owning our new technology can put your competition out of business before they do it to
you. Without access to the disruptive technology your competition will not be able to match your
company’s new products in cost of manufacture, size and features.
This new manufacturing technology has made a new product possible called the UPED pronounced
U-ped that is capable of replacing ALL of the portable electronic devices that are carried by customers.
It specifically targets the younger generation with the ultimate ‘must have’ product that will become ‘a
necessity’ for the education market. It is capable of capturing the music, video, cellular, cable
TV/satellite and software services that are paid as a monthly fee. One method of describing the product
is as a cellular phone that is also a fully capable personal computer that will dominate the education,
cellular phone, computer and electronics markets. It is in a way a product similar to the concept of a
Universal Remote Control that after being programmed removes the need for many individual
manufacturers’ remote controls. All personal electronic devices will eventually be replaced with this
single product.
The product is the next evolutionary step that will replace computers, both laptop and desk top as
they currently exist today. There are over 86 features, most are software and represent a potential
monthly rental surcharge that the customer will wish to add. There are over 30 new software

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

opportunities created by the product, which will become ‘must have’ add-on features for the teenage
market place.
The product requires the involvement of a number of major companies in different industries,
where each company will be able to put its competition out of business.
UPED Advantages; Quick Summary
1. Hardware; the UPED hardware will typically contain over 100 giga-byte of solid-state storage.
This could represent 50% of the flash storage market, providing a secure market protected by IP
for a memory chip manufacturer.
2. Software; the UPED is a computing device and cellular phone representing a new operating
system software market.
3. Music/video download market.
4. Cellular phone market,
5. Consumers electronics market; the revolutionary manufacturing process will make your
products the lowest cost to manufacture, smallest in size and “must have” as they are the only
products such as flat screen TVs, game boxes etc. that are able to interface with the UPED.
6. Satellite communication; the UPED is able to compete against land services, i.e. cable TV,
internet etc. and is a low cost method to provide services for developing nations, representing
nearly 4-5 Billion potential customers. The UPED would interface to a new low earth orbit
array such that receiving antennas would be about 5 cm in size.

UPED: Advantages Detailed

Main Product: Features, Benefits and Income Generating Power

1. Top or primary patent as all other electronic devices would be secondary to it. In most countries this
means that the holder of the primary patent can not be refused a license for a secondary patent; many
patents that may not have included in their claims the provision of such a device makes no license
necessary to use their IP and it opens the opportunity for new patent applications to be filed for the
UPED application.
2. Education computers and personal computers will be made up of a UPED, with a separate display
such as a sheet of e-paper or OLED, a wireless key board and a mouse-like device. The e-paper or

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

OLED can be incorporated inexpensively as part of the student’s note book i.e. embedded in the
cover. The UPED satisfies all other needs of the student in an electronic device: personal computer,
MP3 player, data storage, video and cellular phone etc.. Capturing the education market with the
technology keeps the younger population and their homes locked into your products for about 20
years of their life and they are more likely to keep using them as adults. With children of a family
using your product then it is only probable that the adults would use them as well. Some possible
versions of the UPED are: the EPED; Education Personal Electronic Device, and the CPED;
Corporate Personal Electronic Device etc..
3. The UPED would be satellite capable with special integrated antenna as an add-on option (special flip
lid or cover) and compatible with near earth orbit satellite networks similar to Iridium. This opens a
financial opportunity for the construction of a much larger near earth orbit network to service Asia,
Africa, Russia, Middle-East, South and Central America. Satellite-capable phones with optional
antennas embedded in their flip lids create the new satellite customer base. The satellite UPED is a
way that a cellular provider can access the market for satellite internet and TV services for the large
regions of rural Asia, Africa, Russia, Middle-East, South and Central America that do not have
inexpensive access. It opens an opportunity for the cellular service providers to offer a competing
service to the existing and highly profitable cable TV/wired Internet market place. In developed
countries the common cable TV service costs $60US per month and Internet $39. This provides the
opportunity for an additional $100/month of service fees on top of the cellular monthly service
charge. Further with the UPED being used as a component of the satellite connection piracy is nearly
impossible though the protection offered by the embedded digital rights software. Cellular service
providers’ new satellite opportunity provides a much larger source of revenue allowing your company
to charge a greater royalty for your hardware. With a potential market of 5 Billion customers the
annual cash flow would be very large. Further the opportunity would provide a new commercial
market for satellites and support of space programs of the participating nations such as Japan, China,
India, Russia and the European Union.
4. The manufacturing technology is ready to go to pilot stage of manufacture. This technology is very
similar to that Nokia was hoping to develop in 7 years for their Morph concept phone, described in
their February 2008 press release. They said it would take over 7 years, however the major
component of the fabrication technology is available for license today! So the UPED would be
FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

available for sale in 18 months along with ultra thin e-paper or OLED display & keyboard integrated
into a school notebook cover and a watch sized cellular phone with a wireless headset. The timing is
perfect with the new ‘must have’ products entering the market place in sync with the economic
recovery and represents a major technological advancement not possible for your competition to
match in size or price. Another major benefit for your company is that the technology will establish
your company as the industry leader, moving far ahead of the present leader in this technology by
beating them to market with the next generation of personal electronic devices.
5. Controlling the education UPED market extends the control of the larger electronic market to your
company. With the UPED processing capability limited by lower power processors a large market for
accessories such as UPED LCD display/docking stations with high power coprocessors incorporated
inside for engineering/office computer workstations, game boxes, and home video displays etc. The
UPED can hold all personal data with additional storage for purchased/rental music, movies/videos
and games making it easier to control copy/digital use rights with physical CD & DVD made
obsolete. The manufacturer can preload, for a fee, the UPED flash storage with a selection of movies,
music and games that the users can purchase/rent at a discount. New business opportunities will open
for software applications and auxiliary devices such as docking stations integrated into home
entertainment, where displays screens are used as a computer/television etc..
1st Lighten The Load Inc offers cellular/ phone; LCD/OLED display; e-paper; electronic device
manufacturers a unique opportunity to acquire this technology that will be capable of miniaturizing
your products to ¼ their current size well beyond that of your competition. The cost savings is greatest
for those manufacturers that are making LCD/OLED large screen displays. Your company will be able
to manufacture wrist and credit card sized cellular phones with many of the features of your current
products. The size reduction includes the potential for substantial manufacturing costs savings as the
new electronics fabrication technology is easily automated and uses existing inexpensive industrial
grade materials. The technology produces OLED and e-paper displays at a much lower cost and thinner
than currently possible.
ii. Electronics Manufacturing
The fabrication process consists of the industrial inkjet printing of passive and active electronic
components in combination with a new continuous transfer printing technology used to print the pre-
etched electronic wire traces. The passive components do not have discrete bodies but are made from
FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

resistive inks or foil for resistors and various printed dielectrics for making capacitors. The transfer
printing process prints the pre-etched metal interconnection traces that interconnect the various passive
components and semiconductors together. Furthermore, the transfer printing process is used to print
high power or precision metal film resistors. The metal traces can be any metal alloy with thickness
ranging from 0.001 micron and greater. The passive components are embedded within the multi-layer
electronic assembly. The semiconductors are placed either on top of the finished assembly or embedded
within the structure, often using flip chip technology for making the electrical connections to the metal
traces. The technology eliminates the need to stack semiconductors but instead facilitates the stacking
of them in the interlayers of the assembly.
The new electronics fabrication process makes products such as the UPED possible and
inexpensive with the cost and size related to the number of silicon integrated circuits that it contains.
This technology was developed from the new capacitor fabrication technology developed to
manufacture a new type of ultra high energy density capacitor. As mentioned earlier in the document
the new fabrication technology is a combination of existing printing technologies combined with a new
transfer printing process. The technology is low risk as the work is deciding the size of machine to
fabricate and the selection of materials that will be used to fabricate electronic circuits from. The
process is more applied Engineering rather than Research & Development.

Fabrication Technology Capability: (patents pending and a large number of trade secrets)

Note; 1 micron = 0.025mm Scale of PCB is similar to first generation integrated circuit in terms of

Track width: < 25micron (0.025mm), space < 25 micron, via <50 micron

Interlayer insulation: <2.5micron, working voltage > 8V/micron, breakdown >50V/micron

Metal track: Thickness from 0.002micron through 0.5 micron, any metal may be used that can be
etched using an automated process: Special note, traces that are less than 0.008 micron in
thickness are self-healing in the event of a short circuit, when fabricated from aluminum

Passive component integration: Components are integrated into the PCB and no longer requires a
separate assembly process or require PCB surface area.

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

Resistors: Are fabricated using industrial ink jet or buried/etched metal film available in any value.
Resistor values may be trimmed/adjusted with resistive ink tolerances to 1% and metal foil
better than 0.1%

Capacitors: They are fabricated and self-healing with the dielectric selectively deposited using
industrial ink jet printing. Maximum dielectric energy density of 20J/cc is available, similar
energy density to current double layer capacitor, with working voltages as low as 6 volts.
The super cap feature can supplement the battery when operating in cellular phone mode.
New dielectrics with 300J/cc energy density (close to that of a battery) are under
development and expected to become available in 1 to 2 years and are fully self-healing
(cannot cause a thermal event).

Inductors: Can be fabricated using industrial ink jet printing or integrated as a separate PCB layer.

Integrated Circuits: Are directly wire bonded to the PCB, alternately assembled as flip chip or
miniature plastic package.

Active components: Industrial ink jet printing is used to deposit active components into layers as
required. These components may be transistors, printed integrated circuits, OLED etc.

Advantages: The transfer printing process can be used to print whole or multiple layers of electronics
in a single operation. This makes possible the storing of finished electronic sub-layers
assemblies for use at a later time, reducing the size and number of manufacturing machines
that are required. A single machine, is capable of fabricating the various sub-layers for
storage and then combine them later to form the final electronics assembly. This makes
possible pretesting of the subassemblies, trimming of component values and identifying
reject assemblies before integrated circuits are attached. The transfer printing of the metal
traces results in a thinner assembly and much better control of track impedance.

iii. Energy Storage

Until recently, research has been focused on new capacitor dielectrics for storing electric energy,
in a way they are like the filling in pie. Until now no one developed an inexpensive easy to manufacture
capacitor (the shell) to put these fillings into. This new storage technology can use nearly any type of
capacitor dielectric and make capacitors in high volumes using automated manufacturing lines. The
technology is polymer based (made from plastics), not toxic to the environment and made from
common inexpensive industrial grade materials. Using common inexpensive materials means there will
never be shortage in supply as plastic materials can be made from any organic material i.e. wood, oil
and coal. The parts can be easily recycled to make new capacitors. The new capacitors do not contain
any metals that are expensive or in short supply.

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

The electronics fabrication technology was originally developed for the fabrication of a new
capacitor technology that has ultra-high energy density, about 30 times that of current double layer
capacitors and approaches the energy density of conventional battery technology. The size of the
capacitor is larger than that of a batteries but its cost of manufacture is much lower 50 to 100 US dollars
per kilo-watt hour. The capacitor life is greater than 500,000 cycles, it is self-healing eliminating risk of
fires, can be changed and discharged in seconds to a few minutes and depending upon selection of
materials is 90 to 97% efficient, wide range of operating temperature, contains no toxic materials and
can be easily recycled.
The dielectric construction and composition is a highly guarded trade secret and only capacitor
samples made using dielectrics already in the public will be provided unless the technology is licensed
or purchased.
Preliminary research has been completed and aspects of the technology proven either
experimentally or empirically. The technology is now ready to advance to the pilot manufacturing

Specification envelope for the capacitor technology:

Special Note: The capacitor performance is dependent upon selection of materials used in its
Dielectric constant up to 15,000
Working voltage >1000 Volt per mil (25 micron or 0.025mm)
Energy density using proprietary technology >300J per cc
Note: This energy density far exceeds any current capacitor technology.
Pulse capable with reduced energy density
Self-healing comparable if not superior to metalized film capacitor
Operating temperature typical –25 to 105 Celsius; special -65 to 300 Celsius
Space grade is possible, superior to batteries
Not operating -273 through 350 Celsius
Dielectric loss 0.01 through 5% depending on dielectric selection
Common design voltage 50 through 5000V
Upper voltage-limit none; construction similar to metal film capacitors

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

Thermal/Mechanical shock minimal to none

Toxic or restricted materials may be manufactured using nontoxic materials
Manufacturing cost $2 to $30 per kilo per 1000cc of volume
For 300J of energy, use 1/2CV 2 to determine cost.
i.e. 2uF 1000V, cost in volume $0.02 to $0.30US each

The technology is a form of super capacitor with energy densities up to and exceeding 300
joule per cc, greater than currently possible with any other capacitor. It is capable of replacing batteries
in industrial, military or hostile environments such as that encountered in satellites. Cost is substantially
less than competing capacitor technologies. It utilizes an industry accepted self-healing technology
with a proven track record and operates such that defects are internally disconnected; serving a similar
purpose to a circuit breaker that protects a home against electrical shorts. This is unlike most capacitor
technologies that require external protection circuitry to disconnect a defective device from its
neighbors to prevent thermal events. Single devices may be made with operating voltages from 25
through 250,000 volts DC; well suited for use in electronics, hybrid electric cars, transmission line
storage, Military and Space.

A second technology that 1st LTL acquired is a new failure resistant electrode structure for use
in traditional ceramic capacitor. It is a failure resistant electrode structure that provides internal
protection against short circuits in a ceramic capacitor, reducing greatly the risk of thermal events. This
makes it ideal for the electronic industry as traditionally a shorted ceramic capacitor resulted in a circuit
board failure. With the new electrode structure the capacitors become self-healing so short circuits are
no longer possible. So the circuit board continues to function improving product reliability. The new
electrode structure is fully compatible with current ceramics and does not suffer from delamination
greatly improving product yields. The electrode material doesn’t flow into capacitor structure voids,
and provides a better voltage gradient than current electrode materials. Finally the new electrode
material costs less than $30 per kilo, is compatible with electrode ink formulations, fabrication
processes and is readily available with particle sizes less than 50nm.
5. Technology Development
i. Risk & Time To Market

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

The risk is very low to nil as the fabrication process combines a number of existing
technologies in a new way. The various resistive inks, dielectric inks etc in conjunction with inks used
to fabricate active electronic devices are proven with well understood characteristics. This makes the
project an Applied Engineering effort with the need for minimal low risk basic R&D. With the
technology development risk low and made from mostly off the shelf technology it is expected that the
first proto-type samples from smaller lab sized machines available in 12 months from the start of the
project and the first volume production of electronic devices would begin in as little as 16 months.

The short development time makes possible the introduction of lower cost must have next
generation electronic products about the time the recession has bottomed and started to turn around.
With competition cutting drastically R&D efforts and slowing development of new products your
company could gain a 2 year lead over your competition.

ii. Development Steps

The development of the technology involves two main product lines which are the electronic
fabrication and ultra-high energy density capacitors. The ultra high energy density capacitor technology
is a simple off shoot of the electronics fabrication technology using only a small fraction of the process
steps. This makes the simultaneous development of fabrication equipment for both technologies less
expensive when done at the same time. The high amount of equipment duplication makes the ultra-high
energy density capacitor technology nearly a free bonus. Further the lower energy density capacitors
such as direct replacement for double layer capacitors, metal film, electrolytic and the manufacture of
self-healing multi-layer ceramic capacitor fabrication technology is as well more or less free.

First a laboratory sized machine would be developed for the manufacture of bulk samples of the
ultra-high energy density capacitors. Simultaneously a second laboratory sized machine would
constructed to manufacture bulk samples of electronic assemblies constructed with all passive parts
embedded in within layers of the electronics assembly. Both the laboratory machines would have an
immediate market with Universities and other companies that have decided to license the technology.
The lab sized machines are required by production engineering for fine tuning their process and
materials before moving over to a full sized production machine.

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

Next a full sized production machine would be constructed for the manufacture of capacitors.
Following the full scale construction of the production capacitor line a production sized machine would
be built for the volume manufacture of electronics assemblies.

The technology would be developed as follows. The fabrication machines are constructed using
current industrial ink jet printing process for deposition of insulating polymers, printable resistors,
capacitors, active components and the patent pending transfer printer for deposition of the metal traces.
The metal layers produced by transfer printing would have lower resistance and much thinner than
conductors deposited using industrial ink jet printing. Very little fundamental R&D would be required
with the bulk of the work applied Engineering. Completion of the lab units would takeabout 6 months
and the production machines would follow about 6 months later. Volume production of the new high
energy density capacitors in conjunction with the high volume printed electronics would begin about 18
months after the start of the project. This of course assumes adequate staff is available for simultaneous
development of both the capacitor and electronics fabrication production machines.

The new manufacturing process makes possible a new ultra-high energy density capacitor
design that can be made for materials until now unsuitable for the fabrication of capacitors. The volume
of the ultra-high energy density capacitors is expected to eventually exceed 50 Million metric ton per
year at a cost of $5,000 to $30,000US per metric ton.

iii. Technical Support

Full technical support is available from the main technology inventor. Relocation is available
for the time required to get the technology operational and transfer the technology trade secrets. Direct
access to the inventor will cut the development time and cost in half with the best possible
manufacturing technology. Depending upon the terms and conditions of the license or purchase
agreement technical support is available on a as needed basis and for any new inventions related to the

6. Other Technologies Under Development

There are a number of other technologies that are under development, most are at the conceptual
stage and with a few mature in development.

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

7. Other Information Including Contact

No one can prevent you from doing business with 1st Lighten The Load Inc. as it is the legal owner
of the technology. A number of very critical trade secrets have been purposely left out of the patent
applications to slow or even frustrate anyone attempting to illegally use or develop the technology. 1st
Lighten The Load Inc. technical experts are available to assist licensed companies to ensure that they
are first to market. It is prudent to assume that all forms of communication with 1st Lighten The Load
Inc. to be intercepted or even possibly interfered with by one or more of our North American
competitors or governments, because of the magnitude of change represented by this technology. 1st
Lighten The Load Inc. answers and responds to all calls and enquiries. For contact in person you may
reach 1st Lighten The Load Inc. at its head office located at;
312 Erin Woods Drive SE,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2B 2X8

Cordially Yours,
Mr. David Kelly
CTO 1st Lighten The Load Inc.
Direct Line: +1-403-201-8555, e-mail:
Alternate lines +1-403-536-9990 and +1-403-245-9229 (Canada) FAX:
Couriered packages:
Mr. David Kelly
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
312 Erin Woods Drive SE,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2B 2X8

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

Appendix A
The technology as presented is purposely made to appear as simple. However,
critical information about the dielectric composition and fabrication process has been purposely
omitted, as it would represent highly confidential trade secrets. Any company or technical team
believing they can make the technology work without knowing these trade secrets will find out
after great expense they are wrong. Information about the dielectric's composition or detailed
fabrication process has not been given in any pending patent or in any public disclosure. Without
this information a technical team is wasting its time and their employer's money. Only companies
that are in partnership with 1st Lighten The Load Inc. are granted access to trade secrets. In spite
of this warning a few companies and organizations known to us have unsuccessfully, after great
expense, tried to manufacture their own samples.

Diagram Views Of The New Manufacturing Process

This section is a very brief overview of our new fabrication technology and
is not controlled by NDA agreement. Further details about the technology in
greater detail than what has been provided may require the execution of a NDA
The heart of the technology is a continuous transfer printing process. Figure
1. shows a simple representation of the process used to coat the transfer film with
a metal layer from a few to hundreds nanometers thick. The coating metal often
is copper, aluminum alloy, resistive alloy for the formation of precision metal
film resistors or other suitable material.

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

The process is very similar to that used to metalize the dielectric in metal
film capacitors. The process limitations are dependent on the film composition
and the transfer film temperature capability, which limits the amount of metal
deposition that can be made in a single pass. Figure 1. represents an evaporative
coater where the desired metal is vaporized under vacuum and the metal vapor
directed at the transfer film surface passing underneath. Material other than metal
can be deposited onto the transfer film surface so long as the film temperature
doesn’t exceed the material limits. The coating of the transfer film can in many
applications use the same metalization equipment as used in the manufacture of
metal film capacitors. In many applications the metal film is purposely made
highly resistive for the fabrication of precision resistors.
Figure 2. represents a typical Assembly Layer, greatly magnified where the
round black areas are electrical connections to an adjacent layer and the black
FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

rectangles are where resistive ink is deposited to form embedded resistors. The
degree of magnification is very high where the traces, black lines are normally
less than 1 mil (25 micron) wide with 1 mil (25 micron) spaces. Below the
sample of an assembly layer, Figure 1. and to the left are examples of resistive
elements fabricated in various shapes. The different shapes provide different
resistance, power dissipation and working voltages often made using a common
resistive ink or resistive metal film.

The remainder of the page purposely left blank

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

The ratio of length to width determines the actual resistive value and
different inks are often applied on the same layer if high resistance is required.
Various other electronic components can be printed such as PTC fuses, varistors,
transistors (usually of the FET type) etc..
To the right and below the example of the Assembly Layer is a cross section
of a printed capacitor. The electrodes are often designed to be self-healing and
fabricated from a few nanometers of aluminum. The dielectric is often ink jet
printed and may have a high dielectric constant if loss or leakage is not important
alternately using a lower dielectric constant if high frequency performance is
required. Fabrication often uses a dielectric value from 5 to over 15,000 with a
thickness down to a few micrometers if a ceramic polymer is used and less than a
micrometer if it is an unfilled polymer. Working voltages are usually greater than
5 volts per micron and a special dielectric enhancement process is available to
increase the mixed ceramic polymer dielectric constant and saturation energy
density by a factor of 10 in many applications. Multi-layer capacitors are
fabricated by interconnecting alternating layers together. Ultra-high energy
density capacitors with energy density approaching that of a conventional battery
are fabricated using 1st Lighten The Load Inc.’s special dielectric, which is as a
well guarded trade secret. The use of the ultra-high energy density capacitor
technology allows the rechargeable energy storage to be incorporated as part of
the electronic assembly, easily fabricated in any geometry or shape to efficiently
use available space within a portable electronic device. The ultra-high energy

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

density capacitor could be fabricated as part of the outer product shell with a thin
protective layer to prevent penetration. The capacitor of this type uses self-
healing electrodes to eliminate the risk of a thermal event.
Figure 3. represents a greatly simplified cross section of the continuous
transfer printing process. Considerable detail has been omitted for purposes of
confidentiality. The transfer process preferentially uses a proprietary solvent
adhesion release system rather than a thermal or pressure transfer process.

The transfer film is represented by number 25, the circuit to be transferred

on the film is 26, the transfer roller is 28 and the layer the electronics is being
transferred onto is 27. Number 29 represents the transfer film leaving the area
without the circuits and 30 are the circuits transferred onto the assembly layer.
FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

Electrically conductive channels are used to interconnect the traces between

layers and are sometimes deposited on top of the layer being transferred or onto
the assembly prior to the transfer process.
Figure 4. provides additional information about the transfer process and the
overall fabrication equipment with proprietary information omitted for purposes
of confidentiality. In the top figure, number 1 represents a roll of the substrate
layer the electronics is constructed on top of or a previously stored partially
completed electronics assembly fed into the fabrication machine at number 2.
Numbers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 represent fabrication cells where a new layer is added
onto the structure. The fabrication machine is made from a number of identically
constructed fabrication cells, numbered 3 through 7 that are individually
programmed to manufacture each specific layer. In this way the machine is very
versatile but simple in construction.

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

Number 8 represents the final area where the assembly is pretested and if it
passes integrated circuits are added then the final process cure or other remaining
process steps such as test, burn in final product assembly etc. are performed.
A more detailed cross section of one the fabrication cells is represented by
the bottom portion of Figure 4. Number 21 represents the substrate layer the
electronics is being fabricated on top off. Numbers 15 and 16 are various ink jet
printers depositing insulating layers, conductive interconnect to the next layer,
passive components etc. prior to the transfer printing of the next layer. In the
next section number 17 is the roll holding the layer to be transfer printed, 18 the
stage where the adhesion of the components on the transfer film is reduced prior
to printing at roller 19. Number 20 is the roll that takes up the transfer film for
recycling and 23 the fabrication proceeding to the next assembly stage. The
whole process is quite fast and can progress at rates of 1 to 2 meters per minute
with each cell typically 0.5 to 2 meters long. Each of the transfer printing cells
has similar construction however, they are individually programmed to fabricate
an individual layer.
Figure 5. represents a cross section of a finished electronics assembly with
a large number of layers and buried integrated circuits. An assembly of this type
is an alternative to the expensive process of stacking integrated circuits and well
suited for complex assemblies such as solid state drives and complex electronic
devices such as our UPED.

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

Figure 5. has a lot of individual parts and is greatly magnified with an

assembly typically only 2.5mm thick. In the figure, 62 represents a core, often a
metal alloy or ceramic material often less than 0.25 mm thick, used to limit the
thermal expansion in the plane where the integrated circuits are assembled. These
core layers control thermally induced mechanical stress and spread the heat away
from the integrated circuits while conducting heat to the outer portion of the
assembly. Number 61 represents a hole used for mounting the assembly and 60 a
hole that has conductive paths made through it to electrically interconnect circuits
on either side of the core layer. Number 63 represent various integrated circuits
assembled often using flip chip interconnections and in the Figure 5 there are
circuits buried in lower layers, producing a three D electronic assembly. Number
64 is often a polymer filler used to fill in around the integrated circuits to provide
a level surface to bond the next assembly on top. Electrical interconnects are
FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.
1st Lighten The Load Inc.
World Changing Technologies!

passed through this layer to connect the different circuit layers together. Number
65 represents two active electronic layers stacked on top of each other and 66 is a
similar arrangement on the opposite side. In very complex assemblies addition
heat spreaders may be incorporated for thermal management and to control
thermal stress applied to the integrated circuits. Figure 5 is greatly simplified
with proprietary confidential information eliminated. The final electronics
assembly may be fabricated to be flexible through the proper selection of
polymers and materials used in construction.

FIPO Box 88054; Calgary, AB; Canada T2C 4V9
+1 (403) 536 9990 (Canada)
 2008 all rights reserved. This document grants no rights or licenses for the described technology.

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