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Fire safety is very important in the field of fire fighting and fire prevention. The purpose of fire
safety is to eliminate injuries. There are many different forms of safety. There are also safety
programs for firefighters. The main goals of the safety program consist of preventing damage or
loss of equipment, preventing human suffering, casualties, injuries, and exposures to hazardous
atmospheres and transmittable diseases. Safety needs to be respected by everyone who works
together or else something can go wrong.

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 is the rapid oxidation of a material in the chemical process of combustion, releasing heat,
light, andreaction products. Fire is a chemical
reaction which needs three things to be present so
it can happen: Π
c c . If one of
these is not present, the fire cannot start.

Oxygen: When Oxygen in the air combines with

flammable vapors given off by Fuels - heat is
produced and then ignition can occur. Without
enough Oxygen, ignition cannot happen. In the
opposite way, if there is too much Oxygen then
the vapors won't be concentrated enough to ignite

Heat: Combustion occurs when flammable vapors

mix with air (Oxygen) and are ignited by a spark
or flame.

Fuel: So, in our fire triangle we've got Oxygen


and Heat, but we also need something that will burn - this is our Fuel. Fuels can take almost any
form: Solids like wood, fabric, rubber and plastic. Liquids such as petrol, oil, cooking oil or even
nail varnish remover. Gases like propane, butane and 'natural' gas.

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Fire safety is an important part of working safely in a factory. Manufacturing jobs often involve
the use of machines that create heat and flammable materials, which may present a fire hazard.
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA), fires can cause
billions of dollars in damage and thousands of worker deaths each year.

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One of the most important aspects of fire safety in manufacturing is identifying fire hazards and
eliminating them. The possible sources of heat and flame such as burners, ovens, welding and
smoking, should be identified and special care should be taken to ensure that there are no
flammable materials near common sources of heat. Chemical spills should be cleaned up
immediately so that chemicals are not subjected to heat. Trash and other waste should be
regularly collected and disposed of to prevent a buildup of flammable materials like paper and
cardboard. Tools and machines should be cleaned and maintained properly. Electrical equipment
should have cords that are in good condition. Walkways and doors in the factory should be clear
of debris and obstructions so workers can easily move around the building and evacuate it if

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Factory workers should be taught how to respond if a fire occurs. According to OSHA, "each
workplace building must have a full complement of the proper type of fire extinguisher for the
fire hazards present." Not only should the workplace have fire extinguishers, but workers should
be aware of where they are and how to use them to deal with small fires. There should also be an
evacuation plan in the event that a large, uncontrollable fire occurs. The factory should have an

alarm system to alert workers of a fire. Workers should be aware of the proper pathways and
exits to use in the event of a fire alarm. Workers should not linger at work stations to finish what
they are currently working on if a fire alarm occurs. Everyone should follow evacuation
protocols immediately.

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Fire suppression systems can help increase fire safety in factories. For instance, automatic
sprinkler systems can deliver water where a fire breaks out and put out the fire or hamper its
progress, giving workers more time to evacuate. According to OSHA, "automatic fire
suppression systems require proper maintenance to keep them in serviceable condition."

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‘.c Starving - sopping formation or escape of vapor.

2.c Cooling - reducing the burning substance to a point below the ignition temperature.
3.c Smothering - keeping air from burning substance.

   c c
‘. Steam - Is effectively used in the extinguishing of solvent and gas fires.It has a smothering and
cooling effect on the fire. When steam is applied under high pressure, it has a tendency to
remove the heat (ignition) leg of the triangle by the cooling action of the steam on the burning

2. Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers - Is effective in the extinguishing of electrical fires, solvent

fires and most gas fires but is not effective on fires of wood, textile, paper, etc., where glowing
members are present.

3. Dry Chemical Extinguishers - A fog of finely powered sodium bicarbonate (with a small
amount aluminum sulfate as a drying agent or silicon zed to repel moisture) is blown over the
burning surface or in the case of a gas fire blown into the burning gas by the pressure of a
cylinder of carbon dioxide gas. Removes the air (oxygen) and heat (ignition) and extinguishes by
smothering and cooling. This powder being a non-conductor of electricity may be safety and
effectively used on electrical fires.

4. Foam - Is the most effective of all extinguishing agents for fighting a solvent fire when the
solvent is confined, where the liquid surface can be completely blanketed with a layer of foam.
Foam extinguishes the fire by cutting off the solvent surface from the fire space and radiant heat
above, thereby stopping the formation of vapor essential to the burning of the solvents and thus
starves the fire by removing the air (oxygen) leg of the triangle

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‘. On Class "A" Fires - use water, foam

2. On Class "B" Fires - use foam, CO2, Dry Chemicals and vaporizing liquid

3. On Class "C" Fires - use CO2, Dry Chemicals, vaporizing liquid

4. On Class "D" Fires - use water, Special Extinguishing agentc

It has been said that the best time to stop fire is before it starts and the best way to prevent the
occurrence of destructive fire is "dŒc cŒcÊ cdc". To date these statements are
still true and will remain to be true. This is called "FIRE PREVENTION". An effective fire
prevention and fire fighting depend on two important factors:

. Knowledge of the condition under which a substance will ignite.

2. Knowing how the substance burns once it is ignited.

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‘.  - a must for all employees

2.    c Prevention - Detection - Extinguishing.

3.    t - Strict implementation of policies, rules and regulations of the company

In order to reach a fire safe workplace in a manufacturing firm, it is a must to organize a FIRE
BRIGADE. The basic concept underlying this organization is "self-protection". It is aimed of
protecting life and minimizing damage to property in cases of emergencies of all causes. It
should be developed and trained specially to provide the necessary protection of life and property
in all type of emergencies. The primary objective in organizing the fire brigade is to control fires
and providing maximum manpower for efficient operation in an emergency. Same prime
objective in the discipline of fire loss control and industrial safety is the conservation of the
company's asset, property and human life alike. Its goal is to provide a safe physical environment
such as elimination of fire, segregation and or protection of hazard and both utilities the same
method of yardstick as a measure.


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