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In The Name Of Allah the Most Gracious and Most Peaceful

First and foremost, thank to almighty god because give us opportunity to

finish our report writing within the time given. A lot of barrier and difficulty
we had faced during construction this assignment but, finally we succeed to
achieve our goal.

Thousand of thanks dedicated to our English teacher, supervisor and

also our fully guidance, Madam Azlina Mohammed Nor for the assistance and
serious attention in the production of this report. Not to forget our adorable
parent because give us support and contributions from all aspect especially
the finance until we finish up this assignment. They always pray for our
successful and encouraged us to complete this task so that we will not
procrastinate in doing it.

Special thanks too to our friendly respondent, because of their

cooperation with our group during the distribution of the questionnaire.
Other than that, a big thanks to our entire friend because never stop giving
support and idea to us.

Lastly, we hope our worksheet will occupy the coursework requirement

because we really enjoy doing this assignment and this is our very first time,
it gives a zillion experiences. Our hope, we might apply it again in future


1.1 Introduction

A technology is being on of the important element in our life today. We

can see the changes of technologies from time to time. The change of
technology is directly proportional to the time. We can see many
evolutions of the technologies had been done.In 90’s we are using
‘Manual Typewriter Machine’, while in Millennium Century our world
have made improvement in order to produce ‘Computer, Laptop,
Netbook’ and etcetera. Now, in the second century in Millennium era,
the boom of technologies evolution happens by producing the modern
gadget and application like iPad, iPod, iPhone, CGI technology, GPSand
many more.
The evolution of the technology has strong correlation to the
student studies. This is because students are really needed in
technologies to gain and find additional information for their studies.
Besides, teaching and learning process in our country, Malaysia also
require the using of technologies.
So, we are from Tamhidi Student (foundation) in Islamic Science
University of Malaysia do a research about Correlation of Using
Technology and Student Studies. We are believe that using technology
have strong correlation to the student studies.

1.2 Hypothesis
We had made 2 hypothesis based on the research:
i. We expected the uses of technologies are affecting students’
studies, based on the academic performance.
ii. The male students who are most influenced technologies in

1.3 Objectives of Research

The purposes of this study are consists of some objectives:
• To fulfill the English coursework requirement.
• To experience a skills as a foundation in thesis writing for future
• To motivate critical thinking and teamwork skills.
• To study the correlation between technologies and studies among
• To determine how close the technologies affected studies of

1.4 Problem Statements

The study seeks to answer the following research questions:

Q1- What is the importance of using technology on student studies?

Q2- Is the technology very helpful in academic achievements?

Q3-How the widely use of hand phone benefit the student in study?
1.5 Assumptions

In the route of carrying out the research, a few assumptions have been
i. The uses of technologies are essential in student’s studies.
ii. Technology is very useful nowadays for the student studies.
iii. Different students have their own purpose of using technology.

1.6 Scope and Limitation

We are chosen the students of Tamhidi programmers in Islamic Science

University of Malaysia, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan as our respondents. There are
10 Tamhidi students were chosen randomly from five difference Tamhidi
courses which make it all 50 students. The five different courses are:

i. Tamhidi Medicine
ii. Tamhidi Dentistry
iii. Tamhidi Science and Technology
iv. Tamhidi Accounting and Muamalat
v. Tamhidi Syariah and Law

1.7 Significance of Studies

This research is necessary in the sense that the teacher/lecturers realize
that using of technologies in student studies is very important to improve
academic performance of recent batch and the following.



2.1 Introduction

Literature review is a section which includes some of the

previous researches that were related or similarly to the research.
It discusses published information on a specific subject area, and
sometimes information in a particular area within a certain time
period. Hence, for this chapter some summaries from the related
research on technologies and studies were presented.

This section basically aimed to learn how previous

researches had defined about the concepts, information, and also
the advantages or disadvantages. It also provides some proved
analysis that shows the strength or weakness of the research.

In this research, some related reviews from previous researches

were presented in order to conduct this research appropriately.


Swan and Mitrani (1993) state that, “computers can change the nature
of teaching and learning at its most basic level, we need to ensure that we
are using our current knowledge about the application of technology in
education as a basis for proceeding in the future.”

According to Johnson, (1996) technology has advanced rapidly over the

last few years and there have been literally hundreds of published studies
investigating its educational effect. Although there might not yet be a
definitive conclusion since it is becoming apparent that the type of learning
that technology best enhances is difficult to quantify
O'Donnell, (1996) said," we can make some good surmises about
technologies that are coming to help us further, but even if we have only the
PC and the Internet, we have enough to revolutionize education. We can
create teaching tools interactive enough to let students seek them out and
work with them at their own pace."

Duke University (2005) reported that the use of iPods heightened

student motivation in academic conversations, assignments, study, and lab
participation. Also, classes using iPod technology attracted overwhelming
enrollments, whereas classes that did not use iPods could hardly find enough
students to have viable classes.

Based on studies compiled by Kulik (1994) and Na (2010), the inclusion

of technologically enhanced teaching created quicker learning and
assimilation of information, higher motivation and optimism, and increased
media literacy as well as comfort with technology.


According to Riel (1993) study is a broad, deep, and creative

understanding of community, culture, economics and international politics,
past and present, and acquires the social skills to work across differences
and distances.

Dwyer, (1994) defined study is a tools for acquiring information and for
thinking and expression. These same experiences provide the skills that will
enable students to live productive lives in the global, digital, information-
based future they all face.
In addition, Alavi, (1994) said that "individuals need to learn at higher
rates of effectiveness and efficiency than ever before because of rapidly
growing bodies of relevant information and the escalation of knowledge and
skill requirements for most jobs."

Jenkins, (2009) mentioned that the process of study is student acted

upon their own environment to accomplish tasks, and create, grew
intellectually with a heightened sense of success and motivation.

Odera, (2010) in his report state that, students tended to flourish when
education utilized the processes of their own thinking rather than simply
focusing on the content of a subject.


Based on the literatures, we can conclude that technologies play an

important role in the developing country. The existence of technology will be
more advance in the next decade. This development of technologies can
produced more successful students in this world.

Related to studies, some researchers defined that studies can have

changed in this revolutionary age. The environments affected the process of
gathering information and knowledge. Most of the researches were closely
linked to educational technology oriented.


3.1 Introduction

This research was conducted to determine whether technologies play a

significant role in studies among Tamhidians. In order to answer this
research objective, the researches need to obtain the view from students
among Tamhidi. Specifically, a total of 50 respondents from 5 different
Tamhidi courses were randomly selected. To accomplish the goal, this
chapter need to discuss the design of the research, the participants,
research procedure and instrument, and lastly the analysis of data obtained.

3.2 Research Design

This research used the descriptive method, basically to gather information

about an accurate profile of the people, events or situations. With this
research type, first hand data from the respondents were obtained so as to
create such rational conclusions and recommendations for the study. For this
research, the data were derived form the answers the participants gave
during the survey process. With the use of the survey questionnaire, this
study took on the descriptive quantitative approach of research. Quantitative
approach is useful as it especially when a study needs to measure
relationships between variables. Variables, both dependent and
independent, that are needed in the study are clearly and precisely specified
in a quantitative study. For this research, the variables are technologies and
studies. Thus, the processes of obtaining information are more objective

3.3 Participants
In order to determine whether the technologies are related to studies, 50
students were asked to participate as respondents. They were sample from a
group of 462 students which are the students of Tamhidi programme in
Islamic Science University of Malaysia, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. The group of
students consisted of 10 students from 5 selected fields of Tamhidi courses
that are:

i. Tamhidi Science and Technology

ii. Tamhidi Dentistry
iii. Tamhidi Medicine
iv. Tamhidi Syariah and Law
v. Tamhidi Accounting and Muamalat
These 50 students were Muslim, Malay, aged 19, and currently staying at
Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. They were able to attain good CGPS pointer in their
first final semester examination. From the CGPS obtained, they were
permitted to continue their studies in second semester.

Researcher had chosen the students from different courses and gender
because these verities of people were believed to have different way of

3.4 Research Instrument

The research basically used descriptive quantitative type. Hence, for the
purpose of data presentation a specific research instruments was used.

3.4.1 A questionnaire on “The Correlation between Technologies

and Studies”

The survey questionnaire was used as the main data-gathering instrument

for this study. This instrument was selected because it enabled the
respondents to answer the survey easily. In addition, this research instrument
allowed the researchers to carry out the statistics for data interpretation. The
data then can be used to scrutinize the relationship between the data

• The questionnaire was divided into three sections. The first section required
the respondents’ personal information.
Section A

1. Gender: Male Female




3. CGPA result for 3.50-4.00

1 semester 3.00-3.49

Below 2.00
• The second section is the survey proper. It explored the respondents’
appliances of technologies on studies. The questionnaire proper section also
contains questions that identify the advantages and disadvantages of using
technologies in studies. Example of survey proper section:

Section B

1. When were you introduced with technology for your study?

Primary school Secondary school University
2. Do you think that the use of technologies can improve your academic
Yes No
3. Solving a mathematical equation is so much easier with calculator.
Agree Disagree
4. Is there any gadget that helps your studies in the classroom?
Yes No

• The third section is an open-ended question. This section allowed the

respondents to give their opinion or assumption on educational technologies.
1. Using technologies in studies is beneficial to student. Do you agree? Give
your own opinion.

The respondents were guided before answering the questionnaire. They were
informed about several sections in this questionnaire. Then, the respondents
can answer the Section A and Section B questions by putting a tick on the
appropriate box. Afterwards, the respondents can answer the last section
(Section C) by writing their own opinions on the space given.

The respondents were assisted in answering all sections in the questionnaire.

All the questionnaires later were collected after the respondents had
completed answer the question.

3.4.2 An observation was carried out at the students’ residents

Kolej Kediaman Nilam Court (KKNC)

The researchers observed randomly the activities done by Tamhidi students

each time. The rationale of using the observation as the method of
investigation is because it is the basic overview for how the Tamhidian use
technologies in their studies. From the researcher’s observation, the
questionnaire was constructed based on the students’ activities.
Several locations were as our research location.

1. Syariah and Law Faculty (FSU)

This is the place where the students of Tamhidi Medicine, Dentistry
and Science and Technology study. It is provided with good facilities
for study such as lecture halls and tutorial classes.

2. Leadership and Management Faculty (FKP)

This is the place where the Tamhidi Accounting and Tamhidi Shariah and Law
It is provided with good facilities for study such as lecture halls and tutorial
3. Kolej Kediaman Nilam Court (KKNC)
This is the place where Tamhidi student live and spend time after study time
at campus. It is provided with good facilities such as discussion rooms, and
café. Observation was made at here.
4. Surau Kolej Kediaman Nilam Court
This is the place where Tamhidi students pray and did their religious
activities. Besides, it is the place where the discussion was held by the
5. Café Kolej Kediaman Nilam Court
This is the place where Tamhidi students have their meal. Besides, this is the
place where researchers distribute the questionnaire.

3.6 Research Procedure

Firstly, the researchers get the permission from Madam Azlina binti
Mohamed Nor as supervisor to do a research on Tamhidians students. Then,
we had a discussion and decided on a few topics. We listed down a lot of
topics. After we made some research, we suggested on taking the topic of
The Correlation between Technologies and Studies.

Later, we constructed a draft for the research instrument. After we had

specified the participants, we made several questions that related to the
technologies and Tamhidians’ studies.

Next, we did a research from books, articles, journals, and previous

research with the guidance from our supervisor, Madam Azlina. The related
data and information that contributed to our research were obtained. After
that, we had constructed the questionnaire before checked by the supervisor
to correct the grammar and to add some extra information needed. Finally,
we proceed to the core of the research, distribution of the questionnaire.

From the survey, we had gathered the data and related information for
our research. All the specific data that had been tabulated before presented
in graph form. Hence, the data were analyzed.

Based on the research questionnaire, the research obtained a raw data

and specific information from the respondents. Afterwards, total
responses for each item were obtained and tabulated. Only relevant
details were selected to be presented in charts. The presentations of data
were specialized under the Chapter 4, data analysis.


In relation to this study, a selected method approach employing an

administration of questionnaires, and observation were employed in the
study. Data were collected from the selection of the respondents through
the previously mentioned means involving quantitative methods, and
later analyzed accordingly.

From the study, the main objective of using questionnaire and

observations are to obtain such relevant information in uncomplicated

In conclusion, this chapter has provided the overall framework within

which the design of the study is applied. It has described and summarized
the research tools used for data collection and the methods of analysis
employed. The presentation of the findings with descriptions of the
correlation between technologies and studies were presented specifically
under Chapter 4, analysis of data.



In this chapter, we have analyzed about how the technologies affects

students’ studies. All data were gathered by the questionnaire that had
been distributed to 50 Tamhidi students from 5 different courses. After all
questionnaires were answered, analysis was carried out and data were

To achieve the objectives this analysis was specifically done to find the
correlation between technologies and studies, whether the use of
technologies affect students’ studies. Other than that, this analysis had been
done to determine which genders were influenced the most in using
technologies during studies.

Therefore, the analysis has to be done by taking specific information

from the questionnaire. All data than had to be tabulated before presented in
this chapter.
4.1 The Correlation of Technologies with Students’
Studies Based On the Academic Performance

P o in te r 3.5-
G e4.00
n d3.00-
e r 3.49
2.50- 2.99
2.00- 2.49
< 2 .00
M ale 7 8 4 3 3
Fe m ale 4 13 7 1 0

The graph above shows the comparison between pointer and gender among
Tamhidians. Firstly, the highest pointer is 3.50 until 4.00. From the 50
respondent, 11 persons get this pointer. 7 male while 4 persons from
female. Secondly, we can see the mode which is in pointer 3.00-3.49.Female
is dominant in this class mode who 13 person while male only 8 person.
Thirdly,4 male got 2.50-2.99 for their pointer and 7 person from
female.Forthly,4 person got 2.00-2.49 who 3 male and 1 female. Lastly,only
3 person that got below 2.00 for their pointer. All of them are male while
none from female.

In conclusion, many female got more than 2.50 and above for their
pointer. It shows the gender factor also related to someone’s achievement.

Most preferable gadgets for purpose of studies

The graph above show the choices of Tamhidian’s student with different
CGPA, in case what is the most important and the most preferred gadget
chose by them.

The trend indicates that the highest frequency of gadget that most students
preferred to have is laptop, while the item that the least students preferred
is Walkman.

Based on the graph given above, students are divided based on their
pointers which are 3.50-4.00, 3.00-3.49, 2.50-2.99, 2.00-2.49 and also below
2.00. For those who got 3.50-4.00 pointer, there are eight of them prefer to
buy hand phone, two of them prefer MP3, one of them chose Walkman, and
also five of them prefer to have laptop than others. Besides, among the
students who got 3.00-3.49 pointer, majority of them, which is 17 students,
preferred laptop. Then, followed by seven of them preferred to buy MP3, and
four students chose hand phones. However, none of them like to buy
Walkman. For students who got 2.50-2.99, seven of them chose to have
hand phones, and three of them chose MP3. Only one of them preferred to
own a Walkman, and seven others preferred to have laptop. However, for
students who got below 2.00, only a student preferred to purchase hand
phone and laptop respectively. Only two of them chose MP3. Same goes to
2.00-2.49 pointer’s student, none of them chose to buy Walkman.
Roughly how many hours do you spend on your hand phone in
a day?

The graph above shows how much time did the Tamhidians spent their time
in using their hand phones. The trend indicates that the highest frequency is
more than 5 hours.

Based on the graph given above; students are divided based on their
pointers which are 3.50-4.00, 3.00-3.49, 2.50-2.99, 2.00-2.49 and also below
2.00. For those who got 3.50-4.00 pointers, there are three students spent
less than 1 hour, four students spent 1-2 hours, one student spent 1 hour
and three of them spent more than 5 hours. Next is the student who got
3.00-3.49 pointer, majority of them, which is eight, spent more than 5 hours
on hand phone. Then, it was followed by six students spent 1-2 hours, and
followed then by those who spent less than 1 hour on hand phone, which are
five. Besides, among the students who got 2.50-2.99 pointer, the frequency
of students is two respectively for duration less than 1 hour and 1-2 hours.
Then, four of them spent 2-4 hours and the rest, which is three, spent more
than 5 hours. For students who got 2.00 – 2.49 pointer, two of them spending
their time more than 5 hours on their hand phone. Then, there are two
students spent their time less than 1 hour and also 2-4 hours. However, none
of them spent about 1-2 hours. Lastly, for the students who got below than
2.00 pointers, two of them spent less than 1 hour and one of them spent 1-2
hours of their time on using hand phone. Meanwhile, none of them were
spending their time on 2-4 hours or more than 5 hours.

4.2 The function of technologies in studies

The main function of computers

The graph shows the number of students prefer to do with computer
within Tamhidi students compared to their performance in study.

The trend indicates the highest number of student prefer watching movie
than another. The total up is 29 of students from all Tamhidians. Compare to
their performance in study, most popular student whose 3.00-3.49 pointer
utilizing the computer in different way.

The number of student using computer for study is 20 people. Most

common use it, student whose 3.00-3.49. The use for playing game as 28
and the most common use it same as for studying. On the other hand, the
use for searching new information is 27 students, most popular utilize it is
2.50-2.99. The use for listening while using computer is 20 persons and graft
shown 3.00-3.49 student as the major. For watching movies, 3.00-3.49
students is the common popular prevalent with 29 students and for other,
the graft shown slightly steady.

In conclusion, the graph shows different way among Tamhidian student

prefers utilizing their computer compared to their result.

The necessity of listening to music while studying

The graph shows necessary of music compared to their performance among

tamhidian students of USIM.

The trend indicates the slightly different between answer “YES” and “NO”
among student by necessary music in study and the total up who answer
“YES” is 23 than “NO”, 27.
The most number of students according CGPA give answer “YES” is 3.50-
4.00 which is 9 students who prefer choose “YES” as the answer and the
lowest number of student who answer “YES” is 2.00-2.49 and below 2.00 at
same rate. In spite of that, students give answer “NO” also most popular to
student rate at 3.50-4.00. In contrast, graph shown also indicated below 2.00
CGPA students as the lowest.

In conclusion, there is clear correlation between the answer of student with

their performance in study. The uses of music in study give stronger impact
on their study.

1.3 The Correlation of Technologies with Students’

Studies Based On Gender.
The graph above shows the comparison of using
technologies between male and female.38 respondent agree that
handphone is the most gadget used in their studies to communicate
each other.20 from male and 18 from female. Laptop also is one of the
popular gadgets in their studies where 16 male and 19 male choose
this gadget for their studies. Next, pendrive also popular among
respondent where 12 male and 10 female use this gadget in their
From this graph, it also shows that MP3 player also being
use in the students’ studies.7 male choose it while 2 from female.
Lastly, the use of iPad in studies is the lowest rate where only 1 male
choose it for his study. In conclusion, the using of technology definitely
has correlation to the student studies.

From the bar chart shown above, we can see the functions of mobile
phone used in studies among male and female Tamhidians.

By making male and female students as comparison, we can notice

that less than 10 students use mobile phone as calculator, mobile notepad
and to surf the internet. According to the result obtained, communication is
the main function of using mobile phone in studies. Almost half percentage
of students regarding to their gender choosing communication is the main

Referring on the usages, male students prefer to use the mobile

phone as compact dictionary rather than female students, shows less than
half number of male students. Meanwhile, female students do not show any
big differences in other remain functions.

Laptop Is A Must For Students Nowadays. Do You


The graph above shows the opinions from male and female Tamhidians
regarding to the necessity of laptop in their studies.

It is noticeable that, 52% of students disagree with the necessity of the

laptop. In contra with other 48% students that have the same agreements.
Besides, numbers of female students disagree greater than the agree side by
almost 12% from the number of female students. While, majority of male
students agreed with yes that laptop is the must for student nowadays.

In conclusion, male students feel that laptop is a necessity in studies

nowadays. From that, we can observed that male are better adapted to this

Most preferable gadgets in studies (male and emale)

The graph above show the choices of male and female of Tamhidians’
students, in case what is the most important and the most preferred gadget
chose by them.

The graph indicates that the most items preferred by male and female
students of Tamhidians laptop. On the other hand, the least item chose by
them is Walkman.

There are 11 male student preferred to choose hand phone compared to

female students which are 10 of them. For MP3, there are five male students
and ten female students chose it. Meanwhile, only two of male students
preferred to buy Walkman. However, none of female students wanted to buy
Walkman. Next is laptop which is the most chosen item by students to have,
which are 18 male and 15 female.

Based on the charts shown, three types of data interpreting can be


• The relationship between technologies and studies based on academic

Showed that most the students who achieved good CGPS pointers had
used various type of gadgets in their studies.
• The function of technologies in studies
Most of the gadgets were used to help their studies.
• The correlation of technologies with students’ studies based on gender.
There is a difference in interest and the use of technologies regarding
to the gender.

Based on the research and survey that we had done, we have made the
conclusion that. In related to the usage, there are correlation exists.


From the result, we have come up with a conclusion that the technologies
affect students’ studies. Several aspects of research proved that the result
shows the correlation .Most of students who obtained good pointers use
gadgets to help their studies. In addition, different in ganders show that the
male is more advanced in the use technologies.

Regarding to these result, we can conclude that the hypothesis

completely act in accordance with the analysed data and previous
researches. Hence, the hypothesis is accepted.


According to the research, most of the Tamhidians are exposing to the

technology today. Most of them have their own laptop which is used to do
any assignments that given by their lecturers. This analysis found significant
mean effect sizes in favors of laptops in relation to the quantity as well as
the quality of the writing. From the research, we found that the writing
process is more collaborative, iterative and social in computer classrooms as
compared to paper-and-pencil environments, and they concluded that pupils
who use laptops when learning to write are not only more engaged and
motivated in their writing but also produce written work that is of greater
length and higher quality.

Besides that, researchers found that internet improved motivations,

enhanced learning and teaching, improved communication and access to
information, and improved efficiency and feelings of independence amongst
Tamhidians. Lecturers perceived internet to be useful for streamlining
current teaching procedures, gaining access to new professional
opportunities and new exciting teaching opportunities. Discussions about
learning are frequently linked to formal education systems. However, this
report focuses on teenagers and Tamhidi Students use of internet in informal
learning settings. It shows that some of the public anxieties about teenagers
and internet are misplaced, and concludes that parents need accessible
research to enable them to make informed decisions about teenager's
learning and playing with internet at home.

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• Jenkins, H. (2009). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture:

Media education for the 21st century. The MIT Press, Massachusetts.

• Kulik, J. (1994). Meta-analytic studies of findings on computer-based

instruction. In Baker, E. L. and O'Neil, H. F. Jr. (Eds.), Technology
assessment in education and training. (pp. 9-33) Hillsdale, NJ:
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Retrieved from Education Research Complete database.

• Odera, F. (2010). Use of computers in teaching secondary school

mathematics in Kenya: Challenges and opportunities. International
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Research Complete database

• Alavi, M. (1994). Computer-Mediated Collaborative Learning: An Empirical Evaluation,

MIS Quarterly, (18:02), June, pp. 159-174.

• Dwyer, D. (1994), Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow: What we've learned, Educational

Leadership, Vol. 51.

• Johnson, D. (1996) .Evaluating the Impact of Technology: The Less Simple

Answer,From Now On: A Monthly Electronic Commentary on Educational Technology
Issues, Vol 5 , No 5 , January/February.

• O'Donnell, J. (1996), The digital challenge. Wilson Quarterly, Vol. 20.

• Riel, M., (1994). Educational change in a technology-rich environment. Journal of

Research on Computing in Education, Vol., 26


Dear respondents,

We are doing a research about the use of technologies which could affect
student studies. Therefore, we need to do a survey among Tamhidians. We
hope you can give your full cooperation and answer all of the questions

Answer the questions given.

Section A

1. Gender: Male Female




3. CGPA result for 3.50-4.00

1thsemester 3.00-3.49
Below 2.00

Section B

4. When were you introduced with technology for your study?

Primary school Secondary school University
5. Do you think that the use of technologies can improve your academic
Yes No
6. Solving a mathematical equation is so much easier with calculator.
Agree Disagree
7. Is there any gadget that helps your studies in the classroom?
Yes No
8. How long do you spend your time for studying at night?
Less than 1 hour 1-2 hours 2-4 hours
More than 4 hours
9. Do you think listening to music is necessary in study?
Yes No
10.Which of these gadgets you are using for your studies?
(You can choose more than one answer)
Hand phone Laptop iPod
MP3 player Flash or USB drive
Other (please specify)
11.Do these gadgets give you satisfaction in your studies?
Yes No
12.You spend more money on your gadgets than on your studies?
Yes No
13.Roughly how many hours do you spend on your hand phone in a day?
Less than 1 hour 1-2 hours 2-4 hours
More than 5 hours
14.In your opinion, what is the main function of hand phone in studies?
(You can choose more than one answer)
Communication Surf the internet Compact dictionary
Mobile notepad Calculator
15.Laptop is a must for students nowadays. Do you agree?
Yes No
16.During your leisure time, what do you prefer to do with your
(You can choose more than one answer)
Studying Playing game Searching new
information Chatting Listening to music
Watching movies
Other (please specify)_______________________________

17.Using internet is very helpful in study. Do you agree?

Yes No
18.Are you addicted to games or some social network sites?
Yes No
19.if you are given RM 100, which of these items will you buy?
(you can only choose two answer)
RM50-Prepaid card RM50-MP3 RM50-Walkman

RM50-Dictionary + Stationery
20.Using technologies in studies is beneficial to student. Do you agree?
Give your own opinion.


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