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Net Framework
Software Framework

Two pieces of it

CLR: Common Language Run time

it is Execution environment for dot net applications
It manage your applications when it runs

Memory Management
OS and HW independence
Language Independence

FCL or BCL: Framework Class Library or Base

A library of functionality to build applications

C#: Standardized language to create dot net components

Syntax similar to java n C++

Visual Studio:
IDE: goal of an IDE to put all tools and functionality that u need to build application
in one place

Edit C# and other files

Runs C# Compiler

Namespace: Organize types

Avoid type name collision

Fully qualified name

Includes assembly name, include namespace name, includes type name

Statement is an instruction
Method is a series of statements
Statement end with semicolons
Statements are executed in the order they appear

Expressions are statements that produce a value

Int x=5;

Operators: CERMA

Mathematical Operators: ( +, -, x, /)
Relational: (<, >, <=, >=)
Equality: (= =, ! =)
Conditional: (&&, 11)
Assignment: (=, +=, -=, x=, /=)

References: Allow you to use types in other assemblies

Reference other assemblies in the solution
Reference 3rd party assemblies

Object browser is also used to see what’s inside the assemblies

Special method to create objects
Set default values
Multiple constructors allowed but overload methods must take different arguments

Object Oriented Programming OOPS: PIE

Three primary Concepts PIE


Inheritance: create classes to extend or reuse other classes

All classed by default inherit from System.Object

Access Modifier: AM are keywords that allow you to achieve encapsulation

PPP(public, private, protected) PI(protected internal) I (Internal)

Keyword Applicable to Manning

Public Member, Class No restrictions
Protected Member Access limited to the class n derive classes
Internal (c# default Member, Class Access limited to the current assembly
class AM)
Protected Internal Member Access limited to the current assembly n
derived type
Private(C# def Member Access limited to class
member AM)
Can apply to class and members (methods, properties, events, indexers)
Abstract class can not be instantiated (means can’t use new operator to create objects)
Abstract class is designed as a base class
Abstract class can provide implementation of it s member inside abstract class

Virtual Keyword: Virtual Keyword allow you to achieve polymorphism in C#

Static class can have only static members. Can’t instantiate a static class

Sealed classes can’t be instantiated. Prevent extensibility or misuse#
Some framework classes are sealed for performance and security implications

Public class MyString : System.string

{ // error

Method Parameters
Parameters pass by value
Reference types pass a copy of the reference
Value types pass a copy of the value

Parameter keywords
Ref (we are going to used it inside method) and out keywords allow pass “by

Boxing & Unboxing

Boxing convert vale type to object. It is done implicitly. Performance and memory
consumption problems

Unboxing: convert object to the value type

A set of named constants. Integer is default data type. By default number starts from

Value Type & Reference Types

Value Type (SEP)
Primitive data type

Reference Type (ACID):


An interface defines group of related methods, properties, and events
No implementation defined in interface
All members are public
Classes and structures can inherited from interface and provide implementation
Classes and structures can inherit from multiple interfaces

Methods define behaviour
Every method has zero or more parameters
Use params keyword to accept a variable number of parameters(if u don’t know no of
Every method has signature( method name + parameters)

Methods overloading:
Define multiple methods with the same name but a unique signature

Fields are variable of a class

Read only fields can assign a value in declaration or in a constructor

Properties: like field but do not denote a storage location

A delegate is a type that references methods
Similar to a function pointer, but type safe

Subscribing to events:
Use += and -= to attach or detach events handlers

This keyword:
This always represent the current instance of the class

Static properties and static method always invoked through type name.
Instance method and properties are invoked through object instance.

Enables indexing of an object(like an array)

Operator overloading
We can overload most unary and binary operators
+ - * / ++ -- = = <>
Overload using static methods

Conversion Operator
Convert an object from one type to another
implicit or explicit( cast type) conversion operator

Destructor is used to clean up an object instance
Can not overload class destructor
Can not explicitly invoked destructor

Used destructor to release unmanaged resources

C Sharp Flow
If Statement

If statement selects a statement for execution based on some provided Boolean value

Conditional operator or ternary operator

String pass = age > 20 ? “pass” : “nopass”


Restricted to integers, string, enum, characters

Case labels are constants
Default label is optional

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