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This website to store information about visa applicants and can be used by the embassy to
refer the information and make decisions on whether or not the applicant is suitable for
receiving the visa. It will store personal information, passport information, purpose of
stay, information about the family, time of stay and other information that is necessary
for the visa applicant. The aim is to make this software easier, user friendly and more
efficient than the conventional software used. The representative of the consulate can
simply compare this information to a predefined set of conditions and make the decision.

• Login
• Registration
• Visa interview information
• Feedback


This module is used to create a secure interface between
the user and the embassy. By using a unique user defined username and
password each and every user can login to the websight.

This module consists of a set a questions relating to
purpose of visit, sponsor details etc, Name, and other unique personal
information will also be asked. The user can also define the unique user
id and password here.
This module is used to maintain the date and time and
important information about the visa interview. The user can also make
changes to the date and time of the interview. Cancellation is also possible.

This module is used to get feedback from the user about the
suggestions, complaints and queries.


Nowadays with the increasing need for the application if visas it is essential for a online
solution for the application and organization of the applicants. This website to store
information about visa applicants and can be used by the embassy to refer the information
and make decisions on whether or not the applicant is suitable for receiving the visa. It
will store personal information, passport information, purpose of stay, information about
the family, time of stay and other information that is necessary for the visa applicant.
The aim is to make this software easier, user friendly and more efficient than the
conventional software used. The representative of the consulate can simply compare this
information to a predefined set of conditions and make the decision.


ASP.NET is a web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft to

allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. It
was first released in January 2002 with version 1.0 of the .NET Framework, and is the
successor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. ASP.NET is built on the
Common Language Runtime (CLR), allowing programmers to write ASP.NET code
using any supported .NET language.


After the release of Internet Information Services 4.0 in 1997, Microsoft began
researching possibilities for a new web application model that would solve common
complaints about ASP, especially with regard to separation of presentation and content
and being able to write "clean" code.[1] Mark Anders, a manager on the IIS team, and
Scott Guthrie, who had joined Microsoft in 1997 after graduating from Duke University,
were tasked with determining what that model would look like. The initial design was
developed over the course of two months by Anders and Guthrie, and Guthrie coded the
initial prototypes during the Christmas holidays in 1997.[2]

The initial prototype was called "XSP"; Guthrie explained in a 2007 interview that,
"People would always ask what the X stood for. At the time it really didn't stand for
anything. XML started with that; XSLT started with that. Everything cool seemed to start
with an X, so that's what we originally named it."[1] The initial prototype of XSP was
done using Java,[3] but it was soon decided to build the new platform on top of the
Common Language Runtime (CLR), as it offered an object-oriented programming
environment, garbage collection and other features that were seen as desirable features
that Microsoft's Component Object Model platform didn't support. Guthrie described this
decision as a "huge risk", as the success of their new web development platform would be
tied to the success of the CLR, which, like XSP, was still in the early stages of
development, so much so that the XSP team was the first team at Microsoft to target the

With the move to the Common Language Runtime, XSP was re-implemented in C#
(known internally as "Project Cool" but kept secret from the public), and renamed to
ASP+, as by this point the new platform was seen as being the successor to Active Server
Pages, and the intention was to provide an easy migration path for ASP developers.[4]

Mark Anders first demonstrated ASP+ at the ASP Connections conference in Phoenix,
Arizona on May 2, 2000. Demonstrations to the wide public and initial beta release of
ASP+ (and the rest of the .NET Framework) came at the 2000 Professional Developers
Conference on July 11, 2000 in Orlando, Florida. During Bill Gates's keynote
presentation, Fujitsu demonstrated ASP+ being used in conjunction with COBOL,[5] and
support for a variety of other languages was announced, including Microsoft's new Visual
Basic .NET and C# languages, as well as Python and Perl support by way of
interoperability tools created by ActiveState.[6]

Once the ".NET" branding was decided on in the second half of 2000, it was decided to
rename ASP+ to ASP.NET. Mark Anders explained on an appearance on The MSDN
Show that year that, "The .NET initiative is really about a number of factors, it’s about
delivering software as a service, it's about XML and web services and really enhancing
the Internet in terms of what it can do .... we really wanted to bring its name more in line
with the rest of the platform pieces that make up the .NET framework."[4]

After four years of development, and a series of beta releases in 2000 and 2001,
ASP.NET 1.0 was released on January 5, 2002 as part of version 1.0 of the .NET
Framework. Even prior to the release, dozens of books had been written about ASP.NET,
and Microsoft promoted it heavily as part of their platform for web services. Guthrie
became the product unit manager for ASP.NET, and development continued apace, with
version 1.1 being released on April 24, 2003 as a part of Windows Server 2003. This
release focused on improving ASP.NET's support for mobile devices. Version 4.0 of
the .NET framework is currently under development...


.NET pages, known officially as "web forms", are the main building block for application
development.[8] Web forms are contained in files with an ".aspx" extension; in
programming jargon, these files typically contain static (X)HTML markup, as well as
markup defining server-side Web Controls and User Controls where the developers place
all the required static and dynamic content for the web page. Additionally, dynamic code
which runs on the server can be placed in a page within a block <% -- dynamic code
-- %> which is similar to other web development technologies such as PHP, JSP, and
ASP, but this practice is generally discouraged except for the purposes of data binding
since it requires more calls when rendering the page.[citation needed]

Note that this sample uses code "inline", as opposed to code behind.

Code-behind model
It is recommended by Microsoft for dealing with dynamic program code to use the code-
behind model, which places this code in a separate file or in a specially designated script
tag. Code-behind files typically have names like MyPage.aspx.cs or MyPage.aspx.vb
based on the ASPX file name (this practice is automatic in Microsoft Visual Studio and
other IDEs). When using this style of programming, the developer writes code to respond
to different events, like the page being loaded, or a control being clicked, rather than a
procedural walk through the document.

ASP.NET's code-behind model marks a departure from Classic ASP in that it encourages
developers to build applications with separation of presentation and content in mind. In
theory, this would allow a web designer, for example, to focus on the design markup with
less potential for disturbing the programming code that drives it. This is similar to the
separation of the controller from the view in model-view-controller frameworks

User controls

ASP.NET supports creating reusable components through the creation of

User Controls. A User Control follows the same structure as a Web Form,
except that such controls are derived from the System .Web .UI .User
Control class, and are stored in ASCX files. Like ASPX files, an ASCX file
contains static HTML or XHTML markup, as well as markup defining web
control and other User Controls. The code-behind model can be used.

Programmers can add their own properties, methods,[9] and event handlers.[10]
An event bubbling mechanism provides the ability to pass an event fired by
a user control up to its containing page.

User can also build Custom Controls for Asp.Net application. Where
controls are in compiled DLL file. And by using Register directive user can
use control from DLL.

Rendering technique

ASP.NET uses a visited composites rendering technique. During

compilation, the template (.aspx) file is compiled into initialization code
which builds a control tree (the composite) representing the original
template. Literal text goes into instances of the Literal control class, and
server controls are represented by instances of a specific control class. The
initialization code is combined with user-written code (usually by the
assembly of multiple partial classes) and results in a class specific for the
page. The page doubles as the root of the control tree.
Actual requests for the page are processed through a number of steps. First,
during the initialization steps, an instance of the page class is created and the
initialization code is executed. This produces the initial control tree which is
now typically manipulated by the methods of the page in the following
steps. As each node in the tree is a control represented as an instance of a class, the
code may change the tree structure as well as manipulate the properties/methods of the
individual nodes. Finally, during the rendering step a visitor is used to visit every node in
the tree, asking each node to render itself using the methods of the visitor. The resulting
HTML output is sent to the client.

After the request has been processed, the instance of the page class is discarded and with
it the entire control tree.

State management

ASP.NET applications are hosted in a web server and are accessed over the stateless
HTTP protocol. As such, if the application uses stateful interaction, it has to implement
state management on its own. ASP.NET provides various functionality for state
management in ASP.NET applications

Application state

Application state is a collection of user-defined variables that are shared by an ASP.NET

application. These are set and initialized when the Application_OnStart event fires on
the loading of the first instance of the applications and are available till the last instance
exits. Application state variables are accessed using the Applications collection, which
provides a wrapper for the application state variables. Application state variables are
identified by names.[11]

Session state

Session state is a collection of user-defined session variables, which are persisted during
a user session. These variables are unique to different instances of a user session, and are
accessed using the Session collection. Session variables can be set to be automatically
destroyed after a defined time of inactivity, even if the session does not end. At the client
end, a user session is identified either by a cookie or by encoding the session ID in the
URL itself.[11]

ASP.NET supports three modes of persistence for session variables:[11]

In Process Mode
The session variables are maintained within the ASP.NET process. This is the
fastest way, however, in this mode the variables are destroyed when the ASP.NET
process is recycled or shut down. Since the application is recycled from time to
time this mode is not recommended for critical applications.
ASPState Mode
In this mode, ASP.NET runs a separate Windows service that maintains the state
variables. Because the state management happens outside the ASP.NET process,
this has a negative impact on performance, but it allows multiple ASP.NET
instances to share the same state server, thus allowing an ASP.NET application to
be load-balanced and scaled across multiple servers. Also, since the state
management service runs independent of ASP.NET, variables can persist across
ASP.NET process shutdowns.
SqlServer Mode
In this mode, the state variables are stored in a database server, accessible using
SQL. Session variables can be persisted across ASP.NET process shutdowns in
this mode as well. The main advantage of this mode is it would allow the
application to balance load on a server cluster while sharing sessions between

View state

View state refers to the page-level state management mechanism, which is utilized by the
HTML pages emitted by ASP.NET applications to maintain the state of the web form
controls and widgets. The state of the controls are encoded and sent to the server at every
form submission in a hidden field known as __VIEWSTATE. The server sends back the
variable so that when the page is re-rendered, the controls render at their last state. At the
server side, the application might change the viewstate, if the processing results in
updating the state of any control. The states of individual controls are decoded at the
server, and are available for use in ASP.NET pages using the ViewState collection.[12] [13]


Other means of state management that are supported by ASP.NET are cookies, caching,
and using the query string.

Template engine

When first released, ASP.NET lacked a template engine. Because the .NET framework is
object-oriented and allows for inheritance, many developers would define a new base
class that inherits from "System.Web.UI.Page", write methods here that render HTML,
and then make the pages in their application inherit from this new class. While this allows
for common elements to be reused across a site, it adds complexity and mixes source
code with markup. Furthermore, this method can only be visually tested by running the
application - not while designing it. Other developers have used include files and other
tricks to avoid having to implement the same navigation and other elements in every
ASP.NET 2.0 introduced the concept of "master pages", which allow for template-based
page development. A web application can have one or more master pages, which can be
nested.[14] Master templates have place-holder controls, called ContentPlaceHolders to
denote where the dynamic content goes, as well as HTML and JavaScript shared across
child pages.

Child pages use those ContentPlaceHolder controls, which must be mapped to the place-
holder of the master page that the content page is populating. The rest of the page is
defined by the shared parts of the master page, much like a mail merge in a word
processor. All markup and server controls in the content page must be placed within the
ContentPlaceHolder control.

When a request is made for a content page, ASP.NET merges the output of the content
page with the output of the master page, and sends the output to the user.

The master page remains fully accessible to the content page. This means that the content
page may still manipulate headers, change title, configure caching etc. If the master page
exposes public properties or methods (e.g. for setting copyright notices) the content page
can use these as well.

Directory structure

In general, the ASP.NET directory structure can be determined by the developer's

preferences. Apart from a few reserved directory names, the site can span any number of
directories. The structure is typically reflected directly in the urls. Although ASP.NET
provides means for intercepting the request at any point during processing, the developer
is not forced to funnel requests through a central application or front controller.

The special directory names (from ASP.NET 2.0 on) are [16]:

holds site-specific browser definition files.
This is the "raw code" directory. The ASP.NET server automatically compiles
files (and subdirectories) in this folder into an assembly which is accessible in the
code of every page of the site. App_Code will typically be used for data access
abstraction code, model code and business code. Also any site-specific http
handlers and modules and web service implementation go in this directory. As an
alternative to using App_Code the developer may opt to provide a separate
assembly with precompiled code.
default directory for databases, such as Access mdb files and SQL Server mdf
files. This directory is usually the only one with write access for the application.
Contains localized resource files for individual pages of the site. E.g. a file called holds localized resources for the french version of the
CheckOut.aspx page. When the UI culture is set to french, ASP.NET will
automatically find and use this file for localization.
Holds resx files with localized resources available to every page of the site. This
is where the ASP.NET developer will typically store localized messages etc.
which are used on more than one page.
holds alternative themes of the site.
holds discovery files and WSDL files for references to web services to be
consumed in the site.
Contains compiled code (.dll files) for controls, components, or other code that
you want to reference in your application. Any classes represented by code in the
Bin folder are automatically referenced in your application.


ASP.NET aims for performance benefits over other script-based technologies (including
Classic ASP) by compiling the server-side code to one or more DLL files on the web
server.[17] This compilation happens automatically the first time a page is requested
(which means the developer need not perform a separate compilation step for pages).
This feature provides the ease of development offered by scripting languages with the
performance benefits of a compiled binary. However, the compilation might cause a
noticeable but short delay to the web user when the newly-edited page is first requested
from the web server, but won't again unless the page requested is updated further.

The ASPX and other resource files are placed in a virtual host on an Internet Information
Services server (or other compatible ASP.NET servers; see Other Implementations,
below). The first time a client requests a page, the .NET framework parses and compiles
the file(s) into a .NET assembly and sends the response; subsequent requests are served
from the DLL files. By default ASP.NET will compile the entire site in batches of 1000
files upon first request. If the compilation delay is causing problems, the batch size or the
compilation strategy may be tweaked.
Developers can also choose to pre-compile their code before deployment, eliminating the
need for just-in-time compilation in a production environment.


Microsoft has released some extension frameworks that plug into ASP.NET and extend
its functionality. Some of them are:

An extension with both client-side as well as server-side components for writing
ASP.NET pages that incorporate AJAX functionality.
ASP.NET MVC Framework
An extension to author ASP.NET pages using the MVC architecture

ASP.NET compared to ASP classic

ASP.NET attempts to simplify developers' transition from Windows application

development to web development by offering the ability to build pages composed of
controls similar to a Windows user interface. A web control, such as a button or label,
functions in very much the same way as its Windows counterpart: code can assign its
properties and respond to its events. Controls know how to render themselves: whereas
Windows controls draw themselves to the screen, web controls produce segments of
HTML and JavaScript which form part of the resulting page sent to the end-user's

ASP.NET encourages the programmer to develop applications using an event-driven GUI

model, rather than in conventional web-scripting environments like ASP and PHP. The
framework attempts to combine existing technologies such as JavaScript with internal
components like "ViewState" to bring persistent (inter-request) state to the inherently
stateless web environment.

Other differences compared to ASP classic are:

• Compiled code means applications run faster with more design-time errors
trapped at the development stage.
• Significantly improved run-time error handling, making use of exception handling
using try-catch blocks.
• Similar metaphors to Microsoft Windows applications such as controls and
• An extensive set of controls and class libraries allows the rapid building of
applications, plus user-defined controls allow commonly-used web template, such
as menus. Layout of these controls on a page is easier because most of it can be
done visually in most editors.
• ASP.NET leverages the multi-language capabilities of the .NET Common
Language Runtime, allowing web pages to be coded in VB.NET, C#, J#,
Delphi.NET, Chrome etc.
• Ability to cache the whole page or just parts of it to improve performance.
• Ability to use the code-behind development model to separate business logic from
• If an ASP.NET application leaks memory, the ASP.NET runtime unloads the
AppDomain hosting the erring application and reloads the application in a new
• Session state in ASP.NET can be saved in a Microsoft SQL Server database or in
a separate process running on the same machine as the web server or on a
different machine. That way session values are not lost when the web server is
reset or the ASP.NET worker process is recycled.
• Versions of ASP.NET prior to 2.0 were criticized for their lack of standards
compliance. The generated HTML and JavaScript sent to the client browser
would not always validate against W3C/ECMA standards. In addition, the
framework's browser detection feature sometimes incorrectly identified web
browsers other than Microsoft's own Internet Explorer as "downlevel" and
returned HTML/JavaScript to these clients with some of the features removed, or
sometimes crippled or broken. However, in version 2.0, all controls generate valid
HTML 4.0, XHTML 1.0 (the default) or XHTML 1.1 output, depending on the
site configuration. Detection of standards-compliant web browsers is more robust
and support for Cascading Style Sheets is more extensive.
• Web Server Controls: these are controls introduced by ASP.NET for providing
the UI for the web form. These controls are state managed controls and are
WYSIWYG controls.


On IIS 6.0 and lower, pages written using different versions of the ASP framework
cannot share Session State without the use of third-party libraries. This criticism does not
apply to ASP.NET and ASP applications running side by side on IIS 7. With IIS 7,
modules may be run in an integrated pipeline that allows modules written in any language
to be executed for any request.[18]
ASP.NET 2.0 Web Forms produces markup that passes W3C validation, but it is
debatable as to whether this increases accessibility, one of the benefits of a semantic
XHTML page + CSS representation. Several controls, such as the Login controls and the
Wizard control, use HTML tables for layout by default. Microsoft has solved this
problem by releasing the ASP.NET 2.0 CSS Control Adapters, a free add-on that
produces compliant accessible XHTML+CSS markup.

A few of the ASP.NET Web Forms features, such as repositioning of pages, are available
only in Internet Explorer.

MYSQL 2000:

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS)[1] which

has more than 11 million installations.[2] The program runs as a server providing multi-
user access to a number of databases.

MySQL is owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company
MySQL AB, now a subsidiary of Sun Microsystems,[3] which holds the copyright to most
of the codebase. The project's source code is available under terms of the GNU General
Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements.

"MySQL" is officially pronounced /maɪˌɛskjuːˈɛl/[4] (My S Q L), not "My sequel"

/maɪˈsiːkwəl/. This adheres to the official ANSI pronunciation; SEQUEL was an
earlier IBM database language, a predecessor to the SQL language.[5] However, the
company does not take issue with the pronunciation "My sequel" or other local

Platforms and interfaces

MySQL is written in C and C++. The SQL parser uses yacc and a home-brewed lexer.[9]
[not in citation given]

MySQL works on many different system platforms, including AIX, BSDi, FreeBSD, HP-
UX, i5/OS, Linux, Mac OS X, NetBSD, Novell NetWare, OpenBSD, OpenSolaris,
eComStation , OS/2 Warp, QNX, IRIX, Solaris, Symbian, SunOS, SCO OpenServer,
SCO UnixWare, Sanos, Tru64 and Microsoft Windows. A port of MySQL to OpenVMS
is also available.[10]
Libraries for accessing MySQL databases are available in all major programming
languages with language-specific APIs. In addition, an ODBC interface called MyODBC
allows additional programming languages that support the ODBC interface to
communicate with a MySQL database, such as ASP or ColdFusion. The MySQL server
and official libraries are mostly implemented in ANSI C/ANSI C++.

To administer MySQL databases one can use the included command-line tool
(commands: mysql and mysqladmin). Also downloadable from the MySQL site are GUI
administration tools: MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query Browser. Both of the GUI
tools are now included in one package called tools/5.0.html MySQL GUI Tools.

In addition to the above-mentioned tools developed by MySQL AB, there are several
other commercial and non-commercial tools available. Examples include SQLyog
Community Edition, a free desktop based GUI tool and phpMyAdmin, a free Web-based
administration interface implemented in PHP.


As of August 2007, MySQL offers MySQL 5.0 in two different variants: the MySQL
Community Server and Enterprise Server. They have a common code base and include
the following features:

• A broad subset of ANSI SQL 99, as well as extensions

• Cross-platform support
• Stored procedures
• Triggers
• Cursors
• Updatable Views
• True VARCHAR support
• Strict mode
• X/Open XA distributed transaction processing (DTP) support; two phase commit
as part of this, using Oracle's InnoDB engine
• Independent storage engines (MyISAM for read speed, InnoDB for transactions
and referential integrity, MySQL Archive for storing historical data in little space)
• Transactions with the InnoDB, BDB and Cluster storage engines; savepoints with
• SSL support
• Query caching
• Sub-SELECTs (i.e. nested SELECTs)
• Replication with one master per slave, many slaves per master, no automatic
support for multiple masters per slave.
• Full-text indexing and searching using MyISAM engine
• Embedded database library
• Partial Unicode support (UTF-8 sequences longer than 3 bytes are not supported;
UCS-2 encoded strings are also limited to the BMP)
• ACID compliance using the InnoDB, BDB and Cluster engines
• Shared-nothing clustering through MySQL Cluster

The MySQL Enterprise Server is released once per month and the sources can be
obtained either from MySQL's customer-only Enterprise site or from MySQL's Bazaar
repository, both under the GPL license. The MySQL Community Server is published on
an unspecified schedule under the GPL and contains all bug fixes that were shipped with
the last MySQL Enterprise Server release. Binaries are no longer provided by MySQL for
every release of the Community Server.

Distinguishing features

The following features are implemented by MySQL but not by some other RDBMS

• Multiple storage engines, allowing you to choose the one that is most effective for
each table in the application (in MySQL 5.0, storage engines must be compiled in;
in MySQL 5.1, storage engines can be dynamically loaded at run time):
o Native storage engines (MyISAM, Falcon, Merge, Memory (heap),
Federated, Archive, CSV, Blackhole, Cluster, Berkeley DB, EXAMPLE,
and Maria)
o Partner-developed storage engines (InnoDB, solidDB, NitroEDB,
o Community-developed storage engines (memcached, httpd, PBXT,
Revision Engine)
o Custom storage engines
• Commit grouping, gathering multiple transactions from multiple connections
together to increase the number of commits per second.

Server compilation type

There are 3 types of MySQL Server Compilations for Enterprise and Community users:

• Standard: The MySQL-Standard binaries are recommended for most users, and
include the InnoDB storage engine.
• Max: (not MaxDB, which is a cooperation with SAP AG) is mysqld-max
Extended MySQL Server. The MySQL-Max binaries include additional features
that may not have been as extensively tested or are not required for general usage.
• The MySQL-Debug binaries have been compiled with extra debug information,
and are not intended for production use, because the included debugging code
may cause reduced performance.

Beginning with MySQL 5.1, MySQL AB has stopped providing these different package
variants. There will only be one MySQL server package, which includes a mysqld binary
with all functionality and storage engines enabled. Instead of providing a separate debug
package, a server binary with extended debugging information is also included in the
standard package.


Milestones in MySQL development include:

• MySQL was first released internally on 23 May 1995

• Windows version was released on 8 January 1998 for Windows 95 and NT
• Version 3.23: beta from June 2000, production release January 2001
• Version 4.0: beta from August 2002, production release March 2003 (unions)
• Version 4.1: beta from June 2004, production release October 2004 (R-trees and
B-trees, subqueries, prepared statements)
• Version 5.0: beta from March 2005, production release October 2005 (cursors,
stored procedures, triggers, views, XA transactions)
• Sun Microsystems acquired MySQL AB on 26 February 2008.[3]
• Version 5.1: production release 27 November 2008 (event scheduler, partitioning,
plugin API, row-based replication, server log tables)

Future releases

The MySQL 6 roadmap outlines support for:

• Referential integrity (foreign keys)

• Additional Unicode characters utf16, utf32, and 4-byte utf8
• New transactional storage engine (Falcon).

Support for parallelization is also part of the roadmap for future versions.[14]

Support for supplementary Unicode characters, beyond the 65,536 characters of the Basic
Multilingual Plane (BMP) is announced for MySQL 6.0.

Foreign key support for all storage engines is targeted for release in MySQL 6.1
(although it has been present since version 3.23.44 for InnoDB).

A new storage engine is also in the works, called Falcon. A preview of Falcon is already
available on MySQL's website.
Future releases

The MySQL 6 roadmap outlines support for:

• Referential integrity (foreign keys)

• Additional Unicode characters utf16, utf32, and 4-byte utf8
• New transactional storage engine (Falcon).

Support for parallelization is also part of the roadmap for future versions.[14]

Support for supplementary Unicode characters, beyond the 65,536 characters of the Basic
Multilingual Plane (BMP) is announced for MySQL 6.0.

Foreign key support for all storage engines is targeted for release in MySQL 6.1
(although it has been present since version 3.23.44 for InnoDB).

A new storage engine is also in the works, called Falcon. A preview of Falcon is already
available on MySQL's website.

Support and licensing

Via MySQL Enterprise MySQL AB offers support itself, including a 24/7 service with
30-minute response time, the support team has direct access to the developers as
necessary to handle problems. In addition it hosts forums and mailing lists, employees
and other users are often available in several IRC channels providing assistance.

Buyers of MySQL Enterprise have access to binaries and software that is certified for
their particular operating system, and access to monthly binary updates with the latest
bug fixes. Several levels of Enterprise membership are available, with varying response
times and features ranging from how to and emergency support through server
performance tuning and system architecture advice. The MySQL Network Monitoring
and Advisory Service monitoring tool for database servers is available only to MySQL
Enterprise customers.

MySQL Server is available as free software under the GNU General Public License
(GPL), and the MySQL Enterprise subscriptions include a GPL version of the server,
with a traditional proprietary version available on request at no additional cost for cases
where the intended use is incompatible with the GPL.[15]

Both the MySQL server software itself and the client libraries are distributed under a
dual-licensing format. Users may choose the GPL,[16] which MySQL has extended with a
FLOSS License Exception. It allows Software licensed under other OSI-compliant Open
Source licenses, which are not compatible to the GPL, to link against the MySQL client
Customers that do not wish to be bound to the terms of the GPL may choose to purchase
a proprietary license.[18]

Like many open-source programs, the name "MySQL" is trademarked and may only be
used with the trademark holder's permission



Windows XP is a line of operating systems produced by Microsoft for use on personal

computers, including home and business desktops, notebook computers, and media
centers. The name "XP" is short for "experience".[3] Windows XP is the successor to both
Windows 2000 Professional and Windows Me, and is the first consumer-oriented
operating system produced by Microsoft to be built on the Windows NT kernel and
architecture. Windows XP was first released on 25 October 2001, and over 400 million
copies were in use in January 2006, according to an estimate in that month by an IDC
analyst.[4] It is succeeded by Windows Vista, which was released to volume license
customers on 8 November 2006, and worldwide to the general public on 30 January
2007. Direct OEM and retail sales of Windows XP ceased on 30 June 2008, although it is
still possible to obtain Windows XP from System Builders[5] (smaller OEMs who sell
assembled computers) until 31 July 2009 or by purchasing Windows Vista Ultimate or
Business and then downgrading to Windows XP.[6][7]

The most common editions of the operating system are Windows XP Home Edition,
which is targeted at home users, and Windows XP Professional, which offers additional
features such as support for Windows Server domains and two physical processors, and is
targeted at power users, business and enterprise clients. Windows XP Media Center
Edition has additional multimedia features enhancing the ability to record and watch TV
shows, view DVD movies, and listen to music. Windows XP Tablet PC Edition is
designed to run ink-aware applications built using the Tablet PC platform. Two separate
64-bit versions of Windows XP were also released, Windows XP 64-bit Edition for IA-64
(Itanium) processors and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition for x86-64. There is also
Windows XP Embedded, a componentized version of the Windows XP Professional, and
editions for specific markets such as Windows XP Starter Edition.

Windows XP is known for its improved stability and efficiency over the 9x versions of
Microsoft Windows.[8][9] It presents a significantly redesigned graphical user interface, a
change Microsoft promoted as more user-friendly than previous versions of Windows. A
new software management facility called Side-by-Side Assembly was introduced to avoid
the "DLL hell" that plagued older consumer-oriented 9x versions of Windows.[10][11] It is
also the first version of Windows to use product activation to combat illegal copying, a
restriction that did not sit well with some users and privacy advocates. Windows XP has
also been criticized by some users for security vulnerabilities, tight integration of
applications such as Internet Explorer 6 and Windows Media Player, and for aspects of
its default user interface. Later versions with Service Pack 2, and Internet Explorer 7
addressed some of these concerns.

During development, the project was codenamed "Whistler", after Whistler, British
Columbia, as many Microsoft employees skied at the Whistler-Blackcomb ski resort.


Diagram representing the main editions of Windows XP. It is based on the category of
the edition (grey) and codebase (black arrow).

The two major editions are Windows XP Home Edition, designed for home users, and
Windows XP Professional, designed for business and power-users. XP Professional
contains advanced features that the average home user would not use. However, these
features are not necessarily missing from XP Home. They are simply disabled, but are
there and can become functional. These releases were made available at retail outlets that
sell computer software, and were pre-installed on computers sold by major computer
manufacturers. As of mid-2008, both editions continue to be sold. A third edition, called
Windows XP Media Center Edition was introduced in 2002 and was updated every year
until 2006 to incorporate new digital media, broadcast television and Media Center
Extender capabilities. Unlike the Home and Professional edition, it was never made
available for retail purchase, and was typically either sold through OEM channels, or was
pre-installed on computers that were typically marketed as "media center PCs".

Two different 64-bit editions were made available, one designed specifically for Itanium-
based workstations, which was introduced in 2001 around the same time as the Home and
Professional editions, but was discontinued a few years later when vendors of Itanium
hardware stopped selling workstation-class machines due to low sales. The other, called
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, supports the x86-64 extension of the Intel IA-32
architecture. x86-64 is implemented by AMD as "AMD64", found in AMD's Opteron and
Athlon 64 chips, and implemented by Intel as "Intel 64" (formerly known as IA-32e and
EM64T), found in Intel's Pentium 4 and later chips.
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition was produced for a class of specially designed
notebook/laptop computers called tablet PCs. It is compatible with a pen-sensitive screen,
supporting handwritten notes and portrait-oriented screens.

Microsoft also released Windows XP Embedded, an edition for specific consumer

electronics, set-top boxes, kiosks/ATMs, medical devices, arcade video games, point-of-
sale terminals, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) components. In July 2006,
Microsoft released Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs, a thin client version of
Windows XP Embedded which targets older machines (as early as the original Pentium).
It is only available to Software Assurance customers. It is intended for corporate
customers who would like to upgrade to Windows XP to take advantage of its security
and management capabilities, but can't afford to purchase new hardware.

Microsoft began development of Windows NT in 1998. Microsoft wished to

develop a stable, secure, business-oriented server platform that retained the look and feel
of the Windows interface. After five years of development, Windows NT 3.1 was
released in 1993. Initially, Windows NT met with little commercial success. Windows
NT 3.5 was released in 1994, followed by Windows NT 3.51 in 1995. The security and
advanced features (such as long filename support and internet services) of Windows NT,
combined with the windows desktop was attractive to business looking to replace aging
mainframes and terminals.
In the summer of 1996, Windows NT 4.0 was released using the Windows 95 user
interface. Significant technical advances and Microsoft’s application development
resources gave Windows NT 4.0 a considerable boost, eventually outselling Novell
NetWare, its largest competitor.

Windows NT originally stood for “new technology”, although the acronym has
become a trademark in itself. This section will cover some of the internal components
that define Windows NT’s architecture, as well as some of the convent features that it
Like UNIX and VMS, Windows NT has a basic microkernel structure. This
means that the heart of the operating system is a relatively small program whose job is to
go through this kernel. The greatest advantage of microkernel architecture is that a single
entity is responsible for scheduling of processor time and doling out resources. While
certain subsystems (like devices and graphics drivers) are permitted to access the
hardware directly, the kernel retains veto power and can interrupt those direct
conversations should the need arise

While it is taken for granted now, true multitasking is one of the most powerful
features of Windows NT. Essentially, each task that the kernel sends to the processor has
a priority associated with it. Any task can interrupt any lower priority it. This sounds
simple, but the end result is that you can be sure that your most critical program get the
processor time they need at the expense of less important tasks. In addition, the order to
kill an application has very high priority, which ensures that simply preempting them can
stop wayward applications. Preemptive multitasking makes for a very robust operating
system, especially when compared to operating system that cooperatively multitask, such
as Windows 3.1, where a single frozen application could leave you with no choice but to
reboot the computer.


The hardware abstraction layer is a vital piece of Windows NT, actually serving
as bridge between the kernel and the hardware. The function of the HAL is to present the
computer’s physical resources, such as memory and expansion slots, in a standardized
format so that only a single version of the kernel needs to be developed. There are only a
few versions of the kernel, but there are many different HAL s for different processor
Windows NT uses 32 bits to address its memory space. This allows for 4
gigabytes of usable memory available to any process. Memory is broken up into 4kb
blocks called pages, and Windows NT can refer to every single one of them individually.
These memory addresses can be expressed as a single 32-bit integer. This is an enormous
improvement over older operating systems, such as DOS, which dealt with 16KB blocks
and had to include both a block address and a sub-address within that block whenever it
needed to access the memory. The flat, linear address space of Windows NT allows for
fast and simple memory access.

Although earlier operating system could use the hard disk to simulate needed
memory, Windows NT’s smaller segment size and simple addressing allow for pages in
memory to be rapidly stored and retrieved from the hard disk. This enables the operating
system to use the hard disk to store pages that haven’t been accessed recently, leaving the
faster physical memory available for active applications.


Few operating systems are able to make use of more than one processor.
Windows NT 4.0 includes support for 1, 2 or 4 processors, and with help from your
hardware vendor, it can support up to 32.


Windows NT is not just for Intel chips; with the appropriate HAL, Windows NT
4.0 can also be run on Digital’s Alpha processor. At launch, Windows NT 3.51 supported
Intel, Alpha, MIPS RISC, and Motorola PPC processors, although by the end of 1996
MIPS RISC and PPC support had been dropped.

One of the reasons that Windows NT has been so readily adopted is that it
includes subsystems capable of running applications written for many other operating
systems. In addition to the wide array of programs written for Windows 9x/Windows NT,
native support is also available for MS-DOS and Windows 3.x applications. With the
installation of some included optional components, Windows NT can even run some
programs intended for O/S2

With proper configuration, Windows NT can become relatively secure against
network intrusion and attacks. NTFS is the primary component of the day-to-day security
of Windows NT resources, and once the rules are understood, applying NTFS security
can be a straightforward process. In short, while Windows NT is not as secure as
operating systems such as Net Ware and UNIX, it is much more secure than Windows
3.1/9X. With vigilant security procedures, Windows NT can be trusted to protect
sensitive data from unwelcome network users.


One of the first question that new Windows NT administrators have s ”What is
the difference between Windows NT Workstation and Windows NT Server?” Essentially,
the difference is contained in registry keys that keep a workstation from being a
successful server. When Windows NT 3.1 was originally released, it was released as two
products: Windows NT Advanced Server. The only difference between these two
products was that Advanced Server had to be used if more than 10 simultaneously
connections to a serer were to be made. When Windows NT 3.5 was released, the Server
product was renamed Workstation, and the Advanced Server product was renamed
Server. This distinction holds true with Windows NT 4.0, although there are a few
additional differences. For example, Workstation cannot serve as a domain controller,
and some of the administrative tools are slightly different from the Server versions when
installed on workstation. However, workstation can deliver services to 10 connected
clients simultaneously. Basically, the Server/Workstation distinction is exactly that:
Windows NT Server should be installed on computers functioning as servers, and
Windows NT Workstation should be installed on Workstations.

Windows NT uses a set if terms to refer to its resources and organizational
systems. While many of the terms are straight forward, some are uniquely applied and
can mean the exact opposite of what one might expect.


Microsoft began using the workgroup model of networking with Windows
fir Workgroups. A workgroup is usually a peer-to-peer network where there is no overall
Authentication or logging in; resources shared over the network are accessed by a
password specific to that resources. Each computer in a workgroup has its own security
database. Windows NT offers backward compatibility for workgroups, but its native
mode is the domain mode. A domain is still a group of networked computers, but instead
of distributed management a single computer is responsible for authenticating users and
managing groups. The advantage of domains is that management is centralized, and that
the users only have to logon once to gain access to resource spread across the network.

The computer responsible for authentication and user management in
Windows NT is called the Primary Domain Controller. While it is convenient for the
administrator to have these services hosted on one computer, if that computer should go
down, users would be unable to log in and use their computers. To eliminate this single
point of failure, Windows NT also provides for Backup Domain Controller (BDC) that
automatically copy the necessary databases from the Primary Domain Controller (PDC)
is unavailable, the BDC can authenticate the user and grant network access. Actually,
users attempting to log in well be authenticated by the domain controller that responds
first, be it the PDC or a BDC. Multiple domain controllers can balance the load of
authenticating users.


To execute the proposed user system the following are the hardware
and software requirements.

Processor speed : 300 MHZ and above

Main Memory : 256 MB RAM and above

Hard Disk : 500 MB and above


Operating System : Windows 98/XP/2000/vista

Front-end : Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

Back-end : Oracle 8.0

In order to develop a new system, it is essential to study
the existing system. The study of existing system gives an idea of
its weakness and about the new features that can be added to the
existing system. It helps us to develop a new system, which is
more effective. The existing system keeps tracks of rooms and
customer details and their daily records, manually in record books.
The study of the system followed by the company reveals
the following facts.
 The hostel maintains records of its admission details with the
customers manually.
 Highly qualified personal in the hostel administration
maintain the records.
 The only source of identification of customer is these
 Records once lost or destroyed cannot be retrieved back. This
makes if difficult to trace the customer information and their
 Retrieval of information from records, for reference is time
consuming task.
 The calculation in fee amount may go wrong, if it is done
 Human errors are likely to occur in entering the day to day
activities or observation. Modification and rectification of
such errors is a cumbersome task.
 If the administrator required seeing the particular patient’s
details, it is not easier, where as in the proposed system it is
 Human beings can make mistakes due to tiredness or
oversight, we can overcome these errors by automating
admission process.

The existing system is manual. Most of the activities

undertaken by the Hostel administration are manual and it is a time
consuming task. Thus we can see that the existing system consists
of lot of difficulties in the areas dealing with keeping track of
customers. These are removed in the proposed system.
The proposed system is designed in such a way, that it
eliminates the deficiencies encountered in the existing system. The
proposed system is being developed to make the task easier for the
adminitrator to record, organize and use effectively the relevant
data using electronic media

 The proposed system overcomes the difficulties by providing

separate forms of reports and it will not be carried out

 The system is developed using Microsoft Visual basic 6.0 as

front-end and Oracle8.0 as the back end.

 The proposed system stores everything in the tables in

database making data easily available for retrieval and
storage, thereby the tedious task of wading through the
document pages.

 User-friendly and flexible an all aspects.

 The facility is available at any time.
 Increased reliability and integrity of data.
 Paper work is reduced and reports can be easily


The development of a computer-based system is more likely to be

plagued by the scarcity of resources and delivery dates. Feasibility and risk analysis are
related in many ways. If project risk is great the feasibility producing quality software is


Technical feasibility is a study of function, performance and

constraints that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system. During
technical analysis the analyst evaluates the technical merits of the system concept
while at the same collecting additional information about performance, reliability,
maintainability and reducibility. In some cases this system analysis step also includes
a limited amount of research and design.
Technical analysis being with an assessment of the technical
viability of the proposed system, technologies that are required to accomplish system
function and performance, new materials, methods, algorithms and processes that are
required and how they affect the cost are determined.


Cost benefit analysis delineates costs for project development and

weights them against tangible and intangible benefits of a system. Cost-benefit
analysis is complicated by criteria that vary with the characteristics of the system to
be developed. The relative size of the project and the expected return of the
investment desired as a part of the firm’s strategies plan. Benefits of a new system are
always determined relative to the existing mode of operation.
This project, “Hostel Administration” is developed
to take out manual process and automate admission process in
the administrative block of Lion’s Hostel. This project is
developed using visual basic 6.0 as front end and oracle 8.0 as
back end.

This project consists of three modules. They are:

 Room Details
 Admission Details
 Fee Details


This module is used to maintain the details of all
the rooms in the hostel. These rooms are rented to customers. this
room details module is used to store information such as room
number, room description, capacity and room status.

This module is used to maintain personal,
general and approval details of the customer. After verifying status
of rooms, administrator collects the information about customer.
This module is used to store information such as customer name,
contact number and address, purpose of stay, advance paid and
date of joining etc..

This module is used to maintain the records of
fee transactions of hostel. The type of fee payment is monthly.
It maintains a separate outgoing register which is used to reduce
total fee amount. This fee module is used to store information like
customer name, monthly bill, resources used, reduction amount,
total fee amount etc..

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