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Getting Started Training

UNAICO Duplication System


Table of contents:
How to start your UNAICO business………………………………………………………………3
Step 1 – Goal setting...............……………………………………………………………………...4
Step 2 – Name List………………………………………………………….………………………7
Sample Name List…………………………………………………..……………………..9
Step 3 – How to invite……………………………………………………....……………………..14
Step 4 – How to do Business Presentation…………………………………………..…………….15
Step 5 – How to follow-up………………………………………………………………...………17
Step 6 – Use UNAICO products…………………………………………………………………..21
Step 7 – Use the tools………………………………………………………………….…………..23
Seven daily habits………………………………………….………………………….…………..24
Duplication system………………………………………….….......………………….…………..25
The Business Cycle…………………………………………………………………….………….26
My Support line……………………………………………………………………….…………..27
Basic skills & rules for first 90 days………………………………………………………………28

How to start your UNAICO business

Your attitude is more important than anything. You can have all the brains, all the education, all
the skills and all the contacts; all of it will be for nothing if you do not approach this business with
the right frame of mind.

First of all, understand that this business is not an experiment. It works unequivocally and is a
proven business vehicle. People from every walk of life have started living their dreams right now
thanks to the business they built with UNAICO.

What follows is essentially extracted from the UNAICO Getting Started, a training system that has
helped literally thousands of people around the world achieve their dreams. It is a system that lies
at the base of all successful networkers.

We recommend that you make every effort to attend a local Getting Started live training or Getting
Started webinar. There you will hear how successful local people are building their business, you
can ask any questions that you may have and you hear specific and up to date information on
UNAICO in the national market. This training material is not a substitute for a live training.

How you start your business is everything. And is what you will teach new people joining your
business. And when they start new people, they will refer back to their early days. So mind that
you do not cut corners, over-simplify or over-complicate the business and even if you do not fully
understand why you are encouraged to do certain things, still make sure you do them. Your
sponsor and The President Club team, all we want is for you to be successful.

The Seven Steps of Success that follows are the keys to starting on the right and with the right
attitude. We wish you every success.

The President Club team

Step 1 - Goal setting
Isn’t the absence of dreams the definition of depression?
Maya (Virginia Madsen)
US film Sideways (2004)

Dreams are important. Actually dreams are the driving force that propels you towards success.
Network marketing business is built on self-motivation and is fuelled on dreams. You have to have
a dream, a goal to achieve. If you aim for nothing you hit nothing. Once when you have your
dreams, your goals clear to you, it is important to know where you are now. If your ship is lost in
the middle of a sea and you have a comprehensive map in your hands, you can’t reach your
destination until you find out what your current location is.

In two to three years, what do you want the UNAICO business to give to you in return for your
hard work? You are in a business vehicle that can change your life in powerful and profound ways,
but you have to set the direction and destination.
- What do you want to have?
- What do you want to do?
- What do you want to be?

Now you need to set your UNAICO goals. Your goals should be both specific and time-bound.
Write down the dates for when you want to achieve the following milestones:
• Team Leader ___________________ (25,000BV accumulated in lesser leg)
• Team Manager ___________________ (50,000BV accumulated in lesser leg)
• Executive ___________________ (100,000BV accumulated in lesser leg)
• Senior Executive ___________________ (250,000BV accumulated in lesser leg)
• Director ___________________ (500,000BV accumulated in lesser leg)
• Senior Director ___________________ (1,000,000BV accumulated in lesser leg)
• Vice President ___________________ (5,000,000BV accumulated in lesser leg)
• President ___________________ (10,000,000BV accumulated in lesser leg)

If you are not sure what is achievable and realistic, by all means discuss with your sponsor and
successful up-line.

Everyone has his or her own definition of success. Success is all about achieving your goals. The
important thing about goals is that they should be large enough to motivate you. We call it stretch
goals; they should be something that excites you. Make your goals a burning desire and make
them real to you. Paradoxically, the way to do that is to engage your imagination. For example, if
your goal is a car, then go to a show room, sit in the car of your dreams, smell the leather, feel the
steering wheel, and imagine how proud you will be to drive it off one day as your own. Then
collect pictures of it. Put them in places where you can see them every day – in your wallet, on
your screensaver, on the inside front cover of your diary, on your fridge, behind the sun-visor of
your current car.

When you start to feel silly about this, which you are sure to, then remember that successful
people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.

Work your goals every day bit-by-bit, step by step. Don’t let even a single day pass without doing
some thing, no matter how small, towards achieving your goals.

There will be big challenges come your way to stop you. Your friends and family, people around
you, may try to de-motivate you, not because they don’t love you but because they do. They don’t
want you to get hurt; they care about you and worry about you failing to achieve your goals. But
they haven’t seen the big picture of UNAICO and can’t feel the passion of your burning desire to
achieve your dreams.

Also, of course, jealousy can play a part of people trying to dissuade you. They don’t want you to
be more motivated than them, more successful, more driven and wealthier, especially if they have
rejected the UNAICO business.

The solution is to be gracious, allow them to be who they are, do what they do, and ask them for
the same courtesy. And you will have the satisfaction of them joining your business later. When

you are successful, you still want them!

Remember, this business is simple but not easy. Anybody can do it, but the success you will
achieve will be determined by how much efforts you put into it. And how much you put into it will
be determined by how much burning desire you have.

If I don’t know what I want, how will I know when I get it? Research shows that less than 10%
people set goals and only 3% write them down. Is it any surprise that most of the wealth in this
world is owned by the top 3% or so, of the population? Writing down goals helps to focus the
thinking and acts as the beginning of the process of commitment. Therefore, I must write down
my goals and infuse myself with the burning desire to make these goals a reality.

S : Specific
M : Measurable
A : Achievable
R : Realistic
T : Timely

My first stage – Team Leader

(€2,500 bonus)…………………….…………………………….. (Date of Qualification).

What I want to achieve in 12 months from now? WHY?


What I want to achieve in 36 months from now? WHY?


Commitment: (Time invested business)
Hours per week:


Goal setting

Date to achieve my goal:

Date: Signature:

Step 2 – Name list
This is a people business. As you begin, your contribution to the business is your warm market –
everything else comes from your up-line leaders and the company. This is a business of
duplication and the name list is crucial. You have to do at all times what you want your future
down-line to do. Remember, in this business people do what you do – not what you say.

The attitude you should adopt when working your name list is that you are looking for some
people who will be long-term business partners -- you are not looking for people who can make
you rich.

Never pre-judge. You don’t know if people will be interested. They don’t know if they will be
interested either! You will be astonished who joins your business: the people you think will, won’t.
And the people you think, never in a million years… they do join you. Your job is to expose the
business rather than decide if they will be interested or not.

This is an EYK list: Everyone You Know.

Make the list from your personal history, your geographical locations, where did you live before,
whom did you know there, your professional contacts, your colleagues past and present, your
family and friends, hobby/interest, professional associations, neighbours, address book, people
that you are a customer of, friends of friends, family, etc. Being rigorous, this will generate a list
of 100, 200 names relatively easily.

Note also that you won’t have the names of all of the people (“funny guy down at gym”) and you
will not have all of the current contact details (“Bob, he would be great at this – wonder if he still
lives in Oxford?”)

Discuss with your sponsor or successful up-line, so that he can help you to rate the people in your
name as low, average or high in potential. The important things you are looking for in a high
potential person are ambition (A), business mindedness (B) and credibility (C). Make a top 20 list
and work on this list with the help of your up-line and follow the system. A good sponsor will help
you with these, presenting together with you to give you a chance to learn the basics, after which
you know enough to work the rest of your list.

One of the secrets of successful networking is to always keep expanding your list. You meet new
people every day so put them on your list. Imagine the contacts you had five years ago and look at
the list what you have now; you have made a number of new contacts. Increasing your list is
important because, if you have a tiny list, rejection hurts.

Who are we looking for? In this industry, you are not necessarily looking for people who are
mega-successful, highly educated, and/or come from a wealthy background. The more important
criteria are: dreamers, people who dare to think big, people who are looking for freedom; people
who are not satisfied with their current life condition and looking for changes. Incidentally, this
includes thousands upon thousands of people many would deem too successful to approach with
this kind of business.

Remember that the future leaders in your network will come from every walk of life.

Parents, brothers and sisters
Aunts, uncles and cousins
In-laws, nieces and nephews
Close circles of friends (think about recent social events)
Neighbours and those living in your area
School friends, including college and university
People in your former town
People you presently work with
People you have worked for/or have worked with you
Clients, past and present
Civic groups, clubs etc.
Political groups
Sport clubs
Merchant and trade organisations
School groups, Parent Teacher Association (PTA) etc.
Social life
Doctor, vet, hairdresser, beautician and optician
Insurance salesman, solicitor and bank manager
Local hotels and restaurants


Greeting cards list
Club membership list
Old address books

Goal setting Name list


No Names Telephone A B C Total

Leaders are like Eagles, they don’t flock, and you will find them one at a time.
A – Ambitious B – Business Minded C - Credible


No Names Telephone A B C Total

Leaders are like Eagles, they don’t flock, and you will find them one at a time.
A – Ambitious B – Business Minded C - Credible


No Names Telephone A B C Total

Leaders are like Eagles, they don’t flock, and you will find them one at a time.
A – Ambitious B – Business Minded C - Credible


No Names Telephone A B C Total

Leaders are like Eagles, they don’t flock, and you will find them one at a time.
A – Ambitious B – Business Minded C - Credible


No Names Telephone A B C Total

Leaders are like Eagles, they don’t flock, and you will find them one at a time.
A – Ambitious B – Business Minded C - Credible

Step 3 – How to invite
There are three types of invitation; you may either invite a prospect to a Formal Business
Presentation, a 2-on-1 Business Presentation or a regional event/training. To be time efficient this
is done by phone. You are not presenting or selling the opportunity, but just making an

At first when you start inviting, it will probably be quite nerve-wracking and scary. Your up-line
will help if you ask. A good tip is to just be yourself.

Your typical call should not take longer than two minutes. The most important part of your
invitation is your enthusiasm and positive energy. Over the phone the other person can’t see you
but hear your voice and he/she can also feel the level of belief and passion behind your voice. It
will be your enthusiasm, not your script, which will make others curious.

So don’t invite if you don’t feel enthusiastic. But don’t wait for the feelings to come; create it.
Your feelings are a result of your thinking – not the other way around. Remind yourself of your
goals, your dreams, the people you care about who want you to be successful with your UNAICO
business, and how the business could change the life of the person you are calling – get your self
into an enthusiastic state!

Use the following seven steps for invitation. This is only a guideline, as you must be yourself and
use your own words, but the basics are:
1. Use telephone and start with simple social conversation
2. Show your passion about the new part time business you have started recently
3. Let them know that you think it will be beneficial for them too
4. They might ask questions but don't reply and let them know why you can’t be long on phone
5. Have two optional dates for meeting and invite him/her
6. Confirm time and venue
7. Hang up.

The grist of it is that you are inviting someone to come and look at a successful business you have
just discovered. You can add in things like:
• This is an online business with huge growth potential
• You don’t know if they would be interested or not
• You don’t want to tell them over the phone what it is
• It is serious and has massive potential for the right people
• You value their opinion either way
• You want them to meet some of the people you are working with
• You would love to work with them
• It has great timing

And anything else that excites you (but without going into specifics) because you will always be
powerful talking about things that are real to you.

If the timing is not right for them and they are not going to commit to look, turn it into a no-for-
now and get their permission to call them in a month or two.

Preparation before Invitation:

1: Have complete Faith that You have something great to give others (be in the peak state)
2: If you don’t feel like to be in a peak state, get knowledge and build Your faith (be teachable)
3: Feel the change in yourself and let others to feel the change in You (be in Business Dress)

Goal setting Name list Invite

Step 4 – How to do Business Presentation
If you are excited about the UNAICO business because of the massive potential of the income you
could make but the person you are speaking to wants to spend more time with his family, which is
more important in your presentation?

The answer is obvious, which presents a dilemma. You are not a mind reader.
People do the business for a huge number of compelling reasons:
- Massive income
- Personal development
- Residual income
- Supplemental income
- Time freedom
- Meet like-minded people
- Travel
- Recognition
- The products
- Develop contacts
- To be able to make difference

How can you possibly know how to present the business when you (and sometimes your prospect)
don’t know what is going to turn them on about UNAICO?

You have to think about the presentation as a two-way communication.

When it comes to a 1:1 or a 2:1 presentation, it’s not about you blurting out everything you know
about the business and hoping that something will hit their hot button. It’s about you having a
meaningful dialogue, asking questions, listening to the answers, and letting them speak. What they
say is more important than what you say.

In terms of “air-time”, think at least in terms of 50/50. As you get more experienced you will
probably find that they tend to do more of the speaking than you. In that sense, you will listen
your way to the top. Because the more you learn about them and their needs and desires, the more
you can tailor the presentation to what would make UNAICO a meaningful choice for them.

Similarly, a formal Business Presentation from the front of the room can, for a skilled presenter, be
a two-way dialogue. You can guess what aspect of the business is likely to be compelling for the
majority of the audience, and tailor your presentation accordingly. Then, from the response you
get (or don’t get!) you can calibrate what is working and not.

There is no point hammering on the points that excite you, if they leave your listeners cold. What
is the point and purpose of presenting the UNAICO Business Presentation?

Getting the person to see how UNAICO could add value to, maybe even change, their lives.

Don’t focus on “closing”. You are not a timeshare salesman looking for a quick commission. You
are a networker looking for a long-term business partner. It’s all about being professional – the
sort of person your prospect would want to be in business with.

Will people have questions and objections?

Of course. In exactly the same way as you did. The more objections they have, the better it is.
Objections are a sign of interest and engagement. If they weren’t interested at all, would they even
bother asking?

Try to avoid confrontation in the sense of proving them wrong. Try to understand their underlying
concerns and get into a “service” frame of mind. How can you help them understand the business
better, rather than showing them how ignorant and negative they are?

A great method to use when they give you an objection is this formula: “I see what you mean – I
felt the same way when I first saw this business but then I realised…

Remember, you can’t say the wrong thing to the right person and you can’t say the right thing to
the wrong timing. Some people will be in your “pipeline” for weeks, months and years before the
timing is finally right and they join your business. Your job, to make that happen, is to turn every
“no” into a “no for now”, by being professional, personable, insistent, organised and persistent.

Always remember the SW rule:

- SW= Some Will
- SW= Some Won’t
- SW= So What
- SW= Somebody is Waiting

Presenting the UNAICO business, for a networker, is the business. Plan to become a master of it.
In terms of self-development, for most people, this is where the greatest value is. The skills you
learn will change your life more than anything else in the business.
SiteTalk have provided a great platform for getting people take at least one step closer to the
business. Soon after you finish the presentation you may say like "Let me show you how to sign
up on SiteTalk". Then you open a web browser and write like "
name". This will take you straight to the signup page. And then you pass on your laptop to the
prospect to signup. This way you give them a short training and also got them signed up in your
team. The next step will be that you show them how they can also build their business using the
same technique.

Goal setting Name list Invite

2 on 1 Formal Regional
Business Business events
Presentation Presentation

Step 5 – How to follow up
A lot of your future success will come from your ability to follow up. You can show the person the
business and get him enthusiastic about the products but still nothing happens. Modern day life, it
seems sometimes, has created a generation of people incapable of making (and sticking to)

You have to help people make decisions. “Yes” is a great one. “No-for-now” is fine. But the
“maybes” will kill you. Often people will sign up and then nothing happens. This is just another

Take into account that people are different. Just because you needed X and then Y and then Z for
you to arrive at your decision, this will not necessarily be the case for the people you expose the
business to. They might need totally different things to arrive at their decision. And sometimes it
will actually happen by accident after six months in the business!

Never write people off, just because they haven’t done what you want yet. Many high performers’
stories will tell you that they spent a long time as “sleepers”, doing very little, until something
happens, something clicks into place, and they go for it full on.

Create a follow up list, a pipeline, and keep track of where people are in terms of their exposure to
the UNAICO business. Stay in touch with them and contact them with news, updates and
invitations. All you are looking to achieve is getting them to commit to a next step. Large or small
doesn’t matter. It could be to come to another event, a Getting Started Training, a Presenters'
training, whatever. It could be to try the products or to come to the corporate office. Or listen to a
CD. Or meet your successful up-line. Or show them how to upgrade their free SiteTalk account.
Or company website. Anything that for them makes a logical and meaningful next step in their
exploration of the UNAICO opportunity.

Sometimes it can be as simple as asking, “What do you need next to help you make a decision?”
They will know what they need.

Also, always make sure that they understand that you want them in your business. Many people
feel insecure and under-appreciated in their day-to-day job, and the fact that you are prepared to
commit to them, work with them, and do everything you can for them to be successful, is very
powerful and compelling.

Don’t be scared to ask them to sign up. It can be as simple as showing them the online signup
form, explaining how the computer tracks up-line and down-line relationships in terms of network
tree and other reports, and they will often sign up there and then.

Overcoming Common Objections !

The Perfect Tool to do follow-up.

The biggest fear that leaders must face with new distributors is their fear of objections and the
rejection that frequently follows …

Teach them that they are likely to hear variations on the following five basic objections:
• No Time
• No Money
• No Interest
• No Success
• No Sale

The good news is you can turn them all into a powerful arsenal of success bullets if you just know
how! The next time someone gives you an objection, simply say:
"That is the exact reason you need to take a look at this business."
You make their objection a REASON for looking at what you are doing!

No Time:
Objection: "I don't have the time to consider this business."

Answer: “That's the exact reason you need to take a look at this business.”
If you don't have time for this, your career owns don't own it. What would it be worth to
have options for more time in your life that you don't have now?"

No Money:
Objection: "I don't have enough money to get started..."

Answer: “That's the exact reason you need to take a look at this business.”
If you don't have the money for this, what you are doing isn't working! Have you truly ever
wondered why you don't have the money?"

No Interest:
Objection: "That doesn't sound like something I would be interested in..."

Answer: "I don't have enough information to be interested or not.”

“That is the exact reason you need to take a look at this. Surely you wouldn't make a decision
based on incomplete information, would you?"

No Success:
Objection: "My friend tried something like this and it didn't work."

Answer: “I can appreciate that. That's the exact reason you need to take a look at this business.”
“There is a right way and a wrong way to do this business, as with anything, and your friend may
have tried the wrong way."

No Sales:
Objection: "I don't do sales, I can not make two sales, and I am not a salesperson."

Answer: “Great! That's the exact reason you should take a look at this ”
“Because we are not looking for salespeople. We are looking for folks who like to help people
and share ideas with them…”

An objection is only a mirror!

You can decide to reflect back to them total success instead of their own failure outlook.
You can assist them in changing their perspective on their current life and this business

Goal setting Name list Invite

2 on 1 Formal Regional
Business Business events
Presentation Presentation

Follow up No


Getting Started Yes

Step 6 – Use the products
This is not a business about signing up tons of people and creating a big down-line – it’s a
business where, over time, you will build large volumes of sales on which you will earn a modest
percentage that could be a monumental income stream. You do this by rigorously following a
duplicatable system that moves products to end-users by personal testimony and word-of-mouth
recommendation, and at the same time builds a bigger and bigger distribution channel through
building your down-line.

So, you have to be a champion of the products. You have to become a product of the products.

By using all the products yourself, you will understand them better. The benefits you gain will
build your confidence and belief, and will also help you come up with ideas for where and whom
to go with them. Use personal development trainings offered under Oxford Programme and start
using and building friends network through SiteTalk. Try to take day off and explore benefits of
Holiday Plus programme. Use your Towah card or why not buy something from SiteTalk Mall to
see how the system works. After all this is your business, your company and you need to know
how exactly everything works in your business.

In other words, you should become a before-and-after living and walking advert!

If a picture tells a thousand words, then experience beats documentation beats conversation.
Especially in a word-of-mouth business!

Clearly, in a direct sales business, selling to an end-user is very important. But your future down-
line will find selling not necessarily something that comes easy to them, depending on their
training and background. But recommending a product they themselves have experienced benefits
from becomes very simple for anyone.

So, it’s crucial for duplication, in order to build a big business, starting with you! If you don’t use
the products, why should your people?

Every time you show the business to a prospect, show the products and the business together.
They rely on each other – the opportunity here is the marriage between the UNAICO system and
the UNAICO products.

Without the products business model makes no sense. And our products rely on word-of-mouth
advertising. If you stack them up on retail outlet shelves, customers will walk past them. They
require education and testimony for people to “take a chance” and try them. Once they try them,
the benefits speak for themselves.

Become a product of the products!

Goal setting Name list Invite

2 on 1 Formal Regional
Business Business events
Presentation Presentation

UNAICO Follow up No


Getting Started Yes

Step 7 – Use the tools
This is a business system. Never do anything that a tool can do. Your huge talents will not build
you a huge organisation – duplication will.

Obviously, there is talent involved. Obviously, there is effort involved. But always think that your
future organisation will be full of people from all walks of life, and they all have to have a method
of doing the business that will give them success. It has to be kept as simple as possible: KISS
(Keep It Simple and Stupid) your way to success!

Your future new people have to have a method to get started. We don’t want them to have a PhD
in network marketing business. The simple system is this:
• Share the business
• Share the products
• Sell events
• Duplicate

The most important tool to build your business is the range of UNAICO products. End of story.
But also use:

- Books, magazines, catalogues

- CDs and DVDs
- Meetings: Business Presentation, Getting Started, Regional Events, Presenters' trainings
- Website, conference calls, webinars
- People: up-line, cross-line, corporate senior staff
- Corporate office

As we have stressed here in different ways, this is a business. It’s a system and it is well proven to
work. Don’t hope to win the lottery by sponsoring a few people who will make you rich. The high
performers in your future organisation will sometimes be created by you, in the sense that they
will look at you and be inspired. They will see what you have achieved, at the quality of people in
your network, and they will marvel and be motivated to build their own organisation.

When they ask you what the secret of your success is, you will say, “It came from my commitment
to treat this like a business.”

And that commitment means doing the business every day, no matter how hard pushed you are for
time. In the beginning it’s hard but then it becomes a habit. Then it becomes fun and then a joy.

Following are few website for you to regularly visit and get familiarise each every section of

Seven daily habits:
1. Study – take your professional and personal development seriously. Attend trainings, read
books, listen to audios, watch DVDs, research about the products.

2. Use the products – the best investment is investing in you. Personal development training
modules designed under Oxford Programme is a great way to learn and develop new skills.

3. Expand the name list – go out of your way to meet new people. Do new things. Take a
different route to work, speak to people you don’t usually speak to, say hello to strangers.

4. Invite – Every day, call someone who is not sponsored into the business. Invite him for a 1:1,
2:1 or a formal Business Presentation. In the beginning you should do more, to create some
momentum, but as you make UNAICO a lifestyle, then can you see the power of this? 30
people a month, could that do something for your business? 365 a year…?

5. Present the Business Opportunity – either for yourself, or for your down-line, or at a
formal presentation to a larger group. Apart from the obvious results you will get, think about
your personal motivation. Every day you are reminding yourself of your goals and dreams.
You will always be “On”, never “Off”.

6. Communication – be in touch with your up-line and down-line. Use text messaging, phone
calls, SiteTalk, emails. If you are better at communication your team will learn from you and
will follow you.

7. Follow up – repeat 100 times, “Follow up is the secret of success in anything.” Stay in touch
with people. Don’t let them go cold. Eventually they will all be in your business. If you still
want them. Use business tools to follow up your prospects.

Goal setting Name list Invite

Buy &
use 2 on 1 Formal Regional
business Business Business events
tools Presentation Presentation

UNAICO Follow up No


Getting Started Yes

The Duplication System

The Business Cycle
Try to always be systematic in your UNAICO business. Track your numbers: How many people
have you exposed the business to and where are they in terms of their exposure?

The business starts with the telephone. You call and ask them to come to the Business
Presentation. After presentation get them signed up on SiteTalk. From there they come along to
Getting Started training. Then they set goals, make a list and we are back at step 1, the telephone.
At every step of the way people might say “no-for-now” and not take it any further. That’s
perfectly OK.

Never under-estimate the power of getting good at getting referrals. If everyone you spoke to said,
“Thanks, but I can’t commit to this now – but I know two people you should speak to who would
bite your hand off for this business,” well, you would never run out of people to speak to. And
most of them will be highly qualified for this business.

The people who pause as they go forward in the business cycle, they go into your “pipe-line” and
you agree when it would be meaningful to call them again.

The different things that you can use to follow up are, to name just a few to stimulate your
- Basics: Formal Business Presentation, Getting Started, Regional Events
- Products: especially new product launches
- International UNAICO Conferences
- Books
- DVDs
- CDs
- Meet a VIP – this could be corporate or your up-line, even cross line, or a guest speaker
- Corporate office tour
- Special events – a training or a social event with UNAICO people might be just the thing

Remember, over four hundred years ago people knew how persistence always wins:

Much rain wears the marble

William Shakespeare
English playwright, 1564-1616


1st Upline (Sponsor)

Name :
Mobile number :
Site Talk E-mail :

2nd Upline
Name :
Mobile number :
Site Talk E-mail :

3rd Upline
Name :
Mobile number :
Site Talk E-mail :

4th Upline
Name :
Mobile number :
Site Talk E-mail :

5th Upline
Name :
Mobile number :
Site Talk E-mail :

Basic skills & rules for first 90 days
–ve should go Up, +ve should go Down
If you have any question or anything to say, always ask your upline. Because 90% of times
negativity is lack of knowledge.

For example if somebody ask you something negative, about your Company, Product or Business,
always ask your upline for the answer.

Always share, each and every good news, with your team.

Language plays very important role in your team building. People will believe if you have belief.
Your belief reflects by what you say.

Don’t use following words/phrases specially while talking to your team.

Problem, I will try, let’s see, let's hope, I will do it later.

Replace them with
Challenge, I will do it, let's do it and let's do it now

Do it attitude is the winner!

Serious Business attitude

Business dress
Talking about future and success
Out of comfort zone
Be on time - punctuality

Communication (Up & Down)

Communication is very important while you are working in a team. For example during battle, a
General in Headquarters should have strong communication with the front force in the battlefield.
Ways of communication
- Phone call
- Text
- Face to face
- E-mail
- SiteTalk

This is the investment part of your business. Today if you are investing €100 a month in your
business. Imagine after few months when hundreds of people in your team are doing the same,
what you are doing now (for example, after 6 months you have 1,000 people in your team and
everybody is investing money on communication like you, mean €100. Then total money spend by
your team = 1,000*100 = €100,000)

So this big investment will bring big business. And you will make huge success by managing
people. Take following necessary actions:

- Be in touch with your direct upline. Call or text him/her at least once everyday
- Be in touch with your team. Call or text all direct referrals at least once everyday
- When you refer any new person in your team send him/her congratulations text, and duplicate
the same in your team (Teach everybody to do the same)
- Send text to all of your direct referrals whenever there is any event, training, special opportunity
presentation or any good news (Promote Events)
- Send follow-up text and make calls to the people who already saw presentation but haven’t
joined yet. Start the conversation with good news about UNAICO & SiteTalk.

Acquire Rhinosauras skin – Emotional graph

This business is all about being persistent. You need to focus in one direction and keep going and
never allow any other force to deviate you from your goal. Your emotional graph will go up and
down, frequently, during the first 90 days. When you join the business you are in high emotional
state thinking high about your future and business. Next day when you invite someone to come to
the business presentation and he or she said "yes" you become even more motivated but when it
comes to the time of the presentation and that person did not turn up you feel really down. Next
day you invite another person but he seems to be not very interested you started feeling even
worse. During the next meeting one of your prospects joins your team and now you are feeling
like over the moon and you are back in the peak state.

This will happen to you quite frequently and some times many times during a day. All you ever
need is to understand that this is normal and teach this to your team too. Majority of the people
who leave the business do that within their first 90 days and the main reason is their low
emotional state. Be aware of this and keep yourself motivated during these tough times. There is
no way that we avoid this situation but to face it with courage and eventually you start getting
success in your business and this up and down of emotional graph will never bother you again.

The more successful you become the more team you build and the more money you earn from
UNAICO will make you a self-sustained powerhouse.

1: This is your own business with huge potential
(Your are going to get time freedom)

2: The network marketing industry

(Most millionaires generated by this industry become the best at their personal development)

3: The Company’s strength

(Experienced management team, new trends in the industry. The hybrid of Social media and
Network marketing)

4: The unique product line

(Personal development trainings, SiteTalk new trend in the industry)

5: Importance of duplication
(The power of networking business is duplication)

6: Written “Goal” should be kept with you

(Goals are the fuel for your success)

7: Name list
(Increase your name list everyday and don’t prejudge)

8: Say thanks to your direct sponsor for showing this great opportunity
(And greet your Sponsor’s Upline by phone call or text message)

9: Understand UNAICO back office

(Including network tree, Network placement sponsorship, online banking etc)

10. Emotional graph

(Frequent up & down of emotional graph within first 90 days)

11. Having a vision and remaining focused

(Vision will be clearer when you have belief. And belief comes with knowledge)

12: –ve should go Up, +ve should go Down

Being a team leader your responsibility is to keep your team's morale up

13: Language
(Take care of each and every word you say in front of your team)

14: Serious business attitude

(Do things outside of “Comfort Zone” remember your team will do what you do)

15: Communication - Up & Down

(Communication is very important while planning any big thing in this world)

16: Understanding compensation plan

(Ask questions and learn more)

17: Collect business tools

(Spend money on business tools, update your collection, this will pay back)

18: Follow-Up
(Remember 5 times follow-up, and 10-80-10 rule)

19: Participating and conducting presentations

(Learn UNAICO business presentation and be independent)

20: Persistency is the key to success.

Make a decision and stick by it. Never give up, in this business, means standing by your word.
Make a commitment to yourself that you deserve everything the UNAICO business can offer you.
Remember that you are doing this for yourself, for the people around you, your loved ones and
your family. They too will cherish the UNAICO business and lifestyle. If you see it through the
hard times.

Hard times? Of course there will be days when you feel like giving up. Doing anything
worthwhile in life requires a commitment in time and energy. You have to do it on the days when
it’s raining. When you don’t feel like it. When it’s tough. When it seems impossible.

This is a people business. That is its greatest joy and greatest challenge. You will learn more about
yourself and other people than you thought possible.

This business will test you. It will test your resolve. And that is where the self-development is.
You will become a more self-motivated person, a better communicator, a powerful presenter and a
person who walks his talk. It will change you in extraordinary ways, make you become more of
whom you want to be, if you commit to it.

So, ultimately, do this business for yourself and the person it will make you.

We wish you the best of luck.

The President Club Team

Goal setting Name list Invite

Buy &
use 2 on 1 Formal Regional
business Business Business events
tools Presentation Presentation

UNAICO Follow up No


Getting Started Yes


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