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Management Plan for Upper Begbie Site – BHEX Contracting Ltd.

I. Project Overview

Statement of Objectives

Overview of purpose and proposed use of Crown Land

The proposed areas will be developed to provide a range of aggregate material including rock,
screened gravel products, crushed gravel products, sand and pit run.

This proposal will enable expansion of an existing local contracting firm by providing a local
supply of rock and gravel products used for site development, drainage materials ,road surfacing
and structural rock in the area.

Proposed Use

End use of material

The material will be used for road structure and surfacing, fill, drain rock, road sand, and

Investigative work completed

The area has been walked, and the general topography and materials have been examined. This
site was developed as a gravel pit in the past but has been abandoned for a number of years.
Existing cut slopes in the disturbed areas were examined for an indication of aggregate type and
available volumes.

Description of work

Annual production estimate

The annual production estimate for the first five years is 2000 to 10, 000 m3 per annum.
Production will be dependent on local demand. We project that local demand will be high.

Height of working face

The height of the working face will be determined by on site factors including operator and
equipment safety, and existing slope of the area. Working faces will be kept to a minimum height
dictated by the reach of machinery working on site. As much as possible, resloping will take
place concurrent with the works to minimize safety hazards. Work will take place according to the
Ministry of Mines Aggregate Handbook.

Water supply
No immediate need for a water supply is anticipated at the site. As required, the licensee would
maintain a water tank and equipment on site for fire prevention purposes during the fire season.

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Project schedule
The project will be divided into three phases; development, production and reclamation.


1 Development and production Upgrade of access road. Re-installation of
drainage structures, brushing out road
prism and fixing up road. Clearing working
area, stripping and transport of overburden
materials to stockpile areas. Excavation,
stockpiling and load out of aggregate
2-5 Production and reclamation Excavation, stockpiling and load out of
aggregate material, some reclamation on-
going with production, final reclamation at
the end of the license term.

Surface Disturbance

Dimensions of the working area

The total area is 3.8 hectares, less a setback from the edges according to the policies of Ministry
of Mines. The overall dimensions are 186m x 205m. Due to topography, setbacks, etc it is
estimated that about 3.0 ha. is useable within the overall area.

Overburden stockpile location

Most of the area is stripped and the overburden lies in a berm along the eastern edge of the
proposed area. There has been some regrowth of immature deciduous and coniferous trees
across the proposed area. Any other overburden necessary to be removed will be stripped and
stockpiled ahead of production as close as possible to the works in progress to minimize material
movement during reclamation.

Product stockpile location

Products will be stockpiled on site, in the eastern portion of the site. Size of the stockpiles will be
dictated by product demand.

Access road location

The proposed area is adjacent to Highway 23. An access road exists to the proposed quarry site,
and a Roadway application is being submitted separately. This road is suitable for access after
upgrading. A bridge will be installed to access the site.

Total area of disturbance

Due to setbacks from the outside perimeter and backsloping, the total area of disturbance would
not exceed about 2.8 hectares over the life of the project, not counting the access roadway.
Dispersed areas would be reclaimed on completion of mning to minimize the cumulative

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II. Present State of Land

Regional / Local Government Zoning

The proposed area lies entirely within crown land in the Columbia Shuswap Regional District
(CSRD). The zoning designation within the Official Community Plan (OCP) for the area is Rural
Resource. This proposal appears to match the development intent of the OCP.

The area lies within the Agricultural Land Reserve.

The area lies within Provincial Forest, Southern Interior Forest Region, Columbia Forest District,
Timber Supply Area 27, within a cancelled Timber License T0190, Block 3 of TFL 23.

Attached is a Spatial Overlay Engine (SOE) report of the proposed area from Forest Mapview.

Present Land Use

The area was previously developed for use as a gravel pit, partly mined, then abandoned. There
is no evidence of any recreational use of the area.

Vegetation and soil texture

There is no merchantable timber on site. The entire application area is either naturally reclaimed
disturbance (immature conifer and deciduous trees and brush) or open gravel slopes. The
predominant surface soil textures are coarse textured.

The area gently slopes uphill from the east to the west (10 to 30% slopes), with stream channels
approximately 50 m from each of the north and south boundaries. The area is dry and stable,
with no watercourses on site. The area is well drained with no evidence of a shallow water

Present Use and Condition of access road

The access road is an old forestry access road that requires repair to the running surface and
brushing of the right-of way. The present condition of the road is fair. It requires cross drains,
ditching and grading. The road climbs from the highway to the proposed quarry site. A bridge
installation over the stream lying immediately north of the site would be required for access.

The north and south boundaries of the proposed quarry area lies approximately 50 metres from
unnamed stream channels. The Columbia River high water mark lies approximately 1200 metres
east at a minimum.

III. Reclamation Program

Proposed Land Use after reclamation

After reclamation, the land would be suitable for forestry. The site has immediate access to
Highway 23 and is within a 10 minute drive to Revelstoke.

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Description of Reclamation procedures
Working areas will be back sloped to natural repose angles. Stockpiled Soil material would be
spread out and grass seeded to promote establishment of vegetative cover. The access road
could be deactivated to a maintenance free state, water barred and grass seeded to control
erosion. The bridge could be removed. Any culverts installed would be removed or put in a
maintenance free state.

Section C: Additional Information

Environmental impacts

There was some aggregate production from the site which may have been used for surfacing on
nearby resource roads and possibly during highway 23 construction. This is a relatively remote
area which should mitigate any concerns about noise resulting from the operation or visual
impacts of the operation. The nearest residential dwelling is 6.5 km away to the north.

Land Impacts:
Surface disturbance, and re- clearing would be required in areas where aggregate is to be
extracted. This would be mitigated by prompt reclamation of completed areas.

Atmospheric Impacts:
Some sound would be generated if material was being crushed or screened. Tyically, noise
would be in normal daylight working hours and minimized on weekends and holidays. There
would be minor exhaust emissions resulting from operating heavy equipment on site. The impact
would be very low.

Aquatic Impacts:
None are anticipated. The area lies away from watercourses. Surface water would be managed
to minimize sedimentation through proper roading and drainage structures. The Columbia River
high water mark lies a minimum of 1200 metres east of the proposal area.

Fish and Wildlife:

No impacts to fish are anticipated. The area lies within Ungulate Winter Range which
encompasses all the low elevation terrain in the area. This would be mitigated by the small
clearing area and the seasonal nature of the proposal. Ungulate use would be highest in late
winter when the use of the area for aggregate production would be lowest.

Socioeconomic impacts

Land Use:
The proposed area is relatively remote, and away from any residential development. The area
perimeter could be signed and would be gated to reduce public safety concerns. The proposal
would increase traffic on Highway 23 between the proposal area and Revelstoke as materials are
hauled, there already is considerable industrial traffic (logs, chips) and commercial truck traffic on
the Highway.

Socio- Community Conditions:

The proposal would not negatively affect or influence community services or infrastructure. It
would contribute to the process of improving infrastructure by providing aggregate materials. It
would contribute to employment in the area as it would allow expansion of an existing local
excavating business. It would provide aggregate to a growing town from a non-controversial area.

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Public Health:
There would be no impact on public health.

First Nations:
There are no known areas of cultural significance. To determine future action, an overview
assessment would be conducted as part of the permitting process.

Addressing LWBC and government agency interests

Ministry of Energy and Mines:

There are no known conflicts. There are no overlapping mineral claims.

Ministry of Forests / Forest licensees:

Traffic into the proposal area will be limited to accessing the quarry. No conflicts with road safety
are expected.
The applicant will undertake all road maintenance and maintain the necessary permitting on the
access road. Forest licensees may be interested in aggregate material from this area for
surfacing nearby resource roads on an as needed basis.

Reforestation could be part of the reclamation program for the site.

The applicant will obtain a permit from the Ministry of Forests as required, to remove the
immature regeneration prior to developing the area.

Agricultural Land Commission:

No removal of soil from the site is proposed. There will be very limited stock-piling of soil
materials since most of the area was previously cleared and stripped.

Columbia Shuswap Regional District:

This proposal is an allowed use within the CSRD zoning. They may welcome an aggregate
proposal in an area a bit removed from Revelstoke, yet still within hauling distance.

Ministry of Transportation:
The area lies approximate 250 metres from Highway 23, at the end of a dead end access road. A
Crown Lands Roadway application is also being submitted separately. Proper permits will be
acquired from the Ministry of Transportation for access to Highway 23, and truck turning signage
would be installed according to MoT policy. There is excellent site distance at the highway and a
wide spot/pullout immediately opposite.

Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (Wildlife Issues):

There are no known conflicts with red, blue or yellow listed wildlife species.

Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management (Watershed Issues):

The proposed quarry is not within a Community Watershed. There are no domestic water
licenses down-slope or in the vicinity of the proposed area.

Overview map 1:250,000 scale
Area map 1:20,000 scale showing location of license area
Site plan maps 1: 5000 scale for license area

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BHEX Contracting Ltd. Overview Map

118-20 W 118-10 W 118-0 W 117-50 W Legend

51-5 N

51-0 N
51-0 N

50-55 N
Scale: 1: 250,000
Highway 23
North to
50-55 N

Revelstoke The material contained in this web site is owned by the
Government of British Columbia and protected by
copyright law. It may not be reproduced or redistributed
without the prior written permission of the Province of
Location of Upper British Columbia. To request permission to reproduce
all or part of the material on this web site please
complete the Copyright Permission Request Form
Begbie Pit and which can be accessed through the Copyright
Information Page.

50-50 N
Roadway Application CAUTION: Maps obtained using this site are not
designed to assist in navigation. These maps may be
generalized and may not reflect current conditions.
Uncharted hazards may exist. DO NOT USE THESE

Datum/Projection: NAD83, Albers Equal Area Conic

Created using Mapview 6.0.0 on: 10/08/10

Key Map of British Columbia

50-50 N

50-45 N
0 4.5 9 km.

118-20 W 118-10 W 118-0 W 117-50 W

BHEX Contracting Ltd. - Site Plan Map - Upper Begbie

118-11-0 W 118-10-50 W 118-10-40 W 118-10-30 W 118-10-20 W Legend

14 km
50-53-55 N

50-53-50 N
(Existing Road)
50-53-50 N

194 m x 20 m wide

50-53-45 N
Existing Road

Berm location
Stockpile locations
205 m 186 m Setback
A B X-Section
50-53-45 N

3.82 ha
Scale: 1: 5,000
205 m

50-53-40 N
C The material contained in this web site is owned by the
Government of British Columbia and protected by
186 m copyright law. It may not be reproduced or redistributed
without the prior written permission of the Province of
British Columbia. To request permission to reproduce
B all or part of the material on this web site please
complete the Copyright Permission Request Form
which can be accessed through the Copyright
Information Page.
50-53-40 N

CAUTION: Maps obtained using this site are not

designed to assist in navigation. These maps may be
Aggregate generalized and may not reflect current conditions.
Uncharted hazards may exist. DO NOT USE THESE
Application area -

50-53-35 N
Datum/Projection: NAD83, Albers Equal Area Conic
the mining plan is to Created using Mapview 6.0.0 on: 10/08/10

setback from outer Existing workings Key Map of British Columbia

boundary by at least
10 metres.
50-53-35 N

50-53-30 N
0 90 180 m.

118-11-0 W 118-10-50 W 118-10-40 W 118-10-30 W 118-10-20 W

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