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best provoked by inhalation,30 while dietary manipulation is is, therefore, of vital importance to patients with heart disease
currently the most effective way of evincing food allergy.3' The and has been studied widely.
solution to many of these problems lies in the introduction of Studies of patients in heart failure have shown that most are
pure, carefully characterised allergens for both skin testing depleted of total exchangeable potassium, despite normal
and assays of specific IgE antibody.32 33 "Allergy" has been a plasma concentrations.3-5 The explanations include anorexia,
subject of confusion in the past and will not be clarified even poor diet, and increased urinary loss due to hyperaldo-
now without rigorous standardisation. A good example of the steronism. Furthermore, many patients have a reduced body
perils of allergic controversy was the recent suggestion that cell mass, and some who are hypoxic or acidotic develop a
milk allergy contributes to myocardial infarction; this was "sick cell syndrome," in which intracellular sodium concen-
firmly refuted by prompt recourse to the RAST test.34 trations rise as potassium falls. In these circumstances supple-
ments do not restore exchangeable cation, and the condition
1Foucard, T, in Progress in Immunology, Vol 4, ed L Brent and E J is better termed potassium depletion.6 Diuretics, both of the
Holborow, p 320. Amsterdam, North Holland, 1974.
2 Berrens, L, and Bruynzeel, P, Clinica Chemica Acta, 1970, 70, 337. benzothiadiazine series and of the potent loop type (such as
3 Turner, K J, Rogman, D L, and O'Mahoney, J, International Archives of frusemide, ethacrynic acid, and bumetanide), increase the
Allergy, 1974, 47, 650. sodium content of filtrate reaching the distal convoluted tubule
4 Gleich, G J, and Jacob, G L, Science, 1975, 190, 1106.
Schellenberg, R R, and Adkinson, N F,Journal of Immunology, 1975, 115, and produce a hypochloraemic alkalosis because of exchange
1577. between sodium ions and hydrogen or potassium in this
6 Church, J A, Kleban, D G, and Bellarti, A, Pediatric Research, 1976, 10, region. They also predispose to digitalis intoxication.7
Bernier, G M, and McIntyre, 0 R, Journal of Immunological Methods, These factors make potassium supplements (or prevention
1976, 13, 91. of urinary potassium loss) mandatory in patients who are
Gleich, G M, et al, Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 1971, 77,
690. receiving both digitalis and diuretics, in elderly patients on
9 Polmar, S H, Waldmann, T A, and Terry, D, Journal of Immunology, diuretics alone (because their intake is poor8), and in those
1973, 110, 1253.
0 Buckley, R H, and Fiscus, S A, Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1975, 55, who require cardiac surgery. There is, however, little evidence
157. to support their indiscriminate use,9 and recent studies'0 have
1 Turner, K J, Baldo, B A, and Hilton, J M N, British Medical
Journal, 1975, suggested that they may sometimes be more hazardous than
1, 357.
12 Faleroni A, E Earle, D P, and Patterson, R, Journal of Chronic Diseases, beneficial. Supplements should ideally be given in the diet, but
1976, 29, 599. commercial fruit drinks often do not contain adequate amounts
13 Yunginger, J W, and Gleich, G J, Pediatric Clinics of North America, 1975,
22, 3.
of potassium and fresh fruit and vegetables are beyond the
14 Bassi, L, Di Berardino, L, and Silvestri, L G, International Archives of means of many elderly patients.
Allergy and Applied Immunology, 1976, 51, 390. Additional potassium can be supplied in tablets. The early
15 Hoffman, D R, and Haddad, Z H, Journal of Allergy and Clinical
Immunology, 1974, 54, 165. preparations produced gastric irritation; this was circum-
16 Caldwell, J H, Tennenbaum, J I, and Bronstein, H A, New England Journal vented by the introduction of an enteric-coated form, but
of Medicine, 1975, 292, 1388. rapid dissolution of such tablets led to high concentrations of
17 Berg, T, Bannich, H, and Johansson, S G, International Archives of
Allergy, 1971, 40, 770. potassium in the intestine, causing ulceration of the bowel
18 Lichtenstein, L M, et al, Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1973, 52, 472. with subsequent perforation or stenosis.11 Enteric-coated
19 Mattikow, M S, Lancet, 1976, 1, 1414.
20 Foucard, T, Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica, 1973, 62, 633. potassium preparations, including those combined with a
21 Jones, H E, et al, British Journal of Dermatology, 1975, 92, 17.
22 Bruce, C A, et al, Clinical Experimental Immunology, 1976, 25, 67.
diuretic, should no longer be used. Slow-K is a more suitable
23 Bongrand, P, et al, Journal of Immunological Methods, 1976, 11, 197. tablet preparation: the potassium is encased in a wax matrix
24 Lynch, N R, et al, Clinical Experimental Immunology, 1975, 22, 35. and is released relatively slowly. Some patients find these
Goodwin, B F J, and How, M J, Clinical Allergy, 1976, 6, 441. tablets difficult to swallow, however, and they should not be
Baldo, B A, and Turner, K J, Medical3Journal of Australia, 1975, 2, 871. given to patients with advanced mitral valve disease and
27 Aas, K, and Johansson, S G 0,Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology,
1971, 48, 134. enlargement of the left atrium, as oesophageal stenosis may
28 Barbee, R A, et al, Annals of Internal Medicine, 1976, 84, 129. result.'2 Intestinal stenosis due to Slow-K is, however, rare
29 Huggins, K J, and Brostoff, J, Lancet, 1975, 2, 148.
30 Pepys, J, New England Journal of Medicine, 1975, 293, 758. unless transit time is prolonged13 or the tablet is held up by an
31 Chua, Y Y, et al, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 1976, 58, 299. anatomical abnormality. Potassium can also be supplied in
32 Aas, K, International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology, 1975,
49, 44.
effervescent forms. The original preparations did not contain
33 World Health Organisation, Journal of Biological Standards, 1975, 3, 113. chloride, and as a result failed to correct the associated meta-
34 Toivanen, A, Viljaren, M K, and Savilahti, E, Lancet, 1975, 2, 205. bolic alkalosis,1"5 but effervescent formulations containing
chloride have now been developed: these include Kloref and
Sando-K. In addition to correcting the metabolic alkalosis
these are usually more effective in restoring potassium balance
than preparations that lack chloride.
Potassium in heart failure Opinions differ on the amount of supplementary potassium
required. Edmonds'6 has suggested that a dose of 24 mmol/day
is sufficient for most hypertensive patients, whereas White'7
Some 98% of the total 3500 mmol of body potassium is used up to twice this amount to raise the exchangeable
located in the intracellular compartment, where it forms the potassium in patients with heart failure. In patients who
major cation. Only 2% is found in extracellular fluid, but this cannot tolerate potassium supplements and those whose
small amount is important: its ratio to intracellular potassium oedema is resistant to high doses of frusemide it is sensible to
determines the transmembrane potential on which depends use a potassium-conserving diuretic as well as one that acts
the normal functioning of cells, especially nerve and muscle. on the loop of Henle. Of the three drugs available, spirono-
Hypokalaemia can cause myocardial dysfunction, neuro- lactone is a competitive aldosterone antagonist, whereas
muscular weakness, psychiatric syndromes, and proximal amiloride and triamterene are thought to occupy sodium
renal tubular damage with a reduction in concentrating ability,' channels in the distal convoluted tubule, thereby preventing
and it predisposes to digitalis intoxication.2 Potassium balance its reabsorption. All three potentiate sodium excretion and

generally make potassium supplementation unnecessary. Their magnified by taxation policies and by that insidious side effect
concurrent use with potassium supplements predisposes to of inflation known as fiscal drag. Most skilled and professional
hyperkalaemia, a complication which occurs also in renal workers have been adversely affected. Certainly, according to
failure. There is, however, little justification for routine use of Newbould's calculations, the consequences for consultants
potassium-conserving diuretics: they are relatively expensive have been unhappy, though his case is somewhat weakened
and there are doubts about the long-term efficacy of amiloride by the exclusion of merit awards, which benefit 350 or so of
either by itself'8 or in combination with hydrochlorothiazide. NHS consultants. Even so, in order to restore his living stand-
ards of 1965, a consultant then earning, say, around £4000,
Welt, L G, Hollander, W, and Blythe, W B, Journal of Chronic Diseases, would now need to be in the £20 000-plus income bracket-
1960, 11, 213. a target achieved by only a handful of consultants with A+
2 Sodeman, W A, New England Journal of Medicine, 1965, 273, 35.
3 Birkenfeld, L W, et al, Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1958, 37, 687. merit awards. This stark decline in the profession's fortunes-
4White, R J, et al, British Medical J'ournal, 1969, 2, 606. for other established doctors have fared little better than
5 Cox, J R, et al, Clinical Science, 1971, 41, 55.
6 Nagant de Deuxchaisnes, C, and Mach, R-S, Lancet, 1974, 1, 517. consultants-is unlikely to be reversed, no matter how militant
7 Hurwitz, N, and Wade, 0 L, British Medical_Journal, 1969, 1, 531. doctors become. So, doctors are bound to ask a second question:
8 Davies, L, Hastrop, K, and Bender, A E, Modern Geriatrics, 1975, 3, 482. should they support pay restraint in future ?
9 Davidson, C, et al, Lancet, 1976, 2, 1044.
"0 Lawson, D H, Quarterly Journal of Medicine, 1974, 43, 433. In the meantime, the question of whether the profession's
1 Ashby, W B, Humphreys, J, and Smith, S J, British Medical Journal, 1965,
representatives should discuss the form of phase 3 with the
2, 1409. Government has been answered. As time is so short the BMA
12 Whitney, B, and Croxon, R, Clinical Radiology, 1972, 23, 147.
13 Farquharson-Roberts, M A, Giddings, A E B, and Nunn, A J, British is already doing so. In the meetings the Chairman of Council
Medical Journal, 1975, 3, 206. and the craft representatives will, no doubt, have been telling
14 Aber, G M, et al, Lancet, 1962, 2, 1028.
15 Kassirer, J P, et al, American Journal of Medicine, 1965, 38, 172. Mr Ennals that the erosion of differentials and the lack of
16 Edmonds, C, and Jasani, B, Lancet, 1972, 2, 8. reward for experience, responsibility, and hard work are
17 White, R J, British Medical3Journal, 1970, 3, 141. damaging the profession's morale. As with their managerial
18 Davidson, C, and Gillebrand, I M, British Heart Journal, 1973, 35, 456.
counterparts in industry,3 doctors' job satisfaction, motivation,
and dedication will suffer and so, in turn, may the patients.
The Association's leaders will probably have warned him,
too, about the timing of increases. Ironically, these exchanges
Incomes policy mark 3 ? on phase 3 are taking place before the doctors have received
even the very modest benefits of phase 2, due on 1 April.
The Review Body now reports annually in the Spring, with
The ballyhoo about the next stage of the pay policy has started the profession's pay year running from April to March. The
in earnest. The Government is dropping heavy hints about pay policy year, however, runs from August to July. This
what it wants; the TUC's economic committee is reported to means that if a third (and probably final) phase of restraint
be in disarray about future policy; and some union spokesmen does start in August 1977 NHS doctors could, were the present
are noisily opposing any continuation of pay restraint. ground rules of only one increase in any 12-month period to
In previous negotiations it has been a two-horse race be retained, have their pay increases restricted until April
between the Government and the TUC, with the CBI running 1979. So they would have had to put up with four years of
a poor third. Any group from the 49% or so of the working restraint from 1 April 1975, when their pay was increased by
population not represented by the TUC has scarcely been in about 30 0" over 1974 levels (largely a "catching up" award
the running at all. But, as doctors know to their cost, the recommended by the Review Body).4 That would be a sacrifice
so-called voluntary counterinflation policies of the past two few doctors would willingly make, and if the Government
years have proved decidedly ill fitted to professional contracts.' intends the present consultations to be more than a public
Even so, the medical profession has so far acquiesced in relations exercise it must heed the danger of applying rigid
them. This time round, however, the Government has invited policies for too long. Any new policy ought to be sufficiently
the BMA to discuss the next phase-which Whitehall presum- flexible to take account of the long hours and heavy responsi-
ably expects to run from September 1977 to August 1978- bilities of the profession-essential for negotiating the new
well ahead of any policy decisions. But before anyone applauds consultant contract-and to allow for improvements between
some questions must be asked. July 1978 and April 1979.
Firstly, does Britain need a pay policy for 1977-8 ? As The BMA should also add its weight to the criticisms about
economists cannot agree on an answer the BMJ is unlikely to the disincentive effect of Britain's direct taxation levels. For
shed much light on the financial pros and cons. The nation doctors a realistic reduction in this taxation might do far more
has, however, almost instinctively supported pay restraint to check the fall in their living standards than even a large
as a lesser evil than runaway inflation and, despite shopfloor percentage pay increase, much of which would go straight back
unrest, most people may well continue to do so until inflation to the Treasury. The final question that doctors will once
is seen to be firmly under control. But, as Klein has warned,2 again wish to ask the Government is: What is the value of an
a major consequence of Britain's several years of pay curbs "independent" Review Body in an age of controlled incomes ?
has more to do with politics than economics. The differential What indeed?
limitations imposed on the growth of incomes by both Con-
servative and Labour administrations have had a profound 'British Medical_Journal, 1976, 1, 1239.
social effect by levelling off the rewards of the higher paid 2 Klein, R, British Medical Journal, 1976, 2, 126.
3 Opinion Research Centre, Motivation of British Management. London,
groups and thus squeezing pay differentials. This change, as ORC, 1977.
Professor Newbould describes graphically at p 526, has been 4 British Medical_Journal, 1975, 2, 160.

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