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The ‘War
On Terror’
Is Over
There could be more terrorist attacks,
but the “war on terror” as an organizing
principle of American foreign and
national-security policy is ending.
By James Kitfield

or a generation of Americans remained potent and menacing. But then the Laden had sworn never to be taken alive in
seared by the horrific specta- hard men with guns came in the night, and his bid for “martyrdom,” and Navy SEAL
cle of 9/11, he was a shadowy he was just another terrorist at the end of his Team Six obliged, carrying its own message
figure of malice, a disembod- bloody run of luck. that the United States never forgets. Then
ied voice whispering messag- With bin Laden silenced, the overarching bin Laden was given a respectful Muslim
es of doom that even a decade question for Washington is, what becomes burial at sea, ensuring that his final resting
of war failed to silence. In of the movement he claimed to head? After place would not become a point of pilgrim-
more than 30 audio and video tapes released a leadership struggle, a much-degraded al- age for true believers.
since the deadliest terrorist attack in histo- Qaida will likely try to remain relevant in the It’s possible, of course, that bin Laden’s
ry, Osama bin Laden taunted U.S. leaders for extremist pantheon by plotting reprisal at- martyrdom narrative could reinvigorate
photo: get t y images /mario tama

their inability to bring him to justice even as tacks, and the scattered franchises that the interest in his ideas of a holy war with the
he seduced followers with his vision of a holy organization spawned may well do the same. West, inspiring new waves of recruits to
war between Islam and the West that would But the truly existential danger was always join the “global jihad.” As terrorism expert
drive the infidels from Muslim lands. the power of bin Laden’s ideas in enticing le- Peter Bergen points out in The Longest War:
Above all, bin Laden exhorted his “heroic gions of followers to his twisted narrative of The Enduring Conflict Between America and
warriors” to kill Westerners and Jews as the holy war. Al-Qaida, something similar happened to
path to redemption. Often, the complex or- Certainly, the manner of bin Laden’s Sayyid Qutb, a writer and founding father of
ganism of global jihad responded to his en- death suggests that both sides in this twi- the jihadist movement whose ideas caught
treaties with acts of wanton violence. For as light struggle understood their roles in what fire after the Egyptian government executed
long as he was free, the very idea of bin Laden are essentially competing narratives. Bin him in 1966.

18 m ay 7, 2 011 nationa l jou r na l

Cathartic: In New
York City, jubilation
marked the news of
bin Laden’s demise.


Initial reaction to the news of

bin Laden’s death, however, sug-
gests that his once red-hot torch
was already nearly extinguished.
In his ancestral home in the Middle
East, for instance, the response has
generally been a collective shrug.
Contrast that with the millions of
fellow Arabs who took to the streets
in recent months to shake off the
yoke of despotism and demand
democratic freedoms from auto-
crats throughout the Middle East,
or the reverence bestowed on the
lowly Tunisian fruit seller whose
self-immolation lit the fuse of those
peoples’ revolutions. Polls in re-
cent years have consistently driven
home the fact that Muslim support
for al-Qaida’s terrorist tactics and
bin Laden’s vision of a fundamen-
talist Islamic caliphate was declin- “Arab Spring”: Demonstrators
ing dramatically before his demise. in Tunisia (above) and Egypt (right).
“Osama bin Laden’s original
genius was to create a narrative of ebrations by revelers who heard the news of Since taking office, the Obama administra-
war between the West and Islam that was his death and flocked unbidden to the White tion has tried, with decidedly mixed success,
easy to understand and that resonated with House and Ground Zero, as the closest thing to end many of the policies most closely as-
aggrieved Muslims all over the world,” Ber- to a “Victory over Terrorism” day in the war sociated with that era, and to refocus U.S.
gen said. “And then along comes the ‘Arab on terrorism. foreign policy through a far broader prism.
Spring,’ which refutes his narrative that only Even if radical Islamist terrorism spikes Yet the difficulties and criticisms that Pres-
violence will topple the dictators, followed, in the short term as adherents seek revenge ident Obama has encountered in abolishing
with perfect timing, by bin Laden’s death. and remains a likely tactical threat for the “enhanced interrogations,” trying to close
You couldn’t select two better bookends for foreseeable future, bin Laden’s fevered the military prison at Guantanamo Bay,
the end of the ‘war on terror.’ ” dreams of leading a violent Islamist revolu- withdrawing troops from Iraq and Afghani-
tion that sweeps fundamentalist theocracies stan, and reaching out to the Muslim world
END OF AN ERA into power almost certainly follows him to all speak to the grip that 9/11 and terrorism
In launching his “war on terror” after the 9/11 the depths. In that sense, the post-9/11 era continue to have on the U.S. body politic and

photos: (top to bot tom) get t y images /afp/fred dufour; get t y images /afp/ tim sloan
attacks, President George W. Bush famous- defined by the “war on terror,” when com- national consciousness.
ly warned the public that “there will be no bating terrorism was not only a national pre- Indeed, in the joyous faces of young cele-
surrender ceremony on the deck of a battle- occupation but was also elevated to the cen- brants hugging and singing “The Star-Span-
ship.” Years from now, however, Americans tral organizing principle of American foreign gled Banner” outside the White House on the
may look back on bin Laden’s quiet burial and national-security policy, is ending too. night of bin Laden’s death, it was easy to read
at sea from the deck of the aircraft carrier Of course, even Bush had moved beyond the emotional trauma carried by the genera-
Carl Vinson, along with the spontaneous cel- such rhetoric by the end of his second term. tion that came of age in the 9/11 era. In that
sense, bin Laden’s demise may prove helpful-
Fueling the fire: The war in Iraq, prosecuted by ly cathartic for a nation that remains trans-
Donald Rumsfeld’s Pentagon, may have played fixed by the terrorist threat, despite the fact
into bin Laden’s hand. that al-Qaida has failed to launch a spectac-
ular attack on U.S. soil since 9/11, although
certainly not for lack of trying.
“I think the enormous reaction we saw to
bin Laden’s death does say more about us as
Americans than it does about the nature of
the Qaida movement or threat, because this
was just one man whose operational role in
terrorism had diminished greatly over time
and whose radical Islamist ideology had lost
much of its energy,” said Paul Pillar, former-
ly a senior Middle East and counterterror-
ism analyst at the CIA and now a professor
in Georgetown University’s security studies
program. “And I hope his death gives our po-
litical leaders a chance to declare a victory of
sorts and help move the nation beyond this

20 m ay 7, 2 011 nationa l jou r na l

bridging differences between them.
With his soft voice and professo-
rial style, bin Laden also proved
an effective propagandist, recruit-
ing thousands to his global jihad
and training an estimated 20,000
would-be terrorists in camps in Af-
As the Qaida organization grew
and the ambition and destructive-
ness of its terrorist attacks escalated
dramatically throughout the 1990s,
so too did the legend of bin Laden. A
scion of Saudi wealth, he had joined
the mujahedeen in Afghanistan in
the 1980s. After helping to fell the
Soviet goliath, bin Laden devoted
himself to the deprivations of life
as a warrior prince. He remained
convinced that the United States
would likewise retreat from the
Middle East and ultimately crumble
if bloodied enough. The September
11, 2001, attacks put his proposition
obsession with the so-called war on terror. tive model for empowerment of the Arab and to the test.
For too long, the way Americans think about Muslim worlds. As the most visible symbol Steve Coll is the author of Ghost Wars: The
the challenges we confront around the world of al-Qaida, they say, bin Laden in death has Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin
and at home has been distorted by the one- shown the American public that he was just Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September
dimensional focus on security and terrorism one man at the head of a discredited orga- 10, 2001. “Osama bin Laden was a distinct-
that grew out of the 9/11 attacks.” nization, and that there is a future beyond a ly charismatic communicator, and his gentle
Fawaz Gerges is the author of the forth- perpetual, open-ended war on terrorism. style made him a more plausible leader than
coming book The Rise and Fall of Al-Qaeda. “That’s why it was only after bin Lad- the argumentative style of [Qaida deputy Ay-
“In their reaction to bin Laden’s death, you en was killed that it sunk in how essential it man] al-Zawahiri,” Coll said. “He also gained
could see that the Muslim and Arab worlds was for this to happen for us to accomplish a lot of credibility by presiding over the larg-
have already moved beyond the slogans and our broader goals,” Ben Rhodes, deputy na- est terrorist attack in history and surviving
methods of al-Qaida,” he told National Jour- tional-security adviser for strategic commu- to tell about it and to continue communicat-
nal. “The Arab Spring protests have dealt a nications, told National Journal. “His death ing his message for so long. And while his
crippling and almost certainly fatal blow to doesn’t finish this chapter altogether, but af- thinking and worldview were slightly mud-
bin Laden’s ideology by revealing the huge ter seeing him brought to justice, Americans dled, bin Laden had a vision for what he was
imbalance and divide between the extrem- can now envision the ultimate defeat of al- trying to accomplish and a matching narra-
ism of a small fringe group and the universal Qaida. And that needed to happen for Ameri- tive for how the news of the day fit into that
aspirations of millions of Arabs. ca to move on to the next chapter.” story. His wasn’t a political theory you’ll be
“The irony is that while the Muslim world reading a decade from now, but it had a co-
has moved beyond al-Qaida and the 9/11 nar- ATTACKING THE “FAR ENEMY” herent narrative.”
rative, the reaction to bin Laden’s death in If bin Laden’s death marks the logical con- Bin Laden achieved maximum popularity
the United States strongly suggests that it clusion of the war on terrorism as both an era after the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, an op-
still has a strong hold on the American imag- and a unifying worldview in Washington, it’s eration that played into his depiction of the
ination,” said Gerges, a professor of Middle important to remember the truly existential United States as a nation that coveted Mus-
Eastern politics and international relations threat that the terrorism master represented lim lands and oil. In 2004, a Pew Research
at the London School of Economics and Po- at the height of his powers. From the outset, Center poll reported that the Qaida leader
litical Science. “You can’t look at the scenes bin Laden masterfully wove a plausible nar- had a 65 percent favorability rating in Paki-
following the announcement of his death rative targeting Washington as the super- stan, for instance. As late as 2008, a survey
photo: get t y images /afp/pedro ugarte

without understanding that bin Laden and power behind the thrones of the kings and of opinion in the Muslim world found that in
al-Qaida not only damaged America physi- despots of Arabia. Only attacks on this “far countries as disparate as Indonesia, Jordan,
cally but also psychologically. So, I hope enemy,” he argued, would force the United Morocco, and Turkey, bin Laden inspired
President Obama and other political lead- States to retreat and cause royal and military more “confidence” than President Bush—
ers in Washington use bin Laden’s death as a dictators of the Middle East to fall, restor- and by significant margins.
way to bring closure and reduce this gap be- ing the Islamist caliphate to its former glory “After the invasion of Iraq, bin Laden came
tween the actual threat of terrorism and its with dominion over all Muslim lands. to be seen as the most viable symbol of anti-
outsized hold on the American imagination, To realize his vision of a war between Is- Americanism, because he was the one Mus-
so that we can move on as a nation.” lam and the West, bin Laden adopted a big- lim who had dared to stick a finger in the eye
White House officials also see an opportu- tent strategy that united disparate and often of the much-loathed superpower,” said An-
nity in the fact that bin Laden’s demise comes bickering extremist groups under the Qaida drew Kohut, president of the Pew Research
just as the Arab Spring is offering an alterna- banner, in the process becoming adept at Center in Washington. Then, as Qaida-in-

nationa l jou r na l m ay 7, 2 011 21


He likewise misjudged the effectiveness of

the armed drone strikes that across 10 years
and two U.S. administrations continued to
reach into supposed sanctuaries in Pakistan
and methodically shrink bin Laden’s circle of
friends and trusted lieutenants. SEAL Team
Six delivered the final lesson about America’s
long memory and will to fight.
“Bin Laden pushed this story that al-
Qaida could strike the ‘paper tiger’ of America
with impunity. And the fact that 10 years later
we got him destroys that narrative and sends
the very useful message to terrorists that
you can run and hide, but you can’t wait the
United States out,” said Michael Swetnam,
chairman of the Potomac Institute for Policy
Studies and a coeditor of Usama bin Laden’s al-
Qaida: Profile of a Terrorist Network. “I think
his death will help turn al-Qaida back into
the fringe terrorist group it was in the 1980s,
before it became a popular movement.”
Perhaps even more inexcusable than
misjudging his enemy, bin Laden ultimate-
ly failed to understand his own people. He
correctly read the underlying sense of hu-
miliation and seething anger at the stilted
existence in many autocratic Muslim societ-
ies, and he tried to tap into it with a vision
of nihilistic violence and a return to a 7th-
century Islamic fundamentalism. When the
Arab Spring erupted, al-Qaida was all but
struck mute by a spectacle suggesting that
the masses really wanted freedom.
“The challenge the United States con-
fronted in dealing with al-Qaida initially was
that its narrative had greater appeal to po-
tential Muslim recruits than the U.S. narra-
tive,” said Martin Indyk, a Middle East ex-
pert and the director of foreign policy at the
Brookings Institution in Washington. “Bin
Wrong: Bin Laden misjudged both Laden’s narrative was that only violence and
his adversary and his people. terror would topple Arab autocrats and re-
deem Muslim dignity and rights. That nar-
spired terrorism spread across the Muslim that a relative handful of holy warriors could rative has been dealt a serious blow by those
world, with bombings of nightclubs in Indo- topple a superpower and that the United responsible for the Arab Spring, because
nesia, wedding parties in Jordan, embassies States was ripe for a fall. Studying the with- they have toppled regimes and redeemed
in Turkey, and mosques in Iraq, support for drawal of U.S. forces from Beirut in 1983 (af- Arab dignity but in a way that is exactly op-
bin Laden specifically and terrorism general- ter a suicide bombing killed 241 U.S. service posite of what bin Laden preached. That fact,
ly started to decline dramatically, Kohut said. members) and from Mogadishu, Somalia, in coupled with the killing of bin Laden by U.S.
“By the time of his death, polls showed that 1991 (after 19 U.S. soldiers died in a firefight), forces, has created a crisis of both leadership
the majority of Muslims no longer viewed he concluded that the United States was a and narrative for al-Qaida.”
photo: get t y images /afp/ausaf newspaper

him as the Islamic warrior standing up to the “paper tiger.” The marginalization of al-Qaida will not
loathed superpower,” he said. “Bin Laden was Based on such anecdotal evidence, the bring an end to the terrorist threat or free the
already widely discredited.” cloistered bin Laden launched his war against United States from the need for constant vig-
the United States. He failed to understand ilance. A major terrorist attack on U.S. soil or
FATAL ERRORS that Beirut and Mogadishu represented a the successful hijacking of a people’s revolu-
In retrospect, bin Laden made two fun- peacekeeping and a humanitarian mission, tion that brings Islamist extremists to power
damental, strategic miscalculations. The respectively, with limited national interests at in an Arab state could well shift the narrative
events of recent days and months exposed stake. Nor did he anticipate the national rage again. But the revolutionary vanguard that
both, with fatal results not only for the arch- that an attack on the homeland of the mag- Osama bin Laden envisioned leading, with
terrorist but also for his cause. nitude of 9/11 would provoke, or that the U.S. its inexhaustible legions of recruits bent on
First, he badly misjudged his adversary. response would be to invade Afghanistan, endless jihad against the West—that fevered
His experiences as a mujahedeen fighting the topple his benefactors, the Taliban, and send dream has been extinguished. The “war on
Soviets in Afghanistan convinced bin Laden al-Qaida scurrying across the mountains. terror” is over. n

22 m ay 7, 2 011 nationa l jou r na l

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