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From Joe Green


Name: Joseph P. Green

Home Address: 2316 Broadview Ln. NW Mailing
Age: 77
Transit District 1
Phone #: Work—Retired Home—503 581 1110


Mailing Address; P.O.Box 6098 Salem,Or 97304

Phone: 503 581 1110
Fax: Same (call first)
Previous Occupations:
2003-present Retired
1993-2003 State Representative, State of Alaska
1980-1993 Supervising Engineer, ARCO, Alaska Inc.
1977-1980 Director, Div. of Minerals Management; State of Alaska
1973-1977 Petroleum Administrator, Santa Barbara Co. California
1961-1973 Petroleum Engineer; Chevron Oil, THUMS-Long Beach CA ,CA Div of Oil &Gas
1955-1961 Petroleum Engineer; Cities Service Oil Co. Oklahoma & Texas

Missouri School of Mines & Metallurgy (now called Missouri School of Science & Technology) B.S.1955
High School
University High, Normal, Illinois, 1951

Wife; Jeanne and married children; Mike, Beth, Julie, Dana, and Deedre

Years in SAMTD 8+

No to the next two questions

Transit District Committees: Planning & Operations, Legislative, CH2 Solutions Task force, Budget 2007-present
Others; Jr. Cham of Comm. 1958-1961 Chugach Electric Assoc. Brd of Dir 1986-1990

Public Office Elected to; State Representative State of Alaska, 1993-2003

No unsuccessful public offices candidacies

Community Organizations: Rotary, Elder, First Pres. Church, Childrens Leader, Bible Study Fellowship, CANDO Brd.
Salem-Keizer Transit Brd

Largest budget handled: $40 million

Encouraged to run for transit board by President Jerry Thompson

Campaign Cost 0

I expect to spend as many hours a week as it takes; currently running about 15

Have attended 12 regularly scheduled and 6-8 special transit board meetings this past year

I don’t live in an area served by a fixed bus route so I ride infrequently

I regularly use cell phone and computer media

The answer is NO to all three questions concerning personal, company, or family member employment or other assoc.
PART 11 to Transit Board Questionnaire

1. WHY I AM RUNNING FOR THE BOARD: SKT is moving forward on a revamping program necessitated by reduced funding
and the saga at the Courthouse Square. While there is understandable political divergence among current Board members, we are
unified in our determination to solve the myriad problems we face. I feel that sustaining the current Board membership is critical to
successful resolution of these problems in the most efficient and cost effective manner.

2. I feel my strengths are acquired knowledge of the organization; engineering background, long history of problem solving and my
ability to work well with others.

3. Strength of the current Board: Cooperativeness; As I stated in my response to question #1; we are seven individuals with very
diverse backgrounds which can be both a blessing and a curse when discussing ideas and concepts; but our determination to solve
problems as a unit works well.

4. Weakness of the current Board: Maximizing the bang for the buck of a severely limited budget. I feel that sometimes our visions
for the future as well as solutions to the current problems have to be scaled back. We have to be realistic about the law of economics.

5 My role on the Board as I see it is Stabilization: Since we are a diverse group, which I feel is good, there can be moments of
anxiety and divert our focus on the problem at hand. My years of dealing with such issues can be a soothing influence.

6. The change I would like to see in the Transit Board is how we educate the public about how mass transit works. We have recently
made a significant effort to bring community leaders “on board” so to speak, and I think that has been a big success; but we now need
to focus our attention on the majority of Salemites who still don’t know how a transit system works or how important a vibrant system
is to our community.

7. Since the current members were not involved with the design or construction, we must be very cautious about finger pointing; but
considering the pitiful hand we were dealt, I think the District’s involvement, together with the input from community leaders is going

8. Yes, I would support a local levy to finance additional transit operations. Poor economics has forced us to reduce our coverage
(loss of Saturday and late night service). Salem is Oregon’s capitol and a showcase of our state; yet we can’t provide adequate public
transportation. We need to find an acceptable additional financing source.

9. The three most important issues I feel are:

A. Since we are blessed with a very capable and likeable General Manager and a superlative Staff, my main issue is for us to
look outward to expand our revenue stream, to look for additional sources and to get unencumbered from federal restrictions and
unfunded mandates.

B. Perception. We need to get the Salem-Keizer Transit System engrained in the public mind. The SKT reduces pollution and
congestion at a very economic rate. Instead of complaining about being behind one of those big busses; ride it. Utilize it like
people do back East.

C. Support. Not just financially but also by word of mouth, group dialog, media, and stop criticizing or staying ambivalent.
Talk it up all over town. Be proud of what we have and get on board and help us help ourselves.

10 I read Transit magazines, periodicals; attend seminars, and\read the Statesman Journal (thank you for your coverage, like the
article in this Sundays paper on the high and ongoing cost of a stagnant operation).

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