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So, pretty much every group believes either that people are purely chemical proc

esses or that they are a composit of body mind and soul/spirit.

Now if you are reading this chances are that you fall into the latter category,
that is that you believe you are more than mere chemical processes.
That being said, I would like to breakdown the three aspects and describe thier
individual traits In the hopes of allowing a better understanding of ourselves,
the universe around us, and how they interact.

Body: The body is quite obviously the material matter we reside in, It is affect
ed by both space and time, being limited in motion to places dense enough to sup
port it as well as decaying when not constantly maintained.
Not much needs to be said on it as we experience it constantly and there is alre
ady an enormous amount of information available to the genral public.
There is however some speculation as to its purpose. I have given the object som
e thought.
The best example I can think of is weights, doing certain excercises with it giv
es far better results than those excercises would do without it.
The trials, difficulties, and sheer complexity of living a material life, shape
and forge both mind and soul/spirit far better then any other method I can think
Simply put it takes a far greater amount of understanding and/or contemplation t
o make up for the practical experience gained through living.
So while ultimatly unnecessary is still very useful for any who intend to truly
understand and/or control their world(s)/reality(s) and/or existence.

Mind: I think it is safe to say that the mind is the part which processes and va
lues and reasons. It is greater than our body both in ability and usefulness. It
puts things together and takes them apart. It however lacks the stability of th
e material being affected by the comparisions and experiences of forces outside
of ourselves.
This is both a good thing and a bad thing, it allows the mind to grow rapidly du
e the immense amount of material it recieves however it is also makes it highly
vulnerable to mainupulation by any directed force, whether this force be the gen
eral rush of fashion or the specific will of a superior entity.
The mind, while not limited by space, is effected by time.
Lack of activity causes it to disperse over time, while abundance of activity ca
uses it to grow in size and flexibility over time, also repeated activity causes
corresponding sections of the mind to become much stronger, making those areas
much harder to effect through the prieviously mentioned external forces.

Spirit/Soul: This part is hard to describe as I am still exploring its intricaci

es and will probably still be doing so for serveral centuries. It is the most co
re self, when all thoughts of I or Me or Them is stripped away it is what remain
My conclusions are based only on my reasoning and my basest instinct, so do not
rely on them, as it is here they are.
The spirit/soul is not affected by time or space, it stores experiences througho
ut the cycle of rebirth, it is far more refined than either the body or the mind
, as such I suspect also that the spirit/soul can only be affected by other spir
its/souls, thus the need for human interaction.
I also suspect that mind and spirit/soul are closer connected than body and mind
are, the mind acting as a gateway so that experiences can flow through into the
I suspect that after some critical point the buildup of experiences will become
catalystic and we will suddenly become completly in control of our spirit-self.
At that point we will need nothing and will either become one with everything in
every form of every reality, or begin aiding others on the same journey we ours
elves have finished.
Again this Spirit/Soul section is almost completely speculation on my part, so t
ake it only as an idea and not as a truth.

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