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Assessing Youth’s Buying Behaviour

towards Sports Shoes
(A Case Study of Nike)

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Chander shekhar dogra Vikash kumar
Roll no. RR1002A07
Reg no. 11004397

Lovely professional University

Name of researcher …………………… Date ………….
Respondent’s name ……………………. Location …………...........

Respondent’s Contact no …………….. Profession ………………


1. Gender

□Male □Female

2. Age

□15-20 □20-25 □More than 25

3. How many types of sports shoe brand do you have?

□Nike □Adidas □Puma □Air □Reebok □Others

4. What factor (s) influences your choice?

□Price □Style □product Quality □Advertisement

5. Which of the following brands do you like most?

□Nike □Adidas □Puma □Air □Reebok □Others

6. Do you have a Nike sport shoe?

Yes … No….

7. How are you satisfied with Nike sports shoes?

□Strongly satisfied □Satisfied □Neutral □Dissatisfied □Strongly

8. On a Scale of 1-5, how will you grade Nike Sport shoes brands?

□1 □2 □3 □4 □5

9. Does Nike’s company brand Name reflect its product quality?

□Yes □No

12. According to your opinion, which of the following aspects do you

think is lacking in Nike’s sports shoes?

□Style □Durability □Finishing

13. What do you like in Nike sports shoes?




14. According to your opinion, what will you recommend Nike

producers to do in order to improve sales?




15. Is there any reason whatever why you will not want to buy Nike

sports shoes?


Thanks for your corporation


In the analysis part, We show the graphical representation of different

questionnaires and description. In this survey we take sample of 22 students
randomly from Lovely professional university. The questionnaires are used more
scientifically and very straight and deep questions, which are very easy to get the
answers from the students, which are very positive and appropriate answers from
the respondents.

Name * Gender Crosstabulation


Male Famele Total

Total 15 7 22
Description: According to random sample survey, we found in Lovely University,
males are 15 and Female are 7 total numbers of students are 22.

Age (in years) (Binned) * Gender Crosstabulation



Male Famele Total

Age (in years) (Binned) 17 - 21 4 4 8

22 - 26 10 3 13

27+ 1 0 1

Total 15 7 22
Description: According to our research the total random sample survey, the age
groups 17-21=8, 22-26=13 and More than 26=1. Mostly we found the 22-26 age
groups from Lovely university.
how many types of sports shoe brand do you have? * Gender



Male Famele Total

how many types of sports other 2 0 2

shoe brand do you have?
Nike 4 4 8

Adidas 2 3 5

Puma 3 0 3

Air 1 0 1

Reebok 3 0 3

Total 15 7 22

Description: According to the random sample survey, they were chosen various
brands, in that most of them are using Nike shoes. And user of Air is very few.
What factor influence your choice? * Gender Crosstabulation



Male Famele Total

What factor influence your price 2 0 2

style 4 2 6

product Quality 6 4 10

Advertisement 3 1 4

Total 15 7 22

Description: In the survey the results, most of the males voted for product Quality
option, because they are using for Qulity and second highest vote is given Style.
These choices will influence the youth's buying behavior. The female’s choice is
very much similar to the men. Because most of the females voted for product
Quality option.
which of the following brands do you like most * Gender Crosstabulation



Male Famele Total

which of the following brands Nike 6 3 9

do you like most
Adidas 2 4 6

Puma 3 0 3

Air 1 0 1

Reebok 3 0 3

Total 15 7 22

Description: Most of the males are voted for Nike brand they like most and after
that they like more Puma brands. and Females are voted for adidas they like most
after that they like more Nike Brands
Do you have a Nike sports shoes * Gender Crosstabulation



Male Famele Total

Do you have a Nike sports yes 3 4 7

no 12 3 15

Total 15 7 22

Description: For this question the males have responded 3 said yes out of 15
persons, and remaining 12 responded said-No. And 4 females have followed yes
answer, and 3 respondents said No answer out of 7. It means female like Nike
shoes more than male.
How are you satisfied with Nike sports shoes? * Gender Crosstabulation



Male Famele Total

How are you satisfied with Strongly satisfied 2 3 5

Nike sports shoes?
satisfied 5 2 7

Neutral 4 1 5

Disatisfied 2 1 3

Strongly Disatisfied 2 0 2

Total 15 7 22

Description: This is main important question, because this kind of question will
reflect on the behavior of every consumer, this question is asked directly that, how
well are you satisfied with Nike shoes? For this question the males respondents
answered that, most of them voted satisfied and secondly they said Neutral . And
most of the females answered that, Strongly satisfied and secondly they have
chosen Stisfied.
On a scle of 1-5, how will you grade Nike sport shoes brand * Gender



Male Famele Total

On a scle of 1-5, how will you 1 2 0 2

grade Nike sport shoes
brand 2 0 1 1

3 5 1 6

4 4 3 7

5 4 2 6

Total 15 7 22

Description: Most of the Student have chosen the rating 4 option and secondly
they gave choice for 5 and 3 numbers, remaining consumers selected other options,
those are very few.

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