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The thick, rough underbrush rustled as the men of tactical squad Dacius waded through the

seemingly impenetrable choking brush of Ghavnor’s jungle. Despite the multitude of tangled, barbed
vines and massive web-like plantlife, the bright yellow of squad Dacius’ armor gleaned brightly, denoting
them as brothers of the Imperial Fists. Dacius, part of a task force under the command of Captain Ixiom
Casteus, had been sent ahead of the task force for reconnaissance. Intelligence from the battle barge
Glorious Ascension had located an old Manufactorum upon the surface of Ghavnor that pre-dated the
Horus Heresy. The strategic location of the Manufactorum and the possibility of rediscovering ancient
technology and STCs marked the Manufactorum as a high-priority objective, and within a few days
Imperial forces had been mobilized to secure the objective.

Seargent Dacius trudged through the jungle with caution. Ghavnor was known to harbor pockets
of Eldar guerillas, which had never been truly scoured from Ghavnor’s surface. Local legends told of
ghosts-like apparitions who struck when least expected. Reports from units of Imperial Guardsmen
often described swift ambushes, striking multiple points of the force before any could react, and when a
suitable counter-attack was prepared the attackers had disappeared into the shadows, like eldritch
ghosts. Dacius made it a priority to ensure that the perfidious Eldar would not catch the sons of Dorn
off-guard, and he frequently stayed in contact with other members of his squad. As he pushed through a
group of reeds, he found himself in a clearing which lead to the Manufactorum. The building was
dilapidated at best; its once strong ceramite walls were clearly ruined and aged. The walls were riddled
with holes, sections of the walls had been broken down, and much of the adamantium pipes were
covered in rust. There were clear signs that the building was no stranger to the conflicts of the 41st
Milennium, and Dacius hoped that the secrets that lay within had remained intact.

Dacius, ever cautious, raised the vox. “Dacius here. We’ve reached the ruins brothers,
requesting assistance before moving in.” Before Dacius had even finished, Captain Casteus’ voice rang
through the vox. “Dacius, as ever, your wisdom manifests itself. Squad Gaius will regroup to provide
support.” As the vox chatter ceased, however, Dacius swore that something was moving through the
brush. Immediately, he ordered his squad on alert. However, even as his battle brothers moved into
position, shots rang out from the trees. Instantly, Brother Alexia was down, a shuriken round flying
cleanly through his head. “Take defensive positions inside!” Dacius cried, heading into the ruins
surrounding the Manufactorum. As he scanned the terrain, he saw the silhouettes of the Eldar forces
moving about. Enemy fire teams were positioning themselves to pin the marines in the ruins, whilst
other units advanced into plain sight. “Requesting support,” Dacius said on the vox, “Xenos sighted and
currently engaging.” Before he could get a response, Dacius began giving orders to pour bolter fire into
the oncoming ranks of the Eldar.

Ixiom Casteus knew he had little time. Squad Dacius was under assault, and the rest of the task
force was still a good distance away; The second he had heard Dacius’ over the vox, he ordered the crew
of the Ironclad to zero in on Dacius’ postion. The Ironclad, a razorback with a good century of reliable
service, trundled through the brush, knocking much of the brush and mud aside with its dozer blade.
However, the Ironclad was making relatively slow progress, and Casteus urged the Ironclad’s crew
onwards. Soon, the distinct sounds and smells of bolter fire filled the air, and from the clamor of battle
Casteus knew he was close. As the Ironclad reached the Manufactorum, Casteus realized just how heavy
the opposition Dacius had been facing. Already, four battle brothers had fallen in the fight and the rest
were holed up in a small ruin near the Manufactorum. Immediately, Ixiom disembarked from the
Ironclad with combat squad Gaius. He ordered the Ironclad to provide support for squad Dacius, whilst
he and Gaius moved onwards. Ixiom immediately discerned the positions of the attacking Eldar and
began to set up a perimeter around the Manufactorum, determined to capture it at all costs.
Meanwhile, the Ironclad roared as its assault cannon tore through xeno and underbrush alike, riddling
both with bullets.

Once inside, Ixiom approached sergeant Dacius. Dacius was crouched low, returning fire with his
bolt pistol whilst brother Thycleus provided what medical support he could for the wounded marines.
Thycleus was doing the best he could, for there were many wounds upon his battle brothers. Brother
Alexia had already died, and next to him brother Julianus was a bruised, bloody mess; his armor dented
in several places and a hole clean through his chest. Ixiom caught the scent of congealed gore, and
forced himself to focus on the mission. Already, the Eldar had outwitted them, and Ixiom feared that the
cunning xenos had yet more ploys. ‘Throne, they fight as if possessed’ he thought, ‘and why are they
here?’. “Dacius!” Ixiom shouted, his voice barely audible over the sound of bolter fire and shuriken
rounds, “Hold them off as best you can brother! Reinforcements are en route.” Dacius gave Ixiom a
quick nod, and hurled a frag grenade towards the oncoming Eldar warriors.

Chaos rang out across the battlefield. Bolts flew everywhere and shurikens retorted

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