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Sondaj de bunăstare personală ™

Rezultatele dvs. personale

| Scor de bunăstare total |: 6 Hig

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Această scară reprezintă o măsură generală a nivelului tău de bunăstare actual . Scorurile scăzute pe această scară indică
faptul că poate doriți să luați în considerare îmbunătățirea abilităților de gestionare a stresului și a capacității de rezistență, de
a învăța cum să i mai adaptabil și mai rezistent în situații stresante și de a găsi modalități de a experimenta emoții și
sentimente mai pozitive în viața ta.

| Scorul managementului stresului |: 3 Hig

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Scorurile scăzute pe această scară indică faptul că este posibil să doriți să luați în
considerare învățarea unor modalități mai e ciente de a gestiona stresul pe care îl resimțiți
în viață.

Recommendations for Stress Management

Solutions for Stress | Free Resource

If you are seeking help for job stress, anxiety, fatigue, overwhelm, burnout,
sleeplessness or another stressful condition, you will nd proven, easy-to-use
and free solutions here.

Quick Coherence® | Free Resource

The Quick Coherence Technique is effective for resetting your inner poise in the
moment. Learn how to move with ease through challenging situations.

Transforming Stress | Product

Stressful feelings drain emotional vitality. Practicing the tools in this book can
help transform emotional drain to positive feelings like love, appreciation and joy.
emWave® | Product
The emWave unique training system, with researched-based tools and games,
helps you build inner resilience to help you effectively deal with stressful feelings
and life's challenges. 5 to 10 minutes of daily practice can provide you greater
ease and mental and emotional exibility.
| Scor de adaptabilitate |: 7 Hig

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Scorurile scăzute pe această scară indică faptul că poate doriți să considerați că

modalitățile de învățare sunt mai exibile atunci când aveți de-a face cu probleme și
di cultăți din viața voastră.

Recommendations for Adaptability

Successful Decision Making | Free Resource

Making decisions can be self-empowering, when your mind, emotions and heart
are all working together. Research shows your feelings are involved in this
process. Learn two techniques to create a window for accessing your
intuitive intelligence.

Creating Resilience in a Time of Extremes | Free Resource

Your innate resilience capacity for prevention, recuperation and recovery eases
you through challenges in your daily activities and encounters.

Heart Intelligence | Product

HeartMath’s newest book provides breakthrough research linking the physical
heart to the spiritual (energetic) heart. Techniques for accessing our heart’s
intuitive intelligence for moment-to-moment guidance and discernment.

Inner Balance™ Bluetooth (Android / iOS) | Product

The Inner Balance trains you to shift and replace emotional stress with
emotional balance and coherence. Coherence is a state of synchronization
between your heart, brain and autonomic nervous system. Improves
performance, health and emotional well-being.

Building Personal Resilience Mentoring | Product

Four Building Personal Resilience mentoring sessions with a HeartMath®
Certi ed coach/mentor teaches core skills that build resilience and boost
performance. Learn to better handle stress reactions and develop approaches to
self-regulation and renewing their energy.
| Scor de rezistență |: 11 Hig

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Scorurile scăzute pe această scară indică faptul că poate doriți să luați în considerare
modalități de învățare pentru a consolida convingerea că puteți o forță pozitivă în viața
voastră și în viața altora.

Recommendations for Resilience

Perspective on Resilience | Free Resource

Build your resilience accumulators. See how resilience is used in prevention, not
just recoup and recovery. Learn to activate your innate resilience capacity.

The State of Ease | Free Resource

Learn and practice the Inner-Ease™ Technique. Learning to cultivate ease will
help you increase your resilience capacity and keep your inner battery charged.

Heart Intelligence | Product

HeartMath’s newest book provides breakthrough research linking the physical
heart to the spiritual (energetic) heart. Techniques for accessing our heart’s
intuitive intelligence for moment-to-moment guidance and discernment.

Inner Balance™ Bluetooth (Android / iOS) | Product

The Inner Balance trains you to shift and replace emotional stress with
emotional balance and coherence. Coherence is a state of synchronization
between your heart, brain and autonomic nervous system. Improves
performance, health and emotional well-being.
| Scorul vitalității emoționale |: 16 Hig

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Scorurile scăzute pe această scară indică faptul că poate doriți să luați în considerare
modalități de învățare pentru a crește experiența emoțiilor și sentimentelor pozitive
din viața voastră.

Recommendations for Emotional Vitality

HeartMath® Appreciation Tool® and Exercises | Free Resource

An effective way to improve mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being
is to invoke and sustain sincere appreciation. Try HeartMath’s Appreciation Tool
and exercises.

The Appreciative Heart | Free Resource

An overview of HeartMath® Institute’s research on the physiological correlates of
positive emotions and the science underlying two core HeartMath techniques.

The Energetic Heart | Free Resource

Discover why the heart’s electromagnetic eld is believed to act as a central
synchronizing signal within the body and an important carrier of emotional
information. Living and acting from a coherent heart state can affect
those around us.

Generating and Sustaining Positive Emotions | Product

The heart plays a central role in the positive emotions you experience. As you
learn to achieve coherence, "the maladaptive patterns that underlie the
experience of stress are progressively replaced by healthier physiological,
emotional, cognitive and behavioral patterns."

Add Heart Facilitator™ Program | Product

You’ll learn how to access more of your own inner balance and heart’s guidance.
Includes six audio modules, guidebook and Inner Balance sensor and app.
Approved to teach others.

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