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Focus Health Assessment:

Systems Normal Abnormal

Integumentary Skin fair noted moles and age spots no noted
wounds. Nail beds clean. No pressure ulcers
noted. skin turgor returns immediately when
Head Normocephalic head, hair long and clean no
presence of lice or dandruff equally distributed.
Anicteric sclerae pink conjunctive, pupil 3mm
equal reactive to light 6 cardinal gazes intact, no
facial asymmetry, gross hearing intact able to
differentiate taste and smell uvula in midline
tongue in midline
Respiratory Clear breath sound no difficulty in breathing no
rales or wheezing noted. Equal chest expansion
no gross deformities
Cardiovascular Distinct s1 s2 palpable pulses regular in rhythm
Musculo skeletal Upper extremities graded 5/5 reflexes +2 able to Noted to be dragging left foot,
walk with assistance muscle strength in left leg is 3/5
while on the right 4/5. Able to feel
light touches but not all able to feel
sharp and dull but makes mistakes
Digestive No gross deformities, hypoactive bowel sounds Constipated unable to defecate for
3 days
Urinary No pain during urination Need straining for urination
Plexus and Origin Nerves Assessment
Cervical (C1-C4) Phrenic Client able to move from side to side and up and down

Brachial( C5-T1) Axillary Able to raise hands and elbows, able to shrug

Radial Hands and arms able to extend muscle strength graded

5/5 both extremities
Musculo cutaneous Hands and arms able to flex muscle strength graded
5/5 both extremities
Ulnar Able to grasp object and flex fingers without difficulty
Median Able to grasp object and flex fingers without difficulty
Not Applicable(T2-T8) Intercostal Able to breath w/o difficulty, good shrug, able to raise
nerves(Thorax) hand w/o difficulty muscles in back are strong,
abdominal muscles able to move
Lumbosacral(L1-S4) Obturator Thighs able to push inside able to adduct graded4/5 on
right leg 3/5 on left
Femoral Thighs able to extend outward graded 4/5 on both
Sciatic tibial Able to dorsi flex of feet graded 4/5 on right leg 3/5 on
left able to push leg muscle up
Common Fibular Able to plantar flex graded 4/5 on right leg 3/5 on left
Able to push lower leg down
Numb Name Assessment
1 Olfactory Able to differentiate vinegar from coffee scent
2 Optic Pupil 3mm Equal Reactive to light
3 Oculomotor Able to close upper eyelid and able to follow 6 cardinal gazes, pupils able to
constrict when light present
4 Trochlear Able to close upper eyelid and able to follow 6 cardinal gazes
5 Trigeminal Able to chew food without difficulty
6 Abducent Able to close upper eyelid and able to follow 6 cardinal gazes
7 Facial No facial asymmetry. Can differentiate salty to sweet taste, is able to cry and no
problem in salivary glands
8 Vestibulocochl Air conduction greater than bone conduction, intact gross hearing
9 Glossopharyn Can swallow food without difficulty uvula in midline, Can differentiate salty to
geal sweet taste
10 Vagus Can swallow food without difficulty uvula in midline
11 Accessory Able to turn head. Good shrug
12 Hypoglossal Tongue in midline, able to move tongue

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