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Muzeului Național al Carpaților Răsăriteni

Sf. Gheorghe
Redactor şef
Valerii Kavruk

Redactor responsabil
Alexandru Popa

Colegiu de redacţie
Dan Lucian Buzea
Ana Dobreanu
Maria Magdalena Ştefan
Dan Ştefan

Orice corespondenţă se va adresa:

Please send any mail to the following address:


Sfântu Gheorghe, Str. Gábor Áron nr. 16
520008, jud. Covasna
Telefon/fax: +40 267 314139


ISSN 2602-0653

ISSN-L 1454 - 8275

Cuprins – Table of Contents

STUDII ȘI CERCETĂRI DE ARHEOLOGIE (Archaeological studies and researches)

Contribuţii la Repertoriul Arheologic al judeţului Covasna (IV) / Contributions to the Archae-

ological Repertory of Covasna County (IV) – József Puskás ................................................................. 9

Rezultate preliminare ale cercetărilor geofizice şi de teledetecţie de la Coldău, jud. Bistriţa

Năsăud / Preliminary results of the geophysical and teledetection researches at Coldău, Bistrița
Năsăud – Dan Ștefan, Alexandru Popa .................................................................................................... 93

Analiza arheozoologică a rămășițelor animale descoperite la Reci–Dobolyka, jud. Covas-

na / The archaeozoological analysis of the animal remains found at Reci-Dobolyka, Covasna
County – Kelemen Imola ............................................................................................................................. 103

Observaţii asupra descoperirilor de amfore din hinterlandul provinciilor romane Dacia şi

Moesia inferior / Roman Amphorae beyond the frontiers of Dacia and Moesia inferior Provinces –
Alexandru Popa ................................................................................................................................................. 125

Noi date cu privire la tezaurul monetar medieval de la Baia Sprie / Neue Daten zum mittelal-
terlichen Münzfund aus Baia Sprie – Carol Kacsó ................................................................................. 173

Post-Roman discoveries of Sântana de Mureș-Černjachov culture type in Covasna County

/ Descoperiri de origine post-romană ale Culturii Sântana de Mureș-Černjachov în județul
Covasna – Bordi Zsigmond Lóránd, Dan-Lucian Buzea, Andrea Chiricescu ............................ 195

Activitatea Muzeului Naţional al Carpaţilor Răsăriteni în anul 2017 / The activity of the National
Museum of Eastern Carpathians in 2017 – Valerii Kavruk, Dan Buzea, Cristina Felea-Baubec,
Ana Dobreanu................................................................................................................................................. 237

Abrevieri (Abbreviations) ................................................................................................................................ 271

ANGUSTIA 21, 2017, Studii și cercetări de arheologie, pag. 9–92

Contribuţii la Repertoriul Arheologic

al judeţului Covasna (IV)

Contributions to the Archaeological

Repertory of Covasna County (IV)

József Puskás1

Cuvinte cheie: prospecțiuni de suprafaţă, SE Transilvaniei, Depresiunea Târgu Secuiesc,

Epoca neolitică, Epoca bronzului, Epoca dacică, Epoca migraţiilor
Key words: field surveys, south-eastern Transylvania, Târgu Secuiesc Depression, Neolithic,
Bronze Age, Dacian period, Migration period.

In the last two years field surveys were carried out in the valley of the Black River, in the Târgu Secuiesc
Depression. The present paper is the 4th of the series, presenting 15 sites, from which 13 were unknown un-
til present. The earliest settlement traces were discovered at Boroşneu Mare–Kökösi mason, belonging to
the Neolithic Linear Pottery culture. To the Wietenberg culture of the Middle Bronze Age eight settlements
are belonging (Boroşneu Mare–Conacul Kökösi, Cernat–Kapitány I., Cernat–Molnár 2 I., Cernat–Molnár 2II.,
Imeni–Rákosdomb, Lunga–Árkon kívül, Mărtănuş–Tanorok and Turia–Rétiláb/Nagy út mente), from which
five to its 2nd, one to the 3rd phase of evolution, while two cannot be dated because of the fragmentary
material. The Late Bronze Age is represented by the Noua culture, with five settlements (Cătălina–Városi út
jobb oldala II, Cernat–Kapitány I., Imeni–Rákosdomb, Lunga–Gardens and Mărtănuş–Tanorok). On three of
them the so-called “ashmounds” were identified. Three settlements of the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age
Gáva culture were discovered at Boroşneu Mare–Karé, Imeni–Rákosdomb and Lunga–Ponkok. The settle-
ment from Lunga can be dated to the Ha A2-B1 period. The dacian period is represented by six settlements
(Cernat–Kapitány I., Imeni–Rákosdomb, Lunga–Inlot, Târgu Secuiesc–Városi út jobb oldala III., Turia–Rétiláb/
Nagy út mente and Turia–Vőremenő), most of them belonging to the 1st century BC–1st century AD. From
the post-roman (Sântana de Mureş–Černjachov culture) era two sites are presented, both already known
in the earlier literature (Boroşneu Mare–Conacul Kökösi and Cătălina–Városi út jobb oldala II). At Cătălina a
grindstone was discovered, very likely belonging to this period. A few sherds from the Middle Ages were
found in Lunga–Gardens and Lunga–Inlot.

Cercetările de suprafaţă continuate în

mediu.2 Cercetările au fost efectuate pe
ultimii ani în Depresiunea Târgu Secuiesc terasele Râului Negru şi a câtorva aflu-
au adus la lumină noi date privind aşeză- enţi. Sunt prezentate în total 15 situri, din
rile aparţinând diferitelor epoci a pre- şi care 13 necunoscute până la momentul
protoistoriei, epocii migraţiilor şi evului de faţă în literatura de specialitate. Pre-

Pentru articolele precedente pe această temă vezi:
Arheolog independent, Târgu Secuiesc–Lunga, PUSKÁS 2012: 115-150; PUSKÁS 2012-2013: 155- 206; PUSKÁS 2015: 257-290.

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