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Muzeului Național al Carpaților Răsăriteni

Sf. Gheorghe
Redactor şef
Valeriu Cavruc

Redactor responsabil
Alexandru Popa

Colegiu de redacţie
Dan Lucian Buzea
Ana Dobreanu

Orice corespondenţă se va adresa:

Please send any mail to the following address:


Sfântu Gheorghe, Str. Gábor Áron nr. 16
520008, jud. Covasna
Telefon/fax: +40 267 314139


ISSN 1454-8275
Cuprins – Table of Contents

STUDII ȘI CERCETĂRI DE ARHEOLOGIE (Archaeological studies and researches)

Pereţii sanctuarelor şi templelor neolitice din sud-estul Europei: Pictură, culoare, motive şi
simboluri (Neolithic Temple Walls from South-East Europe: Paintings, Colours, Patterns, Symbols) – Adela
KOVÁCS ................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Noi date cu privire la statuetele antropomorfe de dimensiuni mari descoperite la Păuleni-

Ciuc „Dâmbul Cetatii” (jud. Harghita). Cultura Cucuteni-Ariuşd (New data about Large Size Anthro-
pomorphic Statuettes Discovered at Păuleni-Ciuc „Dâmbul Cetății” (Harghita County). Cucuteni-Ariuşd Cultu-
re) – Dan-Lucian BUZEA, Adela KOVÁCS .................................................................................................. 35

Cercetări arheologice efectuate la Băile Figa în anul 2015. Secţiunea XV. Raport preliminar –
Valeriu CAVRUC, Dan Lucian BUZEA, Jozsef PUSKÁS, Magdalena ȘTEFAN, Radu ZĂGREANU,
Ionel POPA, Anca Ionela SEMENIUC ......................................................................................................... 55

Studiu istoriografic asupra cercetării cetăților dacice din zona Depresiunii Ciuc –
Anca-Corina POP .......................................................................................................................................... 113

Studii de arheologie aeriană în situri dacice din sud-estul Transilvaniei – Magdalena ȘTEFAN,
Dan ȘTEFAN, Dan-Lucian BUZEA ............................................................................................................. 133

Castrul roman de la Baraolt? Contribuții la repertoriul arheologic al județului Covasna (The Roman
Camp at Baraolt? Contributions at the Covasna County Archaeological Repertoire) – Alexandru POPA .......163

Noi descoperiri arheologice aparținând culturii Sântana de Mureș-Černjachov în valea Râu-

lui Negru, județul Covasna – József PUSKÁS .......................................................................................175

RECENZII (Book reviews)

Corneliu Beldiman, Diana-Maria Sztancs, Costel Ilie: Artefacte din materii dure animale în
colecţia Muzeului de Istorie Galaţi: Eneolitic (Osseous Materials Artefacts in the collection of History
Museum of Galaţi: Aeneolithic) – Dan-Lucian BUZEA ................................................................................207

B. Rezi, R. Németh, S. Berecki (eds.): Bronze Age Crafts and Craftsmen in the Carpathian
Basin. Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureș 5-7 October 2012 –
Vasile DIACONU ............................................................................................................................................. 210

Jens Dolata: Römische Ziegelstempel aus Mainz. Teil I: Militärische Ziegelstempel des 1. Jahr­
hunderts – Alexandru POPA ..................................................................................................................... 212

Activitatea Muzeului Naţional al Carpaţilor Răsăriteni în anul 2015 – Valeriu Cavruc, Dan
Lucian Buzea, Ioana Cristina Baubec-Felea, Ana Dobreanu .......................................................... 217

Lista autorilor ................................................................................................................................................. 251

Studii și cercetări de arheologie
Archaeological studies and researches
ANGUSTIA 19, 2015, Studii și cercetări de arheologie, pag. 175–204

Noi descoperiri arheologice aparținând

culturii Sântana de Mureș-Černjachov
în valea Râului Negru, județul Covasna
New discoveries belonging
to the Sântana de Mureș-Černjachov culture
in the valley of the Black River, Covasna county

Arheolog independent, Târgu Secuiesc – Lunga

Cuvinte cheie: cultura Sântana de Mureș-Černjachov, Transilvania de sud-est, perioada

migrațiilor, secolele III-IV. p. Chr., ceramică.
Key words: Sântana de Mureș-Černjachov culture, south-eastern Transylvania, Migration pe-
riod, III-IVth centuries AD, pottery.

The goal of this article is to present four, newly discovered artifacts, belonging to the III-IVth centu-
ries AD. The 1st and 2nd objects are two storage vessels (Krausengefäss), discovered at Albiș through field
works. They were made on potter’s wheel, from semifine paste, with straight rim. The decoration consists of
waved lines on the shoulder and on the rim. One of the vessel has a narrow bottom, very likely it was dig in
the soil for a proper stability. The other one was dig up side down, the bottom is missing.
The third one is a cup, discovered in Cernat (unfortunately the finding circumstances are unknown),
made on potter’s wheel, of fine paste, burnt on grey, decorated with impressed circles, connected by lines
made with a wheel with inserted teeth. The closest analogies are known from the cemeteries outside the
Carpathians, from Wallachia, Moldova and the Republic of Moldova (Annex 1/1). In a higher number this
typ of vessels appear in the inhumation graves (from a 62 exemplars discovered in 12 cemeteries 48 (80
% - Annex 1/2) came from inhumation graves). In 4 cemeteries were made anthropological examinations,
resulting a higher frequency in child graves (Annex 1/3). The presence of similar cups in settlements is poor.
This could be caused by the fragmentation, being impossible to determine forms. Another problem is the
inequal proportion of excavated and published settlements and cemeteries. The idea that this type of cups
were made for burial purposes can not be excluded. In my opinion the vessel presented above can be
linked more likely to a grave, than to a filling of a storage pit, which mostly are filled with bones and broken
pottery. The fact that the vessel was found intact, suggest the provenience from a considerable depth. The
confirmation (or denial) of a possible grave or cemetery it falls on the future researches.
The fourth one is a comb made of bone, with bell-shaped handle, decorated with bronze rivets. Probably
belong to a grave, dated to the IVth-first half of the Vth century.
In the second part of the article 18 locations are presented from the Târgu Secuiesc Depression, where
material belonging to the Sântana de Mureș-Černjachov culture was discovered. Altogether in the valley
of the Black River 20 locations (settlements and/or cemeteries) are known belonging to the Sântana de
Mureș-Černjachov culture.


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