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1.1: IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING CUSTOMERS¶ PERCEPTION: ................................ ................................ . 3Y

1.2: IMPORTANCE OF BANKING SECTOR ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 3Y
1.3: EMERGENCE OF ISLAMIC BANKING: ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 3Y

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2.1: OVERVIEW: ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 4Y

2.2: AIM OF RESEARCH: ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 4Y
2.3: RESEARCH QUESTION/HYPOTHESIS................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 4Y
2.4: RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 6Y

 c    Y

3.1: INFLUENCE OF CUSTOMERS¶ CHARACTERISTICS: ................................ ................................ ..................... 6Y

3.2: INFLUENCE OF BANKS¶ CHARACTERISTICS: ................................ ................................ ............................. 7Y

 c   Y

4.1: OVERVIEW ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 8Y

4.2: POPULATION AND STUDY SAMPLE................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 10Y
4.3: SAMPLE SIZE AND SELECTION OF SAMPLE: ................................ ................................ ........................... 10Y
4.4: SOURCES OF DATA: ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 11Y
4.5: COLLECTION OF DATA ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 11Y
4.6: DATA MANAGEMENT................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 12Y
4.7: DATA ANALYSIS STRATEGIES ................................ ................................ ................................ .............. 12Y
4.8: ETHICS AND HUMAN SUBJECTS ISSUES ................................ ................................ ................................ 12Y
4.9: TIMEFRAMES ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 13Y

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Consumer behaviour is an important area of study. It is linked with profits and market share of the
organization. Banking sector plays a vital role in the development of a co untry. Islamic banking is a
an old phenomenon yet is receiving attention in last four decades. A field study is planned to
analyze the influence of customer¶s perception and bank characteristics on adoption of Islamic

Data will be collected through survey of Pakistani customers who are account holders in Islamic
banks. Population of research is all those people who are current customers of Islamic banks.
Two-stage sampling will be used to select sample from the population. The data will be analyzed
using multiple regression analysis. Beside this, descriptive data analysis will also be carried out.

The findings of the research will help not only researcher at individual level but would also help
organizational and industry decision makers to ident ity the factors which are perceived to be
important determinants of adoption of banks. The findings will highlight important factors both at
customer and organization level which will influence the adoption of Islamic banking. While
conducting research, an important reference will be given to reliability and findings of research and
ethical issues arising thereof.


In this section, brief background of the research will be presented.


Customers are the most important assert of an organization. Thompson (2002) highlighted that no
business can exist without customers and suggested that an organization should analyze and
understand the requirements of the organizations. Rust and Roland (1993) and Rust et al. (2004)
suggested that an analysis of customers needs and wants will give an organization information
about the preferences of the customers. This understanding will become the basis for developing
new products and services for the customers. Since, these products and services are according to
the needs and wants of the customers, so these will adopted by the customers. In turn,
organizations¶ sales and profits will increase. Moreover, satisfied customers will also create a
positive word of mouth and more and more customers will be attracted to the organization
(Wangenheim and Bayón, 2004)

From the above discussion, one can conclude that analysis and understanding of customers¶
needs and wants is an important issue.


A strong banking and financial sector is vit al for the development of an economy (Hasan and
Marton, 2003). Cetorelli and Gambera (2001) extracted panel data from the banking industries of
different countries and highlighted that banking sector is giving number of opportunities to
businesses to grow which in turn foster economic growth in the economy. Further to this,
Claessens and Jansen (2000) that over the period of time, banking industries are not confined to
one country rather banking sector of a country is serving customers in many other parts of world.

From the above discussion, one can conclude that banking sector is an important area of study.

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The history of Islamic banking is as old as Islamic Shar¶iah yet the concept gain prominence
around 40 years ago (Ray, 1995). It is modified form of traditional banking in which all the activities
are carried out in conformance to the requirements of Islamic Shar¶iah and no element of interest is
present in that (Iqbal et al., 2005) . Since, the concept gain prominence in recent times so it also
attracted attention of researcher and lot of research is carried out in this area. (Haneef, 2008, Shah
and Niazi, 2009, Sufian, 2007) . Since, the area is new so it is imperative to develop an
understanding about its salient facets.

From the above discussion, one can conclude that Islamic banking is an important area of study
and requires research and analysis.

In this section, overview of research pr oblem and research questions will be presented.


The discussion carried in the previous section suggested that understanding of consumber
behaviour is important for businesses. Moreover, banking sector has an important role in the
development of an economy. Islamic banking is an emerging form of banking. Since, the concept is
emerging, it need analysis. In this regard, a research activity is planned which will identify and
evaluate various factors which influence Islamic banking.

The main aim of this dissertation is to analyze the influence of customer¶s perception and bank
characteristics on adoption of Islamic bank.

Following research questions are posed.

1- What is the influence of customers¶ perception on adoption of Islamic banking?

2- What is the influence of bank¶s own characteristics on adoption of Islamic banking?

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In this regard, following research hypothesis are developed. Except for first hypothesis, for rest of
the hypothesis, only alterative hypothesis is given. First four hypothesis are related to customers
whereas next four are associated with bank¶s character istics.

Ho-1 = There is no influence of customer¶s perception of compliance to Islamic Shar¶iah on

adoption of Islamic banking.
H1-1 = There is a positive influence of customer¶s perception of compliance to Islamic
Shar¶iah on adoption of Islamic bankin g.
H1-2 = There is a positive influence of customer¶s education on adoption of Islamic banking.
H1-3 = There is a positive influence of amount of time spent by customer on religious
observance on adoption of Islamic banking.
H1-4 = There is a positive influence of personality (conscientiousness) of customer on
adoption of Islamic banking.

H1-5 = There is a positive influence of rate of return offered by Islamic bank on adoption of
Islamic banking.

H1-6 = There is a negative influe nce of price charged by Islamic bank on adoption of Islamic
H1-7 = There is a positive influence of quality of services offered by Islamic bank on on
adoption of Islamic banking.
H1-8 = There is a positive influence of location of Islamic bank on adoption of Islamic

Location of Islamic bank will be measured using proximity of bank from customers¶ place. Religious
observance is specifically attribute towards Islamic religion.

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Achievement of following research obje ctives will ensure achievement of research aim.

1- To identify, conceptualize and critically evaluate literature on customers¶ perception and

organization¶s characteristics on consumer behaviour.
2- To critically evaluate influence of customers¶ perception on the adoption of Islamic banking.
3- To critically evaluate influence of banks¶ characteristics on adoption of Islamic banking.
4- To put forth, recommended course of actions, based on information collected and
knowledge developed.


Solomon et al. (2007) and Chang and Chen (2009) suggested that consumer behaviour is a
determinant of relationship between an organization and its customers. It is therefore important to
understand the areas where such behaviour is influenced by other factors and in turn influence
organization (Chang and Chen, 2009) . From this point, review of literature will be presented which
will account for relationship between persons¶ and banks¶ characteristics.

The decision to buy from an organization or not is based on an individual¶s perce ption about that
organization. If a customer has positive perception about an organization, he would visit it time and
again and vice versa (Chandrashekaran et al., 2007)

Huang et al. (2009) highlighted that all those purchase situations where product is fairly complex
and requires careful consideration before making a decision, education level of the customer plays
a major role. Moreover, Kelly et al. (2009) highlighted situations where adoption of certain new
products were influenced by the education level of the users of those products. In addition to this,
Angulo and Gil (2007), suggested that education level of the user mediates the relation betw een
perceived risk associated with a product or service and future adoption of that product.

Bellows et al. (2008) observed the change in purchase pattern of the individuals based on their
religious observance. Some products are permissible in one religion whereas other religion urged
its followers to refrain from those. Moreover, Gallarza et al. (2009) highlighted that there are
instances where one reli gion encourages its followers to adopt one particular product while not
restricting others. Moreover, Mokhlis (2009) also identified the influence of religiosity on individuals.
In the context of this dissertation, it was regarded that these religious factors may influence the
adoption of Islamic banking.

Huang and Yang (2006), Lin (2008) and Tsao and Chang (2007) observed that there is an
influence of personality dimension of a customer on the purchase pattern. Their work specia lly
highlighted the case where customers who were high on conscientiousness exhibited a particular
type of behaviour.


Gait et al. (2009) suggested that while selecting a bank, customers keep an important reference to
the rate of return offered to them. Those banks that offer high rate of intere st are generally
preferred by the customers over others. In case of Islamic banks, these banks are not offering
interest (riba) yet they offer some form of profits to its customers. In this regard, the customers may
evaluate the extent of rate of return of fered to them.

Neal et al. (2007) and Solomon et al. (2007) analyzed the influence of pricing on the consumer
behaviour. Their work reported specific situations where a customer did not buy some thing which
were considered expensive by them. Moreover, customers s howed their intensions that they would
not buy things that they feel are expensive and are not giving real value to the customers.

Berry and Parasuraman (1991) suggested that for customers the quality of services provided to
them is very important. If an organization is unable to provide real value to its customers then
customers will switch to the competitors. Anderson and Sullivan (1993) proposed that for new

products, it is important that customers should perceive them of quality. If customers believe that
these products are otherwise, then customers may not adopt it for future use.

East et al. (2008) and Solomon et al. (2007) suggested that beside other factors which customers
consider while purchasing a product, location of the place from where the purchases are made are
also important. In this regard, proximity of site from where customer wants to buy his goods or
service is convenient to him. This will lead to ease in purchasing. In the co ntext of this research, it
is quite likely that an Islamic bank which is quite close to a customers¶ place will have more
chances of adoption then other banks.


The accomplishment of this research requires tha t a systematic research inquiry should be initiated
in order to achieve the above stated research aim and objectives. According to Michael (2010),
research is an inquiry or involves an examination and explanation of the factual data and leads to
revising existing body of knowledge based on the new knowledge that is collected during the
course of action. Further to this, Schwarz and Hunter (2008, p. 142) highlighted that is a
methodical discovery of information about a market place. Similarly, Wilson (2010, p. 5) suggested
that a research project is a systematic investigation of a phenomenon which must be carried out
objectively. It generally involves collection, recording, analysis and interpretation of data to solve
the managerial issue in hand. Wilson (2010) highlighted that research may be basic or applied. In
basic research, the purpose of research is to gain greater understanding of knowledge or
understanding of an issue and it generally does not refer to application of the findings to any
particular business setting. However, applied research has some spe cific purpose in place. It is
carried out to meet information needs of that issue. This academic quest is applied research
activity. Another important contribution in defining a research activity comes from the work of
Saunders et al. (2009). He outlined number of steps that a research project has to undergo. These
steps are presented in Figure 1 given here under:


Following the pattern mentioned in picture 1, this research is started with a wish to conduct
research. This is followed by development of overall research aim, research questions and
research aim. This was an attempt to clarify the underlying research issue in hand. It was followed
by selection of appropriate philosophy and approach for conducting research. Moreover, a
particular research strategy was devised to collect data with reference to this research activity.
When the research will be carried out at some later stage, the collected data will be subject to
certain types of analysis (multiple -regression, for instance). The research will involve both
quantitative and qualitative perspective for analysis. Moreover, a survey will be conducted in
different areas of Pakistan and time dimension of data collection is cross -sectional. Finally, after
data interpretation, a report will be complied and will be reported to University¶s authorities.


Michael (2010) suggested that a population is totality of all the people, objects and events which
fulfils the criteria being studied. Similarly, Burns (2000) highlighted that population is to be selected
in the light of research aim and objectives and may vary from one research project to an other.
Wright and Marsden (2010) put forth the concept of population and population element and
differentiated between theoretical population and accessible population. A population is regarded
as collection of elements where elements are specific unit that makes population. The theoretical
population comprises of all the elements whereas accessible or survey population is the one from
which data is to be collected. The population for this research is all those who are current account
holders at any Islamic bank operating in Pakistan. The population elements comprises of different
cities of Pakistan. The accessible population will be people from the province of Punjab and Sindh


Wright and Marsden (2010) suggested that sampling techniques are to be applied on accessible
population. William (2009) suggested that while selecting a particular sample size, a researcher to
bear in mind the issues concerning link of sample to the purpose of research, measurability of
sample, accessibility, time available for collecting data a nd being economical. Moreover, William
(2009) and Wright and Marsden (2010) also highlighted that there are two broad methods of
sample selection (probability based and non -probability based). Decision makers generally prefe r
probability based sampling as it is less influenced by researcher¶s biasness. For this proposal, the
researcher used simple random sampling (a type of probability -based sampling) and selected six
cities (element). These include Jhang, Jacobabad, Shiekhup ura, Hyderabad, Karachi and Gujrat.

The sample size for this research will be 300 people (50 each for above stated cities). While
selecting sample size, cost and time of data collection were important considerations. The above
discussion asserted that rese archer is conducting a multi -stage sampling. The provinces are
selected on judgement basis while cities are selected using probability based sampling.


There are two type of data and information which is required for this research. To start with, the
development of this proposal is based on review of existing state of literature on Islamic banking
and analysis of consumer behaviour. When this research will be actually started, a detailed review
of literature will be required. This will be carried out by reviewing published material in journals,
magazines, books, articles, etc. This is a form of secondary data. In addition to this, primary data is
also required which is associated with perception of customers¶ about banks and their o wn
characteristics. This will be collected by conducting primary research. The primary research will
take the form of survey.


The data will be collected in two steps. In the first step, a field survey will be carried in different
cities of Pakistan. Three of these cities will be from Sindh and rest of the three will be from Punjab.
A structured self administered questionnaire will be used for collecting data. The questionnaire will
be developed on the basis of review of relevant l iterature in the designated area and will attempt to
cover all the areas mentioned in the research aim and objectives. The second stage of data
collection will be based on conducting in -depth interviews from the respondents. There interviews
will attempt to explorer the occurrence of particular findings. In this regard, the researcher will
contact branch managers of different Islamic banks and will ask them to participate in research.
After receiving their consent, researcher will train a junior member of I slamic bank who generally
interacts with customers. The training will be associated with collecting information through
questionnaire. In the second stage, researcher will conduct in -depth telephonic interviews from
customers. It is important to mention he re that customers in second stage will be the one from
which data was collected in stage one.


The collected data will be coded and will be entered in to Statistical Program for Social Sciences
(SPSS) version 15. This software will be used to process the collected. It is easily available and is
not very costly. Before entering the data in the softwa re, each questionnaire will be numbered so
that in the main data file each questionnaire can be traced to a particular field.

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It is very easy to use SPSS and researcher has prior training in this area. The researcher will
analyze data in various stages. In stage one, descriptive data analysis will be carried out. This will
help in testing the central tendency and variability of data. In the second stage, the researcher will
conduct multiple regression analysis to identify th e influence of Individual¶s perception and banks¶
characteristics on perception about adopting Islamic banking in the time to come. It is important to
mention here that this multiple regress will be carried out in three stages. In stage one, relatively
parsimonious factors will be identified for customer¶s perception and the propensity to adopt
Islamic banking. In the second stage, the influence of characteristic will be identified. In the third
stage, the researcher will use parsimonious factors identified in the last two steps and will use
them in identifying the relation between these things. The main reason for doing three stage
analysis is that in first two stages, relatively important factors from each broad streams will be
selected whereas in stage th ree the relative influence of each stream/construct will be identified.
The analysis carried out in third stage will reveal which one of the two independent variables
(customer¶s perception v/s banks characteristics) will have more influence on dependent variable.

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Anderson et al. (2008), Bevan (2007) and Meltzoff (2005) identified number of instances which
may influence research ethics. These instances incl ude using others¶ work as yours, revealing
secret information, forced participation in a survey, tempering the data and information and then
presenting it, harming human and animal life, causing emotional damage to human beings,
motivating people to respon d in a particular manner, asking leading questions. During the conduct
of this research, all such things will be ensured. To start with, researcher will ensure that all
secondary data will be appropriately referenced. The information generated from analysi s of data
will be revealed as it will arise. The conduct of this research will ensure that no harm will be caused
to human and animal. As a matter of fact, topic of research confirms this thing. Moreover, the
participation in the research will be at the wi ll of the respondent. No one will be forced to
participate. The questionnaire will be pre -tested and piloted so as to ensure and check that
language is not threatening and to ensure that language is according to the requirements of the
research. Y

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A tentative time estimate of various activities, their starting and ending times is given here



The main strengths of this research are given here under:

1- The research will be conducted in the field setting so will have probability of
generalization of findings of the research.
2- The questionnaire will be developed after conducting a detailed review of literature.
This will ensure high level of construct vali dity.
3- Data will be collected through a questionnaire. Same things will be asked from all
the respondents, so there are limited chances of researchers¶ biasness.
4- Selection of large number of respondents for survey will ensure that respondents
biasness will not influence the findings of the research.
5- Multiple-regression will be carried out after evaluating its main assumptions. This
will make findings more robust.
6- In the actual conduct of research, issues concerning reliability and validity of the
findings will also be taken in to account which will make this research relatively

The main weaknesses of research are as under:

1- The researcher is using non -probability based sampling in selecting provinces

which may lead to possible surveyors biasness.
2- The data will be based on sample. The findings of the population are more
relevant as compared to sample (Saunders et al., 2009, Wilson, 2010) .
3- The geographical remoteness of the researcher and involvement of bank
employees in collecting data may cause biasness.

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The findings of this research will be beneficial to many people. To start with, the findings will give
lot of insights to researcher who is planning to join Islamic banking industry after completing his
current academic endeavour. Moreover, on a customer level, conduct of this researcher and
findings will help researcher to be an informed customers. On organizational and industry level, the
findings will reveal various insights about the perception of the customers about banks. The
decision makers can use this information and can take appropriate decisions in this regard.
Moreover, at customer level, the conduct of this research will serve as a platform for the customers
to share their voice with the organizations with whom they are interacting

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