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The Mega Church Experience

Churches in the days of the apostles probably numbered no more than 10-15 people
gathered in the home of a fellow Christian. The first known church "building" dates
only back as far a sA.D. 400. At least one commentator believes that the church of
Corinth had a membership of no more than 50 people. In fact the only clear model
of “meeting” together we see in scripture is in homes or houses. (Acts 5.42, 8.3;
16.40; 1Cor.16.19, Rom. 16.5, Col.4.15).

Why don’t more people follow this biblical model today? This is a very
interesting topic. My friend and I were talking about this a couple months ago. They
personally left their church because they felt the Lord telling them to leave that
type of organized structure. He feels that as persecution gets worse throughout the
world that this possibly could be the best alternative for gathering in big buildings,
and that the church may have to go underground like China. They show up at a
couple of people’s houses and he states they have grown a lot more in Christ due to
the up close and personal fellowship. I personally think that it all has to do with the
way Americans have interpreted the Bible. As a society we are truly superficial, and
an anti-social society. We use texts, and emails so we don’t have to personally talk
to each other and I think that this has done society harm. Naturally a lot of us feel
uncomfortable being up close and personal with others, because in that type of
environment you can see pass the facad.

Are we ever commanded to “go to church” in the NT? (See Heb.10.24,25,

Acts 2.42ff)? In the bible we are not instructed to “go to church” yet it depends on
your definition of church. Jesus said “For where two or three are gathered together
in My name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). Two or more people
gathered together is the real definition of church, so in reality as long as we are
weekly gathering with each other in fellowship we are “going to church”. We are to
stay steadfast in the doctrine of the apostles (epistles), prayer, doctrine,
communion, exhortation, stirring up good works in each other, and encouraging
each other. The building is not significant however the doctrine being taught is
significant. A lot of so called believers use these scriptures or have the perception
that they don’t have to go to church. I tell them that the body of Christ makes up
the church, and the building is insignificant, and that if they keep themselves from
the body of Christ I would wonder about their conversion. What true person of God
wouldn’t want to do what is included in the bible verses up above.

In what ways has the modern "megachurch" exceeded or fallen short of

the biblical model? Have you some personal experiences in this regard? I feel that
the modern mega church has fallen short of the biblical model. I’ve had this
experience all my life until I started going to a Calvary Chapel. The one thing I loved
about these churches is that they are truly dedicated to the accurate teaching of
the Bible, strengthening your faith, discipling, and then sending them out in to the
world to fulfill the Great Commission. The mega church has been nothing but a
place for social life, and they’ve created seeker friendly churches. Churches that
stay away from the difficult things taught in the Bible all in the mission to get more
members. The problem is that they first get these people in the doors, get them
saved, and then later on these people fall away and deny Christ. They figure hey no
one told me the Christian life is full of trials and tribulation, nor did they tell me that
I can’t continue with my homosexual lifestyle and still get into heaven. They preach
“feel good” sermons and people become addicted to the feeling. When the feeling is
gone they figure God is gone, so they walk away. These people also have the issue
with being babes in Christ their whole lives without being able to defend their faith.

Regarding Baptism- what is the biblical teaching on When a person is to

be baptized and in what manner? How might this be “tied” to being part
of a community of believers? In Matthew 3:7 you see a good picture of true
baptism involving John The Baptist. He asks the Pharisees who warned them about
escaping the wrath to come. He tells them to bear fruits worthy of repentance
before they become baptized. He tells them he baptizes them with water unto
repentance. True biblical baptism occurs after a person does what is written in
Romans 10:9-10. Once the confess Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior
then comes baptism. Baptism is to represent the old man being put to death, and
the new man raising with Christ. In a way we can imagine us drowning the old
person, and up from the graves come the person resurrected with Christ. You see
when Jesus was baptized that God said this pleased Him and he was ready to accept
the work and the leading of the Holy Spirit of God. In regards to tying this to
believers. We as believers should be sure that people are conducting themselves in
this matter using sound doctrinal practices.

Overall- what possibly needs to change in the way so many “do church?”
The thing that needs to change is for us to understand the true reason for us
gathering together, to line out the priorities, and line out the deceptions we face.
Pastor’s need to teach basic biblical foundation/doctrine, and guide the sheep of the
flock eating meat, and to throw away the baby bottles. Time to grow up in Christ!

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