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Written Testimony before the

U.S. House of Representatives

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
Energy & Environment and Investigations & Oversight Subcommittees

David Lochbaum
Director, Nuclear Safety Project
Union of Concerned Scientists
May 13, 2011

For nearly four decades, the Union of Concerned Scientists has been a nuclear power safety and
security advocate. Neither anti- nor pro-nuclear power, UCS strives to ensure that the
technology’s inherent risks are minimized to the extent that is practically achievable.

The tragic events at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant in Japan have already revealed areas of
elevated risk that should be rectified. Over the ensuing months and years, additional lessons will
undoubtedly surface as workers conduct CSI Nuclear to assess what failed due to various causes,
including the earthquake, the tsunami, the extended power outage, the hydrogen explosions, the
torrents of water dropped from above and sprayed from below, and the submersion of equipment
in water. Today, UCS would like to share six of the lessons already evident from Fukushima
Dai-Ichi that are applicable to ensuring safer nuclear power plants in the United States:

 Better protection against extended power outages

 Adequate severe accident management guidance
 Safer storage of spent fuel
 Upgraded guidance for spent fuel pool events
 Additional regulatory requirements for defueled reactors


Some may argue that what happened at Fukushima Dai-Ichi cannot happen here—that our
nuclear power plants are not vulnerable to extended power outages caused by the one-two punch
of an earthquake and tsunami. In June 1998, a tornado disabled the normal power supply for the
Davis-Besse nuclear plant in Ohio, just as the earthquake had done for Fukushima Dai-Ichi.
Outside air temperatures exceeding 90°F caused the backup power supply to overheat and fail,
just as the tsunami had done at Fukushima Dai-Ichi. The difference was that workers restored the
normal power supply for Davis-Besse an hour before the backup power supply failed while more
extensive damage prevented workers at Fukushima Dai-Ichi from restoring its normal power
supply for nearly a week, days too late to prevent fuel damage.

Page 1 of 5
Enclosure 1 provides Tables B-1 and B-2 from a 2003 report issued by the NRC on power
outages at U.S. nuclear power plants. When both the normal and backup power supplies are lost,
a condition called station blackout occurs. As at Fukushima Dai-Ichi, the only source of power
during a station blackout is a bank of batteries. The fourth column of data in Tables B-1 and B-2
provides the percentage of overall risk of reactor core damage (called core damage frequency or
CDF) due to station blackouts as calculated by the plant owners themselves. For example, station
blackouts constitute 80.6 percent of the overall core damage risk at the LaSalle nuclear plant in
Illinois. In other words, the risk from station blackouts is roughly four times the risk from all
other causes combined. And LaSalle is located far away from the earthquake faults of California
and the tsunami risks of both coasts, so clearly an earthquake and tsunami is not the only path to
a station blackout disaster.

The three reactors at Fukushima Dai-Ichi operating at the time of the earthquake were each
equipped with banks of batteries having 8-hour capacities. As reflected by the data in the fifth
column of Tables B-1 and B-2, the majority of U.S. reactors have equal or shorter station
blackout coping durations. This means that workers at a U.S. reactor experiencing a station
blackout would essentially be playing a very high stakes version of “Beat the Clock.” If they
restore normal or backup power within a few hours, they win. If not, many may lose.

Requiring nuclear plants to have 16 hours of battery capacity would give workers a greater
chance of bearing the clock. But what if, as at Fukushima Dai-Ichi, it takes longer than 16 hours
to restore the normal and backup power supplies? The world has been watching what happens,
and it isn’t pretty or worth emulating.

UCS believes a better way to ensure victory in station blackout “Beat the Clock” is to evaluate
how long it will likely take for replacement batteries and/or portable generators to be delivered to
each nuclear power plant site. For some plant sites, the current situation is fine because nearby
reinforcements exist and it will be possible to supply replacement batteries or portable generators
within the existing 4-hour or 8-hour station blackout coping duration. However, for other plants
reinforcements are not likely to arrive in time, and reactor owners should increase the battery
capacity and/or pre-stage battery replacements and portable generators closer to the site.


In NRC terminology, a severe accident is one in which at least some of the fuel melts. In
testimony at Congressional hearings, NRC and nuclear industry representatives have claimed
that the severe accident management guidelines (SAMGs) developed in the wake of reactor
meltdown at Three Mile Island would provide reliable protection against the problems faced at
Fukushima Dai-Ichi. They have not been telling the whole story. As newscaster Paul Harvey
used to say, here’s the rest of the story.

Enclosure 2 provides part of Table 2 from NRC Manual Chapter 0308 on its reactor oversight
process (ROP). The fourth column for the severe accident management guidelines entry states:

Page 2 of 5
The [NRC] staff concluded that regular inspection of SAMG was not appropriate because
the guidelines are voluntary and have no regulatory basis.

The NRC never checks—repeat, never checks—the guidelines to see if they would be effective
under severe accident conditions.

From March 2009 until March 2010, I worked for the NRC as a Boiling Water Reactor
technology instructor at their Technical Training Center. My duties included teaching the severe
accident management guidelines to NRC employees for their initial qualifications and re-
qualifications. I and the other instructors emphasized that NRC inspectors were not authorized to
evaluate the adequacy of the guidelines. Plant owners are required to have the guidelines while
NRC inspectors are required not to assess their effectiveness. It’s like maritime inspectors
ensuring that passenger liners have lifeboats, but not checking to see that there’s sufficient
capacity for all passengers and crew members.

If NRC continues to rely on these guidelines to protect public health, it must evaluate their
effectiveness.. It would be too late and too costly to find out after a U.S. nuclear plant disaster
that the plant’s severe accident management guideline was missing a few key steps or contained
a handful of missteps.


Much has been reported about the problems with the fuel in the spent fuel pools at Fukushima
Dai-Ichi Units 3 and 4. Helicopters dropped tons of water from above while water cannons on
fire trucks sprayed water from below. And yet it appears that fuel in at least two spent fuel pools
has been damaged.

Virtually nothing has been reported about the fuel stored in dry casks at Fukushima Dai-Ichi. It
experienced the earthquake. It experienced the tsunami. It experienced the prolonged power
outage. It did not overheat. It was not damaged. It did not produce hydrogen that later exploded.
It did not cause the evacuation of a single member of the public. It did not cause a single worker
to receive radiation over-exposure.

The spent fuel pools at nuclear plants in the United States are significantly fuller than those in
Japan. As a result, the chances of a spent fuel accident are higher and the consequences would be

For the first five years after being taken out of the reactor core, spent fuel generates too much
heat to be placed into dry casks. After five years, the heat generation rates have dropped low
enough to permit dry cask storage.

It takes no pumps, no power, no switches, and no forced circulation of water to protect spent fuel
in dry casks from damage. Instead, air enters an inlet in the bottom of the dry cask, gets warmed
by the heat from the spent fuel, and flows out an outlet in the top of the dry cask via the chimney

Page 3 of 5
effect. It’s the “passive” safety system that worked at Fukushima Dai-Ichi and would work here,
if we bothered to use it.

Instead, spent fuel pools in America are filled nearly to capacity. Then and only then is spent fuel
transferred into dry casks. But the amount of spent fuel transferred is just enough to free up the
space needed for the next fuel discharged from the reactor core. This practice maintains the spent
fuel pool risk at a level about as high as can be achieved, and exposes millions of Americans to
elevated and undue risk.

The safer way to store spent fuel is to transfer it into dry casks as soon as possible following the
five year cooling off period in a spent fuel pool. That’s the “passive” safety system Americans
need most.


Following the March 1979 accident at Three Mile Island Unit 2 in Pennsylvania, the NRC and
the nuclear industry significantly upgraded the procedures used by operators during reactor core
accidents. The upgraded procedures provide the operators with the full array of options available
to deal with a reactor core accident, not just those relying on emergency equipment. In addition,
the upgraded procedures would help the operators handle problems like unavailable or
misleading instrument readings.

No such procedures, and associated training, are available to help operators deal with spent fuel
pool accidents. After the water level in the Unit 4 spent fuel pool at Fukushima Dai-Ichi dropped
below the top of the fuel assemblies, the fuel rods heated up, producing large amounts of
hydrogen gas. That hydrogen exploded, destroying the reactor buildings walls and roof and
creating a pathway for radioactivity to freely escape to the environment. To lessen the likelihood
of similar explosions, workers cut openings in the roofs and walls of the reactor buildings on
Units 2, 5, and 6. Their efforts were ad hoc and reactive.

The NRC should require robust procedures for spent fuel pool problems, comparable to those for
reactor core problems, to help operators either prevent fuel damage or mitigate its consequences
should such damage occur.


When the earthquake and tsunami happened, the reactor core on Fukushima Dai-Ichi Unit 4 was
empty of fuel, with the fuel having been transferred to its spent fuel pool. That configuration is
termed a defueled operating condition. There’s a gaping hole in the regulatory safety net when
reactors are defueled.

Enclosure 3 contains pages excerpted from the NRC’s Standard Technical Specifications for
boiling water reactors. When the NRC issues, or renews, licenses to operate nuclear power
reactors, Appendix A to these licenses are the technical specifications. These specifications
establish “the lowest functional capability or performance levels of equipment required for safe

Page 4 of 5
operation of the facility”1 along with the scope and frequency of testing required to verify that
capability. The operational condition of the reactor (also called its MODE and defined by the
Reactor Mode Switch Position and the temperature of the reactor cooling water) determines
which requirements are applicable when. However, technical specification requirements only
apply when one or more fuel assemblies are located in the reactor core. When the entire reactor
core inventory has been offloaded to the spent fuel pool, almost no technical specification
requirements still apply.

For example, technical specification no longer requires secondary containment to be

intact. Secondary containment, which is the reactor building, houses the spent fuel pool and acts
as a barrier to prevent any radioactivity released from fuel in the spent fuel pool from reaching
the environment—but only when it is intact. Likewise, technical specification 3.8.2 does not
require normal or backup power supplies to be available. And technical specification 3.8.5 does
not even require battery power to be available.

When one or more fuel assemblies is in the reactor core, the technical specifications mandate
safety measures to protect Americans from that hazard. But when that hazard is entirely
relocated to the spent fuel pool, the technical specifications allow all of those safety measures to
be taken away. Technical specification 3.7.8 would even allow all the water to be drained from
the spent fuel pool with all the irradiated fuel in it.

The NRC must fix this technical specification deficiency to provide adequate protection of
public health when reactor cores are defueled.

The measures we have recommended will lessen the chance of a disaster at a U.S. nuclear power
plant. But if it happens anyway, the federal government would be able to look Americans in the
eye and say, “we took every reasonable measure to protect you.” Americans expect that
protection. We urge the Congress to ensure the NRC provides Americans the protection they


1. Pages from NRC NUREG-1776, “Regulatory Effectiveness of the Station Blackout Rule, August
2. Pages from NRC Inspection Manual Chapter 0308, “Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Basis
Document,” October 16, 2006.
3. Pages from NRC NUREG-1433, Volume 1, Rev. 3, “Standard Technical Specifications General
Electric Plants, BWR/4,” December 2005.
4. Executive Summary from UCS’s report “Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies,”
February 2011.

10 CFR 50.36, Technical Specifications. Available online at

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Enclosure 1

Regulatory Effectiveness of
the Station Blackout Rule

Manuscript Completed: August 2000

Date Published: August 2003

Division of Systems Analysis and Regulatory Effectiveness

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Washington, DC 20555-0001
Plant-Speclfic Station Blackout Information by Reactor Type and Operating Status

Table B-1 Operating pressurized-water reactors

1 plant I plant CDF I SBO

.- -

Percent I Coping t i m e q
- -
- --


Plant CDF
access time in
including '
load shed
minutes1 procedural
severe weather

Arkansas Nuclear 41.95/1011 Added 1 DG 3.58E-02

One Unit 1 and crosstie
Arkansas Nuclear 41.9511 011
One Unit 2
Beaver Valley 30.4 4/.97516011 Added crosstie 6.64E-02
Unit 1
Beaver Valley
Unit 2
Units 1&2
Bwon Units 1&2
3.4 41.97516014 Added 1 EDG 1.36E-01 3
and one 1 DG
-- - --

Catawba Units 182 10.3 4/.95/1 011 2.OE-03 1 330

I Comanche Peak
Units 182 I 5.72E-05

The battery capacity for each reactor is the first number provided in the 5th column of this table. For Arkansas Nuclear One
Unit 1, the battery capacity is 4 hours. The fourth column shows fraction of overall risk from reactor core damage that
station blackout represents. For example, station blackout represents 33.8% of the risk of reactor core damage at Arkansas
Nuclear One Unit 1. NOTE: These risk values only consider the hazard of reactor core damage. The hazard of spent fuel
pool accidents is neglected here.
Plant-Specific Station Blackout Information by Reactor Type and Operating Status

Table B-1 Operating pressurized-water reactors (Cont.)

r 3-
Plant CDF I SBO Percent Coping time in Modification SBO factors
St30 CDF hours/EDG summarv
of reliabilitylAac in&ding bc PRA LOOP LOOP event
Number of LOOP events
Plant CDF access time in load shed
initiating at power since recovery times 2
minuted procedural
event commercial omration 240 minutes
extremely modifications frequency
severe weather Power Shutdow

nonclass 1E

DC Cook Units dc load shed I 4.OE-02

Diablo Canyon
Units 1&2
Added 1 DO I 9.lE-02 I I 1

Farley Units 1&2 Service water 4.70E-02 2

to Aac, auto
load shedding
DC load shed 2.17E-01 2

Lighting in
several areas,
ladder to
isolation valve
1 1 1
Indian Point Unit 2 Added a DG for 6.91E-02 2 I 3 I 3 !

gas turbine I
Plant-Specific Station Blackout Information by Reactor Type and Operating Status

Table B-2 Operating boiling-water reactors

Plant Plant CDF SBO
I coping timen
-- -

- -

SBO factors

of reliability1Aac including dc
PRA LOOP Number of LOOP events LOOP event
Plant CDF access time in load shed
initiating at power since recovery times r
minuted procedural
event commercial operation 240 minutes
extremely modifications
severe weather Shutdown

Browns Ferry dc load shed

Units 283
Brunswick Modified
Units 1&2 controls for
Clinton Added gas fans
for selected
room cooling
Dresden Added 2 DGs
Units 2&3
- -

Duane Amold dc load shed,

RClC insulation
& main control
room lighting
- -

Ferrni NMN 4/.95/60/ 1

FitzPatrick NMN 41.951-11 dc load shed,
and power
supply mods
Grand Gulf dc load shed
Plant-Specific Station Blackout lntormatlon by Reactor Type and Operatlng Status

Table 8-2 Operating boiling-water reactors (Cont.)

Plant Plant CDF SBO

Coping time in
SBO factors
of reliabilitylAac including dc
PRA LOOP Number of LOOP events LOOP event
Plant CDF access time in load shed recovery times r
initiating at power since
minuted procedural
event commercial operation 240 minutes
extremely modincations
severe weather

Hatch Replaced
Unit 1 battery
Hatch Replaced
Unit 2 battery

I Hope Creek Valve

- -

LaSalle dc load shed,

Units 1&2 New batteries
Limerick NMN Upgraded
Units 1&2 cross-ties
Monticello dc load shed
Nine Mile Point NMN dc load shed,
Unit 1 added two
safety related

I Nine Mile Point

unit 2
dc load shed
Plant-Speclfic Station Blackout lnformatlon by Reactor Type and Operating Status

Table 8-2 Operating boiling-water reactors (Cont.)

Plant Plant CDF SBO Percent Coping time in Modification SBO factors
CDF SBO CDF hourdEDG summary
of reliabilityJAac Including' PRA LOOP LOOP event
Number of LOOP events
Plant CDF access time in load shed at power since recovery times 2
minuted procedural commercial operation 240 minutes
exlremely modifications
I I ( Shutdown

severe weather frequency Plant Weather Grid Power

Oyster Creek NMN Added crosstie 3.26E-02 3 240

& reactor

Peach Bottom Cross-tie to 5.9E-02

Units 2 & 3 hydro unit
Replaced 6.09E-02
selected cables

I Pilgrim NMN Alarms to line-

up Aac
6.1 7E-01

1 5 1263

I Quad Cities
Units 1&2
NMN Added 2 DGs 4.81E-02 2
1 I I I
I River Bend Minor structural
3.50E-02 1

I Susquehanna
Units 1&2
NMN dc load shed I -
111 1
I Vermont Yankee Modified
incoming line
and controls
1.OE-01 2

dc load shed, 2.46E-02

Nuclear Plant replaced
Unit 2 inverters
Enclosure 2





0308-01 PURPOSE

To describe the basis for the significant decisions reached by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) staff during the development and implementation of the Reactor
Oversight Process (ROP) for operating commercial nuclear power plants. This document
shall serve as the source information for all applicable program documents such as manual
chapters, performance indicator guidance, and assessment guidance.


02.01 To discuss significant developmental steps and decisions reached.

02.02 To describe in general how the processes work and why they are setup the way
they are.

02.03 To summarize the history of, and reasons for, significant changes made to the
oversight processes.

02.04 To explain those significant attributes that were considered but not used in the ROP,
and the basis for the decision not to include them in the process.


None stated.


None stated.


05.01 Introduction

On April 2, 2000, the NRC implemented a new ROP at all operating commercial nuclear
power plants. The objectives of the staff in developing the various components of this new

Issue Date: 10/16/06 -1- 0308

Table 2 Other Inspection Program Elements Considered But Not Included (continued)
Inspectable Area
Basis for Not Including in
or Program Cornerstone Scope
Baseline Inspection Program
Severe Accident Emergency SAMGs include strategies for dealing with accidents that impact The staff concluded that regular inspection
Management Preparedness RCS integrity. SAMGs are sometimes implemented during EP of SAMG was not appropriate because the
Guidelines (SAMG) drills and must be written is such a manner as to not impede guidelines are voluntary and have no
implementation of the Plan. regulatory basis. The emergency
response organization that would
implement SAMGs is inspected through
EP baseline inspection and performance is
covered by two PIs.

Radiation Worker Occupational The objective of this area is to verify that workers understand the Worker performance is a cross cutting
Performance and Public Rad radiological hazards associated with nuclear plant operation, area. Since the PIs are performance
Safety effectively identify and control these hazards, identify and resolve based, problems in this area should result
adverse trends or deficiencies, and maintain proper oversight of in an operational occurrence that meets
work. the definition of a PI.

Issue Date: 10/16/06 -67- 0308, Attachment 2

Enclosure 3

Standard Technical Specifications

General Electric Plants,


This electronic text represents the Commission’s current Standard Technical

Specifications. This document is updated periodically to incorporate NRC
approved generic changes to the Standard Technical Specifications.

The last Standard Technical Specification NUREGs were published as

Revision 3 of NUREG-1430, NUREG-1431, NUREG-1432, NUREG-1433, and
NUREG-1434 in June 2004.

1.1 Definitions

LEAKAGE (continued)

b. Unidentified LEAKAGE

All LEAKAGE into the drywell that is not identified


c. Total LEAKAGE

Sum of the identified and unidentified LEAKAGE, and

d. Pressure Boundary LEAKAGE

LEAKAGE through a nonisolable fault in a Reactor

Coolant System (RCS) component body, pipe wall, or
vessel wall.

[ LINEAR HEAT GENERATION The LHGR shall be the heat generation rate per unit length of
RATE (LHGR) fuel rod. It is the integral of the heat flux over the heat transfer
area associated with the unit length. ]

TEST logic components required for OPERABILITY of a logic circuit,
from as close to the sensor as practicable up to, but not
including, the actuated device, to verify OPERABILITY. The
means of any series of sequential, overlapping, or total system
steps so that the entire logic system is tested.

[ MAXIMUM FRACTION OF The MFLPD shall be the largest value of the fraction of limiting
LIMITING POWER DENSITY power density in the core. The fraction of limiting power
(MFLPD) density shall be the LHGR existing at a given location divided
by the specified LHGR limit for that bundle type. ]

MINIMUM CRITICAL POWER The MCPR shall be the smallest critical power ratio (CPR) that
RATIO (MCPR) exists in the core [for each class of fuel]. The CPR is that
power in the assembly that is calculated by application of the
appropriate correlation(s) to cause some point in the assembly
to experience boiling transition, divided by the actual assembly
operating power.

MODE A MODE shall correspond to any one inclusive combination of

mode switch position, average reactor coolant temperature,
and reactor vessel head closure bolt tensioning specified in
Table 1.1-1 with fuel in the reactor vessel.

BWR/4 STS 1.1-4 Rev. 3.1, 12/01/05

[Secondary] Containment

3.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS [Secondary] Containment

LCO The [secondary] containment shall be OPERABLE.


During movement of [recently] irradiated fuel assemblies in the
[secondary] containment,
During operations with a potential for draining the reactor vessel



A. [Secondary] containment A.1 Restore [secondary] 4 hours

inoperable in MODE 1, containment to OPERABLE
2, or 3. status.

B. Required Action and B.1 Be in MODE 3. 12 hours

associated Completion
Time of Condition A not AND
B.2 Be in MODE 4. 36 hours

C. [Secondary] containment C.1 ---------------NOTE--------------

inoperable during LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.
movement of [recently] -------------------------------------
irradiated fuel
assemblies in the Suspend movement of Immediately
[secondary] containment [recently] irradiated fuel
or during OPDRVs. assemblies in the
[secondary] containment.


C.2 Initiate action to suspend Immediately


BWR/4 STS Rev. 3.0, 03/31/04

Spent Fuel Storage Pool Water Level


3.7.8 Spent Fuel Storage Pool Water Level

LCO 3.7.8 The spent fuel storage pool water level shall be ≥ [23] ft over the top of
irradiated fuel assemblies seated in the spent fuel storage pool racks.

APPLICABILITY: During movement of irradiated fuel assemblies in the spent fuel storage



A. Spent fuel storage pool A.1 ---------------NOTE--------------

water level not within LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.
limit. -------------------------------------

Suspend movement of Immediately

irradiated fuel assemblies in
the spent fuel storage pool.



SR Verify the spent fuel storage pool water level is 7 days
≥ [23] ft over the top of irradiated fuel assemblies
seated in the spent fuel storage pool racks.

BWR/4 STS 3.7.8-1 Rev. 3.0, 03/31/04

AC Sources - Shutdown


3.8.2 AC Sources - Shutdown

LCO 3.8.2 The following AC electrical power sources shall be OPERABLE:

a. One qualified circuit between the offsite transmission network and

the onsite Class 1E AC electrical power distribution subsystem(s)
required by LCO 3.8.10, "Distribution Systems - Shutdown" and

b. One diesel generator (DG) capable of supplying one division of the

onsite Class 1E AC electrical power distribution subsystem(s)
required by LCO 3.8.10.


During movement of [recently] irradiated fuel assemblies in the
[secondary] containment.

LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.


A. One required offsite --------------------NOTE-------------------

circuit inoperable. Enter applicable Condition and
Required Actions of LCO 3.8.10,
with one required division de-
energized as a result of
Condition A.

A.1 Declare affected required Immediately

feature(s), with no offsite
power available,


BWR/4 STS 3.8.2-1 Rev. 3.0, 03/31/04

DC Sources - Shutdown


3.8.5 DC Sources - Shutdown

LCO 3.8.5 [DC electrical power subsystems shall be OPERABLE to support the DC
electrical power distribution subsystem(s) required by LCO 3.8.10,
"Distribution Systems - Shutdown."]

[One DC electrical power subsystem shall be OPERABLE.]

------------------------------------REVIEWER’S NOTE----------------------------------
This second option above applies for plants having a pre-ITS licensing
basis (CTS) for electrical power requirements during shutdown conditions
that required only one DC electrical power subsystem to be OPERABLE.
Action A and the bracketed optional wording in Condition B are also
eliminated for this case. The first option above is adopted for plants that
have a CTS requiring the same level of DC electrical power subsystem
support as is required for power operating conditions.


During movement of [recently] irradiated fuel assemblies in the
[secondary] containment.

LCO 3.0.3 is not applicable.


[A. One [or two] battery A.1 Restore battery terminal 2 hours
charger[s on one voltage to greater than or
division] inoperable. equal to the minimum
established float voltage.
The redundant division
battery and charger[s]

BWR/4 STS 3.8.5-1 Rev. 3.0, 03/31/04

Enclosure 4

Still Not Viable without Subsidies
Executive Summary February 2011

onspicuously absent from costs of building plants and their 50 years ago, the nuclear power
industry press releases associated infrastructure but also industry has benefited—and con-
and briefing memos tout- of the public subsidies given to the tinues to benefit—from a vast array
ing nuclear power’s potential as a industry. Moreover, nuclear power of preferential government subsi-
solution to global warming is any brings with it important economic, dies. Indeed, as Figure ES-1 (p. 2)
mention of the industry’s long waste disposal, safety, and security shows, subsidies to the nuclear fuel
and expensive history of taxpayer risks unique among low-carbon cycle have often exceeded the value
subsidies and excessive charges to energy sources. Shifting these risks of the power produced. This means
utility ratepayers. These subsidies and their associated costs onto the that buying power on the open
not only enabled the nation’s exist- public is the major goal of the new market and giving it away for free
ing reactors to be built in the first subsidies sought by the industry would have been less costly than
place, but have also supported their (just as it was in the past), and by subsidizing the construction and
operation for decades. not incorporating these costs into operation of nuclear power plants.
The industry and its allies are its estimates, the industry presents a Subsidies to new reactors are on a
now pressuring all levels of govern- skewed economic picture of nuclear similar path.
ment for large new subsidies to power’s value compared with other
support the construction and oper- low-carbon power sources.
ation of a new generation of reac-
Since its inception more
tors and fuel-cycle facilities. The SUBSIDIES OFTEN EXCEED
substantial political support the than 50 years ago, the
industry has attracted thus far rests nuclear power industry has
largely on an uncritical acceptance benefited—and continues
of the industry’s economic claims This report catalogues in one place to benefit—from a vast
and an incomplete understanding and for the first time the full range
array of preferential
of the subsidies that made—and of subsidies that benefit the nuclear
continue to make—the existing power sector. The findings are strik- government subsidies.
nuclear fleet possible. ing: since its inception more than
Such blind acceptance is an
unwarranted, expensive leap of
faith that could set back more cost-
effective efforts to combat climate
change. A fair comparison of the
available options for reducing heat-
trapping carbon emissions while
© Lange

generating electricity requires con-

sideration not only of the private
Figure ES-1. Nuclear Subsidies Compared to EIA Power Prices

11 Projected 2010–2024
10 Actual 2009
Historical 1960–2009

Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

All Ownership Types IOU POU IOU POU

Legacy Ongoing
Subsidies to New Reactors
Subsidies to Existing Reactors

Note: Legacy subsidies are compared to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) average 1960–2009 industrial power
price (5.4 ¢/kWh). Ongoing subsidies are compared to EIA 2009 actual power prices for comparable busbar plant generation
costs (5.9 ¢/kWh). Subsidies to new reactors are compared to EIA 2009 reference-case power prices for comparable busbar
plant generation costs (5.7 ¢/kWh).

Throughout its history, the cash payments. Rather, they shift bottom line for the industry and
industry has argued that subsidies construction-cost and operating taxpayers alike.
were only temporary, a short-term risks from investors to taxpayers and Reactor owners, therefore, have
stimulus so the industry could work ratepayers, burdening taxpayers with never been economically respon-
through early technical hurdles that an array of risks ranging from cost sible for the full costs and risks of
prevented economical reactor oper- overruns and defaults to accidents their operations. Instead, the public
ation. A 1954 advertisement from and nuclear waste management. faces the prospect of severe losses in
General Electric stated that, “In This approach, which has remained the event of any number of poten-
five years—certainly within ten,” remarkably consistent through- tial adverse scenarios, while private
civilian reactors would be “privately out the industry’s history, distorts investors reap the rewards if nuclear
financed, built without government market choices that would other- plants are economically successful.
subsidy.” That day never arrived wise favor less risky investments. For all practical purposes, nuclear
and, despite industry claims to the Although it may not involve direct power’s economic gains are priva-
contrary, remains as elusive as ever. cash payments, such favored treat- tized, while its risks are socialized.
The most important subsidies ment is nevertheless a subsidy, Recent experiences in the hous-
to the industry do not involve with a profound effect on the ing and financial markets amply

2 Union of Concerned Scientists

demonstrate the folly of arrange- after its first generation of
ments that separate investor risk reactors experienced large cost
Massive new subsidies
from reward. Indeed, massive new overruns, cancellations, and plant
subsidies to nuclear power could abandonments, further reduc- to nuclear power could
encourage utilities to make similarly ing the industry’s capital-recovery encourage speculative,
speculative, expensive investments requirements. Finally, when indus- expensive investments in
in nuclear plants—investments that try restructuring revealed that nuclear plants that would
would never be tolerated if the actual nuclear power costs were still too
never be tolerated if the
risks were properly accounted for high to be competitive, so-called
and allocated. stranded costs were shifted to utility actual risks were properly
While the purpose of this ratepayers, allowing the reactors to accounted for and allocated.
report is to quantify the extent of continue operating.
past and existing subsidies, we are These legacy subsidies are
not blind to the context: the indus- estimated to exceed seven cents of 13 percent of the value of the
try is calling for even more support per kilowatt-hour (¢/kWh)—an power produced to a high of 98 per-
from Congress. Though the value amount equal to about 140 percent cent. The breadth of this range
of these new subsidies is not quan- of the average wholesale price of largely reflects three main factors:
tified in this report, it is clear that power from 1960 to 2008, making uncertainty over the dollar value of
they would only further increase the subsidies more valuable than accident liability caps; the value to
the taxpayers’ tab for nuclear power the power produced by nuclear publicly owned utilities (POUs) of
while shifting even more of the plants over that period. Without ongoing subsidies such as tax breaks
risks onto the public. these subsidies, the industry would and low return-on-investment
have faced a very different market requirements; and generous capital
LOW-COST CLAIMS FOR reality—one in which many reac-
EXISTING REACTORS IGNORE tors would never have been built,
HISTORICAL SUBSIDIES and utilities that did build reactors
would have been forced to charge
The nuclear industry is only able consumers even higher rates.
to portray itself as a low-cost power
supplier today because of past ONGOING SUBSIDIES
government subsidies and write- CONTRIBUTE TO NUCLEAR
offs. First, the industry received POWER’S PERCEIVED
massive subsidies at its incep-
tion, reducing both the capital
costs it needed to recover from In addition to legacy subsidies, the
ratepayers (the “legacy” subsidies industry continues to benefit from
that underwrote reactor construc- subsidies that offset the costs of
tion through the 1980s) and its uranium, insurance and liability,

operating costs (through ongoing plant security, cooling water, waste

subsidies to inputs, waste manage- disposal, and plant decommission-
ment, and accident risks). Second, ing. The value of these subsidies is
the industry wrote down tens of harder to pin down with specificity,
billions of dollars in capital costs with estimates ranging from a low

Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies 3

costs (operation and maintenance taxpayer subsidies to nuclear
costs plus fuel costs, without capital plants over the past 50 years,
Legacy and ongoing
recovery) often cited by the indus- the objectives of these new subsi-
subsidies to existing try’s main trade association as a core dies are precisely the same as the
reactors are not sufficient indicator of nuclear power’s com- earlier subsidies: to reduce the pri-
to attract new investment in petitiveness; it also represents nearly vate cost of capital for new nuclear
nuclear infrastructure. Thus 80 percent of the production-cost reactors and to shift the long-term,
advantage of nuclear relative to often multi-generational risks of the
an array of new subsidies
coal. With ongoing subsidies to nuclear fuel cycle away from inves-
was rolled out during the POUs nearly double those to IOUs, tors. And once again, these subsidies
past decade, targeting not the impact on competitive viability to new reactors—whether publicly
only reactors but also other is proportionally higher for publicly or privately owned—could end up
fuel-cycle facilities. owned plants. exceeding the value of the power
produced (4.2 to 11.4 ¢/kWh, or
SUBSIDIES TO NEW REACTORS 70 to 200 percent of the projected
subsidies to investor-owned utilities REPEAT PAST PATTERNS value of the power).
(IOUs) that have declined as the Legacy and ongoing subsidies to It should be noted that cer-
aging, installed capacity base is fully existing reactors may be important tain subsidies to new reactors are
written off. factors in keeping facilities operat- currently capped at a specific dol-
Our low-end estimate for sub- ing, but they are not sufficient to lar amount, limited to a specific
sidies to existing reactors (in this attract new investment in nuclear number of reactors, or available
case, investor-owned facilities) is infrastructure. Thus an array of only in specific states or localities.
0.7 ¢/kWh, a figure that may seem new subsidies was rolled out during Therefore, although all the subsi-
relatively small at only 13 percent the past decade, targeting not only dies may not be available to each
of the value of the power produced. reactors but also other fuel-cycle new reactor, the values shown in
However, it represents more than facilities. Despite the profoundly Figure ES-1 are reasonably repre-
35 percent of the nuclear production poor investment experience with sentative of the subsidies that will
be available to the first new plants
to be built. Furthermore, it is far
from clear whether existing caps
will be binding. Recent legislative
initiatives would expand eligibility
for these subsidies to even more
reactors and extend the period of
eligibility during which these subsi-
dies would be available.


Wikimedia Commons/kallerna

Government subsidies have been

directed to every part of the nuclear
fuel cycle. The most significant
forms of support have had four
main goals: reducing the cost of

4 Union of Concerned Scientists

92 238

Methodology: How We Estimated Nuclear Subsidies

Identifying and valuing subsidies to the nucle- Attribute of production

ar fuel cycle for this report involved a broad The following subcategories were modeled on the structure
review of dozens of historical studies and pro- commonly used internationally (as by the Organisation for
gram assessments, industry statements and Economic Cooperation and Development):
presentations, and government documents. The result is an • Factors of production—subsidies intended to off-
in-depth and comprehensive evaluation that groups nuclear set the cost of capital, labor, and land
subsidies by type of plant ownership (public or private), time
• Intermediate inputs—subsidies that alter the eco-
frame of support (whether the subsidy is ongoing or has
nomics of key inputs such as uranium, enrichment
expired), and the specific attribute of nuclear power produc-
services, and cooling water
tion the subsidy is intended to support.
• Output-linked support—subsidies commensurate
Plant ownership with the quantity of power produced
Subsidies available to investor-owned and publicly owned
• Security and risk management—subsidies that
utilities are not identical, so were tracked separately.
address the unique and substantial safety risks
Time frame of support inherent in nuclear power
The data were organized into: • Decommissioning and waste management—sub-
• Legacy subsidies, which were critical in helping sidies that offset the environmental or plant-closure
nuclear power gain a solid foothold in the U.S. costs unique to nuclear power
energy sector but no longer significantly affect
To enable appropriate comparisons with other energy
options, the results are presented in terms of levelized cents
• Ongoing subsidies to existing reactors, which per kilowatt-hour and as a share of the wholesale value of
continue to affect the cost of electricity produced by the power produced. Inclusion of industry and historical data
the 104 U.S. nuclear reactors operating today sources for some component estimates means that some of
• Subsidies to new reactors, which are generally the levelization inputs were not transparent. Where appropri-
provided in addition to the ongoing subsidies ate, a range of estimates was used to reflect variation in the
available to existing reactors available data or plausible assumptions.

A further set of subsidies proposed for the nuclear

sector but not presently in U.S. statutes is discussed
qualitatively but not quantified.

capital, labor, and land (i.e., factors public. A new category of subsidy, A. Reducing the Cost of
of production), masking the true “output-linked support,” is directed Capital, Labor, and Land
costs of producing nuclear energy at reducing the price of power pro- (Factors of Production)
(“intermediate inputs”), shifting duced. Table ES-1 (p. 6) shows the Nuclear power is a capital-intensive
security and accident risks to the estimated value of these subsidies to industry with long and often uncer-
public, and shifting long-term existing and new reactors. The sub- tain build times that exacerbate
operating risks (decommission- sequent sections discuss each type both the cost of financing during
ing and waste management) to the of subsidy in more detail. construction and the market risks

Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies 5

of misjudging demand. Historically, The total value of subsidies available
investment tax credits, accelerated to new reactors in this category
depreciation, and other capital Federal loan guarantees
is significant for both POUs
subsidies have been the dominant and IOUs, ranging from 3.51 to are the largest construction
type of government support for the 6.58 ¢/kWh. These include: subsidy for new, investor-
industry, while subsidies associated • Federal loan guarantees. owned reactors, effectively
with labor and land costs have Authorized under Title 17 of shifting the costs and risks
provided lesser (though still rel- the Energy Policy Act (EPACT)
evant) support. of financing and building
of 2005, federal loan guaran-
Legacy subsidies that reduced a nuclear plant from
tees are the largest construction
the costs of these inputs were high, subsidy for new, investor-owned investors to taxpayers.
estimated at 7.2 ¢/kWh. Ongoing reactors, effectively shifting the
subsidies to existing reactors are costs and risks of financing and
much lower but still significant, building a nuclear plant from $22.5 billion for new plants and
ranging from 0.06 to 1.94 ¢/kWh investors to taxpayers. The enrichment facilities, but the
depending on ownership structure. industry’s own estimates, which industry has been lobbying for
For new reactors, accelerated depre- we have used despite large subse- much higher levels.
ciation has been supplemented with quent increases in expected Loan guarantees not only
a variety of other capital subsidies plant costs, place the value of allow firms to obtain lower-cost
to bring plant costs down by shift- this program between 2.5 and debt, but enable them to use
ing a large portion of the capital 3.7 ¢/kWh. Total loan guar- much more of it—up to 80 per-
risk from investors to taxpayers. antees are currently limited to cent of the project’s cost. For a

Table ES-1. Subsidies to Existing and New Reactors

Subsidies to Existing Reactors (¢/kWh) Subsidies to New

Legacy Ongoing Reactors (¢/kWh)

All Ownership
Subsidy Type IOU POU IOU POU

Factors of production 7.20 0.06 0.96–1.94 3.51–6.58 3.73–5.22

Intermediate inputs 0.10–0.24 0.29–0.51 0.16–0.18 0.21–0.42 0.21–0.42

Output-linked support 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.05–1.45 0.00

Security and risk management 0.21–0.22 0.10–2.50 0.10–2.50 0.10–2.50 0.10–2.50

Decommissioning and waste management No data available 0.29–1.09 0.31–1.15 0.13–0.48 0.16–0.54

Total 7.50–7.66 0.74–4.16 1.53–5.77 5.01–11.42 4.20–8.68

84%–190% (high) 70%–145% (high)

Share of power price 139%–142% 13%–70% 26%–98%
88%–200% 74%–152%
(reference) (reference)

Note: A range of subsidy values is used where there was a variance in available subsidy estimates. To determine the subsidy’s share of the market value of the power produced,
legacy subsidies are compared to the Energy Information Administration (EIA) average 1960–2009 industrial power price (5.4 ¢/kWh). Ongoing subsidies are compared
to EIA 2009 power prices for comparable busbar plant generation costs (5.9 ¢/kWh). Subsidies to new reactors are compared to EIA 2009 high- and reference-case power
prices for comparable busbar plant generation costs (6.0 and 5.7 ¢/kWh, respectively); using the low case would have resulted in even higher numbers.

6 Union of Concerned Scientists

single 1,600-megawatt (MW) • Construction work in prog-
reactor, the loan guarantee alone ress. Many states allow utili-
would generate subsidies of ties to charge ratepayers for
$495 million per year, or roughly construction work in progress
$15 billion over the 30-year life (CWIP) by adding a surcharge
of the guarantee. to customers’ bills. This shifts
• Accelerated depreciation. financing and construction
Allowing utilities to depreciate risks (including the risk of cost
new reactors over 15 years instead escalations and/or plants being
of their typical asset life (between abandoned during construction)
40 and 60 years) will provide the from investors to customers.
typical plant with a tax break of CWIP benefits both POUs
approximately $40 million to and IOUs and is estimated to

$80 million per year at current be worth between 0.41 and
construction cost estimates. 0.97 ¢/kWh for new reactors.
Rising plant costs, longer service • Property-tax abatements.
lives, and lower capacity factors Support for new plants is also
would all increase the value of available through state and local
current accelerated depreciation governments, which provide a such subsidies to new reactors is estim-
rules to IOUs. This subsidy is variety of plant-specific subsidies ated between 0.21 and 0.42 ¢/kWh.
not available to POUs because that vary by project. Subsidized inputs include:
they pay no taxes.
B. Masking the True Costs • Fuel. The industry continues
• Subsidized borrowing costs to
of Producing Nuclear Energy to receive a special depletion
POUs. The most significant
(Intermediate Inputs)
allowance for uranium mining
subsidy available to new publicly
equal to 22 percent of the ore’s
owned reactors is the reduced A variety of subsidies masks the market value, and its deductions
cost of borrowing made possible costs of the inputs used to produce are allowed to exceed the gross
by municipal bonds and new nuclear power. Uranium fuel costs, investment in a given mine.
Build America Bonds, which for example, are not a major ele- In addition, uranium mining
could be worth more than ment in nuclear economics, but on public lands is governed by
3 ¢/kWh. subsidies to mining and enrichment the antiquated Mining Law of
operations contribute to the percep- 1872, which allows valuable ore
tion of nuclear power as a low-cost to be taken with no royalties
The most significant
energy source. In addition, the paid to taxpayers. Although no
subsidy available to new under-pricing of water used in bulk relevant data have been collect-
publicly owned reactors by nuclear reactors has significant ed on the approximately 4,000
is the reduced cost of cost implications. The value of such mines from which uranium has
borrowing made possible legacy subsidies to existing reactors been extracted in the past, envi-
is estimated between 0.10 and ronmental remediation costs at
by municipal bonds and
0.24 ¢/kWh, and the value of ongo- some U.S. uranium milling sites
new Build America Bonds. ing subsidies is estimated between actually exceeded the market
0.16 and 0.51 ¢/kWh. The value of value of the ore extracted.

Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies 7

• Uranium enrichment. Uranium and thermal patterns, causing PTCs are not available to POUs
enrichment, which turns mined environmental damage. Available (since POUs do not pay taxes),
ore into reactor fuel, has ben- data suggest that reactor owners but there have been legislative
efited from substantial legacy pay little or nothing for the efforts to enable POUs to cap-
subsidies. New plants that add water consumed, and are ture the value of the tax credits
enrichment capacity will receive often given priority access to by selling or transferring them
subsidies as well, in the form water resources—including to other project investors that
of federal loan guarantees. exemption from drought restric- do pay taxes.
Congress has already authorized tions that affect other users.
$2 billion in loan guarantees for While we provide a low estimate D. Shifting Security and
a new U.S. enrichment facility, of water subsidies (between Accident Risks to the
and the Department of Energy $600 million and $700 million Public (Security and Risk
has allocated an additional per year for existing reactors), Management)
$2 billion for this purpose. more work is needed to accu- Subsidies that shift long-term risks
While we could not estimate the rately quantify this subsidy— to the public have been in place for
per-kilowatt-hour cost of this particularly as water resources many years. The Price-Anderson
subsidy because it depends on become more constrained in a Act, which caps the nuclear indus-
how much enrichment capacity warming climate. try’s liability for third-party damage
is built, the $4 billion represents to people and property, has been a
a significant new subsidy to this C. Reducing the Price central subsidy to the industry for
stage of the fuel cycle. of Power Produced more than half a century.
• Cooling water. Under-priced (Output-Linked Support) Plant security concerns have
cooling water is an often-ignored Until recently, subsidies linked to increased significantly since 9/11,
subsidy to nuclear power, which plant output were not a factor for and proliferation risks will increase
is the most water-intensive large- nuclear power. That changed with in proportion to any expansion of
scale thermal energy technology the passage of EPACT in 2005, the civilian nuclear sector (both in
in use. Even when the water is which granted new reactors an the United States and abroad). The
returned to its source, the large important subsidy in the form of: complexity and lack of data in these
withdrawals alter stream flow areas made it impossible to quantify
• Production tax credits (PTCs).
the magnitude of security subsi-
A PTC will be granted for each
dies for this analysis. But it is clear
kilowatt-hour generated during a
that as the magnitude of the threat
Nuclear power is the new reactor’s first eight years of
operation; at present, this credit increases, taxpayers will be forced
most water-intensive to bear a greater share of the risk.
is available only to the first
large-scale thermal plants to be built, up to a com- Subsidies that shift these risks are
energy technology in use. bined total capacity of six giga- associated with:
The large withdrawals watts. While EPACT provides • The Price-Anderson Act. This
alter stream flow and a nominal PTC of 1.8 ¢/kWh, law requires utilities to carry
payments are time-limited. Over a pre-set amount of insurance
thermal patterns, causing
the full life of the plant, the for off-site damages caused by
environmental damage. PTC is worth between 1.05 and a nuclear plant accident, and
1.45 ¢/kWh. Under current law, to contribute to an additional

8 Union of Concerned Scientists

92 238

The Industry’s Shopping List: New Subsidies Under Consideration

The following nuclear subsidies, as pro- payments to publicly owned and

posed in the American Power Act (APA) cooperative utilities
and the American Clean Energy Leadership • Expanding the existing production tax
Act (ACELA), would not necessarily be credit from 6,000 to 8,000 megawatts, and
available to every new reactor, but their collective value to permitting tax-exempt entities to allocate
the industry would be significant: their available credits to private partners
• A clean-energy bank that could promote nuclear • Permitting tax-exempt bonds to be used for
power through much larger loans, letters public-private partnerships, which would allow
of credit, loan guarantees, and other credit POUs to issue tax-free, low-cost bonds for
instruments than is currently possible nuclear plants developed jointly with private
• Tripling federal loan guarantees available to interests
nuclear reactors through the Department of • Expanding federal regulatory risk insurance
Energy, from $18.5 billion to $54 billion coverage from $2 billion to $6 billion (up to
• Reducing the depreciation period for new $500 million per reactor), which would further
reactors from 15 years to five shield plant developers from costs associated
with regulatory or legal delays
• A 10 percent investment tax credit for private
investors or federal grants in lieu of tax

pool of funds meant to cover plant economics, risk-control in the cost of power delivered
a pre-set portion of the dam- decisions, and risks to the adja- to consumers, rather than sup-
ages. However, the law limits cent population. ported by taxpayers in general.
total industry liability to a level • Plant security. Reactor opera- • Proliferation. The link between
much lower than would be tors must provide security an expanded civilian nuclear
needed in a variety of plausible against terrorist attacks or other sector and proliferation of
accident scenarios. This consti- threats of a certain magnitude, nuclear weapons or weapons
tutes a subsidy when compared referred to as the “design basis technology is fairly widely
with other energy sources that threat.” For threats of a greater accepted. It is also consis-
are required to carry full private magnitude (a larger number tently ignored when assessing
liability insurance, and benefits of attackers, for example), the plant costs—much as inves-
both existing and new reactors. government assumes all finan- tors in coal plants ignored the
Only a few analysts have cial responsibility, which consti- cost of carbon controls until
attempted to determine the tutes another type of subsidy. It recently. Though quantifying
value of this subsidy over its is difficult to quantify the value proliferation costs may be dif-
existence, with widely diver- of this taxpayer-provided ben- ficult, assuming they are zero is
gent results: between 0.1 and efit because competing forms clearly wrong. These ancillary
2.5 ¢/kWh. More work is of energy do not carry similar impacts should be fully assessed
therefore needed to determine risks. But it is important that and integrated into the cost of
how the liability cap affects plant security costs be reflected nuclear power going forward.

Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies 9

E. Shifting Long-Term expected to cost nearly $100 bil-
Operating Risks to the Public lion over its projected operating
Reactors and fuel-cycle
(Decommissioning and Waste life, 80 percent of which is
Management) attributed to the power sector. facilities have significant
The nuclear fuel cycle is unique in A congressionally mandated fee end-of-life liabilities
the types of long-term liabilities on nuclear power consumers, associated with the proper
earmarked for the repository,
it creates. Reactors and fuel-cycle closure, decommissioning,
has collected roughly $31 billion
facilities have significant end-of- and decontamination of
in waste-disposal fees through
life liabilities associated with the
2009. There is no mechanism facilities, as well as the safe
proper closure, decommissioning,
and decontamination of facilities,
other than investment returns management of nuclear waste
on collections to fully fund the over thousands of years.
as well as the safe management
repository once reactors close.
of nuclear waste over thousands
The repository confers a vari-
of years. The industry has little
ety of subsidies to the nuclear
operational experience with such overruns will be borne by tax-
sector. First, despite its com-
large and complex undertakings, payers rather than the program’s
plexity and sizable investment,
greatly increasing the likelihood of beneficiaries. Delays in the
the repository is structured to
dramatic cost overruns. In total, the repository’s opening have already
operate on a break-even basis at
subsidies that shift these long-term triggered a rash of lawsuits and
best, with no required return on
operating risks to the public amount taxpayer-funded waste storage at
investment. Second, utilities do
to between 0.29 and 1.09 ¢/kWh reactor sites, at a cost between
not have to pay any fee to secure
for existing reactors and between $12 billion and $50 billion.
repository capacity; in fact, they
0.13 and 0.54 ¢/kWh for new are allowed to defer payments • Plant decommissioning. While
reactors. The specific subsidies that for waste generated prior to the funds are collected during plant
do the shifting are associated with: repository program’s creation, operation for decommission-
• Nuclear waste management. at interest rates well below their ing once the plant’s life span
The federal Nuclear Waste cost of capital. Third, the sign- has ended, reduced tax rates on
Repository for spent fuel is ificant risk of delays and cost nuclear decommissioning trust
funds provide an annual subsidy
to existing reactors of between
$450 million and $1.1 billion
per year. Meanwhile, concerns
persist about whether the funds
accrued will be sufficient to cover
the costs; in 2009, the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC)
notified the operators of roughly
© Castor

one-quarter of the nation’s reac-

tor fleet about the potential for
insufficient funding. We did
not quantify the cost of this
potential shortfall.

10 Union of Concerned Scientists

CONCLUSIONS AND POLICY instead of reworking its business requirements for the private sec-
RECOMMENDATIONS model to more effectively manage tor, and more extensive testing of
and internalize its operational and the current rules for excess risk
Historical subsidies to nuclear construction risks, the industry is concentration and counterparty
power have already resulted in hun- pinning its hopes on a new wave of risks. These steps are necessary
dreds of billions of dollars in costs taxpayer subsidies to prop up a new to ensure coverage will actually
paid by taxpayers and ratepayers. generation of reactors. be available when needed, and to
With escalating plant costs and Future choices about U.S. send more accurate risk-related
more competitive power markets, energy policy should be made with price signals to investors and
the cost of repeating these failed a full understanding of the hidden power consumers.
policies will likely be even higher taxpayer costs now embedded in • Establish proper regulation
this time around. Of equal impor- nuclear power. To accomplish and fee structures for uranium
tance, however, is the fact that sub- this goal, we offer the following mining. Policy reforms are
sidies to nuclear power also carry recommendations: needed to eliminate outdated
significant opportunity costs for • Reduce, not expand, subsidies tax subsidies, adopt market-level
reducing global warming emissions to the nuclear power industry. royalties for uranium mines on
because reactors are so expensive Federal involvement in energy public lands, and establish more
and require such long lead times to markets should instead focus appropriate bonding regimes for
construct. In other words, massive on encouraging firms involved land reclamation.
subsidies designed to help under- in nuclear power—some of • Adopt a more market-oriented
write the large-scale expansion of the largest corporations in the approach to financing the
the nuclear industry will delay or world—to create new models Nuclear Waste Repository. The
diminish investments in less expen- for internal risk pooling and to government should require size-
sive abatement options. develop advanced power con- able waste management deposits
Other energy technologies would tracts that enable high-risk proj- by the industry, a repository fee
be able to compete with nuclear ects to move forward without structure that earns a return on
power far more effectively if the additional taxpayer risk. investment at least comparable
government focused on creating an • Award subsidies to low-carbon to other large utility projects,
energy-neutral playing field rather energy sources on the basis
than picking technology winners and of a competitive bidding
losers. The policy choice to invest process across all competing Other energy technologies
in nuclear also carries with it a risk technologies. Subsidies should would be able to compete
unique to the nuclear fuel cycle: be awarded to those approaches
with nuclear power far
greatly exacerbating already thorny able to achieve emissions reduc-
proliferation challenges as reactors tions at the lowest possible cost more effectively if the
and ancillary fuel-cycle facilities per unit of abatement—not on government focused on
expand throughout the world. the basis of congressional ear- creating an energy-neutral
As this report amply demon- marks for specific types of energy.
playing field rather than
strates, taxpayer subsidies to nuclear • Modernize liability systems for picking technology winners
power have provided an indispens- nuclear power. Liability systems
able foundation for the industry’s should reflect current options and losers.
existence, growth, and survival. But in risk syndication, more robust

Nuclear Power: Still Not Viable without Subsidies 11

and more equitable sharing • Ensure that publicly owned produce very long-lived radioac-
of financial risks if additional utilities adopt appropriate risk tive wastes; and to exacerbate
delays occur. assessment and asset manage- nuclear proliferation.
ment procedures. POUs and
• Incorporate water pricing • Evaluate proliferation and
relevant state regulatory agen-
to allocate limited resources terrorism as an externality of
cies should review their internal
among competing demands, nuclear power. The costs of
procedures to be sure the finan-
and integrate associated dam- preventing nuclear proliferation
cial and delivery risks of nucle-
ages from large withdrawals. and terrorism should be rec-
ar investments are appropriately
The government should estab- ognized as negative externali-
compared with other options.
lish appropriate benchmarks ties of civilian nuclear power,
• Roll back state construction- thoroughly evaluated, and inte-
for setting water prices that
work-in-progress allowances grated into economic assess-
will be paid by utilities and
and protect ratepayers against
other consumers, using a strat- ments—just as global warming
cost overruns by establish-
egy that incorporates ecosystem emissions are increasingly iden-
ing clear limits on customer
damage as well as consump- tified as a cost in the economics
exposure. States should also
tion-based charges. of coal-fired electricity.
establish a refund mechanism
• Repeal decommissioning tax for instances in which plant • Credit support for the nuclear
breaks and ensure greater construction is cancelled after it fuel cycle via export credit agen-
transparency of nuclear has already begun. cies should explicitly integrate
decommissioning trusts • Nuclear power should not proliferation risks and require
(NDTs). Eliminating existing be eligible for inclusion in a project-based credit screening.
tax breaks for NDTs would renewable portfolio standard. Such support should require
put nuclear power on a simi- Nuclear power is an established, higher interest rates than those
lar footing with other energy mature technology with a long extended to other, less risky
sources. More detailed and history of government support. power projects, and include con-
timely information on NDT Furthermore, nuclear plants are ditions on fuel-cycle investments
funding and performance unique in their potential to cause to ensure the lending does not
should be collected and publi- catastrophic damage (due to acci- contribute to proliferation risks
cized by the NRC. dents, sabotage, or terrorism); to in the recipient country.

The full text of this report is available on the UCS website at

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12 Union of Concerned Scientists

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