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Alumnus /əˈlʌm.

nəs/ (Sing), alumni (PL) – absolwent (of college)

The alumni of St MacNissi's College.

vast /vɑːst/ - ogromny (amount, sum, difference, size)

A vast audience watched the broadcast.

Pine tree /paɪntri / - sosna

There is a lof of pine tree is this forest.

Recite /rɪˈsaɪt/ - wygłaszać (speech), wyrecytować (poem, passage)

The opposition party recited a long list of the government's failings.

Catchphrase /ˈkætʃ.freɪz/ - slogan (of political party)

The most famous Barack Obama’s catchphrase was ,,Yes we can”.

Contemporary /kənˈtem.p ə r. ə r.i/ - rówieśnik, -czka, współczesny, -a

Was he a contemporary of Shakespeare's?

Lingua franca /ˌlɪŋ.gwəˈfræŋ.kə/ - język mieszany

Lingua franca is a language which is used for communication between groups of people
who speak different languages but which is not used between members of the same group.

Vivid /ˈvɪv.ɪd/ - obrazowy (language)

More vivid than ever, english is now used, in some form, by approximately 4 billion
people on earth.

Prevalent /ˈprev. ə l.ənt/ - szeroko rozpowszechniony

These diseases are more prevalent among young children.

Contagious /kənˈteɪ.dʒəs/ - zaraźliwy

The infection is highly contagious, so don't let anyone else use your towel.

Subversive /səbˈvɜː.sɪv/ - wywrotowy

subversive groups in society

Consciousness /ˈkɒn. t  ʃə.snəs/ - świadomość zbiorowa

The English language has become as much a part of the global consciousness.
Combustion /kəmˈbʌs.tʃ ə n/ - spalanie

The combustion of many car’s engines has gone down recently.

Gain momentum /geɪn/ /məˈmen.təm/ - nabrać rozmachu or rozpędu or impetu

English gains momentum as a second language all around the world.

Morph /mɔːf/ - płynnie przechodzić z jednego obrazu w drugi

The video showed a man morphing into a tiger.

Stripped-down /ˌstrɪptˈdaʊn/ - zredukowany do prostych wyrażeń (language)

I think the stripped-down version of your proposal has more chance of being accepted.

Neatly /ˈniː - jasno, klarownie, w prosty sposób, doskonale

Obscure /əbˈskjʊə r / - mało znany

An obscure island in the Pacific

Poke fun at sb/sth /pəʊk/ /fʌn/ /ət/ - nabijać się z kogoś/czegoś

Adam’s friends poked fun at him bcause he was all wet.

Bizarre /bɪˈzɑː r / - dziwaczny, cudaczny

Watching my brother cooking a dinner was a bizarre situation.

Chant /tʃɑːnt/ - skandować [name, slogan]

Demonstrators chanted anti-government slogans in the square.

Mock /mɒk/ - wyśmiać

They were mocking him because he kept falling off his bike.

Collision /kəˈlɪʒ. ə n/ - konflikt

There was a collision of interests.

Assert yourself /əˈsɜːt/ /jɔːˈself/ - zaznaczać swój autorytet

I really must assert myself more in meetings.

Surreal /səˈrɪəl/ - surrealistyczny (strange; not like reality; like a dream)

Driving through the total darkness was a slightly surreal experience.

Devout /dɪˈvaʊt/ - żarliwy (prayer)

A devout Buddhist/Christian/ .

Exploit /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/ - wykorzystać (talent, energy, opportunity, weakness, trust, friend)

This opportunity was exploited as fully as possible.

Curb /kɜːb/ - ograniczyć (powers, influence, spending, consumption, tax evasion)

You must try to put a curb on your bad temper/spending habits.

Legitimize /ləˈdʒɪt.ɪ.maɪz/ - usprawiedliwiać (action, policy, crime)

Protests against government are at some point legitimized.

Come across /kʌm/ /əˈkrɒs/ - natrafić na (coś) (article, reference, example)

He came across some of his old love letters in his wife's drawer.

Deployment /dɪˈplɔɪ.mənt/ - rozmieszczenie, rozlokowanie

The deployment of technologies to address this challenge

Anglophone /ˈæŋ.glə ʊ  .fəʊn/ - osoba anglojęzyczna, anglojęzyczny

The anglophone countries of Africa include Kenya and Zimbabwe.

Decaffeinated /diːˈkæf.ɪ.neɪ.tɪd/ - bezkofeinowy

Decaffeinated English is full of simplifications.

Christen /ˈkrɪs. ə n/ - nad|ć, -wać (czemuś) imię

She was christened Maria.

Catch on /kætʃ/ /ɒn/ - zyskać, -iwać popularność

I wonder if the game will ever catch on with young people?

Peacekeeper /ˈpiːsˌkiː.pə r / - rozjemca, siły pokojowe

The UN troops play the role of peacekeepers.

Comprehensible /ˌkɒm.prɪˈhen t  .sɪ.bl ̩/ - zrozumiały

Her writing is barely comprehensible to me.

Merge /mɜːdʒ/ - połączyć się z czymś

The country's two biggest banks are planning to merge.

Supremacy /suːˈprem.ə.si/ - zwierzchnictwo, wyższość , przewaga

The company has begun to challenge the supremacy of the current leading manufacturers
in the textiles industry.

Scratchy /ˈskrætʃ.i/ - trzeszczący

We spent the evening listening to her scratchy old jazz records.

High-pitched /ˌhaɪˈpɪtʃt/ - wysoki, piskliwy (sound, voice)

The high-pitched scream of the fire alarm.

Inhibit /ɪnˈhɪb.ɪt/ - zahamować (development, process)

Some workers were inhibited from speaking by the presence of their managers.

Largely /ˈlɑːdʒ.li/ - w dużej mierze, w znacznym stopniu or w przeważającym stopniu

His success is largely due to my efforts.

Crucially /ˈkruː.ʃ ə l.i/ - zasadniczo, szczególnie, najważniejsze

Crucially , he was there.

Scope /skəʊp/ - zakres (of plan, report, study, knowledge, power, inquiry, textbook)

I'm afraid that problem is beyond/outside the scope of my lecture.

Association /əˌsəʊ.siˈeɪ.ʃ ə n/ - związek, wspomnienie , skojarzenie

This event was organized in association with the Sports Council.

Splash out on sth /splæʃ/ /aʊt/ - za|szaleć, szarpnąć się na coś (spend money)

They splashed out £3000 on a holiday.

Decoupled /ˈdiː kʌp.l ̩d/ - rozłączony

With the turn of the millennium English language and culture were becoming rapidly
Bilingual /baɪˈlɪŋ.gw ə l/ - dwujęzyczny

She works as a bilingual secretary for an insurance company.

Curriculum /kəˈrɪk.jʊ.ləm/ - program nauczania

Maths is in the curriculum for next period.

Compulsory /kəmˈpʌl.s ə r.i/ - obowiązkowy

Swimming was compulsory at my school.

Formerly ˈfɔː.mə.li/ - niegdyś, dawniej, poprzednio

The European Union was formerly called the European Community.

Enroll /ɪnˈrəʊl/ - zapisać, -ywać; (at college or school)

to enrol for or in or on a course zapisać się na kurs

Is it too late to enrol at the college?

I enrolled for/in/on the modern art course.

Conduct /kənˈdʌkt/ - zorganizować i prowadzić (language courses, different activities)

The experiments were conducted by scientists in New York.

Drill sergeant /drɪl/ /ˈsɑː.dʒ ə nt/ - instruktor musztry (w stopniu sierżanta)

Our preacher is part drill sergeant, part pedagogue.

Raucously /ˈrɔː.kə.sli/ - hałaśliwie

Our teacher wants us to repeat each phrase we hear from him.

Bullhorn /ˈbʊl.hɔːn/ - megafon

Protesters often yell through bullhorn.

To be in the pink /tuː/ /biː/ /ɪn/ /pɪŋk/ - tryskać zdrowiem, być w doskonałej formie

Mr. Riff was already 85, but he seemed to be in the pink

Arcane /ɑːˈkeɪn/ - tajemny

He was the only person who understood all the arcane details of the agreement.

Memoir /ˈmem.wɑː r / - pamiętnik

Memoir is a book or other piece of writing based on the writer's personal knowledge of
famous people, places or events.

Viral /ˈvaɪ ə  .r ə l/ - wirusowy

The illness of my brother turned out to be viral.

Abstract /ˈæb.strækt/ - streszczenie

There is a section at the end of the magazine which includes abstracts of recent articles.

The Common people /ˈkɒm.ən/ /ˈpiː.pl ̩/ prości ludzie

English has been the language of Everyman and the common people.

Succinct /səkˈsɪŋkt/ - zwięzły

Keep your letter succinct and to the point.

Accomplice /əˈkʌm.plɪs/ - wspólni|k, -czka (przestępstwa)

He didn’t steal the money on his own he had to have an accomplice.

Grievance /ˈgriː.v ə n t  s/ - żal, skarga

A special committee has been appointed to handle prisoners' grievances.

Crude /kruːd/ - ordynarny (language)

Mark flung a crude remark at his boss.

Innumerable /ɪˈnjuː.mər.ə.bl ̩/ - niezliczony

The project has been delayed by innumerable problems.

Communicate /kəˈmjuː.nɪ.keɪt/ - przekazać, -ywać (information, news, values)

Has the news been communicated to the staff yet?

Globish is set to only grow - wszystko wskazuje na to, że globish będzie rósł w siłę.

They’re set to win/lose (likely) wszystko wskazuje na to, że wygrają/przegrają.

Denominator /dɪˈnɒm.ɪ.neɪ.tə r / - mianownik

He reduces everything to the lowest common denominator.

On sprowadza wszystko do wspólnego mianownika.
Life-and-death /'laıf n'deθ/ - (kwestia lub sprawa) życia i śmierci
And if you miss the bus, well, it's not a matter of life and death.

Inexplicably /ˌɪn.ɪkˈsplɪk.ə.bli/ - w sposób niewytłumaczalny, z niewiadomych powodów

Inexplicably, he left before we got here.

Board /bɔːd/ - wsiąść, -adać do (czegoś) (bus, train)

The train was boarded by ten policemen.

Disembark /ˌdɪs.ɪmˈbɑːk/ - wysiąść, -adać (from sth z czegoś) (passengers)

Passengers disembarked from the bus due to terrorist threat.

Patchwork /ˈpætʃ.wɜːk/ - zlepek

We looked out of the aircraft window down onto the patchwork of fields below.

Cling to sth /klɪŋ/ /tuː/ /ˈsʌm.θɪŋ/ - uparcie trwać przy czymś (beliefs, myth, habit)

Native speakers still cling fiercely to their mother tongues.

Fiercely /ˈfɪə.sli/ - zaciekle, zażarcie

She fiercely claims that she is innocent.

Commission /kəˈmɪʃ. ə n/ - zam|ówić, -awiać (opera, portrait, report) (from sb u kogoś)

The newspaper commissioned a series of articles on the worst excesses of the fashion

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