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3rd AAA AW Bn ISP) Cpl. John W. Cole, Jr. Copt. Bill S. Yamaki Sgl. W. E. O'Brien

SF:: George H. Warren Cpl. Cyril F. Scott M Sgt. Elmer D_ Weppner Sgt. Ezekiel Owen,
Cpl. Richard A. Scott SFC Wolter H. Bailey Sgt. Jame, M. Westbrook
10lh AAA Group Cpl. Sterling D. Tackett Sgt. Jo,eph Brown Sgt. James M. Willard
Copt. Clarence A. Meyer Cpl. Joe Whitehurst Sgt. Robert E. Yount Cpl. Milton H. Baumgardner
Copt. William F. Rawclille Pic. Richard D. Brown Cpl. Luis M_ Coloma Cpl. Lawrence E. Brail,lard
2d Lt. Hermon C. Schultz Pvt. Roy W. Willis Cpl. Jame, R. Graham Cpl. Fidel Cortina, (I-OLe)
Cpl. Robert L. Hand Cpl. Allredo Solis Cpl. G. C. Crigler
Cpl. Jame, H. Stinnett 50th AAA AW IIn ISP) Cpl. Wolter C. We,t Cpl. Paul Cumpton
Pv:. Jame, M. Mumogh Maj. Stanley J. Pociorek Pic. J. C. D. Grammer Cpl. Wolter D. Emmons
Copt. Leland R. Downing Pic. John H. Morey Cpl. Robert Fryer
15th AAA AW Bn ISP) Copt. Edward L. Ro,e (1-0LC) Pic. William T. Redden Cpl. Jo'ep~ D. Geraci
Maj. Jame, N. Hickok Copt. Jo,eph B. Rothwell Pic. Robert R. Roark Cpl. Blaine E. Horman (V)
Copt. Ron,ome B. Cribbage Copt. Robert T. Stauek Pic. Clifton F. Spencer Cpl. Robert LeGrall
Coot. Chorle, F. Farber Copt. William W. Winters Pic. Carlton D. Tinker Cpl. John E. MacMahon
Copt. (Chop.) J. H. Fi,er Copt. Kermit D. Woolridge Pic. Melvin Vanover Cpl. Arthur G. Peters
Pic. William E. Webb
Copt. Jame, H. Hogan CWO Leland J. Crabbe Pic. Hermon l. Aycoth
Pvt. Willard E. Alphin
Copt. Earl C. Ireland M Sgt. Donald L. Branscum Pic. Joseph Bellomy
Pvt. Gerold A. Pflegharr
Copt. Jame, R. McClymont M Sgt. Francisco A. Olivieri Pic. John R. Brown (V)
Copt. Roy J. McManu, M Sgt. William E. Roy 82nd AAA AW Bn ISP)
Pic. Jame, Cahall (V)
Copt. Arthur M. Meran,ki SFC Jame, A. Couillard Lt. Col. Wolter Killilae (1-0lC) Pic. Irvin W. Connett (V)
Copt. Ronald D. Moton SFC Billy A. Curley Maj. K. L. Bouillion (l-0lC) Pic. Marshall W. Dunn, Jr.
Copt. Gilbert B. Sage, Jr. SFC Virgil A. Justice Maj. Edgar l. Ca,ey (l-OLC) Pic. Richard M. Eo,land
Copt. James W. S~oler (1.0le} SFC Emile P. Ordoyne Maj. Jeollory lovell Pic. Fernando Fuerte', Jr.
Copt. Thomas G. Toft Sgt. Thoma, F. Bunkley Maj. Jock C. Maldonado (l-OLC) Pic. William J. Heam
Copt. Wolter Wortonick Sgt. Carl H. MacDermott Maj. Stephen T. Urtamo Pic. William J. Hearne (V)
Copt. Alvin D. White, Jr. Sgt. Joe E. Marshall (1-0lC) Maj. Jo,eph C. Whitehead Pic. Fred Helferding (V)
1st Lt. Donald E. Harkin, Cpl. Jock R. McConnell Copt. Jo,eph Erriga (1-0LC) Pic. Horace L. Hunt
1st Lt. Thoma, A. Holt Pic. Charles K. Horst, Jr. 1sILt. Gilbert X. Cheves (VI Pic. Delton E. John,on
1st It. Phillip H. Stevens 1,t Lt. Paul G. McCoy (VI Pic. Jose Lopez
6Bth AAA Gun Bn
CWO James H. Dowdy 1st It. Jame, W. Root Pic. Hollis W. Neeley
SFC Edwin V. Donnellan Lt. Col. Raymond C. Cheal 1st Lt. John Schmutz (Po,thumou,lyl Pic. Eugen ia Pedrozza
SFC Dallas B. Ours Maj. Francis X. Gallant 1st Lt. Wilbur R. Web,ter (V) Pic. Edwin M. Tomeczko
SFC Carl R. Portwood Copt. Richard G. Fazakerly 1st Lt. Jame, W. Wilson Pic. Robert A. Webb, Jr.
S,r. Joy L. Beck Copt. Edgar H. Stephen,on 2d Lt. G. M. Hair Pic. Edgar l. Weems
Sgt. Richard A. Fasing 1st Lt. lyle R. Lorson M Sgt. Jo,eph Dutro Pic. Johnie Whitmire
Set. Charle, W. Nicodemu, 1st Lt. Fred E. Renaud M Sgt. John F. Sullivan Pic. Orval l. Willis
Sgt. Robert C. Turner 1st It. Alexander Schocklelord SFC B. E. Carroll Pvt. Wolter l. Beat
Cpl. Paul J. Block, Jr. M Sgt. Leo J. Hannibal SFC John E. Evans (1-0LC) Pvt. James C. Chaney
Cpl. Richard M. Evon, M Sgt. Solem F. Jones SFC E. Fernandez Pvt. M. l. Moore
SFC Malcolm Cooper Pvt. Robert F. Morris
SFC J. D. Maddix
21st AAA AW Bn ISP) SFC Martin Nubuer
SFC William E. Moron
1st Lt. Byron L. Stevens SFC Robert Pattoon 865th AAA AW Bn ISP)
SFC Richard W. Rognrud
1,1 It. Kenneth E. Troxell Sgt. Robert E. Mclendon SFC William S. Hasse
SFC George A. Santoy
M Sgt. Zarago,a Maciel Sgt. Robert l. Noth Sgt. Harold D. Allen
SFC Nick N. Schelbrack (V)
SFC Emanuel Heinze Pic. Robert G. linnane Sgt. Burley T. Blanken,hip
SFC Eugene J. Sheehan
SFC Victor J. King Pvl. Robert O. Guinn Cpl. Donald E. Gentzler
SFC Robert E. Stone
SFC Paul L. McRoberts Cpl. Kenneth W. Shields
78th AAA Bun Bn 190mm) Sgt. Amato T. Barreda
SFC Bridge F. Ragland Cpl. Richard J. Vertz
Sgt. Raymond R. Arcand Lt. Col. Thomas W. Ackert (2-0Le} Sgt. Harold D. Corbello
Pvt. Herbert l. Bumgarner
Sgt. Corey L. C1ay,on Maj. Wolter T. Ride, Jr. Sgt. Obrin Freemon
Pvt. Fronk A. Pierce
Sgt. George Gillis Copt. (Chop.) Roy l. Allen Sgt. Gerold D. Gordon
Pvt. Lawrence E. Rogers
Sgt. Nobuta Oda Copt. Michael J. Malone (1-0LC) Sgt. Denver Greer
Sgt. Colvin W. Thomas Copt. Howard W. Pierson (1-0LC) Sgt. Kenneth N. Hock 933rd AAA AW Bn ISP)
Cpl. John J. Chesser Copt. David H. Rabert,on (1-0LC) S9t. John A. Norgren M Sgt. James A. Henderson

3rd AAA AW Bn ISP) 15th AAA AW Bn ISP) 68th AAA Gun Bn 78th AAA Gun Bn 190mm)
2d Lt. Billy C. Tubbleville SFC Paul J. Tote Sgt. Harry C. White M Sgt. Paul M. Hall
Pic. Daniell. Goode Cpl. Avelino R_ Borrows
Cpl. Burton C. Caswell, Jr.

Founded in 1892
Published from 1892 until 1922 as
LT. GE1'\J.LEROY LUTES Published from 1922 until 1948 as the


By Major General \Villiam F. Marqllat 2
By Lt. Col. Walter Killilae and Capt. Clyde T, Hathaway 11
SEARCHLIGHTS IN KOREA. By Lt. Col. Walter Killilae 14
AT WAR WITI-I THE HALF-TRACK. By Lt. Palll S. Valltllre 20
By Lt. Richard S. Craig 23
KAIDO. By Co/. Riley E. McGarrallgh 27
CREW PROTECTION ON 1\116'S. By Lt. Col. Walter Killilae 28
"NEW LOOK" FOR nI16'S. By Capt. George H. Worf 29
The purpose of the Association shall be to KOREA A\V ARDS MADE AT BLISS 29
promote the efficienq of the Antiaircraft HONOn nOLL .. , 30
Artillery by mai111ainingits stanaards and tra. EDITOR'S VISIT TO THE AAA & Gnl CENTER 31
ditions, by disseminating professional knowl.
/'dge, by inspiring gr/'ater /'!fort toward the
improlJ/'ment of materiel and ml'1hods of LEVELING 901\[1\1AND 120M1\[ GUNS. By Capt. Peter P. Genero 38
training and by fostering mutual understand. INDIRECT FIRE WITH THE 1\ 119. By Captaill Kenneth \\T. Swayze 39
ing, respl'Ctand cooperation among all arms, INDIRECT FIHE WITI-I THE 40M1\1 GUN.
branches and compon/'nts of th/' R/'gular By 1st Lt. Jo/m 1-1. Hoffman 40
Army, National Guard, Organiud R/'J/'rv/'s, MASS TERnOR: THE KEY TO COl\lnIUNIST CONTROL.
and ReSt'r!.e 0 !ficed Training Corps. By Andrew M. Denny 44
By l'vlajor Kenneth F. Hanst, Jr., and the JOURNAL Staff 49
professional and general interest to personnel of By 1st Lt. Carl M. GlIelzo 52
the Antiair.raft Artill.ry in ord.r to .timulate 503D AAA OPERATIONS DETACHMENT AAOC.
thought and pro\"oke discussion. However. By Capt. R. R. Berger .. , 55
opinions expressed and conclusion. drawn In THE AIRBORNE DIVISION. By Lt. Col. Page E. Smith 57
articles are in no sense official. They do not re.
AIRBOnNE AAA. By Capt. H. W. C. Furman 60
Beet the opinions or conclusions of any official
or bran.h of the D.partment of the Army.
HOW'S YOUR AIR MOBILITY? By Lt. Co/. George W. Shivers, Jr. 61
SWEAT BLOOD AND SMILE. By Col. Strode Newman .... , ..... 63
Th. JOURNAL do•• not .arry paid adv.rtising.
Th. JOURNAL pay. for orhrinal articl.s upon
publi.ation. Manuscript should b. addr •••• d to
By Capt. H. W. C. Furman 65
the Editor. Th. JOURNAL is not r.sponsibl. BOOK REVIEWS 66
for manuscripts unaccompanied by return NEWS AND COl\\~IENT 68
Sgt lei Fred A. Baker, Business ~Ianager
Sgt Ralph N. Charleston, Cir. l\lgr.
Sgt James E. l\loore, Jr., Editorial Assistant

tllbl~hed bimonthly by the United States Antiair.raft Asso.iation. Editorial and exe.uti,.., 631 P.nusylvania Aveuue. ~.W.,
Bablugton 4, D. C. Terms: $3.00 per year. Foreign subs.ription •. $1.00 per Vear. Siugl •• opies, 75.. Entered as second-elass matter
~I WashiugtGu. D. C.; additioual .utry at Richmoud, Va., und.r the Art of iIar.h 3, 18.9. Copyright, 1951, by the Uuited Stat ...
By Maior Genera

F OLLO\VI0:G another VISit to the

battling antiaircraft artillery troap units
assigned to the ground combat arms. Hot
spots are everyday occurrences and dem-
threatened outbreak of any hostile air
offensive. They are determined to make
in Korea your correspondent reports: onstrations of outstanding bravery are up in accuracy for the absence of fire
The organic antiaircraft artillery has found in all outfi ts. volume caused by the shortage of suf-
completely sold itself to all fighting forces Intensified action has demonstrated llcient units to do the job according to
and to commanders of all ranks. In com- the need for improvement in the defen- doctrine.
bat, infantry demands "flak wagon" ele- sive armor and, with the assistance of Of course the weather plays its usual
ments for its offensive and defensive ac- efficient lleld ordnance units, most bat- role in the drama of battle. Right now
tivities; artillery requires antiaircraft ar- teries are equipping their weapons with it varies between blinding dust and in-
tillery units integrated into its devastat- protective shields. These are proving undating rain. The wet season arrin,J
ing concentrations and uses the ack ack highly effective and several splendid de- early this year and brought its usual
precision fire on every possible occasion; signs have been developed by the com- problems of keeping equipment from
armor employs the track and half-track manders concerned. skidding off the roads; preventing em-
weapons as SOP in its various forms of 1\ lany combat decorations are being placements from washing away with con-
effecti\'e operations; all headquarters and awarded by the higher commanders who sequent exposure of materiel and person-
service installations have complete con- welcome the sharpshooting antiaircraft nel; maintaining communications in op-
fidence in the antiaircraft capabilities in artillerymen as members of the battle eration and, abO\'e all, making the pup
perimeter defense situations. familv of the U. S. Armed Services. tent a most unsatisfactory temporilry
As a result of this, the tempo of activ- The Air Defense antiaircraft artillery abode.
ity is speeded up for those organizations units are alerted and ready for the Infantry, armor, artillery and service
units each have their particular problems
in combating weather but all overcome
the handicaps without complaint. You
can't beat an army like that; and the
United Nations Force under Lt. Gen-
eral James A. Van Fleet is taking a tre-
mendous toll of the enemy.
Although the enemy is subject to
the same physical handicaps from the
weather, the rain and lack of visibility
provide him with the so-{:alled twenty-
four hour nightfall during which he can
move his forces without exposing them
to the murderous attacks of the UN Air.

But it has to clear up some time and

when it does our forces wipe out the
~ enemy gains promptly and continue their
own advances.

Brig. Gen. Loyal M. Haynes with Lt. Co!. Killilae decorate five men of the 82nd
r\lorale is remarkable. Good food, mail
as promptly as conditions permit, inces-
sant efforts of the chaplains; organized
Army morale programs; radio programs
and many other influences serve the pur-
AAA A \X' Bn. (SP) with Bronze Stars. pose of keeping up the spirits of the fight-
;qilliam F. Marquat

ing troops. The American sense of humor there is no complaining O\'er the fact lieved from front line duty.
is always pre\'alent. In Korea the safety that a man may have to wait some time In my travels around the combat areas,
campaign includes signs everywhere to enjoy either of these privileges. The I found the typical reluctance to discuss
reading: mere fact that the opportunities exist outstanding performances. The "all in
"Drive carefl/lly-the life )'01/ save may and that someone is benefiting by them a day's work" attitude predominated.
be tlwt of YOl/r replaceJ1lellt." is enough for the American GI. Another And when you can entice a man into a
The prospects of Rand R (Rest and first class morale agency is the power discussion of a special event, it is always
Relaxation) and of rotation to the U. S. driven bath unit. These outfits line most his buddy who is accorded the major role
in a priority based upon length of serv- of the streams and certainly do a rush in the drama being presented. But there
ice in Korea are morale inspiring, and business, especially among men just re- were plenty of them.

KOREAN COMMEND ATION-Scroll awarded to the 78th AAA Gun Battalion, Lt. Co!. Thomas \'V'. Ackert, command-
ing, by Major General Chung III Kwon, Commander in Chief of the Republic of Korea Armed Forces, in commendation of
the battalion's support of the ROK 1st Infantry Division in combat against North Korean and Chinese Communist forces.
The citation refers specifically to action in the Battle of Taegu, September 16, 1950, and at Unsan, 1 to 26 of November 1950.

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FOR example. the Third Division.
J\lajor General Robert H. Soule, com-
manding, and Brig. General R. P. Shugg.
Divarty Commanding General, was shift-
ing from one front to another in a terrinc
rain. Shugg was extremely enthusiastic
about the performance of his organic
A1\1\. the 3rd AAA A\V Battalion (SP),
Lieut. Colonel Charles \V. Stewart, com-
manding. J\lajor R. B. Hay, executive
officer, said there had been plenty of out-
standing action and cited two incidents
in which the nrst and second platoons of
Battery'A were engaged.
At 0800 27 J\lay 1951, elements of
the First Platoon, Battery A, 3rd 1\A1\
A\V Battalion (SP) were in direct sup-
port of the 7th Infantry Regiment which
was attacking Hill 856. 1st Lieut. Nor-
man Semon was platoon commander Members of the 15th AAA A \\' Bn, set up defense positions.
with 2nd Lieut. J. Kinman second in
command. There were two J\116s, three two enemy machine guns, one trench ond Battalion of the 7th InFantry Regi-
j\ 119s and one 1\139 personnel carrier in mortar and one bunker containing a ma- ment. Capt. Richard P. De\Vitt, com-
the antiaircraft complement of the com- chine gun nest; and neutralizing a hostile manding Battery A, was in the CP of the
bat force. The action lasted nve hours outpost. The 1\119 personnel carrier was infantrv battalion when hostile fire was
during which time the antiaircraft units prominent in this action, moving about opened in considerable volume by enemy
were credited with killing 125 enemy; under terrinc nre, removing wounded, who had infiltrated the position. \Vithin
wounding at least that many; destroying distributing ammunition and otherwise five minutes one 1\116 and one l\1I9
making itself conspicuous during the ac- under command of 2nd Lieut. P. H,
Distinguished Service Cross tivity. Felder were in action. Thirty minutes
SERGEANT HAROLD P. HAUGtAND, a 1\laster Sgt. J. Farrell distinguished later the situation was cleared up. One
member of Battery D, 15th AAA AW Bn. (SPI. himself in this action by personally di- enemy prisoner was taken who stated
7th Infantry Division, distinguished himself by
extraordinary heroism in action against on recting the activities of the 1\139 vehicle. that he was the sole survivor of a group
armed enemy near Chasin Reservoir, Korea Sergeants J. Downing, \V. George and of fiFty hostile soldiers who had taken
an 29 and 30 November 1950. On these
dates the battery to which Sergeant Haugland I\. Fields were the section leaders, and up positions under cover of darkness
was assigned was providing ground defense squad leaders Sergeants R. Cox, F. Mc- with the mission of wiping out the in-
for field artillery elements, and his M.19
(twin 40mm guns) was covering one sector Gunnigle and S. Alderson and Corporals Fantry CPo No damage was done to per-
of the perimeter defense. The enemy mod. C. Bennett and J. Bloom were out- sonnel or equipment at the CP due to
numerous heavy attocks against his weapon
on 29 November, and by exposing himself standing. prompt and effective action spearheaded
voluntarily to intense fire, he was cble to The coordination between the infan- by Friendly antiaircraft units.
direct the fire of his guns to the most
vulnerable points with speed and efficiency. try and antiaircraft was near perfection. During one single march of the divi-
As a result of his selfless exposure to enemy The inFantry called For fire over the SCR sion, the elements of the 3rd AAA AW
fire, he was seriously wounded in one foot
and was carried to the aid station. Early on 300 radio sets or by marking a target by Battalion were engaged on 62 occasions;
the morning of 30 November, the enemy smoke grenades and tracer nre. The fired 5,618 rounds of 40mm ammunition
renewed the attock against the perimeter.
Sergeant Hougland, with complete disregard 1\1I9's of this battery are equipped with and 29,144 rounds of caliber .50 am-
for his own welfare and safety, wrapped his mil scales and the fire adjustment is con- munition; destroyed or neutralized nine
wounded foot in cloths and using an empty
ration box for a shoe, made his way under ducted according to field artillery meth- machine gun emplacements, two trench
enemy fire from the aid station to his M-19 ods. mortars, one 45mm antitank gun, two
where he resumed command and continued
to expose himself to enemy fire while com. General Shugg said that preliminary boats, five trucks and killed 238 enemy
manding the weapon. During this action an indications of enemy in this area were soldiers.
enemy mortar set fire to the ammunition
trailer. In order to direct the driver of the difficult to obtain because the hostile
M.19 to an alternate position, Sergeant forces were elusive and could not be
Haugland, with great valor, in the midst of
exploding 40mm high explosive shells, coolly located by the reconnaissance patrols ON one occasion an enemy command
walked in front of the vehicle and guided which branded the reports of hostile post was located in a concrete tunnel on
the driver of the gun carriage. As a direcl
result of his outstanding devotion to duty, troop presence as rumors. "\Ve Found the opposite side of a river. Howitzers
his fearless leadership, and his exemplary a new way to spike rumors," the General and aerial bombardment Failed to pene-
heroism, Sergeant Haugland's M-19 prevented
penetration of the perimeter and killed scares said. trate the tunnel entrance. One section
of the enemy. His display of extraordinary On the 23rd of May at 0900 hours, of Battery D moved to a favorable posi-
heroism on this occasion reRects great credit
an himself and the military service. elements of the Second Platoon of Bat- tion within 2,500 yards of this target.
tery A were in direct support of the Sec- After a few minutes of fire the command

interest in the activities of the 21st AAA member of the "Lightning Division"
Citation For The Legion AW Battalion (SP), commanded by family and many of the units carried
Of Merit Lieut. Col. C. E. Henry, who was re- "Quad Lightning." ,"Chain Lightning"
cently promoted to his present grade. and similar designations on their equip-
lieutenant Colonel Clifton E. Singleton,
Artillery, distinguished himself by exception- General Barth has since departed from ment. 1\ lany of the artillery units use
oily meritorious service as Post Commander, the division after serving in Korea since typical wolfhound characteristics in their
Camp Mower, Japan logistical Command,
from 30 June to 2 November 1950. Following the start of the war. names such as the "\Volfhound Bark,"
the onset of hostilities in Korea, Colonel General Barth said that the antiaircraft "\Volfhound How!." and such epithets.
Singleton converted his post into a staging
area and port capable of processing large artillery had long been accepted as a The following letter from General
units for shipment to Korea and, aided by a
stafl of only six officers and less than a hun-
dred enlisted men, prepared the 34th Infantry
Regiment for movement to the battle zone
within twelve hours. He provided complete
Hq. 25th Div. Arty
facilities for staging, feeding and embarking
the majority of the remaining elements of 3 June 1951
the 24th Infantry Division in less than ten i\lajor General \\T. F. i\larquat
days and later processed the 25th Infantry Antiaircraft Officer
Division a~d many other combat units. Colo- AAO GHQ FEC APO 500
nel Singleton was instrumental in organizing
and activating a replacement battalion and Dear General:
a port company and constantly worked in
close liaison with Navy, Air Force, Marine Todav I leave mv 25th Division Artillerv and come out of Korea. Knowino your
Corps and Japanese officials. Through his interest 'in the performance of Antiaircraft 'units in action I wanted to pay a ~ibute
diplomatic approach and sincere cooperation, to the 21st AAA Battalion and Battery A, 25 AAA Battalion for their outstanding
he enhanced the prestige of the United States record while serving under my command.
Army among all other services with whom
he came in contact. Colonel Singleton's
Battery A, 25 AAA Battalion first saw action near i\lasan where its quad .50's
demonstrated zeal, initiative, resourcefulness
were instrumental in repelling fanatical attacks against the guns of the 25th Div.
and tireless devotion to duty reflect great Arty. On September 6th two of its i\\l6's pinned down the enemy in the rice
credit on himself and the military service. paddies fifty yards in front of the guns of Battery C 64th F. A. allowing the gun
crews time to man defensive position and fight as infantry. One of the AAA gun
commanders died at his post that morning and three crew members were wounded.
post was destroyed. One of the 40mm Late in January the 21st AAA Battalion (less Battery A) joined us just as the
advance from Osan to the Han River was starting. Its three batteries were ordered
rounds entered the tunnel opening and forward with the infantry regiments. This mission was to cmploy their guns as a
destroyed an ammunition dump with the base of fire for the attacking infantry. The high silhouette and lack of protecth'e
CPo Less than 200 rounds of 40mm am- armor of the ~116's made this an extremely hazardous job for the crews of the
tracks. They went in without protest and have been in there pitching ever sincc.
munition and around 3,000 rounds of In their first fight they suffered thirty battle casualties and one whole crew was
caliber .50 were used in accomplishing knocked out by enemy mortar fire. At Yongdong-po one quad .50 was credited
this mission. with killing or wounding every man of an enemy thirty man patrol. Four of the
crew were wounded in this action.
In the first week of June 1951 the At the crossing of the I-Ian River on March 7, forty-eight ~116's lined up along
3rd AAA t\W Battalion (SP) continued the river bank in e"..posed positions supported the waves of assault boats with a
its support missions, expending 6,000 murderous sheet of fire-the 27th Infantry crossed without the loss of a man and
the casualties of the 35th and 24th Infantry were very light.
rounds of 40mm ammunition and 36,000
As time went on all three infantry regiments learned to depend on the fire power
rounds of caliber .50 ammunition. Dur- of the quads and were high in their praise of the courage displayed by the crews.
ing this period alone 449 enemy were A number of AAA men were awarded decorations for heroism; most of the awards
killed in action and 17 machine guns, being put in by the supported infantry commanders. Quad .50's accompanied the
numerous tank-infantry task forces employed in the ad\'ance between lanuary 25th
three OP's and one mortar position put and April 22nd. The guns proved invaluable in silencing enemy fire from the hills
out of action. along the route of the task forces.
J\lajor General Charles D. Palmer, During our retreat from April 22-29, the M 16's did fine work as 2art of the
commanding the fighting First Cavalry rear guard and their fire power did much to assist the 35th Infantry in lightin~ off
attacks behind its lines and reducing road blocks thrown behind it. On the hnal
Division, lauded the performance of its defense line north of Seoul the quads were along the M.L.R. covering the
AA troops. SFC Charles W. Murphy tactical wire with interlocking bands of fire. 1 he position was too strong to be
and Sgt. Lara P. I-licks are the latest attacked there but we were ready.
recipients of Silver Star citations. Nu- Finally through the efforts of the Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. Henry, armor
plate shields were provided for the quads and Flak vests for the crews, reducing
merous other decorations have been the casualties considerably.
awarded also.
Throughout their many serious engagements the morale of the AAA men was
Lieutenant General Frank \\'. Mil- extremely high. In no case did they fail the infantry and their courage andrerform-
burn's I Corps has been heavily engaged ance of a duty far more hazardous than would normally be expected 0 such a
unit won the respect and admiration of all.
for some time in throwing back the Com-
munist forces in Korea, and the 25th In closing I can say that I was proud of all my battalions-they gave month
after month that fine support that allows the infantry to advance with minimum
Division, commanded by Brig. Gen. casualties-but the performance of my Antiaircraft units was so far above the call
Joseph S. Bradley, was fighting in a of duty that I will remember them with a feeling of everlasting pride.
teeming rain during the two days I Sincerely,
visited it. The Commanding General, G. B. BARTH
his deputy, Brig. Gen. \\'. L. Mitchell, Brig. Gen., U. S. A.
and his divarty commander, Brig. Gen. Commanding, 25th Div. Arty.
George B. Barth, all displayed a deep
Barth indicates high praise for the anti-
aircraft artillery organic with the 25th
i\lajor R. L. Cordes, Battalion Execu-
tive, was commanding during the tem-
porary absence of Lt. Col. Henry. i\lajor
David C. i\liss, S3, ga,'e a vivid account
of the battalion's actions during the re-
cent weeks.
In discussing this battalion's combat
record, General Barth stated that in its
very first action, one platoon lost fifteen
men because of their exposed positions
on the weapons when ambushed by the
enemy. The general thought it might
make the men gun shy, but found an
entirely different result. Instead of being
too apprehensive the officers and men
set out to correct the situation. The
result-more special type armored shields.
~~ .~
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Capt. M. B. Kaminski of Battery B, 21st Damaged by enemy action, this M19 of the 3rd AAA A\V Bn. (SP) had one man
AAA AvV Battalion (SP) was given a
bronze star for proposing a shield design ing over the radio. I noticed that
areas of the Central Korean Sector.
and a fine Ordnance sergeant was simi- the riglzt ~ank Fiece was hit in tile
Under Colonel Check, the regiment
larly decorated for making the pilot turret and tlnee men were lVounded
formed the backbone of an RCT which
models. so I went over to get the men to the
beat and bafHed the enemy at all turns.
And Check told me that his ack ack was aid station. On the way I picked up
alwavs with him-his men insisted on a couple of infantrymen and then
BATTERY B distinguished itself in having these automatic weapons at their I went over to the lieutenant to get
the now famous Imjin River action. I side. The torrential rains kept a con- instmctions on redistribution of the
went to the forward positions of this tinuous stream of water dropping from equipment. The sitllationwas pretty
battery which was still supporting the men and weapons alike and the AAA hot at times."
27th Infantry in its magnificent opera- units were on the alert awaiting instruc-
His simple explanation neglected to
tions in the extremely wooded high hill tions to support a patrol that was at the
mention, as his Silver Star citation indi-
time less than 800 yards to the north of
cated, that he had performed all the ac-
them. Other units were facing along
tivities described above under intense
Silver Star with field artillery pieces to the west and
hostile fire. He had to cross exposed
southwest; that kind of action is char-
LIEUTENANT COLONEL WALTER KIlL/LAE, areas swept by machine gun fire, which
Commanding 82nd AAA AW 8n. (SPI, 2nd In- acteristic of Korean fighting.
fantry Division, displayed gallantry in action
he did by dodging from one spot of
I managed to get one man at a time to
against on armed enemy on 30 November meager cover to another and at other
1950 in the vicinity of Kunu-ri, Korea. On that discuss the Imjin River situation under
date he was a member of the command group
times merely falling Hat to avoid the
a paulin where I could take notes. They
of a division convoy which was attempting to enemv bullets.
penetrate a roadblock which had been estab. didn't remain long, however, as they felt
lished by the enemy to cut of! the withdrawal
Sg;. A. D. Deason was a member of
more natural at their pieces under the
of the division. The convoy was halted by in- the crew of the Hank piece which was
tense hostile fire. Colonel Killilae immediately stress of the moment.
dismounted and proceeded on foot to investi-
immediately hit by the enemy. He picked
In the Imjin situation, Battery B was
gate the delay. From an exposed position he up a caliber .30 machine gun from a
directed the fire of an antiaircraft firing ve- in its customary role in support of the
hicle ogainst an enemy machine gun emplace-
wounded 27th Infantryman and set it
27th Infantry and as it came down a
ment. The fire destroyed the enemy position up behind a disabled antiaircraft vehicle.
and enabled the column to continue. When draw toward the river's edge a sudden
the column was once more halted he again
\Vith remarkable composure he picked
burst of fire came from the village across
dismounted and, under the intense hostile out enemy weapons that were taking
fire which was raking the road, moved to the the water and from two hills on either
halted vehicles. Here he calmly fired his
heavy toll of our own troops and elimi-
side of their route of advance. Lieut.
individual weapon on an enemy machine nated them one bv one. He had to leave
gun position, encouraging others to do like. Gronsky was commanding the platoon
wise, until the enemy weapon and crew were
his weapon to seek more ammunition but
with the leading infantry elements and
destroyed. During the movement through the returned and went back to work on the
blocked area he displayed complete disregard was wounded by the first volley from the
for his personal safety as he directed the
most dangerous targets.
hostile troops. Lieut. Popovics took com-
removal of wrecked vehicles which were im- Deason covered Sgt. Strasser's dashes
peding the progress of the column. As a mand. SFC Strasser described the inci-
result of his courageous actions, the convoy
over the open spaces by wiping out ma-
dent as follows:
successfully penetrated the roadblock with chine guns that opened on Strasser.
a minimum loss of personnel and materiel.
x x x Pennsylvania.
'The ~ring was so intense that I Strasser says: "I never would have made
could not hear tlze instmctions C01/l- it had it not been for Deason."

v v fired 749.000 rounds of cali- I1\'e men wounded in the fi\'e days of
ber .50 and 980 rounds of 370101 am- action.
munition: killed 1,259 enemy. wounded First Lieut. J. R. Kotch, commanding
many more and took 13 prisoners of war. Batten' r\. 82nd AAA A\ V Battalion,
states ~hat his battery is equipped with a

L IEUT. Gen. Edward ;\1. Almond's

X Corps played a major role in defeating
large number of protective shields. He
reports an incident indicating the ex-
treme value of these shields, in which a
the Communist major offensi\'e in which platoon under Lieut. F. J. Rowland was
;\ lajor General Clark Ruffner's 2nd Divi- enoaoed. The unit was hea\'ily engaged
o C I ~

sion distinouished
v itself. Lieut. Colonel in support of the 38th Infantry during
Walter Killilae's 82nd AAA A\V Bat- which the infantry, had laroe v numbers of
talion (SP) is the 2nd Division organic wounded. 1\ledical Corps men were
antiaircraft artillery, a \'eteran outfit, hav- pinned down while removing our wound-
ing participated in some of the most criti- cd because one of the 1\116 quad caliber
cal actions of the Korean campaigns .
• 50's coyerinoto the evacuation had a track
Brig. General Thomas E. DeShazo is shot away and went out of action as it be-
2nd Di\'ision Artillery commander and came a t;roet for hean', machine gun and
Gen. Barth and Gen. Marquat at 25th Colonel G. 1\I. Adams'is executive. They light cannon I1re. Observing the special
Division forward area. state that infantrv morale is boosted bv dilemma, Pfc Loken returned to the dis-
the :mtiaircraft ;nd that the ack ack abled weapon in defiance of the hostile
In one of the hostile machine gun
weapons ha\'e proved indispensable as a fire and resumed covering I1re for the
cmplacements fired on by Deason, four
member of the infantry-armor-artillery medics who brouoht out the wounded.
Chinese Reds were found dead and five team.

hadh- wounded. Later Loken indicated many marks in

At the time of my visit Colonel Killibe the protective armor, but the shield pro-
cjJI. \\7 alter 1\'loyer was a driver in was at Eighth Army Headquarters and vided complete protection.
one of the track vehicles under heavy
1\lajor F. Q. \Verner, battalion executive.
attack. Four men of the crew were
was in command temporarily. The'AAA
wounded. Moyer climbed into the turret
battalion commanders now participate in THE 82nd AAA A \V Battalion has
and, without an assistant gunner or
tactical planning, which was not always been awarded 19 Silver Stars with three
loader, opened fire with devastating
the case. This is another step of prog- recommendations pending; 86 Bronze
effect on the enemy. The Chinese Heds
ress in establishing the automatic weap- Stars with 23 recommendations pending
bcoan to concentrate on his wcapon but
to ons fire power in combat support. and 7 Army Commendation Awards.
he kept on firing until some of his bud-
Lieut. K. \V. Korens spoke of a five The equipment replacement problem
dies dragged him out of the turret.
dav action of the 2nd Platoon of Battery has been a serious one but is being
For extraordinary bravery during this
D' which he commanded. The action remedied rapidly.
action Lieut. Popovics, Lieut. Gronsky,
st~rted from a road march while the pla-
Sgt. Schmidt, Sgt. Strasser, Sgt. Deason, iVlaster Sgt. Elmos T. Brown, a mem-
toon was attached to the 3rd Battalion of
Cpl. Frye, Cpl. Moyer, Cpl. Packard and ber of Battery D, distinguished himself
the 38th Infantry. The enemy attacked
Pfc I-lead were decorated.
the leading tanks, and four M 16 units
C Battery, 21st AAA A\V Battalion were immediately moved forward to take
(SP), commanded by Capt. Jack I-larry, au t the opposi tion. One of the 1\116 Silver Star
was recommended bv the Third Battal- weapons was knocked out but the others SERGEANT FIRST CtASS EVERETT M. BAL-
ion, 27th Infantry,' for a Presidential quickly shot out the hostile defensive UNGER, a member of Battery C, B2nd AAA
citation for outstanding performance in position, killing 75 and wounding 185. AW Bn. (SP), 2nd Infantry Division, displayed
gallantry in action ogoinst on armed enemy
action during the I-Ian River crossing. Immediately following this incident on 30 November 1950 near Kunu.ri, Korea.
On this occasion the battery used 17 Lieut. Col. I-lames of the 3rd Battalion On the night of that date he was riding in
a convoy which was attempting to break
firing units to put down a rolling barrage of the 38th Infantrv called for prepara- through on enemy roadblock that was approx-
in front of the crossing infantry troops, tion fire on a hill that had to be taken. imately five miles in depth. As a leader of a
section of antiaircrah firing vehicles, Sergeant
control beinoto maintained thru the SCB Fifteen minutes of combined artillery Ballinger successfully negotiated th~ road-
300 radio sets. and antiaircraft fire did the trick. Twenty block, destroying several enemy machme gun
positions and making it possible for other
As I was taking notes on the above enemy dead were found on the hill as units to pass through the roadblock. Later
activities there came a call from a patrol our infantry secured it along with that night he reentered the roadblock area,
on two different occasions, despite continuous
which had been pinned down, and these around 100 wounded. enemy fire, to clear the rood of destroyed
combat veterans, eager for further action, vehicles and silence enemy automatic weep.
On one occasion the AAA units found ons. Although he was wounded in this action
disappeared in the heavy rain and haze themselves out in front of the infantry he continued to direct the operation of his
around a road turn in a nearby ravine. which had been stopped by terrific fire vehicles, and is credited with saving many
lives and much valuable equipment. The
During the period when the UN from the enemy entrenched on a hill. gallantry and inspiring leadership displayed
by Sergeant Ballinger on this occasion ~~flecl
troops cracked the Spring offensive of The antiaircraft'took the hostile positions great credit upon himself and the milItary
the Chinese Reds, the 21st AM AW under fire resulting in nine prisoners service. x x x California.
Battalion (SP) participated in 23 en- and ten killed. The AAA platoon had
by gallantry in action on 19 i\ lay, 1951 The 187th Regimental Combat Team,
in the \'icinity of Pungchon-ni, Korea. under command of Brig. General Frank
On this date he was in command of three S. Bowen, J r., was one of the spearheads
A\ V combat weapons attached to the 3rd of the X Corps' defeat of the main effort
Battalion, 38th Regimental Combat of the Communist all-out offensive.
Team of the 2nd Infantrv Division. At The Triple A Battery of the 187th
about 0230 hours a numerically superior RCT, commanded by Capt. L D. Babb,
enemy force had launched a determined with 1st Lieut. G. H. Lehmer as execu-
attack, preceded by a heavy artillery and tive, is a most versatile organization that
mortar barrage, upon the 3rd Battalion's has won its wa\' into the hearts of the
Capt. Babb, Lt. Lehmer and Sgt lei Perez
defense position. The vehicle firing posi- jumpers whether the operation is an air with Gen. l\Iarquat and gun crew of the
tions were subjected constantly to this drop action or a surface advance. It was l87th AAA Btr)'.
mortar barrage and when it appeared hot and dusty when I visited this unit,
their positions might become untenable, then in hot pursuit of the enemy north Battery C of the] 5th AAA A \V Bat-
1\laster Sgt. Brown dismounted from his of Inje. RiAe and machine gun firing talion distinguished itself as part of a task
vehicle and, though exposed to the en- continued on all sides as the infantry force based upon the 31st Infantry. The
emy fire, directed the three vehicles into advanced steadily, delayed now and battery utilized its elements in leapfrog
different firing positions from which they then, when it became necessary to re- tactics to protect the Ranks as the infan-
could accomplish their assigned support duce a hostile position from a nearby hill- try advanced. On one occasion, after fir-
mission and prevent the loss of vehicles top. The Rak wagons were on call at all ing about fifteen minutes, the infantr\"
through enemy artillery and mortar fire. times and moved constantly to a blocked coun~ed ]00 dead on the hill where th~
During the displacement the crew of one area where they mechanically took up AAA had fired. Sgt. Keller led some
of the vehicles became casualties. Sgt. their duties in support of the doughboys. units to support the infantry in an attack
Brown formed a pickup crew for the 2nd Lieut. Lewis C. Huckaby, recip- upon a very stubborn hill where, when
weapon and commanded it until he as- ient of a battlefield promotion, was the action was over, 125 enemy dead
sured himself the crew was proficient in slightly wounded just before we arrived. were located.
operating the weapons. \Vhen the artil- The M16 commanded by Sgt. lcl Joseph i\ lajor Burr J. Randall, commanding
lery and mortar barrage lifted, the ~nemy Perez was covering a river crossing but the 57th Field Artillery Battalion, uses
attacked in force. Sgt. Brown, exposing he managed to gather his crew for a AAA units with his field artillery when-
himself to enemy fire, coordinated the photo. ever he can get them. I-Ie told of one
fire of his weapons by going from one ve- occasion when he sent a quartering party
hicle to another, encouraging the crews
and pointing out targets to them. I-lis
coolness under fire and intrepidity in
T HE Seventh Division, commanded
by Major General Claude B. Feren-
to \Vhachon, but they were pinned down
as they entered the town. They remained
under cover and called on the radio for
the face of the enemy served as an in- baugh, has the 15th AAA A\V Battalion an 1\116 unit for a routine shoot-out of
spiration to the members of his com- (SP) as its organic unit with Lieut. Col. the enemy. It took about] 5 minutes.
mand. He was recommended for a deco- Seth L Hudgins in command. Capt. Major Randall spoke of a special type
ration. Ransom B. Cubbage is executive and of teamwork developed between his
Captains Brown Ralston, Jr., Gilbert organization and the] 5th AAA AvV Bat-
Sage, Arthur i\leranski, Earl C. Ireland talion. His 155mm howitzers had been
and Ronald Moton make up the remain- shooting out hostile high angle fire ar-
Silver Star der of the battalion staff. 2nd Lieut. Paul tillery installations on reverse slopes of
CORPORAL HAROLD F. MART/NELL, a Tate also is an antiaircraftsman who adjacent hills but the enemy had been
member of Battery D, 15th AAA AW Bn. (SPI,
distinguished himself with heroism near the received a combat commission. scampering away leaving their weapons
Chasin Reservoir in Korea, from 29 November Lieut. Tate was operating his platoon for destruction or capture. The major
1950 to 2 December 1950. During this period,
Corporal Martinell, who was a cook in the in support of the 17th Infantry and had devised a special measure to get the
battery mess until it was lost on 2B November brought his outfit to a halt at the bottom crews, too. He sent two 1'-'116 units
as result of enemy action, voluntarily dis-
regarded his own personal safety to assist in of a hill. Shortly after its arrival mem- around the flanks of the next hilI where
bringing wounded personnel from their posi- bers of the platoon discovered a Chinese they located an enemy mortar emplace-
tions to the aid station. He also assisted in
caring for the wounded after they hod re- hostile unit digging in a trench mortar ment. As the 155's drove the hostile
ceived first aid. On 30 November 1950 while on the top of the hill. crews away from their weapons the AAA
assisting a wounded soldier to the aid station,
Corporal Martinell was wounded in the leg "It was the height of insolence," the picked them off while attempting to
by an enemy mortar shell fragment. Despite lieutenant said, "and my platoon con- escape. "It was a perfect solution," said
his own wound, he continued to expose him-
self in order to aid others until he was evac- sidered it an insult." Major Randall.
uated by air to be treated for his wound. I-Iowe\'er, they permitted the enemy to Capt. Sage told of Pfc Lucas, who
As a result of his courageous and unselfish
devotion to his comrades, many men were
complete his labor of installation and was busily engaged in firing his 1\116
successfully evacuated from danger areas to then they opened fire. The first round weapon, when an enemy shell exploded
the aid station, and his assistance measurably
lightened the burden of medical personnel.
of 40mm ammunition knocked out the in the vicinity. A piece of metal struck
His heroism during this period reflects great mortar and six more rounds accounted Lucas in the mouth and took out twO
credit on himself and the military service.
x x x State of Washington.
for five members of the hostile mortar teeth. He spat out the fragment and teeth
crew. and continued firing his piece. "I

combat operations. Capt. Leonard F. C. \V. Harrison are with this battery
\Vager, commanding the headquarters along with 1st Lieut. Leon Blum, 1st
battery, is proud of the record of his Lieut. John Grimes, 1st Lieut. Jean Ron-
administrative unit in a ground support despierre and 1st Lieut. Jack Hill.
role, using the special 1\139 mount. He Hanson described an occasion during
says that they do not neglect their ad- the Chinese Big Push, when one of the
ministrative duties in order to get in some 1\116 tracks of Battery A was knocked
fighting. out at a road block and as the vehicle be-
Lieut. Colonel Hanson narrated sev- came disabled, the Chinese concentrated
eral stirring events of the units compris- on it. Sgt. Guy Banner, Cp!. Gale Lip-
ing the divisional AM. I visited Battery pincott, Cpl. James Herd, Sgt. Gunn
Brr)'. B 21sr AAA AW Bn. (SP) de-
signed rhe shield on half rrack. Capr. A of the 26th Battalion which was pre- and Pfc James R. Miller were operating
M. B. Kaminski, Sgts. Srrasser, Deason paring to displace forward from a posi- the weapon. After a while the enemy
and Cpl. Mayer. tion where it had been in combat for sev- started a charge toward the weapon, but
eral days. Capt. Jack Harvey and Capt. were repulsed. The enemy got close
\\"Ouldn't have stopped at all,'' Lucas re- enough to throw hand grenades and re-
ported, "but the piece of sheIl started peated his assaults three times. On the
burning my mouth." third rush the ammunition of the MI6
Silver Star
On another occasion an 1\116 of Bat- ran out and the crew took up its carbines
tery D, under the command of Sgt. "A," 50th AAA AW Bn. (SPI. On 8 Decem. and 1\11 riRes and continued a deadly
Ilarley G. I-Ian, was providing covering ber 1950, between and Kato.ri, fire on the enemy. About this time also
North Korea, while his unit was guarding the
fire for the 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry main supply route between these villages, in the infantry relief came into view and
Regiment when Sgt. Hart went to an OP conjunction with the 1st Battalion of the 1st the enemy Red. There were ISO dead
Marine Regiment, Corporal Boucher heard
on a nearby hill to observe the effects of Chinese Communists in the immediate
from a marine aid man that there were nine
fire. Soon after his arrival he was wounded marines on Hill 1081, a distance of vicinity of the M16. Pfc Miller was
about one mile. Through his own initiative
wounded in the leg by enemy smaIl arms and in the absence of orders, Corporal slightly wounded.
fire, but continued to direct the fire until Boucher organized a detail of approximately Two units of the battalion were
ten men, consisting of marines and army
the objecti\'e was taken. His weapon credited at another time with saving the
personnel, and embarked upon the mission
fired 4,700 rounds of caliber .50 ammuni- of evacuating these wounded to '0 medical division air strip which was attacked by
aid station. The group's progress was im.
tion during the action. The infantry bat- an enemy patrol. The antiaircraft weap-
peded by rugged, mountainous terrain, a foot
talion commander gave high praise to of snow, sub-zero temperatures, darkness, ons were located for air defense, but
and an aggressive enemy force. On several
Sgt. Hart and his crew for this action. engaged the patrol during ten minutes
occasions during the return trips to the top of
Hill 1081, it was necessary to detour from of intense firing and drove them off. The
the selected routes due to enemy fire, Cor.

'f URNING to the 24th Division,

commanded by Major General mack-
Boucher reconnoitering
On one occasion, alter obtaining
and during the descent,
the alternate

the group
enemy did not return.
The Korean \Var picture continues
came under heavy enemy small arms fire. to develop as it approaches the first an-
shear l\1. Bryan, Jr., Colonel Stu O'Mal- Corporal Boucher again disregarded his per. nual milestone. The AAA employment
sonal safety and reconnoitered for a route
ley is the new chief of staff. Lieut. Co!. which would not subject the group to the cycle has passed through a phase of
Roy A. Tate commands the 24th Divi- then heavy volume of fire. The only possible emplacement, entirely to provide defense
escape layover a steep precipice. Dauntlessly,
sion AAA. The remaining members of and with determination, he hastily instructed against air attack which did not develop;
the 52nd AAA AW Battalion staff are the other members of the group in the man.
then total employment in ground sup-
ner in which the wounded would be handed
Lt. Co!. Arthur F. I-Ianson, Capt. Robert down the cliff, although it necessitated dig, port assignments. In spite of approved
Broomfield, Capt. Arthur Baray, Capt. ging footholds into the cliff and holding the doctrine, its use initially was circum-
cliff with one hand while lilting the wounded
Ernest Raithel, Capt. Melvin Johnson, with the other. Three trips were made until scribed by a wide difference of opinion
Capt. Harry Sanborn, Lieut. Kenneth the last of the wounded was delivered to as to its true potential in ground support
safety at approximately 2400 hours. Through
Hoyt, Capt. Thomas Cavanaugh and the entire ordeal, he never wovered in his roles. Now, however, there is a complete
Capt. Albert \Vynne. determination to save the wounded men, understanding of the antiaircraft artillery
regardless of the sacrifices and dangers to
Colonel Tate, displaying characteristic himself and his men. His courage, self. capabilities. Its employment in a wide
ingenuity, has mounted one M45 quad sacrifice and complete disregard for personal variety of combat assignments has won
safety reflect great credit upon himself and
caliber .50 mount on a personnel carrier the military service. x x x Iowa. for the ack ack troops the high regard of
which the headquarters battery uses for their comrades in the ground forces.


ANTIAIRCRAFT JOURNAL (one year) l $550


******** * * ***** ***** *
~ntiaircraft ~ssociation ROTC
-ic Medal Award Winners
Listed below are this year's winners of the United States Antiaircraft Association
-ic ROTC i\ledal. The recipient of this annual award is selected from the Antiaircraft
Artillery Senior ROTC units.
-ic Cadet i\ lajor G. \Vat- I-lalley, Detroit, i\ lich .. winner of Scabbard and
kins, York, Ala., Adju- Blade i\ ledal in 1950. i\ lember of Lambda Chi
-ic tant of the Advanced
Training Battalion at
UNI\'ERSITYOF i\hNNESOTA: Cadet Sidney J. Verlautz.
the University.
-ic Pine River, 1'linn., is first sergeant of Battery C and
UNIVERSITYOF SAN FRAN- a member of Scabbard and Blade.
-ic CISCO: Cadet Joseph E.
Cartan, San Francisco.
Caron, Nashua, N. 1-1., served in the Army for two
-ic Cal., Cadet Colonel of
the ROTC regiment and is Captain (President) of
years as a cryptographic technician. He is majoring
in Electrical Engineering.
-ic the Scabbard and Blade chapter at the University.
FOHDlIAl\lUNIVERSITY:Cadet Donald i'd. Opel, New
UNIVERSITYOF CINCINNATI: Cadet 1\lajor Charles N. York City, is a first sergeant in the ROTC Regiment
-ic Jones, Cincinnati, Ohio, sen'ed in the Pacific in and is a first sergeant in the New York National *l
-ic \Vorld War 11 with the 799th AA/\ A\V Battalion. Guard. He is active in the Society of Pershing Hifles.
TEXAS A & i\ I: Cadet Kenneth 1\l. \Viggins is a stu-
TlIE CITADEL: Cadet \\'alter G. Kersy, Charleston,
-ic S. c., has consistently made abov~ 90 per cent
averages in military subjects. He is on the staff of
dent senator and President of the \-\Tesley Founda-
tion. *
student publications at The Citadel.


Lieut. Glenn J. Thorsted, Ogden, Utah, served in *
Milford, Del. He is first sergeant of the Delaware the i\lerchant i\larine in \Vorld \Var II and later
in the Army in Japan. 1\lilitary average, straight "A." *
-ic Rifles and of Battery A, ROTC Regiment; President,
Junior Class, Student Government Association and I-lAl\lPTON INSTITUTE: Cadet i\ljSgt. Norman G. *
a member of Omicron Delta Kappa. Tarleton, Sumter, S. c., is active in Scabbard and
FLORIDAA & i\'1 COLLEGE: Cadet i\IjSgt. Raymond
Blade, Pershing Rifles and Omega Psi Phi. *
-ic Cutts, J r., Eatonville, Fla., has maintained a 96.4
average in i\lilitary Science o\'er a three year period.
Brammer, Stuart, Va .. is to be a battalion commander *
-ic His extracurricular activities include the ROTC Of-
ficers' Club (President-elect); Alpha Kappa i\lu
in the ROTC in 1951-1952. He is active in Pershing
Rifles and Omicron Delta Kappa. *
-ic Honor Society and Sigma Tau Mu Debating Society.
Creighton, Seattle, \Vash., is captain of the Army
-ic UNIVERSITYOF ILLINOIS: Cadet John B. Droste, i\lount
Olive, 111., is a veteran of \Vorld \Var II. He served ROTC Drill Team and is active in Scabbard and
Blade, I-Ie served on occupation duty with the II th
-ic with a medical detachment on an army transport.
He is president of Alpha Rho Tau, an artillery club. Airborne Division in Japan. *
-ic KANSAS STATE COLLEGE: Cadet \Vayne l-Ioriacher,
Colby, Kansas, is active in Scabbard and Blade, the
1\l. i\lci\ lullin, Essex, i\ 10., is majoring in Political *
-ic College Band and Theta Xi. Science.
YOUNGSTOWNCOLLEGE: Cadet 1st Lieut. Emmett C.
Rudy C. Berlin. Nederland, Texas, served three
Shaffer, Jr., Brookfield, Ohio, has an outstanding
scholastic record and is a leader in ROTC activities.
years in \Vorld \Var II in the Signal Corps. Vice-
-ic President of his class, commander of the ROTC
Ulliversities yet to be heard from will be covered ill
Drill Team and a member of Phi Kappa Nu.
-ic n subsequellt issue of tIle JOURNAL.-ED.
~ ~

"Accompli at Chipyong
By Lt. Col. Walter Killilae and
Capt. Clyde T. Hathaway

iI-IE battle of Chipyong is a classic

example of American superiority in
arms. The action was the basis used for
recommending the 23rd Regimental
C,ombat Team, 2d Infantry Division as
a distinguished unit. The action at
Chipyong, a typical Korean village along
one of the principal rail lines in South
Korea, is positive proof that an active,
coordinated defense can succeed.
Dubbed the Bastogne of the Korean war,
Chipyong played an important part in
Lt. General Matthew B. Ridgway's
Eighth Army offensive action designed
to inflict maximum casualties upon the
Communist enemy with minimum losses
to the United Nations Forces. This is an
account of the action of Battery B, 82d
AAA AW Battalion (SP), a part of the
23rd Regimental Combat Team used in
this action on close support mission.
The French Infantry Battalion under lery Battalion (l05mm), Lt. Co!. John and 2d Lt. William Faulkner, assistant
the leadership of Lt. Co!. (i\lajor Gen- R. Hector; Battery B, 503rd Field Artil- platoon commander.
eral) Ralph L. Monclar, was attached to lery Battalion (155mm); Capt, Clemen Battle sounds were heard around most
the 23rd Infantry Regiment. Other at- C. i\larshal, and the 1st Ranger Com- of the perimeter by 2200 hours on Feb-
tached units were the 37th Field Artil- pany. The AAA Battery rounded out ruary 12. The Battery command post
the organization for combat. As is normal was alerted and the executive officer es-
in defensive situations all artillery units, tablished liaison with regiment. An
Silver Star including the AAA, were in general initial check on the available communi-
SECOND LIEUTENANT BRUCE W. FAULK. support. cations was made. Radio communica-
NER, a member of Battery B. B2nd AAA AW
Bn. IS?), 2nd Infantry Division, displayed Chipyong was initially occupied on tions consisted of FM (SCR 508 and
gallantry in action against an armed enemy February 3. For nine days friendly and ANVRC-5), with all but one of the
on 14 February 1951 in the vicinity of Chip-
yang-ni, Korea. On that dole the platoon enemy patrols were active throughout combat vehicles and with regiment,
commanded by Lieutenant Faulkner was at- the area. Co!. Paul Freeman organized AN/GRC-9 with each platoon com-
tached to a rifle battalion. During on enemy
attock he remained in an exposed position his forces into an oval defense, assigning mander, and SCR 300 from each platoon
I and directed the fire of his weapons against each infantry battalion roughly a quarter to each infantry battalion. \\Tire com-
encl":"Y positions and in support of a counter-
attack. Upon completion of the counter- of the ova!. Dispositions are shown on munications included a conventional
attack, the infantry was moved elsewhere to sketch map. hot loop to those vehicles in the battery
meet another enemy assault. Lieutenant
Faulkner noticed enemy movement and was Battery B had available on February area as well as wire lines to each vehicle
subjectod to enemy small arms fire from the through the units they were supporting.
0"0 that the infantry hod just vacated. He
12, four 1'I19's and six MI6's, with two
left half his gun crews to provide covering basic loads of ammunition. The battery By 2230 hours, enemy artillery began
r" and bd the other half into the area as
riflemen. His aggressive cction was respon.
had an e\'en hundred men present for falling in the center of the village where
sib!, for the annihilation of 20 enemy, the duty. Assisting Capt. Hathaway, the bat- the unit command posts were located.
capture of 10, and the security of the de.
fcns:ve perimeter. The gallantry displayed tery commander, were: Capt. James C. The first enemy attack was felt by K
by Lieutonant Faulkner reflects great credit Wilson, executive officer, 1st Lt. Joe \\T. Company, 3rd Battalion, on the south-
uoon himself and the military service. x x x
Seymour, 1st Platoon commander, 2d Lt. east perimeter where the enemy ad-
G~orge Hair, 2d Platoon commander, vanced from hill 397. The initial attack
JULY-AUGUST, 1951 11
of 2235 hours was continued. Action in
this area continued as the enemy poured
,he enemy at"ek in the atca of ,he 503,d
where the enemy did succeed for a shon
from a railroad tunnel and across the time in occupying the gun positions. BI" ~
trestle. By 0300 hours February 14 the 1100 hours the enemy was dri\'en ou;.
AAA weapons supporting this action had One 1'.116 supported that action and ex-
fired 580 rounds of 40mm and 2,200 pended 10,000 rounds.
The cardinal principles of war fol-
rounds of caliber .50 ammunition. The
enemy had succeeded in getting a few lowed by the Chinese Communist Forces I
troops inside the perimeter who estab- were that they would never attack unless
lished a road block in the rear of 3rd Bat- they had vast superiority of force and II
talion position. Lt. Hair organized a that other conditions were favorable to
small AAA support force of one 1'.116
and one 1'.119 to accompany an infantry
them. At Chipyong they had such a pre-
ponderance of numbers that they threw
caution to the wind and continued their
squad and a litter jeep attempting to
evacuate wounded from the units cut attack during the daylight hours of Feb-
off. The M16 was damaged prior to its ruary 14. As was true of all other anns
entrance into the road block area. The that day, the antiaircraft reaped a fruit-
litter jeep was destroyed in the road ful harvest of Chinese. Here are a few
fired at enemy troops and positions until extracts from the Battery journal:
block and the infantry squad found the
about 0800 hours when he was joined by
opposition unpenetratable. Loaded with
Lt. Seymour and an 1'.119.Together they 0700 An 1'.116 and an 1\119 fired
a resupply of ammunition, the i'\'119pro-
knocked out the remaining enemy troops 180 rounds of 40mm and
ceeded through this enemy position. An
in the blocked area. 1,500 rounds of caliber .50 in
M4 tank following, was knocked out by
the French sector at enemy on
a satchel charge and the evacuation of
hill 345.
the wounded was postponed. The M 19
IN the area of the gallant French Bat- 0800 Sgt. Rognrud's section dis-
took up a position with the other two
talion, two M16's of Battery B fired placed to the southeast per-
M19's and one 1\116 in the surrounded
1,000 rounds. The enemy reassembled imeter and fired 400 rounds of
and launched a second attack in the same 40mm and 1,000 rounds of
In addition to the enemy advancing
area at 0245 hours on February 14. This caliber .50 on enemy person-
from the trestle area the vehicles with
attack, in two prongs, was directed to- nel, vicinity of hill 506.
the 3rd Battalion engaged a concentra-
ward C Battery, 37th Field Artillery, and 1000 Fifty enemy approaching the
tion attempting to advance along the
B Battery, 503rd Field Artillery. The perimeter through valley of
main road. It was one of these vehicles
enemy almost accomplished his mission. lvlSR; dispersed by M 16 in K
commanded by Sgt. F/C Nick Schel-
Fighting reached points within twenty Company area.
brach which provided an interesting as-
yards of the M16's before it was' finally 1100 Platoon in vicinity of K Com-
pect of spotting and communication
repulsed from that sector at 0700. One pany fired on targets of op-
teamwork. vVithout a map or compass
M16 defending that area fired 2,000 portunity for remainder of
(reason unknown), Schelbrach described
rounds. Hand-to-hand fighting for near-
the location of an enemy mortar position day.
ly eight hours marked the intensity of
to his battery commander over the FM 1000 M 19 in Battery CP area be-
net. The position was plotted at the CP gan firing on enemy troops on
and Capt. vVilson was called at regiment, hills 345, 248 and 397. Fired
where he made personal contact with Silver Star until 1800 with good results
the heavy mortar company liaison officer, CORPORAL DONALD TRACY, a member of observed. Three hundred
Battery 0, 82nd AAA AW Bn. (SPI. 2nd Infon.
who in turn called the mortar fire direc- try Division, displayed gallantry in action
rounds expended.
tion center requesting fire. Using the against an armed enemy on 12 February 1300 Two 1v116's and one 1\'119 in
1951 in the vicinity of Haengsang, Korea. On
same tortuous communications procedure that date he was a squad leader and gunner K Company area engaged
one adjustment was made. The mortar of an antiaircraft firing vehicle which was enemy company approaching
supporting a convoy in an attempt to break
fired for effect and the enemy mortar po- through an enemy roadblock. Although he from south. Attack repulsed.
sition was no more. hod been wounded, he continued to direct One hundred twenty-eight
the fire of his crew, and succeeded in silenc.
The battery command post area was ing severo I enemy automatic weapons. When rounds 40mm and 600 rounds
not quiet during the night of February his gunners had almost exhausted their am. caliber .50 ammunition ex-
munition, he assumed an exposed position
13-14. Between mortar rounds, one of outside the armored turret in order to clip pended.
which wounded 1st Sgt. John A. Nor- ammunition for the gunners and enable them
1600 Eleven enemy destroyed by
to continue firing. When the road was
gren, and heedless of sporadic long-range blocked by burning and abondaned vehicles, M 16 near hill 248.
fire of small arms, the maintenance sec- he dismounted under heavy enemy fire to
direct his driver in pushing the vehicles from 1630 On request of B Company an
tion repaired the damaged M 16 by 0400 the road, thus making it possible for the M16 and an 1\119 fired at ene-
hours. Sgt. Amado Bareda, the squad column to proceed. The gallantry displayed
by Corporal Tracy reflects great credit upon my groups attempting to with-
leader, proceeded back to the fire block himself and the military service. x x x Mis. draw over hill 397. Two hun-
which had previously cut off positions of souri.
dred fifteen rounds 40mm and
the 3rd Battalion. He maneuvered and
~ 119, which prevented any accurate fir- command of an artillerv offi-
Silver Star ing. Action in the K Company area, cer from the unit he was sup-
generally that area guarding the ap- porting. Following those or-
a member of Bollery D, 82nd AAA AW Bo. proaches from the trestle and tunnel, ders and moving to support a
(SP), 2nd Infontry Division, displayed gol.
was heavy all night. Considerable small- friendly coun terattack, the
lantry in action ogainst on armed enemy on
12 February 1951 in the vicinity of Hoktam-ni, arms, automatic-weapons and mortar fire 1\116 was run off the narrow
Korea. On that dote, in the absence of an was received. The two B Batten' vehicles road into a ditch. Under
offICer, he assumed command of on antiair~
croft firing vehicle and led a convoy through accounted for three enemy machine-gun heavy fire of all types, the
an enemy roadblock. Despite the heavy enemy positions and 75 enemy troops were ex- crew sought cover near the ve-
small arms, machine gun and mortar fire, he
maintained an extremely exposed position on terminated after 150 rounds of 40mm hicle and engaged the enemy
the outside of the armored vehicle in order and 4,500 rounds of caliber .50 ammu- with small arms, leaving one
to fire the forward .30 caliber machine gun,
and direct the fire of the 40mm guns. When nition were e.\:pended. Efforts similar to man in the vehicle with gre-
the 40mm guns could not be depressed for those employed the previous night to nades prepared to destroy the
enough to fire on two enemy machine gun
positions, he calmly remained in position and, knock out an enemy mortar were weapon on order.
with his .30 caliber machine gun, succeeded thwarted by 1\1 Company's mortars 0100 The 1\116 near C/37th FA
in destroying the enemy positions. The gallant
and inspiring actions of Sergeant Sweeney which hit it first. neutralized an enemv ma-
reflect great credit upon himself and the At about 2200 hours, an AAA vehicle chine-gun position, expending
military service. x x x louisiana.
in the 1st Battalion (north), area of the 1,000 rounds.
perimeter was hit by a projectile; a high 0210 Firing in conjunction with
600 rounds of caliber .50 ex- velocity weapon (probably another SU- 4.2 mortars, the M16 near
pended. 76). It was hit at the base of the turret C/37th FA assisted in silenc-
1700 An 1\,119 in the K Company and at almost the same time the vehicle ing a high velocity weapon
area destroyed enemy ma- received a direct hit from a light mortar. near hill 248 and later de-
chine gun above railroad tun- One man was wounded and the turret stroyed a machine-gun posi-
nel which had been firing at was jammed beyond immediate repair. tion in the same area.
vehicle while men ate hot A 0600 Still under heavy fire of all
ration. One round expended. to types, the M 16 in the ditch in
AT the request of the French Battal-
0830 the B/503rd FA area was re-
One portion of the action deserves ion, a hundred rounds of 40mm were
covered by an M4 tank under
more than a passing mention. In their fired from an M 19 in the battery com-
the direction of Corporal Fish-
efforts to firmly reestablish the perimeter mand post area at targets on hill 248
er, the squad leader. The FA
position which they had lost the pre- with excellent results. This fire was
battery area had been evacu-
ceding night, the 3rd Battalion launched initially laid by compass. The action took
ated except for some of the
a counterattack which kept contact with place at 2200 hours. At 2400 hours Co!.
wounded. \Vhile the remain-
the enemy all during the day. At about Du Michele (French Artillery Officer),
der of the crew carried ammu-
1600 K Company made a bayonet charge requested more fire. Another hundred
nition to tanks in the area,
on dug-in enemy along the foot of hill rounds were fired. \Vhile engaged in this
229. Covering that attack, 2d Lt. B. W. mission the M 19 received machine-gun
Faulkner dismounted his oO'un crew and fire from hill 397 which was in the oppo-
Silver Star
began systematically clearing the remain- site direction. Traversing the guns, the
ing enemy by rifle fire and bayonet ac- 1\ 119 engaged in a brief but fierce fire a member of Battery D, 82nd AAA AW Bn.
fight and destroyed two enemy machine- (SP), 2nd Infantry Division, displayed gallon.
tion. His crews were reinforced by K try in action against an armed enemy on 12
Company personnel and the enemy gun positions. In addition to the ma- February 1951 in the vicinity of Hoengsang,
chine-gun fire described above, enemy Korea. Sergeant Maguire's battery, in ve.
thrusts were completely cleared before hicular column, was withdrawing through a
darkness. For this action Lt. Faulkner small-arms and mortar fire was received series of hostile fireblacks. When the vehicle
in the command post area all night. in which he was riding was destroyed by
has been awarded the Silver Star. enemy fire, he was ordered to proceed
During the daylight hours and con- Other significant actions which oc- through the hills on foot, to safety, Under
curred during the night were enemy en- cover of darkness, Sergeant Maguire and a
tinuing into the night of February 14-15 comrade became separated from the main
air drops of rations, gasoline and ammu- gagements near artillery positions. Jour- group and, at daylight, joined a small group

nition were made to the force. These nal extracts relate the story as follows: of Republic of Korea soldiers. When the
group was subjected to enemy fire from the
drops included 40mm and caliber .50 0030 15 February: The M16 near high ground on its right flank, Sergeant Ma-
guire immediately organized the men and
ammunition for B Battery. B/503rd FA reported that led them in an assault on the enemy position.
High velocity artillery fire was re- weapons in the perimeter near Under his fearless leadership the group ago
gressively charged the enemy forcing them
ceived during the night of February 14- him had been knocked out to break and run, abandoning two machine
15. It started about 1930 hours in the and personnel on the perime- guns, two rocket launchers and a large
amount of ammunition. He directed the fire
K Company area, and was promptly ter were withdrawing under of the machine guns upon the enemy and
returned by an M 19 in that area. The pressure. This was the only inflicted heavy casualties upon them as they
fled. He then led his men back to the rood
piece, probably an SU-76, was not elimi- weapon without a radio. The and joined a friendly convoy that was moving
nated by 40mm fire, but it was forced to squad leader was ordered to .. south. The gallantry displayed by Sergeant
Maguire reflects great credit upon himself and
pull back. Each time the weapon re- sever wire communications the military service. x x x Washington.
opened fire, it was answered by the and place himself under the
JULY-AUGUST, 1951 13
Pfc. Lucksted. Pn. Okimoto, communists were also being repulsed at 1515 Three men gathering ammu-
and an artillery officer oreat
~ cost to our enemy.. The now famous nition from air drop zone hit
manned the weapon, engag- "\ Vonju shoot" was in progress, where bv..enem\' mortar fire.
ing the enemy in the former the 2d Division Artillery plus the 674th 1600 Section under Lt. Hair acting
G Company positions. Enemy Airborne FA Battalion (105mm), and in conjunction with tanks re-
attempting to mO\'e into the the 96th FA Battalion (I55mm), were pulsing an enemy attack from
area from the east were also harassing two more CCF army corps to southeast in vicinity of G
repelled, and the evacuation pieces. In addition to these factors, re- Company.
of wounded from the area was lief was on the way. to our ~ oallant forces
1700 Garr)' OIVen to the rescue, 1st
covered. Seven thousand at Chipyong. On the morning of Feb-
Ca\'alry tanks arrived in area.
rounds of ammunition had ruary 15, a British brigade attacked
been fired in 2Y.! hours, the northward from Yoju and a battalion of
barrels burned out and were
frozen to the barrel exten-
the 1st Cavalrv Di\'ision mounted on
tanks pushed out toward the beleaguered
S ?ORADIC action continued for the
remaining thirty-six hours that the 23rd
sions, a stoppage novel to this town.
RCT stayed at Chipyong but there was
unit. The vehicle was evacu- At Chipyong, enemy action continued.
no significant action. Due to the nature
ated to the command post i\lortar, artillery and small-arms fire fell
of the terrain, no AAA weapon was able
area. in the town proper. B Battery fired mor~
to fire from defilade during this action.
0630 Air drops and air strikes were than 20,000 rounds of caliber .50 and
Also due to the nature of the terrain.
to conducted throughout the over 1,000 rounds of 40mm ammunition
weapons directly supporting any sector
1600 day. At the end of the day, during the day in the same fire fight.
of the perimeter were, necessarily, less
more than three basic loads of Here are a few of the journal notes:
than 100 yards behind the 1\ILR.
ammunition were on hand. Because the tactics of this unit call
The enemy sporadically 0940 1\II6's in vicinity of Battery A,
for frequent displacement during shell-
shelled the drop zone and the 37th FA Battalion, fired on
ing, no weapons were dug in.
C. P. area. 1\ledium-range hills 310 and 397 neutralizing
At a cost of fifteen wounded. eight of
sniper and machine-gun fire an enemy OP, silencing one
whom were evacuated, three basic loads
were also received in the C. P. SP gun and two mortars. Un-
of ammunition, and the temporary loss
area. Capt. \Vilson, Lt. Faulk- determined number of enemy
of one 1\119, Battery B had effectively
ner, and one man were lightly killed.
supported a gallant infantry unit in what
wounded. One other man was 10 10 Enemy small-arms fire from has been called a classic defense against
seriously wounded. hill 397 still landing in CP a determined enemy whose strength is
area. All weapons fired. Lt. estimated at four divisions; once again
Unbeknown at this time to the Chip' Seymour fired caliber .50 ring justifying the battalion motto: Accompli.
yong garrison, the enemy force of at least mount. Small-arms fire ceased The principle of suppor~ had again
two army corps (probably four Chinese at 1022. been justified, for, as can be seen in this
Communist Force Divisions), was badly 1330 1\116 in vicinity of A Battery, account of the action, all A\tV weapons
hurt by the morning of February IS. 37th FA Bn, fired at enemy were in support of rather than attached
Heavily engaged with other forces in the troops in open on hill 248. to infantry or artillery units they were
\Vonju area to the east of Chipyong, the Troops dispersed. assisting.

~ ~ ~

Searchlights In Korea
By Lt. Col. Walter Killilae, Arty.
ONE of the additional missions as- with the mission of battlefield illumina- nation provided. Forward observer of a
signed to the 82d AAA AW Battalion, tion and general ground support. That direct support artillery battalion adjusted
2d Infantry Division, in Korea was that platoon was employed during the re- fire. Results excellent.
of coordination and tactical employment mainder of the month in the vicinity of 14 April: A forward observer of a me-
of searchlights on ground support mis- the H wachon Reservoir. Some of the dium artillery battalion fired a mission in
sions. results were: the town of Yanggu using illumination
On April 13, 1951, a platoon, plus one provided by lights. Adjacent division
section of the 92d Engineer Searchlight 13 April: Aerial OP adjusted fire of a reported illumination adequate to see
Company, was attached to the battalion medium artillery battalion using illumi- enemy movement on their front.
course. the time-proven theory of reHect-
Silver Star ing light from low-hanging cloud masses Silver Star
proved successful.
a member of Battery D, 82nd AAA AW Bn.
(SPI, 2nd Infantry Division, displayed

In order to determine the angle of ele-
a member of Battery D, 82nd AAA AW Bn_
(SP). 2nd Infantry Division, displayed gal-
try in action against on armed enemy on 11 vation required to provide reHected light lantry in action against the enemy on 30
and 12 February 1951 in the vicinity of Chang.
(Fig. I) on a given target the formula: November 1950 in the vicinity of Kunu-ri,
bong-ni-Hoengsong crea, Korea. On the Korea. On the night of that date, he was
night of 11 February 1951, his battery was riding in a convoy composed of the command
attacked by a numerically superior enemy Alt of clouds in yards-Alt
, of SL in yards
, group of the Division which was attempting
force and was ordered to withdraw. When to break through on enemy roadblock that
tne convoy moved out he was in command Range in thousands of yards was approximately five miles in depth. He
of lead vehicle. The motorized column hod rode the lost combat vehicle to clear the
moved about one half mile when it was sub- = Elevation of SL in mils roadblock and directed the fire of his guns
jected to heavy enemy mortar fire. Sergeant against all targets of opportunity. He rallied
Boiley's vehicle was destroyed and he was other units to proceed through the roadblock,
forced to seek cover along the side of the
was used. The l\letro Section, 2d Infan-
even though it was necessary for him to dis-
rood. At down on 12 February 1951 he found try Division Artillery, provided the alti- mount and expose himself to the intense
no officers present, so he organized a crew enemy fire. Despite the heavy enemy fire, he
for an ontioircraft firing vehicle and led the
tude of the clouds. The altitude of the
stopped his vehicle on numerous occasions
convoy to Hoktom-ni. There, he was put in lights and the range to the target were to pick up the wounded lying along the road
command of another firing vehicle, obtained who otherwise would not have been evac-
another crew and voluntarily led a convoy of
available from maps. Of course the mil
uated. After negotiating the roadblock Ser.
unarmored vehicles loaded with wounded elevation had to be com'erted to degrees geant Crawford voluntarily returned to the
toward Hoengsong. At five points along the area to assist other personnel to safety. The
rood enemy positions were encountered. He
in order to operate the lights.
outstanding leadership and complete dis-
continuously maintained on exposed position Extremely dry weather, fires set by regard for his personal safety displayed by
in order to most effectively direct fire of his Sergeant Crawford on this occasion reflect
guns and on each occasion neutralized the friendly artillery, Communist efforts to great credit upon himself and the military
enemy emplacements. The gallantry dis- put up a smoke screen, and the almost service. x x x Alabama.
played by Sergeant Bailey reflects great credit
upon himself and the military service. x x x complete lack of low-hanging cloud
Arkansas. cover, combined to require us to depend
on diffused light. Diffused light is made It was anticipated that control, ad-
by the diffusion of the beam caused by justment and communications would be
16 April: An OP of 2d Reconnais- dust and smoke. This type lighting difficult problems. However, the placing
sance Company observed a boat on the (Fig, 2) proved successful enough for of the lights in the general vicinity of
Hwachon Reservoir about 1,000 yards forward observers to adjust fire and for the artillery battalions which required
away. A light artillery battalion fired on friendly observation posts to detect those units to lay wire lines to the lights
target, sunk boat. enemy movement. minimized those problems. A forward
20 April: The town of Yanggu was observer, with an infantry unit, could
Direct lighting, the shining of the
illuminated to the extent that buildings call his battalion fire direction center bv
searchlights directly on a given area,
and roads were visible and movement telephone or radio, request an adjus;-
usually from a high point down a corri-
was detected. ment of the lights and the FOC could
dor, was used only once due to the ad-
then relay the instructions to the lights.
22 April: Lights illuminated area for a verse atmospheric conditions (Fig. 3).
\Vhen wire lines were used, the relay at
division artillery TOT. Results excellent. \tVhen it was used, however, it produced
FDC was not necessary, On several oc-
such a brilliant effect on the southwest
23 April: A forward observer of a light casions, SCR 50S's were placed at the
side of the Hwachon Reservoir that
battalion adjusted fire on an enemy light position and radio adjustments
Commandant Michele of the French
group. Could not see bursts of HE but were made directly from aerial observers.
Battalion reported the area lit up like
when \tVP was used, he could make Later experience proved this use of radio
Coney Island.
proper adjustment. Results excellent. necessary.
24 April: Battlefield illumination pro- As.a result of the experiences gained
vided for infantry. Excellent results. by this unit using searchlights in Korea,
it can be concluded that: they can be
The results speak for themselves! Now used to provide adequate battlefield il-
for the problems which had to be solved lumination under nearly all conditions,
to attain this success. they can be used to illuminate artillery
By this time, everyone has heard about targets at night, they can be attached t~
the pitiable conditions of Korean roads. and coordinated by the organic AAA
They did effectively limit movement of AW battalion.
searchlight and generator trailers. To
offset that difficulty, trailers were elimi- (\Ve IUlve withheld earlier stories
nated by mounting the lights on 2lh-ton from other AM battnlions in Korea
trucks and the generators were mounted about searchlight operations for reasons
on four wheels and towed by the search- which appeared cogent. Anyway, llOW it
light trucks. mn be told. And we do hope thnt our
good friend, Col. Sandy Goodman, a pio-
The problem of providing battlefield neer in this field in Italy, may 1lOte the
illumination on cloudy, hazy, smoky or results with great satisfaction from his
o\'ercast nights caused some trouble. Of present dugout in the Canal Zone.-ED.)
The 21st AAA AW Battalion (SP) In Combat
W HEN it docked at Pusan on Janu-
ary 10, 1951, the 21 st AM A W Battalion
tion adapted the battalion to its ground
mission. Headquarters and headquarters
Firing batteries are rotated periodically
from infantry to air strip and GS anil-
(SP) brought with it plenty of what the battery, attached to Division Artillery, lery assignments. Rotation is controlled
Reds fear most in Korean fighting- normally maintains its c.P. adjacent to by the battalion commander to prmide
American fire power. The battalion's that of the division. Battalion headquar- optimum maintenance and to obviate
primary armament, 64 i\lultiple Gun ters needs for personnel and transporta- crew fatigue. Batteries with RCf's
i\lotor Carriages 1\116, could hurl more tion are reduced when employed in the similarly rotate platoon assignments from
than 140,000 rounds of caliber .50 bul- infantry support role. For this reason line to reserve.
lets per minute. overhead and transportation are cut to a
Emphasis in the battalion's training at minimum and personnel and ,'ehides OPERATIONS IN THE GROUND ROLE
Fort Bliss had been on antiaircraft activi- considered surplus are redistributed to
ties. Its last range practice in Japan was firing batteries. One firing battery is at- OPERATIONAL control of elements
fired at towed targets and RCAT's. Yet tached to each regimental combat team, of the battalion with RCT's is exercised
enemy aerial activity in Korean fighting and the remaining battery is retained by the supported unit commander. The
was notable only by its absence. \Vhat under battalion control for defense of the 1\AA battalion commander makes gen-
was the mission in Korea? \Vas an air division air strip and the general support eral recommendations for employment to
assault expected? Or was it to stand by artillery battalion. these commanders by personal visits and
just in case? Batteries with RCT's are organized written directives published through the
No one in the 21st doubted that its into battery headquarters and four pro- division artillery headquarters. Supervi-
tremendous fire power would be fully visional platoons of four M 16's each. Bat- sion and administrative control is main-
utilized. Lt. Col. Charles E. Henry, bat- tery headquarters remain with the regi- tained through battalion command chan-
talion commander, had given the due to mental C.P. and one provisional platoon nels and by means of frequent staff
his men just before leaving Japan for is placed in direct support of each infan- visits.
Korea. try battalion. The last provisional platoon Specific recommendations for employ-
"\Ve have been successful in replacing is retained in reserve for use as rein- ment of 1\AA weapons are made to in-
our MIS's with MI6's," he said. 'We forcements, replacements, or as otherwise fantry commanders by the attached 1\1\A
now have more fire power than any bat- directed by the regimental commander. unit commander. Except for special op-
talion in the Army. You may be sure The battery defending the air strip erations, such as the I-Ian River crossing,
that it will not be allowed to stand idle. and GS artillery is organized and func- battery headquarters is concerned mainly
Remember, our mission is to destroy the tions as a normal A\V battery with bat- with administrative support for its pla-
enemy; in the air, on water, and on the tery headquarters and one platoon at the toons. The critical relationship between
ground. In addition to your technical air strip and the remaining platoon with AAA and infantry is between the pla-
skills, you are trained in the basic prin- the GS artillery battalion. toon commander and the supported in-
ciples of soldiering. You are good anti-
aircraftsmen, and if you can shoot down
a fast-moving airplane, you can shoot
down anything."
After an arduous but well-executed
three-day, 300-mile road march' from
Pusan to Chonan, the 21st joined the
25th Division on 25 January 1951. The
same day, outnumbered UN Forces
launched their brave counteroffensive in
the face of enemy boasts of pushing
them into the sea. The following day,
General George B. Barth, CG, 25th Di-
vision Artillery, stated the battalion's
mission. "The Army commander," he
said, "has directed that the 21st give
... ~
• ...r.'.,r'" ""~
direct ground support to infantry opera- -~ ot,..- _~." "'''.....,

. "
- _ $- 'ft,. _ I

Now the battalion had a mission .

23" ,
"" . ...
U.~. Army Photo
Men of the 21st AAA AWl Bn. (SP), supponing the 3rd Bn., 35th Inf. Regt., 25th

A FE\V minor changes in organiza-

InL Div., prepare to move out in an attack on enemy-held hill north of the Han
In considering our operation in the beachhead they fired on the Hanks and at
attack mention should be made of task targets of opportunity.
force support and strong combat patrol For the initial phase of the crossing all
acti,'ities. In Task Forces Doh-in and weapons were under regimental control.
Bartlett, which spearheaded the divi- After ferries and bridges became a,'ail-
sion's drive to the Han River, two pla- able, our weapons reverted to infantry
toons of 1\116's (four 1\116's each) ac- battalion control and joined tanks and
companied each force. They delivered infantry on the far shore to patrol for-
saturation fire as required by attacking ward to search out the enemy.
echelons and protected trains forward of Statistics for the battalion resulting
the lines of departure. Our 1\116's fre- from the river crossing were as follows:
quently assist tank-infantry teams on Period 7-10 1\larch: Enemy: 641 certi-
strong combat patrols by deli,'ering cov- fied killed; 1,077 additional estimated
ering fire ,,:hen required. killed; prisoners of war seven. Casualties
U.S. Army Photo sustained: wounded in action three.
Pfc. V. L. Cresswell, 21st AAA AWl Bn. A RIVER CROSSING
(SP), an ammo bearer on a quad .50 DEFENSIVE OPERATIONS
machine gun, waits to reload. Note ar-
mored vest worn by alll\1I6 crewmen. T HE I-Ian River crossing provided a
wonderful opportunity for our weapons THE 21st, until April 22, 1951, had
fan try battalion commander. It is here to show their effectiveness. The regi- little occasion to be used in defensive
that the broad directives of the combat mental combat team commanders showed fighting. To be sure, our M 16's had
order must be reduced to specific details an appreciation of the value of M16's in been placed on the infantry's perimeter
of who will do what, when, where and their plans for the assault crossing and defenses organized to repel night coun-
how. the development of the attack on the far terattacks on newly won objectives, and
It is vital for the 1\1\1\ platoon leader bank. The wide sandy beach on the several enemy counterattacks of limited
to know intimately the plans of the south bank provided space for employ- size were encountered and repulsed.
infantry battalion commander. Knowing ment of almost three complete batteries. Then came the long-expected, full-
these plans our platoon leaders make There was no cover and our crews stale counteroffensive. Red hordes
thorough ground reconnaissance, choose occupied positions during darkness the swarmed from the North. \Vith utter
routes of approach, .select positions, and night before the crossing. At H minus disregard for casualties they walked
make plans for displacement to provide twenty while darkness still obscured the through artillery concentrations and con-
continuous support. far bank of the river, our guns joined the tinued their pressure on UN lines.
Platoon leaders then advise supported artillery in saturating predetermined sec- UN policy was to inflict maximum cas-
battalion commanders of their plans and tors of the enemy shore. At H I-lour the ualties while making orderly withdraw-
to what extent they are able to support artillery lifted, and the far shore became als to more tenable positions. Our
a particular operation. Coordination with visible. As the assault troops crossed the weapons were well suited to carry out
infantry company commanders is then river in boats, our guns delivered cover- this policy.
completed. It should also be mentioned ing fire. After the infantry gained a In general 1'\'116'5in defensive fighting
that our platoons work very closely with
tank units and coordination with tank
unit commanders is particularly im-


JP L1\NS, reconnaissance, and coordi-

nation have been completed. Orders are
issued to the platoon. H I-lour draws
near. Artillery begins to pound the ob-
jective. M 16's move up with tanks to
initial firing positions, usually on the
line of departure, and at H minus 10
start saturating the objective which is
usually a rugged hill. At H Hour the
infantry jumps off, and 1\116 crews ob-
serve panels worn on backs of leading
elements and continue to fire neutraliza-
tion fire ahead of them. During the
course of the attack our platoon leaders
aggressively move their guns forward to
deliver maximum support. Moving up with infantry.
Silver Star
JOE E. MARSHAll, a member
of Battery A, 50th AAA AW Bn. (S?), is cited
enemy interference. But this is not alwa\'s
the case. In one engagement the ene~,.
attacked with such force that he was abl~
to infiltrate our lines in considerable
for heroism in action against the enemy in strength. In this particular engagement
Korea on 2.3 December 1950. While in the
vicinity of Majon.dong Sergeant Marshall, an infantry battalion was cut off. Before
in command of on M.16 half track (.50 cali- they were discO\'ered at our rear, an 1\116
ber quadruple mounted machine gun), was
given the mission of supporting 0 rifle com. dri,'er killed, with his carbine, three
pony. Shortly before midnight the enemy Reds who attempted to climb O\'er the
attacked the perimeter which he was defend, U.S. Army Photo
ing and simultaneously blew a nearby high- ,'ehicle hood as the rest of the crew was
Cpl. William 1. Rose, 21st AAA AW
way bridge. Acting entirely on his own
Bn. (SP), 25th lnf. Div., checks the breaking up a banzai charge to the front.
initiative he located the enemy and proceeded
to move his weapon to a more advantageous quad fifties mounted on his half.track. Shortly after the Reds were discovered at 'I
firing position about 50 yards down the rood the rear, the battalion's order to with-
and outside the defense perimeter. In ac-
draw came. One section of M16's went
complishing this mission he expose9
to heavy enemy automatic weapons fire inas-
much as it was necessary

for him to move

ahead of his half track vehicle in order to
get markers for suspected enemy activity.
The attack comes. Every available
method of illuminating the enemy is em-
forward with tanks to spearhead the bat-
talion out of about four miles of road-
guide it through the darkness. From his new
position, effective fire was delivered on the
enemy with the result that they were driven
of! with no casualties to friendly troops. His
ployed. The enemy continues his mass
attacks without regard for casualties. Our
1\116's fire at the massed enemy, taking
blocks as the other section remained to
support the rear guard. The infantrv
battalion commander is reported to hav~
heroic actions were entirely voluntary and re-
flect great credit on himself and the military
service. x x x Kansas.
tremendous toll. The order to withdraw
comes. Our M 16's remain with the rear
guard company while the other infantry
said when his battalion reached safety, "I
don't think 1 could have made it without
the Ack-Ack."
are placed interspersed with tanks and
infantry on the main line of resistance.
elements disengage and withdraw. Then
the rear guard company begins to dis-
The same general principles described
above are employed in defense of a line
to be held. Here i\H6 positions are well
engage. Meanwhile our M 16's and tanks
During darkness, they remain in position are deli,'ering covering fire. As the last dug in and more extensive plans for com-
on the MLR. Before daylight our M16's elements begin to disengage, the 1\116's munications, fields of fire, and illumina-
move back into defiladed areas from begin to withdraw squad by squad until tion of the battlefield are made.
which they may move quickly into firing the last weapon is moved out. The 1\116's
positions if required. The enemy takes continue to form a rear guard for the dis- COI\ll\IUNICATIONS
advantage of the inability of our air engaged battalion until it passes through
power to deliver support during hours of the reserve elements in blocking posi- JE1\IPLOY1\'IENT in the ground role
darkness and launches his strongest at- tions. poses no appreciable problems in com-
tacks at night. Reconnaissance, coordi- munications. Battalion headquarters
The nature of the withdrawal depends
nation and plans for displacement are makes full use of division wire nets and
on the pressure exerted by the enemy.
particularly important in defensive em- its own F1\l and AM radio nets to main-
Sometimes the withdrawals are con-
ployment. Reconnaissance of routes of
ducted according to plan and with little tain contact with batteries. Battery to
withdrawal must be made during dark-
ness as well as daylight. Alternate routes
must be found. Emergencies must be
anticipated. The AAA platoon leader
coordinates with all echelons of the in-
fantry from the battalion commander
down through infantry platoon leaders,
as well as the nearby tank commanders_
Our platoon leaders carry a supply of
tracer ammunition which they pass out
to infantrymen on the line for use as tar-

U.8. Army Photo

Buy. C, 21st AAA, 25th Inf. Div., gives U.S. Army Photo
support from M16 to infantry as they The 3rd Bn., 35th Inf. Regt., 25th Inf. Div., prepare to attack enemy-held hill
advance against the Chinese near Yang- north of the Han River as tanks and half-track quad .50 cal. machine guns of the
suo 21st AAA AW Bn. (SP) pound enemy positions.

engagement of a few hours duration. found staunch supporters for his desire
Silver Star Ammuniiton resupply problems, if not that every effort be made to reduce this
SERGEANT FIRST CLASS CHARLES M. BAM- carefully anticipated, can be trouble- threat. The division ordnance officer was
fORD, while a member of Battery D, 15th some. The problem is further aggra- instructed to work with the battalion
AM AW Bn. (SP), distinguished himself by
gallantry in action against on armed enemy vated by the inability to use trailers with commander on the development of an
near the Chasin Reservoir in Korea, during 1\116's supporting infantry. \Ve have
the period 29 November 1950 to 30 Novem-
ber 1950. On 29 November, when the unit found that trailers reduce the maneu-
was attacked by a numerically superior force, \'erability of the track to such an extent
Sergeant Bamford, who was then battery
Mess Sergeant, lost his kitchen due to the that they are a hindrance and cannot be
enemy action. He then voluntarily assumed used.
the task of assisting in bringing wounded men
from their positions to the aid station and Our approach to the ammunition
assisted in making the wounded more comfort- problem entails three principles-conser-
able alter they had been treated. In so doing,
Sergeant Bamford exposed himself to intense
vation, a large basic load, and perpetual
enemy automatic weapons, mortar, and small resen'e stocks.
arms fire on many occasions. On 30 Novem-
ber while aiding wounded men, Sergeant
The conservation policy requires that
Bamford was wounded himself by enemy fire . four barrels be fired onh,• in emeroencies
0 '
Immediately alter receiving first aid, he re-
sumed his task of bringing in and caring for
against enemy attack or for saturation
other wounded men, again exposing himself fire in the initial phase of infantry at-
to the hazards of the heavy enemy fire. As U.S. Army Photo
a result of his repeated disregard for his
tacks. For normal firinoo two barrels are Light machine gun mounted to cover
own safety in going to the assistance of others employed. cab dead space area.
he was wounded t.• ice by enemy fire. Again,
despite his three . ounds, Sergeant Bamford
Each M 16 carries a basic load of eioht
voluntarily continu~1 d to assist and care for thousand rounds. This load is carried on armor shield for the turret to protect
other disabled mer "mtil on 2 December 1950 crews from small-arms fire and shell
he was reported as nissing in action. His out-
the Roor of the carriage.
standing heroism :,elped Save the lives of Continual reserve stocks are main- fragments. In a matter of days a template
many men, lightened the heavy burden of was designed, a pilot model fabricated
the medical personnel and inspired his com-
tained at regimental ASp's and at the
rades. His gallantry in action reflects great battery headquarters. Regimental ammu- and attached to an 1\116 turret. The
credit on himself and the military service. 1\116 was then put through road and
x x x California.
nition officers maintain a day's supply of
from 60 to 80 thousand rounds. From turret tests to determine whether the
this supply the AAA battery commander added 200 pounds of the shield would
maintains a level of 25 to 30 thousand adversely affect the turret drive mecha-
platoon contact is normally by radio only.
rounds. Batteries transport ammunition nism. Results showed no adverse effects.
In the course of battle, tactical commu-
from the regimental ASP to platoon po- The experimental shield was then shown
nication with infantry elements is main-
sitions with two 2Y.!-Ton Cargo trucks to the army commander, who ordered
tained through use of SCR 300's or
made available for this purpose by bat- that all 1\'116's in the Eighth Army be
liaison with nearby tank clements. Fire
talion headquarters, One truck works similarly equipped as rapidly as shields
missions, orders to shift or cease fire, and
forward from the battery Gp. to platoon could be manufactured and installed.
other instructions are thus received from
positions while the other works back to An inspection of our shields will attest
the suppo~ted infantry commander by
regimental ASP. \Vhen terrain or the to their effectiveness. Pocked with in-
the AAA platoon leader who transmits
situation requires 1'.l3's are used to shut- dentations from riRe and machine gun
these instructions to his guns by radio
tle ammunition from the truck at a bullets, they have prevented many casu-
and/or hand or other visual signals.
rendezvous point to the gun positions. alties and have done much to reassure
exposed cannoneers.
1'.116ADAPTEDTO GROUNDROLE Efforts to reduce crew vulnerability
did not stop with the addition of weapon
EMPLOYMENT in the ground role
results in sizable expenditures of ammu-
T HE 1'.116,old World War II veteran
that it is, has found new glory in Korean
armor. Armored \'ests for crew members
were also procured. These "flak suits"
nition. It is not unusual for four M16's arc worn by all crew members when in
fighting. But as a ground support weap-
to fire fifty thousand rounds during one action and have proved to be lifesavers
on it has several inherent disadvantages.
Foremost among these is the lack of crew on several occasions.
protection. \Vorking in close support of In one respect 1\ 116 crew protection
the infantry brings our crew members has been surprisingly good. Enemy land
within enemy small-arms range. The mine damage to \'ehicles has been exten-
high silhouette of the weapons and its si\'e, accounting for total loss of ten
scant armor make 1\116 crews particu- 1\116's. In these ten encounters onlv two
larly vulnerable to enemy fire. It soon men were gravely injured. /
became apparent that unless steps were The most serious injuries resulted
taken to reduce the vulnerability of our from concussion and collision with vehicle
crews, we would suffer many casualties. fixtures. Indications are that two features
\Vhen the battalion commander advised of the 1'.116 carriage are responsible for
the CG, division artillery and the divi- this protection. The armor plate natu-
M16's readying to attack Changgo-ri. sion commander of this problem, he rally provides some protection. 1'.lines

JULY-AUGUST, 1951 19
most frequently \\'ere detonated by front AAA'5 A...5WER TO RED NU;\IBER5 cial recogmtlOn in this report. This
wheels, and the space internl between
front wheels and crew undoubtedlv
further reduced effectiveness of mine
I.'\ the foreooino
we have
reported how we performed our mission.
\\'ould have been difficult if not impossi_
ble. For valor has been almost universal
under enemy fire. and our operations
explosions. Ilere is our statistical box score: ha\'e become almost routine now. To be
Period 26 January 1951 to 1 1\ lay 1951 sure there have been Purple Hearts and
The mines, sometimes buried two feet, many awards for valor, and the battalion
were of the wooden-box type, difficult to Engagements: 78
has been recommended for the Distin-
Rounds Fired: 1,491,280
detect, frequently encountered on roads
already swept by engineers and traveled Casualties InRicted: Certified killed-
guished Unit Citation. But as a battal-
ion we are most proud that there is a
over by considerable friendly traffic.
Another 1\ 116 limitation is the cab
dead space area. To overcome this limi-
2,681. Estimated additional killed
-4,060. Prisoners of war-31.
Casualties Sustained: Killed in action-2.
warm spot for the "Ack-Ack," as they call
us, in the hearts of the doughboys of the
25th Division who from their top COm-
tation we have mounted a light machine \Vounded in action 78. Vehicles lost mander to the riReman have been most
gun over the right windshield of each due to enemy action-16. generous in voicing praise for our per-
vehicle. Tripod heads from ground Statistics, however, are cold and im- formance and support; and we have full
mounts were spot welded to windshield
frames to provide vehicular mounts for
personal. The pride, zeal, valor and de-
termination required to attain these ob-
confidence in them and know that the
fighting qualities, adaptability and initia-
tive of these American fighting men will

the gun. These guns have been used to jective ciphers are not too difficult to
good advantage and are a decided morale imagine. Perhaps it would have been continue to answer any threat posed by
factor for crews. fitting to single out individuals for spe- the enemies' numerical superiority.

At War With the Half-Track
By Lt. Paul S. Vanture, Arty.
THE 21st Battalion, under its cocky, the 21st doggedly fought to capture any
colorful commander, Lt. Col. Charles E.
Henry, has established an enviable rec-
ord since its arrival in Korea January 5,
1951. Dog Battery alone, since going
and all trophies worth having-such
D Battery's trophy for carbine marks-

manship) and is, happily, still in evi.

dence after four months in Korea. It
into action in close support of infantry was that healthy type of competition
on February 16, 1951, is officially cred- which caused a squad to w~k to gain
ited with over 1,500 enemy casualties the benevolent smile of an inspecting
inflicted during three months participa- officer after he had frowned on their
tion in General Ridgway's Operation neighbors. Nothing was considered too
Killer. Against Dog Battery's loss of one trivial in which to excel.
man killed in action and 17 wounded, There was a magnificent esprit among
this is a record that reRects nobly on the the men of the 21st which any combat
battery's tough, battle-wise commander, commander would have envied. The
Capt. Raymond L. Snider, and the Lt. Co!. Charles E. Henry.
men were eager, alert, and well trained
indomitable spirit of his men. and they were not allowed to stagnate.
confidence was bolstered by several fac-
The 21st had arrived in the Far East a Their training was repeatedly reempha-
month previously when I joined it at sized during their sojourn at Zama. vVe
First of all there was the over-all ap-
Camp Zama, Japan, sporting new gold were also blessed with NCO's of top
pearance of the battalion. The motor
filled bars and as much professional ex- drawer caliber. Not less important was
pool, where stood 64 i\1l6's in powerful
perience in automatic weapons, self- the discipline which added to the well-
array, was a beehive of bustling activity.
propelled, as could be learned in a being of our troops. Having been in
1\ lotor stables were executed with a thor-
month's schooling at 40th AAA Brigade Japan longer I had witnessed the dele-
oughness and precision that approached
Headquarters at Hiyoshi. Despite the terious effects of soft occupation life on
a phobia. Then, too, there was a fierce
lack of any combat background, my other U.S. units. \Vhile those units col-
competiti\'e attitude exhibited between
the batteries, the sections within the bat- lected DR's by the hatful, the 21st's
teries, and even between squads, which commander remained uncompromising
lieutenant Paul S. Vanture is a graduate of to the rare ones that came to his battal-
the United States Military Academy, Closs of
can be a powerful attribute to the com-
1950. bat efficiency of any outfit. This com- ion. In short, it was a combat ready
petitive spirit was begun at Bliss (where battalion.

It has been said that the battle is the By high noon the objective was se-
pay-off and it was on February 16, 1951 cure and a large Chinese force had been
Silver Star
that Dog Battery met its ordeal by fire killed or routed back toward the Han
north of Pabalmak, Korea, near Hill 187. member of Battery D, 15th AAAAW Bo. (SPI, River. The next edition of the 24th In-
How half-tracks would be tactically em- displayed gallantry in action against an fantry newspaper spoke proudly of the
armed enemy near the Chosin Reservoir in
ployed in the close support role had been Korea, on 30 November 1950. On this date, debut of a new secret weapon and with
the subject of endless discussions in the his M-19 twin 40mm gun carriage was de- reverence told of the astounding fire
fending a portion of a perimeter when the
BOO's and squad rooms at Zama. AI- enemy began a "banzai" charge against power of the half-tracks. The readers
th9ugh many of us had a whistling-in- the position shortly before 0300 hours. were informed that Dog Battery had
Corporal Chavez was struck and seriously
the-dark approach to the matter of tac- wounded during this attack, but he refused riddled the objective with some 1l2,OOO
tics, we were sustained by our confidence to be evacuated to the aid station because rounds of ammunition, a record in any-
there was no other man available to replace
in our units. him. He stayed at his post voluntarily and body's league. From the compliments
On the 15th, I was able to make a despite his wound kept the weapon firing. that £lowed in from all echelons, we
When the enemy attack had been broken up
reconnaissa::lCe of 187. I found it to be by accurate and intense fire of the M-19, Cor- knew we now belonged on the team.
a long ridg,e running parallel to our poral Chavez, weakened by loss of blood,
collapsed unconscious and fell from the M-19
front. To the left Hank of 187 loomed a to the ground. He was then given medical
much larger hill mass, separated from attention and evacuated to the aid station.
As a result of his heroic actions the M-19
187 by the main road running north Was kept in action, the "banzai" charge
IN the preceding narrative I have de-
through a cut between the two hills. The was broken up, and the perimeter was kept scribed typical offensive action engaged
intact at that point. The gallantry displayed
larger hill was the assigned objective of in by my platoon of M16 half-tracks dur-
by Corporal Chavez on this occasion re/lects
the British Independent Brigade, while great credit on himself and the military serv- ing the current Korean campaign.
ice. Entered the military service from the
187 was to be tt~ken by elements of the After the initial action of February 16,
State of New Mexico.
famed Negro 24th RCT. The inevitable 1951, we proceeded with the tank-
rice paddy, cris:>crossed with primitive, infantry team cautiously to the south
low stone fences, separated my observa- we found ourselves floundering down an bank of the broad Han River. Here we
tion post from Hill 187. I set to work ancient oxcart trail. At 0900 hours, set up a defensive line and waited pa-
making a sketch of the terrain while a under snow laden clouds, we unleashed tiently for the signal from higher up that
British Centurion tank thundered away a torrent of fire power for which the would catapult us across on the new
at my elbow, seeking to extricate a 24th M45 is famous. The range varied above phase of Operation Killer.
RCT patrol pinned down by enemy and below 1,000 yards and 187 Hashed In a mighty predawn barrage on the
small arms somewhere out in the paddy with a thousand incandescent lights as morning of March 7, 1951 Dog Battery
to my front. Although I was hearing my the slugs raked the landscape. joined Baker Battery of the 21st AAA
first shots in anger, the cool detachment At 0915 hours the first friendly assault Battalion in close support of the assault
of the British crew manning the tank wave screened through us and out across crossing. Capt. Jack Lary's Charley Bat-
was comfortingly contagious. The Brit- the paddy toward their objective. At this tery supported the same crossing in an-
ish officer with his head out of the turret time, too, we began to receive small-arms other sector. Caliber.50 tracers spewed
kept his eyes glued to his field glasses, and mortar fire. The mortar fire was in- across the Han in a veritable Niagara of
oblivious to the occasional sniper's bullet accurate; so, we were not forced to jockey fire. It was on this day that the 25th
which whined in his proximity. He kept our positions. The small-arms fire gained Tropic Lightning Division, whom we
announcing, "Raise it a bit, old boy, I in intensity and shortly after 0920 a were supporting, set a record for casual-
cawn't see them yet"-apparently ad- gunner at my position was mortally ties inHicted and prisoners taken. From
dressing his gunner. At length the wounded, a bullet through his head. Al- their positions on the south bank, the
Centurion drew mortar fire and I lost no though we were deeply grieved by this 21st added another superb job to its
time in convincing myself my sketch was misfortune I noted the speedy dispatch credit. The main part of Dog Battery
done to beat a hasty retreat. with which he was replaced by an in- was employed at the diversionary cross-
Upon return to my assembly area I furiated comrade, who now fell to his ing site and was subjected to a bitter hail
briefed my crews on the projected opera- task with such a vengeance that I feared of enemy mortar fire from the Chinese
tion. he would burn out all four barrels in a forces dug in on the opposite bank. Col.
On the near side of the fence crossed matter of minutes! Henry was present at that hot spot to
paddy, away from 187, there was a As the infantry reached the base of observe and share its ferocity.
ravine. My platoon, accompanied by 187 we slackened our fire. We were At the main crossing site I had a part
medium tanks, was to proceed down a aided in locating their forward elements of the 2nd Platoon linked in with the
road bordering an icy stream parallel to by means of bright colored panels which full strength of Baker Battery, com-
the objective and come into firing posi- they wore on their backs. Control of our manded by Capt. Michael B. Kaminski.
tion by 0900 hours. The infantry line of firing line was rendered difficult by the Outside of playing touch-and-go with a
departure was actually to our rear, on a incessant staccato din of 32 machine concealed self-propelled weapon on the
plateau above and across the stream. guns. Radios could not be heard amid Chinese-held bank, our action was with-
They would jump off at 0915, after we such bedlam and I have often wished out unfavorable incident.
had laid do'A'Il a IS-minute barrage. since that the turret be equipped with an The honor of having the first tracks
"Road" is a loose term in Korea and at interphone headset for the gunner, to across the Han fell to the redoubtable
0845 hours on the morning of the 16th better control his fire. Capt. Kaminski and his Baker Battery.

JULY-AUGUST, 1951 21
Lt. \ Villiam O. Keeling crossed the same ment to the right valley. Across the 1
day from the diversionary landing with was strung the other half of my pia
Silver Star
a section from Dog Battery's First Pla- four tracks, commanded by the..
toon. Two nights later I was ferried PElL, RA 16 019 977, Artillery, United States
capable Platoon Sergeant Joseph
across with two sections on rubber engi- Army, while a member af Battery A, 15th Weeks of Wauchula, Florida. So
Antiaircraft Artillery Autamatic Weapons Bat-
neer rafts. talian (Self.Prapelled), distinguished himself
geant \Veeks was hotly engaged
A series of sharp engagements steadily by gallantry in actian near Sogu.ri, Korea, As his battle began the ser ....'- r
on 17 November 1950. On this date, Sergeant
took us north, pressing against the Chi- Chappell was in charge of an autamatic
cei,'ed welcome support from • f
nese Communist forces building up weapons section attached to Campany B, infantry machine gun on the nd~t' ,
17th Infantry, far close ground support. At
north of the 38th Parallel for their pro- left. At length, ho\\'e,'er, it , asI ,
approximately 0950 haurs the calumn came
jected spring offensive. Our route took under heavy enemy fire from well hidden and its fire then turned on the
automatic weapons and small arms positions.
us along the historic invasion corridor under \\leeks' command. ThL in,' nt
An infantry soldier about one hundred yards
through gutted Uijongbu. I lost two ve- to the right of Sergeant Chappell's M.19 was sergeant brought his conccntr,lte, res
wounded. As the waunded man "arted crawl.
hicles in mine explosions south of ing tawards the road, he received heavy en.
to bear on the machine gun and ,\'as
Uijongbu. I was not the only one suf- emy sniper fire. With complete disregard far heard from no more!
his own personal safety, Sergeant Chappell
fering from these frightful weapons, instantly leaped from his vehicle and ran to
The company of infantr.\ oCLllpying
howe,'er, as my tanker friends and as- the assistance of the waunded man and with the intervening ridge bet\\cen the val-
the help of a comrade carried him through
sorted vehicles ranging from jeeps to leys had previously joinc,l the hre fight
the heavy enemy fire to safety behind the
2Y.!-ton trucks were also incurring losses M.19. This action undaubtedly saved the life and shortly found thcmseh'cs ;n a dis-
of the wounded saldier. Sergeant Chappell's
in the vigorous push. tressing situation. Their ammunition was
display of gallantry an this occasion reflects
Short of latitude 380 10' the Chinese great credit on himself and the military servo running out and all attempts to resupply
ice, Entered the military service from the
grew impatient with our insistent crowd- them failed. At about 0300 hours, as a
State af Illinois.
ing, and on the night of April 22nd, consequence, we got the order to with-
started a whopping counterattack. I was draw with the infantry.
shortly to learn the hard lessons of what more untenable as the Reds added mortar In a night marked with courage the
our British allies call the gentle art of fire to the attack and began lobbing men of Dog Battery now added an
retreat. grenades at the tracks. heroic, if slightlyJudicrous, act. r\t the
We pulled back across the hard fought Inspection by daylight the next morn- junction of the two valleys, perhaps
Han Tan, a small tributary of the Imjin, ing was to reveal how fortunate we were 1,000 yards from the onrushing Chinese,
and it was there on the south bank on to escape injury, for the half-tracks bore was Dog Battery's CP, vacated only a
the night of April 23rd that I found assorted gouges, dents, and bullet holes few hours before. Because of the sud-
myself with the 2nd Platoon in a hasty from the encounter. At the end of denness of the attack our CP had to be
defense of two adjacent valleys separated twenty minutes I became convinced that vacated quickly or risk capture. There
by an intervening, cross-compartmented ...
friendl" units to m" rear did not full" still remained seven one-ton trailers in
ridge. The defense line had been hastily realize the seriousness of the engagement the deserted CP area for which there had
set up and did not conform with the best and I therefore gave the command for a been no available prime mm'ers. Nor-
AvV, SP tactical doctrine which calls for short withdrawal to clear the infiltrated mally our trailers were shuttled to the
infantry protection of the half-tracks at area. Fearing that these infiltrators would new CP location by the few trucks avail.
night. pick off my cannoneers from the rear able, working in relays-a tedious job at
At approximately 0020 hours on the and negate all our good efforts, I ordered best, but the half-tracks were usually too
24th of April a seven-man Chinese patrol the right section to move back and cover, busy in their batt!e mission to be used as
reached the line of my tracks. An alert by fire, the withdrawal of the left. This prime movers.
squad leader, standing guard, cut down was accomplished without a hitch, for A few minutes previously, Sgt. \Veeks
three of their numbers with his carbine, which we were indeed grateful. Possibly had retired from his valley on the right,
and allowed us the time to crank up it also served to confirm the old maxim the infantry and tanks ha,'ing preceded
power chargers and get the turrets in about fire and maneuver. him. As he left the valley he sprayed it,
action. The patrol was apparently the Our withdrawal was approximately letting them have all four barrels. \Veeks'
vanguard of a larger force travelling close 250 vards in extent and from our new guns were still hot as he joined me at the
behind. \Vhat ensued was wild and vantage point we continued to rake the CP, hitched up the trailers, loaded up as
woolly. front with fire. Shortly we were joined much of the infantry as we could safely
\Ve remained in position and gave bat- b,' reinforcements in the form of an in. carryon the tracks, and headed due
tle at close quarters. Eventually the at- fantry company. Thus bolstered, we south!
tacking Chinese infiltrated around and advanced back into the dark valley 50 \\le proceeded to a point near the
behind us and we began to receive small- yards and continued firing. By now the 38th parallel, disembarked our infantry
arms fire from all directions. Due to the situation was becoming apparent. at a reorganization point, and then ac-
fact that we were firing blindly in the The attack was on a fairly large scale companied the tanks back a few miles
inky blackness, any estimate of the casu- and as far back as the regimental CP north to a blocking position. It was noW
alties we inflicted upon the oncoming at- interest began to be evinced. Further, nearing daylight and we learned that our
tackers would only be guesswork, but I our fire had apparently blunted the at- troops were hastily organizing a counter-
feel confident that we gave a good ac- tack in our valley (the left valley) and attack in which we were to participate.
count of ourseh'es. Our position became di,'erted the enemy effort cross com part- \Ve proceeded back at daylight to the
mouth of the valley where the night- The column seemed interminable as it when the M16 overturned).
marish action of a few hours earlier had passed me-and the effect was height- Somewhat later we arrived at our new
occurred. The next 36 hours, as I look ened by the sounds of the famous Chi- battery CP, steam hissing from the hoods
back on them, have a totally unreal as- nese bugles in the pitch blackness some- and ourselves in a state of exhaustion.
pect. The valley was literally crawling where out to my left Hank! Safely bivouacked, I stumbled around
with the Chinese and they brazenly ex- Keeling, with the First Platoon of the area congratulating Dog troopers on
posed themselves on the ridges and in tracks, was a welcome sight as he passed what I considered to be an extraordi-
the draws. With zeal we applied our- my position marking the tail end of the nary feat of nighttime operations for
selves to the task of eradicating them column. The engineer platoon had de- half-tracks, watched most of them go to
whene\'ef they appeared. The day was parted and with a sigh of relief I ordered sleep in any position which best afforded
bright and sunny and our air, artillery, Second Platoon to saddle up and tack it, and myself sought out an empty half-
and tracks hammered the oncoming Reds onto the column. track cab to slip off into a heavy, dream-
mercilessly. The carnage among our at- .My nemesis, the half-track, never per- less snooze.
tackers that day, even from my limited formed so well as it did that night. We This ends my chronicle, considerably
point of view, was fantastic. proceeded, under blackout conditions, abridged, of my platoon's support role.
Far to the east of me, my coplatoon over something which they barely call a In retrospect, I can assure you that the
leader, 1st Lt. William O. Keeling, and road even in Korea! My drivers removed men and the M45 mount performed
his First Platoon were also having a field the windshields to serve a double pur- magnificently; although the half-track
day. We shared a common radio chan- pose: it afforded better vision and the has been the recipient of many of my
nel and the transmissions which I over- icy blast kept them awake (they had not curses and earnest supplications, that
heard from their stations furnished an shut their eyes for 48 hours). ancient work horse, I confess, has earned
account more gripping than anything I Ambush was imminent as we con- my grudging admiration for a job ade-
have heard on the suspense radio pro- tinued the tense journey. Another half- quately performed under the most diffi-
grams. j track went off the road and overturned. cult circumstances of terrain and weath-
Darkness, combined with the "human Again the thermite grenades .were used er. It is true, however, that there were
sea" tactics of the Chinese, was more and a spectacular light spread over the some missions we were unable to perform
than our inadequate forces could intel- lonesome valley. The rest of the convoy simply due to the limitations of the half-
ligently risk, therefore at dusk we again by now had far outdistanced my last two track's mobility and lack of crew protec-
received the withdrawal order. The half- tracks. We lost valuable time destroying tion. A full-track vehicle with more
tracks hung aroun~ to shoot up the ter- the track, and again when we stopped to turret armor, in the opinion of many of
ritory after friendly elements had cleared pick up two wounded men who stum- us, would have enabled us to do our job
out. \iVe then beat a hasty retreat suf- bled onto the road from the darkness in a better manner.
fering a parting volley of small arms from beyond and stopped us. These men were We have received compliments from
the Chinese as they moved swiftly into personnel from a regimental CP which the rank and file of our infantry who are
the area we had just vacated. had been overrun. It is interesting to doing their customary valiant job in this
A few miles down the road my com- note that the hood of the track makes an hectic, dreary campaign. Of all these
mand track went off in a ditch and over- ideal litter space. We cushioned our bouquets I think my favorite was given
turned in the darkness. It had to be patients thereon and covered them with to me indirectly one night when a dough-
destroyed to avoid capture. I transferred blankets. The heat radiating from the foot wandered over to his neighbor's
my seat to an M16 and we proceeded a engine kept them fairly comfortable for foxhole alongside which a half-track had
few miles more all(' went into blocking the remainder of the journey. been dug in to strengthen the defense,
position, protected ~: a platoon of com- We drove through the night without peered at the track's silhouette, and re-
bat engineers. It was here that I received incident. At around 0800 hours the next marked to his buddy: "Man! Ef ah had
orders to remain in position until the en- morning we met an oncoming ambu- all that fiah powah next doah me, you
tire RCT broke contact with the enemy lance and transferred our wounded wouldn't heah me do nothin but sno all
and passed through my position. (which included one of our own, injured nightl"

M16's In The Attack On Changgo-ri

By Lt. Richard S. Craig, Arty.
AT 0800 hours on the morning of of infantry and my four M16's of Battery 27th Infantry Regiment on our left.
Alarch 29, 1951, four tanks, two platoons C, 21st AAA AW Battalion (SP), The small task force halted just south
started up the road leading to the Red of the town. The infantry captain, com-
held town of Changgo-ri, ten miles south manding, was ready to give the order for
lieutenant Richard S. Craig is a graduate
of the United States Military Academy, Class of the 38th Parallel. Our mission was to the attack on the town and the horse-
of 1949. attack the left Hank of the Chinese force shoe shaped ridge which overlooked it
which was giving heavy resistance to the from the north. As we assembled to re-
cei\'e our final instructions from the task
force commander, an Air Force spotter '/
plane that had been observing the ene-
a /

Silver Star
nated an explosive charge under the tank
and the 1\116. Although badly shaken
up, no one was seriously wounded. The
my's activity dropped a message stating 01 Headquarters, (then Battery B), 82nd AAA \'ehicles, however, were knocked out of
that the Reds were mo\'ing in consider-
AW Bn. (SP). 2nd Inlantry Division, displayed
gallantry in action against an armed enemy
action. J
able force to the ridge surrounding the an 2 September 1950 in the vicinity 01 Changn. As the assault de\'eloped, the enem
yang, Korea. On that date he was an artil. began to leave their foxholes in an
lery liaison officer attached to a rille bat.
The captain issued his orders. The talian. The battalion's command past was tempt to escape. The fleeing Chi,
first platoon supported by the tanks was subjected to heavy enemy mortar and small presented an ideal target for the '
arms fire directed from a ridge to its im.
to attack the lower loop of the horsehoe mediate front. During this intense concen- and were quickly annihilated. ",-
ridge. The second platoon and my P.l16's tration 01 hostile fire he took command 01 attack progressed, the two rear \ I
an antiaircraft firing vehicle and directed its
were to proceed up the road into the crew into a position Iram where it could were brought up closer to increa,-(
town. There, they could give fire sup- return the enemy fire. Constantly exposing effectiveness of their fire. By this t e
himself to withering enemy fire, he was able
P0Tt to the first platoon. As soon as the to direct such devastating fire upon the the Reds were beginning to retre t n
enemy-held ridge that approximately 30 en- large numbers. Huddled in grm T" of
first platoon took its objective, it was to emy soldiers were killed and the remainder
give fire support to the second platoon in routed. His heroic and quick.thinking action from three to thirty men, it was to S 'or
a frontal assault on the remainder of the undoubtedly prevented many casualties to the the M 16's literally to cut them tc p ,-ces.
personnel 01 the command post. The gallan-
ridge. try displayed by Major Boullion on this oc. A doughboy, apparentlv impresS\:d by
At 0930 hours, the first platoon moved
casian rellects great credit upon himself and the M16's destructive Po\\U, said after
the military service. x x x North Dakota.
out, and the second platoon, with M16's, the action was over, "Every time I was
started into the town as planned. Sud- about to get me a gool-, one ot \OU Ack
denly the whole force was subjected to It is simple for the M 16 squad leader Ack guys would nail him fust. '
enemy mortar fire. As we moved into to point out targets with the caliber .30
the town, the intensity of the mortar fire machine gun which our battalion has
CJumggo-ri and the hJrseshoe ridge
was now ollrs. The as,istnllt divisio1l , •I
increased and was supplemented by moun ted on the M16 to cover dead space COmlJUlnder, Brigadier General "M ike"
heavy machine-gun and rifle fire from o\'er the cab. Loaded with a high per-
the ridge. The first objective was taken centage of tracer ammunition, this gun
Michaelis, wllO had beeil watching the
action, told the tnsk force cOll/mander I
very quickly, and we could now see the is an excellent means of outlining fields tlUlt it was tile best example of a coord i-
first platoon plainly at the top of the lUlled attack he had seen ill Ilis lifetime.
of fire and pointing out targets for
lower loop of the ridge. l'vleanwhile, the heavier machine guns. This action points out emphatically
P.l16's, in a widely dispersed formation, 1\leanwhile a brief artillery barrage the capabilities of the l\H6 in ground
had moved up within sight of the enemy. had been placed on the ridge. Now was support work. Its deadly fire power is
The Reds were well dug in, and the the time for the second platoon's assault. effecti\'e against troops in foxholes and
ridge was honeycombed with dugouts, Two M 16's moved out with the maneu- bunkers as well as troops in the open. Of
trenches and foxholes. vering platoon to deliver supporting fire the 250 enemy killed in this action, the
M16's received credit for 150 who were
The 1\116's took the enemy under fire. on the enemy positions on the lower por-
1\,lost of the fire was directed aoainst ob- tions of the ridge, while the remaining found in their dugouts shattered by M 16
two tracks continued to 1:1 oive coverino1:1 caliber .50 fire. In addition, the lives of
served positions, although the entire
many friendly troops ",ere undoubtedly
enemy held portion of the ridge was overhead fire on positions higher on the
ridge. In the meantime the four tanks saved. A continual rain of more than
sporadically swept with fire. At this
had left the first platoon and had joined 50,000 rounds of cali;,er .50 bullets, /ired
point, a decided decrease of intensity and
accuracy of enemy small-arms and mor- us in support of the assault. in this engagemert, kept the enemy
As the tanks and M 16's moved for- pinned down and prevented him from
tar fire became apparent. During the
firing. Once again the M 16 proved its
course of this firing, the task force com- ward, there was an almost simultaneous
explosion beneath one 1\1l6 and an adja- worth and slugging ability to the infan-
mander con tacted the M 16's and tanks
over the SCR 3OO's indicating special cent tank. An enemy soldier in a nearby try.
targets to be fired upon. foxhole had pulled a string which deto- Notify the Journal of Your Address Change

By Dana Burnet
D.S.S. JAMESTOWN eCL. 100) high score in the games we had in the mand of the lead destrover. His can took
CARE OF FLEET POST OFFICE Med. and our gun crew got high score on a shell in her engine' room and Capt.
the ship. That is among the 5-in. gun Palmer got a shell fragment through his
crews. Oh before I forget, when we are neck but stayed on the bridge and after
At sea, 15 Feb. 19-
lying at Gib., that is short for Gibraltar the Japs turned back he made emergency
Mama, some British brass come aboard repairs and brought his can back to Leyte
Well it is like somebody died aboard and the Old Man is showing them the gulf almost sinking and holding his neck
this ship. You will see a guy chiping ship and they come to where I am work- wound together with his fingers. There
paint or polishing brightwork on deck ing in my gun mount. Well it is pretty is this old c.P.O. named Yancey in the
and he will look up at the meat-ball fly- dark in there and nobody see me as I am Jamestown, an old guy about 35 that was
ing from our radar mast, you know that sort of scrunched down behind the gun with Capt. Palmer in the destroyer and
is the pennant that shows we are the and I hear the Old Man say, "This is our he told me all about Capt. Palmer. But
champ of our class, the light cruiser class, best 5-in. gun mount. A colored boy I start to write about what happened to
well the guy will look up at the meat- named Williams is in charge of main- the ship not the skipper, but no accident
ball and you would think somebody died tance here." happen so don't worry Mama. Anyway
if you could see his face. Then he will So then one of the visitors says that is I will be home most as soon as this letter,
say a word I will not write in no letter to very interesting because he thought we as I will get liberty in Boston and cannot
you Mama, but it is a word you wash my had a race question in the States. "There mail this letter till Boston, but felt like I
mouth out with soap for one time when is no race question in this ship," Capt. had to write somebody what happen to
I am six, maybe seven years of age. I Palmer' says and I wish you could of the Jamestown so why not you Mama.
guess six because it was that year Papa heard the way he said it Mama, so quiet, Well not to keep you waiting, we are
died and we moved from East Brooklyn but like his voice would cut steel. Well three days out of Gib. heading for Bos-
to Harlem, the year I start in school and I never thought much about the skipper ton, a foul morning but all the guys feel-
can still remember how the soap taste. before, he was just another skipper to me ing good, thinking of liberty, their girls
Well you will want to know what I am but now I felt like standing up and say- at home etc. What I mean everybody
talking about somebody died aboard the ing, Sir, that is the truth. But did not was feeling like sailors always feel when
Jamestown, nobody died least of all me. make a move to let him know I was the course is laid for home, when all at
I am O.K. and still gunner's mate 3/c there, as I did not want him to think I once the siren sounds general quarters
in this ship. Like I wrote you from Ville- heard him praseing me. I can do my job and we all go to our places wondering if
franche, am in charge of maintainance, without no prase from the gold braid, something has blown up back in Europe
oiling, repairs etc., on the No. 1 5-in. much less the skipper, but he is the best or the Med. that will take us fun speed
gun mount, the best gun in the fleet in skipper in the fleet, all the guys say so, back to the Med. Then here comes the
our class, the CL. class, as the ship got not just me Mama. Old Man's voice over the squawk-box,
. He is the one I wrote you took com- "Now hear this." Well it is a radio he
mand last Nov. when we are at Istanbul, just got from Washington and decided
Influenced more by his experience as we better hear the news from him than
editor of The Cornell Widow than by the
and you do not want to think he is soft if
law degree he had earned, Mr. Burnet you are going up to mast, like one old to get it through the scuttlebutt. Well it
turned to writing as his professional ca- is the news I should of told you to start
reer. After an apprenticeship as a work-
c.p.a. said, Capt. Palmer will give you
ing newspaperman, he became a regular the brig if you spit to windward. But is with, as I guess you are all mixed up by
cantributor of short stories to The Satur- this time, but here it is, they are going to
day Evening Post. A number of his stories always fair, and a pretty good guy for an
have become popular movies, one of them officer, the best four-striper in the fleet de-commission this ship as soon as we get
being Hollywoodized three different times. home. They are going to put the James-
He is nearly as well known for his writing and got the Navy Cross in the war, so no
for Broadway. Mr. Burnet has contributed wonder we win the meat-ball under town in moth-balls and break up this
a moving sketch to this issue of the Pro- crew, the best in the fleet and they will
ceedings. Although the Proceedings does Capt. Palmer. Well enough about Capt.
not normally publish such sketches, an ex- Palmer, but he was skipper of a tin can never get another crew like this crew I
ception in this case seemed well iustified. don't care what anybody says even the
in the 2nd battle of the Filopine Sea
when the Japs caught our baby flat-tops President! But it don't seem to count in
with their heavy stuff and our destroyers Washington that we are the champ in
*Reprinted with permission, from the U. S. had to turn into the Japs with a torpedo our class.
Naval Institute Proceedings-February 1951 is- They are knocking out the champ,
sue--and courtesy of the author. spread and Capt. Palmer was in com-

JULY-AUGUST, 1951 25
and it is because of economy, the Old know about such things, am only a gun- gang will take orders from me a colored
1\fan said. Because the government ean- ner's mate 3/c in the best ship in her boy and not think anything about it and
not afford to keep such a big fleet at sea. clasS, and now they are going to retire it is why we win the meat-ball. So I wish
Mama, we did not have such a big fleet her from service, but cannot help won- the people at home could know that
in the Med. but I could not help think- dering if the people at home know what whe~ they de-commission a ship, they
ing what our fleet in the 1\fed. meant to it is to retire a ship. are breaking up something that cannot
the people of Istanbul, Athens, Lebanon, They think it is just a piece of ma- be put into moth-balls or wrapped up in
Crete, Tangiers, Naples, Venice, Ville- chinery, a steel hull and superstructure, cellopane to take out again whenever it
franche, Nice, Cannes and everywhere gun-mounts along the deck, an engine is needed.
we showed the flag. You would not be- room below, etc., all machinery, all steel After noon chow, I was on deck and I
lieve how the people turned out for us, and electricity and steam. But it is more saw Yancey, the old c.p.a. I told you
cheering and waving their own flag and than machinery to the men in the ship about, the one that was with Capt.
making it a holiday when we docked or and I can't tell you what it is Mama. But Palmer in the destroyer in the war. He
just coming to the shore of the harbor it is something that takes a lot of time was standing aft by the catapult looking
where we are anchored and you could and work to build up and when it is up at the colors, not the meat-ball this
see all the faces looking at us, men built and you break it you have done time but the American flag flying at the
women and children just standing there more than just lay up a ship. You can gaff. So I says to him, "How about it
looking at our ships like it made them call it teamwork, but it is bigger than Chief?" And he looks at me and says,
feel safe just to look at our ships. Well to that, it is too big for me to put in words, "Ay, tear her tattered ensign down," and
get back to the Old Man, he made a as you know I never even nnish high I thought he has gone nuts as the ensign
speech which I do not remember all of it, school, but I think the thing I am talking is no more tattered than I am. So I left
but a wonderful speech, all about how about is worth more than all the ships him standing there, but that night I ask
sorry he was, but in a country like ours and the planes and the guns and even Lieut. Amery, that is on the Cruise Log
the military men do not make the policy, the hydergen bombs we can turn out in Staff, about what Yancey has said, and
it is made by the civilians in the govern- the U.S.A. I think we can have the best he told me it is the first line of a pome by
ment, and that is how it should be, what ships and the best planes etc., we can a civilian named Mr. Oliver Wendell
we had to do was to carry out our orders have the most science and the biggest Holmes, that was written about the old
and keep up our Jamestown spirit to the bombs, but if we havent got what I am frigate Constitution when they were go-
end. He told us he was proud of us and talking about, where every man is for ing to break up the Constitution and the
the ship and would never forget us or all the men all the time, like where a pome got the people all stirred up so
the ship, it is the nnest command he ever man is in a ship and will do his job even everybody wrote to their Congressman
had and it is like saying goodbye to your if he is the only one left alive in the ship, and gave money to save the Constitution.
best friend to leave us and the ship. But why if you do not have that you might Well I do not think any pome will
we must not let down in our duties or let as well not have the other, the machin- save the Ja11lestown but could not sleep
him down or the Navy, but show the ery. that night for thinking about the ship,
whole country we are the best ship in the Mama we are at war with these Rus- and all the good guys in the crew that
fleet right up to the ~nd and keep the sians. Maybe the people at home don't will never be together again and the line
meat-ball flying right up to the end. know it but every man know it that has of that pome kept running through my
So then we are dismissed and Mama been to the Med. with our fleet, and I head. I could see the old Chief standing
you never saw so many guys all looking hope it will never come to the shooting on deck looking up at the colors and hear
the same way like their best friend had part or the terrible hydergen part which him saying, "Ay, tear her tattered ensign
died or something. Well maybe it is must be terrible, but no matter what hap- down."
economy, I don't know about that pen we got to be strong and cannot be So that is all the news I got to ten you
though from the news in the papers we strong without the thing that Capt. Mama, and will see you soon and be glad
get aboard ship there is plenty of money Palmer meant when he spoke about the to get home, but cannot help wondering
at home to spend on other things, every- Jamestown spirit. You say that to a if the civilians in our govennent know
body got to have a new car and what is landsman, it does not mean anything, or what they are doing. Well that is not for
spent on pleasure, and the ladies all hav- maybe he will think it is Navy crap, ex- a Gunner's Mate 3/c to say, but only
ing their beauty treatment and the gov- cuse me Mama, to talk about the spirit of hope to God they know what they are
erment paying millions for food and a ship, but it is as real as the rivets in her doing. Your loving son,
then dumping the food. But I do not hull, it is why the white boys in mv ClLAs. WILLIA~lS

By Col. Riley E. McGarraugh, Arty.

ME~IBERS of the Famous Forty- Lake area of Northeastern Oklahoma. The battalion entrained from Fort
fifth Infantry Division, Oklahoma Na- Present new men who have been added Bliss on a twenty-fi\'e-{:ar special and
tional Guard, are following in the foot- come from \'arious parts of the United each man had an individual Pullman
steps of their forefathers who blazed States. berth, ~ lessing was man'elous: three
trails in Oklahoma and Indian Territory The battalion is commanded by Lt. diners attended and not a KP was '\01-
as the western part of that state was Co!. John S. Wilkes, a regular army unteered" for the trip. Pulling into the
known in early days. This proud outfit officer who spent four years in the Pacific port of New Orleans, the men barely
which covered itself with battle honors Theater during \Vorld v\Tar II. The had time to look o\'er the French Quar-
in World War II, beginning with the executive officer is i\lajor John B. Spence ter until they were again loaded aboard
landing in Sicily, is now pioneering in of Pawhuska, Oklahoma. ship.
the wilds of Hokkaido. Battery commanders are: Headquar- Again their luck held! They ascended
Again their mettle will be tried as they ters Battery-Capt. John L. Dahl of the gangplank of the U.S. Na\.y's ship
work and adapt themselves to this Barnsdall, Okla. Battery A-1st Lt. Don- Ge II era I. Simoll Bllckller which is a near-
sparsely populated, coldest, most north- ald \V. Duncan from i\liami. Battery B luxury liner used normally for trans-
erly of the four large islands which con- -1st Lt. Earl \V. Lamb of Nowata. Bat- porting the dependents of servicemen
stitute present Japan. Even today the tery C-Capt. Clell W. Babler from across the Pacific.
primitive Ainu people of this region still Vinita. Battery D-Capt. Joseph Breaune
celebrate their annual bear dances using of ~Iiami.
live cubs from the mountains. Near the end of February 1951, the liFE was both busy and interesting
The 145th AAA A\V Battalion was Thunderbird Division, commanded by during the entire trip. Food was good
acti\'ated as an organic part of the 45th Major General James C. Styron, re- and a variety of entertainment was of-
Division in March 1949 and attended its ceived alert orders for overseas. This alert fered. Despite bad weather and rough
only summer camp that year. It was caused th<: partially completed AA train- seas, much training was carried on dur-
called to active service at Camp Polk, ing program at Fort Bliss to be dropped ing the twenty-eight days' crossing. A
Louisiana, September 1, 1950, where while all personnel immediately started surprise stop on the Pacific side of the
basic training was completed. The AAA working to complete their PO~I require- Panama Canal was a highlight. There
battalion was later sep'!rated from the ments. Each man was granted a ten-day the Caribbean Command extended the
division, going to Fort Bliss, Texas, for leave and returned in time to start on one courtesy of the Naval Base for an eve-
specialized training and service practice. of the softest touches any army man ever ning and a top-notch band played during
While at Fort Bliss the Thunderbirds had. the ship's arrival and departure.
were attached to the 102d AAA Brigade
and received added support from the AA
Center. Thus the battalion was able to
get in much valuable experience. The
men from the 145th did well on the
desert ranges north of Bliss and returned
with good scores for a unit having had
no previous antiaircraft firing.
\Vhere are the boys from? Headquar-
ters and Headquarters Battery come from
Pawhuska, Oklahoma-located in the
Osage Indian Nation which is famous
for its oil and cattle production. Baker
Battery is from Fairfax, also in the Osage
0Jation. Able hails from Nowata, Char-
lie calls Vinita home and Dog from
Miami. The latter three batteries named
are from what is known as the Grand
JULY-AUGUST, 1951 27
Long ago some philosopher aptly re- this the nearest-ta-Stateside post in all of 145th Battalion personally supervised
marked that the one thing which can be Japan. The balance of the di\'ision had the building of his outdoor church in the
depended upon in life is change! On a to design and carve out their £irst home wild woods. He had some difficult\. in
chilly April morning the out£it landed in in the Far East. e;o.;plaining to the Japanese operato'r of
a southern Hokkaido port. Snow still the bulldozer what he wanted until he
patched the mountains and occasionally mentioned he wanted the area cleared
a smoking volcano was visible. E:\'THUSIASi\1 was not lacking and and level like a baseball diamond, then
The following day they proceeded to no time was wasted. An area of Camp the operator caught the idea with en-
their new home. At £irst it was a great Chitose. which is commanded by Col. thusiasm. In a short time General Hal
disappointment since most of the area Robert J. r.lartin, Artillery, had been i\luldrow, Division Artillery Command-
was still in the raw. Division headquar- chosen and giant dozers began pushing er, found himself commanding a sizable
ters and one combat team were located at out the scrub timber growth. Under- tent city.
Camp Crawford. Here they were well neath, a porous volcanic ash surface was In r.lay, training was in full swino
housed thanks to the efforts of General found and this proved excellent material and the 145th A1\1\ Battalion looked for-
Swing and members of the II th Air- for the drainage of an ideal camp site. ward to service practice and combined
borne Division who had labored to make Chaplain Russell T. Rauscher of the training problems.


By Lt. Col. Walter Killilae, Arty.

IN October 1950 the 82d AAA A\\T

Battalion recommended that additional
grade movement through an enemy £ire
block ..
The wings of the shield can be folded
when in a traversing position.
crew protection be provided for the can- In March the 702d Ordnance Mainte- Recent combat action by this unit dur-
noneers on i\1l6's. nance Company, 2d Infantry Division ing r.lay has shown the advantage of
Subsequent action veri£ied the need fabricated and installed some shields for these shields .• They have successfully
for it-speci£ically the action called Mas- trial. \Vithin a month more than half of protected cannoneers from grenade and
sacre Valley northwest of J-loengsong in the 1\1l6's in this unit were equipped mortar fragments as well as small-arms
February. During that action six men with shields. All except the first few and automatic-weapons £ire. The only
were wounded while acting as cannon- were manufactured by ordnance shops in disadvantage has been a slight warping
eers on one 1\116 and four men were Japan and designated as TI6 Gunners of the outer wing when hit by mortars
wounded on another. \Vounded men in Shields. which limits the traverse considerabk
that action meant lost men, unless thev No difficulty has been experienced This can be corrected by the use of' a
were able to remain on the vehicle m;- with the shields in action against ground hammer to straighten the warped por-
cause the unit was engaged in a retro- targets. Since this unit has engaged no tion.
airborne targets, no conclusions can be
drawn in that field except to state that
the added weight of the shield (800
pounds) may place excessive strain on
the "V" belts when engaging high-speed
aerial targets.
Gunners and cannoneers operating
behind the TI6 shield do so with greater
confidence even though the protection
provided is only ~-inch armor plate and
will stop only small-arms bullets of a
Manning the weapon behind protective
New shield mounted. non armor-piercing type. shield.
HNEW LOOK" FOR M16's Korea A wards Made At Bliss
A Siker Star and two Bronze Stars
were formally presented to Fort Bliss
By Capt. George H. Worf, Arty. personnel in ceremonies held on Noel
Field at the Post on June 15. All were
for service in Korea.
CA~i\'ONEER casualties in the Ko- Corporal Theo H. Lee, of the 1\ ledical
rean conflict mounted to such an alarm- Detachment, 4052nd ASU, received the
inoo rate, due to small-arms 0 oround fire, Siker Star in recognition of his service
that something had to be done about it. with the 25th Infantry Division in Ko-
That "something" is the new bat wing rea. Although seriously wounded him-
armor that was appro\'ed and adopted in self, he continued to give aid to, and
the X Corps last i\larch. e\'acuate wounded men under fire until
707th Ordnance worked o\'ertime in ordered into a vehicle to be evacuated
assembling and welding this armor plate with others,
to the i\116's of the 15th AAA AW Bat- i\laster Sg!. Garland D. i\1ci\lillan of
talion (SP). Headquarters Detachment, 1st Compos-
W'ithout protection: Cpl. Billy Baker,
i\lade of %" armor plate and weigh- ite Group, was awarded the Bronze Star
Sgt. Herbert Barker, Pfcs. Charles
ing 500 pounds, this added protection Moher and Maurice Rogers with Cpl. F. with V for meritorious service with the
has introduced several problems and Barton. 1st Cavalry Division. I-Ie was assistant
brought forth \'arious reactions from the communications chief and "was instru-
personnel most concerned-the cannon- "I don't like it. It wears the belts out. mental in providing necessary wire com-
eers, gunners, and squad leaders of the They have to run the power charger con- munications for the division artillery
~116's. stantly to keep the batteries up. I have to e\'en at times when as many as seven
take all ammo chests and spare barrels field artillerv battalions were attached to
Pro: out to work on the turret, because of the the division~"
1. There is protection for the i\116 way this armor is shaped." Lt. Co!. \Villiam Lucinski of the
cre\\'. Several bullet scars on the armor Pfc. H, McDonald, cannoneer: "\Ve 4052nd ASU received the Bronze Star
attest to this fact. got protection now, but when we have to for service in Korea as commandino o of-
use a lot of ammo in a hurry-we can't ficer of the 8069th Replacement Battal-
2. There is an increase in morale on
get to all the chests. The new armor ion. In this capacity he was responsible
the part of the cannoneers, just knowing
blocks off a lot of them. Especially when for the receipt, processing and forward-
there is armor protecting them.
we fire at fixed targets and don't traverse ing of large numbers of replacements to
3. There are less casualties resulting combat units of the Eighth Army.
from ground fire. Brig. Gen, Frederic L. Hayden, Com-
Pfc. T. L. Humphries, cannoneer:
manding General of the 38th Brigade,
Con: 'There's a bullet gash right where my
made the formal presentation of the dec-
head would have been, if we didn't have
1. This added weight, concentrated On orations.
this new armor. Do I like it?"
the forward portion of the M45 mount,
may burn out the constant-speed motor. The consensus throughout the battal-
It has not yet in three months of use. ion is that the new armor is "a" solution, Medal for Co!. .McGarraugh
but not "the" solution. Maj. Gen. William F. Marquat, USA,
2. The rate of traverse and elevation
is considerably slower-a major factor, in Antiaircraft Officer, Far East Command,
considering air targets. recently presented the Legion of i\'lerit
i\ledal to Co!. Riley E. McGarraugh, Ex-
3. The center shields, in battle posi- ecutive Officer of the Antiaircraft Artil-
tion, limit gunner observation to such an lery Section, GI-IQ, FEe.
extent as to be impractical against air-
During the period 25 June to 2 Nov.
craft, and difficult for rapidly changing
1950, a citation states, Colonel 1\ leGar-
from one ground target to another.
raugh was responsible for coordinating
the commitment of AAA units to Korea
CO:\IME1\'TS: FROM A BTRY" 15TH AAA Armor in folded position: Cpl. Homar
A. Mandrell, Sgt. Stanley E. Mowery, and for deplovment of remainino0 units
AW BN. (SP) •

Pfcs. Martin Schaffer, Emray Wrobel to strategic locations in Japan and Oki-
Cp!. G. Cornwell, artillery mechanic: and H. Barry. nawa.

* * * * ****** ******* ****
Original Honor Roll 212th AAA Group 62nd AAA AW Bn (SPl 443rd AAA AW Bn (SPl
Col. J. A. Moore, N. Y. Lt. Col. R. G. Finkenaur Lt. Col. J. F. Reagan
88th AAA Airborne 8n 2l4th AAA Group 63rd AAA Gun Bn S07th AAA AW Bn
Ma;. Thomas F. Penney Cal. J. G. Johnson, Ga. Lt. Col. B. I. Greenberg Maj. S. J. Paciorek
228th AAA Group 6Sth AAA Gun Bn S18th AAA Gun Bn
216th AAA Group
Col. D. W. Bethea, Jr. Lt. Col. R. F. Moore Lt. Col. O. L. Greening
Col. W. E. Johnson
107th AAA AW Sn (M) 68th AAA Gun Bn 697th AAA Gun Bn
218th AAA Group
Lt. Col. T. H. Pope, Jr., S. C. Lt. Col. R. C. Cheal Lt. Col. James McMinn
Col. V. P. lupinacci, Po.
305th AAA Group 69th AAA Gun Bn (Ml 698th AAA Gun Bn
224th AAA Group
Col. John S. Mayer, N. Y. Col. E. W. Thompson Maj. D. C. Sherrets Lt. Col. F. Monico, Illinois
226th AAA Group 70th AAA Gun Bn 70Sth AAA Gun Bn
Separate Commands Lt. Col. K. R. Philbrick Lt. Col. M. P. DiFusco, R. I.
Col. John D. Sides
Army AAA Command 227th AAA Group 71 st AAA Gun Bn 707th AAA Gun Bn.
Maj. G"n. W. W. Irvine Col. P. l. Wall Lt. Col. A. J. Montrone Lt. Col. F. Fulton, Jr.
Third Army Training Cenler 229th AAA Group 7Sth AAA Gun Bn 708th AAA Gun Bn
Brig. Gen. C. H. Armstrong Col. Edw. lsaachsen, Illinois Lt. Col. A. A. Koscielniak Lt. Col. P. I. Getzinger
2Slst AAA Group 78th AAA Gun Bn 709th AAA Gun Bn
Brigades Col. A. long, Calif. Lt. Col. T. W. Ackert Lt. Col. l. A. long
3Sth AAA Brigade 302nd AAA Group 79th AAA Gun Bn 712th AAA Gun Bn
Brig. Gen. Homer Case Col. John M. Welch, Ohio Maj. R. M. Booz Lt. Col. H. H. Taylor, Jr., Fla.
40th AAA Brigade 313th AAA Group 80th AAA Airborne Bn 713th AAA Gun Bn
Brig. Gen. James G. Devine Col. A. F. Hoehle, Po. Lt. Col. L. W. Linderer Lt. Col. B. N. Singleton
47th AAA Brigade 374th AAA Group 82nd AAA AW Bn (SPl 71Sth AAA Gun Bn
Col. G. C. Gibbs Col. T. F. Mullaney, Jr., Illinois Maj. F. A. Werner Lt. Col. W. H. Uter, N. Y.
l03rd AAA Brigade Sl Sth AAA Group 9Sth AAA Gun Bn 71 6th AAA Gun Bn
Brig. Gen. R. Y. Moore, Conn. Col. F. G. Rowell, N. Mex. Lt. Col. l. S. Dougherty Lt. Col. Joe R. Stewart
107th AAA Brigade 1 01st AAA Gun Bn (Ml 717th AAA Gun Bn
Brig. Gen. J. W. Squire, Va. Battalions Maj. l. D. Collins Lt. Col. E. D. Pelzer
lOSth AAA Brigade 3rd AAA AW Bn (SPl 102nd AAA Gun Bn 726th AAA Gun Bn
Brig. Gen. A. H. Doud, N. Y. Lt. Col. C. W. Stewart Lt. Col. M. H. Roesser Lt. Col. John T. Watson
109th AAA Brigade
Brig. Gen. Julius Klein, Illinois
ll1th AAA Brigade
4th AAA AW Bn (Ml
Lt. Col. R. J. Connelly
9th AAA Gun Bn
107th AAA AW Bn (Ml
Lt. Col. T. H. Pope, Jr., S. C.
11 Sth AAA Gun Bn.
7S3rd AAA Gun Bn
Lt. Col. W. A. Smith
768th AAA Gun Bn *
Brig. Gen. Chas. G. Sage, N. Mex.
ll2th AAA Brigade
It. Col. H. O. Johnson
lSth AAA AW Bn (SPl
Lt. Col. W. D. McCain
1 20th AAA Gun Bn
Lt. Col. T. H. Kuyper, lIIinois
773rd AAA Gun Bn
Brig. Gen. J. W. Cook, Calif. Lt. Col. S. F. Hudgins Lt. Col. H. C. Gray Lt. Col. G. F. Slavin
21st AAA AW Bn (SPl 126th AAA AW Bn (SPl 804th AAA AW Bn (Ml
Groups Maj. Chas. E. Henry Lt. Col. R. C. Carrera, Mont. Lt. Col. Wm. C. Wells
10th AAA Group
Col. W. H. Hennig
22nd AAA AW Bn
Lt. Col. R. J. Jones
A Btry, 2Sth AAA AW Bn
127th AAA AW Bn (SPl
Lt. Col. H. G. White, N. Y.
142nd AAA AW Bn
867th AAA AW Bn
Maj. S. M. Arnold
11 th AAA Group
Col. W. B. logan Capt. l. M. Peterson Lt. Col. C. Beckman, N. Y. Operations Detachments
19th AAA Group 3Sth AAA Gun Bn. 1SOth AAA Gun Bn 10Sth AAA Opns. Det.
It. Col. J. E. 8urrows Lt. Col. L. O. Ellis, Jr. 1st Lt. E. A. Sisson

Col. H. P. Gard
97th AAA Group 39th AAA AW Bn (Ml 24Sth AAA Gun Bn 177th AAA Opns. Det.
Col. J. T. Wrean Lt. Col. N. W. Baltzer Maj. S. C. Davidson Maj. W. F. Hale, Va.
200th AAA Group 41st AAA Gun Bn 2S0th AAA Gun Bn 179th AAA Opns. Det.
Col. C. M. Woodbury Lt. Col. W. A. Keyson Lt. Col. A. J. Twiggs Maj. J. l. Butler
202nd AAA Group 46th AAA AW Bn (SPl 260th AAA Gun Bn 1 81 st AAA Opns. Det.
Col. J. W. Anslow, Illinois
204th AAA Group
Col. J. Barkley, La.
Lt. Col. Wm. M. Vann
Lt. Col. l. J. Lesperance
Lt. Col. R. H. Stephens, D. C.
26Sth AAA Gun Bn
Maj. H. Botts, Fla.
Maj. R. H. Moser
SOlst AAA Opns. Det.
Maj. E. F. Deleon *
207th AAA Group
Col. G. T. Stillman, N. Y.
208th AAA Group
Col. H. S. Ives
S9th AAA AW Bn (SPl
Maj. K. E. Pell
60th AAA AW Bn
It. Col. R. T. Cassidy
340th AAA Gun Bn
It. Col. G. V. Selwyn, D. C.
398th AAA AW Bn (SPl
Lt. Col. l. B. Dean
S03rd AAA Opns. Det.
Capt. R. R. Berger
S07th AAA Opns. Det.
Capt. E. F. Bookler
1. To qualify or to requalify for a listing on the Journal Honor Roll, 3. Brigades and groups with 90% or more subscribers among the officers
units must submit the names of subscribers and a roster of officers assigned to the unit are eligible for listing, provided that the unit
assigned to the unit on date of application.
2. Battalions with 80% or more subscribers among the officers assigned
consists of not less than seven officers.

to the unit are eligible for listing, provided that the unit consists of
not less than twenty officers.
4. Units will remain on the Honor Roll for one year after qualification
or requalifIcation.
*~~~~~~ ••••••••••••••• *¥
Editor's Visit To The AAA t
GM Center
YOUR editor had the good fortune The AAA and Gl\l Center is nul.\' a Army. accompanied by three other Dan-
to attend the Senior Officer Guided l\1is- big league affair. They have long boast- ish officers and the Danish Military at-
sile Indoctrination Course at the Anti- ed of the huge reservation; whether you tache in Washington, paid a visit to
aircraft and Guided Missiles School 6-8 call it 5,000 square miles, or three mil- study the operations at the Center. On
June. It was truly a superb course. lion acres, it is still twice the size of the l\londay evening General and Mrs.
\Vith tIle idea of getting a rather com- state of Delaware, and as actually shaped Lewis gave a delightful dinner party at
plete indoctrination and also of spread- it makes a splendid proving ground and the Club in honor of General Mollet
ing some, too, as to the purpose and firing center. They now speak also of and his party.
merit of your ANTIAIRCRAFT JOURNAL, their dozens of battalions, their thou- On Wednesday morning at 0725 the
I arrived on Sunday well before the sands of students and trainees. EA'})an- class assembled for business. It included
course started. Bear with me for a ram- sion is no longer an experiment at Fort Maj. Generals David L. Ruffner and
bling report. Bliss. They have a system. Bruce C. Clark, armored division com-
Colonel Robert H. Krueger, Coordi- With all that, they take their greatest manders; Brig. Generals John A. Dab-
nator of Instruction in the School, met pride in the battle accomplishments of ney. Camp Gordon commander; F. L.
me and escorted me to the comfortable those AAA battalions in Korea that were Hayden, 38th AAA Brigade; Guy O.
guest quarters on Fifth Avenue. Soon originally trained at Fort Bliss. Kurtz, 28th Divarty; Thomas E. Lewis,
we moved on to the Kruegers' attractive Back to the system and the machine VI Corps Arty; and Harry P. Newton,
quarters on Sheridan Road where Jean in the AAA and GM Center. Colonel Retired.
led us promptly out on the lawn to en- Cyrus Q. Shelton, the Chief of Staff, The total class of sixty included a
joy the twilight desert breeze. There and his staff keep it oiled for coordina- number of senior General Staff officers
we were joined by Brigadier General tion. Among the new members since our from Washington and representatives
and l\1rs. Jesse D. Balmer, Colonel and last report, Colonel Robert A. Turner from the Engineer, Ordnance, Signal
l\1rs. George Van Studdiford, Colonel has joined as G3. Of particular interest and Chemical Corps, and the Air Force.
and Mrs. Wm. A. Weddell, and a few to us, Major L. B. Wantuck is the ag- Among the AAA stalwarts there were
more before we moved on to the buffet gressive PIO who provides us with news Colonels A. T. Bowers, Wm. A Cau-
supper and dance at the Fort Bliss Of- items and photographs of Fort Bliss ac- then, Lee J. Davis, Vernum C. Stevens,
ficers' Club. There it was like old home tivities. and Wm. A. Weddell.
week. Suffice it to say that the Club is Brig. General Frederick L. Hayden Brig. General Jesse D. Balmer. As-
just as attractive as reported. Some may was activating the 38th AAA Brigade to sistant Commandant, and Lt. Col. F.
be interested to hear that the dance take over command of the AAA com- M. McGoldrick, Director of the Guided
Hoor has been enlarged to accommodate bat units. Col. W. Bruce Logan com- Missiles Department, oriented us brieRy
the popular attendance at the Saturday mands the lIth AAA Group; Col. Fred and turned us over to the instructors.
and Sunday evening dances. J. Woods, the 16th; and Col. John A. Soon we were in the Power Plant Lab
On Monday morning I learned early Sides, the 226th. All of these groups where Lt. Col. M. B. Dodson broke the
that Fort Bliss is a busy place. Before have been through the mill in activating news to us about propulsion systems, sub-
seven o'clock my sound sleep was inter- and training battalions and operations sonic and supersonic speeds, and gave
rupted by the activity in the radar, ve- detachments. us some instructive demonstrations.
hicle and gun parks nearby. The extent of activity in the AAA After a break l\1ajors J. H. Crowe
;\lajor General John T. Lewis received RTC led us to ask for the article which and L. L. Stahl conducted another in-
me early and took time to orient me on appears elsewhere in this issue. teresting period in guidance systems. Be-
the main features of the AAA and GM Another activity of interest is that of ginning easily with attitude and path
Center. As you know, General Lewis the 1st Guided 'Missile Group under control. they moved rapidly to mechanics
is also Commandant of the School and Colonel Thomas C. Foreman. The and electronics-to ya\\', pitch, and roll.
President of AFF Board 1'\0. 4. I was Group has now advanced to practical Fortunately, they did not take us far
interested to note, in view of his broad and impressive training operations. We out into space where fins and rudders
experience in Army school work, that are promised an article on its activity count for naught.
he had simply turned over the active next issue. Continuing in the afternoon Lt. Col.
direction of the School to General Bal- The activities at Fort Bliss attract the J. G. Sweek of the AFF Board ~o. 4
mer, the Assistant Commandant. l\lore attention of many distinguished military presented the status of development of
of that later. Likewise Colonel Charles visitors from our own Armed Forces and AAA Capt. F. C. Kajencki did the same
E. Shepherd handles the Board activi- abroad. During my visit Major General for surface-to-air missiles (SAM). Then
ties. E. C. V. Moller, Chief of Staff, Danish Lt. Comdr. Brooks covered the tactical
JULY-AUGUST, 1951 31
employment of the SAM. direction of Colonel Paul B. Nelson, The highlighis were 1) the course
General Lewis and the faculty held a Gunnery Department, the 716th AM was well organi1/ed and put over by top-
reception for the class at the Officers' Gun Battalion (9Omm) (Lt. Col. Joe R. Hight instructors, 2) the schedule clicked,
Club, six to seven P.M. After dinner ar- Stewart) and the 28th AM Gun Bat- and 3) the staff and faculty of the Anti-
rangements were provided for those who talion (12Omm) (Lt. Col. A. A. Adams) aircraft and Guided Missiles School are
desired to visit Juarez. put on a separate and joint firing demon- integrated.
Thursday morning Lt. Cols. A. F. stration against towed targets. Specific action has been renewed late-
Rollins and M. W. Wood covered the On Hueco Range No.2, the 59th ly at higher levels toward the integration
subject of the surface-to-surface missiles AM AW Bn (SP) demonstrated the of the Artillery officers' education. In
(SSM). Capt. J. P. Tyler covered for- M 19 twin forties in ground firing and this School considerable progress has
eign developments. aerial firing against RCATs by the been made already. General Balmer, an
We later left for \Vhite Sands Prov- M 19's, the towed 40mm guns, and the erstwhile field artillery veteran, directs
ing Ground where we lunched with the M16 quad fifties. In both the heavy and the School activity as a guided missile
commander, Cot G. G. Eddy. He later light AAA demonstrations fire power enthusiast. Likewise, Colonel William
outlined his operations, took us for a and accuracy were evident. Taylor, Jr., directs the Tactics Depart-
tour, and gave us a show in rocket firing In the afternoon Lt. Cot Rollins gave ment. Colonel Harold T. Bratherton is
which we shan't soon forget. us a study on strategic operations and the coordinator of administration; Lt.
Friday morning we observed three ef- Lt. Cot McGoldrick outlined the train- Cot Kenneth A. Eddy is the Secretary;
fective demonstrations. Colonel Forman ing problems involved in expansion. there are also a large number of other
with officer and enlisted assistants dem- To dose the course General Balmer field artillerymen and representatives of
onstrated the training operations of the conducted a discussion period in which other branches throughout the staff and
1st G. M. Group. the students were allowed to spring the faculty.-C. S. H.
On Hueco Range No.4, under the questions. Notify the Journal of Your Address Chang.

Courses At The AAA ~ GM School

Fort Bliss, Texas
Schedule of Classes directly to the school 16 July; others in (31 weeks) has replaced the Electronics
October from their units. Likewise the Radar Course.
The Artillery Ofl1.cerAdvanced Course
course will be attended by some 600 1 13 Aug 51
(47 weeks) will be integrated for AAA
ROTC graduates, OCS graduates, a 2 to 6 with starting dates from
and FA. The entire class of about 340
large number of other officers ordered October to June.
will report at Fort Sill, Okla., by 25 July,
to active duty; and many more to be or-
where the course will include all per- AAA Battery Officer Refresher (4 wks)
dered by the army commanders and the
tinent subjects, except AAA material 6 9 July 51
Army AA Command, from active AAA
and gunnery and guided missiles. The 7 to 10 with starting dates from
entire class will go to Fort Bliss from September to June.
24 October to 22 December for the sub- 33 16 July 51 AAA Field Officer Refresher (4 wks)
jects mentioned above and then return 34 6 Aug 51
to Fort Sill to complete the course 25 6 9 July 51
35 27 Aug 51
June, 1952. 7 4 Feb 52
36 to 42 begin one each month
8 7 Apr 52
CLASS No. REpORTING DATE October to June.
Radar Ofl1.cer Refresher (4 wks)
6 25 July 51
Guided Missile (32 weeks) is con- 3 4 Feb 52
Associate AAA Officer Advanced ducted for Army, Navy, Air Force and 4 7 Apr 52
(15 weeks) Marine Corps officers. The students are
7 6 Aug 51 trained in and observe firings of the Officer and Enlisted Courses
8 7 Jan 52 latest missiles. GM courses for enlisted Fire Control System AA T-33 Familiar-
Associate AAA Battery Officer (15 men will be announced soon. ization (20 wks)
weeks) will be very active. It will be 3 II June 51
10 20 Aug 51
attended by the USMA graduates as- 4 24 Sept 51
II 12 Nov 51
signed to AM as well as the distin- 5 to 12 begin one each month
guished ROTC graduates. Some will go Artillery Fire Control Systems Officer from October to June.

r Fire Colltrol System AA T-33 Rallge
Officer or Operator (-+ wks)
-+ 16 July 51 19 11 Feb ,-

5 27 Aug 51 21 17 ~Iar 52
6 to 12 with starting dates from 23 21 Apr 52
October to June. -,
26 l\ la\' 52

AAA \Veapolls Mailltenance (4834)

Enlisted Courses (7 wks)
The AAA Gunnery Control and Oper- 10 to 26 (e\'en numbered) with
ations Chief courses are identical. They starting dates identical with
ha\'e replaced the ~ laster Gunner courses odd numbered classes, \Veap-
of last year. Likewise both the Fire Con- ons l\hintenance, abo\'e.
trol Electrician (Gun) and the Radar Re-
pair and l\ laintenance courses have been Fire COlltrol Electrician (AW) (0633)
replaced by the Artillery Fire Control (17 wks)
System Specialist courses "A," "B," "C," 59 9 July 51
and "D." The AAA \Veapons Mainte- 60 10 Sept 51
nance courses have been transferred from 61 19 No\' 51
Fort Sill. 62 7 Jan 52
AAA CUllller)' COlltrol (18 wks) 63 10 Mar 52
27 6 Aug 51 64 12 Mav 52 The turn-to book for every Army
28 17 Sept 51 officer-from the first day he reports
29 to 34 with starting dates from for duty until he retires.
Courses at the Artillery School
October to June. Fort Sill, Okla.
A veritable encyclopedia
AAA Operatiolls Chief (1724) (18 wks)
Same as AAA Gunnery Control. Officer Course PARTIAL CONTENTS
Artillery Fire COlltrol System Specialist Customs and courtesies
Artillery Officer Commllnications (0200)
(Scope "A" SCR 584 w/Director M-9, (12 wks) The Code of the Army
M-JO) (35 wks)
Leadership techniques
7 27 June 51
1 9 July 51 Arrival at a new station
8 15 Aug 51
2 13 Aug 51
9 to 14 with starting dates from Efficiency reports
3 10 Sept 51
October to June. Uniforms, insignia, medals
4 to 11 begin one each month
from October to June, Schools-Army, Joint
Artillery Officer Comlllllnications Re-
fresher (0200) (2 wks) Duty (and living) overseas
Artillery Fire Control System Specialist
Pay and allowances
(Scope "B," FCS T-33) (38 wks) I 1 Aug 51
New travel regulations
2 to 12 with starting dates iden- 2 26 Sept 51
3 Career planning
tical with courses for Scope 7 Nov 51
"A" above. 4 16 Jan 52 Your personal affairs
Rights and restrictions
Artillery Fire Control System Specialist Enlisted Courses Army posts-facilities
(Scope "C," FCS T-38) (35 wks)
Artillery Enlisted Commllnications Practical public speaking
I to 11 with starting dates iden-
(1542) (12 wks)
tical with courses for Scope More than 560,000 Army officers
"A" above. 13 18 July 51 have found the OFFICER'S GUIDE
14 8 Aug 51 helpful in their careers.
Artillery Fire Control System Specialist 15 22 Aug 51
(Scope "D," COllnter-Mortar Radar) 16 to 33 beginning one or more 17th Edition 592 pages
(28 wks) each month from September
2 8 Oct 51 to June.
3 10 l\lar 52
Artillery Radio Maintenance (3174)
AAA \\leapons Maintenance (4833) (12 wks)
(7 wks)
II 25 July 51
9 6 Aug 51 12 22 Aug 51
11 10 Sept 51 13 to 20 with starting dates from
13 15 Oct 51 September to June,
JULY-AUGUST, 1951 33
Artillery Ballistic Meteorology, (1784, Comment on War Crimes Trials
*1784 w/Maintenance) (1784-25)
The report on the '\lake Island Con-
COMPANY (II ",ks); (*1784-10) (21 wks)
ference, made public in connection with
9 3 July 51 the Senate investigation into the relief of
General of the Army Douglas Mac-
and the Personnel Office Artillery Ballistic l\leteorology (4784) Arthur, brings up one important subject
(11 ",ks) ,vhich undoubtedly will be gi,'en more
I 26 Sept 51 serious consideration. At that confer-
hy CoI. C. M. Virtue 2 9 Jan 52 ence, when it was thought that the war
in Korea would soon be over, considera-
If you want to know company tion was being given to the courses of
Weather Equipment Maintenance
administration from.A to Z-and the (1784) (12 wks) action to be followed. Mr. W. Averell
operation of the unit personnel office Harriman asked General MacArthur:
I 3 Oct 15 "What about war criminals?"
-this is the hook for you. 2 to 9 with starting dates from
General MacArthur replied:
October to June.
Describes the responsibilities of "Don't touch the war criminals. It
each member of the administrative doesn't work. The Nuremberg trialsand
Artillery Track Vehicle Maintenance
Tokya trials were no deterrent. In my
team. Covers personnel management (3660) (8 wks)
own right I can handle those who have
and career guidance, up-to-date. 4 I Aug 51 committed atrocities and, if we catch
5 IS Aug 51 them, 1intend to try them immediately
Model forms illustrate 6 29 Aug 51 by military commission."
procedures 7 to 26 beginning each two Here is a view on the controversial
weeks from September to war trials which has not been hitherto
20th Edition 474 pages June. expressed by such an outstanding author-
ity as General MacArthur. It must be
$2.50 Artillery Vehicle Maintenance Super- remembered that after fighting the Japa-
vision (8 wks) nese from Australia to Tokyo, it was he,
4 3 July 51 as Supreme Allied Commander, who had
THE 5 I Aug 51 jurisdiction over the war trials. He saw
many military and civilian leaders of his
RED ARMY 6 29 Aug 51
erstwhile enemies condemned to death
7 to 17 with starting dates from
TODAY October to May. or to long prison terms. He had virtually
unparalleled opportunity to observe the
The Artillery School Schedule shown effect on the people. His judgment now
by Col. Louis B. Ely includes only an extract of the courses is that the trials didn't work-that they
of interest to the AAA that are conducted were no deterrent. He feels that field
How powerful is the greatest stand-
at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. courts and provost courts can handle
ing army in the world today? How
does it compare with the armies of actual atrocities. Perhaps a restudy of the
the Western powers?
Quotas effects of these trials would lead to a
better method of handling the problem
The Army Field Forces spokesman
The Army you should it arise in the future.-Ar1llY-
emphasized that AAA battalion and
may have to flght- Navy-Air Force JOHrnal.
higher commanders can initiate requests
Its men-its weapons for quotas through channels to OCAFF
Its tactics-its morale whenever pertinent. Last year, through
Its politics and intentions misunderstanding, the AAA failed to Silver Star
utilize fully the quotas available for them PRIVATE FIRST CLASS CHARLES K. HORST,
Based on interviews and intelli-
at Fort Sil1. JR., a member of Battery A, 50th AAA AW
gence reports. Bn. (SP). is cited for heroism in action against
Quotas for courses of more than 21 an armed enemy in Korea. On 11 December
2d Edition 284 pages weeks are filled from the pipe line with 1950, Private Horst was manning a machine-
gun position in a defensive perimeter near
$3.50 permanent change of station. Shorter Chinhung-ni when the enemy, trying to in-
courses max be taken on a DS status, filtrate, opened fire with automatic weapons.
With complete disregard for his safety,
for which quotas are allotted to Army exposing himself to the heavy automatic
Order from commanders and to the Army AA Com- weapons fire, he located the enemy positions.
Then, despite repeated warnings to take
mand. Individual officers and enlisted cover, he remained in his exposed position
ANTIAIRCRAFT "OURNAL men, returning from overseas in the pipe delivering such a heavy volume of machine-
gun fire that the enemy was forced to with-
line, may initiate application for assign- draw. His heroic actions in preventing an
631 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. infiltration of the perimeter reflect great
ment to school courses. For further in-
\Vashington 4, D. C. credit on himself and the military service.
formation ,vrite to the School Com- x x x West Virginia.

The AAA RTC, Fort Bliss, Texas
CO:\.1BAT soldiers who have been pursued within the AAA RTC. It places and training-in artillery firing, in infan-
trained in the Army's only Antiaircraft responsibility for the superior training try combat, in athletics, and elsewhere.
Artillery Replacement Training Center, of an individual upon the unit com- Realistic field training and vigorous
at Fort Bliss, Texas. are now serving in mander in order to develop a well- physical conditioning are emphasized to
the Far East and in Europe. rounded cadreman rather than a special- develop soldiers ready for combat. The
Since its establishment on August 10, ist. The need for such a balanced pro- trainees spend many days in the field in
1950, the AAA RTC has trained more cedure was demonstrated when direc- bivouac, field problems, and in counter-
than 13,000 soldiers. Approximately half tives were received to ship direct to Ko- ing guerrilla type action. Surprise ag-
as many more are currently in or about rea, qualified officer and enlisted cadres gressor actions are introduced to help
to begin their cycles of instruction. for battlefield replacement of combat teach security. The trainees also get
The AAA RTC is commanded by soldiers selected for return under the sound conditioning in foot marches
Colonel Earl W. Heathcote. Major Gen- Army rotation program. under packs. Colonel Heathcote tolerates
eral John T. Lewis, commanding the An integral part of the AAA RTC is no vehicle-bound personnel.
AA and GM Center, also takes an active a leader's course which implements the Confidence gained during the basic
interest and hand in all of its operations. objective stated in ATP 22-1 "to select training infiltration course is increased
The primary mission of theAAA RTC potential leaders early in their military as the men negotiate rocky, desert-like
is to receh'e, train and ship as automatic careers, and to develop their capacity for combat courses. A combat village in the
weapons crewmen or heavy antiaircraft leadership by example, by instruction, Franklin Mountains on the outskirts of
artillery cannoneers pipeline personnel and by guidance in the actual perform- El Paso provides realistic training in
who preYiously have received their basic ance of duties which involve the lead- village combat.
training in one of the several training di- ing of troops." Antiaircraft artillery trainees receive
dsions ,":ithin the continental United The Department of the Army estab- training with their weapons. Firing is
States. The trainees get eight weeks lishes for each continental army quotas conducted against both ground and aerial
training in the AAA RTC after they for the leader's course. The course has targets; the latter including both air-
have completed six weeks in the basic graduated 387 potential leaders. A recent plane-towed and radio-controlled air-
training division. A secondary mission is directive to double its capacity will en- plane targets.
to train as basic soldiers for post units all able it to produce more individuals ca-
The RTC maintains an active athletic
untrained personnel received from re- pable of becoming noncommissioned of-
program. Pvt. Samuel Kelly, Btry A 3rd
ception centers. These trainees also get ficers. Through the generosity of the
Battalion won the Fourth Army middle-
an eight weeks training course adapted Citizens Committee for the Army, Navy,
weight championship at Fort Sill in De-
to the specific needs. and Air Force, Inc., of New York City,
As currently organized, the AAA RTC outstanding graduates have been pre-
The RTC won the post basketball
includes one group of six battalions of sented the American Spirit Honor Medal
championship in February and still has
four batteries each. Frequently general and Certificate, at appropriate ceremo-
two softball teams in the post league:
resen'e AAA units or provisional bat- nies such as reviews.
Btry C, 4th Bn. and Btry A, 6th Bn.
talions are also attached to provide facil- Specifically the American Spirit Honor
ity for temporary expansion of the RTC. l\1edal and Certificate is awarded for the Captain John C. Briggs, the I & E
display of outstanding qualities of lead- Officer, supervises a very effective pro-
Recently Colonel Heathcote has ex-
ership, best expressing the American gram in that field, with the emphasis
panded the activity to meet a specific
need. The recently federalized National spirit of honor, initiative, loyalty and on the battery programs and on the night
classes at Texas Western College.
Guard battalions arrive at far below T /0 high example to comrades in arms. The
& E strength and lacking some key per- following trainees have received the Training battalion commanders are:
sonneL They require assistance; so the medal this year: Major David Cooper, 1st Bn.
AAA RTC conducts the initial training Col. Geoffrey W. Sargent, 2nd Bn.
Frederick A. Waterous, St. Paul,
of the filler personnel for these battal- Major Elwood G. Schwartz, 3rd Bn.
ions. Concurrently, the 11th and the Lt. Col. John Martinelli, 4th Bn.
James B. Blunk, Santa Monica, Calif.
226th AAA GROUPS, general reserve Major John E. Hendry, Jr., 5th Bn.
George P. Hambleton, Richmond, Va.
units, carry on specialists' schools for Na- Major F. R. Whitehead, Sr., 6th Bn.
Clayton W. Wood, Phoenix, Ariz.
tional Guard cadre and specialists. Upon
Granville Tate, Nevada, Miss. AAA RTC staff officers include:
completion of five weeks training within
Ira L. Gross, Los Angeles, Calif.
the Replacement Training Center the Major James D. Benner, Executive
fillers and trained cadremen will join the Leadership potentials are de\'eloped Lt. Col. Richard A. Shagrin, S4
Aational Guard battalions which will throughout the basic and branch material Major Martin O. Hemingway, S3
immediately start unit training. programs of the RTC. The student Capt. F. B. Matthews, Personnel
The unit, rather than the committee' leader is given actual practice in com- Capt. Dudley S. Shine, III, S2
•or faculty type, method of instruction is mand and in leading in all instruction Capt. Robert A. LeitzelI, Adjutant

JULY-AUGUST, 1951 35
A Substitute For Trial Fire
By Major M. R. McCarthy

T HE value of complete and accurate

preparation for ore for heavy antiaircraft
pertinent then to re-examine the prob-
lem of trial ore.
nal ballistics that would adversely affect
antiaircraft artillery ore.
artil1ery is well recognized. All steps in Now what of trial fire? In the past
preparation for ore-emplacement, level- ANALYSIS OF PREPARATION FOR FIRE we have taught that the purpose of trial
ling, orienting, sychronizing, computa- ore was to eliminate "unknown errors"
tion and application of ballistic correc- from gunnery. Fundamentally, the trial
UNDER any condition, certain steps
tions, calibration ore, and trial ore-are ore corrections have eliminated errors
in preparation for ore can still be ac-
important, and all must be completed resulting from variations from standard
complished accurately and successfully.
within very close limits of accuracy if of certain conditions affecting internal
Emplacement, levelling, orienting, and
ore for effect against an aerial target is ballistics. These errors have been re-
synchronizing can be performed with-
to be successful. ferred to as "unknown errors," I believe,
out interference in the position area.
With accurate work on all the pre- because we have had no means avail-
Calibration ore can be performed in
vious steps in preparation for ore, those able for measuring all of these variations.
some suitable location in a training or
corrections determined by trial fire are Any real consideration of internal bal-
staging area.
usually small; however, I believe all will listics has been regarded as beyond the
Now let us diverge briefly to consider
agree that corrections at present deter- scope of an antiaircraft artillery officer.
a few basic concepts.
mined by trial ore are quite essential In spite of this fact, let's consider inter-
to make the antiaircraft artillery ore ef- I. Ballistics is defined as the science nal ballistics for a moment. Internal bal-
fective. which deals with the motion of listics is dependent upon such factors as:
Suppose that you were suddenly told projectiles through air.
that in the future trial fire would not length of bore,
2. The science of ballistics includes:
be conducted. We must accept the fact size and shape of propellant grains,
a. Internal ballistics, which deals rate of burning of propellant grains,
that for sound reasons restrictions will with the motion of the projec-
be placed upon the use of trial ore. weight of propellant charge,
tile while it is still in the bore weight of projectile,
First, it may be tactically unsound to of the gun, and with the condi-
disclose AAA positions by oring trial propellant temperature,
tions existing inside the gun. chamber capacity.
ore. Second, the danger to friendly in-
b. External ballistics, which deals
stallations is indeed a problem. In my The length of the bore is kept con-
with the motion of the projectile
experience during World War II, it was stant in the manufacture of the weapon.
as it travels from the muzzle of
necessary to secure clearance through The size and shape of propellant
the gun to the target.
group headquarters in order to ore trial grains, their rate of burning, and the
ore, and this clearance was given once 3. Gunnery is the art of applying the
weight of the propelling charge are kept
each twenty-four hours. When antiair- science of ballistics.
constant within very close tolerances in
craft artillery is employed in the defense manufacture and assembly of the round
Therefore, in our gunnery we must
of our cities, in a heavily populated area of ammunition. Variations in perform-
know and correct for any variations from
such as Philadelphia, is it reasonable to ance between lot numbers of propellant
standard conditions that affect either the
expect that trial fire will be permitted? ha\'e caused some gunnery headaches in
internal or external ballistics of a given
I think not! The problems of falling the past. However, data on the expected
shell fragments and civilian morale are performance for each lot number can
Knowledge of variations from stand-
diametrically opposed. Trial fire would be determined and made available to the
ard conditions that affect external bal-
probably be prohibited. It appears to be oring batteries in terms of muzzle ve-
listics comes from the meteorological
message. With improved meteorolOgical locity.
equipment and adequate and proper The weight of the projectile is kept
Major M. R. McCarthy served during training of operating personnel, an ac- within kno\vn tolerance limits in manu-
the war as on instructor in the AAA
School and as a battery commander in curate and valid meteorological message facture. Corrections for variations from
combat. Since the War he has attended should be available. Proper application standard are based on tabular data from
the British School of Antiaircraft Artillery,
and i. now a student in the AA and GM of corrections based upon the meteoro- the oring tables. Due to the design of
Branch, The Artillery SchooL logical message, that is, ballistic correc- our director, the corrections are applied
tions, should minimize factors in exter- as an effect on muzzle velocity.
The propellant temperature is meas- A SoLUTION 5. Correct the average muzzle velocity
ured by use of a special powder temper- value for variations from standard
ature thermometer at each battery p0-
sition. Corrections for variations are com-
I HAVE attempted to develop the idea
that, in reality, trial fire correctigns are
in propellant temperature and pro-
jectile weight.
puted and applied to the present director
not to eliminate "unknown errors," but SYSTEM AS USED BY ROYAL ARTILLERY
as an effect on muzzle velocity.
are corrections which, in the main, elimi- ..
Of all of the principal factors affect- nate the effects of variations from stand-
ing the internal ballistics of a projectile, ard of conditions affecting the internal THE gunnery system outlined above
only the chamber capacity is unknown, ballistics of a projectile. I have also at- has been in use with the British Antiair-
or is not measured. Assuming uniform tempted to show that of these conditions craft Artillery for several years. Correc-
projectile loading, which we should which might affect the internal ballistics tions for external ballistics are applied
achieve consistently by use of an auto- of a projectile, all are kept standard, or directly to the predictor as in our Serv-
matic rammer, the chief cause of varia- variations from standard are known or ice. The muzzle velocity setting is de-
tion in chamber capacity is due to wear can be measured, with the single excep- pendent upon the wear of the tube and
and erosion; and wear and erosion of a tion of that of variation in chamber ca- the propellant temperature, both of
gun bore are inherent in any type of pacity due to wear and erosion. It fol- which are measured. Variations in
artillery fire. The effect of an increase lows then that trial fire may be sub- weight of projectile are ignored. The
in chamber capacity, that is, wear of the stituted for where necessary by the fol- wear of the tube is measured by a pull-
chamber and bore, is to decrease muzzle over gauge issued to each AAA troop.
lowing general procedure:
velocity. The bore measurement is converted to a
1. Perform all steps of preparation for muzzle velocity value through reference
Since information concerning expect-
fire with the greatest accuracy in to a table in the firing table. If the muz-
ed muzzle velocity is so vital to success-
order to eliminate personnel errors. zle velocities of all four guns do not
ful gunnery, let's see how this informa-
cover more than a 25 ftjsec band, the
tion is obtained now. It could be ob- 2. Make available to each battery a
mean muzzle velocity is taken as the
tained from a field chronograph. How- simple "pull-over" type bore gauge
battery developed muzzle velOCity. If a
ever, in nine years of service in antiair- to measure the chamber and bore
gun exceeds this 25 ftjsec limit on muz-
craft artillery, I have never encountered diameters.
zle velocity difference, it is regarded as
the special teams to perform this oper- 3. Use tables prepared by the Ord- an "odd" gun; its muzzle velocity value
ation; so the value of this method in a nance Department to relate a given is not used in determining a predictor
practical sense must be questioned. Also, chamber measurement to an ex- setting; compensation for this greater
since wear is constantly changing the pected muzzle velocity. If data for variation is made by special corrections
chamber capacity, the problem of chron- these tables is not already avail- in elevation and fuze at the gun in a
ographing is a recurring one. Another able, it could easily be obtained manner comparable to our calibration
method of determining battery devel- from experimental firing. corrections. Once determined, the mean
oped muzzle velocity is by analysis of 4. From the muzzle velocity values muzzle velocity is corrected for propel-
fire. Application of this technique is far then available for each gun, select lant temperature, and is then applied to
from universal, however. an average muzzle velocity value to the predictor.
Unfortunately, muzzle velocity data be applied to the director. It is ap-
is all too often determined by a process parent that the problem of selecting ,
known as the "educated guess" method. the average muzzle velocity would Trial fire should be used whenever
The difference between this guessed be greatly simplified by arranging possible.
muzzle velocity value and the true bat- to have guns of approximately equal Since trial fire will frequently be im-
tery developed muzzle velocity was one wear in the same battery, and by practicable in war, the gauge method of
of the greatest of the unknown errors keeping wear approximately equal determining battery developed muzzle
eliminated by trial fire corrections. If within the battery by ensuring that velocity should be incorporated into
trial fire is prohibited, then we need an- the number of rounds fired from US antiaircraft artillery teaching as an
other sound method of determining the each gun remains roughly the alternate means to trial fire in the prepa-
muzzle velocity. same. ration fur fire.


Immediate reactivation of Fort Banks at Winthrop, Massachusetts,
was announced by the Department of the Army.
FortBanks, which will be used by antiaircraft artillery units, was de-
clared excess to Army needs on January 31, 1950.

JULY-AUGUST, 1951 37
leveling 90mm and 120mm Guns
By Captain Peter P. Genero, Arty.

I T has been found that the on-carriage

level vials on about half of the 90mm
handwheel. Without changing the quad-
rant or the elevation of the gun, traverse
practical purposes, level throughout
6400 mils of traverse.
and 120mm guns are more than .5 mil the mount exactly 3200 mils. Then ob- However, nothing is taken for granted.
out of true zero. An instruction team from serve the bubble. If it remains centered The quadrant is left on the quadrant
the AA school in early 1945, distrusted the gun is level along that specific axis. seats and the gun is slowly traversed
on-carriage level vials to such extent, that Should the bubble be displaced, we then 6400 mils. The bubble is observed con-
they smashed the level vials on the 90mm know the error must be in the gun, since tinuously and .5 mil is the maximum al-
MiAl guns in my battery. They taught we have already checked the quadrant. lowable tolerance. If the displacement
that only by using the gunners quadrant, Measure the displacement with vernier exceeds the tolerance, and the gun is
~ould the guns consistently be leveled adjustment knob. Take up one-half of level over both axes, then the gun is not
accurately. This method appears to have the displacement by elevating the gun properly settled. More settling rounds
been forgotten. with the elevation handwheel. The re- may be necessary or the gun position
""'hen employing the gunners quad- maining half of the displacement is may have to be improved or even shifted
rant, the first step is to insure that the taken up by working the leveling jack slightly.
quadrant itself is accurate. This is done over which the tube was first placed. It may be noted that throughout this
bv the end to end test. A quadrant is (On 90mm M2 and 120mm guns the article, half of the displacement is
s~t at zero and placed on the quadrant leveling jacks are worked in pairs.) With always taken up by elevating the gun
seats of the gun. The gun is then ele- the quadrant at zero and the bubble and never by depressing the gun. Should
vated by using the 'elevation handwheel centered, the mount is then traversed it be necessary to depress the gun, it is
until the bubble is centered. Without 3200 mils to its original position. The first depressed at least 10 mils below the
changing the azimuth or elevation of bubble should remain centered. If it is desired elevation and then the gun is
the gun, the quadrant is lifted, rotated displaced, again take up one-half of the slowly elevated up to and not beyond the
180 degrees and again placed on the displacement with the handwheel and correct elevation. This insures that the
<Juadrant seats. If the bubble remains the other half with the leveling jack or gear train will always remain tight and
centered, then the quadrant is true. If pair of jacks. Traverse the mount 3200 that no error will creep into the leveling
the bubble is displaced, the quadrant is mils and repeat the process until the bub- procedure through backlash .
.off and must be adjusted. This adjust- ble remains centered at both points. Actually, any desired elevation may be
ment may easily be accomplished within used in leveling the guns. Zero mils ele-
the battery. Measure the displacement vation was used in the above example
by using the vernier adjustment on the NEXT travers'e the gun until the tube for convenience only.
quadrant. Next take up one half of the is directly. over the remaining jack. (On The only advantage in utilizing the
displacement by elevating the gun with the 90mm M2 and 120 mm guns align on-carriage level vials is speed and they
the elevation handwheel. Then loosen the tube over either of the remaining should be used when speed is more im-
the set screws on top of the vernier ad- jacks.) Set the quadrant at zero and place portant than accuracy. Their great dis-
justment knob of the quadrant and slide it on the quadrant seats. Elevate the gun advantage is that they are always subject
the vernier scale to compensate for the with the elevation handwheel until the to shock and often require adjustment,
other half of the displacement. Tighten bubble is centered. Then traverse the gun an ordnance job. Because of their loca-
the set screws. Repeat the end to end 3200 mils without changing the quad- tion on the mount, it is difficult to place
rant or the elevation. Observe the bubble. the eye perpendicular to the level vials
test and the adjustments listed above
If it is centered the gun is leveled on this for an accurate reading. Since the level
until all errors are zeroed out of the
axis also. If the b~bble is not centered, vials are on the stationary portion of the
quadrant. The accuracy of the quadrant
level the gun as outlined in the above mount, they do not always indicate im-
cannot be taken for granted even on a
paragraph using the second leveling jack proper settling of the gun.
day to day basis.
or pair of jacks. After this has been ac- On the other hand the gunners quad-
Traverse the gun until the tube is di- complished, check the gun over the first rant method is accurate and foolproof. It
rectly over one of the leveling jacks. jack or pair of jacks once more and re- leaves nothing to chance. If the bubble on
Set the quadrant at zero and place it on peat the entire procedure if necessary. the quadrant remains centered through-
the quadrant seats. Center the bubble by The gun is now level over two axes, out the 6400 mils of traverse, the gun
elevating the gun with the elevation perpendicular to each other, and for all must be level. .

By Captain Kenneth W. Swayze, Arty.

T HE use of the 1\119 for indirect fire

is still a controversial subject. However,
weapon (both gun tubes and direction
of flight arrow) at a definite object on
the ground, you can traverse the tubes Beea
here in battle we have found that it
actuallv works well even at extreme any angular amount in azimuth and the
direction of flight arrow will remain
Dl...t"'. Of
ranges: We have also arrived at one Fll,af Arrow

solution which can be applied in the fixed on the original point. This can
field in a very simple manner. readily be seen by boresighting on a
Following the invasion of Inchon in point and scribing the position of the
To, View
September, our Battery C, 50th AAA direction of flight arrow on the indicator
AW Battalion (SP), was attached to the assembly ring. (At this point check the
lor •• T." Arr....... f
First Battalion, 1&7th RCT (Airborne) direction of flight arrow to see if it is set lutell Ne I

at Madong-ni, approximately four,miles solid. The pin holding the direction of was found best to scribe the lower half of
south of the Han River. There we flight arrow to the shaft is often loose, the deflection scale so that the index
formed a task force with Company C of permitting a certain amount of error; can could have a larger bearing surface on
that battalion. The airborne infantrymen be corrected by center punching.) You the fan. Total cost for the sight was five
rode on our M19s and M16s to a point can then traverse 6400 mils and when dollars in \Von.
about Jh. mile from the river. At this you again boresight you will find the In test firing w~th the use of the sight
point the infantry dismounted to clear direction of flight arrow and the scribe
the high ground to the right of the road. marks will match. With this in mind
We stood by ready to fire supporting we devised a sight based on thai: prin-
cover for the infantry. ciple.
The vehicles were deployed and crews We procured a sheet of stock alumi-
were standing by when we spotted North num 3/16" thick, cut out the sight in
Koreans crossing the river in boats at a the form of a deflection fan, 12" long
point (later determined to be 4,500 to (see sketch), and drilled a hole in the
5,500 yards) to the left flank of our guns. rear to fit over the direction of flight ar-
We immediately opened fire on them.
Although some of the enemy were killed and an aiming circle we found that accu-
and wounded, the firing was definitely rate shifts of fire up to 1,000 mils could
not controlled as well as it might haye be made.
been. There was far too great a lapse of
time between contact and the time when One Weapon Control:
accurate fire was brought on the enemy.
Naturally the ~re was quite erratic in IF firing is to be conducted directly by
dispersion, due to self-detonation at the chief of section, the sight works per-
tracer burnout, and most rounds were air fectly with his field glasses. Since the
bursts over the water. However, we were 1\113 sighting system is a line of sight
firmly convinced as to the lethal effec- row indicator assemble. Using the center type, it is usually above target at ranges
tiveness of the 40mm gun up to and of the hole as a vertex, a mil deflection greater than 1,500 yards; the tubes must
including the airburst range. We also scale was marked for a thousand mil be depressed to facilitate resighting un-
saw that we had to have a better sighting shift-zero to 500 mils right and zero to less some makeshift method is used. This
system for long-range firing. 500 mils left. The sight is held in place system permits the chief of section to
by three screw tabs (sketch 2) in the top measure mil deviation at a point away

T HE direction of flight arrow is de-

signed to stay fixed in a preset direction
of the indicator assemble box positioned from the gun and thus prevent being
where it can easily be read by the hori- blinded by dust, smoke, and vibration of
zontal gun pointer. For an index an the gun. This gives more accurate con-
during tracking. When you point the aluminum indicator (see sketch 3) fas- trol and better firing results, and permits
tened to the direction of flight arrow was firing to maximum range without for-
used, strengthened with plexiglass to im- ward displacement. The use of the gun-
Captain Kenneth W. Swayze is with Bat-
tery C, 50th AAA AW Bn. (SPI in Korea. prove rigidity. The deflection scale was ner's quadrant is a must as the track usu-
scribed by a local Korean scale maker. It ally does not set on level terrain, and any

deflection shift, when the mount is not guns, that landmark can be used as the indirect fire?" If you can do so, you can
level results in more inaccurate firing in common reference point in lieu of the execute many valuable missions when
range. air burst described above. If the guns are otherwise the crews would be idle.
spread widely the landmark should be at Sometimes it is much better to lay down
Platoon or Battery' Control: a great distance. effective fire at from two to four thou-

AT platoon level, with guns numbered

right to left, have all guns elevate to 200
The methods described above can be
used for night firing, too.
sand yards than it is to let the enemy
advance right on your gun tubes before
you can open fire. Some believed that
mils or an approximate elevation for an
air burst in the existing terrain. Make
certain that the speed setting is at zero
W HEN using this sight it is possible
to shift more than 1,000 mils. If to the
being self-propelled, if we were fired
upon, we would just move to another
position. That does not always work so
on all guns. Have the No.2 gun fire one right, the target course handwheel is well. If you are limited to direct fire, you
round, and all guns traverse to, and cen- turned until the index reads 500 mils can move only to one flank or the other.
ter the burst in the M23 reflex sight, dis- left. When the gun is traversed through Alert enemy artillery can spot you in a
regarding drift. This is accurate enough 1,000 mils the index will read 500 mils hurry. Try it out and you'll find that
for area fire. However, if you wish, you right; then readjust the index to read defilade and indirect fire are quite agree-
can open the sheaf to make the trajec- 500 mils left by use of the target course able to the gun crews.
tories parallel (assuming tracer burnout handwheel, and continue traversing right In fact in this theater the longer range
to occur at 4,500 yards with MK2 ammu- until the index reads zero. This system tracer, or better still a nonself--destroying
nition). After guns are set for direction, is accurate for large shifts, but the index type of H.E. ammunition would facili-
zero all sights by loosening screw tabs will not always position itself correctly tate effective harassing fires by the 40mm
and moving deflection scale to indicator due to gearing, so for the final phase, guns 'at much longer ranges. If we could
and tighten tabs. After that a common where pin-point accuracy is desired, the deliver such fire, certainly the infantry
deflection can be used as all sights should gunner must interpolate each deflection, and the artillery are ready to use it. It
read the same at all times. Remember being careful to approach from left to would also give our gun crews much
that deflection must always be ap- right in order to prevent the backlash of more satisfaction than just sitting and
proached from the same direction. When the target course flexible shaft from af- waiting.
the platoon leader announces shifts in fecting the accuracy of fire. The gunner Here in Korea we are convinced that
common deflection and quadrant eleva- must be trained to automatically ap- the M19 twin 40mm gun has the effec-
tion he can have accurate fire if the data proach a target or deflection from the tiveness and versatility to stamp it as an
are set accurately and each deflection ap- same direction, for the error resulting outstanding front-line weapon.
proached from the same direction. By from this backlash could result in in-
following the approved FA P9nciples of effective fire. (See "Indirect Fire with 40mm Weap-
gunnery, accurate fire by the battery or ons:' by Major D. B. McFadden) Jr.} in
platoon can now be brought on any
given area within range.
If a distant landmark is visible to all
W HEN reporting to a new unit you
are almost always asked, "can you fire
May-June issue for fire direction pro-
cedure, graphical firing tables and other

Indirect Fire With The 40mm Gun

By 1st Lt. John H. Hoffman
OPPORTUNITIES to use the 40mm gun in direction and elevation is needed. procedure is believed to be an improve-
gun for indirect fire are the exception An expensive or elaborate sighting sys- ment of the system described in Field
rather than the rule. However, occasions tem is not necessary. The gun pointing Manual 44-2 and in Change 2, Field
arise when the gun can be used in this method described herein has been tested l\'lanual 44-60, added paragraphs 61.3
role, in which case a means of laying the and the effectiveness proven. The con- and 61.4.
struction cost per gun would be approxi- The azimuth and elevation scales are
mately five dollars. mounted over the hand drive assembly
1st Lt. John H. Hoffmon Was commissioned The azimuth scale is similar to the housing on their particular side of the
in the CAC, Regulor Army in 1950. He has description in paragraph 238, b, (l), b, gun by removing the upper two retain-
just completed a tour in Panama with the 65th
AM Group and is now attending the Artillery
Field Manual 44-2. The elevation scale ing screws and replacing them with a
School at Fort Sill. is similar to the description in paragraph three-inch screw and a two-inch spacer.
238 c of the same manual. The firing Threaded holes in the head of each
screw allow the scale to be attached using
tWO small screws of approximately one-
quarter-inch length. This permits an in-
dicator on the base of the hand operating
assembly sleeve to intersect the gradua-
tions on the scale and give deflection
readings in mils. See Photos 1, 2, and 3
and Figure 2.


T HE basis for the elevation scale is

that one turn of the elevation crank
moves the tube four degree or 71.2 mils.
Therefore, a complete circular scale di-
,'ided into 71.2 graduations would give
accurate mil elevation readings from a
zero point in direct relation to the dis-
tance the crank was turned. A half turn
of the crank would mo\'e the tube 35.6 Photo I-Azimuth Scale.
Since the elevation tracker could not
see all of the readings on a complete cir-
cular scale, only enough of the scale is
used to obtain readings of 20 mils in
both directions from a zero point. The
zero point is placed at the top of the scale
and the graduations are marked in one-
half mil increments in each direction
down to twenty mils. Plus and minus
signs indicate the direction the crank
must be turned to elevate or depress the
tube. An indicator is built into the base
of the hand operating assembly sleeve to
intersect the graduations on the scale.
The elevation tracker is able to disengage
the hand operating assembly, reengage
with the indicator at zero, and make
elevation settings or corrections by turn-
ing the handle the proper number of
Photo 2-Elevation Scale.
mils on the scale.
To elevate thirty mils, since the scale
only goes to twenty, he would merely
turn off plus twenty mils, disengage the
handle, reengage at zero and turn off an
additional plus ten mils. The error
caused by meshing the gears at zero is
about one mil or a ground impact error
at five thousand yards of approximately
twenty-five yards. This error is all ab-
sorbed in the first burst as will be shown
later in Procedure.
The azimuth scale is constructed in
the same manner as the elevation scale
with the following exceptions:
A complete turn of the azimuth crank
moves the tube on the 1\ 12A1 carriage
seventeen and one-seventh degrees or
304 mils. The scale is constructed with
graduations in one mil increments from
a zero point at the top down to 100 mils Photo 3-Azimuth Scale.
JULY-AUGUST, 1951 41
muth tracker la\'s
. the gun
~ on the aimino- ~
point using the speed ring sight. He
then disengages the crank and engages it
with the azimuth indicator set on zero
on the deHection scale. He is now read\'
to lay the gun on the target as soon as h~
gets the aiming point deHection.
Using these scales the gun can be fired
in the same manner as heavy 1\A Guns
are fired, that is, using the target grid.
range deHection fan, etc.

A BASE POINT is picked in the OD-

sen'er's field of view and plotted on the
firing chart. The deHection from the
gun aiming point is determined using
the deHection fan and transmitted to the
gun as "from aiming point Left (or
Figure 2. Right) 180 mils." The site of the target
is determined as plus or minus in mils.
in each direction. The azimuth tracker now oriented on zero mils. He is now The elevation is taken from the graphi-
makes settings or corrections in the same ready to set in the elevation for present cal firing table (GFT), added to the site
manner as the elevation tracker. To set fire mission. and sent to the gun in mils as "Elevation
in right 150 mils, he would turn from The fine line marked on the breech 32 mils."
zero to the R 100 mil graduation, dis- casing elevation indicator will remain At the gun, when a fire mission is
engage, reengage at zero and turn off constant unless major damage is done to given, the azimuth tracker using the
Ii 50 mils. In order to facilitate the set- the gun causing damage to either the previously oriented speed ring sight, sets
ting in of deHections of more than 300 elevation plate or trunion indicator. the gun on the aiming point and zeros
mils, index marks are inscribed on the If time allows, the ele\'ation indicator the indicator. The elevation tracker sets
scale properly and marked. If a 300 mil should initially be zeroed using a gun- elevation to zero on the Breech Casing
deHection is desired, the tracker turns ner's quadrant. This will give accurate scale or with the gunner's quadrant and
the handwheel from zero to the 300 mil elevations even though the mount is zeros the indicator. They then set in the
mark, which is four mils short of the 304 slightly off level. required fire mission firing data, dis-
mils in a complete turn of the crank. See Azimuth. ''''hen the gun is oriented engage the handwheels and reengage at
Figure 3. The error in meshing the gears for antiaircraft fire the azimuth speed zero. Both are now set to correct ob-
is about two mils or a ground impact ring sight is oriented. An easily distin- server sensings from zero. After the first
error at five thousand yards of about ten guished aiming point is chosen prefera- round is fired, the fire direction center
yards. This error is also absorbed in the bly in the field of ground fire. The azi- personnel plot the observer correction~
first burst.


ELEVATION. Initially the carriage

is leveled with a gunner's quadrant.
Then the tube is set at zero with the
gunner's quadrant. 'Vith a sharp instru-
ment a hairline mark is made on the
elevation plate mounted on the breech
casing and a corresponding mark is made
on the indicator mounted on the left
trunnion. This gives a fine zero line,
which, when the gun is level, enables
the elevation tracker to set the tube on
zero elevation. Prior to setting in eleva-
tion for a terrestrial mission, the ele\'a-
tion tracker sets the tube on zero using
this index. He then disengages the crank
and sets the indicator on the base of the
sleeve to zero on the elevation deHection
scale and engages. The elevation scale is Figure 3.
and, using the GFT and range deflection recorded aiming point base point deflec- ing point to a base point is determined
fan. determine the azimuth from aiming tion to gi\'e a firing deflection from aim- by registration to be Left 350 mils. A
point and eleyation from zero for the target is obseryed which has a deflection
next round. The differences between the of right 150 mils from the gun Base
corrected data and the data used to fire Point line. The target's aiming point
the first round are determined and sent to deflection is left 200 mils. See Figure 1.
the gun. The trackers set the correction The quadrant elevation (firing table ele-
data on the scales but do not disengage vation plus or minus site), and the aim-
the handwheel unless the correction is ing point deflection of left 200 mils are
so large that it cannot be set off on the set and the first round is fired.
scale. In this case the tracker would set In most cases the "T" angle will be
off the deflection and rezero the indi- less than 100 mils. The observer sends
cator. The second and following rounds in his lateral de\'iation in yards; the mil
are fired until a one mil elevation bracket deflection correction can be computed at
and a two mil azimuth bracket are the gun by using the 100 O\'er R scale on
reached . .At this time the command to the GFT, or by using the mil rule.
the gun would be, "Left (or right) 1 mil; This system can also be used in direct
add (or drop) ~; fire for effect." The fire at stationary targets. The trackers
gun would be set on single fire and the lay the gun originally using the con-
required number of rounds fired. ventional sighting systems and then use
The fire direction center personnel the azimuth and ele\'ation scales to ap-
keep track of the deflection from aiming ply corrections after the first burst. Cor-
point and ele\'ation from zero for each rections come from someone at the gun
round; when a target hit or proper observing the target with binoculars.
bracket is reached they have arriyed at a The system described is simple enough
correct or adjusted azimuth from the for all members of a gun section to un-
aiming point and a corrected or adjusted derstand. A thirty-minute instruction
elevation from zero. If a base point reg- period plus a few firing problems will
istration is fired, the corrected data are make them experts. A combination of
recorded in the fire direction center. this procedure with forward observer
\Vhen the obseryer sends in a new target Figure 1. techniques and map reading will make
using the Base point as a reference the each 40mm gun section an effecti\'e sur-
deflection from the base point is com- ing point which is set on the gun. face gunnery unit! ready for action under
puted, added to or subtracted from the Example. The deflection from an aim- most any battle conditions.

You face a fanatical foe to whom life is cheap and death common-
In battle your enemy has no qualms about charging into withering
fire. They know that hesitation will only bring death from their own
officers' guns.
Your training is rugged to enable you to face the enemy-and live.
You are conditioned to hardships and fears and confusion of battle.
You are not going into combat without understanding. Every officer
in the Army is under orders to make clear to every man the reason why
he will fight, and the nature of the victory he strives to win.
You will have at your command the best medical care obtainable in
the world.
While our immediate aim is to prepare you for battle, ultimately we
intend to bring you safely home strengthened morally and physically.
You who enter military service compose the finest group of men and
women in the world. You have a belief in God, in decency, in fair play,
and in the truth.
And a strong determination to remain free, and to help protect free-
dom for all mankind.
(From an article by Gen. Mark W. Clark appearing in a recent issue of
"See" magazine.-EdJ-Armed Forces PressService.

JULY-AUGUST, 1951 43
"Maxim Gorki"-Soviet Propaganda plane over Moscow's Red Square.

The Key to Com,munist Control!
By Andrew M. Denny
ONE third of the world's population
-more than 800 million people-is today
the Kremlin who manipulate these bolshevik rule of terror is a highly per-
people with an aggressive world-wide fected and intricate system of total intim-
controlled by a few power-mad men in communistic organization which num- idation which is based upon the skillful
bers less than two per cent of the peoples interplay of many agencies and of many
it controls. And as more and more people techniques of control. It is a system of
Mr. Andrew M. Denny is Chief, Russian fall under the spell of this e\'il group, an total terror, planned in nature, and it may
language section, Military Intelligence and
language Department, U. S. Army Europe
understanding of how it is able to main- be individual or mass in impact. It invari-
Intelligence and Military Police School. He tain this control is essential to those who ably hovers O\'er all the members of the
was born in China and attended schools in
Harbin, Manchuria, and Shanghai. He holds
would avoid also becoming its victims. Soviet society, and systematically liqui-
degrees from Wayne University, Detroit. Dur- It would, of course, be fallacious and dates all real and. potential opposition.
ing World War II, Mr. Denny served on
misleading to attribute the success of the It stifles freedom of thought, makes
active duty with military intelligence agencies
in the European theater. communist rule over the masses to any everyone suspicious of everyone else,
one method of control. Actuallv the reduces contacts with kindred people,
which has as its primary purpose the
elimination of potential opposition. is
used also to integrate the ablest young
people into the Party. The most enter-
prising and promising of the masses are
selected for special treatment. and these
and the members of the Part\' are both
carefully cultivated to be different from
the masses. They are encouraged to take
pride in their social. political. and eco-
nomic status. Thus the rulers hope to
create a "reliable" class of technical
workers, military and state officials, and
shock workers upon whom the Party
may rely in times of crisis.
A wards azul DecomtiollS mId 1IIli-
forms, which are awarded in great pro-
fusion, are used to inculcate gratitude
toward the rulers. Since 1943, millions
of these ha\'e been freely dispensed for
Military might in Red Square. this purpose. i'\ew uniforms ha\'e been
designed further to differentiate between
and undermines faith in the usefulness order to maintain itself in power. 1\ lost the hard core and the junior partners of
of any action against the communist emphatically its remaining in power is the system. There is scarcely an individ-
regIme. not due to the free volition of the masses ual today in the Soviet Union who does
The s\'stem of terror and intimidation, or to legal elections. Because they them- not have some kind of uniform, or badge
as it is practiced in the Soviet Union and selves have usurped power, the Soviet of distinction.
her satellites', is not purely an invention leaders are obsessed with the fear lest Power over Olle's Fellow Citi::CIlS,
of the bolshe\'iks. This is one of the someone else should wrest their power which is either afforded to large numbers
few things which, I am sure, they will from them. Thus fear is felt throughout of people or promised to them, has
refrain from claiming to have been the the Soviet Union and her subject natiom created a very unhealthy lust for power
first to invent! The use of terror to rule -in suppressed and suppressors alike. among the communist subjects. Thus,
the masses is as old as history. As prac- The primary techniques and agencies e\'en though each indi\'idual must be
ticed in the communist world, however, used b\' the communists are outlined subject to someone else's authority, he is
it is dilferent only by its high degree of below. given additional authority O\'er others to
development, the multitudinous ways in Propagmlda, which in the areas under compensate him. This is one of the
which it is used, and the universality of Soviet control pervades every aspect of fundamental methods of the bolshevik
its application. Today, no one within the lives of the people, and which is re- art of coercion.
that stricken area is without fear and sponsible for the projection of an unreal Collective Hespollsibility m/(l Ulliver-
suspicion. The tragic part of it all con- world of myths, fictions, and illusions. sal ClIilt. ln a free society, each citizen
sists in the fact that everyone there can Communist ideas are camoullaged and is responsible for his own individual
become unwittingly an "enemy of the identified with the hopes and aspirations actions before the law, but in the Soviet
State," and quickly be liquidated. Every- of the people, and one of the greatest Union and areas dominated by the Reds,
one-from high ranking Party ollicial or fictions is that of mass participation in e\'ery man, woman, and child is held
a simple worker-must be reconciled to government. Propaganda may be di- responsible not only for his own actions
the idea that he may be arrested, de- rected against an individual, or at the but also for the actions of all others
famed, tried, tortured, exiled, or executed, population as a whole. \Vhen directed around him. He is held liable for the
whether he has committed a crime or not. against an individual, it takes the form deeds-and even the possible deeds-of
This system of planned guilt weighs generally of public criticism for his his relatives, friends, members of the
heavily upon all men and women under "transgressions," in which he is branded group with whom he works, his military
Soviet control. It hypnotizes the popu- with such titles as "saboteur," "wrecker," unit, and even his casual acquaintances.
lation and weakens its will to resist-it is "deviationist," "bourgeois nationalist," or This feeling of collective responsibility
the principal reason for the success of even "s02ial butterlly"! ~ lass propaganda has the result of making practically
the Soviet regime. ~ lost of these meas- is often camoullaged as education. everyone guilty-or at least to feel guilty
ures have by now been introduced in Mock Trials, which pin the responsi- of a myriad of crimes, to intensify the
one form or another into the areas re- bility for the chronic failure of the Soviet feeling of fear and insecurity, for there
cently occupied by the Red forces. economy to reach its goals upon a few, is the ever-present likelihood of sudden
who almost always "confess," and are arrest or disappearance for any act that
quickly and effectively punished or liqui- one might have done in the past, or e\'en
THE SO\'iet regime is, of course, dated. for ones that one might possibly do in
forced to rely upon these measures in Selectillg a Corps of tIle Faithful, the future.
Fear of one's past is a \'ery real and in se\'eral ways: (I) to keep the popula-
present fear. His social extraction, his tion in a state of perpetual fear and
fonner activities, his acquaintance with dread; (2) to eliminate or neutralize the
others who ma\' later be declared hostile effect of dissidents within the popula.
to the state-am' ..of these may be used tion: (3) to distract the masses from, and
by the public prosecutor agai.nst him. to find scapegoats for, shortcomings of
Even the highest party and government the SO\'iet system, such as the chronic
officials are dismissed at times because of food shortages, and to focus attention
deeds committed twenty ,'ears earlier. instead upon supposedly discovered
Soviet cultural workers, such as scien- "agents of imperialism" who are claimed
tists, professors, educators, journalists, to be responsible for poverty and hard-
and composers, live especially in con- ships of the people; (4) to preclude a
stant dread of their past. For if they group of people from banding together
follow the Party-line at one time in their to form organized resistance to the rulers
work, they will be out of step with the by shifting the purgees around from
least change in the Party-line. For ex- place to place; (5) to keep the Security
ample, the line in the 1920's portrayed Services of the Soviets in combat readi-
the Tsars as "bloodthirsty exploiters and ness to forestall am'. threat to the rulers' ,
vampires," and cultural workers were and (6) to provide the concentration
required to conform in their work. How- camps with a prescribed quota of fresh
ever, in the late 1930's the Tsars became laborers.
by official decree "defenders of Holy Red Army girl i\I.P.'s use colored flags
i\lother Russia," and those who had
carried the previous version had to recant
to direct traffic.

drastic and intense. Needless to say, and

URGES are of two kinds: public.
secret. During public purges, the
their errors or suffer the consequences for
"improper interpretation of the Party- So\'iet workers ha\'e no rights whatso- activities of propaganda are greatly in-
line." e\'er. There are labor unions, but they tensified. Press and radio are filled with
Inability to follow the current version are not for the purpose of seeing to it that hysterical accounts of "anii-popular ac-
of the Pam'-line-or
, even failino0 to read the workers get better working condi- tivities of fascist spies," and "confessions
it-may result in public defamation, vit- tions; they are solely an instrument of of foreign murder squads," prior to the
riolic criticism, or death. Even the most control over the workers. The state can actual purging. Since 1930, however,
innocent of actions may bring down the ration the amount of food to be issued secret purges have been more often used.
wrath of the authorities: Physical in- to each worker, and the deprivation of Strictly speaking, purges, or "cleansings"
ability to surpass the daily quota of work a ration card is a common punishment. as they prefer to call them, constitute an
may be interpreted as sabotage, or as The state also controls the living space accepted practice of the Communist
potential opposition to the regime; failure in apartments, and uses this control in rulers. It is impossible to estimate how
to appear at a collective meeting may be the same wa\' as the ration cards. These many people have been purged, but it is
interpreted as lack of interest; even the policies apply to millions of collective safe to say that they number many mil-
most casual of remarks may be misinter- workers, who are thus reduced to noth- lions. Following are listed some of the
preted. ing more than serfs of the state, tied more significant and intense purges:
The conjecture of guilt takes on ex- down to their jobs. There is, of course, a. Before the introduction of the New
treme forms: Every foreigner 1/lHst be a no changing of jobs or mode of employ- Economic Policy in 1921, there was a
spy; e\'ery priest mHst be an agent of ment without permission. purge in which one to two million people
fascist reaction; every engineer 1IlllSt be The control of food is also used as a were liquidated. These included Tsarist
a potential saboteur. As a result of this means of encouragement to the "faith- army officers, remnants of the middle
fantastic process, innocent people are ful." Certain privileged classes are well classes and other "undesirable" elements,
death for the reason that they "may be taken care of, even have certain stores b. Before the introduction of the Five
often arrested, tried, exiled, or put to which cater to their wants, and in which Year Plans in 1928, when the Trotskyite
capable" of committing an anti-Soviet onlv the Soviet elite are served. opposition collapsed, there was another
action, or of anti-Soviet thinking. Purges. Probably the most infamous great purge.
Of course, always the Soviet subject of the Soviet practices is the system of c. During the years 1932 and 1933,
is taught that the interests of the individ- periodic purges designed to "cleanse" toward the end of the First Fi\'e Year
dual are wholly subordinate to those of the masses of undesirables, and to instill Plan, came another.
the Soviet Union, that the individual's fear into those who remain. During the d. Then between the last two purges
life means nothing except in terms of waves of purges, individuals or whole above, there was a series of minor purges,
service to the state, and that it would groups of people may be earmarked for which included people in the adminit;tra-
be the least to expect that he would be liquidation, and they and the masses are tive and technical departments of the
sacrificed for the "i\lotherland." carefully prepared for it by attacks in the government and of the Party.
Economic Pressure, which is designed press, then the unfortunates are arrested, e. The greatest purge occurred in
to make everyone completely dependent tried, found guilty, and exiled or de- 1937-1938, during the "Times of EzhO\',"
upon the state for his existence, is stroyed. Purges sen'e the Soviet masters named after a Commissar of Internal

Affairs, who was himself later purged. These were originally designed as the who may have deviated from the Party-
The purpose of this purge 'was to de- CHEKA (Extraordinary Commission), line. After a few years in a camp of this
stroy all opposition to Stalin. as the GPU (State Political Administra- kind, a man is released, physically and
f. There was a pre-\VorId \Var II tion). and as the NKVD (People's Com- mentally broken, at which time he is
purge. which "cleansed" the "political missariat of Internal Affairs). With each \\'illing to do anything that he is told
unreliables" from the frontier areas and change in designation, the functions of rather than go back. These men make
the newly acquired regions of Bessarabia, these organizations greatly increased in good informants, for no matter how hard
Eastern Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lith- authority and scope until at this time, a life he must lead as an informant, it is
uania, and Finland. they envelop all phases of life and ac- better than camp life. Other camps are
tivity in the Soviet Union and her sat- used as "slow-death" punishment for real
g. Then came a post-World War II
ellites. or imaginary crimes, from which men
purge, which began in 1944 and which
Stalin and Beria exercise direct con- seldom return.
has continued ever since. It took care of
trol over the organs of State Security The Total Result. In total result, all
hundred of thousands in the areas re-
through personally appointed subordi- of these agencies and all of these tech-
occupied by the Red Army. It went into
nates. This control is exercised through niques are extremely effective. They are
some five to six million Russian forced
the media of the Party, the State, and used in waves in ingenious-combination.
laborers in Germany and Central Eu-
through the State Security agencies; and After a wave of horror, living conditions
rope, who refused r() go home, and into
affect the Soviet subject in the following begin to improve slightly once again, and
the Nazis' Russian prisoners of war. It
ways: the masses are urged to exert themselves
also descended upon certain elements of
as never before to bring about an era of
the Red Army of occupation who were a. As a Soviet citizen, he is controlled
prosperity. In times like these, life seems
adjudged to have become "contaminated" by a number of State organizations, such
to be getting better, but then when
bv Western culture, and the "unhealthy as labor unions, units of the armed forces,
claims of the governmental officials,
~urgeois environment." and yarious clubs and societies, as well
as eJl.pressed in the official propaganda,
h. One purge, in which the system of as by local and regional organs of the
do not materialize, the country is plunged
collective responsibility was invoked, was Communist Party.
once again into the throes of artificially
the case in whi.:::hall of the Germans of b. As a "potential enemy" of Soviet sponsored spy trials, exiles, purges, etc.,
the German Volga People's :I1epublic Society, he is under the continuous sur- and the widespread fear of the Soviet
were held responsible for the potentially veillance of the organs of State Security. regime is given another shot in the arm.
dangerous actions of their fellow citizens, This surveillance is accomplished in one In my opinion, however, the fear of
and were exiled as a group-more than a or more of the following ways: the rulers and of one's fellows is not as
million of them. This same policy was
~ Through village political sections. bad as the fear of oneself that this svstem
applied to the Tartars of Crimea, the engenders. An individual must be con-
Checheno-Ingushes, the Kalmucks, and ~ Through special sections of fac-
tinuously on guard, for a chance remark,
others. tories or other places of work.
a wrong step, or a misinterpreted action
Purges enjoy a certain morbid popu- ~ By means of "special depart- of any kind, could bring disaster upon
larity among the politically ambitious. ments" of the armed forces. any individual in the Soviet Union.
For by means of the planned purges, ~ By hundreds of thousands of se- Hope for Relief. In the Western
many important positions are vacated an- cret informants recruited by the World, many intelligent people wish-
nually in the Party and in the govern- organs of State Security. fully delude themselves with the hope
ment. These are filled by candidates that a mass u,prising will occur in the
~ By means of special identity
who are grateful to the rulers for an op- Soviet Union to destroy this iniquitous
papers and the entire system of
portunity to elevate themselves above the regime that is the most systematically or-
passports, used even within the
masses and enhance their living stand- ganized, most scientifically mn scheme of
Soviet Union.
ard. Of course, they too may be purged evil ever perpetrated against the human
later, but there is always the hope that Some of the functional organizations race. The holders of this hope point to
the purges will not affect them. This used in the system of controlling the the early stages of W arId War II, when
introduces a dog-eat-dog psychology masses are the following: 1) The Work- in Soviet territory invaded by the Nazis,
among the Soviet officialdom, and con- ers and Peasants Militia, 2) fire depart- the l1eople welcomed the invaders, and
sequently the files of the State Security ments, 3) the administration of the con- revolted against their own rulers.
agencies are always filled with denun- centration camps, 4) the administration However, they had the courage to do
ciations, reports, and incriminating evi- of the "Corrective Camps," 5) the Statis- this only with the strength of an invad-
dence turned in by the ambitious. tics and Archives Departments, 6) ing army behind them. These incidents,
The Agencies of Intimidation. Al- ZAGS (Bureau of Vital Statistics), 7) I feel, -may be used as an indication that
though controls over civilians are a the counter-intelligence agencie~, 8) there is not popular support for the So-
function of every governmental and SMERSH, the so-called "Death to Spies" viet Regime, but not as an indication of
party institution in the USSR, the spe- sections in the armed forces, and 9) even the possibility of popular revolt.
cific responsibility for control is concen- the Department of Highways, railroad Internal revolt is possible, I feel, if
trated in the Ministries of State Security departments, and other such agencies! the Western Powers stand in fearless,
and Internal Affairs (the MGB and the Soviet Concentration Camps often unwavering determination against the
MVD). serve as corrective schools for citizens lawlessness of the Kremlin, using every
resource that is necessary-in men, nist heelnray see that their overlords are of the Soviet terror, and we can hope for
money, material, thought and heart- no longer all-powerful, that they are not the growth of internal resistance to the
to stop in its tracks every incursion of the able to fulfill their claim to conquer the horror and intimidation that today char-
Bolsheriks into the free world. world. iVhen that occurs, then perhaps acterize e1'ery segment of the Commu-
Then the masses tinder the C01n1nIl- the SO'l>ietmasses can shake off the fear nist world.

Status Of Training Literature

Three field manuals, FM's 44-27, 44- needed information for light AAA units Training Circulars on Service of the
28, and 44-20, prepared at AA & GM Br, and are well illustrated. T69 (Skysweeper), which is classified
TAS, Fort Bliss, Texas, have been pub- TM 44-225, Orientation for Artillery, CONFIDENTIAL, and the AN;TPS-
lished and distributed by the Depart- contains many illustrations and charts. It ID are in preparation. The AN/TPS-
ment of the Army since the first of the covers advanced map reading, surveying, ID is an acquisition radar used by anti-
year. astronomical observations, and a com- aircraft artillery as part of the warning
FM 44-27, Service of the Piece, 90mm plete description of grid systems. system.'
AA Gun, M2 Series, and FM 44-28, A number of other manuals are in Special texts used by students in resi-
Service of the Piece, 120mm AA Gun, final stages of preparation: dent instruction are sold to Armed Forces
present systematic procedures for em- Fl\1 44-1, AAA Employment, is con- personnel through the Book Department,
placement and march order and for ar- cerned with employment of AAA units AA & GM Br, T AS, Fort Bliss, Texas,
tillery drill on the materiel with which above battalion level. Command, con- and may be ordered by mail. Prices in-
they deal. Preventive maintenance, de- trol, and relationships with other combat clude postage. No C.O.D. orders can be
. struction of materiel, and safety precau- arms are covered . filled.
tions are covered. Each includes a pro- FM '44-38, Service of AA Directors The following special texts are cur-
posed minimum training schedule. Both 1\19, M9Al, M9A2, and MlO, covers rently approved for use in resident in-
are profusely illustrated with photo- duties of personnel in using and main- struction at AA & GM Br, TAS: 44-2-1,
graphs of gun crews on the materiel. taining this materiel. Employment of the AAA AW Battalion
FM 44-20, Mounted Formations and TM 20-300, Radio-Controlled Air- (Aug 50); 44-4-3, FA Gunnery for
Inspections, Antiaircraft Artillery, is a plane Targets, describes the operation Heavy AAA (Aug 50); 44-8-1, AAOC
guide for AAA units including brigades and maintenance of this equipment. & AAAIS (May 51); 44-38-1, Operation
in the preparation and execution of Changes to several manuals are also of M9 Type Director Equipment (Apr
mounted reviews, parades, ceremonies, being prepared: 50); 44-150, An Introduction to Guided
and inspections. Diagrams show the po- Fl\l 44-2 Cl, Indirect Fire l\lethods Missiles (Aug 50); 44-151, Heavy AAA
sitions of units and individuals in various for Light AAA, will cover techniques Materiel (May 50); and 44-260-1, Flak
formations. Check lists for command and procedures for indirect fire on sur- Analysis (Feb 50).
inspections are included. face targets by light AAA. Special text 44-4-1 (AA & GM3),
Four additional manuals have already FM 44-4 Cl, Basic Tactical Princi- Heavy AA Gunnery and Fire Control,
gone forward to OCAFF for final ap- ples for the Employment of Medium and has been superseded by FM 44-4; ST
proval and publication: Heavy AAA Guns in Air Defense, has 44-4-2 (AA & GM4), Employment of
FM 44-19, Examinations for AA Artil- the same purpose and scope as TC 18 Heavy AM in an AA Defense, by TC
leryman, contains an outline for testing which was published by DA on 27 De- No. 18; ST 44-4-2 (Revised), Basic Tac-
expert, first class, and second class gun- cember 1950. tical Principles for the Employment of
ners in various types of AAA units. AA & GM Br, TAS, has also for- Medium and Heavy Antiaircraft Artil-
FM 44-57, Service of the Piece Mul- warded three training circulars for ap- lery Guns, by TC No. 18; and ST
tiple Caliber .50 MG Motor Carriage proval and publication. These will cover 44-4-4, Heavy AA Gunnerv, bv FM 44-4.
M16 and Multiple Caliber .50 MG AAOC and AAAIS, Service of AAFCS The Book Department lists special
Trailer Mount M55, and FM 44-60, T33, and Basic Tactical Principles for texts 44-151, 44-4-4, and 44-38-1 at SOt
Service of the 40mm Gun and Associated the Employment of AAA Guns in Air each; 44-4-3 at 60~; 44-2-1 at 75'1 and
Fire Control Equipment, contain much- Defense. 44-150 at $1.
By Major Kenneth F. Hanst, Jr., Retired,
and the Journal Staff

T HAT is the question from every post

and outpost, referring both to U. S.
of the indemnity is to be payable to each,
if more than one is named. If no desig-
dered for their cash value, in order that
the insured may take advantage of the
Government Life Insurance-USGLI- nation of beneficiary is made, the indem- free coverage, and then later reinstated,
and National Service Life Insurance- nity will be paid to the first eligible bene- contrary to previous practice which did
NSLI. The Army Mutual Aid Associa- ficiary in the order of spouse, children, not allow reinstatement of policies which
tion has been happy to aid members in parents, and brothers and sisters. had been surrendered for their cash
arriving at the proper answer in their If the insured dies, the payments must value; or the insured may request waiver
individual cases. be made in equal monthly installments of that portion of his present premiums
Vlhile we cannot give here the ap- over a period of ten years. There are no which the Veterans Administration de-
proved solution to fit all cases, because of options. Where the gratuitous insurance termines to be applicable to the "pure
the different personal factors, we can is $10,000 the monthly payments amount insurance risk," figures for which are
give a definite recommendation to most to $92.90. not yet available. In the latter case, the
servicemen and some pertinent advice For those leaving the service with serv- insured would continue to pay the bal-
and pointers to those who have border- ice-incurred disabilities because of which ance of the premium while in active
line cases. First, let us review the salient they are not insurable according to Vet- service and would resume paying his
features of the Serviceman's Indemnity erans Administration standards for Na- present premiums after leaving the serv-
and Insurance Acts of 1951. tional Service Life Insurance, a new Ice.
The Indemnity Act provides that all category of permanent insurance will be Waiver of premiums for Total Disabil-
members of the Armed Services on active available, and it will include waiver of ity Income Provisions is not authorized.
duty, including cadets and midshipmen premiums for total disability, but no pay- Such premiums must be paid if the pro-
at the service academies and the Na- ments during the life of the insured. visions are to remain in force. Such in-
tional Guard and Reserve on duty for 14 This insurance will be similar to stand- surance lapses with cash surrender.
days or more, are insured automatically ard NSLI policies, except that it will be No dividends are payable during the
against death in the amount of $10,000 non-participating, the monthly cost will period in which waiver of premiums is
without cost to the servicemen. This be slightly higher under the new tables, in effect whether for term or permanent
gratuitous coverage of $10,000 will be and likewise the optional annuity settle- type policies.
decreased by any amount of NSLI or ments will be less favorable.
USGLI in force. Every person on active All others who have had the gratuitous ANALYSIS
duty has a government insurance of insurance and who are separated from
$10,000, but no more. The gratuitous active sen'ice will be eligible without TERM Insurance holders have the op-
insurance extends 120 days after separa- medical examination for a new type of tions, 1) to request the waiver of pre-
tion from the service. five-year, level premium, renewable term miums, or 2) to continue NSLI term
Beneficiaries may be named by the insurance upon leaving the service. This premiums in effect. The second option
insured and changed at will so long as new term insurance will not be converti- offers no advantages whatever. The
they are members of his immediate fam- ble to a permanent plan. holder gains no advantages for paying
ily, and he may specify what proportion the premiums, and if his separation from
the service occurs after the end of the
THE 1951 Acts establish definite five-year term, evidence of good health is
Major Kenneth F. Hanst, Jr., graduated benefits for those in the service who now required to obtain a new NSLI term
from USMA in 1942; served with the 28th In-
fantry Division in 1943 and 1944. In Novem-
hold policies of NSLI or USGLI. Pre- policy.
ber, 1944, while commanding a rille company miums for term policies will be waived . If waiver of premiums is requested,
in the Hurtgen Forest he was severely
wounded by artillery fire, in which action he
during the period of active service if the the holder gets his insurance free; when
was awarded the bronze star medal for valor. insured makes application to the Vet- the term expires it is automatically re-
He retired from the Army in 1947 and is now
erans Administration. Policies of perma- newed for five years more and continued
Secretary of the Army Mutual Aid Association.
nent types of insurance may be surren- free. He also retains the great advan-
JULY-AUGUST, 1951 49
tages of all rights and privileges presently also pertinent. The married officer with The "pure risk" waiver rates have
available, such as conversion to a per- young children is at that period of life not yet been published. How-
manent plan; freedom in the selection of when his insurance needs are at the ever, you can estimate your rate.
beneficiaries: and the choice of optional maximum. If he has no other sound Take your policy and enter the
settlements, particularly the option investments or other means to supple- surrender value of your policy at
which provides for the beneficiary liberal ment the insurance protection, the Army the end of the current insurance
monthly payments with a lifetime guar- Mutual Aid Association considers that year. (Policy shows this per
antee. Even payment oyer a ten-year he needs from $30,000 to $40,000 in in- Sl,OOO.You enter for full policy.)
period as provided for the free coverage surance. Divide this amount by 1.035.
is available, but instead of the $92.90 Ordinary life insurance provides the From the quotient thus com-
monthly payments provided under the greatest permanent protection for each puted subtract the surrender
indemnity, NSLI beneficiaries could re- premium dollar; should the need arise value of your full policy at the
ceive $96.10 a month and USGLI bene- later, it can be used to provide the fea- end of the preceding year. You
ficiaries, $93.30 a month. The first op- tures of an endowment or paid up policy. now have that part of the annual
tion, to request waiver of premiums, of- Its sound features put it first on our rec- increase in value which you have
fers the definitely advantageous choice. ommended list for most people. to pay for by premium, or you
Recommendation. Those whose insur- have the portion of premium ap-
ance is presently on the term plan should plied to accrued value. Subtract
apply immediately to the Director of In- WAIVER of Premiums will be that amount from the total an-
surance, Veterans Administration, Wash- granted upon application to the Veterans nual premium and you have ap-
ington 25, D. c., for waiver of their Administration as in the case of term proximately the amount which
premiums. V. A. forms are available at insurance, but this waiver will be effec- the V. A. will waiver. 1£ this
each post. The local Finance Officer tive only on that portion of the premiums amount is less than your annual
should be consulted regarding cancella- representing the cost of the "pure insur- dividend, then you lose by the
tion of the Class D (USGLI) or Class ance risk," leaving the balance of the waiver. The annual dividends in-
N (NSLI) allotment, bearing in mind premium payable. All dividends are for- crease with age of policy from
that if the Total Disability Income Pro- feited during the period of waiver. around $5.00 up to around $13.00
vision is in force and is to be retained, per $1000 per year.
that portion of present premiums must Advantages:
Take the case of Colonel Ducrow who
be continued.
~ Same plan ofinsuranceat reduced in 1937 converted to USGLI ordinary
rate since the government takes life policy, $10,000, at age of 43; annual
over the "pure risk" portion of the premium, $265.80; current dividend,
PERMANENT Plans of Insurance premium; savings may be applied $62.30; surrender value end of 13th year,
present more of a problem in decision. to additional insurance. $2509.30; end of 14th year, $2723.90.
The policy holders have the options 1)
to request waiver of premiums, 2) to ~ Retention of the good features of $2723.90
surrender the policy for its cash value, NSLI or USGLI insurance in- Computation: 1.035 = $2631.80
and 3) to continue the policy in force. cluding the favorable rates, the Subtract 2509.30
It is well to point out here that the reserve, and the optional settle-
$ 12250
USGLI and the NSLI policies are worth ments.
Annual premium $265.80
.considerably more than indicated in their ~ Policy continues throughout ac- Part to accrued value 12250
face value. The USGLI policies are tive service plus 120 days and "Pure risk"-waiver part $143.30
based on an earning of 3lh per cent per may be continued thereafter with- Annual dividend 62.30
annum on your money, the NSLI poli- out medical examination by re-
Col. Ducrow saves per year .. $ 81.00
cies on 3 per cent; whereas the gratuitous sumption of payment of the full
indemnity policy is based on an earning premium. If you have an endowment policy, a
of 2~ per cent. The disability provisions twenty pay life ten years old, or old
in some of the USGLI and NSLI poli- ordinary life USGLI policy, you wiII
cies can be obtained now only upon ~ Generally, there are no disadvan- probably find that you lose.
proof of good health and at great ex- tages in the waiver of premiums Obviously, the waiver option does not
pense. on permanent plans of l'iSLI; apply to paid up cases.
The optional settlements offer real however, cash surrender may offer Recommendation. Analyze your own
advantages. For the widowed beneficiary even greater advantage. USGLI policy accurately. If it shows
who desires a life annuity with 20 yea'r ~ Policvholders of USGLI with en- substantial savings, or if you have NSLI,
guaranty (option 4 NSLI) the $10,000 do~ent policies, or 20 pay life apply for the waiver unless you elect
policy is worth well over $12,000. For ten vears old, or any that have to cash surrender. Consult your unit
.comparative purposes some of the run for a long time ~ay find that insurance officer.
USGLI policies with the total disability the amount of the premium to be
provision may properly be appraised at waived as "pure risk" may be off-
around $14,000. set by the amount of dividend for- CASH Surrender. The permanent
The insurance needs of the family are feited if he applies for waiver. plan policy holder may surrender his
policy for the cash surrender ,'alue there- life policy for $10.000 five years ago; ate protection at a time of maximum
of and become insured against death by monthly premium $15.60: surrender need can best be enhanced by cash sur-
the gratuitous indemnity while he re- ,'alue S557.00. Should death occur now, render. Against that, the sen'iceman who
mains in active sen'ice and for 120 days his widow, same age, would recei"e from requests a waiver, takes more insurance
after separation. \Vithin such 120 days NSLI in a life annuitv.. with 20 year with the saving, and who lives until his
he may upon application be granted guaranty: separation from the sen'ice, will then be
without medical examination permanent in better shape as to insurance protection.
In ten vears $ 5,040
plan insurance on the same plan not in Since good commercial insurance may
In twenty years S10,080
the excess of the amount surrendered, or not be available to the serviceman over-
In thirtv vears S15,120
he may reinstate such surrendered in- seas, he may well consider wai,'er of
In forty years S20,160
surance upon payment of the required premiums until he can return to the
reserve and the premium for the current If l\lajor Roe cash surrenders, he can
States. Similar action is also recom-
month. procure $8,000 additional nonparticipat-
mended for those who are presently un.
Permanent policies under one year ing ordinary life insurance in a sound
insurable with commercial companies for
old have no cash value and cannot be company with the monthly premium of
physical reasons.
replaced upon separations. They can be $15,60. Should death then occur, his
If you have substantial loans against
reinstated, but the conditions are un- widow could receive from the gratuitous
the policy, that would indicate advantage
favorable. indemnity plus life annuity with 20 year
in surrendering the policy.
guaranty from the new policy:
Advantages: Those who need more in- Disadvantages:
surance protection than their present In ten years $14,201
In twenty years $17,254 Temptation to dissipate the cash un-
budget affords may increase their protec-
tion substantially by using the proceeds In thirty years $20.306
In forty years $23,359 If the insured has a total disability in-
and the premiums saved to pay for addi-
come provision, that would lapse during
tional insurance. In that case we rec-
Or J\'lajor Roe could request waiver of the period covered by gratuitous indem-
ommend ordinary life which provides an
premiums and procure an ordinary life nity and may be difficult to reinstate.
option for life annuity, Since most army
policy for $3,600 with the $7.10 per Unless the cash value is substantial
officers do need the additional insurance
month waived. Should death then occur, and is well invested, or unless the sa\'ings
we recommend this option to them. H ow-
his widow under conditions similar to are used to add to the insurance substan-
ever, no government policy shoHld be those above could receive: tially, the family protection is decreased.
sllrrendered for its cash valHe Hntil a con-
Recolllmendation. Study your insur-
tract for additional commercial insllrance In ten years $ 6,414
ance needs carefully. Consult your unit
has been signed. In twenty years $12,828
insurance officer, or other sound author-
For relative advantages in protection In thirty years $19,242
take the case of l\lajor Roe, 35, who con- In forty years $25,656
Army l\lutual Aid Association mem-
verted his insurance to a NSLI ordinary Such 'analyses show that the immedi- bers are invited to ask for assistance.

Loading 40mm gun.

By 1st Lt. Carl M. Guelzo, 3rd AAA AW Battalion
the March-April ANTIAIRCRAFT
Lt. Wm. B. Campbell in his
them. In the latter case, four persons
from each firing battery should be the
the students to the basic fundamentals of
FO procedure: organization of the FO
article FA Gunnery Training For AAA maximum attending. party and means of communication; the
gives an outline for a battalion school The course of instruction should be mil rule; theory of the range bracket;
course. It is well worth study by a pro- organized on the assumption that the How of observer corrections and S-3 com-
spective instructor, particularly the refer- students know nothing of the subject mands; types of fire; elements of initial
ences to ST 44-4-3, FA Gunnery for matter. Surface gunnery can be divided data and subsequent corrections; an-
Heavy MA, M & GM Branch, TAS, into two distinct phases: forward ob- nouncement of numbers; field glasses.
and to FM 6-40. server procedure and fire direction center
Second hour. Practical period on the
My experience leads me to differ with procedure. Attempts to mix the two
calculation of initial data using the mil
Lt. Campbell somewhat in the shape of phases at the same time only serve to
rule and announcing initial fire request.
the course. However, my main effort confuse the students. Forward observer
here is to get down closer to the practi- procedure can be taught and understood Third hour. Brief review of calcula-
cal problems and limitations in the bat- without any knowledge of FDC pro- tion of initial data using the mil rule;
talion. cedure, but an understanding of what familiarization on use of rough trig meth-
No sales talk appears necessary. The the FO is doing renders teaching and od; introduction to the conduct of pre-
AAA gun battalions simply have to con- understanding FDC procedure much cision fire by base point registration.
duct such schools, and the self-propelled easier. Conclmion: Teach FO proce-
Fourth hanr. Conduct of precision fire
AW developments in Korea indicate a dure first and make it a prerequisite to
need there. Fortunately, the subject is the FDC phase.
fascinating and fairly easy to learn for The FO phase requires the lesser Fifth hour. Conduct of precision fire
those who have sound basic arithmetic. amount of equipment. A classroom with missions and introduction to area fire.
There may be some difficulties about in- tables, chairs, blackboard, chalk, eraser,
Sixth hour. Conduct of area fire.
structors, equipment, and time; still it is field glasses, and a burst spotter are re-
entirely practicable to conduct the school, quired. Let's take a closer look at the Seventh hour. Time fire in connection
and it is so essential to efficient battery burst spotter. with precision and area fire missions.
and battalion training. In the absence of an artillery puff-
Eighth hour. Mixed fire missions.
For instructors the school will require board range or a slide projector, a good
one officer (preferably the S-3 or his way of indicating the location of bursts Ninth and tenth hours: Review, 20
assistant) and one enlisted assistant for with respect to a target in the classroom minutes; examination, 60 minutes; cri-
full-time duty during the course. If they is on the blackboard. The reticle of a tique, 20 minutes.
are well grounded in the subject and pair of field glasses is drawn on the black-
have the lesson plans prepared before the board, blown up to about three feet in The ideal examination would involve
course starts, they can conduct four length, with the 0 mil division on the taking the students out to an artillery
hours' classroom work per day. The target. The bursts can be "spotted" any- range and permitting them to fire live
course requires 28 classroom hours' in- where around the target with the burst missions. Forward observing is actually
struction, or seven working days. With spotter, which is simply a handle about a skill-it involves being able to do some.
experienced instructors and apt students two feet long with a round disc of metal thing rather than just be able to answer
the course can be done in one week. three inches in diameter nailed to one questions about it. The object is to pose
The students in one class should be end. One side of the metal disc can be questions that enable the student to use
limited to 15, and include the battalion painted black and the other yellow to what he has learned rather than just to
operations and intelligence sergeants, the indicate air and graze bursts. parrot back academic principles.
master gunner, and four MOC plotters; Examination 1 illustrates a practical
one officer and one enlisted man from
each firing battery. Other battery per-
sonnel can be given the same training
T HE FO phase can be taught in 10
hours divided as follows:
and objective type examination that was
actually used in a gun battalion. The test
should be just long enough for the
by the battery students in this course or slower students (not the slowest) to fin-
by giving the course a second time for First hour. A conference introducing ish in the allotted time. The better stu.
dents will finish much earlier. There is have to be improvised. A mimeographed dangerously erroneous idea about the
no need to set up any fancy grading sys- stencil on which are cut the scales to be scales.
tem. If the student's paper indicates found on the pertinent GFT will serve
that he can do the job, pass him; if not, the purpose nicely. The scale itself can
flunk him. You are hoping, of course,
that all can pass it.
be constructed by using the tabular
firing tables. The master gunner in the
T HE FDC procedure phase can be
taught in 18 hours, exclusive of actual
range practice and brush-up periods, as

First and second hours. An orienting

H~U.ART.ERS conference: the meaning and objectives
37TH AM GUN BN (90IlU1l) of fire direction; types of fires (observed
and unobserved); function of the fire
APe 503 direction center; duties of S2, S3, VCO,
HCO, and computers; elements of S3
Unsat fire order; computer's fire commands; and
introduction to the equipment used in
DIRECTIONS: Read each question carefully. The questions contain in- the FDC.
formation necessary in working the problem. Do your computations on
this examination sheet and write your final answer in the spaoes pro- Third} fourth, fifth, and sixth hours.
vided at the right.
1. You are a forward observer for Battery B, 3d AAA. Gun l3!l. which Practical periods on the construction of
has just gone into position. Your S-3 wishes you to register on the firing charts: use of the coordinate square
base point. Your position is illustrated in the aooompanying sketoh.
Write your initial fire request in the spaoes provided at the right. in plotting surveyed points; color
SHOW YOUR COMPUTATIONS. schemes; base points and check points;
BP information to be included on tick marks;
Az to BP: 6350jil
Rn Obs-BP: 4200 yds purpose and construction of the base
Rn Guns-Obs: 4700 yds point line index, the azimuth index, the
target grid azimuth index; preparation of
the range deflection fan.
Seventh and eighth hoors. Duties of
the horizontal control operator (HCO):
CONTINUED. The first round appears as follows in the reticle reading the range deflection fan; mark-
of your field glasses.
;;.ensmg ing the azimuth correction scale; use of
the target grid, and announcing data.
& Sample missions should be worked out
10 10
I I'
30 40
1 I
carefully in advance; however, don't
worry a bit if the student answers vary as
much as five mil errors in azimuth and
The S-3 announces "On the way" and the second round appears as follows twenty yard variations in range.
in your field glasses.
Ninth hour. Review duties of the
~ens Llllil:
HCO; duties of the vertical control oper-
ator (VCO); brief review of site and its
30 40
uorrectlon function in controlling height of burst;
further drill in announcing data.

Tenth and eleventh hours. Duties of

Examination 1.
the computer; use of the graphical firing

T HE FDC procedure phase requires

somewhat more equipment. A field artil-
37th AAA Gun Battalion did this job
well, and also manufactured from pieces
table (GFT), and function of the com-
puter's record in announcing firing data
and data for replot; calculation of the
lery chest will provide much of it in the of acetate the transparent slides with azimuth correction scale and the concept
way of plotting pins, colored pencils, horizontal guide lines (to keep the slide of transfer limits.
erasers, and chart paper. Enough range straight on the GFT scale) and hairline
Twelfth and thirteenth hours. Duties
deflection fans are also required to pro- in india ink to go with the mimeo-
of the S3 in precision fire; calculation
vide at least one fan per three students; graphed scales.
of adjusted azimuth, elevation, and time;
also sufficient coordinate squares and Sufficient 1 :25,000 range deflection
use of the FDC sensing and ~S tables.
map boards are needed. Probably the fans and chart paper may offer another
most difficult items to obtain will be problem. Be sure both fan and chart FO'Urteenth,fifteenth, and sixteenth
graphical firing tables and target grids. paper are 1:25,000. Although using hours. Operation of the FDC in actual
GFT's for the 90mm gun should be charts and fans of different scales makes missions, with students rotating in the
available through normal supply chan- no difference in illustrating principles various positions of S-3, HCO, VCO,
nels; the GFrs for the l20mm gun may and procedures, someone might get a and computers.
JULY-AUGUST, 1951 53
Seventeenth and eighteenth hours: Re- Examination--Fire Direction Center Procedure Page 2.
view, 20 minutes; examination, 60 min-
3. As HCO you f'ind the true azillluthor the base point to
utes; critique, 20 minutes. be 420p. At the conclusion of' registration on the base point,
the adjusted azimuth is 43~.
a. On what azimuth do you draw the base
AGAIN, the examination should con- point line extension?
centrate on the practical application of
1::. The azimuth index is drawn •••• mils
what has been learned, and still give a to th~ •••• of the base point line
fair index of the student's knowledge of iUdex.
fire direction center procedure. 4. Using your GFT and necessary tables, fill in the fol-
Examination 2 shows an actual exami- lowing record of'pracision fire form:
nation that has been used satisfactorily.

Sj2; F;
In the actual case the examinations RECORD OF PRECISION FIRE
shown in Examinations 1 and 2 were T; 600}6. Rn: 5300yd::
both given at the same time. We recom- FDC FDC
Azimuth Elevation Observer Corrections
mend that each one be given at the close Sensinl2: Sensinl<:
of the respective phase, as indicated 1708 315 L 2oo,-f 400
above already. 1738 L 321 - 200
When the examinations are completed 1728 R 317 {.100
let the student know at once how he 1735 L 316 - 50, FFE
came out; better still, send the student's 1730 31? '1 R
paper and grade through the battery 'l R
It is much better to have the selected f Ln
instructors give the whole course than to ? L
farm out various lessons to various in-
- Ln
structors. They may be pretty well
fagged out at the close of the course, but 24.3 see /l.

a bang-up performance by the battalion G

on the range will make the effort worth

Notify the Journal of Your Address Change a. What is the adjusted azimuth?
b. What is the adjusted elevation?
c. What is the adjusted time?
Examination 2.

ttJlP' ttJlP' ~

An Associated Press dispatch from Washington said that modern,

electronicallyaimed antiaircraftguns-not the spectacular Russian de-
signed MIG 15 jet fighters-are taking the heaviest toll of American
planes in the Korean war. Of the more than 200 United States air force
planes lostto enemy action in 11 months of war, the great maiority have
been downed by firefrom the ground-everything ranging from rifle
fireto heavy flak.The Reds' ground gunners, using radar directed weap-
ons, have hit 8-29 bombers at altitudes well above 20,000 feet in air
raids during recent weeks.

Using vertical plexiglass boards.

503d AAA Operations Detachment AAOC

By Captain R. R. Berger, Arty.
T HE functions, Tactical Operations,
and Command of an AAOC (Antiair-
bridge platforms, clocks, and other nec-
essary communications equipment. Such
it must be collected at one point, evalu-
ated, and disseminated to all units with
craft Operations Center) are covered by plotting equipment, with slight modifica- the least possible delay. Some of the
Field Manuals, Training Memorandums tions, is suitable when an AAOC is problems encountered from using the
from the Artillery School at Fort Bliss performing under field conditions, espe- horizontal boards in the AAOC were:
and various SOP's of AAA Brigades. cially since the equipment is completely (1) Length of time it required the plot-
This article will deal with the construc- portable and includes a 30' by 30' tent ters to make up a raid stand, (2) The
tion and operations of an AAOC in per- for housing the operations room. How- arrows used to mark the route of the
manent tactical position using equipment ever, the AAOC for the defense of a target were very difficult to see by the
modified considerably from T ;O&E issue. large metropolitan city, when located in tellers and AAOO sitting on the bridge.
An AAOC of the type herein described permanent buildings, should be modified It became a habit to read the position of
is presently in operation by the 503d so that the highest degree of efficiency, the raid stand. This introduced error
AAA Operations Detachment. Exten- maximum utilization of personnel, and since the arrows which indicate the di-
sive tactical operations have shown that accuracy of intelligence data can be rection of flight show the latest position;
it gives greater efficiency in the primary reached. whereas, the raid stand is placed off to
mission of collecting, evaluating, and The effectiveness of AAA against the side of this row of arrows, (3) The
disseminating intelligence to all units in aerial targets is not only dependent on plotters standing around the horizontal
the defense. such things as state of training, condi- plotting board will invariably cover up
T ;O&E Equipment for an operations tion of material but also on the efficiency and block the view of the personnel on
detachment is issued in a plotting kit, of the warning system. The AAA de- the bridge when they are reaching across
AN;TTQ-l (Army-Navy Transportable fense units need complete, up to the the table. Many times the shirt or coat
Telephone Special Equipment). This minute, accurate, early warning informa- sleeve of the plotter will strike and move
kit includes relay cabinet, telephones, tion in order that they may engage the the arrows already on the board causing
operations or plotting board, radios, enemy planes under range and other more time to elapse because these arrows
switchboard, large tent, generators, conditions favorable to the defense. must be replotted. All of these factors
added together, meant poor information
being sent to the gun units.
Capt. Berger entered the service from the EARLY Warning is sent to the To reduce and eliminate as many
Pennsylvania National Guard and served in
the ETO. He returned to EAD in October,
AAOC by the Gel stations of the air problems as possible, a substitution of
1950. defense force and our own acquisition organic T;O&E was made by the 503d
radars. When it is received by the AAOC AAOC. In place of plotting tables, raid
stands, and slate status boards, a system (2) Fluorescent tubes and fix- show the number of the raid, direction of
of vertical illuminated plexiglass boards tures flight and time plot was received. All
is used. All personnel work behind the (3) Lumber other information pertaining to the raid
boards; all \\'fiting and plotting are ac- is carried on the information board.
(4) Building easily adapted to
complished by reverse writing using
blacking out The Raid lnformation Board carries all
grease pencils to place information on
additional information pertaining to all
the boards. By using this system: (1) To meet the desires of the antiaircraft raids plotted on the situation and opera-
No personnel block the view of the commander, changes can be made as to tions boards. This information will in-
personnel working on the bridge, (2) the size of the boards and the informa- clude raid numbers, identification of the
The time required to place the informa- tion carried thereon. The scheme now in aircraft (friendly, unidentified, or hos-
tion on the boards is cut considerably use by the 503d Antiaircraft Operations tile), altitude in thousands of feet, and
and (3) The tellers can start sending in- Detachment includes a situation or earlv
the identity of the station reporting the
formation as it is being placed on the warning board, operations board, raid raid.
boards instead of having to wait until information board, status of equipment
the entire raid is made up, as is the case board, and a miscellaneous board. The The Status of Equipment Board shows
with the horizontal plotting board. operations board, eight feet by eight feet the operating status of all units in an
The horizontal board now issued with square, is the largest board in the scheme. antiaircraft defense and is kept current.
the AN/ITQ-1 set is eight feet by eight The boards are illuminated by encasing It also shows the present state of equip-
feet square. The size of this board cre- fluorescent lights on both sides of the ment and communications within the
ates a problem which can also be elimi- boards. Plexiglass has a tendency to act antiaircraft defense. This allows the de-
nated by the vertical board. For instance, as a lens so that when the fluorescent fense commander to tell at a glance the
when only one man is used to receive tubes are encased on the ends of the condition of readiness of his entire com-
information from the surveillance radar, boards the light is reflected and is dis- mand.
he will find it practically impossible to tributed evenly through the plexiglass. The Miscellaneous Board shows the
reach across the board to place the
latest weather report, times of sunrise,
marker in the proper positions without
the use of special extension equipment.
Without this equipment, the man will
T HE Situation or Early Warning
Board is marked off with the world geo-
sunset, moonrise, moonset, daily identi-
fication friend or foe code, schedule of
duty, and standby radars and friendly
have to walk around the board, necessi- graphic grid system, covering a radius of flights expected in the area. Any other
tating the usage of a long cord which 200 miles. This board has three circles data pertinent to the operations of the
may become tangled with other cords, superimposed upon it. The smallest circle operations center will be noted on this
boards, or other personnel. On the other covers a radius of 50 miles from the cen- board.
hand, he may have to remove his cord ter of the defended area. This circle cor-
from the junction box, walk around the responds with the large circle on the The grid and all permanent markings
board and plug into a junction box on operations board. The middle circle has are placed on the front of the boards by
the other side, during which time he a radius of 100 miles and the outside cir- grease pencil. All plots and information
will lose communications. The other cle is 200 miles in radius. At a glance, that continues to change are written in
alternative is to have one man on each by interpolation, the distance the aircraft reverse on the rear of the boards and
side of the board receiving information is from the defended area can be readily can be removed easily by cotton waste.
from the same source. Due to the small determined. The plotter behind the When the operations center is in a
number of men in an operations detach- situation board plots all targets reported building, commercial power may be used
ment, this is an added burden. In con- to him by the Aircraft Warning Service. to light the boards and when this power
trast to the horizontal board and its is not available or the unit is in the field.
problems, using the vertical plexiglass The Operations Board is large because the generators issued with the AN I
system, a plotter receiving information of the large number of tracks that must TTQ- I set are sufficient to supply the
can easily move to any position behind be handled. In conjunction with the needed power to light the boards. The
the board and plot without any delay in early warning plots from the GCI station construction and use of this type of op-
time. it must also carry those of our Own erations center, now used by the 503d
This system of illuminated vertical radars. The operations board is also AAA Operations Detachment, has great-
plexiglass is actually a hand hewed copy marked with the world geographic grid ly increased the effectiveness of this unit.
of methods currently in use by most air system which shows all the positions of There are many ways that an operations
force GCI stations. Materials needed for the firing units within the antiaircraft center can be set up and operated, and
the construction of an operations room defense and covers a radius of 50 miles. thev can be undergoing constant revision
All plots received by the plotters behind and improvement by the ingenuity and
utilizing vertical plexiglass are:
the board are placed upon the board with aggressiveness of the staff and officers of
(1) Plexiglass grease pencils. These plots or tracks the detachment.

By Lt. Col. Page E. Smith, Arty.
~aniu.tionaJ cbart

ANTIAIRCRAFT' officers are now

indicating interest in the airborne divi- Abn div

sion's organic antiaircraft battalion. The

questions most frequently asked are:

\VlIat is the mission of the antiair-

craft battalion? I I
How is it organized and equipped?
How is it employed? B I ~IP ro I
How can I get in it?
To answer these questions well, It IS
necessary to give a brief background on
the mission, organization and tactical
b B G Moo hn

employment of the airborne division.

IVhssJON Figure 1.
The mission of the airborne division is battalions; an airborne engineer battal- division: This change was necessary in
to seize and hold important objectives by ion; and the normal technical and ad- order to give the airborne division the
airborne assault; to close with the enemy ministrative service support. same tank support when conducting
by fire and maneuver in order to destroy Some of the differences between the normal ground operations as the infantry
him; or to repel his assault by fire and standard infantry division and the air- division possesses.
close combat. The division is capable of borne division result from the inability of At regimental level, the conventional
engaging in airborne assault by means of present-day aircraft to air drop or air land heavy mortar company and tank com-
paradrop and air landing. It can also certain items of heavy equipment. For pany are replaced by a support company.
conduct all types of ground operations, example, the airborne infantry regiment This company has a heavy mortar pIa:
acting either alone or as a part of a does not have an organic tank company toon, and an antitank platoon similar to
larger force. Under the latest reorganiza- such as is found in the standard infantry the one at division level. See Fig. 2.
tion the airborne division is capable of regiment. In the division artillery, the major dif-
sustained operations in combat for an There are some other major differ- ference between the airborne and infan-
extended period of time. ences. At division level you will find try divisions is that each field artillery
that an antitank platoon, equipped with battery has only four pieces instead of
six 90mm antitank guns, has been added the conventional six. The antiaircraft
The division is organized as shown in in order that some degree of antitank pro- battalion has towed weapons rather than
Fig. 1. Note that it is organized essen- tection will be available in the initial the self-propelled found in the infantry
tially the same as the standard infantry stages of an airborne assault. A para- division, and has only three firing bat-
division. It has three airborne infantry chute maintenance company is included teries instead of the conventional four
regiments of three battalions each; a di- for the purpose of packing and main- batteries. See Figs. 3 and 4.
vision artillery with three airborne light taining personnel and equipment para-
field artillery battalions, one airborne chutes. Note that there are two tank EMPWYMENT
antiaircraft battalion, and one medium battalions instead of the conventional As stated previously, an airborne divi-
field artillery battalion; two medium tank one battalion found in the infantry sion may be employed in any of the con-

OTltsnlzatJonal ('bart

Col. Smith is currently assigned to the Artil.

lery Inspector's Office, AFF, Fort Monroe, Va.
A qualified porachutis~, he served in World
War II in combat with the 17th Airborne
AAA Battalion and with G3 in the Chino
Theater. With intervening service as an in.
structor at the C&GS School, the AAA School
and the Army Intelligence School, he recently
commanded the B8th Airborne AAA Battalion.

Figure 2.
JULY-AUGUST, 1951 57
country from which major ground or air
operations may be conducted. This type
of operation requires the use of extensive
ground and air forces, and is supplied
completely by air. After the airhead is
seized and secured bv airborne forces.
other ground forces ar~ air landed in the
airhead and subsequently are employed
Figure 3. in their normal role. An example of this
type of operation was Operation Swarmer
ventional type operations in which an conducted by the V Corps in the Camp
infantry division normally participates. 1\ IcCall-Fort Bragg area in 1950.
These are the penetration, single or dou- Other types of operations in which

ble envelopment, defense, retrograde airborne forces may be employed are:
movement, and the pursuit. In addition ~ AIRHEAD

to the above, the airborne division may @ DEP:.RTURE AIRfiELDS

be employed in a vertical envelopment.
The airborne division, when so em-
ployed, utilizes to the maximum extent Figure 6.
its specialized capabilities. The five spe-
cific types of operations which the air- the seizure, by airborne assault, of an
borne division may undertake are dis- air base from which further air or air-
cussed in the following paragraphs. borne operations may be conducted; the
The first type of operation to be dis- capturing, by airborne assault, of a vital
cussed is the one with which \Vorld vVar area in order to deny its use to the
II veterans are most familiar. It is the enemy; the reinforcement, by airborne
close-in vertical envelopment of enemy movement, of surrounded friendly forces;
forces in which an early link-up with and the destruction of enemy installa-
other friendly ground forces is planned tions by airborne assault, followed by a
(see Fig. 5). An example of this type of Figure 5. prompt withdrawal.
operation was the employment of the
82d and 100st Airborne Divisions in the
Normandy invasion of Europe in the Airborne Antiaircraft Battalion
Summer of 1944. This type of operation
is accomplished by seizing, by means of
airborne assault, important tacticallocali- N O\\' let us look at the AA1\ battal-
ion. The mission of the battalion is to
AFF Board No. 1 a~d on Operation
Swanner. The present equipment is
tics, and holding these until the arrival
overland of other major ground combat provide local antiaircraft defense of as- therefore excellent from the point of
forces. Normally, the immediate battle signed objectives against low-Hying air- view of getting the equipment into the
area is isolated by capturing and holding craft and to fire on mechanized or other airhead. However, once on the ground
critical terrain features and thus blocking terrestrial targets. The capabilities of the towed weapons have serious limitations
the movement of enemy reserves. battalion include the air dropping by with regard to mobil!ty. This is especially
parachute of personnel and equipment, true when the battalion is operating in a
The airborne division is also capable
including 40mm guns, quadruple caliber close support role with the Infantry.
of making a deep vertical envelopment
.50 mounts, and jeeps. Recommended developments that will
into enemy-held territory (see Fig. 6).
Organization of the battalion is shown overcome these limitations will be dis-
The purpose of this type of operation is
in Fig. 4. Points to be noted are that the cussed later.
to seize an airhead deep in the enemy
battalion is considerably smaller than the The employment of the Airborne
normal towed or self-propelled version, AAA Battalion is essentially the same as
and has only three firing batteries. All for the organic AAA battalion of the
personnel except those with strictly ad- infantry division except for the airborne
:/0 a I 44-211 ministrative duties must be qualified assault phase of an operation. In such an
parachutists. operation the battalion is normally
\Vith regard to major items of equip- broken down into a parachute echelon
ment, the battalion has a total of 24 and an air-landed echelon. The para-
40mm AAA Guns, 24 rvl55 trailer chute echelon will usually consist of the
mounted quad 50's, and the necessary major weapons, personnel to man the
minimum amount of transportation to weapons, minimum transportation, and
move the battalion in one echelon. All the necessary command, communica-
of the above equipment can be dropped tions, and staff personnel and equip-
Figure 4. by parachute as was proven in tests by ment. The air-landed echelon will con-

tain the remainder of the battalion. school of thought maintains that a It is realized that such de\'elopments
Depending upon the situation, the bat- weapon can be developed which can sat- are several years in the future and that
talion may be employed initially to fur- isfy the requirements of being light and certain interim measures are desirable.
nish antiaircraft and ground defense for substantial enough to be air dropped and Among these might be the adop:ion of
the drop zone, landing zone, or an air- at the same time have the required de- the 1\ 119 si2ht and an on-carriaoe oaso-
strip in the airhead as the case may be. gree of mobility. The major argument ~ '" "'.
line power unit for the 40mm gun. Thi,;
As soon as corps AM A\ V units can be against the first line of thought is that would gi\'e more effective fire control
air landed the organic airborne AAA the airhead will have no protection for and a faster rate of tracking.
battalion will be released from this mis- the first few days of an operation, and
sion and will be available to the division until air-landed operations can com- AIRBORNE DuTY
commander for protection of the di\'ision mence. This period is considered to be In order to obtain duty with an air-
artillery, for close support of infantry, or critical because once our plan is obvious borne unit it is merelv n;cessarv to sub-
such other missions as may be deemed to the enemy, it is logical to assume that mit a letter through channels t~ the Ad-
appropriate. he will concentrate his air attacks on our jutant General, Department of the Army,
airhead. The second line of thought ap- volunteering for parachute training and
pears reasonable and can be effected by duty. A physical examination is also re-
As pointed out earlier in this article it the development of a removable turret quired. Upon approval the individual
is believed that the present equipment of for AA1\ guns, similar to the present will be sent to Jump School, at Fort Ben-
the airborne AAA battalion is not ade- !\I55, which can be air dropped, and ning, Georgia, and subsequently assigned
quate for the various missions that may which can also be designed to fit into a to either the 88th Airborne AAA Battal-
be assigned. The major objections to the full tracked self-propelled mount similar ion with the II th Airborne Division at
present equipment are that it lacks mo- to the presen t 1\ 119. The most ad vanced Fort Campbell, Kentucky or the 80th
bility once it is on the ground, and the system of fire control capable of with- Airborne AAA Battalion with the 82d
hre control and tracking equipment is standing the shock of parachuting could Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, N. C.
not adequate for the present and future be incorporated into the turret. Such a If overseas duty is desired, one battery
high speed enemy aircraft that may be removable turret would giv~ the airborne which was formerly with the 88th Bat-
encountered. battalion the capability of being used talion is now in Korea with the 187th
There are two schools of thought on early in an airborne operation. \Vhen Airborne Regimental Combat Team.
the first point in question. One is that large cargo aircraft commence operations \Vhile on parachute status with one of
the airborne battalion should have the in the airhead the tracked vehicle carrier the above units, and provided a jump is
same equipment as the self-propelled could be brought in. The turret could made at least once e\'ery three months,
unit in order that the airborne division then be placed in the carrier and thus the individual receives hazardous duty
will have the same effective AA1\ sup- give the battalion the desired mobility pay which is $50.00 a month for enlisted
port as an infantry division. The other for sustained ground operations. men and $100.00 a month for officers.

Artillery drop.

JULY-AUGUST, 1951 59'

AIRBORNE AAA By Capt. H. W. C. Furman, Arty.

AIRBORNE warfare, the theorv of Hying aircraft. To do what might appear battalion is supposed to drop in or air
vertical envelopment, the new and rapid to be a mansized job, the jumping anti- transport in its heavier equipment. At
means of transporting large bodies of aircraftsmen are equipped with boys' this time, equipped with towed 40mm
troops, is as radical a de\'elopment as the tools. The assault is made with the guns and the M55, quadruple mounted
Chinese im'ention of gunpowder, even dubious aid of the 1\163, a single barreled caliber .50 machine guns, it goes into a
though it has been developed smoothly caliber .50 machine gun, on an M role comparable to its counterpart in the
and without radical losses. The calcu- mount. regular infantry division. However, the
lated dreams of Generals John Lee, 1\lat- In my opinion, there is little need for airborne division is a hard striking, rapid
thew Ridgway and "Slim Jim" Gavin airborne AA in the assault. As Major moving outfit; the weapons with its AAA
have developed into the rapid mm'ement General Ga\'in points out in his excellent battalion are hardly suitable for anything
over thousand of miles, of death-dealing work, "Airborne \Varfare," such an op- so mobile. Even though the AA guns are
troops who drop, without warning, onto eration requires total air superiority. brought into the battle area early there is
the necks of our enemies. \Vith air superiority, there is no need no pro\'ision for moving them. Airborne
Larger and more efficient loads are for antiaircraft. Even if enemy aircraft troops expect to receive no motor ve-
being parachuted into the drop zones slip past our fighters, and it is conceiv- hicles, other than possibly a jeep or so,
and efficient methods of resupply are able, our own AAA could not be allowed and they are taught to manhandle their
being developed and tested in the Ko- to open fire, for fear of destroying our guns.
rean campaign. \Vhere the jumping of own planes. My recommendation would be to
a jeep was once considered a novelty, There is also a lack of transportation equip the 'airborne AAA battalion with
the huge 6 x 6 is now dropped with little to move it. Just to air transport an AAA the equipment now current in the self-
misgiving. Only a few years ago the pack battalion (a'1d I have Tl'vl 71-210 before propelled unit and to allow it to join the
75mm howitzer was the artillery piece me) takes dozens of huge carrier aircraft, division when priorities are not so criti-
for parachutists; today, the 105 is com- and the airborne commander will need cal. Since our chances at enemy aircraft
monly dropped and the 155 is air trans- those planes to drop his infantry, field will probably be less than our chances at
ported with nonjumping troops. artillery and other true assault forces. enemy ground personnel, we should be
Airborne antiaircraft, however, has Resupply for all of these troops is a ter- given something that we can chase the
made little progress. \Ve have a poorly rific problem, and there is simply little or enemy with; something as mobile as the
defined mission, a poor system of employ- no room for airborne A!v\ at this time. rest of our division.
ment and are inadequately equipped for 1\1Y theory is partially borne out by Ko- Recommendation Three: Give us a
maximum employment, particularly in rean developments, too, as the 187th dual purpose.
reference to our role in ground support. Regimental Combat Team didn't make
Airborne antiaircraft could be made
Recommendation One: Remove AAA, use of their AA people until 0 plus 2,
more useful to the division commander
in its present form, from the assault. when they were allowed to jump in,
if it had a dual purpose. I agree that
Present tactical doctrine calls for an equipped with pack 75mm howitzers!
there is a definite need for antiaircraft
assault on H-hour, with airborne troops Recommendation Two: Equip air-
after the assault, the same as with the
pouring from the sky to help seize and borne AA with more mobile weapons!
infantry division. But I think, too, that
defend the drop zones from enemy low After the assault, the airborne AM
the days of assault could give these para-
troopers a chance to show their worth.
I advocate equipping the airborne AA
battalion with recoilless weapons, giant
bazookas and such other light antitank
equipment as we develop. Allow AM
detachments to jump in the assault and
act as a tank killer team. At no other
time is the airborne division so vulner-
able to the tank as during the assault,
and at no other time is the AAA more
useless to them. They could be utilized
to help achieve the division objecti\.e.
Then when their self-propelled equip-
ment does reach them it should be such
equipment as can be truly useful in the
dual role now played by AM-that of
antiaircraft and ground support, so com-
Fairchild Aircraft Photo-by Dan Frankfurter
Loading the 40mm gun on carriage. mon in Korea.

How's Your Air Mobility?
By Lt. Col. George W. Shiuers, Jr., Arty.

T HE Chief of Army Field Forces has

directed that all army units will receive
ing. The load is secured so that it will
not break loose under anv conditions of
from the rear through clamshell doors
that allow straight-on loading. In addi-
sufficient training to enable them to flight. Fortunately, these requirements tion to its employment in standard air
move by air all equipment and personnel may be computed accurately and quickly, transported operations, it can also be used
that can be transported by cargo aircraft. and exact load placement determined to drop personnel, artillery pieces and
Exactly where will the units obtain the prior to flight. In order to accomplish vehicles by parachute. It has prO\'ed to
instructor personnel trained in troop this it is necessary that army units be be an excellent plane for evacuation of
movement b\' air? familiar with cargo aircraft. the wounded. Larger aircraft are avail-
Student officers at the Antiaircraft and Knowledge of the capabilities and able for moving medium artillery units.
Guided i\ lissiles School who are attend- limitations of available cargo aircraft will The standard heavy cargo plane is the
ing the regular or associate courses on enable the higher commander, his staff C-124, with an allowable cargo load of
the battery or advance levels receive 19 and lower unit commanders to plan effi- 50,000 pounds and the capability of car-
hours instruction in air transportability. ciently and execute an air transported rying virtually anything in the infantry
This provides the basic knowledge and operation. 'Vhat specific elements of air- division except the hea\'ier tanks and
techniques needed to conduct unit craft data must be known? tank-recovery vehicles. It can carryall
schools in air transportability. Included artillery pieces except the 120mm anti-
in the course are detailed and practical aircraft gun. Bulky and heavy equip-
considerations of the material covered in PRINCIPAL factors concerning cargo ment is loaded by means of large doors
this article. There is much more to load- aircraft that influence the proposed air and ramps at the nose of the aircraft. An
ing an aircraft than simply filling it with- transportability of units are: size and lo- elevator located aft of the wing is used
in weight limitations. An excellent pre- cation of the cargo doors. as well as the for loading lighter equipment. This air-
view of air transportability can be ob- height of the doors from the ground; size craft requires prepared landing strips,
tained in thirty minutes from T.F. 7- of the cargo compartment and strength but newer types of planes are being de-
1510, Troop Movement by Air. of the floor; location and strength of the veloped for operations from unimpro\'ed
The Air Force supplies the cargo air- cargo tie-down fittings; allowable cargo fields.
craft but the army unit to be transported load (pay load); and limitations of the The C-123 is a new type of aircraft,
is responsible for loading and securing position of the center of gravity. known as the assault transport. It is a
the cargo in the aircraft. Allowable car- \Vorkhorse of \\Torld \Var ll, the hybrid power glider that can land and
go loads are placed and lashed properly C-47, transported millions of tons of mili- take off in short distances from unim-
to insure that the aircraft will have a safe tary supplies in spite of certain definite proved fields. Towed as a glider to the
balance during take-off, flight and land- limitations in the location and size of the vicinity of the landing area by a tug air-
cargo doors, the allowable cargo load, craft, it can cut loose from the tug and
and size of the cargo compartment. proceed to the landing area, land and
These demonstrated limitations in the discharge its cargo, after which it takes
C-47 were later to provide guides for the off and returns under its own power for
development of cargo aircraft designed more loads. Another type of aircraft
for specific military purposes. under test is the detachable pod or pack
This is the picture today. The Air aircraft.
Force has developed a series of cargo air- This aircraft, embodying the prime
craft more suitable for army loads and mover and pod or the tractor-trailer prin-
the army has adjusted to the new re- ciple, has flown. The advantages based
quirement by modifying or redesigning on this principle are found in the reduc-
equipment to reduce weight and bulk. tion in the time the aircraft must wait
One new aircraft has already proved on the ground for loading and unload-
ing. Its allowable cargo load has not yet

/\ itself as a combat cargo plane. It is the

C-119, also known as the Flying Box-
car, or the Packet. It is the standard
been established. The allowable cargo
load for any aircraft, of course, is de-
pendent upon the range it must fly.
/ j""; medium cargo aircraft used to transport
, J nJJLi light artillery pieces. I-laving an allow- The pay load figures included in the
155mm gun in C-124 aircraft. able cargo load of 16,000 pounds, it loads desCription of the new cargo planes are
JULY-AUGUST, 1951 61
guides representing the normal maxi- load their vehicles alike. Placing the equipment for modern cargo aircraft.
mum allowable loads. As a result, cargo load in the correct place in the aircraft They should be provided with the op-
loads are actually established for each is not enough. portunities to practice securing typical
operation. Familiarity with c3rgo pbnes The load is secured so that it will re- loads utilizing all devices.
alone is not enough. main in position. Therefore, instruction Usually it is impossible to obtain car-
in the computations of lashing is neces- go aircraft for practice loading. l\lock-ups
sary. The number of lashings required of the cargo aircraft can be used for train-
OFFICERS' of your unit should re- to keep any vehicle, weapon or piece of ing in loading and lashing and 'will ac-
ceive training in planning procedures for cargo in place can be computed. These complish essentially the same results.
departure and arrival airfields to include computations reflect the weight of the l\lock-ups of the C-1l9 and C-124 air-
necessary instructions in the establish- cargo to be lashed, the angles at which craft should be available at every training
ment and maintenance of security regu- the lashings are tied, and the strength of center to allow troops to practice load-
lations at the departure airfields. The ac- the tie-down fittings of the particular air- ing and securing equipment in the me-
tion of a unit at an arrival airfield is craft and the strength of the lashing m3- dium and heavy cargo aircraft.
extremely important to the success of an terials used. Many types of lashing ma-
operation. Planes and troops on an air- terials may be used.
field in or near hostile territory present Rope was the old stand-by and can still AFTER your unit has completed this
a very lucrative target for the enemy. be used for light loads. However, chain phase of training and has become pro-
Prompt consolidation and reorganization deYices have been developed which are ficient in loading and lashing equipment
of a unit upon completion of a move by better for securing heavy equipment on the mock-ups, cargo aircraft should
air are necessary. Your officers and non- such as the 90mm AA gun and the M19. be obtained for an indoctrination flight.
commissioned officers should know Other devices available include strap This flight should be made with typical
where to place the cargo in the aircraft. webbing, steel cable and the Evans Sky- loads for your unit, the troops loading
An aircraft in flight must be balanced loader Kit. and securing the equipment, and then
correctly. Incorrect balance will result Rope is the easiest of all securing de- flying '!I'ith the load they have secured.
from improper placement of cargo. Con- vices to obtain. All personnel in your Before you take your unit to an airfield
sequently, the proper placement of cargo unit should receive instruction in the for the indoctrination flight, you will
prior to flight becomes of utmost concern care of rope and the tying of the knots want to see that they are instructed in
to every individual flying in the aircraft. used in air transportability. Just any knot flight safety.
The solution to the problem of load won't do. Flight safety instruction should cover
placement is not difficult. The knots used to secure cargo in air- conduct of the personnel at the airfield
The principles of weight and balance craft are: the double half-hitch, which as well as in flight. Because the para-
can be found in T.M. 71-210 and in is used to secure the lashings to the tie- chute is standard equipment for every-
Special Text 71-210 published by the down fitting in the aircraft; the baker one participating in a flight, the pro-
Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia. bowline, used to provide a method of cedure for proper adjustment of the para-
The center of gravity of wheeled vehicles tightening the lashing; and the slippery chute is taught to each man. An in-
and weapons is determined by the army half-hitch, used to secure the lashing, correctly adjusted 'chute can result in
unit. These knots are not difficult to learn and serious injury if one has to jump.
Information concerning unloaded ve- a large number of men can be trained When your unit has successfully com-
hicles can be found in T. M. 9-2800, but to tie them in a very short time. pleted its indoctrination flights, then, and
it is advisable for each unit to determine In addition you will want your troops not until then, can you say that your
the center of gravity of each weapon and to be familiar with the operations of the unit is fully trained and ready to take
vehicle, since no two units will combat- other securing devices, now standard its rightful place in the army of today.

West Pointers Visit Bliss

The dual use of antiaircraft artillery, of light antiaircraft artillery aerial firing aircraft and Guided Missiles Branch of
as a weapon against aerial attack and as on Hueco Range No.2, a demonstration The Artillery School, and to the radar
a weapon against ground targets, was of medium and heavy AAA aerial firing park of AFF Board No.4 where they
featured in demonstrations given at Fort on Hueco Range No.4, and a demon- viewed new AAA equipment.
Bliss during the two-day intensive train- stration of AM surface firing in close The West Pointers, traveling by plane,
ing and orientation program for visiting support of infantry at Dona Ana Range. arrived in two increments, one on June
cadets of the United States Military The visitors also made a trip to the 16 and the other on June 17. After their
Academy Class of 1952, in June. 1st Guided Missile Group area, to the two-day instruction period, they departed
The cadets witnessed demonstrations guided missile department of the Anti- on June 20.
Sweat Blood And Smile
By Col. Strode Newman

TAKE your hands off of your hips, The sergeant slapped the man in the "Listen," the sergeant said, "in this
Colonel," the sergeant said. door sharply across the rump and the business you do what you are told, ex-
The sergeant was a slender man of jumper leaped out in space. After the actly the way you are told."
medium height. He stood, erect and sol- leading man jumps, all others auto- There was a pulsing silence.
dierly, and looked me straight in my sur- matically shuffie forward and literally "You had that line under and over
prised eyes. In twenty-five years as a pour out of the door. your wrist, when you have been told to
commissioned officer in the United "Hold it! Stop where you are!" the have it over and under.
States Army this was a new experience. sergeant roared. "Now," the sergeant continued, "I
\Ve looked at each other a moment in He walked up to one scared looking don't give a damn what happens to a
silence, while I struggled inwardly for youngster, took his hand from the static guy what can't do what he is told. \Vhat
self-control. The sergeant waited for me line, turned it around and made him would happen to you is that line would
to obey his orders, as the quiet assurance grasp it the proper way. tangle around your arm when you jump-
and tense lines of determination in his
face made clear. I dropped my hands to
my sides without a word. The sergeant
walked away, also without a word.
This makes more sense than you might
think. It rests on the solid foundation
that when a man jumps out of an air-
plane in Right ... well, the law of
gravity does not salute. This is one of
the first things you discover as a student
paratrooper at the Airborne School, Fort
Benning, Georgia.
You also develop a certain stilte of
milld which is not the unrelieved grim
determination you might imagine it to
be. There is a constant awareness of
danger, but it is viewed with a special
kind of humor that keeps things in
perspective. Then there is the esprit de
corps of the paratroopers ... but come
with me to jump School, and you will
see what I mean.
Our first hour was a vigorous exercise
period. It was in the ten minute break
following this hour that the sergeant in-
structor so tactfully informed me, in
eight words, that when you are engaged
in this business it is no time to be stand-
ing around with the mental attitude that
accompanies having your hands on your
hips. That back-on-your-heels posture
is verboten at jump School.
In the second hour we reported to
wooden replicas of airplanes for what is
called Mock Door training, practice in
the details of how to get out of an air-
plane in Right, doing e\'erything the way
the sergeant said. l'airchild Aircraft Photo--bll Dan l'rankfurtrr
t4Go!" Drop zone.
JULY-AUGUST, 1951 63
cd out the door, and maybe pull the technique: Drop earthward feet first; shook out the folds of the soft fabric in
damn arm off. That's OK with me, tuck your head forward; place both front of us, "and nylon is smooth and
except I got to kick your arm outa the hands over the resen-e 'chute on your nice to touch, in case you didn't know."
way," this was illustrated graphically chest; count "one-thousand, two-thou- He looked around at us, dead pan.
with a violent kick. "before the next man sand, three-thousand." We all looked back at him, also dead
can "jump. \ "hile I kick your arm outa ~Iy nrst time out of the door is some- pan, because nobody wanted to be told,
the way, the rest of the stick is crowding thing I don't remember very clearly, ex- 'This ain't funny, all you men wearing
forward, so you risk the lives of good cept that I'm glad I'll ne\-er ha\'e to do smiles, down on the ground and knock
soldiers because you can't do what you that for the nrst time again. It was not out ten."
are told." until my third jump from the tower that That knock Ollt ten was with us all
The sergeant spat disgustedly out of the sergeant said: day, e\'ef)' day, everywhere we went. It
the door, gave another lusty kick at the "That was satisfactory, Colone1." meant that the culprit who had in SOme
imaginary arm in the door and we con- In every practice jump, ~Iock Tower way incurred the sergeant's displeasure,
tinued with our practice, each mentally or ~ lock Door, each man counts aloud must execute ten push-ups. That is,
resolved not to ever get our hand the and loudly: "One-thousand, two-thou- drop full length on the ground, support-
wrong way around that static line. To sand, three-thousand." ing his body on his toes and hands, and
lose an arm would be bad, but to suffer Why? chin himself on the ground ten times.
the sergeant's public scorn would be Because a parachute jump is normally This is not punishment, according to
worse. at a height of only 1,000 feet or lower. the Airborne School. It is a quickening
Figure it .out yourself, after you have exercise that keeps you alert (to avoid
fallen for three seconds, and your main it), or (if you don't avoid it) the ten
THE nrst time we really sweated was 'chute has not opened, there isn't much develop the muscle that covers
in the ~ lock Tower area. time left in which to pull your reserve. your shoulder blade, which is one of the
\Vhile a i\lock Door is only two feet The count is to measure the three sec- "points of contact" when you make a
above the ground, a Mock Tower prac- onds, and your life may depend on doing landing fall.
tice plane stands on top of tall 34 foot this. From the Mock Tower area we ad.
telephone poles. That may not sound Or to express it the way one of our vanced to the High Tower area. Here
high but, believe me, it is easy to con- dear sergeants phrased it: we were hauled up on a cable and
fuse a Mock Tower with the Empire "So you don't like to be in no hurry dropped from 250 foot high steel towers
State Building, if you arc up there look- ... well, you better like it. In this in real 'chutes. And it was here we
ing down with the idea of jumping off. business seconds mean life or death- learned about the only situation in which
There is a door so you can jump out, either you pick up your 'chute and walk a paratrooper is allowed to swear.
and straps from a harness are attached away, or they pick you up in a shovel. If one 'chute ever gets close to and di-
to you, in a way that allows you to fall You guys better get that straight." rectly over another, the lower 'chute may
some ten feet toward the earth, and then If the wind is blowing, your inHated steal the air and the top 'chute collapse,
you arc brought up with a jerk, to dangle 'chute will drag you over the countryside which may drop the upper man on top
in the air on a cable that delivers you to unless you know how to collapse it. So of the lower 'chute, collapsing it also.
a sawdust landing pile. we learned how. This is not nearly so dangerous as it may
This is the place that the men arc As usual, any new activity was opened sound if you know what to do.
separated from the boys, the place where with one of our hot sergeants giving us It is because of this inherent danger
you and everybody else nnds out if you the hot oil about how to do it. of a collapsed 'chute that a paratrooper
have the one ingredient without which "This here is a parachute." one in- is authorized to swear when another
you can never be a paratrooper: The structor explained solemnly, holding up jumper lands on top of his 'chute. At
nerve and will to jump. the folds of the mottled greenish sky such times it is permissible for the lower
As in the Mock Door, when you exit umbrella. man to rear back, and shout to the man
from the tower you follow a definite "These 'chutes are made of nylon," he above:
"Get the hell off my canopy!"
One day I stopped in at my training
company orderly room, and there had a
brief chat with an old-timer, the nrst
sergeant. There was a sign on his desk,
facing the door. It read:
"}'ollr story has touched my heart.
Never have I met an)'one with
A'fore trollbles than )'011 have.
Please accept my sincere sympathy."
"\Vell, Sergeant," I said, "I guess you
hear a good many reasons why they
..-. ~ ... --- ~"':""-6 haven't got what it takes."
Fairchild Aircraft Photo--bv Dan Frankfurt" The sergeant gave me a quick look
Airborne takeoff. and said feelingly, "I sure do, Colonel.
Would you like to see the Quit File?" "It is too much for me to take." that time comes the palms of your hands
\\Then a would-be paratrooper fails he "I froze in the 34-foot tower, and become slightly moist, you get a sort of
is required to 611 in a Quit Slip, and have not got the nerve to jump." hollow faint fcelino, and you silentlv ask
" ..
state in writing that he wants to quit. "Afraid of the 250-foot tower." yourself: "Now just why did I ever get
He must also answer two fundamental "I don't like this place here." myself into this 6x?"
questions. These questions, with some "I am too nervious for the training." But you jump!
of the answers given in the Quit File, '1 am 6scally unable to continue." I'll spare you the details of how I
are: "I haven't got what it takes," sweated it out; just let it suffice that I did
"\Vhen I had a car wreck I had a jump. It's quite a sensation.
Question: \Vhy did you volunteer for brain kencushion, and I don't But when you hit the ground, find
Airborne? want to hurt my health." yourself all in one piece, and rise to your
feet ... it was more than worth the ef-
Answers: "I wanted to become a
When I 6nished the £lIeand handed it fort. The air tastes good in your lungs,
back to the sergeant it was time for din- the earth feels good under your feet; you
"I 6gured I could take it."
ner. He went to a microphone connected are proud to be a paratrooper.
"A bunch of fellows said it was a
to loud speakers and announced in a As 1 was experiencing this feeling for
good idea,"
vibrant voice that penetrated to every the 6rst time, there were sudden foot-
"I could use the extra money."
corner of the barracks: steps behind me, and I turned to find an
"I was talked into it by friends."
"All right, Glamor Boys .. , outside, erect and soldierly figure walking toward
"I wanted to join a good out6t,"
and line up for chow!" me, He was smiling, and held out his
hand with obvious pleasure.
Question: \Vhy are you quitting?
"Congratulations, Colonel," was all
Answers: "I gave it what I could, but OF course the time eventually comes the sergeant said, but he conveyed a wel-
I can't take it." when they take you up in an airplane come; I now belonged. I could sweat
"Parents are against my jumping." and expect you to jump out of it, \Vhen blood and smile!

Highlights Of The 88th Airborne. AAA

By Capt. H. w. C. Furman, Arty.

STAND UP AND HOOK UP," tra- Korea. Altogether this has necessitated carrier and air transport units. Exercises
ditional prejump command of the air- another complete cycle of training with are conducted to develop proficiency in
borne, has echoed over the skies for the basic paratrooper training at Fort Ben- the techniques of departure and arrival
past few months as members of the 88th ning and unit training at Fort Campbell airfield control. There are never as many
Airborne AAA Battalion have progressed and elsewhere. airplanes as we desire; so, we get a good
with their training as an organic part of There's a lot more to it than just dose of the essential training in trimming
the II th Airborne Division. jumping, To start with we train for down on the load and also in working
Last year we participated with the ground operations like other A\V battal- the drops in relays.
II th Airborne Division in Operation ions. Then we train for airborne as well In May the battalion moved to Fort
Swarmer; fired our service target prac- as air-landing operations. \Ve jump in- l\'liles, Delaware, for thirty days on the
tices at Camp Perry; and participated in dividually and we jump with our equip- range in target practice. At first the
the training of the lOOth Airborne Divi- ment, from the 40mm gun and jeeps crews were new, but by the close of this
sion, Reserve, down to the bundles of essential supplies phase the record of targets shot down
By late summer we were busy in the and equipment. Stress is placed on load- showed' the results of intensive training.
formation of the 187th RCT for service ing, rigging, stowing, and dropping \Ve are now back at Fort Campbell
in Korea. It included Battery A of this equipment under a variety of condi- continuing to meet our requirements for
battalion. Since then we have activated tions. Another item worthy of mention, replacements in Korea and preparing for
our present Battery A and we have also is that all hands have to work in close more maneuver exercises and the sum-
furnished the required replacements in coordination with the Air Force troop mer camp training.

JULY-AUGUST, 1951 65
A SOLDIER'S STORY. By General of much difficulty was encountered by staff
the Army Omar N. Bradley. Henry planners in arranging for the distribu-
Silver Star
Hall and Company. 640 pp.; $5.00. tion of available space for the shipping
while a member of Battery A, 15th AAA AW
of material to the landing beach.
\ Videlv acclaimed as the best of the Bn. (5P). distinguished himself by gallantry "Artillery asked to bring guns ashore
in action against on armed enemy near
field commanders' stories to come out of 5agu-ri, Korea, an 17 November 1950. On
e\'en at the expense of engineer troops.
\Vorld War II, General Bradley's book this date, the platoon which Lieutenant Engineers demanded bridging ashore
Matejav commanded was providing close
achieves a delicate balance in outlining support for the 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry.
even at the expense of antiaircraft guns.
the many-sided forces and factors that He led a section of his platoon at the head And antiaircraft asked for more guns
of a column which was advancing north
entered into the winning of the \Var. against the enemy. At about 0950 hours, the
even at the expense of quartermaster
1\lany reviewers have laid stress upon paint was fired upon from positions on both trucks .. each demanding a larger share
sides of the road. This intense fire came
the author's carefully weighed analysis from automatic weapons and small orms.
of the lift, each contending that if its
of the personalities im'olved in the allied With complete disregard for his awn personal particular allotment were cut, the whole
safety, Lieutenant Matejov immediately left
high command and the honest differ- the relotive security of his M-19 and pro.
invasion might fail."
ences among them. The book, taken as ceeded under heavy fire to a forward posi- The conflict between personalities of
tion from which he was better able to spot
a whole, places these observations in the arms and services involved and the
the sources of the enemy fire. He remained
their proper relationship to the over-all in his exposed position for a period of one honest differences of opinion that re-
and a half hours spatting enemy targets and
story that General Bradley so capably placing his 40mm and .50 caliber fire thereon.
quired careful consideration of the plan-
tells. His coolness and heroism under fire enabled ning staff are presented in an interesting
his platoon to moss its fires on numerous en.
Those who participated in campaigns emy targets, and the destruction thereof 01.
and sympathetic manner.
against Nazi Germany will regard this lowed the column to continue its northward General Bradley's book makes the
attack with dispatch. His display of gallantry
as their story too. For many, General most of the human interest factors. I-lis
reflects great credit an himself and the mili.
Bradley's book is the first account of the tory service. x x x State of New York. simplicity, humility and abundant good
complex considerations and the action humor are revealed throughout. It is
taken at top levels of command which certainly among the most important his-
resulted in the ensuing operations in torical works yet to be produced in the
which they played a part. ceived heavy raids by the Luftwaffe and military field.-R. W. O.
Nothing could be more lucid and the meeting had been called to "explore
simple than the author's presentation of the need for improvement in Allied ROCKETS, MISSILES, AND SPACE
his story. He deals frankly with con- fighter cover and air support." TRAVEL. By Willy Ley. The Viking
troversial questions that other military 'Tedder had scarcely repeated the air Press, Inc. 436 pp.; $5.95.
writers might be pardoned for by-pass- force claim of Allied air supremacy in
ing. Yet no one can possibly take offense the Mediterranean theatre when four \Villy Ley might easily be called the
at any of the views or reactions ex- Focke-Wulf-190's sped in over the city. modern Jules Verne; however, he, unlike
pressed. \\'here the author has been Strafing the streets of Gafsa, they stam- Verne, verifies and justifies his predic-
forthrightly critical, he has never been peded a camel caravan past our door. tions with scientific and engineering
disparaging and he is quick to accord At the end of their run they dropped facts now known. All artillerymen who
recognition to the best qualities and per- their bombs. Plaster flaked from the ceil- are interested in extending the capabili-
formance of dutv, amono0 those of the ing and when we went to open the door, ties of existing cannons will be fasci-
American and Allied forces who carried I found that the concussion had wedged nated by this book.
the heavy burden of command through it tightly shut. In preparing Rockets, 1'1'1 issiles, and
to the final victory. 'Tedder packed his pipe, looked up Space Travel, the author devotes con-
The reconciliation of differences be- mischievously from the table, and smiled. siderable space to historical development.
tween allies and between the separate Tooey looked out of the window. He 1\luch of this history lies within the
branches of our own forces was a prob- turned to Patton and shook his head. boundaries of Germany, Ley's native
lem that constantly rose to plague the 'i'\ow how in hell did you ever manage land until the advent of Hitler. In ad-
top planners. General Br3dley describes to stage that?' dition, the efforts of Goddard, though,
an amusing conference among Air Chief "'I'll be damned if I know,' George have not been overlooked by the author.
l\Iarshall Tedder and General T oocv shouted back, 'but if I could find the Later developments in the United
Spaatz with the author and General Pa~- sob's who flew those planes, I'd mail States are described, within security limi-
ton in Gafsa, North Africa. U. S. ground them each a medal!' " tations. Some of the more recent and
forces under Patton's command, had re- In preparing for the Sicilian invasion, better known missile projects, such as
I\erobee, Viking and Bumber, are in- Official \X1W'II History Offered
cluded. indicating the timeliness of the Free To Vets
Servicemen wounded in action during
In the later chapters, attention is di-
\Vorld War II may obtain a free copy SU BSCRI PTION
rected to what may be called \Villy Ley's of the official Army record of "where it
"first lm-e," tra,-el in outer space. Space RATES
ships are definitely considered to be a
Armv Historical Division said that the
possibility. The military and scientific
series, :'American Forces in Action," is For
,-alue of such man-made satellites are em-
now available to all servicemen.
phasized. Atomic power plants, when
~l\"ailable, will provide an important im- \Vhile the entire paper-bound series Military Personnel
petus for such travel. is for sale, anv man wounded in a geo-
graphical loc;le covered by any single LIFE ........ $5.50
\ Vhen \Villy Ley progresses to the pos-
,'olume mav obtain that ,'olume, free,
sibilities of establishing a base upon the
bv, writino<:> ~o the Office of the Chief of
moon, he becomes enthusiastic. He de-
scribes the procedure of building such a
J\lilitarv, I-liston',• \ Vashinoton
25, D. C . TIME . . . . . . . . $4.75
Followino<:> are the titles available:
base with considerable detail. per year
"Papuan Campaign," 'To Bizerte with
The book provides excellent back- the II Corps," "Salerno," "Volturno,"
ground material on the guided missile "The \Vinter Line," "J\lerrill's Maraud- order from
field. J\luch material on fuels and pro- ers," "Omaha Beachhead," 'The Ad-
pulsion is given. The more vexing prob- miralties," "Makin," "Guam," "Small
lems of stabilization and control are not Unit Actions," "St. Lo," "Anzio Beach-
emphasized. Two informative appen- head," "Utah Beach to Cherbourg."
dices and a bibliography complete the -Armed Forces Press Service.
JOURNALsubscribers wishing to pur-
The book is particularly interesting at 631 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
chase copies, may order from the ANTI-
this time in view of the guided missile
AIRCRAFrJOURNAL. Washington 4, D.C.
programs now in progress in this country,
which are cloaked in secrecy.
New Books
"Russia Then and Now," a book
hailed in Europe and England as an in-
THE SOVIET MILITARY ORGANIZA- cisive study of Russian culture and Rus-
TION. A compilation of articles on the sia's cultural relations with western Eu-
Russian military structure from the rope, will appear in an American edition
Fifty cents.
DIGEST. 64 pp. this fall published by John Day. The
author is \Vladimir \Veidle, an eminent
anti-Soviet humanist now living in PAMPHLET
From Tsar to Commissar, the first ar- France, where his book was published By
ticle deals with historical background of recently under the title "La Russie Ab-
the Red Army. The other six are pointed Lt. Col. Leonard M. Orman
sent et Presente." Recipient of the Prix
in detail to arrive at the final study, Rivarol, and a selection of the \Vorld
Structure of the High Command. Affairs Book Club in England, it is the A compilation of anicles by the
The portions of the pamphlet dealing first volume of a trilogy of which the author, published in
with the training and mobility of the second will concern "The Structure of
The Journal.
Soviet soldier give a keen insight into his Europe" and the third "English Values."
attitudes and professional stature. STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE.
Guerrilla operations are covered under By Sherman Kent _ $3.00 A LIMITED NUMBER
the heading of Soviet Partisan \Varfare. MAKERS OF MODERN STRATEGY. Now available at
The "shadow army," whose tactics are Edited by E. M. Earle, G. A. Craig
25 cents per copy.
and Felix Gilbert $5.00
being met in Korea today by the United
Nations Forces, was a factor in Napo- POWER.
leon's ill-fated drive into Russia. This Directed by Sam H. Schurr and Order From
was also an important contribution to Jacob Morschak $6.00
the debacle met by the Germans on the THE RIDDLE OF MacARTHUR.
Antiaircraft Journal
Eastern Front in \Vorld 'Var II. By John Gunther $2.75 631 Pennsylvania Ave., N.\Xf.
Everv member of the Armed Forces By Hermon Wouk $3.95
Washington 4, D. C.
can well study the implications of Asiatic WAR IN KOREA.
warfare as outlined in the pamphlet. By Margurite Higgins _ $2.75
cus \V. i\lav Jr. and his staff, and Ameri-
can and British Air Force officers. After
visiting the brigade units at their respec-
ti\'e bases, the general said, HI have noth-
ing but the highest praise for these men.
The officers and enlisted men impressed
me as knowing their jobs well. I ha\'en't
seen better looking soldiers anywhere."
Gen. Lawton makes his home at the Hotel Chamber- -Arm)' Times.
lin, Old Point Comfort, Fort Monroe,
Colonel Nelson Dingley, III,
General Kelly graduated from USJ\IA
in 1918 and was commissioned in the The President of the Board of Trus-
CAe. tees of the New York J\lilitary Academy
In 1943 General Kelly took the 1st has announced the appointment of Colo-
AAA Group to Casablanca where he nel Nelson Dingley, III, General Staff
commanded the Antiaircraft and Coast Corps, U. S. Army, as Superintendent
Defenses of the Atlantic Coast of French of the Academy. Colonel Dingley, who
J\'lorocco. He returned to Camp Stewart, will retire from the Army on August 31,
Georgia, in June to take command of the is presently serving as Senior Military
56th AAA Brigade. Attache at the American Embassy in
Returning to Africa in 1944 he be- Stockholm, Sweden. He is an alumnus
came the antiaircraft officer of the of the Ne\\;York Military j\cademy ('10).
Seventh Army for the invasion of South- Colonel Dingley was commissioned in
ern France and in the advance through the CAC in 1916, serving both in the
the Vosges Mountains, Alsace Plain, Mexican Border Campaign and as an
Germany, and Austria. artillery commander in France in \ Vorld
Returning to the States in 1945, Gen- \oVar I. He served initially with antiair-
eral Kelly served with AFF and the craft artillery in Hawaii. Later he served
Fifth Army until he went to Japan in in Europe as assistant to General Lucius
Chief of Staff, AFF, Promoted
1947 to become Chief of the Special Clay in Military Governmen t, as G 1 in
Major General \VilIiam S. Lawton the Third Army and as Military Attache
Services Section, Far East Command.
graduated from USJ\'IA in 1922 and was in Poland. Decorations: L1\I, BSM, CR.
His retirement culminates an active
commissioned in thc Air Service. After
career of 33 years in the Army.
graduating at the Advanced Flying General \Xi'ilson Retires As
War decorations: LM (OLC), and
School he transferred to the CAe. AER Director
In 1939 he went to Hawaii. Begin- BSM.
At his own request, the resignation of
ning there as a captain in the Harbor- l'vlaj. Gen. Walter K. Wilson, USA,
Defenses, by 1944 he had climbed to 32d AAA Brigade Highly Praised Ret., as Director of Army Emergency Re-
the grade of brigadier general as Deputy MILDENHALL, England.-HThe lief has been accepted to become effec-
Chief of Staff of the Pacific Ocean outstanding way in which antiaircraft tive 1 July 1951. He will be succeeded
Areas. Those who served in the Pacific artillerymen of the 32d AAA Brigade by Maj. Gen. Edward F. Witsell, the
remember him as the coordinator and and its units immediately began to work Adjutant General of the Army, who re-
expediter around the "Pineapple Penta- smoothly and enthusiastically with the tires on June 30, 1951.
gon," particularly as to its far-Rung ac- American Air Force and the British mili- General Wilson has served as Director
tivities in pushing the war to Japan. tary units in England is commendable, of Army Emergency Relief continuously
General Lawton returned to the States and should serve as a source of great since January 11, 1944. In addition to
in 1947 to serve with Headquarters Fifth pride for each officer and enlisted man being Director of AER, General Wilson
Armv. He served later as Commandant in the organization," said Lt. Gen. was appointed by the late Honorable
of the Coast Artillery School at Fort Charles L. Bolte, Army Deputy chief of Henry L. Stimson as the Secretary of
Winfield Scott until transferred in 1950 staff for plans and combat operations, War's Liaison Officer with the American
to his present assignment as Chief of after his recent visit to the American AA Red Cross. It was in the latter capacity
Staff, Army Field Forces, Fort J\lonroe, units at their bases in the United King- that he was largely instrumental in
Virginia. dom. effecting an efficient and cordial operat-
War decorations: DSi\I, LM (OLC), The general, who was in the United ing agreement between the Red Cross
BSJ\I, CR. Kingdom to give a series of lectures spon- and AER with a view of coordinating
sored by the Kermit Roosevelt Founda- the activities of both organizations. This
Brig. Gen. Kelly Retires tion, was accompanied to this base by agreement is still in operation and in-
Brig. Gen. Paul B. Kelly retired for J\laj. Gen. J. P. McConnell, USAF, and sures a minimum of duplication of the
physical disability at Letterman General was met at the headquarters of the 32d emergency financial assistance which
Hospital on 31 1\lay 1951, and now by the brigade commander, Co!. Metti- both organizations are prepared to render

to Army personnel and their dependents. ting the Headquarters Battery into two near future.
In the last seven and one-half years sections, in effect making it a Headquar- O. K. i\lARSHALL
in which General \Vilson has been the ters and Service Battery. This called for Lt. Co\.. 48th AAA A\V Bn (SP)
Director, AER has disbursed over eight ammunition details from the firing bat- 1st Infantry Division, APO 403
million dollars through loans and grants teries, but these men still felt that they
were working for their own batteries. To the Editor:
in providing financial assistance to over
100.000 members of the Army and their \Ve also found that we could utilize the The A:-''TIAIRCRAFrJOURNALhas be-
families. SRi\IU men to a better advantage as come a favorite of all officers and men
General \Vilson graduated from extra radio repairmen rather than letting within this battalion. \Ve are pleased to
US~IA in 1902 and was commissioned them sit in a rear area doing little or submit to you this list of applications
in the Artillery. He served in the Field nothing. Our main difficulty was in com- which will bring this battalion up to one
Artillery, the Coast Artillery Corps, and munications due to the fairly long dis- hundred percent and hence place us on
on the General Staff until he was ap- tances between batteries. This was your honor roll.
pointed a general officer in 1937 to take solved, however, in having all battery The 35th 1\AA Gun Bn. (90mm), is
command at Corregidor. lIpon his re- communications sections operate under a regular army unit, activated I April
turn to California in 1940 he activated the supervision of Battalion. Our com- 1951. It is a negro unit, with the cadre
and commanded the III Army Corps. munications were always excellent al- furnished by the 450th AA/\ A \ V Bn.
Upon the outbreak of war in 1941 he though the communication sections and the 719th AAA Gun Bn., both at
oroanizcd and commanded the Southern really worked overtime. The personnel Fort Lewis, \Vashington. Fillers have

California Sector of the \Vestern De- who remained behind with the fire con- been received from Fort Bragg. N. C.
fense Command, and later the Northern trol equipment were the battery radar and Fort Benning. Georgia.
California Sector, until he came to \Vash- repairmen and some other range section Camp JOliN E. BURROWS
inoton in 1944 to take over the AER. personnel. That scheme worked and our Stewart, Ga. Lt. Col., Arty, Comdg.

His retirement as AER Director cul- equipment functioned perfectly when it

minates a distinguished career of 53 was put back in use after being stored To the Editor:
years continuous service in the Army. for over 3 months. By our system we Your May-June 1951 issue reached a
maintained the integrity of our batteries new high for the JOURNAL. Korean ac-
CORRESPONDENCE and morale throughout. In addition tions are consistently interesting and in-
there were no property complications nor structive reading for all. i\lajor Lands-
To the Editor:
personnel difficulties which could arise man's "AAOC To FOG' is due special
The copy of the May-June issue of the in the "Streamlined 90mm outfit." Mo- mention. i\lajor James \V. Jordan, my
JOURNALarrived here today. I noted with rale is a tremendously important factor S4, is so impressed with Capt. \Vyckoff's
some apprehension the article by i'vlajor in a unit and one should remember when article on battery supply that he has re-
Ride on reorganizing the 90mm Battalion shifting T /0 & E's that he is dealing produced it by mimeograph and is using
for FA. with human beings who have pride in it in supply orientation of recently in-
The proposition of converting a firing their own units, and that they are not ducted National Guard battalions.
battery into a service battery and scatter- mere numbers on a chart. \Vithin the very near future you may
ing personnel helter-skelter is contrary to R. C. CHEAL expect the 182nd, 420th and 728th Bat-
building esprit and efficiency. The mo- APO 301. Lt. Col., 68th AAA Gun Bn
talions to join the group and the 245th,
rale in his service (nee D) battery would
To the Editor: 709th, 716th and 726th Battalions, on
certainly not be high when it has been
your Honor Roll. We are also providing
deprived of the primary mission of i\lay I congratulate you and your staff
for more copies in the EM day rooms and
artillery-that of firing. This is not to for an exceptionally fine coverage of
the other reading rooms.
mention the feeling that those "0" bat- Korea. To me it is describing, at last, the
true battle worth of the fine soldiers Camp JOlIN D. SIDES,
tery gun crews in the other batteries
and weapons which we have in the anti- Stewart, Ga. Col., 226th AAA Group
would have of being strangers in a
strange outfit with their loyalties being aircraft. I think we have indulged too \Ve hope to give yo-It a lot nwre from
in their own unit. Furthermore the ad- often and too long in hairsplitting and Majo-r Landsman, oIlr other able report-
vantages of having an extra firing battery elaborate discussions of technical minu- ers in Korea and Capt. Wyckoff. They
are many. More targets can be engaged tiae. This tendency has produced some can well appreciate this comment frcmt
over a greater front, and a battery can be fine materiel-sometimes some utterly Col. Sides. He is tmly a "pillar" of the
detached for various task force assign- impractical junk, too. JOuRNAL.-En.
ments and still not affect the battalion as However, you are giving the AAA
a whole. The rate of fire of the 90mm what it deserves-coverage of fighting PSYCHIATRY
gun more than makes up for the loss of and all it implies: battlefield tactics,
the guns gained in splitting up "0" Bat- leadership, and general worth to the The article, "Psychiatry In The Ko-
tery's guns among the other batteries. ground fighting team. reml \11ar," by Colonel Amos R. Koontz,
The 68th Gun Battalion has also been \Ve are training intensively in just reprinted in the Alarch-April A:-''TIAIR-
in Korea and has done some pretty fair the sort of thing you are describing. I CRAFTJOURNALfrom the Military Sur-
work. The present AAA setup was mod- will have, for the JOURNAL,a complete geon, has elicited comment of interest,
ified only slightly in this unit by split- write-up of the 48th training in the very pro and cO'».

JULY-AUGUST, 1951 69
To Colonel Koontz: and Hushing, etc., which cannot be dence of combat neuroses in the last war,
I see that you have been up to your feigned; that between 37 and 52% of the explanation generally accepted by
old tricks, picking on the psychiatrist, the cases in the last war had a positive psychologically trained personnel. In the
and I read with interest your article, family history; and that the condition first \Vorld \Var, diagnostic methods
"Psychiatry in the Korean War." You has an excellent prognosis and short were too undewloped to recognize many
know how strongly I feel on this subject duration if caught in time so that most psychiatric cases for what they were. The
and how I concur in your remarks, and of the sufferers returned to duty in a more precise techniques of the last dec-
particularly in your last paragraph. short time. Furthermore, these soldiers ade simply discO\'ered more ailments in
Psychiatry is unquestionably a specialty underwent prolonged fear, exhaustion, more soldiers, but not because there were
of medicine but the psychic and the and deprivation, and often experiences so more ill soldiers in World War II than
somatic of the human being are so com- horrifying that the consequent break- in 1. The tremendous improvement in
pletely interwoven that you cannot tear down would be no surprise even to a lay- psychiatry in those 25 years enabled
the parts away from each other without man. So I am astonished to find a psy- clinicians of the last war to screen cases
losing something of each. We know that chiatrist (although perhaps Col. Koontz that would have passed unnoticed in
the old-time country physician was a is not a psychiatrist) who feels that these '1917. There is no evidence that any of
psychiatrist in his way, perhaps in the pitiful cases are malingerers simply be- that 100% increase was due to any other
over-aU, equalled by few modem psy- cause he cannot see any Hesh tom by hot factor save this improvement in diag-
chiatrists. He knew all of the tricks metal. nosis. So much for the colonel's hypoth-
'which brought the psychic into line so As far as the colonel's second supposi- eses.
that the somatic might get well. tion goes, it is not necessary to argue the The layman believes that anything
RICHARD H. EANES relative sophistication of the public. Most that is published in a scientific journal
Colonel, USA, Retired psychiatrists believe that true, conscious must be unvarnished truth. Those of us
malingering is rare, and not hard to who read these periodicals regularly
Chief Medical Officer SSS
detect in any event. Thus even if a sol- know that a surprising amount of pure
To the Editor: dier was possessed of some psychiatric hogwash gets printed in them. With
I was shocked by Colonel Koontz' ar- knowledge, and was impelled in some this consideration in mind, I ask the com-
ticle in the March-April issue of the way to fake an ailment (knowing the bat veteran, the soldier who has had
AA JOURNAL. As a psychologist and a American soldier, I would be extremely combat fatigue, or has seen the unmerci-
onetime combat soldier, I find this bit cautious about such an accusation-it's ful wreck that war can make of a man's
of theory fraught with errors, some quite most likely not accurate), he would still mind, not to think that Col. Koontz
grievous. Colonel Koontz suggests that be detected with ease. speaks officially for psychiatry or psychol-
there are three reasons for the 100% in- It has become fashionable nowadays ogy. I assure you that he does not. To
crease in psychiatric war casualties in to take advantage of the current interna- those men who have not yet, but who
World War II over World War I: 1) tional tension, and blame any disliked some day may, face combat-psychiatry is
"the blight to our patriotism," resulting circumstances, whether imaginary or with you, not against you.
from an "insidious, creeping, socialistic othervvise, on "foreign ideas" or "social- EUGENE E. LEVITT
philosophy," which presumably makes ism." The dynamics of the infiltration are 1st Lt., Arty, NYNG
the American soldier soft and ready to seldom specified; Col. Koontz has not
succumb to war's rigors; 2) a widespread offered any.explanation of how this "in- [Colonel Koontz is a surgeon, not a
public knowledge of the facts of certain sidious" drug changes the American citi- psychiatrist. However, as a medical stu-
psychiatric conditions leading to many zen from a patriotic, self-reliant, freedom- dent at Johns Hopkins he studied psy-
prearranged attempts to fake one of these loving individual, into the milksop who chiatry for two years under Dr. Adolph
conditions; 3) a callowness and lack of cannot stand the first tribulation. Nor Meyer, a foremost authority. In World
experience on the part of psychiatrists has the colonel delineated the contents War II Colonel Koontz served 1940-42
which induces a "credulous attitude" on of this "socialistic philosophy." Perhaps as the Medical Director of Selective
their part making for the ultimate suc- the colonel is implying that the members Service in Maryland with experience in
cess of the feigned ailment. of one political party make better sol- the psychiatric handling of cases incident
One might conclude from the colonel's diers than the men of another party. Cer- to induction. Later he served 43 months
speculations that premorbid experience, tainly if "socialism" makes for weaklings, in the Pacific where he commanded
family history, combat conditions and than we have nothing to fear from Rus- hospitals (one the 18th General-a
other factors play no part in the combat sia, her satellites, or Red China. With Johns Hopkins unit) and served finally
neurosis. One might also conclude that their philosophy, they should be break- as Surgeon for the U. S. Army Forces in
there were no physiological symptoms of ing down right and left. the South Pacific. There he had respon-
this ailment, and that its onset guaran- But as far as I know, the American sibility for the handling of psychiatric
tees the soldier a long rest somewhere in citizen still works eight hours a day to battle casualties.
the rear areas. None of these conclu- pay for bread, butter, and rent. And he Our files include expressions of con-
sions v\.'Ouldbe true. pays taxes; ask the average man if the currence from reputable surgeons and
The facts of the matter are that com- Government is supporting him, then combat commanders. Colonel Eanes,
bat fatigue (or neurosis) has certain duck quickly. Medical Director of the Selective Service
physical symptoms such as trembling, Col. Koontz has somehow overlooked System, quoted above, has directed ex-
incessant swallowing, sweating, paling the basic reason for the increased inci- tensive research in this field. He also

participated in the Study Of :'\europsy- to a large extent undermined the good there were not enough good psychiatrists
chiatric Rejectees, reported in the Jour- sense of both our major political parties, to go around. We had a lot of "6o-day
nal of the American Medical Association, and I maintain that the svstem causes wonders." A great many of our top-
February 17, 195L a deterioration in the verv moral fiber of flight psychiatrists have agreed with
Colonel Koontz' ideas on psychiatry, our citizens. It tends t~ do away with what I ha\"e said about the psychiatric
however controversial, appear to rate at- initiati\'e, thrift, self-reliance, and self- bungling of V\TorId\Var II. And for the
tention. He has more to say here.-ED.] respect. It breeds a concept that the benefit of Psychologist Leyitt I wish
citizen owes nothing to his country, but to state that the Professor of Psychology
To the Editor: that the country owes everything to the in one of our leading universities, who
Lieutenant Levitt states that "combat citizen. How can a man be a good sol- has had a wide range of experience in
fatigue (or neurosis) has certain physi- dier under such a mistaken conception? abnormal psychology, has seen all of the
cal symptoms such as trembling, inces- The lieutenant goes on to say that if papers I have written on military psychia-
sant swallowing, sweating, paling and socialism makes for weaklings, then we try and he agrees with all of them.
flushing, etc., which cannot be feigned." have nothing to fear from Russia. His Everyone who has served with line
These are the symptoms of fear. One statement is wrong for Russia is ~either troops knows that the best deterrent to
cannot blame a soldier in combat for a socialistic country with a small "s," nor "combat fatigue" and other so-called psy-
being scared, but most of them soon get a communistic country with a small "c," chiatric conditions (I am not speaking of
over it. The lieutenant states that the but is a Communistic country with a real psychoses) is good leadership on the
condition has "an excellent prognosis capital "C." The word Com~unist is part of the line commander. The com-
and short duration if caught in time." synonymous with totalitarianism, just as pany or battery commander who enforces
With that I agree, and the time to catch the words Nazi and Fascist are. discipline (the disciplined soldier is the
it is as soon as it occurs and not allow The lieutenant also states that the happiest soldier) and who inspires his
the man to be evacuated as a psychiatric American citizen still works for a living soldiers by topnotch leadership, has very
case. Some men are cowards and some and pays taxes. It is true that most Amer- few men transferred out with a psychiat-
are not. It is said that every man has ican citizens work for a living and pay ric label. Of course, these men are
his breaking point. With some the thresh- taxes, and it is also true that a large part scared at times, but the inspired com-
old is low; with others it is very high. of their taxes go for the support of mander does all he can to alleviate that
This has always been recognized in war people who will not work even when fear and is generally successful. On the
and has generally been dealt with by the work is available for them. They prefer other hand, poor leadership is disastrous
line commanders and not by psychia- to live off the government-off of your in combat. I know of one regiment which
trists. I believe that a study of the record taxes and mine. That is another evil of during an island campaign in the Pacific
will show that line commanders have socialism and one of the many ways in evacuated 360 men in one day as psy-
handled it on the whole better than the which it undermines moral fiber. chiatric cases. This debacle was caused,
psychiatrists did in 'World War II. Lieutenant Levitt states that the rea- in the first place, by poor leadership on
Lieutenant Levitt states that "most son that there were proportionately more the part of the line commanders, and, in
psychiatrists believe that true, conscious psychiatric cases in World War II than the second place, by poor judgement on
malingering is rare, and not hard to de- in World War I was that during World the part of inexperienced medical of-
tect in any event." This bears out what War I "diagnostic methods were too un- ficers. These men should have been sent
I said about psychiatrists being credulous developed to recognize many psychiatric back to duty as soon as possible-at least
people. No one who has had much cases for what they were." It is fortunate after a sedative and a little rest. Instead,
experience in military medicine agrees for the soldiers of World War I that the they got all the way back to a general
with them. If it is true that malingering diagnostic methods were rather primitive. hospital where a psychiatrist, instead of
is not hard to detect, then that furnishes They got along very well without the sending them back to duty, evacuated
another bit of evidence for the credulity stigma of a "psychiatric" label. The lieu- them to the Zone of the Interior with
of psychiatrists, because many an induc- tenant's statement bears out what I have psychiatric labels. They knew that there
tee in World War II was coached by said time and time again, namely that was nothing wrong with them but that
another who had been rejected for "psy- there were actually not a greater pro- they were simply getting out of the war.
chiatric" reasons and in turn fooled the portion of psychiatric cases in World Psychiatry has a definite place in med-
psychiatrist into rejecting him also. War II than in World War I, but there icine, but it is a very immature science.
The lieutenant takes me to task for were a great many more cases which Our best psychiatrists realize this and
blaming some of the softness encoun- were diagnosed psychiatric cases. In have openly said that psychiatry has to
tered in World War II, which was not World vVar II the induction examina- clean house from the inside. A professor
encountered in \Vorld War I, on social- tion was supposed to eliminate psychiat- of psychiatry in one of our greatest medi-
ism. He states that I implied that the ric cases in the armed forces. In this cal schools was recently quoted as saying
members of one political party make process of elimination the psychiatrists just that publicly. It can be, and it has
better soldiers than men of another party. turned down many normal people who been, demonstrated that psychiatry failed
If he is talking about old-time Democrats were engaged in useful civilian occupa- us in World War II. It is up to every-
and Republicans, let me assure him that tions and who have been ever since. one concerned to realize the failures and
I intend no such implication. Socialism, Overseas I saw many cases sent home by to try to avoid them in the future.
however, is not a political party. It is a psychiatrists simply because they said &ws R. KOONTZ

system of political philosophy which has they had "done their share." Admittedly Baltimore, Md. Col., ADS, Ret.
DA Special Orders Covering May 1, 1951 through June 30, 1951.
Promotions and Demotions not included.
COLONELS Billups, James S, Jr., to Office Seey of Def, Smith, Phillip R., to CGSC, Fr. Leavenworth,
Wash, DC Kans.
Allen, William H., Jr., to OC of S, Wash, DC. Brown, Gerhard E., to 80th AAA Group, Ft Smith, Woodrow M., to AGO, Wash, DC
Ammerman, James F., to OFCS 8485th AAU, Totten, NY. Sutherland, John F., to EUCOM, Bremerhaven,
W'ash, DC
Burrows, John E., to CGSc, Ft Leavenworth, Germany.
Bailey, Donald J., to Hq Cen AAA Comd, Kans. Taber, Robert C, to Stu Det A Lang Sch, Mon.
Kansas City, Mo.
Caulder, Bruce B., to CGSC, Ft Leavenworth, terey, Calif.
Beach, Dwight E., to Army \X'ar College, Car- Kans. Thompson, Edgar H., Jr., to A See Tac Tgt
lisle Bks, Pa.
Cone, Sidney L., to 22d AAA Group, Ft Cus- Br Dir of Intel USAF, Wash, DC
Blemenfield, Charles H., to OC of S, W'ash, ter, Mich. Tyson, Robert N., to EUCOM, Bremerhaven,
DC Creel, 'George R., Jr., to Univ of W'isc, Madi- Germany.
Boyd, Harry R., to OC of S, Wash, DC son, Wise. Urban, Peter L., to CGSc, Ft Leavenworth,
Brucker, Wallace H., to OC of S, Wash, DC. Deason, Robert H., to OC of S, Wash, DC Kans.
Brusher, Harold A., to Hq Sp Wpns Comd, Floryan, Thaddeus P., to OC of S, Wash, DC. Walker, Robert M., to CGSC, Ft Leavenworth,
8452d AAU, Sandia Base, N. Mex. George, Claude D., Jr., to OC of S, Wash, DC Kans.
Camp, Howard E., to AGO, \X'ash, DC Goodnow, James L., to Hq Fourth Army, Ft Weisberg, Benjamin, to OC of S, \X'ash, DC.
Cardell, Robert L., to OC of S, Wash, DC Sam Houston, Tex. \X'eld, Seth L., Jr., to Army \X'ar College, Car.
Cather, Leo, to Office Chief AFF, Ft Monroe, Green, Gilforo D., to CGSC, Ft. Leavenworth, lisle Bks, Pa.
Va. Kans. W'illiams, Albert C, to EUCOM, Bremerhaven,
Cole, Hubert M., to Third AV Corps, Ft Bragg, Greening, Orlando L., to CGSC, Ft Leaven. Germany ..
NC worth, Kans. \'{'illiams, Urquhart P., to Office ChIef AFF,
Crawford, Stuart F., to OC of S, Wash, DC Guy, John ]., to Hq Eastern AAA Comd, Stew- Ft Monroe, Va.
Davis, Lee J., to Air War College, Maxwell art AFB, NY. Wollaston, Pencock H., to Quarry Heights, CZ.
AFB, Ala. Hanson, Charles C, to Office Chief AFF, Ft. W'ood, Milford W., to CGSc, Ft Leavenworth,
Denson, Pierre B., to Hq \X'estern AAA Comd, Monroe, Va. Kans.
Hamilton AFB, Calif.
Hardy, George R., to 2171st ASU, Army Clm MAJORS
Duehring, George C, to OC of S, Wash, DC.
Cen, Md.
Ellis, Walter F., to Hq AAA Comd, Ent AFB,
Hasselback, Frederick \X'., Jr., to OC of S, Baker, Joseph W., to 38th AAA Brig, Ft Bliss,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Wash, DC Tex.
Ferris, John W., to ROB 8492d AAU, Wash,
Holterman, Gordon H., to EUCOM, Bremer- Bennett, George E., to N Mex NG Instr Gp,
haven, Germany. Carlsbad, N Mex.
Folk, Frank T., to Hq Fourth A, Ft Sam Hous- Isreall, Lee E., to 3444th ASU, Cp Stewart, Ga. Beyer, Robert W., to Office Chief AFF, Ft
ton, Tex.
Jameson, Roy A., Jr., to Mich NG Instr Gp, Monroe, Va.
Frederick, William R., Jr., to OC of S, Wash,
Detroit, Mich. Bryan, Thomas L., to OC of S, Wash, DC
DC Johnson, Dan \V., to CGSC, Ft Leavenworth, Carpenter, Roy B., to ORC Instr Gp, Mem-
Harriott, Donald B., to OC of S, Wash, DC
Kans. phis, Tenn.
Hartman, Norman E., to AGO Pers Bur, Wash, Keating, Paul G., to Hq V Corps, Ft Bragg, Chapman, D;tnie1 T., to CGSC, Ft Leavenworth,
NC Kans.
Hillberg, Lauri ]., to Army War College, Car-
Kinard, William H, Jr., to OC of S, Wash, DC Davidoff, James E., to OC of S, Wash, DC
lisle 13ks, Pa.
Larson, Werner L., to FECOM, Yokohama, Downey, John J., Jr., to CGSC, Ft Leaven.
Irvine, Michael M., to Office Chief AFF, Ft
Japan. worth, Kans.
Monroe, Va.
McCann, James H., Jr., to Hq Cen AAA Comd, Downing, Edward P., to US Naval War Col.
Luar, Aaron M., to 250th AAA Group, Ft
Kansas City, Mo. lege, Newport, RI.
Lewis, \X'ash.
McLean, John R., to Office Chief AFF, Ft Mon- Duda, Frank, to Hq Second A, Fl. Meade, Md.
Lewis, David C, to 11th Abn Div, Ft Camp-
roe, Va. Evans, Jack C, Jr., to CGSC, Ft Leavenworth,
bell, Ky.
McMillan, Donald L., to CGSC, Ft Leaven- Kans.
McFeeley, Henry G., to OC of S, Wash, DC
worth, Kans. Farr, Richard, to CGSC, Ft Leavenworth, KanFs .
Means, Dale E., to OC of S, Wash, DC Maples, Herron N., to OCof S, Wash, DC ..... Hagemeier, Paul E., to 2d AAA AW Bn, t
Paige, Byron L., to Army \X'ar College, Car-
lisle Bks, Pa. Marshall, John F., to CGSC, Ft Leavenworth, Bliss, Tex.
Kans. Holmes William E., to Hq Eastern AM
Ratcliffe, Lamar C, to Army War College, Car-
Miller, Samuel T., to CGSC, Ft. Leavenwort h , Come!, Willow Run Airport, Mich. d E
lisle Bks, Pa.
Kans. Jefferies, Charles C, to Hq A AAA Com, nt
Roy, Paul A., to OC of S, Wash, DC
d AFB, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Scarborough, Lawrence M., to Office Chief Murray, Douglas B., to 4052d ASU AAA an Jones, Willard L., to 3444th ASU, Cp Stewart,
AFF, Ft Monroe, Va. GM Cen, Ft Bliss, Tex. Ga.
Scheer, Charles H., to 301st Log Comd, Cp O'Connor, George G., to OC of S, Wash, DC Kamp, Anthony M., Jr., to OC of S, Wash, DC.
Rucker, Ala. Olhausen, James N., to CGSc, Ft Leaven- Lambert, William H., to FECOM, Yokohama,
Shaver, Maurice P., to OC of S, Wash, DC worth, Kans. Japan.
Shea, Patrick E., to ROTC Instr Gp, Univ of Parker, John C, to CGSc, Ft. Leavenworth, Lorek, Horace C, to Cen A AAA Comd, Kan-
Santa Clara, Calif.
Kans. sas City, Mo.
Schmick, Peter, to OC of S, Wash, DC
Payne, Harry M., to A See Tac Tgt Br, Dir Maline, Paul J., to CGSc, Ft Leavenworth,
Smith, Coburn C, to OC of S, Wash, DC
of Intel USAF, Wash, DC Kans.
Speiser, Robin G., to Army War College, Car-
lisle Bks, Pa. Pennell, Robert, to 2d Armd Div, Ft Hood, Mayers, Thomas H., to 3444th ASU, Cp Stew-
Sundt, Harold S., to OC of S, Wash, DC Tex. art, Ga.
Trussell, John B. B., to OCSA, Wash, DC Phillips, Paul D., to 1st Armd Div, Ft Hood, Murphy, James 0., to CGSC, Ft Leavenworth,
Wedemeyer, William A., to ROTC Instr Gp, Tex. Kans.
Yale Univ, New Haven, Conn. Pichard, Andrew D., to OC of S, Wash, DC Peterson, Ralph M., to 7686th Hq Gp ASFA,
Quirey, William 0., to CGSC, Ft Leaven- Salzburg, Austria.
LIEUTENANT COLONELS worth, Kans. Pigue, Paul E., to EUCOM, Bremerhaven, Ger-
Robinette, William R., to 3444th ASU, Cp many.
Anderson, Charles H., to Office Chief AFF,
Ft Monroe, Va. Stewart, Ga. Pryor, Frank D., Jr., to Hq Fourth A, Ft Sam
Barry, Robert B., Jr., to 88th Abn AA Bn, Ft Ross, James 0., to NG Instr Gp, Austin, Tex. Houston, Tex.
Campbell, Ky. Samson, Charles P., to CGSC, Ft Leavenworth, Rogers, Maurice A., to 4054th ASU AA and
Beere, Donald C, to CGSC, Ft Leavenworth, Kans. GM Br T AS, Ft Bliss, Tex.
Kans. Sandell, Bertil B., to CGSC, Ft. Leavenworth, Schoeller, Julius E., to 4052d ASU AAA and
Beiser, John J., to Univ of Pa, Phil a, Pa. Kans. GM Cen, Ft Bliss, Tex.
Bennett, Donald V., to Office Chief AFF, Ft Seaman, Jonathan 0., to EUCOM, Bremer- Sherretts, Donald C, to Stu Det Arty Sch,
Monroe, Va. haven, Germany. Ft. Sill, Okla.



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