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Species of Mithbar – Half-breeds

Generic Traits of the Half-breed Races

Also Known As: Bastards
Arts & Entertainment:
Crime & Legal System
Daily Life:
Diet & Eating Customs:
Fashion & Dress:
Foreign Relations:
Favored Classes:
Magic & Technology
Racial Bonuses:
Racial Weaknesses:
Social Organization:
War & Weapons:

Species of Mithbar – Half-breeds

Also Known As: Horsemen
Appearance: Long haired, usually bearded and often
half naked, the Centauri look like males of their parent Race
from the waist up, the rest of their body is that of a massive
and sturdy horse. They give the impression of savages and
brutes but can be quite pleasant to have around.
Architecture: Centauri make their homes outside the
forests, the open green fields more suitable to their physiology
and lifestyle. That said, they follow the Region line as far as
style goes and their stables blend in with the surroundings, as
much as its possible, since more often than not they are built
on small hills to allow them to supervise their area easier.
Arts & Entertainment:
Crime & Legal System
Daily Life: Impulsive and loud, Centauri like to show
up in any festivity whether they were invited or not. Even
though there have been troubles, the other Races tolerate such
outbreaks as the elder Centauri make excellent teachers for the
Diet & Eating Customs:
Fashion & Dress:
Foreign Relations: Traveling in groups of 15 to 20
individuals, Centauri can be very social, especially since they
need Humans to breed. They respect the Bantori and can be
seen helping them whenever they can. They can go into
berserker rages if they spot anyone they hate.
Favored Classes:
Government: The Guide reigns supreme over the
Centaur nation, but each group is under the command of a
Hoofmaster. When the Guide is killed, the Hoofmasters engage
in a tournament, a contest of skill, strength and knowledge, in
order to earn the rank.
Magic & Technology
Philosophy: Centauri are more likely to join Might or
Chaos aligned order while they tend to stay away from Order
ones. Nature and Life orders are as popular as staying out of
any order is. Individual Centauri take pride in their choice of
non-involvement in any order.
Population: Short lived, Centauri rarely reach the age
of 60, even though they can go up to 200, but when they die it
is in battle, even if it is a ceremonial one. Though they can pull
their weight in close combat, they prefer hit and run, or ranged
Racial Bonuses:
Racial Weaknesses:
Social Organization:
War & Weapons:

Species of Mithbar – Half-breeds

Also Known As: Elflings
Appearance: Half-Elves are considered more
handsome than the average human. Pointy ears and a strange
glow in their eyes, along with fairer features, make them very
attractive. Their hair color depends on the sub-race of the Elf
parent, for example, blond for Ysta'are, dark for Cuerryn and
white for Saeg'hul.
Arts & Entertainment:
Crime & Legal System
Daily Life: They can be friendly, snobbish or hostile,
depending on what the Elven parent was. Usually more
delicate than Humans they like to play with magic. Their
intellect makes them perfect for scientific and magical research
but they are quite skilled with bows.
Diet & Eating Customs:
Fashion & Dress:
Foreign Relations: They can be found in large groups
mixed with other races usually Humans or Elves. Since many
are entertainers, they easily become the center of the party.
The longing of adventure and natural curiosity drives them to
strange and dangerous places.
Favored Classes:
Government: Lacking the solid core of pure races,
Half-Elves do not have a hierarchy of their own. Most of the
times they claim positions of authority within the mixed
society they choose to live in. Due to their wanderlust
however, they never keep it for long.
Magic & Technology
Population: Though not immortal, Half-Elves are
among the longest living races in Mithbar. Able to reach the
age of 500 with only indication of their age the dulling of their
senses and the gray color of their hair they are considered by
most the luckiest Half-breeds.
Racial Bonuses:
Racial Weaknesses:
Social Organization:
War & Weapons:

Species of Mithbar – Half-breeds

Also Known As: Halfwits
Appearance: An ugly bunch, by Human standards,
Half-Orcs are muscular, with overgrown lower teeth and
greenish skin. What little hair they have is black and their
orange eyes show hints of something not being right with their
thick skulls. Usually hairy and smelling bad.
Arts & Entertainment:
Crime & Legal System
Daily Life: A bit on the slow side, most Half-Orcs are
dumb and they prefer smashing first and asking questions later,
if at all They are easily insulted and fast to draw blade. They
are persistent and will stop at almost nothing to get their point
Diet & Eating Customs:
Fashion & Dress:
Foreign Relations: Since nobody actually likes the
Half-Orcs, they have to make a living by hiring themselves as
mercenaries. Excellent bruisers, they make good bodyguards
for Sorcerers. When not in the company of other Half-Orcs
they are looking for a fight.
Favored Classes:
Government: Since they lack the ability to think for
themselves, Half-Orcs have no hierarchy. Instead, they follow
the orders of whoever is strong enough to impress them, or
wealthy enough to hire them as bodyguards. When in a society,
they are usually the ones to break the rules first.
Magic & Technology
Population: Though they can reach the age of 500, they
usually meet an early end in one incident or the other, as the
accidental fall in a lava lake, steel poisoning, or a head on
sprint on a wall in order to win a bet. In short, its extremely
rare to find a Half-Orc over 200.
Racial Bonuses:
Racial Weaknesses:
Social Organization:
War & Weapons:

Species of Mithbar – Half-breeds

Also Known As: Featherheads
Appearance: Slender, with taloned hand and feet,
Harpies have no hair, only feathers. Most of them quite
stunning by Human standards, they have bird eyes and sharp
fangs that make them look rather unnerving.
Arts & Entertainment:
Crime & Legal System
Daily Life: Almost always serious and grave looking,
harpies are hard to anger but when and if they lose control,
whoever was responsible is better off in another Region.
Vindictive to the core, they will stop at nothing to get back at
the one who wronged them. They can be very caring and
compassionate with those they care about.
Diet & Eating Customs:
Fashion & Dress: Usually going from simple and
practical clothes. They avoid jewelry and for obvious reasons
don't care much for gloves or shoes of any kind.
Foreign Relations: Not the most social of the bunch,
Harpies will mingle when they have to but won't mind
spending even weeks on their own. They tend to either flock
together or join groups of their parent Races. As most Half-
breeds, they are not always welcomed and sometimes are
looked down upon.
Favored Classes:
Government: Since Harpies are spawned from Avians,
they tend to follow the hierarchy model of their Avian parent
race, at least as much as the society they are in allows that.
Their non-Avian parent race often dictates how close to that
hierarchy model they stay.
Magic & Technology
Population: Depending on the Race of their parents,
Harpies can live from 100 to 1000 years. The one thing all
Harpies have in common is that they never look over than 50,
with aging slowing down accordingly. As they get older their
feathers turn gray or white and their hands and feet get more
Racial Bonuses:
Racial Weaknesses:
Social Organization:
War & Weapons:

Species of Mithbar – Half-breeds

Also Known As: Bullmen, Tauren
Appearance: Taller than Humans, these bovine beasts
have hoofs and a bull's head with a brown mane. With fangs
coming out of their mouth, body of a bodybuilder on steroids
and brown furred skin, they pose an intimidating figure, that
drives back most attackers.
Arts & Entertainment:
Crime & Legal System
Daily Life: Short tempered, yet cunning enough not to
reveal any emotions on the spot. Minotauri are very vindictive
and like to smash things, preferably skulls. They also like
drinking and sometimes they do go off board. When enraged,
they stop at nothing.
Diet & Eating Customs:
Fashion & Dress:
Foreign Relations: Drifters by nature they never stay
put and roam the wilderness. They are suspicious of strangers
and don't like visitors. They often team up with Medusae in
order to control small areas and to harass the desert tribes but
will aid them if its best for them.
Favored Classes:
Government: Minotauri live in small communities
ruled by a King. Usually the strongest fighter takes the place,
but there have been records of shamans filling the part. There
is always an heir next to the King so that the race is never left
without a ruler.
Magic & Technology
Population: Living up to 200 years, 250 for the Kings,
Minotauri age at a slowed rate and the only visible changes are
the graying of their fur and the growth of their goatee. Their
physical strength diminishes, they grow more cunning and they
turn to shamanism.
Racial Bonuses:
Racial Weaknesses:
Social Organization:
War & Weapons:

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