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In continuance of the government corruption and conspiracy provided all pertinent
evidence of RCMP attempt to cover-up the government corruption and conspiracy to
the personnel acting under the auspices of the Access to Information and Privacy Act
that of course could not help but continue the cover-up, because they were part and
parcel of the corruption and conspiracy.
On February 17 2010 filed a complaint with the Office of Information Commissioner of
Canada that the Access to Information and Privacy Act people had refused to provide
the evidence requested “the Report” within the time permitted under the Act because
“the Report” requested was non-existent and they were stalling to prepare one
coincidental with the RCMP Superintendent Final Letter of Disposition.
Boxed in red the Office of Information Commissioner confirms the delays of the
Access to Information personnel were all unnecessary, however assuredly they were in
continuance of the government corruption and conspiracy.

1.) November 8 2007 file with Commission for Public Complaints against RCMP for refusing to
investigate government corruption and conspiracy
2.) September 3 2008 RCMP District Commander GTA Superintendent Robert Davis signs the
RCMP Final Letter of Disposition emphasizing he ignored the hundreds of pages of evidence
demonstrating the snaking road of the monolithic PRICK M.O. diversionary tactics
3.) RCMP Superintendent Robert Davis finds RCMP innocent of something while admittedly refused
to investigate the hundreds of pages of documentation filed to support the complaint filed with the
Commission of government corruption and conspiracy
4.) November 6 2009 filed for a copy of “the Report” purportedly prepared by RCMP Staff Sgt. R.B.
MacAdam under the Access to Information and Privacy Act, having excellent reason to believe
was a non-entity. February 17 2010 having not received a copy of “the Report” well beyond the
time limited to produce under the Act filed a complaint with the Office of Information
Commission requesting an investigation of the delay consistent with the government corruption
and conspiracy.
5.) Carmen Garrett Chief of Operations, Early Resolution is of the belief she headed off the exposure
of the crooks at the pass, informing the RCMP finally sent a response March 17 2010 case closed,
while documenting the fact it took over 4 months to provide a copy of the purported to be “the
Report” of what the RCMP purported to be a copy of “the Report” they always had on file. The
original complaint required an investigation to determine why the delays and of course the Office
of the Information Commissioner clearly stated undue delays consistent with the charge of
government corruption and conspiracy, but could hardly proceed against the government
corruption and conspiracy as they are part and parcel whose job is to protect the privacy of the
government organized crime corruption and conspiracy personified clearly demonstrating in Early

Wet your pants tears and laughter available at prepared for sanity late resolution if not
surpassed the resuscitation period of the Canadian Mental Health Act.

Handlers of the world PRICK not to be beaten any more senseless with a thorough study available through reverse spell Sciences ROP – Reverse Osmosis Psychosis the long awaited cure to the
beginning of the end of the Struggle of Humankind where the Humanic MILF will be pleased for the
benefits of self gratification as Sovereign People Intellectuals as the on top Fucker and the SEE - Satanic
Elite Entrepreneur turn as the Fuckee of lower position.

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