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Strenghten the movement for the lokpall bill against corruotion

Is the crores heaped with the corporate bandits tatas, ambanis and gali’s legal

Lets rise and organize against the capitalist comprador system the root for the

All over the world many peoples movements are rising but there in difffernt forms
and different levels ,the people are vexed at the increasing pluner and oppression
by the local governments ther e.the capitalist crisis root cause for unemployment,
poverty ,plunder are attacked by the people collectively or individual level in some
or the other way

The problems created by the crisis in specific localities ,departments ,sections

,people are rising the voices for their immediate and protracted demands in
different ways .

The anti corruption movement tat has come forward anna hazare as its centre
before als o the voices ae being heard from the civil societyin different ways and
discussions . today we welcome the youth and intellectuals who have come forward
in support to implementation of lok pal bill in delhi and other parts of the country.

There are lots of problems we face and come across at every blink of the eye. In
120 crore population how many people are there without food,shelter,proper
clothing .just ask them about corruption who are illeterates half filled and who are
forced to die with hunger and suicides ,they will cross question you what is moral
and justice ?in their view morality is that when every human being receives basic
aminities for his living .and when all these are looted and enjoyed by only a few it is

Any nominal literate unemployed youth ,middle class, a common Indian bribe is the
description given to corruption .in some news channels a corrupted employee or
corrupted politician in parliament or assembly who are bribed for not questioning is
considered as corruption .few intellectuals ,social welfare organizations,ngos
freelance social activists keeping saying our country develops onluy when the
corruption ends.the people who want the youth to fight back corruption in the
forefront desire for a strong toothed laws .

Effective laws –ineffective laws-constitution.

Any common man asks for protection for his property a constitutional right against
the land grabing for sezs ,nuclear power plants we know what this
country where struggles of tribals dalits women working class brought in the laws
and now there needs no elaborastion how it is enforced .the enthusiasm shown in
protecting the properties of the the corporate bandits eg ambanis tatas and mncs
from America when it comes to protection of common man becon=mes a
suggestion to sacrifice for development .the we need to understand critically what is
the definition being given to corruption ,income ,property by the constitutional
frame of work.the meaning for the word plunder will not be in the constitutional

More than the lokpal bill the jan lokpal bill will become squint in blind .but not a
vision .these laws ,bills are just temporary releifs.

This jan lokpal bill:

.will it stop the croes of rupees of peoples resources taken by mncs to abroad.

..our country where elections are considered as democracy where elections are
totally drowned in corruption is this bill going to reform it

Will this stand against the economic gambling of the stock exchange plans which
exploits our public sector properties.

. will it question the dominance of world bank.

.whether it explains what to do when the laws are not enforced effectively.

.when a few corporate bandits ,politicians loot resourses crores of worth legally and
lawfully with the supreme court’s permission will it call them bandits?

The capitalistic form of looting is the cause for the corruption ,will this bill accept
the truth ?will the bill suggest for implementation of socialist mode of economy
written in constitution ?

.will the bill talk about protection of public sector and annihilation of private capital

The present system is emocracy ,there are all the laws and the implementing
michinary have no sincerity and that’s the reason the society is at this stage .there
can be people who believe in this ann still have hope and faith in the bill. Some
people may argue when bill becomes aw even the prime minister can be questioned
and the ruling class can be controlled which is a general opinion and to tat extent
we appreciate the people who think so .

But we should not leep aside the facts to which the fundamental political
socioeconomic conditions in the society the law .to which comprdor laws and values
it will abides.our youth shouldn’t be kept in illusions.its a truth that the real enemies
of millions of working class,unemployed youth ,middle class, peasentry is none
other than the imperialist capitalists.

Changing system is the solution for the institutionalized corruption

In the country and across the world the extended crisis lies in the capitalistic
policies .in some countires it may mask itself as democracy and in some other still
in the kingdoms but the reality is it is growing in the eye wink of the imperialist
,world bank economic wheels .in the ciontext only the price rise ,unemployment
poverty are rising in our country .when a 10 piase tablet is sold at 10 ruppes legally
just to talk abot anti corruption is not enough which needs to be propegsted among
youth ,students and intellectuals .when corruption is system and system is
corrupted to its core a true and fair peoples movement are to be builds up which
question the policies .he present system is lying on the fort walls of plunder on
human labour and expanding which needs to be explained to the people and strive
for constructing a new democratic society ,worers peasents struggles need to be
supported and shouldered by the youth thesolution lies in the new democratic
society which is laid on the shoulders of our youth .we request the youth to think
and understand in this direction

With revolutionary greetings


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