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You can move, rotate, or tilt an object so that it aligns with another object.

In the following example, two pairs of points are used to align the piping in 2D using the ALIGN command.
Endpoint object snaps align the pipes precisely.

In 3D, use the 3DALIGN command to specify up to three points to define the source plane followed by up
to three points to define the destination plane.

 The first source point on an object, called the base point, is always moved to the first destination

 Specifying a second point for either the source or the destination results in the selected objects
being rotated.

 A third point for either the source or the destination results in further rotation of the selected
TipWith 3D solid models, it is recommended that you turn on dynamic UCS to speed the selection of the
destination plane.

To align two objects in 2D

1. Click Modify menu 3D Operations Align.

2. Select the objects that you want to align.

3. Specify a source point and then the corresponding destination point. To rotate the object,
specify a second source point followed by a second destination point.

4. Press ENTER to end the command.

The selected objects are moved from the source point to the destination point, and second and third
points, if you specify them, rotate, and tilt the selected objects.
Command entry: ALIGN

To align two objects in 3D

1. Click Modify menu 3D Operations 3D Align.

2. Select the objects that you want to align.

3. Specify either one, two, or three source points and then the corresponding first, second, or
third destination points. The first point is called the base point.
The selected objects are moved from the source point to the destination point, and second and third
points, if you specify them, rotate, and tilt the selected objects.
Command entry: 3DALIGN
Aligns objects with other objects in 2D and 3D

Menu:Modify 3D Operations 3D Align
Command entry: 3dalign

Select objects: Select the objects to align and press ENTER

Specify source plane and orientation . . .

You can specify either one, two or three points for the source object. Then, you can specify either one,
two, or three points for the destination. The selected object is moved and rotated so that the base points,
and the X and Y axes of the source and destination align in 3D space. 3DALIGN works with dynamic UCS
(DUCS), so you can dynamically drag the selected objects and align them with the face of a solid object.
Specify base point or [Copy]: Specify a point or entercto create a copy

The base point of the source object will be moved to the base point of the destination.
Specify second point or [Continue] <C>: Specify a point on the object’s X axis, or press ENTER to skip forward
to specifying destination points

The second point specifies a new X axis direction within a plane parallel to the XY plane of the current
UCS. If you press ENTER instead of specifying a second point, the X and Y axes are assumed to be parallel
with the X and Y axes of the current UCS.
Specify third point or [Continue] <C>: Specify a point on the object’s positive XY plane, or press ENTER to skip
forward to specifying destination points

The third point fully specifies the orientation of the X and Y axes of the source object that will be aligned
with the destination plane.
Specify destination plane and orientation . . .
Specify first destination point: Specify a point

This point defines the destination of the base point of the source object.
Specify second source point or [eXit] <X>: Specify a point for the X axis of the destination or press ENTER

The second point specifies a new X axis direction for the destination within a plane parallel to the XY plane
of the current UCS. If you press ENTER instead of specifying a second point, the X and Y axes of the
destination are assumed to be parallel with the X and Y axes of the current UCS.
Specify third destination point or [eXit] <X>: Specify a point for the destination’s positive XY plane, or press

The third point fully specifies the orientation of the X and Y axes of the destination plane.
NoteIf the destination is a plane on an existing solid object, you can define the destination plane with a
single point by turning on dynamic UCS.


Aligns objects with other objects in 2D and 3D

Menu: Modify 3D Operations Align
Command entry: align

Select objects: Select the objects to align and press ENTER

Specify either one, two, or three pairs of source points and definition points to align the selected objects.
ALIGN Using One Pair of Points
Specify first source point: Specify a point (1)
Specify first destination point: Specify a point (2)
Specify second source point: Press ENTER
When you select only one source point and destination point pair, the selected objects move in 2D
or 3D from the source point (1) to the destination point (2).

ALIGN Using Two Pairs of Points

Specify first source point: Specify a point (1)
Specify first destination point: Specify a point (2)
Specify second source point: Specify a point (3)
Specify second destination point: Specify a point (4)
Specify third source point: PressENTER
Scale objects based on alignment points [Yes/No] <No>: Enteryor pressENTER

When you select two point pairs, you can move, rotate, and scale the selected objects in 2D or 3D
to align with other objects.
The first set of source and destination points defines the base point for the alignment (1, 2). The
second set of points defines the angle of rotation (3, 4).
After you enter the second set of points, you are prompted to scale the object. The distance
between the first and second destination points (2, 4) is used as the reference length to which the
object is scaled. Scaling is available only when you are aligning objects using two point pairs.
NoteIf you use two source and destination points to perform a 3D alignment on nonperpendicular
working planes, you get unpredictable results.
ALIGN Using Three Pairs of Points
Specify first source point: Specify a point (1)
Specify first destination point: Specify a point (2)
Specify second source point: Specify a point (3)
Specify second destination point: Specify a point (4)
Specify third source point: Specify a point (5)
Specify third destination point: Specify a point (6)
When you select three point pairs, you can move and rotate the selected objects in 3D to align
with other objects.
The selected objects move from the source point (1) to the destination point (2).
The selected object is rotated (1 and 3) so that it aligns with the destination object (2 and 4).
The selected object is then rotated again (3 and 5) so that it aligns with the destination object (4
and 6).

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