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Export al calendarului
1. Deschide Outlook si apasa File (precum in captura de mai jos).

2. In fereastra care iti apare in dreapta apasa Open & Export si alege Import/Export din meniul

3. Se deschide o noua fereastra. Apasa “Export to a file” (figura 1), apoi selcteaza “Outlook data
file (.pst)” si Next (precum in figura 2).
4. Selecteaza calendarul pe care doresti sa il exporti. Te rugam sa ai in vedere ca, din cauza
restrictiilor Outlook, poti selecta doar un calendar odata.

In mod implicit, Outlook va plasa fisierele in folderul Documente din computer. Daca iti doresti ca
informatiile sa fie salvate alt folder, apasa pe BROWSE pentru a selecta un alt director. De asemenea,
pentru a evita crearea de duplicate, bifeaza optiunea corespunzatoare. Dupa ce ai terminat, apasa pe
5. Atentie! Outlook iti poate cere sa creezi o parola. Cu toate acestea, daca nu ai intalniri secrete
planificate, poti sari peste acest pas, lasand campurile necompletate si apasand OK.

Aceasta a fost ultima etapa a Exportului; Acum poti verifica folderul pe care l-ati ales pentru a te asigura
ca a fost creata copia de rezerva.

Import al calendarului
1. Selecteaza File din dreapta sus Outlook.

Daca nu ai optiunea File, inseamna ca nu este instalat clientul de Outlook pe computerul tau. Poti
accesa link-ul urmator  What version of Outlook do I have?  Pentru a identifica versiunea de Office utilizat
si a afla pasii pentru import.
2. Selecteaza Open & Export > Import/Export.

3. Selecteaza Import from another program or file si apasa Next.

4. Selecteaza Outlook Data File (.pst) si apasa Next.

5. Navigheaza (Browse) si identifica arhiva (.pst file) pentru import. Selecteaza una dintre valorile
de sub Options si apasa Next.
6. Daca ai setat o parola (vezi pasul 5 de la Export), te rugam sa introduci parola si apasa OK.

7. Daca importul se face in contul de Microsoft 365, procedeaza ca in captura de mai jos.

Daca importul NU se doreste in contul de Microsoft 365 x, atunci selecteaza Import items into the
current folder. Datele se vor importa in directorul selectat de tine.

8. Selecteaza Finish si Outlook incepe imediat sa importe continutul fisierului tau .pst. Cand caseta
de progres dispare, importul este incheiat.

Export of the calendar

1. Open your Outlook and click File in the ribbon.

2. Click on Open & Export button on the right box and choose Import/Export on the main screen.

3. New window will appear. Since we want to export the file, click “Export to a file” (figure 1), click
Next and then and select “Outlook data file (.pst)” (figure 2).
4. Select the calendar you would like to export. Please note that due to Outlook restrictions you can
select only one calendar at a time.

By default, Outlook will place the files in the Documents folder on your PC. If you are not happy with it,
click Browse to select another directory. Also, to avoid creating duplicates, check the corresponding
option. After you are done, click Finish.
5. Attention! Outlook may ask you to create a password – so thoughtful. However, if you don’t have
any secret meetings planned, you can skip this step, by leaving the gaps empty and simply pressing OK.

That’s it, you can check the folder you chose to make sure that the backup was created.
Importof the calendar:

1. At the top of your Outlook ribbon, select File.

If your ribbon doesn't have a File option in the top left corner, you aren't using an Outlook app installed on
your computer. See What version of Outlook do I have? to find your version of Outlook and to get to right
import steps.

2. Select Open & Export > Import/Export. This starts the Import/Export wizard.

3. Select Import from another program or file, and then click Next.

4. Select Outlook Data File (.pst) and click Next.

5. Browse to the .pst file you want to import. Under Options, choose how you want to deal with
emails and contacts, then choose Next.

6. If a password was assigned to the Outlook Data File (.pst), enter the password, and then
click OK.

7. If you're importing the contents of your .pst file into your Microsoft 365 mailbox, choose that
mailbox here.

If you're NOT importing into your Microsoft 365 mailbox, choose Import items into the current folder.
This imports the data into the folder currently selected.

8. Choose Finish. Outlook starts importing the contents of your .pst file immediately. When the
progress box disappears, the import is finished.

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