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Definition of Momentum

Importance of Momentum.

Momentum is a corner stone concept in Physics. It is a conserved quantity.

That is, within a closed system of interacting objects, the total momentum of
that system does not change value. This allows one to calculate and predict
the outcomes when objects bounce into one another. Or, by knowing the
outcome of a collision, one can reason what was the initial state of the

Momentum is mass times velocity.

When an object is moving, it has a non-zero momentum. If an object is

standing still, then its momentum is zero.

To calculate the momentum of a moving object multiply the mass of the object
times its velocity. The symbol for momentum is a small p.

Momentum is a vector.

Momentum is a vector. That means, of course, that momentum is a quantity

that has a magnitude, or size, and a direction. The above problem is a one
dimensional problem. That is, the object is moving along a straight line. In
situations like this the momentum is usually stated to be positive, i.e., to the
right, or negative, i.e., to the left. So, in the above problem one would say that
the momentum is 'positive 8.0 kg-m/s', or '8.0 kg-m/s to the right.' Usually,
though, in simple cases like this we just say that the momentum is '8.0 kg-m/s'
with the positive sign understood.

Momentum problems can become more complicated, however. Soon, you will
be doing momentum problems in two and three dimensions. Under these
conditions, say in a two dimensional problem, one would state a momentum
using language such as '3.0 kg-m/s in a direction of 50 degrees North of

At first, though, our momentum problems will be in only one dimension. We

will imagine objects traveling in a straight line.
Momentum is not velocity.

Sometimes the concept of momentum is confused with the concept of

velocity. Do not do this. Momentum is related to velocity. In fact, they both
have the same direction. That is, if an object has a velocity that is aimed
toward the right, then its momentum will also be directed to the right.
However, momentum is made up of both mass and velocity. One must take
the mass and multiply it by the velocity to get the momentum.

Momentum is directly proportional to velocity.

If the mass is kept constant, then the momentum of an object is directly

proportional to its velocity. In the example at the left, the mass is kept
constant at a value of 2.0 kg.

The velocity changes from 0 m/s to 10

m/s while the momentum changes
from 0 kg-m/s to 20 kg-m/s. This
creates a straight line graph when
momentum is plotted as a function of
velocity. (The symbol for momentum
as a function of velocity would be p
(v).) The straight line graph
demonstrates the direct proportion
between momentum and velocity.

That is, if one were to double the velocity of an object, then the momentum of
that object would also double. And, if one were to change the velocity of an
object by a factor of 1/4, then the momentum of that object would also change
by a factor of 1/4.

Momentum is directly proportional to mass.

If the velocity is kept constant, then the momentum of an object is directly

proportional to its mass. In the example at the left, the velocity is kept
constant at a value of 3.0 m/s. The mass changes from 0 kg to 10 kg while the
momentum changes from 0 kg-m/s to 30 kg-m/s. This creates a straight line
graph when momentum is plotted as a function of mass. (The symbol for
momentum as a function of mass would be p(m).) The straight line graph
demonstrates the direct proportion between momentum and mass.

That is, if one were to triple the mass of an object, then the momentum of that
object would also triple. And, if one were to change the mass of an object by a
factor of 1/2, then the momentum of that object would also change by a factor
of 1/2.

Conservation of Momentum

Swinging pendulum

Momentum is conserved when objects collide provided no external forces act

on them.

There are two types of collision
i) elastic collision
ii) Inelastic collision.
Elastic collision:


Trolley A of mass 2 kg has a velocity of 3 ms-1. Trolley A collides with trolley

B of mass 1kg at rest. After collision trolley A moves with a velocity 0f 1 ms-1
in its original direction. Assuming there is no frictions find the velocity of
trolley B after collision.

Momentum of trolley A before collision

Momentum of trolley B before collision

Total momentum of trolley A and B before collision

Let the velocity of trolley B is v m s-1 after collision.

Momentum of trolley A after collision

Momentum of trolley B after collision

Total momentum of trolley A and B after collision

Principle of conservation of momentum state that momentum is conserved

after collision.

Total momentum of trolley = Total momentum of trolley

A and B before collision A and B after collision
Inelastic collision.


Trolley A of mass 2 kg has a velocity of 3 ms-1. Trolley A collides with trolley

B of mass 1kg at rest. After collision trolley A and B moves together.
Assuming there is no friction finds the final velocity of trolley A and B
Momentum of trolley A before collision
Momentum of trolley B before collision
Total momentum of trolley A and B before collision
Let the velocity of trolley A and B is v m s-1 after collision.
Total Momentum of trolley A and B after collision

Principle of conservation of momentum state that momentum is conserved

after collision.
Total momentum of trolley = Total momentum of trolley
A and B before collision A and B after collision

Momentum is also conserved during explosion

Cannon of mass 500kg at rest fires a shell of mass 1kg. The shell leaves the
cannon with a velocity of 200m s-1. The cannon recoil after firing the shell.

Find the recoil velocity of the cannon.

Momentum of cannon before explosion

Momentum of shell before explosion

Total momentum of trolley A and B before explosion

Let the velocity of cannon be v m s-1 after explosion.
Momentum of cannon after explosion
Momentum of shell after explosion
Total momentum of trolley A and B after explosion

Principle of conservation of momentum state that momentum is conserved

after collision.

Total momentum of trolley = Total momentum of trolley

A and B before explosion A and B after explosion

Formulae for conservation of momentum

m1u1 + m2 u2 = m1v1 + m2v2

m1u1 + m2 u2 = ( m1 + m2) v1

m1v1 = m2v2

1. What is the momentum of a 50kg boy?

a) Walking 10m eastwards in 40 seconds?
b) Running 20m westwards in 5 seconds

a) Momentum = mass X velocity

= 50 X velocity velocity = 10m /40s = 0.25 m s-1
= 50 X 0.25
= 12.5 kg m s-1

b) Momentum = mass X velocity

= 50 X velocity velocity = -20m/ 5s = - 4 m s-1

= 50 X -4 = -200 kg m s-1

2. Momentum calculation.

Let's say that mass is 2.0 kg and that the velocity is 4.0 m/s. That is:

m = 2.0 kg

v = 4.0 m/s

To calculate the momentum for this object we will multiply the mass times the

p = mv

p = (2.0 kg) (4.0 m/s)

p = 8.0 kg-m/s

Therefore, the momentum of the object is calculated to be 8.0 kg-m/s. Note

the unit for momentum. It is 'kg-m/s.' this is pronounced 'kilogram meter per
second.' The dash is not pronounced.


1. Momentum is symbolized with a small p. It is equal to mass times velocity.

Mass is symbolized with a small m, velocity with a small v.

Momentum equals mass times velocity.

2. The unit for momentum is kg-m/s.

Line 1: Definition of momentum.

Line 2: Enter example values for

mass and velocity.

Line 3: Calculate the resultant


Thus, an object with a mass of 3.0 kg that is traveling at a velocity of 4.0 m/s
has a momentum of 12 kg-m/s.

3. Momentum is a vector. The size of this vector is equal to the value of the
mass times the velocity. This size of the momentum is 12 kg-m/s in the above
example. The direction of the momentum vector is the same as the direction
of the velocity.

1. A boy of mass 60 kg and a girl of mass 40 kg stand facing each other on a
skating rink. The girl pushes the boy and he moves backwards at 2 m/s. What
is the girl’s velocity?

Before the push, they are both at rest. The total momentum is zero. After the
push (an ‘explosion’), the total momentum is zero. So the girl’s momentum is
equal to the boy’s, but in the opposite direction.

(a) First we calculate the boy’s momentum:


(b) Her mass is 40 kg, so we can calculate her velocity:


2. A fully loaded railway wagon A of mass 3000 kg moving at 8 m/s collides

with a stationery empty wagon B of mass 1000 kg and both couple together.
What is the velocity of the two wagons after the collisions?

(a) Before collision:

(i) Momentum of wagon A = mass x velocity

Momentum of wagon B = 0
(ii)Total momentum (of both wagons) =

(b) After collision:

Momentum is conserved in a collision.

(i) So the total momentum of the system after the collision is also...................

(ii) The two coupled wagons have mass............................................................

(iii) Their momentum is......................................................................................

(iv) So to find final velocity, momentum = mass x velocity


Assessment :( 40 minutes) (20 marks)

Drilling Exercises(40 minutes) (20 marks)
a) Mass of lorry 10000 kg and it was moving at 20m/s. Find momentum.
b) Mass of a car is 800 kg and it was moving at 25m/s. Find momentum.
c) Mass of cyclist and bike is 100 kg and moving at 5m/s. Find
d) Mass of hockey ball 0.5 kg and it was hit with a velocity of 6 m/s. Find
e) Mass of golf ball 0.1 kg and it was it at 0.5 m/s. Find momentum.

2. What is the momentum of

a) A hockey ball of mass 0.5 kg moving at 3 m/s?
b) A boy of mass 45 kg running at 5 m/s?
c) A lorry of mass 10000 kg traveling at 15 m/s?
d) A car ferry of mass 20000000 kg moving at 10 m/s?

a) A bus of mass 8000 kg has momentum 96000 kgm/s. What speed is it
traveling at?
b) A cyclist and her bike have total mass 65 kg and momentum of 260 kgm/s.
What is their speed?
c) A car traveling at 15 m/s has momentum 12000 kgm/s. What is its mass?

4. A rock climber dislodges a 5 kg boulder which falls down a vertical rock
face. What is the momentum of the boulder?
a) After 1 s
b) After 2 s
c) When it reaches the ground 80 m below?



1. (a) momentum = mv
= 60 kg x 2 m/s
= 120 kgm/s (in the other direction)
(b) Momentum = mv
120 kgm/s = 40 kg x v
V = 120kgm/s
40 kg
2. (a)(i) momentum = mass x velocity
= 3000 kg x 8 m/s
= 24000 kgm/s
(ii)Total momentum (of both wagons) =24000 + 0 kgm/s
=24000 kgm/s
(iv)24000kgm/s=4000kg x v

Drilling exercises

1. a 200000 kgm/s
b. 20000 kgm/s
c 500 kgm/s
d 3 kgm/s
e 0.05 kgm/s
2.a 1.5 kgm/s
b 225 kgm/s
c 150000 kgm/s
d 200000000 kgm/s
3.a 12m/s
b 4 m/s
c 800 kg
4 a 50 kgm/s
b 100 kgm/s
c 200 kgm/s

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