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the files are at; 20 March - 25 April;

keywords: ecology, ecotoxicology, biogeochemistry, water, water quality, bioassay, pollutants,
xenobiotics, biology, discovery, innovations, biosphere, environmental, protection, biodiversity,
conservation, safety, ecosystem, detergents, surfactants, hazards, biochemical, new, concepts,
conceptualization, terms,
file: ECOLOGY.list.texts.scribd.March-Apr2011 [notebook ASUS];
15 p.
Modernizing education.; S.A. Ostroumov

(Russia, Moscow) Up-dating and modernizing education in environmental science and ecology:
using interdisciplinary concepts. M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991, Russian
Federation, Moscow,
The goal of this publication (which is written on the basis of [14]) is to analyze some specific
examples of the educational use of a series of the scientific monographs in two important areas of
modern ecological science, relevant to the new discipline of biochemical ecology, and to the
equally or even more important area of conservation biology. In 1986, the book ‘Introduction to
Biochemical Ecology’ was published, in which new fundamental concepts of ecology were
developed. In the book, the basics of the new scientific discipline of biochemical ecology were
formulated, and the new concepts and terms ‘ecological chemomediators’ and ‘ecological
chemoregulators’ were proposed (Ostroumov, 1986). Later, the presentation of those concepts and
terms was repeated in another book, ‘Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology’
(Telitchenko, Ostroumov, 1990). We also coauthored books on conservation of biodiversity
(Yablokov, Ostroumov, 1983, 1985; 1991). In those books, a new conceptual approach –
according to the levels of organization of life systems - was used to classify and to put into a
system the data on the contemporary man-made impact on the biosphere. The books (Ostroumov,
1986; Telitchenko, Ostroumov, 1990; Yablokov, Ostroumov, 1983, 1985; 1991) provided the new
concepts that helped organize and put into a logical and modern system a massive body of factual
information. Some information on how those books have been used in educating students in
ecology and other academic disciplines is given below in Tables 1-4.

Table 1. Using concepts of the book ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’ (Ostroumov, 1986)
[С.А.Остроумов "Введение в биохимическую экологию" М.: изд. МГУ. 1986] in education,
some examples. The relevant concepts were commented in the text. Educational institution or
program (in English) Educational institution or program (mainly in Russian, Ukrainian, or Polish)
Country, city Peoples Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) Российский Университет
Дружбы Народов (РУДН) Moscow, Russia Samara State University Самарский Гос.
Университет кафедра общей химии и хроматографии, Программа составлена ст. преп.,
канд. хим. наук Е.А.Колосовой, доц. С.В.Курбатовой; Samara, Russia Samara State University
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования
«Самарский государственный университет», Факультет химический, Кафедра
органической химии; БИОЛОГИЯ С ОСНОВАМИ ЭКОЛОГИИ ;; Составитель рабочей
программы: к.х.н., доцент Белоусова З.П. ; Рецензент: к.х.н., доцент Дерябина Г.И. Samara,
Russia Irkutsk State University Иркутский государственный университет; Химический
факультет; Химические взаимодействия в живой природе - -; Irkutsk, Russia Irkutsk State University
Иркутский государственный университет. Учебный курс. Название: Введение в
биохимическую экологию; автор: А.А. Приставка Irkutsk, Russia Grodno State University
named after Yanka Kupala Гродненский Гос. Университет им. Янки Купалы Grodno, Belarus
University of Georgia Университет Грузии Georgia Belarusian State University Белорусский
гос. университет Minsk, Belarus Krivorozhsky State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
Криворізький державний педагогічний університет, Украина Krivoi Rog, Ukraine Moscow
Fizico-Technical Institute МФТИ, Кафедра физико-химической биологии и биотехнологии
ФМБФ Moscow, Russia Voronezh, Lyceum number 4; course : «Biochemical ecology» Воронеж

47 p.
Экология, биология: Новый вклад. Инновации. Открытие новых фактов. Новые
концепции. Кратко суммированы инновации, содержащиеся в публикациях доктора
биологических наук С.А.Остроумова и соавторов. Ecology. Key Innovations, Discoveries.
NEW FACTS, and NEW CONCEPTS. This concise material includes two updated tables. They
are in part based on the book [Ecology and Life Sciences: Bibliography of S. A. Ostroumov. 4th
ed., updated. Мoscow: MAX-Press, 2010. – 132 p. (series: Science. Education. Innovation. Issue
11)]. (Pages 116-131) With additions, updated 24.04.2011.
4 p.
Остроумов С. А., Колесов Г. М. Водный макрофит Ceratophyllum demersum иммобилизует
Au после добавления в воду наночастиц // Доклады академии наук (ДАН), 2010, том 431,
№ 4, с. 566–569. Табл. Библиогр. 15 назв.; Впервые
определена концентрация золота (Au) и ряда других элементов в фитомассе C. demersum
после инкубации растений в микрокосме, с добавками наночастиц Au. (1) Впервые
получены данные, которые показывают, что наночастицы золота (Au) в существенном
количестве связываются с живой фитомассой водных растений C. demersum. В результате
связывания и/или иммобилизации наночастиц Au содержание этого элемента в фитомассе
измеренное методом НАА, превышало фоновый уровень в 430.3 раз. (2) Модификация
наночастиц белком (иммуноглобулином) не оказывала существенного влияния на
способность наночастиц к иммобилизации макрофитами. Результаты вносят вклад в
понимание потенциальной роли этих организмов в биогенной миграции элементов.
Полученные данные позволяют полнее оценить потенциальную роль фитомассы
указанного выше вида макрофитов как фактора концентрирования элементов (на примере
Au) в водной системе. Впервые доказана способность биомассы водных макрофитов
иммобилизовывать золото, внесенное в водную систему в виде наночастиц
(наноматериалов). More about some relevant discoveries see:;
4 p.
Снижение измеряемых концентраций Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb в воде экспериментальных систем с
Ceratophyllum demersum: потенциал фиторемедиации // ДАН. 2009. т.428. № 2. С. 282-285
[Остроумов С.А., Шестакова Т.В.].
Библиогр. 15 назв. Представлено академиком Г.В. Добровольским. Реферат:
Концентрации тяжелых металлов Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb в воде экспериментальных микрокосмов
измеряли методом инверсионной вольтамперометрии. В некоторых микрокосмах
инкубировали водные растения (макрофиты) Ceratophyllum demersum (роголистник).
Измеряемые этим методом концентрации металлов в воде микрокосмов с макрофитами
снижались значительно быстрее, чем в воде контрольных микрокосмов без растений.
Впервые в водной системе, моделирующей комплексное загрязнение воды четырьмя
токсичными тяжелыми металлами (медь, цинк, кадмий, свинец), для всех четырех
металлов установлен факт положительной роли растений C. demersum как фактора,
способствующего уменьшению концентрации металлов в воде. Выявленные факты вносят
вклад в научную базу разработки инновационной экобиотехнологии (фитотехнология,
фиторемедиация) для улучшения качества воды и ее очищения от тяжелых металлов.;
auid=VAFZC61RXH; PII: S0869565209260338; [=Ostroumov S.A., Shestakova T.V. Decreasing
in the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb in the water of the experimental systems with
Ceratophyllum demersum: phytoremediation potential. - Doklady Akademii Nauk. 2009, vol. 428,
No. 2, p. 282–285].; More about some relevant discoveries see:; Текст статьи: ДОКЛАДЫ АКАДЕМИИ НАУК, 2009,
том 428, № 2, с. 282–285; ОБЩАЯ БИОЛОГИЯ. УДК 574.635:574.632; СНИЖЕНИЕ
2009 г. С. А. Остроумов, Т. В. Шестакова Представлено академиком Г.В. Добровольским
02.02.2009 г. Поступило 02.02.2009 г. Развитие учения В.И. Вернадского о биосфере
выявило новые примеры того, как организмы воздействуют на физикохимические
параметры окружающей среды [1, 2], в том числе на свойства водной среды [3, 4]. В
природных водных экосистемах функцио нируют комплексные механизмы
самоочищения, в которых существенная роль принадлежит биоте [5–11], в том числе
макрофитам. Макрофиты исследуются с перспективой разработки экотехно логий
очищения компонентов окружающей сре ды [12, 14]. В предыдущих работах изучали роль
макрофитов как потенциальных компонентов очищения водной среды, загрязненной
перхлора том [14] и синтетическим поверхностно-активным веществом (ПАВ)
додецилсульфатом натрия [12, 13]. Представляло интерес изучить системы и с другими
загрязняющими веществами, среди кото рых одно из приоритетных мест занимают
тяжелые металлы. Многие тяжелые металлы оказывают разнообразные негативные
эффекты на организ мы, в том числе проявляют мембранотропное дей ствие. Цель данной
работы – получить информацию о динамике концентраций металлов (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) в
водной среде микрокосмов, содержащих макрофит Ceratophyllum demersum. Для
приготовления водной среды, содержа щей металлы, использовали водопроводную воду,
отстоенную в течение недели. В качестве исход ных водных растворов ионов металлов
использо вали ГСО (государственные стандартные образ цы) с массовой концентрацией 1
мг/см3 при тем пературе 20°С. Были использованы следующие ГСО: Zn ГСО 77702000 в 1
М соляной кислоте, Pb ГСО 77782000 в 1 М азотной кислоте, Cd ГСО 77732000 в 1 М
азотной кислоте, Cu ГСО 7764 2000 в 0.5 М серной кислоте. С использованием
последовательных разбавлений и определенных аликвот был получен раствор,
содержащий в 1 л: Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова по 2
мг Zn и Cu; 0.1 мг Pb; 0.02 мг Cd. По всем этим элементам имело место превышение ПДК
3 p.
World.wide.evaluations.evidence.of.merit: Independent evaluations, evidence of merit, success,
achievement, and recognition: a series of posts and sites, material available online: – works by Dr.
S.A.Ostroumov, on Ecology, Biology, Environmental Sciences; summary of innovations in the
publications authored and coauthored; World-wide and international citing of the publications
authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov; The publications that were cited in USA, Canada, Germany,
France, UK, Italy, Argentina, Japan, Australia, China, India, and other countries; Opinion on and
rating of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov’s works: comments of experts, citation in scientific literature
worldwide; Comments in published editions, reviews; other forms of evaluation of publications
and works;
16 p.
Ostroumov S. A. Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions.
Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum. 2004. vol. 97. p. 39-50.; PMID: 15648211 [PubMed - indexed for
A BIOREACTOR 1 Introduction 2 Methods 3 Role of the main groups of organisms in the
biological processes of water purification 4 Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor with some features
5. Man-made effects and the effects of some xenobiotics 6. Aquatic ecosystems as part of the
apparatus of the biosphere 7. Conclusions. Abstract. A fundamental concept is proposed of aquatic
ecosystem as a bioreactor that carries out the function of water purification in natural water bodies
and streams. The ecosystem as a bioreactor has the following characteristic attributes: (1) it is a
large-scale (large-volume) bioreactor; (2) it is a diversified (in terms of the number of taxa and the
scope of functional activities) bioreactor; (3) it possesses a broad range of biocatalytic (chemical-
transforming and degrading) capabilities. New experimental data on xenobiotics-induced inhibition
of the functioning of the molluscs Unio tumidus, U. pictorum, M. galloprovincialis and Limnaea
stagnalis emphasize the potential ecological hazard from sublethal concentrations of pollutants
(including those exemplified by synthetic surfactants and detergents). Keywords: environmental
hazards, man-made impacts, anthropogenic effects, pollutants, xenobiotics, aquatic ecosystems,
water purification, water filtration, bivalves, surfactants, detergents, biosphere Abbreviations:
SDS, sodium dodecylsulfate; TX100, Triton X-100; TDTMA, tetradecyltrimethylammonium
bromide; 1. INTRODUCTION Priorities of ecological research include the further studies of
ecosystem functioning (Ostroumov et al., [2003]) that include functioning towards water
purification (the self-purification of water) in natural water bodies and streams. The self-
purification of water in natural ecosystems is a complex group of processes which includes
physical, chemical, and biological components (Sushchenya, [1975]; Alimov [ 1981], [2000];
Skurlatov, [1988]; Uhlmann, [1988]; Izrael, and Tsyban, [1989]; Ostroumov [1998], [2001],
[2002b]; Wetzel [2001]). Although biological aspects of water self-purification are generally
attributed to heterotrophic microorganisms, the other groups of organisms are also known to play a
significant role in this process (Sushchenya, [1975]; Konstantinov [1979], Alimov [ 1981], [2000],
Wallace, and Starkweather, [1985]; Vymazal, [1988]; Walz, [1995]; Monakov[1998]; Wetzel
[2001]; also, Vinberg, [1973]; Bul'on, Nikulina, [1976]; Ivanova,[1976]; Khlebovich, [1976]; - cit.
in Ostroumov, [2001]). The goal of this work was to analyze some data from the literature and our
own experimental data on water self-purification under natural conditions and to formulate a
fundamental concept of the aquatic ecosystem as an analog of a bioreactor (in a broad sense) that
contributes to water self-purification mediated by main groups of aquatic organisms. This paper is
based on some previous publications of the author (Ostroumov [2000c], [2001], [2002a]). 2.
METHODS The rate of water purification by macrozoobenthic filter feeders was measured
experimentally as described earlier (Ostroumov [2001]). After the water sample had been kept with
filter feeders for a certain time, the water filtration efficiency was monitored by the measuring the
optical density of the suspension of unfiltered single - cell organisms that remained in the water
column. The control samples of water were subjec
14 p.
Ostroumov S.A., Dodson S., Hamilton D., Peterson S., Wetzel R.G. Medium-term and long-term
priorities in ecological studies // Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum. 2003 (May). 96: 327-332.

Abstracts in Eng. and Italian (p. 332). Bibliogr. 20 ref. ;

PMID: 14595906 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Research priorities in
ecology and environmental sciences for the future are formulated. The priorities for both
fundamental and applied ecology are proposed. The list of priorities includes 50 items. The
priorities are relevant to terrestrial, aquatic, and general ecology. The list of priorities is helpful
when grant proposals are being prepared, evaluated, and selected for funding. KEY WORDS:
priorities, fundamentals, ecology, environmental sciences, biospheric sciences, life and biomedical
sciences, geosciences, ecosystems, biosphere, organisms, levels of life systems, man-made
impacts, anthropogenic effects, terrestrial and aquatic, research topics MEDIUM-TERM AND
ECOLOGICAL STUDIES S. A. Ostroumov1, S. Dodson2, D. Hamilton3, S. Peterson4, R. G.
Wetzel5 1 Department of Hydrobiology, Moscow State University, Moscow 1198991; [current
address: Laboratory of Physico-Chemistry of Biomembranes, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State
University, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation]; 2 Zoology-Birge Hall, University of Wisconsin,
430 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA; 3 Department of Biological Sciences, University of
Waikato, Private Bag 3105, Hamilton, New Zealand; 4 US EPA, National Health and
Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Western Ecology Division, 200 SW 35th Street,
Corvallis, OR 97333, USA; 5 Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, School of
Public Health, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599. 1.Introduction 2. The list of
priorities in ecological research 3.Conclusion Abstract: Research priorities in ecology and
environmental sciences for the future are formulated. The priorities for both fundamental and
applied ecology are proposed. The list of priorities includes about 50 items. The priorities are
relevant to terrestrial, aquatic, and general ecology. The list of priorities is helpful when grant
proposals are being prepared, evaluated, and selected for funding. Keywords: ecology,
environmental sciences, priorities, fundamental problems, topics for grants, scientific policy 1.
INTRODUCTION We have only "one biosphere to disturb, to manage, to cherish, to understand,
to love" (Margalef [1997]). As we enter the 21st century, we seek to formulate research priorities
to complement current efforts for better understanding and unraveling the complexity of ecological
processes that occur in the biosphere. “Where shall ecology go, ... and which will be the
battlefields of ecology?” (Lindström et al., [1999]). Many authors contributed to analysis of the
fundamental problems and priorities of modern ecology (e.g., Bezel et al., [1994]; Rigler and
Peters [1995]; Reynolds [1997]; Mooney [1998]; Alimov [2000]). The goal of this paper is to
continue formulating the priorities in ecological studies in order to optimize the effort of
researchers in this fundamentally important area of science. 2. THE LIST OF PRIORITIES IN
ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH The list of priorities given below is not intended to be exhaustive,
but rather to highlight those research areas we consider to be the most important toward solving
critical ecological problems over the next decade and beyond. The list of research items is not in
order of importance. Variants of some priorities are given as the variations in wording may become
important in future. The list of the priorities follows: 1. Interactions among ecosystems; 2.
Variability an
public Category: Research Reads: 54 Published: 04 / 09 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
41 p.
Edit Main.Discoveries.Updt+.9.04.2011.Ostroumov; Ecology. Key Innovations, Discoveries. NEW FACTS,

and NEW CONCEPTS. This concise material includes two updated tables. They are in part based
on the book [Ecology and Life Sciences: Bibliography of S. A. Ostroumov. Compiled by A. V.
Viktorova and J. Robertson. 4th ed., updated. Мoscow: MAX-Press, 2010. – 132 p. (series:
Science. Education. Innovation. Issue 11)]. (Pages 116131) With additions, updated 9.04.2011 and
later. The material is a brief summary of in
public Category: None Reads: 33 Published: 04 / 09 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
10 p.
Edit 3.System.of.Criteria; The paper is published:

Ostroumov S.A. Anthropogenic effects on the biota: towards a new system of principles and
criteria for analysis of ecological hazards. - Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum. 2003. 96: 159-170.; Sergei A. Ostroumov Anthropogenic
Effects on the Biota: towards a New System of Principles and Criteria for Analysis of Ecological
Hazards (Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia) 1. Introduction.
2. The traditional approach to classification of chemicals according to their environmental hazards.
3. A new approach to the analysis of hazards of anthropogenic effects on the biota. 4. Example of
applying the new approach to the analysis of environmental and ecological hazards. 5. Conclusion.
Key-words: environmental, hazards, man-made, impacts, anthropogenic, effects, pollutants,
xenobiotics, biofiltering, water self-purification, aquatic ecosystems, criteria, system, level, block,
approach, analysis, ecological, hazards, biota, TX100, Mytilus, edulis, mussels, filtration, non-
ionic, surfactant, bivalves, Abstract: The currently accepted system of criteria for evaluating
environmental and ecological hazards of man-made chemicals (pollutants) is vulnerable to
criticism. In this paper, a new concept of the system of approaches towards criteria for evaluating
the ecological hazard from man-made impact is proposed. It is suggested to assess the man-made
impacts (including effects of pollutants and xenobiotics) on the biota according to the following
four levels of disturbance in biological and ecological systems: (1) the level of individual
responses; (2) the level of aggregated responses of groups of organisms; (3) the level of stability
and integrity of the ecosystem; (4) the level of contributions of the ecosystem to biospheric
processes. On the basis of the author's experimental studies, an example is given of how to apply
the proposed approach and the system of criteria to the analysis of concrete experimental data. To
exemplify the efficiency of the proposed approach, it is shown how to use it to analyze new data
on effects of a synthetic surfactant on water filtering by bivalves. It is concluded that the proposed
approach will be helpful in better assessing environmental and ecological hazards from
anthropogenic effects on biota, including effects of man-made chemicals polluting ecosystems.
1.INTRODUCTION One of the important tasks in preventing and mitigating changes in the
biosphere is to perform an objective analysis of the hazards of a great many man-made impacts and
disturbances on the state of the biota (the world-wide diversity of ecosystems, populations, and
organisms). The multitude, diversity, and scale of anthropogenic effects has been described and
analyzed in a number of publications...
public Category: Research Reads: 76 Published: 04 / 09 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
4 p.
Edit 3.Effect_of_a_cationic_amphiphilic_compound_on_rotifersDBN
rotifersDBN; Ostroumov S. A., Walz N., Rusche R. Effect of a cationic amphiphilic compound on
rotifers. - Doklady Biological Sciences. 2003 (May). Vol. 390. 252-255, [ISSN 0012-4966 (Print)
1608-3105 (Online)].
key=def6575c794b111fcc31275e853c2b15; New facts on how a synthetic surfactant negatively
affects feeding and water filtering by rotifers;
public Category: Research Reads: 26 Published: 04 / 09 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
7 p.
Edit FAQ.Self-pur; FAQ: Biotic Self-purification of Aquatic

Ecosystems. Dr. Sergei Ostroumov;
purification_of_Aquatic_Ecosystems; FAQ on the paper: S. A. Ostroumov. On the Biotic Self-
purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences. 2004.
v.396, pp.206-211.; full text is online free: self-
purification, aquatic, ecosystems, conceptualization, new, ecology, environmental science, biology,
ecotoxicology, biogeochemistry, biological, self-purification, water, ecotechnology, pollution
control, bioassay, hazard assessment, xenobiotics, surfactants, detergents, heavy metals, toxicity,
phytotoxicity, nanomaterials, pollutants, bivalves, mussels, Mytilus, edulis, galloprovincialis,
oysters, Crassostrea, gigas, filtering, water, quality, ecosystem, safety, sustainability; ******
Question. Self-purification. What is self-purification? Answer: Self-purification is the complex
process, or, more precisely, a set of natural processes in aquatic ecosystems, which lead to
improving or maintaining water quality. Another term with a similar, but not completely the same
meaning: assimilative capacity. Question. What kind of journal had published this paper? Answer:
This is a high rank journal that is indexed by PubMed and Web of Science. More detail on the
journal see at the site:
n_the_journal_Doklady_Biological_Sciences Question: How broad is the geographical range of
the area of potential relevance and application of the conclusions that were made in the paper?
Answer: Just look on where the paper was cited: it was cited by the authors of other scientific
articles who conducted their research in Europe, North America, and Asia (e.g., in China).
Question: Where the results and conclusions of the paper could be applied? Answer: the results
presented in the paper could be applied in explaining and predicting the behaviour of aquatic
ecosystems, in securing the safety of the sources of water supply, in protecting biodiversity of
aquatic organisms, in aquaculture, and in education.
public Category: Research Reads: 33 Published: 04 / 09 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
9 p.
Edit FAQ2(Book.Bioeff.Surf).Part.2.Eng; Frequently asked

questions, part 2. [About the book: S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press,
Taylor &Francis]: A book was published on some contemporary issues of ecology, pollution of
aquatic environment, and man-made impact of a relatively poorly studied group of chemical
pollutants, detergents. The book was entitled: ‘Biological Effects of Surfactants’. Some more detail
about the book see at:;; The first series of frequently asked questions (FAQ) was
answered in another post. See:
ages. In addition to those questions, some other questions (FAQ, part 2) are answered here. In
answering these new questions, the following materials were used (some relevant publications,
they are available online free):;
****************** Question: Are the comments and answers to the first series of FAQ
available in other languages, in addition to English? Answer: Yes, the comments (the answers to
the first series of FAQ) are available in the following languages: German:
ages; French:
ages; Spanish:
ages; Chinese:
ages; Japanese:
ages; Hebrew:; Arabic:;
****************** Question: which new aspects of environmental hazards from chemicals
were identified in the book and other concomitant publications of the same author (Dr.S.A.
Ostroumov)? Answer: Several new types of environmental hazards from chemical pollution were
identified in the book and in some other publications of the same author. One of those hazards is a
risk of damage to natural processes of ecological remediation. Those processes lead to water self-
purification in natural aquatic ecosystems (both freshwater and marine aquatic ecosystems). We
published a special paper that is focused on this issue. See: Ostroumov S.A. Identification of a new
type of ecological hazard of chemicals: inhibition of processes of ecological remediation. Doklady
Biological Sciences. 2002. 385: 377-379. In Eng.; ISSN 0012-4966. DOI
key=8408a7cfaa984764b812ce79c77007f2;; Full text:; Key words: Identification, new type, ecological, hazard,
chemicals, inhibition, ecological remediation, ****************** Question. Using chemicals
that act as inhibitors of activities of enzymes was very productive in biochemistry. Is it possible to
use chemicals that inhibit functions of organisms in ecosystems in order to get more information
on ecological mechanisms? Answer: yes, it is possible, and it was shown both in the book and in a
special paper of the same author. The function inhibited was water filtration by freshwater and
marine bivalves. The chemicals that inhibited this function were surfactants and detergents. See the
paper: ****** Inhibitory analysis of regulatory interactions in trophic webs.- Doklady Biological
Sciences, 2001, Vol. 377, p. 139–141. (Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2000, Vol. 375,
No. 6, p. 847–849). Full text:; ABSTRACT: In the paper,
the author proposed a new
public Category: Research Reads: 51 Published: 04 / 09 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
3 p.
Edit FAQ.1.bookBiol.Effe.Surfactants; FAQ: Biotic Self-
purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. Dr. Sergei Ostroumov; last modified on Apr 8, 2011
purification_of_Aquatic_Ecosystems; FAQ on the paper: S. A. Ostroumov. On the Biotic Self-
purification of Aquatic Ecosystems: Elements of the Theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences. 2004.
v.396, pp.206-211.; full text is online free: self-
purification, aquatic, ecosystems, conceptualization, new, ecology, environmental science, biology,
ecotoxicology, biogeochemistry, biological, self-purification, water, ecotechnology, pollution
control, bioassay, hazard assessment, xenobiotics, surfactants, detergents, heavy metals, toxicity,
phytotoxicity, nanomaterials, pollutants, bivalves, mussels, Mytilus, edulis, galloprovincialis,
oysters, Crassostrea, gigas, filtering, water, quality, ecosystem, safety, sustainability; ******
Question. Self-purification. What is self-purification? Answer: Self-purification is the complex
process, or, more precisely, a set of natural processes in aquatic ecosystems, which lead to
improving or maintaining water quality. Another term with a similar, but not completely the same
meaning: assimilative capacity. Question. What kind of journal had published this paper? Answer:
This is a high rank journal that is indexed by PubMed and Web of Science. More detail on the
journal see at the site:
n_the_journal_Doklady_Biological_Sciences Question: How broad is the geographical range of
the area of potential relevance and application of the conclusions that were made in the paper?
Answer: Just look on where the paper was cited: it was cited by the authors of other scientific
articles who conducted their research in Europe, North America, and Asia (e.g., in China).
Question: Where the results and conclusions of the paper could be applied? Answer: the results
presented in the paper could be applied in explaining and predicting the behaviour of aquatic
ecosystems, in securing the safety of the sources of water supply, in protecting biodiversity of
aquatic organisms, in aquaculture, and in education.
public Category: Research Reads: 58 Published: 04 / 09 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
11 p.
Edit 2H469p203.Polyfunctional.role.w.Addendum;
Ostroumov S.A. Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification:
current conceptualizations and concluding remarks. - Hydrobiologia, 2002, 469: 203-204.
S.A.Ostroumov Faculty of Biology, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119991
Russia; ar55[at] Key words: water quality, water purification, self-purification,
biodiversity, pollutants, ecosystem services, freshwater, marine, aquatic ecosystems, sustainability
Sustainable use of aquatic resources is based on the ability of aquatic ecosystems to maintain a
certain level of water quality. Water self-purification in both freshwater and marine ecosystems is
based on a number of interconnected processes (e.g., Wetzel, 1983; Spellman, 1996; Ostroumov
1998, 2000). Among them are: (1) physical and physico-chemical processes, including: (1.1)
solution and dilution of pollutants; (1.2) export of pollutants to the adjacent land areas; (1.3) export
of pollutants to the adjacent water bodies; (1.4) sorption of pollutants onto suspended particles and
further sedimentation of the latter; (1.5) sorption of pollutants by sediments; (1.6) evaporation of
pollutants; (2) chemical processes, including: (2.1) hydrolysis of pollutants; (2.2) photochemical
transformations; (2.3) redox-catalytic transformations; (2.4) transformations including free
radicals; (2.5) binding of pollutants by dissolved organic matter, which may lead to decreasing
toxicity; (2.6) chemical oxidation of pollutants by oxygen; (3) biological processes, including:
(3.1) sorption, uptake and accumulation of pollutants by organisms; (3.2) biotransformations
(redox reactions, degradation, conjugation), mineralization of organic matter; (3.3) transformation
of pollutants by extracellular enzymes; (3.4) removal of suspended matter and pollutants from the
water column in the process of water filtering by filter-feeders; (3.5) removal of pollutants from
the water in the process of sorption by pellets excreted by aquatic organisms; (3.6) uptake of
nutrients (including P, N, and organic molecules) by organisms; (3.7) biotransformation and
sorption of pollutants in soil (and removal of nutrients), important when polluted waters are in
contact with terrestrial ecosystems; (3.8) a network of regulatory processes when certain organisms
control or influence other organisms involved in water purification. Living organisms are involved
in physical, physico-chemical and chemical processes 1.1-1.6 and 2.1-2.6 directly or through
excretion of oxygen or organic metabolites, production of suspended matter, affecting turbidity,
temperature of water or other parameters of the ecosystem. As a result, living organisms are the
core component of the multitude of processes of the ecological machinery working towards
improving water quality. This component performs eight vital functions directly (3.1-3.8) and is
involved indirectly in some of the other twelve functions (1.1-1.6 and 2.1-2.6) so that its role is
clearly polyfunctional. Living organisms of aquatic bodies (both autotrophs and heterotrophs) are
enormously diverse in terms of taxonomy. Among them, autotrophs generate oxygen that is
involved in the processes 2.6 and 2.4 above. Heterotrophs perform processes 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5 and
some others. Virtually all biodiversity is involved. Given this polyfunctional role of aquatic
organisms, in one of our publications we compared aquatic ecosystems to 'large-scale diversified
bioreactors with a function of water purification' (Ostroumov, 2000). What is interesting about the
biomachinery of water purification is the fact that it is an energy-saving device. It is using the
energy of the sun (autotrophs) and the energy of organic matter which is being oxidized in the
public Category: Research Reads: 120 Published: 04 / 09 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
37 p.
Edit 2Hydrobiologia469p117w Addendum; Ostroumov S.A.

Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and
water self-purification. Hydrobiologia. 2002. vol. 469, pages 117-129; Lab of Physico-Chemistry
of Biomembranes, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119991, Russia; e-mail:
ar55[at] Keywords: self-purification, filter-feeders, surfactants, detergents, benthic
bivalves, aquatic ecosystems, eutrophication, algal blooms, hazards of chemical pollution, water
quality, phytoplankton, marine and freshwater invertebrates, clearance rate, biological effects of
xenobiotics, pollutants,inhibitory, effects, surfactants, detergents, benthic, filter-feeders, Unio,
tumidus, U., pictorum, Mytilus, galloprovincialis, M., edulis, Crassostrea, gigas, mussels, oysters,
Abstract Top-down control is an important type of interspecies interactions in food webs. It is
especially important for aquatic ecosystems. Phytoplankton grazers contribute to the top-down
control of phytoplankton populations. The paper is focused on the role of benthic filter feeders in
the control of plankton populations as a result of water filtering and the removal of cells of
plankton from the water column. New data on the inhibitory effects of surfactants and detergents
on benthic filter-feeders (Unio tumidus, U. pictorum, Mytilus galloprovincialis, M. edulis, and
Crassostrea gigas) are presented and discussed. Importance and efficiency of that approach to the
problems of eutrophication and water self-purification is pointed out. Chemical pollution may pose
a threat to the natural top-down control of phytoplankton and water self-purification process. The
latter is considered an important prerequisite for sustainable use of aquatic resources.
public Category: Research Reads: 19 Published: 04 / 08 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
7 p.
Edit 2DBS_382p18.Biodiversity; Ostroumov S. A.
Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems. - Doklady
Biological Sciences. 2002 (January). Volume 382, Numbers 1- 6, p. 18-21. Presented by
Academician D.S. Pavlov April 15, 2001; ABSTRACT: New conceptualization: the article
presents a new vision of how biodiversity helps towards better stability and water quality. The
author made an innovative analysis of his experimental data and formulated the following
suggestion: to maintain water quality, it is vital to protect the functionally active biodiversity of
water ecosystems. In other words, according to his vision, the protection of functionally active
biodiversity, including filter-feeders, is a key to maintenance of water quality. Among new facts
that were found by the author and presented in the paper: the detergent IXI 20 mg/L inhibited
water filtration by marine mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis (3-25 min, 18 pro mille, 22.8ºC); the
detergent Deni-Automat 30 mg/L also inhibited the water filtration by oysters Crassostrea gigas
Thunberg (2-40 min, 25.2ºC).]. DOI 10.1023/A:1014465220673.; MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC. ISSN0012-4966 (Print) 1608-
3105 (Online).; Related publications by the same author (Dr.
S.A.O.) see here:; Ecology. Key Innovations, Discoveries.
The material includes two updated tables. They are based on the book [Ecology and Life Sciences:
Bibliography of S. A. Ostroumov. Compiled by A. V. Viktorova and J. Robertson. 4th ed.,
updated. Мoscow: MAX-Press, 2010. – 132 p. (series: Science. Education. Innovation. Issue 11)].
(Pages 116-131) With additions, updated. With web-addresses of the full texts available online
free. The material is a brief summary of innovations in the publications authored and coauthored
by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov: ecology, environmental science, biology, ecotoxicology, biogeochemistry,
biological, self-purification, water, ecotechnology, pollution control, bioassay, hazard assessment,
xenobiotics, surfactants, detergents, heavy metals, toxicity, phytotoxicity, nanomaterials,
pollutants, bivalves, mussels, Mytilus, edulis, galloprovincialis, oysters, Crassostrea, gigas,
filtering, water, quality, ecosystem, safety, sustainability; ****** About the journal ‘Doklady
Biological Sciences’ see:
n_the_journal_Doklady_Biological_Sciences ******
WorldWideCiting-March10; World-wide and international citing of the publications... The
publications that were cited in USA, Canada, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Argentina, Japan,
Australia, China, India, and other countries ****** Issues that were considered, key words:
xenobiotics, water resources, water quality, water, filtration, synthetic, substances, suspension
feeders, regulation, pollution, pollutants, plankton, populations, phytoplankton, control, pellets,
new, hazards, mussels, marine, management, man-made, impact, invertebrates, innovations,
improving, hydrosphere, hazards, freshwater, filter-feeders, environmental, safety, toxicology,
environmental, chemistry, environment, protection, ecotoxicology, ecosystem services,
ecosystems, ecosystem, ecological, stability, hazard, ecohazards, detergents, chemical,
preparations, pollution, bivalvia, bivalves, biosphere, biogeochemical, benthos, assessment,
aquatic, organisms, biota, anthropogenic, impact, effects, algae, detergent, IXI, water filtration,
Mytilus galloprovincialis, detergent, Deni-Automat, oysters Crassostrea gigas, ecology,
environmental science, biology, biogeochemistry, biological, self-purification, water,
ecotechnology, pollution control, bioassay, hazard assessment, xenobiotics, surfactants, de
public Category: Research Reads: 62 Published: 04 / 08 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
0 p.
Edit 2DBS_382p18Biodivers; Ostroumov S. A. Biodiversity

protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems. - Doklady Biological
Sciences. 2002 (January). Volume 382, Numbers 1- 6, p. 18-21. The article presents a new vision
of how biodiversity helps towards better stability and water quality. The author made an innovative
analysis of his experimental data and formulated the following suggestion: to maintain water
quality, it is vital to protect the functionally active biodiversity of water ecosystems. In other
words, according to his vision, the protection of functionally active biodiversity, including filter-
feeders, is a key to maintenance of water quality. Among new facts: the detergent IXI 20 mg/L
inhibited water filtration by marine mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis (3-25 min, 18 pro mille,
22.8ºC); the detergent Deni-Automat 30 mg/L also inhibited the water filtration by oysters
Crassostrea gigas Thunberg (2-40 min, 25.2ºC).]. DOI 10.1023/A:1014465220673.; MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
distributed exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media LLC. ISSN0012-4966 (Print) 1608-
3105 (Online).; Related publications by the same author (Dr.
S.A.O.) see here:; Ecology. Key Innovations, Discoveries.
The material include two updated tables. They are based on the book [Ecology and Life Sciences:
Bibliography of S. A. Ostroumov. Compiled by A. V. Viktorova and J. Robertson. 4th ed.,
updated. Мoscow: MAX-Press, 2010. – 132 p. (series: Science. Education. Innovation. Issue 11)].
(Pages 116-131) With additions, updated 5.04.2011. With web-addresses of the full texts available
online free. The material is a brief summary of innovations in the publications authored and
coauthored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov: ecology, environmental science, biology, ecotoxicology,
biogeochemistry, biological, self-purification, water, ecotechnology, pollution control, bioassay,
hazard assessment, xenobiotics, surfactants, detergents, heavy metals, toxicity, phytotoxicity,
nanomaterials, pollutants, bivalves, mussels, Mytilus, edulis, galloprovincialis, oysters,
Crassostrea, gigas, filtering, water, quality, ecosystem, safety, sustainability; ****** About the
journal ‘Doklady Biological Sciences’ see:
n_the_journal_Doklady_Biological_Sciences ******
WorldWideCiting-March10; World-wide and international citing of the publications... The
publications that were cited in USA, Canada, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Argentina, Japan,
Australia, China, India, and other countries ****** Issues that were considered, key words:
xenobiotics, water resources, water quality, water, filtration, synthetic, substances, suspension
feeders, regulation, pollution, pollutants, plankton, populations, phytoplankton, control, pellets,
new, hazards, mussels, marine, management, man-made impact, man-made effects, invertebrates,
innovations, improving, hydrosphere, hazards, freshwater, filter-feeders, environmental, safety,
environmental toxicology, environmental chemistry, environment protection, ecotoxicology,
ecosystem services, ecosystems, ecosystem, ecological stability, ecological hazard, ecohazards,
detergents, chemical preparations, chemical pollution, bivalvia, bivalves, biosphere,
biogeochemical, biogenic migration, bioassays, benthos, assessment, aquatic organisms, aquatic
ecosystems, aquatic biota, anthropogenic impact, anthropogenic effects, algae, detergent, IXI,
water filtration, Mytilus galloprovincialis, detergent Deni-Automat, oysters Crassostrea gigas,
ecology, environmental science, biology, ecotoxicology, biogeochemistry, biological, self-
purification, water, ecotechnology, pollution control, bioassay, hazard assessment, xenobiotics,
surfactants, detergents,
public Category: Research Reads: 3 Published: 04 / 07 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
12 p.
Edit Publications.2009-2010.E.Int.2

Publications. Ecology, Environment, Biology. 2009-2010. ________ ________Key words:

Toxicological, Bulletin, Doklady, Biological, Sciences, Akademii, Nauk, pollution, biosphere,
hazards, surfactant, phytotechnology, phytoremediation, S.A.Ostroumov, water, biogeochemistry,
heavy metals, university, ecosystem, aquatic, water quality, pollutants, xenobiotics, rehabilitation,
detergents, metals, tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide, marine, freshwater, mussels, Mytilus
edulis, Mytilus galloprovincial
public Category: None Reads: 46 Published: 04 / 06 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
3 p.
Edit Chapter3.Page1.Free; page 1 of Chapter 3 of the book:

Biological Effects of Surfactants, S . A . Ostroumov; CRC Press 2006; Print ISBN: 978-0-8493-
2526-7; eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-2129-5; DOI: 10.1201/9781420021295.ch3; This is the first
page of Chapter 3 of the book. This book is on some contemporary issues of ecology, pollution of
aquatic environment, and man-made impact of a relatively poorly studied group of chemical
pollutants, detergents. The book was entitled: Biological Effects of Surfactants; Some more detail
about the book see at:;; The first series of frequently asked questions (FAQ) was
answered in another post. See:
ages.;; Frequently asked questions, part 2. [About the book,
Biological Effects of Surfactants]; Question: which new aspects of environmental hazards from
chemicals were identified in the book and other concomitant publications of the same author (S.A.
Ostroumov)? Answer: One of the new types of environmental hazards from chemical pollution
was identified in the book and in some other publications of the same author. This hazard is a risk
of damage to natural processes of ecological remediation. Those processes lead to water self-
purification in natural aquatic ecosystems (both freshwater and marine aquatic ecosystems). We
published a special paper that is focused on this issue. See: Ostroumov S.A. Identification of a new
type of ecological hazard of chemicals: inhibition of processes of ecological remediation. Doklady
Biological Sciences. 2002. 385: 377-379. In Eng.; ISSN 0012-4966. DOI
key=8408a7cfaa984764b812ce79c77007f2;; Full text:; Key words: Identification, new type, ecological, hazard,
chemicals, inhibition, ecological remediation, Question. Using chemicals that act as inhibitors of
activities of enzymes was very productive in biochemistry. Is it possible to use chemicals that
inhibit functions of organisms in ecosystems in order to get more information on ecological
mechanisms? Answer: yes, it is possible, and it was shown both in the book and in a special paper
of the same author. The function inhibited was water filtration by freshwater and marine bivalves.
The chemicals that inhibited this function were surfactants and detergents. See the paper: ******
Inhibitory analysis of regulatory interactions in trophic webs.- Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001,
Vol. 377, p. 139–141. (Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2000, Vol. 375, No. 6, p. 847–
849). Full text: Abstract: In the paper, the author proposed
a new approach to analyze the key ecological issue, the interactions between organisms in
ecosystems. The new methodology proposed is inhibitory analysis. The author applied this
approach to analyze trophic chains: the top–down control of plankton by benthic filter-feeders.
This control, as the author’s experiments have shown, might be removed by chemical inhibitors
(the latter may enter the ecosystem as pollutants). As an example, the author gives the results of his
experiments on how surfactants [tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide (TDTMA)], and synthetic
detergents inhibited the control of plankton (algae Monochrystis lutheri) by marine mussels
Mytilus galloprovincialis. The method was successfully applied to innovatively analyze the factors
that are among reasons of eutrophication. Among new facts: the cationic surfactant TDTMA 1
mg/L inhibited the filtration rate of juveniles of marine bivalves Mytilus galloprovin
public Category: None Reads: 5 Published: 04 / 01 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
42 p.
Edit Main.discoveries.ostroumov.2011.March; Ecology, Environmental Science. The following is

based on Pages 116-131 of the book [Ecology and Life Sciences: Bibliography of S. A.
Ostroumov. Compiled by A. V. Viktorova and J. Robertson. 4th ed., updated. Мoscow: MAX-
Press, 2010. – 132 p. (series: Science. Education. Innovation. Issue 11)]. The material below is a
brief summary of innovations in the publications authored and coauthored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov.
Updated 2011, March 24.
public Category: Research Reads: 565 Published: 03 / 23 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
11 p.
Edit 2011.Feb;Posts; Blog of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov; professional activity,

Internet; Ecology, Environment, Biology; updated 2011, March-February; Key words: ecology,
environment, biology, biosphere, resources, water, sustainability, environmental, safety,
ecosystem, services, aquatic, water quality, self-purification, pollution, improvement, new,
discoveries, innovations, applications, education, ecotoxicology, preventing, global, change,
protection, biodiversity;
public Category: Research Reads: 139 Published: 03 / 21 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
10 p.
Edit Turkish 2011

Turkish translation: Blog of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov. Science: ecology, environment, biology.
Updated 2011, March-February: Mesaj: Dr SAOstroumov bir blog, Anahtar kelimeler, ekoloji,
çevre, biyoloji, biyosfer, kaynaklar, su, sürdürülebilirlik, çevre, güvenlik, ekosistem, hizmetler, su,
su kaliteleri, kendini arıtma, kirlilik, iyileştirme, yeni keşifler , yenilikleri, uygulamaları, eğitim,
Ekotoksikoloji, küresel değişim, koruma, biyolojik çeşitliliğin önlenmesi;
public Category: Research Reads: 50 Published: 03 / 21 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
10 p.
Edit Arabic 2011; Arabic translation: Posts; the blog of Dr. S.A.

Ostroumov, science, ecology, environment, biology; updated 2011, March-February; ‫بلوق من‬
Ostroumov ‫ مارس‬/ ‫ آذار‬، 2011 ‫ حدثت في‬.‫ وعلم الحياء‬، ‫ والبيئة‬، ‫ علم البيئة‬: ‫ علوم‬.‫ الدكتور أ س‬key words, ‫وشباط‬
‫ بلوق من‬: ‫ المشاركات‬: ‫ فبراير‬/ SAOstroumov ‫ والمحيط الحيوي‬، ‫ علم الحياء‬، ‫ والبيئة‬، ‫ والبيئة‬، ‫الدكتور ؛ كلمات السر‬
‫ والخدمات‬، ‫ والنظمة اليكولوجية‬، ‫ والستدامة والبيئية والسلمة‬، ‫ والموارد والمياه‬، qualtiy ‫ تنقية النفس‬، ‫ والمياه‬، ‫المائية‬
‫ وحماية‬، ‫ وتغير‬، ‫ ومنع والعالمي‬، ‫ والسمية‬، ‫ والتعليم‬، ‫ والتطبيقات‬، ‫ جديدة واكتشافات والبتكارات‬، ‫ وتحسين‬، ‫ والتلوث‬،
‫ وجهات النظر ؛‬5 -- ‫ تعليقات‬0 -- 2011 ‫ مارس‬18 ‫ و؛ وصلت جديدة بين التلوث السام والتخثث ؛‬، ‫التنوع البيولوجي‬
public Category: Research Reads: 53 Published: 03 / 21 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
5 p.
Edit Spanish2011Feb.march; Spanish translation. 2011. Febrero-marzo. Actividad

profesional en Internet. ecología, medio ambiente, la biología, la actividad profesional, Internet,
blog, blogs, archivos, disponible, gratis, publicaciones, documentos, libros, S A Ostroumov, cuyo
autor, la calidad del agua, los recursos, la mejora de la sostenibilidad sostenible, la contaminación,
calidad del agua , la gestión, los descubrimientos, logros, innovaciones, noticias,
public Category: Research Reads: 85 Published: 03 / 20 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
2 p.
Edit French2011Feb.march; French translation. 2011. Fév-Mars. Activité

professionnelle sur Internet. écologie, environnement, biologie, professionnel, activité, Internet,
blog, messages, fichiers, disponible, libre, publications, documents, livres, S.A. Ostroumov,
l'auteur, la qualité de l'eau, les ressources, l'amélioration durable, la durabilité, la pollution, qualité
de l'eau , la gestion, les découvertes, réalisations, innovations, nouvelles,
public Category: None Reads: 55 Published: 03 / 20 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
5 p.
Edit Dutch 2011; Dutch translation. 2011. Februari-maart. Professionele

activiteit op internet. Ecologie, milieu, biologie, professioneel, activiteit, internet, blog, berichten,
bestanden, beschikbaar, vrij, publicaties, papers, boeken, SAOstroumov, geschreven,
waterkwaliteit, de middelen, duurzaam, duurzaamheid, vervuiling, verbetering van de
waterkwaliteit, het beheer, ontdekkingen, successen, innovaties, nieuws, aquatische ecosystemen,
het mariene, zoetwater;
public Category: Research Reads: 39 Published: 03 / 20 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
2 p.
Edit Danish; Danish translation. 2011. Februar-marts.

Erhvervsvirksomhed på internettet. Økologi, miljø, biologi, professionel, aktivitet, Internet, blog,
indlæg, filer, tilgængelig, gratis, publikationer, aviser, bøger, SAOstroumov, forfattet,
vandkvalitet, ressourcer, bæredygtig, bæredygtighed, forurening, vandkvalitet forbedring, ledelse,
opdagelser, resultater, nyheder, nyheder, akvatiske økosystemer, marine, ferskvands;
public Category: Research Reads: 55 Published: 03 / 20 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
5 p.
Edit Chinese.simp; Chinese translation. 2011 年。二月至三月。 在互联

网上的专业活动。 生态,环境,生物,专业,活动,互联网,博客,文章,文件,可免
费,出版物,论文,书籍,SAOstroumov,撰写,水质,资源,可持续发展 ,可持续发
展,污染,改善水质,管理,发现,成就,创新,新闻,水生生态系统,海洋,淡水 ;
public Category: Research Reads: 34 Published: 03 / 20 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
2 p.
Edit Swedish 2011; Swedish translation; 2011. Februari-mars.

Yrkesverksamhet på Internet. Ekologi, miljö, biologi, professionell, aktivitet, Internet, blogg,
inlägg, filer, tillgängliga, gratis, publikationer, tidningar, böcker, SAOstroumov, författat,
vattenkvalitet, resurser, hållbar, hållbarhet, föroreningar, vattenkvalitet förbättring, ledning,
upptäckter, framsteg, innovationer, nyheter, akvatiska ekosystem, marin, sötvatten
public Category: Research Reads: 48 Published: 03 / 20 / 2011 Share Add to Collections
9 p.
Edit All.Polish.refs.19March2011; Citation of book:

Ostroumow S.A. "Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej", PWN, Warszawa, 1992; [it is the
Polish edition of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology, Moscow, 1986].
Publications of Polish scientists and lecture courses at Polish universities.

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