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A reconstruction of the original Latin of the Gospel of

Mark, with a translation and textual commentary

By David Bruce Gain
The Gospel of Mark survives in Latin and Greek. It has been thought that,
since the text of Old Testament quotations in the Greek version is generally
the same as that in preexising Greek versions of the original Hebrew (the
Septuagint, LXX) that Mark wrote in Greek. In Appendix 1 to Proof that the
Gospel of Mark was written in Latin (www/ I
show that, granted that Mark, writing in Latin, used Latin translations of
the LXX, the agreements of the Greek text of Mark with the LXX should be
explained as the use of obvious words that any translator would use or the
result of changes to our present manuscripts (MSS) to agree with the text
of another gospel, something which, as I show in the commentary below,
has happened all the time to the text of Mark.
In the main part of Proof I adduce passages where the Greek mistranslates
the Latin or is based on corrupted Latin, proof that the Latin is the original.
A summary (most striking evidence first): 7.3 (pusillo (for a short time) had
been corrupted to pugillo, so making Mark say, nonsensically, that all Jews
always wash their hands with their fist); 16.2-4 (the Greek omits a passage
because a scribe's eye skipped from a word to the same word found later);
1.27 (the Greek tried to make sense of the corruption impotentabilis); 2.3
(the MS translated had for ingrabat (final to lost) (on a pallet) the weird corruption iugerebant (4 men were carrying); 2.12 (eum (him) corrupted to
deum (God) and so translated); 2.16 (Pharisees lost before Pharisees and
so omitted); 3.9 (nauicula (boat) mistranslated as boats); 3.21 (the translator gave de a sense (from) which is nonsensical in the context); 3.32
(uenerunt corrupted to uerunt, emended to fuerunt and so translated); 4.8
(& 20) (thirtyfold etc) written in the same way as thirty etc and so translated,
despite the odd Greek so produced); 4.15 (the translator had a corrupted
text); 4.21 (accenditur (is lit), of a light, corrupted to acceditur, giving the
odd "comes"); 4.36 (multi (many men) mistranslated "many boats", though
nauis is feminine, making the ensuing story strange); 6.20 (the text
translated had the corruption attenuate for attente, giving strange sense); 6.22
(the translator translated ipsius, which could be either masculine or
feminine, as "himself", unaware that Herodias was a woman); 6.53 (the translator took Gennesaret (Gennesar and) as Gennesaret, so creating an imaginary place); 7.4 (the Greek translates lectorum (beds) instead of electrorum (amberware); beds are odd objects to find in a catalogue of cups and
pots); 7.19 (purgans is neuter, but the form could also be masculine; the

translator, ungrammatically, makes it masculine); 8.2 (the translator translates tres dies (for three days) as the subject, giving the absurd sense "I am
sorry for the crowd because three days now remain for me and they have
nothing to eat"); 8.38 (confessus...confitebitur corrupted to confusus ...
confundetur), so making the punishment of evil men merely to be confused); 9.6 (fuerat corrupted to fuerant, so, inappropriately, losing Peter as
the subject); 9.12 (quia corrupted to qui (how), so introducing a pointless
question); 9.49 (the Latin correctly translated, but corrupted to
so giving the nonsensical "every victim will be destroyed"); 9.50
(fatuum omitted after fatuum, giving the inane "if salt has lost its
how will you flavour it?", vulnerable to the obvious retort: "I don't need to;
I'll get other salt"); 10.23 (xii (12) lost after -xit and "his learners" supplied
instead); 10.32 (sequebantur mistranslated "they followed", leading to the
confection of nonsense); 13.14 (stantem (masculine or feminine, here actually feminine) ungrammatically translated with a masculine, although the
word it agrees with is neuter); 14.36 (pater, here a vocative, although in
form it could also be nominative, ungrammatically translated as a nominative); 14.41-2 (the loss of words by a scribe's eye skipping to the same word
later gives the absurd sense "Sleep; get up"); 14.44, 15.7 & 10 (Latin pluperfects translated as pluperfects where Greek requires the aorist; 14.60
(omission of words in the Latin results in nonsense); 14.72 (coepit plorare
(he began to weep) corrupted into the nonsensical cepit plorare (he took to
weep), with the further corruption of into; 15.16 continuo omitted before cogentes and so not translated.
The Old Latin manuscripts cited:
I give the numbers of the Vetus Latina Institute ( 9, 12 and 18 do not contain
Mark). The letters are standard, except that I call Fg (g1) g, Xf (ff2) f, Bw
Xr ( r1) r & 9A p, after St Petersburg. Around 382 Jerome made a revision,
now called the Vulgate, principally to make Mark agree with the Greek,
which he believed he wrote it in. Clearly, his revisions are not (except by
coincidence) the original text. So MSS with higher percentages of nonVulgate material (the number given in brackets for each MS, percentages
estimated by Bonifatius Fischer "Die lateinischen Evangelien bis zum 10.
Jahrhundert" Vol 2, 1989, from four test passages, 2.12-3.21, 7.32-8.35, 10.
17-52 & 14.22-62) are likely to be more valuable in the search for
original Latin. MSS in [] brackets, being of limited value, are not
cited. Those in { } brackets are regularly cited in the part (given
where their text diverges significantly from the Vulgate. The last number in

each line is the century in which it is likely that the MS was written.
1k: Bobbiensis (Turin) (61.9) 4
2 e: Palatinus (Trent) (54) 5
3 a: Vercellensis (Vercelli) (48) 4
4 b: Veronensis (Verona) (37.9) 5
5 d: Bezae (Cambridge) (36.1) 4
6 c: Colbertinus (Paris) (45.1) 12/13
[7 g: Sangermanensis (Paris) (16.0) 9]
8 f: Corbeiensis (Paris) (41) 5
{9A p: Fossatensis (St Petersburg) (20.8) (from 10.3) 8}
[10 f: Brixianus (Brescia) (22.1) 6]
[11 l: Rehdigeranus (Berlin) (10) 5]
{11A w: Wurzburgensis (Wurzburg) (17.8) (from 10.30 to 12.23) 9}
13 q: Monacensis (Munich) (31.8) 6
14 r: Usserianus (Dublin) (33.3) 6
[15 aur: Aureus Holmiensis (Stockholm) (16.7) 7]
16 n: Sangallensis (St Gallen); fragments 5
17 i: Vindobonensis (Naples) (29.9) 5
19 t: Fragmenta Bernensia (Berne) 5
@ = the agreement (except in obvious errors) of all MSS regularly cited surviving at a place, except those mentioned in <> brackets.
Information on Mark's usage comes from an Index uerborum I have compiled.
So as to afford space for detailed discussion of what is of primary importance, I often only indicate why I think particular readings do not come from
Mark by the use of ordinary type for mistakes (non words or words derived
from other words transmitted, ungrammatical material, wrong number,
tense, mood, conjugation, sequence, case, declension, unidiomatic Latin)
and colours: an obvious but unnecessary addition, what comes from parallel (||) Mt, Mk, Lk or Jn, interpolations, simplifications, what a user of
these or a previous/previous MS/S (often well educated) regarded as better
Latin, what comes from Greek. Where the evidence is sufficient to make an
informed decision, it can be seen that e (2) and particularly k (1)
give a text closer to the original. Hence, where the evidence is insufficient
to make a decision, I have printed their text, as more likely to be right; MSS
readings in ordinary bold are thus generally ones rejected as not in k or e
or not characteristic of the text of k or e. Sometimes they are readings rejected as seemingly not read by the Greek translator. Readings agreeing
with the Vulgate (text of Robert Weber, 2nd edition, 1975) are underlined.
Readings of MSS except 9A and 11A (from Hugh Houghton's internet files
"A transcription of Mark in VL9A/VL11A" - epapers and 7 are

taken from Adolph Juelicher (revised by Walter Matzkow and Kurt Aland):
Itala (Das Neue Testament in Altlateinischer Uberlieferung), II: MarcusEvangelium, 1940 (revised edition 1970). I have also used, in the same
series, I: Matthew (1938, 1972), III: Luke (1954, 1975) and IV: John (1963).
Non Latin MSS cited are Greek MSS, unless otherwise specified. Readings
come from Stanley Legg Nouum Testamentum Graece secundum textum
Westcotto-Hortianum, Euangelium secundum Marcum, 1935, Kurt Aland &
others The Greek New Testament, 3rd edition, 1975, Kurt Aland Synopsis
Quattuor Evangeliorum, 9th edition, 1976 & Synopsis of the four Gospels.
6th edition, 1983 and Albert Huck & Heinrich Greeven Synopse der drei
ersten Evangelien, 13th edition, 1981, for W: Henry Sanders The New Testament Manuscripts in the Freer collection, Part 1: The Washington Manuscript of the four Gospels, 1918, for p45: Frederick Kenyon The Chester
Beatty Biblical Papyri, Fasc. 2: text 1933, plates 1934. Related MSS are joined by The best Greek MSS are:
p45 (papyrus 45): small fragments of 4.36-40, 5:16-27, 38-6.3, 16-25, larger
fragments of 6.36-50, 7.3-15, 25-36, 8.11-23, 34-9.8, 18-31, small fragments
of 11.27-32, 12.12-16.
Aleph (Sinaiticus): complete
B (Vaticanus): complete
The next best are:
C (Ephraemi Syri rescriptus): has 1.17 -6.31, 8.5 -12.29
13.18 -16.20
L (Regius): lacks 10.16 - 10.30 15.2
(Koridethi): complete
D, the Greek pages of the Greek Latin bilingual whose Latin pages are cited
as d (of mixed value)
W (Washington):of little value after 5.30, when its character changes for the
Note also:
MSS whose symbols are capitals and those beginning with 0 are majuscules (written in capitals), others minuscules (written in lower case)
M majority text
l lectionary
Lake family (family 1)
von Soden MSS
Ferrar family (family 13)
A plus sign indicates that there are further collated Greek MSS that also
have the reading; approximate number: + less than 10, + 10-19, + 20-29, +
30 or more.
() indicates partial agreement

<> indicates a MS does not agree with @ or a MS of a family does not agree
with the family at this point
* indicates the original text of a MS
c corrected
mg in the margin
1 etc indicates the first hand etc of a MS or a family of a version (e.g. geo1)
Symbols for versions in other languages:
arm Armenian
bo Bohairic
co All Coptic
eth Ethiopian
geo Georgian (1 2 indicate family 1 or 2)
mf Middle Egyptian Fayyumic
sa Sahidic
sc Cureton Syriac
sh Harclean Syriac
shmarg Marginal reading of Harclean Syriac
sj Jerusalem Syriac
sp Peshitta Syriac
ss Sinaitic Syriac
Regular size numbers indicate the number of collated MSS of the version
with the reading
Other symbols and abbreviations:
Jn John
Lk Luke
LXX Septuagint
Mk Mark
MS/S manuscript/s
Mt Matthew
|| parallel
* in the commentary: reading of the 1st hand
+ add(s)
- omit(s)
() the MS in brackets agrees substantially
In the text words or parts of words not present in any Latin MS regularly cited are printed in italics.
Apart from these words, the text printed is that of all the MSS, except those
mentioned in the commentary as not having it. || = from a parallel passage
of Mt, Mk, Lk or Jn. Numbers after the symbol for a MS/MSS indicate that
the MS/S has/have the words in this order. In the text, spelling is regulariz-

ed and obvious errors (particularly those of a single MS) sometimes silently corrected. In the commentary, letters missing in a MS are supplied in <>
if this can be done with confidence. Matthew and Luke often abbreviate
Mark in order to leave room on their rolls for very considerable additional
material. No such consideration could have influenced copyists of Mark.
All they need to have done is to get a roll long enough to fit Mark's short
text. Hence, excluding of course cases of accidental omission of material,
usually caused by homoeoteluton, a scribe's eye slipping from letters to a
similar group of letters later, when some MSS present material not in
others, it is usually very difficult to find any plausible reason why anyone
of that time would have found the longer text so objectionable as to wish to
delete it; It is, on the other hand, usually very easy to see why the shorter
text could be the original. Mark. unlike the admired Matthew and Luke (who
are often used to replace the wording of the less valued Mark), was often
disconcertingly brief, and could often, in the view of some, be improved
by making his valued text even more valuable by making it fuller.
Transliteration of Hebrew/Aramaic: )bgdhwzxtyklmns(pcqr$+

Chapter 1
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
b c d f contain the whole chapter.
a runs from verse 1 to verse 22, verse 34 to the end.
e starts at verse 20.
q runs from verse 1 to verse 7, verse 21 to the end.
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae,
t runs from verse 2 to verse 23.
i k n t are missing for the whole chapter.
1.1 Initium euangelii Iesu Christi []
1.1 The beginning of the evangel of Jesus Christ []
[@ filii Dei (the son of God); not in * -28* S 255 1555* sj sa (2 of 8) geo1
9 arm Irenaeus Origen Victorinus-Pettau Serapion Titus-Bostra Basil Epiphanius Jerome. Homoeoteleuton (omit italicized letters in
has been suggested as causing an omission, but it is improbable
that a scribe would omit such significant words right at the beginning of
the work he was copying, whereas the words' significance is a strong
reason for their interpolation]
1.2 Sicut scri-ptum est in {prophetis} + "Ecce [] mitto angelum meum (ante

te) <et> (parabit) uiam tuam /\

1.2 As is written in {the prophets} "[I] am sending my angel (before you)
<and> (he will prepare) your way /\
- r ends
{prophetis is not found by itself; r has <Es>aie et in prophetis (Isaiah and
the prophets) a composite reading including Esaia propheta (the prophet
Isaiah) (from || Mt 3.2 or || Lk 3.4, who name him as the source of the quotation they give there) of b c f q (a d have Esaiam prophetam) but
"prophets" is preserved by W, particularly valuable in the sections up to
5.20 where, as here, both e and k are missing. W's (prophets)
is also found in A K P M 543 28 157 579 1009 1010 1079 1195
1216 1230 1242 1253 1344 1365 1546 1646 2148 bo1 margin, syh some arm,
eth Irenaeus Photius Theophylact. The verse 2 quotation is from Exodus
23.20, the verse 3 from Isaiah 40.3}
+ t begins
[Some Greek MSS have (I) from || Mt 11.10]
(ante te is not found by itself; f has ante te et ante faciem tuam (before you
and before your face) a composite text including the ante faciem tuam (before your face) of b c d q r t, which comes from || Mt 11.10 or || Lk 7.27))
<@ <a> qui (who) from || Mt 11.10 or || Lk 7.27>
(a: parauit; c q r: praeparabit; b d f t: praeparauit)
/f: ante te (before you); from || Mt 11.10 or Lk 7.27\
1.3 [ ] Vox clamantis in deserto ('Parate) - uiam /Domini\ recta+s facite
semitas {Dei nostri'}
1.3 [] The voice of one crying out in the emptiness ('Prepare) the way /of the
Master\ make straight the paths {of our God'}
[a: et iterum (and again)]
(a: praeparate]
- + r ends and begins
/a c: Domino (for the master); Mark's text preserves the Hebrew construct;
this text gives the sense in more idiomatic Latin\
{Mk's text comes from Is 40.3; Mt 3.3 has (his); this has come into
almost all Greek MSS of Mk and Lk 3.4, hence q's eius (his)}
After verse 3 c has (and W has in Greek) omnis uallis replebitur et
mons et collis humiliabitur et omnia praua erunt recta et asper in planitiem
et uidebitur gloria Domini et uidebit omnis caro salutare Dei nostri, quoniam Deus locutus est. Vox dicentis: 'Clama' et dixi: "Quid clamabo? Omnis
caro faenum et omnis gloria eius sicut flos faeni; aruit faenum et flos decidit. Verbum autem Domini manet in aeternum (for dixi c has dixit (he

(Every valley will be filled and every mountain and hill laid low and all the
crooked made straight and the rough places smooth and the exultation of
the Master will be seen and all flesh will see the deliverance of our God,
since God has spoken. The voice of one saying "Cry out" and I say "Why
will I cry out? All flesh is straw and all his exultation but the flower of
The straw withers and the flower falls , but the utterance of the Master remains for ever") from the following passage of Isaiah (40.4-8). The part up
to Dei nostri (of our God) is quoted by Lk 3.5-6.
1.4 Fuit Iohannes in deserto baptizians et praedicans baptismum paenitentiae [in remissione] peccatorum.
1.4 John was in the emptiness, baptizing and proclaiming a baptism of repentance [avoiding penalties] for wrongdoing.
@ baptizans; my spelling is from k, when present.
[b c f q t: remissionem]
1.5 Et [ueniebat] ad illum {omnis} (<Iudaea> regio) et * Hierosolymitae /\
baptiziabantur (ab (illo) in Iordane) confitentes peccata sua.
1.5 And {all} (the region <of Judaea> and /\ Jerusalemites [kept coming] to
him and being baptized (by (him) in the Jordan) confessing their wrongdoing.
{a: tota}
(a f: 2 1)
<the translator with seems to have read Iudaea; a c f q t: Iudaeae>
/a c f: omnes (c f have it at *); b d q r t: uniuersi (all); the different words
different positions and its omission by aur f 69 11 32 108 126 some sa
shows Mark did not write it but it was translated at different times from the
[a d f: egrediebatur; b q r: egrediebantur; Mark does not use egredior elsewhere; uenio is very common]
@ <f> (baptizabuntur) baptizabantur; see on 4.
(a d: 3 4 1 2)
(b q: eo)
1.6 [Et] erat * Iohannes {} (uestitus) <> /pilos\ cameli () et ({manducabat}
locustas et mel siluestre)
1.6 [And] John {} (was clothed in) <> camel /hair\ () and ({ate} locusts and
wild honey)
[a c f: autem, at *]
{c: ipse (himself); from || Mt 3.4}

(a c f r: indutus; uestio is found in 4 other places, induo elsewhere only at

16.5, of a supernatural being; John here is only a man)
<r: uestem (clothes of); uestis is found nowhere else in Mark, whereas
uestimentum is found in 13 other places>
/a: pellem; from || Mt 3.4; r: de pilis\
(c q: et zona pellicia circa lumbos eius (and he had a hide belt around his
pelvis); from || Mt 3,4)
{c f: edens (eating); a b d q t: edebat; manduco is found in 24 other places
in Mark, edo nowhere else}
(b c f q: 2 3 4 5 1)
1.7 [et] {dicebat} {} () * <"Venit> /\ [fortior] cuius non sum dignus - soluere
corrigiam calciamentorum eius.
1.7 [And] {he said} {} () * /\ "There is [one stronger] <coming> I am not even
fit to undo his sandal straps.
[b q t: hic (this man); c f: qui (who)]
{b c f q t: praedicabat dicens (he declared, saying); praedicabat from 4}
{a d r: illis (to them)}
(b q t: quoniam (that))
* a d f r put the 1st half of verse 8, up to aqua (water) here, following
order in Mt 3.11, Lk 3.16 & Jn 1.26. Here, it spoils Mark's contrast between
ego (I) and ille (he)
<d f q2 ueniet (who will come)>
/a d r: autem\
[b c q: fortior me post me; a d r: 3 4 1 2 (one stronger than me after
from || Mt 3.11]
- q ends (begins again in verse 21)
1.8 Ego [] {baptizio uos} in aqua [] <Ille> () /\ baptiziabit * (in) spiritu sancto.
1.8 I [] {baptize you} in water [] () <He> will baptize /\ (in) the dedicated
[a d f r: quidem; from || Mt 3.11]
@ baptizo; see 4
{a d: 2 1}
[a: in paenitentiam (for repentance); from || Mt 3.11]
<a c d f: ipse; from || Mt 3.11>
(b c r t: autem)
/a c d f r: uos (you); c r at *; from || Mt 3.11 or || Lk 3.16\
(b t omit)
a r transpose verse 6 to follow verse 8, where it spoils the climax reached
in verse 8. A scribe's eye slipped from the eterat beginning verse 6 to the

etdicebat beginning verse 7, causing him to omit verse 6; it was put back in
the wrong place.
1.9 /\ {In diebus illis} uenit Iesus a Nazareth Galilaeae et baptiziatus est
Iordane ab Iohanne)
1.9 /\ {in those days} Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized (in the Jordan by John)
/@ <a f r> et factum est (and it happened); from || Lk 3.21; f: factum est autem (it happened); r: et (and)\
{a c d f: 1 3 2}
@ baptizatus; see on 4
(c: 3 4 1 2)
1.10 [Et] {} ascendens * de aqua uidit (conscissos) caelos et spiritum tamquam columbam descendentem <> /\
1.19 [And] coming {} out of the water he saw the heavens (torn) and a
breath coming down like a dove <> /\
[b f r t omit; b f t have autem at *]
{c: statim (immediately); from }
(I have conjectured conscissos, from the Greek @ apertos
(a: adaperiri, c: aperiri) (open) is from || Mt 3.16 or || Lk 3.21; Mark also
conscindo at 14.63 and 15.38)
<r: super eum; d t: in ipsum; a: in eum; b: in eo (on him); from || Mt 3.16>
/b f q r t: et manentem (and remaining) (b adds in eo, t in ipsum (on
from || Jn 1.32\
1.11 Et ~ uox {} de (caelis) * <> "Tu es filius meus /dilectus\ [in te] (bene
placuit mihi)
1.11 And there was a voice {} from (heaven) <> "You are my /beloved\ son
[In you] (I am well pleased)
{b c: facta est (b at *) (was made); from || Lk 3.22; a: uenit (at ~) (came)}
(b c: caelo)
<c: dicens (saying); from || Mt 3.17>
/c f: carissimus (dearest); if this were the original, why would anyone want
to change it to dilectus?\
[b: in quo; d: in quem; from || Mt 3.17]
(c d f t: complacui; from || Mt 3.17; a: bene sensi; from || Lk 3.22)
1.12 Et [] + spiritus {} - <expulit> /illum\ + in (desertum)
1.12 And [] the {} breath <drove> /him\ into the emptiness.

[a c f: protinus; b d t: statim; translated at different times from ]

+ - + r begins, ends, begins
{d: sanctus (dedicated); from 8 or || Lk 4.1}
<a: duxit (led); from || Mt 4.1; d: eiecit; probably a translation of
found in D (and the rest of the Greek); f: tulit (brought); Mark never uses
fero; the word is a strange choice, being weaker than expulit; probably a
corruption of extulit, found in w>
/c d f: eum\
(a b d f: deserto)
1,13 [Et erat in deserto] {diebus quadraginta} () et temptabatur a Satana <Et
erat> cum bestiis at angeli ministrabant /ei\
1.13 [And he was in the emptiness] {for forty days} () and was being tried
out by Satan <And he was> with wild animals and angels were serving
[a omits; homoeoteleuton; from 12 to 13 deserto]
{b d r t: 2 1; a: per xl dies}
(c: et noctibus quadraginta; r: 1 3 2 (and forty nights); from || Mt 4.2}
<b t: eratque; nowhere do all MSS agree in que (and); I suggest that Mark
never uses it; r: et eratque, mixing the two readings>
/t: illi\
1.14 [Et] {} postquam traditus est Iohannes uenit Iesus /\ Galilaeam praedicans euangelium () Dei,
1.14 [And] {} after John had been handed over Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the Evangel () of God,
[b d r t: sed (but)]
{c: factum est (it happened); from 9}
/@ in; see 2.1 ()\
(a d r: regni (the rule of); from 15)
1.15 [dicens] {quia} <"Impleta> + sunt tempora et /appropiauit\ regnum Dei;
* (paenitemini) et credite (euangelio") []
1.15 [saying] {that} "The times are <fulfilled> and the rule of God /is near\
(Repent) and trust (the evangel") []
[an ancestor of c omitted all up to Dei by homoeoteleuton; the text was restored but dicens put incorrectly at *]
{@ <a> quoniam; k has quia introducing noun clauses 22X, quoniam 4X
(with the variant quia in all), quod never; while one must allow for
sometimes varying his practice, his text will be given more often than not

by writing quia everywhere}

r ends after the n of quoniam, begins at +
<c f: adimpleta; Mark uses adimpleo nowhere else; he uses impleo in
other places>
/a c: appropinquauit\
(a b r: paenitentiam agite; from || Mt 4.17)
(a d t: in euangelio; c f: in euangelium; in the only other place where credo
an object (11.31) it is in the dative, as standard in Latin; k surviving there,
and not here, I have printed the dative)
[c: Dei (of God); from 14]
1.16 Et [praeteriens] secus mare Galilaeae uidit Simonem et Andream fratrem {eius} * (mittentes) /\ in mare; erant <enim> piscatores.
1.16 And [passing] the sea of Galilee he saw Simon and {his} brother Andrew (casting) /\ into the sea. <> They were fishermen.
[a: transiens]
{a r: Simonis (Simon's)}
(c f: iactantes; Mark does not use iacto elsewhere)
/a d: retias; c r: retia (c at *) (nets); b f t: retiam (a net) from || Mt 4.18; absent
from B L-33 27-71-692, 074 0133\
<d: autem>
1.17 [Et] {dicit} * (illis) Iesus <"Venite retro me> et faciam uos /\
1.17 [And] Jesus {says} (to them) <"Come after me> and I will make you /\
fishers of men".
[c: ergo (so), at *]
{@ <b c> dixit (said); I print historic presents as preferred by e k; b: ait
(a r t: eis)
<@ <a t> uenite post me; from || Mt 4.19; a: sequimini me>
/a: ut sitis (be); from || Mat 4.19 k; c d f t: fieri (become); from || Mt 4.19 non
1.18 [Et] {} (retibus) relictis * secuti sunt <eum>
1.18 [And] {} leaving (their nets) they followed <him>
[c: illi uero (they); from || Mt 4.20]
{a d: statim; b: confestim; f r t: protinus (immediately); translated at different times from }

(@ <t>: omnibus (everything); retibus omitted before relictis <p>; t: retibus

at *; restored from , but in the wrong place)
<b: illum>
1.19 Et * [progressus] {} (pusillum) uidit Iacobum Zebedaei et Iohannem fratrem <eius> /et ipsos\ in (nauicula) [aptantes] retia.
1.19 And [going on] (a little way) {} he saw James the son of Zebedee and
<his> brother John /and them\ in their (boat) [repairing] their nets.
[c: egressus (going out); but he is outside already]
{c: inde (from there); from || Mt 4.21}
(a: paulum (at *))
<a: illius>
/not in c; copying a MS which had omitted the italicized letters in
(his and them) subsequently dropped)\
(d r t: naui; c: naue)
[@ <a f> componentes from || Mt 4.21 k; a: reficientes; from || Mt 4.21 non k]
1.20 Et [] {uocauit} (illos) <et> /\ relicto patre () Zebedaeo {} cum mercennariis * [uenerunt retro] + eum.
1.20 And [] he called (them) <and> /\ leaving (their) father Zebedee {} with
the men he paid [they went after] him.
[a: protinus; d: continuo; r: confestim (immediately); translated at different
times from of some of the Greek]
{t: conuocauit}
(a b: eos)
<b: at illi (but they); a failed attempt to translate a MS in which (and)
had been replaced by (they) from || Mt 4.22; "but" is sometimes a
suitable translation of , but not here; c f: qui (who)>
/c f: statim (immediately); added from of some of the Greek; Mark
never uses this word\
(@ <r> suo)
{a c: in nauicula; f: in nauiculam; d r t: in naui (in the boat); from 19; its
absence from b and its different order (after *) in W ss (sc missing) makes it a
probable addition}
[restored from || to 17 uenite retro me;@ secuti
sunt (they followed); from || Mt 4.22]
+ e begins
1.21 Et (in synagoga) docebat.
1.21 And he was teaching (in a synagogue)

Mark's text has suffered two interpolations from Lk 4.31 (et descendit in
Capharnaum ciuitatem Galilaeae et ibi docebat illos sabbatis; and he went
down to Capharnaum, a community of Galilee, and there taught them on
the sabbath), the Capharnaum one and the sabbath one. ss (sc missing)
has: "He was teaching on the sabbath in a synagogue", so lacking the
Capharnaum one. The sabbath one is lacking in g2 and G The MSS read
as follows:
a: et ingressi sunt in Capharnaum et statim sabbatis intrauit in synagoga et docebat eos
b: et introierunt Cafarnaum sabbato et confestim ingressus in synagogam docebat illos
c: et ingrediens cum eis statim ingressus sabbatis in synagogam Capharnaum docebat
d: et ingrediuntur Cafarnaum et statim sabbatis ingressus in synagoga docebat eos
e: et ingredientes Capharnaum continuo intrauit sabbatis in synagoga et docebat eos
f: et ingrediuntur Capharnaum et statim ingressus sabbatis in synagogam docebat eos
q: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in synagogam docebat illos
r: et ingrediuntur ......naum et sabbato statim ingressus in synagogam docebat eos
t: et ingrediuntur Cafarnaum et sabbato statim ingressus in synagoga docebat

One interpolator produced: "They go to Capharnaum and he immediately

entered a synagogue and was teaching". He obtusely took descendit as a
present tense, although the imperfect docebat requires taking it as a perfect; 5 revisers (1 each in a, b and e, and 2 in c (ingrediens and ingressus)
changed it to the required perfect or a participle suiting the imperfect. Another interpolator worked on the Greek translation, producing the text ss
translated from Greek; his "on the sabbath" is in different places in different Latin MSS; it seems that it was put in the margin of a Latin MS with no
indication of where to put it in the text. Note that all MSS except t end with
an object, eos or illos (them) or (c) populum (the people); with Mark's text
"them" can only refer to his followers, whereas from what follows it is clear
that everyone in the synagogue is meant. Eos/illos must then be an addition made when it could refer to the interpolator's people of Capharnaum.
c's populum (the people) makes good sense, but it would not have been
changed to eos/illos (them).
1.22 [Et] {admirabantur} () <super> - /doctrinam\ eius; erat enim docens ()
{quasi} pot-estatem habens /\ non {quasi} scribae <>[]
1.22 [And] {they () kept admiring} <> his /teaching\ He was teaching () {like}
one with power /\ not {like} <the> writers []
[r omits]
{a b c f q r: stupebant (they were astonished); these MSS have this word in
|| Lk 4.32; it seems certain that it comes from there; d t: obstupescebant; to
be even more impressive than stupebant. The Greek translation of Mark
here has which, whenever it is found elsewhere (6.2, 7.37, 10.
26 & 11.18) translates admiror; nor is admiror ever translated by anything
(c: omnes (all); also in r 1093 and sa in || Lk 4.32)
<a: in>

- a is missing until verse 34

/b: doctrina\
(c d e f r t: eos (them))
{sicut in the first place is found in b q (c f have ut); in the second it is
in b c f q r t; the Greek here is used in 5 other places to translate quasi;
sicut is translated in 5 other places by which never translates quasi; this favours quasi here}
- r ends until verse 23
/q t have et (and)\
<c: eorum (their)>
[e: et Farisaei (and the Pharisees); from || Mt 7.29]
1.23 [Et erat] in syn+agoga {} homo - /in spiritu immundo\ et <cl+amauit>
1.23 [And there was] in {the} synagogue a man /who was possessed by an
unclean breath\ and <he cried out>
[b c f: erat autem (there was)]
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
{q: eorum (their)}
- t ends; begins again at 2.22
/c e: habens (e: qui habebat) spiritum immundum; from || Lk 4.33\
<b: clamabat (he kept crying out); the Greek translator's aorist supports
the perfect; r: ..amauit; c d e f: exclamauit>
1.24 dicens - "Quid nobis et tibi, Iesu Naz+arene? Venisti {} perd-ere nos?
Scio () qui <sis> sanctus + Dei".
1.24 saying: "What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you
come {} to destroy us? I know () who <you are> the dedicated one of God".
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
{c: huc (here)}
(e (above the line) b f q: te (you); from || Lk 4.34)
<q: es>
1.25 Et [imperauit illi] () /\ "Ommu+tesce et exi <de> homine" {}
1.25 And [(he) ordered him] /\ "Be quiet and go out <of> this man" {}
(c e f q r: Iesus (Jesus); absent from D W 142* as well as b d g)
[(he threatened him) of our present Greek text (which
has given rise to c d f r: comminatus est ei (he threatened him) and e: corripuit eum (he seized upon him) comes from || Lk 4.35]
/b e: et dixit (and said); c: dixitque ei (and said to him); d f q: dicens (saying)
r: d...; absent from * A*; on que see on 1.13\
+ r begins

<c: ab>
{@ spiritus (b d: spirite) immunde (unclean breath); absent from almost all
the Greek}
1.26 * Et () /discerpens\ <eum> {spiritus} [et {clamans} uoce magna] ~
(exiuit) ab [illo]
1.26 And () /tearing\ <him> /apart\ [and {crying out} in a loud voice]
breath} (left) [him]
(f: exiit (it left); e: exiit spiritus (the breath left); d: exiit spiritus
(the unclean breath left); the marginal comment exiit (it left) has been incorporated in the text; Mark has exiuit at ())
/b q: concussit (it shook); from || Lk 4.35\
<q: illum>
[c has at *; a scribe's eye slipped from the 1st et to the 2nd, causing him to
omit the intervening words; they were put back in the wrong place]
{c e: exclamauit (he cried out) with et (and) at ~; the et before this suggests
this is a change of f's exclamans, forgetting to delete the et}
{b c d f q: spiritus immundus (the unclean breath); d e have it at ()}
(d e f r: discessit; to avoid repeating exiit; an ancestor of r had exiit, but it
has been deleted in the process of conforming the text to the Vulgate)
[@ d: eo]
1.27 [Et]{}(omnes) ` <admirabantur> * et /exquirebant\ (){quaenam}(esset)
<doctrina haec> /impotabilis\~ {quoniam}[et] spiritibus immundis imperat et obaudiunt /illi\
1.27 [And] {} (all) <kept on admiring> and /enquiring about\ () {what} <this>
/undrinkable\ <teaching> (was) {because} he gives orders [even] to
unclean breaths and they obey /him\
[b q: autem, at `]
(@ have it at *)
{e: extimuerunt (were afraid); from || Lk 4.36; with et at `}
<c f: mirati sunt (admired); b d q r: mirabantur>
/@ conquirebant\
(c d r: inter se dicentes (saying to each other); from || Lk 4.36)
{b q: quae}
(d: est)
<c f: 2 1; b d q: doctrina ista>
/e: inpotentabilis (able to powerless); an impossible word; I suggest it is a
corruption of impotabilis (undrinkable); doctrina haec impotabilis (this undrinkable teaching) is taken up at 14.36 where Jesus prays transeat calix
iste (may this cup pass by). Clearly, the cup stands for its contents. Jesus

asks to be spared from drinking the cup of suffering. Here the people are
saying that Jesus is incredibly powerful (he ordered unclean breaths and
they obeyed him). He might be able to drink from the cup of his doctrine,
but to do so would be very dangerous for us lesser mortals.
Various readings for doctrina haec impotabilis (this undrinkable teaching):
this teaching:
b c: cum (c: in) potestate; f r: potestatis (with power)
d: noua, haec potestas (new, this power); q: noua cum potestate; most of
the Greek: ' (new, with power)
I suggest that, before it was corrupted, impotabilis (undrinkable) was glossed with noua (new); the drink was taken as wine and it was taken that
wine was undrinkable because new - i.e not yet fermented. New (i.e unfermented) wine is also mentioned in 2.22: "no one puts new wine in old
skins; new wine bursts the old skins" (by fermenting) and this gloss has
come into the 2nd line of MSS above\
{@ <c e f> quia}
[b e f q r have at ~, giving the senseless "they were asking about that he
orders, "that he orders" in the present indicative ungrammatically coordinated to a clause with the imperfect subjunctive; c omits, but it gives good
sense in d's position]
/d q r: ei; b: eum\
1.28 Et {exiuit} (rumor hic) /\ [] <circa regiones> Galilaeae.
1.28 And (talk of this) {went out} /\ [] <around the regions> of Galilee,
(e: fama haec; from || Lk 4.37; c d f r: rumor iste)
{c d r: processit; from || Lk 4.37 Mark has procedo at 7,15 &
23, both translated with }
/d: statim (immediately); Mark never uses this word; absent from *-33 28-565-700 579 W 213230 349-517 1241 1424 + ss (sc missing) most
bo, geo1 eth arm as well as @ <d>\
[b e q: ubique (everywhere); from || Lk 4.37]
<c d e f r: in omnem (e adds circumadiacentem) regionem (in all the (surrounding) region); from || Lk 4.37>
1.29 [Et] {procedens} * () de synagoga <> uenit in domum Simonis et Andreae /cum Iacobo et Iohanne\
1.29 [And] {going out} () of the synagogue <he> went into Simon and Andrew's house /with James and John\
[only in f; supported by the Greek translator's other MSS have autem
at *]
{b c f q: egressus; Mark uses egredior nowhere else; he has procedo in

other places}
(b q: continuo (immediately); absent from D W ss (sc missing) sp geo2 eth
as well as c d f r; c: inde (from there))
<c f: Iesus (Jesus))
/c: et Iacobi et Iohannis (and James' and John's); carelessly continuing the
preceding genitives\
1.30 [Accumbebat] autem socrus Simonis febricitans et {} (dicunt) <illi> de
1.30 Simon's mother-in-law [was lying down] with a fever and (they) {} (told)
<him> about /her\
[b q: iacebat; from || Mt 8.14; d f r: decumbebat]
{d e: continuo (immediately); the equivalent is absent from W, ss sp (sc
missing) geo2 eth}
(c f r: rettulerunt (reported to); Mark uses refero nowhere else)
<b d q r: ei>
/@ <e r> illa\
1.31 [Et] {uenit et} <leuauit eam> /tenens manum\ ( ) et * [reliquit] <illam> /\
febris et () ministrabat (ei)
1.31[And] {he came and} <lifted her up> /holding (her) hand\ and * the fever
[left] <her>/\ and () she began to serve (him)
[b q: ille autem; c: ille uero; on uero see on 8.28]
{c: ueniens (coming); d f r: accessit (he approached) f adds et (and); e: accedens (appoaching)}
<e: laebauit; b c q: adprehendit eam (c: manum eius) et leuauit (took hold of
her (hand) and lifted her up); d r: adpraehensam eleuauit (lifted her, taken
hold of, up); f: adprehensa manum eius eleuauit (her hand taken hold of,
lifted her up) (manum seems to be a relic of c's text, unchanged with
change of construction); "taking hold of her (hand)" is an interpolation
found in D W but absent from the rest of the Greek translation, designed to
introduce a stage earlier than the lifting up>
/Mark's tenens, found in e, is correctly translated with it was
corrupted to tendens, hence b d q: extendens manum, r: extensa manu
(stretching out his hand); c f omit, as already present in the interpolation in
(e: eius (her))
(q: dimisit; from || Mt 8.15; e: demisit; b d: remisit; from || Mt 8.15 non e)
<c f r: eam>
/b q: statim; from || Lk 4.39; transposed to *: c f r: continuo; d: statim (immediately)\
(e: surgens (getting up); from || Lk 4.39; c: surrexit et (she got up and);
from || Mt 8.15)

(c f r: eis; b q: illis (them); from || Lk 4.39)

1.32 [] {cum occidisset sol} * <afferebant> ad eum [] omnes male habentes
() /\ ()
1.32 {When the sun had set} * <they began to bring> him [those] who were
sick () /\ ()
[c d f r: uespere autem facto (d: facta, r: cum factum esset) (f r: et
(evening having been made (and)); from || Mt 8.1]
<b q: ferebant; Mark never uses fero>
[@ <f> omnes (all); from || Mt 4.24]
(e: uariis infirmitatibus; @ <e> uariis languoribus (b: 2 1); absent from all
the Greek <D>; from 34 or || Lk 4.40)
/b c q: et (q et et) eos daemonia qui (c q: 2 1) habebant; d: et daemonia
habentes; f: demoniis adprehensum (should be -os) (and those possessed by
spirits); from 34; absent from W ss (sc missing) as well as r\
(b e: et eiciebat illa (b: daemonia) ab illis (b: eis) (and he was casting them
(spirits) out of them); r: et curabat e.. (and he was curing them); from 34)
1.33 - Et {erat} (tota) + ciuitas {collecta} - ad /ianuam\ []
1.33 And (the whole) community {was gathered} at [the] /door\
- + - r ends, begins, ends
(@ <d e> omnis)
{c f r: conueniebat; q: erat ... conueniens (was gathering); Mark does not
use conuenio; see 1.45; b d: erat ... congregata}
[c d f q: eius (his)]
/b: fores\
1.34 Et cura{bat multos male habentes (uariis) <infirmitati+bus> * /et qui
dae+mon-ia habebant, eicie}bat illa ab eis\ (et non) +<sinebat> /illa\ loqu-i
quoniam {sciebant} eum.
1.34 And he was cur{ing many sick <with> (different)<diseases> /and those
who had spirits - he was driv}ing them out of them\ (And) <he was (not)
letting> /them\ talk, because {they knew} him.
{d (and D in Greek) omit (skipping from bat to bat); this makes it very likely
that Mark wrote curabat, not d e q's curauit or b's sanauit (he cured), as this
requires the perfect eiecit, with much less likely skipping from it to it. A corrector of d's text changed the nonsensical curabat illa ab eis (he was curing these things from them) to curauit illos (he cured them), but this is still
nonsense; the whole community were not sick or possessed by spirits.
The text from et beginning the verse to eiciebat has come back into d (and

D in Greek) at the end of the verse (from another source) in the form et curauit multos male habentes uariis languoribus et daemonia multa eiciebat
(and he cured many sick with different diseases and was driving out many
(b has at *)
<@ <e> languoribus>
+ a begins
/a q: et daemonia multa eiciebat (and was driving out many spirits); to improve the expression; multa interpolated from multos earlier; b: eiciebat
(was driving out); words have been lost; unclear what b's ancestor had\
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
(b: nec)
<a b: patiebatur; from || Lk 4.41 e; c: permittebat; permitto occurs
elsewhere only as a variant at 5.19; sino is found at 7.27 and (k present) 10.14,
11.16, 14.6, 15.36>
/@ <e> ea (q: eam)\
{b: nouerant; c: cognoscebant}
1.35 Et {ante lucem} (surgens) a+biit in /desertum\ <et illic> [adorabat]
1.35 And (rising) {before it was light} he went into /the emptiness\
[kept on pleading] <there>
{@ <a e> diluculo (r: dilucu..); a: prima luce (at first light); from || Lk
accurately translates Mark's ante lucem}
r ends at dilucu.. and begins at +
(a: exiit et (he went out and); c: exiens inde (going out from there); from ||
Lk 4.42); d f q: exsurgens)
/@ <a> desertum locum (an empty place); from || Lk 4.42; a: deserto\
<e: et ibique (and and there); @ <a e>: ibique; on que see on 1.13; e has illic
at 5.11, 6.5, k at 13.21, 14.15, 16.7, ibi nowhere else; here an ancestor of e's
had et illic; when this was changed to the ibique (on que see on 1.13) of
other MSS et was left as a relic of Mark's text>
[@ orabat but k always has a form of adoro]
1.36 Et {secuti sunt} (eum) <> Simon et - qui cum /eo\ + erant.
1.36 And <> Simon and those who were with /him\ {followed} (him)
<d: tunc (then)>
- + r ends, begins
/a: illo\
{b: subsecuti sunt (followed...closely); @ <b c> consecuti sunt}
(c f: illum)

1.37 Et [] /dicunt\ {illi} () <"Quaerunt te omnes">

1.37 And [] /they say\ {to him} () <"Everyone is looking for you">
[e: inuenerunt eum et (they found him and); @ <b c e> cum inuenissent
eum (f: illum) (when they had found him); absent from W as well as b c]
/a d f r: dixerunt (they said); b c: dicentes (saying); dependent on the verb
in the interpolation\
{c d f q r: ei}
(a d f q r: quia; b: quoniam (that); absent from W (does not have ) as well
as c e)
<a: 3 2 1; d f q r: 3 1 2 (r lacks the final te); c: querebant te omnes
was looking for you) implies they are not doing so any more>
1.38 {Et dicit i+llis} "Eamus (ad) <proxima castella> et ciuitates /praedicare\
Ad hoc enim ueni".
1.38 {And he says to them} "We must go (to) <the nearby walled settlements> and communities /to proclaim\ It is for this that I have come".
{c: quibus ipse ait (to whom he affirms); from || Lk 4.43; a: et dixit eis (and
he said to them); b d f q: et ait illis (and he affirms to them)}
+ r begins
(@ <e> in)
<c d f q r: proximos uicos (the nearby neighbourhoods); Mark has uicus
nowhere else; he has castellum in 7 other places; b: castella confinia; Mark
has confinis nowhere else; he has proximo at 13.28 and proximus at 12.31
& 13.29>
/a d: ut et ibi praedicem (so that I may also proclaim there); f q r: ad praedicandum; b c: ad praedicare; adding ad but failing to change praedicare,
showing that an ancestor had Mark's text; on ibi see 1.35\
1.39 Et erat praedicans in [] synagogis {} (Galilaeae) /<et> daemonia (expellens)\
1.39 And he was proclaiming in [] {the} synagogues (of Galilee) /<and>
(driving out) spirits\
[e: omnibus (all)]
{a d f r: eorum (their)}
(e: in tota Galilaea; d: in totam Galilaeam; a: in omnem Galilaeam; c:
Galilaeae (in all Galilee); r: et in omni Galilaea (and in all Galilee); f: et
omnibus finibus Galilaeae (and in all the territory of Galilee); from || Mt 4.23)
/Absent from W; a scribe's eye slipped from (and) to the beginning the next verse\
<b q: itemque (and likewise); on que see on 13>

/@ <b e q> eiciens\

1.40 Et uenit ad [eum] leprosus {obsecrans} eum et () dicens /\ <> "Si (uolueris) potes {me mundare"}
1.40 And a man with skin disease came to [him] {begging} him and () saying /\ <> "If (you wish) you can {make me clean"}
[b: illum]
{@ <e> deprecans; obsecro is found at 5.10, 12, 17, 23 e, 8.22 and 32 k;
neither ever has deprecor}
(e: genibus uolutans; q: adgeniculans se (kneeling); from || 10.17, suggested by || Lk 5.12 "prostrating himself on his face")
/e: illi (to him)\
(@ <d e> uis (r1 omits after si); the translator, with seems to
have read uolueris)
/b: 2 1\
1.41 * [Et] /\ {extendens} manum () <> ~ {dixit} [] "Volo (Mundare")
1.41 [And] {stretching out} (his) hand <> {he said} [] "I will (Be clean")
[c: Iesus autem; q: autem Iesus (Jesus)]
/e: misericordia actus (moved by concern); c: misertus est eius et (he was
concerned about him and); q: misertus (at *) (concerned), from
condemned by its absence from b g. Huck-Greeven say it is omitted
because not in Mt and/or Lk; this is very hard to believe, nor is there any
obvious reason for its accidental omission; its addition - giving an obvious
reason for Jesus' action - is very easy to believe; a d f r: iratus (angry), from
D's (found also in the Syriac original and the Armenian translation of Ephrem's commentary on Tatian's Diatessaron) a gloss (as
is especially used of the seat of anger) which makes no sense in this
{d: extendit (he stretched out)}
(@ <b> suam (his); absent from the Greek <D> as well as b)
<@ <b c> et tangens (d e: tetigit) eum (a: illum) (d e add et) (and
(he touched) him (and); from || Mt 8.3 or || Lk 5.13>
{a d q r: ait (he affirms)}
[a b: ei; b at ~, an order not used by Mark; d e q r: illi (to him)]
(a: emundare)
1.42 Et {} () /<abiit> [ab eo lepra]\ ()
1.42 And {} () /[the skin disease] <left> [him]\ ()
{q: cum diceret (when he was speaking)}
(a d: statim; e: continuo; f r: confestim (immediately); q: mox (presently);

translated at different times from

/absent from ss (sc missing); it seems that the whole verse was omitted
from the similarity of its ending to the ending of
the previous verse and only the end put back into the MS ss was translated
[f: 3 1 2]
<@ <e> discessit (d: decessit); from || Lk 5.13]
(@ <b e> et mundatus est (and he was made clean); from || Mt 8.4)
1.43 [] /\
1.43 [] /\
Condemned by its absence from aur b c W as well as its lack of sense; [] is
also absent from e and /\ from 255 and ss (sc missing).
[@ <b c e> et comminatus est (d omits) ei (a omits) (q adds Iesus) (and
(Jesus) threatened (threatening) (him)); the interpolator assumes that the
skin disease is caused by a spirit inside the man that needs to be expelled;
but there has been no mention of such a spirit; hence it is natural to take
the "him" Jesus threatens as the man with the skin disease, with absurd
/e: et eiecit eum (and he cast him out) referring to the spirit of []; e has only
some of the interpolation because only some of it has come into e's text
from the margin; a d f q r: et (not in f) statim dimisit eum (d q: illum)
immediately he sent him away); eiecit changed to dimisit so as to refer to
the man\
1.44 [Et] {dicit} (illi) "Vide <ne cui dicas> sed /\ (ostende) [te] {sacerdoti} et
<offer> pro /emundatione\ []{quae} praecepit <Moses> in testimonium
1.44 [And] {he says} (to him) "See <that you tell no one> but /\ (show)[yourself] {to the priest} and <offer> for your /cleansing\ [] {what} <Moses>
has ordained as evidence for them".
[c omits]
{a r: dixit (he said); b c e: ait (he affirms)}
(@ <b c e> ei)
<@ <e> nemini dixeris; from || Lk 5.14 or || Mt 8.4>
/@ <b> uade (e adds et) (set out (and)); from || Mt 8.4\
(b: demonstra; from || Mt 8.4 k)
[d: teipsum]
{f: sacerdotibus (to the priests); from f's text of || Lk 5.14}
<offer of aur f l Vulgate is the obvious form after ostende and the translator,
with seems to have read it; c q: offeres (you will offer) could

also be right; e: offert; a b d f r: offers>

/a b: purgatione\
[c: munus (the gift); from || Mt 8.4 or || Lk 5.14]
{a c: quod; the translator, with seems to have read quae}
<@ Moyses. but k, where present, has Moses>
1.45 [At ille] {exiens} coepit praedicare et diffamare (sermonem) ita ut
<non> {p-osset} (manifeste) + <in ciuitatem introire> - sed foris /in desertis
locis\ [] (ueniebant) ad <eum> []
1.45 [But he] {going out} began to proclaim and spread (his speech) so
that he {could} <not> <go> (openly) <into a community> but [] outside /in
empty places\ [] (they used to come) to <him> []
[b q: ipse autem; e: ille autem; f: ille uero; on uero see on 8.28]
{@ <e> egressus; e k never have a form of egredior}
(e: uerbum; e k almost always have sermo)
- + r ends and begins
{d q: possit}
<@ <c d> iam non (b omits non by mistake) (no longer)>
(a b: palam)
<d f: 3 1 2>
- r ends; begins at 2.1
[a: erat et (he was...and); c d f q r: esse et (be...and); from || Lk 5.16]
/a b: in deserta loca\
(@ <b> conueniebant (they used to come together); Mark does not use
conuenio; the translator, with read ueniebant)
<b: illum>
[@ <b e> undique (from everywhere)]

Chapter 2
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
a b c d e f q contain the whole chapter.
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
i starts at verse 17.
t starts at verse 22 and ends at verse 28, starting again at 3.11.
k n are missing for the whole chapter.
2.1 Et * [uenit] { } ( ) Capharnaum < > (et) + <auditu-m est> /quoniam\ [in
domo] {est} +
2.1 And [he came] {} (to) Capharnaum <> (and) <they heard> /that\ [he
was] {home}

[d f: intrauit; Mark never uses this word; a: cum introisset; c: cum uenisset
(when he had come)]
{@ <aur c> iterum (again); r only has rum before +; b d q at *; absent from
& many ls as well as aur c]
(in before a place name:1.14 @ (e k absent);here:only a d e;(k absent); 8.22
a k q; 9.33: only a d; 10.46: only a; 11.15: only c d q (k present in all places);
Latin does not normally have a preposition before place names; the evidence suggests Mark never uses one)
<@ post dies (after some days) from || Lk 5.17 "on one of the days"; absent
from W 245 ls47-50 53 54>
(a c f omit, a c as required by their cum clause)
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
<a: cognitum est (they knew)>
/@ <e> quod\
[@ <e> esset]
{e: domi}
2.2 Et {} (collecti sunt multi) <ita> ut [n+on caperet] et /loquebatur\ /illis\
2.2 And {} (many were gathered) /\ <so> that [it could not hold them] and /he
was addressing\ /them\
{a: protinus; c d f q: confestim; r: confestum; e: continuo (immediately); absent from aur b g l and (the length of the lacuna suggests) p88, B L W 70033 579 892 1342 (missing) sj sp (sc ss missing) co geo; translated at
different times from the form of C +, a form the translator does not
(@ <e> conuenerunt multi (f: 2 1); r: conuene... (lacuna until +) c: conuenerunt ad eum multi (many were gathered around him); Mark does not use
<not in d; a: in tantum; neither is idiomatic Latin>
+ r begins
[e: non caperet domus (the house could not hold them); a f q r: iam non
caperet (q: caperent) (a: posset capere) usque ad ianuam; b: iam nec ad
ianuam caperet (it could not (even) hold them at the door); c: non caperet
eos introitus ianuae (the entrance to the door could not hold them); the absence from e of a reference to the door and its various forms in the other
MSS show it is an interpolation originating in the Greek (
not even the parts near the door) and taken at different times
into the Latin]
/@ uerbum; e k almost always have sermo\
/d: ad illos; b c f q r: ad eos\

2.3 Et [ueniunt] ~ ad {illum} (afferentes) * paralyticum <in grabatto>

2.3 [And they come] to {him} (carrying) a paralysed man <on a pallet>
[c d e f q: uenerunt (they came); c has autem (instead of et) at ~; r:
conuenerunt; wrong sense, nor does Mark ever use conuenio]
{@ <b e> eum}
(c e r: portantes (from || Lk 5.18 non e); b: ferentes (from || Lk 5.18 e);
never uses fero; affero is much commoner than porto)
<c: in lecto (on a bed) (at *); from || Mt 9.2 or || Lk 5.18; e r have in
at *; a d f q r: qui portabatur (a: tollebatur) a quattuor (d q: 1 3 4 2) (who was
being carried by four) (r in addition to in grabatto). A line ended INGRABAT. A
scribe had just written afferentes (carrying) and this caused him to see in
these letters IVGEREBANT (4 were carrying). Mark does not use gero, but
that is no reason why someone could not have seen such a common word
in these letters. This was in the translator's text and he translated it with
(carried by 4) and it has come into some Latin
MSS. It is also condemned by its absence from b c e g2, 2 Vulgate MSS W
1342 plus, sh sj and some bo MSS and the sentence resulting: "They carried a pallet carried by four men", "they" and the "four men" being one and
the same people>
2.4 Et cum [non possent accedere] {prae turba} () <detexerunt> /tectum\
ubi erat [] et {summiserunt} grabattum (in quo) <erat paralyticus iacens>
2.4 And since [they could not approach] {because of the crowd} () <they
unroofed> /the roof\ where [he] was and {lowered} the pallet (on which)
<the paralyzed man was lying>
[b: 3 1 2; q: non possint accedere; f: non posset accedere]
{e: prae turbam; a: propter turbam (from || Lk 5.19 e; b: prae multitudine}
(a: ascendentes (climbing); from || Lk 5.19)
<a c e f: denudauerunt; d q r: nudauerunt (uncovered); the translator, with
seems to have read b's detexerunt tectum>
/c: tecta\
[@ <aur b> Iesus (Jesus); absent from "B C L and all other non Latin MSS
<D 238 349 473 517 700 sp eth arm>]
{a d q r: dimiserunt}
(a: ubi (where))
<@ <d> paralyticus iacebat (f: 2 1) (a: decumbebat); D:
2.5 [Et cum uidisset] /\ fidem illorum {dixit} paralytico: "Fili, (remittuntur)

peccata" <>
2.5 [And when] /he\ [had seen] their trust {he said} to the paralysed man:
"My son, <your> wrongdoing (is not being penalized)".
[@ <e> cum uidisset (f: uidens () autem (when he had seen)]
/@ Iesus (Jesus); from || Mt 9.2; absent from 892, 1 Vulgate MS\
{@ ait (he affirms)}
<a c d q: tua; from || Lk 5.20>
(b q: remissa sunt (has not been penalized); from || Lk 5.20; d r: dimittuntur;
the translator, with seems to have read the present)
2.6 Erant autem * quidam {scribarum} () sedentes et cogitantes in cordibus
suis <>
2.6 Now there were certain {writers} sitting () and thinking in their hearts <>
{@ <e> de (a: ex) scribis}
(c d e f r: illic; a b: ibi (there) (on ibi see on 1.35); b c f r have it at *;
from q, 1 Vulgate MS l184; the different positions (both with both illic
ibi) and its absence from q show it was translated at different times
the Greek)
<a b d r: dicentes (saying); c e f: et dicentes (and saying); from || Mt 9.3 or ||
Lk 5.21; absent from q B C L & all the Greek <D W 565 575 l251>>
2.7 ["Quid iste blasphemat?] Quis {} potest (dimittere) peccata nisi <solus>
2.7 ["Why does this man blaspheme?] {} Who can (stop) wrongdoing (being penalized) except God <alone>?"
[a d f r: quid hic sic loquitur? blasphemat (why does this man talk like this?
He blasphemes); c e: quis est hic qui (c adds sic) loquitur blasphemias (e:
blasfemia) (who is this man who utters blasphemies?); from || Lk 5.21; b:
quid hic blasphemat? (why does this man blaspheme?)]
{c: autem; unidiomatic}
(a q: remittere; d: demittere}
<a: unus>
2.8 [Et agnoscens] Iesus <in spiritu> {quid} cogitarent () <dicit> /\ "Quid []
cogitatis * in cordibus uestris? {}
2.8 [And Jesus, recognizing] <in his breath> {what} they were thinking ()
<says> /\ "What are you thinking [] {} in your hearts?"
[e: et continuo agnoscens (and he immediately recognizing); continuo is

condemned by its absence from @ <e> g2 2 Vulgate MSS 28-565 139 D W

64 sp (sc absent)>; a: et cum cognouisset (and when he had recognized); b
c d f q r: quo cognito (which thing having been recognized); cognouisset/cognito from || Lk 5.22]
<e: spiritu>
{a r: quod (that); this requires the indicative; even with it, it gives the wrong
sense; it is clear from verse 9 that Jesus knew what they were thinking, not
merely that they were thinking; shows that quod was in the translator's
MS; an interpolator improved the sense by adding (in this way),
condemned by its absence from g B W sp (sc ss missing) @ <d, which
has the equivalent sic>}
(@ <c e> intra se (within themselves) from the end of the verse; also absent
from W)
<@ <e> dixit (said)>
/@ <f> illis (c: ad illos) (to them); from || Lk 5.22; absent from B l872 102
as well as f\
[d q r: ista; a: haec (this) (change "what" to "why"); q has it at *]
{e: mala; c: nequam (evil) (change "what" to "why"); from || Mt 9.4 (k: nequam; non k: mala)}
2.9 Quid est facilius, dicere [] {('Remittuntur) <> peccata /tua'\} aut
/'Surge {et ambula'?}\
2.9 What is easier, to say [] {/'Your\ wrongdoing (is not being penalized') or
to say /'Get up <and> {walk'?}
[@ <a e> paralytico (to the paralysed man); also absent from w W 33 047 sjc
(sc ss missing) 2 of 4 sa]
{a d f r invert {} and /\. Mt, Lk and the rest of Mk <D sa> have them in
order in which I have printed them. This is the superior order, "get up and
walk" coming later, as the climax. In an ancestor of a d f r a scribe's
slipped from one dicere to the next, causing him to omit the
words. They were put back in the wrong place}
(d: demittuntur; b: remissa sunt (has not been penalized); f q r: dimittuntur)
<@ <b> tibi (for you); from || Mt 9,5 non k or || Lk 5.23>
/d e r omit, as already given by tibi\
{a d f r: et tolle grabattum tuum et uade in domum tuam (a: domui tuae)
(and pick up your pallet and set out for your house); q: et tolle grabattum
tuum et ambula (and pick up your pallet and walk); material in green from
verse 11}
2.10 Vt [ ] - sciatis * [quia] + {potestatem habet filius ho-minis}

( )
<remittendi> peccata" /dicit\ paralytico:
2.10 So that you may know [that] {the son of man has the power} ( ) <to
stop> wrongdoing <being penalized"> /he says\ to the paralyzed man:
[@ <b> autem; its absence from b and its presence in two different places
show it is not original but was inserted to represent the of the Greek]
- + - r ends, begins, ends; begins in verse 11
[b e q: quoniam; see on 1.15; r omits, as it has the accusative and infinitive
{d: 2 1 3 4; r: <haber>e potestatem filium ho<minis>; Mark does not use the
accusative and infinitive construction}
(a e: super terram; c d f: in terra (on earth); from || Mt 9.6 or || Lk 5.24)
<c e f: dimittendi; from || Mt 9.6 or || Lk 5.24; d: demittere>
/@ <e> ait (he affirms)\
2.11 [] "Surge {} tolle + grabat-tum tuum et (duc te) <in domu+m tuam">
2.11 [] "Get up {} pick up your pallet and (bring yourself) <home">
[a d f q: tibi dico (I say to you); from || Lk 5.24]
{c d: et (and); from || Mt 9.6 or || Lk 5.24}
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
(@ <e r. uade (set out for); from || Mt 9.6 or || Lk 5.24; lacuna in r)
<a: domui tuae>
2.12 [Et] {}~ - {surgens} * (assumens + grabattum) /coram omnibus abiit\
ita ut <admirarentur - et> +(clarificarent)<eum> /\ [quoniam][] {nunquam
taliter uiderant}
2.12 [And] {} {getting up} (picking up his pallet) /in front of everyone, he
went away\ <astonishing them and> (making them glorify)<him> /\ [because] {they had never seen anything like this before}
[a r: et ille (r with ille at *); b q: ille autem; c f: ille uero; on uero see on 8.28]
{a: confestim; d f r: statim (immediately); f at *; introduced at
times at different places from ; absent from W 1342 as well as
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
{d f: surrexit (d adds et) (he got up (and))}
(b q: tulit grabattum (he picked up his pallet); tulit from || Lk 5.25 b e f q r
|| Jn 5.9 e q; a c d f r: sublato grabatto suo (his pallet having been lifted
from || Lk 5.25 e or || Jn 5.9 f. Mark uses assumo in 5 other places but never
either fero or suffero)

/d r: 3 1 2; b q: coram omnibus et abiit (in front of everyone and went away\

<a d f q: admirarentur (a: stuperent) omnes et) (astonishing them all and);
the green from || Lk 5.26; c: admirarentur turbae et (astonishing the crowds
and); from || Mt 9.8; b: mirantes ((so that) astonished)>
(@ <e> honorificarent (making them honour); from || Mt 9.8 non k)
<@ <e> Deum (God); e's reading makes good sense: praising him (Jesus)
since he cured the paralyzed man; they go on to say that they had never
seen anyone else do what Jesus had done, continuing the focus on Jesus.
"Praising God" of the other MSS contains the idea that the people there
assumed that God was responsible for Jesus' actions; this idea is not
suggested anywhere else in the passage. If this were what Mark actually
wrote one would expect him to continue with something like what Mt 9.8
says: praising God who gave such power to men, I suggest that someone
very familiar with the idea of praising God consciously or unconsciously
changed eum to Deum, and this was in the MS translated by the Greek
translator and has come into all copies except e and into Mt and Lk (5.26)
whose accounts are based on Mk>
/@ <b d> dicentes (saying); d: et dicerent (and they said); from || Lk
absent from B W as well as b\
[d q: quia; a omits; lacuna in r]
[e: sic; from redundant, as it has the same sense as taliter]
{c: nunquam taliter uiderunt; q r: nunquam taliter se uidisse (themselves
never to have seen anything like this before); this depends on the interpolation /dicentes\ and is an accusative and infinitive construction, which
Mark never uses; b: taliter non talia uiderant; talia, intended to replace
taliter, instead added. e f r: nunquam taliter uidimus (we have never seen
anything like this before); uidimus from || Lk 5.26}
2.13 Et [exiuit] - {} (iterum) * + <secus> mare /et omnis turba\ - {ueniebant} +
ad illum et docebat (illos)
2.13 And [{he} went out] (again) <along> the sea /and all the crowd\ {were
coming} to him and he was teaching (them)
[d q r: processit; c: progressus est (he went forward); exeo is common and
usually translated with as here. Progredior is found at 1.19 but
may be from || Mt 4.21 k (both e and k are missing); procedo is found at 7.
15 (some MSS) 21 & 23 but also may not be genuine (both e and k are missing in all verses)]
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
{a f: Iesus (Jesus), a at *}
(c q: rursus; Mark never uses rursus: iterum is common)
<@ <b> ad (towards) the translator, with seems to have read secus>
/e f: et omnis turbae; d: et omnes turba; c: et omnes turbae; q: omnisque
turba; b: omnesque turba; r: omnesque turbae; on que see on 1.13\

{b d: ueniebat; a: conuenit (came together); Mark does not use conuenio}

(@ <a e> eos)
2.14 Et [praeteriens] uidit {Iacobum Alphei} sedentem (in teloneo) et <dixit>
illi: "Sequere me" et /exsurgens\ secutus est eum.
2.14 And [passing by] he saw {James the son of Alpheus} sitting (in the
tax collector's booth) and <said> to him: "Follow me" and /getting up\ he
followed him.
[@ <a e> cum praeteriret (c: praeterisset)]
{q: Leui (Levi); James the son of Alpheus is listed as one of the 12 apostles
at 3.18. He is being called to be an apostle like Simon and Andrew (1.16),
James and John the sons of Zebedee (1.19-20) and the rest of the apostles,
unnamed, in 3.13. There is no Levi listed among the apostles, nor is a Levi
ever mentioned again as one of Jesus' followers after the call here. q's
Leui comes from || Lk 5.27}
(a q: ad teloneum (at the tax collector's booth); from || Lk 5.27; b c d f r:
<@ <e> ait (affirms)>
/b d e q r: surgens; from || Mt 9.7 or || Lk 5.28\
2.15 Et factum est [cum recumberent] in {domo} () <> multi publicani et peccatores /\ recumbebant cum Iesu et [cum] {discentibus} eius. Erant enim
multi / qui\ (secuti sunt) <illum>
2.15 And it happened [when they were reclining] in (his) {house} <> that
many tax collectors and wrongdoers were reclining / \ with Jesus and
[with] his {learners} There were many /who\ (followed) <him>
[q: discumbente illo (when he was reclining); from || Mt 9.10; a b c f: discumbentibus illis discumbo from || Lk 5.29 non d e; d r: recumbentibus illis]
{e r: domum}
(d e f q: eius; a r: illius)
<q: et (and); redundant>
(@ <c e> omit, but it is in Mark's manner)
{@ <e> discipulis (f q: discipuli); the dative and ablative plural discentibus
occurs in e at 2.15 and 16 and 3.7, in k at 9.18, 11,1, 13.1, 14,13 & 14; other
cases of discentes are not found, except for k's discentes at 9.31,
could be from || Lk 9.43 e; discipuli in all cases is much commoner in
/b d f r: qui et (who and); in the copy translated by the Greek translator qui
had been lost after multi, both words containing u and ending in i; the gap
was filled with (and) which has come into these MSS from the Greek;
alternatively, Mark wrote "they were many and they had followed him"

("who" being an improvement of "and") but he has already said they were
many; the repetition is implausibly gauche\
(f: secuti erant (had followed), possibly rightly, but the erant is probably a
repetition of the previous erant)
<@ <e> eum>
2.16 [Et] {scribae Pharisaeorum * et Pharisaei} () <d+icebant> /discentibus\
( eius) "Quare {} cum [publicanis et peccatoribus] <manducat?">/\
2.16 [And] {the writers of the Pharisees and the Pharisees} () <were saying>
/to (his) learners\ "Why <does> {he} <eat> / \ with [tax collectors and
[a c e f: autem at *; r omits]
{An omission explains the textual variants. It is very hard to believe the omission occurred in Greek (passing over of the Pharisees and)before (the Pharisees)) but one can readily believe
that it occurred in Latin (passing over Pharisaeorum et before Pharisaei);
the resultant text scribae Pharisaei dicebant (the writers the Pharisees said)
is clearly corrupt. Two texts turn this into sense - @ <b> have scribae et
Pharisaei dicebant (the writers and the Pharisees said); b has scribae Pharisaeorum dicebant (the Pharisees' writers said), but it is very hard to see
why anyone would want to change either into the text I have printed; b's
text is open to the further objection that it makes the only people objecting
to Jesus the Pharisees' writers, i.e. people employed by Pharisees to copy
sacred scrolls; what could have induced the Pharisees to send only their
copyists and not also come themselves?}
(MSS other than e W have (from later in the verse) (Greek MSS in
uiderunt (a: cum uidissent; c q: uidentes) quoniam (c d f: quia) manducat
manducabat: f has later)(a q: illum manducantem (a: edentem)) cum peccatoribus et publicanis (f: publicanis et peccatoribus manducat) (b d r add et)
(saw (when they saw, seeing) that he ate (was eating) (him eating) with
wrongdoers and tax collectors (and))
<a: dixerunt (said)>
/@ <e> discipulis (from || Mt 9.11 or || Lk 5.30 non e)\
(b: illius)
{c: magister uester (your teacher); from || Mt 9.11}
<a: edit>
/c q: et bibit (q: bibet); from || Lk 5.30\
[a: 3 2 1]
[a c e f: autem at *; r omits]
2.17 [Et hoc audit * Iesus] {et} (dicit) /\ "<Non desiderant + fortes

sed (qui male habent) Non [] <ueni uocare> iustos sed peccatores" /\
2.17 [And Jesus hears this] {and} (says) /\ <The strong do not need a doctor> but (the sick) <I have> not <come to call> the law abiding but wrongdoers" /\
[a b e q: et cum audisset Iesus (and when Jesus heard); c: Iesus autem
cum hoc audisset; f: Iesus autem hoc audito; r: hoc audito Iesus (when
Jesus heard this)]
{I have added et (and), necessary with d's text}
(I have written dicit, necessary following audit, from a c e f: dixit
(said); b d q r: ait (affirms); r has it at *)
/e: illis (to them)\
+ i begins
<i: ...sani medicum (the healthy...a doctor); d r: non desiderant sani (d: qui
sani sunt) medicum; a c f: non egent sani medico (a: medicos; f: medicus (a
corruption of medicos) (the healthy do not need a doctor); b q: non egent
fortes medicos; an ancestor of a b c f q had desiderant; when this was
changed to egent the necessary change to medicis or medico was not
made; egent comes from || Lk 5.31 non e, sani from || Lk 5.31; e: non est
opus sanis medicus; from || Mt 9.12 or || Lk 5.31 e; the translator, with
read fortes>
(c: male habentes; e: male habentibus; from || Mt 9.12 or || Lk 5.31 e)
[c f: enim]
<f: 2 1>
/a c r: in (r: ad) paenitentiam (to repentance); from || Lk 5.32\
2.18 [Et] erant * discipuli Iohannis et {Pharisaei} ieiunantes; et (ueniunt et
di-cunt) /illi\ "Quare discipuli (Iohannis et {} {Pharisaeorum}) ieiunant <[tui
autem + di-scipuli] non ieiunant?" +>
2.18 [And] John's learners and {the Pharisees} were fasting; and (they
come and say) /to him\ "Why are (John's) learners and (the Pharisees') {}
fasting <[but your learners] not fasting?">
[a:autem (at *); i omits et accidentally, between the es of peccatores ending
verse 17 and the er of the following word erant]
{a at the 1st {}: Pharisaeorum (the Pharisees'); to agree with the Pharisaeorum of the 2nd {}; a's Pharisaei (the Pharisees) at the 2nd {} (also in f) is an
independent alteration (made in a different ancestor) to agree with the
Pharisaei of the 1st {}. Both are needless; if the Pharisees fast, their learners will also}
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
(a e: uenerunt et dixerunt (they came and said); c f: uenientes dixerunt
(coming, they said))
/a b: ei\
(b: 3 2 1)

{e: discipuli (learners)}

<f omits; a scribe's eye slipped from one ieiunant to the next>
[c: 3 2 1; q: tui uero discipuli; on uero see on 8.28]
2.19 [Et] {dixit} (illis) * - < > /"Non\ possunt filii {spon+si} ~
(sponsus est cum illis) ieiunare []
2.19 [And] {<he> said} (to them) "The sons {of the bridegroom} can/not\
fast while (the bridegroom is with them) []
[c f omit (between the ant of ieiunant in the previous verse and the next
word, ait); put back in the wrong place (at *) in f]
<a c e f: Iesus (Jesus)>
{@ <a e> ait (affirms)}
(a: eis)
- + r ends, begins
/@ <e> numquid (can)\
{b: nuptiarum (of marriage); from the translator's }
(a d f i: 1 3 4 2; b q: 3 4 2 1; c: 3 4 1 2; r: cum...; begins again in verse 20)
[c q: quanto tempore (q:quantum temporis) habent secum (q: secum habuerint) sponsum non possunt ieiunare (while they have the bridegroom with
them they cannot fast); a gloss answering the question posed by the non e
MSS's /numquid\ which has come into the text]
2.20 [] <Ve+niet> * dies {quando} (tolletur) ab eis sponsus et /\ ieiunabunt
[in illa die]
2.20[] The day <will come> {when} the bridegroom (will be taken) from them
and /\ they will fast [on that day]
[c d q: autem (at *); e f: sed (but)]
+ r begins
<@ uenient ((the days) will come); this contradicts []; ueniet is from l>
{@ <e> cum; from || Mt 9.15 non k or || Lk 5.35}
(@ <b> auferetur (q: aufertur); from || Mt 9.15 or || Lk 5.35)
/@ tunc (then); from || Mt 9.15 or || Lk 5.35\
[a b c e r: in illis diebus (on those days); from || Mt 9.15 or || Lk 5.35]
2.21 Nemo [] {iniectionem} (panni - rudis) <assuit> /uesti+mento\ ueteri []
{Aufert} sup+plementum (nouum) [a] ueteri - et <maior> + /fit scissura\
2.21 [] No one <sews> a {putting on} (of raw cloth) onto old /clothes\ [] This
{removes} (the new) addition [from] the old and <a larger> /tear results\
[a c d f: autem]
<a: mittit (puts); from || Lk 5.36 non e>

{b: commissuram (join); from || Mt 9.16 or || Lk 5.36; a: insumentum (also a

in Lk); c d f i q r: adsumentum (sewing)}
- + + - + r ends, begins, begins, ends, begins
(b c: panni noui (of new cloth); f: nouum panni (new (sewing) of cloth);
noui/um from (nouum))
/a: tunicae (tunic)\
[@ <c e> alioquin (r: alioqui..) (otherwise); from || Lk 5.36; c: sin autem (but
if); incorporating part of a marginal supplement "but if he does"]
{d i: auferet (will remove); from || Lk 5.36; a b c e f: tollit; from || Mt 9.16;
lacuna in r}
(c omits; a scribe's eye slipped from the um of supplementum to the um of
[not in c]
<a b d q: peior; from || Mt 9.16>
/a i: 2 1; d: scissura efficitur; from || Mt 9.16 k; r: scissura fiet (tear will result); from || Lk 5.36\
2.22 Et nemo mittit [nouum uinum] in utres ueteres {} Alioquin (dirrum+pet)
<> utres * /\ et uinum [] et utres peribunt {}
2.22 And no one puts [new wine] in old skins {} If he does <it> (will burst)
the /\ skins and the wine [] and the skins will be lost {}
[@ <d e> 2 1; d: nouellum uinum; Mark uses nouellus nowhere else; nouus
is found in 5 other places]
{a b c: sed in nouos (but in new)}
+ t begins
(c e f q1: dirrumpit; a: rumpentur; from || Mt 9.17 or || Lk 5.37; Mark
rumpo nowhere else)
<c d f i q r: uinum; t: uinu... (the wine) (d at *); e: uinum nouum (the
wine); from || Lk 5.47>
/e: ueteres (old)\
[c q: effundetur (will pour out); from || Mt 9.17 or || Lk 5.37]
{c e q: sed uinum nouum in utres nouos mittunt (c: mitti debet; q: mittendum est) e adds: et ambo serbantur (should be seruantur) (but they (should)
put new wine in new skins (and both are preserved); from || Mt 9.17 or || Lk
2.23 [Et] factum e-st * {}(cum + sabbatis a-mbularet) per + /sata\ [](di-scipuli
{} eius ~ coep+erunt) <> uellere spicas /\
2.23 [And] it happened {} (when he was walking) through /crops\ (on the
sabbath) [] {} (his learners began) <> to pick the ears /\

[c f: autem; at *]
- + t ends and begins
{a d f i q r: iterum (again); absent from f as well as b c e; in the Greek
only in and 543 (before ) and D after it, the different positions
showing it was added at different times}
(a d f r: eum sabbatis ambulare (f r: transire) (him to cross (walk) on
sabbath); Mark never uses the accusative and infinitive construction; c e:
cum sabbatis transiret (when he was crossing on the sabbath); transire/t
from || Lk 6.1 non e)
- + - + - + t ends, begins, ends, begins, ends, begins
/a e f: segetem; b q: segetes; from || Mt 12.1 or Lk 6.1\
[a d i q r t: et; redundant with Mark's cum]
(r: 3 1 2)
{c: autem; f: uero; on uero see on 8.28}
<a q: iter facientes (making a journey) (q has it at ~); r: ambulantes per uiam
(walking along the path)>
/c e f: et manducare; a: et edere (and to eat); from || Mt 12.1 or || Lk 6.1; a
has the change of manduco to edo in Lk also, but not in Mt\
2.24 Pharisaei a-utem dicebant + [ ] "Ecce quid faciunt / \ sabbatis * quod
{non licet"} ()
2.24 But the Pharisees kept saying [] "Look what /they\ are doing on the
sabbath, something {not allowed"} ()
- + t ends and begins
[a c f q r: ei (f1 eis); b: illi (to him); from || Mt 12.2]
/@ <e q> discipuli tui (your learners); c f at *; from || Mt 12.2; also
from aur l B C L +; present in +\
{b d: non licebat (which was not allowed); copied from 26, making this
Mark's comment, forgetting this is speech}
(a r: illis; b c d f: eis (for them))
2.25 [E-t dixit illis] + {} "(Nec) <> legistis /quod\ [fecit] Dau-id cum (fuisset in
necessitate) {} <> et - qui cum /illo\ + erant?
2.25 [And {he} said to them] "Have you (not) read <> /what\ David [did)
{when he had been in need} <> and those who were with /him?\
- + - - + t ends, begins, ends, ends, begins
[c e: quibus ille (c: ipse) dixit (to whom he said); a d: et respondens dixit eis
(d: ait illis) (and. replying, he said (affirms) to them); respondens from || Lk
6.3; b i q r: et ait illis (and he affirms to them)]
{r: Iesus (Jesus)}

(b: non; from || Mt 12.3; r: numquid non; a d: nunquam)

<@ <a d r> hoc (this); from || Lk 6.3>
/@ <e q> (lacuna in t) quid; from || Mt 12.3\
[@ <a e> fecerit]
(@ <a c e> necessitatem (d: necessitate; probably left unchanged when
Mark's text, found in c, was otherwise changed) habuit (the lacuna in t
ends after ne) a: opus fuit; e omits as a repetition of the sense of {})
{@ et (not in e) esuriit (c: esurisset) ((and) was (had been) hungry); from ||
Mt 12.3 or || Lk 6.3}
<@ <b i q t> ipse (himself); from || Mt 12.3 or || Lk 6.3>
/r: eo\
2.26 [] {int-roiuit} in do+mum Dei () et <panes propositionis /manducauit\>
/et dedit /illis\ - qui [cum illo] + erant\ quos non licebat {} (manducar-e) nisi
<> +sacerd-otibus".
2.26 []{He entered} God's house () and </ate\the loaves of the setting out>
/and gave them /to those\ who were [with him]\ when it was not permitted
{for anyone} (to eat) them except the priests <>
[quomodo (how) is absent from d r t, B D, rightly; why would anyone
want to omit it or (as a) replace it with et (and) if they saw it?]
{b c q: intrauit; from || Lk 6.4 non e; Mark never uses intro}
- + - + - + t ends, begins, ends, begins, ends, begins
(c q: sub Abiathar principe (q: principem) sacerdotum (when Abiathar was
high priest); condemned by its absence from the other MSS, D W 271 + ss
(sc missing); on princeps sacerdotum see on 10.33)
<b c f: 3 1 2>
/a: edit\
/at the end in q (from the Greek); the italicized material in
omitted by homoeoteleuton, added in the margin, and put back in the
wrong place\
/@ <b e> eis; b: his; lacuna in r\
[b r: cum ipso; a e: secum]
{e q: ei (for him); from || Mt 12.4}
(a: edere)
- lacuna in r; begins in 3.1
<b c e r: solis (only); from || Mt 12.4 or || Lk 6.4>
2.27 [Dico autem uobis] {quia} sabbatum propter hominem factum est, non
homo propter sabbatum.
2.27 [I tell you] {that} (the sabbath) has been (made) for man, not man for
the sabbath.
@ <b q> omit; a scribe's eye slipped from dico autem uobis in this verse

the same words beginning the next.
[q: et dicebat illis (and he said to them); from || Lk 6.5]
{q omits, but it is in Mark's style; see on 1.15}
2.28 [Dico autem uobis]- {quia} (Dominus est filius hominis et sabbati")
2.28 [I tell you] {that} (the son of man is master even of the sabbath")
[b q omit, but it explains the omission of verse 27 in the other MSS]
- t ends; begins at 3.11
{@ <b d f> quoniam; see on 1.15; d f omit, but it is in Mark's style}
(@ <d> etiam for et; a f i: 3 4 1 2 5 (a i have ipsius sabbati (the sabbath
itself); c e: 3 4 5 1 2; Mark's et changed to etiam because the natural way to
take his text is the absurd "the Master is the son of man and the sabbath")
After 28 a has: et cum audissent qui ab eo erant exierunt detinere eum; dicebant enim quia "extitit mente" (when they heard, those who were from
him went out to detain him; they said "He is mad"); from 3.21.

Chapter 3
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
a b c d e f q contain the whole chapter.
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
t begins at verse 11 and ends at verse 18.
i ends at verse 20.
k n are missing for the whole chapter.
3.1 Et [introi+uit] - {} ( ) in synagogam <et> (uenit ad illum) + homo /qui
habebat manum aridam\
3.1 And [{} () entered] a synagogue <and> a man /with a withered hand\
(came to him)
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
[b c e i: cum introisset (when he had entered); a: intrauit; from || Lk 6.6;
Mark never uses intro]
{a b d f q: iterum (again); from || Lk 6.6}
(e: Iesus (Jesus))
<b c e i omit, as required by their cum clause>
/a: habens aridam manum; b: 3 2 1; d q r: 2 1 3; f i: 1 3 2; from || Mt 12.10\
(a d f i q r: erat ibi (was there); from || Mt 12.10 or || Lk 6.6; on ibi see on
c e: accessit ad eum)

3.2 Et [obseruabant] [illum] - {an} (sabbatis) curaret + ut <> accusarent

3.2 And [they were looking at] [him] {to see if} he was going to heal (on the
sabbath) so that they <> could accuse /him\
[e: obsecrabant (they were begging), corrected]
[@ <e> eum]
- + r ends and begins
{@ <a e> si; from || Mt 12.10 or || Lk 6.7}
(b i: sabbato; from || Lk 6.7)
<c e haberent unde (could have something with which they); from || Lk 6.7>
/c d f r: eum\
3.3 - {Et} [dicit] {} homini () + <qui habebat manum aridam> - "Surge /\ in
[medium"] +
3.3 {And} [{he} says] to (the) man <who had a withered hand> "Get up /\ in
[the middle]
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
{a i omit}
{f: Iesus (Jesus)}
[@ <a e> ait (he affirms); a e: dixit (he said); the translator, with
seems to have read dicit]
(e: illi (that))
<a: 1 3 2 4; d i q r: habenti (q: habentem) manum aridam; habenti from
text in 1>
/e: sta (stand); c d: et sta (and stand); from || Lk 6.8\
[c: medio]
3.4 [Et] {dicit} (illis) < > "Licet /sabb-atis\ [bonum aliquid] face+re
{malum} ()animam <saluare> /aut\ perdere?" At illi [tacebant]
3.4 [And] {<he> says} (to them) "May one do [good] (or) (){evil} /on the
sabbath\ <save> a life /or\ destroy it?" They [kept silent]
[c e: quo facto (which having been done)]
<f: Iesus (Jesus)>
{a e: dixit (he says); the translator, with seems to have read dicit; f:
ait (he affirms)}
(@ <e> ad illos; from || Lk 6.9; Mark uses the dative, not ad, after dico; aur
as well as e reads illis)
- + r ends, begins
/e i: sabbato; from || Lk 6.9\

[a c f i q: bene; b d: aliquid bene; bene from || Mt 12.12 or || Lk 6.9]

(b: an; from || Lk 6.9 non e)
(a d e r: facere (do); from || Lk 6.9)
{@ <e> male; from || Lk 6.9}
<@ <e q> saluam facere; from || Lk 6.9 non e>
/a b f: an; from || Lk 6.9 b f q r (lacuna in a); d: magis quam (rather than)\
[a q: tacuerunt (were silent)]
3.5 Et [circumspiciens] {illos} cum (ira) [][super caecitatem cordis eorum]
<dicit> /\ homini: "Extende manum <> Et extendit /et\ restituta est manus
{eius} ()
3.5 And [looking around at] {them} in (anger) [][at the blindness of their
hearts] <he says> to /the\ man: "Stretch out <your> hand". And he stretched it out /and\ {his} hand was healed ()
[e: cum circumspexisset (when he had looked around at); this does not
suit dicit (he says)]
{@ <e> eos}
(a b: iracundia; c f i q r: indignatione (indignation); d: ira indignationis (the
anger of indignation); a conflation of ira and indignatione; the two being
different things, it makes no sense)
[a: dolens; e: tristis (sad); f i q r: (r adds et) contristatus (i adds est) ((and)
(he was) saddened); the absence of anything in b c d W and the variations
in the Latin show that there was originally nothing in the Latin; the present
readings come from translations at different times of the interpolation
[a q: super caecitatem cordis illorum; b: in caecitate cordis illorum; D:
fell out of the (correct) translation
before and the gap was filled with the italicized letters, giving "at the
deadness of their hearts", giving f i r: super (f adds the separate interpolation illum et (at him and) emortua corda eorum (f: illorum corda) (r: mortua
cord...); an ancestor of c's had f's text, of which c has only illorum corda (a
scribe's eye slipped from illum to illorum, causing him to omit all words before illorum); d has super emortua cordis eorum, showing that an ancestor
had Mark's text]
<c d f q: dixit (he said); a b: ait (he affirms)>
/e: illi (that)\
<@ tuam; from || Mt 12.13 or || Lk 6.10; condemned by its absence from B
E S U V 2 -544 M-27-1194-1424 0133 0135 10 12 17 36 108 122 1010
/e omits after the it ending extendit\
{d: illi}
(d f i r: statim (immediately); from Mark never uses this word, nor
does his translator use the form a b c: sicut et (not in b) alia (c:

altera) (like the other one); from || Mt 12.13)

3.6 [Et] <> (exeuntes) * Pharisaei cum Herodianis {} consilium faciebant ()
[ut] ~ <eum> /perderent\
3.6 [And] (going out) <> the Pharisees with the Herodians {} were plotting
() [to] /kill\ <him>
[b c d q: autem; at *]
<a: protinus; e f: continuo (f at *); r: statim (immediately); translated, as
the differences show, at different times from the interpolation
condemned by its absence from b c f g g2 gat i q, 4 Vulgate MSS L
267-827 D W 12 119 157 253 258 485, 1 of 7 sa MSS, geo2 Chanmeti Haemeti fragments & eth and its 3 different places in MSS which have it>
(@ <c d e> exierunt (went out); see {})
{b i q r add et, as required by their change to exieunt; a f fail to add, showing that an ancestor had Mark's exeuntes}
(d e f i q r: aduersus eum (against him); a: de eo (concerning him))
[d: quomodo (how to); from the translator translates ut with 51
times; only here do his MSS offer the translation a word not found
anywhere else in his translation; clearly it is from || Mt 12.14, replacing ]
/a has at ~\
/@ <e i> illum\
3.7 [Et] Iesus * {secessit cum (discentibus) suis} ad mare et <> /multa turba\
[a Galilaea et Iudaea]
3.7 [And] Jesus {withdrew with his learners} to the sea and <> /a large
crowd\ [from Galilee and Judaea]
[@ <b q> autem; b q: uero, both at *; on uero see on 8.28; et from ]
{a d i r: 2 3 4 1}
(@ <e> discipulis; see on 2.15}
<a: cum uidissent (should be audissent (when they had heard)), replacing
audientes of the next verse>
/f: 2 1; a: turba magna\
[b q: 1 4 3 2; r omits a after the a ending turba]
3.8 et ab (Hierosolymis et ab Idumaea) et [] trans Iordanen et {} <circa Tyrum> /et\ () Sidonem * {audientes} <quanta> faciebat /uenerunt ad eum\
3.8 and from (Jerusalem and from Idumaea) and [] across the Jordan and {}
<around Tyre> /and\ Sidon [] {hearing} <all that> he was doing /came to
(c: ierosolima; a scribe's eye slipped from the im of ierosolimis to the um of

idumea, causing him to omit the intervening letters and write ierosolumea,
corrected to ierosolima)
[c: a (from)]
{c e f: de (from); a: qui (those)}
<b: a Tyro (from Tyre); a a continuation of preceding abs>
/i omits, accidentally\
(d: circa (around); b: a, then Sidone (from Sidon))
[e: multa turba (a large crowd), from 7; d f i q r: multitudo magna (a
multitude); from , from 7, both words being different from e's
and the noun and adjective in the Greek order]
<The translator, with seems to have read quanta; a d f i r: quae, from
D's >
/b c: sequebantur illum (c: eum) (were following him) (at *); from || Mt
e: qui uenerant (who had come) (at *) ut uiderent eum (to see him) (from ||
Lk 8.18 but, having "hearing" already, with "to see" replacing "to hear"\
3.9 [Et] dixit {} discipulis suis ut (nauicula deseruiret sibi) propter {tur-bas}
<ne> /premerent * eum\ []
3.9 [And] {he } told his learners that (a boat should be ready for him) because of {the crowds} <in case> /[they] pressed on him\
[c: tunc (then)]
{c f: Iesus (Jesus)}
(c: 1 3 2; f: nauiculam sibi prouiderent (they should provide him with
boat); e: nauicula praesto esset illi; both based on Mark's text; a d i r: in
nauicula sibi deseruirent (a d: deseruiret) (they (he) should serve him in
boat); the original was nauicula sibi deseruirent; the translator translated by
(boats should be ready for him) (preserved in the best MS B and sa) unaware that nauicula is feminine singular, not
neuter plural (he also mistook the gender of naui at 4.36); the correction to
(a boat) (from 4.1) has come into all the inferior MSS; in comes
from a corrector who knew that nauicula is feminine singular, but his correction gives the wrong sense.
- r ends; begins in verse 10
{@ <e r> turbam (crowd); r: tur...}
<d i: uti ne; from >
[a d i: multi (many men) (a at *); c f: multitudo (the multitude)]
/i: comprimerentur; c: affligerentur (they should be pressed on); d f: comprimerent eum; a b q: eum comprimerent\
3.10 [Multos enim curabat] ita ut irruerent {super} eum () ut <eum> tanger-

ent + * /plagas\ (habentes) +

3.10 [He was healing many] making ( ) [those having] /afflictions\ rush {at}
him to touch him.
[a: 3 2 1; d f: multos enim sanauit (he healed many); c i: multos enim sanabat; green from || Lk 6.19]
+ + r begins, begins
(i: multi (many); a gloss on quotquot habebant plagas, from multos, which
has come into the text)
[@ quotquot (a b q: quicumque) habebant (e: haberent; f: habebat; lacuna
in r) (all who had), at *; a translation of the translator's only
e preserves Mark's habentes]
/a: uerbera; lacuna in r\
{@ <e> in}
<@ <e> illum>
3.11 [ ] Et {spiritus immundi} - cum (eum uiderent) <pr+ocidebant> (ei) et
/clama-ban+t\ dicentes {} -["Tu +es] filius Dei"] +
3.11 [] And {the unclean breaths} when (they saw him) <kept falling> (before him) /\ and /crying out\ saying {} ["You are] the son of God".
[@ <a d> sed (but); probably anticipation of the s beginning spiritus changed et to set (an alternative spelling of sed); it makes no sense]
{a e: spiritus (e: spiritos) immundos; continuing the accusative plagas}
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
(a f q: illum uiderent; b d: uiderent (d: uideret) illum; c: illum uidebant;
illum uiderant)
<b d q: procedebant; e: superruebant (were rushing over him); procedebant
(were going forward) considered impossibly weak and strengthened from
irruerent super of 10>
/@ <a b q> exclamabant\
+ -+ t begins, ends, begins
{q: quia (that)}
[b: hic est (he is)]
3.12 Et [] {corripiebat illos} + (ne) <> /eum manife+starent\ [] {}
3.12 And {he kept seizing upon them []} (not) /to reveal him\ <> [] {}
{e: corripiebat illa; the neuter illa is from someone thinking of the
word daemonia; c d f i r t: comminabatur eis (r: comminaba...; t: commi...
kept threatening them); b q: increpabat illos (he kept shouting at them); a:
obiurgabat eos (he kept correcting them); Mark also uses corripio at 8.33 &

10.15 & 48, comminor only at 4.39}

[a d: multa (strongly)]
t begins at +
(d: ut non; from )
/a: eum palam fecerunt; c d i t: manifestarent illum; r: ...starent illum; f: eum
r begins at +
<c: alicui (to anyone)>
[a b q: quoniam sciebant illum; t: quoniam...; f: sciebant enim eum (since
they knew him); a adds Christum esse (to be the Christ); from || Lk 4,41]
3.13 [Et ascendit] i+n montem {et} - (aduocauit) [ ] + quos uoluit < > et
uenerunt ad /eum\
3.13 [And he climbed] a mountain {and} (called)[] those whom <he> wanted
and they came to /him\
[c i r: et ascendens (and climbing); b q: ascendens autem (climbing)]
+ - + t begins, ends, begins
{b c i q r omit}
(a c: conuocauit (called together); from || Mt 10.1; b d f i q r: uocauit; from ||
Lk 6.13)
[@ <e> ad se (to himself); from || Lk 6.13]
<@ <c i> ipse (himself); also absent from W sh sp ss (sc missing) sa
/a b: illum\
3.14 Et [fecit] <> {duodecim ut * essent} (cum - illo) {[et] () mit+teret <illos>
praedicare /\}
3.14 And [he appointed] < > {twelve to be} (with him) {[and] (to) send
<them> to proclaim /\}
[e: conformauit; the translator, with seems to have read fecit]
<c: eos (them)>
{@ <b e> q: 2 3 1}
(a: cum eo; d: cum ipso; b e q: secum (b q at *))
- + t ends and begins
{c omits; a scribe's eye slipped from et to the et beginning the next verse}
[f omits et before the following ut]
(@ <c e> ut, perhaps correctly)
<@ <c d e f> eos; c omits>
/@ <a c> euangelium (the evangel); also absent from all the Greek <D
praedico euangelium occurs 2X in Mk & 4X in Mt\

3.15 - et [habere] p+otestatem {} (expellere) + daemonia <>

3.15 and [to have] the power {} (to cast out) spirits <>
- + + t ends, begins, begins
[@ <a e q> dedit illis (he gave them); from || Mt 10.1; a e: haberent]
{@ curandi (e adds omnem) ualetudines (a: languores; d: ualetudinems (m
expunged); e: ualitudinem; f: ualetudinis; i: ualetudinem) et (lost in lacuna
in t) (of healing (all) diseases and); from || Mt 10.1; absent from B C* L
565 892 sa bo (ed) geo}
(e: expellendi; b c: eicere; a d f i q r: eiciendi; from || Mt 16.1 non k)
<a c e: et ut (c omits) circumeuntes praedicarent (a: circumirent praedicantes) euangelium (e adds Dei) (and of going around to proclaim the evangel
(of God); also in W; absent from the rest of the Greek; adapted from Mt
3.16 [Et] {imposuit} () <nomen Simoni> - /Petrum\ +
3.16 [And] {he gave} () <Simon the name> /Peter\
[r omits]
{f: posuit}
(r: illis nomina (them names))
<@ <c e f> 2 1>
- + t ends and begins
/c d i r: Petrus; from || Mt 10.2; Mark's text requires the accusative Petrum\
3.17 [et /Iacobum\ Zebedaei et {Iohannen fratrem} Iacobi] <et communiter
uocauit eos>/boane rges\ quod est [] filii tonitrui,
3.17 [and /James\ the son of Zebedee and {John} James' {brother}] <and
he called them in common> /boane rges\ that is [] sons of thunder,
[e omits, having James and John in verse 18, from || Mt 10.2-4); see 18 {}]
/r: Iacobo, continuing the case of Simoni; t: Iacobus, continuing the case of
{r: Iohanni fratri, continuing the case of Iacobo}
<b c e q: communiter autem uocauit (c: conuocauit) eos (b: illos) (he
them in common); it is very easy to believe that this (translated accurately
with W's is the original, changed in a d f i r
t: imposuit illis (d i: eis; r omits; lacuna in t) nomina (he named them),
16, to something ordinary; it is very hard to believe that a reviser felt
necessary to change something ordinary into something more original
(much more likely to come from an author) with not very much resultant
change in sense>

/a: beanerges; d: boanges; f: boanerghes; t: boa..; Hebrew

bny r(m; boan is earlier than bean, being a corruption from (to shout)
suggested by the loudness of thunder\
[e: interpraetatum (interpreted)]
3.18 et Andream et Philippum et Bartholomeum et Mattheum - et Thoman et
Iacobum Alphei et /\ Simonem Cananeum
3.18 and Andrew and Philip and Bartholomew and Matthew and Thomas
and James of Alpheus and /\ Simon Cananeus
b c e: erant autem hi (c omits) Simon et Andreas, Iacobus et Iohannes, Philippus et Bartholomeus, Iudas (not in b) et (not in b) Matthaeus (b adds et)
Thomas et (not in b) Iacobus Alphei et Lebbaeus (c: Taddeus; not in e)
Simon Cananeus (they were Simon and Andrew, James and John, Philip
and Bartholomew (Judas and) Matthew (and) Thomas (and) James of Alpheus and Lebbaeus (c: Thaddeus; not in e) Simon Cananeus); from || Mt 10.
2-4, except for Iudas, from || Lk 6.16.
- t ends
/a d f i q r: Lebbaeum et (Lebbaeus and); the omission of the first Judas left
only 11 apostles; Luke's Levi (on which see 2.14) was interpolated in Greek
dress to fill the gap; absent from e; c has Thaddeus; the Greek is similarly
3.19 et <Iudam Iacobi et> [Iudam] /Scarioth\ qui {} tradidit (illum)
3.19 and <Judas the son of James> and [Judas] /Scarioth\ who {} betrayed
<Lk 6.16 read and reproduced the translation of the
italicized words; they were lost when a scribe's eye slipped from the first
to the next, so not read by Mt and missing from current Greek MSS
and current Latin ones, adjusted to agree with the Greek>
[e q: Iuda; b c d: Iudas; a: I...]
/c e: scariotha\
{b c d e f: et (also)}
(d r: eum; a:
3.20 Et - <[uenit] + (in domum) {} et /con>uenit () turba\ [] {ita ut} <non>
/possent\ []{panem * manducare}
3.20 And [{he} went] (into his house) <> and /the crowd () came together\ []
{with the result that} /they could\ <not> []{eat}
- + a ends and begins
<c omits; a scribe's eye slipped from one uenit to the next>
{r: Iesus (Jesus)}
[d q: ueniunt; referring to the apostles of 16-19; e f i r: introiuit (he

the translator, with seems to have read uenit; for uenio
is very common; introeo seems never to be translated with ]
{b e: iterum (again)}
(q: ad uillam (to his estate); too luxurious)
/e: inuenit turbas (he found the crowds); the result clause makes no sense
after this; con was corrupted to the previous in and turbas written to supply
an object for inuenit; the translator, with read the text
(c d f i q r: iterum; a: rursus (Mark never uses rursus) (again))
[c: ad eum (to him); f: ad Iesum (to Jesus)]
{d q: uti; Latin idiom requires ita}
<q: nec; the nec found in some other MSS at []was written in the margin in
an ancestor of q and later taken as a replacement for non>
/e f: posset; the translator, with seems to have read possent\
[a b d i r: nec, from another negative after a negative strengthens
the negative in Greek; in Latin it creates a positive]
{f: 2 1; b: quidem (even) at *}
3.21 {Et cum audissent} (de (eo)) /\ exierunt <detinere> <eum> * Dicebant
enim /quoniam ["Adhaerent ei"]
3.21 {And when /they\ heard} (about (him)) they went out <to seize> <him>
They kept saying /that ["They are attached to him"]
{a b: quod ut audierunt (which when they heard); Mark never uses ut and
perfect indicative in a "when" clause; "they heard" is impersonal (common
in Mark); used instead of the passive "it was heard"}
/@ scribae et ceteri (c: Pharisaei) (writers and others (Pharisees)); e has at
*; r adds qui ab Hier<osolymis desce>n<derant (who <had desce>n<ded>
from Jer<usalem>; scribae (qui ab Hierosolymis descenderant) from 22;
Pharisaei from || Mt 12.24; Mark never uses ceterus; r's addition only in r;
the rest absent from the Greek <D W>\
(The translator, whose Latin was rather shaky (see the beginning of the
file) took de here to mean from instead of about, hence ' (from
him); but "when they heard from him they went out to seize him" means in
effect "Jesus said 'Come and get me'". As this is nonsense, a corrector
prefixed , giving the present text '"those with him (went
out to seize him)")
<@ <e> tenere (r: te...; begins in 23) (b q: ut tenerent)>
<b: illum>
/c e omit up to \ in 22; a scribe's eye slipped from one quoniam to the next\
[As e k are missing here, Mark survives only in the translator's
(preserved in W); my retranslation gives the right sense; Mark may
well have used different words; as it is incredible that those with him would

have tried to seize him because the people were attached to him
was changed to the of 346 D 13 69
543); MSS other than D drop most MSS change to (aorist);
both mean "he is mad"; D, oblivious of the bad Greek which results, as the
middle is intransitive, changes to , giving exsentiat eos (he
is making them mad) of d and the other surviving Latin MSS]
3.22 Et scribae [] qui ab Hierosolymis {descenderant} dicebant\ (quoniam)
<"Beelzebul> habet /\ principem daemoniorum - [et] *{expellit}(per ips+um)
3.22 And writers [] who {had come down} from Jerusalem were saying\
(that) "He has <Beelzebul> /\ the spirits' leader [and] {has driven out} spirits (through him")
lacuna in r for the whole verse.
[a i: et (and those); mistakenly repeating et]
{d: descenderunt (came down)}
(b: quod; not in c)
<a: ...elz...>
/d: et quia in (and that through)\
- + a ends, begins
[d omits]
{@ <b e> eicit (a: e.cit) (drives out)}
(b c f i q: per eum (b: illum); a:; all at *; d omits)
3.23 Et [uocauit illos] (et) * <dicebat> + {} ~ ` {similitudinem} /\
potest Satanas Satanam <expellere?>
3.23 And [/he\ called them] (and) <was giving> {} {an analogy} /\ "How can
Satan <drive out> Satan?
/b c: Iesus (Jesus) (at `); a d f i: dominus Iesus; r: dominus I... (the
[e: cum uocasset illos (when he had called them); lacuna in r after cu; a:
conuocans eos (calling them together); d f i: conuocatis eis (they having
been called together); b c: conuocauit eos (he called them together); q:
uocauit eos]
(a d e f i omit)
<b d f i q: ait (affirms)>
{e: eis; a c q: illis (them)}
+ r begins
{a b f i q: in parabolis (in analogies); c d: in parabolam (in an analogy); the
m suggests an ancestor had e's text; d f i have at *, a at ~; e: parabulam; k
has similitudo throughout}

{e f i r: eis; a c q: illis (for them)}

<c d f i q r: eicere>
3.24 [Et] - si * regnum {in se} + diuidatur non potest - stare <> +
3,24 [And] if a kingdom is divided within {itself} <it> cannot survive.
[a omits; e omits and has autem at *]
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
<c f i q: regnum illud (that kingdom); a d: regia illa (that royal dwelling);
following the gender of but not the sense>
3.25 Et si domus [in se] {diuidatur} (non <potest> /\ stare) *
3.25 And if a household {is divided} [within itself] (/it\ <cannot> survive.
{a: diuisa fuerit; from c f i q r: dispertiatur}
[a: super se; b: in semetipsa; c: in semetipsam; f: super ipsa; d i q r: super
/@ <e> domus illa (a b at *) (that household)\
(b: 3 1 2)
<a i: poterit; from >
3.26 Et si Satanas [surgit in se] {} (diuiditur) Non <potest> stare /\ []
3.26 And if Satan [rises against himself] {} (he is divided) /He\ <can>not
survive []
[@ Satanam eicit (e: eicet) (c f: expellit) (casts out Satan); from || Mt
Mark's text survives in translation: ' my retranslation
gives the right sense (though Mark may have used different words); the
translator often translates surgo or its compounds with ]
{r: et (and)}
(a b d i q: dispertitus est (a b omit est by mistake) (d: dispertitur; r: ...
est) super (b: in) se (he is divided in himself); super (in) se from []; f: diuiditur super regnum eius (he is divided in his kingdom); c e: diuisum est regnum (e: regnu) eius (c: illius) (his kingdom is divided); regnum eius
from || Mt 12.26 or || Lk 11.18))
/a b d i q r: regnum eius (his kingdom); from || Mt 12.26 or || Lk 11.18\
<b i r: poterit (will (not) be able to)>
[@ <b> sed finem habet (but is at an end)]
3.27 Nemo [ ] potest uasa (fortis) <diripere introiens in domum> nisi
/primum\ [] fortem {alliget} et (sic) <uasa eius> diripiet.

3.27 [] No one can <enter his house and plunder> (a strong man's) goods
without /first\ {tying} [the] strong man {up} and (then) he can plunder <his
[a d f: autem]
<a: intrare in domum et diripere; b c f: diripere ingressus in domum; d i q r:
ingressus in domum diripere; Mark never uses intro or ingredior>
(b: eius qui fortis est (a man who is strong's))
/@ <e> prius; from || Mt 12.29\
[b: ipsum (this)]
{b e: alligauerit; c: ligauerit; from || Mt 12.29}
(@ <e> tunc (then); from || Mt 12.29)
<@ <e> domum eius (a: illius) (his house); from || Mt 12.29>
3.28 [Amen] dico uobis {quia} (omnia peccata /remittentur\ * et {blasphemiliae}) [filiis hominum] <>
3.28 [Amen] I say to you {that} * no wrongdoing and {blasphemies} [of the
sons of men]) <> /will be penalized\
[c: amen amen]
{b: quod; c d f i q r: quoniam; see on 1.15}
(a b d i q r: 1 3 2 4 5; c f: 2 1 3 4 5)
{@ <e> blasphemiae (q r: blasfemiae)}
/b i q: dimittentur; d r: dimittuntur\
[a b d i q have at *]
<d: quaecumque blasphemauerint (with which they have blasphemed)>
3.29 [qui] autem blasphemauerit {in spiritum sanctum} - non
<remissa> /\ sed reus [erit] {aeterni} (peccati")
3.29 but [one who] blasphemes {against the dedicated breath} (will) not
(have) <remission> /\ but [will be] guilty (of wrongdoing) {for ever}
[d: si quis]
{a b q: spiritum sanctum; c f: in spiritu sancto}
- i ends; begins at 4.4
(c: habebit)
<@ <e> remissionem; from >
/c: in aeternum (for ever); from the end of the verse\
[b: est (is)]
(r: iudicii (judgement); b c d f q: delicti; delictum is found nowhere else
Mark, iudicium only at 12.40, peccatum in 8 other places)
{c f: sempiterni (for ever and ever)}

@ quoniam (a b: quia) dicebant (because they said) [@ <p> illum (b d q r:
eum) immundum spiritum habere (d: 2 3 4 1; e: 1 3 2 4; r: 2 3 1 4) (he had an
unclean breath); p: spiritum immundum habet (He has an unclean breath);
a gloss not from Mark; it lacks a proper connection (such as "Jesus said
this") with the verses before and is a terrible anti-climax after the climax in
29; it makes Jesus sound petty.
3.31 Et [uenit] mater {eius} et fratres ( ) <et foris> stantes / \ miserunt
/[eum] {uocantes eum}
3.31 And {his} mother and () brothers [came] <and> standing <outside>
sent to /[him] {calling him}
{a: illius}
(@ <a e> eius (his))
[c: uenerunt]
<b: forisque; on que see on 1.13>
/e: et (and)\
[b c f: illum]
/a omits. to \ in verse 32; a scribe's eye slipped from one eum to the next.
{q: ut euocaretur (so that he might be called); Mark uses euoco nowhere
else; he has uoco in 8 other places; nor would he have used an ut clause
here or the passive; d: uocantes illum}
3.32 Et [uenerunt ad eum\ turbae] {et} <dicunt> /illi\ "Ecce mater tua et
fratres () {} (foris quaerunt te")
3.32 And [the crowds came to him] {and} <say> /to him\ "Lo! your mother
and () brothers {} (are outside looking for you")
[@ <e> sedebant (b d: sedebat; c: sedentes) circa (b: ad) eum turba
(b d: turbae) (the crowd (crowds) were sitting around (near) him); Jesus is
inside; it is surely impossible for crowds (a crowd) to be sitting round him
in his small house and it is odd that no mention is made of the people who
deliver the message; e's text, on the other hand, makes good sense; the
translator's (retranslated by the non e MSS)
is from a text which had lost the italicized ne after the ue of uenerunt, the
meaningless uerunt being emended to fuerunt, giving fuerunt ad eum turbae (the crowds were near him); was suggested byof
\ a begins again.
{c omits}
<a c e: dixerunt (said)>

/@ <e> ei\
(c d e f q: tui (your); lacuna in a)
{a b c d f q: et sorores (a: .. ..rores) tuae (q: tui) (and your sisters)
contradicting 31, which makes no mention of sisters; absent from B C G K L W
-28-565-1071-1604 074 -230<124> most -230 543 33 157 892 1241
1424 115-179-827-1082-1402 +, sh text sp ss (sc missing) bo sa geo eth as
well as aur e f2 l r Vulgate}
(a b c e: foris stant (a: fo...; the length of the lacuna suggests a had foris
stant) (c: stantes) quaerentes (c: quaerunt; e: uolentes) te (c e: te uidere; b:
loqui tecum); (stand outside looking for you (to see (talk to) you); "stand"
from || Mt 12.47 or || Lk 8.20; "talk" from || Mt 12.27, "see" from || Lk 8.20)
3.33 [Et] {respondit} () "Quae est + mater {} <aut> /\ fratr- es?" <>
3.33 [And] {he replied} () "Who is {my} mother <or> /\ <my> brothers?"
[b: at ille (but he); e: ille autem (he); c f q r: qui (who)]
{b: respondit et dixit (he replied and said); d: respondit dicens (he replied,
saying); c e f q r: respondens dixit (r: di...) (he, replying, said); dixit/dicens
from || Mt 12.48 or || Lk 8.21}
(a c f q: illis; d e: eis (to them); d between respondit and dicens in {}; r is
lacuna in r after di in {} up to +; - ends
{@ mea (my); absent from W 255; from || Mt 12.48}
<a b: et (and)>
/a c: qui sunt (who are); f: qui (who); from || Mt 12.48\
<@ mei (my); from || Mt 12.48; absent from B D arm>
3.34 Et [circumspexit] {eos} qui (circumsedebant) [et] <dix+it> "Ecce mater
/\ et fratres mei.
3.34 And [he looked around at] {those} who (were sitting around him) [and]
<said> "Lo! /my\ mother and my brothers.
[b c d f: circumspiciens (looking around at); q: conspiciens; a: respiciens
(looking at); supports a form of circumspicio, which is
found 5X in Mark, respicio and conspicio nowhere]
{a d q omit after [ens]; it is necessary}
(@ <e> in circuitu eius (b omits eius) (a: circa eum) sedebant; from
[@ <e> omit]
r begins
<b e f q: ait (affirms)>
/@ <e> mea (my); from || Mt 12.49\
3.35 [] [Qui] fe-cerit uoluntatem Dei hic {} (meus + frater) et soror - <> et

mater /\ est".
3.35 [] [One who] does God's will {is} (my brother) and <> sister and /\
[a c et (and)]
[e: quicumque (whoever); from || Mt 12.50; d f q r:qui enim]
{a: est (is); already at the end of the sentence}
- + - r ends, begins, ends
(a c: 2 1; b e: mihi frater)
<a: mea (my)>
/a: mea (my)\

Chapter 4
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
b c d f q contain the whole chapter.
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
e ends at 8 and begins at 19.
i begins at 4.
a ends at 17, begins at 25, ends at 26, begins at 28, ends at 32, begins and
ends at 34, begins at 37, ends at 38, begins and ends at 40.
k n t are missing for the whole chapter.
4.1 Et coepit + iterum docere ad mare; et [collecta est] ad {eum} turba
(multa) <ita> ut /\ [in nauem] (ascenderet et) <sederet> /\ {et} omnis turba
(circa mare)/erat\* {}
4.1 And he began again to teach near the sea; and (a large) crowd [gathered] near {him} <making> /him\ (climb) [into a boat] (and) <sit> /\ {and} all
the crowd /was\(around the sea)
+ r begins
(a: magna; from || Lk 8.4 e)
[@ <e> congregata est; Mark uses colligo 5X, congrego nowhere]
{a: illum}
<e omits after lta>
/d: ipse\
(b d f q: ascendens)
[e: nauem; d: in naui; see on 8.10; a: in nauiculam; from || Mt 13.3 non e k]
<c: sedens; d: sedere>
/q: super mare; r: in ma<re> (on the sea); a d: circa mare (a: litus maris);
(around the (shore of the) sea); nonsense; a boat with people in it is on the
water, not land; b c e f: ad (c f: proxime) litus ((very) near the shore); it is
very hard, picking one of these readings as Mark's original, to give a convincing account of how the others arose from it; it is very easy to see how,

with different people's attitudes that Mark needed expanding (shown in

many different places) how different people devised different ways of expanding the simple "sit", which they felt was too (or far too) abrupt\
{b: adque; Mark never uses atque}
/f: stabat (was standing) c r: staret; e: sedebat (was sitting) different translations of || Mt 13.2 the source of c r, seems, not being familiar
with the Greek pluperfect tense, to have taken it as a subjunctive, mistranslating accordingly; d: erant\
(b c e f r: in litore (on the shore), f at *; from || Mt 13.2)
{The Greek <D W> have (on the land), from || Mt 13.2; also
absent from ss (sc missing) sa}
4.2 Et docebat [illos] {in similitudine} (et dicebat) <>
4.2 And he was teaching [them] {in an analogy} (and saying) <>
[a b f q: eos]
{b: in similitudinibus multa; a c f q r: in parabolis multa (much in
d: in parabolis multis (in many analogies); multa/is from || Mt 13.3; e: in
parabula; on similitudo see on 3.23}
(b c e: dicens (saying); from || Mt 13.3)
<@ <b c e> illis in doctrina sua (q adds dicens) (to them in his
(saying)); also absent from W>
4.3 /"Audite!\ [] Exiit {seminans} (seminare)
4.3 /"Listen!\ [] {A sower} went out (to sow)
/c q omit, as a repetition of the sense of the interpolation [ecce]\
[@ ecce (lo!); from || Mt 13.3]
{a: qui seminat; b d: seminator}
(q r: ad seminandum)
4.4 Et [] {} * (quaedam) + <ceciderunt> /circa\ uiam et uenerunt [uolatilia] et
(manducauerunt) /ea\
4.4 And [] {} (some) <fell> /around\ the path and [birds] {} came and (ate)
[a: factum est; (it happened); also absent from aur f l Vulgate (except 2 MSS), D F W 1082 sp ss (sc missing) sa]
{@ <e> cum (a b: dum) seminat; e: in seminando; from || Mt 13,4 or || Lk 8.5.
Absent from W}
(a: quoddam; b c d q r: aliud; f: aliquid)
+ i begins
<@ <e> cecidit; lacuna in a at *, presumably containing cecidit>

/a e i: iuxta (next to); from || Mt 13.4 e k; c f: secus (along); from || Mt

non e k or || Lk 8.5 non e\
[a d i q r: uolucres; from || Mt 13,4 or || Lk 8.5; b c f: aues; birds occur
(here and at 4.32); e has uolatilia in both places]
{a d i q r: caeli (of the sky); perhaps from 4.32}
(@ <b e> comederunt; from || Mt 13.4 or || Lk 8.5)
/@ <e f> illud\
4.5 Alia ceciderunt [super] {petrosa} (et quoniam) non <habuerunt terram
multam> /fructificauerunt cito\ {}
4.5 Some fell [on] {stony ground} (and since) <it did> not <have much soil>
/it bore fruit quickly\ {}
[b c f: supra]
{a: petrosam terram (terram suggested by the following terram); d q r: loca
petrosa; loca from || Mt 13.5; i: loca petrosam; an ancestor of i's had
reading, of which petrosam is a relic}
(a: ubi (where); from || Mt 13.5; b: et quia)
<a: erat terra multa; b c d f i q: habebat (d i q: habuit; r: hab..t) terram
/@ <e> (a c d have et, retained from Mt, even though it makes no sense
Mk) statim (not in b) exortum est ((and) it sprang up (immediately)); from ||
Mt 13.5; Mark never uses statim\
{@ <b c e> (i: et) quia (a r: quoniam; d: propter quod) non habebat (d: habuit) altitudinem terrae ((and) because it had no depth of soil); from || Mt
4.6 [Et] () {propterea quod non habebant radicem ab aestu aruerunt}
4.6 [And] () {because it had no root it dried up from the heat}
[Absent from a e q; a e have autem in ()]
(a e: sole autem orto (e: facto autem sole) exestuauerunt (e: aestuauerunt;
f i q r: et cum (d q: quando) exortus est (q: esset) sol (i adds et) exaestuauit
(i r: aestuauit) (d q add et) ((and) when the sun rose (and) it dried up
from || Mt 13.6)
{a e quia (e: propterea quod) non habebant (e: haberent) radicem (a adds et)
aruerunt (a: exaruit); f i q r: quoniam (d: quia) non habebat (q: habuit) radicem exaruit (q: aruit); (because it had no root it dried up); "from the heat"
omitted because in the interpolation from Mt; c: et quia non habebat radic-

em facto estu exaruit. b: et cito (quickly; from cito in 4) aruit ab aestu quia
non habebat radicem}
4.7 [Et] {alia ceciderunt} (in spinas) et <ascenderunt spinae et> /suffocauerunt illa\ et [facta sunt infructuosa]
4.7 [And] {some fell} {into brambles} and <the brambles grew and> /choked
them\ and [they became infertile]
[b omits]
{@ <e> aliud cecidit}
(a c: in spinis; b: supra spinas}
<a: creuerunt spinae et, from || Mt 13.7; f i q r: increscentibus (q r: crescentibus) spinis>
/a b d: suffocauerunt illud (b: ea); c f i q r: suffocatum est\
[@ <e> fructum non dedit]
4.8 [Et alia ceciderunt] - in terram bonam et {dabant} fructum ascendentem
et (crescentem et afferebant) <unum> /tricesim-um\ [et] {unum}
/sexagesimum\ (et unum) <centesimum">
4.8 [And some fell] on good ground and was springing up and (growing
and yielding) <some> /thirtyfold\ [and] {some} (sixtyfold) /and some\ <a
[c f: aliud autem cecidit (some fell); a b d i q r: et aliud cecidit]
- e ends; begins in 19
{b d f: dat; a c i r: dabat; I print dabant to continue e's plurals}
(I print afferebant to continue e's plurals; a: adferentem cum incremento
(giving an increase); b d: crescentem (b: increscentem) et adferet (growing
and it will yield); f: adferet crescentem (it will yield what is growing); r: ...em;
i q: crescentem et afferebat}
<c: fructum from fructum>
- r ends; begins in verse 9
/a b d i: xxx (thirty)\
[c omits]
{c f: aliud; q omits}
/a b d i: lx (sixty)\
(c: aliud; f: aliud uero; on uero see on 8.28)
<a i c: c (a hundred); d: c with _ above it (100,000)>
4.9 Et dicebat: "Qui habet aures [audiendi] audiat" + {}
4.9 And he kept saying: "Those who have ears [to hear] can hear" + {}
[i: ad audiendum; f omits; a scribe's eye slipped from the audi of audiendi
to the audi of audiat]
+ r begins

{@ <c q> et intellegens (a: qui intellegit) intellegat (and those who understand can understand); from || verse 12; absent from the Greek <D>}
4.10 Et cum esset [singularis] - {interrogabant} eum (hi qui cum eo erant
cum duodecim) <quae> esset - /similitudo ista\ +
4.10 And when he was [by himself] (those who were with him with the
twelve) {kept asking} him <what> /this analogy\ meant.
[a: seorsum; r: singulus]
- - + r ends, ends, begins
(@ discipuli (r: ...scipuli) eius (a: sui) (his learners); from || Mt 13.10 or || Lk
8.9; I print the Vulgate text, from of most
of the Greek)
{c d f i: interrogauerunt (asked)}
<a: quaenam>
/a f: haec parabola; c: parabola haec; d i q: parabola ista; see on 3.23\
4.11 [Et dicit illis] "Vobis datum est () mysterium {regni} Dei; illis autem qui
foris sunt in <similitudinibus> /dicitur\
4.11 [And he says to them] "You have been given () the ineffable of the
kingdom} of God; those outside /must only hear\ <analogies>
[c: quibus ipse dixit (to whom he said); f: et dixit illis (and he said to
b d i q r: et ait illis (and he affirms to them); a: et dicit eis]
(a b d i q r: cognoscere; c f: nosse (to know); from || Mt 13.11 or || Lk 8.10;
condemned by its absence from A B C*? K L-892 W 11 15 27 42 63 68
72 114 253 270 300 ss (sc missing)1 of 5 bo)
{f omits because of its similarity to the following dei}
/a d q: omnia dicuntur (must only hear everything in); omnia also absent
from g\
<@ parabolis; see on 3.23>
4.12 ut uidentes {} non [uideant] et audientes [] non intellegant ne {quando
conuertantur} et (remittatur illis")
4.12 so that, seeing {} they may not [see] and, hearing, they may [] not
understand {in case <they> are changed} and (there is no penalizing for
{@ uideant et (they may see and) from Is 6.9; absent from W; e k missing}
[b: aspiciant; Mark uses aspicio nowhere else; uideo is very common]
[@ <a> audiant et (they may hear and) from Is 6.9; absent from W; e k missing]
{a: forte (from || Mt 13.13 k) reuertantur}
(b's text and of B C L W 28* 892* bo sa agrees
with the Targum of Is 6.10 y$+byq lhwn; a c: remittantur (a: dimittantur) illis

(c: eis) peccata (a: delicta - Mark never uses this word) (wrongoing is not
penalized for them); d f i q r: dimittam (d: demittam; f: remittam) eis
(I do not penalize their wrongdoing); "I" seems to come from || Mt 13.15 or
|| Jn 12.40 sanem eos (I heal them), which agrees with the Hebrew)
4.13 Et [dixit] {illis} "Nescitis (hanc similitudinem) Et quomodo omnes <similitudines> /scietis?\
4.13 And [he said] {to them} "You cannot interpret (this analogy) And how
/will you be able to interpret\ any <analogy?>
[@ <a> ait (he affirms)]
{a: eis}
(a: hanc parabolam; d i q r: parabolam hanc; c f: parabolam istam; on similitudo see on 3.23}
/@ <a b> cognoscetis; scio is much commoner than cognosco in Mark\
<@ <b> parabolas; on similitudo see on 3.23>
4.14 [Qui seminat] {sermonem} () /seminat\
4.14 [The sower] /sows\ () {speech}
{@ uerbum; e k almost always have sermo}
[a b c q r: qui loquitur (the one who talks); but the analogy talks of a sower]
/a: serit\
(c: ipse est qui (is the one who); the whole sentence becomes "the one
who talks speech is the one who sows", a reworking of Lk 8.11: "the seed
is God's utterance")
4.15 Hi autem [qui seminantur] {circa} uiam (sunt qui) cum <audierint>
</\ uenit> satanas et [aufert] {sermonem} qui seminatus est in (eis)
4.15 Those [who are sown] {around} the path (are those who) when <they
have heard> Satan </\ comes> and [takes away] {the speech} sown in
It seems that a scribe's eye slipped from the 1st to the 2nd qui; the missing
words were put in the margin, but with no clear indication of where to put
them or in what order; c's ancestor replaced [] correctly, f's put in qui sunt,
(who are), l's only qui (who); the rests' sunt qui (are who) produces this
nonsense: "14 The sower sows speech; 15 those are the ones who...";
nothing tells us who "those" are.
{b q: iuxta (next to); a: secus (along); from || Mt 13.19 or || Lk 8.12}
(c l's common ancestor had sunt, correctly; a later ancestor of c (or c) has
added ipsi; b i q's ancestor put sunt at [] and [seminantur] here, creating
nonsense; i, following the Vulgate, drops qui and adds uerbum (utterance)
so, by incorporating only bits of the Vulgate, also creating nonsense; a later ancestor of a r changed seminantur to seminati sunt; the text of d f: qui-

bus seminatur uerbum (in whom an utterance is sown);of a b q r:seminantur (a r: seminati sunt) qui neglegenter uerbum suscipiunt (are sown (have
been sown) who receive an utterance negligently);of c: ipsi sunt qui negligunt uerbum suscipientes (are those who, receiving an utterance, neglect
it). The interpolation probably originated as a marginal gloss, later put into
the text; not in the Greek; the carelessness it alleges contradicts Mark's
statement that it is Satan who causes their defection)
<c f: 2 1>
/@ <d> confestim;d: statim (immediately); from condemned by
its absence from <131> 36 40 60 259 487827 ss (sc, e k missing) arm\
[a b: tollit (takes away); from || Lk 8.12]
{@ uerbum; e k almost always have sermo}
(b q r: corde illorum (r: eorum (their heart); a i: cordibus eorum; d f: corda
eorum (their hearts(; from || Mt 13.19 or || Lk 8.12)
4.16 Et hi [sunt qui] {super petrosa seminati sunt} qui cum audierint (sermonem) <> cum gaudio /accipiunt\ illud
4.16 And these [are the ones who] {have been sown on rocky ground},
ones who, when they hear (the speech) /receive\ it <> with joy
[i: 2 1]
{c: 3 4 1 2; d i q: super (q: supra) petrosa (i: petrosam) seminantur; f: 3 1 2;
b: supra petrosa seminati sunt}
(@ uerbum; e k almost always have sermo
/a d: excipiunt; Mark uses accipio often, excipio nowhere else\
<a: protinus; b r: statim (immediately); from condemned by its
absence from (579) 7-257-349 <346> arm as well as c d f i q (e k missing)\>
4.17 et non habent [radicem in se] sed ({temporanei} sunt) <Deinde /orta\
[tribulatione]> {et} persecutione - propter /sermonem\ <> () (scandaliz-iantur)
4.17 and they have no [root in themselves] but (are {temporary}) <Then
when /they are in\ [trouble] {and} persecuted because of /the speech\ <>
(they () stumble)
[b f: 2 3 1]
(c: 2 1)
{@ <a b> temporales; from || Mt 13.21}
<a: 2 1 3>
/d: facta; from || Mt 13.21\
[a: praessura; from || Mt 13.21 k]
{a: aut; from || Mt 13.21 e k; a: uel (or); from || Mt 13.21 non e k}
- a ends; begins in verse 25
/@ uerbum; e k almost always have sermo\

<f: et (and)>
- r ends
(@ <d> scandalizantur; I print k's spelling; d: scandalizabuntur (they
will stumble))
(c d f r: confestim; i: statim; q: continuo (immediately); absent from 235
<131> as well as b; the variation in words shows they were translated at
different times from the Greek)
4.18 Et [alii] + {} qui in spinis (sem-inantur) [] </sermonem\ audiunt>
4.18 And {} [others] who (are sown) in brambles [] <hear /the speech\>
+ - r begins, ends
{@ <b c> sunt (there are)}
[q: hi (those)]
(b: seminati sunt (have been sown). from || Mt 13.22)
[@ <q> hi sunt qui (they are ones who); f q: qui (who); from || Lk 8.14; absent from A C2 M 22 33 157 349 579 1071 1278 + sh eth; e k are
<f: 2 1>
/@ uerbum; e k almost always have sermo\
4.19 et [sollicitudi+nes] {uitae} et (+erro-res) <mundi>
suff+ocant {sermonem} et /infructuosi fiunt\ +
4.19 and [the worries] {of life} and (wanderings) <of the world> [coming in]
choke {the speech} and /they become infertile\
+ e begins; it had sollicitudines, but there is no way of telling whether it had
per before it or not.
(b: per sollicitudines; c: sollicitudinibus; d f: sollicitudinem/is (per probably
dropped from per sollicitudinem/is); i: prae sollicitudine; q:
(by worries); from || Lk 8.14]
{c: uicti (overcome); a conjecture to make sense of sollicitudinibus; d f i q:
uictus, mistakenly substituting a singular for plural}
(f: delectationes (delights); c: delectationibus (because of the delights);
from || Mt 13.22 or || Lk 8.14; e: oblectationes (delights); from || Mt 13.22k; b:
in errore (because of the wandering))
+ - + r begins, ends, begins; ends after the 1st u of {uerbum}; begins at +
<b e: saeculi (of the age); from || Mt 13.22 (after sollicitudo)>
[a b d i q: simul (not in Greek) incedentes (i: incendentes; b: euntes) (coming
(in (not in b) together); euntes from || Lk 8.14; e: comitantes (accompanying); c: abalienati (alienated); to suit c at ()]
{@ uerbum; e k almost always have sermo}

/@ <e> sine fructu efficiuntur; from || Mt 13.22 non k\

4.20 [Et hi sunt] qui{super} terram bonam (cadunt) qui audiun-t /sermonem\
et <eum excipiu+nt> et [fructificant] unum {tricesimum} et unum
(sexagesimum) /et unum\ <centesimum>
4.20 [And there are those] who (fall) {into} good ground, who hear /the
speech\ and <receive it> and [bear fruit] some {thirtyfold} and some (sixtyfold) /and some\ <a hundredfold>
[e: hi autem sunt; f: hii sunt autem (there are those)]
{e: in; 1 q: supra; lacuna in r}
(b d: seminati sunt (have been sown); from Mt 13.23; c f i q r: ceciderunt
(have fallen))
- + r ends, begins
/@ uerbum; e k almost always have sermo; b's eum (masculine) shows an
ancestor read sermonem (masculine), not uerbum (neuter)\
<e: percipiunt (understand); from || Mt 13.23; c d f i q: suscipiunt (receive)>
[e: fructum adferunt; from || Mt 13.23 or || Lk 8.15]
{b d e: xxx (30)}
(b d e: lx (60))
/b: et alium (and others); from || Mt 13.23; f: unum uero (one indeed); on
uero see on 8.28\
<e: c (100); d: c with _ above it (100,000)>
4.21 [Et dicebat] illis: "Numquid {accenditur} lucerna ut sub (modium)
ponatur <et non> * /super\ candelabrum?{}
4.21 [And he was saying] to them: "A lamp {is} not {lit} to be put under a
(bushel measure) <and not> {} /on\ a lamp holder.
[b: dicebat autem (he was saying)]
{b: adfertur (is (not) brought); from }
(@ <e> modio)
<@ <i r> aut sub lecto (d e: lectum) (or under a bed); from || Lk 8.16>
/b c e q: sed (but); from || Lk 8.16\
{@ <c e r> (b q: ut at *) ponatur (to be put); c: ponitur (it is put); from || Lk
/@ <e d i> supra\
4.22 Non <enim est> /absconsum\ ({sed ut} manifestetur nec factum (est)
occultum) {sed ut} [in palam ueniat]
4.22 <It is> not /hidden\ ({but to} be revealed nor concealed) {but to} [come
into the open]
<d: 2 1>

/c: aliquid (from || Mt 10.26) absconditum (there is no)thing hidden); @ <c

f> absconditum\
(e omits; a scribe's eye slipped from one sed ut to the next)
{c (in both places) quod non (which will not)}
[d: 3 1 2]
4.23 [Qui] habet aures {audiendi} audiat".
4.23 [If anyone has] ears {to hear} let him hear".
[@ <b c f> si quis]
{f omits; a scribe's eye slipped from the 1st aud to the 2nd; i r: ad audiendum}
4.24 Et [] dicebat illis {} "Videte (quid) audiatis. In qua <> mensura /mensi
fueritis\ [] {demensurabitur uobis} (et / adicietur\ uobis) <>
4.24 And [] {he} was saying to them: "Be careful about (what) you listen to.
{You /\ will receive} [] the same amount as /you measure out\ (and have it
/added\ to you) <>
[c: iterum (again)]
{c f: Iesus (Jesus)}
(q: quomodo; from || Lk 8.18)
<b: enim>
{c d f i r: remetietur (f r: remittietur); e q: metietur}
/q: qui auditis (who listen); from audiatis\
[c: in eadem; e: in illa (in it); b: et]
/e: mensi eritis; b d i q r: metieritis\
(absent from D G W 114 565 579 1082 l184 + sa some Vulgate as well as
b d e gat l r2; perhaps interpolated, perhaps genuine, a scribe's eye slipping from one uobis or to the next)
/c: adiungetur\
<q: qui auditis (who hear); absent from B C L 700 892 + 1of 6 bo 1 of 5
sa as well as @ <q>>
4.25 + Qui enim habet [dabitur] {illi} (et qui) non habet <id> - quod habet +
auferetur - ab /eo\ +
4.25 One who has [will receive] (and one who) does not have will have <>
what he has taken away from /him\
+ - + - + a begins, ends, begins, ends, begins
[d: adicietur; Mark never uses adicio]
{a: ei}
(f: qui autem (one who))
<b c d f: et; a i q r: etiam (even); from || Mt 13.12 or || Lk 8.18 non e>

/@ <d e> illo\

4.26 Et dicebat: "Sic est regnum Dei [quomodo] {homo cum mittit} (seminationem) <in> /terram\
4.26 And he was saying: "The kingdom of God is [like] {a man who puts}
(seed) <in> /the ground\
[@ <e> quemadmodum si]
{i r: homo iactet; q: 2 1; a b c f: homo mittat; Mark has iacto nowhere else;
mitto is very common}
d reverses the order of {iactet} and (semen)
- a ends; begins in verse 28
(@ <e> semen)
<c f: super>
/e r: terra\
4.27 et [dormit] et * (surgit) <{nocte} et die> et /seminatio\ [fructificat]
{longum fit} (quomodo) /ipse nescit\
4.27 and [he sleeps] and (rises) <{night} and day> and /the seed\ [bears
fruit] and {grows tall} (how) /he does not know\
[I print dormit, the indicative being regular with cum meaning "when" in
primary sequence and agreeing with the indicatives mostly found in e, the
best MS; b c e f: dormiat; d i q r: obdormiat; dormio occurs in 6 other
in Mark, obdormio nowhere else]
(I print surgit; see on []; b e f: surgat; d i q r: exsurget)
<c: diem et noctem>
{i: noctu; if right, this would require the change of die to diu, but it is hard
to see why Mark would want to use this rather old fashioned literary language}
/@ <e> semen; c at *, where it destroys the parallelism "he sleeps at night
and rises by day"; omitted, then put back in the wrong place\
[@ <e> germinet]
{b d i r: increscat; c f q: crescat}
(@ <e> dum (while))
/b: nescit; c d f i q r: nescit ille\
4.28 [Vltronea enim] terra (fructum afferet) primum herbam, deinde + spicam, dein-de plenum <triticum>
4.28 [Of its own accord] the ground (will yield) first the sprout, then the ear,
then the full <grain>
[d: quoniam ultro (because of its own accord); @ <d e> ultro enim]
(@ <e> fructificat; from 27, showing that e's fructificat was in the ancestor

of these MSS there)

+ a begins
- r ends
<d q: granum; a i: frumentum>
/a b i q r: in spica d: in spicam; c f: spicae (in the ear); absent from 255 as
well as e\
4.29 [Et] cum {tradiderit fructus} () /immittes falcem\ <quia> [adest] messis".
4.29 [And] when {it gives its yield} /you will () scythe\<because> the harvest
[is ready"]
[b e omit]
{c: mutauerit (mistake for maturauerit) fructum; a: fructum fecerit
perhaps from a desire for alliteration); b: fructum ediderit; d i f q: produxerit
fructum (f: fructus); the translator, with read tradiderit: Mark
maturo, edo or produco nowhere else}
(a: protinus; d f i q: statim (immediately); the variation shows both words
were added from ; absent from W as well as c e; b's sic (so) and
's (then) show that the words were also absent from their ancestors)
r begins after the first t of mittit or immittit and ends after the a of falcem)
/@ <e> mittit (a: inmittit; c q: mittet) falcem (it scythes (will scythe)) nonsense\
<@ <e> quoniam>
[a: uenit; f: adstat]
4.30 Et + diceba-t - ["Quomodo] + {similabimus} - regnum Dei +aut (in
q-ua) <similitudine> {/damus\ [illud]}
4.30 And he was saying ["To what] {should we compare} the kingdom of
God? (Into what) <analogy> {/should we put\ [it?]}
+ - r begins, ends
- + a ends, begins
[c d f i q: cui; from || Lk 13.18]
{a d f i: adsimilabimus (d f: adsimilauimus); q: adsimilabitur; from || Lk 13.18
e; b: simile dicemus}
-a ends; begins in verse 31
+- r begins, ends
(@ <d e> in quam)
<b: similitudinem; d: parauola; e: parabola; c f i q: parabolam; see on 3.23>
{i: 2 1}
/f i q: comparabimus (f i: comparauimus); r: ..npara..mus; d: transferamus;
from || Lk 13.18; b: ponemus; from from W's a translation
of damus; c: similabimus; from similabimus; d: transferamus (transfer)\
[b r omit; also omitted by an ancestor of e, and ineptly restored (e: eum
(him)) by someone who forgot that regnum is neuter]

4.31 [] {Quasi granum} sinapis (quod) <cum seminatum fuerit> - /in\ (terram)
+ /minus est\ {omnibus + seminibus} <>
4.31 [] {Like a grain} of mustard (which) <when it is sown> /in\ (the gound)
[] /is smaller\ {than all other seeds} <>
[c: simile est regnum Dei (the kingdom of God is like); from || Mt 13.31]
{d: similis est grano (it is like a grain); from || Lk 13.18; @ <d e>
granum; see on 1.22}
(e: qui)
<b: seminatum; i: seminatum est; c d: cum seminatum est; e: cum seminatur>
- + r ends, begins
/b: super\
(c f: terra)
/b: cum sit minus; e: minor cum sit (although it is smaller); r: est; q:
minimus est (is the smallest)\
{b: omnium seminum; a: ... seminum (of all seeds); smallest of all seeds
written in the margin; no extant MS has this text, but 1:smallest and 2: of all
seeds when combined with existing text produced 1: q's smallest than all
seeds and 2: a b's smaller of all seeds, both nonsensical}
<@ <e> quae sunt (r: sun.) (lacuna in a until verse 34. in r until terram) in (f
super) terram (c: terra) (which are on the earth); absent from C 271, 2 of 4
sa MSS as well as e>
4.32 [] () {} fit <maius> /omnibus holeribus\ et facit ramos magnos, ita
possint sub umbris eius [uolatilia] caeli {inhabitare"}
4.32 [] (){} it becomes <taller> /than all other plants\ and has large branches,
so that [the birds] of the sky can {live} in its shade".
[c: at (but); d q i r: et (and)]
(b e r: crescit et (it grows and) c q: ubi (q: cum) creuerit (when it has grown)
from || Mt 13.32)
{b: autem}
<d e: maior>
/b: omnium holerum\
[@ <e>: aues]
{r: habitare}
4.33 [] {Talibus} (similitudinibus) loquebatur <> { /\ [quomodo] poterant audire.

4.33 [] He was talking /\ (in analogies) {like these} [suiting what] they could
[b d e i r: et (and); 32 is direct speech, 33 narrative; they are better not coordinated with et]
{e omits; a scribe's eye slipped from loquebatur illis here to the same
words in 34
/d f i q r: uerbum (an utterance)\
<e: illis; q r: eis; b: ad illos; c: ad eos (to them); the different forms show
they were copied at different times from ; absent from g D 565 as
well as d f i>
(@ parabolis; see on 3.23)
{d f i q r: talibus multis (like these many); b: aliis (other); many condemned
by its absence from C*? L S W 28 33 579 700 892 + sp bo geo eth
arm as well as b c e}
[b c: qualiter; d f q r: prout; i: ut; I have printed quomodo, which Mark uses
17X elsewhere; he never uses qualiter or prout elsewhere, or ut with this
4.34 Sine [similitudinibus] autem non loquebatur [illis]} + (Secreto) (autem)
discipulis - <> /resoluebat\ {illas}
4.34 He used to talk [to them]} only [in analogies] () He /used to explain\
{them} to <his> learners (in private)
[b: ad illos; d f i q r: eis; c: ad eos]
[b c r: parabolis; d f i q: parabola; see on 3.23]
} e begins (ended at { in 33)
+ - a begins, ends; begins again in verse 37
/b f: exsoluebat; c d i q r: disserebat; from || Mt 13.34\
(i q: tamen (however); Mark never uses tamen)
{b c: omnia (everything); from || Mt 13.34; d f i q r: eas}
<@ <i> suis; 22 258 485 700 geo2 as well as i l r2 omit; B C L plus have
; A D W + ; the
translator's text did not have suis, so he wrote no word for "his"; some
MSS preserve his text, others supply two different words for it; is
highly suspicious, as he constantly has with "learners" and never
uses elsewhere except in the phrase ' >
4.35 Et [dixit] illis {} in illa die cum () serum <factum esset> ["Transeamus]
4.35 And [{he} said] to them on that day when <it was> () late ["We must
cross] {over"}
{c f: Iesus (Jesus)}

[@ <e> ait (he affirms)]

<c f i q r: 2 1; b repeats the words>
(e: iam (already))
[e: transfretemus; from || Lk 8.22]
{b c e f i r: contra (i: contram); from || Lk 8.22 e}
4.36 Et [dimittunt] {turbas} et (assumunt) <illum> /quomodo fuit\ in [nauicula] et {} /multi\ erant cum (eo)
4.36 And [they dismiss] {the crowds} and (take) <him> /as he was\ into [the
boat] and there were /many\ with (him)
[b:dimiserunt (they dismissed) e: demiserunt; the translator has the present
(some MSS have the stylistic improvement of a participle) showing he read
the present]
{b d i q r: turbam (the crowd)}
(e: adsumpserunt; b d f q: acceperunt; i r: susceperunt (they took); c: accipiunt; the translator's shows he read the present;
he uses in 4 other places to translate assumo, never to
translate accipio; Mark uses suscipio nowhere else)
<@ <e f> eum>
/@ <e> ita ut erat (c q: erant)
[@ <b> naui]
{@ <d> simul; condemned by its different places (e at {}, i q r after /multae\
b c f after naues) and its absence from the Greek as well as d}
/b i q r: multae naues (many boats); c: aliae naues (other boats); d f: aliae
(d adds autem) naues multae (many other boats). Many with Jesus makes
his saving more impressive; Many boats (ignored later) is pointless. The
translator, not knowing that the nauis of his copy is feminine (see the top
of this file for evidence of his ignorance of genders) took the masculine
multi (many men) to refer to boats, hence his translation
(many boats) softened in some MSS to "other boats"\
(@ <e> illo)
4.37 Et facta est [tempestas magni] uenti et {fluctus mitte+bat} in (nauiculam) <ita ut [] /impleret nauiculam\>
4.37 And [the storm of a great] wind arose and {was sending waves} into
(the boat) <so as /to [] fill the boat\>
[@ <e> procella magna (the great storm of a); from || Lk 8.23]
+ a begins
{a: ...bant; e: fluctus inmittebantur (waves were being sent)}
(e f i q r: nauem; c d: naui)
<* e omit; scribes' eyes slipped from the 1st nauem/ to the 2nd>
/a b c f: impleretur nauis; an ancestor of e's also ended in nauem; I have
written nauiculam to agree with ()\

[a: iam (already); condemned by its absence from the other MSS]
4.38 [Et erat ipse] in {puppe} (super) <puluuinum> dormiens et /excitant\
[eum]{et}(dicunt) <> "Magister, non /pertinet ad te\ -[quia]-{perim+us?"}
4.38 [And he was] at {the stern} sleeping (on) <a pillow> and /they wake\
[him] {and} (say)<> "Teacher /does it\ not /worry you\ [that]- {we are
[b e: erat autem ipse; a: ipse autem erat (he was)]
{e: priora (corruption of prora (prow); unconscious replacement by a related
(b i q: supra; r: su...)
<a c d f i r: ceruical>
/@ <a e> excitantes (waking) e: excitauerunt; a: suscitauerunt (they woke)\
[f: illum]
{@ <e> omit}
(a: dicentes (saying); b: dixerunt (said); r: ...nt)
<b c i r: ei; d: illi (to him)>
/d i q r: 2 3 1; b c f: est tibi cura\
- + r ends, begins
[b: eo quod; d i q: quod; a c: quoniam; see on 1.15]
- a ends; begins in 40
{d i q: pereamus}
4.39 Et [surgens] - {comminatus est} uento et mari (et) <dixit> /\ {"Obmutesce"} Et cessauit u+entus et facta est [malacia] +
4.39 And [rising] {he threatened} the wind and sea (and)<said>{"Be silent"}
And the wind ceased and there came [a dead calm]
[@ <e> exsurgens]
- + r ends, begins
{e: increpauit (he shouted at); from || Lk 8.24 non e, but without changing
the dative cases uento and mari to the accusatives required after increpo,
showing that increpauit has replaced a verb that takes the dative; b: imperauit, from || Mt 8.26 non k}
(c q omit)
<c: dicens (saying); b: ait (affirms)>
/d i q: sile (be quiet); a gloss on obmutesce which has got into the text\
{d q: commutesce; from a confusion with commuto; perhaps helped by the
c of cessauit}
[@ <e> tranquillitas magna; a gloss on malacia which has come into the
+ a begins
4.40 [Et dixit] illis - "Quid timidi estis? {Hab+ete fidem"}

4.40 [And he said] to them: "Why are you afraid? {Trust"}

[b: dixitque; on que see on 1.13; @ <b d e> et ait (and he affirms)]
- + r ends, begins
{@ <e q> nondum (b adds enim) habetis fidem (c f: 2 1); r: ...etis fidem
do not yet trust); from || Lk 8.25; q: habetote fidem; the archaic imperative
is improbable)
4.41 Et ti-muerunt [timore magno] + et {dicebant ad (inuicem)} / "Ecce
quomodo\ [] (ma-re et uentus oboediunt ei!")
4.21 And they feared [with great fear] and {kept saying to (each other(} /"Lo!
How\ [] (the sea and the wind obey him!")
- + r ends, begins
[i q: 2 1]
{b: 2 3 1}
- a ends; begins at 5.2
(@ <b d e> alterutrum; e k have no instances of this word)
/f i r? quisnam hic est; d: quisnam est iste (a: quis est) (who is he); c: quis
putas est iste (q: 1 3 2 4) (who do you think he is); from || Mt 8.27 or || Lk
[a d f i q r: cui (d: quia) (a d r add et) (whom (even))]
(b d: mare et uenti oboediunt ei (b: eum); a: ma...; f q: 1 2 3 4; c: 3 2 1 4 5; i:
3 2 1 4 r: 3 2 1 then lacuna (the sea and the wind (obey) (him)))

Chapter 5
The MSS surviving in this chapter:
b c d e f i q contain the whole chapter.
a and r contain the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
k n t are missing for the whole chapter.
5.1 Et [uenit] {ultra} in regionem Gerasenorum.
5.1 And [he went] {to the other side} into the area of the Geraseni.
[@ <q> uenerunt (they went); from || Lk 8.26; the singular in c?G L
-579-892 -28-700-1604 M-1207-1223-1606543 31 60 225 238 282 435
472 1241 12782 Ls 2 8 10 13 14 17 + sh sp ss (sc missing) bo geo arm
well as q]
{e: trans mare (across the sea); a b c d q r: trans fretum (c adds

(across the strait (of the sea)); f: trans (across); all from || Mt 8.28 (non
trans fretum; k: trans mare; d: trans or ; i: ultro; less likely
than ultra}
5.2 Et /cum exissent de\ {nauicula} () <obuiauit> /illi\ homo de [monumento]
{in spiri+tu immundo}
5.2 And a man from [a tomb] {possessed by an unclean breath} () <met>
/him when they left\ {the boat}
[@ <b r> monumentis (tombs); from || Mt 8.28 or || Lk 8.27]
{b c: spiritum immundum habens; from || Mt 8.28 or || Lk 8.27}
(@ <b c e f i> statim (immediately); Mark never uses this word; also absent
from 1 Vulgate MS, B W 998 ss (sc absent) arm)
<d e i q r: occurrit (d: orrit); from || Mt 8.28 or || Lk 8.27>
/i r: exeunti ei (him going out); from || Lk 8.27; b: exeunte ipso...illi (him
him leaving); from || Mt 8.28 (him with him going)
where however "with him going" corresponds to the uenit (he went) of 5.1,
referring to going to the Gadarenes; q: exienti ei...ei (him him going out),
muddle mixing i r's and b's texts; c d f: exeuntibus (c: descendentibus) ...illi
(c d: illis) (him (them) with them going out of (down from)\
{@ <b> naui}
+ a begins
5.3 [qui] {habeb-at habitationem} in (monumento) Et neque <catena> /\
{quisquam poterat illum ligare}
5.3 [who] {had his habitation} in (a tomb) {No one could /\ tie him} <with a
[b: et (and he); from || Lk 8.27 e]
- a ends; begins in verse 4
{@ <b e> domicilium habebat (c: 2 1); the play hab hab sounds more like
the work of an author than a reviser}
(c d e: monumentis (tombs); from || Lk 8.27)
<b d f i q r: catenis (chains)>
{b q: quisquam poterat eum ligare; d i: 1 3 2 4; r: 2 3 1 4; c: quisquam eum
alligare poterat}
/b c d e f: iam (any longer); condemned by its absence from A C2 22
33 157 1072 plus, sh sp ss (sc missing) co as well as i q r, 3 Vulgate MSS\
5.4 [eo quod]{saepe ligatus catenis dissipasset catenas et compedes comminuisset} (nec quisquam * posset) ~ eum /\ + <domare>
5.4 [because] {often tied with chains, he had scattered the chains and had

weakened the bonds} (and no one could) <control> him /\

[b: quia; c: quod (a's quod in 5 shows an ancestor had quod here); d f i q r:
<e: ligatus fuerat catenis et...comminuerit; otherwise the text printed; b: saepe iam alligatus compedibus et (from later) catenis disrupisset a se catenas et compedes comminuisset (often tied with bonds and chains, he had
broken the chains from himself and had weakened the bonds); c: saepe
ligatus compedibus et catenis uinctus, disrupisset eas (often tied with
bonds and bound with chains, he had burst them); f i q r: saepe compedes
et catenas quibus ligatus erat (q: fuisset) (r: erat ligatus) disrupisset (r has
no more) et compedes (q omits compedes; a scribe's eye slipped from the
com of compedes to the com of comminuisset) (he had often broken
through the bonds and chains with which he had been bound (and he had
burst the bonds)); d: saepius eum ligatum compedibus et catenis quibus
ligatus erat disrumpebat et compedes comminuebat; a meaningless mishmash starting with an accusative and infinitive (a construction Mark never
uses) and then abandoning it>
(e: et neminem posse; Mark never uses the accusative and infinitive construction; b c: necquisquam ualeret (b: ualebat); Mark has ualeo nowhere
else; possum is common); r: nec quisquam poterat)
/e: iam; c d f i q r: amplius (any longer); r has amplius at *, c at ~; the
variations in words and positions and their absence from b and the Greek indicate that they are not original\
+ a begins
<a q: uincere>
5.5 [Et] {nocte (et) die} - in <montibus * et> /\ monumentis [erat] {clamans}
(et) /concidens se lapidibus\
5.5 [And] {night (and) day} in <the mountains and> /\ the tombs [he was]
{shouting} (and) /cutting himself with stones\
[a: et quod per omnem (and because the whole); quod (because) continuing the quod of 4; b c d e f: autem (after nocte); the Greek <DW> has
{a: noctem et diem}
(b: ac; Mark never uses ac)
- a ends; begins in verse 7
<c omits; a scribe's eye slipped from the mon of montibus to the mon of
/d e i q r: in (in)\
[r has erat at *]
{c d f i q r: exclamans}
(r: au<t> (or); this weakens the account)
/b: 3 2 1, and conlidens, the l from the l of lapidibus\

5.6 [Et] {cum uidisset} (Iesum) <de> longe * /accucurrit\ et adorauit [illum]
5.6 [And] {when he had seen} (Jesus) <far away> /he ran up\ and pleaded
with [him]
[@ autem after {}; I print et from the (and) of B C L plus]
{@ <e> uidens}
(b has at *)
<@ <e> a>
/f: cucurrit (he ran); i: accurrit (he runs up); r: occurrit (he meets)\
[@ <e> eum]
5.7 [Et] {clamans} uoce magna dixit: "Quid mihi et tibi ( ) Iesu <fili
/summi?\ [Adiuro] te per Deum {} ne me + torqueas".
5.7 [And] {crying out} in a loud voice he said: "What (is there) between you
and me, Jesus <son of> /the most high <God>?\ [I beg] you by {} God, do
not torture me".
[i omits]
{c f i q r: exclamans; from || Lk 8.28]
(c: est)
<i omits>
/b e: altissimi; from || Lk 8.28; d: excelsi\
[b: rogo (I ask); from || Lk 8.28]
{f: uiuum (the living); from Mt 26.63: adiuro te per Deum uiuum}
+ a begins
5.8 Dicebat enim illi {} "Exi /(spiritus) immunde <de> [] homine"\
5,8 {He} was saying to him: "Leave /unclean (breath) [this] man"\
{d f q r: Iesus (Jesus)}
(@ <c f r> spirite)
<@ <b e> ab>
[c: hoc]
/f: 3 4 1 2\
5.9 Et [interrogabat] {illum} () "Quod tibi nomen est?" - (<Et> /respondit\ +
["Nomen mihi legio] - {quia} mul-ti sumus")
5.9 And [(he) was asking] {him} "What is your name?" (<And> /he replied\
["My name is legion] {because} we are many")
(c f: Iesus (Jesus))
[@ <b d> interrogauit (he asked)]
{@ <e> eum}

- + - r ends, begins, ends

<b: at ille (but he); from || Lk 8.30; c: qui (who)>
(f omits)
/c: respondens dixit (replying, he said)\
[c: nomen mihi legio est; a b: 3 1 4 2; i: 3 1 2 4; d q r: 4 2 1 3]
{i omits; a: qu...}
-a ends; begins in verse 12
5.10 (Et) [deprecabatur) * {illum} <> /\ ne {[illum] expelleret} () <de> /\ +
5.10 (and) [he kept asking] {him} <> {not to drive [him]} <from> /the\ area.
(c omits; has autem at *)
[f: deprecabantur spiritus immundi (the unclean spirits kept asking); c:
rogabant; the plurals from || Lk 8.31; i: deprecatus est (he asked); e: obsecrabat; from e in 12; b: rogabat; rogo from || Lk 8.31]
{@ <e> eum}
<@ <e> multum (many times); condemned by its absence from g 1 Vulgate
MS L-892 l872 8271012+ ss (sc absent) as well as e>
/d q: ut; from \
{c f: 2 1}
[c f: eos (them); b: eum; d i q: se]
(b c: foras (outside)
<d: extra; c omits>
/b: illa (that)\
+ r begins
5.11 Era-t autem [illic] /{iuxta} montem + grex porcorum ()\ <pascens>
5.11 There was [there} /{near} the mountain a () herd of pigs\ <feeding>
- + r ends, begins
[@ <d e> ibi; d omits]
/c: 3 4 1 2\
{c d f i q: circa}
(c: magnus; q: multorum (large); from || Mt 8.30 or || Lk 8.32)
<b d q: pascentium; r: p...>
5.12 Et [deprecaban+tur] {illum} () /dicentes\ "Mitte nos in porcos" <>
5.12 And (they) [kept on asking him] /saying\ "Send us into the pigs" <>
(dicentes in @ <e> shows d e: daemonia is a later import; c: demones; r:
daemon... (the spirits); b f i q: spiritus (b adds illi) (the(se) breaths); from
Mt 8.31; a: uniuersa daemonia; condemned by its absence from B C 28 L
W -22-1278* <124> 543 251 697 892 1342 sa bo geo1)

+ a begins
[c: rogauerunt (asked); from || Lk 9.32; e: obsecrabant; from || Mt 8.31 k]
{@ <a b e> eum}
/e: dicentia; see ()\
<@ <e> ut in eos (a: illis) introeamus (a c: intremus) (so we can go into
them); r: ut...mus; from || Lk 8.32; absent from sa as well as e>
5.13 Et [] {} (misit illos) * /\ <> <> /et cum introissent in porcos spiritus immundi\ [ierunt cum impetu] [per praerupium] in{mare}() duo milia, et
suffocati sunt ()
5.13 And [] {he} sent them /\ <> <> /and when the unclean breaths had
entered the pigs\ [they went violently] [over the cliff into the sea]() two
thousand, and were drowned ()
[c: continuo; d f i q r: statim; a: protinus (immediately); added at different
times from a form not used by the translator; absent from B C L
plus as well as b e]
{c q: Iesus (Jesus) (q at *); i: Dominus (the master); a d f r: Dominus
(the master Jesus)}
(a b e i q: permisit illis (a: ipsis) (he allowed them); from || Lk 8.32; c d r:
misit eos)
/c d f i r: (i: ire) in porcos ((to go) into the pigs); from the next sentence\
<c: qui (who); b omits>
<a d f i q r: exeuntes (going out); from || Mt 8.32>
/b c: introeuntes (b: intrauerunt, a word Mark never uses, from || Lk 8.33,
autem) in porcos spiritus illi (not in c) immundi et (not in c) (those
unclean breaths entering (entered) the pigs (and); a d f i q r: spiritus (q:
spiriti) immundi introierunt (d: intrauerunt) in porcos et (not in a) (the unclean breaths entered the pigs (and))\
[b c: fecerunt impetu (c adds magno) ire (c has in from e's text)
(they made the herd go (very) violently); a d f i q r: magno impetu (f: 2 1; d
omits) grex praecipitatus (q: praecipitatum) est (the herd was flung ((very)
violently)) e: ierunt cum impetu in gregem (they went violently into
herd), creating in effect this nonsense: /when they entered the pigs\ [they
entered the pigs]]
[@ * per praerupium (@ <e> praeceps) (b c e: et (e at *) ceciderunt) ((and)
over the cliff (and) (they fell); material in green here and in [] from || Mt 8.32
or || Lk 8.33]
{c d r: mari; a: marem}
(a i r: erant autem (r: enim); there were)

r ends after the qu of quasi; begins again with et

{a: circiter; b: fere; c f: quasi ad; d q: ad; e i: quasi; r: qua.. (about); from
at different times}
/@ <e> in mare (a: mari) (in the sea) from in mare earlier in the verse\
5.14 [Et qui pascebant illos] fugerunt et {nuntiauerunt} in (ciuitat-e) et in
<agris> - et /exierunt\ [uidere] quid {esset}
5.14 [And those who were grazing them] fled and {told} those in (the community) and <on the land> and /they went out\ [to see] what {had happened}
[a: et pastores illorum (and their graziers); b: hi uero qui eos pascebant;
on uero see on 8.28; c d f i q r: qui autem pascebant eos (c f: illos) (those
who were grazing them)]
{c f q: renuntiauerunt}
- + - a ends, begins, ends; begins in verse 16
(@ <b d> ciuitatem)
<@ <b e i> agros>
/@ <e> egressi (q: ingressi) sunt; Mark never uses egredior; exeo is very
[b: ut uiderent]
{e: factum esset; q r: 2 1; c f: esset quod factum est; b: sit factum; i: essent
facti; factum from || Lk 8.35}
5.15 Et [ueniunt] ad Iesum et {uident} (daemoniacum) ()/\ <> /suae\ mentis
[] et timuerunt {}
5.15 and [they come] to Jesus and {see} (the possessed man) ()/\ <> /sane\
[] and were {} afraid.
[b c: uenerunt (they came); from || Lk 8.35]
{c: uiderunt (saw)}
(@ <e> illum (b: eum; c: illum hominem; f: 2 1) qui a daemonio uexabatur
(c f: 1 4 2 3) (the man who was being harassed by the spirit); a gloss on
(@ <e> sedentem (sitting); from || Lk 8.35; also absent from W 60 472)
/q: et (and)\
<@ uestitum et (b: ac; Mark never uses ac; lacuna in r) (clothed and); from
Lk 8.35; absent from W>
/b: sanae; q: sana; from || Lk 8.35\
[c f: sobrium; a gloss on suae mentis which has come into the text]
{c: ualde (very); Mark never uses this word}
5.16 [Et enarrauerunt] {illis}[] (qui) uiderant <quomodo> {esset factum} /illi\

/daemoniaco\ et de porcis.
5.16 [And] [those] (who) had seen [told] {them} <what> {had happened} /to
that\ /possessed man\ and about the pigs.
[c: hi]
(e: quid)
[@ <e> narrauerunt autem (b: etiam) ((also) told); Enarro also at 9.9, narro
nowhere else]
{e: illi (him)}
<@ qualiter; see on 4.33 []>
{e: sit factum; c: factum sit; q: factum est; b d f i q r: 2 1}
/@ <e> ei (r: et)\
/@ <e> qui daemonium habuerat (a: ... uexabatur daemoniis; d: qui daemonio uexabatur (man possessed (harassed) by a spirit/spirits); the green
from 15\
5.17 [Et coeperunt deprecari eum] ut - {}(recederet)<de>/regionibus\ eorum.
5.17 [And they began to beg him] {} to (leave) their /area\
[@ <b e> et (c: illi uero) rogare coeperunt (a d: rogabant) eum (c f:
((and) they began to ask him (Jesus)); the green from || Mt 8.34 non k or ||
Lk 8.37; e: et coeperunt eum obsecrare; obsecrare from || Mt 8.34 k; on
uero see on 8.28]
- a ends; begins in verse 19
{b: non}
(@ <b> discederet; from || Lk 8.37)
<@ <d i q> a; from || Mt 8.34 or || Lk 8.37>
/@ <b d> finibus; from || Mt 8.34\
5.18 [Et cum conscenderet] {} (nauem) (coepit /illum\ deprecari) <> qui
/daemoniacus fuerat\ ut [cum {illo} esset]
5.19 [And when {he} was going] (into) the boat <the man> who /had been
possessed by spirits\ (began to beg /him\) [to stay with {him}]
[c f i q r: cumque ascenderet (i: ascederet); b d: et ascendente illo (b: eum);
from || Mt 9.1 or || Lk 8.37; on que see on 1.13]
{c f: Iesus (Jesus)}
(b d: in)
<c: is>
/@ <e> a (not in b* d q*) daemonio fuerat uexatus (f: 1 2 4 3; q: 2 4 3; i: uexatus erat; c d r: uexabatur) (had been (was being) harassed by a spirit); see
on 15 ()\
(d: 1 3 2; f: coepit illum rogare; b e: (e: et) rogabat illum (b: eum) (began to
ask him); rogo from || Lk 8.38)

/i: eum\
[@ <e> 3 1 2]
{b: eo}
5.19 [Et] non {permisit} (illum) <sed> /dicit\ illi: "Vade [in] domum {} ad tuos
et (renuntia) ill+is quanta /tibi <Dominus> fecerit\ -()
5.19 [And he] did not {allow} (him) <but> /says\ to him: "Set out [to] {your}
home, to your people, and (tell) them what /<the Master> has done for
[From the translator's (and); @ Iesus autem (c f: uero) (Jesus); on uero
see on 8.28]
{d i q r: admisit; b: sinuit}
(b i q r: eum; c f: ei)
<d: et (and), probably from the spelling set>
/@ <e> ait (affirms)\
[b e omit]
{@ <b e> tuam}
(c d f i q: adnuntia;lacuna in r)
+ a begins
/a r?: 1 3 2; @ <a i q r?> tibi <Dominus> fecit (f: 2 1 3)\
<d: Deus (God)>
- r ends
(@ <e> et (not in i) quod (c: quomodo; not in a q) (f adds et) misertus est
tui (i q: tibi) (and that (how) he pitied you); an explanatory gloss which has
come into the text)
5.20 [Et abiit et] coepit praedicare in + Decapoli q-uanta {fecisset illi}
et () omnes /mirabantur\
5.20 [And he went away and] began to proclaim in the Decapolis what
Jesus {had done for him} and () all /were astonished\
[c: ille uero egressus (going away); on uero see on 8.28; Mark never uses
+ - r begins, ends
{e: fecerit illi; b c f: sibi (f: ei) fecit; d i q: sibi fecisset}
(a: protinus (immediately); Mark never uses this word)
/b c f: mirati sunt\
5.21 Et cum [transfretasset] * Iesus () /collecta est\ {multa turba ad eum}
/ad\ <mare>
5.21 And when Jesus [had crossed] () {a large crowd} \gathered\ {around
him} () /at\ <the sea>

[i: fretasset]
(a b i: (a adds in) contra rursum (a: rur...; i: rursus); f: ultra iterum (to the
other side again); c: inde iterum (from there again); d q r: ultra (to the
side); c f have at *; the various forms in different places of "to the other
side" were taken at different times from , condemned by its
absence from p45 (there is not sufficient space in the lacuna for it);
"again" is condemned by its different places and forms, iterum & rursum/s
(a word Mark never uses) and its absence from d q r +ss (sc missing) bo
lacuna in a after (rur) to before the t of /conuenit\
{d q: 2 1 3 4; a: turba magna ad eum; b r: turba multa ad illum; c: 3 4 1 2; f:
3 4 2 1; i: turba multa (a large crowd); ad eum/illum omitted; a scribe's eye
slipped from one ad to the next}
/@ <e> conuenit; Mark does not have conuenio elsewhere\
<a: et erat ipse (and he was)>
/b c: iuxta (near); d f i q r: circa (around)\
<lacuna in r>
5.22 Et < > [uenit] {quidam} ( ) <ex principibus synagogae> - / \ [et] /\
{procidens} (ad pedes eiu-s)
5.22 And <> {one} <of the leaders of the synagogue> /\ [came] () [and] {prostrating himself} (at his feet)
<c: ecce (lo); from || Mt 9.18 or || Lk 8.41>
{b: unus; from || Mt 9.18; a: quis; from }
<d f i q r: archisynagogus (synagogue leader); a b c: de principibus synagogae>
- r ends
/b c q: nomine Iairus (whose name was Jairus); from || Lk 8.41\
[c replaces with <ecce>]
(e: ad eum (to him))
/a: cum uidisset eum; b: uidens eum; q: ut uidit eum (when he saw him); f
i r: uidit ( eum et (he saw (sees) him and); c: uidens Iesum (seeing
Jesus); absent from D as well as d e; their variations show they were introduced at different times from (seeing him)\
{e: cadens; from || Lk 8.41; @ <d e> procidit (he prostrated himself)}
(a: illi ad pedes)
- r ends
5.23 [et] {obsecra+ns} (illum) <>/\ dicens [] <"Filiola> mea {nouisime habet}
(Veni tange eam) /\ et [uiuet"]
5.23 [and] {begging} (him) <> /\ saying [] "My <daughter> {is near death}
(Come touch her) /\ and[she will live"]

[a b d i q omit]
{c: rogabat (he was asking); b d f i q: rogans (asking); both from || Lk 8.41;
a: deprecans}
+ r begins
(@ <e> eum)
<a e: multa (repeatedly)>
/@ <c e> et (and)\
[b f i q r: quoniam (that)]
<@ <a e> filia; from || Mt 9.18 or || Lk 8.42; the translator. with
read filiola>
{@ <e> in extremis est}
(e: ueni et tange eam (come and touch her); b d f i q r: ueni tange eam (b:
illam) de manibus tuis (come touch her with your hands); c: sed ueni impone manum tuam supra eam (but come, put your hand on her); a: ut uenias et imponas manus ei (come and put your hands on her); the green from
|| Mt 9.18)
/@ <c e> ut salua sit (to save her); condemned by its absence from ss (sc
missing) sa as well as c e\
[@ <c e> uiuat (let her live)]
5.24 Et [abiit] cum {illo} et (sequebantur <illum> turba) multa /et comprimebant\ [illum]
5.24 And [he went away] with {him} and a large (crowd was following <him>
/and pressing on\ [him]
[d: ibat (he was going)]
{f q: eo}
(b: 3 2 1)
<c: Iesum (Jesus); @ <c e> eum)
/c: comprimentes (pressing on)\
[a c f: eum]
5.25 Et [] mulier {} [(quae) <erat> jn /fluxu\] sanguinis {annos} duodecim
5.25 And [] a {} woman [(who) <had> /a flow\ of blood {for} twelve {years}
[c f: ecce (lo); from || Mt 9.20]
{a: quaedam (certain); from || Lk 8.43}
[a: habens profluuium; habens from || Mt 9.20]
(d: quendam; a mistaken correction of quaedam mistakenly replacing quae)
<c: fuerat (had had)>
/@ <a e> profluuio>
{b q: ab annis; from || Lk 8.43; d f i r: annis; a c: per annos}
5.26 [et] {(multa) passa} a /<multis> medicis\ et [cum consumpsisset] {quae

penes eam omnia} (et cum nihil profecisset) sed <>/deterius\[haberet]

5.26 [and] {had suffered (much)} from /<many> doctors\ and [when she
had spent] {her all} (and when it was no use) but <> [she was]/worse\
[@ <a e q> quae (who); q omits]
{c: pertulerat; b d f i q r: passa erat (f: fuerat)}
(b: plurima (very much)}
/a: 2 1\
<c: plurimis; f: pluribus; d i q r: compluribus (very many); Mark has none of
these words elsewhere>
[@ <a e> erogauerat; from || Lk 8.43; a: impendens]
{a: omnem substantiam suam; from || Lk 8.43; @ <a e> omnia sua (d: 2 1);
the translator, with ' read e's text}
(a: et non pro...; b d i q r: nec quicquam profecerat (d: proficiebat); c f: et
nihil profecerat))
<a: p<otius>; d: magis (rather)>
[@ <e> habebat]
/b c f: peius\
5.27 [et] {cum audisset de Iesu} () <> /\ tetigit {uestimentum eius} *
5.27 [and] {when she had heard about Jesus} <> /\ she touched {his clothes}
[@ <e> omit]
{b d f i q r: audito de Iesu; c: haec audito Iesu}
(@ uenit et (she came and); from || Lk 8.44; absent from W)
<@ <c> (a e: a; d f: de) retro (behind); from || Mt 9.20 or || Lk 8.44>
/a e i: in turba (i: turbam); a d q: inter turbam (q: turba); a d i q r have them
*; this and their variations show that they were introduced at different times
from the Greek; absent from -<131>-22-278 238 251 697 1278* 1194 as
well as e\
{a: tunicam illius}
5.28 [dicens] {} () <"Si> /uestimentum\ (eius) {tangam} [saluabor"]
5.28 [saying] {} () <"If> {I touch} (his) /clothes\ [I will be healed"]
[a e: dicebat enim (she was saying); from || Mt 9.21]
{@ <b e> intra se (to herself); from || Mt 9.21}
(d: quia (that))
<a f i r: uel si; b q: 2 1 (if (I) even); from || Mt 9.21>
{@ <e> tetigero (d: adtigero); from || Mt 9.21}
(a: illius)
/q: uestimenta\
[@ <e> salua ero; from || Mt 9.21]

5.29 Et [] {siccauit} fons sanguinis eius et / (cognouit) <corpore> [] {quia}

(sanata esset)
5.29 And [] the source of her blood {dried up} and /(she knew) /[in her]
<body> {that} (she was cured)
[@ <a b e> confestim; b e: continuo; a: protinus (immediately) the different
words show it comes from ]
{@ <e> siccatus (f: siccatum) est}
/e omits; a scribe's eye slipped from cognouit to the same word in 30\
(@ <a b> sensit; this word is not found elsewhere in Mark; b: intellexit)
<c d f i q: corpori>
[b c: suo; f: eius]
{c d f q: quod; see on 1.15}
(a d i q: sanata (d: sana) esset (a i: est) a plaga (a adds sua); f: esset a plaga
sana; r: sana esset...; (she was cured of her disease); b: sanata est; c: esset
5.30 [Et]\ cognouit Iesus] {} uirtutem (quae exierat) <a se> /et\ conuersus
[dixit turbis] "Quis {mihi} tetigit uestimenta?" *
5.30 [And Jesus knew] {} the power (which had gone out) <of him> /and\
turning [said to the crowds] "Who touched {my} clothes?"
[e: et cognouit continuo Iesus d: et statim cognouit Iesus (and immediately
Jesus knew); a: et statim sciens Iesus (and Jesus, knowing immediately);
c f i q r: cognouit autem (r: enim) (f q add et Iesus (Jesus knew); b: cognito
autem Iesus; continuo and statim are condemned by their different forms in
different places and absence from b c f i q r]
{a: intra se (within himself); replacing a se later in the verse}
(f: exisse; Mark never uses the accusative and infinitive construction; e:
<b c i q r: de se; d: de illo; a replaces it with intra se at {}>
/a omits\
[c i q: ad turbas (i q: turbam) ait; f: 3 1 2 (affirms to the crowd/s); a: ad
dixit; b: 3 1 2; r: ad turba...]
{@ <e> mea; at *}
5.31 - [Et discipuli eius dicunt] {} "Vides (turbas comprimentes) te + et <>
/di-cis\ 'Quis [me tetigit?'"]
5.31 [And his learners say] {} "You see (the crowds pressing) on you and
/<you> say\ 'Who [touched me?"]
-r ends
[e: discipuli autem eius dicunt; f: dicunt ergo discipuli eius; a: discipuli
autem eius dixerunt; c: dixerunt autem discipuli eius (his learners say

(said); b: dicunt ei discipuli eius; d i q: discipuli autem illius dicunt ei (i:

(his learners say to him)]
{a: magister (teacher); from || Lk 8.45}
(@ <e> turbam comprimentem (the crowd pressing)
+ - r begins, ends
<e: tu (you)>
/a b: dices\
[b c: tetigit uestimenta mea (touched my clothes); from the end of verse 30]
5.32 [Et cum circumsp+iceret] {}
5.32 [And when he was looking around] {}
+ r begins
[b c: (b: ipse) autem cum (c: 2 1) circumspexisset (when he had looked
around); f: et cum circumspiciebat Iesus (and when Jesus was looking
around); a d i q: et cum circumspiciebat; r: ...iciebat]
{@ <c e> uidere (r: uider,, then lacuna to end of verse) (b: ut uideret) quae
(a b q: quis) hoc fecerat (b: fecisset) (to see the woman (person) who had
done this); probably suggested by Mt 9.22 "seeing her" and/or Lk 8.46
"Jesus said: 'Someone touched me; I could feel the power going out of
5.33 [ipsa mulier timefacta est] - {et} tremens () /\ <concidit> (ante
/et\ [dixit] <> {quid esset facti}
5.33 [the woman was afraid] {and} trembling ( ) / \ <prostrated
(before him) /and\ [told] <him> {what had happened}
[@ <e> (f q: et) mulier (a d i r: autem) timens ((and) the woman, afraid)]
- r ends
{q: ac; Mark never uses ac}
(c: sciens quod factum esset in se (knowing what had been done in her);
condemned by its absence from b e q; f i r (part in <> lost in lacuna in
<quod> fecerat (r: fecerit) occulto scien<s factum> (knowing what she had
done had been done secretly); reworking c's text to express || Lk 8.47:
"seeing that she had not escaped his notice" in another way; a d: ob hoc
(d omits by mistake) quod fecerat absconse (d: occultum) sciens quod ei
contingit (d: quid esset acti) (knowing what had happened (to her) because
of what she had done secretly); a reworking of f i r's text, d's green taken
from {}, a's navy a reworking of the green)
/a d f i: ipsa (from [ipsa]) (not in a) uenit et (came and); e: accedens
(approaching) (green from || Lk 8.47); r: ... tremens et (trembling and);

<c: procidens (prostrating herself); b d f i q r: procidit; from || Lk 8.47;
prostrauit se>
(a: ei; b c d f i q r: ante eum (b q: illum))
/c omits\
[a: indicauit; from || Lk 8.47; Mark has indico nowhere else]
<@ <e> ei (a: illi)>
{a b d f i r: omnem ueritatem (the whole truth); Mark follows verbs of saying
or the like with clauses like "what had happened" found in c e q; nowhere
else does he follow them with an abstract noun such as "the truth" found
in the other MSS here}
5.34 [Ille autem dixit] - {illi} () {"Filia} + fides tua te <saluauit> - uade in
et esto /sana a flagello tuo"\ []
5.34 [He said] {to her} () {"Daughter} your trust <has cured> you; set out in
peace and be /cured of your lash"\ []
[@ <e> Iesus (c f q: uero; lacuna in r) dixit (b c f: ait) (Jesus said
on uero see on 8.28]
- + - a ends, begins, ends
{c: ad illam; d i q r: ei}
(q: constans esto (be resolute); from || Mt 9.22)
{there is not enough space in a's lacuna for filia; a scribe's eye slipped
from the fi of filia to the fi of fides}
<@ <e> saluam fecit; from || Mt 9.22 non k or || Lk 8.48>
/@ <e> sana (c: salua) a plaga tua (b: 2 3 4 1); a begins again at tua\
[c: et sana facta est mulier (and the woman was cured); from || Mt 9.22]
5.35 [Et cum adhuc loqueretur] {ueniunt} (a / principe synagogae) dicentes
<> [] "Filia tua mortua est. Quid {usque} uexas (magistrum?")
5.35 [And when he was still speaking] {they come} (from the synagogue
leader) /saying <> [] "Your daughter is dead. Why are you {continually}
worrying (the teacher?")
[@ adhuc (q: et adhuc) eo (b: illo) loquente ((and) with him still
from || Lk 8.49]
{c: uenerunt (they came)}
(b c q: ad principem synagogae (f: arcysynagogum; q: archisynagogo,
showing that an ancestor had ab) (to the synagogue leader), as the synagogue leader is with Jesus; but "from the synagogue leader" is used loose-

ly for "from the house of the synagogue leader"; d f i r: ab archisynagogo)

/an ancestor of r's (which had Mark's a principe synagogae instead of r's
ab archisynagogo) omitted to the \ in the next verse; a scribe's eye slipped
from synagogae here to the same word there.
b d i: ei (to him)>
[d q: quia (that)]
{a: adhuc; b d i q: iam; c f: amplius (still); the variation shows these words
were added at different times from a somewhat free translation of
(c: illum (him); from || Lk 8.49)
5.36 [Iesus autem] <neglexit sermonem et> dixit {principi\ synagogae} "Noli
timere; (tantum) crede".
5.36 [Jesus] <ignored what was spoken> and said {to the synagogue leader}\ "Do not be afraid; (just) trust".
[a: statim Iesus (immediately Jesus) Mark never uses statim; b: Iesus uero;
on uero see on 8.28]
<a: ut audiit uerbum; c: audito uerbo; d i q: audito hoc uerbo; f: audiens hoc
uerbum (when he had heard (hearing) what was said); from || Lk 8.50; b: audito;
a scribe's eye slipped from the o of audito to the o of uerbo, causing him to
omit uerbo or hoc uerbo>
{b: ad principem synagogae; a c d f i q: archisynagogo}
(d i q r: tantummodo)
5.37 Et non [admisit] {quemquam sequi se} nisi Petrum et Iacobum et Iohannem fratrem (Iacobi)
5.37 And he [did] not [allow] {anyone to go in with him} except Peter and
James and (James') brother John.
[e: permisit; from || Lk 8.51; a: est passus]
{d: 1 3 2; e: secum quemquam introire; from || Lk 8.51}
(a d: eius (his))
5.38 Et [ueniunt] in domum {principis synagogae} et (uidet) <turbas plorantes et ululantes> /\
5.38 And [they come] into {the synagogue leader's} house and (he sees)
<the crowds weeping and wailing> /\
[a c f: uenit (he comes); i r: uenerunt )they came)]
{as used at 22, 34 & 36; @ <b> archisynagogi; b's archisynagogae (ae ending) shows that an ancestor had principis synagogae}
(b q r: uident (they see); f: uidit (he saw))
<a: tumultum plorantium et lamentantium (the tumult of those weeping and
lamenting); @ <a e> turbam flentem et (b: ac) lamentantem (c:

(c f: 2 1 3 4) (the crowd weeping and lamenting)>
/@ <b e> multum; e: multa; absent from g sp (sc missing) as well as b\
5.39 [Et introiens] [dicit] {} "Quid (tumultuamini) et <> /fletis?\ Puella non est
mortua sed dormit".
5.39 [And going in] [he says] {} "Why (are you in tumult) and <> /weeping?\
The girl is not dead but asleep".
[e: introiens autem (going in) @ <a e> et ingressus; a: et intrans; Mark uses
neither ingredior nor intro anywhere else]
[@ ait (he affirms); seemingly absent from a]
{d: illis (to them)}
(@ <a e> turbamini)
<@ <a e> quid (why); absent from almost all the Greek>
/d: turbatis (disturbing); from (); @ <d e: ploratis\
5.40 [Et] {irridebant} (eum) <Ille autem> /cum expulisset omnes\ [] et {assumpsisset patrem} puellae et (eos) qui <secum erant> /\ [introiuit]ubi
erat puella {}
5.40 [And they] {began to laugh at} (him) <But he> /when he had driven
everyone out\ [] {and had brought the} girl's {father} and (those) who
<were with him> /\ [went in to]where the girl was{}
[from the translator's e: illi autem; a b d i q r: at illi; c f: illi uero
they); on uero see on 8.28]
{b q: deridebant; from || Mt 9.24 or || Lk 8.53}
(c f: illum)
<d: ipse autem; @ <d e> ipse uero; ipse from || Lk 8.54; on uero see on 8.
/omnes from the translator's e: cum expulisset turbas (when he
had driven out the crowds); b c f i q r: eiecta (f: adiecta) turba (the crowd
having been driven out); d: eiciens turba; turba shows that an ancestor had
eiecta turba and a reviser had failed to change turba to turbam, giving
"driving out the crowd"; the green from || Mt 9.25; a: eiectis omnibus\
[b c d q: foris; e f i r: foras (outside); absent from the Greek as well as a]
{a c: et adsumpsit patrem et matrem (a: matrem et patrem) (he brought (the
girl's) father and mother); b d f i q r: adsumpto patre et matre (f: matre et
patre) ((the girl's) father and mother having been brought); the green from
|| Lk 8.56, talking of her parents being amazed when she gets up}
(a c d f i r omit; b: his; q: eos, showing an ancestor had Mark's construction,
of which this is a relic)
<a: 2 1; d f: cum illo (f: eo) erant>
/a c d: et (and)\

[a: intrauit; Mark does not use intro]

{c q: iacens (lying); condemned by its absence from 1 Vulgate MS B L
-892 983-1689 D 0153, 4 of 5 sa, most bo as well as a b d e f i r}
5.41 Et [] {} {dixit} - (ei) <> /"Talitha, t+alitha cumi" \quod est interpretatum
/"Puella, puella\ tibi dico [exsurge"]
5.41 And [] {<he> said} (to her) /"Talitha, talitha cumi"\ which means
girl\ I say to you [get up"]
[@ <e i> tenens manum eius (d f r: puellae) (holding her (the girl's)
from || Mt 9.25 or || Lk 8.54]
{q: et (and)}>
<d D: rabbi (the rabbi); so called as he is speaking in Aramaic; Jesus is addressed as rabbi at 9.5, 10.51, 11.21, 14.45, but not elsewhere so called by
Mark; this suggests that rabbi is the work of an interpolator>
- + r ends, begins
{a: dicit (he says); perhaps rightly; @ <a e> ait (he affirms)}
(@ <a e> illi; absent from W, perhaps rightly)
/e: tabea acultha cumhi; a: tabitha; r: .abitha; b c d f i: tabitha (b c i:
cumi (f: cum); q: thalitha cumi; Aramaic tly+) tly+) qhmy; t is represented by
so b c i q's initial th is wrong; q and preserve the correct l for the
corrupt b (from the name Tabitha in the similar account in Ac 9.40). A
scribe's eye slipped from one talitha to the next, causing him to omit one
(only e preserving, in corrupt form, both); a puella was then omitted from
the translation to fit\
/@ <e> puella; see on /\\
[@ <e i q> surge; from || Lk 8.54]
5.42 Et [] {exsurrexit} puella et ambulabat. Erat autem annorum duodecim.
Et (stupentes facti sunt) <> /stupore\ [magno]
5.42 And [] the girl {got up} and began to walk. She was twelve. And <they>
(were amazed) [with great] /amazement\
- r ends
[@ <a e> confestim;a: protinus; e: statim; r: con...; (r begins in 43) (immediately); the different forms show they come from absent from
p45 (not enough space for it in the lacuna) & some bo]
{b c e f: surrexit; from || Mt 9.25 or || Lk 8.55}
<c d f i q: omnes (all); absent from all the Greek <D>>
(f: stupuerunt; from || Lk 8.56; a b c d i q: obstupuerunt)
[c i: maximo (very great)]
/a b: pauore (fear)\

5.43 Et p+raece-pit illis {} () <nemo sciret illud> - /et dixit ut daretur illi
5.43 And {he} told them () <that no one should know this> /and said that
she should be given something to eat\
+ - - + r begins, ends, ends, begins
{c f: Iesus (Jesus)}
(a: multum (at length); also absent from Vulgate D 474 1424 +)
<e: illum; c d f: ut (d: uti) nemini dicerent (that they should tell no one); a b
q: ut (i: uti) nemo (a: ne quis) hoc (not in q) sciret (b: istut cognosceret); r
only has sciret at the end>
/c: sed darent illi aliquid manducare (but they should give her something to
eat); a b d f i q: et dixit (a b: iussit) dari illi (b: 2 1) (a: dari ei)
iussit from || Lk 8.55\

Chapter 6
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
a b c d f i q contain the whole chapter.
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
e ends at the end of verse 9 (begins again at 12.37)
k n t are missing for the whole chapter.
6.1 Et [cum exisset] ind-e {} (abiit) in patriam su+am /cum discipulis suis] +
6.1 And [when {he} had gone out of] there (he went away) to his homeland
/with his learners\
[@ <a e> egressus; Mark never uses egredior; a: exiit (he went out of)]
{c f: Iesus (Jesus)}
- + + r ends, begins, begins
(a: et uenit (and came); from || Mt 13.54)
/a d f i q r: et sequeba(r ends here)ntur (a: secuti sunt) illum (a q: eum) discipuli sui (d q: eius; f i: illius) (and his learners were following him); so
6.2{Et}*coepit ~ {in synagoga docere} []<ita ut> /\ [extimescerent] {} `dicentes: "Vnde huic(ista)et quae <est> /\ sapientia quae [(ei) data est?]
{Et}uirtutes (tales) per <manus> /eius\ [efficiuntur?]
6,2 {And}he began {to teach in a synagogue} []<making> /them\ [afraid]

{} saying: "Where has he got (this)and what <is> /this\ wisdom which
[has been given (to him?)) {And}[are](such) powerful things [achieved]
by /his\ <hands?>
{b: ibique (and there); On que see on 1.13}
{d f r: 3 1 2}
[a: sabbato facto; c: sabbatis; d i r: sabbatorum; f q: die sabbati (q: sabbato) (on the sabbath); a d i q r have it at *, c f at ~; the different wording,
different places it occurs and the pointlessness of the reference to the
sabbath in Mark all show it comes from || Lk 4.16]
<a d f i q r: et (and); b c: ut>
/a: cum audissent multi; d f i q r: multi audientes (many, hearing); c e f
omnes (all); c f q have it at `; omnes is from || Lk 4.22\
[b: mirarentur; c: admirarentur (astonished); d f i q r: admirabantur; a:
stupebant (/they\ were astonished); the 1st 2 from || Mt 13.54 non e k; the
last 2 from || Mt 13.54 e k]
{@ <e> in doctrina (q: doctrinam) eius (a q: illius; d i r: ipsius) (at his
teaching); condemned by its absence from e p45 (there is not enough space in
the lacuna for them, but enough for (= omnes at `) B C L & most
of the Greek}
(c: tanta (so much); @ <b c e> haec)
<not in a>
/b: haec\
[@ <e> 3 1 2]
(@ <a e> illi)
{i q r: ut (so that); with this reading "are" should come after "things"; b d f:
ut et (b: 2 1)}
(d i q: istae (these); f r: eius; b: tantae)
[d f i q: efficiantur; b: perficiantur; r: fiant]
/a: illius; f omits; a scribe's eye slipped from us to us\
<c: labia (lips); from a MS in which had been corrupted to >
6.3 Nonne [hic] est {faber, filius} Mariae <et> frater /\ Iacobi [] et Iudae et
Simonis? {Et} <non> /sunt hic\ (fratres) (illius) /ad nos?"\ Et /\scandalizabantur in illo.
6.3 Is [he] not {the workman, the son} of Mary <and> brother /\ of James []
and Jude and Simon? {And} /are\ (his) [brothers] <not> /here with us?"\
And /\they were stumbling concerning him.
[i q r: iste]
{@ <d f q> fabri filius et (not in e) (the son of the workman (and)); from ||

13.55; the absence of et in e shows an ancestor had Mark's text}

<@ <d e> omit to improve the {} @ text>
/q: autem\
[b e q r: et Ioseph (and Joseph); from || Mt 13.55 non k; a d: et Iosetis (and
Joses); from || Mt 13.55 k]
{not in @ <e>}
(a: huius; @ <a e> eius>
(@ <e> sorores (sisters); from || Mt 13.56)
<@ <e> nonne et (not in b) (not (also)>
/@ <e> has both parts of /\ in the 2nd place; @ <e> hic nobiscum sunt (b c
f: hic sunt nobiscum; a: hic aput nos sunt); aput from Mt 13.56; the translator's suggests he read e's ad nos\
/c: haec dicentes (saying this)\
6.4 [Et dicebat] {illis} Iesus quia: "Non est propheta sine honore nisi in (patria sua") /\
6.4 [And] Jesus [was saying] {to them} "A prophet is honoured everywhere
except in (his own homeland") /\
[c: dicebat autem (was saying); from || Mt 13.57]
{a f i q: eis; c: ad eos}
(c: domo (his own home); from || Mt 13.57)
/c r: et (r: adque) (Mark never uses atque) in domo sua (c: patria (from
(and in his own home (homeland)); a b d f i q: et in genere suo (a:cognatis;
f: cognatione) et in domo sua (f: domum suam) (and with his own family
and in his own home); et in domo sua is from || Mt 13.57; et in genere suo is
condemned by its absence from c e r\
6.5 Et [non potuit] {illic} (ullam * uirtutem) [facere] nisi <> /paucos
~ [superponens manus] {curauit}
6.5 And [he could not do] {there} (anything powerful) except <that> [laying
on his hands] ` {he cured} /a few who were sick\
[b c e: non faciebat (he was not doing); f: non fecit (he did not do); both at
the 1st [] only; from || Mt 13.58; a i q r: noluit...facere (he did not want to
a d have facere at *; Mark's text is found in the Greek as well as d]
{@ <c e> ibi; on ibi see 1.25}
(i q: uirtutem multam; c f r: uirtutes multas (many powerful things); from ||
Mt 13.58; a: nullam uirtutem (nothing powerful))
<i r: quod>
[@ <e> imponens (q: ponens) manum (b c i: manus) (laying on his hand/s)]
/a: in paucis aegris (on a few who were sick); put the translation at `\
{b has at ~; a: curabat (he was curing)}

6.6 [] propter incredulitatem {illorum} et circuibat () <castella> /\ docens

6.6 [] because of {their} distrust and (he) was going around <the walled settlements> /\ teaching
[@ <b e> mirabatur (he was astonished), Mark uses propter nowhere else
after ad/miror; he uses super at 1.22, 10.24, 11.18, 12.17]
{i r: eorum}
(f: Iesus (Jesus))
<a: per municipia (communes); Mark never uses municipium; he has castellum in 7 other places>
/@ <a d> in circuitu (e: circuto) (going around); d: et circumibat (and he was
going around); absent from g2 348 sp ss (sc missing) 1 of 3 sa as well as a\
6.7 Et [cum aduocasset duodecim] () {coepit * mittere} (eos) <> [] /dans eis
potestatem\ {spirituum immundorum}
6.7 And [when he had called the twelve] () {he began to send} (them) <> []
/giving them power\ {over unclean breaths}
[@ <e> conuocatis duodecim; from || Mt 10.1 or || Lk 9.1]
(b d f i q r: discipulis (r: di...; begins again in verse 8) (learners); from || Mt
10.1 or || Lk 9.1 non e)
{@ <q> misit (he sent); from || Lk 9.2; the Greek agrees with q}
(a b c f q: illos; q has the word at *)
<a b c i: binos binos; d f: per binos; q: binos (two by two); from || Lk 10.1>
/q: et (and)\
/c d f: dans illis potestatem; a b i q: data eis (b q: illis) potestate (a b:
potestatem, showing an ancestor had dans)
{c: fugare spiritus immundos (to rout uncean breaths); Mark never uses
fugo; f: fugare spirituum immundorum; wrong case after fugare, which was
clearly added later}
6.8 [praecipiens] {eis} (nihil <> tollere) [] nisi uirgam /solam\ [non] peram
{non} panem (ne-que) /aes in zonis\
6.8 [telling] {them} (not to take anything) <> [] except a stick (not) a bag
{no} food(nor)/money in a belt\
[d: et praecepit (and he told)]
{a c d f i: illis; not in b (eis omitted after ens)
(@ <b e> ne quid tollerent (f: tolleret)
<c f: secum (with them)>
[@ <b> in uia (a d f i: uiam) (for the journey); from || Lk 9.3; absent from 1 bo
as well as b]
/@ <e> tantum\

[a: neque (neither)]

{a f: neque (neither)}
(a: sed nec (but neither))
r begins
/d i q: in zona (d i: zonam) aes; the translator, with , read aes; r: in
zona...; a c f: nummos (f: nummus) in zonis (a: zonam); e: pecuniam (from ||
Lk 9.3) in zonis\
6.9 - sed calciatos [soleas] {neque uestiri} - /duas\ tunicas.
6.9 but wearing [sandals] {but not wearing} /two\ tunics.
- r ends
[c f: caligulas (f: galliculas); a: soleis; b q: sandaliis; d i: sandalia]
{a: nolite indui; d: et ne indueritis; @ <a d e> et (i omits) ne indue(lacuna in r
verse 10)rentur}
/f: binas (two (tunics) each); the translator, with , seems to have read
- e ends; begins again at 12.37
6.10 Et + [dicebat] {eis} ["Vbicumque] - (introieritis) <> /illic\ manete {donique} exeatis inde.
6.10 And [he was saying] {to them} ["Wherever] (you go in) <> stay /there\.
{until} you go out from there.
+ - r begins, ends
[b: ait (he affirms); c d f: dixit (he said); q: dicit; suggests the translator read dicebat]
{a b r: illis}
[@ <a b> quocumque; from || Mt 10.11 or || Lk 9.4]
(a: intraueritis; Mark never uses this word)
<b c: domum; q: in domum; r:...mum (to a house); from || Lk 9.4>
/a b c f: ibi; see 1.35\
{@ donec; I follow k's spelling at 9.1}
6.11 Et quicumque non r-eceperint uos + [neque audierint (uos)] exeuntes
inde excutite <puluerem pedum uestrorum> /\ in testimonium {illis"} []
6.11 And whoever does not let you stay [and does not listen (to you)] going
out from there, scrape off <the soil of your feet> /\ in witness {to them"} []
- + r begins, ends
[q omits; a scribe's eye slipped from one uos to the next]
(not in r or g l, perhaps rightly)
<c f i r: puluerem de pedibus uestris (the soil from your feet); from || Mt 10.
14 or || Lk 9.5; q: pedes uestros cum puluere>

/c: quod subtus est (which is below); the translator translated <pedum uestrorum> with (that under your feet); c's text
translates (that under) with the mistake quod for qui\
{a: eis}
[a f q: amen dico uobis tolerabilius (a: remissius) erit Sodomis et Gomoris
in die iudicii quam illi ciuitati (a: 2 1) (amen I say to you that on the day
judgement the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah will be better than that of that
settlement); from || Mt 10.15]
6.12 Et [exeuntes] {praedicabant} ut paenitentiam (agerent)
6.12 And [going out] {they proclaimed} that (they should) repent.
[a: cum exissent (when they had gone out)]
{c: praedicate (proclaim)}
(c: agant)
6.13 Et [] {multa daemonia} (eiciebant) et, <unguentes oleo> multos /aegros,\ [] {sanauerunt}
6.13 And [] (they were driving out) {many spirits} and, <anointing>
/who were sick,\ {they cured them} []
[b q: aliqui ex illis; c: quidam illorum (some of them) a clumsy interpolation;
if only some of them were driving out spirits, others were clearly not doing.
what Jesus (verse 7) had sent them out to do]
{a d i: 2 1; r omits multa, but it is required by the parallelism with multos}
(a: expellebant)
<a: unguebant; c: imponentes oleum>
/q: aegrotos\
{a: sanabant (they were curing them)}
[a: et (also)]
6.14 [Et audiit] Herodes rex <Manifestum enim fuerat> {} nomen (eius) Et
<dicebant> /quia\ "Iohannes (baptiziator)[resurrexerit] a mortuis et {propterea} (uirtutes * efficiuntur) /in illo\
6.14 [And] King Herod [heard] (His) name <had been revealed> {} And
<they were saying> /that\ "John (the baptist) [has risen] from the dead and
{this is why} (power works) /in him"\
[b c q: (c adds cum) audiuit autem ((when)...heard); from || Lk 9.7]
(c: Iesu (Jesus'); from || Mt 14.1; a: illius)
<a: palam factum est enim; b d: manifestum (b: notum) enim factum est; i q
r: manifestatum (q: manifestum) enim erat>
{c: ei; f: illi (to him)}

<c i q r: dicebat; dicebant in the next verse requires dicebant here>

/@ <a> quod; see on 1.15\
(@ baptista; I print k's form at 8.28)
[c: surrexisset (had risen); b: surrexit; f: surrexitset; surrexit only partially
changed to surrexisset; green from || Mt 14.2]
{a c f r: ideo; from || Mt 14.2 non k}
(c f r: 2 1; a: uirtutes operantur; b: 2 1; from || Mt 14.2)
/a b: in eo; d: in ipso; c: per illum; c f have the words at *\
6.15 Alii autem dicebant [] {} "Helias (est") alii <autem> /\ {} {"Propheta est"}
6.15 Others were saying [] {} ("He is) Elijah", others <> /\ [] {"He is a prophet"}
[c: de eo (about him)]
{in both places: a q: quia; b f: quod (that)}
(c: uenerit; f: uenit (has come); from || Lk 9.8)
<b c f i q r: uero; on uero see on 8.28>
/d i q: dicebant (were saying)\
{b c f: unus (c: unum) de (b: ex) prophetis (one of the prophets); from ||
16.14; d i r: quasi unus ex prophetis (like one of the prophets); from || 8.28;
q: profeta est quasi unus ex profetis (he is a prophet like one of the prophets); combining the two readings}
6.16 [Cum audisset autem] Herodes {dixit} "Quem ego decollaui <(hic) est
Iohannes> hic /\ {resurrexit"} *
6.16 [When] Herod [heard] {he said} "The man I decapitated < () John> {has
risen"} /\
[b: quod ut audiuit; Mark does not use ut = when; c d f i q r: quo (d omits; f:
quod) audito; Mark does not seem to use the ablative absolute]
{b d i q r: ait (he affirms)}
<d omits; a scribe's eye slipped from one hic to the next>
(b: ipse)
{b d q: surrexit; I follow the majority of the MSS and the word Mark uses at
/@ a mortuis (from the dead); b c f q have it at *; condemned by its absence
from * B L W 33 892* 1342 sj ss (sc missing) sa bo geo\
6.17 Ipse enim Herodes [misit et tenuit] Iohannen {et alligauit} (eum)
carcere> pr-opter Herodiaden uxorem /Philippi fratris sui\ []
6.17 Herod [sent and held] John {and bound} (him) <in prison\ because of
/his brother Philip's\ wife Herodias. []

[a: mittens detinuit; d q: misit ac tenuit; Mark does not use ac]
{b: alligatum (bound)}
(not in r, perhaps rightly; b: illum, showing its {} is later)
<@ <c> et (not in b) misit (r adds eum) in carcerem ((and) sent him to
prison); from || Mt 14.3>
- r ends; begins in verse 18
/b: 2 3 1\
[@ <i> quia (a c d f: quod) eam (q: eum) uxorem duxisset (b q: duxerrat) (b
q: 1 4 2 3); a: quod nupsisset eam (because he had married her); from verse
18; also absent from 13-69-124-346-543-788-826-828-983]
6.18 Dicebat enim [Iohannes Herodi] {} + "No-n licet (tibi) habere uxorem
fra+tris tui".
6.18 [John] was saying [to Herod] {} ("You) are not allowed to marry your
brother's wife".
[f: 2 1; c: illi Iohannes ( him); from || Mt 24.4]
{a b q: quia (that)}
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
(a: te)
6.19 [Herodias] autem insidiabatur {illi} et quaere-bat (eum occidere) /et
non\ poter+at.
6.19 Now [Herodias] was plotting {against him} and trying (to kill him) /but\
could /not\
[d f: Herodes (Herod); from || Mt 14.5, contradicting 6.20; r: He...]
{a b: ei}
- + r ends, begins
(d i q: 2 1; c f: occidere illum; a: interficere eum; Mark does not have interficio elsewhere; he has occido in 8 other places)
/c i: nec)
6.20 Herod-es [autem] {timebat} Iohan+nen, sciens (eum) - uirum <> iustum
* et sanc+tum ~ et /obseruabat\ -/eum\ et [] {attente eum audiebat}
6.20 Herod {was afraid of} John, knowing that (he) <was> a just and dedicated man, and /he used to watch\ /him\ and [] {listen to him attentively}
- + - + -r ens, begins, ends, begins, ends
[s d f i: enim; c: uero; on uero see on 8.28]
{d i: metuebat; Mark uses timeo in 8 other places; k has metuo at 11.32 but
@ <k> timeo; they are likely right}
(a b: illum)
<c d i: esse, i at *, d at ~>
/b: adseruabat (he kept him watched); a d i q r: custodiebat (he kept him

guarded); this does not fit "he used to listen to him attentively"\
/f: illum\
[@ audito eo (a c: cum audisset eum (c: illum)) (b i: audiens illum (i: eum));
(r:...eum) (b adds quia, q quod) multa faciebat (a: faciat; c: facere) et (not in
c); the lime translates (hearing him *
he was doing many things and) (in an attempt to make sense of this nonsense b q add because at *, c changes to facere, giving "hearing him to do
many things", introducing an accusative and infinitive construction which
Mark never uses). This Greek of the inferior MSS is a corruption of
(he was in great difficulties hearing him
and) of the better MSS B L , on which see {}]
{(he used to listen to him gladly) translates this
accurately. I suggest that in another copy attente was corrupted to attenuate; this has also come into the better Greek MSS (see []) (as well as the
others). At Lv 25.47 (your brother in difficulties sells himself) the
translates with attenuatus (in difficulties) frater tuus uendiderit se ei, the
LXX similarly with (in difficulties) ; @
libenter eum audiebat (f: audiebat illum)}
6.21 [Et cum dies opportunus accidisset] {Herodes natali suo}(cenam fecit)
<> /principibus\ [suis] et tribunis et primis {} Galilaeae.
6.21 [And when the day was right] {Herod} (gave a <> dinner) {for his birthday} /for [his] leading men\ and the tribunes and those first {in} Galilee.
[a: die autem opportuno; b: facta autem opportuna die; c f: cum dies
opportunus accidisset (f: adcedisset) (when the day was right)]
{c i: natalis Herodis (of Herod's birthday); add "he" before "gave"; f q r:
Herodes natalis sui}
(f i: 2 1)
<c: magnam (big)>
/a: magistratibus (officials)\
[@ <c i> omit, but without suis (his) (p45 B C L & almost all the
also have his ()) there is no difference between the leading men and
those first]
{d: a}
6.22 [Et cum introisset] filia {lpsius} Herodiadis () <et> saltasset /et placuisset\ Herodi {et his qui simul recumbebant} <> /dixit\ [puellae] "Pete (a) me
(quod)uis et dabo tibi".
6.22 [And when] the daughter of {this} Herodias [had come in] () <and> had
danced /and pleased\ Herod {and those who were reclining with him} <>
/he said\ [to the girl] "Ask(what)you like (from) me and I will give it to

[a: cum intrasset autem; f: introiens autem (when...had come in); c: introiuit
uero (came in); d i q r: cumque introisset; b: et cum intrasset; on que
on 1.13; on uero see on 8.28; Mark never uses intro]
{b c omit as unnecessary, but Mark wishes to emphasize her importance;
her wishes prevail}
(c f: saltare (to dance))
<c f: (c adds et) cum ((and) when)>
/c f: placuit (she pleased)
{a: et discumbentibus (and those reclining); c d f i q r: et simul (d i q
simulque) recumbentibus (f: descumbentibus); on que see on 1.13}
<c: tunc (then)>
/a b c d f: dixit rex; q r: rex ait (the king said (affirms)); "the king" absent
from p45c geo1 as well as i\
[c: ad puellam]
(a omits, but it is necessary)
(c: quicquid (whatever); from the next verse)
6.23 [Et iurauit illi {} (quia) "Quodcumque <> petieris dabo tibi] /etiam
[dimidium] regni" {} ()
6.23 [And he swore to her {} (that) "Whatever you ask <> I will give you]
/even if\ it is [half] {my} kingdom" ()
[r omits; a scribe's eye slipped from the tibi at the end of 22 to the tibi here]
{a b: multum; d f i q: multa (much); condemned by its absence from B C
L and almost all the Greek as well as c]
(a: quoniam; d i q: quod; see on 1.15)
<a d f i: me (from me)>
/a d i q r: licet\
[a: dimidiam partem]
{@ <f> mei}
(r: et iurauit illi (and he swore to her); the beginning of [] supplied from another source)
6.24 [Et exiit et] {dixit matri suae} "Quid (petam?") <Et illa> dixit: "Caput
Iohannis /baptiziatoris"\
6.24 [And she went out and] {said to her mother} "What (do you want me to
ask for?") <And she> said: "John /the baptist's\ head".
[I print et from ; @ <b> quae (a: ad illa) cum exisset (who (but she) when
she had gone out); b: exiit autem puella (from 22) et (the girl went out and)]

{b: ait matri suae (affirms to her mother); c: ad matrem suam dixit ei (said to
her mother to her); to her is an attempted simplification, but the last subject
is Herod, so ei has to mean to him. The later to her mother gives the
sense, but Mark does not use ad after dico}
(b: uis ut petam)
<b q r: at illa (but she); illa uero (she); on uero see on 8.28>
/@ baptistae; I print baptiziatoris from k's form at 8.28\
6.25 [Et cum introisset] ad regem * (dixit) <> {"Da mihi} /\[] * caput Iohannis
6.25 [And when she had gone in] to the king (she said) {"Give me} <> /\ []
John (the baptist's) head".
[c: illa autem ingressa (when she had gone in); a: et cum intrasset; @ <a c>
cumque introisset (b: intrasset); on que see on 1.13]
(b d q: ait (she affirms); c: petit (she asks); from 22, 23 & 24)
<a b f i q r: confestim (immediately); from f at *; condemned by
its different places and its absence from D L <118> 489 892 1241 +2 of 8
sa geo2 as well as d>
{c: sibi dari (to be given to her)}
/d q: hic (here); d has at *\
[a b: super discum; d f i q r: in disco (on a plate); from 28]
(see 24 /\)
6.26 Et [tristis factus] /\ rex {} propter (ius iurandum) <> et /\ {simul [recumbentes]} noluit <>(negare)
6.26 And the king /\ [saddened] {} by (his oath) <> and /\ {those [reclining]
with him} did not wish (to refuse) <>
[@ <a q> contristatus; from || Mt 14.9; q: contristatus factus]
/@ <b i> est (was); from || Mt 14.9\
{c f: ut audiuit (when he heard); d i r: mox audiuit (he heard presently);
(which Mark does not use for "when") changed to nonsensical mox under
the influence of rex}
(b: iuramentum; probably from || Mt 14.9 b f g h q)
<c f add autem>
/@ <c> propter (by); from || Mt 14.9; also absent from the Greek <D>\
{c: 2 1}
[r:...entes; q: discumbentes; i: conrecumbentes (from || Mt 14.9 k; a d: recumbentibus]
(a: spernere (to spurn); d f q r: contristare (to sadden); i: contristari; from [])
<b: ei; a d f i q r: eam (her)>

6.27 [Et] - {} (mittens speculatorem) <praecepit> afferri caput eius /\ [Et]

{abiit et} decollauit (eum) in carcere.
6.27 [And] {} (sending a scout) <he told him> to bring his head /\ [And] {he
went away and} decapitated (him) in prison.
[@ <b q> sed (but); almost all the Greek have (and)]
- r ends; begins in verse 28
{b q: confestim; a d: statim (immediately); from condemned by
its different forms and absence from D L <118> 489 892 1241 + 2 of 8 sa
sa ss (sc missing) geo2 as well as aur c f g2 i l r r2 (e k missing) Vulg<4>}
(c d f i r: misso (d: mis) speculatore)
<a b: iussit; from || Mt 14.9>
/c: in disco (on a plate); from 28\
[b q r: isque; on que se on 1.13]
{r omits et after it; a c d f i: cum abisset (when he had gone away)}
(i q: illum)
6.28 Et attulit caput [] {in disco} et dedit () puellae + /et puella\ dedit <>
6.28 And he brought [his] head in {on a plate} and gave (it) to the girl /and
the girl\ gave <it> to her mother.
[b c f i q: eius]
{a: super discum; f: in lance}
(a d f: illud; i: illum)
after + r has puella then a lacuna until verse 29
/c: illa autem (she); b f q: puella autem (the girl)\
6.29 [Et cum audissent] discipuli {eius} uenerunt et (sustulerunt) corpus
eius et <posuerunt> illud in monumento.
6.29 [And when] {his} learners [heard] they came and (took) his body and
<put> it in a tomb.
[d: audientes autem (hearing) @ quo (f: quod) audito (r only has o of audito)
(which having been heard)
{a: illius}
(@ tulerunt; from || Mt 14.12; Mark does not seem to use fero; lacuna in r)
<q: inposuerunt; lacuna in r>
6.30 Et [con-uenerunt] apostol+i ad Iesum {et} renuntiauerunt () omnia
<quae> /fecerant\ et [] {docuerant}
6.30 And the apostles [came together] to Jesus {and} related () everything
<that> /they had done\ and [] {they had taught}

[i q: conuenientes (coming together); c: reuersi; from || Lk 9.10; f: conuertentes (returning)]

- + r ends, begins
{c f i q r omit}
(a d i q: illi; c f: ei (to him); lacuna in r)
<a: quaecumque; from || Lk 9.10>
/a f: fecerunt (they did); from || Lk 9.10; d i q r: egerant; Mark does not use
ago, except for 8.6 gratias agens, a set phrase which does not prove that
he would use ago anywhere else\
[d: quae (that); c: quomodo (how)]
{a c f: docuerunt (they taught); fecerant requires docuerant}
6.31 - Et [dixit] {illis} () "Venite <eamus>/\ [in desertum locum] et requiescite
pusillum". Erant {enim} (qui ibant et rediebant multi){et[nec]manducandi
spatium habebant}
6.31 And (he) [said] {to them} "Come <let us go> /\ [to an empty place] and
rest for a little while". [Those who were going and returning] were (many)
{and they did not[even]have time to eat}
- r ends; begins at the 2nd s of (Iesus)
(@ Iesus (Jesus); condemned by its absence from B C L and most of the
[@ <a> ait (affirms)]
{a: eis}
<b q: uos (you!)>
/b q: secreto; a: seorsum (apart); from 32\
[q: 1 3 2; a: in deserto loco]
{c: autem; r: ...m}
(d: qui rediebant et qui ibant multi; putting returning before going makes
sense; for et b has ac, which Mark does not use; c f: quidam euntes et redeuntes (certain men were going and returning); a scribe's eye slipped from
es to es, causing the loss of the italicized words in c; multi is necessary;
an ancestor of c f's reproduced his exemplar's text from memory; a: qui
ueniebant (from a at {}) multi (those who were coming were many); a
scribe's eye slipped from bant to bant)
[q: nec dum]
{a: nec cibum poterant enim qui ueniebant capere (and those who were
coming could not eat); but it is Jesus and his learners, not the crowds,
who did not even have time to eat}
6.32 Et [in naui] abierunt in desertum locum (secreto)
6.32 And they went away [in a boat] to an empty place (apart)
[@ <b> ascendentes in naui (q r: nauem) (climbing in(to) a boat); climbing
is condemned by its absence from the Greek <D> and the retention of naui

in a c d f i (nauem is required after ascendentes); b omits in naui, but pedestres in 33 requires it here]
(a d i q r: seorsum; from || Mt 14.13)
6.33 [Et uiderunt eos abeuntes et] {cognouerunt [] multi et} /pedestres\ *
(ab) (omnibus ciuitatibus) ~ concurrerunt <illuc> {et uenerunt illuc}
6.33 [And {this multitude} saw them going away and] {knew [] and} rushed
together <there> /on foot\ (from) (all the communities) {and came there}
[b: quos ut uiderunt euntes (whom when they saw going)]
{c conuenerunt (came together); [] has caused a misreading of cognouerunt;
multi at *, et at ~}
[q: eos (them)]
/a b d f1 i: (i adds de) pedestre\
* i accidentally repeats {multi et}
(d i q r: de; a: ex)
(i r: ciuitatibus (communities); from || Mt 14.13; d: omnem ciuitatem)
<a b: ibi (at that place); illuc (to that place) is required, nor does Mark ever
use ibi>
{c omits; a scribe's eye slipped from illuc to illuc; a omits illuc, but it is
necessary; d r: et uenerunt ibi; see <>; b: et conuenerunt illuc (and came together there; con from the con of concurrerunt; q: et praeibant et conuenerunt ad eum (and were coming before and came together to him); the
translator: (so L 69 543 71 131 106 481 483* 506 517
184 plus)(so N 131 2522 517 485 1241) (and came to them);
an interpolator "improved" to (and came before
them) (so B L plus), not explaining how people walking around the lake
could get to a place before Jesus and his followers, sailing directly to it;
this has given q's praeibant}
6.34 (Et uidit) <turbam> * /et\ {misertus est} [super eos] {quia} erant (uelut)
<pecora> /quibus non est pastor\ et coepit docere (illos) {}
6.34 (And he saw) <the crowd> /and\ {was sorry} [for them] {because} they
were (like) <flocks> /without a shepherd\ and he began to teach [them]{}
(a: et egressus (b: egressus autem) b c: ut uidit...Iesus (at *) ((and)
going out, Jesus saw); c: cum uero Iesus uidisset (when Jesus had seen);
d f i q r: et exiens (from || Mt 14.14) (d: exientes) Iesus (f after uidens, d q at
et (not in i r) uidens (r: uidet) (and Jesus. going out (and) seeing (sees); its
absence from B L and most of the Greek and the different places in
which it occurs shows Iesus is not from Mark; on uero see on 8.28)
<a: turbam magnam; b d i q: multam turbam; r: 2 1 (the large crowd); f:

turbas multas (the large crowds); from || Mt 14.14>

/I print the Vulgate's et, which comes from \
{d i q r: condoluit; misereor occurs in 3 other places in Mark, condoleo nowhere else}
[a: eis; c f: illis]
{a b d: qui (who); the translator. with seems to have read quia}
(@ <a b> sicut; from || Mt 9.36)
<@ oues (sheep); from || Mt 9.36>
/b d: non habentes pastorem; from || Mt 9.36; a: quae non habebant pastorem; f q: quibus non erat pastor (who did not have a shepherd)\
[a c f r: eos]
{@ multa (much); condemned by its absence from c ss (sc missing)}
6.35 [Et cum iam hora < multa> fieret] accesserunt {} discipuli () <et
()/quia\ ["Desertus est locus] [] et {hora iam} - (multa) /\
6.35 [And when the hour was <late>] (his) learners approached {} <and
say> () /that\ ["[The] place is empty] and {the hour} (is late) /\
[a: iam autem cum esset hora multa]
<b omits after hora>
(@ <a c> eius; a: illius; absent from A W-28-1071 <118> <124> 543 28
261 282 1071 arm as well as c, showing that Mark, contrary to his normal
practice, did not write it, conceivably because the alliteration discipuli dicunt desertus is more effective without it)
{c q: ad eum (him)}
<@ <d q> dicentes (saying); from || Mt 14.15; d: dicunt (say), without "and",
perhaps following D>
(a b d q: ei (to him); condemned by its absence from B L and most of
the Greek as well as c f i q r?)
/c f i r omit; almost all the Greek have \
[a i r: hic (this)]
[d q r: 1 3 2]
{d i r: 2 1}
- r ends; begins in verse 37
(b c q: praeteriit (has past); from || Mt 14.15; f: multa est; i: multa praeteriit)
/b q: et quia (q: iam) multae turbae sunt (and (that) there are (already) large
6.36 Dimitte [] illos, ut euntes in proximas uillas et {} (castella) <> emant sibi
/quod manducent\ []
6.36 [] Send them so that, going into the nearby villas and {} (walled settlements) <> they can buy for themselves /something to eat\ []
[a: itaque (so)]

{i: in (into); this implies the walled settlements are not all near}
(a: municipia (communes); d i: uicos (neighbourhoods); Mark never uses
either municipium or uicus; he has castellum in 7 other places)
<d: et (and)>
/b: panem quod manducent; c: cibos quos manducent\
[b q: quia (b adds hic) non habent (because they have none (here)); a paraphrase of || Lk 9.12: "because we are in an empty place here"]
6.37 [Et] - {dixit} "Date illis () man+ducare". <Et> - /dicunt\ [] {"Ibimus et
ememu+s} (denariis du-centis panes) et dabimus + <illis> /manducare"\
6.37 [And] {he said} "Give them () something to eat" <And> /they say\ []
{"We will go and buy} (bread for two hundred denarii) and give <them>
something /to eat"\
[c: quibus (to whom); @ <c r> et (q: ipse autem) respondens (and replying)
r: ...sponden.; respondens is condemned by its absence from sp ss (sc
missing) geo2 as well as c]
- + - + -+ r ends, begins, ends, begins, ends, begins
{a b d i: dixit (d: ait) illis (a: eis) Iesus; f: 3 1 2 (Jesus said (affirms) to
c: Iesus dixit (Jesus said); Iesus is from || 14.16; absent from the Greek; illis
is condemned by its absence from AL 33 892 <118> some sa as well as c}
(@ <a i> uos (you!); from || Mt 14.16 or || Lk 9.13)
<c f: autem>
/a c d f i: dixerunt (they said)\
[@ <c> ei (to him); absent from <118> geo2 as well as c]
{a c d f i: euntes ememus (d i: emamus) (going, we will (let us) buy)}
(d: 2 1 3; c f: panes ducentorum denariorum, perhaps correctly)
<d i r: eis>
/a b q: ut manducent\
6.38 - [Et dicit eis] "Quot panes {}+ habetis? Ite () uidete" <> Dicunt /\ "Quinque [] et duos pisces",
6.38 [And he says to them] "How many loaves do you have? {} Go () see".
<> They say /\ "Five [] and two fish".
- + r ends, begins
[d i q: et dicit eis Iesus (and Jesus says to them); a: et dixit eis (and he said
to them); c f: ipse uero ait illis (he affirms to them); on uero see on 8.28 b:
ait illis Iesus (Jesus affirms to them)]
{c: hic (here)}
(a i q: et (and))
<@ <b c> et cum cognouissent; b: quo cognito ((and) when they knew);
absent from c i ss (sc missing)>
/@ <c> ei (to him); condemned by its absence from p45 B L and most of

the rest of the Greek as well as c\

[@ <b> panes (loaves); condemned by its absence from p45 B L and almost all the Greek as well as b]
6.39 Et praecepit [illis] {} ut discumberent omnes () <super> uiride faenum.
6.39 And {he} told [them] all to recline () <on> the green grass.
{a b d: Iesus (Jesus)}
[a: eis]
(b c d f i r secundum (c f: per) contubernalia (b adds sua) (in eating
q: areas et areas (in groups); from || Lk 9.14; absent from ss (sc missing) as
well as a)
<b q: supra>
6.40 Et discubuerunt [] {}
6.40 And they reclined [] {}
[b d f: in partes (in divisions); c: plurimi (very many); r: conuiuia (eating
groups); i: conuiuia per conturbernalia (eating groups by companies); q:
areas et areas (in groups); the green from Luke in 39]
{a: centeni et quinquageni; b c f q: per centenos et per (not in c) quinquagenos; i: centenis et quinquagenis (in hundreds and in fifties); d: per c (with on top) et per l (in hundred thousands and fifties); the green from || Lk 9.14;
it is very hard to believe that Luke copied only fifties from Mark, leaving out
the hundreds; it follows that the fifties are an interpolation from Luke and
the hundreds a subsequent interpolation, from the 5,000 of 44, 50X100 being 5,000; the whole is absent from p45, rightly}
6.41 Et [accepit panes et pisces et] {intuens} in caelum benedixit et () <fregit> /\ /panes\[] et {dabat} discipulis () ut <apponerent> /ante\ [eos]et
{duos pisces}(diuisit <> omnibus)
6.41 And [he took the loaves and fish and] {looking up} to heaven he blessed and () <broke> the /\ /loaves\[] and {was giving} them to (his) learners
for them <to set them> /before\ [them]and (he divided){the two fish}
(among them all)
[@ <c> acceptis (f accepit, a remnant of Mark's text) (b f add Iesus) quinque
panibus et duobus piscibus ((Jesus) taking the five loaves and two fish); c:
accepit Iesus quinque panes et duos pisces (Jesus took the five loaves
and two fish); five and two (not in p45) were added from || Mt 14.19 or ||
{a c f: respiciens; from || Lk 9.16; b d: aspiciens; from || Mt 14.19}
(c: gratias agens (giving thanks); from || 8.6)
<a: confregit>

/b c d f r: quinque (five); from []\

/q omits, making Mark say he divided the fish twice\
[c: et duos pisces (and the two fish); from {}; also making Mark say he
divided the fish twice]
{@ <a> dedit (gave); from || Mt 14.19}
(@ <d> suis; absent from B L 0149?33 517 579 892 1241 1424 l49 some
sa, bo arm as well as d g2, showing Mark, contrary to his usual practice, did
not write it)
<b c f: ponerent; read apponerent; the translator uses for
apponere,for ponere>
/c omits\
[b: illos]
{c omits}
(a: partitus est omnibus; c: posuerunt ante illos ut manducarent (they set
them before them to eat); 1st 3 words from <>/\ [], last 2 from next verse)
<b: similiter (similarly)>
6.42 et manducauerunt omnes et [satiati] sunt.
6.42 and they all ate and were [filled]
[@ <a> saturati from || Mt 14.20 non e or || Lk 9.17; k, absent elsewhere (and
a) have satio at 8.8 (the rest saturo from || Mt); at 7.27 a n have satio,
rest saturo, at 8.4 @ saturo; this suggests Mark always used satio]
6.43 et [sustulerunt] {} fragmentorum (dudodecim cophinos) <> /\ et de piscibus.
6.43 and [they picked up] {} (twelve <> baskets) of scraps and from the fish.
[b f q: tulerunt; Mark does not use fero elsewhere; tollo is common]
{a f i q r: reliquias (what was left over); from || Mt 14.20}
(b: 2 1)
<a b c d f r: plenos (full); from || Mt 14.20}
/b: necnon\
6.44 [Et erant] qui {manducauerant} () quinque milia uirorum.
644 [And] {those} who {had eaten} () [were] five thousand men.
[b c f i q r: erant autem (were)]
{c i q r: manducauerunt (ate); a: ederant}
(c: panes et pisces (the loaves and fish)}
6.45 Et [] {} coegit discipulos suos ascendere (in nauiculam)<et praecedere
se> - /\ [ad Bethsaidam] {dum ipse dimitteret} (populum)
6.45 And {} he [] made his learners climb (into a boat) <and go before him>

/\ [to Bethsaida] {while he dismissed} (the people)

{a b d i q: exsurgens; c f r: surgens (getting up) condemned by its absence
from all the Greek <D>}
[a: protinus; b d f i q r: statim (immediately); from condemned
by its absence from c (e k missing); the different forms are not necessarily
suspicious, as a or an ancestor could have preferred protinus]
(b: in nauicula; d: in nauem; c f i q r: nauem; see on 8.10)
<@ <a b> ut (i r retain Mark's et) praecederent (f: praecederet) eum>
- r ends; begins in verse 46
/b c f i: trans fretum (across the strait); from || Mt 14.22; a: in contra; d:
(over); modifications of trans fretum; absent from W ss (sc missing) and
p45 (there is a lacuna here, but not enough space for these words) as well
as q\
[b q i: a Bethsaida (b: Bedsaida; i: Bessaida) (from Bethsaida); but 32 says
they were in an empty place; a: Bessaida]
{b: ipse autem dimisit; a: cum ipse dimitteret}
(a b d: turbam (the crowd); from || Mt 14.22)
6.46 Et [cum dimisisset eos] a+biit - in montem {adorare}
6.46 And [when he had dismissed them] he went away onto the mountain
{to plead}
[b: profectus ab eis (leaving them)]
+ - r begins, ends
{b: ut oraret; @ <b> orare; but k always has a form of adoro}
6.47 Et cum sero [es+set] {() erat - () <nauicula> in medio mari et ipse /\
solus [in terr-a]}
6.47 And when [it was] late {<the boat> (was) () in the middle of the sea and
/he\ alone [on the land]
+ - + - r begins, ends, begins, ends
[b c d f: esset (b adds iam) factum; a: 2 1; from || Mt 14.23]
{c omits; it is clearly genuine}
<@ nauis>
(a d f i: iam; from || Mt 14.24)
(b: enim longe (far off); from in medio mari)
/f: Iesus (Jesus)\
[a: super terram]
6.48 []{/Et uidens\[eos]remigantes et laborantes} - (erat enim illis uentus
contr+arius) <> {}/\<circa> qu-artam uigiliam\ /\ + [] uenit {} []ambulans

-(super) mare.()
6.48 [ ] { /and seeing\[them]rowing and in difficulty} (the wind being
against them) <>{}/\ <around> /the fourth watch\ /\ [] {he} came [] walking (on) the water.()
[c: uenit (from later in the verse) Iesus (Jesus came); words added to make
sense of the text after the loss of {} in 47]
/i: uidet (he sees); a: cum uidisset (when he had seen); b: cum uideret
(when he saw)\
[b f: illos; a omits]
{c: et inuenit illos in mari tribulari in tempestate remigantes (and he
them afflicted on the sea, rowing in a storm); a rewriting of Mark incorporating the uento magno (strong wind) of || Jn 6.18}
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
(d q: 1 2 4 5 3; b: 4 2 3 5 1 (with autem for enim); i omits illis (them))
<c: et ipse solus erat super terram (and he was alone on the land) incorporating part of the passage omitted from the previous verse>
{c d f i q r: et (and)}
/c i: erat hora (the hour was)\
<c f: circiter>
/b f: quarta (b adds autem) uigilia\
/@ noctis (of the night); from || Mt 14.25; absent from p45\
[i: et (and); c:ergo (after uenit)]
{a d f i r: Iesus (Jesus) (a after ambulans); c ipse}
[q: ad illos (to them)]
-r ends; begins in verse 49
(b f q: supra)
(@ <r, which does not have enough space in the lacuna for it> et uolebat
praeterire (c d q: transire) illos (b eos) (and made as if to pass them) absent
from G 495 as well as r; interpolated (to win sympathy for the learners) from
Lk 24.48 "he made as if to go further", where it is essential to the sense)
6.49 [At illi] {cum +uidissent} (illum) ambulan-tem <super> mare + putauerunt phantasma esse et /exclamauerunt\ omnes
6.49 [Now they] all {when they saw} (him) walking <on> the sea thought it
was a ghost and /cried out\
[c f: illi uero; on uero see on 8.28]
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
{@ <a> ut uiderunt; r:...uiderent}
(a b i r: eum)
<b f i q: supra>
/c: exclamantes (crying out); d: clamauerunt; r:...mauerunt\

6.50 [et] (conturbati sunt) {} {} /Et dixit\ <illis> ["Confidete] Ego sum. Nolite
6.50 [and] (they were troubled) {} {} /And he said\ <to them> ["Be resolute]
It is I. Be not afraid".
[c omits]
(ss omits, but confidete requires conturbati sunt here)
{a: statimque; b q: et confestim; r: et continuo (and immediately); from
as shown by the different words and its absence from D 33 as well as
c d f i (e k missing);on que see on 1.13}
{@ <c> (r adds Iesus) locutus (a: allocutus) est ad eos (b: illis) (he (Jesus)
spoke to them); from || Mt 14.27; Mark does not use ad after verbs of saying}
/@ <c q> dicens (saying); from || Mt 14.27; c: ipse autem dixit (he said); q: et
ait (and he affirms)\
<q: illis; c: ad illos; @ <c q > omit, as it is in {}; in all the Greek <D>>
[@ <d f i> constantes (a: animaequi; c: animaequiores) estote; from || Mt 14.
6.51 Et [ascendit] * in (nauiculam) - {ad illos} et cessauit uen+tus <et
magis> /\ stupebant []
6.51 And [he climbed] into (the boat) {to them} and the wind stopped <and>
they were <even more> astonished /\ []
[d q: ascendens (climbing)]
(@ <b> nauem)
- + a ends, begins
{b: ad eos; at *}
<c: alii autem magis plus (the others (were) even more); b: abundantius>
/@ <c> intra (a: inter) se (within themselves); its exclusion is supported by
its absence from 28 56 77 235 892 some geo2 eth as well as c and
place at the end of the verse in sp (sc missing) sa bo\
[b d q r: et mirabantur; a: cum admiratione (and surprised); condemned by
its absence from c f i l r2 Vulgate ss (sc missing) and B L 28 892 sa bo
6.52 Non enim [intellexerant] de panibus (Erat {enim} cor <illorum> /obtusum\
6.52 They [had not understood] about the loaves ({as} <their> heart was
[a c i: intellexerunt (did not understand)]
(b: 3 2 4 5 1)

{b r: autem}
<d q r: eorum>
/f: contusum (injured)\
6.53 [Et] * (transfretantes) [] {peruenerunt} <ad> terram /Gennesar\
6.53 [And] (crossing the strait) [] {they came} <to> the land of /Gennesar\
[i r omit]
(@ <b q> cum transfretassent (d r: transfretasset) (when they had crossed
the strait); from || Mt 14.34)
[@ inde (a i r at *) (from there); from D; not from Mark, as shown by its not
being translated by the translator and its different places, showing its introduction from D at different times]
{b q: uenerunt; from || Mt 14.34}
<b d i q r: in>
/q: Gennesareth; from found in some MSS for the
(Gennesaret) formed by his taking (his exemplar having no
space between words) contrary to Mark's practice of beginning a new sentence with et and contrary to the form Genessar found everywhere else
(except in texts such as Mt 14.34 and Lk 5.1 dependent on Mark) the et beginning 54 as part of Genessar. The form is found at 1Mcc 11.67
Josephus BJ 2.573, 3.463, 506, 515 & 516 and in the adjectival form
in AJ 13.158 and it occurs as the adjective derived from this form () in AJ 18.28 & 36, V 349 and
Strabo 16.2.16. In Latin Pliny NH 5.15 has lacum quem plures Gennesaram
uocant (note that he says that more call it Gennesara). The form gnysr is
found in Aramaic in Onkelos, Jonathan and Neofiti targums on Nm 34.11
and Dt 3.17 and in the surviving targum (Jonathan) on Jos 11.2, 12.3,13.27
and 19.35 and 1Sm 15.20, Mishnah Maas 3.7 (written in Mishnaic Hebrew),
the Babylonian Talmud Ber 44a (twice) and Nid 20a, the form gwnysr in
Bab. Tal. Meg 6a, BB 122a (twice), Pes 8.6 (twice) and Er 30a and Gen R 98.
17 and 99.12. In the Jerusalem Talmud the word is found in the commentary on Ber 6.7 (Schwab Vol 1 p.405), Scheb 9.2 (2.415), Maas 1.2 (3.141) 3.7
(3.173), Bicc 1.11 (3.369), Hagh 2.1 (7.272) and twice in Meg 1.1 (7.200) - in
the second occurrence the plural is found. The rabbi is commenting on the
spelling found at Jos 12.3. He says: Does the plural mean that there are
two Gennesars? (knrwt m(th $ny gynwsrywt).
6.54 [Et cum exissent] de naui () cognouerunt <eum> /\
6.54 [And when they had gone out of] the boat /they\ () recognized <him>
[f i q r: cumque (f: et cum) egressus esset; c: et egressus (and when he
had gone out of); d:egredientibus illis (with them going out); on que see on
1.13; Mark uses neither egredior nor the ablative absolute]

(@ <q> continuo (immediately) from condemned by its absence

from 565-700 & 2 of 7 sa as well as q)
/c: habitantes loci illius (the inhabitants of that place); from || Mt 14.35\
<b: illum>
6.55 [Et circumcurrentes] {} (uniuersam) * /regionem illam\ coeperunt <in
grabattis> [afferre] () /male habentes\ * {} - ubicumque <audiebant> [eum
6.55 [And rushing around] {} (the whole of) /that area\ they began [to bring]
() /the sick\ <on pallets> {} wherever <they were hearing>[that he was]
[d: circumcurrentes (supported by or the like) autem (rushing around); a: circumeuntes autem (going around)]
{i: circa (around); r at *}
(d: totam; r: ...uersi)
/b q: confinem regionis illius (the area around); from || Mt 14.35; i: regionem
(the area), perhaps rightly\
<a: super grabbatos>
[d f i r: ferre; c: circumferre at *; circum from circum]
(@ <c i> omnes (all); from || Mt 14.35 non e; absent from the Greek <D +>)
/a: qui se male habebant\
{@ <c> circumferebant autem (a d: enim) eos (b: illos); a repeat of coeperunt afferre condemned by its absence from the Greek <D 472>}
- r ends, begins in verse 56
<d i: audierant; a: audissent (they had heard)>
[b q: esse Iesum; a d f: 2 1 (that Jesus was); i: illum esse]
6.56 et quocumque [introibat] in{castellis}uel /uillis\<uel>[ciuitatibus] {}
(in plateis) pon+ebant <> /infi-rmos\ *et [deprecebantur] {eum} ut uel fimbriam uestimenti eius tangerent et (quot-quot)<tangebant>/\ [salui fi+ ebant]
6.56 and wherever [he was going] in {walled settlements}or /estates\or
[communities] they were putting <> /the sick\ {} (on the paved areas) and
[were begging] {him} to be allowed to touch just the fringe of his clothes
and (all who) <were touching> /\ [were healed]
[i: introiuit (he went) does not suit ponebant; c: introisset (he had gone); b
q: iret; the translator's shows Mark used introeo, not eo]
{a: municipia (communes); c d f i: uicos (neighbourhoods); Mark never
uses either municipium or uicus; he has castellum in 7 other places}
/d f i: in uillas. a: agros; c: in ciuitates do not go with castellis; c changes the
order of uilla and ciuitas\
<@ <b q> aut; but the preceding uel requires uel>
[a d f i: in (i omits) ciuitates; c: in uillas; see on /\]
+ - r begins, ends

<b q: uniuersos (all); from || Mt 14.35 non e>

/a: aegros\
{a: in foro et (in the piazza and)}
(c f have at *, in f preceded by et (and); et, wrong there, seems to be a relic
of the time when the words were at () and preceded by a's in foro et)
[a b: rogabant (were asking); from || Mt 14.36 non e]
{c: illum}
(a b: quicumque)
<a: tetigerunt (touched); f: tetigissent (had touched)>
/c d:eum (him)\
[a: sanati sunt]

Chapter 7
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
a b c d f i q contain the whole chapter.
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
n begins at verse 13, but with lacunae, ends at verse 31
e k t are missing for the whole chapter.
7.1 et [conuenerunt] ad eum Pharisaei et quidam de scribis {} ab Hierosolymis
7.1 and Pharisees [came] to him and certain writers {} from Jerusalem
[a f q: conueniunt (come) does not suit 2 {uidissent}
{a b: qui uenerant (who had come); q: qui ueniebant (who were coming); c
d: uenientes (coming)}
7.2 [] cum {uidissent} quosdam (ex discipulis eius) <communibus> manibus /id est non lotis\ [manducare] {panem} ()
7.2 [] since {they had seen} some (of his learners) [eat] {bread} <with common> /that is unwashed\ hands ()
[@ <b d> qui (who); d: et (and); lacuna in r; these words have been added
to introduce the interpolation at ()]
{b q: uiderent (they saw)}
(d: discipulorum suorum (of their own learners))
[a: edentes]
{a: panes (loaves)}
<a: immundis (unclean); b c: non lotis (unwashed); glosses put in the text>
/b c omit, because it has replaced <>\
(@ <b> uituperauerunt (c adds illos, f eos) (they criticized them); condemned by its absence from B L 0274 892 1010 1241 1424 (C p45 missing)

+ ss (sc missing) bo most sa as well as b)

7.3 Pharisaei [enim] et omnes Iudaei nisi {pusillo} (lauerint) manus non
<manducant> /\ tenentes [traditionem] {seniorum}
7.3 The Pharisees and all the Jews do not <eat> /\ unless (they have washed) their hands {for a short time} maintaining [the tradition] {of the elders}
[@ <d q> autem; a is missing]
<a: edunt>
/@ <q r> panem (c adds suum) ((their) bread); from 2; condemned by its
absence from almost all the Greek except D\
(c q: lauent)
{a's momento gives the right sense; pugillo (with their fist) of c f i q r
that it comes from pusillo (which Mark uses in 7 other places) which I have
accordingly restored; "washed for a short time" well describes Jewish ritual washing; they need only wash quickly because the object is not to
clean the hands but to fulfil the ritual. Thus the Mishnah under Tohoroth
(cleanness) Yadaim (of the hands) 1.1 states that a quarter of a log of water
(the amount that is contained in one and a half eggshells) is sufficient for
ritual washing of the hands. Pugillo (with their fist) is clearly corrupt. No
one in his right mind could have believed that all Jews always washed
their hands with their fist. The translator correctly translated pugillo with
the reading of almost all the Greek. W have (often) (poor
sense; the tradition is only fulfilled by doing it always, not merely sometimes), whence b subinde; d: primo (first) also gives poor sense; the objection is not to washing hands before eating but to doing it in a perfunctory way merely to fulfil a ritual}
[r: traditiones (traditions)]
{i: Iudaeorum (of the Jews); carelessly copying his exemplar from memory}
7.4 et [a foro cum uenerint] nisi {baptizientur} (cibum non capiunt) et
multa <sunt> quae /tradita sunt\ []{seruare} (baptismata) <calicum et urceorum> et /aeramentorum\ et [electrorum]
7.4 and [when they come from the piazza] (they do not eat) unless {they
have ritually washed} and there <are> many other things which /have been
handed down\ []{to do} (the ritual washing) <of cups and jars> and
/bronzeware\ and [amberware]
[c: 3 1 2 4; d: 3 4 1 2]
(d: 2 3 1; b: cibum non capient; f r: cibum non accipiunt; a: non edunt)
{@ <a> baptizentur; I give k's spelling; a: baptizati fuerint}
<d r omit>
/a b: acceperunt (they have received)\

[c d f i q: illis; r: eis (for them)]

{a: tradita (as handed down); from /\; b: tenere}
(a d i q r: baptismos; f: baptismum; b: ut baptizent)
<b: calices et urceos>
/b: aeramenta; a: caccaborum (cooking pots); [] shows aeramentorum is
[@ <b r> lectorum; b lectos (beds); odd objects to find in a catalogue of cups
and pots; corruptions of electrorum (r: elictrorum; w: electorum); amberware
was not made of amber but of a metal alloy the colour of amber; the translator's text had lectorum, hence his , omitted by some MSS (a
scribe's eye slipped from to in )]
7.5 Et [interrogabant] eum {Pharisaei et scribae} () "Quare discipuli tui non
<ambulant secundum> traditionem seniorum sed /communibus\ manibus
[manducant] panem?"
7.5 And {the Pharisees and writers} [were asking him] () "Why do your
learners not <walk according to> the traditions of the elders but [eat] bread
with /common\ hands?"
{c q: 3 2 1}
[a: interrogauerunt (asked); d f: interrogant (ask); c: interrogantes (asking)]
(@ <b c q> dicentes (saying); c: dixerunt (said))
<a c d f i: sequuntur (follow) (a d add secundum, a relic of Mark's text)
[a b: edunt]
/a: immundis (unclean); b: inlotis; c f: non lotis (unwashed)\
7.6 [At] {ille} {} (dixit) - < > / \ "Bene pro+phetauit Esaias de
[simulatoribus] {ut scriptum est} ('Populus) labiis me <diligit> Cor autem
/eorum\ longe [est]a me.
7.6 [] {He} {}(said( <> /\ "Isaiah prophesied well concerning you [hypocrites] {as is written} ('The people) <love> me with their lips but /their\ heart
[is]far from me.
[c: quibus (to whom)]
{c f: ipse; from || Mt 15.3 non e}
{@ respondens (replying); from || Mt 15.3; condemned by its absence from
B L 33 372 579 892 1342 + sp ss (sc missing) co}
(d: ait (affirms); from || Mt 15.3 non e)
- + r ends, begins
<d: illis (to them)>
/b q: quoniam; d: quia (that)\
[b d f i q: hypocritis; r: hyp...; r begins in verse 7]
{a b d i: qui (d i: et) dixit (who (and he) said); c f: dicens (saying); from ||

15.7; the translator has (as is written); at 1.2, 9.13 and 14.21
he translates sicut scriptum est with this suggests that
the Latin here was ut scriptum est, q's sicut coming from the Vulgate retranslation of the Greek}
(b: plebs haec; c d i q: populus hic (these people); f: populus autem (the
people); haec/hic from || Mt 15.8)
<d f i q: honorat (honours); from || Mt 15.8>
/a c f: illorum\
[f: habetis (you have (their heart)); "their" is a relic of Mark's text]
7.7 [Vano] autem {me colunt} docentes * (doctrinas) <> /mandata\ + hominum'
7.7 {They attend to me} [uselessly] teaching (as teaching) <> /the precepts\
of men'
[a: uane; from || Mt 15.9 e; d i: in uanum; b q: sine causa; from || Mt 15.9
non e]
{a c d q: 2 1; f (impossibly) has me at *}
(c: doctrinam)
<a c i: et; p45: (and); to remove the asyndeton, found, however, in the
/@ <a> praecepta; from || Mt 15.9 e; Mark uses mandatum in 6 other places,
praeceptum nowhere else\
+ r begins
7.8 /\(Reli+nquentes mandatum) - <Dei> [] {tenetis} [tra+ditiones] hominum"
7.8 /\ (Neglecting the precepts) <of God> [] {you follow} [the traditions] of
/@ (r has only baptismos...multa similia) baptismos calicum et urceorum (a
d f i: baptizantes urceos et calices) et alia similia (a f i q add quae, a at *)
(i q: complura at ~) (a: multa his similia) (b adds huiusmodi) * facitis
translation (only of green words in bold; ordinary green are ungrammatical): you perform ritual washing of cups and jars and many other similar
items. Part copy part summary of material from 4; absent from p45 B L (C
missing) and almost all the Greek\
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
(c f: derelinquentes praecepta (f: praeceptum); a: derelicto mandato; b: relicto praecepto; on praeceptum see /\ on verse 7; Mark uses relinquo in 10
other places, derelinquo nowhere else)
<c: Domini (of the master)>
[c: et et (and and)
{@ <b i> tenentes (following); carelessly repeating the () present

the translator has Mark's finite verb}
[a f: traditionem (the tradition); perhaps taking the singular from the Greek,
but is a good translation of traditiones; the plural would not
be good Greek]
7.9 Et [dicebat] illis: "Bene irritum {facitis} (mandatum) Dei ut
uestram /statuatis\
7.9 And [he was saying] to them: "You {nullify} God's (precepts) to /set up\
your own traditions.
[a: dixit (he said); lacuna in r]
{q: fecistis (have nullified)}
(b and also Cyprian mandatum; c: testamentum; Mark does not use this
word elsewhere; @ <b c> praeceptum; see on 7)
/d: tradatis (hand down); from traditionem\
7.10 {Moses} [enim] {dixit} ('Honorifica patrem tuum et matrem <tuam'> et
'Qui maledixerit /patrem aut matrem\ morte [moriatur]
7.10 Moses {said} ('Honour) your father and <your> mother' and 'One who
curses /his father or his mother\ [must die] the death'.
{@ Moyses; I print k's form}
[b: autem]
{c: dicit (says)}
(@ <a> honora)
<d omits, but tuum requires it>
/@ patri et matri; at 15.34 (another biblical quotation) Mark also has the accusative (me) as here; at its other occurrence (11.14) maledico is not followed by any case\
[d: morietur (will die); r: mori.tur]
7.11 [Vos autem dicitis] 'Si dixerit homo patri {} aut matri ("corban) quod
est <donum> /quo a me melior factus fueris"\ *
711 [But you say] 'If a man says to {his} father or mother ("corban)> that is
gift> /whatever of mine could have improved your lot"\
[b: uobis autem (but as far as you are concerned)]
{@ <b r> suo}
(a c r: donum (gift); a gloss replacing Mark's text)
<c r: corban; a b: munus>
/@ <a> quodcumque ex me (r senselessly retains est from Mt) tibi proderit
(c: proficiet) from || Mt 15.5\
7.12 [iam non] {missum facitis} (illum) <quicquam> facere patri aut matri.

7.12 {you} [no longer] {allow} (him) to do <anything> for his father
[a: non (do not); the translator, with , read iam non]
{i: missum facietis; a: sinetis (you will...allow); b: dimittitis}
(b d i q: eum; a omits)
<a: amplius aliquit>
7.13 [irritum facientes] /sermonem\ {Dei} per traditionem uestram ()
tradidistis. Et similia <huiusmodi> multa facitis".
7.13 [nullifying] {God's} /speech\ with your () tradition which you have
handed down. And you do much else of this kind".
[a: spernentes (despising); b: infirmantes (weakening); d: scindentes
(tearing apart); 9 supports irritum facientes; Mark uses none of the other
words elsewhere]
/@ uerbum; see on 1.45; n begins with the b of uerbum\
{c: Domini (of the master)}
(@ stultam (stupid); condemned by its absence from the Greek except D)
<b: ista (these things); from a corruption of >
7.14 et [aduocans {} turbam] * (dicebat) <illis> "Audite me omnes /et\ intellegite.
7.14 and [summoning {} the crowd] (he began to say) <to them> "Listen to
me all of you /and\ understand.
[a n: conuocans turbam; b q: aduocatis (q omits) turbis (the crowds (having been summoned)]
{@ <c> iterum (again) a n at *; condemned by its absence from 238 475* 565
579 +2 Bo 2 Sa MSS as well as c}
(a n: dixit (he said))
<r: eis>
/f omits\
7.15 Nihil est [a foris hominis introiens] in [eum] (quod) /possit eum\ ()
<communicare> sed qu-ae de homine {procedunt} illa sunt quae {communicant} hominem.
7.15 There is nothing [outside a man entering] [him] (that) /can\ <make>
/him\ <common> but what {comes} from a man, that is what {makes} a man
[@ <a b n> extra hominem (r: hominum) introiens; a b n: a foris
quod intrat (a n: quod hominem intrans); Mark never uses intro]

[r: ...m]
(a n omit)
/c f: 2 1 (f: posset); b: possit illum; q: possit in eum\
(r: cum (when, entering...))
<a b n q r: coinquinare (defile); an explanatory gloss; i: communem facere>
r ends; begins in verse 17
{a b n: proficiscuntur}
{a b d n q: coinquinant (defiles); an explanatory gloss}
7.16 []
7.16 []
[@ (c adds et) si quis habet aures audiendi (d i: ad (d omits by
audiendum) audiat ((and) if anyone has ears to hear let him hear); from 4.
23; lacuna in r except for audiat; condemned by its absence from B L *
(C p45 missing) 0274 28 1342, 2 of 8 sa, most bo <7>, geo1]
7.17 - et cum introisset (in) d+omum [a turba] {} {interrog-abant} eum disci+
puli eius [similitudinem] /\
7.17 and when he had gone (home) [away from the crowd] {} his learners
{were asking} him {about} /this\ [analogy]
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
(c omits)
[c: a turbis (away from the crowds); a n: prae multitudinem (because of the
multitude); q: ad turbam (to the crowd)]
{i: ante eum et (before him and)}
{c: interrogauerunt (asked (him) about}
/c: istam\
[@ <a n> parabolam; see on 3.23]
7.18 et [dixit] illis: "Sic et uos imprudentes - estis? Non {intellegitis} + (quia)
omne <quod a foris introit> in hominem non potest eum /communicare?\
7.18 and [he said] to them: "Are you also ignorant? {Do you} not {understand} (that) nothing <which goes into> a man <from outside> can /make\
him /common?\
[@ ait (he affirms)]
- + r ends, begins
{c: intellexistis (have you (not) understood); n: int...tis}
(b d f q: quod; c: quoniam; see on 1.15)
<b d f i n q r: (i n? begin with quod, a relic of Mark's text) extrinsecus introiens (which)) going in from outside; c: quod introit extrinsecus>
/a n q: coinquinare (defile); a gloss which has come into the text\

7.19 [Nec enim] {introiit} - in (cor) + eius sed in uen-trem <> + et in secessum /exit\ [purgans] {escam"} ()
7.19 It {has} [not] {entered} his (heart) but <his> stomach and /goes out\
outside [clearing] {food"} ()
[n:...enim; c: quia non (because...not); f: non]
{a: introit; c f: intrat (does (not) enter}
- + - + n ends, begins, ends, begins
(b: corpus (body))
<a: eius>
/i: uadit (sets out); from || Mt 15.17; d q: exiit (has gone out); lacuna in n\
[i r: et purgat (and clears)]
{@ <c> omnes escas (all foods); as no other source in any language supports c it is conceivable that its reading is a simpification; lacuna in n}
(a n: et exit in riuum (and it goes into the river); condemned by its absence
from all other sources in any language)
7.20 Dicebat autem [quia]{"Quae} de homine exeunt (illa) <co-mmunican+t>
7.20 He was saying [that] "It is {what} comes out of a man that <makes> a
man <common>
[@ <a> quoniam; lacuna in n; see on 1.15]
{c: quaecumque (whatever)}
(f: haec; c: ipsa)
- + - n ends, begins, ends; begins in verse 22
7.21 [Ab intus] {enim} (sunt) de corde <hominum> /cogitationes malae\ adulteria, furta, fornicationes, homicidia,
7.21 It is [from inside] from the heart <of man> that /evil thoughts\
adultery, theft, prostitution, murder,
[a: ex interioribus; f: de intus]
{c d f: autem}
(@ <c> procedunt at /\)
<i: omnium (of all); misreading hominum, read by the translator (
/@ procedunt from || Mt 15.19, all at the end except a, which has the order 3
1 2\
7.22 [auaritia] {nequitia} dolus * impudicitia, oculus (malus) + <blasphemia>
/superbia\ [stultitia]
7.22 [avarice] {worthlessness} deceit, wantonness, the (evil) eye <blasphemy> /arrogance\ [stupidity]

[r: inuidia (ill will) (for nequitia); c: cupiditas]

{d has it at *; r: auaritia (avarice); c f: malitia}
(a: nequa (should be nequam))
<b c: blasphemiae (blasphemies)>
/b: superbiae\
[c: imprudentia (rashness)]
7.23 Omnia haec mala - [ab] i+ntus procedunt et {} (communicant) hominem" /\
7.23 All these evils come [from] inside and {} (make) a man (common)" /\
- + n ends and begins
[a f: de]
{f: haec (they)}
(a n q: coinquinant (defile); a gloss which has come into the text)
/c: non lotis autem manibus manducare non coinquinat hominem (eating
with unwashed hands does not defile a man); from || Mt 15.20\
7.24 et [exsurgens] {} () abiit in <fines> Tyri /\ et [introiens] {domum} neminem (uoluit) scire et non potuit latere.
7.24 and [getting up] {} (he) went away into <the territory> of Tyre /\ and
[entering] {the house} (he wanted) to see no one but he could not hide.
[c: exiens (going out); from || Mt 15.21; q: surgens]
{d f q r: inde (from there); from || Mt 15.21}
(c f: Iesus (Jesus); from || Mt 15.21)
<a c n: finibus; q: finem>
/c q: et Sidonis (and Sidon); from || Mt 15.21\
[@ <a n q> ingressus; a n: cum intrasset; Mark does not use ingredior or
{a d f i n q: in domum}
(c q: uolebat (he was wanting))
7.25 [Cum audisset enim mulier - de eo +] cuius (habebat filia spiritu-m immundum) - <introiit> /\
7.25 [When a woman] whose (daughter had an unclean breath) [heard]
{about him} <she came in> /\
- + - n ends, begins, ends; begins in verse 27
[@ <a n q> mulier enim (d: autem) statim ut audiuit de eo (lacuna in r for
eo) (as soon as a woman heard (about him)); q: cumque audisset de illo
mulier; on que see on 1.13; Mark does not use ut = when; statim from
condemned by its absence from A N W X 13 22 28 69 147

346 349 565 700 1071 + <124-543-983> M hs ss (sc missing) arm geo
as well as a g2 n q]
(a c n q r: 2 1 3 4; f: 2 3 4 1)
- r ends; begins in verse 26
<a q: uenit (she came); written after the interpolation of /\; d i: intrauit;
does not use intro>
/@ <b> (c i at 26 /\) procidens (a d f q: et procidit) ad (q: ante) pedes
(prostrating (and prostrated) herself at his feet); from || Mt 15.25\
7.26 [Erat autem] {Graeca} * ~ (Syrophoenissa) /ge+nere\ - et /\ rogabat
<eum> ut [daemonium + eieceret] {de filia} eius.
7.26 [She was] {a Greek} (a Syrophoenician) /by kind\ and /\ was asking
<him> to [expel the spirit] {from} her {daughter}
[a d: mulier autem erat; q: 3 2 1 (the woman was); c f i: erat enim]
(i: phoenissa (a Phoenician); syro omitted accidentally)
/a: natione (by tribe)\
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
/see 25 /\\
<a: illum>
[c f: 2 1; q: expelleret daemonium]
{c f: a filia; q: filiae}
7.27 - [Et] /dixit\ () {} "Sine <pr+i+us> /satiari filios\ Non est enim bonum
[tollere] panem filiorum - et {proicere catellis} +
7.27 [And] (he) /said\ {} /'The sons\ must <first> /be sated\ It is not right
take] the son's bread and {throw it to the dogs"}
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
[b c f i: qui (who)]
(q: Iesus (Jesus))
/a: dicit (says); q: ait (affirms)\
{q: ad illam; a d f: ei (to her)}
+ n begins
<a n? primum>
/@ <a n> saturari; q: saturentur filii; see on 6.42\
[@ <a c n> accipere; from || Mt 15.26; a n: sumere; Mark does not use sumo
{a n: proicere canibus; b c d: mittere (b adds illud, but panem is masculine)
catellis; q: 2 1; the green from || Mt 15.26}
7.28 At illa [respondit et] - [dixit ei] "Domine + (sed) et <catelli>

mensam\ {manducant} de micis puerorum" *
7.28 But she [replied and] [said to him] "Master, even <the dogs> /under
the table\ {eat} the boys' crumbs".
- + r ends, begins
[a d f i n q: respondit (replied); b c r: respondens (final s lost in a lacuna in
r) (replying)]
[b: ait ei (affirms to him); a d i n q: ei dicens (saying to him)]
(a n q: nam)
<i: canes>
/b c f i r: sub mensa; d: subtus mensa\
{a c n: edent (c has it at *) (will eat); q: aedunt}
7.29 (Et) [dixit] {illi} () "Vade; propter <hunc sermonem> /[exiit] daemonium
{a} filia tua"\
7.29 (And (he)) [said] {to her} "Set out; because of <this speech> /the spirit
[has left] your daughter"\
(c: qui (who))
(r: Iesus (Jesus))
[b d f i q: ait (affirms)]
{a d n: ei; c: ad illam; lacuna in r}
<q: hoc uerbum (this utterance); a n: hunc (a relic of Mark's text) (n: hoc?)
uerbum tuum (this utterance of yours); on sermo uerbum see on 1.45>
/b: contingat tibi de filia tua ut cupis (may it turn out for your daughter as
you desire); from || Mt 15.28\
[c: exiet (will leave); r: ex...]
{d i: de}
7.30 Et cum [abisset] {domum} <> inuenit * (puellam) /iacentem\ [super lectum] et daemonium {exisse}
7.30 And when [she went] {home} /\ she found * (<the> girl) /lying\ [on the
bed] and the spirit {gone}
[a n: isset; q r: uenisset]
{c: domum suam}
<a n: aput se; a variant for domum added to the text instead of replacing it>
* instead of et daemonium exisse (and the spirit gone) a n have here daemonium exisse et (the spirit gone and)
(a d n q: filiam suam (d omits suam) (her daughter); from || Mt 15.28)
/a n: recumbentem; q: iactatam\
[b d f i r: supra lectum; a n q: in lecto]
{b: exisse ab ea (gone from her); q: eiectum (cast out); c: ab ea fugatam
(driven out of her); nowhere else does Mark use fugo}

7.31 [Et] {iterum} () uenit <> per Sidonem ad mare Galilaeae inter medios
fines - Decapoleos.
7.31 [And] {again} () <he> went through Sidon to the sea of Galilee through
the intervening territory of Decapolis.
[c omits]
{a n: deinceps (then); q: rursus; Mark never uses either word}
(@ <c> exiens (q: egressus; a n: ingressus) de finibus Tyri (q adds et Sidonis)
(going out (a n: going in) from the territory of Tyre (and Sidon); this is based on verse 24; there Mark says "he went away into the territory of Tyre",
so here the interpolator says "going out from the territory of Tyre")
<c: Iesus (Jesus)>
- n ends; begins at 8.32
7.32 Et [adduxerunt] {ei} surdum () et mutum <et deprecebantur> /eum\ ut
[imponeret illi manum]
7.32 And [they brought] {him} a deaf and dumb (man) <and were begging>
/him\ to [lay his hand on him]
[a q: offerunt; b d f i r: adferunt (d: adferent) (they bring)]
{c: ad eum}
(c: hominem)
<r: depraecantes (begging); a: rogantes (asking)>
/d: illum; a omits\
[a r: imponeret ei manum (a: manus (hands); c f2: 2 (f1 adds in) 3 1]
7.33 Et [accipiens] eum {de} turba (seorsum) <expuens> /misit\ digitos [] in
{auriculas} () et tetigit linguam eius.
7.33 And taking] him (apart) {from} the crowd <spitting> /he put\ [his] fingers in (his) {ears} and touched his tongue.
[b d i r: suscipiens; Mark does not use suscipio; he uses accipio in 12
places; a: adprehendens]
(c f: secreto)
{c f: a}
<c q: expuit et (he spat and); r: conspuens>
/c: immisit\
[@ <c i> suos]
{c: auribus}
(a c d q r: eius)
7.34 Et [suspiciens] in - caelum + ingemuit et {dixit} (illi) /"effeta"\ quod

7.34 And [looking up] to the sky, he groaned and {said} /"effeta"\ meaning
<"be opened">
[a c d q: aspiciens; f i r: respiciens (looking); b: suscipiens; the translator, with
, read suspiciens]
- + r ends, begins
{@ ait (affirms)}
(q omits)
/c: effetha; f i q: eppheta; a: epita; d: effecta\
<d: adaperite; c: aperire>
7.35 Et [] {apertae} sun-t aures eius et solutum est uinculum linguae eius et
loquebatur (confidenter) /\
7.35 And [] his ears were {opened} and the tie on his tongue was loosened
and he began to talk (confidently) /\
[c: statim (immediately); Mark never uses this word; not in B (C missing)
D L 0131* 0274 33 579 892 + bo some sa; MSS with it have the form
which the translator does not use]
{r: adapertae}
- r ends
(q: recte (correctly); a: diserte)
/a: adeo ut omnes stuperent (astonishing everyone); from verse 37\
7.36 [Et praecepit] {illis} ne cui () dic+erent. <At - illi> /magis tantu+m\
7.36 [And he enjoined] {them} not to tell anyone () <But they> [proclaimed
it] /all the more\
[a: praecepitquae; on que see on 1.13]
{a d: eis}
(d: aliquid; q: quidquam (anything))
+ - r begins, ends
<a: cum praeciperet illis (when he enjoined them); from []{}; q: quantum
autem eis praecipiebat at illi (the more he was enjoining them but they);
combining both readings>
/c f: magis magisque; on que see on 1.13; a q: tanto magis\
+ r begins
[a: clamabant]
7.37 Et - eo amplius [admi+rabantur] dicentes {"Bene - omnia} (fecit;) et +
<surdos fecit audire> et /mutos loqui"\
7.37 And {they were] all the more [astonished] saying ("He has done)
{everything well} and <has made the deaf hear> and /the dumb to talk"\

- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins

[q: mirabantur]
(c: facit (he does))
{c: 2 1; q: bene omnibus (well for everyone)}
<@ <a q> surdis praestat auditum; a: surdos facit audire (he makes the
deaf hear)>
/b c d f: mutis (c d: multis) eloquium (c: loquelam) (d f: loqui; a relic of
text) (speech for the dumb); i: muti locuntur (the dumb talk); r:...locuntur)

Chapter 8
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
a b c d f i q contain the whole chapter.
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
n begins at verse 13.
k begins at verse 8, ends in verse 11, begins at verse 14, ends at the end of
verse 16, begins in verse 19.
e t are missing for the whole chapter.
8.1 In illis [] diebus {} cum (turba multa) esset <et non> /haberent\
[manducarent] {conuocans discipulos, dixit eis}
8.1 [] In those days {} when (the crowd) was (large) <and> /they had\ <nothing> to [eat] {calling his learners, he said to them}
[@ autem; I omit, following almost all the Greek, including B L (C p45
{@ <q> iterum (again); absent from l150 sp sa}
(c d f q: 2 1; a: turba magna)
<c f i q r: nec; b: et nec>
/d: habentibus eis; r: haber...\
[d: manducent; a: ederent]
{@ <a> conuocatis discipulis ait illis (his learners having been called, he
affirms to them); from || Mt 15.32}
8.2 "Misereor [super ista turba] quoniam {tres iam dies sunt mecum manentes} /et non\ habent quod <manducent>
8.2 "I am sorry [for this crowd] because {they have now been with me for
three days} /and\ they have /nothing\ to <eat>

[@ <a q> super istam turbam; a: turbae huic; q: supra turbam hanc]
{My text is from || Mt 15.32 e k; @ <q> triduum (f: triduo) iam est (est lost in
lacuna in a) (a d: 2 1 3; c f: 1 3 2) ex (lost in a lacuna in a) quo (c f: quod)
sunt (they have been here for three days); q: triduum adherent mihi (they
have stuck to me for three days); both from || Mt 15.32 non e k. The translator obtusely took Mark's tres dies, meaning "for three days", an accusative of extent of time, as a nominative, i.e subject of the verb, giving the absurd sense "now three days remain for me"; his text is preserved by all the
Greek except B 892 (whose conjecture restores sense:
"they have remained with me for three days")
/b i q r: nec\
<a: edant; i: manducare (to eat); quod is a remnant of Mark's text>
8.3 [Et] {si sic illos remiserimus ire in domos suas ieiunos fatigabuntur} in
uia <quoniam> /quidam\ () {de longe} uenerunt".
8.3 [And] {if we send them back home hungry they will become tired} on
the way <since> /some\ () have come {from far"}
[i omits]
{@ <c> dimittere eos (a q: illos) ieiunos; a f i r: in (not in a i) domum; d:
domo (at *); q: domi); not in b) nolo * ne fatigentur (a: patiantur) (I do
wish to send them away (home) in case they become tired (suffer); green
from || Mt 15.32; I correct c's fatigantur to fatigabuntur; the Greek agrees
with c}
<q: et (and)>
/b f i r: quidem (i r add et) aliqui (not in f); q: aliqui; Mark's quidam was
added to its replacement aliqui, but then altered to quidem to remove the redundancy\
(a: illorum; c f: ex eis; d q: ex illis; i r: ex his (of them); Mark wrote nothing
here as b; the other MSS have different translations of )
{c f: de longinquo}
8.4 Et [responderunt] {ei} discipuli (sui) * "Vnde <> /istos\ [poterit quis]
(satiare) panibus in {deserto?"}
8.4 And (his) learners [replied] {to him} "How [can anyone] <> (satisfy)
/these people\ with bread in {this empty place?"}
(q: eius)
[r adds dicentes (saying) at *; c has respondentes here and dixerunt at *
(replying, said), probably from the dicunt (they say) of || Mt 15.33]
{q: illi; f omits (ei omitted before di? lacuna in a}

[d f: 2 1; b c: quis potest; a q: poterit aliquis]

(see on 6.42)
<a: hic (here)>
/a: tantos (so many); from || Mt 15.33; q: eos\
{a: aeremia; d i q r: solitudine (d: solitudinem); b: solitudine ista; Mark has
desertus in 9 other places, solitudo nowhere else}
8.5 [Et] {interrogauit} /eos\ "Quot panes habetis?" (Qui) dixerunt <> "Septem".
8.5 [And] {he asked} /them\ "How many loaves do you have?" (They) said
<> "Seven".
[c: qui (who)]
{a: interrogabat (he was asking}
/a: illos\
(q: at illi; from || Mt 15.34)
<i: ei (to him)>
8.6 [Et iussit] {} (turbae discumbere) <super terram> Et /accipiens [] septem
panes\ *{}gratias (agens) <>/\ fregit et dedit discipulis[suis]u-t apponerent et apposuerunt {turbae}
8.6 [And {he} told] (the crowd to recline) <on the ground> And [] /taking the
seven loaves\ {}(giving) thanks <> /\ he broke and gave them to [his]
learners to set them out and they set them out for {the crowd}
{c: Iesus (Jesus)}
[c f: iussit uero (yes, he told); a b d i q r: et praecepit; from || Mt 15.35;
uero see on 8.28]
(q: turbis discumbere (the crowds to recline); c: ut turbae disumberent)
<d: in terram; bi q r: supra terram>
[c r: Iesus (Jesus) (c at *)]
/a d: accepit septem panes et (he took the seven loaves and); q: acceptis
septem panibus; c: accipiens septem panes illos (taking these seven loaves\
{a d: et (and)}
(q: egit (he gave); from || Mt 15.36)
<b: benedixit (he blessed); from the benedixit in 7>
/q: ac (and); Mark never uses ac\
[c omits]
- r ends; begins in verse 7
{b c: turbis; q: ante turbas (for the crowds); from || Mt 15.36 e f f}
8.7 [Et] {habuerunt} () * /paucos pisciculos\ et [ipsos benedixit] <et iussit
8.7 [And] {they had} / a few fish\ and [he blessed them] <and told them to

set them out>

[b c i have at *; f q omit]
(@ autem, @ <f q> with et, with which it does not go, a remnant of Mark's
{i: habuerant (they had had); a d q: habebant}
/a: 2 1; b: duos pisciculos (two fish); from || 6.38; d: pisces (from || Mt 15.36)
[q: gratias agens (giving thanks); from || Mt 15.36 non e k; d: gratias agens
dixit (he said, giving thanks); dixit is a remnant of benedixit]
<d: et ipsos (taken from []) iussit apponi; q: iussit et illos apponi; f: et iussit
8.8 Et manducauerunt et + [satiati] sunt et {abstulerunt} (ea
<superfuerunt> /\ {septem sportas} []
8.8 And they ate and were [sated] and {took away} (what) <remained>
{seven [] baskets}
+ k begins
[@ <a k> saturati; from || Mt 15.37 non e]
{@ <k> sustulerunt}
(@ <k r> quod; from || Mt 15.37)
<@ <k r> superauerat (had remained); f: superauit; r: superauerunt>
{d q: 2 1}
[i r: plenas (full); from || Mt 15.37]
/b d q: fragmentorum; r: fragmenta (of fragments)\
8.9 [Fuerunt] autem {} () quattuor milia <> et dimisit /illos\
8.9 {They} [were] () four thousand <> and he sent /them\ away.
{@ qui mandicauerunt (b c d f: mandicauerant) (those who ate (had eaten))
from || Mt 15.38; condemned by its absence from B L 517 33 579 892
12411342 l18 l19 l49 l150 some bo some sa (p45 missing)
[@ <k q> erant]
(a b d f: ad; c: quasi; i q r: fere (about); added at different times from ;
4,000 is a symbolic number; "about" destroys the symbolism; condemned
by its absence from l184 827co as well as aur k)
<@ <d k>; from || Mt 15.38; lacuna in r>
/b d i r: eos\
8.10 [Et ipse] (ascendit) <in> /nauem\ * {} {et} uenit (ad) <partes> /Magdalutha\
8.10 [And he] (climbed) <into> /a boat\ {} {and} went [to] <the territory> /of

[c f: Iesus autem (Jesus); a: et protinus; q: et statim (and

from at different times; condemned by its absence from D 238
330 ss (sc missing) geo2 as well as b c f i k r]
(@ <a k q> ascendens (climbing))
<not in a b c f i; in after ascendo ([] indicates passage not in e or k) 3.13
4.1 yes <e> [6.45 no <a b d>] [6.51 yes] 8.10 d k q r yes, a b c f i no. 10.32
<c f>, 10.38 and 15.41 no <d> are not relevant, as ascendo is followed by a
place name, which does not normally have a preposition before it; the evidence favours in except in the last 3 passages>
/a q: nauiculam; from || Mt 15.39\
* c has uenit here
{@ <k> cum discipulis suis (with his learners)}
{@ <d k q omit}
(@ <k> in)
<c: finibus; k: finem; from || Mt 15.39 non e; b q r: partem; supports a
d's partes; i: terra (land); an explanatory gloss>
/<118> <124> 271 347 + a: magedan; p45 ...; b f i r: magedam; c k: mageda; d: magidan; q: dalmanutha; (B) C L 0131 0274 M

no places Mageda or Dalmanutha are known; Mageda seems to

be a corruption of Magdala (on the west coast of the sea of Galilee); dalman comes then from interchange of mag and dal, with g changed to n to
give a possible ending; utha looks genuine; hence I suggest Magdalutha,
"The towers", the town being so named because it had (as was common)
two towers flanking the main gate\
8.11 [Et coeperunt Pharisaei] (conquire-re) {} /ab eo signum\ de caelo []
temptantes <eum>
8.11 [And Pharisees began] (to ask) {} /him for a sign\ [] from heaven, trying
[@ <c k> et (b i q: autem at *) exierunt * (a: exeuntes) Pharisaei et (not in
coeperunt ((and) Pharisees went out and (going out) began); green from ||
Mt 16.1]
- k ends; begins in verse 14
(a q: disceptare; Mark never uses discepto; conquiro is found in 4 other
places; d omits, together with {}; a scribe's eye slipped from one to the
{@ cum eo (q: illo) (not in d) quaerentes ((him), asking); condemned by its
absence from p45 (not enough space in the lacuna for it) H 13}

/a b d: ab illo signum; q: aliquod signum ab eo\

[c: uidere (to see); from Mt 16.1]
<a c f: illum>
8.12 [Et] {ingemescens} () spiritu <> /dixit\ "Quid generatio [ista] {quaerit
signum?} Amen dico /uobis\ si dabitur generationi (isti) signum".
8.12 [And] {groaning} (in) <> breath /he said\ "Why does [this] tribe {ask for
a sign?} Amen I say to /you\ (this) tribe will not be given a sign".
[c: ipse autem]
{b: ingemescensque (and groaning); on que (here redundant) see on 1.13}
(c i r: in)
<a c f q: suo (his)>
/b c d i q r: ait (he affirms); an ancestor of f omitted before quit\
[a q: haec; lacuna in r; b omits]
{q r: 2 1; d: quaeret signum}
<after W p45 omit (I say to you) from the similarity of the
italicized sequences; B L-892 1342 + restore only (I say), an obvious
conjecture; all other MSS in every language have "I say to you">
(a c d f q: huic)
8.13 Et [missum faciens illos] {et ascendens} <> abiit /\
8.13 And [leaving them] {and embarking} <> he went away /\
[a q: dimissis his (q: illis) c: dimittens eos; f: relinquens eos; i r: relictis
relinquo is from || Mt 16.4 non e, dimitto from || Mt 16.4 e]
{f: ascenderunt rursus (they embarked again); a: rursum ascensa naue (the
boat having been again embarked in); d i q r: iterum (i: rursus) ascendit (q:
ascendens) in nauem (he embarked (embarking) again in a boat); c: ascendit nauem (he embarked in a boat); "a boat" is condemned by its absence
from B C L some bo as well as f r2; "again" is condemned as an import
from not originally in the Latinby its different forms and also condemned by its absence from 108 474 1299 pj pp bo as well as b c}
<c f i r: et>
/a i q r: trans fretum; c d: ultra; f: susum (across the strait) its absence from
b and its different forms show it was not originally in the Latin but added at
different times from \
8.14 + Et obliti sunt [imponere panes] (cum unum solummodo) <panem> /\
[haberent] * in {naui}
8.14 And [they] forgot [to put bread in] (when) [they had] (only one) <loaf>
in {the boat}
+ k begins

[c d: discipuli (from || Mt 16.5) sumere (c: emere) panes; r: 3 1 2 with

(his) after 1 (his put bread in (buy bread); b: emere panes (to
buy bread); a d f i: sumere panes; q: 2 1 (to bring bread); emere from || Mt
16.5 e; Mark does not use sumo elsewhere; he uses impono in four other
(k: cumque unum solummodo; que (and) which Mark never uses (see on 1.
13) is redundant; @ <b k> (a adds et) nisi unum ((and) [they had] only one);
b: et nihil amplius habebant (from []) nisi unum (and they had nothing
more than one))
<c: tantum (only) an explanation of solummodo wrongly replacing panem>
/@ quem (not in a) secum (at * in a d) ((which) [they had] with them)\
[@ <k> habebant]
{a: naue; b d f i q: nauem}
8.15 Et [praecepit] {illis} () dicens ["Cauete] a fermento Pharisaeorum et /a\
fermento <Herodianorum">
8.15 And [(he) told] {them} saying ["Beware of] the leaven of the Pharisees
and /of\ the leaven <of the Herodians">
(c r: Iesus (Jesus))
[k: fregerit]
{b d i: eis}
[ @ <a c k> uidete (see) from || Mt 16.6; c: uidete et cauete (see and beware
/not in b c d i (following the Greek?) but the Latin is more idiomatic with it\
<@ <i k> Herodis (b: Herodes) (of Herod)>
8.16 /Et\ [dicebant] {ad alterutrum} <quia> panes (non haberent) 8.16 /And they\ [were saying] {to one another} <that> (they had no) bread.
/c: quo audito discipuli (this having been heard, his learners)\
[@ <c k> cogitabant; from || Mt 16.7 non e; k: reputabant (were thinking);
from || Mt 16.7 e; Mark does not use reputo elsewhere]
{c: intra se; from || Mt 16.7 non e; k: aput se; from || Mt 16.7 e}
<@ <i k> quod; see on 1.15>
(f omits non; r: 2 1; k: non habent)
- k ends, begins in verse 19
8.17 [Et cum cognouisset] {} (dixit) illis * "Quid cogitatis <> quia panes
habetis? Nondum /intellegitis\ + nec [perspicit-is?] {obtusum est cor
uest-rum?} +
8.17 [And when {he} knew] (he said) to them: "Why are you thinking <> that
you have no bread? /Do you\ not yet /understand\ or [perceive?] {Is your
heart dulled?}

[@ quo cognito (which being known); a: et cum rescisset; Mark uses rescisco nowhere else; cognosco is found in 6 other places; there is a lacuna
in r after the t of cognito]
{@ <i> Iesus (b at *) (Jesus))
(@ ait (he affirms))
<@ in cordibus uestris (in your hearts); from || Mt 16.8; condemned by its
absence from B C L plus>
/q: intellegetis; d: intellegistis (have you (not yet) understood)\
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
[q: perspicistis (have you (not) perceived); c: respicitis; i r: percipitis]
{the translator, with read a's
text; b c d i: sic obtusa sunt corda uestra (are your hearts so dulled); q adhuc obtusum est cor uestrum (is your heart still so dulled); referring to 6.52
erat enim cor illorum obtusum (their heart was dulled)}
8.18 Oculos [habentes non] uidetis {(et) aures <habentes> non auditis} nec
/in mente habetis\
8.18 [You have] eyes but do [not] see {(and) <have> ears but do not hear}
nor /do you remember\
[c: habetis et nondum (you have and...not yet)]
{i omits; a scribe's eye slipped from tis to tis}
(d: nec (nor))
<c: habetis et>
/b d i q r: meministis; from || Mt 16.9 non e; a: memores estis; from || Mt
8.19 - [de quin+que panibus qu+os fregi] in quinq-ue milia {} {} () quot
(cophinos) fragment-orum /sustulistis?"\ <Dicunt> ["Duodecim"]
8.19 [of the five loaves which I broke] for five thousand {} {} () how many
(baskets) of scraps /remained?\ <They say> ["Twelve"]
- + - - r ends, begins, ends, ends
+ k begins
[i omits u (5) (so written in b d); a: cum confregi quinque panes; q: quando
quinque panes fregi (when I broke five loaves); d: quando de u panibus
quos fregi; wrongly adding quando to Mark's text; introduced twice
into Mark's text, with two different words; Mark uses frango in three other
places, confrango nowhere else]
{a b c f q: hominum (men); from || Mt 16.9 non e}
{a b c i r: ex quibus (from whom); (r begins after the i of quibus}
(d adds et (and))
(a: corbes; k: eos in)

/k: superfuerunt (remained); a gloss on sustulistis (which is supported by

) which has come into the text, with cophinos a remnant of Mark's
text; a c d i r: tulistis; Mark does not use fero\
<@ <k q> qui (a b d i r: at illi) dixerunt (who (they) said); q: dicunt illi>
[b omits; a scribe's eye slipped from the xii (12) (found in d f r) ending this
verse to the uii (7) (actually found in b, and also a d r) ending the next
verse, causing him to omit xii and the whole of the next verse before uii]
8.20 ["Et quando] septem {} * <in> quattuor milia /\ () quot sportas {}
<abstulistis"> /Dicunt\ "Septem".
8.20 ["And when] seven {} () <for> the four thousand /\ () how many {} baskets () <did you take away?"> /They say\ "Seven".
[@ <c k> quando autem (when); c et quando fregi (at *; from 19) (and when
I broke); the translator, with read quando; k: ex (from)]
{c q r: panes (loaves); from || Mt 16.10}
<not in k; omitted in an ancestor before iu (k has the full form quattuor)
/c f q r: hominum (men); from || Mt 16.10 non e\
(r: ex quibus (from whom); from {} in 19)
{k: plenas (full)}
(@ <k> fragmentorum (of scraps); from 19)
<a i: sustulistis; c d f i q r: tulistis; Mark does not use fero>
/@ <k> qui (c d f i q r: at illi) dixerunt (who (they) said)\
8.21 [Dicit] illis: "Quomodo {nondum} (intellegetis?")
8.21 [He says] to them: "Why is it (you do) {not yet} (understand?")
[a: et dicit (and he says); @ <a k> et (i omits) ait ((and) he affirms)]
(@ <a c k> intellexistis (you have...understood)
{b d q: non (not); from || Mt 16.11}
8.22 [Et] {ueniunt} () <Bethsaidam> et /\ [afferunt] {ad eum} caecum (et obsecrabant) <> ut /eum\ tangeret.
8.22 [And] {they come} (to) <Bethsaida> and /\ [bring] {him} a blind man
(and were begging) <him> to touch /him\
[k: set (but)]
{b c f q: uenerunt (they came)}
(a k q: in; see on 2.1)
<b d i q r: Bethaniam; a f: Bethania (Bethany); the translator read Bethsaida
(Bethany only in D +); Bethany was not on the sea of Galilee>
/c: ecce (lo)\
[a: offerunt; c: adducunt]
{a b d i: ei; c f: illi; q: ad illum; lacuna in r}

(@ <a k> et rogauerunt (q: rogabant) (and they asked (were asking)); a: deprecantes (begging))
<a c f r: illum; b d q: eum>
/b d i: illum\
8.23 Et [apprehendit manum eius et] {produxit} (illum) extra <castellum> /et\
[spuens] in oculos eius {} (superposuit manus) <et> /interrogauit\ [eum]
{si}(uideret aliquid)
8.23 And [he took his hand and] {led} (him) out of <the walled settlement>
/and\ [spitting] in his eyes {} (he laid on his hands) <and> /asked\ [him]
{if}(he could see anything)
[b d f i: adprehendit (d: adpraehendi) (f: adprehendens) manum caeci (i: 2
1) et (not in d f, suggesting an ancestor of d had f's text) (he took the blind
man's hand (and)); a c k: adprehensa (k: adpraehensa) manu caeci (the
blind man's hand having been taken); caeci comes from 22; q's eius is
supported by (his) of W p45 <1182> 565 700 l251; some MSS
have (the blind man's), some both]
{q: eicit (he cast (him) out); d f: eduxit; b c i r: duxit)
(b d i r: eum)
<a: municipium (commune); b d i r: uicum (neighbourhood); Mark uses
neither municipium nor uicus; he has castellum in 7 other places>
/b omits\
[c: expuit (he spat); a b d f i r: expuens; q: cum expuisset]
{b c d: et (and)}
(a c q: imposuit (q: imponens) illi manum (a: manus) (he laid (laying)
hand(s) on him); b d f i r: inpositis manibus illi (f: 1 3 2) (his hands having
been laid on him))
<k: et et (and and); not in b d f i q r>
/@ <c k> interrogabat (was asking); k: interroga...; last 3 letters erased to
insert either uit or bat\
[b c f: illum]
{a q: an}
(@ <k> 2 1 (d with quid for aliquid)
8.24 [et dixit] "Video homines {quasi} arbores ambulantes".
8.24 [And he said] "I see men {like} walking trees".
[c: ille autem dixit (he said); @ <c> et susp<ic>iens (a: respiciens; b d f i q
aspiciens) ait (f k: dixit) (and looking up (looking) he affirms (said); the
green is from 7.34; added to the Greek () (looking up); not in
ss, i.e not in the Greek MS it was copied from; not in c; i.e. added to

Latin from the Greek at different times, as the different translations show]
{a i: ueluti; b d: uelut; c f r: sicut; q: ut}; see on 1.22}
8.25 [Et iterum] {imposuit} () <manus> /\ {}super oculos eius et [] {uidit} et
(restitutus est) <> ut uider+et /lucide\ []
8.25 [And again] {he laid} </his\ hands> (){}on his eyes and [] {he saw}
and (was restored) <so> as to see [] /clearly\
[a: deinceps (then); c: et rursus; Mark never uses either word]
{a: inponens (laying)}
/c: suas\
<a f i q: manum (his hand)>
(d: ei (on him))
{f: et (and)}
[b: impositis manibus (his hands having been laid on)]
{a q: fecit illum uidere (he caused him to see); b c d f i r: coepit uidere (he
began to see)}
(c: restitutus est ei uisus; r: resituti sunt oculi eius (his sight was restored);
a: curatus est)
<a b c d f q: ita; lacuna in r after eius>
+ r begins
[a b d f i q r: omnia (everything)]
/@ <c k> clare; c: manifeste\
8.26 Et [dimisit] - illum in domum {eius} (dicens) <> /"Nemini dixeris
castello"\ +
8.26 And [he sent] him to {his home} (saying) <> /"Tell no one in the walled
[q: misit]
- + r ends, begins
{@ <k> suam}
(c: precipiens ei (bidding him); d: et ait illi (and affirms to him))
<@ <c k> uade in domum tuam et (a: uade domi aput te) (set out for home
and) (from earlier); condemned by its absence from the Greek as well as c
/q: 1 3 4 2; c: ne cui diceret (should be diceres) in castellum (should be castello); the earliest surviving Greek is M A C
(neither enter the walled settlement nor
tell anyone in the walled settlement); B L W <118> + sp ss (sc missing)
sa some bo geo1 discard the part after but "neither" makes no sense
without "nor", hence * W change to , giving "do not enter the
walled settlement"; the translator wrote the part after but his text was
(do not tell anyone in the walled settlement), an

accurate translation of Mark. As often, he used to mean "in"; a more

educated reader, regarding this as substandard Greek, the word properly
meaning "into", changed this into (do not
enter the walled settlement); the two statements were later combined, giving the text of M A C given above; adaptation gives b d f i: si in uicum
uico f: uicu) introieris nemini dixeris (d f i add in uico) (if you enter the
neighbourhood tell no one (in the neighbourhood)) (Mark does not use uicus)
and a: ne in municipio (should be municipium) intres nec cuiquam dices (do
not enter the commune or tell anyone) (Mark uses neither municipium nor
8.27 [Et exiit] Iesus {et d-iscipuli eius} ( ) <in> + /castella\
Philippi et {in uia} * interrogabat discipulos suos ~ dicens () "Quem me
/dicunt homines esse?"\
8.27 [And] Jesus {and his learners} [went out] () <to> /the walled
settlements\ [of Caesarea] Philippi and {on the way} he was asking his learners,
saying () "Whom /do men say\ I /am?"\
[c: et profectus inde (and ... advancing from there); q: profectus est autem
(advanced); b d f i r: et profectus est (and ... advanced)]
- + r ends, begins
{a c: cum discipulis suis (with his learners)}
(c: uenit (came); from || Mt 16.13)
<q omits>
/@ <c k> omit from its similarity to caesareae>
[b f: caesarea; a i q r: caesaream; d: caesariam]
{b at ~; a: in itinere; Mark does not use iter elsewhere; he uses uia in 12
other places}
* k wrongly has et here instead of before in uia
(c: eis (to them); lacuna in r)
/a d q: 1 3 2; c: 3 1 2\
8.28 [Dixerunt illi] "Iohannen {baptiziatorem} (quidam) Elian, alii <autem>
/\ unum [ex] prophetis".
8.28 [They said to him] "John {the baptist} (some) Elijah, some /\ one [of]
the prophets".
[k: illi autem (from || Mt 16.14 e or || Lk 9.19 e) dixerunt illi dicentes
said to him, saying); @ <k> qui (a: ad illi; b q have nothing) responderunt
illi (a d q: ei; lacuna in r) dicentes (who (they) replied to him, saying); r. d.

from || Lk 9.19 non e]

{@ <k> baptistam}
(f i: et alii (i: ali( (and some); b c r: alii; a d q: alii autem)
<a b i q r: uero; k does not have uero, except at 14.70, where it comes from
||; I suggest Mark never uses it>
/@ <k> quasi (like)\
[q: de; lacuna in r]
8.29 [Et ipse interrogauit eos] "Vos {autem} quem me (dicitis esse?") <Et
respondit> Petrus /et dicit\ [] "Tu es Christus" {}
8.29 [And he asked them] "Whom (do you say) I (am?") <And> Peter <replied> /and says\ [] "You are the Christ" {}
[b i r: tunc dicit illis (r adds Iesus) (then he (Jesus) says to them); a d f: ipse
autem interrogauit (a: interrogabat) eos (a: illos) (he questioned (was questioning) them); c: ipsos autem interrogauit dicens; dico from || Mt 16.14 or
Lk 9.20; not in k; a scribe's eye slipped from the is ending 28 to is]
{@ <a d k q> uero; see on 8.28}
(f: 2 1)
<a b i q r: et respondens (and replying); d f: respondens autem (replying);
c: cui respondens (to whom replying)>
/a d: dicit (says); r: dixit (said); b c f i q: ait (affirms)\
[d f k r: illi; a b i q: ei (to him)]
{r: filius Dei (the son of God); from || Lk 9.20; b: filius Dei uiui (the son of
the living God); from || Mt 16.15}
8.30 Et [admonuit] {illos} () <ne cui> dicerent de /se\
8.30 And [(he) warned] {them} to say <nothing to anyone> about /him\
(c: Iesus (Jesus))
[q: imperauit (ordered) from || Mt 16.20; @ <a k q> comminatus est (threatened) a: obiurgauit (corrected)]
{a: eos; @ <a k> eis (c i: ei)}
<c f q: ut nemini; d: nemini>
/b d i: illo; f r: eo\
8.31 Et coepit [eos docere] {quia} oportet filium hominis (multa) pati et reprobari a <maioribus natu> et /a\ [pontificibus] {et (a) scribis} et <occidi et>
/ post tertium diem\ resurgere.
8.31 And he began [to teach them] {that} the son of man had to endure
(much) and be rejected by <the elders> and /by\ [the chief priests] {and
(by) the writers} and <be killed and> /after the third day\ rise.
[@ docere illos (q: eos)
{@ <a k q> quoniam); see on 1.15}

(b: omnia (all))

<@ <k> senioribus; from || Mt 16.21 or || Lk 9.22; natu expunged, but maioribus by itself means "ancestors">
/not in c f i q r\
[c f i q r: principibus sacerdotum; from || Mt 16.21 non e or || Lk 9.22; b
summis sacerdotibus; see on 10.33]
{b omits; a scribe's eye slipped from the {et to et}
<d omits>
/d: tertia die (on the third day); @ <a d k> post tres dies (sfter three days\
8.32 Et [cum fiducia sermonem loquitur] {Et} (apprehensum eum) Petrus *
<obsecrabat> {} + /ne cui illa diceret\
8.32 And [he speaks with confidence] {And} (catching hold of him) Peter
<was begging> {him} /not to say this to anyone\
[k has loqui (to speak); @ <k> palam uerbum (see on 1.45) loquebatur (he
was speaking openly); palam gives inferior sense; it implies he is speaking
to more than just his learners]
{@ <a k> quem (whom)}
(@ <a d i k> suscipiens (catching hold) (i: suspiciens (looking up), whence
d: respiciens (looking); a: adprehendens eum (eum at *) (catching hold of
<@ <k> coepit increpare (from || Mt 16.22) (a d f q: obiurgare; c: rogare) (began to shout (correct, ask))
{a d f r: eum (him)}
+ n begins
/a b n: dicens: "Domine, propitius esto, nam hoc non erit" (saying "Master,
be gracious; this must not be); from || Mt 16.22; i: et reuocare eum (and call
him back); a paraphrase of Mark's text found in c k here; c: ne cui haec diceret\
8.33 [Et conuersus] {} (corripuit) <Petrum> /et dicit\ [] {"Vade} (retro) me
<Satanas> /quoniam\ non sapis []quae{Dei sunt}sed quae (sunt)homnum".
8.33 [And turning] {} (he seized upon) <Peter> /and says\ [] {"Get} (behind)
me <Satan> /because\ you do not understand []what {are God's}but
[a n: qui conuersus (who turning); b d f i q r: at ille conuersus (but turning);
k: conuersus autem ille (turning)]
{@ <k> (q adds et) uidens (a n: ut uidit (Mark never uses ut to introduce a
when clause)) discipulos suos (c does not have suos) ((and) seeing (when
he saw) his learners); condemned by its absence from k and its interrupting an incident in which Jesus and Peter are the only actors}
(a n: obiurgauit (he corrected); from coepit obiurgare found in a and doubt-

less once present in n in 32; q: increpauit; from the interpolation in 32; b c

d f i r: comminatus est (threatened); Mark does not use obiurgo or
elsewhere; he uses corripio in 5 other places)
<b c d f i r: Petro>
/f: et dixit (and said); @ dicens (saying)\
[k: illi (to him)]
{c k: uadede}
(a c f k n: post; see on 1.20)
<a d n: Satana; both forms are found>
/i q: quia\
[b: ea (the things (which)]
{2 1}
(c q omit)
8.34 Et conuocata turba cum discipulis [suis] - {dixit} "Si (quis) <uoluerit
uenire> /neget\ {se} et (tollat) <crucem> /\ [et] sequatur me.
8.34 And when he had called together the crowd with [his] learners {he
said} "If (anyone) <wants to come> /he must deny\ {himself} and (take up)
</his\ cross> [and] follow me.
[f omits]
- r ends; begins in verse 35
{c f: ait (he affirms); k: exit (he goes out)}
(k: qui)
<@ <c k> uult sequi (from sequatur) post (a n omit) me (from || Mt 16.24 or
Lk 9.23); d i q: 1 3 4 2; f: 3 4 1 2 (with uul) (wants to follow (after) me); c:
post me uenire (wants to come after me)>
/a c f n q: abneget (i: abnegens, but the relic et shows an ancestor had abneget); b d: deneget\
{a d n: se ipsum; from || Lk 9.23 non e; c f q: sibi; but Mt 16.24 has se
(himself for himself); sibi (for himself) won't do by itself}
(b i: tollens (taking up))
/@ <k> suam\
<k: fructum (produce)>
[not in b i ]
8.35 [Qui] enim {uolet} (saluare animam suam) + per-det [illam]<> /Propter\
[] {e-uangelium}{autem} (saluabit) /illam\
8.35 [One who] {wants} (to save his life) will lose [it]> [] By {the evangel}
(he will save) /it\

[a n: quisque (anyone who)]

{@ <k> uoluerit; from || Mt 16.25 or || Lk 9.24}
(a i n: 2 3 1; b c d f q: animam suam saluam facere; from || Mt 16.25 or ||
+ - r begins, ends
[a b c d f i n: eam]
<@ <k> qui autem perdiderit animam suam (d q do not have animam suam;
d has eam instead of it; i has eam (expunged) as well as it) (one who loses
his life (it)); from || Mt 16.25 or || Lk 9.24; animam suam (his life) is found
the non e text of Lk and the non e text of Mt (except for f); the e texts have
illam and f in Mt eam (it); r has lost everything except a final m>
/a n: causa; in Mt 16.25 e has causa mei, f mei causa, in Lk 9.24 a has causa
mea (by me); a n in Mk have the remnant euangelium instead of euangelii
required with causa, showing that an ancestor had Mark's text\
[f: me (me); c: me et (me and); q: me et propter (me and by); from || Mt 16.25
or || Lk 9.24]
- r ends
{f omits; from || Mt 16.25 or || Lk 9.24}
{@ <k> omit, as required by their construction}
(a k n: saluauit; f: inueniet (he will find); from || Mt 16.25; c: saluam facit
saves); b d i q: saluam faciet; r begins with the e of faciet)
/a b d i n r: eam\
8.36 Quid [enim] - {proderit} homini si (lu+crifecerit) <omnem> /mundum\
[deprimet] {autem} (animam?)
8.36 What {use is it} to a man if (he gains) <the whole> /world\ {but} [loses]
(his life?)
[q: autem]
- + r ends, begins
{a n q: prodest; b f: prode erit)
(k: b(deleted)hicrefecerit; a n: lucratus fuerit; from || Mt 16.26 e; b c d f i q
lucretur; from || Mt 16.26 non e or || Lk 9.25 non e)
<b c d f i r: uniuersum; from || Lk 9.25 non c e; a k n: totum; from || Lk 9.25
c e>
/a n: saeculum (age); c d: orbem\
{@ <k> omit}
[k: deprimentet; the incorrect ent not deleted; @ <k> et detrimentum (from ||
Mt 16.26 non e or || Lk 9.25 non e) (c f: damnum (from || Mt 16.26 e or || Lk
25 e) facit (from || Lk 9.25 or || Mt 16.26 e) (d q: patiatur (from || Mt 16.26

e); a n: et iacturatus fuerit (and loses)]

(a n: animam suam; @ <a k n> animae suae)
8.37 [Aut quid] {dabit} homo (commutat-ionem) /pro ani+ma sua?\
8.37 [Or what] {will} a man {give} (in exchange) /for his life?\
[q: quam enim (what); a n: aut quam]
{k: dabis (will you...give)}
- + r ends, begins
(r: in commutat...)
/a n: pro animam suam; c f: animae suae\
8.38 [Qui autem] (me confessus fuerit) et <meos> in /natione\ [] adultera et
peccatrice {} {filius} hominis (confitebitur) <illum> cum uenerit in /claritate\
patris sui cum [angelis sanctis"]
8.38 [One who] (acknowledges me) and <mine> in [a] false and guilty /tribe\
{} {the son} of man (will acknowledge)<him> when he comes in the /splendour\ of his father with [the dedicated angels"]
[a n: quisque enim (anyone who)]
(d: 2 3 1; @ <d k> confusus (q adds in) me fuerit (a n: 1 3 2; i: 2 1 3) (is
confused (in) me); the interpolator's knowledge of Latin was slight and he failed to say "is ashamed of me" by changing confessus to confusus; another
made the Latin grammatical by adding in, but this still didn't give the sense
intended; it was left for the translator, with to do so)
<someone has erased et meos in k; W sa p45 (there is not enough space in
the lacuna for (words)) agree with k; a b d i n r: mea uerba; q: 2 1
(my utterances); c: sermones meos; f: 2 1 (my talks); from || Lk 9.26>
[b c d fq r: hac (this)]
/@ <k> generatione\
{@ <b> et (and); b: tunc (then)}
{k: filios}
(k3 l: confitebitur; b c f q r: confundet (will confuse); a d i k n: confundetur
be confused); see on ())
<a b d i n q r: eum>
/a c r: gloria; b d f i n: gloriam (glory); from || Lk 9.26 non a e; q:
(majesty); from || Lk 9.26 a e or || Mt 16.27 non e\
[c f: 2 1]

Chapter 9

The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:

a b c d f i k q contain the whole chapter.
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
n ends in verse 10.
e t are missing for the whole chapter.
9.1 Et dicebat illis: "Amen [] dico uobis {quia} sunt * quidam () <ex eis qui
adstant> qui non /\ gustabunt mortem [donique] uideant regnum Dei {uenisse} in (uirtute")
9.1 And he was saying to them: "Amen [] I say to you {that} there are some
() <of those who are standing near> who will not /\ taste death [until] they
see the kingdom of God {come} in (power")
[c: amen (amen)]
{b d i q r: quod; c f: quoniam; see on 2.15}
n is missing everything after quia before qui except for (hic)
(@ <i r> hic (here) (c k have it at *); from || Mt 16.28 or || Lk 9.27)
<k: ex eis qui adstans; a q: stantes mecum (standing with me) b: de circumstantibus mecum (of those standing around with me); c: de hic stantibus
(of those standing here); d f r: circumstantium me (d: mecum) (of those
standing around (with) me); i: circumstantes (standing around); lacuna in
/k has prius (first), erased; from || Mt 16.28 e\
[All MSS except k have the later spelling donec]
{a n: uenientem; b d f i r ueniens (coming) from || Mt 16.28; in Mt uenientem
agrees with the masculine noun filium; a n have failed to change it to ueniens to agree with the neuter noun regnum; q: uenire}
(a b d n r: uirtutem)
9.2 Et post [sex dies] assumpsit Iesus Petrum et Iacobum et Iohannen et
{inseruit} (eos) in <montem> /altum\ [solus cum solis] et {commutata est
figura eius} /ante ipsos\
9.2 And after [six days] Jesus took Peter and James and John and {put}
(them) on a /high\ <mountain> [alone with them] and {his form was changed} /before them\
[@ <k> 2 1]
{k: insefuit; a b c n: duxit (led); d f i q: ducit (leads); r: du...; duco from ||
17.1 non e}
(@ <k> illos)
/d q: excelsum (very high); from || Mt 17.1 non e; b c f i r: altissimum
high); a reworking of altum based on excelsum\
<k: mentem (mind)>

[a c d f n q: seorsum; c f: secreto (from seorsum) solus (he being alone,

apart); b i: seorsum solos (they being alone, apart); green from || Mt 17.1]
{k: commutata est sicura eius; @ <k> transfiguratus est; from || Mt 17.2 non
/a n: in conspectu eorum (in their sight); @ <a k n> coram ipsis (r: illis);
from || Mt 17.2 d e f: coram ipsis (d f: illis)\
9.3 Et uestimenta eius facta sunt [candida nimis] {} ()
9.3 And his clothes became [a very bright white] {} ()
[k: candida aba (erased) (a mistake for alba (white), from || Mt 17.2 @ <b
f> or || Lk 9.29 @ <a c q>) nimis; a n: fulgentia candida ualde (a very
shining white); b: splendida (shining); c: satis fulgentia (very shining); d f:
splendida (f: fulgentia) candida nimis (shining very bright white); i: splenddentia nimis candida (shining very bright white); q: splendida et candida
nimis (shining and very bright white); r: splendida nimis et candida (very
shining and a bright white); the translator: (very
shining white); an accurate translation of the 2 Latin words with 3 (candida,
bright white, being translated with , shining white). Unaware of this, various people translated (shining) with the
lime words, and they have come into different MSS in different positions]
{@ <d k> uelut (a n: tamquam) nix (like snow); from || Mt 17.2; condemned
by its absence from B C L W P45 (not enough space in the lacuna
for it) <118> 892 1342 sa some bo geo1 eth arm as well as d k}
- r ends after the qu of (qualia); begins in verse 5
(b: qualia quis (not used correctly) non potest facere super terram (such as
no one on earth could make them); i: qualia quis super terram candida facere non potest; d: 1 7 8 2 5 6 3 4 (such as no one on earth could make
white); c f k: qualia fullo super terram non potest candida facere (f: facere
tam candida) (k: sic alba facere); q: qualia non potest quisquam fullo supra
terram facere candida (such as no fuller on earth could make (so) white);
condemned by its absence from a n X ss (sc missing))
9.4 Et [uisus est] {illis} (Helias cum Mose) et <fuerunt colloquentes> /cum
9.4 And (Elijah, with Moses) [was seen] {by them} and <they were talking
together> /with Jesus\
(c: Moyses et Helias (Moses and Elijah); from || Mt 17.3)
[b c d f i: apparuit (appeared); from || Mt 17.3 non e]
{c: cum illo (with him); from || Mt 17.3; n: eis; lacuna in a}
<b d f i: erant loquentes (they were talking); c: fabulantes (conversing);
Mark uses fabulor nowhere else; a n q: colloquebantur>

/f: cum eo (with him); from || Mt 17.3 or || Lk 9.30; c omits, but this
imply they were talking to each other and not to Jesus\
9.5 [Et {} Petrus (dixit Iesu)] "Rabbi <bonum> + - est /nobis\ hic + <e-sse>
[Et] {} (faciamus) <> /tria + tabernacula\ [unum tibi]{et} (Mosi unum) +
et /unum Heliae"\
9.5 [And {} Peter (said to Jesus)] "Rabbi, it is <good> /that we\ <are>
[And] { } (let us make) < > /three tents\ [one for you]{and}(one for
Moses)and /one for Elijah"\
[k omits; a scribe's eye slipped from Iesu in 4 to Iesu]
{b c d f: repondens (replying); i: respondit (replied); from || Mt 17.4}
(c f: ad Iesum ait; q: 3 1 2 (affirms to Jesus); i: ad Iesum (to Jesus) a d n:
ad Iesum; b: 2 3 1; Mark does not use ad after dico)
<a n: optimum (best); the translator, with read bonum>
+ - ++ r begins, ends, begins, begins
- + n ends, begins
<k: est (from est); the t deleted>
/c d f i q: nos; from || Mt 17.4 or || Lk 9.33\
[c: itaque (so); k: set (but); lacuna in a; b d f i omit]
{@ <k> si (b d f i omit before uis) uis (if you wish); from || Mt 17.4; lacuna in
n; condemned by its absence from almost all the Greek as well as k}
(b d f i: faciam (let me make))
<c f: hic (here); from || Mt 17.4>
/d q: 2 1\
[@ 2 1; r ends after tibi]
{c i omit}
(d: 2 1)
/@ 2 1\
9.6 [Non enim sciebat] {quid} (responderet) /In metu enim fuerat\
9.6 [He did not know] {what} (answer to give) /He was afraid\
[c: non sciens (not knowing); from || Lk 9.33; a d n: nesciebat enim]
{a n: quod}
(a c f n q: loqueretur (to say); d: loquebatur; from || Lk 9.33)
/@ <k> timore enim exterriti (b: perterriti; r:...rriti; a n: repleti) erant (a
sunt) (they were terrified (filled) by fear); the translator's copy had fuerant,
giving "they were afraid"; @ <k> took the plural from the Greek; but the
singular is right; it is Peter's fear, not the others', that makes him say what
he says; ss (sc missing) agrees with k\

9.7 Et facta est nu-bes [] {adu+mbrans} (eos) <et> <> /\ uox * [] {} "Hic est
filius meus (dilectissimus) /Audite eum\
9.7 And a cloud came [] {overshadowing} (them) <and> <> a voice /\ [] {}
"This is my (beloved) son /Hear him"\
- + r ends, begins
[k: caelis (in the heavens)]
{@ <b k> obumbrans; b: subumbrans; r: ...mbrans}
(b d i q r: illos)
<n omits>
<c f: ecce (lo!); from || Mt 17.5>
/@ <f k> uenit (came); f: exiit (came out); at *; from || Lk 9.35; condemned
by its absence from W Y 34 <118 leaves a space> 7-267-1391 and sp as
well as aur c k\
[@ <f> de nube (from the cloud); from || Mt 17.5 or || Lk 9.35; absent from
aur* as well as f]
{@ <k> dicens (saying); from || Mt 17.5 or || Lk 9.35; condemned by its absence from B C E F G H K M N S U V X Y 22 90 106 229 238 330 349
517 579 697 892 1278 1342 + sh ss (sc missing) sa bo geo as well as k}
(q: dilectus (loved); from || Mt 17.5; @ <k q> carissimus)
/b f q: hunc audite; c i: audite illum\
9.8 Et [subito] {circumspexerunt et} neminem () uiderunt * nisi <Iesum
solum> /\
9.8 And [suddenly] {they looked around and} saw no one () except <Jesus
only> /\
[a d i n r: statim; q: continuo (immediately); f: confestim; from of D
+, a form the translator does not use, replacing the unique accurate translation with a commonly used word; c f: repente; an ancestor of b
was offered a repacement of subito and in the process of choosing both
were omitted]
{b c d f i q: circumspicientes (looking around (they)); a n: respicientes; r: inspicientes (looking); Mark uses neither respicio nor inspicio elsewhere; he
uses circumspicio in 5 other places}
(a c n: alium; b d f i q r: amplius (else))
<c: 2 1; b d i r: Iesum tantum>
/@ <a k> secum (with them); c at *\
9.9 Et [cum descenderent] de monte praecepit {} [] ne cui () (quae uiderunt
enarrerent) nisi cum filius hominis a <morte> /resurrexisset\
9.9 And [when they were going down] from the mountain he told {them} []
not (to tell) anyone (what they saw) until the son of man /had risen\ from

[@ <a n> descendentibus illis]

{@ <b1? c k> illis; c: eis}
[d: ut; from but leaving cui (anyone) and not translating the following
(no one)]
(b: ea)
(c f: dicerent quae uiderunt (to say what they saw); dicerent from || Mt 17.9
or || Lk 9.36 non e; b d q: quae uidissent nararrent)
<@ <k> mortuis (the dead); from || Mt 17.9>
/b c: resurrexerit; a n: surrexerit; wrong sequence; f: surrexisset\
9.10 {[Et] {sermonem} (tenebant) apud <se> /quaerentes\ [quid] {esset} ()
<> - "a /morte\ [resurrexisset"]}
9.10 {[And] (they were pondering over) {this speech} among <themselves>
/asking\ [what] () <> ["he had risen]from /death"\ {meant}}
{not in f; a scribe's eye slipped from surrexisset ending 9 to [surrexisset]}
[k: quem (which (speech)); c i omit]
{@ <k> uerbum (utterance); c i after (); see on 1.45}
(a b c n: retinuerunt; d i q r: continuerunt; Mark uses teneo in 6 other
contineo and retineo nowhere else)
<b: semetipsos>
/b c d i q t: conquirentes; k omits; a scribe's eye slipped from qu to qu\
[b: quidnam]
(b: hoc (this))
<a b c i n r: cum (when); d: quod; but the text quoted has cum>
- n ends; begins at 13.2
[q: resurgere (rising); d: surrexisset; a: surrexerit; k: resurrexerit; but the text
quoted has resurrexisset]
/@ mortuis (the dead); but the passage quoted has morte\
{a n: est; wrong mood}
9.11 Et [interrogabant] {eum} dicentes ("Quare) <dicunt scribae> - /\ 'Helian
{oportet} () /primo\ + uenire'?"
9.11 And [they were asking] {him} saying ("Why) < do the writers say> /\
'Elijah {must} () come /first'?"\
[a q: interrogauerunt (they asked); perhaps from || Mt 17.10;
supports interrogabant]
{d: illum}
(b d f i: quia (that) (omit do); a c: quid ergo (c: utique); from || Mt 17.10)
<a d: 2 1; c: dicunt Phariasei et scribae (do the Pharisees and writers say);
the Pharisees are added as often represented as opponents of Jesus>

- + a ends, begins
/c d: quia (that)\
{i omits, but it is necessary}
(b: inquid (he says); should be plural; Mark uses inquam nowhere else)
/@ <k> primum\
9.12 {Et} [] (dixit) illis <> * "Helias /\ [primo] {disponit} omnia () <quia>
scriptum est /super filio\ hominis ut multa patiatur et [innulletur]
9.12 {And} [] (he said) to them <> "Elijah /\ [first] {arranges} everything ()
<because> it is written /of the son\ of man that he must endure much and
[be made of no account]
{@ <q> omit; et is supported by }
[a: quibus respondens (to whom replying); b f i: respondens autem (replying); c: respondens Iesus (Jesus, replying); d: ad ille respondens (but he,
replying); q: respondens (replying); r: respondens... (replying...); respondens from || Mt 17.11]
(d: ait (he affirms); from || Mt 17.11 non e)
<a: et (and)>
/a c q: ueniens; b f i r: cum uenerit (when he comes); d: si uenit; si at * (if he
comes); green from || Mt 17.11\
[a c d f r: primum]
{Elijah, i.e. John the baptist, "first arranges everything", i.e. prepares
way of the master as foretold in Is 40.3 quoted at 1.3 and referred to in 9.13;
the translator presumably, as usual, translated Mark accurately, here with a
word for disponit (arranges); Mark alludes to Mal 4.6, which says "he will
restore the heart"; so someone obtusely changed "arranges" to "restores"
giving the present Greek text (the word used in the LXX);
this perverts Mark to "he first restores everything"; if so, what is left
Jesus to do? This has come into @ <k> restituet (d: restituere) (will restore)}
(@ <k> et (and); inserted to smooth the connection with the corruption
<@ <k> quomodo (how); from continue with "is it"; in the translator's
copy quia was corrupted to quid (what); he or a reviser smoothed "what" to
"how", but the question still makes no sense>
/q: super filium; @ <k q> in filium\
[a: spernatur (be despised); @ <a k> contemnatur (be condemned);
favours innulletur]
9.13 Sed dico uobis qui-a [] Helias {} uenit et (fecit quanta oportebat illum
facere) sicut + scri-ptum est /super eo\
9.13 But I tell you that [] Elijah has {} come and (done what he had to do) as
is written /of him"\

- + - r ends, begins, ends

[b c d f i q: et (and)]
{i: iam (already); perhaps from || Mt 17.12}
(see on 12; @ <k> fecerunt illi (c f: ei) quanta (a b d i: quaecumque) uoluerunt (they did what(ever) they liked with him); from || Mt 17.12)
/a: de...; b c f i q: de eo (q: illo); d: in eum\
9.14 Et [cum uenisset] {} ad - discipulos () * turbam () <uidit> + /apud - eos\
et scribas [conquiren+tes] {ad eos}
9.14 And [when {he} came] to (his) learners <he saw> a () crowd> /with
them\ and writers [questioning] {them}
[k: cum uenissent; b d f i: ueniens; r: ....iens (coming)]
{c: Iesus (Jesus)}
- + r ends, begins; it has an m before the +
(a c: suos)
<@ <k> have (r had) at *; k: uiderunt>
(a b d i k q: magnam; c f: multam (large); from || Lk 9.37; condemned by its
absence from W <118> 28 1 bo MS geo arm)
- + a ends, begins
/@ <k q> ad eos (eos lost in lacuna in a); q: cum illis (from {}\
[k: unquirentes by mistake for conquirentes; seemingly not a mistake for
inquirentes, which Mark uses nowhere else; he has conquiro in 4 other
{a: cum ...; b c d f i r: cum illis; q: cum eis}
9.15 Et [{} omnis (turba) /cum uidisset eum\] [expauit] - et <gaudentes> +
(salutabant) eum.
9.15 And [{} the whole (crowd) /when they saw him\ [paled] and (began to
greet) him <joyfully>
[a: statim ut uiderunt eum omnis turba (the whole crowd {immediately}
when they saw him); Mark does not use ut = when]
{k: continuos; @ <a k> confestim (immediately); green in [] & {} from
introduced at different times, as the different words show}
(@ <a k r> multitudo; Mark does not use this word elsewhere; r: populus
/k: cum uidisset Iesum; b c d f r: uidentes Iesum (when they saw Jesus); i:
uidentes eum; q: uiso illo (when they saw him); supports "him"\
[a: pauerunt eum (paled at him); @ <a k q> expauerunt]
- + a ends, begins
<r is missing; q: accurentes (running up) from a corruption of found in D; running doesn't suit previously paling
and a whole crowd running would be incredibly stupid - a dangerous

(@ <k> salutauerunt (greeted); favours salutabant)
9.16 Et [interrog-abat] {eos} () "Qui+d /\ <conquiritis> *
9.16 And [he began to ask] {them} () "What <do you want?">
- + r ends, begins
[@ <a k> interrogauit (he asked)]
{a: scribas (the writers); a mistaken gloss; @ <a k q> illos}
(b: dicens (saying))
<a: inquirebatis (were you wanting); on inquiro see 14>
/@ <k> inter uos (among yourselves); a d have it at *; condemned by its absence from k\
9.17 Et respondit - [illi] unus de turba + {} "Magister (pertuli) <filium me-um
ad te> /Habet enim\ spiritum + [mutum]
9.17 And one of the crowd answered [him] {} "Teacher (I have brought)
<my son to you< /He has\ a [dumb] breath.
- + - + a ends. begins, ends, begins
[@ <c f k> ei; lacuna in r]
{c i r: dicens (saying)}
(@ <b k> attuli; b: adduxi; r: a...)
<c f r: 3 4 1 2>
/@ <k> habentem (having)\
[a b q: immundum (unclean); the translator, with read mutum; c:
immundum mutum; i: 2 1; r: mu...dum]
9.18 [Et] ubicumque {<e-um> apprehende+rit} (collidit) <> et /spumare facit\
et stridet [dentes] et arescit {et dixi <discentibus>} ut /eum excluderent\ et
non potuerunt" ()
9.18 [And] whenever {it seizes <him>} (it beats <him>) and /makes him
foam\ and he gnashes [his teeth] and becomes dry {and I have told <your
learners>} to /drive it out\ and they could not" ()
[@ <d k> qui (who); lacuna in a f]
<c: illum; f: i...>
- + f ends, begins
{a: 2 1; c: eum occupauerit}
(kc collidit; k* colludit; q r: allidit; a b i: allidet; c: elidit; f: el...; d: applontat
corruption of applodat))
<@ <d k> eum>
/@ <k q> spumat (he foams); q: sputat (he spits); probably a mistake

after the u of dentibus all that is preserved in f is the ci of discipulis and the
il of /illum\; begins again in verse 20
[@ <k> dentibus (b adds suis)]
{a: diu et iam discipulis tuis dixi (for a long time and I have already told
your learners)}
<@ <k> discipulis tuis; on discentibus see on 2.15>
/@ <a k> eicerent illum (d: illut); a: expellerent\
(a b d r: eicere eum (a: illut; b: illum) (drive it out))
9.19 [Et] respondens {} (dixit) "O <natio incredibilis> /quousque\ [uobiscum
ero?] {Quousque} (uos sustineo?) <Afferte> /eum\ []ad me".
9.19 [And] {he} replying (said) <"Untrusting tribe> /how long\ [will I be with
you?] {How long}(will I have to put up with you?) <Bring> /him\ []to me".
[lacuna in r]
{c r: Iesus (Jesus); from || Mt 17.17 or || Lk 9.41}
(b c i q r: dixit illis (q: illi); a: dixit eis; d: 2 1 (said to them))
<@ <k> generatio incredula; generatio from || Mt 17.17 or || Lk 9.41>
/@ <a k> quamdiu; a: usque...\
[@ <c k> apud uos ero; c: 3 1 2; from || Mt 17.17 or || Lk 9.41]
{@ <a k> quamdiu; a: qu...}
(a: patiar...; lacuna in a ending after the 2nd f of afferte; b q: patiar uos; d i
r: 2 1; c: uos sufferam; patiar from || Mt 17.17 or || Lk 9.41)
<c: adducite; from || Lk 9.41>
/@ <k> illum\
[c: huc (here); from || Mt 17.17 or || Lk 9.41]
9.20 Et [attulerunt] {eum} <et + /cum> uidisset\ (eum) spiritus /\{} () conturbauit <eum> et /concidit super\ [terram]{et}(uolutabatur)spumans.
9.20 And [they brought] {him} <and when> /the\{} breath /saw\ (him) it ()
deranged <him> and /he fell on\ [the ground] {and}(was rolled around)
[c: adduxerunt; from c's <adducite> in 19]
{q omits}
+ f begins
<c: cum autem>
/q: ille (this)\
{b: immundus (unclean)}
/d: uidens (seeing); delete "when" and "it"\
(lacuna in a; f: Iesum (Jesus); b c d i r: illum)
(k continuo; c: confestim; introduced at different times from
condemned by its absence from D geoB as well as a b f i q r)
<@ <d> puerum (the boy); the Greek <<124> 543 28 565> have "him"

/b d i q r: elisus in (beaten onto) from || Lk 9.42; a c f: cadens in (falling on)\
[k: turbam (the crowd). from conturbauit]
{@ <k> omit}
(c i: uolutabat (rolled around); a: uoluebatur)
9.21 Et interrogauit [] {patrem eius} () "Quantum temporis est ex quo <hoc>
/factum est ei?"\ [Et] - (dicit) <"A> + /pueritia"\
9.21 And [he] asked {his father} () "How long is it that <this> /has been happening to him?"\ [And] (he says) <"From> /boyhood"\
[a c r: Iesus (Jesus)]
{a: patrem pueri (the father of the boy); b: eum (him); r: patrem}
(a: dicens (saying))
<q omits>
/a b i r: ei accidit; f: accidit illi; c: factum est illi\
[k: set (but); s erased to give et; b q: at ille respondit (he replied); a f i: at ille
respondens (replying); c: ille autem; d: at ille]
- + r ends, begins
(b i q omit; a: ait (he affirms))
<a: ex; @ <a k> ab>
/@ <k> infantia (r: infantiam); the translator, with read pueritia\
9.22 [] {Et} (super) <eum> /\ in ignem [mittit] * et in {aquam} ~ (ad perdendum eum) Sed si quid potes <adiuua nos> /\ (et commouere pro nobis")
9.22 [] {And} (further) [it throws] <him> /\ into fire and into {water} (to
destroy him) But if you can do anything <help us> /\ (and pity us")
[c: nam]
{erased in k}
(@ <k> frequenter (often); from || Mt 17.15; lacuna in r after frequent until
verse 23)
[a c: misit (it has thrown); q: mittebat (it was throwing); b c d f i q have their
word at ~]
<@ <k> illum (a at *)>
/c: et (both); from \
{b k: aqua; a c: aquas}
(a: ut perderet eum; b c d f i q: 1 3 2; as Greek does not have gerunds, the
translator translated with a purpose clause; these are retranslations from
<@ <a k q> subueni (c f: auxiliare) nobis; Mark does not have subuenio
/@ <c k> Domine (Master); from || Mt 17.15\
(@ <k> misertus (c q: et miserere) nobis (a c: nostri; b d f i: super nos (pitying (and pity) us)

9.23 *[Et] {dixit} (illi) <Iesus> /\ "Si potes? [] + Omnia possib-ilia {} credenti".
9.23 [And] <Jesus> {said} (to him) /\ "If you can? [] Everything {is} possible
for one who trusts".
f omits verses 23 and 24; a scribe's eye slipped from Iesus autem beginning 23 to the same words beginning 27, causing him to omit 23-26; only
25 and 26 were put back.
[@ <a> autem; as second word]
<at * except for a; k: Dominus (the Master): also at *>
{a b i: ait (affirms)}
(q: illis (to them))
/a: "Quid est 'Si quid potes?'" ("What is 'If you can do anything'?")\
[@ <k> credere (trust); added by someone unaware that "If you can?"
takes up the father's "if you can" of 22]
+ - r begins, ends
{c: sunt}
9.24 [Et] + {} (exclamauit) pater <> - /\ [et] {dixit} + * "Credo () <Auxiliare
incredulitate meae"> +
9.24 [And] {} <his> father (cried out) /\ [and] {said} "I trust () <Help my mistrust>
[c omits]
+ - + + r begins, ends, begins, ends after <adiuu, begins
{@ <a r> continuo; a r: protinus (immediately); condemned by its absence
from * C* +}
<a c d k r: pueri (the boy's)>
(@ <k> exclamans (crying out))
/@ <k> cum lacrimis (with tears); condemned by its absence from p45 A*
B C* L W 28 700+ ss (sc missing) sa some bo geo eth arm as well as k\
[a b c d i omit, as required by their construction; q fails to omit, showing an
ancestor had exclamauit]
{c: dicebat (was saying); b d i: ait (affirms)}
(a b c q: Domine (Master) (q has it at *); from /Domine\ in 22)
<a b d: adiuua incredulitatem meam; i q: 1 3 2; r: adiuu...; c: subueni incredulitate meae>
9.25 Et cum [uidisset] - Iesus {quia} (concurrunt tur+bae) <corripuit
spiritum> + [dicens] { } (* "Mute et surde) <spiritus> /ego impero tibi\ exi
ab [eo]{et nunquam}(introieris)in /illum"\
9.25 And when Jesus [saw] {that} (the crowds were rushing together) <he
seized upon the breath> [saying] {} ("Deaf and dumb) <breath> /I order
you\ leave[him]{and never}(enter)/him"\

[@ <a k> uideret]

- + r ends, begins
{@ <c k> quod; c omits}
/@ <k> turba
(@ <c k> concurrit (a b d i: concurreret; q: concurret) turba; c: turbam
concurrentem (the crowd rushing together))
- + r ends, begins
<@ corripuit (a: oriurgauit (mistake for obiurgauit)) (b c d f i q r:
(i r add est) (he seized upon (he corrected) (threatening) (he threatened))
spiritum immundum (b c d f i q: spiritui immundo) (the unclean breath)
(lacuna in r); the green from || Lk 9.42; condemned by its absence from p45 W
ss (sc absent) geo)
[r: et dixit; b: dixitque (and said); on que see on 1.13; d i: dixit (he said)]
{@ <a q> illi (to him)}
(a i q r: 3 2 1; b: surde immunde (deaf unclean))
<a b d k q: spirite; lacuna in r>
/a: 1 3 2, at *; @ <a k> ego tibi praecipio\
[@ <k> illo]
{a: nec amplius; b c d f: et (b d add caue) ne; i r: et amplius (i adds
(c f: redieris (return to); a: intraueris; Mark never uses intro; b d i q r: introeas)
/c f: illo; a b d i q r: eum\
9.26 [Et] {clamauit} () <et dissipauit> /et\ exiuit [] et {} factus est () <uelut>
mortuus *[ita ut]multi{dicerent}(quia)/mortuus est\
9.26 [And] {(it) cried out} <and tore him apart> /and\ went out [] and {} (he)
became <like> one dead[so that]many{said}(that)/he was dead\
[b: aute (mistake for autem); 2nd word]
(b: ille spiritus immundus (that unclean breath))
{d i q: clamans; a b r: exclamans (crying out); c f: exclamauit}
<k: et dissupauit eum; b d f i r: et multum discerpens (r: discrepans) (and
tearing him violently apart); a: cum multum conlissiset eum (when he had
torn him violently apart); c: cum dissipauit eum (when he tore him apart); q:
et multum illum lamentans (and lamenting him violently); lamentans perhaps
a mistake for lacerans (tearing apart)>
/@ <c k> omit\
[@ <q> ab (c f k: de) eo (from him); condemned by its absence from the
Greek <D +>]

{c: proiecto illo (with him cast out)}

(b: infans (the baby); c r: puer (the boy); r at *; since he had been afflicted
from boyhood (21) he was no longer a baby or even a boy)
<k: uelue; a: tamquam; d f i q r: sicut>
[a: adeo ut; r: aut; from a<deo>ut]
{b f: crederent (believed)}
(q: quod; b: eo quod (because); a omits)
/a: eum mortuum esse; Mark does not use the accusative and infinitive construction; b q: mortuus esset\
9.27 Iesus autem [tenuit] manum eius {et} (excitauit) <illum. /\
9.27 Jesus [held] his hand {and} (aroused) <him> /\
[@ <k> tenens (holding)]
{@ <k q> omit; q fails to omit, showing an ancestor had tenuit}
(@ <k> eleuauit (q: leuauit) (lifted)
<a c f q: eum>}
/@ <k> et surrexit (and he got up); condemned by its absence from
(there is not enough space for it in the lacuna) W 63 ss sp (sc missing) as
well as k l\
9.28 - [Et] cum introisset {} (in) domum <discipuli /eius\ secreto <eum>
interrogabant> /\ ["Quare] {nos} non potuimus (illum excludere?")
9.28 [And] when {he} had gone (into) his home </his\ learners began to
ask <him> in secret> /\ ["Why] were {we} not able (to drive it out?")
- lacuna in f until verse 29
[b k: autem, b 2nd word, k 3rd]
{r: Iesus (Jesus); d: ipse}
(c omits, perhaps rightly)
<@ <c k> 1 2 3 5 4; c: 5 4 1 3>
/c omits\
<q: illum>
/b c i k r: dicentes (saying)\
[b i: cur; Mark does not have cur elsewhere; he has quare in 5 other
{either r omits nos before non or the other MSS add it from || Mt 17.19}
(k: illud excludere; a b d r: eicere illum (a d: illud); c i q: 2 1 (q with
eicere from || Mt 17.19 non e)
9.29 [Et] dixit {illis} [] "Hoc genus {} in (nullo) potest exire nisi in <orationibus"> /\
9.29 [And] [he] said {to them} "This kind {} can be driven out by (nothing)

except <pleas"> /\
[c: quibus ipse (to whom)]
[b: Iesus (Jesus)]
{a: eis}
{a: daemonii (of spirit)}
(a: nulla alia re; q: nullo alio (nothing else))
<a c f: oratione (f: orationem)>
/@ <k> et ieiunio (b d q r: ieiuniis (b: iaiuniis) (and fasting); probably from Lk
2.37 (of the prophetess Anna, continually serving the Master in the temple
with fasting and prayer); condemned by its absence from * B 0274 geo1
as well as k\
9.30 [Et] inde {proficiscentes} (transiebant) <per> Galilaeam /et
quemquam scire.
9.30 [And] {setting out} from there (they were crossing) <through> Galilee
/and he did not wish\ anyone to know.
[b i r omit]
{a c f: egressi (going out); b d i q r: profecti}
(a: iter faciebant (they were travelling) c: ibant (they were going); the translator, with seems to have read transiebant)
<b d i q: in (into); from || Mt 17.22 or || Jn 7.1; lacuna in r>
/a k: et nolebant; b r: nec uolebant (and they did not wish); q: et nemo uolebat
(and no one wished); c d f i: nec uolebat; it is always he who did not wish
anyone to know, as almost all the Greek here, rightly\
9.31 Docebat [] {discentes} suos (dicens) <> "Filius - hominis /tradetur\ in
[manus] hominum - et [occident] {eu+m} et () <post> /tertium + diem\ resurget".
9.31 [] He was teaching his {learners} (saying) <> "The son of man /will be
handed\ into the [hands]of men and [they will kill] {him} and () <after>
/the third day\ he will rise".
[a d: enim; b c f i q r: autem; i: et (and); wrong place; Mark omits his usual
et as it would tie this clause to the unrelated et nolebat quemquam scire]
{@ <k> discipulos; on discentes see on 2.15}
(@ <k> et dicebat (and was saying))
<@ <k> illis (to them)>
- r ends; begins in verse 33
/k: traditur (is being handed over)\
[b: manibus; lacuna in f]
- + f ends, begins
[a: interficient; from || Mt 17.23 e; Mark does not use this word anywhere
else; occido is found in 9 other places]

{a c: illum}
-+ f ends, begins, ends; begins in verse 34
(b i q: occisus (killed))
<d: in (on); from Mt 17.23 (on the third day)>
/b c d i: tres dies (three days); f:...dies\
9.32 [Illi autem] ignorabant uerbum et timebant {illum interrogare}
9.32 [They] did not know what this utterance meant and were afraid {to ask
[a b d i q: at illi]
{c: 2 1; a b d i q: eum interrogare}
9.33 Et + [uenerunt] - {} Capharnaum (Et) + cum <uenissent domum> /\
/interrogauit\ [illos] {} "Q+uid in uia (retract-abatis?")
9.33 And [they came] {to} Capharnaum (And) when <they had come home>
/\ /he asked\ [them] {} "What (were you discussing) on the road?"
+ - + + - r begins, ends, begins, begins, ends
[q: uenit (he came); "they" is supported by B D W-565 0274 91 106 258
282 478 482 1424 l251 (D ) sj sp sa arm as well as @ <q>]
{a d: in; see on 2.1}
(b c d i: qui (who))
<a: cum fuisset domi (when he had been at home); an attempt to avoid the
repetition of uenio; b c d i q r: cum domi (c: in domo) esset (b: essent) (last
word lost in lacuna in r) (when he was (they were) at home); correcting the
nonsensical "he had been">
/i: et (and)\
/@ <k> interrogabat (he was asking)\
[c d q: eos]
{c: dicens (saying)}
(q: disceptassent (what they had been discussing); a: disputabatis; b c d i:
tractabatis (d: tractatis))
9.34 [Illi autem] {taceb+ant} + (Disputabant enim ad inuicem)
<> /q+uis\
[eorum maior esset]
9.34 [But they] {were silent} (They were arguing among themselves) <>
/about which\ [of them was the greatest]
[@ <c k> at illi]
+ + r begins, begins
{a: silebant; sileo is not found elsewhere; he uses taceo in 4 other places;
q: tacuerunt}
+ f begins

(c: tractauerunt (from 33) enim ad inuicem; @ <c k> inter se enim disquirebant (a: disputauerunt) (last word in lacuna in r))
<c f k: in uia (f: in uiam) (on the road); from 33>
/c f: quisnam\
[a: illorum maior esset; b c d f q: 3 1 2 (d: esse); i: 3 2 1; r: esset
9.35 [Et] {consedit et} /\ uocauit duodecim () <>
9.35 [And] {/he\ sat down} and called the twelve () <>
[b d f i: tunc (then)]
/r: Iesus (Jesus)\
{a: cum consedisset (when he had sat down); c i: considens; f q: sedens
(sitting down); lacuna in r except for the final s}
(i: apostolos (apostles); q: discipulos (learners))
<@ <d k> et ait illis: "Si quid uult primus esse (b adds inter uos) fiat (c:
omnium nouissimus et omnium minister (and he affirms to them: "If anyone wants to be first (among you) he must be the last of all and the servant
of all"); from a combination of Mt 20.26 or Mk 10.43 with Lk 22.26; absent
from D as well as d k>
9.36 Et [accepit] puerum {et} statuit (eum) in medio <ipsorum> /et\ [complexus illum] {dixit} (illis)
9.36 And [he took] a boy {and} put (him) in the middle of <them> /and\ [embracing him] {said} (to them)
[b d i q r: accipiens; c f: adsumens (taking); a: acceptum ((he put) the taken
{@ <k> omit}
(a b d i r: illum)
<@ <a k> eorum>
/@ <a k> quem (whom); omit "him"\
[@ <a k> <cum comp>lexus esset (d: est) (when he had embraced him); <>
in a lacuna in r; a: cum in sinu sumpsisset eum (when he had taken him in
his embrace); sumo is not found elsewhere]
{@ <k> ait (affirms); f also has dixit}
(r: eis)
9.37 ["Quicumque]{pueros tales}(receperit) </\ in nomine meo [me] {recipit}
et (quicumque) me /receperit\> non me <recipit> sed eum []qui {me
9.37 ["Whoever] (accepts) /\ {such boys} <in my name {accepts} [me] and
(whoever) /accepts\ me <accepts> not me but the one []who {has sent

[a: si quis; @ <a k> quisquis; @ <f> have quicumque at (); read it here]
(c: exceperit; see on /\)
/a: unum (one of); from || Mt 18.5\
{@ <k> ex huiusmodi pueris}
<k omits; a scribe's eye slipped from receperit to receperit>
{c: excipit; see on (); a i: recepit (has received), but both have recipit at <>,
so an ancestor had it here}
[i omits after meo]
(f: quisque; see on [])
/Receperit explains the omission in k and balances the () one; b d f i: susceperit; r: susc...; a q: recipit; c: excipit; wrong tenses; Neither excipio nor
suscipio is found elsewhere; he has recipio in 3 other places\
[a: se (himself)]
{a: 2 1}
9.38 [] * /\ Iohannes {autem} (dicit) - <> "Magi+ster, uidimus quendam in
nomine tuo /expellentem\ daemonia qui non sequitur [nobiscum] et
{uetuimus} (illum")
9.38 John [] /\ (says) <> "Teacher, we saw someone /driving out\ spirits in
your name who does not follow [us] and {we forbad} (him")
{a c f q r have at *; b d i k omit}
[a d: respondens (replying); @ <a d> respondit (replied); from || Lk 9.49;
condemned by its absence from B L -1071579 892 1342 sp sa bo]
/b d f i k r: illi (to him)\
(b i r: et dicit (and says); c f: et dixit (and said); q: dicens (saying); k omits)
- + r ends, begins
<b: ei; c: illi (to him)>
/k: expellentes with a line above the last e; expellentes corrected to
expellentem but the s not deleted; @ <k> eicientem; from || Lk 9.49 non e\
[@ <a d k> nos]
{@ <k> prohibuimus; from || Lk 9.49 non e}
(b d i q r: eum)
9.39 [Et ille dixit] "Nolite (uetare) <> Nemo /enim est\ qui [] faciat uirtutem in
nomine meo et poterit {} male loqui de me.
9.39 [And he said] "Do not (forbid) <him> /There is\ no one who shows []
power in my name who can {} slander me.
[k: ille autem respondens dixit (he, replying, said); a b d f i r: at ille respondens ait (i: dixit eis) (he, replying, affirms (said to them)); c: ait illis
(Jesus affirms to them); q: et, respondens, Iesus ait (and, replying, Jesus

affirms); respondens from the previous verse; condemned by its absence

from the Greek except for D 565]
(@ <k> prohibere; from Lk 9.50 non e)
<b f q: eum (him); c: eos (them)>
/@ 2 1\
[c: non (no); from an interpolation at Lk 9.50; it makes no sense]
{q: cito (quickly); from ; condemned by its absence from F* <118>
28 565 ss geo arm as well as @ <q>; the interpolator meant in the
sense "perhaps"; cito takes it in its usual sense "quickly"; but that no one
can quickly slander Jesus nonsensically implies that someone could still
do it slowly}
9.40 Qui enim non est [aduersus] {no-s} /hic\ pro {nobis} est.
9.40 One who is not [against] {us} /\ is for {us}
[b: aduersum]
{both places @ <k> uos...uobis (; from || Lk 9.50; condemned by
its absence from B C W -28-565-1071<118> <124> 157* 569 579
892 1241 267-1402 1342 shmarg sj ss (sc missing) sa bo geo arm as
as k}
- r ends; begins in verse 42
/@ <k> omit\
9.41 [Et qui uos potauerit] calicem aquae {} in nomine meo, quia [Christi]
amen dico uobis <quia> /non perdet mercedem suam\
9.41 [One who gives you] a cup of {} water [to drink] in my name, because
[you are Christ's] amen I say to you <that> /he will receive his reward\
[k: putauerit for potauerit; @ <k> quisquis (a: quicumque) enim potum dederit (c adds ex) uobis (anyone who gives (some of) you ... to drink); from ||
Mt 10.42]
{b: frigidae (cold); from || Mt 10.42}
[@ <k> Christi (f: Domini) estis (you are Christ's (the Master's))]
<a c i omit>
/q: non peribit merces eius; from || Mt 10.42\
9.42 [Et] {quicumque} scandalizauerit unum (de) <pusillis uestris> /qui
credit> [] - <bonum> {} illi <magis> /si + circumdare-tur\ [mola asinaria]
{circum}(collum) + eius et in mare /mitteretur\
9.42 [And] {whoever} causes one (of) <your little ones> /who trusts\ [] to
stumble - {it were} <more good> for him /to have\ [a donkey's grinder]
/hung\ {about}his (neck) and /to be cast\ into the sea.
[d omits]

{c d f i: quisquis}
(@ <k q> ex)
<b d f: his pusillis (b f add modicis, a gloss on pusillis which has come into
the text); c i: 2 1; q: pusillis istis (these little ones); the green from || Mt
k: pusillos uestros; a: minimis uestris>
/a d: fidem habentibus (d: habentium; from D's the right case in
Greek, wrong in Latin); @ <a d k> <creden>tibus; <> in the lacuna in r\
[c q: in me (me); from || Mt 18.6]
{@ <c d k> est; from ; the Latin requires esset}
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
<a omits magis, giving the meaning "good", so as to avoid bonum magis
(more good) for which the more educated Latin is melius (better)>
/b omits si (if) before ci; k: ut suspensa esset; from || Mt 18.6; Mark uses
circumdo in 3 other places, suspendo nowhere else\
[q: lapis molaris (a grinding stone); a gloss which has come into the text;
d: lapis (a stone); molaris has been lost]
{b c f i q: circa; not in a d i, but this requires mola asinaria to be ablative (to
have his neck hung with a donkey's grinder); such a literary construction
is unlikely in Mark}
(a d i q: collo)
/a: mittatur; k: missus esset; r: mit...\
9.43 Et si {scandalizauerit} () manus tua - <amputa> /eam\ [] + Bonum est
{tibi} debilem introire in uitam quam duas manus habentem <ire> in gehennam /ubi ignis est inextinguibilis\
9.43 And if your hand {causes (you) to stumble} <cut> /it\ <off> [] It is better
{for you} to enter life maimed than with two hands <go> to hell /where the
fire is unquenchable\
{@ <a k> scandalizat}
(@ <k> te)
- + r ends, begins
<a b d i q: abscide; from || Mt 18.8 non e>
/@ <k> illam\
[b: et proice abs te (and throw it away from you); c: 3 4; from || Mt 18.8]
{a: te}
<a d k: mitti (be sent); from || Mt 18.8; r: <intr>oire>
/@ <a k q> 1 3 2 4; a: in ignem inextinctibilem; in ignem from || Mt 18.8; q:
ignis inextinguibilem\
9.44 []
9.44 []
[@ <k> ubi uermis (b: uermes) eorum (a: illorum) non m<orietur> (<> sup-

plied in r) (b: morientur) et ignis (b c r add eorum) non extinguetur (where

their maggot(s) will never die and (their) fire will never be quenched); from
verse 48; condemned by its absence from B C L W-28-544-565 0274
-22-1278* 225 251 255 697 892 l260 ss (sc missing) sa bo geo arm1 as
as k]
9.45 Et si pes {tuus} scandalizat te (amputa) <eum> - /\ Bon+um [] {est tibi}
claudum (uenire ad) uitam <> quam duos pedes habentem mitti in gehennam /\
9.45 And if {your} foot causes you to stumble (cut) <it> (off) [] {It is} better
{for you} (to go to) <> life lame than with two feet to be sent to hell /\
{k: et (and)}
(k: puta; d: abscide; from || Mt 18.8 non e)
<@ <k> illum>
- + r ends, begins
/c: a te (from you)\
[c: enim]
{b: 2 1}
(@ <k> introire in)
<f: aeternam (eternal)>
/a f i r: ubi (r adds est) ignis inextinguibilis (a: inextinctibilis) (where the fire
unquenchable); d q: in ignem inextinguibilem (d: extinguibilem) (into unquenchable fire); c: ignis inextinguibilis (of unquenchable fire); from || Mt
18.8; condemned by its absence from much the same sources as in 44 as
well as b k\
9.46 []
9.46 []
[@ <k> (i r add et) ubi (not in r) uermis (b: uermes) eorum (f: illorum)
morietur (b: morientur; c: moritur; r: mor...) et ignis (b: ignes) (a b c r
eorum) non extinguetur (d: extinguitur) ((and) where their maggot(s)
never die and (their) fire(s) will never be quenched); from verse 48; condemned by its absence from much the same sources as in 44 as well as k\
9.47 - [Et] si + oculus {} (te scandalizauerit) <ex-ime> /eum\ [] {Bo+num} ()
est tibi <quacumque parte corporis debilem> introire in regnum Dei quam
/integrum\ [in gehennam incidere]{}
9.47 [And] if {your} eye (causes you to stumble) <pluck> /it\ <out> [] () It is

{good} for you to enter the kingdom of God <lacking part of your body>
than [to fall]/whole\[into hell]{}
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
[@ <a k q> quod (but)]
{@ <k> tuus}
(@ <k> scandalizat te)
<i: erue; from || Mt 18.9 non e; q: eice>
/@ <c k> illum\
[c: a te (from you)]
(c: enim)
{k: melius (better)}
<@ <d k q> luscum; d: cum uno oculo (with one eye); from || Mt 18.9;
caecum (blind)>
/@ <k> duos oculos ha<bentem> (with two eyes) (<> supplied in r); from ||
Mt 18.9\
[k: gehenna; @ <k> mitti (from || Mt 18.9) (c: introire (from introire)) (d i:
(avoiding the repetition of introire)) in gehennam (be sent to (enter, go to)
hell); (be impelled) supports incidere against introire or ire]
{i q: ignis (of fire); from || Mt 18.9}
9.48 ubi * [ignis] {non extinguetur} et (uermis non morietur)
9.48 where * [the fire] {will not be quenched} and (the maggot will not die)
The verse comes from Is 66.24, which has the maggot before the fire. Mark
has reversed the order because it makes the connection with his translation in 49 of the next clause of Isaiah clearer. The translator translated accurately; his text was then accommodated to the LXX of Isaiah, reversing
Mark's order, adding "their" to "maggot" and "fire" and changing futures
to presents, giving the present text
(where their maggot does not die and their fire
is not quenched) some of which @ <c k> follow with () at *, followed by et,
and readings at [] {} () below. Lacuna in r after the first n of the non before
morietur; starts again in verse 50.
[b: ignes (should be ignis) eorum (their fire), eorum translating
translating the m of )$m (their fire)]
{d: non extinguitur (is not quenched); the present (from ) does
not fit the future morietur}
(@ <k> uermis (b: uermes) (@ <c> add eorum (their), translating
translating the m of twl(tm (their maggot) non morietur (a b:
(the(ir) maggot(s) will not die); k: uerum in quo oritur, a corruption of c's text)

9.49 [Omnis autem substantia consumetur]

9.49 [All their substance will be consumed]
[k: omnia autem substantia consumitur; 48 translates Isaiah; Is 66.214 continues with whyw dr)wn lkl b$r (and there will be disdainings for all flesh);
i.e the maggots of 48 will cause all their flesh to be disdained because being consumed by them, hence "all their substance will be consumed"; the
translator translated correctly with a
reader was familiar with as "property" from its use in this sense in
everyday Greek, but this made no sense to him here and he read it as
(burnt offering), a word very familiar to him from frequent use in the
LXX and very appropriate to "will be consumed". This gives
(every burnt offering will be consumed); reads
this (with the later accretion (with salt), but this makes no sense in the
context; hence, thinking this would connect this verse to 50, he conjectured from Lv 2.13 (every burnt offering will
be salted with salt) found minus (with salt) in 47 59 61 225 235* 238 248
253 259 579 517 (also D, with 2nd word), whence a c: omnis enim uictima salietur (a: hostia insalabitur), with it in A C E F G H K M N S U V X Y
543 28 157 579 892 1071 1278mg +, whence b d f i q: omnis
enim uictima (q:et omnis uictima) (d: omne enim sacrificium) sale (d q:
salietur; still no sense in the context; hence B L W plus
(W ) (everything will be salted with fire) whence
q: omnis enim igni salietur (q includes the reading above after this one);
nonsense anywhere]
9.50 [ ] Bonum est sal /sed si sal fatuum, fatuum fuerit quod illic condiistis\
[Habetis] - in <uobis> {sal} (Pacati estote) /ad inuicem\
9.50 [] Salt is good /but if salt is tasteless what you have seasoned with it
will also be tasteless\ [You have] {salt} in <yourselves> (Be at peace) /with
one another\
[a: et (and)]
/k: sed si sal fatum fatum fuer. in quod illud condistis; @ <k> quodsi (from ||
5.13 or || Lk 14.34) sal insulsum (c: infatuatum; from || Mt 5.13 k or || Lk
34 e) fuerit in quo illud (c: illum) condietis (c: condies; q: salietis d:
(but if salt is tasteless with what will you season it?); the translator's text
had only one fatuum (a scribe's eye slipped from the first to the second);
he translated fatuum fuerit (has become tasteless) correctly with

but could make no sense of quod illic condiistis so turned it into

a question (with what will you season it?); but this
gives the wrong sense; it means that once you have ceased to be at peace
with one another your good qualities can never again be of use. @ <k> and
the lime in k are, from this question, retranslations of this Greek\
+ - r begins, ends
[@ <a k> habete (have); the verse means "only if you are at peace with one
another can the salt (good qualities) in you be of use". Hence habetis (you
have) is right; (you have) translates it correctly; but immediately
afterwards pacati estote (be at peace) is translated with (be at
peace), correctly; now can mean both "you have" and "have"; a reviser felt that, since the 2nd verb ending in was an imperative, the 1st
should be also, so he made that clear by joining the two clauses with
(and); @ <a k> follow him; see ()]
{k: panem (bread); @ <a c k> salem (b: sale); but the word has previously
been neuter}
<q: uobis ipsis>
(@ <k> <et pacem (b: pace) ha>bete (and be at peace); <> in lacuna in r; on
et see []; it has been added above the line by aur, suggesting it was not in
the actual text of his exemplar)
/k: inillauicem with illa crossed out; ad had been omitted in k's exemplar;
the scribe wrote illa as something that made sense after in (in illa = "in
then crossed it out as not in his exemplar; ad inuicem is found at 4.41 and
9.34; @ <c k> inter uos (i omits uos); c: in uobis\

Chapter 10
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
a b c d f k q contain the whole chapter.
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
i ends at iterum in verse 1, begins at verse 33.
e n t are missing for the whole chapter.
p is cited from 10.3, where a block derived from a source with more
Latin readings begins.
w is cited from 10.28, where a block derived from a source with more Old
Latin readings begins.
10.1 Et inde [surgens] {} uenit [ad]fines Iudaeae - (trans) Iordanen + et
conuenit * turba <> ad /illum\ {[et] /secundum consuetudinem\ {} <> docebat (illos)

10.1 And [getting up] from there {he} went [to]the territory of Judaea
(across) the Jordan and a crowd <> came together to /him\ {[and] /as was
his custom\ {} he began to teach (them)}
[k: profectus (setting out); @ <a k q> exsurgens; lacuna in r;
shows the translator read surgo or a compound]
{c: Iesus (Jesus)}
[@ <k> in]
- + r ends, begins
(b d: ultra; lacuna in a; Mark does not use ultra elsewhere; he has trans in
4 other places)
<d k q: iterum; a: rursus (again); a d q have at *; Mark never uses rursus;
absent from W 543 892 1260 l260 sp geo <ch> as well as b c f i r; the
absence as well as the different forms and positions show it was added at different times from >
/@ <a k> e<um>; <> missing in r\
r ends after the e of eum and begins with /at\
{aur c have the order et docebat illos iterum sicut consueuerat (and he
began to teach them again, as was his custom)}
[b c d f i omit]
/@ <a k> sicut consueuerat (d: consuerat); a: sicut solitus erat)\
{b d f i r: et (and)}
<@ <k q> iterum; q: rursus (again); Mark never uses rursus: from
condemned by its absence from 348 ss (sc missing) sa 2 bo MSS geo as
well as k>
- q ends; begins at verse 33
(d q r: eos)
10.2 Et [] ~ {interrogabant} (illum) * <> si licet /uiro\ [dimittere
{temptantes} (eum)
10.2 And [they] {were asking} (him) <> if /a man\ was allowed [to divorce his
wife] {testing} (him)
[c f q: accedentes (c f add quidam; c q add Pharisaei) (approaching (some)
(Pharisees); r: Farisaei (Pharisees) (at *); from || Mt 19.3]
{q: interrogauerunt (asked)}
<c: dicentes (saying); from || Mt 19.3>
/c: homini; from || Mt 19.3\
[a d q r: 2 1; b: uxorem suam dimittere; c f: 3 1 2]
{c has at ~}
(q: illum; c omits)
10.3 [Ille autem] {respondit et} dixit () "Quid * uobis <mandauit> /Moses\?"

10.3 [He] {replied and} said () "What did /Moses\ <command> you?"
[a: quibus (to whom); c f: autem Iesus (2nd & 3rd words) (Jesus); b d p q r:
at ille]
{@ <k> respondens (replying); 1st word in c f}
(a b d q r: eis; c f p: illis (to them))
<@ <k p> (p has mandauit at *) praecepit; from || Mt 19.7 e>
/@ <k p> Moyses (Moses); lacuna in r\
10.4 [Illi autem] {dixerunt} <"* Iussit> {} () libellum repudii (scribere) [et /\ dimittere"]
10.4 [They] {said} {"He} <ordered> (us) (to write) a divorce note [and /\ divorce her"]
[c omits; @ <c q> qui (who)]
{p: responderunt (replied)}
{d: Moyses; k: Mosei; p: Moses (at *) (Moses)}
<a c f p: permisit (allowed); from || Mt 19.8; q: praecepit; from || Mt 19.7 e;
r omit>
(c f: nobis)
(b: dare (from || Mt 19.7) (to give); c d f q: dare scriptum (to give written);
ends after da; begins in verse 5)
[r omits (there is not space enough for it in the lacuna); a scribe's eye slipped from the ere of scribere to the ere of dimittere; as r had da<re>
omission occurred in an ancestor]
/k: sic (so)\
10.5 [Et dixit Iesus] "Ad duritiam cordis uestri scripsit [] {} (mandatum
istud) ~
10.5 [And Jesus said] "It was the hardness of your hearts that made {him}
write (this instruction) []
[B C L 579 700 892mg 1342 sa bo retranslated into Latin this is et dixit illis Iesus (and Jesus said to them);
dixit illis Iesus (Jesus said to them); dixit Iesus (Jesus said) could be right,
the translator then adding as the plain (Jesus said)
would be intolerable in Greek; c: ipse uero dixit ad illos (it was he who said
to them); Iesus, because added in verse 3, here replaced by ipse; b p q r:
<quib>us respondens Iesus ait (to whom Jesus, replying, affirms); <>: lacuna in r; f: respondens uero Iesus dixit illis (Jesus, replying, said to them);
a: ... respondens Iesus ait illis (replying, Jesus affirms to them); d: et re-

spondens Iesus ait (and, replying, Jesus affirms); k: respondit autem Iesus
et dixit illis (Jesus replied and said to them); on uero see on 8.28; respondit/ens ((reply(ing)) is condemned by its absence from the
Greek MSS quoted at the beginning; illis (to them) is probably not original,
being absent from 235 252* D d and present as ad illos in c, suggesting
addition from Greek (Mark does not use ad after dico)]
/b: hoc (this)
/k: Moses; b c d: Moyses (Moses); b at ~; from || Mt 19.8; condemned by its
absence from almost all the Greek as well as a f p q r\
(a c f: praeceptum hoc; b d p q r: praeceptum istud from the praecepit of 3)
[a f p q: uobis (to you)l from || Mt 19.8]
10.6 Ab initio [autem] {} masculum et feminam fecit () <> /\
10.6 In the beginning {} <he> made () male and female /\
[b q r: enim]
{a c k p r: creaturae (of creation); condemned by its absence from D* 255
l36 sp ss (sc missing) as well as b d f q 1 Vulgate MS}
<@ <c> Deus (God); condemned by its absence from B C L 579 1342
sa bo geo2 as well as c>
(a: illos; c p q: eos (them))
/@ <a k p> et dixit (and said); from || Mt 19.5; condemned by its absence
from B C L + as well as a aur f k l p\
10.7 <> Propter [ea] relinquet homo patrem {} et matrem () /et introibit
10.7 <> Because of [this] a man will leave {his} father and (his) mother /and
go into his woman\
<k: et (and)>
[@ hoc]
{@ <d> suum; probably an addition; absent from D M* N-565 047 1093 as
well as d g2 gat 3 Vulgate MSS}
(@ <p q r> suam; condemned by its absence from almost all the Greek as
well as aur l p q r)
/k: et inprobitas (a mistake for introibit ad) mulierem; @ <k> et (a: sedt:
(but) corrected to et but the s and d not deleted) adhaerebit (from || Mt
non e) (c: adiungetur; from || Mt 19.5 e) ad (q omits) uxorem suam (a c p
uxori suae); (from || Mt 19.5) (and will cling (be joined) to his wife). B

892* l48 ss (sc missing) omit, but the next verse's "and they will be one

flesh" makes no sense without them; a scribe's eye slipped from the
(and) beginning {} to the beginning the next verse)
10.8 Et erunt [] in {una carne} Itaque () non <erunt> duo sed una caro.
10.8 And [they] will be {one flesh} And so they <will> not () <be> two
one flesh.
[@ <k> duo (two); from || Mt 19.6]
{@ <f k> 2 1; f omits una before ita}
<@ <k> sunt (are); from || Mt 19.6>
(@ <d f k> iam (now); from || Mt 19.6)
10.9 Quod [] {Dominus} (coniunxit} <> homo non /disiungat"\
10.9 [] Man must not /disjoin\ <> what {the Master} (has joined")
[@ <k> ergo (so); from || Mt 19.6]
/k p q: separet; from || Mt 19.6; d: deiungat; a: disseparet; r: diuidat\
<a: hoc (that (which))>
{@ <k> Deus (God); from || Mt 19.6}
(c: iunxit)
10.10 Et ~ [] {interrogauerunt eum} - [] discipuli () <> de /hoc\ *
10.10 And [] [] (his) learners {asked him} <> about /this\
[a: domoi; the 2nd o deleted, to change domo to domi, but failing to delete
the o; b d: in domum; f k p q r: in domo (at home); an uneducated interpolator felt the sentence was too short, so added (should be
) from the many times Jesus is represented as being at home;
someone equally uneducated translated it with domo, which a emends to
domi, others to in domum or in domo; condemned by its absence from c]
- r ends
[@ <c> iterum (again); a at ~; condemned by its absence from c and sa]
(@ <a c k> eius)
{@ <aur c k> at *; r: interrogab... (were asking)}
<c k: secreto (in secret); condemned by its absence from other MSS in all
/c k : hoc (d: eodem; k: isto) sermone (this (the same) speech); b p q r:
<eo>dem; sermone is condemned by its absence from the Greek as well as
b p q r; Mark does not use idem; isto is unsuitable without sermone\
10.11 - [Et] {dicit} * (illis) <> + /"Quicum-que\ [remiserit] * uxorem suam et
(/duxerit\ aliam) <moechatur> {}
10.11 [And] {<he> says} (to them) /"Whoever\ [divorces] his wife and
(/marries\ another) <commits adultery> {}

- + - r ends, begins, ends; begins in verse 13

[d p omit (p adding autem at *)]
<q: Iesus (Jesus)>
{a: ait (he affirms); @ <a k> dixit (he said)}
(q: eis)
/a: si uir (uir at *) (a man who); c f: quisque\
[@ dimiserit; from || Mt 19.9]
(@ <a k> 2 1)
/c: ducit; but remiserit requires duxerit\
<b c f: adulterium committit; perhaps from || Mt 19.9 e adulter est; their
moechatur in 12 suggests their ancestor also had it here>
{@ super eam (against her); condemned by its absence from W -28-544565 <118>-872 2 262 sh sp ss (sc missing) geo}
10.12 Et [quae relinquit mulier uirum] et {alii} <nubit> (moechatur") /\ []
10.12 And [a woman who leaves a man] and <marries< {another} (commits
adultery") /\ []
[@ <k> si mulier (f: 2 1) exiet (f: exeat; p q: exierit; a: discesserit) a uiro;
mulier si reliquerit uirum]
<k: nubet; but the presents relinquit and moechatur require a present
here; @ <d k> nupserit; d: duxerit>
{a: alio; b: alium; d: alium}
(a: adulterium committit; shown not to be Mark's by a's moechatur in 11)
/k: super illos (mistake for illo, to which it has perhaps been corrected); a b
c f: super illum (against him); condemned by its absence from the Greek
as well as d p q\
[a b f: similiter (not in f) et qui dimissam (a: dimissa) (a adds a uiro)
moechatur; condemned by its absence from the Greek as well as @ <a b
10.13 +(Et) - [offerebant] {illi} (infantes) ut tanger+et <illos> Dis-cipuli autem
/\ [corripiebant] {eos}
10.13 (And) [they were offering] {him} (babies) to touch <them> But /his\
learners [were seizing upon] {them}
(p: tunc (then); from || Mt 19.13)
+ - + - r begins, ends, begins, ends
[d: adferunt (they bring); from || Lk 18.15 non e]
{a q: ei}
(@ <a k p> pueros (children); from || Mt 19.13; p: paruulos (little ones))
<@ <a k p> eos>

/a c d f p: eius\
[a: obiurgabant (were correcting); @ <a k> comminabantur (were threatening)]
{a f: eis (a: eos) qui offerebant; b d p q r: <of>ferentibus; <> lacuna in r
(those who offered); c: eis}
10.14 [Dixit autem illis Iesus] "Sinite /pueros\ uenire [a-d] me et {nolite eos
uetare} (Talium) <est enim> regnum /Domini\
10.14 [But Jesus said to them] <"Allow /children\ to come [to] me and {do
not stop them} (Of such) <is> /the Master's\ kingdom.
[@ <p> Cum uidisset autem (a b c f q: quos (a quod) cum uideret; d: uidens
autem) Iesus indignatus est (b c d f: indigne tulit) (Mark does not use fero)
et dixit (@ <k p> ait) illis (Whom) (which) when Jesus saw he was indignant
and said (affirms) to them); there is no obvious reason why the material not
in p could have been accidentally omitted or why anyone could have found
it objectionable, whereas it is very easy to see why a pious reader could
have written it; I have therefore followed p and not included it]
/a r: infantes (babies); p: paruulos; D: (little children); from 13\
[a: aput]
{a c f p q: nolite prohibere eos (c f q: illos) (p: 1 3 2); b d r: <ne pro>hibueritis eos (b: illos); <> lacuna in r; green from || Mt 19.14}
(k: saluum)
<b r: 2 1>
/@ <k> Dei (of God); from || Lk 18.16\
10.15 Amen [] dico uobis {Quicumque} non (receperit) regnum <Domini>
/quasi\ [pu-er] non {intro+ibit} in (illud")
10.15 Amen [] I say to you {Anyone who} (does) not (accept) the kingdom
<of the Master> /as\ [a child] {will} not {enter} (it")
[a: enim]
{@ <a c k q: quisque; r: quisq...; c: qui}
(c: susceperit)
<@ Dei (of God); from || Lk 18.17>
/a: tamquam; b d p r: uelut; c f q: sicut; see on 1.22\
- + r ends, begins
[a c f: infans (a baby); from 13]
{f k: introiuit; p q: intrabit; a b d: intrauit; Mark uses intro nowhere else, introeo frequently}
(a d: illum)
10.16 Et [complexus illos] {<superponebat> /manus\ super illos et} benedicebat (eos)
10.16 And [embracing them] {<he was laying> /his hands\ on them and}

blessing (them)
[almost all the Greek has the translator's correct
D (calling them together) from || Lk 18.16,
whence d f q r: conuocans eos, whence c: conuocans infantes (from 13)
ad se (calling the babies together to himself) a: in sinu suo (in his embrace)
an addition wrongly replacing complexus illos; b p: amplexus (p: complexans) eos]
{a omits; a scribe's eye slipped from illos to illos; et was later deleted as redundant}
<p: inponens (laying); @ <k> imponebat; from || Mt 19.15>
/b c: manum (his hand); supports manus\
(a: illos)
10.17 Et [cum prodisset] () <> * {genibus obsecrans illum}(quidam) <interrogabat> /\ "Magister /optime\ quid faciam ut [uitam aeternam] {consequar?"}
10.17 And [when (he) had gone forward] <> (a man) {begging him on his
knees} <was asking> /\ /"Best\ teacher, what must I do {to win} [eternal
[b c: cum egressi essent (when they had gone out);
supports the singular; a: profisciscente eo; d f p r: cum egressus
esset (d adds ipse); q: cum procederet]
(p: Iesus (Jesus))
<b d p q: in uia; f: in uiam (on the road); lacuna in r>
(a f p r: <pr>ocurrens quidam (a: unus) (f adds et); <> lacuna in r (a man
running forward (and)); b: praecurrens quidam (a man running ahead); q:
occurrens unus (a man running up to him); d: adcurrit quidam et (a man
ran forward and); c: ecce quidam (lo! a man); all at *; lime from
as shown by its identical position and the variations in wording,
showing these are additions added at different times>
{(begging him on his knees) shows the translator
read this text; a: genibus prostratus (down on his knees); b c d f r: adgeniculans (f adds ante eum) (kneeling before him) p: genu flexo;q: ad genuam
eius se uoluens (prostrate at his knees)}
<k: interrogabat dicens; a d p q r: rogabat eum (q omits; p: illum) dicens
(was asking him, saying); b: rogans eum et dicens (asking him and saying)
f: dixit (said); c: dicebat (was saying); green from || Mt 19.16; Mark uses
interrogo in 24 other places, rogo only twice, at 7.26 and 15.8, both in indirect speech, not, as here, direct speech>
/@ bone (good); from || Lk 18.18; see on {} at 18\
{b d f q: percipiam (perceive); a q: possideam; from || Lk 18.18 non e; c p:
accipiam; r: p...}
[r: 2 1]

10.18 [Et + Iesus] {} (dixit) <> "Quid me /uocas\ [optimum?] Nemo {optimus}
nisi (unus) /Dominus\
10.18 [And Jesus] {} (said) <> "Why /do you call\ me [best?] No one is
{best} except /the Master\ (alone)
+ r begins
[@ <b c f> Iesus autem (Jesus); c: cui Iesus (to whom Jesus)]
{a: intuens illum (looking at him)}
(a k: ait (declares))
<@ <c> illi (to him)>
/@ <k> dicis (b: dices); from || Lk 18.19\
[@ <k> bonum (good); from || Lk 18.19; see on {}]
{@ <k> bonus (good); from || Mt 19.17 or || Lk 18.19; the change to bonus
(good) is not very fortunate; it makes Jesus criticize the man for using a
perfectly ordinary polite form of address (Magiste bone) (good teacher) and
makes him state that only God is good; yet others may have some good in
them; Mark's narrative is unexceptionable; God is optimus (best); no one
else can claim that}
/@ <k> Deus; from || Lk 18.19\
(c: solus; the translator's shows he read unus; b: unus ac (Mark never
uses ac) solus; d: solus unus; f: 2 1; combining the two readings)
10.19 <Custodi mandatum> [] {Ne + adulterium admiseris} <Ne fornicatus
fueris> /N-e furatus fueris\ (Ne) fal+sum testimonium {dixeri-s} [ ] [Ne
abnegaueris] Honorifica patrem + () et matrem" /\
10.19 <Obey the law> [] {Do not commit adultery} <Do not use prostitutes>
/Do not steal\ Do (not) {perjure yourself} [] [Do not withhold] Honour
(your) father and /your\ mother".
<r: praece...; a d f p q: praecepta (a: mandata) nosti (you know the laws);
nosti from || Lk 18.20; b: praecepta custodi; c: 2 1 (obey the laws); Mark
has mandatum in 5 other places, praeceptum nowhere else>
[a: ait "Quae?" (he affirms: "What laws?"); c: ille dixit: "Quae?" Et dixit illi
Iesus (He said: "What law?" And Jesus said to him); from || Mt 19.18]
+ - + - + r begins, ends,begins, ends. begins
{c f p q: non (q: ne) adulterabis, c at <>; a: non adulterium committes; b
ne adulteres; r: ...adulteres}
<c f p: non occides, c at {}; a: non homidicium facies; b d q r: ne
(do not kill); from || Mt 19.18 or || Lk 18.20 non e>
/c: non fornicaberis (do not use prostitutes); the original of <> before its replacement in c by non occides; a: non furaueris; b d p q: ne fureris; f omits;
a scribe's eye in an ancestor slipped from one fueris to the next\

(a c f: non)
{a c: dices; d: dicas; f: dicis}
[k has, enclosed in brackets, ille autem respondens dixit, the beginning of
verse 20; the scribe's eye slipped to these words; after he had copied them
out, he noticed what he had done and went back to the words he should
have copied]
[shows that the translator read this; a c: ne abnegabis;
ne shows an ancestor read Mark's text; with "do not withhold" understand
"from someone what is rightfully his"; b d f q r: ne fraudem feceris (do not
cheat); omitted by B* -579 W-28-544-700 69*-788-983 179-2671010 K 59 229* 405 474 579 + ll10 950 1642 1761 sp ss (sc missing) geo
arm as well as p; a scribe's eye slipped from the ending
to the ending some MSS have the words
restored from other sources]
(@ <d f q: tuum)
/a b c r: tua<m>; <> lacuna in r, continuing into () in 20\
10.20 [Et ille] () {dixit} () "M-agister <omnia ista> /obseruaui\ a [iu+uenta] mea" {}
10.20 [And he] () {said} () "Teacher /I have done\ <all this> from my [youth"]
[a: qui (who); c d f q: at ille; k: ille autem (he)]
(@ <respon>dens <> in a lacuna in r (replying); condemned by its absence
from B 579 892 1342 sa bo geo2)
- + - r ends, begins, ends; begins in verse 22
{b c d p: ait (affirms)}
(a: ei; b d f p: illi (to him))
<b d p q: omnia haec; a c f: 2 1>
/c f p: custodiui; from || Mt 19.20 non e or || Lk 18.21 non e\
[a p: adulescentia (with ab for a); @ <a k p> <iu>uentute; <> lacuna in r]
{a c: quid adhuc mihi deest? (what do I still need?); from || Mt 19.20}
10.21 Iesus autem [intuitus] {illum} (dilexit) <illum> et /dixit\ [illi] " Vnum
deest; uade {} (quaecumque habes uende) et <distribue> pauperibus et
habebis /thesaurum\ in [caelo]et {} sequere me" *
10.21 Jesus [looking at] {him} (loved) <him> and /said\ [to him] "One thing
is lacking; set out {} (sell what you have) and <give it> to the poor and you
will have /treasure\ in [heaven]and{}follow me" *
[a b: intuens; d: aspiciens; q: respiciens; Mark uses intueor in two other
places, aspicio and respicio nowhere else]
{@ <a k> eum}

(b q: osculatus est (kissed))

<@ <c k q> eum; c omits>
/a: ait (affirms)\
[q: ei]
{c f: et (and)}
(c f p: 3 1 2)
<@ <a k> da; from || Mt 19.21 or Lk 18.22; a: diuide>
/b: thensauros (treasures)\
[c: caelis (the heavens); from || Mt 19.21 e or || Lk 18.22 e]
{a: sublata cruce; q: tollens crucem (q at *) (taking up your cross); from
10.22 [Et + ille] contris-tatus {} (super illum sermonem) <> /\ [abiit] tristis +
{Fuit enim haben-s} (multas diuitias) /\
10.22 [And he] {} saddened (by this speech) <> /\ [went away] sad {He was}
(very rich) /\
+ - + - r begins, ends, begins, ends
[c f k: ille autem; d q: at ille (he); p: qui (who)]
{c f q: est (was)}
(@ in hoc (not in p) uerbo (by this utterance); see on 1.45)
<f: et recessit (and withdrew); adding c's change of abiit to the text>
/b c d f q: et (and)\
[c: recessit (withdrew)]
{@ <k q> erat enim habens; q: habebat autem}
(q: 2 1; a: magnam pecuniam; b d: multas pecunias; c f p: multas possessiones)
/b k: et agros (with much land); condemned by its absence from other
MSS and the Greek; f: et pecunias (and very rich); from () b d\
10.23 Et [cir+cumspexit] {xii} Iesus (et) <dixit> /\ /"Quam difficile\ [est
qui {diuitias} ha-bent (in regnum Dei in+troire)
10.23 And Jesus [looked around] {at the 12} (and) <said> /\ /"How difficult\
[it is for those] who are {rich} (to enter the kingdom of God)
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
[a: respiciens; @ <a k> <cir>cumspiciens <> lacuna in r (looking around)]
{@ <k> omit xii after the xit of circumspexit, showing that the ens forms
later developments}
(@ <k> omit)
<@ <k q> ait (affirms)>
/@ discipulis suis (to his learners); from || Mt 19.23, to supply an

object required after the omission of xii\

/k: quomodo dedifficulter; introire requires the adjective difficile\
[@ <c> omit, as they have introduced another finite verb]
{a: pecuniam; @ <a k q> pecunias; from || Lk 18.24 non e}
(c: 4 1 2 3; I have changed the order as this explains the order 10.25 10.24
in a b d f (see below); @ <c> in (b omits) regnum (a: regno) Dei introibunt (a
k q: intrabunt) (with what difficulty) will (those who are rich) enter the kingdom of God); r:...troibunt; introibunt from || Lk 18.24; Mark does not use
intro elsewhere; he has introeo in 29 other places)
a b d f p put verse 25 before 24; a scribe's eye slipped from in regnum Dei
introire ending verse 23 to the same words ending verse 24, causing him,
in effect, to omit verse 24 (as r does); in a b d f it has been put back in the
wrong place.
10.24 Discipuli (autem) eius <admirabantur> /super sermonem eius\ [Et]
Iesus *{iterum}()(dicit){}"Quam <difficile>/est\ /\ [in] regnum Dei {introire}
10.24 His learners <were astonished> /by his speech\ [And] Jesus()
(says) {again}{}"How <difficult> /it is\ /\ {to enter} the kingdom of God.
(f: uero; on uero see on 8.28)
< @ <k p> pauebant (were frightened); p: mirabantur; the translator, with
read k p's text>
/ @ <k p> in uerbis eius (c: istis) (by his (these) utterances; p: super hos
sermones (by this speech); k: super Solomonem (kc sermonem) eius; see
on 1.45\
[a k p: autem; c: uero (both at *); on uero see on 8.28; b f q: at]
(@ <b p q> respondens (replying); a at *)
{b d q: rursus; Mark never uses this word; c f have iterum at (); is absent from W 46 59 106 but its absence incorrectly implies that Jesus has
not said what follows (said in 23) before}
(a b d p q: ait illis (affirms to them); c f: illis iterum dixit (again said to
{a b p: filioli (little sons); d: fili; f q: filii; seemingly from Jn 113.33 (Jesus
the twelve): "My sons (filioli) I will not long be with you". Condemned by its
absence from E G K Y 2 112 27 72 125* 229 253 330 433 plus as well as
aur c k}
<k: discolum was written above and wrongly taken as a correction; a: difficulter>
/not in a p\
/c: diuitem (for a rich man); a: qui pecunias habent uel confidentes in eis
(those who have money or trust in it); b d f p q: confidentes (f: eos qui confidunt; p: fidentes) in pecuniis (d: pecunias) (for those who trust money);

condemned by its absence from B sa 6 of 9 bo eth as well as k\

[not in q]
a: introibunt (enter)}
10.25 Facilius [est] {} /camelum\ per (cauernam) <introire> quam {diuitem}
() in regnum Dei" *
10.25 [It is] easier /for a camel\ <to pass> through (the cavern) of a needle
{than for a rich man} (to pass) into the kingdom of God".
[a omits; facilius is then "more easily"]
{q: autem}
/a: camelus (a camel)\
(@ <k> foramen (r: foramin) (perforation); shows the translator
read cauernam)
<a: intrauit (a camel) passes (more easily); on intro see on 10.23; @ <a k>
transire; from || Lk 18.25 non e>
{a: diues (a rich man); lacuna in r}
(b q r: introire (q r have it at *); c p: intrare; on intro see on 10.23)
10.26 [Illi autem] -admirab+antur * dicentes {} "Et quis (poterit) /saluari?"\
10.26 [They] were astonished, saying {} "And who (can) /be saved?"\
[a f: at illi tanto magis (f: eo amplius); k: illi autem uehementius (they
even more); b d r: magis aut-em; c: qui (who); f: qui autem magis (who
(were) the more); q: at illi; the variations in the green and its absence from
c q show it is not original, but was translated at different times from
- + r ends, begins
{a c: inter se; b d f p q r: ad semetipsos; k: ad inuicem (among themselves);
the variations and variations in order (c f k have at *) show that the green is
not original but was translated at different times from }
(c f p q: potest; lacuna in r)
/@ <k> saluus fieri (p: esse)\
10.27 [Et contemplatus] {} Iesus {dixit} * "Apud homines () impossibile est
() <apud Dominum> /\ [possibile"] ~
10.27 [And observing] {them} Jesus {said} "With men (this) is impossible ()
with <the Master> /\ [it is possible"]
[a: quos intuens (whom observing); d: intuens autem; k: contemplatus
autem (observing); b c f p q r: et intuens]
{@ <a d k> illos; d: eos; p at *, showing it is not original}
{b c d f p: ait (affirms); lacuna in r}
(a q r: quidem (indeed, this); b c d p: hoc; c at *)

(q: sed non apud Deum (but not with God))

<@ <k> apud Deum (with God), q at ~; from || Mt 19.26 non e or || Lk 18.27>
/a b c f p: autem; d r: uero; on uero see on 8.28\
[b c p q r: omnia (q adds enim) possibilia sunt (everything is
from || Mt 19.26; a k: possibile est]
10.28 - Et + coepit * Petrus [dicere] "Ecce nos {reliquimus omnia () et} secuti sumus te" /\
10.28 And Peter began [to say] {"We have left everything () and} have followed you" /\
- + r ends, begins
[b f: ei dicere (ei at * in f); d: 2 1; a k q: dicere illi (to say to him); not in p;
scribe's eye perhaps slipped from the e of ei to the e of ecce]
{a: relictis omnibus (with everything left); p: relinquimus omnia et; b d
missum fecimus omnia et; c r: dimisimus omnia et}
(b: nostra (of ours); from || Lk 18.28)
/b: quid nobis erit? (what will we have?); from || Mt 19.27\
10.29 [Iesus dixit] /\ "Amen dico uobis, nemo est qui (reliquerit) {}
<aut> (sorores) - {et} matrem + (aut patrem)[] <et> filios /\[causa mei]
/et\ {euangeli}
10.29 [Jesus said] /\ "Amen I say to you, there is no one who (leaves) brothers <or> (sisters) {and} mother(or father) [] <and> children /\[because
of me]/and\{the evangel}
[k: respondit autem Iesus dixit (Jesus replied said); a b c d f p q: respondens (c d f p q add autem) Iesus dixit (b p: ait, d omits) (replying, Jesus
(affirms)); r: respond...; respondit/ens is condemned by the absence of
corresponding words in B 579 892 1342 bo 3 of 4 sa]
/c: ad illos (to them); Mark does not use ad after dico\
(q: relinquit; r:...t; c: missum fecerit)
{@ <b d> domum aut (c f: uel; r: et) (home or (or, and); from || Mt 19.29 or ||
Lk 18.29; also omitted by D}
<r: et (and)>
(k: sororem (sister))
- + r ends, begins
{@ <k> aut (or)}
(a d f k r omit, but it is present in c q and the Greek (except for D) and b p, b
in the order patrem aut matrem aut fratres aut sorores, p aut filios aut uxorem aut patrem aut matrem; a scribe's eye slipped from atrem aut to

atrem of patrem, causing him to contract matrem aut patrem into matrem)
[p q: aut uxorem (or wife), p in the order given under (); from || Lk 18.29]
<@ <c k r> aut (or)>
/@ <b k p> aut (r: et) agros (or (and) land); from || Mt 19.29 non e\
[@ <a k> propter me; propter from || Mt 19.29 non e or || Lk 18.29]
/d: aut (or)\
{a: causa euangelii; @ <a c k> propter (c omits) euangelium; from []}
10.30 [et] non {recipiet} (centumplicia) * <> /\ /in isto saeculo\ () [in saeculo
uenturo] uitam aeternam {}
10.30 [and] {will} not {receive} *a hundredfold) <> /\ /in this age\ () [in the
age to come] {} eternal life.
[@ <k> qui (who)]
{k: relinquet; from 29 (); a d p q: accipiet; b c f w: accipiat; r: a...}
(@ <k w> centies tantum; w: centenos; r: ...antum)
<@ <c k p w> qui autem reliquerit (all omitted by q (and Vulgate), as
no sense, unaware that this and what follows is a gloss from 29 explaining
who these people are) domum (q: domos) et (b q: aut) fratres (b: parentes)
et (q: aut) sorores (d f 1 2 5 4 3) (b adds et fratres) et (q: aut) matrem et
et agros (et agros not in f) (one who leaves house/s and (or) brothers (parents) and (or) sisters (and brothers) and (or) mother and sons (and land)>
/@ <c p w> cum (b: in; q: post) persecutionibus (with (mid, after) persecutions); condemned by its absence from c p w; someone glossed cum with
the translator's which he wrongly took to mean "after", which it can't
mean followed by the genitive ; nor can post be followed by the
ablative persecutionibus\
/a b: in tempore hoc; d f p q: 2 1 (at this time); c w: in hoc saeculo; r:
saecul...; all MSS except k at *; tempore is from || Lk 18.30\
(p q: et (and); lacuna in a)
[q: 1 3 2; f: in uenturo (noun accidentally omitted); b d: in aeuo uenturo; c
w: in futuro autem seculo; k: in saeculi autem uenturo]
{@ <k p q > accipiet (c: accipit; w: accipiat); from {}; k: consequetur; from ||
Mt 19.29 e or || Lk 18.30 e; condemned by its absence from the Greek <D
1071 472> as well as aur f p q Vulgate}
10.31 Multi autem erunt [nouissimi primi] et (primi nouissimi")
10.31 Many who are [last] will be [first] and (first last")
[@ <k> 2 1 (first...last); from || Mt 19.30]
(@ <k> 2 1 (last first); from || Mt 19.30)

10.32 [Fuerunt] aut+em {in uia - ascendentes} ( ) /Hierosolyma\ < >

admirabantur] {qui sequebantur illum} et <assumpsit> () /\ () - duodecim
[et] coepit {illis} * dicere + quae /uentura essent\
10.32 [They were] {on the road climbing} (to) /Jerusalem\ <> [and] {those
who were following him} [were astonished] and </he\ () took> () the
twelve [and]began * to tell{them}what /was going to happen\
[@ <k> erant]
+ - r begins, ends; then r has only <praecedebat> and only begins again
with <mens of adsumens>
{c w: 3 1 2}
(c f p w: in)
/a c: Hierosolymis\
<@ <k> et praecedebat (d: erat praecedens; p w: praecedebant) illos (a b:
eos) Iesus (and Jesus was going before them); r:...praecedebat...; condemned by its absence from k>
{the translator: (those following); f: sequentes (following); this fails to translate the Greek, Latin lacking a definite article to
translate (those); p q: et sequentes timebant (and following were afraid); an
interpolator wrote et timebant (and they were afraid) to replace et [admirabantur] (and they were astonished); instead, it was inserted before and
after sequentes, giving "and they were astonished and following were
afraid", implying absurdly that two sets of people are being characterized,
one set who were not following him, but were astonished, and another set,
who were following him, who were afraid. Clearly, only those following him
are being characterized; aur c w: qui sequebantur eum; omitted by a b d r
(there is not enough space for it in the lacuna in r) because contained in
the interpolation <>}
[@ <k p> et pauebant (and...were afraid); the correct place for the interpolation described on {}; at {} it is timebant, here pauebant; clearly, at some
stage one was changed to the other; p: et stupebant; f: et mirabantur]
/r p: Iesus (Jesus)\
(@ <b r> iterum (again); c f k have it at *; condemned by its absence from
40 91 237 259 299 433 367 sj sp ss (sc mssing) 1 of 5 sa as well as b r and
the different places where it occurs, showing it is not original to the Latin,
but added at different times from the Greek)
<@ <d k> <adsu>mens (taking); <> in lacuna in r>
(b c f w: illos (them))
- + r ends, begins
[found in aur and k3]
{f: eis}
/c f w: sibi uentura (f: euentura; Mark never uses euenio) essent; a b d p q r:

ei (a: eis; b: eius) essent uentura (a: euentura); p Vulgate: 2 1 3\

10.33 + [dicens] "Ecce ascendimus {} (Hierosolyma) et filius hominis tradetur <pontificibus>[]/\ et [damnabunt] - {illum} (morte) + et tradent <eum>
10.33 [saying] "We are climbing {to} (Jerusalem) and the son of man will be
handed <to the chief priests> []/\ and [they will condemn] {him} (to death)
and hand <him> /to the tribes\
+ i begins again
[@ <k> quia (that)]
{d: in; not usual Latin}
(a: Hierosolymis)
<@ <a b d k> principibus sacerdotum; from || Mt 20.18; b d: summis sacerdotibus; fromthe translator uses an equivalent, avoiding
transliterating the Latin word pontificibus, a word describing officials of the
Roman religion which Mark uses here of similarly senior officials in a nonRoman religion; a: pontificibus sacerdotum; a mishmash of two readings,
adding sacerdotum to the original pontificibus; Mark uses pontifex in 16
places, princeps sacerdotum nowhere)
[@ et scribis (and the writers); from || Mt 20.18; also condemned by its absence from * 700 983-1689 259 1 sa MS
/c: et senioribus (and the elders); from 8.31; condemned by its absence
from all sources except c l Vulgate\
[q: condemnabunt]
- + r ends, begins
{@ <c f k> eum}
(@ <d k> morti)
<c W omit, perhaps rightly>
/@ <k> gentibus; from || Mt 20.19 or || Lk 18.32 non e\
10.34 [ad irridendum] () {} {et crucifigent} <eum> [et /post triduum\ resurget"]
10.34 [to be mocked] () {} {and they will crucify} <him> [and /after three
days\ he will rise"]
[@ <k> et inludent eum (p: illum) (and they will mock him); from || Mt 20.19
or || Lk 18.32 non e; Mark uses illudo nowhere else; he uses irrideo in three
other places]
(@ <c k> et conspuent (f: conspuet) (a b add in) eum (and they will spit
him); c: et conspuetur (and he will be spat on); from || Lk 18.32)
{@ <d f k> et flagellabunt eum (lacuna in r at eum) (and they will whip

from || Lk 18.33 e}
{c f p w: et occident; from || Lk 18.33; a b i r: et interficient (and they will kill)
Mark never uses interficio; d omits, but "he will rise" requires a mention of
his dying}
<a: illum; b c d omit>
/w: tertia die (on the third day); from || Mt 20.19; b d f i p r: post tres dies; a
q: post tertium diem\
[p omits; a scribe's eye slipped from et to the et beginning 35]
10.35 (Et) [accedunt] ad {eum} Iacobus et Iohannes fillii Zebedaei (dicentes)
- "Magis+ter /\ <quod> * petierimus {} [dona] nobis".
10.35 [And] James and John the sons of Zebedee [come] to {him} (saying)
"Teacher /\ (give) us <what> we ask" {}
[p: tunc (then); from || Mt 20.20]
[@ <k> accesserunt (came)]
{a b d r: illum}
(a: et dixerunt ei (and said to him); d: et dicunt illi (and said to him); w accidentally omits)
- + r ends, begins
/@ <k w> uolumus ut (ut not in b i r) (we want you to)\
<@ <a k> quodcumque (q: quocumque); a: quidquid (whatever)>
[b: ut praestes; r:...praestes; d f i q: praestes; a c p: facias; w: fac; Mark
uses praesto nowhere else]
{a b d f: te (b at *) (you for)}
10.36 [Et] dixit {} ("Quid) <> /faciam\ uobis?"
10.36 [And] he said ("What) <do you want me> /to do\ for you?"
k omits; a scribe's eye slipped from nobis ending 35 to uobis ending 36
[b d f i q r: at ille (f: ipse); can be left untranslated; c w: quibus ipse
whom); p: Iesus autem (Jesus); shows the translator read a's et]
{a d: illis; p q: eis (to them)}
<c f p q w: uultis ut (q does not have ut)>
/d: praestabo; see on 35 []\
10.37 [Et] dixerunt {} "Da nobis ut unus (a dextra tua) (et) <alius> /a sinistra
tua [sedeamus in {claritate - tua}]
10.37 [And they] said {} "Let one of us [sit] (on your right) (and) <the other>
/on your left\ [in {your splendour"}]
[a i p q r: qui (who); c f w: illi autem; can be left untranslated]

{a b c d f w: ei; k p: illi (to him)}

[k omits; a scribe's eye slipped from tua to tua]
(aur k: a dextram; c p: a dextris tuis; @ <c k p> ad dextram tuam; k's [] omission shows that both tua and tua are original)
(not in w)
<f: ali; k: annus; a d: unus; from || Mt 20.21>
/k: a sinistra; c p: a sinistris (p adds tuis); @ <c k p> ad sinistram (a2?
on tua see on ()\
- r ends
{a d i p q w: gloria tua; b c f: gloriam tuam; r:gloriam ... (your glory); k's
claritate at 8.38 and 13.26 shows that Mark wrote claritate here}
10.38 [Et dixit i+llis Iesus] /"Nescitis quid petatis. Potestis {bibere\
quem ego (bibo) aut <baptiziatione> <baptiziari> /qua\ ego - [baptizior?"] *
10.38 [And Jesus said to them] /"You do not know what you are asking.
Can you {drink\ the cup} which I (drink) or <be baptized> <with the baptism> /with which\ I (am baptized?")
+ r begins; llis is followed by nescitis
[c w: dicit (c: dixit) illis Iesus (Jesus says (said) to them); the
supports dixit; @ <c w> at (a d: et) Iesus (k p: Iesus autem) respondens (a: respondens Iesus) ait (a k q: dixit) illis (a p: eis) ((and) Jesus, replying, affirms (said) to them]
/i omits\
{a: 2 1}
(k: bibio; @ <k p> bibiturus sum (will drink))
<k: baptiziationi; @ <k> baptismum>
<@ <k> baptizari, i corrected from baptizamini, at *, except for c>
/a b d f i q: quod; k p r: quo; c w: quem\
- r ends; begins in verse 40
[@ <c k> baptizor; c: baptizari habeo; from || Lk 12.50]
10.39 [Illi autem] dixerunt: "Possumus} {Iesus autem dixit illis} ("Calicem)
quidem ( quem ego <bibiturus sum>) bibetis et /baptisma\ []{baptiziabimini}
10.39 [They] said: "We can" {Jesus said to them} "You will drink ((the cup)
which I <will drink>) and {be baptized} /with the baptism\ []
[@ <k> at illi]
{@ <a d k p> (f adds et) ait illis (w: illi) Iesus (not in i)((and) Jesus (he)
to them); p: dixit Iesus illis)

(a: poculum; that this was not written by Mark is shown by the retention of
the masculine quem instead of the neuter which poculum requires)
<c: bibo (drink); @ <a c k> bibero (w: biberi)>
(p: meum (my (cup)); from || Mt 20.23)
{@ <b c k> baptizamini (w: baptizemini); k: baptiziamini; b: baptizari; c: baptizabimini}
/@ <a d k> baptismum\
[@ <k w> quod (c: quem; p: quo) ego baptizor (with which I am baptized)]
10.40 * Sedere {autem} [a dextera mea] {et} (a sinistra) non est meum dare
<> /Aliis\ paratum est" []
10.40 {But} to sit [at my right] {and} (left) is not mine to give <> ~ It is
prepared [] /for others"\
{p: uerum tamen; at *}
[k: ad dextera mea; c p w: a (w: ad) dextris (c adds meis); a b d f i q:
dext(e)ram meam (d lacks meam); r begins with the final m of meam]
{@ <a k> uel; a: aut (or); Mark never uses uel}
(c p w: a (w: ad) sinistris; a b d f i q r: ad sinistram)
<c r p w: uobis (to you); k: nobis; from || Mt 20.23>
[a: a patre meo (by my father); r:...eo; from || Mt 20.23]
/c i p q: sed quibus (but for whom); r: sed... (put the translation at *);
|| Mt 20.23; this makes no sense in Mk without the interpolation <> from Mt\
10.41 [Et cum aud-issent] {} /decem coeperun+t (indignari)\ de Iacobo et Iohanne +
10.41 [And when] the ten {} [heard] they began (to be indignant) at James
and John.
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
[a: quod cum audissent (which when...heard); b c f i q: hoc (q: quo) audito;
r: hoc aud... (this (which) having been heard); d w: et audientes (and, hearing)]
{@ <k p> ceteri (others)}
/w omits; a scribe's eye slipped from de to de\
(k: illi dignare; b c f i r: indigne ferre; Mark does not use fero; p q: indignati
sunt (they were indignant); copied straight from || Mt 20.24 without removing the coeperunt of Mark's construction; a: inuitus habere; inserted without changing the singular inuitus to the plural inuiti required by the plural
10.42 * [Et, conuocans eos] Iesus - {dicit} (illis) "Sciti+s <quia> /\

uidentur [principari] {nationibus} ( ) dominantur /eis\ et [maiores]

<potentantur eis>
10.42 [And, calling them] Jesus {says} (to them) "You know <that> /those\
{who}are seen [ to rule] {the tribes} () are /their\ masters and [the more
important men]<control them>
[@ <a k p> quos cum aduocasset (whom when he had called); p q: autem
uocans eos (q: conuocatis illis) (with Iesus at *) (calling (having called)
them) k: et conuocatis eis (and with them having been called)]
- + r ends, begins
{a: dixit (said); @ <a k q> ait (affirms)}
(q: eis)
<a i r: quoniam; b d q: quod; f: qui; see on 1.15>
/b d f p q: hi\
[k: imperare; p: esse principes; r: pr...]
{@ gentibus; a f: gentium; from }
(d adds et (and))
/@ <a k p> eorum; a k: earum; from \
[a: qui maxime inter illos sunt; b f i: principes eorum (their most important
men); c d p q: maiores eorum (c: illorum) (p: maiorem by dropping
(their more important men) r:...orum]
<k: potentatur eorum; eorum from a: sub potestate eos habent; b i
q r: potestatem illorum (i r: eorum) habent; c d f w: potestatem habent illorum (c w: eorum); p: potestatem habent in illis>
10.43 [Non est ita in uobis] sed {qui} (uolet in uobis esse magnus) <erit
uester> /minister\
10.43 [It is not so with you] but {one who} (wants to be great among you)
<must be your> /servant\
[q: non ita erit in uobis (it will not be so with you); b d i p r: 1 3 2 4 5; f: 1 3 4
5 2; c w: 4 5 autem 1 3 2; k: 1 2 autem 3 4 5]
{@ <k> quicumque (whoever); from }
(r omits to ) in 44; a scribe's eye slipped from uoluerit to uoluerit; a: uoluerit in in uobis maior esse; b: 2 3 4 5 1; c: 1 2 3 5 4; f q: 1 4 5 2 3; i: 2 3 1 4
d: 1 4 inter uos 5; p: uolet 4 5 2 3 (wants to be greater among you); maior
from || Mt 20.26; aurmarg l w: uoluerit esse (l: fieri) maior (wants to be
greater); but it is difficult to dispense with "among you")
<b: 2 1>
/k: diaconos; a gloss giving the Greek has been taken as intended to replace minister\

10.44 Et [qui]) {uolet} <in uobis primus esse> erit /omnium\ [seruus]
10.44 And [one who] {wants} <to be first among you> must be /everyone's\
[@ <k> quicumque (whoever); from )
) lacuna in r (beginning at ( in 43) ends
{@ uoluerit}
<c f w: 1 2 4 3; a: esse inter uos primus; from || Mt 20.47; d: uestrum primus
/a d: uester (your); from || Mt 20.27\
[r: minister (servant); from 43; this spoils the climax]
10.45 [Nam et] filius hominis non uenit {ministrari} sed
<ministrare> /et\
(dare) animam suam [pretium] pro multis".
10.45 [] The son of man has not come {to be served} () but <to serve> /and\
(to give) his life [as a ransom] for many".
[c: sicut; from || Mt 20.28; a: etenim]
{a p: ut ministraretur ei (a: illi) (so that there may be service to him)}
<a p: ut ministraret (a: ministrare) (so that he may serve)>
/c: sed (but)\
(a p: daret (may give); lacuna in r)
[k: prolium; @ <k> redemptionem (b: redemptione); from || Mt 20.28]
10.46 [Et] {ueniunt} () Iericho /cum\ <turba magna> (et) {caecus} [mendicus
sedebat ad uiam]
10.46 [And] {they come} (to) Jericho /with\ <a large crowd> (and) {a blind}
[beggar was sitting near the road]
[a b f i r: (f adds et) tunc ((and) then)]
{a b d f i r: uenit (he came); from || Lk 18.35; c w: uenerunt (they came)}
(a: in; see on 2.1)
/@ <c k p w> et proficiscent<e (q: proficiscenti) eo (b: illo; p: Iesu) in>de (p:
de Hiericho) cum discipulis suis (<> in lacuna in r) et (and with him (Jesus)
setting out from there (from Jericho) with his learners and); green from || Mt
20.29); c w: et factum est cum exisset ab Iericho (w: Hiericho) cum (and it
happened when he had gone out of Jericho with); from || Mt 20.29 except
for factum est (it happened), from || Lk 18.35\
<b i r: plurima multitudine; c w: multa turba; f p: 2 1; d q: turba plurima>
(@ <a c> omit)
{(correcting spelling of proper names from ) @ <c k
w> filius (p adds cuiusdam) Timaei Bartimaeus caecus (the son of (a certain)Timaeus the blind Bartimaeus); c w: (c adds ecce quidam) caecus filius
Timaei Bartimaeus ((lo) the (a certain) blind son of Timaeus, Bartimaeus);
two considerations condemn all except caecus (blind) as an interpolation;

firstly, its absence from k with no accidental reason for its omission and no
plausible reason why anyone of that time would find it so objectionable as
to wish to delete it; secondly, its uniqueness; in other incidents connected
with Jesus Mark gives no names apart from Jesus' associates before the
passion narrative; further, the combination of Aramaic bar (son of) with the
Greek is suspicious}
[@ <k> sedebat circa (a q: secus; p: iuxta) uiam (b f: uia) mendicans (r: m...)
(was sitting at the road begging)]
10.47 [Et] {cum a+udisset} (quia) Iesus <Na-zarenus> /est\ coepit clamar+e
et dicere ["Fil-i Dauid, miserere mei"]
10.47 [And] {when he heard} (that)/it was\ Jesus <the Nazarene>/\ he began
to shout and say ["Son of David, pity me"]
[@ <d f k> qui (who); f: hic (he)]
+ - + - r begins, ends, begins, ends; begins again in verse 49
{q: audiens (hearing)}
(a c f w: quod)
<c w: Nazareus; f: Nazoraeus; d q: Nazorenus (q corrected from
Nazarenus is found in 3 other places, Nazoraeus nowhere else; absent
from p; if this is right, it is an interpolation from || Lk 18.37; alternatively,
scribe's eye slipped from us to us>
/c w: esset qui transibat (w: transiebat) (it was...who was passing); p transiret (was passing) (omit "it was"); from || Lk 18.37\
[c w: 3 4 1 2; d i p w have mihi for mei; a f p insert Iesu (f p: Iesus) (from Lk
18.38) at the beginning, b c d q w in the middle, k at the end; this insertion
condemned by its differing orders and its absence from L 47 108 127 131
238 247 579 ll 18 19 184 sp ss (sc missing) geo as well as aur i ]
10.48 Et * [corripiebant] {illum} () ut taceret <Ille autem> /multo magis\
clamabat ["Fili Dauid, miserere mei"]
10.48 And [(they) were seizing upon] {him} to be quiet <But he> kept shouting out /all the more\ ["Son of David, pity me"]
(@ <c k l w> multi (many) (f at *); from || Mt 20.31)
[k: comperiebant; q: increpabant (they were shouting at); from || Mt 20.31 or
|| Lk 18.39 non e; @ <a b k q> comminabantur; b: minabantur (they were
threatening); a: obiurgabant (they were correcting)]
{@ <a k q> illi; a q: eum}
<c w> ille (he); but a connective is required; @ <c k w> at ille>
/k: mulge magis; c w: magis magisque (more and more); it seems Mark
never uses que; see on 1.13; a: tanto magis\

[c w: 3 4 1 2; b has mihi for mei]

10.49 [Et stetit] Iesus (et dixit) <"Clamate illum"> /Et\ [clamauerunt, dicentes] {"Bono animo!} (Adsta!) + /Clamat\ - te".
10.49 [And] Jesus [stood] (and said) <"Call him"> /And they\ [called him,
saying] {"Courage!} (Stand!) /He is calling\ you".
[c w: respiciens (w: resistens) uero (looking); from 7.34 or the interpolation
at 8.24; on uero see on 8.28; @ <c k w> et stans (and standing)]
(@ <d k> iussit (ordered); from Lk 18.40; d: dixit (said))
<@ <a k> illum (q: eum) uocari; a: 2 1 (him to be called); from || Lk
aur1 illum clamare (to call him), showing an ancestor had clamate>
/a i p: at (a i: ad) illi (they); b f: qui (who)\
[a b f i p q: dixerunt (b f i: dicunt) caeco (said (say) to the blind man); c w:
abierunt uocare illum (w: eum) (from <>) dicentes (went away to call him,
{p: gaude (rejoice); @ <k p> animaequior (a: fortis) esto; k's bono animo is
also in f}
(@ <k> surge; k: ..sta)
+ - r begins, ends
/@ <k> uocat\
10.50 [Ille autem] {} (abiecit uestimenta sua + et) <exilii-t et> uenit ad /illum\
10.50 [He] {} (threw off his clothes and) <jumped up and> went to /him\
[b f i p: qui (f adds uero) (who); a q: at ille; c w: ille uero; on uero see on 8.
{c w: ut audiuit (when he heard); Mark never uses ut = when}
(@ <a c w> proiecto (q: dimisso; k: abiecto) uestimento suo (his
having been thrown off); a: eiecta tunica (his tunic having been thrown off)
c w: proiecit uestimenta sua et)
+ - r begins, ends
<@ <k q r> exiliens (jumping up); r: et exsili..; the et (and) suggests r had a
finite verb in its lacuna at (), not an ablative absolute; k: exiuit et (came out
and); the translator, with read a form of exilio; "came out"
says that he was in some sort of enclosure; as he was begging (46) it
would have been stupid not to be clearly visible to passers by>
/q: Iesum (Jesus); @ <k p q> eum\
10.51 [Et dixit illi Iesus] "Quid {uis tibi faciam?"} Caecus autem <d-ixit>
() - {"Rabboni} u+t + uideam".
10.51 [And Jesus said to him] "What {do you want from me?"} The blind
man <said> /to him\ () {"Rabboni} sight".

[a f p: et respondens dixit (a: ait (affirms)) illi Iesus; d i q: 1 2 4 5 3; k r: 1 2

3 4 (r lacks et res) (and, replying, Jesus said to him); b: et respondit illi Iesus (and Jesus replied to him); c w: cui dixit Iesus (to whom Jesus said)]
{a d f: 1 3 2; i: 2 1 3; b c p r w: <uis ut> faciam tibi; <> in lacuna in r}
- + r ends, begins
<k: edixit; a: ait (affirms)>
/@ <c k> ei; c omits\
- + a ends, begins
(a b d f i p: Domine (Master); from || Mt 20.33 or || Lk 18.41)
{@ <c w> rabbi (rabbi); the translator read c w's rabboni (my rabbi)}
10.52 [Et Iesus] - - {dixit} ( ) * + "Vade < > Fid+es tua te /saluauit"\
[] *{uidit} /et\ (sequebatur) <illum> in - uia +
10.52 [And Jesus] {said} "Set out <> Your trust /has saved\ you". And {he
saw} [] and (began to follow) <him> on the road.
[@ <c f p q> Iesus autem; c f: Iesus uero; p: Iesus (at *) (Jesus); on
see on 8.28]
- + a ends, begins
- + r ends, begins
{b d i: ait (affirms)}
(c f: ei; d: illi; p: ad illum (to him); Mark does not use ad after dico)
<f: hi (a corruption of hinc) uade (from here, set out)>
/w has ut (when) at *, giving "when he saw"; Mark does not use ut = when\
/@ <k q> saluum fecit (w: facit); from || Lk 18.42 non e\
{a: uidere coepit (he began to see)}
[a: statim; b c d f i q r: confestim; k p: continuo; from as the
different forms show; absent from 61]
(q: secutus est (he followed))
<@ <a k q> eum>
- + r ends, begins

Chapter 11
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
a b c d f i k p q w contain the whole chapter.
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
e n t are missing for the whole chapter.

11.1 [Et cum] {appropinquaret} Hierosolyma () <in Bethania> ad montem

/oliuarum\ [mittit] {duo} ex (discentibus) suis
11.1 [And when] {he was nearing} Jerusalem ( ) <at Bethany> near the
mount of olives\ [he sends] {two} of his (learners)
[c w: cum autem (when)]
{a: adpropinquassent (they had neared); r: adpropinquarent (they were
nearing); from || Mt 21.1 non e; w: adpropinquasset (he had neared); b: adpropiaret}
(q: et Bethfage (and Bethphage); from || Mt 21.1 or || Lk 19.29)
<@ <d k w> et Bethaniam (a b q: Bethania) (and Bethany); Bethania is a remnant of Mark's text, ungrammatical with et; w: Bethanie)
/@ <a k> oliueti; from || Mt 21.1 or || Lk 19.29; k: eleon, giving the Greek,
taken as intended to replace the Latin\
[q: mittet; a b c: misit (he sent); lacuna in r]
{@ <k> duos}
(@ <k> discipulis; see on 2.15)
11.2 [Et dicit illis] "Ite in {castellum} (illud contra) et <introeuntes> /\
inuenietis [pullum] {} (alligatum) <> super quem /nemo\ sedit. Soluite [eum]et
adducite *
11.2 [And he says to them] "Go into {the walled settlement} (opposite) and
<entering> /\ you will find [a <> foal] {} (tied up) on which /no one\ has sat.
Untie [it]and bring it.
[a: dicens eis (saying to them); @ <a k> et ait illis (p: eis) (and he affirms
{a: municipium (commune); Mark does not use municipium elsewhere; he
has castellum in 7 other places}
(@ <c f k p> quod (d q: qui) est contra uos; c f w: 1 3 4 2 (which is
you); from || Mt 21.2)
<a: statim intrantes; Mark never uses intro; @ <a d k p> i<ntroeunt>es
<> lacuna in r; d: 2 1 (entering immediately); k: introeuntes(es deleted)ibus
uobis (with you entering); statim from condemned by its absence from k p>
/k: in illud; p: illuc (it)\
<c w: nouellum (new born); ridiculous; intended as the equivalent of "on
which no one has sat", but it can't have that meaning>
[k: pullon; someone wrote above and someone mixed the two]

{a b c r w: asinae (of a donkey); from || Mt 21.1}

(a b d i p q r: ligatum; ligo is not found elsewhere in Mark; he has alligo in 5
other places)
/a d k: nemo hominum (no one of men); b f i p q: nemo adhuc hominum; r:
2 1 3 (no one yet of men)\
[@ <a k> illum; p at *]
11.3 Et si quis uobis dixerit: {'Quid facitis?'} (dicite) /\ <'Domino [] necessarius est'> /et continuo\ [eum remittet"] {} () <>
11.3 And if anyone asks you {'What are you doing?'} (say) /\ <'[The] master needs it'> /and\ he will [send it back] /immediately"\ {} () <>
{@ <c k q w> quid soluitis pullum (why are you untying the foal?); from 2;
q: quid hoc facitis (why are you doing this?)}
(a: dicitis (you say); f: et dicetis (and you will say))
/d p q w: quia (because)\
[a: suo (their); should be nostro (our)]
<c w: dominus opera eius desiderat (the master needs its help); from || Lk
19.31 non e>
[p: illum dimittit; c: remittit illum; w: mitte illum; k: eum dimistsit; d i: illum
dimittet; f: 2 1 (he will send it away); r:; q: illum remittet; the translator
remittet (see on {}); hence I have printed it; "send it back" says that it really
belonged to Jesus]
/a: et protinus; w omits, but et is necessary; a's change to protinus and
w's omission is insufficient to condemn continuo\
{d: iterum (again); translating this is nonsense, as he has not given
it to Jesus before; from which means not "he sends
again" but "he sends back"}
(r: uobis (for you))
<@ <c k p w> huc (all except q hoc by mistake) (here); condemned by its
absence from aur c k p w>
k lacks verse 4 after et abierunt and 5; it seems that a scribe's eye slipped
from eum ending 3 to eum ending 5, 4 et abierunt (and they went away) being later supplied from another MS to provide the necessary connection; it
is hard to believe that "a foal tied outside in front of a door in a passage" in
4 is the work of an interpolator.
11.4 [Et abierunt et] i-nuenerunt {pullum li+gatum} (ad ostium)
<foris> /in
transitu\ * + et [soluerunt eum]
11.4 [And they went away and] found {a foal tied} (in front of a door) <outside> /at the crossroads\ and [untied it]

[a: exeuntes (going out); b d f i q r: et abeuntes (and going out); p: cum abissent (when they had gone away); c w: et abierunt illi duo et (and these
two went away and); "these two" from verse 1]
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
{c w have at *; a d: pullum alligatum}
(@ <c w> ante ianuam; ianua is found elsewhere only at 1.33, where k (as
here) is missing; ostium is found at 15.46 and 16.3, where k is present)
<b: a foris>
/a: in platea (on the wide area); c w: secus transitum (c: transitus) (beside the
crossroads); Mark does not use secus; f i p: in transitum\
[c w: cum uellent illum soluere (when they wished to untie it); the translator
read the text printed]
verses 5 and 6 are missing in r except for the run of dixerunt in 5
11.5 [Et qui erant illic stantes] {dixerunt} () /"Vbi ducitis eum?"\
11.5 [And those who were standing around] {said} () /"Where are you taking it?"
[i: 1 2 3 5 4; a: et quidam ex his qui ibi circumstabant (and some of those
who were standing around there); c f p q w: et (c w omit to fit their [] in 4)
quidam de circumstantibus (p q: de (q adds illic) stantibus) (f adds
erant ibi from Mark's text) ((and) some of those standing (around)
(who were there)); b: et qui erant illic foris stantes (and those who were
standing there outside); foris (outside) from 4]
(a c f i w: eis; d q: illis (to them))
/@ <c> quid facitis (a: fecistis) soluentes pullum (b adds asinae) (what are
you doing (have you done) untying the (donkey's) foal?); from 3; w also
has Mark's text (before the interpolation)\
11.6 [et] dixerunt {} (sicut illis dixit) <Iesus> /et\ [dimiserunt] {eis}
11.6 [and they] said {to them} (what) <Jesus> (said to them) /and\ [they
gave] {to them}
lacuna in r for the whole verse
[c f w: qui (who); d p q: at illi (they)]
{p q: eis (to them); a: illi}
(@ <c k> sicut dixerat (a d p w: praeceperat (p: praeciperat)) from || Mt
illis (a: illi) (what ...had said to (told) them); c: secundum uerba quae dixerat
(in accordance with the utterances which...had spoken))
<k: Deus (God)>
/c: at illi; no translation necessary\

[@ <c k p w> permiserunt; c: remiserunt; w: demiserunt]

{c k: eos; d p: illos; a b f i q: illis}
11.7 [] pullum ad Iesum et {miserunt} (super eum uestimenta) et
/super illum\ []
11.7 [] the foal for Jesus and {they put} (their clothes on it) and <[he] sat>
/on it\
lacuna in r except for the pon of {inponunt}
[c d p q w: et adduxerunt (w: duxerunt) (and they brought); a b f i: ducere
(to bring); from || Mt 21.7]
{a: strauerunt; from 8; b d f i w: inponunt; c p q: inposuerunt; from || Mt 21.
(a b d f i q w: illi (not in q) uestimenta (a d w add sua); c: uestimenta
super eum; p: super illum uestimenta sua)
[c: Iesus (Jesus)]
<d: sedebat (was sitting)>
/@ <c f k p> super eum; p: super eo; c: supra; f: supra illum\
11.8 [Et multi] uestimenta sua sternebant (in uia. Alii {} <frondia> /concidebant de agris\ [])
11.8 [And many] were strewing their clothes (on the path. Others /were cutting/ <foliage> /from the land\ {} [])
lacuna in r except for the terneban of strernebant and /nt de arbor\
[@ <k q> multi autem (many)]
(i omits; a scribe's eye slipped from in uia to [in uia])
{@ <b c f> autem; c f: uero; on uero see on 8.28}
/k: concidebant de arboribus; @ <a k> caedebant de arboribus; a: 2 3 1;
green from || Mt 21.8; the translator, with read agris\
<c f: ramos (branches); from || Mt 21.8; @ <c f k> frondes>
[@ et sternebant (d: sternebat) in uia (d f: uiam; c: itinere) (k does not have
uia) (from || Mt 21.8) (and they were strewing them on the path); condemned by its absence from B C L 892* shmarg sa 3 bo]
11.9 + Et qui [praecedebant] {} et (qui) sequebantur clamabant <> /\ "Benedictus qui uenit in []
11.9 And those who [were going in front] {} and {those who) were following
were crying out <> /\ "Blessed is the one who comes into []
r begins
[@ <a k> praeibant; Mark does not have praeeo elsewhere; he has praecedo in 3 other places]

{k: eum (of him)}

(k: quo; q omits; lacuna in r)
<@ <c f k> dicentes (saying); from || Mt 21.9>
/a: ossanna in excelso; c i: osanna in excelsis (hosanna in the highest); k:
ossana eminentissimo (hosanna to the highest); p q w: osanna (hosanna);
from 10\
[ @ <k> nomine Domini (the name of the Master) (change "into" to "to");
from || Mt 21.9 or || Lk 19.38]
11.10 [] regnum {} patris nostri Dauid. Osanna in /excelsis"\
11.10 [] the kingdom {} of our father David. Hosanna in /the highest"\
[@ <k> (d adds et) benedictum quod uenit (a does not have quod uenit)
((and) blessed is (the kingdom) (which is coming); from || Mt 21.9 or || Lk 19.
{q: in nomine Domini Dei (in the name of God the Master); from 9, except
for Dei (of God); p: Dei (of God); a gloss on Domini which has come into
the text}
/b: altissimis\
11.11 Et [i-ntroiuerunt] { } H+ierosolyma * < > /in templum\ (et)
circumspexisset} [omnia]() <cum iam> /hora serotina esset\ - [] exiuit {}
+ Bethanian cum(duodecim)/\
11.11 And [they entered] {} Jerusalem, <> /the temple\ (and) {when he had
looked around at} [everything]() <since> /the hour was late\ [] he went
out {to} Bethany with(the twelve)/\
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
[@ <k q w> cum introisset (c adds Iesus) (when he (Jesus) had entered); q:
intrauit Iesus (Iesus at *) (Jesus entered); w: introit (mistake for
green from || Mt 21.12; i: cum introissent (when they had entered)]
{d: in}
<d q: et (and)>
/c: in sanctam ciuitatem (the dedicated settlement); b f: in templo\
(a b c d f i r omit)
{a q: circumspiciens (looking around at); b c f i: circumspexit; r: circum...
(he looked around at); p w: circumspectis omnibus (everything having
been looked around at); d: circumspexisset; cum omitted before circum}
[q: omnes (everyone)]
(c r: et (and))
<a: 2 1; d has iam in /\; see on /\>
/a b f i q r (f adds ad, but without changing uespera to the required uesperam) uespera esset ho<ra>; <> lacuna in r; c p: 1 3 2; d: uespera iam esset
hora (the hour was (towards) evening); w: uesperasset (it had become

[b: et (and)]
{@ <k> in}
(r omits xii before /di\)
/a d i q: discipulis; b c r: discipulis suis (his...learners); condemned by its
absence from almost all the Greek as well as f k l p w\
11.12 [Et in crastinum] cum {exirent} a Bethania esu-riuit ()
11.12 [And the next day] when {they were going out} of Bethany (he) was
hungry ()
[a: in crastino autem die (the next day); @ <a k> et alia die (and on another
day); supports the text printed; a specific day seems more
likely to come from Mark than a reviser]
{a d i: exissent ( they had gone out); b c f p q r: exisset (p: isset) (he had
gone out); writing the singular found just before in 11 and just after;
supports the plural printed; w: exierint}
(c k: Iesus (Jesus))
- r ends
11.13 [Et cum] [uidisset] * {fici arborem} (de longinquo) habentem - folia +
() uenit /\[uidere si quid [esset] in] /illa\ {et nihil inuenit} <> /nisi\ folia {}
(Non enim erat)tempus <ficuum>
11.13 [And when] [he saw](from afar) {a fig} <with foliage> () he came /\
[to see what [was] on] /it\ {and found nothing} <> /except\ foliage {} (It
was not)the time <for figs>
[a: et (and); p: cum (when); w: cumquam; b i q r: cumque; on que see on 1.
[a: uisa; the start of an ablative absolute construction, not continued; f:
{a b c: arborem ficus; d f i q r: ficum}
(@ <k> a longe; all except c p at *)
- + r ends, begins
(r: et (and))
/p: ad illam (to it)\
[a q: quasi inuenturus aliquid in (as if to find something on); p omits; a
scribe's eye slipped from illam to /illam\]
[w: forte inuenerit (mistake for inueniret (from {inuenit}) (he could perhaps
/a d i r w: ea; b c f: eam\
{a q w: et (not in a) cum uenisset (from uenit) (a adds autem) (q adds ad
eum, p ad eam) et nihil inuenisset ((and) when he had come (to it) and had
found nothing)}
<c p q: in ea (on it)>

/d w: praeter\
{b c q r: tantum (only); from || Mt 21.19}
(b: 1 3 2; r: non e...)
<a c: ficus; w: ficorum; d k: ficum>
11.14 [Et dixit] {ei} <("Nunquam) [] </quisquam\ fructum ex te> {manducet"}> Et (audierunt) discipuli eius.
11.14 [And he said] {to it} <{"Let} </no one\ (ever) [] {eat} fruit from you">>
And his learners (heard)
[a b i r: qui dixit (who said); c f: et ait (and he affirms); d q w: et (not in d
respondens dixit ((and,) replying, he said); k: et mala dixit (and he cursed)]
{c: ad arborem (to the tree); p: ad illam (to it); k: ad eam (it); Mark never
uses ad after dico}
<d: 3 4 1 2; f r: 1 3 4 2>
/a: nemo (no one (never))\
(a: iam nunquam; @ <a k> iam non amplius; r: iam...; f: nunquam amplius)
[@ <c> in aeternum (a k: sempiternum; r:...aeternum) (for eternity); from
Mt 21.19]
{a: edat; on edo see on 1.6}
(@ <k> audiebant (were hearing))
<p: ex te fructus non manducetur in aeternum (let fruit not be eaten from
you for eternity); the passive manducetur is not in Mark's manner>
11.15 Et [ueniunt] {} () Hi-erosolyma * et <cum introisset> /\ in templum []
{coepit (excludere) < > /eos qui uendebant\ [et]{eos qui emebant} in
templo (cum mensis) nummulariorum et <cathedris>/eorum qui uendebant\{} columbas[]}
11.15 And [they come] {} (to) Jerusalem and <when /he\ had entered> the
temple [] {he began (to throw out) <> /the sellers\ [and]{buyers}in the
temple (with) the money changers' (tables) and the dove /sellers'\
[a c f p: uenerunt (they came); b i r: uenit (he comes or he came); d: intrauerunt (they entered); Mark uses intro nowhere else]
{a b f i r: iterum (again); a at *}
(c d q: in; see on 2.1)
- r ends; begins in verse 16
/q: Iesus (Jesus)\
<q: ingressus; b: cum ingressus fuisset; from || Lk 19.45; d: cum esset
(when he was)>
[f: et (and)]
{c: euertit mensas nummulariorum et coepit eicere uendentes et ementes

et cathedras uendentium columbas (he overturned the money changers'

tables and began to throw out sellers and buyers and the dove sellers'
chairs); an attempt to include the green material results in the oddity of all
else being removed but the tables staying, even if overturned}
(@ <k p> eicere; from || Mt 21.12 or || Lk 19.45 non e or || Jn 2.15; p: expellere; from || Lk 19.45 e)
<b d p: inde (from there)>
/@ <k> uendentes\
[k omits]
{k omits eos; @ <k> ementes}
[@ <k>(et)euertit (and overturned); from || Mt 21.12 or || Lk 19.45 or || Jn 2.
15; also condemned by its absence from D ss (sc missing) as well as k]
(k: cum menses; @ <k> et mensas (q omits mensas)(and (overturned) (the
<k: cathedra; @ <k> cathedras>
/@ <k> uendentium; d: uentium; w: uindentium\
{i: et (and)}
11.16 Et non sinebat [ut quis circumferret uas] per templum.
11.16 And he allowed [no one to carry a container] through the temple.
lacuna in r except for tra of transferret
[k qui for quis; @ <c k> ut quisquam (a: aliquis) transferret uas; c:
quemquam uas transferre; Mark does not use the accusative and infinitive construction]
11.17 Et [doceb+at] {} (et dicebat) - <> "Scriptum /est\ [] [] 'Domus mea +
domus {adorationis} uocabitur' () Vos autem <fecistis eam> speluncam
11.17 And [he was teaching] {} (and saying) <> /\ "[] [] It /is\ written: 'My
house will be called a house of {pleas'} () But you <have made it> a bandits' cave".
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
[c: ait (he affirms)]
{c f: illis; should be illos (them)}
<a w: eis; d i k q: illis (to them)>
/a p q: nonne; w: non (will...not)\
/b: esse (to be); Mark does not use the accusative and infinitive construction\
[f: enim]
[p w: quia (that)]
{@ <k> orationis; from || Mt 21.13 or || Lk 19.46}
(@ <k> omnibus gentibus (for all tribes); from the text quoted (Is 56.7))

<a 2 1; c f: fecistis illam; d: fecis eam; lacuna in r>

11.18 [Et audierunt] {pontifices} et scribae (et) quaerebant quomodo <eum>
perderent /et timebant\ {}[quoniam] {totus populus} (admirabatur) <super> /docentiam\ [eius]
11.18 [And] {the chief priests} and the writers [heard] (and) were seeking to
kill <him> /and they were afraid\ {}[since] {all the people} (were astonished) <at> [his]/teaching\
[lacuna in r; a: et cum audissent (and when ... had heard); @ <a d k> quo
(f: quod) audito (w: arto) (which thing having been heard)]
{b p q r w: principes sacerdotum; from || Lk 19.47; i: principes et sacerdotes
c d: summi sacerdotes; for pontifices see on 10.33}
(not in @ <k>)
<a c d f: illum>
/@ <a k> timebant enim (c f: autem) (they were afraid)\
{a: populum (the people); @ <c p> eum; p: illum (of him); condemned by
their absence from A K 59 116 229* 253 300 472 482 + as well as aur c}
[a: quia]
{@ <k> uniuersa (a: tota; d: omnis) turba (the whole crowd); f: uniuersus
(a: stupebat; c: admirabantur)
<a: in>
[a: illius]
/@ <a b d k> doctrinam (a b d: doctrina); from || Mt 22.33\
11.19 Et cum [serum factum esset] {ueniebat} (de ciuitate)
11.19 And when [it was late] {he was going} (away from the community)
[a: sero factum est; b p: uespere factum esset; d: 1 3 2; c f i q w: uespera
facta esset; r: iam uespera esset facta]
{a: et exiebat (and he was going out); b f i p q: egrediebatur (he was going
out); c d r w: egrediebantur (they were going out); Mark does not use
egredior elsewhere}
(a: extra ciuitatem)
11.20 [Et] * [] {} () uiderunt <arborem fici> /arefactam\ a radicibus.
11.20 [And] [] {} (they) saw <the fig> /withered\ from its roots.
[not in p, but it is necessary]
[f i q r: cum transiret; a: transeuntes; b c d: cum transirent; k: praetereuntes
(when they were passing); its absence from p and the variations suggest
this unnecessary clause was not originally in the Latin, but added at different times from the Greek]
{@ <a c k> mane (in the morning); w has it at *; added to contrast with the

"late" of 19; since there is no mention of their going inside anywhere, this
absurdly implies that they were out in the open all night}
(a: discipuli (his learners); k: qui cum eo erant (those who were with him);
from || Mt 21.20)
<p: 2 1; a b i r: arborem ficus; d p: ficum>
/a i r: aruisse; Mark does not use the accusative and infinitive construction;
@ <a i k r> aridam factam\
11.21 Et [commonefactus] Petrus {} (dixit) <> "Rabbi, ecce /arbor fici\ [quam
deuocasti] aruit".
11.21 And Peter [remembering] {} (said) <> "Rabbi /the fig\ [you cursed] is
[r: rememoratus est (remembered); a i q: rememoratus; @ <a i k q r> recordatus]
{r: et (and)}
(@ <k p w> ait (affirms); w: dicit (says))
<@ <b w> illi; w: ei (to him)>
/q: arbor (the tree); b: arborem ficus; d: arbor fi; p: ficus\
[@ <k> cui (a f i q r: quam, a remnant of Mark's text (maledico takes the
dative)) maledixisti]
11.22 (Et) [dixit illis Iesus] <"Habete> /\ [fidem] {}
11.22 (And) [Jesus said to them] <"Show> [trust] {} /\
(p omits)
[@ <p> respondens (k: respondit) (from || Mt 21.21) Iesus ait (k: dixit) illis
(replying (replied) Jesus affirms (said) to them)]
<a b d i r: si habueritis (if you show); from || Mt 21.21>
[c: fiduciam; Mark uses this word nowhere else; he has fides in four other
{b c f i q w: Dei (in God)}
/f: in uobis (in yourselves)\
11.23 Amen [] dico uobis {} (qui dixerit) <monti huic> /'Tollere\ et [mittere] in
mare' et non (dubitauerit) <in corde suo> /si\ [credi-derit]{quodcumque
locutus fuerit, fiet}
11.23 Amen [] I say to you {} (one who says) <to this mountain> /'Rise\ and
[fall] into the sea' and does not (doubt) <in his heart> /if\ [he believes]
{everything he has said, it will happen}
[q: enim]
{@ <c f> quia; c f: quoniam (that)}
(@ <c k> quicumque dixerit (whoever says); c: si habueritis fidem sicut

granum sinapis dicetis (if you show trust like a mustard seed you will say);
from || Mt 17.20 or || Lk 17.6)
<b c f i q r w Vulgate: 2 1>
/a c p: tolle te; w: tolle\
[a: iactare; Mark does not use iacto; c: mitte te]
(c: hesitaueritis (you will (not) doubt); @ <a c k> haesitauerit; lacuna in r)
<c: corde>
/@ <k r> sed (but); r: et (and)\
- r ends; begins in verse 25
[c: credideritis (you believe)]
{b c d f i: futurum, fiet (d: erit illi at the end) quodcumque dixerit (c:
(it will be, everything he has (you have) said will happen (to him); a q:
quoniam (q: quia) quae loquitur (q: dicit) erunt (a: erint) fiet (a: continget) illi
quodcumque (a: quaecumque) dixerit (that what he says will be, whatever
he says will happen to him; r:...quaecumque di...; p w: quia quodcumque
dixerit fiat fiet (that whatever he says will happen will happen; the earliest
stage of the Greek that can be reconstructed from the MSS (i.e. the translator's text) seems to be (that what he
says will happen, it will be for him); k has quotcumque locutus fuerit et fiet
et erit quot dixerit (everything he has said, what he has said will both happen and be); shows locutus fuerit is correct, as is the word
the translator uses to translate loquor; the absence of "what he has said"
from the Greek shows it is not original; the green has been added from the
11.24 [Propterea] dico uobis: [omnia] {quaecumque} (adoratis et) petitis
credite <quia> accipietis et /erunt\ uobis.
11.24 [And so] I say to you: believe <that> you will receive [everything]
{which} (you plead for and) ask for and /it will be\ yours.
lacuna in r for the whole verse
[a: propter hoc]
<d: qui; w: et; c f: quoniam>
[not in w; replace "which" with "whatever"]
{q: quae}
(b i q: orantes (pleading for, you); a c d f p w: oratis et; k always has a form
of adoro)
/a: erint; b w: euenient; Mark does not uses this word elsewhere; c f: erit;
q: fiet; p: ueniet; wrong number; taken from (in Greek a neuter plural
usually takes a singular verb); d: uenient\
11.25 Et cum [[steteritis] {adorare}](remittite) si <quid habetis> /aduersus\
aliquem ut et pa+ter [uester] {qu-i in caelis est} (dimittat) <> /pecca+ta

11.25 And when [[you stand] {to plead}](forget) <what you have> /against\
anyone so [your] father {in heaven} (will) also (forget) <> /your wrongdoing"\
[p: oratis (you plead)]
[@ <b c f k> stabitis; b c f: statis]
{a b: orantes; c q: ad orationem; d f p w: ad orandum; i: adorantes; see on
(@ <a c k> dimittite)
<b: inuidiam habetis (the ill will you have); k: quisq(ue) habet (what anyone
has); wrong sense>
/b: ad\
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
[q omits; a scribe's eye slipped from ter to ter]
{a b d p: 1 4 2 3}
(c: remittat)
<b c d q w: uobis (for you)>
/b: inuidiam uestram (your ill will); c d f i q: delicta uestra; Mark uses
delictum nowhere else\
@ <k> have Quod si (a: nam si; b: si enim; d: si autem; p: quo si ) uos non
dimiseritis (a f i: remittitis; c: remiseritis; w: demiseritis) nec (d: neque) pater
uester q<ui in caelis est (a b d: 3 1 2) dimittet (i: dimittat; w: dimittit; a c d f:
remittet) uobis (not in i) p>eccata (a d: delicta) uestra; <> lacuna in r (but if
you do not forget neither will your heavenly father forget your wrongdoing)
from || Mt 6.15; also condemned by its absence from g2 l r2 30 B L S 892 W-565-700 27c-179-1606 2 63 64 66 121*157 258 265* 348 440 475* 482
1216 1574 1 Vulgate MS sj 1 sp MS ss (sc missing) sa some bo geo arm as
well as k
11.27 Et [exiit iterum] Hierosolyma et {cum in templo ambularet} (uen-iunt)
ad <eu+m> {pontifices} et /scribae et seniores\ ()
1 1.27 And [he went out again] to Jerusalem and {when he was walking in
the temple} {the chief priests} and /writers and elders\ () (come) to <him>
[a: uenerunt iterum (they came again); p: iterum ueniunt w: ueniunt rursus
(they come again); b i r: rursus uenit; f: 2 1; c d q: uenit iterum (he comes/
came again); Mark never uses rursus; uenio from || Mt 21.23]
{ p:cum ambularet Iesus in templo (when Jesus was walking in the temple);
i w: 1 4 2 3; q: 2 3 1 4; a d: in templo deambulante eo; b: cum in templo de-

ambularet; f: 1 4 2 3; c: cum deambulabat in templo; Mark has deambulo

nowhere else; he has ambulo in 7 other places}
{c f p q: principes sacerdotum; from || Mt 21.23 or || Lk 20.1 non e; a b d i r
w: summi (i omits) sacerdotes; on pontifices see on 10.33}
/i: 3 2 1\
(d: populi (of the people); from || Mt 21.23 or || Lk 19.47)
- + r ends, begins
(a c f i r: uenerunt; b p: accesserunt (came); d q w: accedunt; accedo from
|| Mt 21.23)
<a c: illum>
11.28 /Et\ [dicunt] {} "In qua potestate (facis haec?")
11.28 /And\ [they say' {} "What authority have you (to do this?") <>
/p omits\
[a b c: dixerunt (they said)]
{@ <a c d k> illi; a c d: ei (to him)}
(@ <k> 2 1)
<@ <d k> et quis tibi dedit hanc potestatem (f i q: 2 3 1) (c q w add ut
facias) (and who gave you this authority (to do this)); from || Mt 21.23 or ||
Lk 20.2; also condemned by its exact repetition of the same sense and its
absence from D 17 51 57 238 258 shmarg sj ll18 19 sj sa 1 bo MS as well
as d
k; the bracketed material is also absent from aur W -28-565 ss (sc missing) geo arm>
11.29 [[Et Iesus] {dicit illis}]<"Interrogo> uos /\ (unum sermonem) {Respondete} mihi et () <dicam uobis> in qua potestate /ista\ [faciam]
11.29 [[And Jesus] {says to them}] <"I /\ am asking you> (in one speech)
{Reply} to me and <(I) will tell you> my authority [for doing] /this\
[p omits]
[@ <a c k> Iesus autem; c: Iesus uero (Jesus); on uero see on 8.28]
{@ <c k> respondens ait (a d: dixit; i: dicit) illis (a: eis) (replying,
(said, says) to them); c: respondit eis dicens (replied to them, saying);
green from || Mt 21.24 or || Lk 20.3; also condemned by its absence from
B C Lp45 (not enough space for it in the lacuna) 33 579 892 1342 sp 5
sa bo as well as g1 k}
<d q: interrogabo (I will ask you)>
/@ <k> et ego (I also); from || Mt 21.24 or || Lk 20.3; also condemned by
absence from B C L482 483 1675 some sa some bo as well as k\
(@ <aur c k p q w> unum uerbum (one utterance); q: 2 1; see on 1.45)

{a d k w: respondite; r: respon...}
(c d f p: ego; from || Mt 21.24)
<c: 2 1; d: dico uobis>
[b d f q: facio]
/@ haec\
11.30 [Vnde fuit] {baptisma} Iohannis, de caelo * /aut de\ hominibus? (Dicite
11.30 [Where did] John's {baptism} [come from?] From heaven /or from\
men? (Tell me")
[@ <c f k> erat; c: fuit; f: est; all except k at *; from || Lk 20.4]
{k: baptizma; c f p: baptismum}
/@ <k> an ex\
(@ <k> respondete mihi (reply to me))
11.31 [Et] {cogitabant} () <>["Quid /\ [dicemus?]]{} De caelo? () Quare ()
non <credimus> /illi?\
11.31 [And] {they were thinking} () <> ["What [will we say?] /\] {} From
heaven? () Why () <did we> not <trust>/him?\
[@ <c d f k> at illi; c f: illi uero; no need to translate; on uero see on 8.28]
{c: cogitare coeperunt (they began to think); k: cogitaruntbant, runt deleted;
the scribe wrote cogitarunt, then, noticing his exemplar had cogitabant, corrected it}
(a d q: inter se (d: semetipsos); b: aduersum se; f: ad inuicem; i r: secum
ad inuicem; k: aput se (among themselves); its absence from c ss and its
many different forms show it was not originally in the Latin but added at
different times from the Greek, which comes from || Mt 21.25 or || Lk 20.5)
<@ <c> dicentes (saying); absence from 69 c suggests it is not original>
[not in p q w Vulgate and the Greek except for D -28-565-700543 +;
replaced by the interpolation {}]
[b: responderent (c: dicerent) (were they to reply (say)); this contradicts <> in
which the verbs are in the 2nd person; f i: respondemus (will we reply); r:
respond...; ]
/b c f i r: ei; k: illi (to him)\
{@ <k> si dixerimus (if we say); from || Mt 21.25 or || Lk 20.5}
(@ <k> dicet (b: dicit) (@ <p> add nobis) (he will say (to us)); from || Mt 21.25
or || Lk 20.5)
(p w: ergo (then))
<@ <k> credidistis (w: credetis) (did>
/c f p w: ei\
11.32 [Sed - dicemus] + ex hominibus?" {Metuebant} (populum) Omnes
enim - sciebant + Iohannen /quoniam prophet-a fuit\

11.32 [But will we say] from men?" {They feared} (the people) Everyone
knew /that\ John /was a prophet\
- + - + - r ends, begins, ends, begins, ends; begins at 12.1
[@ <k> (a adds quod, w sed; i et) si (c f add autem, b uero; on uero see on
8.28) dixerimus (c: dicimus) ((but, and) if we say); r: et si...]
{@ <k w> timemus (we fear); from || Mt 21.26; w: timebant}
(b d i q r: plebem; from || Lk 20.6 non e)
/a d p q w: quia (a: quoniam) propheta erat; b c f i: uere (not in c) prophetam
fuisse; r: prophet...; Mark does not use the accusative and infinitive construction\
11.33 Et [respondentes] (dixerunt Iesu) <"Non scimus"> /Et\ [] {dixit Iesus}
"Neque ego (dico uobis) in qua potestate /ista faciam"\
11.33 And [replying] (they said to Jesus) <"We do not know"> /And\ []
{Jesus said} "Nor (will I tell you) my authority /for doing this"\
[k: respondenset corrected by k3; f: responderunt (they replied)]
(f: ad Iesum dicentes (saying to Jesus); q w: dicunt Iesu (q: ad Iesum); @
<a f q w> dixerunt ad Iesum (k: Iohannen); a: 2 3 1; Mark does not use
after dico)
<@ <k> nescimus>
/c d p w Vulgate omit\
[b d i q r w: respondens (replying); f: respondit ((Jesus) replied)]
{@ <b c k p> Iesus ait (a: dixit; i: dicit) illis (Jesus affirms (said, says)
them); b c: ait illis (c adds et) Iesus (Jesus affirms to them); k: Iesus dixit;
dixit autem Iesus}
(c q: 2 1; p: dicam uobis)
/k: ista fac...; a b p w: haec faciam; c d f i q: haec facio\

Chapter 12
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
a b c d f i k p q w (only regularly cited up to 22) contain the whole chapter.
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
e n t are missing for the whole chapter.
1.12 [Et coepit]{}() <in><similitudinibus> /dicere\ + * [] {"Vinea+m nouellauit
homo} et circumdedit (uallo) et fodit - /torcular\ et [aedifi+cauit]turrem et
{locauit}()<rusticis>et /peregrinatus est\
12.1 [And {he} began] /to speak\ <> () in <analogies> [] {"A man planted a

vineyard} and surrounded it with (a rampart) and dug /a press\ and [built
a tower] and{let}(it)<to countrymen> and/left\
[a b i k: coepit autem (he began)]
{c f p: Iesus (Jesus)}
lacuna in a after the il of (illis)
/@ <k> loqui; the Greek is divided, inferior MSS having superior
suggesting the translator may have written his regular
translation of loqui; loqui may then perhaps be correct\
<w: hanc (this)>
(@ <c> illis (k: illi) (f at *) (to them); condemned by its absence from 474
(sc missing) geo2 as well as c g1 and place after * in N sh sp bo geo1
well as f)
<@ <k> parabolis; see on 3.23>
+ a begins
[b c: (c adds ita) dicens (saying (the following))]
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
{c: homo quidam plantauit uineam (a certain man planted a vineyard); @ <c
k> <uinea>m plantauit (from || Mt 21.33 or || Lk 20.9 non e) (b f w: pastinauit)
homo; <> lacuna in r}
(w: uineam saepae (the vineyard with a fence); @ <k w> saepem (a fence);
from || Mt 21.33)
/b c d q w: lacum (a vat); from (that under the vine press)\
[d: fabricauit; Mark does not have fabrico anywhere else; he has aedifico
in two other places]
{a: lonauit; b d q: tradidit (handed (it) over); translating }
(@ <k> eam)
<a: uinitoribus (to vine dressers); i: cultoribus (to cultivators); b c d f p
colonis; from || Mt 21.33; w: agrigulis (agricolis) (farmers); r: ...s>
/@ <k> peregre (b f: pelegre) profectus est; from || Mt 21.33\
12.2 Et misit * in tempore ~ seruum {ad rusticos} (ut darent illi fructus)
12.2 And when the time was right he sent a slave {to the countrymen} (for
them to give him the produce)
a: et misit ad uinitores...<dar>ent illi (and ... he sent .. .to the vine
<for> them <to give> him ...
{@ <k p> ad colonos (from || Mt 21.34); p w: ad agricolas (to the
@ <c k r w> have at *; r w have at ~; in and seruum are in a lacuna in r}
(b i r: ut fructum ex uinea (from || Lk 20.10) darent illi (b i: ei); c f: 4 5 2 3

d: ut de fructibus ex uinea darent ei; (for them to give him the produce of
the vineyard); q: ut fructum ex uineae daretur ei (for the produce of the vineyard to be given to him); the words in ordinary type are ungrammatical remnants of the archetype which have not been changed in the attempt to put
the sentence in the passive, which is not in Mark's manner; p w: ut (p adds
ab agricolis) acciperet de fructu uineae (for him to receive the fruit of
vine (from the farmers))
12.3 [Et apprehenderunt eum et ceciderunt] et (dimiserunt) <> /inanem\ {}
12.3 [And they seized him and cut him] and (sent <him> away) /with nothing\ {}
[c: quem illi apprehendentes ceciderunt (whom they seizing cut); @ <c k r>
et (p: illi autem; w: qui) adprehensum (p adds illum) ceciderunt (and they
(who) cut him seized); k: et adpraehenderunt eum et occiderunt; r: et adprehensum eum occiderunt (and they seized him and killed him); if they
killed him, how could he be sent away with nothing? The cutting was done
with a whip; cf 15.15: flagellis caesum (cut with a whip)]
(f: miserunt; i w: remiserunt (sent him back); r: ...nt)
<a: eum (him)>
/@ <k p> uacuum; lacuna in p\
{a b d f: ad eum (a: illum) (to him)}
12.4 [Et] iterum misit {ad (illos) /alium\ seruum} <et illum> /decollauerunt\ []
12.4 [And] again he sent {/another\ slave to (them)} <and> /they decapitated\ <him> []
[c omits]
{r: 3 4 1 2}
/c: alterum\
(a i: eos)
<c omits; a scribe's eye slipped from um to um>
/q: ceciderunt (they cut); from || Lk 20.11; c w: multauerunt (w:
(they punished); a gloss which has come into the text; @ <c k q w> in capite uulnerauerunt (they wounded him on the head); the translator translated decollauerunt with a word not found anywhere else;
it was taken to mean "they wounded him on the head ()", hence the
(throwing stones) of many MSS (i.e. they wounded his
head by hitting it with stones); @ <c k q w> have adopted this idea\
[a: et iniuriose tractauerunt; @ <a k> et contumeliis (q: contumelia; w: contumelias) adfecerunt (c: afflixerunt; lacuna in p) (and insulted him); from
Lk 20.11 e]

12.5 - Et + [] alium * misit {} et () <occiderunt> /et [alium et alios multos] ()\

12.5 And [] he sent another {} and <they killed> (him) /and [another
many others] ()\
- + r ends, begins
[p w: rursum; q: iterum (again); Mark never uses rursum]
{@ <c k w> seruum (slave); f p at *}
<c q: ceciderunt (cut); from 3>
(@ <c k> illum; c: ipsum)
/r omits; a scribe's eye slipped from occiderunt to (occiderunt)
[a: multos alios; b d p q w: plures alios; c f i: 2 1 (many others); from || Mt
(@ <k r> (c adds et ex eis) quosdam (i: quos) ceciderunt (b p q w: caedentes) <quosdam (d: et alios; p: alios) (@ <d i q> add uero, d i autem) occiderunt> (q: interfecerunt; p: occidentes) (w lacks the words in <>; a scribe's
eye slipped from ceci to occi) ((and of them) they cut (cutting) some (and)
killed (killing) others); from || Mt 21.35; on uero see on 8.28)
12.6 [] {Nouissimum misit filium} * dicens <> ('Reuerebuntur filium meum')
12.6 [] {Lastly he sent his son} saying <> ('They will respect my son')
[@ <a c k q> adhuc (f adds autem, d etiam, p w ergo) unum (w:
habens filium carissimum (w: karissimum) (still having his one (only) very
dear son; a: cum haberet autem adhuc unicum filium dilectum; q: adhuc
ergo cum haberet filium unicum dilectum (since he still had his only dear
son); c: quem habebat unicum dilectissimum (whom he had only, very
dear); at *; from || Mt 21.37 and || Lk 20.13 non e ("one/only" from
(("very) dear" from Lk]
{a: nouissime illum misit; @ <a k> et illum (q: filium) misit (p w: ad
nouissimum (p: nouissime; w: nouissimo) (and he sent him (his son) (to
them) last); b omits; a scribe's eye slipped from issimum to issimum}
<@ <k> quia (not in a b c q) (a b f add forsitan, q utique) ((that) (perhaps;
least)); forsitan from || Lk 20.13>
(a b f q: 2 3 1; d i r: filium meum uerebuntur; w: 3 1 2)
12.7 [Rustici] autem {} () dixerunt <ad inuicem> 'Hic est heres. Venite occidamus /illum\ et nostra erit hereditas'.
12.7 But [{the} countrymen] () said <to each other> 'Here is the heir. If we
kill /him\ the inheritance will be ours'.

{c q: illi (these)}
[@ <a k> coloni (farmers); from || Mt 21.38 or || Lk 20.14; a: uinitores
(c: cum uidissent eum (when they saw him); from || Mt 21.38 or || Lk 20.14)
<a: inter se; c: ad alterutrum>
/b*: filium (the son); @ <a b k r> eum\
12.8 [Et acceperunt et occiderunt] {} (et * abiecerunt) <> /extra uineam\
12.8 [And they seized and killed] {him} (and threw) <him> /out of the vineyard\
[@ <k> et (a b i p q r: quem) adpre<hensum (w: adprehendentes; d w: eum)
occid>erunt) (and (whom) seized ((seizing) (him)) they killed); <> lacuna in
{k: illum; f i q: eum (him)}
(a f p q: proiecerunt; from Mt 21.29 e; c d i r w: eiecerunt; from || Mt
non e; b omits; a scribe's eye slipped from erunt to erunt)
<a d q: eum; c f: illum>
/p has at *\
12.9 [Tunc dominus, indignatus] {} (ueniet et perdet rusticos) et <dab-it
uineam aliis>
12.9 [Then the master, angered] {} (will come and kill the countrymen) and
<give the vineyard to others>
[@ <k> quid ergo faciet dominus uineae? (what will the master of the vineyard do?); from || Mt 21.40 or || Lk 20.15]
{b adds cum uenerit? (from || Mt 21.40) ad illi dixerunt ei (when he comes?
They said to him)}
(b: illos male perdet (he will slaughter them); from || Mt 21.41; @ <b k> ueniet et (w omits et before et) perdet colonos (a: uinitores) (c adds illos) (he
will come and kill the(se) farmers (vine dressers)))
- r ends, begins in verse 11
<b: uineam suam locauit (should be locabit) aliis colonis (let his vineyard to
other farmers); locabit from || Mt 21,41; c f i: dabit uineam aliis colonis
the vineyard to other farmers)>
12.10 /\ [Numquid] scripturam {ipsam} (legistis) 'Lapidem quem [ reprobauerunt] aedificantes hic factus est in <caput> anguli.
12.10 /\ [Have you not] (read) {what is} written:'The stone the builders [rejected] has become <the head> of the corner.
/p adds et dixit eis (and he said to them)\

[@ <k> nec (nor); k: aut numquit nec (or have you not nor); an ancestor of
k's had nec (nor) in the text, and outside the text a variant numquit (have
you not) introduced by aut (or); all have come into the text; Mark wrote
numquid; nec translates which can introduce questions after a
statement; nec can't]
{@ <c k> hanc; c: istam}
(k: legitis)
[k: ferro lauerunt (washed with iron!); corrected]
<a: capite>
12.11 A Domino [factum] est * {} () Est <admirabile> in oculis nostris'?
12.11 {This} has [been done] by the Master () It is <admirable> in our eyes'?
{a c f i k w: hic; d q: iste; to agree with factus}
[k: factu; the - above the u, giving factum, omitted by mistake; @ <k> factus,
agreeing with the gender of lapidem, but it is not the stone but the caput
anguli (i.e. its position at the head of the corner) which is admirable. The
translator, with agreeing with read factum]
(b c d q w add et (and), w at * by mistake)
<d f i k: admirabilis; correct to admirabile (with the Vulgate) to agree
caput; a b c q: mirabilis; from || Mt 21.42>
12.12 Et quaerebant eum [detinere] {et} timuerunt * (populum) <Scierunt>
enim /quia\ [ad se] ~ ` {similitudinem} () <dixit> {[Et]/dimiserunt eum et\
12.12 And they wanted to [seize] him {and] they feared (the people) <They
knew> /that\ <he meant> (this) {analogy} [for them] {[And]/they left him
and\ went away}
[p: occidere (to kill); @ <k p> tenere; from || Mt 21.46]
{k: autem (but)}
(@ <k> turbam (the crowd); from || Mt 21.46)
<@ <k p r> cognouerunt (b:cognouerant); from || Mt 21.45 or || Lk 20.19 non
e; p: intellexerunt; r: sciebant>
/@ <a k p> quoniam; a: quod\
lacuna in r after the parabo of {parabolam} ending with the relic of /relicto\
<at ~ in f; c p w: dixerat, c p at ~; a b: dixisset>
(b p w: hanc; p at `; k: istam)
{@ <k> parabolam; see on 3.23}
[a d p: ad eos; b i: de eis; c f: ad ipsos; q: ad illos; r: de illis; w: de ipsis]
{w omits; a scribe's eye slipped from [et]to [et] beginning 13}
[b q: qui (who)]
/@ <k> relicto eo (a f: illo); /him having been left, they\

12.13 [Et] {miserunt} () quosdam <de Pharisaeis> /et\ Herodianis ut ( eum)

[circumuenirent] {sermone}
12.13 [And] {they sent} () some <of the Pharisees> /and\ Herodians to [trap]
him {in speech}
[b omits]
{b d q r w: mittunt; f i: inmittunt (they send); a: immiserunt}
(b*: illum; b2 illi; p w: ad eum (to him))
<@ ex Pharisaeis; d: Pharisaeorum; lacuna in r>
/c: et ex (and from); p: cum (with)\
[k: circumueniens; a i q: captarent; b d f p w: caperent; r: cape...; c: tenerent;
green from || Mt 22.45]
(p: illum)
{@ <k> in (not in a d i q) uerbo (in utterance); see on 1.45; lacuna in r}
12.14 <Et> [] (dicunt) ~ {ei} * <> /\ "Magister, scimus [quia] uerax es et ()
{pertinet ad te de nemine} <Non> enim /uides\ [in facie hominum]sed
{in}(honestate)uiam <Domini>/doces\ [] {} () Licet <> {dare capitularium} Caesari (aut non?") /\
12.14 <And> {they} (say) {to him} <> /\ "Teacher, we know [that] you are
truthful and () {unconcerned about anyone} /You do\ <not> /look at\
[men's appearance]but/teach\<the Master's>way (truthfully)Tell us {}
() may <we> {give the tribute} to Caesar (or not?") /\
{a d i p w: dare tributum (from || Lk 20.22); f: 2 1; b: dari tributum; c q r: 2 1}
(p: an non)
/q: demus aut non demus (should we give or not?)\
<p omits; w: qui (who)>
[d k: Pharisaei (d at ~, k at *) (the Pharisees); a b i q r: illi uenientes
coming); w: uenientes (coming); c f: uenientes Pharisaei (the Pharisees,
coming); uenientes is condemned by its absence from d k p, Pharisaei by
its absence from a b i q r w and the Greek]
(@ <q w> interrogaba<nt>; <> lacuna in r; q: interrogauerunt (asked), from
Lk 20.21; w: dicunt; shows the translator read dicunt)
{@ <a w> eum; a: illum, as interrogo is followed by the accusative; lacuna
in r}
<b f i q r: subdole (deceitfully)>
/b c k p: dicentes (saying); from || Mt 22.18 or || Lk 20.21\
[b i r w: quoniam]
(a: quia (that))
{a: non pertinet (ad omitted by mistake) te de ulla re (concerned about nothing); mistranslated "nothing" (which the form could mean) instead of "no one"; @ <a k q> non curas quemquam (d: quemquem); q: de

nullo tibi cura est}

<@ <d k> nec>
/a b r w: accipis (you do (not) accept); from || Lk 20.21; c d f i: aspicis (i: aspices); q: respicis; from || Mt 22.16\
[a f q w: (q adds in) personas (a: personam) (from || Mt 22.16 or || Lk 20.21)
hominum; c: 2 1; b d i p r (d i add in) faciem hominum (b: hominis]
/k: dices\
{k omits by mistake}
<@ <d k r> Dei (God's); from || Mt 22.16 or || Lk 20.21>
(@ <k> ueritate (b d f: ueritatem); from || Mt 22.16 or || Lk 20.21; k: honestatem)
[@ <p> Dic ergo (not in k) nobis ((so) tell us); from || Mt 22.17; condemned
by its absence from the Greek]
{k: quit tibi uidetur (what do you think?); from || Mt 22.17; condemned by its
absence from the better Greek MSS}
(@ <a k p w: si (if); change the following translation to "we may")
<d: nobis>
{a d i p w: dare tributum (from || Lk 20.22); f: 2 1; b: dari tributum; c q r: 2 1}
(p: an non)
/q: demus aut non demus (should we give or not?)\
12.15 [Ille autem sciens] {eorum fictam pronuntiationem} (dicit) illis:
me temptatis? <> Afferte mihi denarium" /\
12.15 [But he, knowing] {their speech is deceitful} (says) to them: "Why
/are you testing\ me? <> Bring me a denarius" /\
[a p: sciens autem Iesus; b q i r: at Iesus (i r: Iesus autem) cum uidisset; c:
Iesus uero (on uero see on 8.28) uidens; f: 3 2 1 (but Jesus, knowing); w:
qui sciens (who, knowing)]
{@ <d k r> uersutias (b p: uersutiam; a c: simulationem) illorum (f p w: eorum); d: 2 1; r: uersut...rum (their deceit)}
(@ <k p> ait (affirms); p: dixit (said))
<q: hypocritae (hypocrites); from || Mt 22.18>
/@ <k> ut (r w: et) uideam (to see)\
12.16 [Illi autem] attulerunt {} () <et> /dicit\ illis: "Cuius [est imago]
(inscriptus?") <Dicunt illi> "Caesaris".
12.16 [They] brought {it} () <and> /he says\ to them: "Whose [image] {and}
(inscription) [is this?"] <They tell him> "Caesar's".
[@ <k> at (w: at ait) illi]
{c: denarium (a denarius); from 15 or || Mt 22.19}

(k: illi; p: ei (to him))

<b w omit>
/@ <k p> ait (he affirms); p: dixit (he said)\
[@ <f k> est imago (i r: figura; b: figulam) haec (r: hae.; not in c); f: 1 3 2; k:
imago est ista]
{a omits, but it is necessary; lacuna in r}
(c d f: superscriptio; from || Mt 22.20; k: intribus; a b i q: inscriptio; p w:
scriptio; r:...criptio)
<a: dixerunt (they said); not in Mark's manner; c f k: illi uero (on uero see
on 8.28) (k: autem) dixerunt (they said); p q: dicunt ei>
12.17 [Dicit illis] "Reddite {} () quae <sunt Caesaris> Caesari et quae /sunt
Dei\ Deo". Et {admirati sunt} () /super eum\
12.17 [He says to them] {} "Give Caesar () what <is Caesar's> and God
what /is God's"\ And {they were} () {astonished} /at him\
[@ <c k r> respondens Iesus (not in w) dixit (d: ait) illis (not in d)
Jesus (he) said (affirms) (to them)); c: ait illis et Iesus (Jesus affirms
them); r: ait...; illis is necessary, as dicit by itself is not in Mark's manner]
{a b p w: igitur; c f q r: ergo (so)}
<a c: 2 1>
/a c f: 2 1\
{@ <c f k> mirabantur (r: mirab...); from || Mt 22.22 or || Lk 20.26 non e; c
lacuna in r from after mirab to verse 18
(b: uehementer (very))
/b: in responsum eius (at his reply); from || Lk 20.26; c: in illo; q: eum\
12.18 Et [] {ueniunt Sadducaei ad illum} qui dicunt (resurrectionem non
esse) Et <interrogabant> /illum\ dicentes:
12.18 And [] {Sadducees come to him} They say (there is no resurrection)
And <they were asking> /him\ saying:
Of this verse r has only {m Sad}
[c: ecce (lo!)]
{a: uenerunt Sadducaei ad illum; c: 2 1 3 4; @ <a c k> uenerunt ad eum
Sadducaei; d: ueniunt ad eum Sadducaei}
(a b f: 2 3 1)
<p: interrogantes (asking); c: interrogauerunt (they asked)>
/@ <k> eum\
12.19 [] "Moses {scripsit nobis} (ut si cuius) frater <decesserit> et [habuerit]+ uxorem et <filium non reliquerit> /\ + accipiat * frater [] {illam mulier-

em} et (resuscitet) semen fratri suo.

12.19 [] "Moses {wrote for us} (that if someone's) brother <dies> and [had]
a wife and <left no son> [his] brother should take {her as a wife} and (raise
up) seed for his brother.
lacuna in r continues up to +
[@ <k> magister (teacher); from || Mt 22.24 or || Lk 20.28]
{b d i w: 2 1}
(q: quod si alicuius; alicuius from || Lk 20.28 non e)
<p q w: mortuus fuerit; from || Mt 22.24 or || Lk 20.28; c f: defunctus fuerit>
+ r begins; ends after the filio of <filios>
<f: 2 3 1; @ <a c f k> filios non reliquerit (i: relinquerit) (left no sons); from
Lk 20.28>
/@ <c k p> ut (that)\
+ r begins
[@ <a b k r> eius; a k r: illius]
{@ <k> uxorem ipsius (a b d i q: eius) (his wife); from || Mt 22.24 or || Lk
28; r: uxorem...}
(c: suscitet; from || Mt 22.24)
12.20 [Septem fratres fuerunt] et {primus} (accepit uxorem et) <priusquam
generaret filium> /decessit\ []
12.20 [There were seven brothers] and {the first} (married and) /died\ <before he could beget a son> []
[a b d f i q r: fuerunt (a: erant) ergo (a: autem; not in q) apud nos (from ||
22.25 or || Lk 20.29 non e) septem fratres; c p: septem igitur fratres fuerunt
(p: erunt) apud nos (there were seven brothers among us); w: septem ergo
fratres erant)
{a: prior (the older); wrong when there were seven}
(r: accipit uxorem et (marries and); a: accepta uxore; from || Mt 22.25)
/@ <a c k> mortuus est; from || Lk 20.29 non e; c: obiit; Mark has obeo nowhere else\
<not in @ <k>; replaced by the [] interpolation>
[a d f i r: et non reliquit (i: relinquid) semen; b c p q w: non relicto semine; k:
et non remisit semen (and did not leave a seed); from || Mt 22.25]
12.21 Et [accepit eam secundus] {resuscitare semen fratri suo} et () <mortuus est> /\ []
12.21 And [a second married her] {to leave a seed for his brother} and ()
<died> /\ []

i omits; a scribe's eye slipped from [semen] ending 20 to /semen\ ending 21

[@ <a k> 3 1 2 (r: accipit); a: sequens accepit illam]
{c: ad suscitandum semen fratris sui; @ <c k> omit as giving the
sense as the /\ interpolation}
(c k w: ipse (he))
<c: obiit; see /\ on 20; a: decessit>
/@ <c k> et nec (b f r: non for nec) (a d add hic, p iste, q ille) reliquit (p:
relinquens) semen; c: non relicto semine (without leaving a seed); from || Lk 20.
30 non e\
[a c k q w: et tertius similiter (k: simili modo) (and a third likewise); from
Lk 20.31]
12.22 [Et omnes septem * Si mulier mortua est et mulier sine filiis, cui
remanet mulier munda? Omnes enim septem illam habuerunt] {} ()
12.22 [And all seven. If the woman dies and the woman is without sons,
whose true wife will she be? All seven married her] {} ()
[c: deinde omnes septem et non reliquerunt semen (green from || Lk 20.31)
et mulier relicta est (from reliquerunt) sine filiis; cui enim (from
enim) manebit uxor munda? Septem enim illam habuerunt (then all seven
and they did not leave seed; and the woman was left without sons; whose
true wife will she be? Seven married her); w: et omnes similiter septem
(and likewise all seven); p: et similiter et omnes septem acceperunt eum
(should be eam) (and likewise all seven married her); @ <c k p w> et (a b i p
omit) similiter (not in a p q) acceperunt eam septem ((and) (likewise) seven
married her); a scribe's eye slipped from septem to septem, causing him to
omit the intervening words]
{@ <b q k> et non reliquerunt (i: relinquerunt) semen (and they did not
seed) (c at *); from || Lk 20.31)}
(a b c d f i r: postea (not in c d) (b adds uero; on uero see on 8.28) et
(c: ipsa) mortua (a b: defuncta) est ((afterwards) the woman (she) also
died); p q w: nouissima (q: nouissime) (q w add autem) omnium mortua (w:
defuncta) est et mulier (last of all the woman also died); from || Mt 22.27 or ||
Lk 20.32)
12.23 [in resurrectione] <> {} (cuius erit?") /\
12.23 <> [At the resurrection] {} (whose will she be?") /\
[k: in anastasim; the Greek was written above and has replaced the Latin;

Mark has used resurrectio at 18; it would be odd if he suddenly changed

to a Greek word]
<@ <c k q> ergo (so); c: autem (now)>
{a f: cum resurrexerint (a: resurrexerit); q: cum resurgent (when they rise); b:
cum...nt resurgere; i: cum resurgere coeperint (when they begin to rise);
an explanatory gloss which has come into the text}
(@ <c k> cuius (f: cui) (a d q add illorum, f i eorum, p de his) (b adds ea)
(b f: manebit) uxor (whose (of theirs) wife will she be))
/@ <c k p> septem (r: omnes) enim habuerunt illam (b i: 2 1; d: habuerunt
eam) uxorem (seven (all) married her); from || Mt 22.28 or || Lk 20.33\
12.24 [Respondit illis] {} "Erratis (non scientes) scripturas <neque> uirtutem Dei /\
12.24 [He replied to them] {} "You err (not knowing) the scriptures <or>
/\ God's power.
[b i q r: et respondens Iesus ait (i: dixit) (b i q add illis) (and Jesus,
affirms (said) (to them); a d: respondens autem Iesus dixit (d: ait)
(Jesus, replying, said (affirms) to them); c f: ad quos Iesus respondens (f:
respondit Iesus) dixit (to whom Jesus replying (replied) said); p: dixit illis
Iesus (Jesus said to them)]
{a k: propter hoc; i r: ideo (because of this); b d f p q: non (p: nonne) ideo
(is it not because of this)}
(a: nescientes; @ <a k q> non (p: nec (neither)) intellegentes); q: ignorantes)
<q: et (and)>
/d: scitis (knowing)\
12.25 [cum enim] * resurrexerint {a morte} (neque) <nubunt> neque /nubuntur\ sed [sunt] {quasi} angeli /caelorum\
12.25 [When they] {rise from death} they (neither) <marry> nor /are married\
but [they are] {like} angels /of heaven\
[b: omnes enim cum (when all); omnes from 22]
{k: a mortem; @ <k> a (i r: ex) mortuis (from the dead); at *. from || Lk 20.35}
(d: non (do not))
<c: nubent (will marry)>
/c i pq: nubentur (will be married); k: nubuantur\
[b d f i r: erunt (will be)]
{b c d f p q: sicut; from || Mt 22.30; a: tamquam; tamquam is only found at
12.31 & 33 (in a biblical quotation) and at 1.10 (where neither k nor e survives); i r: uelut; uelut is only found (in a b) at 6.34 (where neither k nor e survives) and in b c k at 9.26 (other MSS except a (tamquam) have sicut); Mark

may never have used either; quasi is found in 5 other places (see on 1.22)}
/@ <k> in caelis (i r: caelo) (in heaven)\
12.26 De mortuis autem [quoniam} {resur-gunt} non legi+stis in
Moseos (su-per rubum) <quomodo> + /dixerit\ [illi] <{Dominus} (dicens) 'Ego /\> Deus Abraham [et]+ Deus Isaac -[et]Deus Iacob'?
12.26 Of the {rising} of the dead have you not read in the roll of Moses
(concerning the bush) <how> {the Master} /said\ [to him] (saying) 'I /am\
the God of Abraham [and]the God of Isaac[and]The God of Jacob'?
[@ <a i k r> quod; a: quia]
- + - + - +- r ends, begins, ends. begins, ends, begins, ends; begins in
verse 28
{b* f i: resurgent; c d: resurgant}
(a c d f q: in (a: de) rubo (d: rubum); i: super rubrum)
<q: sicut>
/k: ait (affirms); c: dicit (says); a q r: dixit; p: locutus est (said)\
[r: ei]
<b omits; a scribe's eye slipped from {Deus} to Deus>
{@ <c k> Deus (God); from || Mt 22.31}
(c: inquiens (declaring); Mark never uses inquam)
[i omits in both places, perhaps rightly, @ <i> then restoring usual Latin or
the usual text (of Ex 3.6)]
/@ <d> sum; to restore usual Latin\
12.27 Non est <Deus> mortuorum sed [] uiuorum () {} Multum erratis".
12.27 He is not <the God> of the dead but [] of the living } () (You) are much
<p: ergo (therefore)>
[q: Deus (the God)]
{@ <c f k> ergo; c f: uero (so); on uero see on 8.28}
(@ <k> uos)
12.28 Et [accessit] []unus {ex} scribis (cum audisset) <> /quia\ b-ene illis
{respondit} {et} + (interrogauit) <illum> - /\ "Quo+d est [mandatum primum?"]
12.28 And one {of} the writers [came][](when he had heard) <> /that\ he
{had replied} to them well {and} (asked) <him> /\ "What is [the first commandment?"]
{@ <a k> de}
[a b c f: accedens (coming)]

[p: ad Iesum (to Jesus))]

(@ <a k> qui audierat (c: audierant) (who had heard); a: cum audissent)
<@ <k> illos conquirentes (b d i p q add et) uidens (them asking and seeing); r starts with ens>
/@ <c k l> quoniam; c: quod\
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
{p: responderit}
{@ <k> omit}
(a b d: interrogabat (was asking))
<@ <c f k: eum>
/@ <a q> (the length of the lacuna in r shows r had it) dicens "Magister"
(saying "Master"); from || Mt 22.35-6\
[p: primum omnium mandatum (the first commandment of all); @ <a k p>
praeceptum primum; Mark does not use praeceptum elsewhere; he uses
mandatum in 5 other places]
12.29 [Et Iesus dixit illi] () "Audi, Israel. Dominus Deus - <noster> /\ unus
12.29 [And Jesus said to him] () "Hear, Israel. The Master <our> God is one
[a: et Iesus ait illi (and Jesus affirms to him); k: Iesus autem dixit illi (Jesus
said to him); b d f i q r: respondens autem Iesus dixit ad eum (Mark
not use ad after dico) (d: illi) (replying, Jesus said to him); c: respondit
Iesus dicens (Jesus replied to him, saying); p: Iesus autem respondit ei
(Jesus replied to him, saying)]
(r:...m; @ <k> omnium (not in c) primum (p: 2 1) (q adds mandatum, c
mandatum est, f mandatum hoc est (the first (commandment) (of all)
- r ends; begins in 30
<c: tuus (your) (singular); i: uester (your) (plural)>
/c d f q: Dominus (Master); i: Deus (God)\
12.30 [Et] {di+liges} Dominum Deum tuum <de> toto corde tuo /\ [et de totis
uiribus tuis] {} ()
12.30 [And] {you will love} the Master your God <with> your whole heart /\
[and with your whole strength] {} ()
[i omits]
+ r begins
{k: diligit; d f: diligis}
<@ <k> ex>

/@ <k> et ex tota anima tua (f: animam tuam) (and with your whole
from || Mt 22.37 or || Lk 10.27; also condemned by its absence from * 63
72 157 229 248 253 472 474 as well as k\
[p q: et ex tota mente tua (q: toto senso (should be sensu) tuo) (and
your whole mind); from || Mt 22.37; a b f i: et ex totis uiribus tuis; c d r
replace it with {}]
{@ <k> et ex tota uirtute (b: uirtutem; a r: fortitudine) tua (and with all
strength); from || Lk 10.27}
(@ <a k> hoc est (est absent from i) primum mandatum (d q: praeceptum);
from 28; k: haec prima est (this is the first commandment); the feminine
gender in k shows Mark did not write it, but it is copied from the Greek, in
which the word for commandment is feminine; also condemned
by its absence from B L and most of the Greek as well as a)
12.31 ([Et secundum] {} <simile huic> /'Dilig) es\ (proximum) tuum <tamquam> te' /\ [Maius his aliud mandatum non est"]
12.31 [And the second] {} <is similar> /'You shall love\ (the one nearest)
you <as> yourself' /\[There is no other commandment greater than these"]
(a omits; an ancestor had diliget, a scribe's eye slipped from et to et)
[b: secundum (the second), but et (and) is in Mark's manner; d f i p r: secundum autem (the second); k: deinde secunda (then the second); secunda is a continuation of 30's (prima), which see]
{c: mandatum (commandment)}
<@ simile (i: similem; k: similis, continuing the feminines) (c f add est)
(b d p r: illi)>
/d f p: diligis)\
(a: propinquum (one near))
<b c d f: sicut; from || Mt 22.39 non e>
/@ <k> ipsum; from || Mt 22.39 non e\
[a: hoc est magnum mandatum (this is the great commandment); an invention made after the loss in () of a reference to the 2nd commandment; @ <a
k> maius (b i r add autem) horum (copying the genitive case of for
"than these", good Greek, but bad Latin) mandatum (d f: praeceptorum
aliud; q: aliud praeceptum (on praeceptum see 28 [])) non est; c: maius his
praeceptis alium (should be aliud) non est]
12.32 [Et dixit illi] scriba {"In ueritate, Magister, dixisti} (quia unus

<> /et non\ (est) /praeter ipsum\

12.32 [And] the writer [said to him] {"Teacher, what you say is true} (that
there is one) <> /and there\ (is) /no one\ [] /except him\
[k: ut dixit illis; a: et dixit ille; @ <a k p: et ait illi (and (the writer) affirms
him); p: respondit (replied)]
{@ <a k p> bene dixisti, Magister, in ueritate (b: ueritatem); p: 1 3 4 5
(Teacher, what you say well is true); a: uere dixisti, Magister}
(c: unus est enim (there is one); @ <a c k p> quod unus sit (sit not in b))
<@ <k> Deus (God); k: Dominus (Master); condemned by its absence from
B L and most of the Greek>
/b f i q r: nec\
(q: sit)
[@ <a d k> alius (else)]
/k: praescriptum; a mistake for praeter ipsum; @ <a c k p> praeter illum; c
praeter eum\
12.33 {[Et diligere eum] (de) toto corde {} et (de) /totis uiribus\ [] et diligere
proximum} (tamquam) - <te> /meliora sunt\ [omnibus](sacrificiis et
12.33 {[And to love him] (with) all your heart {} and (with) /all your strength\
[] and to love the one nearest} (as) <yourself> /is better\ [than all]
(sacrifices and holocausts)
{k omits; a scribe's eye slipped from /um\ of praeteripsum (or praescriptum)
in 32 to the um of the similar looking proximum}
[b i q r: (q adds et) ita diligendus ((and) so to be loved); p: et ut
(and so that he should be loved); the passives are not in Mark's manner; a
d: et diligere illum]
(@ ex; in both places I print the word k (here missing) uses in verse 30)
{a q r: et ex omni (r: tota) uirtute (and with all your strength); from || Lk 10.
27; p: et ex toto intellectu (and with all your mind); from 30 []; also condemned by its absence from the other MSS here}
/c f p: tota anima (all your spirit); a q: omnibus uiribus; d: tota uirtute;
tota fortitudine; I print the form used in 30\
[@ <a> et ex tota anima (c f: uirtute) (d: tua; i q: sua) (and with all your
spirit (strength)); both condemned by their absence from 30 and a here]
(f: sicut)
- r ends
<@ <a> te (a b c p q: se) ipsum (yourself (himself))>

/@ <k> (b f i q add hoc) maius (a: plus; r: ...s) est\

[a: omnium; from the genitive is good Greek, bad Latin]
(a: holocaustorum et hostiarum; on the genitives see on []; b p: quam (p
adds uniuersa (all)) holocautomata (p: holocauta) et sacrificia; c i: holocaustomatibus et sacrificiis; r:; d: olocautomata et sacrificiis;
sacrificiis et holochautomatibus; q: holocaustis et uictimis)
12.34 [Et cum uidisset - Iesus] {quoniam} (sensate) <> /respondit\ [dixit]{illi}
("Non longe es) a regno Dei". Et <Iam nemo audebat > [illum interrogare]
12.34 [And when Jesus saw] {that} /he replied\ (intelligently) <> [he said] {to
him}("You are not far) from the kingdom of God". And <now no one dared>
[to question him]/\
- r ends; begins in 35
[d: 1 4 2 3; a: et cum uidisset eum Iesus (and when Jesus saw him); k: cum
uidisset autem Iesus; p: Iesus autem uidens; b f i: 3 2 1 (when Jesus saw);
c: et uidens Iesus; q: 1 3 2; r: uidens autem...]
{a c f p: quod; b d i q: quia}
/b d i q: respondisset (he had replied)\
(@ <a k q> sapienter; q: prudenter)
<q: sibi (to him)>
[a c f: ait (he affirms)]
{q omits; present in all the Greek as well as @ <q>}
(a b c d: 1 3 2)
<b d i q: 2 1 3; a: nemo audebat amplius; c: 1 3 2; p: nemo ultra ausus est
(no one dared any more); f: nemo iam audebat amplius (no one now dared
any more)>
[@ <a c k> eum interrogare; c: 2 1]
/b q: quicquam (in anything)\
12.35 Et respondens Iesus + [] {dixit docens in templo} "Quomodo dicunt
scribae (quia Christus filius Dauid est?)
12.35 And Jesus, replying [] )said, teaching in the temple} "How can the
writers say (that Christ is the son of David?)
r begins
[k: et (and)]
{b d q: 2 3 4 1; a p: dicebat docens in templo (was saying, teaching in the
temple); c f: docens in templo ait (affirms, teaching in the temple)}
(a c p: 1 2 3 5 4; f i q r: Christum filium esse Dauid; b: 1 3 2 4; from || Lk
41 non e; Mark does not use the accusative and infinitive construction)

12.36 [Ipse Dauid]{dicit} in spiritu - sancto * ('Dicit) Dominus + Domino meo:

"Sede <ad dexteram meam> /quoadusque\ ponam inimicos [tuos]
{suppedaneum} pedum tuorum"'
12.36 [David himself] {says} in the dedicated breath: 'The Master (says) to
my master: "Sit <at my right> /until\ I make [your] enemies {the footstool}
under your feet"'
[d: et ipse Dauid (and David himself); @ <a d k> ipse enim (c f: autem) Dauid]
{a q: dixit (has said); d omits; a b i q have at *; a has a sign saying that
right order is {dicit} (dixit)}
- + r ends, begins
(a: dicit, but with a sign saying that the right order is {dicit} (dixit); b c d
dixit (has said))
<k: ad dextera mea; b f: ad dextris meis; c: a dextris meis; r: ad dextr...>
/@ <k> <done>c; <> r\
[b omits, but it is in all the Greek as well as @ <b>]
{b c: infra (c: sub) scabellum (to be under the footstool); green from || Mt
22.24 or || Lk 20.43; a f i: scabellum; d q: scamellum; r: sc...}
12.37 [Ipse Dauid Dominum illum dixit] {et unde} (est eius filius?")
multa tur-ba /audiebat il+l+um libenter\
12.37 [David himself called him Master] {How} (is he his son?") <And> the
large crowd /listened to him gladly\
[a d i p q: ipse Dauid dicit eum Dominum (a: Deum) (David himself calls him
Master (God); b c f: si (b adds ergo, f ipse) Dauid dicit eum (c:
(Mark never uses appello) illum) Dominum (c adds suum) ((so) if
(himself) calls him (his) Master); r: ipse Dauid dicit...; k: ipse Dauid Dominum illum esse dixit]
{b p: quomodo (p adds ergo); c: unde; r: ...e}
(@ <b k> 1 3 2; b: 3 2 1)
<c omits>
- + r ends, begins
+ e begins
/a: audiebat illum libentissime (listened to him very gladly); b d f i q:
eum audiebat (b: audiebant); p: 2 1 3; c: audiebant illum libenter;

12.38 [Et in docendo dicebat] {"Cauete} a scribis () qui /uolunt in stolis ambulare\ et <> [salutari] in foro {}
12.38 [And he was saying in his teaching] {"Beware} of the writers () who
/like walking in robes\ and <> {} [being greeted] in the piazza.
[q: et dicebat illis in doctrina sua (and he was saying to them in his teaching); a b d i r: at (d: et) ille docens (i: dicens) (a adds simul) dicebat eis (r:
...) ((and) he, teaching, was (at the same time) saying to them); c f: ipse autem docebat eos (c: illos) dicens (f adds illis) (he was teaching them, saying
(to them); p: ille autem dicebat illis (he was saying to them); e: et in doctrina dicebat]
{@ <k p> uidete}
(d: et (and))
/b: 1 4 2 3; c: ambulant in stolis (walk in robes); perhaps original, the other
text coming from || Lk 20.46\
<c: uolunt (like); necessary with c's text of /\>
{D's (to be made) changed to (you are made) and
translated as if active with d: facitis (you make)
[b d e: salutationes (greetings); from || Lk 20.46]
12.39 et [sessionem primam] {in synagogis et (in recumbendo in cenis)
primum} locum)
12.39 and [the best seats] {in the synagogue and (the best} places {(when
reclining) at meals})
[@ <a c k> in (c omits) primis cathedris sedere; d: primas cathedras; from
Mt 23.6 or || Lk 20.46; a: primos consessus]
{k omits; a scribe's eye slipped from primam to primum; primum was later
corrected to primam to agree with sessionem}
(@ <e> (q: in, a relic of Mark's text) primos discubitos (a d: cubitos; b f q:
discubitos; a: accubitus) (c adds habere) in conuiuiis (a c: cenis) ((to have) the
best places to recline at banquets (meals)); from || Mt 23.6 or || Lk 20.46)
12.40 qui [comedunt] {domus} uiduarum <> (Ista faciunt in excusatione
longa) [] /Hi\ {accipient} (abu-ndantius) /iudicium"\
12.40 They [eat] widows' <> {houses} (doing this with endless pretexts) []
/They\ {will receive} (a more abundant) /judgement"\
[@ <a e k> deuorant]
<a b d i q r: et pupillorum (and wards'); c f: et orphanorum (and orphans')>
{b: panem (bread); from || Lk 20.47 non e}
(@ <d k p> (e adds et (and)) occasione (c i: oratione) longa (c: prolixa) orantes (e: adorantes) ((and) pleading with long pretexts (pleas); b: occasione

longam orationem orantes (pleading long pleas with pretexts); d p: sub obtentu <prolixae orationis> (with the pretence of long pleas)) <> omitted in d)
[c: et haec in oratione faciunt (and they do this when pleading); based on ||
Lk 20.47 (some MSS)]
/b d r: isti\
{c i: accipiunt; r: accipi...}
- e ends; begins at 13.2
(b d p q: prolixius; c: prolixiorem (more extended) ; f i r: maius (greater); e:
abu...; a: amplius)
/a: poenae (punishment); c: damnationem (condemnation)\
12.41 [Et * cum sederet] (contra /gazophylacium) {uidebat} (quomodo
turba) [<mittit> /aes\ [\] {et honesti] mittebant multa}
12.41 [And when he was sitting] (opposite the treasure chest) {he saw}
(what) /money\ (the crowd) <put in> [] {and the rich put in much}
[a c d q: et sedens Iesus (not in a) (and (Jesus) sitting); b: Iesus autem sedens (Jesus, sitting); f i r: et cum sedisset Iesus (and when Jesus had sat)]
(d q have at *)
/i omits; a scribe's eye slipped from one gazophylacium to the next\
{b d p q: aspiciebat; aspicio is not found elsewhere in Mark; uideo is very
common; c: uidit; f: uidebant}
(c: quanta turba (how much the crowd); delete /money\; b: quantae turbae
(what crowds); wrong sense; d f q r: quomodo turbae (what...the crowds)
<b: iactabant; q r: iactarent; iacto is not found elsewhere in Mark; c f: mittebant; d: mitterent>
[d omits; the eye of the scribe of an ancestor of d slipped from <mittebant>
to {mittebant}; subsequently, mittebant was changed to mitterent and multa to aes]
/a f: pecuniam; shows the translator read aes; c replaces with
[@ <d k> in (in omission in i) gazo<phylacium>; <> lacuna in r (into
treasury); from || Lk 21.1]
{@ <d k> et multi diuites mittebant (b i q r: iactabant - see on <>) multa
many rich put in much); an interpolator adds, not omits; multi (many) is his
work, not Mark's; c: et diuites quanta mittebant (and how much the rich
were putting in); the interpolator took c's (quanta turba) <mittebant> to
mean "how large was the crowd putting (money) in", so added the necessary reference to how much money they actually put in}
12.42 Cum uenisset (autem) [una uidua] {} misit /aera duo\ quod est quadrans.
12.42 When [one widow] came {} she put in /two bronze coins\ making a

(not in p, but a connective is in Mark's manner)
[c: quaedam uidua (a certain widow); quaedam from || Lk 21.2; r: uidua ...]
r begins again in verse 43
{d: et (and)}
/b f: aera minuta duo; a k: minuta duo; p: 2 1 (two tiny coins); minuta from
|| Lk 21.2; minuta is also condemned by its absence from the Greek as well
as c d i q\
12.43 [Et conuocauit discipulos suos] {et} /dixit\ (illis) "Amen dico uobis
<quia> uidua /\ haec ~ <plus> * misit in gazo+phylacium - [] {omnibus} ()
12.43 And [he called together] his learners {and} /said\ (to them) "Amen I
say to you <that> this /\ widow has put <more> [] in the treasure chest
{than all} ()
[k: et conuocauit Iesus discipulos suos (Jesus called together his learners)
@ <k p> et conuocans (i: uocans) discipulos suos (and calling (together)
his learners); p: Iesus autem conuocatis discipulis suis (Jesus, with his
learners called together)]
{not in @ <k>}
/@ <a k> ait (affirms)\
(a: eis)
<@ <f k> quoniam; f omits, but it is in Mark's manner>
/a f: paupercula (f at ~); b d q: egena; c i: paupera (c at ~); p: pauper (poor);
its absence from k and the different words and orders show Mark did not
write it but it was added at different times from \
<a: amplius>
+ - r begins, ends
[b f: munus (as a gift)]
{a: omnium; from the genitive is good Greek, but bad Latin; @
<k> have it at *}
(k: qui miserunt (who have put in); condemned by its absence from W-28
-788 248 + ss geo as well as the rest of the Latin)
12.44 [Vnusquisque enim] + {de} eo quod (illi) /abundauit\ * <misit> Haec
/autem\ de [inopia sua] {misit totum quem habuit uictum suum"}
12.44 [Each] <put in> {from} (his) /abundance\ /But\ she from [her poverty]
{put in all her sustenance"}
[a f p: omnes (p: uniuersi) enim; b i q: nam omnes; d: omnes enim hii]
+ r begins
<@ <c k> miserunt (b: inmiserunt; r:...runt)>
{@ <k r> ex}
(@ <c k p r> illis (their); not in p; lacuna in r; @ <k> have (r: had) their

at *)
/a: superfuit; r: sup...; b i q: abundabat; f: abundabant; d p: abundat\
/b c d f i p: uero; on uero see on 8.28\
[a: aegentia sua; @ <a k> penuria sua (f: penuariam suam)]
{c: 2 5 6 3 4 1 with omnem for totum; @ <c k> omnia quae (d: qua; a f
quaecumque) habu<it misit (b adds id est) totum (b: omnem) uictum>
suum; <> lacuna in r; (a: totam substantiam suam) (put in everything (that
is) all her sustenance)}

Chapter 13
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
a c d f i k p q contain the whole chapter.
b ends in verse 11, begins in verse 16, ends in verse 27.
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
e begins in verse 2, ends in verse 3, begins in verse 24, ends in verse 27,
begins in verse 33, ends in verse 36.
n begins in verse 2, ends in verse 20.
t is missing for the whole chapter.
13.1 Et [cum proderet] {de templo} (dicit) illi unus ex <discentibus
"Magister /uide\ quales lapides et {qualia aedificia"} []
13.1 And [when he was going out] {from the temple} one of <his learners>
(says) to him: "Teacher /see\ what stones and {what structures there are"}
[a: proficiscente eo; d: procedente eo; b c f i p: cum egrederetur; r: cum
egrediebatur; from || Mt 24.1 non e; q: cum exiret; from || Mt 24.1 e]
{f omits; from Greek, <> omitted in }
<@ <k> discipulis suis (b f: eius)>
(@ <k p> ait (affirms); p: dixit (said))
/a c: ecce (lo!); b c f i p q: aspice; aspicio is not found elsewhere in Mark\
{b d f i p q: quales structurae (q: structuras); r: qualis structura; from || Mt
1 non e, q without changing structuras to the required structurae}
[@ <a i> templi (in the temple); condemned by its absence from the Greek
except D, as well as a i]
13.2 [Et * responden-s] () <dicit> + /illis\ ~ [] {Videtis} () <illa magna> /\ Non
relinquetur {}[]qui non(resoluatur")<>
13.2 [And replying] <(he) says> /to them\ [] {"You see} () <these great

structures> /\ No [stone]will be left {}which wil not (be pulled down")

[c: ad quem respondens (replying to whom); e <respondens au>tem (replying)]
- + r ends, begins
(@ <a b e i> Iesus (Jesus); q at *, d at ~; condemned by its absence from
b e i and its different positions, showing it was introduced at
/c omits, as he introduces the verse with "to whom" (singular); p: illi
him) referring to the learner asking the question; the sort of obvious correction a corrector would make; the plural, referring to other learners there
whom Jesus would know would also benefit by the answer, is what is
much more likely to have come from the author\
[@ <a d e q> nonne; k: non (do (you) not (see)); condemned by its absence
from almost all the Greek as well as a d e q]
{d: uidete (see); from D which could mean either "you see" or
"see"; the former is obviously correct; no need to tell people to look at
what is staring them in the face; p: uides (you (singular) see); see on /\}
(b c f i k q: omnia; c f q have it after <haec>; p: omnes (after <has>; from ||
Mt 24.2; also condemned by its absence from the Greek as well as a d e r)
<e: ista magna et aedificia uestra (these great structures of yours); b c f i q
r: haec magna aedificia; a: has structuras magnas; d: 1 3 2; p: has magnas
aedificationes; green from 1 {}>
/@ <p> amen (e adds amen) dico uobis quia (c f quod; not in a q) (amen
(amen) I say to you (that)); from || Mt 24.2; also condemned by its absence
from almost all the Greek\
[@ lapis super (i: supra) lapidem (stone on stone); from || Mt 24.2 or || Lk
21.6; qui; understand lapis from lapides in 1]
{a b d q: hic (here); from || Mt 24.2; c e k: in (c adds isto) templo (in
(this) temple; the first is condemned by its absence from much of
Greek, the second from all, and both from their difference}
(@ <e k> destruatur; from || Mt 24.2 or || Lk 21.6; e: dissoluatur)
<@ <q> et in triduo (i: tridum) (a e d k: post triduum (e: triduo; d:
diem) n begins aliud (a e n: alius; f: illud; k: alium) resurget (b d f: resuscitetur; e k: excitabitur) sine manibus c: resuscitabo illud (and after three days
another will rise not built by hands (I will restore it)); from 14.58; condemned by its absence from almost all the Greek>

13.3 Et [] {cum sederet} (in) <monte> /oliuarum\ contra templum [interrogab-ant] {ill+um} () Petrus et Iacobus et Iohannes et Andreas /\
13.3 And [] {when he was sitting} (on) <the mount> /of olives\ opposite the
temple Peter, James, John and Andrew [were asking] {him} () /\
[c: factum est (it happened); from Luke's very common formula]
{a d n: sedente eo; from || Mt 24.3}
(a n: ad (at))
<@ <d r> montem; r: mon...>
/@ <e k p> oliueti; from || Mt 24.3; p:; k: eleon; see on 11.1\
- e ends, begins in verse 24
- + r ends, begins
[c f p: interrogauerunt (asked)]
{@ <a k n r> eum;}
(a f k n: secreto; b d i q r: seorsum; p: separatim (apart); from || Mt 24.3; the
different wording shows it was added at different times from the Greek; absent from 251 579 sa geo2 as well as c)
/b c: dicentes (saying); from || Mt 24.3\
13.4 "Dic nobis quan-do [ista] {erunt} + et (quo signo) /haec incipiunt
13.4 "Tell us when [this] {will be} and (the sign) /that this will begin to happen"\
- + r ends. begins
[a d f n q: haec]
{b c f r: fient; i p: fiant; q: fiunt}
(@ <k> quod signum (a d n q add erit); from || Mt 24.3 or || Lk 21.7)
/b d f i r: cum haec omnia (d: 2 1) consummabuntur (that all this will happen); a n: cum incipient omnia haec consummari; p: quando haec omnia
incipient consummari; c: 1 3 4 2 5; q: cum coeperint haec omnia consummari (that all this will begin to happen)\
13.5 [Et respondens dixit illis] "Videte ne {quis} uos (decipiat)
13.5 [And replying he said to them] "See that {no one} (deceives) you.
[@ <k r> et (c omits) respondens (f: respondens autem; p: ille autem) Iesus
(not in a n) coepit dicere (a d n: ait) illis (p: eis; c: ad illos (Mark does not use
ad after dico) (f: illis dicere) (and) (he/Jesus) replying, began to say
to them); r: et respon...dicere]
{b: aliquis; lacuna in r}
(@ <k> seducat; from || Mt 24.4 or || Lk 21.8 non e)
13.6 [Multi enim uenient] - in nomine meo {} dicentes () 'Ego <sum'> et multos /in errore mittent\

13.6 [Many {} will come] in my name saying () 'I <am the one'> and they /will
lead\ many /astray\
[f omits]
- r ends; begins at verse 8
{k: pseudiprofetae (false prophets); from 13.22}
(a p n: quia; i: quod (that))
<b: Christus; c p: sum Christus (I am the Christ); from || Mt 24.5>
/@ <k> seducent (c: seducunt); from || Mt 24.5\
13.7 [Cum audieritis autem] {bella} et opiniones (bellorum) <nolite timere>
Oportet enim /\ fieri, sed nondum [finis]
13.7 [When you hear of] {wars} and rumours (of wars) <do not be afraid>
/These things\ must happen, but it [is] not yet [the end]
[@ <k> 1 3 2]
{k:...; k2 bella; f: proelia; from || Mt 24.6 non e or || Lk 21.9 non e}
(a f n q: proeliorum; from || Mt 24.6 non e; k wrote de, intending to write
bellis, then wrote the bellorum he saw in his archetype but failed to delete
<a n p: nolite turbari (p: conturbari); from || Mt 24.6; b d i q: ne timueritis>
/b f: haec (b adds omnia) ((all) these things)
[a b d n: est finis; c: 2 1; p: erit finis]
13.8 + [Surget] - {autem} gens (super) gentem et + regnum <super> - regnum /et\ erunt ter+rae motus [per] {} loca et - () fames <> /\ [initium
parturitionis haec]
13.8 Tribe [will rise] (against) tribe and kingdom <against> kingdom /and\
there will be earthquakes [in] {} places and () famine <> /\ [This will be the
beginning of giving birth]
+ - + - +- r begins, ends, begins, ends, begins, ends
[@ <d k> exsurget; d: insurget]
{a c d f n p: enim}
(b c d p: contra; q: aduersus)
<b d r: contra; i: supra>
/d omits\
[a n: circa (around)]
{c: singula (individual)}
(a n q: erunt (a n: erint) (there will be))
<q: et turbele (and confusion). from || Lk 21.11>
/b f: et (and)\
[@ <c> initium (b: initia) dolorum (b: pressurae; k: parturitionis) (a b n add
omnia) haec ((all) this will be the beginning of giving birth); from || Mt

r: ...lorum haec; condemned by its absence from c W]

13.9 [] (Deinde uosmet ipsos) tradent <> in {conciliabula} et (in synagogas)
et <ante> /potestate-s et reges\ st+abitis [propter me] {ad} testimonium illis.
13.9 [] (Then) they will hand (you) to {councils} and (synagogues) and you
will stand <before> /potentates and kings\ [because of me] {to give} testimony to them.
[c k p q: uidete (c p add autem) (look out); from || Mt 10.17]
(c p: uosmet ipsos; q: uos ipsos (for yourselves); a b d f i n r: deinde uos
<c p q: enim uos (you)>
{a n: concilia; @ <a k n r> conciliis; r: consiliis}
(b: in synagogas ducent (they will take you into synagogues); from || Lk 21.
12; @ <b k> in <synagogis> uapulabitis; <> lacuna in r (you will be beaten
in synagogues); from || Mt 10.17; k: in sinagogis)
<a n: ad>
- + r ends, begins
/@ <k r> praesides et (a n add ad) reges; q: 3 2 1; r: praesid...; praesides
from || Mt 10.18 or || Lk 21.12 non e\
[b: propter nomen meum (because of my name); from || Lk 21.12; a n:
causa mei; from || Mt 10.18 e]
{@ <k> in}
@ et <in omnes> (<> accidentally omitted in c) gentes (a n: omnibus gentibus) (b r add sed constantes estote, k set confortamini (but be resolute), so
taking et in omnes gentes with the previous verse "to give testimony to
them and to all tribes", but illis can't be coordinated with in omnes gentes,
hence a n's change to omnibus gentibus) primum (k: prius) (a n: in primis
(before all else); good sense, but not in the original (Mt 24.14)) (b c d f i
add autem, k enim, as the interpolation begins a new sentence with primum) oportet (q has the order oportet primum) (lacuna now in b until verse
11) (c adds hoc) praedicari (a n: praedicare) (p has hoc here) euangelium (c
has the order euangelium praedicari) (r: praed ... euangelium (d f add
omnibus gentibus (to all tribes), as they have transferred it to their previous
interpolated sentence) (but first the evangel must be proclaimed to
tribes); this is a marginal addition based on Mt 24.14 unintelligently added
to the text, telling readers, in effect, to proclaim the gospel to all tribes
before they proclaim the gospel; self evident nonsense.

13.11 [Et cum] /obtulerint\ uos {} nolite (sataga+re) <> quid /loquamini\ [sed]
({quod} - (datum uobis fuerit))<> illa hora /illud\ loquimini. Non enim
[estis uos]{qui loquimini}sed spiritus sanctus.
13.11 [And when] /they offer\ you {} do not (think) <> what /you are going to
say\ [but] <in> that hour say {what} (you have been given) [It is]not
[you]{who will be talking}but the dedicated breath.
[f q: cum autem (when)]
/a n: adducent; c f q: perduxerint; d: produxerint; i p r: duxerint (p: duxerunt)
from || Lk 12.11\
{@ <f> tradentes (handing (you) over); from || Mt 10.19}
+ - b begins, ends; begins in verse 16
(a n: solliciti esse (worry); from || Lk 12.11; @ <a k n> cogitare; from || Mt
<a n: nec praemeletate (nor consider in advance); translating
by attaching prae to >
/q: loquimini; r:; p: dicatis\
[r: et (and)]
<@ <k> in>
(p: dabitur enim uobis; the interpolator forgot to omit enim, impossible
after sed; at /\ f p have quid and p also loquamini for loquimini; p: what
you should say will be given to you; green from || Mt 10.19; f's quid (what)
makes no sense without the rest of the interpolation)
{a b n: quodcumque (whatever)}
(a n q r: 1 3 2)
/f p: quid (what); see on (); a d i n r: hoc; c: ipsum; q: id\
[a c f n: 2 1; d q: eritis uos (it will (not) be you); r:]
{d q: loquentes (talking)}
13.12 [Et tradet] frater fratrem (ad) mortem <et> pater filium
et /exsurgent\
filii [super] parentes et {necabunt illos}
13.12 [And] brother [will hand over] brother (to) death <and> father a son
and sons /will rise\ [against] parents and {kill them}
[f i p q r: tradet autem (will hand over)]
(@ <a k n> in)
<c omits, but it is necessary; lacuna in r>
/k: exsurgebit; aur: exsurgent; @ <i k q> insurgent; from || Mt 10.21; i
[@ <k> in]
{@ morte (a d f i n p q: morti) adficient eos (r: 2 1; c f: illos adficient; p: 2

from || Mt 10.21 or || Lk 21.16 non e}
13.13 Et * eritis {odibiles} (omnibus) <propter nomen meum> Qui
/sustinuerit\ [] {ad} finem hic /saluabitur\
13.13 And you will be {hated} (by all) <because of my name> But one who
/perseveres\ [] {to} the last /will be saved\
* people confirming oaths by kissing a have obliterated its writing from
here up to verse 26; its readings are given from Irico (1748) and Bianchini
(1749) who could still read it then.
{@ <k> odio}
(c f q: omnibus hominibus (by all men); from || Lk 21.17; r: omnibus gentibus (by all tribes); d: ab (from ) omnibus)
<a n: causa nominis mei>
/a n q: perseuerauerit; c f: tolerauerit\
[c f i k r: usque (up); from || Mt 10.22]
{@ <c k> in; lacuna in r}
/@ <k> saluus erit\
13.14 [Et cum] ui-deritis (exsecratio+nem) des-olationis /\ [stantem] ubi +
non - {oportet} * () qui legit intellegat /\ tu+nc qui <in - Iudaea sunt> fugiant <in montes>
13.14 [And when] you see (the abomination) of desolation /\ [standing]
where it {should} not {be} () let one who reads understand /\ then those
who <are in Judaea> must flee <to the mountains>
[@ <a n> cum autem (when])
- + - + -+- r ends, begins, ends, begins, ends, begins, ends
(@ <i k> abominationem; from || Mt 24.15; i: aspernationem)
/c k q: quod dictum est per Daniel (c: per Danielem; k: ante (a mistake for a)
Daniele) prophetam (k: propheta) (which was told of through (by) Daniel
the prophet); q has it at *; from || Mt 24.15\
[f k: stans, k continuing the neuter of quod; a c n: stare]
{d i: debet; Mark does not use debet elsewhere; he has oportet in 6 other
(f: et (and))
/a: quidquid legit (whatever he reads); d: quod legit (what he reads); n:
quid dicit (what he says)\
<f: Iudaea sunt; in omitted before iu; a n: fuerint in Iudaea>
<@ <d i> in montibus (in the mountains); d i: in montem (to the mountain)>
13.15 [et] qui {in tecto} () - <non> descendat /\ [auferre] {aliquid} + de domo

13.15 [and] one who (is) {on the roof} must <not> go down /\ [to bring]{anything} from (his) house.
[c omits]
(a n: fuerit; k: est)
{c f: in superioribus (higher up); @ <c f k> super (r: supra) tectum}
- r ends
<d i q: ne; from ; not idiomatic Latin>
/@ <c k> in domum (a n: domo) (a n add sed) nec introeat (a n: intret); r:...
omum nec intr... (into his house or enter)\
[a d f i n: tollere; c p q: ut tollat; from || Mt 24.17; lacuna in r]
{c f: quicquam; d: quid; from lacuna in r}
+ r begins
(@ <k> sua)
13.16 Et qui in agro [] non reuertatur + {} tollere (uestimentum suum)
13.16 And one who [is] on the land must not turn back {} to get (his garment)
[a n: fuerit; c i: erit; k p: est; lacuna in r]
+ b begins
{@ <a i> retro (back); from || Mt 24.18 e or || Lk 17.31; lacuna in r}
(d: tunicam suam (his tunic); from || Mt 24.18 non e)
13.17 - Vae autem [illis quae in uentre uiuentem habent] et {quae lactant} in
+ illis diebus +
13.17 The terror [of those with one living in their womb] and {those lactating} in those days!
b ends, begins
[k: illis quas (k2 quae) in uentrem uiuentem (deleted) (of those with one
(living) in their womb); a scribe's eye slipped from em to em, causing him to
omit <> from uentr<em uiuent>em; the missing letters were restored in the
margin, and replaced in the text, but deleted by someone consulting a text
in which they were lacking; alternatively, uiuentem is an interpolation, but
such vivid writing with effective alliteration is much more likely to be the
work of an author; a reader would likely be reluctant to introduce something obviously his own work, not the author's; @ <f k> praegnant<ibus>;
<> lacuna in r (of the pregnant); from || Mt 24.19; f: pelegrinantibus (mistake
for peregrinantibus) (of those journeying); the following "those lactating"
shows that a reference to the pregnant is correct]
{k: quae iactant; k2 lactant; @ <a k n> nutrientibus; from || Mt 24.19; a n:
lactantibus; lacuna in r, including also et}
+ r begins

+ b begins
13.18 [Et ado+rat-e] {ne} * /fiat\ (hieme) <>
13.18 [And plead] /that this\ {not} /happen\ (in winter) <>
- r ends; begins in verse 19
[k: adunate (k2 adorate) autem; p q: orate autem (plead); c f: orate ergo
plead); a d i n r: et orat<e> <> lacuna in r; orate from || Mt 24.20; k always
has a form of adoro]
/k p: fiat fuga uestra (from || Mt 24.20) (that your flight (not) happen; a b n q:
haec fiant; c f i: fiant; d: ueniant\
{c d f p q: ut non}
(@ <f k> have at *)
<k p: aut (p: uel) sabbato (or on the sabbath); p at *; from || Mt 24.20>
13.19 Erunt enim [in diebus illis] tribulationes {} () quales non fuerunt * ab
initio creaturae /\ usque [nunc] <et non erunt unquam>
13.19 There will be suffering [in these days] {} () such as there has not been
from the beginning of creation /\ until [now] <and will not be ever again>
[p: 1 3 2; c f i: dies illi (these days (will be suffering)); d q: diebus illis]
{c: et pressurae (and pressure); from || Mt 24.21 e}
(a n: numquam tales (ever such); b d i p q r: tales (such); a d n at *)
/p: quam; b q: ex quo omnia (omnia not in q) condidit (q: condit)
(which (from the time when) God created (everything)\
[c d f q: modo; from || Mt 24.21 non e; a n: adhuc]
<k: et non erit numquam; a i n p r: sed neque fient (but will never be); from
|| Mt 24.21; b c d f q: neque erunt post haec (c: hoc) (and will not be after
13.20 [Et] {si non} - (breuiasset Deus) dies <> {}/nunquam\ [saluata esset]
{omnis} caro. Sed propter electos () /breuia-uit illos\ +
13.20 [And] {if} (God had) {not} (shortened) <these> days {}{all} flesh
[would have perished] But because of the chosen () /he shortened them\
[i: sed (but)]
{@ <k> nisi}
- n ends; begins again at 15.22
(i p r: breuiasset Dominus; a d q: 2 1 (the Master had (not) shortened))
<c: illos>
{@ <c k p> propter electos suos (because of his chosen ones); a repetition
of propter electos later in the verse}
/@ <k> non\
{a b d: ulla; correcting the Hebrew idiom}

[a p: fuisset salua; b d q r: fieret salua; c f: esset salua; i: fiet salua]

(@ <k> quod elegit (whom he chose))
- + a ends, begins
/b: brebiabuntur illi (they will be shortened); p q r: breuiabit dies (he
shorten the days); c d f i: breuiauit dies (he shortened the days); green
from || Mt 24.22\
13.21 [Et tunc] {si quis} uobis dixerit '* Ecce hic () Christus <> [Ecce] illic'
/nolite credere\
13.21 [And then] {if anyone} says to you 'The Christ (is) here <> [He is]
there' /do not believe him\
[c: tunc ergo (so then)]
{k: ii (kc si) qui}
(p: erit (will be); b: est)
<a d q: aut; b c f i: uel (or); r: et (and); lacuna in p>
[f omits]
/b i r: ne credideritis\
13.22 [Surgent] enim {} pseudoprophetae et (facient) signa et <portenta>
ad /errorem faciendum\ [si fieri possit et electis]
13.22 {} False prophets [will arise] and (give) signs and portents to
/deceive\ [if possible even the chosen]
{@ <d i k> pseudochristi et (false Christs and); from || Mt 24.24}
[@ <a k> exsurgent]
(@ <a d p> dabunt; from || Mt 24.24; (= facient) D -28-565
38 91 299 543)
<@ <b k> prodigia; from || Mt 24.24; b: ostenta; lacuna in r>
/b: seducendos homines (deceive men); a c f q: seducendum; d i p r: seducendos\
[b: si etiam electos perderent (to see if they might even destroy the chosen) an alteration consequent on the addition of homines; @ <b k> si potest
fieri (c q: 2 1; a: fieri posset) etiam electos]
13.23 [Vos autem uidete] {} () Praedixi uobis omnia.
13.23 [Beware] {} (I) have foretold everything for you.
[a f i: uidete; nothing in c; both implausibly abrupt; b d p r: uos ergo uidete]
{@ <a r> ecce (lo!); from || Mt 24.25; much more common in Mt than in
condemned by its absence from B L W-28 0235 1342 + sa bo as well as
a r}

(r: ego)
13.24 {} In illis * diebus [] + sol (tenebric/abit) et luna non d\abit
- suum.
13.24 {} In those days [] the sun (will be darkened) and the moon will not
give her <light>
{@ <k p> sed (but); p: autem (at *)}
[@ <p> post tribulationem illam (illam not in k) (a: illam pressuram; r
<tribulationes ill>as) (after this (the, these) suffering, pressure, sufferings); from
Mt 24.29]
+ e begins
/not in e; a scribe's eye slipped from abit to abit\
(k: tenebricauit; e: tenegauit; a c f p q r: obscurabitur; from || Mt 24.29 non
b: contenebricabitur; d: contenebricauit; i: contenebrabitur)
<k: fulgurem; c f p: lumen; from || Mt 24.29; a b d i q: splendorem; r:...em>
- r ends; begins in verse 26
13.25 Et stellae [cadentis] {et} (fortitudines) <in caelis> /commouebuntur\
13.25 And the [falling] stars {and} (the powers) <in the heavens> /will be
[e: de caelo cadent; p: 3 1 2; a: erint de caelo cadentes; i: de caelo erunt
cadentes (will fall from heaven); b c f q: quae sunt in caelo erunt cadentes
(q: decidentes) (which are in heaven will be falling); d: quae sunt de caelo
erunt cadentes (which are will be falling from heaven); green from || Mt 24.
{k omits}
(@ <k> uirtutes; from || Mt 24.29 or || Lk 21.26)
<d: caelestium (of the heavenly ones); a c f i: caelorum (of the heavens); b
e: quae in caelis (b: caelos) sunt (which are in the heavens); q: caelestes
(heavenly); p: in caelo (in heaven)>
/a: mouentur; e: mouebunt...; @ <a e k> mouebuntur; from || Lk 21.26\
13.26 Et tunc uidebunt filium hominis uenientem [in nube] cum uirtute
{magna} et - (claritate)
13.26 And then they will see the son of man coming [in a cloud] with {great}
power and (splendour)
[c p: in nubibus caeli (in the clouds of the sky); from || Mt 24.30; @ <c k p>
cum nubibus (with the clouds); from || Lk 21.27; e omits; a scribe's eye slipped from cum to cum]

{@ <a aur k> <m>ulta; <> missing in r}

- r ends
(@ <e k> gloria (glory))
13.27 Et tunc mittet [angelo+s] {} et - (colliget) <electos> /\ [a] +
{uentis} (a - summo) te-rrae usque ad + <summum> /caelorum\
13.27 And then he will send {his} [angels] and (collect) /the\
[from] the four {winds} (from the top) of the land up to <the top> /of the
+ r begins
{c p r: suos}
[a: nuntios (messengers); the meaning of but transliterated into
Latin it = "angels"]
- r and b end; b begins again at 14.24
(e: colligent; p: congregabunt (they will collect); k: colligit; a: concolliget;
bad Latin; c d f i q: congregabit; green from || Mt 24.31)
/c p q: suos (his)\
<e: ele...>
[a: de]
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
{q: angulis (directions) an explanatory gloss which has come into the text}
(a: angulis; the gloss at {} has mistakenly been inserted here; d: a summum;
e:; c f p q: ab ultimo (from the end); from || Mt 24.31)
- e ends; begins at verse 33
<q: terminum (end); from || Mt 24.31>
/a q: caeli (of heaven); r: illorum; a mistake for caelorum\
13.28 - [Ab arbore autem fici] dis+cite (similitudinem) Cum <iam> - ramus +
eius * /\ fuerit [tener] et {germinauerit folia} <agnoscitis> /qu-ia\ (proximat
+ messis)
13.28 Learn (an analogy) [from a fig tree] When its branch is /\ [tender] and
{puts forth leaves} <you know> /that\ (the harvest is near)
- + - + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins, ends, begins
(@ <k> parabolam (a: parabola); see on 3.23)
[c: 1 4 3 2 (with a for ab); d f p q : a ficu autem; i: a ficus autem arbore; a: a
ficus autem similitudinem; Mark's similitudinem (in the margin) wrongly replaced arbore instead of parabolam]
/c: factus (made)\
[k: neque; @ <k> at *]
{c: prodeunt folia; d i p q: nata fuerint (q adds in ea) folia; r: <fuerint na>ta
folia; f: folia nascuntur (leaves grow (on it)); a: folia procreauerit)}

<a: scitote (know); d p: cognoscetis (you will know); c f i q r: cognoscitis>

/c d i q: quod; r: qu...; not in a\
(a: in proximo esse aestatem; Mark does not use the accusative and infinitive construction; @ <a k> in proximo sit (d f: est) aestas (summer is
from || Mt 24.32 or || Lk 21.30)
13.29 [Vt] et uos. Cum {uideritis ista} scitote <quia> /in proximo\ [et]
foribus} (est finis)
13.29 [So] for you also. When {you see this} know <that> (the end is) /near\
[and] {at the door}
[@ <k> sic]
{@ <a k> uideritis haec omnia (d i: 2 1) fieri (you see all this happen); green
from || Mt 24.33; a: haec uideritis}
<c f: quoniam; d i p q r: quod>
(@ <k> omit; a scribe's eye slipped from the is ending ostiis to the is ending finis)
/a: prope; from || Mt 24.33 non e or || Lk 21.31 non e\
[a c d f q: est; i p: sit (it is); et changed to est after the omission of est
r has kept the original et]
{a c f r: in ianuis; from || Mt 24.33; d i p q: in ostiis (p: hostiis}
13.30 Amen dico uobis [] non {transibit} (saeculum istud) <quoadusque>
/omnia fiant\
13.30 Amen I say to you [] (this age) {will} not {pass away} <until> /all things
are accomplished\
[a: quia; c d i q r: quoniam; f p: quod (that)]
(@ <k> generatio haec (c: ista) (this tribe); from || Mt 24.34 or || Lk 21.32)
{@ <k p> transiet; p: praeteribit}
<@ <k> donec; perhaps as an improvement, perhaps from || Mt 24.43 or ||
Lk 21.32; f omits by mistake>
/d: haec omnia fiant; f q r: omnia ista fiant; i: 1 3 2 (all these things are accomplished); c: 2 1\
13.31 Caelum et terra [transibunt] {Verba} autem {mea} non /transibunt\
13.31 Heaven and earth [will pass away] {My words}/will\ never /pass away\
[a k: transiet]
{a: uerbum meum (my utterance)}
/a: praeteribit; f: praeteribunt; from || Mt 24.35 non e\
13.32 De die * autem [illo] {et} hora nemo (scit) neque angeli <in caelis>

neque filius nisi /pater\

13.32 Of [this] day {and} hour no one (knows) neither the angels <in heaven>nor the son, only /the father\
[c f p q r: illa; p at *]
{c f: uel (or)}
(a: nouit)
<a p: caelorum; from || Mt 24.36; @ <a k p> in (f: de) caelo; changing the
Hebrew to Latin idiom>
/a k: pater solus; c p: 2 1 (the father alone); from || Mt 24.26\
13.33 Videte [] {} (peruigilate) <> /Nescitis enim\ [quando temp+us ueniet]
13.33 [] Look {} (stay awake) <> /You do not know\ [when the time will
[D c f: itaque; d i q: ergo (so); from || Mt 24.42; condemned by its absence from the rest rest of Greek as well as a k l p r; the different
show it was not originally in the Latin but introduced at different times from
{c k: et (and)}
<f i p q r: et orate (and plead); from 14.38; condemned by its absence from
B D 122 + as well as a c d k >
/c: quia nescitis (because you do not know); from || Mt 24.42; f: nescitis; r:
+ e begins
[c: tempus (the time); ss Syriac for "the time", eth Ethiopian for "the days
of this time"; c's and ss's text is implausibly abrupt and seems to
from Mt 25.13 "the day or the hour"; the Ethiopian could well be an improvement on the Syriac; p: quando ueniat (when it will come); d f i q r: quando
tempus sit; a: quando tempus]
13.34 [] {Quomodo} () homo <peregrinans> /reliquit\ domu-m [] {et} /dedit\
(seruis) su+is /potestatem\ < > /uni-uscuiusque opus suum\ et +
[ostiario]{praecepit} ut(uigilet)
13.34 [] () {As} a man <travelling> /leaves/ [his] home {and} /gives\ his
(slaves) /authority\ <> /each his own work\and {tells}[the doorkeeper]
to(be watchful)
[e: et (and); either a repetition of et ending 33 or omitted after it]
(c: enim; from || Mt 25.14)
{@ <a e k> sicut; from || Mt 25.14; a: quemadmodum}
<@ <e k> (f adds qui) peregre (f: pelegre) profectus (a: iturus) (f adds est); c
i: 2 1; from || Mt 25.14; r only has a final s>

/c: linquit; linquo is not found elsewhere in Mark; e p q: relinquens (leaving)

d i r: relinquat\
- + - + r ends, begins, ends, begins
[@ <k> suam]
{not in e q; in p, showing an ancestor had Mark's reliquit}
/c e f: dans...potestatem (giving authority); d q: data...potestate (authority
having been given); i: det...potestatem; p omits potestatem\
(k: discipulis (learners)
<i: et (and)>
/c: unicuique operis sui faciundi (each of doing his own work); d q: cuiusque operis (of each work); a f i p: unicuique opus suum (i: opera sua)\
lacuna in r after praeci; starts in verse 37
{e: praecipit; f i p q: praecipiat}
[c f i: ianitori]
(a d p: uigilaret)
13.35 [sic uigilate] {quia nescitis} quando * Dominus (domui)
/uerum\ [uespera] {an} (nocte media) <an> /gallorum cantu\ [an mane]
13.35 [you too must be watchful] {because you do not know} when the
Master (of the house) <will come> /\ [in the evening] {or} (in the middle of
the night) <or> /at cockcrow\ [or in the morning]
[@ <e c k> uigilate ergo (so be watchful); ergo from || Mt 24.42; Mt
good sense, but transferring him to Mk leaves the subordinate clause comprising verse 34 with no main clause; c: sic ergo uigilate (so you too must
be watchful)]
{@ <k> nescitis enim}
(@ <a k q> domus; e omits; a scribe's eye slipped from us to us)
<k: uenit; c f have ueniat at * >
/@ <k> omit; a scribe's eye slipped from ue to ue\
[@ <e k> sero]
{a d: aut; f: a}
(@ <e k q> 2 1; q: meridie nocte (noon at night!))
<a: aut; lacuna in e>
/k: gallorum gallo; e: gallorum <can>tus; a: gallicinio; @ <a e k> galli
(d: cantum; q: canti)\
[Omitted by i; a: aut mane; f: a mane]
13.36 -ne [ue+niens] {su-bito} in+ueniat - uos dormientes.
13.36 in case [coming] {suddenly} he finds you sleeping.
- + - + - e ends, begins, ends, begins, ends

[@ cum uenerit]
{@ <a e k> repente (c: derepente); repente is found nowhere else in Mark;
he has subito in 2 other places}
13.37 Quod autem uni dixi omnibus uobis dico.
13.37 What I said to one man I say to you all.
k preserves Mark's text. In 13.1-2 Jesus had told one man that the temple
would be destroyed; he now repeats this to them all; the destruction of the
temple means the end of the old order and the triumph of Jesus' new order. An interpolator unable to see this changed the text to c's ecce
uobis. Quod autem uobis dico omnibus dico (Lo! I have spoken to you.
And what I say to you I say to all), keeping most of the words, but totally
changing the sense; another interpolator added "Vigilate" ("Be watchful")
giving p q's quod (q: quae) autem uobis dico omnibus dico
(What I say to you I say to all: "Be watchful"). a d f i simplify to ecce (a
ego) autem uobis dico (a d: 2 1) "Vigilate" ((Lo!) I say to you: "Be watchful")

Chapter 14
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
a c d f k p q contain the whole chapter.
b begins in verse 24, ends in verse 50, except for a few fragments, ending
finally in verse 58.
i ends at verse 36
r contains the whole chapter but with many lacunae.
e n t are missing for the whole chapter.
14.1 + [Fuit a-utem] * pascha {} (post biduum) Et quaere+bant <pontifices>
et scribae quomodo /eum\ [insidiis detinerent] - et {} occiderent ~ +
14.1 [It was] the passover {} (after two days) And the <chief priests> and
writers were seeking how to [hold /him\ secretly] and kill {him}
+ - + - + r begins, ends, begins, ends, begins
[c f: erat autem futurum; d q: 3 2 1 (it was to be); from || Lk 22.1; a i: erat
autem; r: erant a...; the plural suggests r had {et azuma} in the lacuna]
{k: azumorum (of unleavened bread); c i q: et azuma (and unleavened
bread); from || Lk 22.1}
(q has at *)
<f q: principes sacerdotum; from || Mt 26.3 or || Lk 22.2 non e; c d i r: summi
sacerdotes; see on 10.33; p: summi sacerdotum; an ungrammatical mixt-

ure of the two>

[a: comprehenderent (seize); Mark uses comprehendo nowhere else; he
uses detineo in 4 other places; i r: tenerent (hold); insidiis (secretly) is necessary, as (verse 2) they don't want to do it openly; d f p q: dolo tenerent; c:
2 1]
/d p: illum; i q r omit\
{c i k3 q: eum; k: cum; c i q at ~}
14.2 Dicebant enim ["Ne] - {in die festo} (fiat tumultus +) /popul-i"\
14.2 They were saying ["In case] /the people\ (riot) {at the festival"}
[p r: non (not)]
- + - r ends, begins, ends;
(p: 2 1; @ <k p> tumultus (lacuna in r) oriatur (d: fieret; f: oriretur; q r:
i: operetur; a: sit)
/p: in plebe (the populace); c: in populum; q: in populo; r: in popul.\
{c k: cum uenerit turba ad (c: in) diem festum (when the crowd come to the
festival); a: in dies festos}
14.3 Et cum esset [] {in Beth+ania} * in domo Simo-nis leprosi (et recumberet) uenit mulier habens <uas> /\ {nardi [spicati] pretiosi} et (quassauit et)
/perfudit eum a capite\
14.3 And when [he] was {in Bethany} at the house of Simon the scaly (and
was reclining) a woman came with <a bottle> {of valuable [spiked] nard}
and (broke it and) /poured it over his head\
[@ <k> Iesus (Jesus); c has it at *]
+ - r begins, ends
{d k: in Bethaniam; kc in Bethania; a q: Bethaniae; c: Bethania}
(@ <k> recumbente (r:...nte; c f: discumbente) illo (d i r: eo); from || Mt 26.7)
<a f i q: alabastrum (an alabaster container); from || Mt 26.7 or || Lk 7.37 non
e; c d: ampullam; lacuna in r>
/@ <d> unguenti; from || Mt 26.7 or || Lk 7.37\
{D omits; a scribe's eye slipped from to in
[a: optimi (excellent); a gloss which has come into the text; k: piscicae; a
corruption of pisticae, transliterated by ]
(a: aperiens alabastrum (opening the alabaster container); @ <a c k> fracto
alabastro (q: eo) (breaking the alabaster container (it); c:
/@ <k> effudit (a: infudit; c: fudit; i: perfudit) super (f: supra; lacuna in
caput eius; from || Mt 26.7\

14.4 /\ <[Fuerunt autem quidam indignantes] {} (et >dicentes) <"Quare>

/exterminium\ () /\ [unguenti?] {}
14.4 /\ [Certain men were indignant] {} (and saying) <"Why> {} /the () waste
[of /this\ ointment?] {}
/c: quo uiso (this having been seen); from || Mt 26.8\
<p omits; a scribe's eye slipped from [di] to di>
[a d f i r: discipuli autem eius indigne ferebant (a: illius fremebant)
learners were indignant); green from || Mt 26.8; c: quidam indigne tulerunt;
q: erant autem quidam indignantes; Mark does not seem to use fero]
{a: inter se; q: ad se ipsos (among themselves)}
(a c f i p: dicentes (saying); d r: et dicebant (and were saying))
<@ <k> ut quid; from || Mt 26.8>
/a d i p: perditio ista; f r: perditio haec; c q: 2 1; from || Mt 26.8\
{c p q: facta (p: fata) est; k: sactum (k3 factum) est hoc (has ... been
from || Mt 26.8}
(c: gratuita (gratuitous))
/k: huius\
[a omits]
14.5 ~ [Potuit * ueniri] {} () [denariis trecentis] et dari /egenis"\ <Et fremebant in illam>
14.5 {It} [could have been sold] for () three hundred denarii and given /to
the poor"\ And <they were howling against her>
{a: hoc unguentum; at *; d f i p q r: unguentum istud (p: istum); p at *; (this
ointment); c: hoc (this); at ~}
[@ <k> poterat (a p r: potuit; d: potuerat) enim (not in d) (c: 2 1) ueniri (f p
(@ <c k> plus quam (a: amplius) (for more than); added at a time when debasing of the currency had made 300 denarii worth relatively little)
[p: 2 1; p with trectis for trecentis]
/@ <k> pauperibus; from || Mt 26.9 or || Jn 12.5\
<@ <p> et fremebant in eam (k: illam); (and they were howling against her);
a: et adminabantur ei (and they were threatening her); from || Mt 26.9 or ||
Jn 12.5>
14.6 Iesus [autem] - {dixit} () ("Si+nite) <istam> Quid /illi\ [taedium
Bonum {} opus operata est in me.
14.6 Jesus [] {said} () ("Leave) <her> Why [do you trouble] /her?\ She has

done well for me.

[c f: uero; on uero see on 8.28]
- + r ends, begins
{a c d f: ait (affirms)}
(@ illis (p: eis) (to them); condemned by its absence from B C L and
most of the Greek)
(k: sine)
<a d i q r: eam; c f: illam>
/a f: ei; c omits\
[k: caedium (k2 taedium) facitis; @ <k> molesti estis; from || Mt 26.10]
{c: enim}
14.7 [Semper enim habetis egenos] uobiscum () Me autem non sem-per
14.7 [You have the poor] with you always () You {do} not always {have} me.
[q: semper enim habebitis pauperes; p: 3 2 1 4 (you will always have the
poor); a c d f r: pauperes habetis; i: 2 1; pauperes from || Mt 26.11 or || Jn
(@ <p> et cum uolueritis (c f: uultis) potestis <illis> benefacere; <> lacuna
r (and when you want you can help them))
- r ends; begins in verse 9
{a c i p q: habebitis (will...have)
14.8 [] * Quod habuit {} <praesumpsit et unguentauit> /meum corpus\ (in
14.8 <She has used> what {she} had <before the time and anointed> /my
body\ (for burial)
[c: ceterum (for the rest); Mark does not use this particle anywhere else]
{@ <a> haec (p haec enim at *); from || Mt 26.12; condemned by its absence
from B L -579 W -28-5651 209* <118> <124-828>-l 547 543 1342 +
as well as a}
<@ <k> fecit praeuenit (a: praeoccupauit; c: praeoccupans) unguento (q:
unguentum) unguere (she has done ... she has anticipated (c: anticipating)
anointing with ointment); fecit (she has done) from || Mt 26.12; this gives
the peculiar sense "she has done what she had" and creates an unmarkan
asyndeton between fecit and praeuenit (which c removes by changing the
second verb into a participle)>
/@ <k> 2 1\
(k: ad condiendum sepulturae (to place in the tomb); from || Mt 26.12; Mark
uses the gerund very sparingly)
14.9 Amen [] dico uobis {} ubicumque praedicatum fuerit (eua+nge-lium) in

<totum orbem> /\ [et] qu+od [fecit ista] {diffamabitur} in <memoriam>

14.9 Amen I say to you {} wherever (the evangel) is proclaimed in
whole world> /\ what [she has done] {will} [also] {be told} in <memory>
/of her"\
[a: autem]
{a k: quia; c: quoniam; d i: quod (that); condemned by its absence from
B C L and almost all the Greek as well as f q}
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
(c: hoc euangelium; q: 2 1 (this evangel))
<a p: uniuerso mundo; c d f i q: uniuersum (f: totum) mundum; k: totum orbem terrae>
/c: dicetur (will be said); from || Mt 26.13; meant to replace {}; wongly inserted in the text here\
[@ <k> fecit haec (c p: 2 1)]
{a: diuulgabitur; @ <a k> narrabitur; lacuna in r}
[not in f]
/@ <f k> eius; f: ipsius\
14.10 Et Iud-as [Scarioth] {} + (abiit) ad <pontifices> ut /eum proderet\ []
14.10 And Judas [Iscariot] {} (went) to <the chief priests> to /betray him\ []
- + r ends, begins
[c: Scariotha; d: Scariotes; f: Scarioht; k: Schariotes; p q: Scariothes]
{@ unus ex (c d f p: de) duodecim (one of the twelve); from || Lk 22.3 or || Jn
6.71; absent from A}
(i k: abit (goes))
<a: pontifices sacerdotum (chief priests of the priests); c f q: principes sacerdotum; green from || Mt 26.14 or || Lk 22.4; d i p r: summos sacerdotes;
see on 10.33>
/c d i: 2 1; a f: traderet eum; q: 2 1; traderet from || Mt 26.15 or || Lk 22.4;
r: ...
deret eum\
[p q: illis (to them)]
14.11 [Et illi] - gauisi sunt {et} (polliciti sunt pecuniam - dare) <et> quae+rebat quomodo /eum opportune\ traderet.
14.11 [And they] were pleased {and} (promised to give money) <and> he
was seeking how /best\ to betray /him\
[@ <k p> at illi (q adds audientes) (but they (hearing)); the translator

lates et illi with is impossible Greek); has been incorrectly

translated back into Latin with at (but), which it sometimes means,
which makes no sense here. k: pontifices autem (the high priests); p: illi
autem (they)]
- - + r ends, ends, begins
{i omits, but it is necessary}
(@ <k> promiserunt ei pecuniam se daturos (a d f q: dare for s. d.); c: 3 1 4
2 (promised to give him money); r: ...erunt ei pecuniam...)
<f: sed et; k: ille autem (no translation needed)>
/d q: 2 1; c f i p r: illum opportune\
14.12 [Et] {prima} die] azymorum (quando) pascha <sacrificabant>{dicunt}
/illi\ discipuli [] {"Vbi uis} (paremus) <> [pascha?"] /\ *
14.12 [And {on the first} day] of unleavened bread (when) <they were sacrificing> the paschal lamb [his] learners{say}/to him\ {"Where do you want
us} (to prepare) <>[the paschal lamb?"] /\
[c: et factum est cum aduenisset prima dies (and it happened when the first
day...had arrived); expanded from || Lk 22.7]
{r: primo}
(k: cum)
<d i q: immolabatur ((the paschal lamb) was being sacrificed); a c f r: immolabant; green from || Lk 22.7; k: sacrificarent>
[i k q: eius; r: sui]
{p: dixerunt (said); lacuna in r}
/@ <k> ei\
{@ <k> quo (a f: ubi) uis eamus et (a: euntes); (where do you want us to go
and); green from || Lk 22.8; a f have not, as required, corrected ubi (at what
place) to quo (to what place) to fit the interpolation; absent from 179-659476 sa (1 of 9) as well as k}
(a q: praeparemus; Mark never uses praeparo, except in the quotation at 1.
2; he uses paro in 4 other places (not counting the quotation at 1.3))
<@ <a> tibi (for you); from || Mat 26.17; absent from B C L and most of
the Greek as well as a>
[@ <k> have it at *]
/@ <a r> ut manduces; a: ut edas; on edo see on i.6; r: manducare; green
from || Mt 26.18; absent from l\
14.13 Et [misit] duos ex {discentibus} () <et dicit> /\ "Ite in ciuitatem et
occurret uobis homo [amphoram aquae portans] Sequimini {illum}
14.13 And [he sent] two of (his) {learners} <and says> /\ "Go into the settlement and a man [carrying an amphora of water] will meet you. Follow

[a: mittit (he sends)]
(@ <a k> suis)
{@ <k> discipulis; see on 2.15}
<@ <c k> dicens (saying); c: et ait (and affirms)>
/c k: illis (to them)\
[d p: amphorae (p:anphorae) aquae portans; k: amphoram quae portans; a
i: lagoenam aquae portans (i: ferens); c f: 3 1 2; r: lagoenam aquae ...]
{@ <k> eum}
14.14 [et] {quocumque} (introierit) <dicite> /patrifamilias\ [] 'Magister {} dicit:
("Apud te est) <hospitium> - ubi /pascha\ cum[di+scentibus meis]{manducem?'"}*
14.14 [and] {wherever} (he enters) <say> /to the owner\ [] {'The} teacher
says ("do you have) <a lodge> where{I can eat}/the paschal lamb\ with
[my learners?"']
[f r omit]
{a: ubicumque}
(a: intrauerit; Mark uses intro nowhere else; he has introeo in 22 other
places; lacuna in r)
<f omits>
/r: patrifamilias domu<s>; c d f p: domino domus (to the owner of
house); i: patrifamilias loci illius (to the owner of that place)\
[d p: quia; q: quoniam (that); lacuna in r]
{c i k: noster (our)}
(@ <k> ubi est (where is); ubi from || Lk 22.11)
<a d r: refectio m<ea>; <> r; p q: diuersorium meum (p adds et) (my lodge
(and)); c i: refectio; f: refectorium>
- + r ends, begins
{a: edam; on edo see on 1.6}
/a d f i q r have it at *\
[@ <i k> <di>scipulis meis; see on 2.15; <> r; i: discipulis; a scribe's eye
slipped from is to is]
14.15 - [Et] ipse + (uobis ostendet) <superterraneum> /\ stratum ~/\* [] {Illic}
(parate) nobis".
14.15 [And] he (will show you) </an\ upstairs room> strewn /\ [] (Prepare)
for us {there"}
- + r ends, begins
[i omits]
(@ <i k> uobis demonstrabit (d f: demonstrauit); i: 2 1 (with demonstrauit))

<the translator translated correctly with the word, not found

elsewhere, puzzled scribes, c replacing it with cenaculum (dining room), q
with locum (a place); a has locum medianum in superioribus (a place in the
middle, higher up), i. s. at *; the green is Lk's rendering of Mk at 22.12; d f i
p r leave it out; k sub(pedaneum)sterraneum, writing subpedaneum
(footstool); () encloses letters to be omitted, but b s should have been included
in () and pe left out of it, and the dropped r restored>
/@ <a> <para>tum; (<> lacuna in r) (prepared); a gloss on stratum (strewn;
i.e. with coverlets to lie on over the floor) which has come into the
condemned by its absence from 565 M A 8 89 106 237 478 485+sh geo2
arm as well as a aur l r Vulg and its contradicting parate; a room can't be already prepared when the two are told it still has to be prepared\
/a: magnum; @ <a c> grande (i: grandem) (a large); lacuna in r; f q at ~; from
|| Lk 22.12\
[d p: et (and)]
(c: parabitis (you will prepare))
{a: ibi; see on 1.35}
14.16 [Et exierunt] discipuli eius { et ue-nerunt {} in ciuitatem} () <sicut
dixit> et /parauerunt\ [pascha]
14.16 [And] his learners [went out] {and {} came to the settlement} () as <he
had told them> and /prepared\ [the paschal lamb]
[p: euntes (going); from || Lk 22.13; c d f q: et abierunt; lacuna in r]
- r ends; begins in verse 18
{d: discipuli eius et uenit (his learners and he came); accidental repetition of
exact words in D, modified in d}
{not in p; a scribe's eye slipped from et uenerunt to the similar (et inuenerunt), from || Lk 22.13, later changed to (et fecerunt)}
(@ <k> et fecerunt (and did); from || Mt 26.19)
<a d: 1 3 2; c f i q: sicut dixerat illis; p: ita ut illi (should be illis) praecepit>
/i: praeparabant (were preparing); d: praeparauerunt; on praeparo see on
(k: pascham; neuter at 14.12 (2X) & 14, indeterminate at 14.1)
14.17 [Et cum serum factum esset] uenit {} cum duodecim.
14.17 [And when it was late] {he} came with the twelve.
[a: et cum sero factum esset; @ <a k> uespere autem facto (d: facta, following the gender of ]
{c: Iesus (Jesus)}

14.18 Et [cum recumberent et manducarent] {dixit} () <> "Amen dico uobis

/quia\ unus ex [uo-bis] {tradet me} qui /mecum manducat"\
14.18 And [when they were reclining and eating] (he) {said} <> "Amen I say
to you / /that\ one of [you] {will betray me} one who /is eating with me"\
[@ <k> discumbentibus eis (c d q: illis) et manducantibus (a: edentibus); on
edo see on 1.6]
(d i k q: Iesus (Jesus))
{d i p: ait (affirms)}
<k: illis (to them)>
/c f i: quod; r <quoni>am\
- r ends
[a: uestris (your men)]
{i p q: 2 1}
/@ <a k> 2 1; r:...t mecum (f: manducet); a: edet mecum; on edo see on 1.6\
14.19 [Illi autem] coeperunt - contristari + et /\ {dicunt} () ~ * "Numquid
ego?" <> [singuli]
14.19 [They] began to be sad and {they /\ say} () <> "Not I?" <> [individually]
[@ <c f k> at illi]
- + r ends, begins
/p: coeperunt (began)\
{@ <k> dicere (to say); p at *}
(a d k: illi; q: ei (to him))
- r ends; begins in verse 20
<@ <r (there is not enough space in the lacuna for these words)> et (c: aut;
not in k) alius {"Numquid ego?"} ((and, or) another {"Not I"}); {} not in c, but
his "or another" requires it; not in B C L and many other Greek MSS as
well as sh sp ss (sc missing) cop eth aur l r Vulg; hence probably interpolated; alternatively, a scribe's eye slipped from to in
[c: hoc singuli coeperunt dicere (they began to say this individually; green
from earlier in the verse; @ <k> have singuli at ~]
14.20 [Et ille] () <dicit> /\ [] "Qui {tingue-t} * () in {paropside} <mecum> /\
14.20 [And he] () <says> /\ [] "The one who {dips} () in the {dish} <with me>
[k: et (above the line) ille autem (coeperunt contristari); green from 19 (his
eye skipped from ille to illi in 19); () to delete; autem should also have been
in it; @ <k> quibus (c q add ipse) (to whom he)

(k: respondens (replying))

<@ <k p> ait (affirms); p: dixit (said)>
/k: illis (to them)\
[@ <k> <unus ex> (c: de) duodecim (<> lacuna in r) (one of the twelve); an
explanatory gloss which has come into the text; absent from M as well as
- r ends; begins in verse 21
{@ <a k> intingit; a: intinget}
(a c f q: manum (his hand); from Mt 26.23)
{d k: paropside (d: parapside); may be from || Mt 25.23; a p: catinum; c: uoletario; f i: catino; q: acitabulo (should be acetabulo)}
<@ <c k> at *; not in c; an ancestor had aur's order manum mecum and um
mec was omitted before um>
/c: ipse me tradet (he will betray me)\
14.21 [Et] filiu+s quidem hominis - {uadit} (sicut) scriptu+m est <de eo> Vae
(au-tem)/illi\ per qu+em [] {traditur} (Bonum) <fuit> /illi\ si non[esset
natus]{ille homo"}
14.21 [And] the son of man {sets out} (as) is written <of him> The misery /of
the one\ by whom [he] {is betrayed!} <It were> (better)/for that man\ if{he}
had never[been born"]
[a d omit]
+ - + - + r begins, ends, begins, ends, begins
{a: traditur (is betrayed); c d i: tradetur (will be betrayed); r: t...; from
(a: secundum quod; from || Lk 22.22)
<k: dico; q: deo; c d f: de illo>
(not in p; @ have uae autem at 13.17; probably accidentally omitted here
in p)
/a: illi homini; c d f p q: 2 1; i: homini; homini from homo\
[@ <a d> filius hominis (the son of man); from || Mt 26.24]
{@ <a i k> tradetur (will be betrayed)}
<not in c f i p q, perhaps rightly; a d: erat; lacuna in r>
(a: melius; lacuna in r)
/i p q r: ei\
{@ <k> 2 1}
[a q: fuisset natus; k: nasceretur]
14.22 Et [dum manducant] {accepi-t} () panem <et> + /benedixit et\ fregit
dedit [illis] {et} (manducauerunt ex illo omnes) <et dixit> /\ []"Hoc est {}
corpus meum"()
14.22 And [while they were eating] (he) {took} bread <and> /blessed it and\

broke it and gave it [to them] {and} (all ate it) <and he said> /\ []"This is
my body"()
[@ <a k> manducantibus illis; a: edentibus eis; on edo see on 1.6]
- + r ends, begins
(c p q: Iesus (Jesus))
{a d: accipiens (taking)}
<not in a d>
/@ <a d k> benedicens (blessing it)\
[p: discipulis suis (to his learners); i q r: eis]
{a omits; lacuna in r}
(k: manducauerunt ex illi monet (k2 ill omnes); not in @ <k>, which have[]
<a: dicens (saying); i: ait (he affirms); lacuna in r>
/i: eis; k: illis (to them)\
[@ <k> accipite; a: sumite (f adds et edite) (take (and eat)); from || Mt 26.26]
{c adds enim}
(a: quod pro multis confringitur in remissione peccatorum (which is broken for many for the avoidance of penalties for wrongdoing); from || Mt 26.
14.23 Et [accepit calicem et] {benedixit} et dedit (eis) et biberunt ex
14.23 And [he took the cup and] {blessed it} and gave it (to them) and they
all drank from <it>
[a c i p q: accepto calice; d: accipiens calicem; r: acceptum calicem]
{a d p: gratias egit (gave thanks); from || Mt 26.27}
(a d: illis; lacuna in r)
<@ <d i k> eo>
14.24 Et [dixit] {illis} "Hic + est sanguis meus () qui pro multis
14.24 And [he said] {to them} "This is my blood () which <will be shed> for
many /\
[@ <a k p> ait (he affirms)]
{k: illi; a: eis}
+ b begins
(d k (d adds qui est) testamenti ((which is) of the testament); from || Mt
28; @ <d f k> (b i r add qui est) noui testamenti ((which is) of the new
testament); from || Lk 22.20)

<d k: effunditur (is shed)>

/a: in remissionem et peccatorum (for the avoidance of penalties for wrongdoing); from || Mt 26.28\
14.25 Amen dico uobis [quoniam] [non]{bibam} (de) <> /generatione u-itis\
[] usque + in {illum diem} (cum) <illam bibero nouam> in /regula\ Dei".
14.25 Amen I say to you [that] {I will} [not]{drink} (from) <the> /produce of
[the] vine\ until {that day} (when) <I drink it new> under /the rule\ of God".
[a d: quia; @ <a c d k> quod; lacuna in r]
[@ <a c d k> iam non (no longer); r:...non]
{a: aduacam (mistake for adiciam) bibere (add, to drink); b: adponam bibere
(put out to drink)}
(a d: ex)
- + r ends, begins
<k: ista (this); from || Mt 26.29>
/a: fructu uineae; p: geni<mine>\
[c: huius (this); from || Mt 26.29]
{@ <k> 2 1}
(a r: quo)
<c: nouum ex illo bibam (I drink new from it); q: illud bibam (I drink it); nouum omitted from a text of || Mt 26.29, like q's, lacking it
contracted to uobiscum) >
/@ regno (kingdom); in k corrected to regulae?; Mark seems to have written regula\
14.26 Et [cum hymnum dixissent] exierunt in montem {oliuarum}
14.26 And [when they had said a hymn] they went out to the mount {of
[a i: cum hymnos (i: laudem) dixissent (when they had said hymns (praises)); k: cum hominum (k2 hymnum) dixissetet (mistake for dixissent); c d f i
q: hymno dicto; r: cum hymnum...; b:...dicto...]
{@ <k p> oliueti; from || Mt 26.30 or || Lk 22.39; k: eleon; see on 11.1}
14.27 [Et] - {dicit} (illis) ()<> /"Vos omnes\ [scanda-lum patiemini] {} ()
<Scriptum est enim> 'Percutiam pastorem /\ et[oues{}dispergentur]
14.27 [And](he){says} (to them) <> /"You all\ [will stumble] {} () <It is written> 'I will strike the shepherd /\ and[the sheep{}will be scattered']
[@ <a i k p q> tunc (then); from || Mt 26.31]
- r ends
(@ <p> Iesus (Jesus); absent from l17 g1 g2 r2 as well as p)

{a: dixit (said); @ <a k> ait (affirms)}

(a: illi; b: ad illos)
<d i k q: quia (d: qui) (that)>
/@ <k> 2 1; r:...s\
- r ends; begins in verse 29
[d f: scandalizari habetis; r: scanda...]
{a i k: in me (in me); from || Mt 26.31}
(c p: in nocte ista (tonight); from || Mt 26.31)
<@ <k> quia (q: quoniam) scriptum est; aur agrees with k>
/b: gregis (of the flock); from || Mt 26.31 (end of verse)\
[@ <d i k q> 2 1]
{a c: gregis (of the flock); from || Mt 26.31}
14.28 Sed [posteaquam] {surrexero} (praecedam uos) in Galilaeam".
14.28 But [after] {I rise} (I will go before you) into Galilee".
[a b c f q: postquam]
{b c f q: resurrexero; from || Mt 26.32}
(k: praecedamus)
14.29 Petrus [autem] {} (dixit) <illi> + "Etsi omn-es /scandalizati fuerint\ []
{sed non et ego"}
14.29 Peter {} (said) <to him> "Even if all /stumble\ [] {I will not"}
[b c d f: uero; on uero see on 8.28]
{c k: respondit (c transfers <illi> here) et (replied (to him) and); from || Mt
(@ <c f k> ait (declares))
<i q: ei; c transposes illi to {}>
+ - r begins, ends
/a: scandalizabuntur\
[b: in te (in you); from || Mt 26.33]
{et erased in k, perhaps rightly; b d f q: sed ego non (b: nunquam) scandalizabor (s. from || Mt 26.33) (I will not (never) stumble); r:...non scandali...; c
sed ego non; a: 1 3 2}
14.30 [Et dicit illi Iesus] "Am+en dico tibi {} (Tu hodie) <> /priusquam\ <> +
gallus {cantauerit} ter me - /negabis"\
14.30 [And Jesus says to him] "Amen I say to you {} (Today) <> /before\ the
cock {crows} <> /you will disown\ me thrice".
[b c f i q: cui dixit Iesus (c: 2 1) (to whom Jesus said); d p: et ait illi

(and Jesus affirms to him); a: et dicit ei Iesus]

+ + - r begins, begins, ends
{a: quoniam; b c d f q: quod; p r: quia (that)}
(not in @ <c k p> (they replace it with <>); in B C L & almost all the
as well as c k p)
<@ <c k p> h<ac nocte> (<> in lacuna in r); k: hac noctu? (k3 nocte); c p: in
nocte hac (tonight); from || Mt 26.34; not in S>
/a f p q: antequam; from || Mt 26.34; lacuna in r\
{@ <k> cantet; from || Mt 26.34}
<q: bis (twice); following the interpolation of 14.68 or 72; absent from C*579 W 983-1689 D 1767 238 l150-l950 + sa (1 of 10) arm eth as well as @
/a i: abnegabis; from || Lk 22,34; Mark uses abnego nowhere else (except
in a quotation at 10.19); he uses nego in 5 other places; q: es negaturus;
lacuna in r\
14.31 [Ille autem + plura] {loque-batur} () <"Si> /oportuerit\ [me comm-ori] {}
non te (dene+gabo") Similiter - <et> omnes /\ [dixerunt]
14.31 [He] {was saying} [more] () <"Even if> [I] /have to\ [die with you] {} (I
will) not (disown) you" <And> all /\ [said]the same.
[a: qui tanto magis ( much the more); @ <a k q> at (f: et) ille amplius (but (and) he...more); q: Petrus (from || Mt 26.35) autem
+ - - +- r begins, ends, ends, begins, ends
{a: dicebat}
(c: multa dicens (from earlier) "Videbis (saying much: "You will see))
<@ <c i k> etsi; i: etiamsi; both from || Mt 26.35; c: quod si>
[a: me mori (m. from || Mt 26.35) (I...die); @ <a c k> simul me comm<ori>
lacuna in r); q: 2 1 3 (with commorire)]
{a c k p q: tecum; b f: tibi (with you); from || Mt 26.35}
(@ <a c k r> negabo; from || Mt 26.35; a c: abnegabo; r:...gabo)
<b d i p q: autem et; r: autem...; c k: etiam; f: etiam et>
/a: discipuli (his learners); from || Mt 26.35\
[b d f i p: dicebant (were saying)]
14.32 Et [ue+nerunt] in {locum} (cui nom-en} Gethseman+e. Et <dicit> /discipulis suis\ "Sedete hic [dum] {adoro"}
14.32 And [they came] to {a place} (called) Gethsemane. And <he says> /to
his learners\ "Sit here [while] {I plead"}

+ - + r begins, ends, begins

[@ <c k> ueniunt (they come)]
{@ <k r> praedium (farm); r: agrum (countryside); the translator, with
read locum}
(a: cuiusdam; d k add est, c erat; q: quod dicitur; from || Mt 26.36)
<@ <k> ait (he affirms)>
/a d: illis (to them); from || Lk 22.40\
[@ <k> donec; from || Mt 26.36]
{k: aoru; k2 adoro; p: uadam illuc orare (I go there to plead); @ <k p> orem;
both from || Mt 26.36; k always has a form of adoro}
14.33 Et [assumpsit] Petrum et Iacobum et Iohannen secum et coepit {pauere} et /taedium pati\ <>
14.33 And [he took] Peter and James and John with him and began {to be
afraid} and /troubled\ <>
[@ <b c d k> assumit (he takes)]
{a: obstupescere; c q: paueri; r: pa...}
/@ <k p r> taediari (a: acediari); p: taedere\
<a: et deficere (and to fail); from || Mt 26.37>
14.34 [Et] {dicit} (illis) <"Tristis> est anima mea usque ad mortem; [manete]
hic et uigilate" /\
14.34 [And] {he says} (to them) "My soul is <sorrowful> even unto death;
[stay] here and watch" /\
[a b d: tunc (then); from || Mt 36.38]
{@ <a k p> ait (he affirms); p: dixit (he said)}
(a: eis)
<a: o quam tristis (O so sorrowful); b d f i r: contristata>
[@ <a i k r> sustinete (endure); from || Mt 36.38; a: sedete (sit)]
/q r: mecum (with me). from || Mt 36.38\
14.35 Et [processit] {pusillum} (et cecidit) []<super terram> et /adorabat\ []
{} ("Si fieri potest ut transeat)() </illa hora"\
14.35 And [he went forward] {a little} (and fell) []<on the ground> and
/pleaded\ [] {} ("If it is possible make)/this hour\ (pass")()
[a: progressus (going forward), from the translator's corrupted
in inferior MSS to (approaching), whence f: adcedens. @ <a f
k> cum processisset (when he had gone forward)]
{a: paulum; b d i p q: paululum; r: pa...}
(@ <a d k> procidit (he fell forward); from || Mt 26.39; a: decidit (he
down); d: cecidit (he fell))

[@ in faciem (p adds suam) (on his face); from || Mt 26.39; absent from B
C L and almost all the Greek as well as aur f l r2 Vulg]
<c omits, as contained in []>
/@ <k> orabat (p: orauit); from || Mt 26.39; ad erased in k; k always has a
form of adoro\
[k p: dicens (saying); from || Mt 26.39]
{p: pater (father); from 36}
(c r: ut si fieri posset (c: potest) ut transiret (c: pertransiret); i: ut transiret si
fieri potest (that (this hour) should pass if it is possible); @ <c i k> si
potest (b: posset) ut transiret)
<k omits; a scribe's eye slipped from transeat here to transeat in 36>
/a: hora (the hour); d i p q r: hora haec\
(@ <a c k p> ab eo; a: ab illo (from him); p: a me (from me))
14.36 [Et dicebat] "Abba, pater {} (possibilia omnia tibi sunt) - <ut transeat
/a me\ calix iste>> * [Sed] non {quod} ego (uolo) - sed {quod} tu" /\ []
14.36 [And he was saying] "Abba, father {} (everything is possible with you)
<Make this cup pass> /from me\ [But] not {what} I (will) but {what}you
/will"\ []
[c: dicens (saying); @ <a b c q> et dixit (and he said)]
{d: si (since); from || Mt 26.39}
(a: 1 2 3; b: 1 3 2 4; q: 2 1 3 4; c: omnia tibi licent)
- i ends. begins at 15.33
<@ transfer (b1 r: transfers; d: transferre) (from || Lk 22.42) hunc calicem
2 1; a: hoc poculum); my text explains k's omission (from < in 35)>
/@ <c f> at *\
[d omits]
{c d f: sicut; from || Mt 26.39}
(a: dico (I say))
- r ends; begins in 37
{b c d f: sicut; from || Mt 26.39}
/@ <k> uis\
[c: pater (father)]
14.37 [] {Et ue+nit} <> et inuenit - (illos) dormientes et /dixit\ Petro:
dormis? Non [potuisti] {una hora} uigilare? ()
14.37 [] {And he came} <> and found (them) sleeping and /said\ to
"Simon, are you sleeping? [Could you] not stay awake () {for one hour?}
[b: et iterum ipse abit (and again he goes away); from 39; already said in 35;

q: et hoc cum dixisset (and when he had said this); an adaptation from || Lk
+ - r begins, ends; begins in 40
{a omits; a scribe's eye slipped from uenit to inuenit; q: uenit (he came)}
<c p: ad discipulos (c adds suos) (to his learners); from || Mt 26.40 or ||
(b c d f q: eos)
/@ <k p> ait (affirms)\
[b1 d f k p: potuistis (could you (plural)); from || Mt 26.40; c: ualuisti;
uses ualeo nowhere else; possum is very common]
(q: mecum (with me); from || Mt 26.40)
{f: 2 1; a: unam horam; b: 2 1}
14.38 [Surgite] {adorate} (ut transeat uos temptatio) Spiritus
/libens\ [] caro {autem} (infirma")
14.38 [Rise] {plead} (that temptation pass you by) The breath [is] /willing\
{but} the flesh is (weak")
[a d q: uigilate (be watchful); from || Mt 26.41]
{@ <k> et orate (and plead); k always has a form of adoro}
(@ <c f k> ne (q: ut non) intretis (q: ueniatis) in temptationem (that you
not enter into temptation); from || Mt 26.41 or || Lk 22.46; c f: ut transeat a
uobis temptatio)
<k: autem; kc quidem>
[a c: est]
/@ <k> promptus; from || Mt 26.41\
{a: uero; on uero see on 8.28}
(k: infirmis)
14.39 Et iterum [abit] {adorare} ()
14.39 And again [he goes away] {to plead} ()
[@ <k p> abiit (he went away); p: et (and:)]
{p: orauit (he pleaded); @ <k p> orare; k always has a form of adoro}
(p q: eundem sermonem dicens (using the same words); a summary of ||
Mt 26.42)
14.40 Et [uenit et] [] inuenit {illos} () dormientes <Fuerunt> enim oculi
<eorum> /grauati\ [] et {non sciebant} - (quid) /illi responderent\
14.40 And he [came and] []() found {them} sleeping <Their> eyes <were>
/heavy\ [] and {they did not know} (what) /to say to him\

[@ <a k> ueniens (coming)]

[p: ad discipulos suos (to his learners)]
(p q: iterum (again); from || Mt 26.43)
{@ <a c k> eos}
<a: illorum>
<@ <k> erant>
/a b: degrauati\
[d q: a somno (from sleep)]
{@ <k> <ignor>abant (<> lacuna in r)}
- r ends; begins in 41
(k omits)
/@ <k> responderent ei\
14.41 Et uenit ter+tio et [] {dicit} illis "Dormite /iam nunc"; () et post
excitauit illos et dixit\ <"Iam hora est> [] (Ecce) <traditur> filius hominis in
/ma-nus\ peccatorum.
14.41 And he came a third time and [] {says} to them: "Sleep /now;" and a
little later he aroused them and said\ <"It is now the hour> [] ()The son of
man <is being handed over> into /the hands\ of wrong doers.
r begins
[k: ubi adorauit (when he had pleaded); Mark never has ubi = "when"]
{c: dixit (said); @ <a c k> ait (affirms)}
/@ and all other MSS in all languages except k omit (a scribe's eye slipped
from iam to iam) creating the absurdity of Jesus saying the idiotic "sleep,
because I am about to be betrayed" (a rational man would say "we must all
escape, because I am about to be betrayed") then immediately, and impossibly, contradicting himself and saying "wake up"\
(ecce appropinquauit qui me tradit (my betrayer is near) was accidentally
omitted from 42 (a scribe's eye slipped from ecc to etc in 43), put in
margin, then inserted in the wrong place it occupies in k)
<@ <k> iam et requiescite (now and rest); e. r. from || Mt 26.45; b r: adest
finis (the end is at hand); a: consummatus est finis (the end is consummated); c f: adest enim consummatio (the consummation is at hand); (purple
are glosses on iam hora est which have come into the text; adest finis was
corrupted to the nonsensical abest finis (the end is absent) and its translation is found in D W -565-1071 <828>-543 47 56 61 472
1009 1071 1216 1354 1082 +. B C L + have only the nonsensical
(it is absent); an ancestor only copied this from the margin. 106 has
the source of p sufficit (it suffices),; d q sufficit finis (the end
c d q: et hora (and the hour); a b f p: uenit (a: aduenit) hora (the hour comes); r: ueni...>

[a b: et (and)]
(p: ut)
<b c f p: tradetur (will be handed over)>
/k: manu; k2 manus; a c: manibus\
14.42 [] Surgite; eamus {ecce appropinquauit qui me tradit"}
14.42 [] Rise; we must go {my betrayer is near"}
[c: et nunc (and now)]
{a p q: adpropinquauit (p: adpropinquabit) qui me tradet (a: traditurus est);
d: prope est qui me tradet; r: pr...radet (the one who will betray me is near);
c f: proximat traditor meus; b: proximat...; not in k; see on () in 41}
14.43 [Et cum adhuc loqueretur] uenit Iudas {} unus {de} duodecim, et cum
(eo) tur-ba /\ cum gladiis et fustibus /\ ~ a [pontificibus] + <> (et scribis
senioribus) *
14.43 [And when he was still speaking] Judas {} one {of} the twelve, came
and with (him) a /\ crowd with swords and clubs /\ <> from the
priests] (and writers and elders)
[@ <k q> et (a c omit) adhuc eo loquente ((and) with him still speaking)]
{@ have Scarioth (Iscariot) or the like, but it is absent from B C L +}
{a d p r: ex}
(@ <f k q> illo; lacuna in r)
- + b ends, begins
/c d p: multa; k: magna (large); from || Mt 26.47\
/r: et (and)\
<b c f p: missi (sent) (p has it at ~, c at *); from || Mt 26.47>
[f p q: principibus sacerdotum (s. omitted by p); from || Mt 26.47; a c d
summis sacerdotibus; see on 10.33]
(c p: 1 4 3 2; d: et ab scribis et a senioribus; Mark wrote these words; he
never elsewhere mentions the chief priests alone as Jesus' sole enemies;
b f omit (a scribe's eye slipped from [bus] to bus); as f has [tum] it was in
an ancestor of f's))
14.44 [Dederat] autem * {is qui eum tradebat} (signum) dicens ("Quem)
os+culatus fuero ipse est <Hunc alligate> e-t /adducite"\ + [] {}
14.44 {The traitor} [had given] (a sign) saying: "It is the one (whom) I kiss
<Bind him> and /bring [him]"\ {}
{a q: qui eum tradebat (q: traditurus erat); c: qui tradidit eum; p: qui tradebat illum; d f r: traditor eius (r: eis); b: traditor...}

[a c k p r: dedit (gave); the pluperfect where normal Greek would

have the aorist shows Mark wrote dederat]
(c has it at *)
(a q: quemcumque (whomever))
+ - + b begins, ends, begins
<@ <k> tenete eum (a f: illum;; lacuna in b) (hold him); from || Mt
/@ <k q> ducite (take him); q: abducite (take him away); adducite is found
in aur as well as k\
[a d: eum]
{@ <k> diligenter (carefully); absent from D 565 + sp ss (sc absent) sa
bo as well as aur k l Vulg}
14.45 Et [accessit et] {dixit illi} () + "R-abbi" et osculatus est /illum\
14.45 And [he approached and] {said to him} () "Rabbi" and kissed /him\
[c f q r: cum accessisset (when he had approached); d p: cum uenisset statim accedens (s. a. from || Mt 26.49) (when he had come, approaching immediately)]
{@ <k> ait illi (p: ad eum ait) (he affirms to him); b: a...}
(b (from the space in the lacuna) a c: aue (greetings); from || Mt 26.49)
+ - b begins and ends; begins in verse 47
/a d p q: eum; lacuna in r\
14.46 [Illi autem] {} /inicierunt ei manus\ (et alligauerunt illum)
14.46 [They] {} /seized him\ (and bound him)
[a q: tunc (from || Mt 26.50) illi (then they); c f: illi uero (on uero see on
d: at illi; r:...<au>tem]
{c: qui acceperant signum (who had received the sign)}
/q: 3 2 1; c p: inicierunt manus in eum (c: illum); d: manus inicierunt; f: 2 1;
r: manus inicierunt in...\
(@ <k> tenuerunt eum (held him); from || Mt 26.50; p omits; a scribe's eye
slipped from /eum\ to (eum))
14.47 [Et unus] {de assistentibus} (rapuit gladium et) perc-ussit seruum
<summi sacerdotis> et /abstulit\ [illi] auriculam. *
14.47 [And one] {of those standing there} (seized a sword and) smote a
slave <of the high priest> and /cut off\ [his] ear.
[a: unus autem quidam (a certain one)]
{@ <a d k> de (r: ex) circumstantibus; a d omit; a scribe's eye slipped from
[us] to {us}}
(a: eduxit gladium; c: exemit gladium suum; d p: eiciens (p: educens) glad-

ium; b f q r: <exem>pto gladio (<> lacuna in b) (drew his sword); he, being
one of Jesus' followers, had no sword; he seized one from one of Jesus'
armed opponents)
- r ends, begins in verse 51
<@ <a k> principis sacerdotum (d: sacerdotis); from || Mt 26.51 or || Lk 22.50
or || Jn 18.10; k: sacerdotis (of the priest) omitting summi>
/@ <k> amputauit; from || Mt 26.51 or || Lk 22.50\
[c f: eius, at *; from || Mt 26.51 or || Lk 22.50 or || Jn 18.10]
14.48 [Et dixit illis Iesus] {"Quasi} ad latronem (uenistis) cum gladiis
fu+stibus /occupare\ me.
14.48 [And Jesus said to them] ("You have come) /to seize me\ with swords
and clubs {as if} I were a robber.
[c k: et respondens (k: respondit autem et) dixit (c: ait) illis Iesus
Jesus, replying (replied and) said (affirms) to them); green from || Lk 22.51;
a d f p q: Iesus autem dixit (d q: ait) illis (a: eis) (Jesus said (affirms (to
b: Iesus autem dix...]
(c d q: existis (you have come out); from || Lk 22.52
+ b begins
/@ <k> comprehendere; from || Mt 26.55\
{@ <k p> tamquam; see on 1.22; d omits}
14.49 Quotidie [uobiscum fui] {in templo do+cens} - et non (detinuistis me)
+ Sed <ut> /impleantur\ - scripturae + []
14.49 [I was with you] daily {teaching in the temple} and you did not (detain
me) But <so that> scripture [] /may be fulfilled\
[a p: eram uobiscum; c d q: eram apud uos; f: 2 3 1; b: ap...]
+ - + - + b begins, ends, begins, ends, begins
{d q: 3 1 2; not in p; perhaps from || Mt 26.55; more probably, accidentally
omitted, Mt being unlikely to have added it to the words of Jesus}
(c d q: tenuistis me; f p: 2 1; from || Mt 26.55)
<p omits>
[p: prophetarum (of the prophets); from || Mt 26.56]
/c: compleantur; d f: adimpleantur; Mark uses compleo and adimpleo nowhere else; he uses impleo in 3 other places\
14.50 [Et] {reliquerunt illum} om-nes (et) fugerunt.
14.50 [And] all [] {left him} (and) fled.
[c p: tunc discipuli eius (then all his learners); from || Mt 26.56]
{a: relicto eo; @ <a k> relinquentes eum (leaving him)}

- b ends; begins in verse 52

(@ <k> omit)
14.51 [Et iuuenculus] quidam sequebatur {illum} ( ) + <circumamic-tus>
/pallam\ [] et {detinuerunt} + (illum) /\
14.51 [And] a certain [youth] was following {him} () <clothed> /in a robe\
and {/they\ seized} (him)
[@ <a> adulescens (k: iuuenculus) autem (a...youth); a: et iuuenis; the
translator, with (and) read et]
{d: illos; f: eos (them); a c q: eum; the translator, with read illum or
(c: a longe (from a distance); from verse 54)
+ - + r begins, ends, begins
<@ <k> <amic>tus (<> lacuna in r)>
/a c: sindonem; d f p q: sindone; from the translator's \
[a f p q: supra (should be super) nudum corpus (p q omit corpus) (over his
naked body); d: nuditatis (of nudity); from 52; absent from W ss (sc missing) some sa as well as c k]
/q: iuuenes (youths); it is difficult to believe anyone would have wanted to
invent this detail; this suggests it comes from a marginal iuuenis, meant
as an alternative at [], but corrupted to iuuenes, hence inserted here\
{@ <a k> tenuerunt}
(@ <d k> eum)
14.52 [Ille autem] {re-linquens palla+m} (fug+it * nudus) /\
14.52 [He] {leaving his robe} (fled naked) /\
[@ <k> at ille]
- + r ends, begins
{a: relinquens sindonem; k: relicta palla; c d f p q: relicta (q: relicto) sindone
r: re...m}
+ b begins
(a p: 2 1; d q: profugit nudus)
/@ <c k> ab eis (from them); q has it at *; absent from B C L -892 +sp
(sc missing) sa bo eth as well as aur c k\
14.53 Et [adduxerunt] - Iesum ad {pontificem} et () <scribas> et seniores.
14.53 And [they brought] Jesus to {the high priest} and <the writers> and
the elders.
[a: duxerunt; from || Mt 26.57 or || Lk 22.54; lacuna in r]
- b ends; begins in 56
{@ <a d k> principem (r: principes) sacerdotum; from || Mt 26.57 or || Lk

54; a d: summum sacerdotum; see on 10.33}
(a c d f p: conuenerunt (a: conueniunt) (p adds ibi) omnes (not in f) principes sacerdotum (a: pontifices d: summi sacerdotes) et ((all) the chief priests
came (come) together (there) and); green (except for omnes, from || Mt 26.
57) from || Lk 22.66; q r: <conuener>unt (<> lacuna in r) omnes sacerdotes
et (all the priests came together and); from || Mt 26.57)
<k: ferebas; @ <k> scribae; r:...ei>
14.54 [Et Petrus] {} <sequebatur> /\ [usque] {} in (praetorium pontificis)
<et> /fuit * sedens\ [cum]ministris (calfactans)se ad ignem.
14.54 [And Peter] {} <was following> /him\ [up] {} to (the headquarters of
the high priest) <and> /was sitting\ [with] the attendants (warming)himself at the fire.
[c p: Petrus autem (Peter)]
{k: et (and)}
<a: secutus est (followed)>
/@ <c f k p> eum; k p: illum\
(@ <a k> a longe; k: de longinquo (from afar); from || Mt 26.58 or || Lk 22.54;
absent from 1342 as well as a)
[c: donec uenit (until he came)]
{a d: intus (to inside); from || Mt 26.58}
(@ <k> atrium summi sacerdotis (f q: principis sacerdotum) (the courtyard
of the high priest); from || Mt 26.58)
<c omits>
/c f: sedens (sitting); a d q: erat sedens; p r: sedebat\
[k q: simul (k at *) cum]
(c f p: calefaciebat (he was warming); a: calficiens; q: calefaciens; r:...ciens; d: calefacientes)
14.55 [Pontifices autem] {et totum concilium} quaerebant aduersus Iesum
(testimonium) ut /eum necarent\ et non [inueniebant]
14.55 [The high priests] and {the whole council} were looking for (testimony) against Jesus so that /they could kill him\ but [could] not (find it)
[@ <d k r> principes autem sacerdotum; from || Mt 26.59; d r: summi uero
sacerdotes; see on 10.33; on uero see on 8.28]
{a:1 3 2; d f q r: et uniuersum concilium; c: et omne concilium; p: cum uniuerso concilio; u. from || Mt 26.59}
(k: testimonia facta (mistake for ficta); p: falsum testimonium (false testimony); f. from 56 or || Mt 26.59)
/p q r: eum morti traderent; d: 2 3 1; a: morti eum adficerent; c: morti eum
damnarent (should be morte in both; morti shows that ancestors of both
had traderent); f: eum morti darent (they could condemn him to death); all
based on || Mt 26.59\

[a: inuenerunt]
14.56 Multi [autem] {falsum testimonium dicebant} (ad+uersus illum) /et non
erant -paria testimonia\ <> +
14.56 Many {gave false testimony} (against him) /but <their> testimony did
not agree\
[a d: enim]
{c r: 2 1 3; f: 3 1 2; a: falso testabantur}
+ - + b begins, ends, begins
(a: de eo (concerning him); @ <a k> aduersus (r1 aduersum) eum)
/a b c f: et non (c: nec for e. n.) erant conuenientia (a b: aequalia) testimonia
(lacuna in b after a.); d: 1 4 5 2 3; q r: conuenientia autem testimonia non
erant (q: erat)\
<a: eorum>
14.57 [Et al-ii] {surgentes} (commentiebantur et dicebant) /\ 14.57 [And others] {rising} (were lying and saying) /\
- b ends; begins in 58
[c p: alii autem (others)]
{c f: exsurgentes; lacuna in r}
(a d f p q r: * falsum testimonium dicebant (a: dabant at *; p: ferebant) (were
giving false testimony); c: falsi testes dicebant (were saying as false witnesses)
/@ <k> aduersus (d: aduersum; lacuna in r) eum dicentes (d. not in c
((saying) against him)\
- r ends; begins at 15.8
14.58 [<quoniam> "nos audiuimus (hunc) dicentem] {} 'Ego (destruam)
<templum + istud> /manu factum\ et [post] {triduum} - (aliud excitabo)
[non /manu\ factum]'".
14.58 [<that>"we have heard(him)saying] {} 'I (will destroy) <this temple>
/made by hands\ and [after] {three days} (will raise another) [not built /by
<a: quia>
(a p q: eum)
[c k: hic dixit (k: hic dictisxit (ctis erased) (he said); from || Mt 26.61]
{a: quoniam; d: quia (that)}
(p q: soluam)
+ - b begins and ends for good
<b f: <templum> (<> lacuna in b> Dei (God's temple); from || Mt 26.61; d
hoc (d: hunc) templum; a c: 2 1>

/a: manibus aedificatum; b: m...factum\

[p: per; lacuna in b]
{a b d: tertium diem}
(c: suscitabo illud; f: 2 1 (will raise it); a d p q: aliud suscitabo (p q: aedificabo); green from || Mt 26.61)
/d q: manibus\
[p omits; a scribe's eye slipped from to so omitting the italicized text
from , giving p's omission]
14.59 [Et nec sic] {fuit testimonium eorum par}
14.59 [And not even then] {did their testimony agree}
[c f p: et non (and (their testimony did) not (agree); the translator,
read sic (omitted when a scribe's eye passed from c to c in
{a f: erant conuenientia (f: equalia) testimonia illorum; c d p q: erat
conueniens (c: aequale) testimonium (d: testimonia) illorum. The translator, with
singular, seems to have read the singular}
14.60 [Et surrexit] {pontifex} in (medio) <et> /interrogabat\ Iesum []
respondisti} (de his quae aduersum te dicunt?")
14.60 [And] {the high priest} [rose] in (the middle) <and> /was asking\
[] {"Have you made no reply} (to the accusations they are making against
[k:etatsurrexit; etat perhaps erased; c: tunc exsurgens (then, rising); a:
surgens; d f p q: et exsurgens (and, rising)]
{a c f q: princeps sacerdotum; from || Mt 26.62; d p: summus sacerdos;
on 10.33}
(d f p q: medium)
<@ <k> omit>
/c: coepit interrogare (began to ask); a: interrogauit (asked)\
[@ <a k> dicens (saying); from || Mt 26.62]
{c: quare nichil respondes quicquam (why do you make no reply) d: non
respondes nihil; p q: non respondis; f: non respondens (are you not replying)
k: nihil respondistis (tis erased)}
(c: aduersus accusationes eorum (against their accusations); f q: ad (f:

aduersum) ea quae tibi obiciuntur (f: obicietur) ab his; a: ad haec quae isti
aduersus te contestantur; de his was missing from the translator's text
scribe's eye skipped from the final i of respondisti to the is of his; hence
wrote (what are they accusing you of?)
This is nonsense. If the high priest for some strange reason thought
did not know what the accusations were, how could he have expected him
to answer them?)
14.61 [Ille autem [ tacebat et] { nihil respondit}] <Iterum>(dicit) "Tu es /\
{} benedicti?"
14.61 [He [was silent and] {made no reply}] (He says) <again> "Are
you /\
the son of the blessed {one?"}
[a omits; aur k omit e. n. r; a scribe's eye slipped from illeautem to
aur k restore part from another source]
[d q: tacens (silent); f: tacuit et]
{p: 2 1}
<a d q: et (and); from || Mt 26.63; c: ad quem iterum (to whom again); f:
iterato; Mark uses itero nowhere else; he uses iterum in 18 other places;
rursus; Mark uses rursus nowhere else>
(a c f: ait (he affirms); d: ait illi summus sacerdos (the high priest affirms
him); k: ergo pontifex dicit illi; q: dicit ei princeps sacerdotum ((so) the
priest says to him); p: summus sacerdos interrogauit eum et dicit ei
high priest questioned him and said to him); green from || Mt 26.63)
/@ <k> Christus (the Christ); from || Mt 26.63 or || Lk 22.67\
{p: Dei (God)}
14.62 Iesus [autem] {} (dixit) <> "Ego sum, et uidebitis filium
hominis /sedentem a dextra uirtutis\ et uenientem [cum nubibus] caeli".
14.62 Jesus {} (said) <> "I am, and you will see the son of man /sitting at
right hand of power\ and coming [with the clouds] of heaven".

[c d f p: uero; on uero see on 8.28]

{a d f q: respondens (replying); k: respondit (replied); absent from B C L
and most of the Greek as well as aur c f l Vulg}
(a c f: ait (affirms))
<@ <k> illi (a: ei) (to him)>
/f: sedentem ad dexteram Dei) (sitting at the right hand of God); from ||
22.69); a: ad dextram uirtutis sedentem; c: 4 1 2 3; d q: 1 2 4 3; p: a
sedentem uirtutis\
[a: super nubes (above the clouds); p: in nubibus]
14.63 [Pontifex autem] {conscidit} () uestimenta <sua> /et dixit\ "Quid
[adhuc] {opus est uobis testibus?}
14.63 [The high priest] () {tore} <his> robes /and said\ "What [further]
do you have of witnesses?}
[a p q: tunc (p: audiens haec; q: ad hac (mistake for haec)) princeps
sacerdotum (then (hearing this; at this) the high priest); green from || Mt
c f: ad haec summus sacerdos (at (hearing) this the high priest); on p. s.
s.s see on 10.33]
(a: protinus (immediately); protinus is found nowhere else in Mark)
{p: scindens (tearing); c d f q: scidit}
<q: sibi>
/a: dicens (saying); @ <a k> et ait (and affirms)\
[c: amplius]
{a d q: desideramus testes (a: testimonia); f: opus habemus testibus;
egemus testimonium (need do we have of witnesses); from || Mt 26.65 or
Lk 22.71; c: quaeritis operam testibus; ss (sc missing) bo agree with c k}
14.64 Audistis [] {blasphemationem} () Quid uobis uidetur?" <Et
/damnauerunt\ [illum reum mortis]
14.64 You have [] heard {(the) blasphemy} What do you think?" <And
/condemned\ [him as worthy of death]
[d: omnes (all); from <omnes>]

(d p q: eius (his))
<c d k: omnes autem (all); p: illi autem (they); from || Mt 26.66>
/c: iudicauerunt (judged); p: dixerunt (said); from || Mt 26.66; a d f q:
[p: reus est mortis ("He is worthy of death"); from || Mt 26.66; a c q:
esse reum (q: 2 1) mortis; k: illum esse reum mortis]
14.65 Et coeperunt quidam [conspuere] {in} faciem eius [et
eum] /et {dicebant illi} * "Prophetare {}() <> et () [alapis eum percutiebant]/\\
14.65 And some of them began [to spit] {on} his face [and they kept
glorifying him] /and * {were saying to him} "Prophesy!" {}() <> and ()[striking
[c: irridere eum et conspuerunt (to mock him and they spat); green
the actions later in the verse; a: inspuere]
{c f k p q: (c adds in) eum (c k: illum) et uelantes (p: uelare; q: operire)
him and veiling (to veil, to hide); green from || Lk 22.64; in Mark they spit
Jesus' face; the Lucan import makes no sense with this, since they
then forced merely to spit on the covering hiding his face; it is condemned
by its absence from D ss (sc missing) some bo as well as a d}
[a c d: et (not in c) colaphizabant eum ((and) they kept striking him); f p
et (not in f) colaphis agere eum (e. not in f) (p: eum caedere) ((and) to
him); green from []but making Mark say the same thing twice]
/not in a; in an ancestor a scribe's eye slipped from [bant] to [bant]\
{f p q: dicere (q adds ei) (to say (to him)); c d: dicebant ei}
{c k p: nobis (to us); from || Mt 26.68}
(p: Christe (Christ); from || Mt 26.68)
<p: quis est qui te percussit ("Who is it who hit you?"); from || Lk 22.64>
(@ <d> ministri (k: ex familiis) (attendants) (c k at *); from || Jn 18.22;
condemned by its absence from D d and its different positions and
showing it was not orginally in the Latin but added at different times

the Greek)
[@ <k> alapis eum caedebant (d q: 1 3 2)]
/f q: cum uoluntate (eagerly)\
14.66 [Et cum esset Petrus] in {praetorio} () uenit * una ex ancillis
<pontificis> /ad <illum\
14.66 [And when Peter was] ( ) at {the headquarters} one of the
priest's> slave girls came /to <him\
[f: 1 4 2 3; c: Petrus autem cum esset; p: 3 2 4 1 (when Peter was)]
(k: deorsum (below); from 54 (he was sitting with the attendants warming
himself at the fire))
{a p q: atrio (p adds domus); c d f: atrium (courtyard (of the house)); atrio
from || Mt 26.69}
<a p q: principis sacerdotum; c d f: summi sacerdotis; see on 10.33>
/d q: ad eum; @ <k> at *; absent from the Greek except for D the translator's text lacked it (a scribe's eye slipped from <um> to /um\)\
<not in p; a scribe's eye slipped from illum to illum in 67>
14.67 [Et] cum {uideret} (Petrum) calfacientem se /\ <intuita>> [illum] ()
[dixit]{}"Et tu *cum Iesu {} (Nazareno) /fuisti"\
14.67 <[And] when {she saw} (Peter) warming himself /\ <looking at>> [him]
[she said]{}"You too /were\ with {} Jesus (the Nazarene")
[c omits]
{@ <k> uidisset (she had seen)}
(c: illum (him))
/a: ad ignem (at the fire); from || Lk 22.56\
<@ <a k> aspiciens; a: intuens>
[a k: eum; not in c d f q; the translator, with had it]
(p: et (and))
[@ <a p k> ait (she declares)]
{@ <a k> illi (to him)}
/@ <k> eras; p at *\
{k: illo (that)}
(d p q: Nazoreno; f: Nazoreo; k: Nazorene)
14.68 [Ille autem] negauit dicens {"Nescio} (quid) <dicas"> Et exiuit /in
exteriorem atri locum\ []
14.68 [He] denied it, saying {"I do not know}(what) <you are talking about">
And he went out /to the area outside the courtyard\ []
[@ <k> at ille]
{c d f q: neque scio neque noui (n. from || Lk 22.57 non noui (I have not got

to know)); p: 1 4 3 2 (I neither know nor have got to know); a: nescio sed

nec noui (I do not know but nor have I got to know); this combination of
Mark's nescio with Luke's non noui gives, in effect, the nonsensical "I
neither know nor know"}
(a: quem (whom); from || Lk 22.57)
<c d: dicis; k: editis>
/@ <f k> foras (a c: foris) ante atrium (outside, in front of the courtyard);
foras (outside) (only including part of the gloss)\
[@ <c> et (k: set; kc et) gallus cantauit (and a cock crew); Peter has denied
Jesus only once, hence the interpolator contradicts 14.30 "before the cock
crows you will disown me thrice". B L W * 579 892 l17 l18 + ss (sc missing) 5 sa 1 bo geo1 as well as c lack the interpolation]
14.69 [Iterum cum uideret illum]{}(ancilla)() coepit dicere <circumstantibus>
{quia} /\ "Hic ex [illis] est".
14.69 [When] ({the} slave girl) [again saw him] () she began to say <to the
bystanders> {that} "He is /\ one of [them"]
[a: et cum eum uidisset iterum (and when ... had again seen him); @ <a k>
iterum (c: rursum; Mark never uses this word) autem cum uidisset (f:
audisset) illum (d q: eum) (when ... had again seen him)]
{c: altera (another); from || Mt 26.71; k: illa (this)}
(a: puella (girl))
(d: ad ille rursus negauit; transferred here by mistake from [] in 70)
<c f: adstantibus>
{d: quoniam}
/a c f: et (also)\
[d: ipsis]
14.70 [Et ille iterum negauit] Et post pusillum {iterum} qui (stabant)
/\ ["Et tu] ex {illis} es <(Nam et) Galilaeus es> /\
14.70 [And again he denied it] And a little later the (bystanders) {again}
<say> /\ ["You too] are one of {them} <You (too) are a Galilean"> /\
[@ <a> at ille (k: ille autem) iterum (d q: rursus) negauit (k: negabit) (he
denied it); a: et rursum (Mark never uses rursus or rursum) negauit d transposes to 69 ()]
(a: circumstabant; c f p: adstabant)
{q: iterato; Mark has itero nowhere else; he has iterum in 18 other places;
p: rursus; see []}
<a d p: dicebant (were saying); c f q: dixerunt (said)>
/@ <a d> Petro (to Peter); from || Mt 26.73\

[@ <a k> uere; k: uero (clearly you); from || Mt 26.73 or || Lk 22.59; on

see on 8.28]
{c: ipsis}
<a omits; a scribe's eye slipped from es to es>
(d: etenim; f: nam; shows the translator read et)
/q: et loquella tua similis est (and your speech is similar); from || Mt 26.73\
14.71 [Et] coepit {deuotare se} <et dicere> quia /"Non noui\ hominem [istum"] ()
14.71 [And] he began {to swear} <and say> that /"I do not know\ [this] man"
[@ <a d> ille autem; d: ad ille; no translation necessary]
{a c: deuotare; rese contracted to re}
<a: dicens (saying); c f: et iurare; k: et furare (and to swear); from || Mt 26.
/c d p q: nescio\
[a: hunc]
(@ <k> quem dicitis (c: dicis) (you are talking about); from || Lk 22.60)
14.72 Et [] {} gallus cantauit (Et) <rememoratus> est *
Petrus /sermonem
quem\ [dixit] {illi} Iesus <> et coepit /plorare\
14.72 And [] {a} cock crowed (And) Peter <remembered> /what\ Jesus [had
said] {to him} <> and began /to weep\
[a: protinus; c f k: continuo; d q: statim (immediately); condemned by its
absence from many MSS in Greek and other languages as well as p and its
different words, showing it was not originally in Latin but added at different
times from Greek]
{d k: secundo; f p q: iterum (again a); a: secundus (a second); Mark never
uses secundus; the interpolator contradicts 14.30, which talks of the cock
crowing only once; C* L 579 + as well as c lack the interpolation}
(c f q: tunc (then); k: autem (no translation necessary)
at *)
<q: commemoratus; p: recordatus>
/a: uerbum quem; quem shows an ancestor of a had sermonem (a more
Markan word than uerbum; see on 1.45); @ <a> uerbum (p: uerbi; d: uerborum) quod\
[a d p q: dixerat]
{q: ei}
<@ <a d> (k q add quia) priusquam gallus (k adds bis) cantet (k: cantasset)
ter me negabis ((that) before the cock crows (twice) you will disown me
thrice); from || Mt 26.75 or || Lk 22.61>

/@ <k> flere\

Chapter 15
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
c d f k p contain the whole chapter.
a ends in verse 15
i begins in verse 33, ends in verse 40.
n begins in verse 22.
q ends in verse 5, begins in verse 36.
r contains the chapter from verse 8 to 32, but with many lacunae.
e t are missing for the whole chapter.
15.1 [Et mane] consilium fecerunt {pontifices} cum senioribus et scribis et
(toto concilio) et <alligauerunt> Iesum /et adduxerunt\ [] et tradiderunt Pilato.
15.2 [And in the morning] {the chief priests} with the elders and writers and
(the whole council) consulted and <bound> Jesus /and brought him\ [] and
handed him to Pilate.
[c p: cum autem mane factum esset (when it had become morning); from ||
Mt 27.1; d f k q: et confestim (k: continuo) mane (and immediately in
morning); a: et prima luce (and at first light); green from condemned by its absence from ss (sc missing) sa eth as well as aur c p and
its different words; a combines mane with the green]
{a p q: principes sacerdotum; from || Mt 27.1 or || Lk 22.66; c d f:
sacerdotes; see on 10.33}
(a: totum concilium; k: toto consilio; c d f p q: (p adds cum) uniuerso concilio)
<a c d f q: uinctum (/brought\ (Jesus) bound); from || Mt 27.2; p: uincientes
/a: perduxerunt; c d f p q: duxerunt; see <> for the translation\
[@ <p> in atrium (a: atrio) (k: praetorium) (to the courtyard (headquarters);
condemned by its absence from the Greek as well as p]
15.2 Et interrogauit [illum] Pilatus {} "Tu es rex Iudaeorum?" (Et ille
dixit) /\
"Tu dicis".
15.2 And Pilate asked [him] {} "You are the king of the Jews?" (And he said)
/\ "You say it".
[@ <a k> eum]

{c k: dicens (saying); from || Mt 27.11 or || Lk 23.3}

(a: et respondit (and he replied); c: ille uero ait (he affirms); on uero see on
8.28; d: et respondens dixit (and he, replying, said); f p q: at ille respondens ait (and he, replying, affirms))
/a: ei; d p: illi (to him)\
15.3 /Et accusabant [illum] {pontifices} multa ()\
15.3 And {the chief priests} were making many accusations against [him] ()
/p: principes autem sacerdotum multa accusabant eum\
{q (also p; see /\) principes sacerdotum; from || Mt 27.12; c d f: summi
sacerdotes; see on 10.33}
[@ <k> eum]
(a c: ipse autem nihil respondebat (but he was making no reply); from || Mt
15.4 * [Pilatus autem] {interrogabat} (illum) <iterum> /\ ["Tu] () respondes
(nihil?) <Vide> /quanta\ te accusant".
15.4 [Now Pilate] {was asking } (him) <again> /\ ["Are you] {} saying (nothing?) <You must see> that their accusations against you are /very serious\".
[a: 2 1; c: Pilatus (Pilate); not in Mark's manner]
{@ <a k> interrogauit (asked)}
(@ <k p> eum)
<a c at *; not in p; a scribe's eye skipped from (um) to <um>>
/@ <a k> dicens (saying)\
[not in @ <k>]
(@ non in 1st place; by mistake in a k; @ <a k> in the 2nd place quicquam;
a k: nihil)
<a c: ecce; d q: uides>
/p: quantis\
15.5 Iesus autem [nihil] - respondit, ita ut {miraretur Pilatus}
15.5 But Jesus made [no] reply {astonishing Pilate}
[a p: amplius nihil; c d q: 2 1; k: posttea nihil (no further)]
- q ends; begins in 36
{c: 2 1}
15.6 [Singulis autem diebus festis] {dimittebat} unum (reum quem postularent)
15.6 [On festival days] {he used to free} one (criminal, one they asked for)
[@ <k> per diem autem sollemnem (a d: festum); from || Mt 27.15]

{c d: dimittere solebat eis (d p: illis); f: 2 3 1; k: consueuerat remittere illis (it

was his custom to free for them); from || Mt 27.15}
(a c d f: uinctum (a d p: ex uinctis) quemcumque petissent (a: postulassent)
(bound man (of the bound) whomever they asked for); green from || Mt 27.
15.7 [Fuit] autem * {qui uocabatur} Barabbas (in carcere) <cum seditiosis>
~ qui /in seditione\ [fecerant homicidium]
15.7 [There was] a man {called} Barabbas (in gaol) with <insurgents> who
[had murdered] /in an insurrection\
[@ <k> erat]
{@ <a k> dicebatur; from || Mt 27.16; a: appellabatur; appello is found nowhere else in Mark; he has uoco in 6 other places}
(a? d p: (p: qui; d: et) erat) uinctus (a?) ((who/and they were) bound); from ||
Mt 27.16; c: reclusus; f: clusus (shut up); based on Mt; all at ~; c: in carcerem at *)
<a: cum iis qui seditionem fecerant (with those who had caused an insurrection>
[@ <k> fecerat homicidium (a: 2 1); the translator, with
agrees with k]
/a: causa seditionem (should be seditionis) (for the sake of insurrection);
the interpolator of causa forgot to change to the required genitive seditionis, so showing that his exemplar had seditionem (a mistake for seditione)\
15.8 Et [tota turba] {rogabat} <> * (quod faciebat) /in singulis diebus festis
ut dimitteret unum ex custodia\
15.8 And [the whole crowd] {was asking <him>} (for what he used to do)
/on festival days - free someone from custody\
[a: ascensa tota turba (the whole crowd having ascended); d: ascendit tota
turba (the whole crowd ascended); c f p r: <cum asce>ndisset <turba
(<> < lacunae in r) (when the crowd had ascended); a scribe's eye slipped
from the 1st t to t, so causing the omission of tota; the translator's text thus
had only turba (the crowd), translated with (crying
out), found in c A C E F G H K M N S U V W X Y most
& most minuscules sh sp ss (sc missing) some bo geo arm was interpolated before it from || Mt 27.23 or || Lk 23.18 or || Jn 18.40; in c B-892 D
minuscules sa some bo this has become (having ascended) by the
careless omission of and this has been translated in @ <k>]
{a d p: (d adds et) coepit rogare (a: postulare (from 6)) ((and) began to ask);
c: rogabant}
<c: Pilatum (Pilate); d: eum; k: illum>
(@ <k> <sicut s>emper faciebat (c: consueuerat for s.f) illis (d f: eis); lacuna

in a r; <> lacuna in r; (as he always used to do for them))

/c: ut (at *) per diem festum dimitteret illis unum uinctum (on a festival day
free for them someone who was bound); r:...m uinctum; not in a d f p; a
scribe's eye slipped from (illis) or (eis) to the same word at the end of /\, so
failing to complete the sense\
15.9 [Et Pilatus respondit et dixit] + "Vultis (remittam) /\ regem Iudaeorum?"
15.9 [And Pilate replied and said] "Do you want (me to free) /\ the king of the
[a: et respondens Pilatus dixit (and, replying, Pilate said); c k: Pilatus autem respondit et dixit illis (c: illis dicens) (Pilate replied and said to
(saying to them); d f: Pilatus autem respondens illis dixit (d: ait illis)
replying, said (affirms) to them); p: Pilatus autem respondit illis (Pilate replied to them); r: Pilat...]
+ r begins
(@ <c k> dimittam; from || Mt 27.17)
/@ <d> uobis (for you); from || Mt 27.17 or || Jn 18.39; also absent from D\
15.10 Sciebat enim [q-uia] {per} (inuidiam) *<trad+iderant> /eum\
15.10 He knew [that] [the chief priests] <had handed> /him\ <over> {out of}
- + r ends, begins
[@ <k> quod]
[a c f k: principes sacerdotum (s. omitted in k; a scribe's eye slipped from
sacerdotum to sacerdotes in 11); d r: summi <sacerdotes> (<> lacuna in r)
(the chief priests); not in p; a scribe's eye skipped from principes to principes in the next verse; as Mark uses pontifices for the chief priests (see on
10.33) I have restored it here from l w vulgate in 11]
<a: tradiderunt (handed (him) over); k: tradebant (were handing (him) over)
d r: <trad>idissent (<> lacuna in r); the pluperfect where
normal Greek would have the aorist shows Mark wrote c f p's tradiderant>
/; p: illum at *\
{a: propter}
(k: iniuriam (wrong doing))
15.11 [Pontifices autem] {persuaserunt populo} ut * /magis\ (dicerent: Barabban dimitte nobis")
15.11 [But the chief priests] {persuaded the people} to (say) /rather\ ("Free
Barabbas for us")

[k: sacerdotes autem et scribae (but the priests and the writers); c: scribae
autem (but the writers) (a scribe's eye slipped from sac to sc); Mark uses
pontifices, not sacerdotes; see on 10.33; d f p: principes autem (d: uero; on
uero see on 8.28; not in p) sacerdotum (from || Mt 27.20)]
/not in p\
{c f: persuaserunt turbis (f: turbae); d: suaserunt turbas; a: tur...suase (persuaded the crowd); p r: <qui> et turbis (r: turbas) suaserunt (p: suasserunt)
(<> missing in r) (who persuaded the crowd)}
(p: Barabban (Barabbas); f: Barabban dicerent (say "Barabbas"); a d r:
Barabban dimitteret illis (d: eis) (that he should rather free Barabbas for
them);c: dicerent at *; k: agerent)
15.12 [Pilatus autem *] [] /dixit\ <> "Quid ergo uultis {} faciam (regi)
15.12 [Pilate] [] /said\ <> 'What do you want me to do (with the king) of the
[a: et respondens Pilatus (and Pilate, replying); d f r: Pilatus autem respondens (Pilate, replying); r: Pilat...; c k: Pilatus autem respondit (c adds eis)
(Pilate replied (to them)); green from || Mt 27.21; absent from sp as well
p; p: uero for autem (on uero see on 8.28)]
[a c p r: iterum (again); c p r vulg at *; from || Lk 23.20; absent from W
517-1207 D 13 27 34 39 40 53 57 474 478 485 517 sp bo as well as d f k 2
vulg mss]
/c: dicens (saying); k: et dixit (and said); @ <c k> ait (affirms)\
<@ <c f k> illis (to them)>
{c: ut}
(a d: regem; r: re...)
15.13 - [Illi autem] {} (accl+amauerunt) * <> /"Cruci eum fige"\
15.13 {They] {} (cried) <> /"Crucify him"\
- + r ends, begins
[@ <c k> at illi; c: illi uero; on uero see on 8.28]
{d k: iterum (again); d at *; inappropriate, as this is the first time they
said "Crucify him"; absent from 544 ss (sc missing) 1 of 9 sa 3 bo mf variant arm as well as a aur c f p}
(a f: exclamauerunt; c d p: clamauerunt; r:...amauerunt)
<@ <k p> dicentes (saying); from || Lk 23.21>
/a p: 1 3 2; c: cruci eum affige; d f r: 1 3 2\
15.14{Pilatus [autem] {dixit} (illis)} "Quid - enim <mali> /fec+it?"\ [Illi

{} () <acclamabant> /\ ["Cruci eum fige"]

15.14 {Pilate {said} (to them)} "What <evil> has he done?"\ [They] <kept
crying> {} () /\ ["Crucify him"]
{p: dixit illis Pilatus}
[d r: uero; on uero see on 8.28; f: ergo]
{c d f r: dicebat (kept saying)}
(d f: eis)
- + r ends, begins
<a f: male>
/a: egit; Mark only has ago in gratias agens (thanking) at 8.6, if this is what
he wrote (e k are missing there)\
[@ <k> at illi]
<@ <k> clamabant>
{a: tanto (so much)}
(@ <f> magis (all the more); from || Mt 27.23)
/c: dicentes (saying); from || Mt 27.23\
[c f p: 1 3 2; a: cruci fige illum; d: cruci adfige eum; r:...illum]
15.15 [Pilatus autem] - {} dimisit illis - Barabban + (et) * Iesum ~
caesum /tradidit\ <figendum cruci>
15.15 [Pilate] {} freed Barabbas for them (and) /handed over\ Jesus, when
he had been scourged <to be crucified>
[c: tunc (from || Mt 27.26) Pilatus (then Pilate)]
- a ends for good
{c p: uolens populo satisfacere (wanting to satisfy the people); a summary
of || Mt 27.24-5}
- + r ends, begins
(k omits; d replaces with autem at ~)
/c f p r vulg have at *\
<@ <k> ut cruci figeretur (d r? adfigeretur); from || Mt 27.26>
15.16 M-ilites [autem] {} (abduxerunt) e+um {} in /praetorium\ <> /continuo\
[cogentes totam cohortem]
15.16 [] The soldiers [] (took) him (away) to /the headquarters\ <> /immediately\ [mustering the whole cohort]
-+ r ends, begins
[c: ergo acceptum Iesum (so...receiving Jesus); from || Jn 19.1]
(@ <k> duxerunt)
{d: intus (inside)}
/@ <k> atrium (d adds quod est) praetorii (courtyard (which is) of the headquarters)\

<@ et (and); redundant in k>

/@ <k> omit; a scribe's eye slipped from /co\ to [co]\
[k omits co and to by mistake; @ <k> conuocauerunt (f: conuocatis) totam
(c omits before co; p: uniuersam) cohortem (called together the (whole)
cohort); green from || Mt 27.27]
15.17 Et [uestiunt] eum {purpurea} et (superp-onunt) <ei> /ornantes coronam ex spinis\
15.17 And [they clothe] him {in purple} and (put) /a garland woven from
thorns\ <on him>
[k: uestierunt, er expunged; d: induerunt; from || Mt 27.28 or || Jn 19.2; c f:
uestierunt (they clothed); lacuna in r]
{r: purpura; @ <k r> purpuram}
- r ends; begins in 20, except for fragments in () and /\
(c d f: inposuerunt; p: inponunt; r: inp...; from || Jn 19.2)
/c f: factam spineam coronam; d: coronam factam de spinis; r: ..e sp..; p:
plectentes spineam coronam; from || Mt 27.29 or || Jn 19.2\
<c: illi>
15.18 Et [salutabant] eum {} ("Aue) rex Iudaeorum".
15.18 And [they kept greeting] him {} ("Hail) king of the Jews".
[d p: coeperunt salutare (they began to greet)]
{c: dicentes (saying); from || Mt 27.29}
(d f: habe)
15.19 Et percutiebant [eum] {} harundine [in caput] () /\
15.19 And they kept striking [his head] {with} a reed () /\
[c f: caput; p: caput eius]
{c f: de}
(@ <k> et conspuebant eum (c f: ei) (and they were spitting on him); from ||
Mt 27.30); absent from U as well as k)
/@ <d k> et ponentes (f: ponebant) genua adorabant eum (and, kneeling
(they were kneeling) they were pleading with him); from || Mt 27.29, with the
change of mocking to pleading, as mocking follows in the next verse; condemned by its absence from D 71* 253 692 l32 as well as d k\
15.20 Et [cum irrisissent eum] {expoliauerunt} (eum) <pu+rpuria> et
<uestierunt> /eum\ [uestimenta eius] et {ab+duxerunt} - () /ad figendum\
15.20 And [when they had mocked him] {they despoiled} (him) <of the purple> and <clothed> /him\ [in his own clothes] and {took (him) away} /to
be crucified\
[k: cum inrisusin eum; c d f p: postquam illuserunt ei (f: deluserunt eum; d

omits) (from || Mt 27.31; Mark has postquam nowhere else)

{c d f p: exuerunt; from || Mt 27.31}
(c: illum)
+ + - r begins, begins, ends
<c d f p: purpuram; r:..rpura>
<c d f p: induerunt; r: in...; from || Mt 27.31; lacuna in r after in>
/c: illum\
[c f: uestimenta sua; d p: uestimentis suis]
{c d f p: duxerunt; from || Mt 27.31}
(d f k: eum)
/dc d f: ut cruci figerent (c adds eum); r:...eum; from || Mt 27.31\
15.21 Et [apprehendunt]{Simonem + Cyrenaeum transeuntem} (uenientem)
de (uilla) /Fuit autem pater\ - [Alexandri et Rufi] <et faciunt eum crucem
15.21 And they [seize] {Simon of Cyrene who was passing} (coming) from
(his farm) /He was the father\ [of Alexander and Rufus] <and they make him
carry his cross>
[d f p: angariauerunt; r: angaria... (forced); from || Mt 27.32; c: apprehenderunt (seized)]
+ - r begins, ends
{d r? 1 3 2; k: transeuntem quendam (from || Lk 23.26) Cyrinaeum cui fuit
nomen (from || Mt 27.32) Simon; c: 2 3 1 4 6 5 7 (with erat for fuit) (a
passing Cyrenaean whose name was Simon); p: praetereuntem quempiam
(see quendam) Simonem Cyreneum (a certain passing Cyrenean, Simon)}
(c: qui ueniebat (who was coming))
(c k: uilla sua)
/d f p: patrem (d: patre) (the father); k: fuit autem nomen; c r: erat
[c: 3 2 1; f: Alexandri (of Alexander); a scribe's eye slipped from i to i]
<d f p r: ut (r: .t) tolleret crucem eius (to make him carry his cross); from
Mt 27.32; c: et fecerunt illum portare crucem eius (and they made him carry
his cross); k: et faciunt (a correct conjecture, but erased and replaced by
the factione of his exemplar) eum cruce ambulare (k2 baiulare)>
15.22 Et [adducunt] {} in {Gol+goltham} () * <quod est interpretatum> Caluariae locus.
15.22 And [they bring] {him} to () {Golgoltha} <which means> place of
[c: duxerunt; d: perduxerunt (they brought); k: ferunt; from

Mark does not use fero; p: perducunt; r: ...nt]

{d f p r: eum; k: illam}
+ n begins
{c d f p: golgotha; n: ...gotha; k: culgotham; d has golgotha at *; a mistake
golgoltham (Hebrew glglt)}
(@ <c> locum (f: cum); from || Mt 27.33 or || Lk 23.33 locum qui dicitur
uocatur) (place which is called))
<c: quod interpretatur; k: qui est interpretatus; the masculines come from
the interpolation locum>
15.23 Et - [dabant] {illi} + () <uinum murra commixtum> et non /accipit\
15.23 And [they were giving] {him} <wine mixed with myrrh> () but he /does\
not /drink it\
- + r ends, begins
[c f: dederunt (they gave)]
{c d f p: ei}
<d: uinum murram cum uino; c f p r: murratum (r: myrratum; p:
uinum; n: uinum mixtum cum murra>
(@ <n> bibere (to drink); from || Mt 27.34; condemned by its absence from
B C* L 700 1342 + ss (sc missing) bo mf 2 sa arm geo1 as well as n)
/@ <k> accepit (did (not) drink it)
15.24 Et [cruci eum fixerunt et] {dimiserunt} uestimenta e-ius
sortem) /\ <>
15.24 And [they crucified him and] {divided} his clothes (by lot) /\ <>
[c f: 1 3 2 4; n: cum cruci fixissent illum (when they had crucified him); d:
cruci adfixerunt eum (they crucified him); p: crucifigentes eum (crucifying
him); r: cruci adfixerunt eum et]
{@ <k> diuiserunt; from || Mt 27.35 or || Lk 23.34 or || Jn 19.24}
- r ends; begins in 25
(n: 2 1)
/d p: super eis (d: ea)
<c p: quid quid tolleret (determining who would take what)>
15.25 [Fuit] a+utem hora {} tertia * et (custodiebant) /illum\
15.25 [It was] the third hour {} and (they were guarding) /him\
[@ <k> erat]
+ r begins
{f r: diei (of the day); r at *}

(c p: cruci fixerunt (they crucified); this contradicts the previous verse, which
says they had already crucified him)
/@ <k> eum\
15.26 [Fuit autem] {superscriptio causae eius} () + /\ "Rex Iudaeorum".
15.26 {The charge} [was] {written above him} () /\ "The king of the Jews".
[c f n p: et erat (and...was); d r: erat autem]
{d: causa criminis eius (the reason why he was charged); r: causa crimi...;
f: superscriptio criminis; c n: inscriptio causae eius (e. not in n); p: titulus
causae ipsius}
(d: insciptio (an inscription); f: scribta; n: inscripta; p: scriptus (written);
lacuna in r)
+ r begins
/c: Iesus (Jesus); d r: hic est (this is)\
15.27 - Et [cum eo cruci fixerun+t] duo latrones, unum (a dextra) <> et
/unum\ [a sinistra] - {}
15.27 And [they crucified] two robbers [with him] one (on the right) <> and
/one\ [on the left] {}
- + - r ends, begins, ends
[c: 3 4 1 2]
(c p: a dextris; d f n: ad dextram; lacuna in r)
<c: nomine Zoatham (called Zoatha)>
/c f r: alium (another)\
[c p: a sinistris; d f n r: ad sinistram (r: sinistra.)]
{c: nomine Chammatha (called Chammatha)}
15.28 []
15.28 []
[c f n p r have (r begins with ptura) et adimpleta (n: impleta) est
quae dicit (n: dixit) "Et cum iniquis (n: scelestis; lacuna in r) deputatus (p:
reputatus; n r: aestimatus) est (and that scripture was fulfilled which says
(said) "And he was reckoned with the guilty"); from || Lk 22.37; condemned
by its absence from B C*& 3544 l547 27-71-179-692-1207 A D Y
047 127* 157 471 474 476 478* many l ss (sc missing) sa 8 bo mf variant as
well as d k 30]
15.29 [Et praetereuntes] {blasphemant} ( ) <et> mouen-tes
capita / \
{dicebant} ("Hic est) qui <soluet> templum et /aedificat\ [triduo] *
15.29 [And the passers by] {blaspheme} () <and> shaking /their\ heads
{kept saying} ("This is) the man who <will destroy> the temple and /builds

it\ [within three days]

[c: praetereuntes autem (the passers by); n: et qui transiebant (from || Mt
{@ <k> blasphemabant (were blaspheming); lacuna in r}
(@ <n r> eum (against him))
<not in @ <k>>
- r ends; begins in 32
/c f p: sua\
{@ <k> et dicentes (and saying)}
(c f n p: ua (well!); from || Mt 27.40; d omits; a scribe omitted before
<c f n: destrues; d p: destruit (you are (the man who) will destroy/detroys)>
/p at *; c f: reaedificas illud (you rebuild it); from || Mt 27.40; n:
(you build it); d: aedificat illud; \
[c d f p: in (not in c) tribus diebus]
15.30 [Salua te] {descendens} de (cruce)
15.30 [Save yourself] {descending} from (the cross)
[k: salua te ipsum; c d f: saluum te fac; p: saluum fac temet ipsum (i. from
Lk 23.39)
{c d f: et descende )and descend); from || Mt 27.40}
(k: cruci)
15.31[] Et [sacerdotes cum scribis] {irridebant}(eum) */dicentes\ <"Qui alios
saluasti salua te ipsum">
15.31 [] And [the priests with the writers] {were mocking} (him) * /saying\
<"You saved others; save yourself">
[p: similiter (similarly); from || Mt 27.41]
[c: scribae cum principibus sacerdotum (the writers with the chief priests);
d f n p: principes sacerdotum (d: summi sacerdotes) cum scribis (the chief
priests with the writers); cum scribis at *; green from || Mt 27.41]
{n: deludentes; p: inludentes; from || Mt 27.41 (different MSS); c d f: inridentes (mocking)}
(d f p: ad alterutrum; n: ad alis (should be alios) alium (should be alii)
each other))
<f n p: alios saluos fecit (n: saluab(should be u)it) se ipsum saluum facere
non potest (d p: 1 2 5 6 3 4, d with potes for potest) (n: se non potest saluare) (he saved others; he cannot save himself); green from || Mt 27.42; c: alios saluos fecit (should be fecisti) te ipsum saluum fac>

15.32 [ ] Christus { } rex Israel descendat + nunc - de (cruce) <et> /

[credemus"] {} Et () qui + <cum eo> - /fixi\ erant * [subsannabant]{eum}
15.32 [Let] the Christ {} the king of Israel come down now from (the cross)
<and> [we will trust] {him"} And (those) who were /crucified\ <with him>
[were mocking]{him}
[c: si (if)]
{c: es (should be est) (is..let him)}
+ - + - r begins, ends, begins, ends for good
(k: cruci)
<d f n: ut (so that)>
/d f n p: uideamus et (we may see and)\
[c k: credimus; d f n p: credamus (we may trust)]
{c d f p: ei; k n: illi (him); condemned by its absence from B C* L +}
(k: illi latrones (l. at *) (those robbers); from || Mt 27.44)
<@ <d k> at * (n: cum illo); @ <k p> simul (together)>
/c n p: cruci fixi; c. from || Mt 27.44; d: adfixi\
[c d f: conuiciabantur; n: increpabant (were shouting at); p: maledicebant
(were cursing)]
{c: ei; p: illi; d f omit; a scribe's eye slipped from to }
15.33 Et [cum facta esset hora sexta] + {factae sunt tenebrae} (in) <totam>
terram usque /in\ horam nonam.
15.33 And [when it was the sixth hour] {darkness covered} the <whole>
land until the ninth hour.
[d: facta est hora sexta (it was the sixth hour); this requires a following et
(and); n: 1 4 5 2 3; f: facta hora sexta; Mark does not seem to use the ablative absolute; c: cum hora esset sexta]
+ i begins
{@ <i k> 3 1 2}
(c f i n: super; d p: per)
<i: uniuersam; n: omnem>
/c: ad\
15.34 Et [] {exclamauit}() uoce magna <> /"Eli, Eli\ <lama sabathani> [] Deus
{meus} Deus meus (ad quid) /me maledixisti?"\
15.34 And [] {(he) cried out} in a loud voice <> /"Eli, Eli\ <lama sabathani> []
{"My} God, my God (why) /have you cursed me?"\
[@ <k> hora nona (c f: 2 1) (at the ninth hour); from 33]
(@ <d i k> Iesus (Jesus); from || Mt 27.46)
{i: clamauit}
<c p: dicens (saying); from || Mt 27.46>

/@ heli heli (i: hel)\

</\ and <> are Hebrew: )ly )ly lmh $b(+ny. Compare Is 65.15: "You wlll leave
your name to my chosen for a curse [l$bw(h] and my master Yahweh will
kill you". An interpolator changed this to Aramaic )lhy )lhy lmh $bq+ny
( ("My master, my master, why have you
abandoned me), but bystanders, who could well have believed that Eli was
a call on Elijah (35), would not have believed the same of Eloi. k: anm
etzaphani, n expunged; d: lama zapthani; D: f: laza pmathani;
i: lama naizapthani; n: lama...a...ani; c p: lema sabacthani; Greek <D>
see also on /\>
[@ <k> quod est interpretatum (meaning); condemned by its absence from
k; c adds hoc est (that is), from || Mt 27.46]
{i omits; a scribe's eye slipped from us to us}
(c d p: ut quid; f i n: quare)
/d f n p: me dereliquisti (have you abandoned me); see on <>; i: me in opprobrium dedisti; c: exprobrasti me (have you made me infamous)\
15.35 Et quidam [eorum qui aderant] {cum audissent} (dicebant) <> /Elian\
uocat" []
15.35 And some [of the bystanders] {when they heard} (were saying) <>
["He] is calling /Elijah"\
[@ <k> de (n omits) circumstantibus (i: adstantibus)]
{c: audiebant eum et (heard him and); d f i p: audientes; n: cum audirent}
(d: dixerunt (said); k: aiebat (should be aiebant) (were affirming))
<i n: ecce (see!)>
[c d f p: iste; from || Mt 27.47]
/k: Helion (the Sun!); @ <k> Heliam (n: Helian)\
15.36 {Et cucurrit unus et} (impleuit spongiam - aceto) <> /potauit eum\
dicens: "{Sine} uideamus si [uenit] + Elias [deponere eum]
15.36 {And a man ran up and} (filled a sponge with vinegar and) <> /gave it
to him to drink\ saying: "{Let us} see if Elijah [comes] [to take him down"]
{c f i n p: et accurrens unus (n adds et) (and a man running up (and)); d: et
adcurrit unus et (and a man runs up and); k: et locus? (erased) cucurrit unus et}
- + n ends, begins
(c: implens spongiam aceto; i: impleta spongia aceto (filling a sponge with
vinegar); n: implens spongiam...; d: plena spongia aceto (with a sponge
full of vinegar); p: implebit spongiam aceto et)
<c f i: imposuit (f: et circumposuit) harundini et ((and) put it on a reed and);
k: et superponens harundini; p: superponensque calamo (and putting it
on a reed); n: ...inponens calamo (...putting it on a reed); from || Mt 27.48>

/c d: potum dabat ei; f: 2 3 1; i: potum illi dabat; p: 1 3 2 (was giving him to

drink); n: potionauit eum\
{p: sinete}
[c p: ueniat; n: ue...]
+ q begins
[d f p: et deponit (p: liberat) eum (and takes him down (frees him)); q: deponere illum; i: ut eum deponat)]
15.37 Iesus autem [emisit uoce magna et] {expirauit}
15.37 But Jesus [breathed out with a loud cry and] {died}
[c i: emittens uocem magnam; d f n p q: missa (n q: emissa; p: clamans)
uoce magna (giving a loud cry)]
{c n: emisit spiritum (breathed out his breath); from || Mt 27.50; q:
spiritum (handed over his breath); from || Jn 19.30}
15.38 Et [] uelum templi {conscissum} est in <duas partes> a /susum\ usque (deorsum)
15.38 And [] the veil of the temple was {rent} in <two> from /top\ to (bottom)
[n: ecce (see!); from || Mt 27.51; k: continuo (immediately)]
{@ <k> scissum; from || Mt 27.51}
<q: duabus partibus; p: duo>
/@ summo; from || Mt 27.51\
(i n: ad (n: in) imum)
15.39 [Cum uidisset autem] centurio qui * {stabat} (contra) /quia sic exclamauit\ <> [dixit] "Vere hic homo {Dei filius fuit"}
15.39 [When] the centurion who {was standing} (opposite) [saw] /that he
so cried out\ <> [he said] "This man {was} truly {a son of God"}
[c f: cum autem uideret; d i n p q: uidens autem]
{d i q: adstabat; n: adsistebat}
(c f: contra eum (opposite him); d i n q: ibi (there); p: ex aduerso; at *)
/c f i n p q: quod (p q: quia) sic clamans (i: 2 1) (n: exclamans) exspirasset
(i: expirauit) (c f n q: emisisset (f: emisitset; q: emisit) spiritum (i omits)
it was in so crying out that he had died); green from 37; d: ait sic eum exclamasse et exspirasse (he affirms that he had so cried out and died); this
fails to say what he saw and turns "This..." into a statement by Mark with
no connection with the preceding; nor does Mark use the accusative and
infinitive construction)
<n: et uelum templi scissum est in duas partes (and the veil of the temple
was rent in two); from 38>
[i p: ait (he affirms); d transfers to /\; see on /\]

{i: 2 1 3; d f q: Dei filius erat; c: 2 3 1; n p: 2 1 3}

15.40 [Fuerunt] {} /et\ mulieres - (de longinquo) <spectantes> /in quibus\
[fuit] Maria Magdalene et Maria Iacobi minoris et {Iosetis}(mater et) Salome.
15.40 [There were] /also\ women <looking on> (from afar) /among whom\ []
Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James the less and {Joses} and
[@ <k> erant}
{@ <k> autem}
/c: multae (many); from || Mt 27.55; n omits\
- i ends for good
<c: audientes (hearing); f: stantes (standing); from 39; n: expectantes (waiting); d q: uidentes; from || Mt 27.55>
/f omits in; c d n p q: inter quas\
[@ <k> erat]
{@ <k> Ioseph (Joseph); the well known name of Jesus' father substituted
for a much less well known name}
(c: 2 1; a scribe's eye slipped from is to {is}; et and Ioseph were added later)
15.41 quae [] {sequebantur} (cum esset in Galilaea) * <> et
aliae /multae\
quae [cum eo ascenderant] in Hierosolyma.
15.41 who [] {were following} (when he was in Galilee) <> and /many\ others
who [had gone up with him] to Jerusalem.
[n: et (and); an alternative to quae]
{@ <k> sequebantur (d: sequebatur) eum (were following him); at *}
(c f q: cum essent in Galilaeam (c: Galilaea) (when they were into (in)
<@ <d n> et ministabant (p: ministra...; q: ministrant) (and they were looking (look) after him); from || Mt 27.55; condemned by its absence from C D
-579 K* 2 17*38 51 435 349-659 l13 as well as d n>
/n: conplures; Mark uses complures nowhere else; he uses multus in 45
other places\
[n: 3 1 2; k: simul cum eo ascenderunt (went up together with him); c f p:
simul cum eo (c f: ipso) ascenderant; d: simul ascenderant cum illo (had
gone up together with him); q: simul ascenderant (had gone up together);
the translator's suggests simul is an addition]
15.42 [Et cum <iam> sero esset factum] {cenae purae sabbati} ()
15,42 [And when it was late] {on the pure feast of the sabbath} ()

[k: serum autem cum factum esset (when it was late)

<read by the translator, with not in c k; a scribe's eye slipped from m
to m>
{on the day before the sabbath; d: quae erat parasceue (which was the
preparation); c: quod est parasceue sabbati (which is the preparation for
the sabbath); glosses explaining {} which have replaced it; q: qui erat post
parasceue (which was after the preparation); a gloss explaining sabbati
which has replaced the whole of {}; f n p: quia (f: quoniam) erat parasceue
(n: cena pura erat) (since it was the preparation; 43 Joses came...); from ||
Jn 19.31, saying that Joses wanted Jesus' body taken down from the
cross then because it should not be left hanging on it on the sabbath}
(@ <c k> quod est ante sabbatum (which is before the sabbath); a gloss
explaining parasceue which has come into the text)
15.43 Venit [Ioses} ab Arimathea {diues} decurio /qui\ (fuit et ipse) <sperans> regnum Dei /Ausus est et\ [introiuit] ad Pilatum et {petit} (cadauer)
15.43 [Joses] came from Arimathea, a {rich} decurion /who\ (himself
<awaited> the kingdom of God /He boldly\ [went in] to Pilate and {asks for}
Jesus' (body)
[@ <k> Ioseph (Joseph); replacing Ioses with the well known name of
Jesus' father]
{p: nobilis (distinguished); n: locuples}
/p omits\
(@ <k> erat et ipse (f p: 2 3 1))
<@ <k> expectans; from || Lk 23.51>
/@ <k> hic (p q: et; not in d) constanter (n: audenter; p: audaciter) ((and) he
[d: uenit (went); c q: introiit; f n p: intrauit; Mark has intro nowhere else;
introeo is common]
{c: petiit (asked for)}
(@ <k> corpus; from || Mt 27.58 or || Lk 23.52)
15.44 Pilatus autem [mirabatur] si iam {mortuus esset} ( ) /et
centurionem> [interrogauit] {} si iam (mortuus) esset\
15.44 Pilate [was surprised] that {(he) was} already {dead} and <calling the
centurion> /[asked] {him} if he was already (dead)\
[d: admirabatur; n p: miratus est]
(c: Iesus (Jesus))
{c d f p: obisset}
/n omits; a scribe's eye slipped from the first mortuus esset to the second\
<c d f p: uocans (p: uocauit) centurionem (calling (he called) the centurion);
k q: aduocato (q acersito should be accersito) centurione (q: centurionem)>

[c f: interrogabat (was asking)]

{@ <k> eum}
(f: defunctus; Mark uses defungor nowhere else; he has morior in 14 other
15.45 [Et] cum {cognouisset} () donauit corpus <> /Ioseti\
15.45 [And] when {he knew} () he gave <the> body /to Joses\
[c: qui (who); f omits]
{n: rescisset; Mark does not use rescisco anywhere else; he uses cognosco in 6 other places; lacuna in f}
(@ <k> a centurione (from the centurion))
<d q: eius (his), lacuna in f>
/@ Ioseph (k: Iosef) contradicting 43\
15.46 [Et] {emens pallam} (deposuit + eum et) inuoluit <in palla> /\ et [posuit
eum] in monumento quod {fuit fossum} (in petra) et <uolutauit> lapidem
ad ostium monumenti /\
15.46 [And] {buying a robe} (he laid him out and) wrapped /him\ <in
robe> and [put him] in the tomb which {had been dug} (in the rock) and
<rolled> a rock to the entrance of the tomb /\
[n: et Ioseph (and Joseph); c d k p q: Ioseph (k: Ioses; from 43) autem
(Joseph (Joses)); f: Io...; condemned by absence from B C L and almost all
the Greek]
{c d p q: mercatus (c: emens) sindonem (q: sindone); n: empta sindone; k:
empta palla; Mark uses mercor nowhere else; he has emo in 3 other
+ f begins
(d: accipiens eum; n: acceptum eum (receiving him); from || Mt 27.59; q
omits et because of his construction, the rest because a scribe's eye in an
ancestor slipped from m to m; f: ...eum et)
/c: corpus Iesu (Jesus' body)\
<c: in ea (in it); d f n: in sindone (d f: sindonem) (in the linen); q omits>
[n: inposuit illum]
{@ <k> erat excissum (c d n p: excisum); from || Mt 27.60 or || Lk 23.53}
(n: de petra (from the rock); f: in petram)
<p: adposuit (put); from (deposuit); @ <k p> aduoluit (d: aduo; a scribe's
eye slipped from l to l); from || Mt 27.60>
/d: et abiit (and went away); from || Mt 27.60\
15.47 Maria (autem) Magdalene et Maria [Iosetis] { } (uiderunt) <> /\

[positus est] {}
15.47 Mary Magdalene and [Joses'] {} Mary (saw) <> /\ where [he was placed] {}
(p omits)
[@ <k p> Iacobi (James'); p: Ioseph (Joseph's); both from 40; c B C L and
almost all the Greek read orwith k]
{c: et Ioseph (and Joseph's); from 40}
(@ <k n p> notauerunt; Mark uses noto nowhere else; uideo is very common; p: aspiciebant)
<c: sibi (for themselves)>
/c d f> locum (the place); absent from the Greek except for D as well as k n
[c d n p: poneretur; f q: ponebatur (he was being placed)]
{q: et abeuntes emerunt aromata ut eum unguerent (and, going away, they
bought aromatics to anoint him); from 16.1, except for ab (away)}

Chapter 16
The MSS surviving in different parts of this chapter:
c f k n p q contain the whole chapter.
d ends in verse 6
a b e i r t are missing for the whole chapter.
16.1 Et [] {} () ~ <emerunt> /aromata\ ut * [eum unguerent]
16.1 And [] (they) {} <bought> /aromatics\ to [* anoint him]
[c f p: cum transisset (c f: praeterisset) sabbatum; k: sabbato exacto; q:
transacto sabbato (when the sabbath was over); from || Mt 28.1; condemned by the date being given in 2 as if it had not already been given and its
absence from D d n]
(c f q: Maria Magdalene et Maria Iacobi et Salome (et S. not in c) (Mary
Magdalene and James' Mary (and Salome); 2 Maries from 15.47, Salome from
15.40; condemned by its absence from d k n)
{aur (at ~) c d f: abeuntes (going away); k: abierunt et (went away and); n:
euntes (going); p q (at *) uenientes (coming); ab (away) from the interpolation ab (away) at 15.47, where the away of going away makes good sense;
it is nonsense here; lime from that the lime was not originally in
the Latin but has been imported from the Greek is shown by its different
forms and positions in different MSS}
<c k: attulerunt (brought); from || Lk 24.1>
/n: unguenta\

[q: 2 1]
16.2 Et [uenerunt] {} (prima sabbati) * ~ <> - /\
16.2 And [they came] {} (on the first day of the week) <> /\
[c: uenientes (coming); d n p: ueniunt (they come); n at ~]
(c d f p: una sabbati (p: sabbatorum); from n:
postera die sabbatorum (on the day after the sabbath); an explanatory
gloss which has replaced the text)
{d f k n p q: ualde (not in d) mane (not in q) ((very early) (in the
from || Mt 28.1 or || Lk 24.1 or || Jn 20.1; k has at *; condemned by its
absence from c and its different positions}
<@ <k> ad monumentum (to the tomb)>
- f ends; begins in 3
/c d n: oriente sole (with the sun rising); q: et sole oriente (and with the sun
rising); p: orto iam sole (with the sun already risen); from || Mt 28.1; its absence from k and different forms show it has been added from the Greek\
16.3 [dicentes]{} "Quis (nobis reuoluet) lapidem ab - ostio + [monumenti?"
<fuit enim magnus nimis> {Subito autem ad horam tertiam tenebrae diei
factae sunt per totam orbem terrae et descenderunt de caelis angeli et
surgunt in claritate uiui Dei; simul ascenderunt cum eo et continuo lux
facta est. Tunc illae accesserunt ad}] /monumentum\ *
16.3 [saying] {} {Who (helping us, will roll) the rock from the entrance [to
the tomb?" <It was very large> {Suddenly, at the third hour, darkness covered the whole world and angels descended from heaven and rise in the
splendour of the living God; they ascended with him and immediately light
was restored. Then the women approached}] /the tomb\
[@ <k> et (not in c q) dicebant ((and) they were saying); f: ...ebant]
{c d p q: ad inuicem; n: inter se (to each other); lacuna in f}
(d q: nobis reuoluit; p: 2 1; lacuna in f)
- + f ends, begins
[a scribe's eye slipped from monumenti to monumentum, causing the omission of []; <> was put in the margin; aur c d f n p D -565 ss (sc missing)
sj have it at *, where it makes sense, k q vulg and the rest of the Greek at ~
in 4, where it does not; variants: @ <k> erat enim (p: quippe) magnus ualde
(q: nimis); quippe and ualde are not found elsewhere in Mark; enim is common; nimis is also found at 9.3; {} was restored to the text in an ancestor
of k's (I have corrected k's surgent (will rise) to surgunt (rise)); k is the only
surviving copy of this manuscript; all other MSS in any language derive
from copies lacking this restoration {}. The text here refers back to the crucifixion. At the third hour during the crucifixion Jesus' enemies were in the
ascendant (15.25-32); here, at the third hour, Jesus is in the ascendant]

/@ <k> monumenti (to the tomb)\

16.4 et {uident} (reuolutum) lapidem ~
16.4 and {see} that the rock (has been rolled back) ~
p omits the whole verse
{c d n: ueniunt et inueniunt (come and find); f: uenerunt et inuenerunt
(came and found); u. e. to connect smoothly to 3, i. from || Lk 24.2; q: aspicientes (from || Jn 20.5; Mark uses aspicio nowhere else) uiderunt (looking,
they saw)}
(n: amotum (has been moved))
~ see on [] at 3
16.5 Et [cum introissent] {} uiderunt (iuuenem) <in dextra sedentem> /indutum\ [stolam albam] et {hebetes factae sunt}
16.5 And [when they had entered] {} they saw (a youth) <sitting at the right>
/wearing\ [a white robe] and {they felt faint}
[c f n: ingressae; from || Lk 24.3; d: intrantes; Mark uses intro nowhere else
p q: introeuntes (entering)]
{@ <k> in monumentum (n q: monumento) (the tomb)}
(f: adulescentem)
<n: sedentem et ad dextram (sitting and at the right); q: ad dextra (should
be dextram) (at the right); a scribe's eye slipped from (em) to <em>; c p:
sedentem in (p: a) dextris; d f: sedentem ad dexteram>
/c n: coopertum; f p: amictum\
[c p: stola candida; d f q: stolam candidam]
{@ <k p> expauerunt (they were afraid); from || Lk 24.5; p: obstipuerunt
(they were stupefied)}
16.6 [Et] {dixit} (illis) <> /"Quid stupetis?\ [Iesum crucifixum
quaeritis] {Surrexit} (et exiit) /Ecce\[locus]{}ubi(fuit positus)
16.6 [And] {<he> said} (to them) /"Why are you astonished?' [You seek the
crucified Jesus the Nazarene] {He has risen} (and gone out) /This is\
{the}[place]where(they put him)
[k q: ille autem; no need to translate; p: qui (who); n: et ille]
<d f: angelus (the angel); from || Mt 28.5, contradicting Mark who (5) says
he was a youth>
{k: didit}
(c f n: eis; k q: ad illas; Mark does not use ad after dico)
/@ <k> nolite expauescere (d n: timere) (do not be afraid); from || Mt 28.5\
[f: 1 3 4 2; c: Iesum Nazarenum quaeritis crucifixum; n p q: 1 3 2 4 (q: Nazorenum); d: Iesum quaeritis...; d ends for good]
{f: resurrexit; from f's text of || Mt 28.6}

(f n q: non est hic (he is not here); from || Mt 28.6; c: et abiit; k: et

erased (<> restored from c))
/f n q: uidete ecce; c: uidete\
{c f q: eius; k n: illius (his)}
[c f: locum; n q's failure to change locus to the locum required after uidete
shows that ancestors of theirs had Mark's ecce]
(c f q: positus erat; p: posuerunt eum)
16.7 Sed ite [et] dicite discipulis {} et Petro () {'Praecedo} uos in Galilaeam
<Illic> /me\ uidebitis sicut [uobis dixi'"]
16.7 But go [and] tell {his} learners and Peter () {'I go before} you into Galilee. You will see /me\ <there> as [I told you'"]
[@ <k> omit]
{@ <k> eius}
(c p q: quia (that); f: ecce (see); n: quia ecce (that, see))
{@ <k> praecedit (q: praecedet) (he goes (will go) before); from || Mt 28.7}
<c f q: ibi>
/@ <k> eum (him); from || Mt 28.7\
[f q: 2 1; c n: dixit (n: dixerat) uobis (as he (had) told you); f q's failure
change to || Mt 28.7's dixit shows that ancestors of theirs had Mark's first
persons throughout]
16.8 [Illae autem cum exirent a monumento fugerunt] {Tenebat} enim (illas)
<tremor> et pauor /et nemini {quicquam} (dixerunt)\ [propter timorem]
16.8 [When they had left the tomb they fled] (They) {were filled with} <trembling> and fear /and (told) no one {anything}\ [because of their fear]
[c f n q: et (c: at) exeuntes (n: egressae) illae (c: 2 1) fugerunt (f: profugerunt) de (f n: a) monumento (q: 2 3 1) (and (but) they, leaving the tomb, fled);
p: at illae cum exissent a monumento fugerunt]
(n p: eas)
{c q: inuaserat; f: inuiamerat; p: inuasserat; n: habebat}
<c f n q: timor (fear); an anticipation of the following pauor; the translator,
with read tremor>
/k omits; a scribe's eye slipped from pauor to propter\
(q: audebant dicere (dared to tell); c: dicebant)
{n: nihil (nothing); from }
[c f n p: timebant enim; q: quoniam timebant]
After verse 8 k has Omnia autem quaecumque praecepta erant eis qui cum
Petro erant breuiter exposuerunt. Post haec et ipse Iesus apparuit et ab
oriente [usque] in occidentem misit per illis sanctam et incorruptam

praedicationem salutis aeternae. Amen (They briefly told those with Peter everything they had been taught. After this Jesus himself appeared and from the
east to the west he promulgated the sacred and uncorrupted message of
eternal salvation. Amen). The first sentence contradicts /\ in 8, nor would
Mark have used "taught" merely of what someone told someone else, nor
does he ever use breuiter, expono, appareo, oriens, occidens,
praedicatio or salus. k's readings for the italicized and bracketed words: et,
puero, orientem, usque usque, orientem, praedicationis.
After verse 8 most MSS have the words numbered 16.9-20. They are condemned by their absence from k B 137c 138c 304 340 ss (sc missing) 1 of
7 sa 2 bo a few arm geo<B> eth, their beginning (verses 9-10) with
rising in the morning of the first day of the week, appeared first to Mary
Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven spirits. She went and told
those who had been with him", which treats 16.1-8 as if it did not exist
(showing they were not written for this place in Mark but are part of a separate document) and their non-Markan vocabulary and style.

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