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Neurotherapy has been particularly effective in the

treatment of ADD, ADHD and the learning disorders.
Althogh present practice is to refer to all attention
disorders as ADHD, the distinction of ADD being the
inattentive child while ADHD refers to the hyperactive
child is still in common useage. ADD and ADHD share
many brainwave features so the treatment of ADD and
ADHD are often quite similar.

One of the most

successes of
neurofeedback is
that we can use it to
sort out the chaos
associated with
today's ridiculous
treatment of children
with attention
difficulties.  ADD and
ADHD are “waste
basket” diagnoses. 
Children who are
inattentive or
boisterous are often
labeled AD(H)D and
then drugged,
whether or not they
are truly AD(H)D. 
Children are normally
boisterous and it is
sadly clear that as a
society, we are
sedating the normal
age appropriate
behavior of children. 
Children can be
inattentive for many
reasons; perhaps
they are bored,
insecure, or confused
in addition to, or
instead of, having a
condition.  We use
precise, proven
techniques to pinpoint
the exact nature of
the child's difficulty.

The elegant precision

of neurotherapy in
identifying the exact
cause of a child’s
inattentive or
difficulties makes
neurotherapy the
primary care choice
for the treatment of
children’s learning
problems, without the
use of dangerous
drugs that can
severely harm the
child both physically
identifies the exact
location of brain
inefficiencies.  Armed
with this precise data,
the neurotherapist
can correct
permanently.  During
the neurotherapeutic
treatment of ADD,
ADHD or LD, we
engage the child in
tasks such as
reading, writing or
mathematics while
the neurotherapist
treats the relevant
brain locations. 
Neurotherapy is an
extremely efficient
and safe method for
treatment of ADD,
ADHD or other
Learning Disorders. 
treatment can elevate
children with poor
reading skills to be
able to confidently
read at grade level, 
with very few visits to
our clinic.
There are many
different types of
AD(H)D and they
each have their own
definitive brainwave
patterns.  Some
AD(H)D children are
daydreamers who
show excessive slow
frequency (Theta)
amplitude on top of
the head.  Some are
the "fidgety kids who
just can’t sit still" and
often lose focus
and/or concentration,
when it is very
important to maintain
them, such as while
the child is in a
environment.  These
children's brainwaves
show a marked
deficiency of slow
frequency amplitude
in the back of the
brain.  Other children
are the "little socially
chatterboxes" who
can drive their
teachers crazy with
their inappropriate
“socializing” during
classtime, and can be
disruptive to the entire
classroom. This type
of AD(H)D shows
brainwave patterns
with an excess of
Alpha amplitude in
the front of the brain.

We always remind the

parents of an ADHD
child before the end
of neurotherapeutic
treatment for ADD or
ADHD, that their child
will behave in an age
appropriate manner. 
He or she will be
boisterous, nosey,
stubborn and trying,
as all children are at
times.  The child will
not be sedated, as
these are normal
childhood behaviors. 

For more information

on parenting a child
diagnosed with
ADHD, we
recommend reading
Parenting the Child
with ADHD: 10
Lessons That
Medicine Cannot
Teach, by Dr. Vincent

Learning disabilities
can be associated
with many different
brainwave patterns.
Sometimes the
learning disability is
not actually a
learning disability
but rather results
from other
conditions such as
fear or anxiety or
sleep disturbances
that interfere with
the child’s learning.
In general, the
frontal regions of
the brain are found
to be the site of the
associated with the
learning disability.
Disabilities, such as
dyslexia, written
output problems,
comprehension and
the like show
deficiencies that can
be corrected with
neurotherapy. The
treatment of children
with these difficulties
includes, in addition
to neurotherapy, skill
remediation during
the brainwave
treatment.  Thus a
child having problems
with written output
would be engaged in
writing tasks while the
relevant brain center
is being stimulated. 
The combination of
neurotherapy and
specific skill
remediation results in
a very efficient and
precise method to
enhance skill
development because
the area of the brain
responsible for the
specific activity is
being activated during
the treatment of the
Learning Disorder.

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