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w!,vwar*tid€t€latdependerit"ssstt.atl L{lgfiL ruffiryUS

Wind fqrm study

will gquge interbst
Member for Northern
Tablelands Richard Torbay
has launched a project to
investigate tbe feasibility of
establishing a community
owned wind farm in the local
The initiative, headed
by Starfish Enterprises,
has received $51,000
in State Govemment
ft funding and $11,000 from
I local organisations, for a
preliminary study to gauge
(back) Valerieanne Byrnes (NEM), Kevin Dup6 (NEM), Adam
community interest and the
level of investrnent such a Blakester (Starfish), Richad Torbay MP, Paul Cruikshank
scheme could muster. (DCWA), Liz Gardiner (Farming the Sun), Nathan Alelsson
On the table is a proposal (RDA), Kim Trieste Hastgings (RDA), Hugh Piper. (front) Harold
for a $25M-$30M utility with Rich (NEM), Patsy Asch (SLA), Jarra Hicks, Mick O'Loughlan
a capacity to generate between (Starfish) at the launch.

eight to ten MegaWatts, Enterprises. for a successful community-
enoughto power from thLree to "There is a national target owned wind farm," he said.
six thousand homes. to produce 20 per cent of "At the same time we will be
i 'lThere is a precedent for elechicity from renewable determining whether there is
t this in Daylesford, \4ctoria sources by 2020 and in NSW sufficient interest and support
where the $12.9 miltion we still dependon coal for 90 for a community wind farm to
Hepbum Community Wind per cent ofour electricity," Ivk be successfi.rl - from investors,
Farm has attracted $8 million Torbay said. "Our region has community members and
most$ from local householder been nominated as one of six organisations.
and business investolent," Mr in NSW with a high level of "Thebenefi ts ofestablish ing
Torbay said. natwal wind resowces and a windfarmthat is community
"Our region is ideal for this project fits the profile and owned are substantial,
this type ofventure, given the has great merit." particularly in generating
strong uptake ofsolar and the Starfish Chair Adam iffordable" electriEity *i
keen interest in environmental Blakester said the process ensuring that the long-term
issues." would involve a series of financial benefits and iobs are
The study has been firnded dialogue-based forums -kept local.
jointly by the Departments of with landholders, residents, 'TV'e are very excited about
Fair Trading and Environment business, indusny, community the oppornrnity t0 condrct
and Climate Chanee. with grempsard.localffi titutitrns. ftis-=s;ffidyf- It'-has'' akerdy
local funding fr om Cohmuni ry "We are keen to identify generated a lot of interest and

r ;;;;ffi
Mutual Group, Sustainablb the requirements, parameters we expect that momenalm to
Living Armidale and Starfish and principles that are the key continue."

Er/ut METAL(
Australia's largest ste

20X2OXl.6t"lt/ 6.5M $1r.00

25X25X1.6MIO(6.5M $13.20
TREk TlrE G'l-oBE, DtsgovER. '

t R.066ED LOCft'noNS, g.EEP 30x30x1.6MI,D(8.0M $20.00 3(

1 5/ "..
oNDER TFE srnRs 40x40x1.6MMX8.0M 927.50 .t{

-d 40x40x2.0MI\D(8.0M $34.00 1{

50x25X1.6MMX8.0M $25.s0 5(

50X50X1.6MlvD(8.0M $3s.00 r{

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