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netwinz Guide


The Session Layer is Layer 5 of the seven-layer OSI model of computer

The Session Layer provides the mechanism for opening, closing and managing a
session between end-user application processes, i.e. a semi-permanent dialogue.
Communication sessions consist of requests and responses that occur between
applications. Session Layer services are commonly used in application
environments that make use of remote procedure calls (RPCs).

An example of a Session Layer protocol is the OSI protocol suite Session Layer
Protocol, also known as X.225 or ISO 8327. In case of a connection loss this
protocol may try to recover the connection. If a connection is not used for a long
period, the Session Layer Protocol may close it and re-open it. It provides for
either full duplex or half-duplex operation and provides synchronization points in
the stream of exchanged messages
Click on Session Layer on the Main Window and Then Select “SESSION” Module
from the Modules displayed in the centre of the window.

SESSION Window will open up as shown in SNAPSHOT-1.



1. Enter the Authentication details, ie. User Name and Password. Also Enter
the Session Timeout Value between 5 and 30 seconds.
2. Click On “START” button to start accepting client Log Ins.
3. The Status of the Server is shown at the bottom of the Server control as
shown in SNAPSHOT-2


1. Enter the Server IP Address to which you wish to connect to.

2. Enter the Username and password same as provided for the server.
3. Click on “LOGIN” button to connect to the server.
On Successful Login, “FILE” textbox and “GETFILE” button is enabled.
4. Key In the Complete File Path on the Server that you wish to download.
Click on “GETFILE” button.

If the file exists, file data is sent to the client from the server
If the session timeout has occurred, appropriate message is sent to the
client and Login is enabled again. The client has to Login again. See
If the file does not exist on the server, appropriate message is sent to the
Try remaining idle for “TIMEOUT” period of the Server and try to get any
file from the Server, the server will ask to LogIn again.

Use Loop back Address “” to LogIn to the Server running on same

Messages are Displayed in the “Message Window” on the extreme right.

Reset Button:

Click On “RESET BUTTON” to reset all the controls to initial values.

Click on “HELP BUTTON” to Open Session Manual.

Click on “EXIT BUTTON” To Close Session Screen.

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