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16546 March 20,1997

Dialogue Needed on Sexual Harassment at Mercyhurst

By Michael J. Opperman will not tolerate sexual harass- hurst College, the keyword seems sponsibility in observing and re- should have known of the alleg-
Merciad Writer ment of a ny kind by a member of to be "comfort" If an individual specting the nature of such rela- edly hostile environment and took
the faculty, administration, staff, is not comfortable, something is tionships. no prompt and adequate remedial
The issue of sexual harassment or student body." The Handbook wrong. There are various levels The student also has responsi- action." The administration is re-
is a serious one and one about continues by stating that "sexual of responsibility involved in bilities. The pamphlet advises that sponsible for remaining vigilant
which we need to talk. This is harassment is defined as any un- a ting and maintaining a comfort- ifplaced in an uncomfortable situ- and aware.
intended to be the beginning of a welcome direct or indirect sexual able environment for learning. ation, one should speak up at any Currently, there is no depart*
dialogue. Every campus In the advances, requests for sexual fa- One level of responsibility is time. Be sure to say "NO! "clearly, . ment or service that is specifi-
nation is faced with incidents of vors, or other verbal or physical explained in die closing statement firmly and without smiling. This | cally responsible for the handling
sexual harassment Mercyhurst conduct of a sexual nature." of the Student Handbook's de- is not the F time to be polite or of sexual harassment Perhaps,
College is not an exception. It is 'The Handbook concludes by scription of sexual harassment vague. Communication is vital in ~~ this is something that we should
important for us to realize that it is stating that "implicit in the idea of Faculty mustnot "abuse, nor seem defining boundaries of comfort examine. In the mean time, there
our campus. When I refer to us, I professionalism | is the retmiii to abuse, the power with which The pamphlet cautions the vic- are sexual harassment advocates
mean students, faculty and ad- tion by those in positions of au- they are entrusted." Sexual ha- tim of sexual harassment not to to whom incidents of sexual ha-
ministration. thority that in their relationships rassment is often an issue of gray blame himself/herself. Sexual rassment can be reported or ques-
According to federal law, "no with students or others there is areas and the Student Handbook harassment is not something one tions can be directed. This list is
person in the United States shall, always an element of power. It is attempts to address these areas. brings upon oneself, it is action included. Anderson is always
on the basis of sex, be excluded incumbent upon those with au- Faculty must not "seem to abuse that the harasser decides to take. available at (814) 824-2293. „
from participation in, be denied thority not to abuse, nor seem to the power with which they are It is not the victim's fault The It is important to remembei
the benefits of, or be subjected to abuse, the power with which they entrusted." pamphlet also urges die victim to that this is a conversation. This is
discrimination under any educa- are entrusted.'9
The relationship between a pro- be vocal immediately.! Do not our campus and we must begin to
tion program or activity receiving Sexual harassment is seldom fessor or staff member and a stu- delay and do not remain silent If discuss this issue. Things are hap-
federal financial assistance." discussed in a public forum among dent is not simply one of two silence is maintained and action pening which are not being talked
Mercyhurst College echoes this students at Mercyhurst College. consenting adults. The Student delayed, the harassment is likely about and it is incumbent upon us
law and cl ari Ges its a pplication in Consequently, it is difficult for Handbook provides a warning in to continue. all, students, faculty and adminis-
the Student Handbook and in a individuals to recognize what is its definition of relationships be- According to the Supreme Court tration, to start the dialogue and
pamphlet entitled "Sexual Harass- tween persons in positions of au- case Kadiki v. Virginia Common- work toward a learning environ-
and what is not sexual harass-
men L" ment After dif^iggftifl the issue thoiity and students. There is wealth University, the adminis- u meat which is constructive for
The Student Handbook states with Cathy Anderson, the affir- always an element of power." tration is also responsible and can all. Silence is approval.
that, "Mercyhurst does not and mative action officer at Mercy- Faculty have a great deal of re- be held liable if it "either knew or
Who You Can Call

Changes MadeAt The Laker Inn

By John Murphy operations. HRIM professor, the cash register, their order is
Phyllis Aiello....................824-2536

down here during these times. It Gary Brown.....................724-6100

Editor in Chief Brenda Moore, along with gen- already being processed. "Hope- has been tried in the past, but it
eral managers Brian Hodas and fully the average order will now was not really done right," said Ray Buyce........................824-2381
Faster service, better quality Mark Watkins, have been busy only take five to seven minutes, Hodas. "We will have the game
foods, healthier choices, late over the last couple of weeks in- before it took anywhere from 10- loom open and there may be other Penny Hanes....................824-2533
weekend opening hours and a troducing the changes. "We had a 15 minutes," said Hodas. , entertainment offered. We want
campus delivery service, these a re lot of complications at first, but Along with die increased apeed to give the kids something differ- Cass Shimek...... .........824-2433
Just some of the aims of the now we are getting settled and in service, there jhavc been ent to do other than the usual
changes recently made at the things are starting to run changes in the menu aimed at party scene,** he said. Lee Shuster......................824-2346
Laker Inn. smoothly," said Hodas. increasing the quality of the f< • : • : • During the extended weekend
The new term has seen the Ho- In an effort to speed up service, offered by the Cut food facility. hours, the Inn will also provide a Mary Hembrow Snyder. .824-2532
tel Restaurant Institutional Man- students will now order at the "We have introduced a salad bar free delivery service to the cam-
agement department taking on the front of the line, this way it is to cater to the healthy people," pus. Students can order anything Shirley Stebcll. .........824-2414
role of directing the Laker Inn's that by the time thev reaj said Hodas. Other differences in- from pizza to burgers and fries
clude a more natural type of and provided the orders are val- Vernon Wherry...............824-2330
chicken meat used in the popular ued at the minimum of $5, the
chicken grilla* sandwich, a bet-
Laker Inn will deliver them to Shirley Williaras...............725-6106
ter quality fish being used in the their dorm or apa rtment "We aim
Gsh sandwich, and the fries have at completing our deliveries in no Counselling Services 824-2555
been changed to regular cut, simi- more than 30 minutes. Since the probably be only a 5 to 10 cent
lar to those served by Burger King, average pizza order takes up to 40 increase," he said.
Hodas explained. The names of minutes, we see our service as Commenting on the overall
the food items we serve have not being a good improvement," said changes, Hodas is confident that*
changed, just the quality has been Hodas. the Laker Inn's service will be an
improved,** said Hodas. Despite the new changes, Hodas improvement on the past "Brenda
Another feature introduced is does not anticipate much of an Moore knows what she's doing,
the extended opening hours on increase in the prices charged by the HRIM department is good at
Friday and Saturday nights. The the Laker Inn. "We haven't what they do and working to-
Laker Inn will now remain open changed any prices yet, and if gether with them, we should see
from 4 p.m. to midnight on Friday everything works out, then there things improve and attract more
and 6 p. m. to midnight on Satur- should be no reason for an in- students to the Laker Inn," he
Junior Sarah Allen serves food to fellow student Jen Hills. The new changes crease. If one did occur, it would
aim at speeding up the Laker Inn service. Photo: Jessica Russell day. "Hopefully we can get kids said. I
PAGE 2 t« THEMERCIAD March 20,1997

R o m e r o Lecture Celebrates 25 Years of P a x Christi U S A

By Chris Wloch programs before and after recently native vision and creating a space
" We have the Romero Lecture cial transformation spread to other
News Editor every year so that we will not countries around the globe. legislated reforms, are imple- for counterculture 1 views in what
forget the violence, suffering and In 1972, Eileen Egan and Gor- mented during July of 1997. is overwhelmingly a consensus
Next Monday evening, the death of Archbishop Oscar don Zahn founded Pax Christi According to Robinson, one of society," Robinson said.
Mercyhurst Department of Phi- Romero and his people in El Sal- USA in New York City. The na- the primary concerns for: Pax There's a side of the Catholic
losophy and Religious Studies vador, who still do not have the tional office moved to Erie in Christi USA is a continuing search Church that Pax Christi is steeped
wilF commemorate the twenty- conditions necessary to live dig- 1985 where it has received a great for a lterna trves to the "j ust war in that most people wouldn't ex-
fifth anniversary of locally-bascd nified human lives," said Dr. Mary deal | of support from the local theory which, although useful as pect to be there. But you don't
Catholic peace and justice orga- Hembrow Snyder, director of the Benedictine Sisters. Over the aframeworkfromwhich to cri- havetobe Catholic or a pacifist to
nization Pax Christi USA. The Department of Philosophy and years, the group has been instru- tique the use of force, cannot ex- be a member," he added. "All th at
celebration will include a para- Religious Studies. mental' in supporting conscien- onerate armed actions classified is necessary is that you agree with
liturgical service which will be The award always goes to a tious objectors and promoting as "risk-free interventions" be- our statement of purpose."
held as part of the Fifth Annual Catholic social activist We de- peace, nuclear disarmament, eco- cause the destructive power and Robinson said that he would
Oscar Romero Lecture on March cided this year to give it not to an nomic and inter-racialjustice here indiscriminate nature of modem like to see Mercyhurst students
24 at 7:30 p.m. in Sullivan Hall. individual, but to an organiza- at home, and international human weaponry produces civilian form a local campus chapter of
The event, which is free and open tion. For a quarter century, Pax rights in El Salvador, Nicaragua, casualties which far outnumber die group's Youth t and Young
to the publ ic, is made possible by Christi USA has been faithful to and most recently, Haiti. - •' military losses. Adult Forum. "I'm willing to help
a Mercyhurst College academic the same vision of the reign of Mercyhurst alumnus David Additionally, Robinson said mat get a group off the ground, but the
enrichment grantfromthe office God that Archbishop Romero Robinson who currently serves aa younger members of Pax Christi impetus to begin a movement has
of the President embodied, and like him, they have program coordinator for the local USA are beginning to organize in to come from within the student
Featured as guest speakers will been an outspoken voice for peace chapter and editor of Pax Christi response to issues that will con- |y, he sa id.
• : • : •

be Nancy Small, national coordi- and justice in a world that would USA's newspaper The Catholic cern the next generation such as For more information about the
nator for Pax Christi USA and prefertoalienee them," she said* Peace Voice, said the organiza- localized violence, guns and gangs event, contact Snyder at ext 2532
Andy Petonak, a founding mem- More than SO years ago. Pax tion is presently looking into the in the streets and the environ- or Pax Christi USA at 453-4955.
ber ofthe organization^ Na tiona 1 Christi began in southern France role that government military ment, he said. All students interested in learning
Youth and Young Adult Forum. as a means of reconciling French spending plays in the debates "During the Gulf War, student more about the possibility of es-
Small will present a slide show and German Catholics and heal- vill erning the effort to balance groups played a prophetic role on tablishing a campus branch ofPax
which details the movement's his- ing the tremendous'wounds in- jl die country's budget, he said, coll ege campuses by holding v ig- Christi USA's Youth and Young
tory .The service will also feature flicted upon the people of Europe .-* At the same time, members of ils and serving as a witness to Adult Forum are encouraged to
invocations, a breaking of bread by the Nazi war machine. During *!W Pax Christi USA are also partici- others who wouldn't express op- call Campus Minister Michele
and presenters who will read se- the next few decades, the group's pating in a program called "Wel- position to popular support for Garvey (#2430) or Sr Elizabeth
lections from Romero's I ll'J commitment to gospel nonvio- fare Watch," which will provide a military intervention. They played Lintsen (#2301).
n k v Mail nth*r n*&&apre&« state-by-state analysis of welfare a vital part in advancing an alter-
lence, political activism and so-
By Chris Wloch
News Editor
F Highlight Women's HistoryMonth
At 8 p jn., Wednesday, March couples'intensely. Mothers re- against women and their children
19, there was a showing of the The Mercyhurst Office of Cultural Affairs is sponsoring a carnation
ported that they felt more respon- around the world, she said. sale in honor of Women's History Month. Red, pink Of white carnations
film "IfThesc Walls Could Talk." sible for home and childcare and Snyder identified several chal-
Th e m ovie rel ates the experiences can be purchased for $1.50 in the Student Union from 1 -4 pjn. every
tended to do the majority of daily, lenges for women's spirituality day next week. On-campus delivery will be provided for an additional
of three women's decisions to on-going tasks Including bathing as we enter the next millennium.
have an abortion in three differ- 50 cents. For more information, contact Lesha Powell at ext 2405.
children and cooking mea Is while Among these she listed the neces-
ent time periods. After the movie, fathers usually handled one task sity of ongoing conversion and
more than 20 students, faculty mature intimacy with both God Alpha Phi Sigma, the National Criminal Justice Honor Society is spon-
at a time and did chores that were
and administrators participated in and others, the importance ofglo- soring a lecture by Judge William Cunningham and District Attorney
done periodically such as chang-
a discussion led by Anne bal sol idarity, and the urgency of Joseph ContJ on "Youthful Offend era and the Future of Juvenile Court*
ing the oil or washing the car.
Wingerter of "People for Life. 11
responding to the cries of those at 7-30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25 in the Mercy Heritage Room.
The different communities
At the Women's Brown Bag within which we live and work who have been deliberately ex-
Lunch on Tuesday, March 18, Lee cluded and m istrea ted by society. The Senior Class Project Committee has extended its deadline until
must recognize that societal health
Shuster, assistant professor of so- Snyder also stressed the need for Wednesday, April 9 for all donations pledged toward Munson Plaza.
results directly from appropriate
ciology and sodal work, discussed silence and solitude in the devel- Payments can be dropped off at the Institutional Advancement Office
handling of these Issues. Both
"Multiple Roles and the Family." opment of a healthy spiritual life on the second floor of Egan. More than $4,000 in pledges were made
genders must learn to handle mul-
Shuster rela ted that in a national which is responsive to the needs this year, Which is the most that ha s ever been raised for a senior project
tiple roles and recognize the im-
random sample taken during the of the poor and oppressed. If you have any questions or concerns, call Vanessa Pappalardo at 2993
pact of their second shift on each
mid-60s, women were found to Other and on the family," she said. The Women's History Month
do 3 hours of daily housework On Tuesday evening, March 18, Speaker Series continues through- On Sunday afternoon Match 23, the Mercyhurst Ambassador's Club
and spend dose to an hour a day more than 30 students turned out out March with Elaine Ruggerio will hold its 5th Annual Spring Tea at 1 pan. in the Student Union.
exclusively with their children ID hear. theology professor Dr. speaking on T h e History of
while 17 minutes of housework Mary Hembrow Snyder present Women's Sports at Mercyhurst* The Mercyhurst Cheerleaders would liketoannounce try-outsforthe
and 12 minutes with the kids was u
her paper Wo men's Spirituality: at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 25 1997 Football Squad on Sunday, April 13 at the Athletic Center. A
the daily average for men. The hi the Student Government Cham- clinic will be held from 10 ajn. to 2 p-nu, followed by try-outs at 2.
Challenges for the 21st Century."
researcher defined this as "double bers. Thefollowingweek, Miss Everything will be taught at the clinic and hinch will be provided. For
•Women's experience of op-
day*or "second shift"for women. Northwest Pennsylvania, 1997 more info, contact Kim Kingsland at 2899 or Gina Vitanza at 2600.
pression is integral to our spiritu-
During the 1980's, another re- Laurie Green will address "Deal-
ality. " In order to situate the real i-
searcher studied 50 working ing with Anorexia and Bulemia" Ice skating champions Caryn Kadavy and Kurt Fromknecht return to
tiea of women's lives in their
proper contexts, it is imports nt to at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday the the Mercyhurst Ice Center on Friday, April 4 at 7 pjn. for "Springtime
recognize the multiple forma of 26th in the Mercy Heritage Room. on Ice •97: A Stroll Down Memory Lane." The performance is free for
violence that are perpetuated Mercyhurst students, faculty, administration a nd staffwith I.D.
March 20,1997 THE MERCIAD PAGE 3

N F<x i
NewCbreCumCUlluniAppiDVed T ^ Language Honor
By Michael J. Op perm an Writing I and II, which must be for a common intellectual experi- Society Inducts First Members
Merciad Writer taken in thefirstyear. It also in- ence as well as greater flexibility By Dan Hilflker
cludes one course in each of the as students proceed through the Senior Writer | \
On Thursday, March 6, the new following: American History, n
curriculum. Gower added mat Last Wednesday night, March 12, Mercyhurst College held its Gist
Core Curricul um wis approved Arts Appreciation, European or the new Core Curriculum is deeply annual induction of the newly formed Gamma Sigma chapter of Phi Sigma
by the Board of Trustees and the World History, Mathematics, Iota, the International Honor SocietyforForeign Languages.. •
rooted in the college's mission
President ofthe College, Dr. Wil- Natural Science, Philosophy, Re- Twelve Mercyhurst students were inducted, including Terri Barringer, a
liam Ga rve y. This new core is the ligious Traditions and Western or recent graduate with a B.A. in math education and a teaching certificate in
The mission statement defines
result ofthree years of discussion World History. | Spanish; Cynthia Buyce and Rebecca Dzurik, junior foreign language
Mercyhurst College as "a .Mill education majors with concentrations in Spanish; junior Joyce O'Hani, a
and study and will be in place for The second part of die new core munity of learning dedicated to double major business/international studies with concentration in Spanish
die next five years.i is called the Distribution core. die lifelong development of the and French;? Julie Steiner, graduate i student in Master's of Bilingual
The new Core Curriculum will Composed of eight courses, it whole person." With this in mind,
be effective for the incoming Education program; Chris Wloch, a senior with a double major in religious
consists of24 credits. Two classes Gower maintained that the new

freshers. These fresher students studies and psychology and a minor in Russian studies; and senior Jason
are required in the Behavioral/ core was "more in line with the
will begin their course work un- Giffen, a double major in marketing/foreign languages and cultures with
Social Sciences (one must be college's mission statement It is
der the new core, while jthe concentrations in Spanish and Japanese. Giffen was named president ofthe
taken during the first year) and also a core that will better meet
upperclass students will be campus chapter and will serve in die office until elections are held.
two are required in World Per- die needs ofour students now and
grandfathered under the core that spectives (one course must be on The Spanish minors who were inducted in Phi Sigma Iota include senior
in years to come."
was in place when they first-ar- a non-Western perspective). One history-R/IAP majors Shannon Kiser and Lauren Thayer; senior market-
rived at Mercyhurst College, in course is required in each of the ing major Renee Masters; junior criminal justice major Kevin Miller; and
other words, the new Core Cur- following: Ethics, Humanities, Mercyhurst Community Shannon Meulman, a junior majoring in foreign languages and cultures.
Three Mercyhurst language professors also became members of Phi
riculum wfl 1 have no direct effect
upon the current students of
Mathematics/Natural Sciences Tee Skating Hours Sigma Iota. They are Dr. Vivetta Petronio, professor ofFrench and Italian;
and Religious Studies. The entire
Mercyhurst College. The current new Core Curriculum accounts Monday: 7:30 - 8:45 p.m. Keiko Takioto Miller, assistant professor of Japanese and French; and
students will matriculate accord- Father Steven Simon, lecturer in Russian Studies.
for 18 courses, or 45%, of the 40 Wednesday: 8 -9:15 p.m. According to Alice Edwards, associate professor of Spanish, who serves
ing to the requirements now in trill need for graduation (com-
place* puter competency is still a condi- Friday: 6:15 - 7:30 p m as faculty advisor to the campus chapter, membership in Phi Sigma Iota is
The new core has two parts. tionformatriculation). Saturday: 3:45-5:15 pjnu die highest academic honor that can be achieved in die area of foreign
The common core will contain 10 Dr. Joseph Gower, vice presi- languages, literatures and cultures. In order to qualify, students need to
courses for a total of 30 credits. dent for academic services, est- S u n d a y : 12:45 -1:45 p.m. | major or minor in a foreign language, earn a 3.0 grade point average in the
This portion includes College plained that "this format allows language and be in die top one-third of their class.

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PAGE 4 THE MERCIAI) March 20,1997

Lucas trashes history with revamped Star Wars

By Bifl Melville in, and with the special editions, instance in The Empire Strikes Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) by sound.
Merciad Writer some of that feel ing ha s been com- Back, Darth Vader speaks new her name in real life. - All in all, I must give the Star
promised. A computer generated lines, in a voice sounding dis- However, some credit must be Wars Trilogy: Special
With the successful rerelease of Jabba the Hutt, the gangster who tinctly differentfromthat ofJames given to Lucas and his staff.Other Edition a thumbs down, because
George Lucas' Star Wars trilogy, assails Han Solo, has his tail Earl Jones, the actor who voiced improvements were made to film in many senses, they were an ex-
the fear exists that other classic stepped on, causing his eyes to Vader throughout the trilogy. which improved the quality dras- cuse for George Lucas to show
movies may be rereleased with unrealistically bulge from his Also, many of the new shots ap- tically. The lines left when live- off what technology he has dis-
new and restored footage and head. In Return oftheJedi, sev- pear to have been done in vanity action footage was mixed with covered in the last 20 years. It
music. In spite of the box office eral alien members of a band suf- because they have little bearing matte paintings used as backdrops also gave him the chance to move
success of all three films, it seems fer from similar unrealistic be- on the story1 ine, such as the previ- have been removed through use back the release dates ofthe three
unlikely, mainly because of the haviors. All of the newly .Villi ously mentioned scene with the of computers. All sound in the Star Wars prequels he plans to
patchwork job done in adding the puter animated characters have computer animated Jabba. While movie has been restored to its make. Though it was nice to see
animated footage into the origi- moments when theyfitbetter in a Lucas said he wanted to dean up original quality, which helps to diefilmson the big screen again,
nal films. Warner Brother's cartoon than in the films and make them appear bring the background noises more I am glad I still have all three on
One large appeal of the films a live-action film. as he originally intended, he fully into the'mix. At several videotape in their original form.
ha s always been the way in which Lucas further insults his audi- missed several notorious errors, points while watching the re-
the universe Lucas created always ence by overdubbing new dia- such as a scenefromthe first film vamped films, my ears hurt me
looked as though it ha d been lived logue over the old. In one such in which Luke (Ma rk Ha mill) calls because of the fullness of the

Fargo heads 96 t e n b e s t list
By James Hain Bound. It's Kill I a cliche by involving kidnapping, murder ally liked, gives a thoroughly cred- equally good as the teenage ver-
Merciad AScE Editor now, but this movie would prob- and-ah, gee whiz, you know the ible performance, though sion. The fact that the incredible
ably give Jesse Helms a heart story by now don'tcha? If you Courtney Love is the real revela- cinematography was not nomi-
Okay. So I'm a little late with attack. Two lesbians (Jennifer don't, run to the video store and tion here, as Flynt's doomed wife nated for an Oscar is a crime.
this, so shoot me. Not having the Tilly and Gina Gershon) plot to check out this modern classic with Althea. A truly great film—don't
luxury of living in New York or rip off the mob in this clever black sensational performances by Os- let anyone make you feel guilty Trainspotting. Is this an anti-
Los Angeles, it takes a while for comedy, written and directed by car nominees Frances for liking it drug polemic or pro-heroin pro-
me to compile a top ten list 1996 the Wachowski Brothers, who McDomrand and William H. paganda? Anyone who actually
was esp ecially rough, since every could join the brothers Coen and Macy. And watch out for that Secrets & I sees thefilm(which doesn't seem
other movie out was a flash-in- Hughes as one ofour great movie- pesky wood chipper. Oscar-nominated gabfest is prob- like it's asking a lot) will know
the-pan popcorn extravaganza making sibling teams (as if there ably about a half-an-hour longer It's the former. Unless crawling
shot full of more explosions than are hundreds). Joe Panto! iano Lone Star. John Sayles is one of than it needs to be, which may be
those directors whose films ev- due to the director's improvisa- .into a mucky toilet happens to
the surface of Jupiter. But here, should have gotten an Oscar nomi-
eryone respects but nobody sees. tion a 1 style. A fascinating study seem glamourous to you. Hey,
just in timeforthe Oscars, is my nationforhis clumsy wiseguj
belated ten-best listfor1996. (In- This atmospheric mystery en- of several diverse characters whatever you do is your busi-
just therightmix of menace and ness. Credit directorDanny Boyle
cidentally, the films are in alpha- joyed the advantage of having brought together when adoptee
pathos. Hollywood darling Matthew for playing this film to the hilt,
betical order because I think it's Hortense Cumberbatch
McConaughey in the cast, al- (Marianne Jean- Ba ptis tc) locates with an off-kilter style that makes
ridiculous to try to rank films. Hie English Patient Yes, it is
up for the fact that there isn't
Who can say whether Fargo is long, but so were Jerry Maguire though his role is relatively small. her birth mother. Jcan-Baptiste
much of a story here.
and Independence Day and yon The film belongs to Chris Cooper
better than The People vs. Larry and Brenda Blcthyn received Os-
Flyntl Well, Gloria Steinem, sat through those didn't you? (A Time to Kill, Money Tram), Welcome to the Dollhouse. Su-
who is brilliant as a small-town car nominations, but supporting
maybe, but that's another col- Anthony Minghe 11a establishes player Tim Spall is equally good. per-geek Dawn Wiener (Heather
umn). himsel fas heir to the David Lean sheriff who investigates the pos- Ma tarazzo) just keeps on truckin',
It may take time to warm up to,
crown with this truly epicfilm,a sible misdeeds of his own father, despite a horrific series of hum il i-
but it's well worth the effort
Bottle Rocket Not many people doomed love story between a a local hero. The twist ending will ations both at home and in her
saw this offbeat comedy about a ma pmaker (Ralph Fiennes) and a have you reeling-it's surely one Shine. The inevitable backlash dreaded junior high. Todd
crew of bumbling bank robbers, forbidden woman (Kristin Scott- of the biggest surprises in movie against pianist Da vid Hel (gott still Solondz'sfilmrefuses to cop out,
which is a shame. It's much fun- Thomas). Probably a lot gorier history. doesn't change the fact that this is which may be why some found it
nier and much more clever than than many hardcore romantics a superbfilm.Helfgott is the ulti- so difficult to take. But it's really
most of the other faux-hip, post- would like (after all, nobody lost The People vs. Larry Flynt. mate tortured artist, brutally mis- funny, if you think about it Not a
Tara ntino knockoffs we *vc seen his thumbs in Love Story or had Feminist critics who lambasted treated by his overbearing father kid 'a movie by any mea ns.
lately. WcaAnderson directed this his face burned oft in Sleepless in this film missed the point Porn (Annin Mueller-Stahl) until he is Well, there you go. A runners-up
hilariousflick,for which the term Seattle), but in an odd way, it's king Flynt isn't the hero, the Con- reduced to a babbling basket case. list might include The Last Sup-
"wacky seems to have been in- the perfect date movie. stitution la in Milos Forma n's Geoffrey Rush received all the per, Stealing Beauty, Big Night,
vented. Not a drop of blood is expert satire that presents the life noticeforhis sensational perfor- Everyone Says I LoveYou, Ran-
shed, either, which is also refresh- Fargo. Ine Coen Brothers finally of a guy everyone would prob- mance as the older David, but som and
ing. One question: What is James broke into the mainstream Vith ably like to forget Woody Noah Taylor has about the same Carried Away. Any of these films
Caan doing in this movie? this spectacular comedy-thriller, Harrclson, whom I've never re- amount of screen time and is is worth checking out
March 20,1997 THE MERCIAD PAGE 5

English Patient looks poised to sweep Oscars

By James Hain has never been nominated until the warmth it needed. As a clever, Should win: Joel and Ethan
BEST DIRECTOR - this year. She gets the sentimental pregnant sheriff, McDormand re-
Merciad A&E Editor Coen's edgy thriller Fargo is re-
Should win: Milos Forman, for vote, even if she's been in far ally did give the best performance ally the best ofthe bunch—which
On Monday, March 24, ABC his admirable job of making a better films man The Mirror Has of die year, male or female. is precisely why it won 'twin. The
pleasant film about a lowlife in Two Faces. Will win: McDormand, although Academy gets jealous very eas-
will air the 69h annual Academy
Awards. It's an opportunity for The People vs. Larry FtynL*- BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR - Brenda Blethyn is close behind fly.
Will win: Anthony M high ell a, Should win: William H. Macy, for her work hi Secrets <& Lies. Will win: The English Patient
your favorite stars to tell each
who's already won the Director's for his brilliant, controlled per- BESTACTOR- It's exactly the kind of film that
other how great they are or, as
Guild award, lot* The English formance as a true loser, the Should win: Geoffrey Rush, for wins Oscars: big and beautiful,
Johnny Carson said, T w o hours
ofsparkling entertainment, spread Patient In fact, expect Patient to scheming car salesman in Fargo. his manic, yet lovable turn as a with not much going on upstairs
out over a four hour show." This sweep. Will win: Cuba Gooding, Jr., for profoundly screwed-up indi- (like Pamela Lee).
year, an overwhelming percent- BESTSUPPORnNGACTRESS his role as a boisterous football vidual in audience favorite Shine.
age of the nominees are from in- Should • win: ^Marianne Jean- hero in Jerry Maguire The Acad- Will win: Rush, although Billy I don't want to put any undue
dependent studios, which the stu- Baptiste, for her calculated, im- emy prefersflamboyantacting to Bob Thornton (Sling Blade ) is pressure on myself, but last year I
dios should take as a sign that mensely likeable performance in subtle turns like Macy's. dosing in. If there's a surprise, it was six for six in my predictions.
nobody's going to pat them on the Secrets & Lies. BESTACTRHSS- will be here* Don't hold me to that standard
back for producing era p a ny more. Will win: Lauren Bacall, who Should win: Frances again—I might crack. Well know
Some predictions: has been in films since 1944 but McDormand, for giving Fargo BESTPICTURE- Monday.

Dancers Attend Festival

By Amanda Smith partments and die professional survival strategies and
Bungle in theJungle
Merciad Columnist dance community. multicultural ism in dance. This so-called comedy la
Corneau and Smith performed By Carrie Tappe
Under die direction of Dance much to laugh about Most ofth
in an adjudicated concert present- Merciad Columnist
Four members of the faculty member Catherine sorry humor centers on the cbea
Mercy hurst. College Pance. De- Schaeffer, three students, Jenni- , ing an excerpt of work choreo- I Tim Allen's comedy and suc- humor of indoor plumbing. Lolii i

partment attended the Northeast fer Cornea u, Sondra Dorwart and graphed by Schaeffer entitled cess-'has* finally- gone flat. Davidovich and Williams are 1 3
Region American College Dance Amanda Smith participated in "Sisters - Innocence." Following JungleUungle is a flsh-out-of- in the spirit of the film
Festival held at Penn State Uni- dance classes, performed and at- the performance, both the danc- water comedy doomed for fail- Davidovich tries too hard ai
tended panel discussions at the ers and die choreographer re- ure. Jungle2Jungle stars Allen as
versity from Match 12-16. The Allen's fashion designer Can
festival opened with a concert festival. The classes that were ceived feedback 7 from selected Michael Cromwell, a successful while Williams practically sleej
featuring well known artists Sean offered included modern, jazz and professional choreographers. In commodities trader who is going walks through herrolc as the moi
Curran and Jane Comfort and Co. ballet technique; massage, mar- addition to presenting her chore- to the Amazon jungletofinalize stable and understanding
and dosed with JAZZDANCE tial arts and conditioning for danc- ography, Schaeffer was invited to his divorce from his first wife, wife.
by Danny Buraczeski. The ers; African dance, Chinese dan o teach advanced modern and iazz Patricia (Jobeth Williams). To Although JungleUungle
Mercy hurst da ncers were able to ing and Iyengar Yoga. Panel dis- technique master classes at the his surprise, hefindsout that he well in ill debut, Allen should!
represent the Dance Department cussiont offered an opportunity exuberantly has a /13-year-old son who baa definitely slick to his weekly fold
and make a number of contacts for the dancers to apeak with pro- received by faculty and students been raised as a member of a on Home Improvement. The
college dance de- fessionals on topics such as dance in attends nee. native tribe. When Michael agrees screenwriters missed the boatwith
to bring his son to New York Jungle2Jungfe.

F i g a r o at D ' A n g e l o abig success

By Michael Kisiel seating capacity of the D'Angelo ducting debut with the D'Angelo ing Arte Center, acting and voice. Nevertheless,
Contributing Writer Performing Alts Center. AH of Opera Theatre, leading the tal- I Susanna, one of the four lead- these leading roles could not take
Those looking for a weekend those in attendance, however, re- ented orchestra of. faculty and ing roles, played by Korissa all of the praise, for they were
soap opera fix had to go no further ceived both a treat for their eyes students to a successful perfor- Kirkwold on Friday and Karen complemented by many talented
than the Mary D'Angelo Perform- and ears. The set, designed by mance of a not-so-easy and very Milinovich on Sunday,combined minor roles with such performers
ing Arts Center on Friday and Michael Gicason, consisted of a physically taxing musical score. with the role ofFigaro, played by as Annie Armitage, Barbara
Sunday of this past weekend. The carousel capable of changing to Stage Director David Hercndcen John Taylor in both productions, Boeke, Melanie Freaney Eberard
D'Angelo Opera theatre produced one of the four scenes in the opera also had his hands full with the were two performances which and Daniel Cabanillas. "
an excellent performance of by a simple 45-degree turn (an immense amount of staging (act- were definitely talked about af- Everyone who participated or
engineering masterpiece), sThe ing) that had to be learned by the terwards. The Count, the evil be- helped with the opera, in one way
Mozart's TheMarriageofFigank
costumes, provided by Richard cast along with the opera itscl f. hind the opera, played by Mark or another, deserves much praise
All in a 11, the production lasted a
Davis of the Erie Pla yhousc, also There is no doubt mat a lot of Riley on Friday, and Randy for ma king it such a success. There
short three hours full of witty hu-
mor, drama tic professions of love added to the authenticity of the ha rd work went Into bringing this Hetherington on Sunday, also are many ways to Judge success.
and confusion, and all the com- production. Doubtless, though, it production to life, but it was one gave terrific performances. Some determine success by
plexities ofa not-so-ordinary love was the voices and the orchestra which the ta lented group of per- Cherubino, played by Mary Beth wealth and status and someJudge
of those artists who participated formers made seem very easy to Sederburg on Friday, and * * by smiles. It is the smiles

that added life and beauty to the those in attendance, Rootraising Monique Fasano on Sunday, was th at count and the D'Angelo Cen-
The turnout for both perfor-
set and the costumes. performances were definitely not a most impressive showing of a ter, aa roomy as it is, could not
in ances* was sizable, but not
Stephen Colantti made his con- going out of style at the Perform- wonderful combination of both nit ta in all of them.
•Mlinigh to pack the respectable
PAGE 6 THE MERCIAD March 20,1997

P r o c e s s for a p p r o v a l o f C o n e w a s s u b v e r t e d
By Tavis O verstreet rience with APAC, the value of
demic Planning and Assessment quality curriculum forMercyhurst the school that they bypassed the
Merciad Columnist Committee (APAC), an advocate graduates. Though I cannot say process altogether. They could some functions of the Sena te is
ofthe proposed Core whose praise for sure, the only logical conclu- not win by the rules, so they questionable at best
If you haven't already heard, was indeed hard-won, the Core sion seems to be that the Core's changed (or obliterated) the rules. Students have had essentially
the Core Curriculum for the was supposed to go through a advocates were unwilling to go Moreover, it seems that organi- no say in the formation of the
classes of 2001 and onward was vigorous process of examination through the deliberative process zations such as APAC simply Core Curriculum this year be-
accepted by the President and the by such constituencies as the stu- because ofdie significant opposi- exist as pacifiers. Students are cause the process was entirely
Board ofTrustees during "spring" dents (MSG?) and faculty. The tion to the Core that would have to allowed to participate in the Sen- abandoned. If students are going
break. Besides the new'Core's President ma nda ted that the Core be overcome in such organiza- ate and on Senate committees, to be allowed to have direct input
sufficiencies and deficiencies, had to be approved by an 80% which are in turn supposed to into the school's policies, espe-
tions as APAC, of which I am a
which were hotly debated on these majority of die College Senate participate in the decision-mak- cially in regards to curriculum,
member. As the name ofthe com-
very pages in the weeks approach- and its pertinent committees, be- ing process. But, because mere is then the processes which make
mittee suggests, it was our re-
ing break, the problem of the pro- fore it could go on for ultimate no concrete method for making this possible must be followed.
sponsibility, among other duties,
cess in which the Core was ap- ratification. Instead, the Core was such decisions, die rules can be Otherwise, die school shouldn't
to assess the adequacy or inad-
proved ought to be scrutinized. never voted on by any of these equacy of the Core Curriculum, changed at will by the very people waste the time ofthose concerned
As The Merciad reported in an organizations. but the panel never rendered a who are submitting their propos- about the way in which
article on Jan. 30 (New Core Cur- J als to be approved. I am not ques- Mercyhurst is run by pretending
The question is why the Core judgment • *
riculum Proposed), which re- tioning the value of the Senate's to give students, especially and
was ram-rodded through the It seems mat the Core's propo-
ceived high praise in a letter by contributions in other areas of others who serve in organizations
school after a process had been nents lacked so much confidence
the Chairman of the Senate Aca- such as"APAC or the College
set forth to ensure the highest in its acceptability to the rest of school policy, butfrommy expe-
Senate a Voice.

More About
By Michael J. Opperman ing to the discussion, this letter the publication be considered in- tions. I agree. In fact, I could not Zone's versatility and flexibility.
Merciad Columnist provides me with the opportunity dependent?" And, agree more. However, flexibility Despite Mr. Koskoski's expla-
to clarify a few of my obscrva- "how can the publication be con- and versatility mat are not uti- nation ofthe varied ways in which
First, I would like to express tions through a response to Mr. sidered underground when these lized and exploited are useless. individuals can express opinions
appreciation for the expansion of 6
Koskoski's » arguments. reviewers are members ofdie Stu- Freedom untested is no freedom and his contention thatthe bulk of
library hours. The library will now Mr. Koskoski * interpreted my dent Senate (one ofthe most pub- at all. Does this freedom actually the content of the publication is
be open until 10 p.m. on Fridays criticisms ofthe Freedom Zone to lic of student organizations)?" exist? not short poetry ("there are facts,
and Saturdays* This extra access mean that I considered the "pub- Mr. Koskoski states that "the I am not criticizing current con- stats, graphics, and questions in
to the library and its resources lication seemingly less worthy of members of the Freedom Zone tributors. I have a great deal of addition to the poetry"), Lstill
will be met with gratitude by many readership and college funding pride themselves on being an in- respect for those individuals sub- argue that the Freedom Zone is
on this campus. than the campus newspaper and dependent, underground publica- mitting work to the Freedom doing far less than it is capable of
This week I intend to spend literary journal." This is not my n
tion. This claim does not seem Zone. They are distinguished in doing. I see little challenging of
some time and ink responding to belief at all. The issue of deserv- .___ istentwith the circumstances
» • ) ! their efforts. limitations and boundaries. Ste-
Scott Koskoski** letter. He ing college funding:is not rel- of the publication's existence.

Instead, I am challenging the reotypes and prejudices are left

wrote last week in answer to my evant to my critique. Mr. Koskoski contends that members ofdie Freedom Zone to standing stronger than ever.
exa mina don of the Freedom Zone. Instead I ask, "how can a publi- the versatility and flexibility of confront and subvert our expecta- The Freedom Zone could be a
My article concerning the Free- cation funded by the college be the Freedom Zone are its most tions. As members of the Free- place where issues are discussed
dom Zone was intended to be considered independent?" On the valuable, assets. He also argues dom Zone,tiiey are in th e position openly and aggressively. That
only a single voice in the conver- same note, I ask, "how can a pub- that the rigid formats of the to address serious, difficult is- would be underground and inde-
sation and I welcomed Mr. lication subjecttoediting and re- Merciad and Lumen serve, in sues. They are in the position to pendent
Koskoski's letter. Besides add- view bv individuals external to many cases, to limit the publica- take advantage of the Freedom

By Eniilio Colaiacovo groups such as the American Civil ety has encountered when deal- "Easter" in school calendars and County, ironically, Gve year-olds
Merciad Political Columnist' Liberties Union about the fact that ing with the question of church publications. The annual faculty are sexually educated and pre-
he sa ys a prayer before each court and state. To him, religious faith Christmas party was no longer pared for the later introduction of
In 1953, Russell Kirk, a noted session end that he has a wood- sustains liberal democracy, be- referred to as its traditional name condoms in elementary school.
conservative theoretician, stated carved Ten Comma ndment cause it provides a basis for be- but rather as a "holiday party." Evidently, the word "Christmas"
in his Conservative Mind, "Not plaque behind his bench. Besides liefs that undergird the highest While such anti-religious zealots is extremely more dangerous and
by force ofarms are civilizations the fad the Ten Commandments ideals and aspirations of human- Uphold the rights ofthe few, they sensitive to a Gve year old than
hcl d together, butby subtle threads are essential components of West- kind. Therefore, die subject can fail to realize that the rights of the words associated with sexual
of moral and intellectual prin- ern and common law, social not be dassiGed as a "hobby* or those who wish to refer to these education.
ciple." It seems, however, that groupsfindthe judge's practices especially irrelevant to the politi- "holidays" by their traditional This topic I thought to be quite
our society has abandoned our offensive and an act of invasion cs! and cultural debate our nation names are being trampled on* pertinent, especially with the up-
moral fabric to favor an amoral, by various "religious* forces in currently endures. Evidently, the superintendent coming religious holidays. Un-
bordering on atheistic, social America." In researching this article, I expected religious citizens to lay fortunately, social activists fail to
policy. According to Cal Thomas, an- came upon an instance where re- down their First Amendment realize that our nation was
Nothing illustrates this more other noted conservative author, ligious freedoms were denied. In privilege, which states that the founded upon religious principles
than the recent occurrence in thefoundersof our nation were 1992," Frederick County, government can make no law with a firm belie f in a divine be-
Etowah County, AL. Circuit guided by a strong sense of devo- Virginia's school superintendent which restricts the free exercise ing. Saying a prayer in court,
Judge Roy Moore has received a tion to God and did not at all issued a memorandum prohibit* of religious beliefs, fori the studying the Ten Command-
lot of criticism from secular intend the current problems soci- ing the use of "Christmas" and minority's sake. Yet in Frederick contd. pg 8
March 20,1997 THEMERCIAD PAGE 7

Campus Question The Oscars are coming up! What's your pick for the
movie of the year and why?
I **%$*$>

• K M * ! ^ » « t t « * 8 r

& If "BBP

J.P. Cooney, Junior, Venus Salinas, Freshman, Chad Ewings, Sophomore, Michelle Lecker, Senior,. Tricia Six, Freshman,
* *

Vocal Performance Elementary Ed. , Art Therapy Vocal Performance

"Howard Stem's movie because 1 think that the English Patient " My favorite movie that I've "I think that Tom Cruise did a 1 think the English Patient was
I'm a Howard fanfirstof all, and will win, because the acting and seen this year is * National really great job in Jerry Maguire the best movie of the year because
if yon didn't like Howard first of the story and the plot are a work of Lampoon's European Vacation, and I think that little boy with Ralph Fiennes is a babe"
all or never heard of him it was art" because it was the funniest movie glasses was just so cute."
still a funny movie." that I've ever seen."

fife* 6 * 4 * )

—:• •••

Lynn Miller, Junior, Justyn Headley, Freshman, Ken Fronczek, Freshman, 2 Lucas Lorensana, Freshman, Meranda lippert, Junior,
Special Ed. Special Ed. Accounting Communications Special EdJ
"Ghosts of Mississippi because "Jerry McGuire had a good The People Versus Larry Flyntt "My favorite movie was Howard "I think that it's Phenomenon,
it had good historical value." story line and a lot of good actors because Larry Flynt is my hero." Stern's Private Parts because because I like John Travolta and I
in it" :ii Howard is the king ofall media." thought he played a good part",

Letter To The Editor

Freshmen Housing Dilemma
To the Editor problem. I do not believe that those are assigned to people who have
By Dan Hilfiker
Senior Writer
With the success of the rereJease
of the Star Wars trilogy, I would
ofus who travel hundreds of miles not be surprised to see ma ny other
empty beds whether they want
big movie companies trying to
This letter is not a response to are in the majority, but we do you or not This seems like a HI living
follow their lead and rerelease
anything that The Merciad has constitute a valuable portion of wonderful solution. I am not a weeks a
many other great cinematic clas-
written but is a response to the the Mercyhurst community. Oth- big pa rtier. I prefer calm, low key have not heard all the hoopla, the
sics. Unfortunately for us and for
housing newsletter for March ers besides simply me would like gatherings. Perhaps I will be Star Wars trilogy has been Erie, we do not have a movie
1997. Th is isfromthe perspective to go home, but it is too expensive thrown in to afour-dayrager rercleased to the public with a
house in town that is willing to
ofafreshmanfrom New Engl and. for such a short and unanticipated where si eep is not a n option. Be t- few added minutes offootageand
show many of the movie classics
Basically, my response is the ar- time. The cost of traveling just to ter yet, I could live with someone some beefed up special effects.
In contrast to what some others of old, such as Citizen Kane or
gument against closing the dorms western Massachusetts it about who was just let off of a sexual
out there may feel, I love this The African Queen, I think that
during Easter Break. I have been $140-150 round trip by train. I do assault charge with only a slap on
the wrists. My parents would be idea. These movies were the most this is where ma ay of the movie
driven to a plea for pol icy change not travel as far as many do, and la theaters today have erred.
after having spoken with both my taking die train, my time at home plea sed to h ear about any of these influential films for me while
scenarios. They will no doubt growing up, but I was never able Think of how brilliant movies
R.A., Andy Ganfidd, and the As- would be about 24 hours. There- such as 2001; A Space Odyssey,
sistant Director ofHousing, Shawn fore, I am stuck here. feel like their money is well spent, to see the first episode on the big
what with their kid sleeping in screen because it ha d run its course On the Waterfront and The Mal-
McMasters. Having dealt with When we returnedfromspring
the same room aa some psycho in the theater long before I waa tese Falcon would be ifthey were
both of these people before in is* break, the people I talked to saw viewed on the big screen at a
sues of the college bureaucracy, I the Easter Break on the schedule andau\? • * attracted to the series. 2 1 *
Perhaps, in money lies the an- rerelease brings a' contemporary thea ter, not to me n-
expected better reception when I and said that they, as I, saw it as a tion Sony Dynamic Digital Sound.
swer. Mercyhurst, as far as I've n ens ion to the film
presented them with my housing good opportunity to catch up on I imagine that most Americana
class reading or begining to type seen, is a good deal. We pay what Was never before able to experi-
dilemma. amounts to half of what most of ence. In fact, I plan on seeing the have never even seen classics such
The main problem is the length up the paper due the following myfriendsback home do and are rest of the trilogy at the cinema in as The Wizard of Oz and Gone
of the break in question. Easter week. Needless to say, it was a still an accredited school, with the near future. Home video is with the Wind on anything else
Break is only two days longer than total shock to discover we were some excellent programs, hea ded great and enables us to see many but a small television screen.
the normal weekend. This now being thrown out for three days. by some extraordinary people. I of Hollywood's m asterpieces at The renewed vigor with which
brings into the debate the many Instead of a relaxing long week- speak of R/IAP and Archaeology low cost and convenience, but the Star Wars trilogy is packing
freshmen who do not 1 ive is Erie. end, I now look forward to •Alter- (which I am familiar with) spe- there is a tremendous effect th a t is theaters and which cable televi-
Normally during breaks, it is native Housing." cifically. lost when you a re not a ble to view sion stations such as Turner Clas-
mostly the members of select If you do not have any friends »i&*k Mtt^tSS contd. pg8 a movie on the big screen. 1 1 I 1 contd. pg 8
ftfinrt*teAmithat have the housing with apartments to stay with, you
PAGE 8 THE M ERCIAD March 20,1997

T i m e to Deal With "Sleeping"

By Joe Wong n
D r a g o n
the Communist "East ^^ views of Beijing, because the economy, accompanied by its to threaten military war with the
Merciad Columnist The people of Hong Kong have books "are not suited to the growth in wealth, industry and Chinese, we can threaten an eco-
benefited greatly, receiving the changes after 1997." status in die world that has driven nomic battle, one which we surely
Imagine waking up tomorrow military protection of Britain and The new governor of Hong the Chinese in recent years. The would win.
andfindingyourself living, liter- a guarantee oftheir liberty, all the Kong, Tung Chee-hwa, was cho- United States must recognize that A pledge by the United States
ally, in a completely different while enjoying thefruitsofa pros- sen by a committee, in turn cho- apparentflawin the Chinese and is needed, before the hand-over,
country. Bat not just any country, pering economy. But Britain's sen by the Communist govern- use it to our advantage and the threatening the revocation of
one with an opposing political, lease expires this year and al- ment Unlike the current gover- benefit of the people of Hong China's special trading and eco-
economic and social structure. though Margaret Thatcher at- nor, Chris Patten, who is willing Kong. nomic rights if they begin to in-
Imagine going to sleep in a coun- tempted to negotiate an extension to oppose his government in Lon- The Chinese consistent! y refuse fringe on the freedoms and liber-
try where t multitude of free- in 1982, the Communist Chinese don for the sake of his city, Tung to discuss human rights and eco- ties of the people ofHong Kong.
doms, liberties and rights are not were adamant about the return of will surely be a mere puppet for nomics in the same negotiations We have replaced Britain as the
only respected but encouraged and a w
their island. As part of the agree- his government in Beijing. The and we have done little to oppose world's great empire, but instead
waking up in a country that limits ment between the two nations, Chinese record on human rights that when deciding their Most ofmil itary conquests, we acquire
yourfreedoms,curbs your liber- Hong Kong is to be returned to and especially on repressing up- Favored Nation status. The Chi- through economics and Hong
ties and even forbids your reli- China, which in turn guarantees risings, regardless of how peace- nese have been able to argue that Konff should be our next prize.
gion. At midnight on June 3 0, this the same liberties and economic r fill, is notvery encouraging. From what happens in their own coun-
nightmare will not be imagina- freedoms for Hong Kong for the a practical point ofview, the Chi- try is ofno concern to the United
tion for the people ofHong Kong, next 50 years. nese must restrict the freedoms of States. But die people of Hong
buta reality. StartingJuly l,Hong the people in Hong Kong, in order Kong are different, they are Helmet .j
Communist China proclaims the
Kong ceases to be a colony in the contd.frompg7 ';
people of Hong Kong will be to prevent die spread of dissen- "Hong Kongers," ethnic Chinese
British Empire and becomes a treated fairly and will live with- sion throughout China. It is be- with a tradition of British and sic Movies and American Movie
part of the People's Republic of out much notice of the cause the Chinese surely see the Western \law, freedoms and Classics have evolved, should
China. changeover, but people naive need for tight restrictions on the rights. It seems likely that China open the eyes of many theater
In 1898, after holding Hong enough to believe that should per- people of Hong Kong, that we will not folly respect the liberties operators around the country to
Kong for 56 years, Britain forced haps reeducate themselves on the must act now to prevent the Chi- Hong Kong is begin showing the classic films of
the Chinese to grant a 99-year nese from imposing those restric- used to, despite their pledges. years past to a new generation of
history of the Communist system
lease to the island, which became moviegoers. Maybe men many
and specifically the Chinese Com- • tions. &£ ifo .!•• .i* . .'w We must not allow die Chi-
a British Crown Colony. Over the. people today will learn why ac-
munists. There are signs now m a t i ^Colonialism is dead fifljfc is nese, the Communists, to renege
years, the colony has flourished tors like fJames tDean, Audio
the Chinese are preparingtoalter time for die British to leave Hong on another agreement, we must
and become one of the most im- Murphy and Humphrey Bogart
the spirit of the hand-over agree- Kong, but equally true is die fact not make die same mistake made are as famous as they aretoday,or
portant cities in the world for•HI
HMI . Just recently, the Chinese that Communism is dead, a fact at Yalta. We mustforcediem to
merce, banking and trade awl a what movies first catapulted
Foreign Minister stated die his- that even the Chinese are willing respect the traditions and history
jewel of not only the British Em- tory books in Hong Kong would Marlon Brando to fame. He didn't
to admit, at least economically. It of the people of Hong Kong. As
pire, but ofthe West in the face of start outi as the Godfather you
have to be altered to betterfitthe is that very desire for a capitalist we should not befoolishenough know.
Liberty contd from pg * < a specific religion down
menu, or using the word "Easter*
will not break our already fragile
throat If you do not feel ¥1111
able saying a prayer, don't say it The Merciad
democracy; rather, I believe it If yon do not wish to study the
would enhance It According to Ten Commandments, don't study VOL. 70 NO. 17 March
• "
• " -

Cal Thomas, tie unraveling of mem. If yon arc an atheist or an Merciad Editors
nations occurs when humans sV agnostic, continue to believe in John Murphy Editor-in-Chief James Bain A&E Editor
tpt to topple Cod snd replace
lilt whatever you believe in. How- Scott Vance Sports Editor Jason Giffen I Advertising
His suthority with our own. We ever, do not make the religious Chris Wloch News Editor Michelle Mhta Copy Editor
have tried this "social experimen- tLtjUlll lunity suffer because of your Brad Rybczynskl Features Editor lAaron Council Graphics
tation' policyforfar too long and preferences. If only our nation Danllilflker Senior Writer Jerry Trambley Advisor
you can tee our problems. was more understanding and less
Spiritual deficiency and the de- confrontational, we could actu- Merciad Staff
cline "of American culture are ally make progress with some JamzPorzio Jessica Russell Michael J Opperman
closely related. No one is forcing our pressing social concerns. Stephen Nolan Joe Wong Carrie Tappe
BiUMelvifle | Mindi McDowell Emilio Colaiacovo
Letter. Housing ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ the issue. We are all students, but Todd Zielinski Mary Pike Jody Washington
eontd. from pg 7 not all Catholics. This should be Amanda Smith Steve Torriero
Kara Clark
Acknowledging this, I would first and foremost an academic Nicole Esposito Heather Cvitkovic
Maureen McMahon
be willing to fay the little extra institution, not a religious one. It
moneytostay the three days, I do should be a place to pursue aca- The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College, Box 161,
not feel like I need the supervi- demic inquiries and studies. Stu- 501 E. 38th St., Erie, Pa., 16546. Phone 824-2376.
sion ofan R-A- with security avail- dents deserve a place to fed ssfe
able, but seeing thingsfromthe and to sleep comfortably every
single day mat they are affiliated Hie Merciad welcomes letters to the editor.
schools perspective, I would help
pay for an RA. with and giving money to their
Finally, I would like to urge respective institutions of learn-
the people in charge to remember ing. It should be a place we can
what we are and whs t we are bere call home. I cannot, in good faith,
for. I intentionally avoided the recommend this school to any-
one who lives as far away as I do Hie Merclad's editorial opinion is determined try the Editorial Boaidwith the Editor-in-Chief
fact that we arc a Catholic school holdingfinalresponsibility. The opinions expressed in The Merciad are not necessarily those of
and Easter is an important Catho- and that should worry adminis-
Ike Merciad, its staff or Mercyhurst College. *
lic Holiday. I did m isforit is not trators the most
March 20.1997 THE MERCIAD PAGE 9

Frannie Foltz: A n Inspiration to All

By Brad Rybczynski dent teaching a fourth grade class saying," I just think it is so much
Features Editor at Perry Elementary, under the fun because Christmas is my fa-
guidance of Patricia Tellers. Af- vorite holiday." For those in-
Frannie Foltz senior early child- terfinishingat Perry, Foltz will volved in this past Christmas on
hood / elementary education ma- move on to Belle Valley Elemen- Campus, you probably recognized
jor from Sharpsville Pa., will be tary. Foltz dressed in a Cinderella cos-
graduating in May from In keeping with her desire to tume.
Mercyhurst with hundreds of fid- educate and lead, Foltz was in- Seeing Foltz in a crown was
low classmates* Foltz, however, strumental in starting an aerobics nothing new for all those in atten-
will not fade from memory program at Mercyhurst Foltz dance at the Homecoming foot-
quickly as she leaves behind four explained that Dawn Strunk, ball game. At half time, Foltz was
years of hard work and involve- women's lacrosse coach, was crowned Homecoming Queen.
ment looking for an instructor and hear- Reminiscing about the day, Foltz
Foltz came to Mercy hurst in the ing this, volunteered to take on recalled being very nervous and
Fall of '93 after an extensive the task. when she won she said, "It was
search for therightschool. She The aerobics class began in the shocking. It wasn't something I
toured the likes of Syracuse Uni- first weeks ofthe Winter term and was expecting, especially with the
versity, John Carroll and Cortland runsfromMonday to Thursday at other girls nominated for court It
University, but it was at 8:15 p.m. in the Rec Center. Foltz was a great honor and I'm look-
Mercy hurst that she felt most at runs the classes with Vanessa ing forward to coming back next
home. Pappalardo, a senior nursing ma- year.
During a hot August day, Foltz jor and newest addition, Jen Being popular and becoming
was ushered around campus by Hamelly, a junior biochemistry Homecoming Queen have a lot to
two cousins who had attended and chemistry dual major. Hamely do with being outgoing and that is Frannie Foltz with her mother Luci
Mercyhurst They showed her said of her experience with just what Foltz is, especially when
the ins and outs a n d ups and downs aerobics and Foltz, "Frannie is a she puts on the green coat of an
of the Hurst scene. In recalling very enthusiastic persont who ambassador. Foltz has been a
the day. Foltz remember s the out works very well with the people member of the Ambassadors Club
fit she wore and most important, who come here. We have a lot of for three years.
the, impression it left on her. fun."! I ? \ I Foltz explained her involvement
"Mercyhurst was the nicest as far Much of aerobics involves by saying," I like it a lot I really
as atmosphere and people; it was dance steps and Foltz is also pre- enjoy the people in the club and
everything in one," she said. paring for another type of dance, things we do as far as prospective
It was her family that intro- the Senior Dinner Dance. In the students go in helping them in
duced Foltz to the scenic college beginning of the year, Foltz was their decisions." Alice Edwards,
on the hill and it was her family nominated and chosen to co-chair professor of Spanish, who has
that gave her the strength and the Senior Dinner Dance Com- worked closely with Foltz said,"
support to come. mittee, along with Mary Sloan, a Honestly, you couldn't pick a
Foltzhad a very strong rela don- senior nursing major. better person to epitomize what
ship with her family which she The Senior Dinner Dance is the tile best Mercyhurst student is."
characterized by saying, "I love culmination of four years of Edwards involvement with
my family with all my heart, I memories for seniors and it is no Foltz has been largely in the area
wouldn't be here without them. I mean feat to bring .together. of volunteering. Foltz accompa- Foltz with friends (Do R) Kelly Sak, Tricia Baugb, Megan Sawyko,
wouldn'tbave gotten through half Shuttles need to be booked, halls nied a group of students in 1994 Lisa MaJinowskir Kerry Wagner. & Kavlene Carson
the stuff I've been through with- reserved, D J.s chosen and many to Mexico to participate in a pro- and seniors in high school. done or gone through daily."
out them. w other things need to be done as gram sponsored by the Erie Dio- In the future, Foltz hopes to Foltz 1 ists among her accom-
In fact, Foltz attributes much of well, but Foltz is taking it all in cese called Mission of Friend- once again return to Mexico. This plishments, four years on die Stu-
her success not only to the dose stride.. ship. time for a 15-month stay with the dent Activities Committee, being
relationship with her immediate She sa id, "It's been hectic, but During the 10 day stay, the group Mission of Friendship. a Resident Assistant for her jun-
family, but her extended family I'm enjoying it, I enjoy the re- helped poor families by remodel- IfFoltz is unable to go to Mexico ior year in the Mercy Apartments
as well. Typically, the family sponsibility. I like to know that ing homes and working with the she plans on turning her eyes and being named a Dean's List
vacations together and eats daily it's going to be a big success and young and elderly. Edwards said, South. In the South, she will look Scholar for three years.
mea Is together in spite ofltving in I'm really excited." "It was a really wonderful experi- for a position teaching at the kin-
\ households. The Senior Dinner Dance is not ence, itwas a great group ofpeople dergarten or first grade level. HELP WANTED
One of Foltz's most constant Foltz's first time organizing a stu- to be with because it was all around The South will be perfect for Men/Women earn $ 4 8 0
teachers wis her grandmother. dent event In herjunior year, she a nice group of kids, but espe- Foltz who loves the sun* She said, weekly assembling
Living with her grandmother, she was one of the coordinators for cially I think Frannie's presence " A lot offriendsback home call circuit boards / d e c -
would come home and instead of Christmas on Campus. was just key to making it a really me the sun goddess because I'm tronic components at
letting her watch television her Her involvement in Christmas experience. % always in the sun and I love to
1 home. Experience
grandmother taught her how to on Campus has been varied over Foltz has volunteered In other, tan."" f - * t f\
In summing up four years of uunessary, will train.
cook, sew and crochet among her four years. In her fresher and less exotic, environments as well. Immediate openings In
other things. sophomore year, Foltz. was a While visiting her home, she vol- Mercyhurst, Foltz could not pin
point one crowning moment or your local area.
This care Cor others may have buddy for the youths th at come to unteers at local schools, she helps
Mercyhurst for a touch of holiday with youth rallies for the Erie achievement in her college ca- Call 1-520-680-7891
been what instilled in Foltz the
joy and happiness. Foltz explained Diocese and goes on retreats spon- reer. Rather she said, "It has been extC200
desire to become a teacher her-
sort of a myriad of things that I've
self. In this final term, she is stu- her enthusiasm for the event by sored by the diocese for juniors
PAGE 10 THE MERCIAD March 20,1997

By Brad Rybczynski
Senior Art Unveiled
By Allssa Minner
Features Editor Merciad Guest Writer

It hasfinallycome, the last term ofmy undergraduate career. I still cannot The days are winding down
tell if I am excited, sad or just so burned out that I do not care. until graduation for U9 seniors
I have been pondering this for the past month and I know that I am excited from the Mercyhurst Art Depart-
about die prospect of delving Into a new en of my life. I am also scared ment, but before they could think
because I just do not know what I am going to do after May. of graduating, they spent many
A certain sadness has set in because I will no longer have the opportunity hours creating an art exhibit to
to see the people and walls I have grown so accustomed to. There will be show their ta lents for everyone in
no more Wednesday nights at The Merciad of berating Murphy or beating the Erie and Mercyhurst commu-
deadlines. nities to enjoy. These seniors
I have mixed emotions, I really do love this place, but I sure will not miss have been working on this project
the bullshit that goes on here. After four years, I have learned so much about since thefirstterm in the Senior Photo: Aaron Connel
the way things work here, or do not work here, so at times I am disheartened. Seminar class. Sculptures,!
Mercyworld is only a microcosm of the real world and I realize that in light ramies and paintings are just a Michelle Lecker, also an art Art therapy major Natalie
of this, I am probably only in storeformore of the same. At least I will not few of the mediums that will be therapy major, said p was] re- Neumann said that she has been
be pa yingforit out in the working world. represented in the Cummings Art lieved that project wasfinallyput accepted to a graduate school in
A great concern of mine has been inactivity in the face of serious wrongs. Gallery. together because it was very Cleveland, which was very im-
Harassment, rape and suicide have occurred on campus and nothing has Senior art therapy major Brad stressful. The students said it pressed with the Mercyhurst art
been done to educate faculty, staff and most important, students. Hetrick said, This show is very was a good experience setting up program.; "
In an environment of higher education, nothing is done outside of the important because it is a chance the show, but they are glad all the The Mercyhurst Senior Art
classroom to make students more socially adapted to the world we live in. for the seniors to show everyone hard work is finished. Lecker is Exhibition is being held at the
I might add that very little is done in the da ssroom. how hard they've worked." This especially glad to be done be- Cummings Gallery, located in the
When a tragic event occurs, it would make sense to confront the problem will be a chance to show future cause her ceramics piece actually new Mary D'Angelo Performing
instead of pretending it never happened. This process only perpetuates an employers and graduate schools exploded in the kiln, which is an Arts Center. The exhibit will be
environment that will be ripe for reoccurrence of such events. how talented they are'and what oven used to bake the ceramic shown from March 20 to April
Silence is revered as a path to humility and piety by Benedictine monks they've learned in the past four pieces. It took her six months to 11. There will be a reception on
around the world, but the last time I checked, Mercyhurst was not a years at Mercyhurst Hetrick will repair her broken piece. Michelle March 22from2-4 p.m. Every-
monastery. When I start seeing the likes ofMr. Richard Kubiak or Dr. Philip be showing two sculptures in the said she can laugh about it now, one is invited to a ttend.
Supina in robes, I win stop asking for thought provoking conversation. I do exhibit but at the time, it wasn't so funny.
not think that is on the horizon. .4 -.,
A part of this silence is the failure of faculty members to speak up for
colleagues and students for professors. Mercyhurst lost Dr. George Garrelts,
professor of Religion, and Dr. Philip Supina, professor of history, will be
SAC News SAC News SAC News
leaving in May. Actually not "leaving," but being "let go." By Mindi McDowell
I was lucky enough to have taken cl asses with Supina. I would say that theyMerciad Writer

he is among the finest professors I have had the pleasure of being educated
by. He ranks among Dr. William Garvey, Dr. Michael Federici and Mr. On Rid ay, the Weekends committee brings in Mysteries on Campus in the Laker Inn at 7:30 pan. Members
Ba rry McAndrew. of the audience become involved and analyze clues to solve a crime. Prizes will be given to clever detectives.
Why is it then if this and other professors (Dr. Mario Diaz) are so good, On Saturday, SAC will go to Toronto. Call the SAC office at x2463 to inquire. Anyone going on the trip
they are not kept at Mercyhurst? Hi at is something I cannot answer, but I must pay a $10 deposit mat will be returned as the bus is boarded. The bus will be leaving at 8 a.m. and
am very curious to know. I am even more curious to know why nobody is returning at approximately 12 midnight Sunday morning. SAC is merely providing transportation; the
coming forward to support thesefineacademics. activities of the day will be determined by the students.
What ever happened to camaraderie? The thing that is really scary is not On Tuesday, Tournaments is having afreethrow contest at 8 p.m. in the Rec Center. Check for a sign up
only that a sense of cama raderie is gone, but that the ability to question the sheet at the Union desk. Cash prizes will be awarded.
establishment and status quo has fallen by the wayside. Coffeehouse will also be held on Tuesday night To coincide with Women's History Month, the
We are in an academic environment and people are not questioning Coffeehouse committee is bringing in the duo VaDare at 8:30 p.m.
anything. A possible exception to this may be the new core, but I imagine that On Wednesday night, the Movie committee is showing *The Princess" in the Union Grea t Room at 9 pan.
a sense ofjob security might have something to do with that If courses are
cutfromthe core and you teach in that major, the chance that a professor
might be cutfromthe department is probably pretty good.
This attitude la in the professors and trickles down to the students. It seems
Feature's Fast Fact:
that Mercyhurst seeks to educate students to befreethinking and questioning
only after they leave the gatesforthe last time, not while they are here. Newborn babies have 300 bones,
If Mercyhurst is going to continue to excel and become the top notch
nationally ranked liberal arts college that we all know it can be, attitudes adults have 206.
need to change. Tragedy has to be addressed, good professors, must be
recognized for what they are worth and everyone must begin to question •
All words of encouragement for, and agreement with, this column would
be greatly appreciated. I will not hold my breath though

Fast Fact contributed by -Andrea Skowron

March 20,1997 THE MERCIAD PAGE 11

Seniors Look Forward To Their Futures

ConsfromP12 some of them are going to con* ties right now to go and work in Pve-been offered a position in
two-footed player, one wis for tinue playing. They will always hotels, but I'm not sure if that is Kalamazoo, Mich, and in Ten-
standing on" (said with t snicker), be remembered for their contri- what I want to do. Ihavea mar-
said Melody. nessee, but I turned them down
butions to MercyhurstCollege and keting minor and I am just trying because I didn't want to do that,"
These seniors will be very hud Mercyhurst College soccer," said to see what other jobs I can get in said Murray.
to replace. We are recruiting very Melody. j sales," said Lengel. I'll be going back home to
strongly now and some of these "I have another year here, so hopefully work for a pharmaceu-
players we can only hope will fill Future maybe I'll get an undergrad assis- tical company at home," said
their shoes. I would like to wish tantship. This summer I hope to Selvitelli.
the seniors the very I I *K I know "I have a couple of opportuni- play semi-pro in Massachusetts. Keith SeMtelU

Lakers Hit 14 H o m e Runs in Just 12 Games

By Seott Vance The Hurst played Truman Col- ning and Rob Muchafollowedup Quincy but they mana ged to daw we have a lot of options during
Merciad Sports Editor lege in thefirstof its three games with a three-run home run. "We their way back thanks to some the course of the game. With all
on Friday and thanks to some fine were very aggressive at the plate fine 'pitching by Brian Lopez. of those factors and all of those
The men's baseball team is once pitching by Clay "Boomer" and we played well defensively," The turning point was die bases variables present, we can do some
again off to a great 11*1 start to Wood, who pitched a no-hitter said Mamourieh. loaded, 10-10 ball game bottom things mat maybe in the past we
the season after three Wins this (all of the runs came from walks The Lakers went into the final of the seventh, Quincy has its couldn't," said Head Coach Joe
past weekend. The team has al- and errors), the Lakers won the game against Quincy College two-three-four hitters coming l lord ana
ready hit 14 home funs this sea- game 4-2. I t was a bad game due looking for a win to complete and Lopez gets out of the jai The team hopes to continue its
son in comparison to 22 for all of to tile weather conditions," said their weekend sweep and once they don't score a run. Wheno fineformthis weekend as they
la st season and they have 11 play- Bill Mamourieh. again it was die home runs mat pitching is a little bit down we a play against Mansfield,
ers hitting 300 or over with a In the following game, the Lak- won the game for them 11-10. picking it up with the bats, wh Bloomsburg University and Da vis
team batting average of 338. Due ers played Lewis college. The Mucha and Pat Cutshall both hit the bats are down the pitching and Elkins. It's going to be a
to the team's impressive perfor- Lakers|once again secured the two home runs, and Jose Alices doing the job. There seems to 1 challenge," said Jordano.
mance over the weekend, they victory thanks to a home run derby and Brian Depalma both hit sing] e a good balance. I think* oi
have moved from 15th to 11th by me Lakers. Mamourieh hit a home runs. through nine in our lineup is pre!
place in the nation. two-run home run in the Grst in* The Lakers were behind to solid, our pitching staff is deep i

Tennis Time
By Kelly Gillig
Merciad Sports Writer

This past weekend, the men /*•»

V* SV. r vA
made their way to Michigan's .•*>. V
Upper Peninsula to meet some m

conference and non-conference

opponents. The Grst day of the
Dance c
trip was a 10 hour leg six hours of Pickup at Your Door
which were in complete white- Drop Off at Your
*B'H Door,
out conditions. The trip was men-
tally exhausting as the men got in
late at night and had to play early
the next day. Remarkably, the men
pulled themselves together and
beat a tough Lake Superior State
Team convincingly. They were
then back on the road and on
Bang 1
consecutive days met Michigan Uv« 28oz
Tech and the University of Min-
nesota Duluth. The men came
away with two disappointing STUVSNTNlft jMud
Imports $1 OhP MeGm
losses. The men's coach, Ray 17 a up Drinks $1 M
N o C o w I— "y '
Yost, saw the trip as successful Student I.D. C * w * 26o Drafts
saying, "traveling as long as we Non-Aioohollo
w/Student 1.0.
did through such horrible weather
and to beat a quality team like
\ E•V Dnnoe Party
AHO $1
Lake Superior on their home Shuttle Plokup Retro 260Z

says a lot about the team." Plok MoCauly Drop


The men now have a 3-4 record up Baldwin off /ttternative Drinks I
and are expecting a forge during
the second half of their season to
11:00 1:46
Disco We Have It You Get It $1 &

propel them into the • 111

PAGE 12 THEMERCIAD March 20,1997

Senior Soccer Players Reminisce About The Past

By Scott Vance the right back position. He played
Merciad Sports Editor M l istently every game, and I

don't remember Jack every hav-

It ha s been a long four years for ing a bad game. He is a quality
all ofthese players who went from defender, * said Selvitelli.
an unknown team to b e recog-
nized as t national powerhouse. I Memories
had die pleasure o f meeting up
with the seniors on the men's soc- "Getting to die final four was
cer team (Ian Dickerson, Darren probably die best moment I
Murray, Jack Lengel and Keith thought that w e should have won
Selvitelli) to discuss their four it, I was disappointed that w e
years here at Mercy hurst, both didn't Win i t All of the times that
from a sporting and person al point w e went down to Hoppers and the
of view. Edge on a Thursday night were
always great times because w e
The play en they played with had a great team experience. One
of the funniest memories was
"Rich Sheldon and Greg Waddle when Stua rt Hogg came sprinting
were outstanding players and in- out of die hotel toilet naked and
spirational during my first year. jumped in die pool saying "final
During die last two years, Jimmy four here w e come." This was
Reen was a great player, a great after the Missouri game and w e
sweeper. He read die game really were just after getting through to *V*W.**a -*>. - - • » - « . * _ -V w .

well, but if I had to pick the best the final four, even though Rich Ian Dickerson, Darren Murray and Jack Lengel gather in the union to reflect on their Mercy hurst careers
player over the four years, it would Hards wasn't too happy about it, thrashed them. Between that and better back home (England), they namic center forward, he had the
have to be Greg Waddle. All the but it was still| funny," said the Missouri St Louis my junior knew a lot more, but over here I ability to win games on his own,
players respected him and every- Dickerson. year to go to the final four for the think Rich Harris got along with very good at taking players on,
one really enjoyed playing with 1 don't havc r any specific first time and nobody expected us people really well. He knew how very very good in tight situations.
him because he brought the best memories, it was a great experi- to do it," said Selvitelli. « to get people going and that waa Ian was one of the best players in
out of people," said Ian Dickerson. ence going to die NCAA playoffs "Every year we'd leave*for his major strong point, but die our region and he never got the
"Jimmy Reen, Greg Waddle, and making die final four and that games on Friday and we' d all go coaching wasn't too good," said credit that he deserved," said
Glen Francis and 'Ticker' was definitely the high point of out on Thursday night and get Dickerson. Melody.
(Dickerson). I played with Jimmy my four yeais. It was a great twisted because it waa the only "Darren Murray in my estima-
"I had Trevor (Warren) for the
experience and not many people time that we could go out Then tion is the best goalkeeper in Divi-
for four years and Ijust know him first year, but I mink that Rich was
have that opportunity and just the on die bus on Friday morning, the more in touch with the players. I sion II soccer. He has both the
and w e play w e ll together. atmosphere about being around bus would stink from people
Ticker' is just Ticker', ye know know that he didn't get along with abilitv to save balls and distribute
all those people and all your farting,ftwas guaranteed always a lot of people, but I think that he
he's amazing fund Glen is an 19 UHll His skill level ass player is
Antiguan international s o obvi- friends that you play with. I met to be a laugh, said Selvitelli. got die team pretty much to work very very high, his work ethic in
ously a good player. This year, I all my good friends playing soc- together. With the two coaches practice and in games is exem-
think that we were more of a team cer," said Lengel. Regrets plary, something for every under-
John (Melody) and Rich (Hards)
than last year and I think that is "On a personal note, as a team there was a good persona] differ- classmen to learn from. It is go-
one of the reasons that I think w e w e went to Club Giggles. After "Not winning the final four last ence. John was more of a player ing to be a hard job in replacing
didn't win the final four,** said the Buffalo games, w e always year and not getting to the final than a personal coach and Rich Darren," said Melody.
Murray. went to Lazertron and our old four this year. I would have also was more ofa personal coach, but There is no doubt about it,
I'd have to agree with Danen, goalkeeper, Bartiey, was always w

they both had a good balance of Jack is definitely One of the best
taking the piss (said with a giggle) liked to have scored more goals. I
Glen, Ticker and Jimmy, are both I think," said Lengel. athletes ever to play at
out of the workers there. It was think die coaching staff should
among the best players, but I would 1 have a lot of respectforboth Mercyhurst He is very aggres-
just a fun experience going away have put Rob Gillooly up front,"
also include Darren as a goal- John and Rich because they took sive! very strong, and very fit and
with the team,* said Lengel. said Dickerson.
keeper. I think the big difference a chance on taking me down here a superb one-on-one defender. I
"Getting to the final fourforthe "I'm regretting now maybe
was the junior and senior year Mill
without even seeing me play. L j think his claim to fame was keep-
third time, two in junior college !to Erie because I don't
really like it It's in the middle of
compared to the sophomore and thought that Rich was good, but I ing Mike Finn egar (three-year first
freshman year where we didn't and one at Mercyhurst Off the nowhere and there is nothing to had better back home, but It*s a team All-American) quiet for two
have the team unity my first few pitch has to be Stewie, (Stuart do. In terms of soccer, not mak- different sort of soccer over here, games when w e played East
years here and it wasn't e njoy able Hogg) down in north east Mis- ing the final four again this year, it's not as intense. John was very Stroudsburg. He also gave us that
playing. At the end of my sopho- souri when he jumped into the but eh thats the way things go,** good on the personal level," said explosive ability to go forward.
more year, I think that Rich really Swimming pool. When we quali- said Murray. Murray. We'll miss Jack and his antics on
worked hard on getting the team fiedforthe final four. Stewie came "Senior year waa kind of tough, the bus.
'The balance between John and
together and we all respected each tun>ting out o f the jacks (toilet) not playing most of the year (due Rich was good. Rich knew a i"Keith Selvitelli, a big strong
Other and there wasn't as much right into the middle of the lobby to injury), it's not really a regret tactical game inside-out to say the boy. He eats pizza, he's the only
bickering or complaining amongst of the hotel in his nip (naked) and but more of a disappointment least and John was a players 9
Ital ian that doesn'11 ike tomatoes.
each other" said Lengel. dived into the swimming pool,* Other than that, I don't really have coach," said Lengel. He's very skillful on the ball and
T h e first game of our fresh* said Murray. » any * 4 eta," said Lengel.
very hard to mark. He gtvc us
man year until "It would have to be the Gannon Coaching Coach on the Players that extra physical presence on
pj the last game of our game when w e defeated diem 5-1 the field and that extra dimension
senior year he [Jack Lengel ] held my sophomore year. We really T h e coaching Was definitely « j i n D i c k c r s o i l ^ § ytry d y . going forward. He is a very good
Conic iv Contort PI 1

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