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Wormser Landstrasse 31 * Bobenheim, Germany 67240
+49 172 627 8278 * 904-385-4239 *
International thought leader in converting biowaste into green energy
Visionary world expert in solutions for anaerobic digestion of biodegradable was
te conversion to clean energy. As its chief executive officer (CEO), built Energ
iepark Burstadt anaerobic digestion facility, the first of its kind, now part of
Demetrion. Known for a superior understanding of the industry and the ability t
o forecast its changes. Completes every step of process development, engineering
, planning, site analysis, and plant construction. Renewable energy leader; crea
tes a powerful network of industry experts. Negotiates financing and builds succ
essful capital budgets with 100% P&L oversight. Real estate development (retail
sector) expertise and entrepreneurship experience in site development. Fluent in
written and spoken English and German, with some French.
Core Knowledge and Skills
Renewable Energy * Waste Management * Anaerobic Digestion * Substrate Identifica
tion * Primary Investigation* Profit & Loss * Biogas Energy Production * Biowast
e Management
* Supply Chain Management * Plant Construction * Recruitment & Retention * Paten
t Filing (E.U. and U.S.)
Chief Executive Officer | General Manager
Demetrion AG, Burstadt, Germany 2008-Present
Energiepark Burstadt, Burstadt, Germany 2005-2008
* Developed two anaerobic conversion plants (Energiepark Burstadt) utilizing nov
el concepts of biowaste conversion to clean electricity and heat solution. Estab
lished Demetrion as the parent company seeking to develop similar biodegradable
waste conversion plants with partners in the European Union and the United State
s. Hired and directed a team of 15 executives and 10 subcontractor firms, includ
ing an international team of potential partners. Completed all due diligence, ma
rket investigations, and sustainability evaluations. Plants became the most adva
nced facilities of their kind in clean energy production, fully automated, 24x7.
* Acquired two E.U. patents for and filed two U.S. patent applications for therm
ally induced hydrolysis (TIH).
* Designed plant concepts; defined scientific process with researchers; managed
a team of architects and engineers to design facility technical plans.
* Wrote business plans, including financials in collaboration with chief financi
al officer. Delivered executive presentations to venture capitalists and leaders
on the synthesis among investigations, data, and analysis for future successful
* Negotiated major equipment purchases including $1.5 million GE generators.
* Secured $3 million investment in Demetrion from Germany's Federal Bank KFW as
well as $11 million in bank loans.
* Developed international reputation as an industry leader while creating partne
rships with potential sites in Chile, Poland, UK, Taiwan, China, Chile, Turkey,
and Spain. Collaborated with U.S. Economic Development Agencies in Charlotte, Mi
lwaukee, and Atlanta.
* Produced annual ROI of 15%-20% and created 20 new ongoing jobs; expected to de
velop significant number of new plants.
* Keynote speaker as leading biogas expert at the German-American Energy Days (B
erlin) and RETECH 2010 (Washington).
Real Estate Development Expert 2007
Built $10 million outlet retail center; negotiated site location and price with
city and financing with bank. Oversaw creation of architectural plans, secured t
enants, and negotiated leases. Incorporated renewable energy systems into the r
eal estate projects.
University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany, Mechanical Engineering an
d Business. Graduate engineer with diploma (equivalent to U.S. Master of Scienc

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