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Table of Contents

Chapters Page
1.0 Problem Statement 2

2.0 Ethical Consideration Approach 2

3.0 Alternative Solutions 3

4.0 Evaluation of Each Solution 4

5.0 Final Solution 5

6.0 Result of Technology Applied 8

7.0 Bibliography 10

MonTaGuCCi Green Innovations Group | BETCH 3503 1


1.0 Problem Statement

Cars which are produced today use fossil fuels especially petrol that produces carbon
monoxide during combustion. The carbon monoxide produced by cars basically
causes pollution and contributes towards global warming which thins the ozone layer
and causes extreme heat to penetrate the earth thus affecting the environment and
human health.

For years, innovations of green cars were created in order to address this problem.
However, somehow problems started to kick in as they do not contribute enough
towards the environment and are prune not to functioning in some areas that actually
affects drivers. Furthermore, the human race is still not able to come up with a total
green car to put into practice which will save the environment from pollution and
global warming,

2.0 Ethical Consideration Approach

A world free of pollution and clean environment is a goal which humans dream about
and still not able to achieve till this day. Hence, we decided to use the utilitarianism
and common good approach in this problem. Our group will judge the solutions based
on the best overall consequences and work together to implement a system which will
benefit all people.

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3.0 Alternative Solutions

Today, lots of efforts have been made to encounter pollutions which are caused by the
dangerous gases emitted from cars. New ways of going greener have been put to
practice on the road. However, it is still not enough and has not been implemented
fully on the roads. Research and Development have been looking for alternate ways
for automotive to be greener in the future. Some of the technologies have already
been implemented in today’s cars, for example hybrid cars. Hybrid cars like the
Toyota Prius and Honda Hybrid are cars which are run by both petrol fuel and
electric. Therefore, these hybrid cars will emit less toxic gases into the air.

Besides that, EV or known as Electric vehicle are vehicles which run purely on
electricity, thus they do not emit any toxic gases into the air but the mileage which
can be achieved by EVs are very limited as they run out of battery fat and recharge is
vital. Apart from that, some greener solutions like the hydrogen driven vehicles have
been proven to work and it will only emit natural gases like O2 and CO2 in the air.
However this method is still under trial and error as the engine have not been
perfected yet and still could not achieve as much power as today’s petrol driven
vehicles. Moreover, some other greener fuel has been implemented in today’s
vehicles. 30% of American vehicles today use Ethanol fuel rather than the
conventional petrol and diesel fuel. Ethanol fuel is greener and is made of vegetable
oils. It can be made by oneself by only using the cooking oil available at home.

We have come up on implementing a technology that is eco friendly. This would use
the combination of both hydrogen and electricity so that in a case whereby electricity
fails the car will recap with hydrogen and keep on moving.

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4.0 Evaluation of Each Solution

I. Petrol Fuel & Electric Hybrid

Petrol & Electric Hybrid is a good approach to move towards a greener future
with vehicles. However, these hybrid vehicles still emit dangerous gases to the
atmosphere once they run out of battery and switch back to petrol. Furthermore, a
fully charge battery can only last them about 50 miles. Therefore, there are still
flaws in this technology.

II. Electric Vehicle (EV)

Electric Vehicles are vehicles which run fully on electricity. It is a good way to
encounter the pollution as no dangerous gases are emitted to the atmosphere. But
this kind of vehicles is not able to sustain a long distance drive as they will run
out of battery fast. Ways to encounter this problem is still in the process.

III. Ethanol Fuel

Ethanol driven cars are by far also one of the greenest and easy to implement
solutions applied in today’s vehicles. This is because these ethanol driven cars
will only emit less carbon dioxide compared to petrol and these ethanol fuel can
be made by anyone who owns a vehicle in their own kitchen. However, to
produce this ethanol fuel still cost a bit too much although it is cheaper than

IV. Hydrogen Fuel & Electric Hybrid

Based on the technologies our team have researched for a greener vehicle, we
have come to re-engineer a Hydrogen & Electric Hybrid (HEH) driven vehicle
which does not emit toxic and dangerous gases at all, no loud sound of engines
and a cheaper approach for the users of this type of car. As a result, it is a totally
green car with additional high end technologies combined today.

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5.0 Final Solution

Based on the utilitarian approach, we have decided that the best green car that
should be developed and implemented fully today is the Hydrogen & Electric
Hybrid (HEH) driven cars as it is overall the best which has greater balance of
benefit and interest within the environment needs and it best fits the economy and
cost-benefit which will be the solution for the high priced petrol today. Thus, we
will use the common good approach to work together to set values and goals, thus
implement this system which would benefit all.

I. Description

Hydrogen & Electric Hybrid engine (HEH)’s main component which is used to run
the engine is the electric cell battery. The second component to run the engine will
be hydrogen. It is basically the same concept as petrol and electric hybrid but in
HEH case, hydrogen will replace petrol as the fuel plus it produces cleaner
emissions than petrol and electric hybrid. The engine will be recharge when the
brakes are pressed. Additional features of the re-engineered HEH car is the
Wireless Electric Inductor (WiEi). This additional feature allows the car to
recharge the car automatically through an adapter which is installed in the car to
receive the wireless charging and another adapter which will be installed on most
of the lampposts all along the highway.

II. How It Works

Hydrogen and Electric Hybrid engine is mainly powered by the electric battery
cell. Secondary fuel will be the zero emission hydrogen. When the HEH engine
runs out of battery, the engine will automatically switch to hydrogen so the car
would not stop caused by the exhaustion of fuel. HEH cars primarily charges it
battery when the car is being brake. Further explanation is shown in Figure 1.

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STARTING: The engine and motor convert hydrogen to energy

in the
and motor are both used to propel the vehicle

STOPPING: Regenerative braking converts energy into electricity The battery
stored in theprovides
battery. all the necessary energy for the engine to run.

Figure 1: Explanation of how the HEH engine work and recharges its battery
through braking.

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The HEH also comes with one special newly found technology which is Wireless
Electric Inductor or known as WiEi. This technology allows the car to recharge its
battery wirelessly through a system of component installed in the car to receive
waves from a transmitter pad installed under the garage and also installed in
lampposts throughout the highway to enable unlimited charging. Hence, the worry
of having a weak battery is solved with the existence of WiEi and the primary
recharge through braking.

1. Power Supply
2. Transmitter Pad
3. Wireless Electric &
Data Transfer
4. Receiver Pad
Figure 2: A graphical example on how WiEi works.
5. System Controller
6. Battery

Based on Figure 2, the power supply gives out power to the transmitter pad which
are installed under the garage of each HEH car owners and also installed at
lampposts together with the power supply to enable limitless charging when on
the road. The car will then wirelessly receive electric and data transfer through the
receiver pad and therefore channeling the electric and data to the system
controller in the car. The system controller will then transmit the electric to the
battery installed at the back of the car.

MonTaGuCCi Green Innovations Group | BETCH 3503 7


III. Benefits

HEH will not conduct any dangerous emissions to the atmosphere as the engine
will only exhaust heat and water when the car is running on hydrogen. Thus, there
will not be any agent which will lessen the thickness of the ozone layer and
contribute to global warming. HEH’s main component which will run the engine is
the electricity. When other’s have in mind those electric vehicles will run out of
power fast after reaching a certain mileage, we have found a solution to that matter
as we have come out with WiEi. The combinations of recharging when braking
and WiEi enable the cars have limitless boundaries on the road. Furthermore, if
ever a power surge happens, hydrogen will always be available to be used as a

6.0 Result of Technology Applied

Based on the HEH results when applied, we have come to discover these five main
factors which are:

I. Zero Emissions

One of the HEH hybrid car is that it releases zero amount of greenhouse
emissions and fossil fuels, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), into the environment.
This can drastically decrease air pollution levels and perhaps even slow down or
maybe stop the effects of global warming.

MonTaGuCCi Green Innovations Group | BETCH 3503 8


II. Improved Mileage

The HEH car offers better mileage than a traditional, gasoline-powered vehicle
and electric-powered vehicle with the combination of recharging when braking
and WiEi. Having hydrogen as an option for fuel is powerful yet a cheap source
of fuel when hydrogen technology is implemented and will be used as the main
source of fuel for cars in the near future. This means HEH owners save a lot of

III. Incentives

In the US and some European countries, the government offer privilege incentives
and tax breaks to individuals who buy hybrid cars which includes the HEH.
Privilege incentives include exemption from parking fees and permission to use
the carpool lanes.

IV. Insurance Discounts

In some countries, auto insurance companies are offering small discounts to

individuals who drive hybrid cars such as the HEH when it is available in the

V. Low Maintenance

Another benefit of HEH hybrid cars is that they will be strongly built with quality
material. The parts don't deteriorate quickly, so the cars typically require less
maintenance than traditional cars as they are no major wear and tear like the
traditional petrol vehicles.

MonTaGuCCi Green Innovations Group | BETCH 3503 9


50% Percentage of Harmful Emmssions Produced

40% 38%
20% Percentage of Harmful
Emmssions Produced
5% 0%

Percentage of Improved Mileage

70 56
50 48
40 35
30 Percentage of Improved Mileage
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MonTaGuCCi Green Innovations Group | BETCH 3503 10


7.0 Bibliography

Journal Article

a. Hydrogen Technology Roadmap

By Wyld Group PTY LTD

b. Hydrogen-based Internal Combustion Engine Design with CO2 Capture

By Wilson Hago & Andre Morin

c. Wireless Charging Technology

By HaloIPT

Internet Citation

a. Hybrid Cars – Pros & Cons

b. Cars, Trucks, Air Pollution and Health

c. Green Cars

MonTaGuCCi Green Innovations Group | BETCH 3503 11

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