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Universiti Teknologi MARA

Productivity Software Literacy

Accounting And Applied Sciences
UiTM Students

Wan Natasha Elaiza Binti Wan Norzailan

Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Business Computing
Faculty of Computer And
Mathematical Sciences

November 2009


Productivity Software Literacy Among UiTM Students



This thesis was prepared under the direction of Final Year Project Coordinator, Puan
Anitawati Mohd Lokman and has been approved by thesis supervisor, Puan
Rozianawaty Binti Osman. It was submitted to the Faculty of Computer and
Mathematical Sciences and was accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Business Computing.

Approved By:

NOVEMBER 19, 2009 ....……………………………….

(Puan Rozianawaty Binti Osman)




I declare that the work in this thesis was carried out in accordance with the regulations
of Universiti Teknologi MARA. It is original and is the result of my own work, unless
otherwise indicated or acknowledged as referenced work. This topic has not been
submitted to any other academic institution or non-academic institution for any other
degree or qualification.

In the event that my thesis be found to violate the condition mention above, I voluntarily
waive the right of conferment of my degree and agree be subjected to the disciplinary
rules and regulations of Universiti Teknologi MARA.

Name of Candidate : Wan Natasha Elaiza Binti Wan Norzailan

Candidate’s ID No. : 2007123833

Programme : BSc. (Hons) Business Computing

Faculty : Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Thesis Title : Productivity Software Literacy


Accounting and Applied Sciences UiTM Students

Signature of Candidate:

Date : 19 NOVEMBER 2009



In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful. Alhamdulillah, thanks to
the Almighty for giving us the idea and blessing us with strength and courage to
complete this thesis. First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to dedicate my
appreciation and special thanks to all people who involved in finishing this study
especially to my dedicated supervisor, Puan Rozianawaty Binti Osman for her
encouragement, guidance, tolerance, detailed review, constructive criticism and
excellent advice during the preparation of this thesis.

I also would like to express my appreciation to my lecturers, especially Puan Anitawati

Mohd Lokman for her priceless guidance, ideas and critics to make the best of this
research. Last but not least, I also would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to
my family, especially my uncle, Wan Ameer Ruzman Bin Dato Wan Salaidin for his
advices and also for my friends who really give me the fully support, encouragement and
motivation during this work. Thank you.



The major problem of Accounting and Applied Sciences students of UiTM is they lack
of skills in using spreadsheets which they need to apply a lot in their studies.
Spreadsheet is the one of the productivity software. This work presents the level of
competency in spreadsheet of Accounting and Applied Sciences students of UiTM and
the set of skills of spreadsheet required by Accounting and Applied Sciences students of
UiTM. The pre-study was conducted earlier among 40 students of UiTM, most of
students especially students from Accounting and Applied Sciences Faculty have
difficulties in using spreadsheets. A survey conducted using questionnaire and
experiment was done among Accounting and Applied Sciences students to identify the
level of competency in using spreadsheets and to identify set of skills needed by
Accounting and Applied Sciences students in order to increase the level of competency
in spreadsheet. Graphs and tables are presented to show the level of competency in
spreadsheet of students and set of spreadsheet skills needed by Accounting and Applied
Sciences students is presented. This study found that students of Accounting and
Applied Sciences students do not achieve the minimum competency in spreadsheet and
this study found a set of skills needed by Accounting and Applied Sciences students in
order to possess high competency in spreadsheet. The set of skills that was founded by
this study is very useful to UiTM because this set of skills can help UiTM to increase the
Accounting and Applied Sciences students competency in spreadsheet.  



1.0 Research Background 1-2
1.0.1 Research Problem 3-4
1.1 Research Questions 4
1.2 Objective of Research 4
1.3 Scope of Research 4
1.4 Significance of Research 5


2.0 Definition of Terms 6
2.0.1 Computer Skills for Undergraduate 6-9
2.0.2 Productivity Software 9-13
2.0.3 Spreadsheet 14-15
2.0.4 People Who Use Spreadsheet 16-17


3.0 Data Collection 18
3.0.1 Primary Data 18
3.0.2 Secondary Data 18
3.1 Selection of Research Method 19
3.1.1 Experiment 19
3.1.2 Questionnaire 19


3.1.3 Interviews 20
3.2 Flow Chart of Research Methodology 21
3.3 Phases of Research Methodology 22
3.3.1 Planning Research Phase 22
3.3.2 Literature Review Phase 22
3.3.3 Data Collection And Analysis Phase 22-23
3.3.4 Documentation Phase 23


4.0 Analysis of Category of Tasks That Mostly Students Need To Apply 24-28
Microsoft Excel
4.1.Analysis of Subjects That Required Students To Apply Microsoft 29-31
4.2 Experiment To Analyze Student’s Ability To Use Microsoft Excel 32-38
4.3 The Identified Required Skills Of Spreadsheet Program For 39-42
Accounting And Applied Sciences Students


5.0 Conclusion 43-44
5.1 Limitation of Research 44
5.2 Recommendation 45
5.3 Suggestion For Further Research 45




Figure Page

Figure 1.0: Graph of The Mostly Used and The Most Difficult Productivity 3
Software Applied by Students.
Figure 2.1: Example of Microsoft Excel screen shot 15
Figure 3.1: The Flow Chart of Research Methodology 21

Figure 4.1: Category of Tasks Applied by Accounting and Applied Sciences 26

Figure 4.2: Category of Tasks Applied by Applied Sciences Students 27
Figure 4.3: Category of Tasks Applied by Accounting Students 28
Total Number of Subjects Need To Apply Microsoft Excel for
Figure 4.4: 31
Accounting and Applied Sciences Students
Experiment Result for Question 1 – Calculations and Formatting
Figure 4.5: 33
Experiment Result for Question 2 – Calculations and Formatting
Figure 4.6: 35
Figure 4.7: Experiment Result for Question Create Pie Chart 36
Figure 4.8: Experiment Result for Question Create Graph 37
Figure 4.9: Experiment Result for Question Section C – Balance Sheet 38
Figure 4.10: Set of Skills of Spreadsheet for Applied Sciences students 39
Figure 4.11: Set of Skills of Spreadsheet for Accounting students 41
Set of Skills of Spreadsheet for Accounting and Applied Sciences
Figure 5.0: 44



Table Page

Table 2.1: List of IT Skills for University Chemistry Students 7

List of IT Skills for the General Undergraduate Electronic-Learning
Table 2.2: 8

Table 2.3: List of Skills Using and Creating Spreadsheets 11

Table 2.4: List of Skills Creating Multimedia Presentations 12
Table 2.5: List of Skills Using Word Processing and Desktop Publishing 13
Table 4.1: Category of Tasks 25
Table 4.2: List of Subjects That Accounting Students Applied Microsoft Excel 29
Table 4.3: List of Subjects That Applied Sciences Students Applied Microsoft Excel 30



IT Information Technology
UiTM Universiti Teknologi Mara
PIMS Profit Impact of Market Strategy
OS Operating System
MTLSS Maryland Technology Literacy Standards for Students
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
PDF Portable Document Format
RTF Rich Text Format
VBA Visual Basic for Applications
AS Applied Sciences
AC Accounting
AIS 130 Computer Application in Accounting
AIS 510 Accounting Information System
MCC Melati Computer Club



This chapter provides overview of this research project and discusses about research
background which consists of research problem and scope of project, research questions,
objective and significance of the research.

1.0 Research Background

Nowadays, university graduates are expected to be proficient users of computer
technologies and basic software applications which is referred as productivity
software. Productivity software is an application designed to help individuals
complete tasks more efficiently. Examples of productivity software include word
processing program, spreadsheets, graphic programs and presentation software. This
productivity software becomes important because most of tasks today such as typing
letters, accounting or presentations can be done easily using it. In addition, the
productivity software has changed the way of people doing their jobs and most of
employers nowadays searching for fresh graduates who possess the skills of using
this productivity software.

According to Johnson, Bartholomew and Miller (2006) stated that employers

continue to rate that skills in using of productivity or application software as an
important skills which employees must have. Monk, Davis, Peasley, Hillman and
Yarbrough (1996) stated that agricultural employers also place significant
importance on computer skills, with more than 80% indicating that computer skills
are either an ‘important” or “very important” factor considered when making
employment decisions. Andelt, Barret and Bosshamer (1997), Graham (1997) and
Radhakrishna and Bruening (1994) studies found that university agriculture
graduates consistently rate computer skills as being important to career success.

According to Forrester Research (2009), some version of Microsoft Office is used in
80% of enterprises and the latest Office versions which Office 2007 hold roughly of
those installations. From all of these statements, it shows that computer skills such as
productivity software skills is seems to be very important to the graduates of
university or college in order to fulfill one of the desirable qualities expected by
According to Murray, Hopper and Perez (2007), the skills in using productivity
software have been included in undergraduate IT literacy courses for decades.
However, as the assumption grew that students were learning office application
skills (also known as productivity software skills) before arriving at university, the
emphasis in many IT literacy courses moved away from teaching of office
applications. According to Kieffer (1995), many university faculty and
administrators accept the premise that students enter college already possessing basic
computer skills. Stone, et al (2006) and Perez and Murray (2006) in their studies
found that most of students do not possess basic office applications skills after the
changes happened which means that the changes made by many university faculty to
moved away from teaching of office applications in many IT literacy courses. This
statement shows that most of students nowadays do not possess basic office
applications skills which is so important to them after their universities moved away
from teaching of office applications in their IT literacy courses.
This study has been conducted in order to identify what are the required skills
needed by Accounting and Applied Sciences students of UiTM to possess high skills
in spreadsheet program because Accounting and Applied Sciences students are very
dependent to the spreadsheet program in their learning. Besides that, it is hope that
this study can help UiTM to produce graduates that possess productivity software
skills efficiently.

1.0.1 Research Problem
According to the pre-study result which was conducted previously by using 40 sets
of questionnaires, 39 students from 40 students did not know how to use one of the
office applications which is Microsoft Excel. These 40 students consists of
Accounting and Applied Sciences students who need to use spreadsheet software in
their studies. Therefore, in order to find what is the set of basic skills of spreadsheet
needed by Accounting and Applied Sciences students, a study on productivity
software literacy among UiTM students has been carried out. According to Murray,
Hopper and Perez (2007), there is a lot of to be done to accurately capture those
desirable productivity software skills.

Difficult to use Power Point
Mostly use

0 10 20 30 40

Figure 1.0: Graph of The Mostly Used and The Most Difficult Productivity Software
Applied by Students.

The figure above shows that the mostly used of office applications is Microsoft
Word. There is 37 students from 40 students said that they applied Microsoft Word a
lots in their studies such as make reports or assignments. While, 39 students from 40
students said that Microsoft Excel is the most difficult office applications to be used.
The word difficult here refers either these students feel difficult to use Microsoft

Excel because of they lack of skills or do not know at all how to use Microsoft
Excel. For example, these students feel difficult to create graphs or charts by using
Microsoft Excel because either they lack of skills or do not know at all how to use
Microsoft Excel.

1.1 Research Questions

The research questions of this study are:
• What is the competency level of productivity software – spreadsheet
program of Accounting and Applied Sciences students of UiTM?
• What are the required skills of spreadsheet program for Accounting and
Applied Sciences students of UiTM ?

1.2 Objective of Research

The objectives of this research are:
• To assess UiTM’s Accounting and Applied Sciences students competency
with productivity software - spreadsheet program (Microsoft Excel).
• To identify the required skills of spreadsheet program for Accounting and
Applied Sciences students of UiTM.

1.3 Scope of Research

This study has been carried out among Accounting and Applied Sciences students
of UiTM Shah Alam. Besides that, this study focused on one of Microsoft Office
Application programs, which is spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel) because both
faculties used Microsoft Excel lots in their learning.

1.4 Significance of Research

Since in Malaysia nowadays did not have any research papers regarding to this
problem, the finding from this study is hopefully can be used to identify what is
the set of skills for the university needs in order to produce graduates that possess
high skills in spreadsheet. Besides that, information gathered from the finding of
this study is hopefully can help and give benefits to other researchers who
conduct about productivity software literacy among university students in
Malaysia. Besides giving benefits to other researchers, the set of skills which
founded by this study is very important to Accounting and Applied Sciences
fields. For example, accountants need spreadsheet to keep track of all the money
coming into business and all of the payments going out, to calculate profits and
forecast how well they think the business will do during the next year or to
calculate the wages of all the staff each month. Other than that, scientists used
spreadsheets to keep track of their results from experiments or to analyze what
happened with the experiment and also to predict what might happen if they were
to change one variable.



This chapter will explain detail of literature review that is used for this research. The
goal of literature review is to identify a broad range of definitions and concepts that is
related with the research title. It is important for the researcher to understand the
definition and concept in order to discover research problem and ways to achieve the
objectives of this research. The literature review on definition of research title began
with a variety of secondary resources such as online journals, websites and books. It is
also comes from the previous studies regarding the productivity software literacy.

2.0 Definition of Terms

This section contains definition of terms used in this study.

2.0.1 Computer Skills for Undergraduate

According to the study conducted by Richard B. Griffin (1996), the Accounting

faculty at the University of Tennessee at Martin decided to teach a requires senior
level accounting course using computers in 1989. Advanced Accounting was chosen
because the topic of consolidations lends itself to the use of spreadsheets. The
faculty wanted to provide graduates with a working knowledge of computers and

In a Cornell University study, Monk et al. (1996) determined that agriculture

graduates should be proficient in word processing, presentation graphics, spreadsheet
analysis, database management, technical graphics, Internet use and electronic mail.
Furthermore, students should be sufficiently comfortable with computer and
information technologies so they can develop new computer skills throughout their
careers. According to Furst-Bowe et al. (1995), researchers at the University of

Wisconsin-Stout also found that abilities in these same areas are important for
students in a wide variety of majors.

According to the survey to determine the computer tasks conducted on 63 of faculty

members in a college of agriculture by Donald M. Johnson, James A. Ferguson,
Nancy W. Vokins and Melissa L. Lester, (2000) over fifty percents (50%) of the
courses required students to complete one or more tasks in the areas of word
processing, Internet use and electronic mail. Less than fifty percents (50%) of the
courses required any use of spreadsheets, databases, computer graphics, specialized
software, or completion of miscellaneous computer tasks.

Zielinski and Swift (1997) published a list of IT skills for university chemistry
students such as Table 2.1 below:

Table 2.1: List of IT Skills for University Chemistry Students

IT Skills Appropriate For The Undergraduate Electronic-Learning

Environment In Chemistry
¾ Electronic mail
¾ Discussion lists; Electronic bulletin boards
¾ Word Processing
¾ Spreadsheets / Graphing
¾ Molecular modeling
¾ World Wide Web searching

In 1996 and 1997, Pennell from the University of Western Sydney, and Blackhurst,
Hales and Lahm from the University of Kentucky published a list of IT skills, which
they believed were necessary for university students to benefit from the modern
electronic-learning environment as Table 2.2 on the next page.

Table 2.2: List of IT Skills for the General Undergraduate Electronic-Learning

IT Skills Appropriate For The General Undergraduate

Electronic-Learning Environment
¾ Electronic mail
- Email attachments
¾ Discussion lists; Electronic bulletin boards
¾ Telnet, FTP or Gopher sites
¾ Web download links
¾ Instructional management systems

Information School of University of Washington (2009) stated that basic knowledge

of computers and standard productivity software are as below:

• Understand the concept and basic functions of an operating system.

• Save to disks, find files, create directories, run or execute programs.

• Copy and paste text, images from one software packages to another.

• Create, edit and save (in various formats) a document using word processing

• Install and uninstall application programs.

• Upload and download software files.

• Extract compressed files.

While, according to Wikipedia (2009), computer skills refer to one’s ability to utilize
the software (and sometimes hardware) of a computer. They include:

• Basic computer skills such as knowing how to switch on the computer,

being able to use a mouse to interact with elements on screen, being able
to use the computer keyboard or being able to close down the computer
after use.

• Intermediate skills include being able to use the productivity software

such as word processor, spreadsheets, databases. Besides that being able
to use internet and email.

• Advanced skills include programming and use computer for scientific


2.0.2 Productivity Software

According to PCMAG.COM and ZDNet, productivity software refers to word

processors, spreadsheets, database management systems, PIMs, schedulers and other
software packages that are designed for individual use. It is contrast with custom-
designed information systems that provide the primary data processing in an
organization. While, according to, productivity software includes
word processors, spreadsheets and tools for use by most computer users and falls
under application software category. stated that productivity software
consists of word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation, graphics, personal
information management, accounting and project management. Usually, the good
example of productivity software is Microsoft Office suite, produced by Microsoft.

Microsoft Office

According to Wikipedia (2008), Microsoft Office is an office suite of interrelated

desktop applications, servers and services for the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS
X operating systems. Microsoft Office was introduced by Microsoft in 1989 for the

Mac OS with a version for Windows in 1990. Microsoft Office initially contained
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint. Additionally, a
Professional version of Office included Microsoft Access and Schedule Plus. Below
is the most popular productivity software offered by Microsoft Office:

1. Microsoft Word is a word processor and was previously considered to be

the main program in Office.

2. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program. It was originally a competitor to

the dominant Lotus 1-2-3, but it eventually outsold it.

3. Microsoft PowerPoint is a popular presentation program for Windows

and Mac. It is used to create slideshows, composed of text, graphics,
movies and other objects, which can be displayed on-screen and navigated
through by the presenter or printed out on transparencies or slides.


The Maryland Technology Literacy Standards for Students (MTLSS) (n.d.) article
stated that the productivity software skills required by students are as in the Table
2.3, Table 2.4 and Table 2.5 and it were divided into three levels which are basic,
intermediate and proficient. Basic level is the foundational computer literacy skills,
intermediate level is a computer literacy and competency beyond the foundational
level and proficient level is a computer literacy and competency beyond the
intermediate level applied in educational and work settings.

Table 2.3: List of Skills Using and Creating Spreadsheets

Using and Creating Spreadsheets

Basic Intermediate Proficient

• Select a cell • Select multiple cells • Create and use

• Enter data into a cell • Insert, delete, and format spreadsheets for
• Format cells and data cells, rows, or columns assessment,
- font size • Format, move, and copy productivity, and
- style cells, rows, or columns problem solving
- color - width • Create complex
- alignment - height formulas such as
- decimal places - color median, mode, and
- currency • Manage headers and percentage
- date/time footers • Use advanced
- percent • Select appropriate graph graph features and
• Create a basic chart or and elements to display elements to display
graph data data
• Use sort option • Import or insert
(ascending and other digital
descending) elements into the
• Use simple formulas spreadsheet
such as sum and (graphics, movies,
average/mean objects, etc.)
• Use editing tools such as • Use filter option
fill down and fill across • Use the hide and
• Set print area and print show options
spreadsheets and graphs • Save in other
• Insert charts and graphs formats such
into other documents as .html, .pdf, etc.
• Apply principles and
elements of data analysis


Table 2.4: List of Skills Creating Multimedia Presentations

Creating Multimedia Presentations

Basic Intermediate Proficient

• Apply pre-production • Select slide transitions • Edit master slide(s)

organizational and animations • Adjust presentation
concepts (such as • Insert graphics, clip art, timing, action
storyboarding and sounds, and multimedia buttons, and looping
visual organizers) files (including • Import animations,
• Open and close a narration) sounds, and
presentation or • Format text multimedia from
presentation template - Double spacing other
• Save a presentation - Bullets files/applications
file - Numbers (such as background
• Create an original - Alignment music and visual
presentation or use a - Indention organizers)
template - Outlining • Create presentations
• Rearrange slides - Columns using navigation
using slide sorter or a - Text direction buttons and non-
storyboard feature to - Text art linear design
organize a • Modify the background • Work in various
presentation and layout of modes/views (such
• Choose a slide format presentation slides as outline, notes,
• Use icons and menus • Use the spell check, and presentation)
• Type/enter text or grammar check, and • Save presentations
create a text box thesaurus in other formats
• Change • Use find, change, and (such as HTML)
- Font size replace tools • Use function keys
- Font type • Apply principles and and keyboard
- Style or effects elements of graphic shortcuts
(bold, underline, design • Adjust page/slide
etc.) • Use tools to rotate, edit, views
- Color or highlight text • Troubleshoot
- Cut, copy, and • Insert objects such as formatting problems
paste text graphs, charts, and -- use Help feature
- Use undo and spreadsheets • Modify tool bars to
redo icons • Insert hyperlinks reflect current use
• Select and resize • Use print preview for tool(s)
graphics, pictures, • Print audience handouts • Format text using
clipart to support a multimedia - Spacing
• Select multimedia presentation - Line spacing
clips or sounds • Insert page/slide - Margins
• Create a new file numbers - Tabs
using Save As • Manage headers and
• Use page setup footers
• Print
• Use slide show tool


Table 2.5: List of Skills Using Word Processing and Desktop Publishing

Using Word Processing and Desktop Publishing

Basic Intermediate Proficient

• Start a new • Format text, lists, or • Insert and edit

document paragraphs for tables and table
• Save a document - Double spacing layout (borders,
• Use icons and - Bullets shading, column
menus - Numbered lists width, etc.)
• Type or enter text - Alignment • Insert animation
• Complete a template - Indention • Insert sound
or fill in a table - Poetic forms • Insert spreadsheets,
• Select text and - Outlining graphs, and charts
change - Columns • Insert formulas
- Font size - Text direction • Save as another
- Font type - Text art format such as
- Style or effects - Word wrap RTF, PDF, or
(bold, underline, • Use the spell check, HTML
etc.) grammar check, and • Use function keys
- Color thesaurus and keyboard
• Cut, copy, and paste • Apply principles and shortcuts
text elements of graphic • Adjust page views
• Use undo and redo design • Troubleshoot
icons • Use find, change, and formatting
• Select and resize replace tools problems -- use
graphics, pictures, • Use tools to rotate, Help feature
clipart edit, or highlight text • Modify toolbars to
• Select multimedia • Insert graphics and reflect current use
clips clip art or purpose for
• Create a new file • Insert text boxes tool(s)
using Save As • Create page borders • Use track changes
• Use page setup and • Insert hyperlinks to and comments tools
print preview Web sites or other • Customize options
• Print files and preferences in
• Create columns and specific software
tables • Format text using
• Use sort tool - Spacing
(ascending and - Line spacing
descending) - Justification
• Use number keys or - Margins
number pad for - Tabs


2.0.3 Spreadsheet

According to Wikipedia (2008), the word “spreadsheet” came from “spread” in its
sense of newspaper or magazine item (text and/or graphics) that covers two facing
pages, extending across the center fold and treating the two pages as one large one.
The compound word “spread-sheet” came to mean the format used to present book-
keeping ledgers with columns for categories of expenditures across the top, invoices
listed down the left margin, and the amount of each payment in the cell where its
row and column intersect which were, traditionally, a “spread” across facing pages
of a bound ledger (book for keeping accounting records) or on oversized sheets of
paper ruled into rows and columns in that format and approximately twice as wide as
ordinary paper.

A spreadsheet is a computer application that simulates a paper worksheet. It displays

multiple cells that together make up a grid consisting of rows and columns, each cell
containing either alphanumeric text or numeric values. A spreadsheet cell may
alternatively contain a formula that defines how the contents of that cell is to be
calculated from the contents of any other cell (or combination of cells) each time any
cell is updated. Spreadsheets are frequently used for financial information because of
their ability to re-calculate the entire sheet automatically after a change to a single
cell is made. Microsoft Excel is now considered to have the largest market share on
the Windows and Macintosh platforms. While according to WordWeb, spreadsheet
is a screen-oriented interactive program enabling a user to lay out financial data on
the screen.

Microsoft Excel

According to Wikipedia (2009), Microsoft Excel which is full name Microsoft

Office Excel, is a spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for
Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot
tables and macro programming language called VBA (Visual Basic for


Applications). It has been the most widely used spreadsheet application available for
these platforms since version 5 in 1993. Excel is a part of Microsoft Office.

Excel was the first spreadsheet that allowed the user to define the appearance of
spreadsheets (fonts, character attributes and cell appearance). It also introduced
intelligent cell re-computation where only cells dependent on the cell being modified
are updated (previous spreadsheet programs recomputed everything all the time or
waited for a specific user command). Excel has extensive graphing capabilities and
enable users to perform mail merge.

Figure 2.1: Example of Microsoft Excel screen shot


2.0.4 People Who Use Spreadsheet

According to WikiAnswers (2009), accountants, teachers, engineers, sales people,

scientists and market researchers are the main groups of people who use spreadsheet
in their jobs. Below are the descriptions what kind of jobs these groups applied for

¾ Accountants:

They need to keep track of all the money coming into business and all of the
payments going out.

They need to be able to calculate profits and forecast how well they think the
business will do during the next year.

They also need to calculate the wages of all the staff each month.

¾ Teachers:

Teachers can use spreadsheets to keep track of marks given for homework
and recording exam results and also for registers.

¾ Engineers:

Engineers need to perform thousands of calculations when designing bridges,

buildings, aero planes, or cars.

They need to make sure that bridges will be able to support themselves and
will not collapse under the weight of traffic or the force of strong winds.
They need to work out how deep the foundations of a house need to be in
order to support the walls and roof. They need to make sure that the
aerodynamics of a plane will enable it to take off and fly.


¾ Sales people:

Sales people use spreadsheets to keep track of the items they sell, the value of
the items, the profit made on each item and more importantly, the
commission they have earned.

¾ Scientists:

Scientists need to be able to keep track of their results from experiments.

They use spreadsheets to help them to analyze what happened with the
experiment and also to predict what might happen if they were to change one

¾ Market researchers:

Market researchers collect data from shoppers about their spending habits
and their awareness of different brands. All of this data has to be collated and
analyzed in order to provide the company with a detailed report of what
customers think about their products.




This chapter explains on how the research has been conducted and describes the
methodology that has been implemented throughout the research. It also tells in detail on
each methodology used and how the data has been gathered as well as analyzed.
Collecting of data consists of two types of data which are the primary data and
secondary data. In addition, it is important to identify the processes of collecting data to
achieve the objective research.

3.0 Data Collection

3.0.1 Primary Data

In order to get further information for this research, questionnaires, experiment and
interviews will be conducted among the UiTM Shah Alam’s Accounting and
Applied Sciences students. A pre-study has been conducted before this using
questionnaires and interviews to get some data to support the research. In order to
achieve the first objective, questionnaires and interviews will be conducted again so
that we can get more accurate result than the pre-study result.

3.0.2 Secondary Data

The secondary data will be obtained through reading the information resources such
as journals, books, articles and magazines, unpublished thesis, seminar papers and
related websites. It is very important for literature reviews that can give an extra
information or knowledge to researchers about the topic or study that has been done
previously by other researchers. The literature reviews that has been implemented
was focus on productivity software skills among university students.

3.1 Selection of Research Method

The various research method available must be chose carefully as a purpose to find out
the right data for the answer to the research problem of the thesis. Different research
approaches can be used simultaneously such as qualitative research (used to describe
certain types of information), quantitative research (discrete or attribute data and
continuous or variable data), historical research (historical data) and case study
(investigate a phenomenon within its real-life context).

3.1.1 Experiment

Experiment is conducted with one or more variables that are manipulated and the
results are analyzed. A study of the most frequently used data gathering methods in
major academic journals by Kamhawi and Weaver (2003) found that the experiment
accounted for only 11% of the research techniques published from 1980 until 1984
but rose to 21% of the techniques published from 1995 until 1999. According to
Roger D. Wimmer and Joseph R. Dominick, writers of An Introduction of Mass
Media Research (2006), experiment can give evidence the causality to researchers.
The experimental method involves both manipulation and observation. In the
simplest form of an experiment, researchers manipulate the independent variable and
then observe the responses of subjects on the dependent variable.

3.1.2 Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a form containing a list of questions that means of gathering

information for survey. In this study, the availability to choose questionnaire as a
method because questionnaire generally collect information relatively quick than
other methods. Brehob (2001) noted that a questionnaire to be “a form that people
fill out, used to obtain demographic information and views and interest of those


3.1.3 Interviews

The purpose of interview is to provide researcher with a relatively flexible format for
the gathering of data. It is a technique widely used in the clinical and health sciences.
Interviews are usually thought of structured or unstructured though the terms like
guided and open-ended are also used. Interview is a process of collection data face-
to-face. Interviews help respondents to share their impressions or opinions easier.


3.2 Flow Chart of Research Methodology

Method: Pre-Research Identification of research problems,

• Research problem research questions, objectives,
Planning Research statement significance and scope.

• Research questions

• Research objectives

• Research significance Identification of concept to be

considered (definition of productivity
• Research scope software, Microsoft Office, spreadsheet,
Microsoft Excel, computer skills).
2. Method: Pre-Research
The previous study on productivity
Literature Review • Key concept
software literacy among students.
Objective 1:

To assess UiTM’s Accounting and

Objective 1:
3. Applied Sciences students
competency with productivity Students competency with productivity
software - spreadsheet program
Data Collection and software.
(Microsoft Excel).
Method: Questionnaire, interview Objective 2:
and experiment.
Set of skills.
Data analysis: Descriptive analysis.

Task: Gathering information about

students competency with
productivity software, spreadsheet
(Microsoft Excel).

Objectives 2:

To identify the required skills of

spreadsheet program for Accounting
and Applied Sciences students of

Method: Questionnaire, interview

and experiment.

Data analysis: Descriptive analysis

Task: Gathering information and

identify set of skills.
Produce report Report

Figure 3.1: The Flow Chart of Research Methodology


3.3 Phases of Research Methodology

In order to conduct this research, there are four (4) phases in the research methodology
will be used in the data collection. These phases consist of Planning Research phase,
Literature Review phase, Data Collection and Analysis phase and finally Documentation

3.3.1 Planning Research Phase

In the planning research phase, a pre-study has been conducted to get research
problem statement, research questions, research objectives, significance of research
and the scope of the research. Deliverables from this activity were the identification
of problem(s), objective(s), significance and scope of the research.

3.3.2 Literature Review Phase

The purpose of this phase is to examine relevant literature in the field with a view to
summarize the important papers and to give an indication of how the study has
developed from the previous studies. The deliverable from the literature review is
key concept and previous study’s findings from other researchers that can be

3.3.3 Data Collection and Analysis Phase

The purpose of this phase is to collect data to achieve the objective(s) of the
research. The information about the tasks required the use of spreadsheets which
usually done by students of Accounting and Applied Sciences was gathered by
distributing 40 sets of questionnaires to Accounting and Applied Sciences students
of UiTM. Besides distributing questionnaires, interviews also were conducted among
Accounting and Applied Sciences students in order to get deeper understanding in
problems they faced with spreadsheets. Based on the result of questionnaire and
interviews, an experiment was conducted to 11 students of Accounting and Applied
Sciences of UiTM Shah Alam at the Computer Lab 2 of Melati College Computer

Club. Each of these 11 students were given a booklet contained 3 sections, which
were Section A, Section B and Section C. Section A required students to do
formatting table and do some calculations such as calculate total and average. In
Section B, students were required to create pie chart and graph by using table in
Section A. Lastly, in Section C, students required to do a balance sheet. Accounting
students were required to do all of the 3 sections, but Applied Sciences students were
only required to do 2 sections because they do not involve in doing accounting. In
order to know the level of competency of these 11 students, their answers for the
experiment questions were analyzed. Besides that, in order to find out for UiTM
what are the set of spreadsheet skills needed by Accounting and Applied Sciences
students, the gathered data was studied and integrated.

3.3.4 Documentation Phase

Finally, in this phase, all the analyzed information will be documented in the form of
paper. The deliverable of this phase will be a final report.




This chapter discussed the findings and results which are derived from collected data.
These collected data were getting from questionnaires, interviews and experiment which
has been analyzed and studied. The respondents are from Accounting and Applied
Sciences students of UiTM.

4.0 Analysis Of Category Of Tasks That Mostly Students Need To

Apply Microsoft Excel

In order to conduct an experiment regarding the usage of Microsoft Excel in study of

Accounting and Applied Sciences students, this study needs to identified several
categories of tasks that the respondents applied Microsoft Excel. From the early
interviews that have been conducted randomly among Accounting and Applied Sciences
students, there were several categories of tasks that mostly students need to apply
Microsoft Excel had been identified. Then, in order to established these identified
categories, second questionnaire has been distributed. About 40 questionnaires have
been distributed among these students and these two faculties have been given 20
questionnaires each. Students of semester 3 and above are selected from each of
faculties to become respondents. The reason this study chose students of semester 3 and
above to become respondents because these students mostly had experiences in applying
Microsoft Excel in their studies.

After analyzing the data collected from these 40 respondents, this study indicates that
calculations, create tables, create graphs or charts and accounting are categories of tasks
that Accounting and Applied Sciences students need to apply Microsoft Excel. For both
faculties, calculation is where the students calculate the sum or average of given data.


Then, after getting the sum or average of given data, the students will use it to generate
graphs or charts. Mostly, Applied Sciences students generate graphs in order to see the
reaction of chemicals from their experiments. In order to present the collected or given
data in tables, Applied Sciences students applied Microsoft Excel to create tables.
Lastly, most of Accounting students applied Microsoft Excel in order to do accounting
such as preparing balance sheets or financial and accounting reports. Below is the Table
4.1 and on the next page is Figure 4.1 that shows the figure of students that applied
Microsoft Excel in several categories of works.

Table 4.1: Category of Tasks

Category of Tasks
Create Chart & Create
Calculation Graph Tables Accounting Others
AS 16 19 15 0 2
AC 18 7 12 16 1
Total 34 26 27 16 3


Figure 4.1: Category of Tasks Applied by Accounting and Applied Sciences Students

Figure 4.1 indicates that calculation task has the highest figures. About 34 of 40 students
from both faculties applied Microsoft Excel for doing calculation. The second category
is create tables, which were 27 of 40 students used Microsoft Excel to create tables. Next
is followed by create chart and graph which is 26 students. This study indicates that
students from Applied Sciences used Microsoft Excel more than Accounting students to
create graph and chart. Then, for accounting, 16 of 20 students from Accounting Faculty
used Microsoft Excel to make accounting. Lastly, for other works such as making
financial club report where Microsoft Excel is needed is only 3 students.


Below are pie charts which are illustrated from Table 4.1.

Figure 4.2: Category of Tasks Applied by Applied Sciences Students

In the figure above, the task of create chart and graph has the highest number which is
19 students. This task seems to be the highest because they used spreadsheets to generate
graphs or charts, in order to help them analyze what happened with the experiments and
also to predict what might happen if they were to change one variable. Next, it is
followed by calculation task where Applied Sciences students used spreadsheets to
calculate average, the chemical concentrations or the rate of chemical reactions. Then,
the figure shows that 15 students used spreadsheets to create tables and 2 students used
spreadsheets to make financial report of their clubs.


Figure 4.3: Category of Tasks Applied by Accounting Students

In the figure above, it indicates that calculation task with the highest number of students
which is 18 students. Accounting students used spreadsheets to calculate such as sales,
wages or the average of sales. Then, it followed by accounting task which is 16 students.
In accounting task, they usually used spreadsheets to make balance sheets. Next, the
figure shows that create tables task is 12 students, create chart and graphs with 7
students and 1 students used for other task.


4.1 Analysis of Subjects That Required Students to Apply Microsoft

Besides establishing category of works that need students to apply Microsoft Excel, this
study also can indicate list of subjects that involved students to apply spreadsheets from
second questionnaire. Table 4.2 and Table 4.3 below shows the lists of subjects that
required students of Accounting and Applied Sciences to use Microsoft Excel.

Table 4.2: List of Subjects That Accounting Students Applied Microsoft Excel

1 AIS 130 Application Of Information System
2 AIS 510 Accounting Information System
3 FAR 315
4 FAR 265 Accounting And Reporting

5 FAR 430
6 FAR 265
Financial Accounting Report
7 FAR 315
8 TAX 320
9 TAX 390
10 TAX 490 Advanced Taxation
11 MAF 325 Cost And Management Accounting
12 MAF 330 Finance And Management
13 ETR 300 Entrepreneurship
14 MAT 126 Business Mathematics
15 BEL 442 Research And Report Writing


Table 4.3: List of Subjects That Applied Sciences Students Applied Microsoft Excel

1 CMT 651 Quality Assurance & Control
2 BIO 610 Biological Statistic And Analysis
3 BIO 510 Ecology

4 BIO 611 Plant Physiology

5 CMT 661 Kinetic Technology

6 CHM 580 Spectroscopy

7 CHM 454 Physical Chemistry I

8 CHM 472 Physical Chemistry Ii

9 CMT 619 Thesis I

10 CMT 679 Thesis Ii

11 CHM 575 Special Topic
12 OPM 530 Operation Management
13 QMT 405 Statistic
14 PHY 658 Physics
15 CMT 463 Unit Operation
16 CHM 421 Chemical Analysis
17 CHM 510 Analytical Seperation Techniques
18 PHY 420 Physics (Introduction)
19 BEL 442 Report Writing
20 BEL 462 Critical Thinking


Below is the Figure 4.4 that shows the total number of subjects which required
Accounting and Applied Sciences students to apply Microsoft Excel.

Figure 4.4: Total Number of Subjects Need To Apply Microsoft Excel for Accounting
and Applied Sciences Students

The above figure indicate that 15 subjects of Accounting students required them to apply
Microsoft Excel. Then, 20 subjects of Applied Sciences students required them to apply
Microsoft Excel. The total up from these two faculties is 35 subjects which it seems
quite a lot of subjects that need students to apply Microsoft Excel.


4.2 Experiment to Analyze Students’ Ability to Use Microsoft Excel

After analyzing second questionnaire result, this study had found a suitable category of
works that students usually applied Microsoft Excel. As mentioned before, in order to
conduct an experiment to analyze students’ ability to use Microsoft Excel, this study
needs to identify what are the category of tasks students usually did in their studies.
Calculation, create tables, create graphs and charts and accounting are the category of
tasks that students usually did in their studies which required them to use Microsoft
Excel. There were 20 students from both have been invited to do the experiment. But,
only 11 students managed to come for the experiment. 6 students were from Accounting
Faculty and 5 students were from Applied Sciences Faculty.

This experiment was collaborated with Melati College Computer Club (MCC). MCC
gave permission to conduct this experiment at their Computer Lab 2, Melati College.
Each students who came for this experiment will be given a booklet contained 3 sections
which were Section A, Section B and Section C (please refer to Appendix). Section A
consists of 2 questions that required students to calculate sums, average, formatting the
numbers and tables. In Section B, there were 2 questions about creating graph and pie
chart. Then, Section C was exclusively for Accounting students which required them to
do a balance sheet. An Applied Sciences students need to answer questions in Section A
and B, while the Accounting students need to answer questions in Section A, B and C.
After students answering those questions, they need to fill in the checklist whether they
able to solve those questions and give the rating of questions’ difficulties with the given

According to the experiment which was conducted on 15th October 2009, all of students
who took part in the experiment did not successfully answer those questions correctly.
As the experiment conducted, some observation and interviews which helped this study
to identify what were the problems respondents faced had been done. Most of
respondents did not familiar with Microsoft Excel 2003 because most of respondents
started to use with Microsoft Excel 2007 which was more simplified than 2003 version.


So, respondents felt very difficult using 2003 version and some of respondents gave up
to answer those questions although those questions were easy for them.

Figure 4.5: Experiment Result for Question 1 – Calculations and Formatting Tables

The figure above shows the graph of student’s rating of question difficulties for
Question 1 and the graph of ability to solve Question 1. As stated before, Question 1 was
required these students to do calculations and formatting tables and numbers. The graph
of student’s rating of question difficulties for Question 1 indicates that most of students
rated that this question was easy and easy. But, even most of these students rated that
this question easy, most of them solve with the wrong answer because the graph of


ability to solve this question indicates that 6 students from 11 students solved this
question with the wrong answers and 3 students tried to solve the question but did not
get the answer. Only 2 students managed to solve the question with the right answers.
By comparing the given answers and the students’ rating of question difficulties, it
shows that these students do not have required spreadsheets skills to answer this
question although most of them rated this question as easy and very easy question.

From my analysis of those answers given from respondents, this study found that:

i. Respondents did not know how to format the number into currency

ii. Respondents did not know how to create or use formula.

iii. Besides that, some of respondents did not know how to generate graph or
chart from the data in the table.


Figure 4.6: Experiment Result for Question 2 – Calculations and Formatting Tables

The figure above shows the experiment result for Question 2 which required students to
do calculations and formatting tables and numbers. The graph of ability to answer this
question shows that there is no students can solve this question with the right answer.
Most of these students tried to solve this question but do not get the right answer. The
graph of ability also shows that there is 1 student do not know how to solve this question
and 3 students solved it with the wrong answers. Although the graph of student’s rating
for question’s difficulties for this question indicates that there are 5 students who rated
this question easy and very easy, but there is no students who give the right answers.


This shows that these students do not possess the spreadsheet skills to answer
calculations and formatting tables and numbers questions.

Figure 4.7: Experiment Result for Question Create Pie Chart

The figure above shows that the result for experiment of creating pie chart. The graph of
student’s rating about question’s difficulties indicates that 5 students rated this question
as an easy question. But, only 3 students managed to solve it with the right answer as
shown in the graph of the ability to create pie chart. The figure also shows that 3
students do not know how to solve this question and 5 students did not get the right


answer. This shows that these students lack of skills in creating pie chart using Microsoft

Figure 4.8: Experiment Result for Question Create Graph

The figure above shows that these 11 students lack of spreadsheet skills in creating
graph. This is because, there is only 3 students who managed to answer this question
with the right answer as shown in the graph of ability to create graph. Most of students
which is 8 students did not get the right answer, solved with the wrong answer and there
is also students who do not know who to create graph using Microsoft Excel.


Figure 4.9: Experiment Result for Question Section C – Balance Sheet

The figure above shows the result for experiment of Section C. Section C was required
only the Accounting students to answer. This section required the Accounting students
to make balance sheet. Only 1 student can solve this question with the right answer. Half
of these students which are 3 students did not know how to solve this question as shown
in the graph of the ability to answer this question. This indicates that students from
Accounting Faculty lack of spreadsheet skills in creating the balance sheet using


4.3 The Identified Required Skills of Spreadsheet Program for
Accounting and Applied Sciences Students

In order to overcome problems that this study identified in the experiment such as do not
how to create graph or do not know to change the appropriate format for number, the set
of skills for spreadsheet program has been found out from this study. This set of skills
will be proposed to UiTM in order to help UiTM to improve and increase the efficiency
level of Accounting and Applied Sciences students. As mentioned earlier in the result of
category of works need students to apply Microsoft Excel, works such as calculation,
create chart and graphs, create tables and accounting are important because most of
these works need to be done by students of the Accounting and Applied Sciences
students. The Accounting and Applied Sciences students need to be competence and
have abilities to do all these works in order to do well in their studies. Below are the set
of skills of spreadsheet program that has been identified for UiTM to stress on in
teaching Microsoft Excel for Accounting and Applied Sciences students.

• Calculation Techniques

• Create Tables Techniques

• Create Chart and Graph

Needed By
• Extra knowledge: Accounting
Applied Sciences Students

Set of Skills for Spreadsheet Program

Figure 4.10: Set of Skills of Spreadsheet for Applied Sciences students


The above figure (Figure 4.10) indicates the set of skills of spreadsheet for Applied
Sciences students. This set of skills stresses on teaching calculation techniques, create
table techniques, and create charts and graphs techniques. Calculation techniques
consists of on how to generate formulas and use given formulas. Most of Applied
Sciences students required to do calculation such as average, find minimum and
maximum values for their experiments in order to get results. When Applied Sciences
students know how to generate and use the formulas, students can use Microsoft Excel
easily to get the average, sums or counting data. This will help Applied Sciences
students to do their work efficiently.

Besides that, this set of skills stresses on create tables techniques. Usually, students of
Applied Sciences need to use Microsoft Excel in order to create tables for the data they
collected in their experiments to present the data in a manageable way. In create tables
techniques, Applied Sciences students should be teached how to format cells with
appropriate format such as 2 decimals places format. Other than that, Applied Sciences
students should be teached on how to create headers for tables or how to format the texts
so that tables look attractive for their presentations. Then, the figure above indicate that
Applied Sciences students need the skill to create charts and graphs. From this study, it
is found that Applied Sciences students used graphs widely in studies to show results
from experiments especially when do experiments for thesis.

Lastly, UiTM can include extra knowledge in using Microsoft Excel for Applied
Sciences students such as teaching on how to do simple accounting using Microsoft
Excel. By teaching this extra knowledge, Applied Sciences students maybe can apply
this extra knowledge in other subjects or maybe can apply it when they are working



• Calculation Techniques

• Create Tables Techniques

• Create Chart and Graph Needed By


• Accounting Techniques
Accounting Students

Set of Skills for Spreadsheet Program

Figure 4.11: Set of Skills of Spreadsheet for Accounting students

For Accounting students, the figure above shows that calculation techniques, create table
techniques, create charts and graphs techniques, and accounting techniques should be
included in teaching Microsoft Excel. As Applied Sciences students, Accounting
students need to know how to generate and use formulas in order to get sums of sales or
profits, average of sales or profits or maybe calculating the wages for employees.

Then, the Accounting students need to be teached on how to create attractive tables
because Accounting students need to create tables with appropriate cell formats such as
for currency format in order to use formulas and present their accounting data with
attractive tables. Besides teaching on how to create tables, Accounting students should
also learn on how to create graphs and charts so that they can present their data in
attractive ways. Instead of displaying data using tables, Accounting students can also
present their data using charts and graphs if they know how to create graphs and charts.

Finally, the Accounting students need to learn to use Microsoft Excel for accounting
such as make balance sheets or making financial and accounting reports. According the

previous interviews made to Accounting students, the students said that they need to
know how to use Microsoft Excel because most of Accounting subjects required them to
use Microsoft Excel.

In order to sharpened students skills in spreadsheet, lecturers should conduct several

laboratory’s tests and give lab’s exercises so that students can remember well what they
learn in their classes. Besides that, lecturers can determine the level of competency of
students with Microsoft Excel. Other than that, students should also been teached to use
the latest version of Microsoft Excel because the latest version is more user friendly and
more simplified than the older versions.




This chapter summarized and conclude the objective that has been defined earlier in this
thesis. In this chapter also explain what has been accomplished and what are the major
things learned from this study. Other than that, there is mentioning about limitation of
research and there is recommend work that can still be done on the further exploration.

5.0 Conclusion

From this study, the level of Accounting and Applied Sciences students competency in
productivity software skills especially in spreadsheet is still cannot be satisfied because
they did not achieve the minimum level of skills. This study indicates that most of
students cannot give the right answers and even some of the students cannot answer
those questions although those questions were basic and easy questions which is for the
beginner level. The Accounting and Applied Sciences students competencies must be
improved so that the students can do well in studies. Besides that, by improving students
skills, students can fulfill the skills in their job’s requirements as mentioned by Johnson,
Bartholomew and Miller (2006) stated that employers continue to rate these desirable.
Nowadays, employers desired employees with skills in productivity software. So, in
order to help the Accounting and Applied Sciences students in their studies, UiTM
should use and stress on this set of skills in teaching Microsoft Excel as illustrated in
Figure 5.0 Lastly, hope that this study will help UiTM to make improvement in order to
produce students that possess high skills in productivity software.



Set of Skills for Applied Set of Skills for Accounting

Sciences Students: Students:

• Calculation Techniques • Calculation Techniques

• Create Tables • Create Tables

Techniques Techniques

• Create Charts and • Create Charts and

Graphs Techniques Graphs Techniques

• Extra knowledge such • Accounting Techniques

as Accounting

Figure 5.0: Set of Skills of Spreadsheet for Accounting and Applied Sciences students

5.1 Limitation of Research

The set of skills for spreadsheet presented based on surveys and experiment which were
conducted in UiTM, among Accounting and Applied Sciences students. It was supposed
about 20 students should attend for the experiment, but only 11 students managed to
attend the experiment. The major constraint in this research is to get full cooperation
with students in order to do this experiment. Some of the students did not take serious
and did not read and do those given questions carefully. Besides that, time is one of the
constraint for this study. This study actually needs longer times and more respondents so
that it can produce accurate result than this.


5.2 Recommendation

The productivity software skills are important to students. It will be good if UiTM can
look at these problems and take appropriate actions in order to help students, not only at
Accounting and Applied Sciences students and not only look at Microsoft Excel skills,
but also look at problems that arise from other students from different faculties and look
at for other important productivity software skills problems. There would be lots of
benefits to students if UiTM improved its methods in teaching those productivity
software skills.

5.3 Suggestion for Further Research

It would be interesting to study deeper in productivity software skills problems because

when deeper study is conducted, this study can identify more interesting problems and
more solutions can be founded. Researching with a wide range of students can give more
accurate results and conducting several experiments will help this study to find the
causes and effects of t problems. Besides that, it can identify what is the best set of skills
to be used in order to overcome problems.


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Appendix A – Pre Study Questionnaire

I’m Wan Natasha Elaiza, a student of Bachelor of Science (Hons) Business Computing from the 
Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics would like to make a survey regarding the usage 
of Microsoft Office among UiTM students. Please answer the following questions. 

1. You are from program ________________________. 
2. Have you ever use Microsoft Office software? 
Yes  No (Session End)

3. If you used Microsoft Office, which of these you used the most? (Please (√) ONE only) 
  Microsoft Word
  Microsoft Power Point
Microsoft Excel

4. Which of these THREE you think is very difficult to use? (Please (√) ONE only) 
Microsoft Word
  Microsoft Power Point
    Microsoft Excel
5. From your answer of question 4, why do you think it is difficult for you to use? Give the 



6. Have you ever taken a basic subject of computing which related to this Microsoft Office 
Software before? (If Yes please state the course code or course name) 
Yes   No

7. If you have problems to do your assignment which is required you to use one of these 
THREE software, what would you do? 


Appendix B – Second Questionnaire




Faculty of Computer And Mathematical Sciences
Project Title:
Productivity Software Literacy Among UiTM Students


To make a survey regarding the usage of Microsoft Excel among

Accounting and Applied Science students of UiTM.

Prepared By:

Wan Natasha Elaiza Binti Wan Norzailan


Final year student : Bachelor of Science (Hons) Business Computing

Productivity Software Literacy Among UiTM Students 

Section A – Respondent Information

This section of questionnaire refers to respondent information. We assure you

that your response will remain anonymous. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Kindly, please answer the following questions by ticking (√) the relevant answer
or writing down your answer at the space provided.

1. Which category do you belong?

Accounting Student

Applied Science Student

2. What is your program name?


3. What is your program code?


4. Currently, you are in semester ……………

1 4 Others, please specify

2 5 _____

3 6

5. Have you ever apply Microsoft Excel in your study?

Yes (Please proceed to the next section)

No (Session end. Thank you)

Section B – The Usage of Microsoft Excel

This section of questionnaire refers to the usage of Microsoft Excel of


For the question 6, please tick (√) whether you use Microsoft Excel in each
semester and rate the usage of Microsoft Excel in your study for each semester.
You will be given rating from 1 until 5 and please circle the rating that you
choose based on the instruction below.

Rating for usage of Microsoft Excel in your study:

1- Never use 3- Often use 5- Highly use
2- Seldom use 4- Mostly use

6. Do you use Microsoft Excel in your study for:

Semester Yes No Rate of Usage

Part 1
1 2 3 4 5

Part 2
1 2 3 4 5

Part 3 1 2 3 4 5

Part 4 1 2 3 4 5

Part 5 1 2 3 4 5

Part 6 1 2 3 4 5

> Part 6
1 2 3 4 5

7. In what subject (s) do you need to apply Microsoft Excel?
(Please state subject code (s) and full name of subject (s))
Subject Code Subject Name

For the question 8, you may choose more than one answer.

8. Where do you need to apply Microsoft Excel in your study?

(For example: You apply Microsoft Excel in your study to make graph)

Calculation Accounting

Create chart/ graph Others, please specify

Create tables ______________________________

End of Question


Appendix C – Experiment Booklet

  Pc No: 


Faculty of Computer And Mathematical Sciences
Cooperated With:

Project Title:
Productivity Software Literacy Among UiTM Students

To know the proficiency level of Microsoft Excel among Accounting

and Applied Science students of UiTM.

Prepared By:

Wan Natasha Elaiza Binti Wan Norzailan (2007123833)

Final year student : Bachelor of Science (Hons) Business Computing


              Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics Cooperated with:



Type in the following spreadsheet, and format it to look like the sample below.


1) Type in all text and numbers shown in the spreadsheet below.

2) Format all numbers as a currency.

3) Center the spreadsheet heading 'Sales And Produce Department' across the

4) Format all text as displayed in the sample below.

5) Create formula's to display a total for each fruit.

6) Create formula's to display a total for each month.

7) Create a formula to calculate the total sales for all fruit items for the year to date.

8) Please save the file as secA-q1[pcNo].xls.

Sample 1


              Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics Cooperated with:


Type in the following spreadsheet, and format it to look like the Sample 2 below.


1) Type in all text and numbers shown in the spreadsheet below.

2) Format all numbers with appropriate format's.

3) Center the spreadsheet heading "Mike's Lunch Bar" across the spreadsheet.

4) Format all text as displayed in the sample below.

5) Create formula's to display a total sales for each item in the Lunch Bar.

6) Create a formula to calculate the total sales and the average of total sales for the
Lunch Bar.

7) Apply all borders and shading (colour) shown in the sample below, feel free to
experiment with your own colour schemes.

8) Please save the file as secA-q2[pcNo].xls.


              Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics Cooperated with:

Sample 2


              Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics Cooperated with:


Use the Fruit Sales spreadsheet created in the Section A – Question 1, to create the
Pie Chart below as Sample 3 and create Graph as Sample 4 below.

Please save the file as secB-chart[pcNo].xls for chart and secB-graph[pcNo].xls for

Sample 3

Sample 4


              Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics Cooperated with:

SECTION C – ACCOUNTING (for Accounting students only)

Type in the following Information 1 into spreadsheet, and format it to look like the
Sample 5 below.

Sure Balance Company

Date Item Description Debit Credit

30/1/2009 January Paycheck 1795.86

1/2/2009 Shell Oil Co. 42.64

1/2/2009 Pink Palace Enter. 87.34

4/2/2009 Cash (Auto Teller) 50

6/2/2009 Dr. D.J. Houston 75

7/2/2009 Rent 800

10/2/2009 Drug Sales 2500

11/2/2009 Bail (Drug Arrest) 500

12/2/2009 Benny The Weasel 3200

14/2/2009 Rainy Day Quarter Fund 500

Information 1


              Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics Cooperated with:


1) Type in all text and numbers shown in the spreadsheet below.

2) Format all numbers with appropriate format's.

3) Center the spreadsheet heading "Sure Balance Checkbook" across the spreadsheet.

4) Format all text as displayed in the sample below.

5) Create formula's to calculate the balance sheet for Sure Balance Company.

6) Please save the file as secC[pcNo].xls.

Sample 5


              Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics Cooperated with:


This section requires student to fill those checklist regarding to your experience
answering questions from Section A to Section C. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Kindly, please fill the checklist by ticking (√) and give rating to question’s difficulties.

Rating of Question’s Difficulties:

1- Very difficult. 4- Easy.

2- Difficult. 5- Very easy.

3- Neutral.

Section A I do not know I have tried to I solve it Rate of Question’s

how to solve solve but I do Difficulties
not get the

Question 1

Question 2

Section B I do not know I have tried to I solve it Rate of Question’s

how to solve solve but I do Difficulties
not get the

Pie Chart



              Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics Cooperated with:

Section C I do not know I have tried to I solve it Rate of Question’s

how to solve solve but I do not Difficulties
get the answer


Date: 15th October 2009

Venue: Computer Lab 2, Kolej Melati, UiTM.

Time: 11.00 pm – 12.30 pm

No Pc No Name Matric No Course Code

1 31 NORDIAH BINTI YAHYA 2007126367 AS 225
2 31 NOOR BAIDAH ABDUL AZIS 2007267972 AC 220
3 32 SURAINI ZAKARIA 2007124357 AS 202
4 33 NUR AZUANIE ZULKEFLEE 2007267744 AC 220
5 33 SITI NORHAYATY BINTI MD 2008778001 AS 229
6 35 SITI NURHAFIZAH BT AHMAD 2007268006 AC 220
7 40 ROZAIBAAH CHE AMAT 2007268266 AC 220
8 43 SITI SALWA ZAKARIAH 2007267972 AC 220
9 44 RAIHAN ZALIKHA ANWAR 2007280432 AS 225
10 45 NORAZLIN BINTI MOHAMAD 2007268428 AC 220
11 48 ERDA SYERENA BINTI ROSLI 2007280032 AS 201

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