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Nu Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon U.C. BERKELEY, SPRING '93


I am pleased to report that once again the Nu chapt er of Tau Kappa

Epsilon is on the rise. However, much work remains to be done
before we are returned to our rightful place as the prominent fraternity
on the Cal Campus. This will require a level of communication and
cooperation between alumni and active members that has,
regrettably, not been fostered by active members of the fra ternity in
rece nt years.

Our current membership stands at ten students. While this is hardly

acceptable, the wo rst has passed and the house is no longer
decreasing in size. The institution ofthe new Membership
Development Program, with an academic study table program and
the involvement of committees on major event planning, has raised
the level of m otivati on of members. This should he p stem the loss of
members to deficient grades and a decline in interest. In addition,
our relationship with International Headquarters is on a much more
stable footing .

But more is needed. The general impression received from th past

two rush seasons was tha t the most effective means to conteract our
present lack of size is to reassert the strengths of our past, namely all
of you. For this reason, I would like to put forth two general proposals
which require your support for their success.

The first is the introduction of an alumni dinner during Fall formal rush
activities. The qualities engendered by TKE's, the qualities that
foster future success, can best be displayed to our rushees by
introducing our alumni members to them. This is our best ch a nce of
convincing them that our lifelong bond is more than just a string of
hollow words.

Secondly, we must actively target top incoming freshman who are

not usually interested in the Greek system. To achieve this goal, we
can follow the example of Beta-Sigma chapter at the University of
So uthern California. Thorugh their Triangle Scholarship Program,
established through the TKE Educational Foundation, they annually
initiate ten to fifteen new mem bers by offering two scholarsh i ps to
in comi ng freshman, It is my e a rnest beli fthat a simitar prgram
F i nally, I would like to mention the upcoming Conclave to be held in
San Fran cisco . As a host cha pter, I cannot stress how important it is
that we have strong alumn i representation at this event. This will
personally be my first Conclave and I am, as I trust you all are, eager
to meet with TKEs ac ro ss the nation. Ifyou are able to attend the
Conclave, I would strongly encourage you to do so.

I am so r ry if this report is somewhat long-winded and, at the same

time, incomplete but the long haitus in ourcommuntcation makes this
una voidable . Some it other majo r topics a re covered in the
Epiprytanis and Chrysopholys reports. The time for action has
arrived, and J hope that this report will provide you with enough hefp.
If you would like to offer your hel p or if you have any question or
converns, please fee l free to contact me at (510) 643-3419 or send a
letter to t h e house address. As I mentioned to s om e of you at the
Annual Christmas Luncheon held by the Alumni Chapter. I welcome
the perspective your past experjences with the fraternity provides .

Yours In The Bond,

Charanjit Brahma



Nu Chapter re m ain s a ct i ve wit h phi lla nthropic projects. Due to our

limited resources and numbers, we have had to limit our
phillanthropic projects so we can put a m o re concentrated effort into
the projects we pursue.

Despite the lack of manpower, we were able to signifcantly contrib ute

to the successful completion ofthe California S tate Special Olympics
in the fall semester and the M u ltip le Sclerosis Supercities Walk this
April. The Special Olympics was especially inspirational fo r the
mem bers of the house as it reassured us of the ability of a
determ ined man to overcome any obstacle jf he has the support.

Yours in the Bond,

Josh Abbell '1 J

Go Bears!

Crysophylos Report

Hi fraters. Let me introduce myself, My name is Bryan Dechairo, I

have been a TKE for two years now. I would like to take a moment to
tell you about a few events occuring in the house. Just about four
months ago we fired our money hungry accountant and hired alum
Chris Murray as our new one. Since then, we have been managing
money with ease and have had a few bucks to spare, However
speaking about money, we stHl have the problem of many memebers
paying there bills late, at the end of the semester. At first, this does
not seem to be a problem, but with membership at a low of seven,
every dollar on-time helps pay the forth-coming bills.

On a better note, we do have a pledge class of two this semester and

are hopping to have another one at the end of April. The new
members are excited and ready to give a large effort toward the
growth of the TKE chapter which is the main focus of a/l the members
at this time.

Recently, I had to go to court for the house because we failed (for the
last three years) the cities house inspection. The judge gave us four
months to fix all the problems including house heating. We will be
able to repair the other problems for approximately $400. However, I
laughed at the judge when he told me that we should contact our
national for help with the heating costs. I believe that if the other
problems are repaired, the judge will not worry about the heating and
might give us a break. Still, we could use the talent of some of the
alumni on a fix-it-up day. lfyou think you could help, please contact
me (51 0)-540-6647.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you at founder's day on May 1.

Sorry that we have not contacted you earlier, our focus has been a I
ittle narrow recently. Yet, founder's day appears like it is going to be
a blast this year so don't hesitate to make an appearance.

Go Bears! I can't wait till next season. Final Four baby!

Thank you for your time.


TKE's craze for softball has continued to flourish during the

'92-'93 season. Thel.M. and I.F.G. teams had winning
seasons in the fall with great advance in the tournaments.
We always hope to win it all yet die during the semi-finals
round. With 70% oHha house participating and the house's
continuous growth, we hope to clinch the title in up-and­
coming seasons.



The house just recently has been resecured. We have had

periodic prank breakins this semester including a bum who
has been trying to take habitat in the caves. I have hao to
become pretty forceful in relieving these burdens. Yet, with
the house's new mediocre security, members are stiitfeeHng
a little scared at night, probably because of the massive
breakin this Christmas vacation. Three roo ms were
completely broken into and stripped of all resaleable
valuables including the house television set. We are hoping
to secure the house with more locks, but yet there were a lot
of locks during the breakin and they were all broken WIth a

Go Bears!

\ January, 1993

Dear Fraters of the Nu Alumni Chapter:

What a great way to start off the holiday season! - to

have lunch with thirty TKEs and renew old friendshinsl
The 37th annual Christmas luncheon was every bi t a
success, both socially and for the business conducted.
After the Fraters introduced them3elve3, we were privileged
to hear from some of the "key players" in our chapter life.
The first order of business, however, was to accept
Frater Tom Morgan as Chairman of the Board of Trustees -

Emeritus. The vote was unanimous, and we welcome Tom to his

(relatively) inactive status, as we congratulate Frater
Chris Murray, the newly elected Chairman of the Board.
Nu Chapter Prytanis Babu Brahroa gave us a brief rundown
on dctivities at the active chapter. Although small in
numbers, the spirit is .still strong. Babu asked if we might
establish a mentor directory from among the alumni, 60 that
our undergraduate Fraters might "pick the brains" of some of
us already established or retired from a career field of
interest to any of the active chapter. The idea was met
with approval, and the Board of Trustees will figure out how
to implement it.
Board President Chris Murray stated that he was
encouraged by his meeting with Western District President
Bean Bailey, who spent a week "living inti with the active
chapter. The perennial question remains, what to do with
the house on Channing Way?
Our alumni chapter Treasurer Wayne Martinez mentioned
that if you don't remember paying your alumni chapter dues
last yearJ you are rightj You didn't! Because of a change
in some of the people with whom we do business, the dues
statements n ever got out, but they should now be in your
Frater Thom Brindel, our District Vice President, gave
us a short report on the conclave to be held in San
Francisco August 18-22, 1993. The Nu Alumni Chapter will be
hosting a hospitality oom. Frater Tom Morgan is heading up
this project, and soon will be in touch with you to help.
So far, we have twenty-four pledges of both the time and
money that it will take to make this project a success.
Thanks to those of you who have already pledged!
This will be my last message to you as Alumni Chapter
Presioent. Frater R¢ in Harris was unanimously elected
President for 1993, with Frater Chip Wray taking over the
apprentice position. I thank Robin and Chip for stepping
forward to insure that the job of Alum ni President remains
one of the easiest elected offices possible! See you at one
of our local luncheons during the year?

Yours In Th
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Volume One
April 2, 1993

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A Note from the President of Dues! Dues! Dues!

the Board of Advisors
We can't operate our alumni chapter
At long last, we are pleased to mail out without your dues. Our prior service provider
to you all the Spring 1993 edition ofNu has retired and my firm has gracefully
News. The purpose of this supplement is to accepted this responsibility. However due to
apologize for the late date at which you are receiving a number of delays (principally the delay ofNu News)
this newsletter. You will notice that the package we have not previously sent out dues statements.
includes a letter from John Bell, past president of the Well here they are. Please send your '92/'93 dues
Alumni Chapter. As you can see from the date, he in so tha we may continue to subsidize alumni events
wrote the letter in January of 1993. It was expected and provide you with alumni information.
that Nu News would be mailed at the end of January. Additionally, we are asking for voluntary
However, the active chapter has had quite a bit of contributions to the House Fund. These collected
difficulty in gettingNuNews together. funds will be used to make the many necessary repairs
Due to the low membership in the house, the Chapter house currently needs.
resources are constantly stretched to keep the house Finally, the Alumni Chapter will be hosting a
up (an issue in itself), keep up with school, and put hospitality suite at Conclave in August (see John Bell's
together the events Teke's have come to know, love letter). We are also asking for voluntary contributions
and expect! This was clearly evident during the to fund this event.
football season. At the Christmas Luncheon, I heard Please send your dues now so that we may keep
from many of you that you were very disappointed you on the active mailing list.
that nothing was going on at the house. With seven to
ten total members, just having the place clean is a
monumental effort. Special mention should go to
Drew Burgasser who put forth exceptional efforts for
Nu Chapter Alumni - 1992/93 Dues
football games.
While membership is low, the alumni chapter is
going to have to make an effort to put events together
Active Alumni Membership $25.00
if fraters want to enjoy friendship and hospitality at the
Chapter House.
Voluntary House Fund Contribution
One very important event, the active chapter has
neglected is Founders Day. During the Fall semester,
Voluntary Hospitality Room
the Board of Advisors and the active Chapter agreed
Contribution - Conclave
on a date for Founders Day. Unfortunately, certain
deadlines came and went and Founders Day was
rescheduled. You will find a flier announcing the
rescheduled Founders Day Banquet. I hope you will
Make your check payable to Tau Kappa Epsilon,
be able to attend!
and send it to:
Schorno, Murray & Company
Yours In The Bond
5901 Christie Avenue, Suite 503
Emeryville, California 94608

Christopher 1. Murray


74th Annual Founder's pay

THE BROTHERS OF NU CHAPTER cordially invite all

alumni and parents of the undergraduates to the 74th anual
Founders day Banquet.

Saturday, May 1 , 1993 atthe Chapter House

2725 ChanningWay, Berkeley.

Refreshments starting at 6:00 pm

Banquet starting at 7:00 pm

Speaker - To Be Announced. Most likely a distinguished


Please RSVP to Frater Bryan Dechairo at (510) -540-6647.

-- !

.. 5901 Christie Avenue, Suite 503

: Emeryville, California 94608
.. Address Correction Requested

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