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Title : A study on Transformational Leadership and its

impact on organisational development.


The study is an attempt to obtain general perception of Executives, Officers and

Managers on changing work realities and leadership styles as per organisational
development. "In calm waters every ship has a good captain"...Swedish proverb

Mismanagement and the lack of leadership are routine causes of business failure. Not
surprising. If you question those who failed, you will discover how little they understood
management or leadership.

if you cannot manage your personal affairs, managing your business will be even more
difficult. If you lack managerial experience, and you are uncomfortable with paper
work and financial details, it will be wise to recognize these shortcomings before risking
your money in a venture that may cost you your nest egg and your dreams.

Leadership, on the other hand, according to some who preach on the subject, may be
more intuition than experience. Whether your leadership skills are a gift or from
training is not important, what is important is the fact that you must demonstrate
enough leadership to succeed. Leadership skills, coupled with a certain amount of
stubbornness and creativity, can mean success if you are willing to apply yourself to the
best of your ability. Ask yourself if you have leadership skills. Look at your approach to
life. Do you take initiative? Do you reach out to other people? Are you an organizer? Do
others follow your suggestions? Can you make things happen?

To start a business, regardless of size, you will need a lot of mental and physical energy,
sustainable over long periods. As you will find out, the start-up phase is very
demanding. You will continually work, think, talk, and plan your new venture. One
moment will find you excited and happy over your plans, and the next with the terror of
possible bankruptcy. These conflicting emotions can make your life difficult, as you
bounce between the optimistic vision of success and the nagging doubt of possible
failure. Starting a business is a very new experience for most people. It is fraught with
frustration and uncertainty. Even the newness of the situation can be overwhelming.
One moment you are confident, the next fearful. It will not be an easy time for anyone
to start a new venture, leadership skills will set the foundation for the future. Leaders
ability to stay focused, negotiate the best deals, hire the right people, make the correct
decisions, and instill confidence in others, will be called upon daily.

Like "micro managing" and view the need to control every little detail of the business as
poor management and an obstacle to growth and success. Put all the theories of
management aside and rely on your common sense. A start-up is no place to experiment
with various styles and techniques of management.

Todays changing business scenario requires lot of inputs in all terms of business , good
leadership is one of the aspects, to have a successful and profitable business you need to
have good leaders in your organisation to accomplish goals within time frame.

Today’s generation needs a visionary, a guide, a mentor who can leads not only business
but develop the followers for organisational development with sustainable use of
resources. Leaders should focus on image and brand of business and create dreams into
reality. Like Transformastional leaders who are focusing the attitudes and assumptions
of their employees towards building commitment for organisational mission and
objectives. They prepare their subordinates in such a way that they look beyond their
own interest.


1. To study the Executive’s, Officer’s and Manager’s perception about Leadership

style in the organisation.

2. To study leadership process in the organisation.

3. To study the role of leaders in organisational development.

4. To study the relationship between a leader and his subordinates that arises out of
their functioning for common goals.

5. To study influences of leaders on their subordinates.

6. To study Inspiring and empowering team members to embrace and pursue

challenging goals and professional and organisational development.

7. To study how leaders boost up motivation level among employees for

organisational development.

8. To study the qualities of leaders for organisational development.

9. To study how leaders inspires other to improve on performance of employees.


H1: The more a manager’s leadership is perceived as transformational, the higher level
of employee development.

Conjecture: There might be differences regarding the nature of the relationship

between transformational leadership and employee development which leads to
organisational development based on employee age and length of employment.

H2: The higher the level of empowerment perceived by employee, the higher level of
organisational development in the manufacturing industry.

Conjecture: There might be differences regarding the nature of the relationship

between empowerment and organisational development on employee age and length of

H3: The greater the transformational leadership style of the manager, the
greater the employee’s performance which leads to organisational development.

The Study is Exploratory, Experimenting and Descriptive in nature. It attempts to seek
the opinions of the Executives, Officers and Managers on the transformational
leadership on organisational development.



Universe of the study are the Executives, Officers and Managers of various
organizations of Baroda, Anand, Ankleshwar,Ahmedabad,Bharuch

Sample Size:

450 respondents will be randomly selected each from under mentioned categories of;

• Executives
• Managers
• Sr. Managers

Sampling Design:

The study uses random sampling method, the respondents will be divided into
categories of operational status as per their functional positions, qualification and work

Sample Method:

Sample technique used will be simple random sampling method.

Tool of data collection:

The study is based on quantitative research method of data collection. The study tool
will be a structured close ended questionnaire.

Data Analysis will be done by using SPSS.

Following parameters will be covered

• Personal Background,
• Level of Awareness,
• Perception on leadership style
• Various skills requires,
• Qualities of leader
• Factors affecting leadership
• Types of leadership
• Process of leadership
• Capabilities of leader
• Role of leader in development of subordinates
• Motivation
• Inspiration
• Stimulation


Leadership has been described as the "process of social influence in which one person
can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task."

Alan Keith stated that, "Leadership is ultimately about creating a way for people to
contribute to making something extraordinary happen."

Tom DeMarco says that leadership needs to be distinguished from posturing.

Organization development (OD) is a planned, organization-wide effort to increase an

organization's effectiveness and viability.

Warren Bennis, has referred to OD as a response to change, a complex educational

strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, and structure of organization
so that they can better adapt to new technologies, marketing and challenges, and the
dizzying rate of change itself. OD is neither "anything done to better an organization"
nor is it "the training function of the organization"; it is a particular kind of change
process designed to bring about a particular kind of end result. OD can involve
interventions in the organization's "processes," using behavioural science knowledgeas
well as organizational reflection, system improvement, planning, and self-analysis.

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