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Without exhausting the whole subject of web application security I believe there are three different ways in which you can secure your
web application.

1. Secure Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

2. Web Application Testing

3. Web Application Firewall (WAF)

When consulting, it is important to tell your client that they should be incorporating every step into the creation of the web app.
However the biggest problem that faces businesses and individuals today is the cost it can take to do this.

It is not uncommon for example, in the UK, that somebody has to pay a daily rate of around £1000 to have their website tested by an
application security consultant. WAF’s can be just as bad i.e. a very large vendor changes around $15000 for a software virtual
appliance and $20000 for a hardware one with support for 12 months.

The cost of WAF’s have been cut recently though with the introduction of cloud based firewall services. The idea behind this type of
product is that one firewall can cover more than one application server.

This article is going to discuss the use of an open source web application firewall and proof of concept the idea of creating an appliance
out of it.


Mod Security is a free open source web application firewall that was recently acquired by Trustwave ( and lives
within their SpiderLabs research division - this allows them to develop quickly and get additions out into the community to be tested.
Mod Security is one of the most widely deployed and maintained WAF’s available and as such a lot of research and additional projects
have stemmed from this and can all be found on the Mod Security website (

This web application firewall has been created to secure an Apache web server. There are a number of ports that are currently being
made available for IIS etc. that can be found on the website but they are still very young in their development. The method that I am
going to be discussing today intercepts all requests and then sends the parsed / accepted requests to the relevant web server meaning
that it will secure not just an Apache server but all types of servers available.


To show the idea that I want to discuss I am going to be using two virtual machines. In this example I am going to be using Ubuntu
Minimal 10.04 ( because it is the
quickest install I have found and because this isn’t going to be a live server it doesn’t matter what I use. If you want to see what I am
doing in front of your own eyes and not just through the article just follow what I am going to show you now so that you can prepare
your Virtual Machines the same.

The image below shows the settings that I chose at the software selection stage of the installation. This again is to help me speed the
process and you may decide to install Apache, PHP and MySQL etc. manually. I also installed OpenSSH so that I could SSH from my host
machine to the guests and not have to enter the VM when it is powered on.
I created two VM’s with the same config, bar the hostname. This is so I can emulate one server being the WAF and another server being
the application server. Make sure that you bridge the connections onto your local network so that the VM’s can communicate.

The next two sections are dedicated to setting up a working proof of concept of what I want to discuss, please note that this is not
extensive or the way I would go about it in a real world example and if you decide to do this you should look further into the security of
using a reverse proxy as well as configuring Mod Security.

To test that WAF is working once we have it set up we need to create a vulnerability on the client. The simplest way to test this would be
to create a file inclusion vulnerability on the server. Since we installed LAMP server we can use PHP to do this by doing the following:

1. cd /var/www/

2. nano include.php

3. <? $i = $_GET[‘i’];
include ($i); ?>

This script simply takes the parameter i in the GET request and includes it into the include.php file. Now by requesting the page
http://ip-address/include.php?i=/etc/passwd we can see:

So what we are doing here is including the file passwd from the etc folder. This is a common site in a pen testing report that has an local
file inclusion included as it shows a file that should not be accessible from a web facing application.

Now that this is prepared we can now configure the WAF.


There are a number of different ways to install Mod Security i.e. source, installers and package managers. The latest version of Mod
Security at the time of writing this article is 2.6.0 and can be found here - Again, as above, I am
going to cut some corners and install an older version of the firewall from the package manager as I only need to show the cross server
protection. Luckily enough, this operating system has a very easy install of Mod Security which I found here -
If there are any problems with access being denied or not having enough permissions use sudo.

1. sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-security

2. a2enmod mod-security

3. nano /etc/apache2/conf.d/mod-security

4. <IfModule security2_module>
Include modsecurity-rules/*.conf
Include modsecurity-rules/base_rules/*.conf

5. mkdir /etc/apache2/modsecurity-rules

6. cd /etc/apache2/modsecurity-rules

7. wget

8. tar -xvf modsecurity-apache_2.5.12.tar.gz


10. sudo service apache2 restart

That’s all there is to it! Again if you had any troubles just try doing the whole process with sudo i.e. sudo su. Now that this has been
installed its time to connect the two servers and get this WAF protecting that vulnerable page.

The ability for the WAF to cover a different server is possible using what is known as a reverse proxy. A reverse proxy acts as a gateway
for servers and enables one web server to provide content for others in a transparent manner. It can be used to cache content from the
client and as such improve performance as well (in this case) secure it. It is recommended that if you decide to do this you research into
vulnerabilities caused using reverse proxying and ways to secure yourself against malicious attacks.

The proxy configuration is done completely on the WAF server - the client server does not need any configuration at all. In this case, we
will be changing the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default file. This file is called by the httpd.conf file (or in this case apache2.conf file)
and included at the bottom. To begin with we need enable the proxy module and this can be done simply by adding the following two
lines at the top of the file.

1. sudo /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default

2. LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

LoadModule proxy_http_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

We now need to proxy the request to the web server. Again this is simply done by adding a few lines into the virtual host container.

1. ProxyRequests off
ProxyPass / http://ip-address/
ProxyPassReverse / http://ip-address/

and THAT IS IT! You now have a WAF that is covering a completely separate server. Now when calling the IP of the firewall it takes the
request, parses and makes sure that it is a genuine request by checking it against the Mod Security rules and then sends it onto the
application server and the the application server sends back the response. Take a look at the vulnerable page now.

Mod Security knows that requesting /etc/passwd is not supposed to happen on a web application so it throws up this error.

This is a very simple example of how we can use Mod Security to cover a separate server to the one that it sits on. It is a great example
of what a reverse proxy can do and how you can use Apache only modifications i.e. Mod Security and cover Java based / IIS based
servers etc


What is interesting about the setup that we have created is that it is referencing an IP that is on the local network. What would happen if
it were to reference something that was out of the network? Well, the same thing happens as I saw by referencing my blog found at
You can see from the IP address in the URL bar that we are requesting the local WAF but because of the rules that are present in the
000-default file we see the content on my website. Let us look a bit further into this.

When running Tamper Data alongside the request we first see that we are performing GET request for the IP address (in
this case). There is then a short delay which then returns a 200 status code and the response from the application server. Here are the
two requests:

1. 17:09:55.386[0ms][total 0ms] Status: pending[]


2. 17:10:03.618[957ms][total 9214ms] Status: 200[OK]

1] Mime Type[text/html]

The difference here is in the load flags. The additional flag of LOAD_REPLACE seems to be loading and then the
LOAD_INITIAL_DOCUMENT_URI then loads the page with the Mod Security firewall in place. I haven’t been able to find information on the
load flags so if I am wrong please comment and I will edit the article, what I am saying is right but maybe just not as technical as it
should be.

Some nice DNS settings would have to be included if this was to be included into a real web server configuration. The domain name
would have to be associated with the WAF instead of the web server otherwise the URL will stay as the IP address. This then poses a
problem for multiple servers being covered by the WAF. The way to do this would be to create virtual host containers for each different
hostname. In each container you the do the ProxyPass rules to forward all traffic to the relevant application server.


Mod Security has many different options that can be called into play when you enable it to run. I am not going to go into them today
because that is a whole article in itself and it is highly documented in the FAQ’s on their website. I am though going to show you an
example config found here:
modsecurity/. It is commented so that you can get a brief idea on how it works but I recommend that you do look at the options
available in the Mod Security guides.

# First, let's set up the reverse proxy
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
<IfModule mod_security.c>
# Yes, we want to use mod_security
SecRuleEngine On
SecRequestBodyAccess On
SecResponseBodyAccess Off

# Let's use this as the mod_security dir

SecUploadDir /tmp/
SecUploadKeepFiles Off

# Debug log
SecDebugLog /var/log/modsec_debug.log
SecDebugLogLevel 0

# Serial audit log

SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
SecAuditLogRelevantStatus ^5
SecAuditLogParts ABIFHZ
SecAuditLogType Serial
SecAuditLog /var/log/modsec_audit.log

SecRequestBodyLimit 131072

SecRequestBodyInMemoryLimit 131072

SecResponseBodyLimit 524288


"phase:2,t:none,log,deny,msg:'Failed to parse request body.',severity:2"


"phase:2,t:none,log,deny,msg:'Multipart request body \
failed strict validation: \

# Did we see anything that might be a boundary?

"phase:2,t:none,log,deny,msg:'Multipart parser detected a possible unmatched \


The cost of securing your web application and server can be high. Using open source alternatives to the WAF and SLDC can help a lot
and this is what I am trying to discuss here. I wanted to get across that you can easily create a firewall that will cover many different
servers without giving away too much information so that the reader can’t learn things themselves i.e. the different settings and addons
for Mod Security.

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