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6/6/2011 Michigan Legislature - Section 710.

96th Legislature Regular Session
Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 36 of 2011
House: Adjourned until Tuesday, June 07, 2011 1:30:00 PM
Senate: Adjourned until Tuesday, June 07, 2011 10:00:00 AM

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Navigation Section 710.29

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M C L C hapter I ndex
C hapters 7 0 1 - 7 1 3 PROBA TE CODE OF 1939 (EXCERPT)
A ct 288 of 1939
A c t 2 8 8 of 1 9 3 9

2 8 8 - 1 9 3 9 -X
710.29 Release; separate instrument; persons before whom release executed
Sec tion 7 1 0 .2 9 and acknowledged; execution in another state or country; investigation;
explaining legal rights to parent or guardian; order terminating rights; order
committing child; foster care funding; termination of jurisdiction; hearing to
consider revocation of release.
Calendars Se c. 29.
Committee Bill Records
Committee Meetings (1) Ex ce pt as othe rwise provide d in this se ction, a re le ase shall be by a
Concurrent Resolutions se pa rate instrum e nt ex ecuted be fore a judge of the court or a juve nile court
Initiatives re fe re e . If a pare nt's or gua rdian's re le a se is e x e cute d be fore a judge or
Joint Resolutions re fe re e as provide d in this subse ction, a ve rba tim re cord of te stim ony re la te d to
Journals e x e cution of the re le ase sha ll be m a de .
Legislators (2) If the pe rson from whom a re le a se is re quire d is in the arm e d se rvice s or is
Public Acts (Signed Bills) in prison, the re le ase m ay be e x e cute d a nd ack nowle dge d be fore a n individual
Resolutions a uthorize d by la w to adm iniste r oaths.
Session Schedules
Basic Legislative Search (3) If the re le a se is to be give n by a n a uthorize d re pre se ntative of a child
Adv Legislative Search placing a ge ncy that has jurisdiction of the child to be adopte d, the re le ase m ay
Laws be e x e cute d and a ck nowle dge d be fore an individual authorize d by law to
Often Req Laws a dm iniste r oaths.
Req Repealed Acts
(4) If the re le a se is e x e cute d in a nothe r sta te o r country, the court ha ving
Basic MCL Search jurisdiction ove r the adoption proce e ding in this sta te sha ll de te rm ine whe the r
Advanced MCL Search the re le a se was e x e cute d in a ccorda nce with the laws o f tha t sta te or country o r
Public Act MCL Search the laws of this sta te and sha ll not proce e d unle ss it finds that the re le ase was
Michigan Constitution so e x e cute d.
Chapter Index
Executive Orders (5) A re le ase by a pa re nt or guardia n shall be accom panie d by a ve rifie d
Executive Reorganization statem ent signe d by the pare nt or gua rdian that contains a ll of the following:
Historical Documents
(a) Tha t the pare nt or gua rdian ha s re ce ive d a list of support groups a nd, if the
MCL Tables re le ase is to a child placing age ncy, a copy of the writte n docum e nt de scribe d in
More se ction 6(1)(c) of the foste r ca re and adoption se rvice s act, Act No. 203 of the
Color Picker P ublic Acts of 1994, be ing se ction 722.956 of the Michigan C om pile d Laws.
Related Sites (b) Tha t the pare nt or gua rdian ha s re ce ive d counse ling re la te d to the a doption
of his or he r child or waive s the counse ling with the signing of the ve rifie d
Syndication statem ent.
Bills (c) That the pa re nt or guardian has not re ce ive d or be e n prom ise d a ny m one y
Meetings o r a nything of value for the re le a se of the child, e x ce pt for lawful pa ym e nts tha t
a re ite m ize d on a sche dule file d with the re le ase .
(d) Tha t the va lidity a nd finality of the re le a se is not affe cte d by any colla te ra l
Recently Viewed or se pa ra te agre e m e nt be twe e n the pare nt or guardian a nd the a ge ncy, or the
mcl 710 29 pare nt or gua rdian and the prospe ctive a doptive pare nt.

(e ) Tha t the pare nt or gua rdian unde rsta nds tha t it se rve s the we lfare of the
child for the pare nt to k e e p the child pla cing age ncy or de partm e nt inform e d of
a ny he a lth proble m s tha t the pare nt de ve lops that could affe ct the child.

(f) Tha t the pare nt or gua rdian unde rsta nds that it se rve s the we lfare of the
child for the pare nt or guardian to k e e p his or he r a ddre ss curre nt with the child
placing a ge ncy or de partm e nt in orde r to pe rm it a re sponse to any inquiry
conce rning m e dical or social history from an adoptive pa re nt of a m inor
a dopte e or from a n adopte e who is 18 ye ars of a ge or olde r.…/mileg.aspx?… 1/2
6/6/2011 Michigan Legislature - Section 710.29
(6) A re le ase by a pa re nt or a guardian of the child shall not be e x e cute d until
a fte r the inve stiga tion the court conside rs prope r a nd until afte r the judge ,
re fe re e , or othe r individual a uthorize d in subse ction (2) has fully e x plaine d to
the pa re nt or guardia n the le gal rights of the pa re nt or guardia n and the fa ct
tha t the pa re nt or guardia n by virtue of the re le ase voluntarily re linquishe s
pe rm a ne ntly his or he r rights to the child; and, if the child is ove r 5 ye ars of
a ge , the court ha s de te rm ine d that the child is be st se rve d by the re le ase .

(7) Upon the re le ase of a child by a pare nt or gua rdian, the court im m e dia te ly
shall issue a n orde r te rm ina ting the rights of tha t pa re nt or guardian to tha t
child. If the rights of both pare nts, the surviving pa re nt, or the guardia n have
be e n te rm inate d, the court sha ll issue an orde r com m itting the child to the child
placing a ge ncy or de partm e nt to which the re le ase was give n.

(8) The court shall authorize foste r ca re funding pe nding e x piration of the
pe riod of appe al or re he aring as provide d in se ctions 64 and 65 of this chapte r,
a nd pe nding disposition of a ny appe al or re he a ring, for a ll pe rsons com m itte d
to a child placing a ge ncy. Foste r care funding a uthorize d unde r this subse ction
shall e x clude the adm inistrative costs of the child pla cing age ncy. The costs of
foste r care shall be pa id through the use of the child care fund a s provide d by
se ction 117c of the social we lfare act, Act No. 280 of the P ublic Acts of 1939,
be ing se ction 400.117c of the Michiga n C om pile d La ws, or by a ny succe ssor
statute . W he n foste r ca re funding is authorize d pursua nt to this subse ction, the
court shall se nd a copy of the orde r to the de partm e nt. Upon re ce iving a copy
of this orde r, the de partm e nt shall re im burse the court child care fund of the
county whe re the court o rde r for foste r ca re funding was m a de in the total
a m ount of the court orde re d paym e nt. The re im burse m e nt shall be m ade
m onthly.

(9) Entry of an orde r te rm inating the rights of both pare nts unde r subse ction
(7) te rm ina te s the jurisdiction of the circuit court ove r the child in any divorce or
se pa rate m ainte nance a ction.

(10) Upon pe tition of the sa m e pe rson or pe rsons who ex ecuted the re le ase
a nd of the de pa rtm e nt or child placing a ge ncy to which the child was re le a se d,
the court with which the re le ase was file d m a y grant a he a ring to conside r
whe the r the re le ase should be re vok e d. A re le ase m a y not be re vok e d if the
child has be e n pla ce d for a doption unle ss the child is pla ce d as provide d in
se ction 41(2) of this cha pte r and a pe tition for re he a ring or claim of a ppe a l is
file d within the tim e re quire d. A ve rbatim re cord of te stim ony re late d to a
pe tition to re vok e a re le a se sha ll be m a de .

History: Add. 1974, Act 296, Eff. Jan. 1, 1975 ;-- Am. 1976, Act
382, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 1976 ;-- Am. 1982, Act 72, Imd. Eff. Apr.
14, 1982 ;-- Am. 1994, Act 222, Eff. Jan. 1, 1995 ;-- Am. 1994,
Act 373, Eff. Jan. 1, 1995 ;-- Am. 1996, Act 409, Eff. Jan. 1, 1998
Popular Name: Probate Code

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