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Articles of Faith for Youth Weekly Lessons Worksheets Questions for Discussion Personal Application Sharing Time

Suggestions: It is my recommendation that these be presented in consideration to a child or youths appropriate age level of spiritual and emotional maturity. Some children are limited as to what concepts they are ready to comprehend, and apply. The most important thing is that they know Jesus, His love, and have confessed their sins in faith believing Him to forgive them. It is important they are hearing teachings on how to be like Jesus in actions and deeds, and encouraged in reading their Bible and praying to God. These lessons can be used for Sunday school or small group setting. Worksheets are provided to go along with each lesson. The teacher can use the Articles of Faith answer key to assist students with the answers to the questions. The questions provided for each worksheet may be used at your discretion and what you feel is age appropriate for the child or youth. Provide Bibles in the class for all the students. It is best to use the same Bibles in order to give a page number rather than having students feel embarrassed seeking a long time to find the text while others are waiting.

1. THE TRIUNE GOD. We believe in one God. He is holy and sinless. He lives in heaven. God created the world. He created you and me and loves us very much. (Genesis 1:1; John 3:16-17) 2. JESUS CHRIST. We believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins; He came to the earth as a baby and grew up living a sinless life with His earthly parents, Mary and Joseph. He arose from the dead and has returned to heaven. He prays in our behalf to the Father. We pray to God in Jesus name. (Hebrews 1:3, John 3:16, Romans 5:8; I Thess. 4:14) 3. THE HOLY SPIRIT. We believe in the Holy Spirit. He is always with us. His presence abides in our heart. He convicts us of sin so that we can be forgiven. When we admit to these sins, believe Jesus died for our sins, and claim His promise according to the Scripture If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, He will do just that (I John 1:9). Jesus will forgive us and help us begin growing to be more like Him in our attitude and actions. The Holy Spirit will tell us in our minds when we displease God. He will help us grow in the Fruit of the Spirit

more like Jesus every day (Galatians 22:23-24) This fruit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control. 4. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. We believe that God helped men to write the 66 books of the Bible. The Old (39 books) and New Testament (27 books). These books help us understand how God wants us to live. It gives us directions and instruction on how to live. It is our road map to heaven. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105) 5. SIN (ORIGINAL & PERSONAL). We believe that when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sinned in the Garden of Eden, sin entered the world. Since that happened, every child that is born has original sin in their heart. That means they have the nature to want to sin when they get old enough to know right from wrong. A child is not responsible for any sins until that time. Once they know right from wrong and do things that displease God, they are committing personal sins. These personal sins need to be forgiven in order to go to heaven. 6. ATONMENT. We believe that Jesus shed His own blood for the sins of the whole world. The word atonement means forgiven. We deserved to die, but Jesus took our place when He died on the cross for our sins. He did this so we can be forgiven of all our sins and go to heaven some day. (John 3:16) 7. PREVENIET GRACE. We believe that God gives each one of us the choice whether we want to be saved or not. He knows what we will do, but does not take away our free will to choose. He will not make us confess our sins and trust in Him to forgive us for our sins. Jesus Christ freely gave His life for us and we must freely give our live to Him in return. Once we have confessed our sins and believed Him to forgive us, we can choose to turn our backs on Jesus walking away from Him. We will need to repent again, and return to Him or we will be lost. (Joshua 24:15; Nehemiah 1:9). I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back, no turning back. Preveniet Grace means comes before. That means God gives all of us a heart to come to Him if we so choose. It is up to us! We are sensitive to His Holy Spirit before we come to him asking for His forgiveness. 8. REPENTANCE. We believe that in order to be a Christian, we need to sincerely repent, feel sorry we have sinned, turn away from our sins, and decide to follow Jesus. He has promised to forgive us for our personal sins. (Romans 10:9) 9. JUSTIFICATION, REGENERATION, AND, ADOPTION. We believe that Jesus will save us when we repent of all our personal sins and adopt us into the family of God. The condition is to repent, and have faith that He does forgive us. The Holy Spirit will bear witness to our hearts that we are a child of God. He will give us His peace and joy. We have a good reason to confess our sins for Jesus will then give us a new start as He accepts us and then help us to change to be more like Him. We will also go to heaven someday to be with Him forever and ever. (Romans 10:9) 10. ENTIRE SANTIFICATION. We believe that God will sanctify a child who is saved (sins forgiven) and defeat original sin in their heart. This original sin is the sinful nature that we are all born with due to the sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden. When we yield our lives and futures completely to God after we are saved, the Holy Spirit will fill our hearts with His fullness of love. He will witness to our hearts and give us peace that He has done this work in us. He will continue to help us grow in the Fruit of the Spirit to be more like Jesus every day (Galatians 22:23-24). We can lose this witness and peace in our hearts if we are careless and fail to listen and obey the Holy Spirit time after time. 11. THE CHURCH. We believe that the church is the body of believers who have made a promise to serve God. We are all called to serve others and there are many ways to do this. Some ways include: teaching, preaching, telling others about Jesus, or helping the sick and needy. God calls special people by giving

them gifts to do these jobs. He has commanded all of us to share the Gospel with others and to share our gifts with the Church. (Ephesians 4:11-13) 12. BAPTISM. We believe that God commanded us to be baptized. Some people get sprinkled; some have water poured over them, others get completely dipped in water. Children, who are saved, can be baptized with their parents permission. Parents will need to be sure to give them necessary Christians training in the home. To be baptized is saying that I have decided to be obedient to Jesus and live a life that is pleasing to Him every day. (Mark 1:1-8) Matt 28:19 13. THE LORDS SUPPER. We believe that all children and parents may take part of this sacrament if they are saved and love others. (It is important that a child understand the significance of this in order to take part. Some children think they are actually eating Jesus body and blood). The bread represents Jesus body that hung on the cross and the pain He suffered. The grape juice represents Jesus blood that was shed for our sins that we committed. He has forgiven us for these personal sins when we have asked Him and believe Him to do this for us. His gift of salvation is free to all (I Co.11:23-25; I Co. 10:16). 14. DIVINE HEALING. We believe that God will heal sick people if they are prayed for by Christians who have faith to believe that God will heal them. We also believe that God chooses to use medicine to heal people as well. We believe that God gives special gifts of healing to certain people who use this gift for His glory and honor. Acts 3:1-10. 15. SECOND COMING OF CHRIST. We believe that Jesus will return again someday first, for those who are in the grave who have had their sins forgiven, and second, for the Christians on this earth who are still living who have been forgiven from all their sins and are walking in obedience to His will. (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). 16. RESURRECTION, JUDGEMENT, AND DEATH. We believe that all people, good and bad, will arise from the grave someday. Those who have lived for Jesus will go to heaven and those who have lived for Satan will go to hell after they have been judged by God. Hell will last forever and ever, and heaven will be forever with Jesus. (Rev. 20:15; Luke 16:22-28; Thess. 5: 1-11) Resource used from the Church of the Nazarene Articles of Faith Rev. Jeanne cIntosh ebruary 29, 2008 Rev. Jeanne McIntosh Revised June 2011

STUDENT WORKSHEET The Triune God #1 Scriptures: Genesis 1:1 and John 3:16-17 together as a class

1. We believe in ________________________ God. 2. He is ________________________ and ____________________________. 3. God lives in _________________________________________. 4. He created the ____________________________________________. 5. It took him ___________________________ days to create the world and man. 6. He ________________________________ us very much!

Discussion Questions (These are questions that young people may wonder about. Select what you feel comfortable in using)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Who made God? Has God always been here? How does he love so many people at one time? How can one God answer all our prayers at the same time? What opportunity has God given to each one of us through giving His Son? What does God mean to you?

Share about a time when someone told you they did not believe in God. How did you respond to them?

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 2011

STUDENT WORKSHEET Jesus Christ #2 Scripture Readings: Hebrews 1:3, John 3:16, Romans 8:8 and I Thess. 4:14 - taking turns.

1. ____________________ died for our sins. 2. He came to earth as a ______________________ and grew up like others boys with a family. 3. However, Jesus lived a ______________________ life. 4. His earthly parents were ________________________ and _____________________. 5. He was ______________________ on a _________________ and then buried. 6. He ______________________ from the grave. 7. He returned to ______________________ to prepare us a place. 8. Jesus _____________________ to the Father on our behalf. 9. We pray to God in the name of __________________________. 10. Jesus gave His life for ____________.

Questions for Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why did Jesus die for us? Why didnt Jesus come down from the cross and escape his pain? What does Jesus want to do for all people? How can we please Jesus in our daily living? How do you think Jesus felt when he was treated cruel by those whom he has tried to save? 6. How do you feel when your friends ignore you and treat you like you are nothing? Time for Sharing Share how Jesus helped you this week in some area.
Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 2011


Scripture Readings: I John 1:9 and Galatians 22:23-24

1. The Holy Spirit is _________________ with us. 2. His presence abides in our _________________________. 3. He __________________________ the world of _________________. 4. When we confess our sins, He comes to live in our ______________________. 5. _____________ died for our sins. 6. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are all part of the ______________. 7. When we have sinned the __________ _______________ will convict us. 8. He will give us the _____________ ____ ____ ___________ when we become a Christian. 9. This fruit will help us grow to become more like ____________________. 10.This fruit is _______________, __________________, ___________________, _______________, ___________________, __________________, _______________, and ___________________________.

Questions for Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How is the Holy Spirit a part of our lives? How can we grieve the Holy Spirit? What do we do to honor the Holy Spirit? Where does the Holy Spirit live? When does the Holy Spirit come to live in our hearts? How can we know the Holy Spirit in his fullness of love?

Time for Sharing Share how the Holy Spirit helps you daily. Share some struggles you still are having.
Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 2011

1. STUDENT WORKSHEET The Holy Scriptures #4 Scripture: Psalm 119:105 Read together 1. What are some different names for the Scriptures? _______________________________ 2. Who wrote the Bible? __________________________________________________ 3. How many parts are there to the bible? _________________________ 4. What are these two sections? __________________ and ____________ Testament. 5. How many books are in the _______ Testament? _______________________ 6. How many books are in the ________ Testament? ______________________ 7. What did God give us these books for? __________________________ 8. How does the Bible give us instructions? ___________________________ 9. Thy Word is a _____________ unto my feet and a ____________________ unto my path.

Questions for Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Why did God only choose certain people to write the Bible? Why do we have different translations of Bibles? How does the Bible give us instructions? Why is it important to read our Bible? When does the Bible speak to us? Name some different ways? (Preaching, ect.) What is the importance of memorizing Scripture verses?

Time of Sharing Share your favorite verse in the Bible with the class.

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 2011

STUDENT WORKSHEET #5 Sin (Original & Personal)

Scripture Readings: Romans 3:23 & Gen. 3 (reference) Share Romans 3:23, and briefly share the story of the sin of Adam and Eve.

1. When did sin enter the world? ________________________________________________________ 2. Who tempted Eve to disobey God? ________________________________________ 3. We are all born with ________________________ sin. 4. We are not accountable for this sin until we reach the age of ____________________________. 5. Once we reach the age of accountability we commit _______________________ sins. 6. We must ask God to ____________________ us if we want to go to heaven.

Questions for Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What age is considered the age of accountability? Why are we born with original sin in our heart? Do we ever get rid of this original sin? What do I do if I commit a personal sin after I have asked Jesus into my heart? Is God angry at me when I sin? How can I grow to be more like Jesus? Will I get to go to heaven if I have sinned?

Time of Sharing Share a time when you disobeyed and how it made you feel after you had disobeyed. What did you do about the feelings that you felt in your heart? Read the verse again together. Share what this verse means to you.

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 2011


Scripture reading: I John 2:2, John 3:16, Romans 6:23 take turns reading the verses

1. Who shed his blood for our sins? _____________________________________ 2. What does atonement mean? __________________________________________ 3. Jesus shed his blood for the whole ________________________________. 4. ______________ deserved to die. 5. ___________________ took our place. 6. He was place on a ________________________ for our _____________________. 7. Why did Jesus do this? ________________________________________________________ 8. When we belong to Jesus, we will go to __________________________ when we die. 9. When will Jesus return? ___________________________________________
Questions for Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. What does it mean to be forgiven? Do you find it difficult to forgive those who treat you unfairly? Are you having trouble forgiving someone right now? What does God think about holding grudges?

Time of Sharing Share a time when you asked someone to forgive you and they would not do it. How did you respond to them? Share how you felt when someone forgave you when you treated them wrong. How did you feel when you know you had hurt someone? What did you do about it?

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 2011

STUDENT WORKSHEET #7 Preveniet Grace Scripture: Joshua 24:15 & Nehemiah 1:9

1. God gives each of us a ______________________ if we want to serve Him. 2. He ________________________ what we will decide to do. 3. However, he allows ___________ to make that choice if we want to be saved. 4. God does not take away our _________________ will. 5. If we _______________ our sins, He will forgive us. 6. He gave His life for _______________. 7. When we confess our __________, and believe in faith on Him to forgive us He will. 8. When we sin, we need to _________________ our sin and return to Jesus. 9. There will be no _____________ in heaven. 10. I have decided to follow ________________. No turning ________________. 11. Preveniet Grace means __________________ _________________________.

Questions for Discussion 1. How does God the Holy Spirit talk to everyone all at the same time? 2. What does it mean to have a free will? 3. What is sin? Time of Sharing Share a time when you wondered if you had sinned and was not sure if you had sinned.

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 7, 2011. All rights reserved.


Scripture: Romans 10:9 - Read this verse to the class. Have them read it with you again. Have one student read it alone. Ask them, Do you believe what this verse says? (Take your bible to class and use it to read from with the students) 1. In order to be a Christian we must ____________________ repent of our sins. 2. We must feel _______________________ we have sinned. 3. We must _______________ away from our sin. 4. We must decide to _________________ Jesus. 5. He has promised to _____________________ us for our personal sins. 6. Does God always keep His promised? ______________

Questions for Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Will God forgive someone who has done a terrible sin? Are there any sins that God will not forgive? How can we know that God forgives us? What happens if we sin again? What do we do if someone else tries to get us to sin? Is there such a thing as a white lie?

Time of Sharing Share a time when you felt you had to tell a lie. How did it make you feel? Share a time when you shared something about someone else that you found out was wrong after all. How did you feel? Share a time when you found out someone told a lie on you. What did you do about it? How did it make you feel towards the person?

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 7, 2011 All rights reserved.

STUDENT WORKSHEET #9 Justification, Regeneration, & Adoption Scriptures: Romans 10:9, Romans 8:15

1. When Jesus forgives and saves us, He ____________________ us into the family of God. 2. The condition on our part is to __________________________. 3. Once we repent, and believe in faith He will _____________________ us. 4. The Holy Spirit will come to live in our _____________________. 5. He will bring ____________ and ____________________. 6. God will accept us and help us ________________________ to be more like Him. 7. One day when Christ returns or if we die, we will go to _______________________.

Questions for Discussion 1. How does God give us a new birth when He forgives us? I was born 11 years ago. 2. When God justifies us how are we made righteous? 3. What does it mean to be adopted into Gods family when I already have a family? 4. Do I need a good reason to come to Jesus for forgiveness? 5. Will God allow me to go to heaven if I am not part of His family? 6. How does God keep track of a very large family?

Time of Sharing Share how your family felt when your new baby brother or sister arrived. Did you rejoice, send out invitations to a welcome party, tell everyone? How does the angels and God feel when we are born into the family of God? What do you think happens in heaven?
Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 7, 2011. All rights reserved.

STUDENT WORKSHEET #10 Entire Sanctification

Scriptures: Galatians 22:23-24, I John 5:7, Acts 1:8 (Read together) 1. God will _____________________ a young person who has been forgiven of all their sins. 2. We are all born with the ____________________ sinful nature in our heart. 3. When we ______________ our _________________ completely to God He will fill us with the __________________ _____________________. 4. This is fullness of Gods perfect ________________________. 5. As we continue in the walk of holiness, God will help us ________________ in the Fruit of the ___________________. 6. We must be filled with the ______________ ___________________ in order to be the kind of witness that God can fully use the way He wants to for His glory. 7. We can __________________ this witness (peace) in our hearts if we are careless and fail to ______________________ the Holy Spirit time after time. He will be patient with us for we are not perfect. 8. We will make mistakes, but God will help us to love others and ______________ them when they wrong us because our love for God has been made perfect. Questions for Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. How do I know I am filled with the Holy Spirit? What do I do if I make a mistake after I am sanctified? Do sanctified people get angry? Will I always feel loving to all people? What do I do if I feel I have disobeyed God? What if I forget to read my bible and pray every day? Will God allow me to go to heaven if I am not sanctified? Why do I need to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Time for Sharing Have you ever prayed for the filling of the Holy Spirit? Would you like to share about that time?

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 7, 2011. All rights reserved.


Scripture: Ephesians 4:11-13, Romans 12:5 (Take turns reading the verses) 1. The church is the ____________ of ___________________ who have made a promise to serve God. 2. We are called to _______________________ others. 3. There are __________________ ways to do this. 4. Some ways include: ________________________________, _____________________________, ______________________________________, _______________________________________, ____________________________________. 5. God calls us by giving us _______________ to do these jobs. 6. He has _____________________________ us to share the ______________________________. 7. He has also commanded us to share our ________________ with the church.

Questions for Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Why is this building that we are in not considered The Church? Arent all the people who attend the church part of the church? How do we know what our gifts are? What if there is no job for us in the church? When do we begin to use our gifts? Does God give some people more gifts than others? What does it mean to serve others?

Time of Sharing Do you ever feel that you would like to do a certain job in the church? Would you be willing to share what that job is? How do you feel about becoming a member of your church? Do you think you may be interested in doing this someday in the future?

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 7, 2011.


Scripture Readings: Mark 1:1-8 & Matt 28:19 (Allow the kids to take turns reading) 1. It is Gods command that we be ____________________________. 2. Some people get _____________________________ when they are baptized. Especially someone who may be in a wheelchair. 3. Other people have water ____________________ over them. 4. Then there are those who are completely _______________ in water. 5. Children can be baptized with their _______________________ permission. 6. In order to be baptized, a person must be following ___________________. 7. They have confessed their ____________ and have been forgiven. 8. They are living a life that is ____________________ to Jesus. 9. Baptism shows the world that we are following ___________________________.

Questions for Discussion 1. Do I need to be baptized in order to go to heaven? 2. What if I am afraid of water? 3. Can I be baptized a second time? 4. If my mom and dad had me baptized as a child, do I need a second one when I confess my sins and come to Jesus? 5. What does baptism do for me? 6. Why do we baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

Time for Sharing Share a time when you were baptized. Was that a special time for you with significant meaning? Share a time when you had a friend get baptized. Were you nervous for them?

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 8, 2011. All rights reserved.

STUDENT WORKSHEET #13 The Lords Supper Scripture Readings: I Co.11:23-25; I Co. 10:16

1. We believe that all children and youth may take part of this sacrament if they are _______________ and ________________ others. 2. The bread represents Jesus ______________________ that hung on the cross. 3. The Juice represents Jesus _______________________ that was shed for our sins. 4. Jesus forgives our ________________ sins when we ask Him to in faith. 5. His gift of salvation is _____________ to everyone. 6. The Lords __________________ is a sacrament in which we remember what Jesus did for us.

Questions for Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. Why is the Lords Supper a time to celebrate? How is the Lords Supper a time of remembrance? Why do people call the Lords Supper by different names? What different ways do we take the Lords Supper?

Time for Sharing Can you share about a time when you participated in the Lords Supper? Would you like to share how you were offered the bread and the juice? Have you ever helped serve communion? How do you know if you are ready to participate in the Lords Supper?

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 8, 2011. All rights reserved.

STUDENT WORKSHEET #14 Divine Healing

Scripture Reading: Acts 3:1-10, Matt. 14:14, Luke 17:12-15 (Take time sharing and reading the passages)

1. God does _____________________ people who are sick - if it is His will. 2. We must pray in ____________________ to believe that He will heal them. 3. We also know that many times God will use ____________________ to heal people. 4. God gives special _______________________ to some people to use for His glory. 5. God had compassion and healed the ten _________________ in Luke 17:12-17. 6. God gave Peter and John power to ____________ the blind man at the temple in Acts 3:1-10. 7. God had compassion on the crowd of people and _______________ the sick in Matthew 14:14. 8. Sometimes God will heal, and others times it is not His ___________________ to heal. 9. We must trust that God knows best no matter who He decides to _____________________.

Questions for Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. Why does God allow people to get sick? Why God heal some people and others die? How do we pray for people to be healed? When do we stop praying for God to heal our sick family member?

Time for Sharing Have you ever prayed for someone and they got better? Have you ever prayed for God to help your sick family member and they did not get any better? How did you trust God when something bad happened to a good person that you know? Will God ever take away my pain from losing my best friend or family member?

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 8, 2011. All rights reserved.

STUDENT WORKSHEET #15 Second Coming of Christ

Scripture Reading 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; Matt. 16:27; Matt. 24:42; John 14:1-4 (Take turns looking up the verses and sharing with the class)

1. Jesus ______________________ return someday. 2. He is coming, first, for those who are in the _________________________. 3. Second, He is coming for all the ___________________________ on the earth who are still living and who have been forgiven from all their ______________________. 4. He is coming for those who are walking in _________________________ to His will. 5. No one knows the ______________ or the _______________ that He will return. 6. It is important to be ___________________ because we never know when the time of his return will be. 7. I Corinthians 15:51-53 says that we will all be changed in the _____________________ of an eye. 8. Matthew 16:27 says Christ will return with his _________________________. 9. He will _____________________ each person according to what they have done. 10. John 14:1-4 tells us that He is preparing a ______________________ for us.

Questions for Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Does God the Father know when Jesus Christ will return? What will heaven be like? What will happen to those who are not ready to meet Jesus? How can we get prepared for His return so we do not miss out? What should I do about my friends who are not ready?

Time of Sharing Have you ever thought that Jesus had returned and you were left behind? How did you feel? How does it make you feel when people talk about Jesus returning?

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 8, 2011. All rights reserved.

STUDENT WORKSHEET #16 Resurrection, Judgment, and Death

Scripture Readings: Rev. 20:15; Luke 16:22-28; Thess. 5: 1-11

1. All people will __________________ from the grave someday. 2. Those who have lived for Jesus will go to ____________________________. 3. Those who have lived for Satan will go to _________________________. 4. All people good and bad will be _____________________ by God. 5. ________________________ will last forever and ever. 6. We will be in heaven with Jesus ____________________________ if we belong to Him. 7. ___________________________ is a wonderful place filled with joy. 8. _____________________________ is a sad, terrible, and painful place where all is evil. 9. Death does not have to be a ________________________ thing if we belong Jesus. 10. Rev. 20:15 says anyones name that was no found in the _______________________ will be cast into hell. 11. Thess. 5:1-11 tells us that Jesus will return like a __________________ in the night.

Questions for Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. Where is heaven and hell? Will God really send good people to hell? Can I know for sure if I am going to heaven? Will there be pets in heaven?

Time for Sharing What do you think heaven will be like? Have you ever seen someone who was near death that was at peace with God? What do you think you would like to say to God when you see him?

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 8, 2011. All rights reserved.

Answer Key for the Teacher 1. The Triune God a. One b. Holy and sinless c. Heaven d. World e. Six f. Loves 2. Jesus Christ a. Jesus b. Baby c. Sinless d. Joseph & Mary e. Crucified, cross f. Arose g. Heaven h. Prays i. Jesus j. Us, everyone, the world (any would be correct) 3. The Holy Spirit a. Always b. Hearts c. Convicts, son d. Heart e. Jesus f. Trinity g. Holy Spirit h. Fruit of the Spirit i. Jesus j. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control 4. The Holy Scriptures a. Holy Bible, Scripture, Word of God, The Truth, (You may think of some others) b. God inspired people to write it c. Two sections d. Old Testament & New Testament e. Directions and Instruction f. On how to live the Holy Spirit speaks to us as we read the Word g. Lamp & light 5. Sin (Original & Personal) a. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden b. Satan, the Serpent c. Original d. Accountability e. Personal f. Forgive 6. Atonement a. Jesus Christ b. Forgiven c. World d. We e. Jesus

f. Cross, sin g. He loved us and was obedient to God the Father h. Heaven i. Someday. No one knows the day or hour but God the Father 7. Preveniet Grace a. Choice, free will b. Knows c. Us d. Free e. Confess f. Us g. Sins h. Repent, confess i. Sin j. Jesus, Back k. Comes before 8. Repentance a. Sincerely, earnestly b. Sorry, sad c. Turn, walk d. Follow e. Forgive f. Always, yes 9. Justification, Regeneration & Adoption a. Adopts b. Repent c. Forgive, save d. Heart e. Peace & joy f. Daily g. Heaven 10. Entire Sanctification a. Sanctify b. Original c. Yield or surrender, life, Holy Spirit d. Love e. Grow, Spirit f. Holy Spirit g. Lose, obey h. Forgive 11. The Church a. Body of Christ b. Serve c. Many d. Teaching, preaching, helping the sick, giving, serving, administration (and more) e. Gifts f. Commanded & Gospel g. Gifts or talents 12. Baptism a. Baptized b. Sprinkled c. Poured

d. Dunked, dipped, immersed e. Parents f. Jesus Christ g. Sins h. Pleasing i. Jesus Christ 13. The Lords Supper a. Saved and love others b. Body c. Blood d. Personal e. Free, given f. Supper 14. Divine Healing a. Heal b. Faith c. Medicine, doctors, nurses d. Gifts, power e. Lepers f. Heal g. Healed h. Will i. Do 15. Second Coming of Christ a. Will b. Grave c. Christians, sins d. Obedience e. Day, hour f. Ready g. Twinkling h. Angels i. Judge j. Place, mansion, home 16. Resurrection, Judgment & Death a. Arise b. Heaven c. Hell d. Judged e. Hell f. Forever g. Heaven h. Hell i. Sad, scary, terrible, frightening j. Book of Life k. Thief

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh June 9, 2011. All rights reserved.

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